« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/28/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. Nikki Haley is getting backlash for leaving out slavery as a cause for the Civil War while at a campaign event in New Hampshire. Instead of destroying her like they would to Trump or DeSantis, the Democrat media is protecting Haley because the left is propping her up just like the GOP Establishment and the Kochs. The Bush Establishment has decided that they cannot defeat Trump and are now going to do whatever they can do to push Haley as the Trump alternative. Also, the Secretary of State of Maine has now decided to remove Donald Trump from the ballot just like Colorado, citing insurrection as the reason as well. This is exactly why we need the Supreme Court to take on this case and make a ruling in order to stop this judicial whack-a-mole because this is now a crisis. Meanwhile, Jack Smith is using his unlimited power to make Trump a political prisoner and interfere in the 2024 election. The endgame for Democrats is to keep Trump off the ballot one way or another and clear the path for Joe Biden or whoever the Democrat nominee will be. Not a single person arrested from January 6 has been charged with insurrection, but according to Democrat logic, Trump is guilty of leading an insurrection without ever being charged with insurrection either.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The broadcasting from the underground and both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the eight seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one is the number. If you want to participate in this conversation, eight seven, seven three, one three, eight one one good evening good afternoon, good day to you, it's Larry conor sittin in for the great one mark levin on this twenty eighth day december, second, to last broadcast day of twenty twenty three and I'm so so grateful to mark. to MR producer for giving me the chance
get in here and slide, and I had a busy schedule. It's always a joy. It's a tree, that's a delight. It's a freak and honour to sit behind, mark levine's microphone and I often get to this holiday season. But with my vacation scheduled work, schedule, lots of stuff go and on this was my day and I'm thrilled to have this day. It's a great moment for to look back on the ear, to look forward to twenty twenty four and, of course, talk about the news. That's going on right now. The news that's happened since you ve been at work or since you ve been listening to your six, our old favourite podcast. That you know is nice, but it's not talk. Radio, let's face it. It's not lie. That's not happening! Now the news that, since the last time, you check your favorite website or your favorite social media feed, so the news that developed over the last few hours colorado now plans to put trump back on the ballots. Despite that states supreme court ruling. This may be a moot point regardless, because the challenge by the republicans we'll go to the supreme court. But what does that mean? Exactly? Will give you a little bit of perspective on it? Also israeli forces, the brave righteous israeli forces had discovered more tunnels that have been dug in the gaza territories, including one under a mosque.
how eerie and how despicable the behaviour of these Hamas nazi terrorists, as has been shown to be, and thank god, the righteous cause, continues there. Thank god, the leadership of Israel is ignoring the rest of the country illegally rest of the world, including this country, including the feckless despicable, lying leadership of this Biden administration also we're getting more information about that surreptitious meeting between blinkin, the secretary of state, my majorca, the secretive when security and opened a door, the president of mexico- and I heard is the weak between christmas and new year's last. We check my orchids and blinking and every lackey over the Biden white house. They were telling us that every day Fine down at the border, everything's orderly, nods, its fight of the but suddenly, to top admit,
frazier secretary level, cabinet member secretary of state and omen security, drop everything and fly to mexico did during the holiday week to beg the president of mexico to do something here. Why should he do anything? First of all, by the way and number two he doesn't. You don't need the mexican government to do anything to stop the border problem. We have all the control our side? We are the ones who refuse to do anything, but now we are finding out what the president of mexico demanded from the Biden administration and will share that with you coming up in a bid. What what else news of the other news, the big news, Nicky Hayley, is now explained her remarks were third man when you're ready for office, especially for president in your having to explain what you said last night and you have to do it three times all day: long aids, not a good day,
it's not a good day, and I know you've heard a lot of talk about it. You've heard a lot of, I hope. You've heard some jokes about it because it is hilarious. I know you've heard some analysis about it. I I I I'd like for a moment since I'm sitting in the mark, Levin chair, to say I right now that the backbenchers have had their share. I do want to talk about with Nikki haley said last night in response to this question. The second thing, the pretty simple question about the civil war and we're going to break it down from a couple of different levels about why it really is important. Why it is incredibly feeling and why there is such a response to it. From Republicans and, more importantly, I'm gonna start here why there hasn't been much of a response The media or democrats the left there can like I was a gas. Let's just move on. Oh nobody really believes that Nicky Hayley does another slavery has something to do
civil war now not no night, everything's fine, just move on right, that's that's the reactor. I ask you something irreverent by the way give you do know what nicky Hayley set here right, I'm not I'm not like do you need to hear it? Do you want to do and to hear the bridge the brilliant moment of political g yes for mickey Hayley. The reason why this is such an important, the number one reason why this is such an important story and white reasoning with Republicans is because, if you're like me, you ve been looking oppose. You ve been looking at coverage. You ve been looking at analysis. You ve been looking at the debates you look at who gets the lion's share of attention and praise and in velvet glove coverage? And you think why the hell do they keep pushing the give alien me? Did you stop try? to make mickey hayley happen. It ain't gonna happen, and so far
When you have a moment like this, it's one of those aha situations where you can say. Thank you. Thank you. This is exactly what's wrong. With this woman. So I guess, if you didn't hear it, here's a moment at a town hall where Nicky hayley is asked by someone there. What do you think was the reason for the civil war? What was the cause of the united states? Civil war well don't come with an easy question. Very positive from you're gonna hear this whole thing, but we gotta break this down like that. Freakin zapruder, film, her right. Did I not say I'm Larry o'connor by the way it's larry O'Connor city and from market clip in eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight. What what will the conversation for the next few hours come on and join the
intercession I'm a morning host on w m a l in washington, d c, the shows o'connor and company it's a great morning. News show that you every morning with the Julie gun law and patrice on weaker mercedes slap and our producer heather hunter its america's morning show and these days, let's face it, you don't need to live in washington to hear I'll show you can hear from anywhere get the app get the internet. Whatever you do. It's the nations talk radio station in the nations, capital, libya, mayo and it's the morning shall Yola oconnor company. Are it so the first of the questions asked in you hear the awkward breathing into the microphone where she can't really bring herself to answer the question: the united states, civil war, Well, don't come with an easy question. Nervous laughter is well. You heard that and- and she says, don't come within easy quest- Of course it is irony sarcasm what she means
I saying that is what this is really tough question. Is it not the reason I point that out the media is because, when you listen to one of her many answers today, she starts out today explaining what you said yesterday. She starts out by saying well course slavery was a major part of the civil war she'd acting like well. That's the easy answer that simple now everybody knows that will do the way she pretending like it such a hard question them right. I mean she kind of flustered, well don't come with an easy question it so, in other words, she said with it did so in the moment. She's telegraphing, that it's a very hard question and by the way, If you're furiously dialing the phone right now, eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one one. So you can educate me and all of merkel events listeners about how slavery wasn't really a big part of a civil war that has save it. I don't want to have that debate
Ok in fact, that's irrelevant. It really is irrelevant. This has little to do with what the civil war, I'm not interested in talking about what causes of war. I'm interested in talking about why the established it's been pushing nikki haley down our throats. I want to talk about why she's such a horrible candidate. I want to talk about why the left wing media isn't going after her today because of what she refused to acknowledge last night by mentioning slavery? That's that's what this a pout and about how the media treats his story and about how did she clearly things that he's gonna be able to recover from this and still be europe but we can nominee. Why are these so interested in pushing her? Why is she raising so much of the establishment money
and I'm also interested in highlighting one very specific phrase. She said here when pushed by this person at the town hall about slavery. What she said there. It tells you everything you need to know about nikki haley and what kind of candidate she is and what kind of president she would be, or god forbid, vice president. You know we started the week with Donald trump floating. This This trial balloon out there. You know we saw the stories, are you know sources say the trumpets asking as close as confidence what it would be like to have Nicky Hayley as a vice president guy, I'm pretty sure, that's gone now beat you're better, be and I sure hope that wasn't legit. I hope that was just you know: people in trump land, just guph and with us now listen to her answer me. I think the cause of the civil war was basically how government was gonna, run the freedoms and what people could, including do
What do you think the cause of the civil war was my favorite part there with mrs, where it gets really revealing? Ok, but first of all that that whole thing you know, but how government functions and end our freedom, in our liberties. Almost collect she's like given the subtle boilerplate talking point memo before she go admin meets, meets with the unwashed republican masses. Just remember Nicky. If you it lost to say things like liberty and freedom. The love you you know who thing you know how these people are you. I mean it before this campaign if you asked most people Frankly, probably now, even after the campaign- u s most people. What what do you know? Nicky Hayley. If they don't say who, if they do not, thing about her. They know one thing and one thing only, and that is after the the racist,
church shooting that happen in charleston south carolina. She acquiesce to pressure from the media and the obama administration and remove the historic, confederate flag from the south carolina capital. She was governor at the time she She moved the confederate flag from the capital after the racist church shooting in charleston, because clearly that flag had become a symbol of intolerance, hate and bigotry about how this government is supposed to be rotten right Because of that for the civil war was really about and she moved the flu to alleviate any kind of. Underpinning of intolerance over that war, was she just told you what War was really about. It was about how Government is supposed to function in our lives. So long
you move that flag. As you know, we don't want people will go into the capital of south carolina. The state capitol being a flag that remind them of that dark time in history. When people die it over? What was that again about how government disposed to function and our lives as if the civil war was basically how government was gonna run? about how government was gonna run vat hateful confederate fly, reminded everybody about the war over how the government is supposed to run, but now we get to the crux of it. Now get to revealing exactly who Nicky Hayley is and what a fraud, this there can be, and I want to buy the whig began putty its I've bigoted this. It's not me style to spend a lot of time attacking republicans and then that's not because I am you know, sir, and I'm a patsy- and I mean I didn't know you know it's because you you wanna, hear. publicans, get attacked god,
oh, you, ve got venues out there I have My entire life, with network after network after work after cable station after local station after newspaper after newspaper after magazine after magazine ever website of the website whose sole focus is detected, and destroy my politics. My culture and in my party preference mighty get into this game to join that club. Aright, Andrew bright boy, found me: he brought me into the mix. I work for andrew form for three years before he died and I remember it was a well. You know oh brad, it is so intellectually dishonest because they never criticise republicans eve you, of course I would criticise. Republicans calls were for that, you can see it, and for that you got your stuff about policy for that as the late great rush limbo say, I am equal tied right. That is
right when he said that lives. True, he doesn't need to present equal tiny is equal to. So listen. It's not like me to spend this much time. Attack on Iraq we can put the whole point here is I'm not so sure nicky Haiti is a republican and the fact that they ve been pushing her on us. Jamming her down our throat. If you get all the headlines right up until last night, you'll celebrate our nikki haley is within striking distance of trump in new Hampshire. Nikki Haley is going to be the one nikki haley's that jade Nikki Haley's of fraud and what she just said there. What do you think caused the civil war? question back to the person in the audience that tells you everything and will explore that a little bit more coming up. In a moment this is Larry oconnor, I'm sitting for the great one mark living mud, love in mark Levin here for
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at augusta, precious metals, dot com, the flurry of gunner sitting in for mark Levin to the eight seven seven, three, eight one, three eight one run to Nikki haley's at this town hall. She as asked about what started the civil war is. She said it was about how government functions in our lives or something She turns to this person at the town hall. What do you think the cause of the civil war was now that's at a bizarre and shocking thing unless you recognise that, as I said a moment ago, Nicky Hayley as fraud the highly wants to. She's? Clearly she wants to adopt every day she needs to adopt to survive or emerge victorious right? she she doesn't know. I've been my gosh, its new hampshire. I thought this was a northern state. Then they have to do with this and now
Recognize oak! Okay! Now, if I come out and say was about slavery, I'm gonna offend what she believes is a stereo type of some right wing mega voter. Don't do that body but at the same time, what's this person looking for exactly right, because I don't I don't wanna go out. I want to step in it. I want to say what pleases this person, I want to say where's necessarily just get through this technicality of an event so through for now I can come in. Second in primary and then the media and the party will push me on trump as the vp and they go back and forth. The person says you know it's amazing to me that you won't mention slavery during this entire answer. An her next response to that is the most critically important thing to know about negating
They go back and forth. On the guy says in his too shocking to me that you, you know, you spend a couple of minutes here, answering the question about civil war and you won't mention slavery and she says I d say about slavery. No, let me let me go. Let me make it even a little a little early exhibit got clipped at the beginning. What do you want me to say that slavery? What do you want me to say about slavery, Oof. I mean you're gonna, hear what her excuse was today after she had. You know, eighteen hours with the greatest minds american politics huddled together to try to come up with an answer to what my serious disaster. This was but I I'd it. What what do you think she meant by that? What do you want me to say about slavery like I'll say whatever you need me to say,
slavery. Are you for it or against it? I don't care just get me into power. That's all that matters, eight seven, seven, three three eight one one, it's larry, o connor sitting and for the great market mark Levin here folks central information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for a one case, educators sub before digital dollar comes with it. ass, the precious metals downside of the digital dollar report created due to popular demand. This report is packed with important digital dollar in Best of all it shares a strategy. Smart investors have used the hedge against economic guns, these, like the digital dollar act now to learn more with augusta precious metals good for your financial future received the free downside of the of a dollar report today by texting, Levine the six eight five, nine too,
l e g. I am the six eight five nine to again texel of industry say: five, nine to argo! Augusta precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates apply performance, varies, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk. Disclosures had augusta precious metals, doc No one in my voice. The liberals want silence, but you can talk to mike at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one larry gutters it again for the great what mark live in today, get yourself a copy of the democratic party hates america. It's great book. It still were one by the way I checked on it. is number one in amazon's. U s a political science category as well. It should be the great book
and if you are missed any presence this year of dads, grandpas, kids going off the couch, the democrat party, hates america incredibly instructive historically, but also to have everyone's brains, ready and motivated for this year. Coming up twenty twenty four a nigger, Only yesterday, I can't bring herself to mention the word slavery when asked about what the civil wars all about it again. That's it people, trinity a colleague and educate me about what really started this aboard. That's not even the point this it there. The way to answer that I'm not running for president? Ok out, I want to be president, but someone asked me that and clearly she thought it was some kind of trap. Question we're just hilarious to me. She was claiming today you about person was a plan for the Democrats, honey. You wanna be president. Let me to sit Plain somebody you, every single interview you do in every single press conference, it's gonna be full of plants for the democrat party. There called journalists. I thought you wanted this job.
I bet pretty sure you need to be able to handle a plant in the audience, even if it was a plan which I don't know if it was a plan or not. Some rapporteur for the new Hampshire journal said yeah was a plant, because when I, when I asked him his name, he wouldn't give it to me. We can give us not to give you his name thronged with you And then see it ends in the immediate reaction to this is hilarious. They take something if donald trump or rhonda santa's vat, grammar swami were added town hall and they refused to say slavery as part, an answer with regard to the civil war and in any way equivocating the cause of the war as in some way you know being lincoln's fault or the? U s. Government
alt and never at least in any way in their answer, acknowledging the evil of slavery and white supremacy or whatever aspect of the civil war that you wanted focus, but without ever not ass, she did ass. She did if tromp around the swami or dissent is dead,
that there would still be cnn roundtable discussions led by van jones and April ryan, about the disturbing white supremacy in the republican party. It would be wall to wall, and yet somehow cnn didn't do that. Nobody really did that. It was a passing story. While we all know nikki, Haley isn't one of them. I was just a gaffe, will let it go or even better this person, then I don't want to be gratuitously mean to her, but she happened to you know, draw the card and be the be the person commenting on this last night in real time. Her name is kristen Soltis anderson she's, a republican in DC she's she's. The perfect example of a in an approved route.
Look can voice that cnn will have on the air. You know. Would you please come on explain these people for us system? Would you please be the analysed so that our viewers will in some way trying to make heads or tails of what these Republicans do and think why they say those things, please, you dont like them, really do you. I mean she had done a prices, reprogrammed, pretty sure, she's, never trump. This is who see and it will have on in listen to the expert analysis. She gives you in real time. If I were her, that would have been pretty easy to just say that and move on, but it's also, I think, pretty clear that that motorists kind of trying to catch her saying something that would potentially make her less appealing to those independent voters in new
It sure does she's going to rely on so heavily, so hey, wait, wait, wait! Wait if that's what nikki Haley was trying to avoid whatever you do, don't say anything that will make it less appealing to independent voters, but mission accomplished babe. Are you kidding me that'd, be that nobody is satisfied with this answer or the next twenty four hour of damage, control of of all the lies and excuses that she's tried to bake. So so here's yet crystal saudis anderson tried to you know. While she was probably just she was trying to avoid a trap, not very well. If that's why she entered the way she did, but now listen to this. This is my fear. This is the hidden gem in all of this, because this is exactly how the establishment media establishment republicans that coax with their money, who were backing Nikki haley, not backing jamming her down your throats. This is how they all saw this last night. This is the end. It summed up perfectly by kristen Soltis anderson. This was an easy question to answer. I wish she had answered it.
Nothing. I wish easy weren't say slavery, whereas in disagreement in our country about it, but ultimately I don't think it's actually going to hurt her standing one way or another, with republican primary voters as also but will you it's not gonna, hurt her steady one way or the other really that's impact analysis. There. in whose world, where you live again re doubt it where do you live that you think I did that that was her real time ray. I wonder twenty four hours later, if maybe she wants to re, evaluate that by the way, these are the same sea and unapproved crack analysts who, in twenty sixteen, would come out and say what there's no way. Donald trump is gonna get,
republican nomination he's a fad, he's got a crash and burn by iowa, and yet they keep getting invited back on to give their crack expert analysis. Is that amazing? It's amazing it. So then, today we start with. This was a trap. It was a democrat plant Nicky. That's actually knows it that actually makes it worse visa. sure she needs to be able to handle a democrat plant. Then she had a forum at a library, and she said this about the civil war. And what I think of the civil war. What was the cause of the civil war the sun was about slavery
I questioned the case. We now the civil war was announced. Savory, I love the person you could. Audibly here saw had exasperated sire there because look at what she does take his here's. The thing I give you see all of it he board warriors and social media who is may well actually, Nicky has appointed, wasn't really about slavery. So now she's lost all of those people who were trying to back her up at heads supporter right because now she's, just throw them out of the bag by sable yeah was about slavery, noted at all by just offended you and said it was late very but that, but if the answer is this exasperated well off course, it was about slavery that why couldn't see say that last night, just a passing stated here get and am not run for office. Let me show you how it's done. It's pretty easy, I'm sorry! The questions about the civil war, this, having listened to the first of all, there is no
one cause for a war. There were multiple causes and certainly slavery. The fact that democrats who loved their slaves wanted to expand slavery in new territories are becoming states and republicans actually had to form their party to to stop them from doing so and elected our greatest present are one of them at least the founder of my party, the republicans Abraham lincoln, to try to keep the union together. I mean, ultimately, that is what the war was about: abraham lincoln trying to keep our union united and together and it was being divided over slavery, but you, What I mean, I hope, that's a good enough answer for you. This isn't a history lesson because I'm running for president and I'm really less, can and about the civil war from a hundred and fifty years ago, then I am about the a war we seem to be on the brink of right now, in fact mean
Would argue that were already in the middle of a cold civil war right now and my plan is to be I'm your president's so that I can keep it from becoming a shooting war, the civil war, is interesting in its fascinating in its important but frankly, nearly as important as the one we are about to engage in. If we can't change what's going on in this country once and for all their nicky, that's free, And I know for a fact: you spend a lot of money on advice for your campaign and I gave you a freebie you're welcome as she then appeared with that Chris Sununu, the governor of new Hampshire, has now endorsed her and boy that slick and perkins
it's like can we ever do over others. She is literally given three different answers on this. It ain't going away, but god bless it cause to the soltis anderson yeah. I think, ultimately, this is going to make a difference for voters. I'm pretty sure than nikki haley ship assailed? I dont think the negotiate Hayley ship was. I was a ghost ship anyway, I don't like any of it was real. the money. You know what I'm will throw it, because a lot of people want to jump in here and we I don't want to take your calls. This is my favorite part of the mark. Levin show is the interaction with all you guys. Best talk, radio listeners in the country, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one d, not only I'd, love your opinion about whether you think this will make a difference for nikki haley. But even more importantly, this is this. Is the really important question Do you know any one in your life, I'm assuming you're a republican conservative of various different stripes right.
Do you know anyone who legit is fired up about Nicky Hayley was like all in fourteen Nicky. I be fascinated here anecdotally. If you know anyone like that. they'd, seven, seven, three one, three one, one end by the way, if you do know someone like that, I'd love to know who they voted for in two thousand and twenty, because I I have a hunch, I have a hunch. Alright, let's start things off with Debbie in georgia, Debbie, there's Nicky Hayley. What are you? What are you thinking why? Why are they try to force her out us and do you think it's over now? Well, I think she's trying to to say that legal equal about our hair of, oh, oh you southern when it can be so mean When I was a boy I was born in Washington DC c, I had your car
Right and I never say, bless her little heart, At any rate, I believe that that girl his infusion of big infusion of money a couple weeks ago came romany establishment, where's boys. The rights of people. Yes, that away there. They are there have her, as vice president, though, that when they take tromp out in whatever way they manage to do that? I'm not suggesting anything in particular, but then he would become president, and they would be back in power that what this is about
Yeah, do you think that that was a real storyline earlier this week, when it was suggested, the trump was considering her for vice president? Actually he hurried back, and I heard you say it yeah. I have my I'm on the radio this week, but those white about the civil war. The war was about states right to biggest issues in states, rights were slavery and cessation yeah. That's right! Those great answer: burlap Debbie! You, you couldn't see, that's a good. I would have it a great debbie. Thank god bless you and georgian, and hopefully you get your voting system straightened out now in georgia's back in the appropriate column there. Thank you for calling and have a happy new year. That's another great answer that great answer. You know all the people who say
The civil war is about states right, they always sort of forget the second part of states rights. To do what and yes, I was born in michigan- I'm a yankee, ok, but I think it's objectively true exactly the way Debbie just said it didn't of ultimately was about the states rights. This it's rights to continue slavery, legalized slavery and to secede could have been so simple, but that you couldn't do it and all your cnn expert republican analyse, would tie to. Ultimately, it will make a difference. While you know what, if ultimately it doesn't make a difference, it tells you how rigged this system is.
That the coke mighty in the establishment money in the media are doing whatever they can. They tat they ve already resigned to the fact that they can't beat trump, but they need to set somebody up to be the establishment alternative and and that its been revealed. She's revealed herself it it's just it's embarrassing are. There is more to come aid, seven, seven, three, when three eight one one, we will all talk about a turkey more about Nicky alien and try to drive the final nail in the coffin of her political career. After this at the MM we're also going to talk about this border crisis. We're gonna talk about Israel, we're going to talk about said tons of stuff, because it's the mark levin show that's what we do. I am lario our good look us up, but we're on all the social media is. Are we still are recorded ex fine, we'll call it acts Like us out on the x check this out also
and all the social media platforms, youtube and Debbie. I mailed I commented the morning show their every single day. It should be your new morning show wherever you live, so check that out. We'll be back. It's the marketing ban. Mark Levant here, first with a essential information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for a one case, educators before a digital dollar comes with our ass, a precious metals downside of the digital dollar report created due to popular demand. This report is packed with important digital dollar insight best of all. It shares a strategy. Smart investors have used the hedge against economic, certainly like the digital dollar, act now to learn more with a gust of precious metals good for your financial future received the free down side of the digital valor report today by texting levine, the six eight five, nine too
l E v. I am the six eight five nine to again Levin, the six, eight five, nine to argo, augusta, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk. Disclosures had a gust of precious metals that seven, seven three one three a one area countries sitting in four mark levant we're we're gonna button things up here on Nicky Hayley, we ve got more talk about the border crisis and an michigan fifa I I'm from Michigan about those words have about those lions. I come on it's it's rare that have an opportunity. We michigan football fan so cut us some slack. Let's go jane in new york, Jane this nicky haliae you're, a woman you're supposed to love her jane. Oh, no, here,
through answer no shit disgusting? If I asked you about her five feels ever again, I will probably throw myself off oh, it is such a pepe of mine when a woman politician spent so much time talking about how she's a woman and add and it's the opposite. We we Republicans, we conservatives we're supposed to like reject that kind of identity, politics or you're supposed to be a person who's going to help with the country yeah. I don't care how how long your dress is or whether it's above your knees or below or she is phony. You know what I am a retired abuse counselor and you know every single abuser and person who wants to control. They use deflection, no matter what you're talking about they're, going to walk around to where,
Giving them the answers and that's exactly what should I raise a trump, would not choose her. Let me let me ask you something, because I don't think he will, but at the same time it if he does it's a calculation that he will not lose any votes right, he's doing it just because he's trying to grow is basing. Whilst people who don't like me, they like Nicky, and so they might vote for the ticket if she's on the ticket and he's take. I think His advisable are assuming that you and you'll go ahead, and but you haven t gaily and you don't you don't trust me, don't trust people behind her, but he's asleep, You're are going to vote for him anyway. Would you, which idea is he right? Will you vote for trump if he picks nikki know he isn't right now I want. I want a president and a vice president We're going to serve me. I dont want another harris out there. Thank you jane. You know, new year to you, and you know I'd. Let me add to that and appreciate the car. I agree with.
I want a president vice president serve me more importantly, after the first four years of the trump administration, I want a president, a vice president who can work together. I don't want the drama what this cabinet secretary, in that it buys or in that chief of staff in that, but I don't want them all. They have their own little feet terms. I dont want the leaks. I dont want the fighting pick someone: we will work with you and be loyal and that the hearing, this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you. So much for the
sponsorship. Your talk now run them only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, MIKE it's larry, o connor sitting in for the great landmark within eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one find me on acts that com you tube or face guy, my columnist in and video list over a town hall, dot com, where you might see a lot of my videos and my other work there, and The of course, I'm the morning show host on w m a l in Washington d c. America's talk, radio station in america's capital and frankly, it's america's morning show you can find us lets the internet. You know how to find us
crying out loud either to listen on the airwaves any more and that maybe we can be your favor warning show where every le Fay believe it or not. We talk about politics a lot. That's all catering company. I am Larry O'Connor, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! I told you at the beginning of the program tonight as I finally get in for mark Levin here, that the colorado secretary of state has determined that they will continue to have donald trump name on the ballot for the primary, as the supreme court now has indicated that they will take up the supreme court colorado's decision to remove donald from the primary and remove him due to the fourteenth amendment language that suggests someone. A guilty of insurrection against the united states cannot run for office, even though he has never been convicted or even charged with insurrection, but at it doesn't matter the colorado,
we got the Democrats. After all, they know insurrection when they see it, they led the last one. Someone should let Nicky hayley know about that. Well, the speed! elation about that decision from none than Jonathan Turley? Actually, his often right about these things was that this would have been a move to actually moved the issue and therefore circumvented print court review now before the january fifth deadline for the colorado primary See if the secretary says his warriors gonna keep his name on their work. ample, may have been that the Supreme court's would then say Kay woven in that case, it's a moot point and we won't take it up. I don't think that's a case. Surely also thinks s, probably not the case either. This is something that the green court should take up right away and should shoot down right away in no uncertain terms,
We saw earlier this week the michigan supreme court refuse to do a colorado. Did we ve seen other states do that as well and yet just a moment to go, and I do mean moments ago, like within the last fifteen minutes this. jerry state of main has. Now too, I did unilaterally the bit donald trump can't be on the ballot in that state because of the same insurrectionists language in the fourteenth amendment, and so it's like its its judicial welcome. All now. where various secretaries of state or sub state supreme courts from various democrat run jurisdictions, we'll just pop up at any given time. All with the same goal in the same intention, which is to keep you from being able to vote for whoever you want to vote for.
So now that the colorado thing in some interpretation might be off. The map now you ve got made, and now you start all over again and that state and by the way there exactly why the supreme court should take this up once and for all and wait for it. You, Will that special prosecutor, jack smith, as soon as things are looking really bad for Biden as soon as the impasse when proceedings move forward with gusto in the house as soon it looks like they have no chance of beating donald trump will then he'll come forth with the charge of insurrection. See could of, I don't know, what's stopping and frankly, because completely out of control and nothing that he has charged trump with over the events of
you're, a six have been rooted in any sort of case law or any legitimate use of a prosecutor, real power at his level. All of it is unprecedented. You know, maybe it's me God knows I am nowhere near an expert in such things, especially considering I'm sitting in market. and chair right now the man worked in the utmost justice department for the entire rig administration, he's forgotten more about the justice department and constitutional law that most people will ever know, especially some of the more radical justice as you see on our supreme court, but it's all take it from the source layman, an observer in america citizen the deeply cares about this country in the founding documents and principles that it was based upon.
Yes, I'm just a layman, I'm just a citizen, but here's the beauty of those founding documents: here's the beauty of the declaration of independence and the constitution and the bill of rights. They were written in such a way that a layman gets it. They were written, purposefully, written in such a way that your average american citizen can read them comprehend them digest them and apply them and, even more importantly, hold are elected officials accountable against How do we know what our government is out of control because it doesn't match what the constitution laid out for our federal government? So that being said, take it for what it's worth, I'm just a concern citizen, but it seems to me when a prosecutor like jack Psmith is given the power
and lack of transparency and lack of accountability. That he's been handed and he decides to wield that power in such a way to bring charges against a former president and current candidate for president, who is currently leading in every important paul. And he's running against the current president who vis prosecutor jack Psmith works. For it seems to me when you use that power to prosecute that guy, where anyone looking at it from a round this planet on its face will see. It appears to be an incredibly political action. It seems to me that if you're gonna do that, you better have a pretty open and shut
case, in that case, better rely on established law. That is a no brainer established law that has been applied before in other circumstances and of course, that's not what he did. That's not even close to what he did. by getting this dc grand jury to indict trump, in the same way that they, we would indict a ham sandwich and we're almost a to giggle that way. You know u S. Prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich her up, that's always set. They always laugh about that when they talk about it. On cable news, I hear that- and I am here fine can guess what the ham sandwich is innocent, I,
I promise you that that ham sandwich did not break federal law and these people go on cable news shows and black the fact that our federal law in our justice department is so corrupt and so twisted that they can invite that ham sandwich and that something the world's pose to take. As a life lesson.
And yet with all of their power and all of that precedent and all of that ability, jack, Psmith, didn't bring charges of insurrection against donald trump. Why I mean that's the slam, dunk! Isn't it? The whole purpose of this is not to get to the truth and not to uphold the law and not to protect our constitution and not to protect the american people. The whole purpose behind all of this they ve been saying at all on is to disqualify donald trump. They can't beat him, so they just want to disqualify and find some technicality and keep him off the ballot. So if that's the end game, why not bring the charges? Fourteen amendments as your
I qualified from running for office if you're, if you vote, lead an insurrection against the country, jack smith, a special prosecutor investigating january six charge him with insurrection boom sure would make it a lady that would make their argument a lot better. Wouldn't it, but he didn't. But here comes the colorado supreme court, and now here comes the secretary of state of maine trying to go ahead and do it anyway. Well, as cheney said that he is guilty of insurrection, I've I've. I've heard Chris Cuomo used the word insurrection. George stuff monopolise uses the word insurrection cell day ago. He can't beyond about, and am I not very humble a pin?
and I think part of the reason why Jack smith is held this back and he's kept. This card up his sleeve is because, as these initial charges go through the supreme court, as the initial attempt to keep him off, the bow in the primary season goes through the
process right now and then you've got another looming deadline for the ballot for november for the general election after trump gets the nomination. If there isn't an attempted coup at the republican convention, then jack smith charges it with insurrection, and then we start all over again. All of this has changed supreme court didn't address this now he's been charged and don't forget the ones who say they're, protecting democracy they're, the ones who are engineering this and what are they engineering, the ones who are protecting democracy, they're engineering, a scenario where they decide who you are allowed to vote for and who you're allowed not to vote for you know if it I keep hearing from these guys from from Joe Biden and Kamala harris and from the media and from the left and from Nancy Pelosi and from chuck Schumer and from from ma it is all of them. I keep hearing that donald trump is the absolute worst human being in american political history. I keep hearing that he is a direct threat to our country that if he is elected again, that's it it's over it's mussolini time. It's hitler to I hear Joe scarborough on a regular basis say that he must be stopped at any cost, which is in it's incitement language. I, I fear for donald trump,
with the language, that's being used against him. I genuinely fear for him and his family and I keep hearing how awful he is and how horrible he is and how stupid he is and how we competent he is, and yet none of us want to him on the ticket. If he's that bad, it is that her, if it is that a fence, if it is that racist, is that hitler like if he's that sexist. If is that incompetent, if he's that's stupid, if it was that bad of a president, you would think they ve been trying to run against him. By not mix is working. Joe Biden has created more jobs and on a president in history and donald trump was the worst It is for our economy and the worst president for national security and the worst preservation, so he should be salivating to run against him again. You betcha,
The re badge are you kidding now I've got my record to run on, says Joe Biden now he's not saying that nope. What is it tell you that they are bending over backwards and folding the constitution up like a paper airplane set on fire and throwing it off the empire state building to do whatever they can t keep donald trump from even being an option for you. Maybe they know something you don't know. Maybe they nobody's actually pretty good man, Do they know that this presidency was head and shoulders superior to the disaster? We ve got right now
maybe they know the only way they can be them is to keep you from even being able to have the option to vote for its there's. No, maybe here that's what we're seeing play out and that's why every time they have something new at him, he actually does better in the polls, and now we ve got the latest one. Your reaction to that and what the next step is for supreme court and for these states in a moment it's larry O'Connor in for the great one markleham mud ban, try, going for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they started international roaming. The over thirty countries. That's right where you are making cars from the vatican beach in the bahamas, your covered from the steps of buckingham palace or your villa and a rainy you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase, pure talk, so saves the Erika family almost a thousand.
isn't dollars a year were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put shown america's most dependable five g network. So the coverage is second to none. So don't delay folks switch to pure talk, a veteran own wireless company, with simply the best. U s. Customer service team now, with international roaming to over thirty countries, go to pure talk. Tat come slash, Levine! That's pure talk tat, slash ellie VM to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month? That's big! That's pure talk, tat come slept. Live in the start. Saving on wireless right now, eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one, one david Michigan hum of the wolverines, the future national champions beat vampa, joins us now. Dave thanks for copper in year on the market of info
we're going miner, hey dave good evening me: I've got this theory. I think I I'm starting to see how this is all going to play out. The supreme court is going to have to come out with a blanket policy on taking trump off the allowed in all these states, otherwise early, but not wildfires, all over the place. Now I think jack Smith is gonna. Go. I hadn't train hit trump with the insurrection conviction. Goes through and only knows what's going to happen. Next, I think, would be these far wept. It's like civil unrest that nobody can go to the polls in november I a word with a pandemic. Certainly I and I don't think they can play that card again. In fact, I've got some audio from some of the chief engineers of the pandemic, who are revealing, adjust what they didn't know back. Then it's killing. The divide, I think, are: I think that he's gonna throw it out there if Jack Psmith charges and with insurrection- and I think he will- it will be purely political because
No way it gets tried before the election, and it will just be a thing to damage him think it does damaging? At this point, you can damage despite the people want em back, because we're all everybody think that, what's going on in this country matter, gun down the toilet. Yeah it's way down. If we don't stop it, it's gonna get worse, Thank you day for the got by the way. What are you more excited about the over into the lions right now? This is a great time to be alive lion. I would only play a game. You ever won to pontiac sobered omen early early nineteen nineties against the cowboys by the way, with various antics farragut you got, they only thereby I will now you'll be afford field. Thanks, Dave Lee in colorado a leo or this move to try to get trump off the ticket. It's a dangerous game. They're playing here I mean, did they not understand after two thousand and sixteen just how pissed off? We are? No. No,
Well, you know I gotta tell you Larry. I've been all over this state since move out your four years ago, and you get out. I remember this is a very conservative stating its enforced wait! There's not a lot of you know people in rural areas too I ride, denver in the region, and I am going to tell ya you know protesting, goes both ways and I'm actually retired. Now, as of the first, the year and I'm going plenty of time on my hands and I'm gonna do the damage to I'm gonna go stand in front of the supreme court judges houses with my sign and protest and say you can't do this. The man was never convicted. He was never officially brought up on charges and, right, of course, mercedes new us president reside deferred of about. hey leo. Do you have any chance plan to be written any chance out for your protest? I love the chance. Now I've your back
on the morning show and alright, like a sask, make sure they rhyme, though rather gotta, have the chance that can arrive. He got to ride alright more coming up. It's larry. cotter infer mark live in eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one draft For the holidays, pure talk has you covered because they started international roaming, the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas, your covered from the steps of buckingham palace or your villa and sent a rainy you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase pure talk so saves the Erika family almost a thousand. Ten dollars a year were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put Joan america's most dependable five g network. So the coverage is second to none, so don't delay folks switched to pure talk a vet.
And own wireless company with simply the best you as customer service team. Now, with international roaming to over thirty countries, go to pure talk. Tat comes slash, Levine, that's pure talk, tat, slash. L E, to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big, that's pure talk tat come slept levin to start saving on wireless right now, mark love in the research are of conservative media call. Now eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one larry counter here in four marked levine by the way the democratic party hates america. is sort of a seminal book of our times. It's the number one best cell on amazon? For? U S, political science and there's a reason for that. It's brilliant because its mark levine book well researched the
Does these books from the internet? I don't want to name names, but there's people out there who just chug out books like every couple of months and I'm not gonna lie they. Don't they don't really do the writing, there is some doubt will proceed. I get my club in rates every word of his books and they are bro. You can hear his voice in the book and this book is important, not just understand how we got here and what the Democrats are doing right now. This whole topic. What I'm talking about right now we have to protect democracy so its rigged, the ballad, so that the top candidate, who was just president of the united states and actually leads in the polls against the current president is disqualified. Does that I don't like the political organization that loves this constitution, that loves the democratic process. Does it sound like a political organization that respects and defers to the wisdom of the american people? Here's the messy thing about being in politics. being in government. Here in amerika, you don't wait. Every election
and when you lose, you have to walk away and say well, you know, I trust the american people. And as soon as you lose their trust in the american people, you lose the country. And, as usual, the attacks on donald trump have very little to do with him. They have everything to do with you. So not only is the democratic party hates america mark levine's latest number one best seller. Not only is it critically important understand. how we got here and where we are, but I can't emphasizes enough it's really about where we're headed and what this next year is going to be all about.
And with those of us, my colleagues who are in the media, whether its talk radio, whether its pod casting whether its as streaming new services now and if so many venues and opportunities for you to be able to gather information that is cater to unsuited to your sensibilities and that is in full of fake lies that you're so used to, but from the usual players on cable and in in the ad legacy corporate on news media of my colleagues, there might
legs on a town hall, all of our websites, a town hall media where I'm I'm one of the duties, their town hall, a tunnel that kamba we also have hot air. We have read state, we have pga media. We have twitchy that all of my colleagues there we ve all behind these conversations over the last month. We are all girding ourselves for twenty twenty four. This is going to be a year in american politics that will be talked about and written about filmed about for decades to come. We are, we are walking into uncharted territory and you need a guiding light like mark of in and the democratic party hates america, this book to help understand exactly what were about to get hit with from these cases trying to keep trump off the ballot. But this has never happened before.
Can't remember all the people all we got to give. We have to return to the norms in this country that we elected donald trump because we're the dorms were not working and not serving the people. This has never been done before this attempted to remove the leading contender from the ballot, so you garden even allowed to consider him and the breaking news if you're just joining us over the last forty minutes, the secretary of state of maine His now jumped on board here add that to colorado, where they're they're trying to have have it both ways in colorado. I I I I tend to agree with Jonathan Turley that that the secretary of state of colorado, reversing now and saying well, despite the state supreme court in colorado, deciding that trump shouldn't be on the ballot, we're going to go ahead and let him stand the boat which, by the way, also
I wish you the arbitrary nature of all of this. The law is not supposed to be arbitrary, the laws not supposed to be contingent on, Radical morons, the secretary of state waken up one day, saying yeah. You know what I know the supreme court of Colorado said to take them off the belt, but let's just go ahead and leave him on the ballot. What the hell is that you're supposed to be able to set your watch to the law in this, Tree it is the foundation of our freedoms with our. the law there is no freedom, it's a free for all its despots and toto. Terry, just deciding on a whim. I will do as I now that now with canada, there are certain things that you doing, you don't do and we ve never done before.
So up until earlier today, Donald trump name would not be on the ballot, because these supreme words of that state decided. But then the secretary of state says yeah, that's, ok, we're just gonna go ahead and keep it anyway and have Jonathan turley points out eight. It may be to try to we allowed of the early review by the supreme court. That has to be decided by January five. That's the deadline in colorado for the ballot, and I thought, she's hoping that the supreme court will look at it and just kick the can down the road. Well, if he's gonna be on the ballot. Then it's a moot point. So if the issue is moot, then we just won't weigh in on it. I hope I hope she's wrong. The supreme court needs to straighten this out now. This is a crisis that made has popped up and, as I mentioned earlier, is workable. This is Jude Judas jurisprudence, wakeham all right now and that's it.
The idea is to make you unsettled it's to make you angry it's to make. You feel hopeless by the way too, because, oh, they love america, so much, don't they and they're trying to protect us. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one! Three, eight one, one I'd love for you to chime in on this as well as this. This is a very, very dangerous game. What they're playing here and as usual as I was just want to reiterate every complaint they have about donald trump is really what they say about you. They say that their cocktail parties- they say it behind closed doors. They say than the green room of their cable networks are about to appear on. They love you. If they respected you, then why wouldn't they
Allow you to vote for every ought about, for this is a tipping point, an incredibly dangerous and, as I said, I'm all my colleagues are looking were girding ourselves for this year. Coming up, we ve got this fight over trump on the ballot we ve got the primary process, which is always an amazing spectacle of the american democratic process. We ve got the trials in four different venues against donald trump. We ve got in impeachment process that is moving forward, not fast enough, but it better starting gust in earnest. When congress gets back together it first, we could generate a. Not only is the corruption case made into a bribery
treason and high times a misdemeanor. Take your pick on the hunter Biden, James Biden, Joe Biden, Biden, family corruption, and I want to remind everybody- and please I want to remind James comber, because he seems obsessed with following a financial paper trail james cover the chairman of the oversight committee. He seems obsessed with finding a check. The Joe Biden has cashed in and the memo field. It says, guenaud in exchange for access, you're, not gonna, find that. but it doesn't matter if Joe Biden allowed himself and participated in selling access to his office when he was vice president, so that his brother, and his son and his sister in law and his daughters and his granddaughters, so that they can all get rich, then he's guilty. He doesn't
to personally cash. A czech he doesn't have to personally make one dime out of the scheme. If Joe Biden and his brother, James Biden and his son hunter Biden put together a plot to rob a bank, and then they robbed The bag and hunter and James kept all the money and Joe didn't get any of the money he's still guilty of robin a bank. So stop twisting yourself in a not trying to put together this. I am you know: wall map with strings, connecting one person to the next to try to show how the money ended up and Joe binds account what you did by the way I mean the evidence. Is there but it's unnecessary on the face? it is obvious that he allowed himself and his office to be accessed. by nefarious individuals to make profit for his family. That's enough, but add ons that the border
The border is an impeaching offence. It's a basic fundamental responsibility of a president. And he's wilfully ignoring the law. But how about this? When the supreme court struck down Joe Biden student loan repayments scheme Where, where I guy without a college, education has been workin his tail off, since he was sixteen years old. Where I have to subsidize some advance degree from someone who who got a doctorate engender studies, it yale and and thank god the supreme court said, get you can't unilaterally Do that show that violates the separation of powers. If there's any law, repayment that has to go through its gonna go through the legislative branch they're, the ones responsible. For that you can't do it, and now you see Joe Biden Now tb aids bragging about the fact that he did an end around of the supreme
pour it very violated. The separation of powers violated the intent of the supreme court decision, saying that you can't repay loans without the legislative branch duet he's bragging about it, he's made a platform for his campaign and pay check for god. sake he's bragging about how is violated the constitution, where the republicans in the house on this Well, you know we does want to. We don't want to lose focus, we're just gonna. Look I want to know, look at all of it throw up. of it against the wall. Do you not see what they're doing to us. And while we at it, I'm ready for the attorney general and the secretaries of state of red states to start taken, Joe Biden offer the valid. If you are de of high crimes of misdemeanours and treason, and all the things that I just made up did start with the border taxes. Taxes should be taken by not the ballot right now, based on what he's done that border based
What is done to that state, sorry or an eligible? You can't do that. All really tell that to the colorado secretary of state tell that to the secretary of state of main, if we don't fight them on their field with their rules that they're making up as they go along them. We're not in the game where we
we were not like that. We're we're above that we're going to stand on our principles. We are going to stand on our dignity, we're going to stand on the right way to do things we won't stoop to their level. I ain't gonna stand on your principles, you'll be standing on the sidelines and you're, not in the game, because you clearly don't know what time it is. You won't stoop to their level. Let me just tell you something: they will stoop to any level to stay in power. Don't you get that by now? Haven't you seen that by now, stope guys go ahead and stoop well, they might be mean to us his name's do anyway, what they do deal with it, jason in maryland, jason jason thanks for quality you're on the market of show, I'm Larry O'Connor.
Good, I ll area ago, my good to hear I would, if I was joking within Austria to accept, but its jason, with the austrian access to energy Only here I am a year or so ago, We bad feeling about the twenty four campaign. I just think that, with the language coming from the media, they're going to try and justify you know taken combat by any means possible, which is you know. Some bad stuff could happen to him, and I know they're going to try and justify that by the language by saying that you know we're here to save the day In the end, the supreme court needs to step up now and stop all this bloody nonsense was removed from the ballot. You know just step up and go across every state said: listen, you know, don't even try because you're not going to that's not going to get past us and just as stupid and prep republicans are just as bad. You know they they sort of mommy away. The command is play football. You know they. They always steal the feet out of the jaws of victory
nah they just can't. They just cannot buy a win. You know yeah yeah, although I enlisted jason. I hear you thank you for the reference to our former redskins here in the washington area, where they did as as a Lions fan originally from Detroit and I've adopt. I I have I've adapted the burgundy and gold here and as pitiful as they are right now, they're still not even close to as bad as the lions have been for my entire life
So there's gotta, they've got to and they've got three super bowls to to show for it. Jason. Thanks for the call and I'm with you, I am concerned, I am very concerned about the language used against trump, this, this outrageous incitement against donald trump, that if he gets elected it's the end of our constitution. It's the end of our republic, it's the end of democracy and he must be stopped at all costs. That's the kind of stuff that the causes that that gets people killed and seems to me that at that that's the plan. The plan is to real people bob in such a way that whatever they do to him in the courtroom is justified, because it's nothing compared to what they appear to be calling for. These are dangerous times and that's why we need each other and that's why we did mark Levine's book its lead.
O connor in for the great one mark Levin much then hmm. going for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming, the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas. Your covered from the steps a buck. have palace or your villa and sent a rainy you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase purity still saves the Erika family. Almost there thousand dollars a year, were playing starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put shown america's most depend. Five g network, so the coverage is second to none. So don't delay folks switched appear
talk, a veteran own wireless company with simply the best. U S, customer service team now, with international roaming to over thirty countries, go to pure talk. Tat, come slash. Levine, that's pure talk, tat, come slash, elevate, I'm to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big, that's pure talk tat come slashed le then start saving on wireless right now. it's where real country and for the great one mark lavigne serve and seven three one, three one one way to turn to the latest out. It is real, come up in just a moment, but were continue. Our conversation about this attempt to keep the trump off the ballot did because they hate democracy there you they hate the citizens. They hate you having a choice and it tells you they need to know sandra in new jersey, it's the garden state. You know Sandra you're next up here on the market of info.
oh good evening? Larry you doing with two per job covering the mob within our. Thank you, the daunting task. I can imagine I Israel. Listening to earlier talking about nikki haley, and you asked what could she have said regarding slavery? Well, I recommend she read the book that I just finished is called the narrative of the life of frederick douglass. He takes you there. He takes you to those days when he was a slave and what he witnessed with all his people, and he taught them to read and he did wonderful. This is a great man and after reading this book, I have great feelings for all those people that suffered, so she needs to read that and she could have answered in a different way and in a compassionate way.
thing to say. Nothing shows me that, with marked with instead about her he's, a chameleon chairs on how to president Santer and an even more instructive is all the excuses today that this she still explaining herself and she did she blamed the democratic plant and and she did she get damage. Well, of course, I know slavery was a big part of his neck and sandra. In which most manning about it- and this is why this was the main focus of my original monologue on the Nicky Hayley situation- is cause I'd, Nicky hayley ports, the hell out of me right, But this is what you just said: if she read this book by point, Douglas mu, Shu given intelligent answer and yet the media, the establishment and all the leads. They tell must use the smartest one mistake, folks, our friendship, hills doc. Wish you and yours a happy and blessed christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year
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He's here now, broadcasting on roaming underground amanda than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, MIKE it's larry, o connor, in for the great one mark within this final week of twenty twenty three I was mentioning how my colleagues and talk radio and time casting an electronic media streaming. media. All my colleagues over the town hall sites, where I'm a senior columnist increase of director, that's the town hall, dot, com site, the heart, air red state, pga media twitch, a great group of right of centre journalists and colonists doing fantastic work? I know that
You know that as well, because you share our content across all your social media platform. So much we are all girded for twenty twenty four, because it's gonna be such a an outrageous never before seen, kind of year and we're seeing it already now with the attempts to get trump off the ballot, and I want to visit that again for a second. This main secretary stated just made the announcement in the last hour, but then you ve got the trials of donald trump. You ve got the primary process. You ve got the impeachment process of Joe Biden, which is where I got sidetracked his I wanted to lay out all the cases of all the impeachment that they should be employed, plus the impeachment of merit garland for obstruction of justice and the hunter Biden investigation, pussy impeachment of our hundred my yorkists over the disaster at the border. And lying under oath that continued investigation, we really really do need a fall instigation of the code, Nineteen lockdown, what anthony bout she knew and when he knew it.
The lies that were told of the american people, the reckless disregard Our lives are livelihoods. Our business our careers, our children, our children's education, are children social development and not to mention the reckless disregard for our freedoms and liberties that still hasn't happened yet ned needs to happen. None of these older. Let's, let's move on kind of crap now. plus what I believe will be an attempt to take Joe Biden out of the running Democrats cannot in november, with this guy as their nominee. It's not gonna happen. And they're not again, this is this is the Democrats. They love the democracy and yet their main moves right now is to keep you from being able to vote for the leading candidate for president, the guy who was just president. They don't want
even have the opportunity to re, elect him The second major move will be to replace Joe Biden with some A person for president without letting democrats- even voted a primary process is going to happen at the convention. That's probably I I am so confident that that's going to happen, we have that them at the republican, and let me tell you something: there's still republicans the republican party who want to try to undermine donald trump themselves if he is fair and square and analysed not endorsing downright what the primary process to go forward, but it sure looks like he's: gonna win the nomination. And, if he does, he should be the nominee, regardless of what happens in these fake kangaroo courts that have popped up in in d c and in new york, and in a lana. If the report
against remove donald trump from the ticket at the convention, because he MIKE convicted in new york city. What what precedent as that set is they want. Is anyone naive to think that who wear are the republican nominees going forward the dna of manhattan. What will I will add, indict them the d, a foreign county. Georgia will indict them. Some prosecutor in DC will indict them or los angeles savages go? Is anybody naive to think that they won't do this to every republican going forward? If republicans cave on this, because trump sends out a key tweets. an their wife's friends at the garden club. Our starting
give her a sideways glance, because she's married to a republican congressmen- and you know, trumps- said that thing on inside addition? That's what this is all about. So we're gonna have that the republican party will be contested, I'm pretty sure as well. It won't work, but it'll be that these are- and this is this is me are we even get to labour day everything that I just laid out. That's about to happen and that's the stuff. We know this is gonna, be insane and we just got a great indication today from this shanna bellows Shanna bellows is the secretary of state of main. Have you ever heard of china bellows? Of course you haven't heard of china bellows. There's no reason why you should have heard of Shanna bellows. shut up. Bellows secretaries of state for the state of main is, is a middle of
functionary in american politics, she's a non entity that single individual that single nonentity just utilised whatever power she has acquired as secretary of state to single handedly and unilaterally decide. that the leading candidate of her opposing party of the parts in opposition to the president that she supports should be disqualified. From office, and the rationale that she used this one single person. From one of the smallest states. In our country, the population wise.
The rationale that this one single nonentity person that you have never heard of before for bull Going out and deciding on behalf of everyone and that state and potentially if the dominoes fall for for many other states in this country
The rationale was: the donald trump is disqualified from office, because he's guilty of a crime that he hasn't even been charged for insurrection as a crime and the language of the fourteen amendments as the ye, an arrogant and so obvious that the language of the fourteen amendment was specifically about the civil war. It was passed with the thirteenth amendment in the final days of the civil war. Mailing will watch the movie lincoln you'll get it all, but it was so obviously about that's that insurrection about that civil war. But it says that your disqualified from holding federal office a few participate in an insurrection against the united states government, and this one person is decided. The donald trump is guilty of that crime
even though he hasn't been charged with that crime, let alone convicted, let alone at a kit funny thing about getting charged with a crime and then getting convicted for a crime really interesting process we have here you see insurrection is it is a crime that a prosecutor could charge donald trump with violating by the way fun fact of the, four thousand people who have been arrested and charge with the events of and you re six. Do you know how many have been charged with insurrection out of the thousand told that was an insurrection were told. Donald trump lead, at insurrection, and that's why you shouldn't be on the ballot right so of the FAO. in people, what percentage do you think are charged with insurrection, half of them a quarter of? Oh, maybe just the ringleaders, ten percent, five percent, one percent? How about one? No, not even one, none of that, the largest law
enforcement investigate and prosecution in american history worth over. A thousand people been arrested in charge with the other, of january six and not one of them have been charged with insurrection, but donald trump let the insurrection, even though no one's been charged with insurrection, even donald trump make it makes sense. My friends, you have to be a dynamic, added to sit there and hear what I just said. I m not along and say: yes, that's right! That's how we do things in this country to protect democracy, gas, that's right!.
But a funny thing, as I was saying about our justice system for at least how it's supposed to work in this country. There is a crime and called insurrection and prosecutors can charge and individual with them. Donald trump has not been charged with this crime and if he were to be convicted of that charge, I guess you could make a better case. for this non entity, for this invisible human being shunted bellows to decide unilaterally on behalf of everyone. The donald trump is disqualified from being president because she watches too much bigger brzezinski in the morning but I guess she would have a better case if he were in fact convicted of that crime. But you see the way you get to that conviction. The way you get to them
place were shut. Bellows can make Mika brzezinski happy to morrow and she can have her fifteen minutes of fame by disqualifying donald trump for leading an insurrection the when you get there And achieve that wonderful moment. Sadly it's a messy process. We have here The only way to get to that moment the only way to get donald trump convicted of insurrection. Is you have to let him defend himself yeah, yeah. He actually is allowed to have a day in court and face his accuser and call witnesses and have discovery and make his case. and defend himself with witnesses and evidence and a lawyer, but they don't want to get their hands messy. With that sort of thing
Everyone's delay has even been charged with insurrection. He hasn't been convicted. True, you know it's even more important never had a chance to defend himself against insurrection. Never had the opportunity to look at evidence of what happened that day. he's never had an opportunity to call the mayor of Washington dc to the stand to find out why she didn't call for the national guard or nancy Pelosi. For that matter. I want to give you the details of it. It doesn't matter the fact that he's never been able to actually faces accuser and defend himself. but they want to go ahead and remove it from the ballot tells you everything you need to know about this and about shanna bellows Shanna bellows, the secretary of state of men, who, by the way.
Now I don't know the context of this posting on excise back. Then it was twitter, so we can call it a tweet before it was acts. Ah, this was september, twenty ninth, twenty twenty and I'm not sure what she was referring to. But on September twenty five, twenty twenty shut, allows? The woman who would be eventually the secretary of state of main, who I unilaterally decided that donald trump is disqualified from office for a crime that he's never been charged with and he's never been able to defend himself over Shana Bella's put out on twitter, I'm going to read her tweet and again not sure what the context is. I only lasted five minutes
than brandon tapping out but excited to vote for Biden as soon as I can, let's restore civility and then hashtag, let the people decide hashtag. Let the people decide so says, shut up that's absurd: twenty five, twenty twenty shanna, let the people decide bellows. The secretary of state of main is not interested in letting the people decide she's terrified, in fact, of letting the people too. Because you might decide in a way that china bellows does not approve of, and that would mess everything up with make represents get tomorrow morning and she's, a Democrat protecting democracy. Let the people decide indeed aid
seven, three, eight, what three eight one one! It's larry, o connor, it's the mark, Lavinia van Bomber, the holidays are over no more presents, but yea you have your freedom again. The new year is full of ups and downs, but, however you're feeling you can always be happy with prime video catch. The new season have read your rent or buy new releases like taylor, swift, the eras tour extended version. You can add on hundreds of streamers one app one backward from video, find your happy place restrictions apply by membership not required to rent or by sea amazon com. So she was on primary details, it's a real gonorrhea for mark. Would then I just want to say a big thank you. I have expressed my crew.
The two to you- and I am very grateful. Individual gratitude is the key to happiness, and I am so grateful you have chosen to overlook the fact that I'm not mark within islet trust me? Listen. I listen a mark He knows that moment when you don't hear his voice as an, but you get me I appreciate it as basic. Listen, I know what choices you have. You could be watching the pop tart bowl right now, but I think maybe we ve got to betty college football bowls. We have the pop tarred mall my breads, I gags guy, like pop tarts, just as much as the next guy But I just think if your program has made it to the pop tart ball. Maybe you need a new offensive coordinator to SAM my team. My team will be playing in the rose bowl that'd be the granddaddy of them all yeah michigan. This is the year for michigan.
A blue thank you very much and by the way, as a mere as a lifetime, Michigan Van was born in michigan, born in detroit moved out of there when I was thirteen grow, Southern California ended up in the washington area, where I am now. I just ones begin you grow up in Michigan. You are all just a fan for life of those these and I want you to know on behalf of all the michigan vans and especially all the detroit lions fans. Welcome aboard the bandwagon you. Used, our rooting for the lions right now, it's good for your soul. I'm telling you gonna be a hell of a january, but but back to the destruction of our country back. That's it back to the disintegration of our of our constitution,. and the ability for us to vote for the person that we would like to vote for, Instead of the person that elites like the Democrats
secretary of state in maine would want you to vote for. I, according to my friend spencer brown, managing editor at townhall. He has a quote from her during her statement. That is she just made. Of course she had a press conference. This is a big moment for her. This is a quote from from her press conference disqus fine donald trump from the ballot, the edge or or well would not know what to make of these people. This is the quote no right more precious and a free country than that of having a voice in the election. She said that as she was removing everyone in her state from having a voice in the election. If they choose to use their voice to vote for donald trump at the end, they get away with it. They. It should be
liberated she's a hero, she's, a superstar. She might be considered as a cabinet level position Alex Alex in Brooklyn Alex bring us some some brooklyn logic to the proceedings, hey Larry and Don'T- and things are technically- is a great programme and don't underwrite yourself you're doing a great job back Yeah, you know what it's my fault. I hang their alex I'll, come back to just mind in the clock, here and I shouldn't have brought knowing I had such little time but I'll check on the score of the popped out, both we'll be back without its end, you next on them This episode has brought you you by is first three row all electric: the key nine, with a bill
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If it's reacted in real time as well governor, you just heard this news like we did, but your reaction. will the idea that one bureaucrat and an executive positions, can simply unilaterally disqualify someone from office that turns on its head every notion of constitutional, due process that this country Always abided by for over two hundred years, it opens up Pandora's box: can you have a republican Secretary of state disqualify by from the ballot, because he's lead in eight million people illegally. A massive invasion, including from enemies of our country, place like a ran, ok way way way way way way. No, this is not a meme. Ah he's a governor is running for president is not just some guest on a tv show pontificating, let you
you don't say it when he was right. It was really I had him. I knew you had me. He was absolutely right turns on its face, turns on its head, the idea of a representative democracy, constitutional republic. It can have one faceless bureaucrat deciding this, but then you don't say I mean: can you have a republican secretaries? It you're the governor florida, here's what you do rhonda santas, and this is exactly what you should do now- that this decision has been made. Here's how we're playing this game. I am instructing the secretary of state to explore all options to remove Joe Biden from the ticket in florida. A if donald trump is guilty of insurrection, thus triggering the fourteenth amendment prohibiting em from being qualify for president in the state of main, then Joe Biden is just as guilty as high crimes of misdemeanor and treason.
and bribery with everything we ve seen from his business dealings through his son and his brother, and the trees in part comes in with the southern border, his aiding and abetting the enemy of the united states of america, not just at the border, but by funding terror attacks, through a wrong in the Middle EAST. He is guilty of high crimes, misdemeanours and treason, and, as the dictates of the constitution lays fact lays out. He is disqualified from being president. That's how you do it, oh makes you just as bad as that. That's right, that's right, and so now we're even and force the media to accept. and why it's great in colorado and main but its fascism in florida, what what votes will Rhonda santa's lose for the republican nomination if he had said that just now,
on fox news come on man, though say oh well. What would it be like what would have been, what would it be like you're, the governor florida, you ve got a republican secretary of state get together and announce it right now. This is how we play the game. We are in a to win frustrating our it. I've told Alex in brooklyn that we pick up. so alex. I give zadig appropriated vex recovered out. Your other bark within show a malaria hilarious for technical areas have a different take on this. With the The court in maine and colorado taken from both the ballot, I think its election interference, but I dont think that they're trying to call that republic in primary voters, shouldn vote for trump arrange any should lose the nominee, because the Democrats see that these powers they may be evil, but they're not stupid.
and they saw for the last year, where every time they indicted president rumpus paul numbers one up and up and issues I'm more likely to be the nominee, and so, if they're doing this now, I think that obviously indicates that they want europe to be then many of the republican party and this this or decisions are most probably gonna, be overturned by the supreme. more than they know it from. Was it everybody knows it, and so they I think they wanted to be the nominee, the republican party and, as you mentioned, they will pull Joe Biden out of the race, eventually they're, not now getting a choice. Our voters junior? Yes, I gazed at it. It's the forty chest thing right. They really want trump
with the nominee and that's why they're doing all of this to make him seem like a persecuted victim and that helps him in the polls and he'll end up. Getting that I mean listen. They don't have to do all of this. To make him the nominee he's going to be the nominee, it sure seems like it, but let me why do you think they want him to be the nominee? This is the part. I understand that you still think that he's the one that they can beat easier cause. Look, I'm a big crumb supporter, but I think that the hatred in the democratic party voters, candidate they hate the most I think is- is donald trump and even though against Joe Biden
seems like he is going to beat him in the general election, but that's because it's now Joe Biden, but they are going to push Joe Biden out, because this guy is just such a disaster and why would they take the risk of losing the election by having Joe Biden as their nominee? So what happens when they pushing gavin newsom or cory booker? I'm you know someone who doesn't have this terrible record, even though Gavin newsom as a a terrible state record on his name, but that say they're pushing cory booker. The Democrats are just going to come out to vote against Donald trump right, yeah but alex. I think I think, you're overthinking things here, because this is the only thing I need to know how does having the colorado state supreme court and the secretary of state of in removing donald trump from the ballot. How does that help donald trump when the nomination is like all the indictment, helped president from pig? He now is running around saying: look, I'm the biggest threat to the democratic party and that's helping him with no getting money can think answer contribution
reaching out more people and as Paul numbers are going up even higher and and it's not like they're gonna- keep em off the ballot. In this primary, even because the supreme court is going to end up. You know overturning this ruling right, so so so, let's make him really popular and really sympathetic to the base of the republican party, so he'll be easier to beat in the general election that's what I think and our angular you're here and then I don't do it and, unlike the secretary of state of main, I want your voice to be heard. So you had it.
I heard Alex. I appreciate listen! Thank you for the call. I I I don't. I I actually think they're authoritarian. I actually think that they're not playing for d chess. I think that they are terrified of trump. They are terrified of the people who will vote for trump. They are terrified of somebody from outside the club getting back in, and so they are legitimately trying to keep him off the ballot, not because they think it'll make him easier to win, but because they legitimately don't want him on the ballot because they know they can't beat him at. But we'll see what happens. That's. Why that's why this country's great? We both had different opinions on it and I want to judge. Let me flip real fast here, because I wanted to get to this covert thing. The- and I know that seems weird as a whip. We have this breaking. We covered the breaking news. We covered the presidential politics, we covered the electric coming up. Sadly, there's so much going on that people forget that we have a lot of unfinished business in this country with regard to the lockdowns with regard to the the pandemic. With regard to the lies that we were told- and there is now a video of an individual, his name is Francis Collins. He is the former director of the national.
It should have health. Now he was in there. He was in the room with vouch he and burks, and all the other totalitarians who convinced donald trump, that it would be a really responsible thing to shut down our economy or only be fifteen days and trump went along with it. Honestly. My my one, criticism of donald trump right now is that he just can't come for it would do so much for him if he stepped forward and said boy, you know: listen, I don't like admitting mistakes, but I should have never listened to FAO Chi. I should have fired him. I should have never gone along with his fifteen day thing. They played me and the whole thing got out of control. It is an eagle he can say, there's nothing wrong with saying after evaluating the four years, I was president that was my biggest mistake. It would it would. It would create so much goodwill for people to hear him say that that said this guy was in the room, he helped make the decisions, and- and he had this- you know panel discussion this forum, where they were talking about what went into the decisions and, most importantly, when you were all deciding shutting what would be shut down so that, theoretically, you could stop the spread of this virus based on the information data and science that you had. Did you take into consideration how this would affect people? Yes, you're going to keep them from getting the virus, but did you think about how would affect children in schools? How would affect their social adjustments and their relationships, their their psychological meant?
health care education. Did you think about what it would do to adults, individuals who suddenly are going to work and the economic impact and what it would do to businesses and how it would devastate inner cities? Did you what what kind of fought did you put into that? All of the whole domino effect listened to his answer as a guy living inside the belt way? feeling a sensor crisis trying to decide what to do in some situation: room in the white house with people who had data that was incomplete. We really thinking about what that would mean to welcome his family in minnesota. Thousand miles away from where the virus was hitting so hard. We weren't really considering the consequences in communities that we're not new york city or some other big city. The public health people We talked about this earlier and is really important point if you're public health person and you're trying to make a decision. You have this very
Three narrow view of what a decision is, and that is something that will save a life doesn't matter what else have so you attach infinite value to stop the disease and saving a life add a zero value to whether this Actually, totally disrupts people's lives, ruins the economy and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never write quite required for collateral damage, so there yeah the collateral damage. This. Is
public health mindset and I think, a lot of us involved in trying to make those recommendations had that mindset, and that was really unfortunate. As another mistake, we made an unfortunate- and it was really unfortunate in us in a mistake that we made no listen thrilled to have it out there, almost four years later, thrilled to have and that's nothing, the fao, cheese, conceited or berks as conceited or newsome or cuomo or whitmer
They won't concede that or all of the o, all of the news anchors lecturing you and pontificating at you about how you're killing grandma, because you're leaving the house without a piece of cloth over your nose or that you're complaining that your child isn't going to school. All the lecturing of you and the shaming of you. You don't hear this from them. They want it to go away, they want to act like it never happened or they can just wring their hands and say well, you know as the fog of war and we didn't have all the information. Let's just move on now you heard what he said: there were in the public health arena and we weren't considering what this would do to people who are living in a rural city in minnesota. One thousand miles away. We weren't looking at anything beyond how it would affect people in new york city or in washington DC. Now the decisions they made for new york city and washington DC were wrong to do. But the fact is, they didn't give a crap about you or, as he put it, the collateral damage your children are collateral damage to him and they didn't care, but it's actually much worse than this, because even now he's lying you're heard what he said. I was in the room with his other professionals. Public health professionals were incomplete data. No pal, I won't let you get away with it. My time covering the pandemic from Washington dc on a daily basis is ingrained into my memory, and I remember the reports coming in in may of twenty twenty lockdown started the third week of march. By may, we have the study's comprehensive studies that showed this virus. Unlike the flu was a miracle. This virus did not affect children. This virus, thank god, did not affect children. If they caught it, they barely passed it and they barely had symptoms from it, and there was no reason to shut down schools, and yet they went on for another year. They tried to go for another two years, keeping your kids out of class and if anybody stood up and pointed this out, if anyone said that they got it wrong. If anyone tried to make the case, you were called a quack, you were caught and I'm talking about doctors, they they were called quacks. They were called dangerous that they were killing people over
however, when I ve met in was you know, horse de warmer, and you were going to kill yourself if you took it member how they claim the trump wanted you all to take poison out of a fish tank. If you dare to question these people, vey worked to destroy you literally. In fact, this guy that I just quoted france's collins director of the national who for health, there is an email that he sent to tony found she october aid talking about a brand new propose I'll, read it to you. It gives a link to a declaration by doctors. Is that this proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists, who met with the secretary, seem to be getting a lot of attention and even a co signatory from nobel prize winner, MIKE levied at Stanford. Now let me just pause for second he's pointing out a proposal by other doctors with another perspective in another direction that he's calling clacks calling them quacks, and it's got a co sign from a nobel prize winner from Stanford. He says there needs to be a quick and devastating published, take down of its premises. He wanted a quick and devastating take down of these individuals who dared to have a different opinion, and this wasn't father where this was. This was more than six months later it was a tobin eighth. It was a month
before the election. Ah, ah now I get it at this. There's no apologizing when you ve got an election to win its larry, o connor and from our club in mud Van I have a link for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming to over thirty countries? That's right, whether you're making calls from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas. Your from the steps of buckingham palace or your villa and sent a rainy you dial away and here's the best part there is no rate increase. Pure talk still saves the ira to family.
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If the weather- and I- and I always hope that I get the call during holiday week- because it's it's joy- it's a joy to sit in for what I believe in and listen. I'm a talk, radio host- and I think this is the best talk Your check in amerika, so I am honoured to be one of the few selected over the course of the last two weeks. If you ve enjoyed yourself tonight, he felt in I informed entertained. Hopefully we put a smile on your face as well as we gotta be smile and right now or will be Cryin I'd love to see yeah I'm the morning, man and a b m, a l and washington d c. That is a local radio station that you can pick up any where, in the country, in anywhere around the world, through the apps through the internet, we kick ass every morning, keeping you informed with the same kind of smile. Hopefully, so you can start your day the right way to do that with oconnor in company and find my work. It tampa thanks so much happy new year, larry oconnor from work.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-30.