« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/22/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the Best Of Mark Levin! the Democrat media will go to any length to smear Benjamin Netanyahu and act as mouthpieces for Hamas, like the New York Post and Joe Scarborough attacking him for things that happened when Netanyahu was not even Prime Minister. Like Donald Trump, they want to put Netanyahu put in prison because they never wanted him elected or to put together a coalition government in Israel. The Democrat party and their media surrogates are sabotaging Netanyahu-led Israel while cheering for Hamas and protesting for Hamas in our streets. Our government under President Biden and Antony Blinken has blown up the Middle East while re-arming Iran and its surrogate terrorist organizations with our tax dollars. Also, Liz Cheney is saying that a re-election of Donald Trump would put our democracy in danger, but she did not talk about the Biden administration this way while they were going after parents at school board meetings or using swat teams to attack pro-life protesters. Later, the Democrat Party is not your typical political party - it’s a wrecking ball. They are an ailen force in a free country that seeks to destroy our history, our constitution, the economic system and the educational system. In order to advance their cause they have to lie, all autocrats have to lie and they have to change the language. The American media today is in full proaganda mode trying to protect President Biden and the Democart party. They are mouthpieces for a centralized Marxist state. The purpose of the media today is not to convey information to you in an objective way, their purpose is to ram a narrative down your throat. They have a long history of trashing Republicans - Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and now their fasination is Donald Trump. The media are using all the tools they can to try and destroy Trump, so far they have failed.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now: broadcasting the mermaid underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader like this is the best of my levant. Merry christmas man, we have I to duty time for screwing around I watched that debate last night on Fox hannity was fantastic and sows. The scientist, the senators crushed news, wasn't even close car and you know why, because the scientists came prepared to set was like machine gun kelly, just one fact after another after another, see from
the time new sums. Phony smile turned into a frown and he would panic with the name calling. and would lie repeatedly. I mean I was online. I was checking book banning fourteen onward and five, but then I looked no slightly over three hundred, And they listed the books in the books, raw crap, vast majority them or pornographic well, first of all the numbers even irrelevant, if it's ten million books, because they are all penthouse type books for little kids, they ought to be banned when it comes to abortion, to santas locked in news him for all time. Newsom supports abortion right up to birth The american people do not support that. Newsome does not support parental notification. How do we know that cause? He said nothing when it was regularly s three times by heavily,
He talks about you, know our taxes yet high rate, but for the wealthy and so for the sector although alone who were escaping california, hard working americans, its pensioners, its people who are third, fourth, fifth generation to get the hell out of there. Zero percent income tax across the board in florida, zero percent, but when it comes to the kitchen table issues food when it comes to issues like energy, the cost, a gasoline you're gettin killed in california size than the country. What does it take care? four, isn't he proudly, but in any event, I am not going to redo the debate. I think disinterest. So a lot of good, particularly visa viii, Nicky hayley Nicky. Here He is out there at the billionaire. Try
slop and end up as fast as you can get back by liberals getting back by democrats getting back by open border types by radical columnists by bush's, what's at all that and I want to apologize. I was wrong. Mickey Hayley is not george w bush and address she's a complete and utter commute. and on every major issue China, whether at the border, whether its disney, whether it drilling whatever it is. She said five on the same issue and when you catch her on it, her debate Airlines to interrupt did deny and to attack, interrupt the nine attack and that's why last night's debate So good you can have some of that, but one on one. You really do expose yourself as news.
Dead side, I dissenters, really hurt news. I really do and I also thank That Hannity was fantastic, that's the kind of debate you want right, so we'll watch the next debate, who keeps interrupting you're going to find out who keeps in Europe it's gonna be Nicky. Hailing tacking, rama, swami. She spending millions and millions of dollars not attacking trump but attacking dissenters. Then you got the they hindenburg on the stage their fill with gas.
the gas bag. Chris Christie, who is sort of the liz cheney of the bunch of she's a book coming out you watch every single major network will be promoting it. Why cause she's a poison pill for the republicans? That's why Reach is something this is very, very important, not just the substance. something I'm going to point first, what seeking catch it. You really smart out there really really the smartest audience of all audiences, and I mean that when I say that, are you wouldn't be here? Why waste your time, but to listen to the new york times article they came out last evening.
When I was on air- so I didn't say I didn't have time to read at seven sixteen pm eastern by ronan, bergmann and adam golden ready for this. Is really officials obtain Hamas as battle plan for the october seven terrorist attack more than a year before it happened. Doc Myths, emails and intervene show But israeli military intelligence officials dismiss the planet's aspirational considering a too difficult for hamas. we carry out, and let me tell you what the new york times did. The jerusalem posters written to stories on this scenario times decides to leap frog. The Jerusalem post gives them no credit whatsoever and goes in a bunch of interviews on their own fine, but I just want you to understand how this is work. They do the approximately forty page document, which the israeli authorities code name jericho war outlined point by point exactly. Kind of devastating invasion invasion that led to the deaths of a
twelve hundred people rights. The limes stick with me: the truth: slated document, which was review by the new york's limes, did not set a date for the attack, but described a methodical assad designed to overwhelm the fortifications around the Gaza strip. Over israeli cities and storm key military bases include a division headquarters. Hamas follow the book, Blueprint was shocking precision the document called for barrage of rockets at the outset of the tag, drawings to knock out the security cameras and automated machine guns along the border. gunmen two important is run mass imperative matters on motorcycles and on foot, all of which happened on october. So. The plan also included details about the location and size of israeli military forces, communication hubs and other centre information raising questions about. How am I
gathered, its intelligence and whether there were leaks inside the israeli security established stay with me. I'm almost there. The article goes on, but I just want to stop it at the point that to me I need to emphasise because nobody else will ready the documented documents circulated widely among israeli military intelligence leaders, but exe to determine that an attack on that scale? Ambition was beyond Hamas capabilities according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document as well. What's wrong with this article. What's wrong with this article. They say the front under this that the battle. and for October seven terrorist attack
more than a year in the making before it happens, so that precedes October seven. Twenty twenty two. their proceed precedes october, seven, twenty twenty two: a year before the attack and october seven, twenty twenty three They also say that the doctor- and the intelligence was, no more than a year before the attack. So again, they proceed october, seven, twenty twenty two and then I was six paragraphs down as I read to you. They were they. It clear whether prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document as well, according by the way the Jerusalem post stories, it's very unlikely that government official sought, because at the
Actively senior intelligence level, they d, they dismissed much of it and they didn't have enough exactitude with respect to the date, but putting that aside, just for the moment, that's not the point of this article. Benjamin Netanyahu was not the prime minister when this document came out. He was not the prime minister. Quote more than a year before it happened. That is the attack on october, seventh, twenty twenty three. In fact, he was unable to organise a government Some are twenty? Ninth, twenty twenty two. December: twenty: ninth, twenty twenty two.
Nowhere in this article, certainly not at the front end, do they say well, we. Now, whether the acting the prime minister at that time, bennet and the college government with la peat and jobs. That is better la peering guns. What did they know so they ran a government and better was the prime minister. A year well before the october seven attack, in other words, what the Left wing government in Israel, no with it Information was supposed to be being pulled together. The document was created. You have to assume the senior intel an idea. Point: tease Mozart, appointees worthy It is. Either made by the left wing israeli government or left there by the left.
is really government. There's not a word about them, not a word about them. Why, ladies in june, and because the new york times in the rest of the media in america and much the median israel wanna put Netanyahu prison like trump. Never wanted him elected, never wanted. Him Pull together the coalition government, they attacked the other. Parties as radical right wing, religious types. Netanyahu and his coalition is constantly unceasingly Sadly, attack by the new york times and thomas Friedman. The Biden regime before that. The.
obama regime because then yahoo represents his people. and a hood by a disgraced former faster as prime minister of the hard left. who's been campaigning in america, even as I speak during the war. And was involved and raising dark money and organizing a coup against Netanyahu in prior Netanyahu. Government protrude years. He's all over tv he's all over. The newspapers. Here in europe, gods gets incomplete pair even though it is part of that government. Now is part of the the war government La peat is a leftist, a former tv
in answer a leftist who's, not part of the war cabinet, because he can't be trusted. he's been in the united states, trying to undermine their commander in chief Netanyahu as well. We have liberal democrat so on, cable, even some as guests or hosts on CNBC, cnn and cnn, and far october seventh, is brought up. They immediately start attacking Netanyahu. Why as I have another piece and when I read your very shortly, it wasn't it financial times here again. The NBC news took this or this gentleman wrote and used it is the bay
is, is of gathering other end from AL. All. These people in the media are just slime balls, they're sleazy. What they are them do their own work completely sleazy. They don't give credit to anybody, thought they were taught It is unclear whether prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document. Why don't they ask him, but why don't they ask bennett and lockheed and guns? Why don't they ask all of them. Even heard somebody who have enormous respect for on cable tv. said not yeah whose futures over while he's had like so ten or twenty percent, and thirty percent of something like that, because
but every two or three days is an article blaming him Are blaming anyone and I'm not not blaming anyone, you're in a middle of war, when they capita hit pro harbour. There was a discussion about what it after yarn known. When did he know it? Media certainly wasn't thinking that way. Nine eleven. What the george w bush, nor when did he know, that's not the way. You do things, but I'm not done with this be right, back ban mark levin, your folks, with essential information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for a one case, educators sub before digital dollar comes with augusta press. metals downside of the digital dollar report created due to popular demand. This report is packed with important digital dollar insight.
Best of all it shares a strategy. Smart investors have used the hedge against economic uncertainties like the digital, Our act now to learn more with augusta precious metals good for your financial future received the free downside of the a dollar report today by texting Lavinia six, eight five, nine too it's l e v, I n the six eight five nine two again texts, Levin the six, eight five, nine two or go to augusta precious metals, dot, com, dex data and message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. Rich disclosures had a gust of precious metals that come here. Listening to the best of the mark, Levin show have a very merry christmas, Joe scarborough
If I get to the other article, which kind of exposes son, what's going on here, have told us for. He is a disgusting low. I q dammit always has been always worthy, which is good Actually, why he's over them? Msnbc, which is filled with people like this filled with them. Msnbc s the sister of NBC in their both owned by comcast. Many of you are paying overpaying. An enormous amount of money for comcast, which is a film about darfur, based. Cooperation run by woke, corporatist course. Nobody will ever do a story on them and that's why a lot of these well corporatist by these media outlets to protect themselves? That's why they those bought the washed impose she ever see stories about.
amazon. Do you in the washed imposed, I want you to listen to what scarborough says. On this article, which he doesn't read carefully and how as to the line of a full, fledged bigoted I say. Might he becomes mark levant here for so this central information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for a one case, educators sub before digital dollar, comes with a gust of precious metals. Downside of the digital dollar report created due to popular demand. This report is packed with important digital bower insights, best of all, it shares a strategy. Smart investors have used the hedge against economic uncertainties like the digital, Our act now to learn more with a gust of precious metals good for your financial future, received the free downside of the digital dollar report today by texting, Levin, the six eight five, nine two
it's l e v, I n the six, eight five, nine two again: texts, Levin the six, eight five, nine two or go to augusta precious metals, dot, com text, a message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com, This is mark levine wishing you weigh very merry christmas. Now, back to the best of me, and I'm a see they have a significant number of anti, though who pretend not to be of those semites, but they are just as obama is and was an anti semites no question about it, I'll demonstrated again, as I have over the many many years, I've been behind this microphone, professor lady colombia, the video. That's
Never been shown that the allay times continues to conceal others. So much. I want to focus on american media merrick and media MSNBC stern and Joe Scarborough, Joe scarborough gets a lotta hits cause he's on early in the morning. Says crazy ass things is a trump. And saw the democratic party website and others pick up, make it jeanne skis. Father Zbigniew Brzezinski was another israel haider has the advice. Jimmy carter from the national security council just another contemptible thug. But I want you to listen to scarborough now you have some facts want to give you more information. Once I'm done with him about the article itself, the art what's up dates, this information and the document months before Netanyahu and his government we will
acted, let alone organised, Jerusalem post articles, both of them that I read in the course of the last seventy two hours, which were the really the first to break this information. Make it abundantly clear. That the information per se got caught up, bureaucracy got caught up in debates chow. Judges from experts within. The israeli military unit. No information was collected by a woman who wasn't even really a full time intel person from Assad So they started to dismiss her. She pulls the information together. She doesn't have a date information is taken, its analyzed. They headed entail for israel's already said he is going to resign or has resigned and theirs
information whatsoever that this information got to their heads of either the government, either bennet, repeat and guns or Netanyahu, and whose called but for some reason, bennet la paid and gaunt's escape all scrutiny. Even though the information and was bubbling around during their government. A year before october, seven. Methane, yahoo wasn't even announced candidate. Yet now listen to this ignorance. Miss and this tirade about the west bank Use the term west bank, because More orthodox choose not all tenderly. in and sumeria the indeed,
his homeland of judaism? They want to take judea and sumeria. They always have on the left, the democratic party and give it to the palestinians to take pressure or for jordan pressure off of egypt with it plain that this would be a two state solution and the rat left in israel- agrees with justice, if our radical left they do to that's led by a whole black and the union, Wing parties in Israel summit- come back and wanted nothing to do with that. So they would attack him Of course it's Netanyahu. So listen to this Tiree cut to go Let me add you look at the chaos in the west bank that I, like all at the feet of Benjamin Netanyahu and his policies over the past ten years. You see, ladies and gentlemen, Jimmy carter with.
Big newbridge ski her daddy, kept insist. in that quote: unquote the west bank be delivered to the palestinians. They have their eyes on the west bank, gaza, given the west bank, which of course, When you use that phraseology it number one complete ignorance and number to that basically hate the state of Israel because there is no west of jordan anymore, they can hold it for nineteen years, that's it when I took it, The nineteen forty eight war for independence go ahead I didn't blame his policies for the attack in Gaza, but the chaos in the west bank that threatens any peace says moving forward and also threatens another second fight, In this war, possibly a third find in this war, is he taught
about any time during this diet tribunals does. He blame the palestine and terrorists. Uranium terrorists, the hezbollah terrorists, the p o o arafat creation, Arafat, baby, a bar. Whose terrorist Joe Scarborough full time, is friedman in full Barack obama, And he's an ignoramus complete maura, but it doesn't matter he talks about net yellow the way talks about tromp. This guy has a serious mental problem. They really does I had the united states has the right to say: if we're going to continue propping up your government
you don't have faith in rank higher separate there. The united states is propping up the israeli government. How is the united states propping up the israel? government, Joe Scarborough, wouldn't talk this way. but a genocidal maniac in any part of the world. You would your propping up the israeli government? Let me tell you, dumb bastard a little secret in the war for independence. These really didn't get any help from the united states, none of it
citizens when they could illegally sending weapons jews in the united states, but it was illegal in the united states. They didn't get support from anybody. Nobody. The british, where their enemy, nobody talks about propping up these people had been fighting and fighting and fighting for their right to survive and their right to Have their own government the right who live in their indigenous homeland? That goes back. Four thousand damn years and their son of a bitch goes on about how our government is propping up their government. What a disgrace their allies there providing support
to Israel, and they should because our government, under Joe Biden prior that under Barack obama, under blanket above president he's has blown up and analyzed they funded iran. They re. Aren't you to the tune of one hundred billion dollars. they paid around for our hostages, hundreds of millions of dollars of your tax dollars, followed through the. U n, took out a hamas hundreds, of your attacks, godparents going to the PA, allow another terrorist organization and this son of a bitch those on about work properly.
the government in Israel. He would never talk that way about another country ever ever. He's playing to the anti semites at his network he's playing to the anti semites who watch their programme. They get ratings. That's what he's doing he's a disgusting disgrace, the west bank. Our government is now building a database. Of Jews in the west bank that they say or violent when their defending themselves against Hamas, which is secreted itself now Indeed, judea and area, I told you about
This tiny little town name sheila job our has no knowledge about it, maybe or google it now. He knows nothing about the history. This region, zero. It's in your day, in.
Maybe you ve heard of Samuel samuel, one of the most important figures and julia. If you ever do go to Israel, you should check out this tiny little place. Sheila spout like Shiela in the history there for the various jewish tribes came together. The separate tribes came together right there. It predates the city of David, which predates the city of jerusalem under the obama plan under the hood barague plan under the Biden play.
and the blink and plan the Joe scarborough plan that will be handed over to the palestinians. Why. Because Netanyahu says no. because Netanyahu says there's a land situation Slowness, idiotic age, the problem, audio gi, they wanna caliphate in a just, not just Israel, they fight each other, they kill each other. We had a test run. We gave him gaza, Gaza never belong. To the israelis order. The palestinians who was egyptian- they said. Okay here take this and what do they do? They turned it into a terror centre oh scarborough, goes on our rant he's a nigger.
It goes on. A rainy doesn't even understand what the hell's going on, but he understands what people want a year on. They radical hard pie, symmetric left, and so he feeds it to them. I heard MR producer, who knew this was coming a year away. We need a better partner. Benjamin Netanyahu is not that partner. When I learnt its lesson in it,. More than a year away. Benjamin Netanyahu was not the prime minister. This I is so unhinged so ill right so stupid betty. And even carefully read the article the new york times. is feeding lies, pushing propaganda. We don't know what the outer wall what more than a year. Ago- and they gotta admit that preceded the Netanyahu government- what bennett, no one in my paid. No one's gonna know he doesn't care, he does it. Now. We gotta get ready
Now, because each defending. the land of the jewish people. We gotta get rid of him right, make a yes. Yes, that's right, breakin, so Oh yes, he's great by no, yes, he's a moderate, I'm not done I'll be right back then, mark Levin here fucks with. central information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for one case educators before digital dollar comes with a gust, This metals downside of the digital dollar report created due to popular demand. This report is packed with important digital dollar insights. the law it shares a strategy. Smart investors have used the hedge against economic uncertainties like the digital
our act now to learn more with a gust of precious metals good for your financial future received the free down. side of the digital, about a report today by texting levine, the six eight five, nine too, It's l e v, I n the six eight five, nine two again texts, Levin the six, eight five, nine two or go to augusta precious metals, dot, com, deck stadium, message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta. His meadows dotcom here, listening to the best of the mark, Levin, show have a very merry christmas and I've done with this is all these issues are swelling around life and death issues, issues at a crucial, be couched in africa. The Democrats, dressed up as judges to take our donald trump is not ending. This never ending
They are destroying separation of powers, they destroying the presidency. There Drawing the constitution and due process the united states senate, the Senate judiciary committee led by little dick durban, who is a contemptible little bum fred times. thompson told me about this guy's dishonourable. he's destroying the independence of the supreme court is destroyed. The united states date cited in the subpoena process in the judiciary, he is shut down. Republican object since he's cut off republican speech, he's destroy them seizures in the united states Senate judiciary committee and these people don't give a damn. While they're talking about democracy and following the rules and trumpets hitler and everybody else, a dictator, and they want to defend democracy these little. You are destroying our country in every respect. They are a cancer at its meeting
the sizing, every second of every day, stick what Well, I'll, be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship. Your talk now run them only underground commandos, bows they even bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. This is the best mark. Levant. Merry christmas. Just scarborough last week said that Donald trump wanted to imprison. People and execute them still keeps his job just scarborough. Today, Who not only gets all his information wrong and are not only demonstrates what a complete buffoon. He is. but look how he goes after.
only jewish state on the face of the earth they were proud. Up that government know Joe, were propping up Hamas, where propping up Slammer nazi regime in tehran were propping up The palestinian liberation organization, terrorist regime, founded by Arafat, where proper Up the saudi arabian throwback monarchy by Biden's energy policies here in our own country. Now these other regimes. They murder. Slaughter, their own citizens, gaze, algae, bt, q, People who agree with what they want them to where people who look Wrong direction, people who are suspected and their merit and tortured and killed in the worst possible way, but you see, but according to Joe scar its Netanyahu and the west bank war on called that's. They give away.
And that the problem would not yahoo and locked in all these right wing, not since they were actually want to hold on to their territory they want to hold on to their country. They went out on other their indigenous historical ancestral lands, that's a big problem. America go look at a map pull up on your computer, Now, pull it up on your you're I phone or what area have look, how big Israel tease speck in the Middle EAST. And Joe wants it to be smaller. Why? Because Biden does blank Does Obama bible with these are is new friends because jealous a punk? That's why So here is more of his projections onto the propping up of Israel popping up at Netanyahu Netanyahu,
A duly elected prime minister of a democratic state obama, By the democratic party and their media front, mouthpieces have been trying to undo The duly elected leader of Israel. this time around. Last time around It was duly elected under obama. They ve tried this pashas prime minister's ship, sabotage. His coalition government, because they Iran to get a nuclear weapon because they want Iraq to be re armed because they want to flow into Iraq because they have insane ideology about bringing balance to the middle east prop up we're propping up the terrorists were propping up. Iran
It's not Israel, that's killed american soldiers, many Open horribly warned that you see on tv commercials. I didn't, do that Netanyahu didn't do that. Then he went on cut three It's not that they work taking it seriously. They were focused on the west bank for netanyahu political survival, because you are right, there notice they have the clappings yeah yeah, yeah, Netanyahu's political survival. He's the longest serving prime minister in the history of the state of Israel. so they were focused on the west bank. You see back to Now's attention away from the growing evidence
that Hamas was going to slaughter and commit atrocities against these really people. What evidence, Joe scarborough have for that nothing, zero. Even the article he waves around roma holocaust denial New york times from Hamas, mouthpiece new york times, provides them with a time that makes it here? Then he wasn't even running a government at the time that this report was. Personally percolating up.
and we also know what we don't know. That is whether, in fact, this report takes percolate or the information to Dennett la peed and guns, let alone Netanyahu, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to the bigots, It doesn't matter to those who try to character assassinate and smear individuals, which is one of joke scarborough trades, one of his tricks and that's what stupid. People who know no history, You don't have any grasp a reality, but they know how to jerk their knees. So Netanyahu wasn't ready because of his political survive. This is the line it's been put out there and one day all address this in more detail
Finally, what was going on in Israel by the left in america, the left in europe, the left in Israel. The millions that flowed in in an effort back by obama heard by Iraq and the usual marks has left us, but let's go on go ahead. Events, and he has to stay in power already goes to jail. Listen to this, these facing three Inventory has to stay in power is going to jail. First was a factual manner in the united states, it's been decided that a sitting president cannot be indicted, I need to get into that in this round. That's not case in Israel. When it comes to, prime minister, prime ministers can be indicted, while an office in Israel.
And they are removed. And so he says here he's got a whole theory based on what the new europe times, wrote is willingly led by the nose. His nose is quite substantial. Why not? He gets his government's mixed up now. He gets us Countries mixed up, you can indicted sitting, prime minister in Israel. It has nothing to do with our depart. Of justices view of indicting a sitting president. So many says here he has three indictments any. stay in power. He goes to jail, that's a lie. Number one number to those indictments are falling apart. They ve been falling apart. There been witnesses who testified. There's a judge,
even suggested to the prosecution. Why are you bringing this case is falling apart, but they still playing it. Why? Because radical left wing prosecutors whether there in Israel or the united states, are the words to the worst. That's why? But this is way or were jos head and his p brain. Go ahead, paying attention to Gaza was politically inconvenient for him. Why was it politically inconvenient tram? Can anybody make sense of it. Why would it be politically inconvenient to pay attention to Gaza? Joe scar doesn't have any idea what Netanyahu was doing, what government was doing what they were, not paying attention to.
But I can assure you come monday when he's back on the air with gas treatise And the fumes coming out of his nostrils ears in his mouth, you. I apologize, he will not correct, he will just keep at it. Because that's the nature of american journalism today. It isn't journalism its part, advocating morons. If this guy rona soap box on a quarter. San Francisco. During his rant? Everybody? Look at that nuts stay away from him, honey, don't get close to him. He looks very dangerous. He could be carrying weight on our stay away from it. But when he's given a platform like this and the That's him up and put a tyrant, I'm like a mannequin, but we have to take him quite seriously: go ahead:
on the west bank, helped him with his religious extremists settlers resulting lineaments dreamers settler. Why are the jew in today s sumeria religious extremists, settlers, and this is where is Anti semitism- comes. Clearly, not all the Jews ingredients merrier our orphan, choose, but many of them are there not extremists their practicing jews to embrace the Torah, their jews orthodox Jews, like your fine in brooklyn, new york, orthodox jews, like your fine and south florida
Their orthodox jews, many of them not all of them, but many of them. Joe scarborough calls them religious extremists settlers and why are they settlers. Why are they settlers are native american settlers. When they live on the lands that their ancestry lived on, How can you be a settler in your own country? How can be a settler on your own territory? How can you be a sattler on your online, listen to their propaganda? Remember
Therefore the democrat party, aids, America, they use a language, the changing, a belief systems, the indoctrination, the repetition, that's what you get from the slug And he doesn't even know he's he just repeating it could stop it. He wants ratings, he wants money, that's it they're, not settlers. there, the indigenous people they're, not religious extremists. Not- but many of them are worth had asked choose, go ahead. Remiss groups helped him stay in office, felt him stay out of jail. Let's be you worried, sick s, o b and the fact that the corporatist comcast. Keep you on the year. The way you talk about Netanyahu. about tens of millions of people who support him there
Are you trying to flame people by saying the most The top outrageous things about trumps going to execute people you, but. A former senator who says, he's worse than worse than hitler, you're a disgrace that whole network is pathetic. Up and down the line. Up and down the line and the near your attacks on the jewish? your attacks on night in acts on orthodox jews and judea and sumeria. Let me take power. Europe closed. croatia that line on anti semitism? Is anybody ever seen I'll be right back Ben hmm. I voted for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added
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here. Listening to the best of the mark, Levin show have a very merry christmas just listen to the way these people are left talk. They don't talk about american principles. I'll tell about them in their ideology. There is peace in F, Tita com, financial times. by some left. His name edward loose? U s national editor in columnist! But when you read this to you trying to ignore all this? You know the these stupid stuff, but here we go and annette acted riff that has been brought up by the Israel Gaza crisis as they pass of aggression between Joe Biden, Barack Obama, former
aids to america's forty fourth president, made it clear that they disapprove of how america's forty six present has been handling Israel since october seven listen to this problem we're in charge, they say the: u would be putting conditions or military aid Israel. A calling Benjamin Netanyahu egregious family, so you can see the. It's getting out among the Democrats, their media, the Joe scar bars and all the rest that this is the obama position. Obama is the visible hand behind. going on here. The lincoln is, Regionally, his deputy sector state Sullivan, worked with obama two obama's calling the shots, and this is why you see all the anti semitism and all the hate, israel stuff, That is precisely the point binds people reply only by hugging Israel. Closely. Can america acts size leverage over its actions without binding
raised. There would be no temporary ceasefire hostage prisoner stranger humanitarian aid getting through Gaza. They say, let's see here. leave israel aside for a moment he writes now. I gotta put this in her term, trying to cut to the chase He says I'm not sure former members of the obama team are winning the argument. It is not Obama's criticisms of Netanyahu had any effect when he was president, quite the reverse, Israeli settlements continue to expand and Netanyahu broke all diplomatic protocol by giving a speech Who s congress attacking obama's nuclear idea when he was in the middle? negotiating it. That's right Netanyahu, Truly represents is people and says he doesn't want I to get the noakes he's supposed to Shut up obama's in charge.
My point is that there is not so much love lost between obama and by what he writes in here too, is that obama hates Netanyahu, that's his frame and he's talking to the obama people my hates Netanyahu, because Netanyahu stand in the way of their designs, he's trying to protect his country, and these people hate Israel. Member colliding never talked about him last night. Every week some of the audio professor carlini colombia, history has on the middle EAST. The edwards You see, in my view, israel, haters and also Hamas mouthpieces. My pointy righteous, there's, not much love lost between Obama Biden were not for the fact that donald trump came in. Between their presidency. Shall we be focusing a lot more? What divides these two men, some of its personal biden, felt this respected, as vice
in his advice, was routinely ignored, obama staffers did little to disguise, aw buying is someone who had to be tolerate, or rather than solicited, is from a different duration and learned is politics and in error that seem to have lost its relevance. Biden felt slighted. The friction between them was kept by obama's preference for Laurie Clinton and so forth and gone. Some of their friction, also political. If you compare obama's, fired policy record to abide is doing thereafter on opposite. Obama. Double down on afghanistan, with his big troop surge buying pulled out, precipitously obama responded weekly to Vladimir Putin's annexation. Crimea binds all in ukraine question that soon labour in show obama talked about if the asia, by doing that obama, detested Netanyahu, bind says they ve been friends. More than thirty years baby
I love you. I don't agree with a damn thing. You say buying claims to have told him. Obama would agree with the second sense, but die a thousand deaths before entering the first. That's the point Obama wants Netanyahu up, obama hates Israel as it exists today. Obama's mouthpiece for the Palestinians, and obama brought broaden the people who want build up iran for the holidays! Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming, the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas. You're covered from this so buckingham palace or your villa insights, morine, you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase pure talk, stuff, saves the ira to family, almost a thousand ten dollars a year were playing starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put shown america's.
dependable five g network, so the coverage is second to none, so don't delay folks switched appear. Talk a veteran own wireless company with simply the best you as customer service team now with inner national roaming to over thirty countries. Gotta pure talk, tat comes slash, Levine, that's pure talk, tat, slash ellie, be I am to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big, that's pure talk, tat come slept. Levin to start saving on wireless right now, This is mark live wishing you a very merry christmas, not back to the best of me what This training I returned to the country and quite serious she's lived off her name training and the republican party. That's how she got elected in the first place in my Nobody knew who lives. Cheney was what is less cheney actually done prior to her
new found popularity among the corrupt media chin than anything for the country. Oh she saved us over bright bart, loose change, trump election would be the republic we are quote sleep walking into a dictatorship, says who lose training. So regret defending this family, I thought they were so horribly abused and they were by the left in the media. She hated trump from day one? Why? Because Donald trump did not share her fathers. Policy agenda there he did or not that doesn't mean destroy the man. So she never bought into that fine. How much you wanna bet
go back. Nicky Haley two seconds cause Nicky hayley is that kind of a republican she's alive trainee republican, John dickerson, dont John dickerson. is a radical left wing Democrat whose help straw, his phony profession, The even at a move em out, but there His interview, english training, here, donald trump of these reelected or in the republic. What do you mean? Isn't that it incredible question mister bellew, some very tough. he told us what he will do it very easy to see their steps that he will take. People who say, love he's alive It is not that dangerous, because we have all these checks and balances. Dont fully understood The extent to which the republic of Congo today have been co opted one things are we see happening today is a sort of sleep walking into a dictatorship in the united states, checks and balances.
See the presumption that donald trump is hitler. Donald trump was president. He had here to the constitution here conservative policies than bush trainee. Did he An executive order, by the way that is used today by your students in their lawyers, to defend themselves against anti semitism on college campuses. He wanted to secure the border course: thee, chamber of commerce republicans hate that she Donald trump represent, and represented mainstream usa. I called him and don junior course pick this off, but I called him member. This must produce a blue collar billionaire because that's what he is
In his work with blue collar hard working americans, its entire life, when Donald trump bought mar a lago the restrictions. her jews and blacks still existed. immediately eliminated them mediately. You don't hear about these. That now is such a big. It don't you know I use the word vermin. His daughter married a jew. She converted orthodox Judy reno scarborough those religious zealots. his grandchildren, their jewish.
Israel today could be elected prime minister, but they call on hitler. The newspaper. Whose correspondent in berlin with sympathetic the hitler in the third reich the newspaper that covered up the holocaust, the new york times, they don't call that paper. The paper of hitler, but It is the paper of hitler, though donald trump use. Because the genie says so cheney is an evil purse. She knows what she's doing she knows what he did on that committee. She knows how she worked the testimony. Now we video, that's missing, we ve testimony. its missing. Apparently one third to one half of the information they gathered. They raced with a federal judge and washed and is trying to put
donald trump and prison during the course of the election. She even allowed donald trump access to that information. Despite these rulings by these judges all democrat all democrats. And so they're going to use her the useful idiot that she is like that kings singer. Who now has a drifter, I believe on cnn and can buck? Who will be grafter on cnn. Seen in his mighty media enterprise, it's a political enterprise, it is hidden. I need to the democratic party, that's what it is. Quite hires democrats like Jake tap. Msnbc same thing, but worse. they actually higher marxists in Islam assists there. The higher guy, like how short Given his record person spews and has fuelled, even before she was in the media, anti semitism,
bigotry, racism, joy rate they hired Somebody like Joe Scarborough, whose wannabe ones be in the crowd you now. Everybody knows I'm right. None of this is fiction. It or fact social, be pushed and pushed hard by all the media outlets, and I want to gradually brian stouter fat little slop, brine stouter cannot get fox off of his seven iq cranium. He just can't say rights, another book about five, how many books he saw in the first week, MR bluefin thirty five hundred give or take give or take I mean it's better than Chris Christie did. When his poor came out. He saw like twenty two hundred. And they go on these same shows the chain.
will do well because she's written a book for the purpose of selling it. Did he radical marxist leftwing zombies a loose cheney. You liked by foreign policy. Has I got. I care about binders hollering out the united states military. You ve always been a fraud. You claim to be a hawk. You know hawk hawk twenty bear your fraud. She's also an egomaniac, I remember when she wanted to take on the incumbent, republican sen in wyoming. Shame on this programme had us all food, but the poor, we showed. She get whipped by this guy. She does We want to be a senator, so she pulled back and ran for the house.
Daddy's name wasn't enough to carry over the o the finish line for the senate. Now, she's era, voice of righteousness, a voice of, consciousness, a voice of morality, she's, a contemptible, evil, manipulator! That's what He is donald trump snuck gonna, be hitler, donald trump, not going to be a dictator damage. It's not going to violate the constitution, were donald trump will do try and unravel washington DC, were the chinese have most of their life. and where the media lives and lives in lives like rats in a sewer. and they don't want no more trump.
But I've manner. They don't want to say this in all want any by whose capable actually unravelling washington and giving the government back to the people mainstream mainstream back then, Try for the holidays pure talk has you covered because they are started international roaming, the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas, you're covered from the steps of buckingham palace or your villa and a rainy you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase pure talk, so saves the Erika family almost a thousand, thousand dollars a year were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put shown america's most dependable five g network, so that average is second to none. So don't delay folks switch to pure talk.
A veteran one, wireless company with simply the best us customer service team. Now, with international roaming to over thirty countries, go to pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, that's pure talk, dot com, slash, eli v! I am to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big! That's pure. Talk, tat, come slashed love in the start, saving on wireless right now. you're listening to the best of the mark. Levin show have a very merry christmas, so here go again. Another panel of democrats dressed up as judges in D c. In that district court. You may recall that harry reed and Barack Obama Spanned the number of judges or my court, and put democrats on it, since the result that you get these stalinist, typepad judicial outcomes, their destroying the judiciary destroying the office of the presidency or because they went bankrupt,
and and destroy trop lesson of this one writers. Of course, a u s Your score on friday, road, the donald trump must face. Civil lawsuits away, His role than the general six attack on the capital by his supporters rejecting the former in its claim that he is a new now, let's stop right. There sat the hope accorded a panel three judges, and I read this reuters peace and they don t you their democratic republicans. I means they're. All democrats for most of them are majority because other as they would say, appointed by republican- that's number one To think of the idiocy this for any politician or any former president ready president who's going to be a form You now opened a liability if you're supporters, Oh, I do something and there's no direct nexus. is one, that's claimed, one. That's implied one! That's repeated
subject to end those numbers civil suits are look if you're donald trump, you ve got these democratic judges. new york, trying to steal all of your property and trying to prevent you from ever doing business in new york. Again, even though there is no fraud, there's no complaint. The bags are saying they got paid, everything's fine, it doesn't matter they dust off. Her laugh that nobody's used before now in washington, You say there are saying you know what any number of people can bring. Law suits the cops on January six. The members of congress on January six, there was a waiter in getting a hamburger and eighty policy he can breathe. Anyone can make a claim and civil court in war. Rushing thin, vichy federal court, claiming god knows how much against donald trump. So the floodgates are open. Now
But tromp has gag orders on the criminal case, better, be quiet, what's goin on and in your trouble be quiet, so say crash on appeal, washington, D c. A democrat panel to obama point is one by an appointed, and how does this happen? It's the inner cities, it I'm stronghold! That's where the the cases is what needs to be broken up. This is what needs to be fixed and, if trumps elected president, he needs to fix it and that's why liz chinese nervous we're gonna have a dictatorship which kind of we unbelievable. There's you folks a question: real quick All these people saying that a trumps elected its hitler and muzzle Lenny its star If we're going to have a dictatorship, people are going to be in prison. People are going to be executed. Let me ask you a question.
How many of them have bought homes overseas most none of them. Why. If they really believe that sort of thing is going to happen, why are they all now in the overseas markets, purchase homes all over the world to get out I mean you don't want to hitler motsoaledi on what was then have where you don't want to be: Is it actually created? You know what all these this is how sick it is there such lying scum and they get national platform by these corporatist and these phony fraudulent judges who are Democrats or play. Games with our constitutional system. That democratic party has already said: they reject the constitution. It was by white slave holders. They reject their history, goes back the sixteen nineteen.
Destroyed our entire foundation, our principles, our culture, while they claim to be defending them. That's how they're gonna run, that's how they hoped to get Biden. Reelected They're gonna go out there and corner the market on the pen, so it doesn't let him siphoned public, they're gonna, get that car So he can make sure his adventures don't fall out he's already at the corner on the top of his head, so that's been taken care of. they're getting an especial shoes. So many shuffles he doesn't fall down well. We ve got an hour left Like others, I keep my firm on the and don't take my feet up, not I found I had there's a lot more to talk about that affect your lives in this country. I'll be right back the folks, our friends at heels, dot, com
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He's here now run casting a monopoly underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under breakin steel of unarmed, this script building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Then this is the best a mark levant merry christmas and wanted to remind you of the few things he preached all of our affiliates ineffable appreciate sirius Xm satellite. We appreciate, live streaming? You tube and all the rest So you can always listen to their show. No matter what we ve been gaining affiliates, but if for pre empted, we should lose one or two there's always away to listen to this programme are part
Ass numbers are skyrocketing. I don't even promote this. The podcast We now have again and effort by the automobile industry to eliminate radio from automobiles there level death blow to em. Radio in particular further important that I and we us have choices, have diversity of platforms, because you I know what's gonna happen, these constant efforts to stifle free speech and me in particular. So we will never allow that because of our ubiquity were broadcast platforms. And so again, I wanted to tell you that if you want to listen to our podcast, which is in essence, this radio show go to mark levine showed I. click on audio rewind at the top and pick your favorite podcast platform. It said simple, where you going.
Favorite pike has platform directly apple. Google podcast stitches five cetera and search mark levin, show and subscribe for free. You gotta you tube Where we have our own mark, levine channel coercion go to. serious extreme satellite, live streaming. Of course, you can go to our affiliates pre, shade very, very much just pointing out that you never know. They can now fine all my four podcast energy, especially on you, to go to youtube dot com at mark. Levine show you to back. At mark levine alleviation show or search mark levin show, and you too said simple. our numbers on youtube or skyrocketing, I mention this once or twice tops over the past six months. The pod
asked probably every other month. The point is this: technology is advanced so far. We're nothing can come between you and me when a thank the loyal support of affiliates out there. We will continue to support you fully and completely. I want to. Thank you very very much, but if her time comes one fill it here, they're decide to do so. Thing else, which I think is quite foolish then, rather than my being on their platform, they will become a competitor, Obviously, I will use this microphone Use my extensive. Social media. I will use my blaze platform and my fox platform.
To explain how you can get around that decision, We cannot allow a single loan, a single general manager, a single programme directed. To destroy our relationship. That just isn't gonna happen. I've been doing is too long and want to get into something else. Look we see what's going on, When I met some b c and cnn, we see what's going on in the new york times at the washington post. These are not media outlets your propaganda outlets. These our scribes and mouthpieces for centralized marxist country state Caesar outlets and mouthpieces for the democratically which embraces every article force in this country. They vote democratically. Are democrats whether its
Islam assists a k islamists, whether marxists. there are very big tent, the re, proud to say very diverse, oh yeah, I'll take us lamas take marxists. as long as you're, not an american supporter, and you speak out, for they will accept. You. Democratic party is not a typical political party in any sense of the words political party. It is a wrecking bar, it is an alien force within a free country. That seeks to destroy our history, our declaration of independence, our constitution, our economic system, our sovereignty,. Our currency, our educational systems, and you name, it is an evil, diabolical party.
In order to advance this cause. It has to lie. What parties have to lie? Autocrat have to lie. Whether its in Islam or nazi regime in IRAN, whether it's a brutal genocide communist regime in china, they have to lie. And that's what they do, all the time, they have to change the language that the change the way you think. That's why they're trying to take over education for parents? That's why we have tenured islamists and marxists. in other reprobates in our colleges and universities. That's why our media are filled with these people who come out of our Colleges and universities, her come out of the democratic party. All you have to do is watch them. Could be on the view they could be.
The today show, Cnn Msnbc, they're everywhere they could be columnists in writers, news writers for thee, rapid of all new york times or washing imposed these operations have histories of it. Americanism of anti semitism long, a series of lying and promoting like the pretoria guard The radical left agenda and democratic candidates conversely, they have long histories of trashing republicans, They trash the hell at ronald reagan. push Nixon out of office. Where Nixon didn't do. One tenth of kennedy did or Lyndon Johnson did or empty argued as president, not one tenth acacia donald trump.
They're using all the tools they have The propaganda methods, repetition the big lie, emotion that they possibly and to destroy him so far. They have failed. Literally been at this for almost a decade there their party, the democratic party with impeachment sweet criminal investigations and now, of course, so, any charges in some the jurisdictions, friend of so many corrupt judges appointed by obama or Biden that they feel they feel that this is the time this is the place, in particular the lucky. Washington, DC and judge tanya, shrunken.
Who is in obama appointee? Who is laying completely on ethical and my view in every respect they brought in their hip man. Who is not only on ethical he's been in? managed by the supreme court in a unanimous decision. pointing out that he is unethical. The million lorries in this country, and that's where the department of justice chooses to investigate donald trump he's the process. The trunk, the judge, the jury We pick from a jury, pull in washington d c that voted ninety four percent plus for Joe Biden. I don't think any Taylor on the face of the earth has got a ninety. Four percent were
Then, of course, the media in america on freedom of the press, because that's who these people are in that's what they are. I want to strongly encourage you, we, have eight more shows till the break. Grab your copies of the democratic party hates america and american marxism put it. broadband around the two books there. Basically, A collection of tug fills democracy in america. Those were actually two volumes, but their sold and published as one and perhaps that's what I should have done with this book. But it doesn't matter, you won't find it into barns and noble. You won't find it a casket, but you can find it everywhere else, particularly on amazon, dotcom and the two books together.
You'll be doing yourselves, your family, your friends in your nation, a favor mark, that's kind of self promoting. Well, how can I About the book said, I wrote without talking about the books that I wrote. I don't need this money. I remember when people said the same thing when I wrote rescuing sprite, all that many all of it, but to saving Protecting medicating rescue dogs. People know what I do. My money so nobody's business since in about money the hardest waiter in a buck, is to write a book. Trust me on this is that The goal is now worth, but that's not the girl ideas have consequences. Ass, the marxist ass, the islamists ideas of consequences,
I want to remind you about chapter four: Democrat party hates america. Why am I going to this because media today are in full propaganda mode as the state Media trying to protect buying and the democratic party in the senate, trying to flip the house, Eventually, they want to flip the supreme court. They want iron fisted com, Control over their society and their close to getting Network, like fox or n or news max any website like blaze, bright bar. Daily, why are you name them right, school. Any conservative radio host theirs sure you know on some of the affiliates and others.
Who dare to stand down say stop. They need to be taken down and taken up. That's the way they view things They dont want the competition of ideas they want their ideas imposed upon you. If you want to see how this works. There are scores and scores of tv in hosts and tv guests executives, producers. Cnn Msnbc and the others are you do as listen to them even briefly, but the person who best epitomizes this. Is not among the smartest of the museum among the dumbest up.
But the things he says her so outrageous, so contemptible so predictable that it exists, fine, what's taking place at the new york times washed imposed throughout the media and, of course the meeting, the democratic party say exactly the same plan, and that would be Joe scar That's that promoted on media. That's why promoted here and there credibly, unhindered and stupid human being. But he says things that the Democrats. Party in their state run media want to promote. There go to guy thomas Friedman. The go to the new york times and so forth, and so when we come back.
I want to explain in some substance, what's taking place in the country that we needed to feed it or they're gonna win in the next election, which could mean all over I'll, be right back then, during holidays. Many people suffer from essay de streaming. Annoyance disorder caused by too many streaming, apps and passwords and content overload symptoms include angry outbursts and broken remotes. The prime video simplifies your streaming and lets you find your holiday happy place, rent or buy your favorites, add on hundreds of channels and find new films like candy cane lane, starring eddie murphy included with prime in one app with one password. Prime video restrictions apply, see amazon, dot com, slash amazon, prime for details,.
you're listening to the best of the mark. Levine shall have a very merry christmas shirts agreements were really dig in after the break. But let me say this: the purpose of the media today are not purpose. The media today is not to convey information to you in an effort to be objective. the purpose of the media today. Is to ram a narrative down your throat. This What journalism schools teach students today, I pointed out an on freedom of the press. But most journalists that you see on seen in an msnbc, so called journalists and hosts, don't even out of journalism school. They come out of the democratic here they come out of some left wing movement like Jake tapir came,
A hand gun control rank and he was a spokesperson for a democratic candidate for, Four zero for salon at one point, one of the hard core leftists websites. course. His high by cnn worries just stay news. Anchor. You can see there throughout the media, MSNBC. Perhaps the work you have disaffected disgruntled republicans who ve turned on their party and so they have fangs out and anger out and they want to. They want to get even with certain people in certain institutions. You can see that was scarborough. You can see they with As you can see that with a number of these people, Nicole wallace, that's not Media are supposed to be about Those that claim to be newspaper more when I return, nor
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Professional, you don't show a radio kick your feet up in just shoot the you know what rush lumber. Rational and will show a come on at noon and he was studiously Studio thirty nine in the morning- and he worked- the day before night. Before, as do I anyway,. And so I come on here- six pm eastern time, but I'm here. or somewhere around here, prepping working many Where's beforehand, and usually when I'm done, I continue to work of this. It's not something interesting, finally stop for more than a few hours, you need a few hours taken, Your brain and re start your engines, but for them of us who actually try to succeeded this and communicate and build loyalty its twenty four seven most of the time. so. Let me go on this. This is a
Said is something I want to talk about, because the. they already setting the stage that donald trump as Hitler he's a dictator. He will destroy our country. The hearing it from those cheney, Joe Scarborough Jake, tap your hearing it from course of sources. The same arguments, the same points it say cacophony if he will. It is propaganda. it is what totalitarians do Social professor magda strawn sca like mass the university in hand, in Canada. I will go anywhere to get good information, good people, and this, of course, is in the democratic party hates america. If you will volume to is what like to call of american marxism, even though that's not its technical name. Now, planes and harassing language tell a tearing regimes. She says tell a promote peace.
By means of altering people's perception of reality, so trumps italy's worse than his it's gonna destroy their country. he's, the one they wanna put in prison, but he's going to destroy the country, not Biden These radical left wing judges, but these hip- in probably know tromp, you see here so explains that communist regimes use the means of propaganda and mass deception based on affection, sound familiar, in other words, languages weapon eyes to serve the purpose of a political party, movement, ideology and or regime it's, the marxists are not alone. Let's notes that in practice, only a few people could be persuaded that black as white. But many learn to say that they don't see things in grab colours and call them by pre,
dr name. So, in other words, even though you know black, isn't white you'll say it you'll start to believe it, even though its not factually true. this authoritarian practice now widely exists in the united states. I right as the english language science, knowledge experience and specific words and being redefined. Band replaced to impose on the citizenry, the beliefs, values and thought processes that american america, the democratic party for exam academic, freedom, debate in the competition of ideas on college campuses, free speech and the exchange of information on internet platforms, entertainment from many in place to television and movies by law go and scientific knowledge about men, women and gender and sex public school. Teachers, seminars and training clay, from texts and learning bureaucratic edicts and regular since corporate environmental, social and governance, yes, G, workplace requirements where
placed a very diversity, equity and inclusion. That is what and walked this generally More are all used to control the public and serve the ideological, political and economic purposes of the democratic party. philosopher, and professor frederick hike put it this way. Most effective way of making everybody serve the single system, events towards which the social players directed is to make We want believe in those ends. You gotta if the trumps Hitler you gotta believe he's going to prison people gotta believe he's going to execute people. You gotta believe he's going to destroy the country, even though our own, for your experience with them, demonstrates that Absolutely insane it doesn't matter, this is profit ganda. This is brainwashing. This is what totalitarians do it's? What the debt, Prayer party in their media do
the police must be chosen for the people and imposed upon them. They must become their beliefs, a generally accepted creed, which makes the individual as far as possible acts pontanus lay in the way the planter wanted, get the point, richard ambling proof, sort of ethics and free enterprise at the citadel explains that quoted through our language that we think about ourselves. I relationships to others and this Shall order surrounding us words do not early delineate, objects, individuals, events are actions, words, also great mental images. We emotions, attitudes and beliefs, the color, how people see themselves and the world around them, and this is the campaign of that Mccrae party right at a chapter four right at it.
Totalitarian handbooks, tearing handbooks, evil trump evil, trumpet the devil by new good Biden, an angel. maggie is the equivalent of nazi ebbing rights Bout, the totalitarianism nation, the totality they totality Eric. I can say it They too tolerant zation. His word coined word of words and ideas that can be at work in the language of the progressive, radical left in America today. Macao, halloran authorised scholar who was raised in the soviet union explains languages. Them Some important and the most powerful weapon in the hands of a state that is decided. Transformed human beings. the creation of a new language serves two aims to obtain, as george orwell put it, an instrument with which
to express the philosophy and thoughts that are permitted and, secondly, to make all sort of thinking impossible. The new language is cancer only at once a means of communication and an instrument of oppression. You saw this yesterday with the hearing. with reigns in the radical marxist democrat from Pennsylvania, where she was called basically a beggar and she fired right back she's, a very brave young woman, very smart, to accuse the where women are being a massage earnest. The word conceals reality: age. An illusion Hey surrealist impression, but
same time. That preserves a link with reality and puts it in the code calorie recounts that in the soviet union, the soviet language became the most important means of preventing people from acquiring more knowledge than that in his party in the state wished, he said, soviet speech lost his freedom. Moreover, the official dick nerves were changed to reflect the com his party and the states meaning of words. This indoctrination doctrine. Nation told us occurring in the united states today, and the democratic party is that the foreground of this movement. Ladies and gentlemen,. When you watch MSNBC annulled, watch on MSNBC what time of day or night. This is what you're getting When you watch cnn, I don't care which host or show you watch morning, noon and night. This is what you're getting. when you watch the today show good morning america, the view.
All of these hybrid type shows that are considered entertainment, but news you're, getting full fledged full throated totalitarian. I began when they're not talking about cooking. In repressive regimes. I ride. Repetition is also used to force the acceptance and, even internally Creation of new words or what with newly created meanings and land it is used to identify and condemn enemies of the state, in other words the public indoors stan and unrelenting brainwashing propaganda or has had a wrought one of the premier political philosophers and they twentieth century, commented it's a form of sight. Logical warfare. Indeed, I spent years studying in writing about totalitarianism, having barely escape hitler's third reich.
For example, she wrote in her really quite famous book, but those of us who study these things. They are Of totalitarianism, she wrote quote But tell attorneys and propaganda raised illogical, scientific reality and its technique of making statements in the former predictions. To a height of efficiency of method and absurdity of consent, because demagogic, a Legally speaking, there is hard A better way to avoid discussion, then releasing an argument from the control of the present and by saying that only the future can reveal its merits. Now you notice, the democratic party in their candidates are always talking about what they're going to do in the future. Give us more of your freedom. Surrender your free will to the state charette private property surrender. Your you're real estate.
Surrender your children to the government, schools. In Paradise is right over the horizon. Listen a sanders loose know how came jeffreys, listen to the media, And we have an example of seven point: five billion dollars were set aside to build these electric charging stations all over the country. The bush. Administration has had the money for nearly three years and they haven't built a single charging state, but don't that no look to three you for five years ahead, for climate change is all about right. Ten years ahead, fifty years ahead, people who came Take the climate in the weather in ten days always look ahead, always look to the future.
The promises were americans. We can do these things, you hear this all the time and if there's a screw up, lie about it. They blame somebody else or they blame them. In his screwed up, there are, ecology, the methodology is never never to be modified or rent. Writes me make sure I have this right, I'm having a little trouble seeing. I don't want to Here totalitarian ideologies did not invent this procedure and we're not the wants to use it scientific reality, he calls it of mass propaganda has indeed been so universally employed in modern politics that has been in carpeted as a more general sign of Adam session, with a science which characterize the western world since the rise, mathematics and physics in the sixteenth century. What are you talking about?
He's talking about your real science, mathematics sites, you have real knowledge. Mathematics, And then you have political science behavioral science is all these phrases all these terms, all these ideological things which claim to be scientific, not ideological,. Her ponies that marxist fascists and autocrat generally explain why the horrendous and barbaric conditions they create yet still appeal or attempt to appeal to the masses. Cordon quote by focusing on the paradise they promise in the Just as I right there is no better subject to illustrate such a colossal deception in today's world is climate change, which is central to the democratic parties owing authoritarianism over all aspects. Of american life.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-25.