« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/21/20


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, KARN radio host Doc Washburn fills in for Mark. China relies on its Marxist roots to wage information warfare on adversaries. China and the Marxists keep their focus on using the system to dismantle the system. Then, President Trump’s acting Secretary of Defense, Christopher C. Miller, made comments at the anniversary celebration of the Space Force last week and remarked that he'd undergone some of the most complex military operations of his career recently along with Vice President Mike Pence. Later, Trump has invited all of his supporters to Washington, DC on January 6th, 2021. Washburn's working theory is that this may turn out to be a big street party to celebrate a Trump win. Afterward, former Congressman Trey Gowdy has made disparaging remarks about election fraud and suggests that candidates ought to move on. Gowdy erroneously makes the case that the 2020 election was free of irregularities.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred the fifth year: Hills, Dale a truly independent institution where learning Prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued thank for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run casting them only underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader Washburn Flash of us. There came a r and marks affiliate Little Rock Arkansas honoured to be filling. The great one again if you want to join the conversation, the number to call as eight seven, seven, three eight, three eight one, one
you don't ever since the great rush, Limber creed Did this medium back, eight nineteen eighties, one Things talk, radio hosts have tried to do is be a voice, for the voiceless. As probably you. If you have ever found yourself yelling at the news on television or radio, the mark Levin Show, is a show for you Mark fight back against the liberal lunacy, the mainstream media, big, Social media and big government are always try the forced upon us mark living here voice to the common sense ideas. Most Americans believe in all too often given short shrift? in mainstream media social media and in the halls of our government. Those of us who have the privilege to fill in mark do our level best to carry on this time. Honoured tradition that he is publish many many years ago.
in this spirit that I want to share with you a heartfelt Emma nor plea to present a try from the great Tracy Beans purveyor of rate new site uncovered dc dot com now mister Mr, I did not test out the the volume on this so so narrow you tell me, I think it's gonna be ok. I think that the the clip itself, is wonderful. It's just technological challenge, doc. No wigs actually to have the volume of you know on the mixture, but what will figure out real, quick, ok here, Tracy Beans with this out on Twitter today and God bless her here. It is
hope that this message reaches its rightful recipient. Mr President, my name is Tracy beans, I'm a wife, a mother and I'm also an investigative journalist. I understand as well as the american people do, and I think I speak for millions of Americans right now that we understand that you are surrounded by a den of vipers who do not have the best interests of the United States of America at heart or your best interests at heart either. We are still out here fighting and we are the ones who matter. We know what happened on November. Third, and now we just need to look at all these machines and prove it. We are asking begging you at this point to do everything that you can do in your power to allow us the opportunity to get to the bottom of this fraud before January. Six. What do you have to lose? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. We have been fighting so hard since November third, and even before, so that the Republic of the United States of America can remain sovereign, that our elections will matter and have integrity. We are still here. We are still fighting, we support and we pray for you and we know how hard this is, but we are still here and we are what matters at the end of the day. I know that every honest American out there really really agrees that we need to get the bottom of this, and the electoral college needs to do the right thing as mandated under the constitution. You can take a first step and do it you need to do to make sure that that happens. You have nothing to lose except the country. We love you. We support you. This is about much more than just this one election and as the american people we beg of you. Please do the right thing and if this one last opportunity doesn't expose the absolute abhorrent nature of the fraud that has befallen this election, I wish you will know that you do everything in your power to get to that point. We love you. God bless you, and God bless America. What that is
the great Tracy beans. Purveyor of new site cover DC dot com tracy, Thank you so much for that eloquent message of support for our present in our country and allow people have trouble. Ministration, listen to the mark. Levine show live, rate w email in Washington DC. that a general Michael Flynn today already retweeted trade, he beans tweet with that turn that video wanted. So I hope we ve been able to help you get the press his attention today, what a wonderful message: Now, a little bit later in the show, I want to talk about what the president Put on twitter recently. Inviting all his supporters to come, the Washington D C. On January Sixth,. he said is gonna, be really wild. A lot of people think well, you know
that's the day. The electoral college votes opened in Congress, and the votes are really counted. and so maybe the President one millions of people to kind of Washington DC to encourage. Republican members of Congress to do the right thing and two were to protest to object, to elect all votes coming from swing states where there is a lot of fraud that maybe that may be. But I I There might be another reason and I'll get to that in a little bit, stick with me and I will make it worth your while next I want to share with you a thread that one of my favorite colonists rank to the epic times: dot com and uncover dc dot com put on twitter. Recently he
Ganz by Saint President. Tromp has been preparing the public from more than a year now from major tectonic shift. As to what the Communist Chinese Party been doing to us through our own political class is fully, supposed including election fraud and we have a clip. Joshua Philip senior investigative reporter of the epic times here is
These Communist Party has a saying my comes: do their psychological warfare operations and other forms of subversion? Strangle you with your own systems, while in other words, observing how different countries operate. What is controversial within their systems? How does their system function? How can we use those systems to twist things around to cause chaos to mess things up to use it against them? You say you believe in free speech, we'll have protests in your own backyard, calling you out, you say you believe in free press, while will start up state run media in your country and what we use a state where media to Lightyear population to spread our propaganda. That's what they do. You believe in free markets about we bring state, run companies, they can sell below cost and put your companies out of business and take over your industries. That's what they're doing right strangle you with your own systems and what is controversial in the United States. What is most controversial racism, this race narrative, they know they can use. If they ve been doing it for a very long time, there are different groups, for example, committee of one hundred in the: U S where we tend to chinese spies arrested. They call it racism because they not over sensitive to the chinese military, has a doctrine on this. The three warfare doctrine, psychological warfare, media warfare, in legal warfare. This is a publicly adopted into their military doctrine. This is part of their military system. Now that what are these psychological warfare is not necessarily lying to you. Psychological warfare is altering how you interpret information, and so, when you see a virus coming out of China, people say this virus came at a China. If you call it the chinese virus, they want to use this intrusted around and say it is a racist. If you talk about the origin, this virus, what is media warfare, media warfare is the manipulation or control about. Let's have information, not just news outlets, but say social media on line platforms, the ability to speak openly. Anything that would allow people to communicate would be a target of media warfare and what is legal warfare legal offers? A manipulation of international legal systems, the chinese communist Party- for them this is it adopted into their military code. This is war fighting to them,
I, together that was Joshua Philip see investigative reporter of the epic times dot com. Ok, I want you to really remember what he said about her The chinese Communist Party. use a variety of now on military means to fight and actual war It will come in handy later. I'm told you stick with me because I have an alternate theory for why the president has invited us? kind of washing DC on January, sex. It's gonna be an interesting, interesting, shouted and in a you know, I love when I had the opportunity to fill in for the great one, and it said it's such honor you wanna get a conversation, we will eventually get to college at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three.
One one more coming Doc Washburn from little rock filling in four Mark Levant Ban as we
the Christmas season. Most of us stop the consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty for a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender. One of hills does free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference at no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for the kind of classical liberal arts education that hailstone offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season of blessings, hills Del, thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about Hailstone college visit, Levine for Hills, del dot com. That's alleviate for hills. Del back, come Levine
for a dot com, our dog Washburn filling the great one, marked LA banned from little regard. Concern now, right before the break ripe for the break with Joshua Philip Senor rescued reporter of epic times explaining how the China the communists use number of different Non military ways to actually fight a war. I back Brian Cates thread on twitter, Mister It shares video clip from the great Thomas winter. And Brian Kate says: pay attention to watch this video twice to make sure you grasp this had to be done slowly but lucky for you, the late radio listener The video is written, saw share with you and you won't have to watch the video twice Thomas. ass, if you remember, movies, which featured
scenes of pandemonium mass, stereo by big crowds, FF or by the comet God love fiction. Her luckily nothing like that. Whatever happened in real life, and then he has this hundreds of shoppers rushing to analyse this morning with this warning supplies are being rationed to keep up with the unprecedented corona virus shopping customers run down, store isles at full speed and then quickly start loading up their cars. Whoops see that with tectonic change Some people react to it with panic and apocalyptic button. Being marathons, so if you're gonna, At a tectonic change in motion, you have to ease people into it when people they not only struck compulsively being their rear ends, but they also spread some really dumb disinformation, Here is an example of that from twitter. Guy said just heard
Particular radio show I'm not gonna give the guy in publicity. Say there was a fifty thousand chinese attack by our military and main crossing on board. Then, on the radio said, it was covered up by saying that as an earthquake then approve this well, the guy really did say that and by the way there was a three point, o earthquake in Maine, a three point I would be just strong enough tremor, Frida just barely feel it. So we ignore the fact that chinese people Liberation Army, ground forces, no deployable units and Allah in all of human history nobody's ever kill fifty thousand troops in one day you might be able to do it by carpet. with fuel air explosives, but how, Would you hide the sounds of the bombers? And the munitions they are really
really loud now this term along gives way. Anyone who claims that we killed fifty thousand chinese troops on the canadian border as one of dubious credit already. He links to the fringe radio guy he's webs use the term, carry your battle groups. First of all, Harrier strike groups, not carrier battle groups. Secondly, Are strictly offensive assets to intercede? ballistic missiles. U S Navy uses just be empty missiles, the AEGIS take missile defence system detection gets, and fires interceptor missiles, carrier strike groups. Also, don't hunt both dismissal submarines, we is attacked. Sensors. surface vessels Erica and satellites, but tectonic change brings frantic behaviour and belief in claims that can be debunked in seconds so evil
Plans are making a tectonic change. Your first move, the needle of public opinion we make a move, The changes everything he conditions as to accept that change, Is necessary, it is more present. He gets people to begin demanding. The tectonic change he's waiting aids by taking a sweet time. First of all, What once was a mass of risk now becomes a mandate to finally saw the problem once and for all by any means necessary. Secondly, steady release of more and more compelling evidence prepares its We'll public for something they once were believed. Third by pretend: to be an amateur boat blowhard. The it forces enemies into thinking. There say because he's got nothing. as a radio commentator of yesteryear, H, I'll make an used to say truth would click Ruth would quickly cease to be a stranger. action once we get used to it, remember
quote from what they say is present trumps favorite book, the art of war by Sun Tzu quote. what the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins. Excels in winning with ease, hence his VIC He's bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage. so all of that is from Thomas Victors, Youtube video of December fourteenth entitle yeah. We're already Thomas Richter later, but I have to get back to brand cates recent thread in which the wicker video was embedded Kate, says Let me explain why you for your first impulse that he should spill everything in the oval office address to the nation, about China having control of? U S, Blue class, wouldn't work how many But I believe that back in March of this year, if he had told him, then looking into the camera from the oval office march, twenty twenty, if trumpet claimed
most of our countries, political elites or compromised by the Communist Chinese Party there helping China sabotage their own nation? Would Think what happened next over the country would have never believed him. I mean it would have been maybe seventy percent. When you believed him they would array did the same way that NEO reacted matrix. What is the matrix control the matrix is a computer generated. Dream was built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this now, but now
after almost a year, watching the behaviour of governors of their states, the mayors of the city's, their law makers in Congress, deliver trying to sabotage their own nation and shocking it up to trumped arrangement syndrome. Maybe people are ready to learn brutal truth. the real reason many in the political class are trying to take down their own country has far more sinister. Then all these elites have a bad case of The range of central give you something to think about. I got more a lot more coming up.
Doc wash refilling and for the great one on the marble events show as we enter the Christmas season. Most of us start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen. Forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty for a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender one of Helstone Free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference at no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for the kind of classical liberal arts education that hailstone offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season of blessings, hills Del, thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about Hailstone college visit Levine for Wholesale Dotcom. That's alleviate for hills, tell back come lava,
FR inhales Del dotcom driving the media mad, my closet call and with your outrage, eight seven, seven, thirty, eight one, three eight one one! I doc Washburn frameworks in the Rock Arkansas K, our infilling, if the great one on the twenty first of December, twenty twenty. sharing and Fred Oh buddy, my bride, Kate, you, Sir economists over it uncover dc dot com and the other times not come about. what he says. What do you think this is really going on? and we're seeing more more coming out, in the news cars Eric swore well, who claimed the press, was Russia, Russia, Russia. For all these years turn
out, a chinese spy, helped him get elected in the put in terms in his office and who knows what else in any way right Kate says that people who had been talking up lot of the unusual behaviour political class to just trumped arrangements syndrome, maybe about and brutal truth. The real reason, many in the political class of try to take down their own countries, far more sinister, then, all these elites have a bad case, drink centre syndrome. What is the real reason? All these powerful and influential Americans estate, federal government, corporate media and big tech? Our act, like totalitarians from a com, this country is because I sitting down. What did they have all become agents of hostile form, part power. at present, trumpet just told everybody this back in March when the virus lockdown started
probably around seventy percent of the country. When believe, how many do you think my believin now, especially when the oven accumulated over the past years, displayed you have to eat Public into the fact that enough of the powerful elite class in America allowed itself compromise, while hostile foreign powers than when they look bad, The insanity of the past year starts to make sense, Bright Cates next week, here's pictures of a number of liberal petitions, a mainstream media types, and he says none of these. people are actually insane or brain apple with trumped arrangements syndrome they do. It Do because a communist chinese Party got to them by one means or another and that is why their acting like anti american revolutionaries now to sabotage your own country list carefully to what drop says next clip than about by about to play that Brian,
its embedded in his next tweet about what they ve been do about what they ve been doing to America too, Exposed so they removed. Power forever the greatest act of treason against their own country, that all these compromise people working together, to pull off was attempting to steal the federal election of the year twenty twenty they ve been stealing elections for themselves and foreign powers for years. Here is the president himself from
address. So we need to look into show you twenty five faulty or fraudulent votes, which don't mean anything because it doesn't overture in the state were fifty or a hundred wishing you hundreds of thousands, far more than we need far more than the margin. Far more than the law requires, we can show many times what is necessary to win this day. Many very smart people have congratulated me on all we ve done. Two biggest tax cuts in history. Regulation cuts the biggest in history. We rebuild our military. We took care of our vets like never before space force and so much more, but then they went on to say, has been and is important. As these events were, the single greatest achievement in your presidency will be exactly what you're doing right now. Voter integrity for our nation is more important than any of the things that we discussed if we'd root out the fraud, the tremendous and horrible fraud that is taking place in our twenty twenty election, we don't have a country anymore. So, with the resolve in support of the american people, we will restore honesty and integrity to our elections and we will restore trust in our system of government. Thank you. God bless you, and God bless America. While.
o Brien Cates continues to just telling you back and twenty Eighteen or twenty eighteen or twenty nineteen, or even back and more Twenty twenty, what they were Their own country would have lead nowhere. Seventy percent of the country's probably would not have believed him. To be shown the brutal truth there are these people. Do it Russia, gate spike Bomb, whatever you prefer to call it: what if we, told you that it was run from Beijing by the Chinese Communist Party using it. Compromise agents over here in the U S and our government but- law enforcement folks Intel and diplomatic agencies, and are you copper, media and our big tech platforms. Imagine you're about take over federal government where many of the key people in it are not only your vicious political opponents
But you know there actually compromise working as foreign agents for hostile power. Would you, either want their job. This may have volunteered for it. And he's gonna get the job done, he's gone, suppose them all circle January. Fifth, on your count, she's gonna drop at all by then. thus in a remarkable threat by the great Brian Cates on Twitter and I'll, be right. next want to share with you another message for the great Thomas Wit or a car. Lest in you to create or whose works I enjoy. He attempts to explain by the present, seem to have such a sense of serenity. Despite the, why bread believe he is on his way out in a few weeks and by the way we have a special clip from the acting.
Secretary of the fence in the middle of this, I think you will find amazing so. he's a winter said on a Youtube video entitled, I told you, he pulled it off that he dropped a few days ago, So, what's up with a recent most recent big ol hacking thing old outages are always the best outages when a danger when in doubt run encircle scream and shout. Any policy USA today headline which reads russian cyber attack against: U S worst, maybe yet to come. birds fear as tromp remains mom as another headline which says Intel, experts, clay and the? U S hit by digital Pearl Harbor Harbour One says report You as agencies responsible for nuclear Arsenal targeted and solar wind cyber attack next what you're says? Ok, let's all settled down spying, not attack,
live from Microsoft, which reads a moment of reckoning beneath strong global cybersecurity response. He says it's alarmist. Article actually admits the truth by using the phrase: espionage, based assault so who got hit my Aw Data says recent cyberattack victims by sector, forty four of targets were in the information technology sector, including software firms, Idee services and equipment, riders eighty percent of their targets were: U S, government entities involved and finance net security, health and telecommunications, while my personal targets were gum, contractors who primarily support defence and NASH Security organizations and guess what you can set of traps. For these guys. I didn't know. I learned some pretty interesting stuff here because I'm not really ninety guy.
Then he has a headline from serious edge six ways to deceive cyber attackers. Aha, so you can you decoys that identify them at this point I was worker says he identified. The location of every single person threatened him in the past and it was easy He says, as always, you're being hoodwinked by con artists. We don't know what happened. It wasn't as bad as their claiming, though now let's go to. Acting secretary defence, Chris Miller, do you remember the sky acting secretary Defence, Chris Miller, he's a former Rainbow Ray and veteran of many combat deployments, a few years ago, Chris Miller spot the first anniversary commemoration of the. U S, space force.
At the end of his remarks. He said this, Mr Vice president, I'm gonna script again, I know, but I swear I personally thank you. We ve been through some stuff. We ve gone through some criticism of the most complex military operations. Is countries ever conducted in your steady hand, in your leadership during those who is a great source of strength for me, face real leadership. Thankful character favour selfless service. They for commitment of Asia for being a matter to me, Mr Vice president, and with that the floor is yours, sir. Well, well! Well! Well out the country, has been through some stuff on Ebay, ten twenty twenty Christmas became director of the now your camera, intelligent centre, that centre monitors, communications and domestic.
To national security, and it gathers evidence. Chris Miller became acting sectarian offence november- ninth, twenty twenty. So since November, ninth for this year,. he says the: U S is carried out the most complex military operations in our history things So if he that a former green berets took his strength from the example set by my pants pence, men toward a- Green Borri, Emily Very dot com report in November eighteenth acting defence- Retail Chris Miller, announced special operations command, will now report directly to him putting it par with the service branches, he said move comes in recognition of the nations greasing reliance on its covert covert forces, while when you think that means for Lee Thomas waitresses. Did anyone I'll show you this clip
is: did anyone else catch this admission or reverse engineer the way I did mister wicker somebody might have, but I haven't seen it: I can catch everything. I'd be the prize so You know you might want to check out Thomas worked on Youtube. You might want to, Brian cage on parlour in Twitter, but Let me just say something here:. Did you hear the president went on twitter recently and invited all his supporters come the Washington DC on January. Sixty said it's going to be wild. I gotta theory about them. And that is coming up along. Your calls at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three, One want doc, Washburn filling in the great one Eleven months ban as we
The Christmas season, most of us start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty for a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender one of hailstones free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference. At
time and our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that Hills tat offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season of blessings hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for Wholesale Dotcom. That's alleviate for hills, drawback com Levine, for a wholesale dot com. They doc Washburn Great one March Levant, we'll walk Arkansas, so Are the present went on twitter recently, even if you're not on twitter? and invited all his supporters to come, the Washington DC on January, six, he said, is going to be wild. Now alot of people saw that. they immediately assumed
Millions of us to kind of Washington to incur encourage Republican, Where's of Congress to stand up to do the right thing, your challenge, I, the the electorate We reject the electors from the swing state, a lot of fraud, but what? What is theirs? for an explanation. For the present invitation for millions of his supporters to come, the Washington DC the day, com, Where's needs to count the electoral college votes. I work with me here. President Trot said this a while back and we ve caught him. We ve caught him all. We ve got it all and tape we ve Guatemala did you believe him well. What if he really did catch them all.
what, if the invitation a kind of Washington Dc January six, is actually to a party, a celebration. If you will have you thought about that,. Is that a possibility if they caught him. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one Scots Cause go to Jeff Jeff Europe. Michael events show Doc washroom feeling was up here. math Evanna love one, you fill in thanking our monopoly I want. I want everything, you're saying to be true and I hope it through and I want from another four years great. even if he has all the proof in the world. Even if you guys do you really think we could get a majority of Congress would right now is, is democratic to vote in favour. him staying in office, meaning to for a girl. Lecter, all the they cast an electoral vote at my question. Can
not your question, that's good question. I doubt it I dont think that is, is the way that it would happen This is why I cannot try to leave this whole thing out to me. It looks more like and you know I dont- believe there should be or would be, martial law nothin like that. But I just think that it does look like. China using non military means to do some kind of war against us, and I dont know what that looks like, but if you got the the secondary defence, saying that we just went through the most complicated military operation. A country's history, since he became so a fence in November knife? I think there like the on that, there were not aware of so no matter how this ends, tromp, doesn't official again the office for another warrior
I hope that now I think you will. I think he will, if you know what I I'm not sharp enough to be able to put all the puzzle pieces together. I'm just looking at the stuff. It's out their publicly and I'm not a normal person. Like yourself, I eat em. Eat sleep and drank the stuff too for seven. So when I came across the EU. Secretary defence, this guy- that was this incredible green by combat veteran talkin about complicated military operation are countries history happening since, became sect of never midnight and sing. he drew strength from my pants on like one something you don't see everyday Chauncey, wow the world, so you know,
one trumps, favorite books, maybe his favorite books, but we the art of war, written by Ganem, Sun Tzu and China, twenty five hundred Years ago, stuff in there that when you're strong make them think your weak when you weak make them think you're strong, I don't know I don't know. I mean I went to you first cuz when it said on the call scooter Jeff no way Trump wins, I'm like yeah. I want to talk to a live and then is like what your affair be. Just don't see how it can happen I don't know we will see Wilma a few weeks will a few weeks Java, priest Gee call brother, God bless you. Thank you very much. I don't think it's really to be fair to another caller, but you know we got to more hours coming up and will try to get too many callers, as we can eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. We think about this would drop, says: hey everybody come to Washington D C. On January six, it's gotta be wild.
He doesn't some needy, you doesn't say some like oil need your help. Please come help me what These inviting everybody? Your party, have you thought about them.
Doc, Washburn filling in the great one march. Eleven from the westward one podcast network now run casting a merely underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader air, the stock Washburn. Failure for the great one, Michael then from is a billiard k, our end little Arkansas. So in the first half of the programme we re talking about. The possibility that President inviting.
as many of his supporters is want to come to Washington DC January six, come on to the sea, that is gonna, be wild. And I said what, if what, if instead of as most people have. translated this into gushing needs our help us Congress. My stand up. Do the right thing and reject I want you, like doors from states, a lot of fraud. What, if, instead of that. present tromp was actually inviting people to a party. because he will already really really want an So I had a question from a collar. who's to figure out how the world that will work out and the thinking about it during the top of the hour news? I've been thinking about it.
Ok, I want you, show hands who remembers all the October surprise stuff that dropped about Hunter Biden right. Now there's one clip in particular. don't worry, Mr Bruce Shariah, I believe, tat the F bombs. But this year is out they got it. but this is an audio recording of Hunter Biden. Freaking out about what happened to his business partner, a wealthy billionaire From China and what way, that for you and then give you my theory of how. This all my tied together so that by the time millions of transporters wind up. in Dc January six. It might really be an invitation to a big industry party, cos
tromp is not sounding needy. You know, I mean it now. We'll go and campaign the centre, Kelly Leffler Insular David Purdue in Georgia. Please vote! folks. I need your help. But he doesn't sound like the what he should have bought. Everybody come to Dc January's thinks, I'm just saying so anyway,. here's Hunter Biden, I'll. Tell you. theory, a working theory that I
Of our years, Hunter calls for my father taught me is calling for how long is the one thing my father caused error? My reputation really be cited company. My three hundred and twenty billion dollars missing is missing. Was my lesson use fifty million for you not to be launched in use dreams? My best friend is named me as it is without telling me tell me when my best friend Devon.
His name is witnessing a criminal case and my father without telling me so we got one dead now. How does anybody get this recording to dry But in the first place in October of this year of Hunter Biden, Freaking out. And you know, were twenty Bobby Linsky. Former Biden. business associates again, if you attacker Karlsson over a fox in October,. Alleging that Joe knows everything about one hundred is doing and that they are certainly I by the chinese communist, ok. Now, this doctor whole guy. That Hunter Biden was talking about in this recording the spy chief, China
Well, it also came out the loop it later moreover, that the feds gotta face a warrant on doctor. In early twenty eighty. Five, a warrant for an intelligent surveillance act they get. secret courts of foreign, intelligent surveillance, court. I dont remember if I'd heard about them before all the stuff blew up about low all Trump campaign Volunteer Carter, page. But I learned a lot and- when you get a Pfizer warrant on somebody that means court allows you to surveillance on that person, but so you get to hops without me,. That means that
you're not only allowed to do surveillance and that person, but you're allowed to do surveillance and every one that person communicates with that's one up. And then everyone they communicate with that's to hops. So that's. They are trying to get tromp. You know commies, FBI, seventh floor top command, guys they're, going to trial tromp through Carter page but fast a couple of years, If I swore, on this doctor, whole guy spiky for China, whose Titan hundred Biden you get to hops. Wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that. it's a spring, a twenty eighteen, the feds have been doing surveillance of Honor Biden, Joe Biden, all kinds of folks back and forth. So.
So if it is it really true that. the binds are is comparable compromised. You know. The communist Chinese. As Tony Babo Linsky. Therefore, business partner said as for that matter, the stuff came out Honey I'd October surprise: well I mean what, if Because it a seamless thing amino Russia, gate, spy gate Obama Gate, whatever. sham impeachment over a perfectly fine phone call Ukrainian prime minister.
What? If what, if Trump really minute when he said and we ve caught him, we ve caught him all. We ve got it all and tape. We ve got him all and and one of Joe Biden really meant when he said this. Second, we're in a situation where we have put together- and you guys did data for administering the President Obama's administration. Before this we have put together. I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of american politics, where that one time, Zyobite actually telling the truth and again. What a foreign concerns like China were trying to construct said: for the election of Europe, for buying your phone for China to take over the country.
It reasonable to that China uses non military means to wars with other countries, so. It's gotta be interesting to see what comes out between January's now January sex, because I'm just telling you the Donald Trump. the campaigns in Georgia for Senate. Turn la flirt and producing please you gotta get out and vote. I really need your help is the same. It's not in tone of voice at all has done Trot tweeting, hey whatever, but it comes DC engender. Six is gonna, be while sounds like a party. That's all. I need your help in DC, ingenuous, sex and again In another hour, we had the clip.
A Secretary defence Chris Miller,. which is the case. Somebody disant case somebody missed it just in case something missed. It Let me know it's only thirty seconds, slumming only throw this back at you again
Mr vice president, I'm gonna script again. I know I swore personally thank you. We ve been through some stuff. We ve gone through some criticism of the most complex military operations. Is countries ever conducted in your steady hand, in your leadership during those boys, a great source of strength for me, faced for your leadership, thankfully character favour selfless service for commitment. Thank you for being a measure to me, Mr Vice president, and with that the floor is yours, sir. You know the president signed the executive order back in September, twelve twenty eighteen stating that. Our election system is a critical part of our national security infrastructure.
It gives them the power to do all kinds of stuff too. entities that try to interfere in our election? And to U S? persons who aid and That then, information that interference. I'm he candor. Take away their funds. I mean seriously. Seriously that executive order you might want to find it. It's not hard to use internet search engine, its law, I time to read it, but he as the ability by that executive order to basically take away the funding mechanisms for one entities or try to interfere with? U S actions federal actions now not target local.
And also to? U S? Persons who conspire with them. so well what if the right sector defence complex most complex military operation, Ulysses issues, country since We're rate is sincere over and over, but it's going be interesting, it's going to be interesting in the next few weeks. I really believe that it's alright, we will get you a call, so I promised eight thousand seven hundred and seventy three, three eight one, one Doc Washburn filling up with One. Pardon me more. live in vain did you know
family, can save over eight hundred dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon eighty anti anti mobile. Think about it. What could your friend they do with an extra eight hundred dollars. You don't want The sacrifice coverage pure Has exactly the same coverage? Same bars has one of the big carriers, but they charge you. Have you definitely don't have the site. vice customer service, their team is, he's right here in the U S and are some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to. So don't wait anymore, get unlimited talk text and to gigs of data. For Twenty bucks a month and it Go over on data usage, they don't charge you for no, not even a penny, so go to pure talk, USA, dot com and are promo code, Levine Podcast, that's DE I am podcast and when you do you'll also say fifty percent of your first month. Folks, this is the best. That's pure talk you say: dot: com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless,
All right, I watched her failure of the great one mark LE then see the shining see coastal coast. almost formed a radio station. I was so excited when I mark announce the other day some new affiliate, cease picking up the start of the year and moving up to earlier times and other affiliates act the station I used to be a w b t and Charlotte. Congratulations mark. You deserve it, absolutely right. Let's grab some callers, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one David from My old stomping grounds, Panama City Florida, where I used to do talk. Radio you want to mark Levin, show with Doc Washburn. What's up doc. I do it pretty girl brother, Yes, sir, yes, sir, we got a couple of minutes, go for it are no quick. I wanted You corroborate you're all your fate about China right now. One of the questions that you home, always
with his election. I tried to explain I like it. ok, you got a deal with names and you got a deal with motive. Nobody come Two motive, what people need understand about China and all speak my authority really quickly, and I want to talk too much on two sources. One is the Bible Does the wicked there is no fear of God before his eyes, then the Communist party is wicked. They fear no one, but the state, that's. My greater or even a lesser authority is I've been in China and about a decade ago. I personally had my modified by Chinese. Take media. When I try to talk about Jesus. And instead of talking about Jesus, I talked about tourism in the local economy, apparently wow in the translation with it, so they were Are you you had a translator and he didn't want to translate what you are saying to the to the we didn't get anguish correctly. Social state media? I was there during a period of all say social upheaval,
things down and when I try to talk about the love of Christ and the love of Jesus instead, apparently according to local that I spoke to you later, Instead, what I said was I'm having a wonderful time here, and tourism is great. Meanwhile, there's blood in the street fogey grief Was this? Was this one? You have thirty some years ago, Tiananmen Square or more recently or more? recently more recently, but still I urge back, oh nine, before Shane with a police state, gotcha gotcha, gotcha yeah I mean you know. I've heard it said that People are allowed by the chinese communist regime to come to the. U S, it's Thea understanding dead. You know if they need them: To do whatever over here that's all the deal. These national pride has been so in green. We have. We have so spend so much time,
teaching our kids? They hate this country at the Time, China has been playing all the time equally, its youth with the love of the name and people are realised- that every nation, metals and other nations affairs, but want to come the communists? They will not settle until the communist flag is planted there we may now. but where are trying, you are fundamentally change of culture. They will not rest until the chinese flags everywhere. Going to be a tendon David appreciate your call from Panama City Florida. Thank you. So much God bless your brother is going to be interesting to see what transpires between now and January sixth words, the present we caught them all the words the sectarian offence. Most com Plex military operation, nations history, It's never knife. was that all about cyber warfare- perhaps Those about will find out the backlash.
though the conversation, eight, seven, seven, three eight one, three eight one, one filial for the great one mark living Mark Levant show the pool feed for the conservative media die. Then now eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, this covert relief built today. Really, let me see Twenty six point: four million go into the Kennedy Centre, Billion go into the Smithsonian fifty four million gone to the national. Our gallery. hundred sixty seven million going to the national arts and humanities
fourteen million you go to the Woodrow Wilson Centre. Woodrow Wilson might have been most races present, I'm not sure, but he couldn't it let me see, were sending one point: three billion to Egypt, seven hundred million to Sudan, forty fifty million Ukraine, That's, what's shut up half a bit To Israel, The thirty million to Nepal, Five million to Burma Eighty five million to Cambodia twenty five billion to Pakistan an american citizens or get no six hundred dollars each. So what it? What a deal such a deal. You kidding me. unbelievable to me, I doc for filling in for the great one Markel event which gets a phone calls seven, seven, three, eight one: three: One one Jimmy
Brooklyn New York, it's good to hear from your brother what you got yet interesting times, that's an old chinese curse. May you live in interesting times, while we're heading for one hell of a time here too, old communist movement is exactly that. It is a world communist movement during World war. Two, we didn't say the blonde hair these are marching in here the Red Haired Nazis, marching there we just said the Nazis. We have Look at the communist movement that way now. We hear more about Communist China, but remember Communist China became communist because of the Soviets, the man. Communist structure in America, was built by the American Communist Party, which was controlled by the Soviets, so the threat We face today is still jointly soviet or what some people say: Russia, mistakenly, but it's the soviet and read they are working together. We we only to see one enemy at a time now, the threat
America is Russia, China. I ran North Korea rat who the drug cartels, the KGB Mafia, the Democrats, the media, the union's the professors, the deep state, all that was built by communism, mostly by the soviets. So we have a hell of a threat in first, four years in trumps, farce term, you have guessed anniversary to soviet revolution. Don't you think firstly of the American Communist Party than your logic birthday. Ah marks the meanest thought. They were gonna win this election much from one and two thousand sixteen. They thought they were going to celebrate final victory or at least irreversible. You know irreversible defeat, Of these the bourgeois order and then try parachuted in and stop them all So the left is absolutely totally united. All the various marxists, a socialist movement tolerably united- and if you read.
Gorbachev's writings which I have from nineteen eighty six. He talks about China. He talks about taken away the image of the enemy, meaning the soviet threat talks about Building socialist movement in the Bush, the cap of this country's Gorbachev, an evil genius how to be full America I'll, never know what we Good research who advise break and at that time, came in and was pushing peaceful coexistence and detente they'd Europe and peaceful coexistence recording the commonest writings needed to defeat America, Gimme, a crucial that shit. You know they be happy to go to step up and one step back lino there. It's, the long war right and the Soviets right in their publications, which I have they talk about the previous force collapse, as they did a force collapse and in the
made in the early nineteen forty so why they did a collapse of the American Communist Party and the Communist International, which was fake, and they admitted at that point was surrounding President Roosevelt. They had influence And control of every department in american Government WAR policy, economic policy, they had their agents in the Manhattan project, spying on our atom bomb project. At so many spies they may have been spying on each other without even knowing it every time they collapse, they get stronger. So here we are on the verge of total loss. The communism or, if you are correct, are more of a pessimist. If your correctors could be a major trim. in this way, nothing of the american people and maybe a turn around what trump, Following should have done in troubled campaign before good before the election, they should have been
during the communist flagged, they should have been burning the communist flag at the rallies prior to this election and we gotta get people to wake up to this democratic battle, Democrats or the enemy awakened. Part of them to the threat. We could split the Democratic Party between the hard core, commies and loyal liberal left. You know you make you make a good point there Jimmy, because I think if we ever find out what the true, Honest vote was in twenty twenty presidential election. I think gotta find out that not only did Donald Trump what we already know he had the highest per se. The black, both the spanish, both women, folk and in it two years for republican candidate, but I think He probably has the highest number of rights. Should Democrats voting for him and who knows how many years, because he It bring a lot of them over. I guess we lost Jimmy. I appreciate your call from Brooklyn. Thank you very much. Jimmy
seven seven three, eight one, three one one would say: let's grab some other cause I'll, let me get a dead. In Cairo, Georgia, Debbie I've heard of Ro George, I'm trying to place it on the map of my mind. There, we're whereabouts is Suzette miles north of Tallahassee Florida and Robin Baby. rotten buried, pickles used to be there oh yeah, yeah yeah, I get so we get guts a good barbecue places around in there. Ok, get what what you got any. Ok, I'm I want to address what the last collar in the last hour was question. about. If this election goes to the people, How are we going to overcome the magician already in that House of Representatives, and I would like to explain the twelve. The men and the mechanism that would take in two
sure you're one one, one one vote for state yet and I should a sense of the term. Sorry go ahead. Ok, but a poor I get to them. we have talked about. I want to make one thing per two things perfectly clear nor one the media is trying sell you on the idea that this will be a free for all. It will not ok right there we'll be war person in charge of the Joint Meeting and there will be one higher authority and only one higher authority, and that will be MIKE right. Nancy policy will be a congressmen Mitch. Mcconnell will be a senator right then it will lack the vice president eat. Senator we'll have one vote that the second part right, the first part, is electing the President
And that will be done each day will have one vote, around the world, the representatives will be one vote for each day now there of a whole lot more congressmen map. So the good limiting factor on which party gets bone is who have the most representative in the state right, the republic hold the thirty or thirty two. I don't know where to actually twenty six is twenty six, but that's enough Others there's twenty six, the Republicans twenty three for the Democrats and as one state that's a tie. The twenty six is certainly enough, ok and that that will be allocated so we have more, the Republicans
more vote right then, the Democrat, absolutely absolutely. there are very good- and I appreciate you, You know letting marks losers course know about that. The twelve amendments- God bless. You Debbie. I appreciated. Thank you very much. I just I just still based on what the present is saying and based but the Secretary defence is saying that Maybe it doesn't even get to the Congress we caught him all we caught. That's what the present said. Jerry Defence, said my pants really. Kind of bucked him up kind, was a mentor to him in the most com. ex military operation that history, this country, since it I became secretary defence. On November knife. What did they do? Catch him off,
And by and again by the press, since executive order of set number twenty thousand and eighteen any foreign entities trying to interfere in a federal election and any? U S! Persons spiralling with them, the peace, it could shut them. There are financially shut them down or conversations Shaw. I mean Debbie's S actually write about in the amendment everything think it if it goes to the house. But what? If Binds not even in the running buddy by January, six, I'm just doing to stir Think it out loud. That's all. Think it out loud ashore, we didn't talk. Radio, sometimes. more calls coming up at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one doc!
aspirin sitting at the great one markel of it then did you know Family can save over eight hundred dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon eighty anti anti mobile think about it. What could you They do with an extra eight hundred dollars, you don't even the sacrifice: coverage pure talk has exactly the same coverage. Same bars has one of the big carriers, but they charge you. Have you definitely don't have to Sacrifice customer service their team is, he's right here in the U S and are some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to. So don't wait anymore, get unlimited talk text and two gigs of data for twenty bucks a month and if you go Run data data usage don't charge you for no, not even a penny, so go to pure talk, USA Dotcom and are promo code Levine Podcast, that's de. I am podcast and when you do
you'll also say fifty percent of your first month. Folks. This is the best. That's your talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless array, Doc Washburn filling it for the great one mark lovin from his official its key our end and Little Rock Arkansas, and a lot of people want to talk at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven, unlike some of our republican members of Congress,. Who started using the term presently, like Joe Biden, I dont think Joe turbines ever gonna. Be president I have excoriated some of the members of the republican congressional.
What's your leg of other revenue, Correctional Congress, At my own state Arkansas, you know, did if you let them steal this, when there's not gonna be another we'll get him next time. Twenty twenty four yeah, that's not the way. This is gonna work. I have to believe what the president said. If, if, if you vote for new voting for China to take over this country. You knock like the way that looks from you put it that way. Our aid, seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven Donna and Frederick Maryland you're on the mark. Levin show washing filling and what's up Donna, Doc. I have really been enjoying your show and I'm very intrigue by what you said at the top of the program. I'm not the ever give up. On my come, my country or my president. Just me with respect to the american people, what we all witnessed is how we
most so far to the left. We ve moved in two way. Nation of men- not laws at this point in time, I am very anxious to see some accused at some point with respect to all these criminal acts, all the different gay, so gay, Benghazi, gay you know we can go now in spite of the whole debate, you Know- and I think you know it has to start somewhere. In the very upper echelons, for example, people question Christopher RE. Many of us have question people as well as some other viper, As another collar said on a previous programme that surround us all good president, I think What I'm waiting for is action and an expeditiously because I come from a family that suffered
under communism, while the Y understand when they want to remove God in the place, God with themselves under the UN and the whole thing Jimmy did a great job by the way explained in that I have a tremendous respect for him, so I just wanted to share that with you and I'm still hopeful and God bless you and have a wonderful Christmas Donna I appreciate your call. God bless you to wear it water. What the nice words! Thank you! So much yeah one of them supporters for a long time have wondered why doesn't fire FBI director Christopher Wren, because they don't think that Chris Ray is on the present side, but I tell you something. This present doesn't mind firing people he fired FBI director before. If he felt like he, made a mistake with this guy, he be gone. He did fire
six days after election day was secretary to fetch. And his sons, who says in the art of war, make your plans dark and Pinatubo as night and when you move for like a thunderbolt and he felt like a thunderbolt on his second, It mark Esper, no notice fight him. Just like you fired from. the director Jim Combing, another thing that I believe the present believes is, he doesn't mind. If people don't understand the way that he and his cabin ECHO Terry's work and whether the getting along or not Thanks, sons who says the art of war, the presence, favorite book. Let your enemies think you're strong when your weak, let them think your weak when you're strong trust me. if he thought Christopher RE was in any stabbing him back. He begone slight call me was just a thought:
All right to eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven We go to Chris in Rick Maryland Chris. You're Michael of em got a couple of minutes brothers. Make you care what you got Are you doing pretty good. I should have said doc. Washroom going go right ahead, you do it You touched on that our executive order, young, from finding twenty eating. I first heard about from one would on in Europe, you didn't, he kept making big Billy said, listen I'll, read it and make it a border, and you know it says its foreign interference in an election trump has the authority that, It's like a domino effect detail this person. This person makes her report. They help person within thirty days. So, maybe now the timeframe is playing out. The report for in I don't know what do you think. I think he was telling the truth when he said he caught him all and I think there
is voluminous evidence. It came out in October about hundred Biden Dead, two hundred Angelo or compromised by the Chinese, and gonna get very interesting between now and January. Six, ok, Joe Biden himself. Buying himself. So we put together most comprehensive fraud organization in american political history for once, I believe him That means we get come on out. I'm just wondering I mean it alone are not enough no, no, no, no, no Joe Biden not inaugurating yet, and I don't think he will be, and so Kemal
day in the Senate. I gotta run your brother great call appreciate your eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one more calls coming up at the top of the next hour Doc, Washburn filling with a great one part of it from the west, would one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative members, strong image believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support aims and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run casting a mermaid underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader. I dug Washburn from marks affiliates in little garden, Saki our envoy of the Grey One, the call an upper jaw conversation, eighty, eight, seven, seven farm at cop, eight, seven, some three, eight one, three, eight one one before
on twitter and parlor? Now his question boy, have you ever yelled, the tv, radio and somebody said something you disagree with and frustrated you. You couldn't She communicated that person about. Why was so wrong. When one thinks we do on talk radio What things I want to do tonight is to represent you, especially if you're Emily persuaded. There's no way in the world, Joe Biden actually be Donald Trump on election day. Twenty twenty. So here goes. Did you know former South Carolina republican congressmen tray Gouty now has a podcast. I recently found out about it when I heard an ad for it
on the radio and the add this little clip from his body cast, we ve got to find a way to stop suggesting that the only way we can lose as if the other side sheets on the other side suppresses votes on the other side commit fraud, we can all lose them It takes years ago side to get more valid votes. Ok,. Now, I'm in radio- and I know, As for talk, radio shows or podcast put together out there for one reason, and that reason is to get you listen. so I wondered if perhaps tray gaddi was being taken out of context, sounds like old tray here, suggesting that maybe we should just chalk. Twenty two Europe has an election, Joe Biden, one fair and square, and you above know that didn't happen. So
being against hope, the tray Gouty had actually been taken out of context. I went online found his pipe guessed. It was one November tenth of this year and I since the whole thing. And sure enough tray Gouty was not taken out of context yikes, so. The first thing I noticed in his podcast was this so that all the things I want to think about some of them do. You will agree with and some of them you may not like. That's, ok, where my mind is right now and if you do disagree, You tell me because my mind is somewhere that name right. Ok, take a crack at this now remember you get really frustrating when people tell you present Rob lost and you and he should just get over it. I your voice tonight just
Marcus, when he's here. A tray. Gouty says he wants to hear from you, but he has one point: two million followers on Twitter almost a million and a half p liking, his facebook page, so the odds against you being able to actually get Through to him or astronomical I mean not as bad as the odds. Donald Trump leading and all the swing states on election night and then after they simultaneously stop can in five or six states losing the next day, statistician said the odds against that were one Quadrillion to the fourth power, so not that bad, but still the odds of your comment coming to, Craig out attention, something like one or two point: six million so still pretty unlikely. But that's where I come in. Since trade gouty used to work and why
Kennedy. See Mark Show airs weak nights on one of five point: nine Fm Wmd, L trade Gouty still has a lot of friends DC. And trade also. lives and works and assault out of Greenville after your line of work, Art show airs nightly on one of six point: three: w o r d, the arab states, station odds if we talk about tray on marks, show he we we hear about it, which is a good thing, because once again he so you that he wants to hear from you right. Ok, so tray you say: you wanna hear from us. If we think you're wrong, ok, try you wrong. Let's tackled first clip of substance and speak for the were wellmere majority of me, Clemens listeners.
I'll. Tell you why Harry is again we ve got to find a way to stop, suggesting that the only way we can lose as if the other side sheets on the other side suppresses votes on the other side commit fraud, we can all lose Ben take socio side to get more valid votes. I try May I call you trade by the way, you're podcast, Then I'm playing pledge from. draft a whole week after election day and was obvious by then that there was a massive fraud now the that you can shuffle about it. While trying to downplay it. says a lot about you. Try but wait, but wait but wait. Wait there, More there's a reason we have words in the english language like upset the prize underdog age alas, can lose
Jesus lost a voice vote towards our neighbours. Michael Jordan, lost Now what I lost my Thyssen Laws, Tom Brady is lost. Jack Nicholas lost one of my political euros. Abraham Lincoln lost a lot alone, so we can all lose well sure we can train in Europe. it orator you have given speeches which have brought many boy, including me to the verge of tears. He have the gift of gap tray We have a way with words, trade, social. We can all lose track, but the fact you are ignoring the widespread odd and cheating again a lot more about you than it does about this.
or any other election and now to put the cherry on top of the banana, not sunday of former federal prosecutor, tray daddy's Parker, see if it please the court. I enter exhibit D. Into evidence, another one, our trade daddy's political heroes, this exam has been edited for length, but not for context. do sometimes you remember how we won, and sometimes I remember how we lost. I really really like a United States senator about an aim of John Phone from South Dakota. He lost the raised for the United States Senate is either in two thousand and two thousand and two, but he loss as something like five hundred votes in State why'd you S, Senate, brace men. Can you imagine losing a raised by five hundred votes out of all the votes cast, wait for it,
made five hundred votes is close in a local re stress, close and praised for city or county counselor. Sheriff five votes is I'd nothing core shot through the right to ask for resale right, except he didn't please, Sir Arthur known appear to be irregularities, not arouse for reach out. I was close, but I lost so I didn't ask for what he did was gracefully concede way and I needed some out IRAN again two years later, for the other. U S, Senate C, and I'm convinced in part because people, are wire to remember the good that we have done. They are wired to remember how things end and what feeling they are left with at the end we're almost there and it would people of South Dakota or not left with a protracted greek. for their use,
soon. It see until we want an examination of the United States Senate than on convergence. I can prove it. I can't help with playing a little bit of that goodwill he generated is, would maybe propelled home to victory the very next election cycle. Ok, I get a tray You wanna pretend Senator John Thumb. not contesting an election United States Senate in South Dakota eighteen years ago. in which they did not appear to be irregularities. Is the same as the presidential election at hand in which foreign concerns or attempting to steal a landslide election away from? President Trump in the american people, you want to think about the same thing: right. Try.
To quote the Great Kane Color over there on twitter, everything But who gained votes ran for election. has one reelection four hundred fifty years time. Had eleven million eleven million more votes in twenty twenty than he did and twenty sixteen. Every incumbent in history, ever is one. Seventy five percent of its primary vote is one reelection Trump one. Ninety four Percent of the primary vote: twenty twenty sewers to believe Beijing Biden outperformed every presidential challenger? And U s history from his basement. Buying would be only the second present and a hundred sixty eight years to lose Ohio Florida in Iowa buying would be the first and sixty years,
Florida and Ohio by be the first forty years to lose the bellwether counties The biggest: U S: election miracles ever. most, but not all those high energy crowds that always turned out Joe Biden right right, try from one gives up Now, in the interests of full disclosure. He goes on in his podcast to say. Well, you know, vote. Fraga mean? How much would you be willing to put up with just Cyprus ethical Talkin about you know going forward and such centre? But the point is clear: the point is clear:. Ray Gouty, former federal prosecutor for sixteen years, who never lie, the case.
Clearly wants us to think, There will be only fitting and proper for I will J Trop to let them steal. This election. And I find that a port I find that disgusting Anna I think it's a despicable thing to suggest, because, said a born I'll say it again. If we let them steal this, there's no coming back if we let them steal this, the fraud will be baked in and will never have another free election. Were present in the country. again. That's why I'm so thankful,
Other things at present has been saying recently, but also some of the things the interim, sectarian defence. Chris Miller has been saying, and I don't think they're going to get away with it. a lot of people, think that we got what we deserved, with Obama and oh eight and twenty twelve, a lot of people pray. God's grace and mercy sixteen and we were spared a presently Hilary lotta people. Millions of Americans are still praying for gods. Grace immersing at twenty twenty. The present would say we'll see what happens. Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven Doc Washburn filling. If the great one mark Levin the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America, now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them- a mac- believes
in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights. full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond,
but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim at instead a m a seed dot? U S! Doc, Washburn filling up the gray one Mark Levant from is affiliated K, are elderly walk Arkansas. Let's grab some collars at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! I have not given up on this present and I believe that
He is going to be inaugurated again January twentieth and serve a second term islets gaps and collars. Berry and Donellan Florida you're on the market even show a dock washroom filling in. What's our brother anyway, market Monica search here, both in our family went on the german minded bicycle screen on the world scene and people are saying no editor. By saying, there's no evidence eleven it yet By states I'm coming in a way way way way way way bar didn't, say: there's no evidence. He said we Speaking of the Justice Department have yet seen enough evidence to think that an
Election could be overturned, but in the same article from the Associated press weigh down on the article where most people don't read in the eight p m sure, put it down every reason here I think a lot of people want the Justice Department to do work? What could probably be more, if Effectively achieve by civil law suits just for what it's worth, but I know a lot of people very desirable, and in a bar, but after after he made that comment Maternity resignation letter it. full of a lot of things that as a trumpet achieved which had nothing to do with the Justice department. All over the place and pray Trot said what guy was and we ve had such a wonderful. You know working Nation ship, so I take that what for what it's worth, disappointed me and when it came crucial
a guy. According to all the people who should, I do regret, guy the president, I really not very happy about it, but my new they ve been after this president for five years to get rid of him. Young attorney marker lies in our easier guy knowing the guys from the Clinton campaign still in the Russians were taken down some guy who went and had always contrived agreement around the United States from us. He's infamous well dear boy, leave. What present tromp keeps on saying we caught him. We call them all. Well, they ve got. A lot of people will be high on the agenda. The FBI has anyone going to jail? Nobody! No. Now this
believe this is is gonna have a lot more to do, and I appreciate your calibre Gavroche. Thank you merry Christmas, I believe, he's gonna- have a lot more to do with oppressors, executive order for September, the eighteen about foreign interference in the election. and from what the interim secretary, the fence, Chris member said I think he's gonna have something to do with them. I dont believe there we'll be martial law. I don't think that's needed it's kind of a cyber warfare kind of thing I think to find out between now January. Six, shipping interesting about for an eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one filling up the great one mark Levant aim at the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC believe
and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more. it's not enough. You'll get em
By monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us, we conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U S! The March Loafin show where we create the talking points collar now, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one glass for filling in for the great when marked love them from Little Rock Arkansas. I wonder I wonder if you, heard this- and you may have, I don't know.
Brok, Obama was on recently with Stephen Colbert guy who does he political late night on CBS that too Letterman used to do back when it's funny. And this is about thirty seconds and I'm wondering Brok betray himself when he said This too Stephen Colbert overrun CBS
You know now do you wish, like you, have to check that third term and I used to say what is if I could make an arrangement where I stand in front man or woman than they are mere piece it, and I was just in my basement, my sweats looking through the stuff and I could deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony. I'd be fine with it. oh I'm sure you would. I'm sure he won a lot of us think that that's why. Common Harris is the vice presidential nominee for the Democrats cause nobody thought by picture rummy buying. Can you haven't our time figured out whether pick chocolate, vanilla, pudding, you know me, British are correct me if I'm wrong, I think was five days. Five
As before, they announced. who binds VP pick was gonna, be. buying went out to a podium. Somewhere. I guess in Wilmington, Delaware. and he's holding a clipboard and peace On the back, the clipboard somebody did like zoomed in other piece of paper and was bullet. It's about why Kamel? It would be good good. You know Stuff about Camelot jeer about that. As everybody so that point all cable, that she's gonna pick. because they would. I had to give him simple appoints because she you know, he visited ammo debate stage basely, apply these racist and oh buddy was your geishas bag and Seventys, etc, centre, and also. so a lot of us think did Obama hello, is this girl. You know, why would you
pigs, somebody that had to drop out, the race. months before I wore a new Hampshire South Carolina about any of that happened. What. here she reminded bite of himself. What come on come on. The little decorum and here. You're right Eighty seven a verse thousand delegations to go to college rising meal, Chemical you get it. no eight binding even make it thing. I am sure, no way daddy, maybe that's it sure sure church. archer Bragton having to do with yellow. Let us go at that
all right all right seven? Seven. Three, eight one: three one one, let's grab some phone calls. in New York City you're on the market events show Doc washroom filling in. What's up, sir. Had I do. How does a great show? I got to say Thank you for one comment on two questions but hurt you. You are a hundred percent right. I would not be surprised if its trump does windows and invite us to understand to a party because he was wearing everything since the beginning of his presidency, yeah right what Do we know Russia collusion by night? He was right about the vaccine. He was right about Hunter I want to meet it and want to cover it. He was right on ever even by closing the borders when scientists weren't talking about right. Early on and the question I have is ITALY I didn't want to tell us about our swell will be
or the election, obviously, because we're cracking down on them at heart who had caused by Hurricane Investigation right. So they only tell us about after the elections in order to win, but my question Is it possible with the weight of the chinese spot, but why did she? I feel a need for spies in our country if they own, for Joe Biden, and am I second, question? You said that. The present one because he had more votes than any other come a president, I'm just one because there were a lot more male and ballots on both sides. Ride Republicans and Democrats so cool. Does that can't be that more People got male imbalance and that's why you got more votes. I agree with all the other statistics, and I totally agree that fraud here, but just that point I'm just asking well we'll get you first question. First, why need spies, like you know, if they all own hunter and Joe anyway
The Chinese Communist Party wants cover all their beds, and I think they want to really infiltrate as me, our people as they can and what has come out recently as the allegation that is chinese female spy, fang Fang or far far say her name. Cynthia Thang she finance We help swallow, get elected the? U S house in the first place in twenty fourteen, and then you no place to go, spies in his offices interns. You know, Feinstein they say had, the chinese spying in her office. The time is, a chauffeur for twenty years So you know, I think, that their influence, Is widespread I take you back to early early this year and my palm peo met with all the governors of office
states and today Johnny Communist Party has a list of you guys. Are you governors and the three columns the guys that a base we doing their bidding the guys it Against them, guys in the middle come ambivalent than unsure about, and so can you guess what which column each one of you guys in in these public and undemocratic governors have like? Well. Well, ok, now, Let me get to your second question: in an account lost in the economy. Track of? As you could restated? I really appreciate it was about the fact that more people got male imbalances that right maybe from care more about gonna. Come president with male in ballads. Conventional wisdom is that more publicans like to vote on election day now. did a lot more republicans vote
this year, mail, because of concerns about cobia, probably proudly, but by. Why does the commission several years ago Republicans and democratic, including Jimmy Carter, just so male in universal mail in ballots. is rife with the possibility of fraud very dangerous not a good idea. I don't want to do this, and so I think the male ballots are where a lot of the fraud place because the swing stage. You got allegations, signatures, more checked, etc, etc. But Herschel. I appreciate you cobra, the God, bless you merry Christmas. Thank you very much. Ok, let me see who else we could get here. Let me go with the will, in Lexington Kentucky you're unmarked Levine, show Doc washroom failure? What's up thanks, privilege, they will need mark this weekend: the wish, you and your family merry Christmas and a happy new year. You two brothers,
mainly would like to work the wish the year young service, Men and women who are manning the pickets around the around the world and away from their families this holiday season, the Godspeed in happy holidays, who might majority grateful nation, a man and Craig Gatty talks. A lot doesn't do much that's my, namely our colleague Bout was that I think the push a little bit with the defence secretaries comments. Ok, I may have missed the comment where he said. The his comment was tease. Take and over and Sir Defence Secretary Springboard for a long time- and it has been on the administrative side of the house for a while
Had a lot of opportunity to deal with the vice President PAN, I may have missed the comment where he said: he's been sancy, sir, been the year sector in France, but I think it right that lot Octavia Working, Well, I end, and you know maybe right there. I inferred it from what he said, because I got this: impression he was talking about since he became secretary. And what did he say, those exact words No, he didn't, but I mean I'll I'll I'll play it back again after the break but but do you hope, I'm right o? Absolutely. They help to tears way constitutionally and legally the pressure from this The four years. Actually, I'm thinking made it I think of what's gonna committed if it does happen right again, now
You have you looked at his executive order from September twenty eighteen about foreign intervention. it's in federal elections. I have not read it directly, but I read about it. Stands in various articles and people cavern interpretation that it, but you know exactly: ok, read the entire thing myself. Well, you know it it couldn't hurt. I mean it sits very, very well written and you know it really makes a case he can lower the boom, not only on foreign entities, will interfere, in the: U S federal election, but also in real We come down hard on any: U S, persons that he's got proof conspired with them, and you know Looking at all this stuff in all this money that we know based on everything that came out in October. A hunter, not just the the materials are came out, but again
Tucker Carlson's interview with the former Biden Associate Tony Babo Linsky. That show was in the thick of it and there is even one message from Hunter complaining to a family member Dad takes a cut of everything he gets so you'll be they'll, be announcing William merry Christmas and a happy new year to you in Europe to God bless you. Thank you very much, and I we'll play they click. One more time. From the interim Defence Secretary, Christopher Miller, I've been getting people texting me on my phone friends say all that was great. Please let what I hear what more time like low in William. In Kentucky they're. Saying: ok, aren't we'll do it again, plus many of your causes. We can fit in before we get out of here. At eight seven, seven three at one three one one doc wash continuing filling in for the great one
Levant ban Amy The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and it's not enough. You'll get em
by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot! U S or adopt watchword filling the great one mark Laverne one more segments by popular demand. Once more, we have, little clip from the day I think was Friday, and they were celebrating, the first anniversary of the space force. An interim security defence Chris Miller who, before he got that post was the head of the
Counter Terrorism centre and has a lot of experience being a green bray. Lotta combat nobody in Iraq,. Ass. He was about. introduce vice president pants. Kind of emotional. And it was just an amazing amazing time and here it is
this very present, I'm gonna script again, I know, but I swore firstly thank you. We ve been through some stuff. We ve gone through some criticism of the most complex military operations. Is countries ever conducted in your steady hand, in your leadership during those boys, a great source of strength, for me face for your leadership, safer character. They give yourself a service they he for commitment. Thank you for being a matter to me, Mr Vice president, and with that the floor is yours, sir. There we go there ago phenomenal. Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. Let me go with the bill in Denton Texas, bill you're on the mark. Levin show Filling it what's up Yes, they opened it
and taxpayers and president tromp is not successful in. He is right. a lecture that he should be elected to the birthday. If he gave me, by Joe Biden, I'm good to do as we come to immediately start acre Party, which would be the conservative party or we could move it in a different direction eyes for names, go then immediately. I think you should go out and reboot recruit conservative people too start a new particle EAST River with China. Cannot party is tone Yoke there are none who built trap it is bill. I appreciate your cobra. God bless you thank. You got in very, very up I am disappointed about the number of Republicans in Congress who doubts
What this president, but I believe that he's gonna, have a second term. I believe he's gonna, be inaugurated January twentieth and then. And he can decide what he wants to do with the republican Party. Then he can say what he wants to do. I don't know how a third party. Do anything Then it like more democrats, blood term yell, present, is a lot smarter than I am so Wilson. Wilson are you. Let me go to dawn in Indiana Don a Huron, Lamarck Linen Show Doc washroom. What's our brother Do you think I'd like to say about this whole situation? I have listened to Well, then, for years I followed Hannity Old Fox NEWS. I followed a whole lot of people, yes, but not aside was a Democrat,
for a long time. I mean a very easy, but he put a lot of money and both parties So let's say he has learned Democrat tricks, He knows how they operate here. I believe, I believe, He is called a ball in a huge. problem for our country. I believe that in the near future- and I hope it's a very near future- because I got a lotta- my Democrat Buddy Lisbon to imbibe, but now it brings at all forth and I hope that things are rectified. Dumb trump should be our next president. absolutely absolutely so! Dont! Let me ask you for your time. He said over and over again we caught him, caught them all, even set it to Biden's face in the debate. He said it's got you on tape.
think: that's gonna make the next few weeks gutta interesting. Maybe he just gonna I've got in France in federal government, then people that are trying to make things. the way they want a more than they should be the funds that we got gotcha, I brother we gotta run to it, but I appreciate you call thank you very much, Greece, it everybody a night appreciate, MR producer. Mr call screening thanks so much to the great Michael Van for letting me fill in the sky to be aligned occasion when a year later, eyed the Markleham in relied right, Doc, Washburn from Little rock thanks. So much until we meet again it's the marshal of income from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-22.