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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/19/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. The Colorado State Supreme Court has disqualified Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 presidential election ballot in a 4-3 ruling, citing the 14th Amendment. The court is saying Trump is not an eligible candidate under the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment. However, Trump has never been charged let alone convicted of an insurrection, and the insurrection clause purposefully leaves out the presidency from the list of people it applies to because it was never meant to be used against a former president. Democrats are trying to take away your right to vote for the candidate you want because they know Trump will win against President Biden in 2024. Also, what is happening in the Red Sea is an abomination, and the U.S. needs to be able to defend those commercial shipping lanes. If we are going to avoid World War 3, we need to make sure commerce isn’t disrupted and attacked and cause supply chain problems. This is happening because the U.S. is still not engaging Iran in supporting the Houthis, just like how they are supporting Hamas and other terrorist groups, and we look like a joke under the Biden Administration. Meanwhile, our southern border is being overwhelmed, and instead of protecting the border, the Biden Administration is going after Texas Governor Greg Abbott for wanting to prosecute illegal aliens.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The rumbling underground, the owls of a hidden bunkers somewhere under the brooklyn steel. Over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader. The Hamas is again refusing to participate in hostage negotiations. They will not cooperate. They will not do this, as the united states is getting pounded by the hoa fees and the artist,
I think the shipping lanes in the red sea what is going on good evening? It is the market ensure the great one is off tonight. It's me, rich is the only with you from talk, ready, twelve tend to be phd in marks home town of Philadelphia then allowed to get to. You now include, of course, more on the binding corruption, the border situation, but what is happening in the red sea is an abomination. Really is the united states of america needs to control those international shipping lanes? It needs to defend them period because the entire world economy is about to be affected by this, and if you want to avoid war war three, this is what you do. You use deterrents to make sure that the hoodie terrorist stop striking ships in the red sea, sob disrupting commerce. We have major corporations right now that are avoiding the suez canal and aiding fourteen hours a trip time to go around africa, which is going to cause prices to drastically increased cause supply chain problems caused all kinds of disruptions and absolutely have an effect on the prices at you, and I pay for everything- and this is happening as the united states of america is still not willing to engage and call it. The problem is, the problem is ran, Kirby set it to day, he said, ran is behind oath. Is we know this, and yet there are people whack jobs in the democratic party who are rooting for, though these ring for ran rooting for Hamas against Israel and biting afraid to make them upset bindings afraid across them, because he needs our support. If there's a democrat primary, he has not shown up the base to get them out for the general election is very very word about turn out any should be because there is a use. Pull numbers are terrible and their terrible within the democratic base. So biting student dense, it'll journal dance. Here you see he's trying to keep the anti israel anti semitic, whack jobs happy. While he's also trying to say what he knows, the overwhelming majority of americans believe which is it. Israel needs to be able to defend itself and at the red sea, shipping lanes need to be protected and that.
the is rarely the iranian backed houthi terrorists- are that they are terrorists and that the united states of america needs to show force. Otherwise this situation is going to spiral out of control and there's going to be serious and deadly international consequences period or we look like jokes again. We look like a joke, because once again we are sitting back and allowing this to happen and doing nothing about it. So this sanctuary, defense, lloyd, Austin, comes out and says: oh we're going to send an international force down there to be I try to try to keep order and I am sure it will be doing that we're gonna, make sure that there is a there. There, there's an orderly the transfer of ships going in hey. It may be too late. Corporations already doing exactly what they have the duke of big corporations, BP chevron, others their allowing all this to occur. And why why we know that there is without question. We know that Hamas is using the hospitals. Inga,
They are using them as their headquarters in Gaza. Hospital boss admit, sees a Hamas commander and use medical facility as a terror base. He said he knew of sixteen other employees who are members of Hamas, no question about it, and you know that if you look at polling data- and you really have to worry about this- half of young americans say Israel should be ended and given to Hamas. According to a pole, pc when I tell you that colleges are indoctrination camps, where you have these radical left this, who were there to indoctrinate your children at some of the most elite, prestigious inexpensive universities in the country- I'm not joking, I'm not exaggerating! You can see for yourself. There are people rooting for Hamas, even though they have rate women, even though they, the horrible things, I've done a children to innocent civilians to their own. To do
to their fellow muslims, let alone the fact that they wanted to see death to all the Jews in the destruction of Israel. And yet you have young people there siding with them, but it was amazing, Austria and watching I as the protesters in new york, study at penn station and grand central station or displaying all their banners and one of their banners is gaze for a united palestine, really
gays for a united palestine, because that's because that's where they tolerate over there, they tolerate that in palestine. Give me a break. I am I'm telling you right now, the the fecklessness of america watching the united states of america look foolish on the world's stage in this in this moment is really bad at the same time our southern borders being overwhelmed. When, today, the white house took issue with governor greg Abbott and his decision to sign a law that says texas will prosecute people who cross into the country illegally is not going after american citizens who drive in. Of course, you have the right to do that. He's talking about people that cross into texas illegally, when he pointed out correctly that the constitution empowers the state to handle the situation if the federal government will not so you think about that and all of a sudden you turn around, you say to yourself: okay. Well, if that's the case, then then why? Why is the white house opposing this and the white house is opposing it because they want open borders, but that's it that's the bottom line. They want open borders. We had another massive record day. Fourteen thousand five hundred nine illegal aliens were encountered at the southern border yesterday. Those are the ones we know about. Those are the ones that we know were encountered because we don't know what we don't know. We don't know who got away. We have no way of knowing that. Obviously, but when you look at this and you turn around- and you read a very interesting article in politico today- probably one of the two best things I've read all day and what's really amazing about this article is, it says
Mexicans are looking forward to trump's return. Try mexican americans in texas, who have all agreed that the situation is completely out of control and Biden has destroyed it, so politico forced to confront the reality of this. There are a lot of mexican people looking forward to trump. A visit to the border city of EL paso shows how the politics of immigration are shifting and what's really underneath it, and as you go through this and you read, it may start talking to some people, people who are in fact mexican people who are democrat voters, and they all say that the situation is a complete and utter cluster. F. The city's democrat mayor oscar leser, said at a news conference. The city had reach a breaking point. So then, this reporter for politico goes out and starts talking to people who actually live there and I'm sure he's waiting to find people going on about how trump is awful.
This vile and they can't stand, is language and and add all the people that are passed. So probably everybody should come here, particularly of their lives, chino of which you know heritage, but then they actually are talking to people and they realize that's not the case. That's not the case. The growing appeal they pro tromp hardline immigration mentality was even evident here in a city where more than eighty percent of the population is hispanic or latino and in a county, we're Biden, pummelled tromp by more than thirty five percentage points. Three years ago, rapporteur says he walks into EL paso downtown, where the city's winter fast was in full swing, and he starts talking to people eating charles one guy named rick Delgado, a navy veteran said, get the key in the lock the gates get the key unlocked the gates, lives in EL paso and he's had said he leaned Democrat, and it keeps the: u s: customs and border protection number, and as far as everything's bindings doing whatever
but it was the state not the by an administration that had strong, raised wire on the texas side of the rio grande and pass legislation that would authorize police to arrest migrants and guess what this guy agrees with that, despite what the white house says, what corinne jean Pierre says when she talks about? Oh, how you made it is to put razor wire to protect the state or to have the state, have the ability to arrest people who are crossing into the state illegally. Despite what why now says the people on the ground all agree with it and they know it's. What has to happen to this guy Delgado said: gregg abbots, doing a better job near biting popcorn at its heart, sauce re rose, Alice and executive chef was bore, was born just across the border in war as mexico he said quote trump. He started rough, but now that you see it when biting came in, he messed everything up. He said there are a lot of mexican.
People looking forward to trump, and he, like them, apples are on a small stage. Performer began to sing feliz navidad in a boy tug, his mother, and they walked by mickey mouse christmas, sweaters and there's other person starts talking and she says: everything's gone to ass in a hand basket. It's getting really bad with a lot of people coming in this woman was born in mexico in chihuahua immigrated with her family when she was twelve. She involved for trump in two thousand and sixteen she said, but lately she's thinking differently about it. Now I want trump back, she says see. This is not what the corporate media tells your. I am the corporate media tells you that people like her are disgusted with trump. They can't stand his rhetoric. They want open borders, they believe it's inhumane. What trump wants to do? No, no, no, no, no, not at all. Actually they want him back because they know he's the only one who can actually deal with the situation and they know that Biden has allowed.
border situation to be wide open and is doing absolutely nothing about it and they see with their own eyes, and they see that this is a battle going on every single day. So where did they want as they were? They watch Joe Biden talk about republicans in their cruelty and everything like this. They want somebody to deal with the border situation. They want somebody to go in there and fix this problem. Is one person garcia whose family fled cuba? When it was nine years old said he doesn't consider himself a member of either political party. He spent years ministering to Emma since you represent something of an old school liberal approach to the topic, but he said he understands or crowds of migrants can look like on tv or two people come around here and they driver
I may say why are all these people here? This is not controllable. This is not good. Now, trump won and trump won. Twenty eight percent of the latino vote in the last election. I think it can be higher this time around from twenty eighteen, twenty twenty two, twenty twenty two, the democrat advantage over republicans among hispanic voters, has shrunk from forty seven percentage points to twenty five percentage points to twenty one percentage points. Let me say that again, the eagle back from twenty eighteen to twenty twenty to twenty twenty two, the democratic advantage over republicans among hispanic voters has shrunk from forty seven. Where was the highest in two thousand and eighteen.
To twenty five percentage points in two thousand and twenty to twenty one percentage points in two thousand and twenty two and it isn't clear that immigration as an issue is doing anything to arrest the decline, the eroding decline among democrats, even in texas, where shifting demographics had for years been presumed likely to eventually turn the state blue. More than forty percent of hispanic voters surveyed this year by the texas politics project at the university of Texas said they agreed with the idea of deporting undocumented immigrants living in the united states. Forty percent of hispanic voters, when republicans were in control and effing up and trump, was as extreme as he was in his first campaign. All that stuff did was, to our benefit, said a top democrat pollster, but I think it always had a half life and right now the problem is on our watch and whatever is happening. It's Biden's responsibility and there's a sense that things are slipping out of
trolley get jet, you think, really the idea that Biden is principally responsible for this weighs heavily on Democrats, and this reporter is shocked. Of course, he goes down there, not anticipating any of this, and then he starts talking to people and finding all this stuff out and realizing. Oh, my god, you mean these people actually like trump, actually like what he wants to do. They like his policies. They actually want a secure border. They wanted to poor people. What in two thousand and twenty trump did better in EL paso county, then he had four years earlier, cutting his losing margin by about eight percentage points, but that's still pretty good if you think about it, an area El Paso county where in two thousand and sixteen trump got crushed, but this is where things are headed for twenty twenty four, Now you have democrats who are showing the white house, and you have a texas governor who's, trying to do something about the problem and the people back him and in what is the Biden white house do because again it's so worried about it's base
it's so worried about the democrat party- base, the open borders, whack jobs that they're coming out today and they're going to fight them they're going to fight texas on this. Then they go on about how inhumane this is and how cruel this is and how people are going to be hurt by this and blah blah blah. And this is why they're going to lose. This is why they're going to get trounced. This headline says it all twenty twenty four. There are a lot of mexican people looking forward to trump from politico, not exactly a far right wing site. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one! This is the mark. Levin show it's rich zoe in for the great one, the colorado supreme court has ordered trump off the ballot, citing the fourteenth amendment. I'll have updates for you on that. Breaking story. Don't go away month,
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before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com. The awesome, major breaking news you're on the mark, Levin show major major breaking news: the colorado supreme court. This just came our way. Mister producer. A minute ago, the state supreme court has just kicked donald trump off the ballot. Just happened moments ago, a four to three ruling: the colorado supreme court removed former president donald trump from the state's two thousand and twenty four ballot ruling that he isn't an eligible presidential candidate because of the fourteenth amendments, insurrectionist ban, the ruling be placed on hold pending until january. Fourth, the state supreme court decision only applies to colorado, but this historic ruling will
royal the twenty twenty four campaign scene and says it she's up an appeal to the: u s supreme court, which horse obviously will decide on this colorado. Election officials have said the matter needs to be settled by january. Fair food is a statutory deadline to set the list of candidates from the geo primary now number. One donald trump has never been even charge with committing an insurrection or giving aid and comfort to those who have its number. One certainly is up and convicted of that. Never to number three, as mark has explained EU many many times the fourteen amendments section. Three of these, so called insurrectionists clause specifically does not apply to present
said the morbid bit it a purposely leaves out the president from the list of all the officers who are affected by fourteen section three, but nevertheless we knew this route. We do is what they would get. We knew that the left would do this. They would you anything they possibly can to stop donald trump, that's what this was all about. This was all about this when they went after the proud boys and they found them guilty of seditious conspiracy when they level those charges. damn, and even you have people civil libertarians on both sides of the aisle who are coming out and saying listen. This is not seditious conspiracy. These charges- this is an overreach here. These charges are way out of line way too far, prosecutorial misconduct here this is way too much of a reach, but I knew why they were doing it because they wanted to find these guys guilty entered a dc jury. That's easy! You don't even have to show any of it.
If they just come back with a guilty verdict, and then they want to say that donald trump gave them aid and comfort and therefore he gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionist and therefore he can't be on the ballot. That's what they're, hoping for that's their big, that's their big goal. Here, that's what this lunatic special prosecutor, jack smith, who's on his crusade? What to do because they know they can't beat them. They know that they are always going to win he's going to win. If he's the nominee in two thousand twenty four period, I think any republican wins, but I bet trump's definitely and when the establishment is trying to stop him right now and get behind Nikki haley they're, all saying trump can't win, but that's not true. They know he can that's why they want to stop him. The republican establishment is terrified of the fact that trump can win as is the democratic establishment. Obviously, but when you hear people say to you, he can't win, I it's a lie: they they know we can win, they know he will win and that's why they want to try to stop him.
Now what you have years. You have a situation where the other blue states are all going to try to do this, and the problem is some of these states are going to be, must win states. The good news, though, is, I do not think the united states supreme court is going to let this stand. Not even close. I think the united states supreme court is going to say absolutely not love more on this, for you breaking news here on the mark. Levin show with me, rich julian, for the great one coming right back, mark Levin, here: fog, with essential information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for a one case, don't be left in the dark educators sub before digital dollar comes with a gust of precious metals. outside of the digital dollar report graded due to popular demand. This report is packed with important digital bower insights. It kinda concerns about privacy, cyber security and more best of all, it should the strategy? Smart investors have used the hedge against economic uncertainties like the digital
our act now to learn more with augusta precious metals good for your financial future received the free downside of the. Digital dollar report today by texting, Levin the six eight five, nine two, that's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two again text, Levin the six, eight five, nine two or go to augusta precious metals, dot, com text, data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions get risk disclosures, had a gust of precious metals, dotcom liberties voice, my love than talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, everyone mark women is off tonight. It's me rich z. Only with your remarks town philadelphia, nor do the afternoon dr show on integrated, will tend to be phd. Breaking news tonight, we colorado supreme court has just ruled that former president donald trump is an eligible to be on the states battle
now. The decision just came out a few moments ago that I'm reading it am reading it as I go but one before I get into the ruling here by the court. I want to just go over what is in the text of the fourteenth amendment, which what is known as the disqualification clause. Alright, I know marx talk to you about this in the past, but it's worth reminding fourteen amendments, section three says the following quote: no person shall be a senator or representative in congress or aleck tour of pay. Didn't and vice president or old any office, civil or military under the united states or under any state who, having previously taken an oath as a member of congress or as an officer of the united states or as a member of any legislature or as an executive or judicial officer of any state to support the constitution of the united states shall have engaged
in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof, but congress may, by a vote of two thirds of each house, remove such disability. Now, what don't you here and that no person shall be a president. You don't hear the word present here. They list senator representative in congress elector of president and vice president or hold any office civil or military under the united states, which clearly does not include the presidency, utilise at first cause it's the highest of the offices. They purposely don't include president in that list. They don't bar somebody from becoming president in that list at number. One number two, when has donald trump, been found to have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the united states. When did that happen?
I miss that when did that trial happen, when did that went to that conclusion was reached by a jury of of his peers and, if in federal court, think congress role and that no, they impeached him, but he was not convicted in the senate Joe. When did this under this magic insurrection or rebellion against the united states happen. When was he found you This resistance is the colorado supreme court coming in their determination on this and that's exactly what it is. The colorado supreme court has now determined Based on this now see here now, the district court concluded a five they draw, so the district court originally found that donald trump engage an insurrection as those terms are used in section three. They did a five day trial, but the district court concluded section three does not apply to the president of the court was correct in that section. Three does not, therefore, the court deny the petition to keep president trump
the presidential primary ballot, the electors in president tromp, sought this courts review of various rulings by the district court. We affirm in part and reverse in part. We hold as follows, election code allows the electors to challenge president trumps status as a qualified candidate based on section three. Indeed, the election cold via the electors there only viable means of litigating whether president trump is disqualified from holding office under section three congress. Does not you pass implementing legislation for section three disqualification provision to attach and section three is in that sense, self executing. judicial review of present trumps eligibility for office under section three is not precluded by the political question doctrine: sex
Three encompasses the office of the presidency and someone who has taken an oath as president on this point. The district court committed reversible errors. So what the supreme court of colorado is finding is the district court was wrong. In section three of the fourteen amendment does apply to president's British courts do not abuse its discretion in admitting portions of congresses january six report into evidence a trial. The district court did not earn concluding that the events at the? U S, capital in january, six, constituting an insurrection district court, did not err in concluding that president trump engaged in that insurrection through his purse elections, president trump's speech inciting the crowd that breach the. U s capitol. On january, six, two thousand twenty one was not protected by the first amendment is what the colorado Supreme court's finding here this is the this is the opinion of the colorado supreme,
make no mistake about this and we need these courts or how to control. I dealt with this in pennsylvania with the twenty twenty election. When the court came out and change the time matter in place of the election and the supreme court decided that view returned a male in battle. They never postmark date on it or the date was knowledge boyd inside it did they get him out of a candidate anyway. This is this is this is what we have to deal with these courts. These courts are a bunch of leftist activists and they are hell bent on stopping donald trump. That's what we're seeing your play out killer he's through a couple. These things, your number one, president trumps speech inciting the crowd which jack smith especial care So has not charge trump with an insurrection. He's not charge tromp with commitments action, nor is he charged with giving aid in comfort to those who have or aiding and abetting those charges have not been.
now maybe they'll come jack. Smith is as hell bent on going after trompe hell bent on stopping him. So maybe those charges will be added, they certainly can add new charges, and I would put it this guy, but it no power As of this moment, has anyone other than the colorado supreme court found trump to be guilty of an insurrection? And my question is: what trial did the supreme court conduct to determine this? They didn't they look at the trial that was done at the at the district court a five day trial and concluded that that he did in fact insurrection in the course of this district court trial in colorado. Because colorado has the ability to adjudicate what would be federal offenses. Of course not there will be federal court and no federal court has found donald trump guilty of these things. Not even federal charges around this yet.
President trump's speech inciting the crowd that breach us capitol was not protected by the first scenario. Of course it was he said march down there peacefully, but even if he didn't use the word peacefully, he never told anybody to commit any violence. He didn't tell anybody to go smash windows, he didn't tell anybody to to to fight with barricades or cops or even if he didn't do any of those things. So how can you argue that he told people to do those things forget incitement, that this is a? This is a double that has no legal, meaning my words and incite somebody you take action, I didn't tell them to do that. I didn't give them the idea to do that. They thought of it on their own. There is no proof that donald trump told any of these people what to do that day. Anyone who broke the law that day there has not been a scintilla of evidence that trump told them to do it, so they heard words and they made interpretations in their mind and they did things and that's on them as individuals and even in all the trials that happened with janet
with six protesters, they would not allow donald trump to be uses their defense. In other words, they the court, would not allow the january six defendants to say trump made me do it. They wouldn't allow that as defense, so where's that precedent right there, that should be president of the colorado supreme court uses and says that that the the trial court in DC would not allow trump's words to be an excuse for the actions of the january six protesters. Let me continue here. The sum of these parts is this. President trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under section three, because he is disqualified. It would be a wrongful act under the election code for the secretary, I assume secretary of state to list him as a candidate
on the presidential primary ballot. We do not reach these conclusions likely. We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us. We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law without fear or favour and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates. We reach We also cognizant that we travel in uncharted territory and that this case present several issues of first impression, but for hours. Pollution of the electors challenge under the election code. The secretary would be required to include president trumps name on the twenty twenty four presidential primary balance there or to maintain the status quo pending any review by the? U s supreme court, we stay our ruling until january. Fourth, twenty twenty four that is the day before this.
for. Cherry of states deadline to certify the content of the presidential primary ballot. If review is sought in the supreme court before the stay expires on January fourth, twenty twenty four, then the stay shall remain in place and the secretary will continue to be required to include president trump's name on the twenty twenty four presidential primary ballot. Until the receipt of The other mandate from the supreme court so essentially now with a quarter saying, is look. We know this is going to the supreme court. We have casinos can be challenged and can be fast tracked to the supreme court and they're going to hear this. Now I I in my opinion, I think the united states supreme court is going to reach
very different conclusions here, number one, starting with the most obvious conclusion, which is that donald trump has not been found guilty of committing of insurrection or giving aid in comfort to those who have that's number one. There has not been any charge that he gave aid and comfort to the proud boys that he helped them commit whatever seditious conspiracy, the government through at them with charges which they were found guilty of, which I knew I knew when they came back with that with that verdict that they were going, then use that to go after trot. That's why everybody on the left and in the republican establishment has always kept using the word insurrection for a reason, because they wanted the disqualification clause under fourteen section three to count towards him, but you have to be
and liable for that and trump has not been, then they go back into the background here. They say on January six, two thousand twenty one. Pursuant to the twelfth amendment us constitution, amendment twelve and the electoral count act. Three! U s! C! Fifteen congress can be a joint session to certify the electoral college votes. President trump held a rally that morning at the ellipse in washington, which he, along with several others, spoke of the attendees in his speech, which began around noon. President trump persisted in rejecting the election results telling his supporters that we won in a landslide and we will never concede. While you have the right to say that if not stacey abrams should be in prison right now says he should be rotting in a jail cell. If you don't have the right to say that you won and you'll not concede, Stacey abrams should be in prison. He said, walked down to the capitol and show strength and that if they did not fight like hell, they would not have a country anymore. You see what the supreme court leaves out here, not that I think it's relevant, but he said we will peacefully walk down to the capitol peacefully, but it doesn't matter I don't you have to. I don't think you have to put a put a clause in there to justify a march. I don't think he only gets necessary in this country. There is no record
I remember the first amendment that you have to tell people if they're going to go protest, their government, they have to be peaceful, it's implied. It's imply that people should know how to act as adults and that they have a right to protest. They don't have a right to commit violence is implied. Shall I tell everybody, okay, to borrow we're all going to go down. Juha independence mall we're going to protest. This ruling, I don't have to say peacefully, it's implied. If you then are not peaceful. That's on you that that's a decision that you make as a as a protester. That's a decision that you make as an individual. I don't have to. I don't have to say peacefully right because you're, an adult and you're supposed to understand the launch was to understand how this works, but nevertheless he did say it trump did say we will. We will peacefully walk down there by the supreme court. Of course, conveniently leaves that, out before his speech ended, portions of the crowd began moving toward the capitol below. We will discuss additional facts regarding the events of january sixth as relevant legal issues before us from the pen certify the votes, blah blah blah. Let's see here now, president trump intervene and almost merely followers of removal of federal corps once the electors file proof. This is just sort of a procedural stuff here. I'm just kind of passing through this year, see here to do. This has been going on for a couple of weeks. Obviously, in colorado analysis, okay, we begin with an overview of section three. We then address threshold questions regarding whether the election code provides a basis for review of the electors claim whether section three requires implementing legislation before it's disqualification provision attaches and whether section three poses a non ud canvas can see that word. After concluding, at these threshold issues, do not this app is terrible here. This scribd app whatever it is, let's see here,
Okay, section three of the fourteenth amendment principles of constitutional interpretation: this is the colorado Supreme court's ruling here. Here's what I'll do I'll take a quick break. I'll come back of more of this. For you, this is all breaking news: the colorado supreme court banning donald trump from being on the ballot pending, of course, a review by the united states supreme court. I think united states been court to interpret this much differently, but I want to get all the facts here I want to. I want to understand exactly the court's reasoning. This is this is the effort. This is going to be the battle this and this is not going to be the only statements that that that stops here and the the problem is that if the court comes back and says trump hasn't been charged with that or found guilty of that, you know. What's going to help jack's may have a special council hell bent on getting tromp is gonna. Add those charges if he has an already meaning that he may be working on aiding their charges right now, anticipating this- cause. They know trump's going to win and they have to do whatever they possibly can do. Stop him from being on the bow. This is the only thing they have. This is the only ace up their sleeve. They have
Good news is, I do not think it's going to work. I think the Supreme court's gonna see through this, but you never know obviously, but I believe based. In the interpretation of what section three of the fourteenth amendment says and the fact that trump has not been found guilty of an insurrection, but even if he was it does not apply to president. It does not list that, but you never know how the courts are going to go. This is what they want to do. This is what the interrupt you. I've got a lot to say on this, and I want to hear from you on this as well here on the mark. Levin show, it's me rich. Is he only on twitter at rich scioli, coming right back to love in the mark levant here folks, with essential information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for one case don't be left in the dark educators sub before a digital dollar comes with a gust of precious metals.
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which metals dot com all right, so the breaking news, the colorado supreme court as kick trump off the colorado republican primary ballot. Breaking news here of the mark, Levin show with me, rich zoe and for the great one tonight great to be with you couple a couple topline thoughts, first of all, see the supreme court's going to have to make a decision here, no question about it, but the but the the timing of this I mean this is this is the state here is january? Fourth, because january fifth is when the colorado law says you have to designate the primary ballots, but I don't. I don't know if that gives us supreme court time enough to weigh in the supreme court may turn around into colorado. Go scratch you're, not you you! You do nothing until we tell you to leave and extend your deadline. You extend your deadline, which is what I would imagine would be the case, and the court acknowledges that in their ruling, basically saying well, you know if we're. If we're told to to keep this going this day, then we will, but this is. This is not a surprise. I'm not surprised by this. I'm not surprised by this. In the least, I have been predicting this for quite some time that this is what they would do. They would try to keep trump off the ballot. Everything around the charges by jack smith, a special prosecutor, everything around january six- is all designed for this for this moment, but for the colorado supreme court to make the determination that a section fourteen or article fourteen section three sees me of the united states constitution. The fourteenth amendment section three applies to presidents is absolutely on their their. Their judgment on this is completely wrong. Their reasoning on this is complete.
Iraq and I've been glancing at this again, this all just kind of broke- here's about six fifteen tonight and then. Secondly, when has trump ever been found guilty of participating in insurrection. When has he been found guilty of giving aid and comfort to those who have he hasn't congress impeached him, but he was acquitted by the senate. So if you want to use that as precedent, then you gotta say he was acquitted of those charges cause. I been found guilty of them. So how can you apply that against him to bar him from being on the ballot see? This is bold. I didn't think the court would do this just yet. I knew they were going to try to do this. I knew that states would try to keep him off about I'd. No, no, no doubt in my mind about that. No doubt whatsoever, but I didn't think they would do it now. I didn't think he would do it now. They would do it now. I figured they would wait and try to do it until jack Smith had filed charges because they might have a problem now for the fact that considering the fact there aren't any charges, but that may also be bad news for trump too,
Explain it all break it down for you. It's the mark, Levin show the great ones off tonight, rich zoe and for mark eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one one coming right back the this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you! Thank you again. For listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the underground command of the owls of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We once again make contact with our leader the mayor, trying to deny you the right to vote for who you want for president of the united states. That's what they're doing the people,
screaming about saving democracy are trying to destroy the republic by taking away your right to vote for the candidate. You want welcome to the show and you're. Here it is the mark. Levin show the great ones off tonight. Rich is the only from our hometown of philadelphia. Talk. Radio twelve tend to be Phd are happy to be with you. My fellow levin nights is breaking news. The colorado supreme court ruling in a very, very close decision here for three that former president trump isn't eligible to be on the ballot, citing the fourteenth amendment to the constitution, section three, the disqualification clause under so called insurrection, or rebellion against the united states. Now, first of all, it's interesting Why they're doing this they're doing this because they know that trump can win. They know this. The Democrats did a very, very sneaky thing, and that is that they went after trump in court, hoping that it would prop him up to become the republican nominee, believing that he'd be the easiest one to beat
and they were wrong. They were so wrong with this idea, their approach, their tactics, their strategy were completely idiotic, but they're idiots so im not surprised by that, but that's what they were doing. They wanted trump to be the nominee and they knew if they kept coming after him in court versus just ignoring the guy. It would rally the base who would rally people will he become the nominee and that's what's going to happen, but then something happened. Joe Biden's popularity, which was never there in the first place, plummeted even further. Where he's down to what thirty three percent on a good day- and you have Democrats now fleeing biden-
at black voters. Latino voters all coming around saying: trump's, a better choice. You have a border, that's wide open. You have an economy that is still hurting a lot of people out there have these ridiculous inflation rates, and so trump can win. So now they have to decide. How do we stop them? Because we made a big mistake doing everything we could to elevate him as the candidate and now he's going to win and the establishment cannot allow that to occur. The swamp can't allow that to occur because he will drain the swamp this time. It's personal, it's like jaws to the revenge this time, it's personal, he went through it the first time and he had to deal with these people
I told him. I would argue that, MR president, try this approach, mister president and he surrounded himself very early on with a lot of establishment types in the republican party. Meanwhile, the deep state was working to remove him from office every single day with phony russian collusion nonsense. Trying to undermine his presidency, hoping to make him unpopular. The republican party would remove him as some sort of a russian agent they tried for years. They went after him with two impeachments. They went after him with a mueller investigation that cost what sixty seventy million dollars and now they're trying to keep him off the ballot. To deny you the right to vote for him because they know you want you and they know you will and they know, he'll win. First of all, the disqualification clause does not count towards presence number one number two. He has not been found guilty of an insurrection. What does that even mean exactly? First of all, I wanted to let you know that his campaign has put out a statement and they have said the following, and I'm gonna share this with you right now.
If the trump campaign statement on the colorado supreme court ruling, they put this out on social media just a short time ago and they're not surprised, they said. Unsurprisingly, the all democrat appointed colorado supreme court has ruled against president trump supporting a soros, funded left wing group scheme to interfere in election on behalf of crooked Joe Biden by removing president trump's name from the ballot and eliminating the rights of colorado voters to vote for the candidate of their choice. Democrat party leaders are in a state of paranoia over the growing dominant lead. President trump has amassed in the polls. They have lost faith in the failed Biden presidency and are now doing everything they can to stop the american voters from throwing them out of office. Next november, the colorado supreme court issued a completely flawed decision tonight and we will swiftly file an appeal to the united states supreme court and a concurrent request for a stay of this deeply undemocratic decision. We have full confidence that the united states supreme court will quickly rule in our favor and finally put an end to these an american lawsuits. I agree, I do think that they will rule in trump's favor. I have no question about it. I do believe that and the reason why is because it's very clear what office is not included here and that is president. As mark wrote in an article for the blaze back in september, he wrote the following. The democrat party's fetish for the fourteenth amendment is a vile attack on our elections, directed at one man, donald trump, and by the way, the democrat party based on that
sex tape, the senate, staffers sex scandal. They have a lot of fetishes. These people have a lot of fetishes very unhealthy ones, but one of their big fetishes of courses is is getting trump. It's an obsession with these people. It's an obsession. He writes the following. He says you need not be an aging retired judge, washed up former law, professor or never trump or academic academic- to notice that the word president cannot be found in the text. So why would the amendments drafters, adopters and ratifies all exclude president from the tax, but include virtually every other form of office, older, federal and state elected and appointed in the text of the fourteenth amendment? Did they forget to add the word presidents, or could the reason possibly be that they did not want to include the word prison
and and therefore intentionally did not. Of course, there is nothing anywhere that even suggests the drafters adopters or ratifies intended. Otherwise, it took to never trump law professors, members of a federalist society, no less joining the democrat party mob over one hundred and twenty five pages to try to convince us that by omitting the word president, not only have the drafters adopters and ratifies intend to include the president, but the proper interpretation of the amendment and it's construction and application, make it undeniable and clear. So let me just break that down into layman's terms. We out. The word president, to make it very clear we intended to include the president's than why don't you just put the word president in there Save us all a lot of time right, but these two, these two law professors came around and said, although it took one hundred and twenty five pages to to to to come to this conclusion, to prove their point
should improve. But how does one in five pages they are absolutely by by leaving out the word president? They did so to fully convince you that they meant to include an absolutely apply this to president sterling agenda. Mine trick. I guess we put the word president there. You may not think we meant to include president, so we left it out on purpose and put a lot of other clauses in there.
She'll be undeniably clear that we included the president. I'm sorry, I'm not a legal scholar, but let me just ask the obvious question: why not just add the word president? We, as you have an ink shortage we worried about making it fit like the like, like making sure that the paragraph was properly aligned or something why why leave it out, then, if you're? If, if if the conclusion of these legal scholars is that they actually meant to have this apply to the president, but they list all these other offices, but not president, will then just add the word president. Instead of saying that the proper interpretation of the amendment and it's construction and application make it undeniable and clear it's not undeniable, and it's certainly not clear unless you can say it's undeniable that they did not include the word president. That is undeniable. The word is not there. That's not subject to debate. The word is not there period, so I'm crystal clear, a matter of fact mark set in fact so clear these professors and their ilk that we are supposed to intuit the intention of the drafters adopters and ratified by, among other things, the words as an officer of the united states. Thus this phrase we are told, should be read to include the word president. Therefore, there was no need to single out by name the most powerful and important governmental official in the entire country. Well, then, why would you include all the other offices? Why would you then include senator member of the house, electors of president, the vice president? Why would you include those? Why not just say officers of the united states? Why not just save everybody trouble and just say anybody, anybody
Nobody can anybody in, or nobody can something very simple like that tv parsing of these words here by these people, who want to stop trump, has just it's it's. It's amazing how by not including the word president, we men president, the very obvious and my saying officers of the united states. We don't have the list president, even though we listed all those other offices of the united states. Will then why'd you list as other offices. If officers of the united states covers at all, then it covers at all. Therefore he writes there was no need to single out by name the most important and from by rebecca, and why not? After all, the local south carolina county commissioners were not specifically mentioned either. This is preposterous for most people. The absurdity is self evident. Indeed, if they intended to include the president, you think he would not only be mention, but that he be at the top of the list. In fact, they even mention elect tour of president and vice president, but not the president himself, which of course,
was me that they knew how to spell the word president. It wasn't a question of well what late should we include the president that Jimmy I dunno how to spell it so leave it out. They put electors of president sedately that they were thinking of the presidency, but they put that, but not the president, because they wanted to make it so obvious they intended to include the president. They left it out. Moreover, what does the phrase shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against? The united states me great question: if you're going to bar the leading republican candidate for the presidency from even appearing on a state ballot, thereby disenfranchising untold numbers of civilians who would like to vote for him, citizens who like to vote for him and potentially alter the course and outcome of a presidential election, there should be some definitive way to know what this phrase means and who gets to make that decision. Obviously, as the fourteenth amendment as the one of the so called civil war amendments, we know what was meant when the amendment was ratified, engaging in insurrection or rebellion on behalf of the confederacy and against the union. It wasn't very difficult to figure out who did or did not engage in such activities or what was meant by insurrection or rebellion. They didn't need law, professors or members of the democrat party, the party of the confederacy, to tell them, but did the drafters, adopters and ratifies, and ten section three to apply beyond the death of the last confederate. Of course, there's no evidence that it did other than the wishful meanderings and self serving declarations of the proponents. Strangely, however, if that was the true intention and purpose, the amendment doesn't provide any guidance on how these decisions will be presented and resolved in the case of a presidential candidate or president as a strangely because of the constitutional convention, the framers spent a great deal of time debating and working through the way we elect presidents, the electoral college, the twelfth amendment. So then, why not go through the trouble, then figuring out the process to use to deny somebody the ability to be president, for example, how do you determine this? I mean donald trump has not been charged, let alone convicted of such an offense. So then, who gets to decide the colorado supreme court a district court in colorado? They get to make that decision, which would then affect the entire country. One state can make that decision, so I have a question them. If in texas they hold the trial and find your belt judge, Joe Biden guilty of of bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors, can they impeach him? Can they remove him from office? Can they say he's not eligible to be on the ballot because he engaged in bribery and therefore he should be
peached, and even though car receded impeach him. We determine that they should have. And therefore, when I go on and on about coming to come, come away that game well, just as a state we'll just usurped congress waters, usurp the federal constitution and we'll just find these things on our own and then we'll make those determinations for the other states in the union must do that, though it is turned round, will say Joe Biden guilty of bribery because he took my money from hunter. We have a sham trial and we conclude that he is and therefore we say he should be impeach instances, impeached and removed from office he's an eligible to be on the ballot, and where are you to put your button on the balance, which is that we should have added workers? Have the states hold their own trials and make their determinations forget? Congress? Forget? Forget for federal courts, the state will do it, their hold a little more trials, little kangaroo courts and come up with powers that there are only delegated to congress and the constitution, but apply to themselves. Congress did not find donald trump guilty of a of an insurrection or rebellion. In fact, he was acquitted of that image
while of his impeachment in january of two thousand twenty one, but don't leave it to colorado to have a trial and then colorado will determine that he's guilty and in colorado will determine he can't be on the ballot that would have states play this game. We, the state of texas, have determined Joe Biden, is guilty of bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors, and that therefore congress should have impeach them, should impeach him and remove him from office. Therefore, we cannot in good conscience, put them on our ballot. You have no more power that than the state of colorado does to determine Donald trump's guilt when he hasn't even been charged with that in federal court, since it is a federal offense, not a state offense, but why not have at it have at it? You want to get nuts, let's get nuts, let's just keep doing this all day. In fact, the second impeachment trial against president trump fell well short of the number of senators needed to convict him for the events of january six. As a result mark writes, he was not barred under article one section, three of the constitution from holding and enjoying any office of honor trust or profit under the united states. If anything, there was a constitutional duty cation in trump's favor. Alright, I get a lot more to say on this. Obviously this is breaking news here on the mark. Levin show it's great to be with you tonight on such a very, very important night as we break down this ridiculous, undemocratic ruling by the by the car
If the supreme court, which will surely be challenged any moment now by the united states supreme Court- and hopefully they will see it right- eight seven, seven, three, eight one: three eight one one misses the mark: levin show coming right back month: low been traveling for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming to over thirty countries. That's right, whether you're making costs from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas, your from the steps of buckingham palace or your villa inserts, a rainy you dial away and here's the best part there is no rate increase. Pure talk still saves the Erika family Almost a thousand dollars a year were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put you in america's most dependable five g network. So the coverage is second to none. So don't delay folks switch to pure talk. A veteran own wireless company with simply the best you ask us
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immediately. I mean that many of them- and I haven't seem of the other candidates, have said. But if any of trump's challengers come out and say he should be disqualified, they should be removed from the republican party by whatever process. That is, I don't even know what that is, but they should and should apply to them, because this is again. This is a leftist court that is trying to usurp the will of the voters and usurp the role of the constitution and congress. That's what the happening here because colorado hates trump. They want to deny coloradans the right to vote for him and their reasoning here is so incredibly stupid. I'm reading the their arguments here see the lower court. The judge said yeah, I think trump's guilty of an insurrection, but I don't think the section three of the fourteenth amendment applies to him while she's wrong on the first count and she's correct on the second he's not guilty of an insurrection because he didn't use an been charged with that. It's a federal offense is not a colorado state law number one.
Secondly, she has corrected. It does not apply to him, but what the state supreme court has done here is they ve said? The judge is correct in that it applies to. Him are the key, the insurrection he did that, but there she's incorrect the judge that it doesn't apply to him, and then we come to this reasoning that, even though congress hasn't done anything here except find trump to be acquitted they'd, they determined that this is up to them. This is this is up to them and, as I'm reading their their reasoning here, the mention of congressional power in section three- is that congress may, by a vote of two thirds of each house, remove the disk. Publication of a former officer who had engaged in insurrection sections readers.
the german, who decides whether it is called vocation as attach in the first place, will obviously, if, if that's the argument that congress can undo it, wouldn't you then conclude congress can do it or that the courts can do at the federal courts. I mean this is This is ridiculous reasoning. I'll go into more detail on this. Obviously, its mark of inshore, rich zillion for the great one coming right back drowned, for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added internet, no roaming, the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas, you're covered from the steps of buckingham palace or you fella and such a rainy you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase pure talk stuff saves the Erika family. Almost a thousand.
hours a year were planned starting a just twenty bucks a month and they put Joan america's most dependable five g network. So the coverage is second to none. So don't delay folks switched of pure talk, a veteran own wireless company with simply the best? U s, cousin a service team. Now, with international roaming to over thirty countries, go to pure talk. Tat comes slashed, Levine, that's pure talk, tat slash ellie, be I am to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big! That's pure talk, tat come slept love in the start, saving on wireless right now, mark love and tat. First, that's why I like markel event and I'm not sure a lot of people like me stuff, is what I like. I love a call now, seven, seven, thirty, eight one, three, eight one one. Yes, indeed, a great one is often. I is me, rich z, only with you for marks from town to philadelphia. To me,
I think that in philadelphia, where the constitution was ratified, we I have colorado determining that it the authority that the constitution does not give the state of colorado to bar a person from being on the ballot for something that they have not been charged with much less convicted of in federal court and the process which is not defined in the constitution, colorado that interprets that they get the right to do it. The minutes maisie, the reasoning here, but we If you want to follow along on social media, I met rich Zoe r s, ch Z, e, o l. I e you can also call the show eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: what what the argument that the Is laying out here I mean This is absurd that this is really absurd. Their argument is basically this. Congress doesn't really explain how we go about go about barring somebody. Then we can determine that we can do it ourselves since eighty cents.
Didn't, say how to do it. We then have decided that we, we can do it so since there is no. Explicit instructions on how somebody gets barred from being on the ballot under the fourteen amendments section three. Therefore, we get set aside. because it doesn't say we can't decide and then say how to do it. So then we just we just do it What contradicts itself here when it says section three does not determine who decides whether disqualification has attached in the first place right, but it, but it. It was very clear at the time of the fourteenth amendment section three passage of the ratification of who that included, you didn't have to specify specify we just fought a civil war
we just fought: a civil war. Obviously we know who the confederates were. We know who the Democrats were. In other words, we didn't have to do trials. We didn't have to do congressional hearings. We knew of the confederacy was they were very proud of the fact that they were confederate states of amerika. It was self evident, but they don't listen
in the colorado Supreme court's reasoning. They leave that out. They just go. Allow congress to say so. Therefore, we get to say no congress, the constitution does it need to say, because we just fought a civil war. So it's obvious. It's evident. It's self evident to the confederacy was itself evident, who led the rebellion against the united states of america, and then congress gives itself the ability under the fourteenth amendment. Congress then has the ability to essentially pardon that person and make them eligible for the offices that are listed in the fourteenth amendment section three, but the colorado supreme court pretends, as if this amendment was not ratified after the civil war. They leave that out, like it was ratified in nineteen. Seventy two or something like that. They just randomly decided to come up with an insurrection clause in the constitution for no reason, except that. Obviously it was very evident with the passage of the civil war amendments, including the thirteenth which bardsley, which outlawed slavery, that if the confederate states wanted back in the union, they had to accept these
amendments they haven't. They had to agree to these. This was that this was this. Was the price to pay? You want to come back and you have to agree to these amendments. Then one of them said none of you who engage in this rebellion against the united states not have you are eligible to be a senator, a member of congress and elector or of the president, or vice president or hold an office of the united states, but they still allowed the ability of one of them to become president, because they didn't feel I'm guessing at the time that it would be ok to bar somebody from that office. That's the only conclusion I can make. I was none of us were there for that, but they left the presidency out of it for a reason
but let s think about this now. This is what the delete the raising of the supreme court is here in intravenous. However, look to section five of the fourteenth amendment, which provides that congress shall have the power to enforce by appropriate legislation the provisions of this article to argue that congressional authorization is necessary for any enforcement of section three. The argument does not withstand scrutiny. The supreme court has said that the fourteenth amendment is undoubtedly self executing without any ancillary legislation. So, as far as its terms are applicable to any existing state of circumstances, the court was directly focused on the thirteen amendments, civil rights cases, so that this statement could be described as dicta, but an examination of the thirteen fourteen and fifteen amendments to the constitution. The reconstruction amendments and interpretation of them supports the accuracy and broader significance of the statement began there they're leaving their leaving out the fact that we just for a civil war and that it was
and who the rebels war you're leaving? That is completely glossing over. That fact section raise one of four substantive sections of the fourteenth amendment section: one no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the united states. Nor shall any state deprive any person of life. Liberty or property without due process of law. Section to representative shall be apportioned among the several states, according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each day. Section three: no person shall be a senator or representative in congress or elect tour of president and vice president
or hold any office under the united states you having previously taken an oath to support the constitution of the united states, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same section. Four, the validity of the public debt of the united states shall not be questioned. Obviously, all of these things have to do with the post civil war, reconstruction of the united states of america. So that's why congress doesn't that's why the constitution does.
Specifying that part how they go about, determining who committed a rebellion or an insurrection. But obviously I would think of the time what they would rely on was what they also road here, which is due process. Wouldn't you, wouldn't you make that conclusion? They literally right here in the fourteenth amendment section number one no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privilege or immunities of citizens of the united states, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law. So wouldn't you then make the determination that is their thinking of the fourteen amendments, application to those who committed an insurrection if they obviously knew who the rebels works? We just want the civil war, so that was easy part but think it in the future. There is another insurrection: there's a there's, a rebellion against the united states of america. Wouldn't it then follow that the implication is you don't get to deny a person their right to be on the ballot without due process of law? So then what is due process of law? In this context, it would be a federal court that has a trial where federal charges are laid out that this person has committed an insurrection or rebellion or given aid in comfort to those who have in federal court and due process would have to follow through with that person will have to be found guilty or that congress would make its determination through the course of its own proceedings. Since congress can make that determination, I would presume, since eight they congress can
do it, but at no point does it say that that a state just gets to make their determination all by itself. This is a federal constitution, we're talking about federal laws and federal applications of those laws, and then, if you go into then deny somebody their due process rights to be on the ballot, which is a huge deal to say that we in this state, we have to prepare depriving you of your ability beyond the ballot, but we're not giving you due process. They can't give donald trump due process in colorado because he isn't broken colorado law. Think about that. How can you give donald trump due process in a state of colorado? Donald trump has not broken. Colorado law has not been accused of breaking colorado law and there's nothing in the constitution. That says, if you break colorado, while you can't be president, so obviously what that means, then is the framers of the fourteenth amendment. The ratifies and everybody else implied for due process account before anybody loses their life, liberty or property due process, but the only way you can have your price.
in this count is if somebody makes an accusation in federal court, meaning the government charges you with a crime of insurrection or giving aid and comfort to those who have and then you are found guilty and then it goes through all the various appeals and then ultimately, that determinations made at that point, then you can make an argument that a state doesn't need congress to tell it what to do. In that sense, then, then, the fourteenth amendment becomes self executing. You can make that argument at that point, but they're not even doing that. Colorado's aren't doing that they're just rushing past. All that they're there they're scrapping that whole pesky due process part and going right to the fact of well, it's self executing so we're going to execute it and in the process execute democracy at the same time and say that a person who's not been convicted of a federal crime of insurrection or giving aid and comfort thereof is not eligible to be on the ballot in our state.
We get to do that. We get to determine that. We have the power to do that ourselves. What how does the state of colorado have the authority to do this? How does the state of colorado by watching the january six committee hearings then make a determination that donald trump is guilty there, not a federal court? It's a state, they don't have the right to do this. These are not federal charges and donald trump hasn't even been charged with them. To now, a state turns around and says it's self executing. We can just take him off about ourselves. There are eight, you could argue again. You could make an argument that it's self executing in the sense that, if Donald trump would have been found guilty of giving aid and comfort or committing an insurrection or whatever that them the states just do it automatically
Take them off about you couldn't make that argument being self executing in that manner, but first there has to be that that whole pesky due process thing that whole pesky due process, which, of course, you and I both understand to be a trial under the fifth and sixth amendments of the constitution, where you have due process, and you have a jury of your peers and you're found guilty. Has that happened here? No, it has not. Now I'm not even getting into the fact of, even if it you do have a trial, even if trump's found guilty. I still don't think this applies to him because the word president's not there, but let's just leave that out of it for just a second. Where is the due process for donald trump? Obviously, the the writers of the fourteenth amendment were acutely aware of the need to stress due process under the law before anybody's deprived of their life, for their liberty, Donald trump's, being deprived of his liberty, which is the liberty to run for president, the constitution's very, very, very open. You know you only need a few.
Applications will be president to your age, your your your citizenship, how many years you live here, it's pretty simple, that's it done, and I q tests don't need money done, good, looks and charm, although it helps, but you don't need those things. So then you have the liberty as long as you're, thirty five and you are born in the united states and you've lived here for the set number of years. You have the liberty than to run for president sofa state's going to deny. You deprive you of your liberty to run for president. Obviously they want due process to be involved so where's the due process. It wasn't necessary to put in a procedure to determine who is part of the confederacy when the fourteenth amendment was adopted. Much like you didn't need a procedure determined who was a slave when the thirteenth member was adopted, there's not there's nothing in the thirteenth amendment that says, oh and in order to determine, if somebody was a slave of following must occur, blah blah blah. No, it was self evident. We knew the slaves were and we knew the confederates were to these things were very self evident, so you didn't have to really list all these things, but they left it in a way that if, in the future, something were to occur, then that person would have to go through due process. Obviously, and the confederates knew who they were. The confederates knew what they did and the confederates surrendered and the confederacy surrendered, and then they adopted these amendments to to be welcomed back into the union and then the rest is history as they say. But now the state of colorado has decided due process doesn't exist and that they have the right to make these determinations on the federal level. So that's why I said to you before then: what stops the state from
going around and saying. We believe the president is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and we're keeping them off the ballot, and we we've determined that that it's it's self executing, but he can't be on our ballot because well now I mean congress should have done these things and since congress didn't, but we know he's guilty, we can do it anyway. Now, we'll just do it anyway. He really isn't eligible to serve in office because he really did commit by crimes and misdemeanors. I mean forget the fact that congress didn't find him guilty of that. But that's ok. We know he did it so we'll just keep them offer valid. Tell us! We can't, I mean sure, it's it's it's ridicule, it's so ridiculous to make this idea that nobody has found donald trump guilty of these things, but the state of colorado gets to make the determination on their own and then keep them off about. Even though there is a procedure in the constitution called the impeachment clause which the president was found. He was impeached which is a charge and that he was found not guilty in the senate. So the only argument you can make is that if there was a process and a procedure he was acquitted. Therefore he did not commit these things against the united states of america. That's the only legal, the only precedent in this entire matter, which, of course the state of colorado doesn't even mention in their two hundred and thirteen page opinion here, is that Donald trump was acquitted in the senate. So, if you're looking at due process, that's the only conclusion you can come to is that he was acquitted. So then, at that point the state has absolutely no merit whatsoever to keep him off the ballot.
if they're adding congress into the equation. Alright, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, that's the mark, Levin show it's rich is aeolian for the great one more to say I miss a lot more to say: don't go away, my love in the traveling for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added the internet no roaming, the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas, you're covered from the steps of buckingham palace or you. Fella and sent rainy you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase. Pure talk still saves the ira to family
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The couple of the presidential candidates have waited near Chris Christie, saying quote: donald trump should not be prevented from being president by any court should be prevented from being president of the united states by the voters of this country, at least he's acknowledging that the court is massively overreaching here, but fake ramaswamy coming out and saying the following much longer. He said this is what an actual attack on democracy looks like in an un american unconstitutional and unprecedented decision. A cabal of democrat judges are barring trump from the bout in colorado. Having tried every trick in the book to eliminate president trump from running in this election, the bipartisan establishment is now deploying a new tactic to bar him from ever holding office. Again the fourteenth amendment I pledge to withdraw from the colorado glp primary unless trump is also allowed to be on the state's ballot, and I demand that ron de santis, Chris Christie and nikki haley to do the same immediately or else they are tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver, which will have disastrous consequences for the country. Today's decision is the latest election interference tactic to silence political opponents and swing the election for whatever puppet the Democrats put up by the time by this time of depriving americans of every right to vote for their candidate of choice of origin. The memo is part of the reconstruction amendments that were ratified following the civil war was passed to prohibit former confederate military and political leaders from holding high federal or state office. These men had clearly taken part in a rebellion against the united states, the civil war that makes it all the more absurd that a left wing group in colorado is asking a federal court to disqualify the forty fifth president on the same grounds, equating his speech to rebellion against the united states, and there is another legal problem. Trump is not a former officer of the united states, as that term is used in the constitution, meaning section three does not apply, as the supreme court explained in free enterprise fund v, public company accounting oversight board in two thousand and ten quote. An officer of the united states is someone appointed by the president to aid him in his duties. Under article two section, two, the term does not apply to elected officials and certainly not to the president himself.
The framers of the fourteenth amendment will be appalled to see this narrow provision intended to bar former us officials, who switched to the confederacy from seeking public office being weaponized by a sitting president and his political allies to prevent a former president from seeking reelection. Our country is becoming unrecognizable to our founding fathers. In addition to that, not only the framers but those who ratified the amendment as well, they would also be saying the same things good for veg. That's an excellent statement, good for him, a lot more to get you on this. I want to get your reaction. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one! One I'll tell you exactly! Why they're doing this exactly? Why they're doing this? At the top of the hour mark levin, show coming right that the. Folks, our friends at helstone college wish you and yours a happy and bless her christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year.
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These now broadcasting the monopoly underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the britons deal of land the script building we have once again made contact with our leader. Supreme court has decided, you will not get a say in how you can run for president, because they are going to usurp the will
the voters and decide to bar an american citizen without due process from being on the ballot. Welcome back to the mark, Levin show the great one is off tonight it to be rich zoe in for mark an honor to be with you tonight and tomorrow night as well. I'm excited for that. First of all, I've been talking about this since really the beginning of the show tonight, because this came at about six fifteen tonight and mister producer, and I couldn't believe it in the middle of a monologue. I look down and see the breaking news. Colorado bars trump for being on the ballot. The main thing is this, and this is why they're doing this Joe Biden is going to lose. They don't want Joe Biden to lose, but he's going to lose and they know that and what they want to do. The Democrats, as they want to swap Joe Biden out and put it in another candidate but donald trump, is so popular that even political image in this in the opening monologue to the start of the show, even political wrote, a piece that mexicans are looking forward to trump's return, as in mexican americans in places like EL paso, texas trump is winning Biden is losing every day the polls get worse and worse for Biden. There was a story today about a pollster who worked with James carville, and he said this is grim, but the key part about it is that this has been getting worse for Biden, the economic messaging. The economic reaction to that messaging is getting worse and worse Biden is getting more and more unpopular as time goes on. People are feeling more and more disengaged from supporting him even his own supporters. It is a cascading destruction of Biden's reelection campaign and that's why they're doing this, because Donald trump can win and remember, the establishment will be happy with any of the other republicans for the most part. They really would. I mean well really Nikki haley, the establishment. Be fine with her this anna said not as much but but Nikki haley. Yes, she'll give them what they want. She'll do what they want. She'll be a puppet for the establishment. That's why the establishment is now rushing to Nikki Haley's defense, trying to proper up trying to get her all this money, so they will be happy with Nikki haley, but trump is a danger to the establishment on both sides of the political aisle and because he's going to beat Biden and they can't get Biden out of the race cars biting such a stubborn old goat. They have no choice but to try to keep them off the ballot. Now here's the danger I've already outlined for you in much detail why I do not believe nor does mark section three of the fourteenth amendment applies to presidents, just based on the fact that the word is not there. The freaking word is not there. That's number one number two: I've spent great detail explaining how the colorado supreme court has not applied any due process whatsoever. Down trump is often charged with an insurrection or giving aid and comfort has not been found guilty of those things. But the timing on this is very, very suspect, and I don't trust anything and I'm very much like vito corleone in the godfather. When I say I'm a superstitious man and if lightning should strike I'm going to blame some of the people in this room tonight. Here's what I'm talking about the timing of this works in the favor of those trying to keep trump off about the colorado supreme court has put a stay on this ruling until January fourth january fifth, as their deadline to organize their ballots for the state's republican primary. The supreme court may or may not have the time to rule on this by then, and the supreme court may tell colorado, go scratch will will will decide and we're ready, and you wait and you wait to do your ballots until we tell you to that. Very much may happen. Very likely will happen. It's obvious, though, that the supreme court could come back and say since Donald trump has not been charged with or found guilty of. The state of colorado has no right we're not going to make a determination on whether section three applies to a president or somebody seeking the presidency until we actually have somebody who's found guilty of those things. The court may come back with that and say that they may say: look it's a it's a it's a valid question of whether or not section section three of the fourteenth amendment applies to presidents or those seeking the presidency, but we can't even begin to tackle that question because, more broadly, the person in question, Donald J trump has not been found guilty of any of the things that the state of colorado is alleging, so in and and until and at such time we will then render that that opinion separately. The court could do that. They they like narrow rulings and that's an easy one, just pump punt it back and say: listen trump has not been charged with an insurrection. He has been charged with giving aid and comfort certainly hasn't been found guilty of those things. So until that happens, you you gotta, keep him on the ballot, in which case then Jack smith. A special prosecutor turns around and says I need to charge trump with these crimes and then turns around and adds charges to the federal indictment saying that donald trump gave aid and comfort. I don't think he'll go as far as to say that Donald trump led an insurrection or participate in an insurrection, but I think he'll say that donald trump gave aid and comfort to those who get which would cover the language in the fourteenth amendment section three for those purposes and then a kangaroo court in DC will find him guilty like they find everybody guilty every single time when it comes to january. Sixth, because you can't get a fair trial in the district of columbia and then at that point, then colorado and other blue states will turn around and say welp since the fourteenth amendment self executing. We are now going to take him off about
which gave them the supreme court hears it again and the supreme court says okay. Now we have to tackle the question of whether section three of the fourteenth amendment applies to presidents. Now. I believe that, based on the fact that we have many justices on the court, a majority of whom who believe in the text of the of the constitution near textural is their original list. They look at the actual meaning at the time it was passed. I think they would conclude that the framers of the fourteenth amendment the ratifies the adopters all the people mentioned did not believe president should count, which is why they didn't mention the word they mentioned senator they mentioned member of the house. They mentioned elect tours to the president and vice president. So, very specifically, they mentioned that they mentioned officers of the united states, and the court has concluded that officers of the united states are people that are appointed by the president, but they don't mentioned president and therefore it was their intent at the time that the presidency not be included in this prohibition, for whatever reason that the absence of the word is everything that you don't have to really spend much time trying to understand and get into the mindset of the framers of the fourteenth amendment. You just have to realize that the word is not there, so obviously they didn't want it to apply because they wanted it to apply. They would have just listed it because they list
all these other offices. They took the time out of their day out of their very busy reconstruction lives to list the offices that they did not want people to be able to hold. So then you can just easily conclude in like a one page brief. While then they should have mentioned president to if they wanted the presidency to now they should have just added the word. You know they weren't getting charged by the letter back then they could have absolutely added. The word: wouldn't change a damn thing, but the Let us assume that they meant to add the word. Are they meant to imply the word, even though they didn't add a word? That's a stretch, so we're going to go with what they didn't say. They didn't say president therefore doesn't counter the president period and then ended and that's it. That's all you gotta. Do it's a quick one, page ruling by the supreme court. That should be a unanimous opinion. It should be like this. Very simple test is the word president's there? No ok! Well, then it doesn't count. The president doesnt doesn't count. Do you see the wordpress
I didn't hear the duh duh duh duh, duh, duh, duh, senator electors house, member nope. Okay, then what's not their president right so who who then doesn't it affect? The president right? Take a very simple childlike logic: question: a childlike game: hey what word isn't here, the president right who do you think they meant to leave out and the commissioner of the water commission in essex county new jersey? No, no! No! No! Stick with me here they were talking about federal offices.
federal offices. They didn't list what office president right so, therefore, which office does this not apply to senator nope nope belt senators? There is a they listed that one. I remember the house nope, that's their two electors of the president nope nope belt. Also they're gonna try one more time and they. Unless president, there is eighty one president's account right. Okay, I got it right awesome. What do I win? Not that complicated? Really! Isn't it's not that complicated, but this goes to the heart of everything we've talked about for years. I remember when mark- and I first met actually was back in the early aughts as they say, the mid choose and his book men in black had just come out, and I was involved in republican party politics in new jersey and he was our guest speaker at a political dinner that I ran and everybody got a signed copy of men in black and mark spoke
It was great and we hit it off and he's been nothing but an incredibly kind and generous mentor of my radio career ever since, and I'm internally grateful to him for that. But we hit it off at night and men in black is still, in my opinion, my favorite book of his only because I love the courts and I love law and I love the whole process and he does a great job of explaining how these unelected judges in black robes make all these determinations that they're not supposed to make, because the legislature is supposed to make them. And yet the court just legislates from the bench and he went into great detail about korematsu and row and all kinds of other decisions, dred, scott and the separate, but equal decision under the united states constitution that the court got so wrong when they said separate, but equal was constitutional, dred scott, how a person can be property, I remarked, did a great job explaining all those things. But this is what we're talking about we're talking about an elected or elected in colorado. I dunno how they work. It doesn't matter we're talking about judges who are supposed to interpret the law making. The law were talking about people whose job it is to interpret the law as it's written deciding for us the way things are going to be and they get the same thing in pennsylvania. In twenty twenty twenty twenty, the pennsylvania supreme court came out and said, even though the law is clear about how those
Dallas are supposed to be counted. We, the supreme court of pennsylvania, are going to usurp the legislature and say that the law as it's written does not apply. We are going to write new law from the bench, men and women in black, determining for themselves and for all of us what the law really should be, and the state of colorado they've done the exact same thing determining that you should not have the ability to vote for donald trump and are doing all this, because Joe Biden's going to lose Joe Biden is a terrible, terrible candidate. Joe Biden is one of the absolute worst candidates to ever run for the presidency and there's nothing that can save this man nothing. But the problem is even if you swap out Joe Biden, I still think trump wins. I do. I think trump is so popular right now. I think people have had it with this administration. I think people that even don't
Why trump's mean tweets, wish they could get a mean tweet right now, just to have america be where it was four years ago with a secure southern border and we weren't they weren't wars going on across the world and the american economy was much stronger. That's what I think so I think they will pull out any stops. They possibly can to stop him. So if a court comes back, the supreme court says it doesn't count the trump because he hasn't been found guilty of those things. Then look for the special counsel, jack smith. To then add those charges to trump if he doesn't do it any way. You may just do it anyway and then look for a jury to find him guilty and then look for the states to turn around and say he's barred from being on the ballot, and I'm a supreme court have to hear it again and make a determination about whether section three applies to president's, which It is very easy to german. Is the word president here? Yes or no check this box? Do you see the word president? No, yes check the box very simple, very
You don't need a lot agree to figure that out. You just have to just do the little word game and I do with my kids. We sit there. Dinars and may have those hidden word puzzles and we have to try to find. The words well in this case is very simple. What word isn't here, president right so which office is? Does this not apply to president right bingo? Get this kid and ice cream corn? Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! It's the mark! Levin show the great one is off tonight. It's me, rich Zoe inform mark coming right back in the jammed african here with some more straight talk. Now you can get a walmart plus membership plus not pay for because it included with straight talk wireless plans. You get free delivery with walmart plus plus a paramount plus subscription, including plus you pay less for gas. That's a lot of people.
It's only straight talk gives you unlimited five g data and walmart plus included on select plans for free straight talk. Wireless available at walmart require service on gold or platinum. Unlimited one opera per eligible account paramount, plus a central plan. Only separate registration required additional terms apply Article three one three one one year, the marquis of it. President trump responded former president trump excuse me. I don't want to trigger anybody, responded to which, by the way, you can still call former presidents president, it's not a big deal, it's etiquette and it's fine, but some people get very, very upset. President trump responded to. We. We think he responded to the colorado supreme court certainly sounds a lot like it. As he was speaking earlier tonight. Take a lesson is no wonder. Krueger Joe Biden in the far left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary their willie
to violate the. U s: constitutions at levels never seen before. In order to win this election, Joe Biden is a threat, democracy, so threat. That weaponizing law enforcement for high level election interference because we're are beating them so badly in the polls. You know, if you don't. If democrats were serious about their nonsense about defending democracy and letting democracy prevail and all the other stuff, they would never try. A stunt like this they'd ever would would do that, but democrats don't believe in democracy. First of all, we are a constitutional republic as you know, but they don't believe in democracy. They don't they they want. Majority mob rule is what they want. That's not democracy. They want a very small group of people based essentially on the coast. California, new york set aside for everybody else, and they believe their way is right.
You should never challenge them and everybody must agree to their marx's vision for america and if you get out of line, they will cancel you even if you weren't there one, you know, even if you're one of your own their own, and you agree with nine out of ten things if you say, support Israel, but you support all the other wacky things that Democrats support. They'll still cancel you they'll come after you, they want to determine everything and they don't want dissent. That's why they crack down on so called missions. Formation and this information is in a wants you to disagree with them. They want to give you the ability to do so. They want to tell you how to think on pandemics in climate and everything else they want to tell you that science is real except biology is not biology, can change genders can change. They want to tell you that in a few disagree with them, they just want to cancel your silence. You call you names and shot you up. They actually dont want a democracy at all. They don't want people participating in disagreeing em in voting and they want. They want to totalitarianism,
what they want. That's why totalitarians or on the left? They always are it despite History says about certain tyrants, like mussolini and others being on the right. Now that there are the laughing these people that shut down descent, and use the powers of their law enforcement for political purposes. They are always on the left, their outcome sir, on the left, what they eventually do with their economies on the left, the same with hitler. It's the same thing socialist, national socialist, their ideas, as are always from the idea of the left, using government for the greater good you taking away individual liberty and property for the greater good determining for everyone else, for the greater good, in this case now, taking away the ability of coloradans to vote for who they want, taking away their ability to cast a ballot for the candidate of their choice for the greater good they'll decide for us,
for people in black robes will decide for everybody else, and then other blue stage will follow suit and we'll all try the same nonsense, because they do not want descent, because tyrants never do it. Doesnt work and so talents airiness it's what don't allow it to mark shower coming right back, you have the food. The decorations you're running out of time to get the perfect holiday gives good. Things therefore offers freeze same day, delivery order, the best fragrance makeup, skincare and haircare gifts online and have them delivered from the store to your door. Today, no order minimums only with free, same day, delivery at the fourth use code, get gifts for horror that was fast offer ends december. Twenty fourth exclusions and terms apply beauty insiders. Only one time use available in select markets,
show tomorrow morning show you reach marked now eight seven, seven, three one three eight one one it was so funny to say to MR producer, before we had the whole show planned out all these audio cuts. Everything like that is how it works. These days, when I get on the air, and this ruling comes down at a colorado. So all the show prep goes out the window and that's ok, though we have to roll with it. We've got to roll with it. It's how we do things on the mark, Levin show It's me rich is the only and for the great ones tonight. Normally I can be heard from three p m to seven p m on talk, radio twelve tend to be phd in philadelphia marks, hometown, always an honour when I get to be with you tonight and hang out I'll be back tomorrow bite mark has graciously extended the offer to come back tomorrow. I haven't completely blown it yet. So that's good, although we still have twenty minutes ago, so we'll see how that goes. but I'm excited to be here and excited to talk about this incited to fight for liberty. What the court
is doing in colorado, disenfranchised voters and take away your right to be able to choose a presidential candidate, really specious reasoning under the fourteenth amendment. Section three is just an outrageous outrageous moment in our in our history no question, Let me take some caused at your reaction. Let's start with joy in staten island new york, John, you are on the market, ensure with me read shower you we're doing fine. Thank you for asking This is a numbers game for them. It's like they're, always told a twenty election they're going to. In my opinion, they they claim that trump had no standing when he tried to apply for the purpose of the year a constitutional towards anyone. They cause that's funny cargan. It now stay the cholera as low as low were. They have that they may have no claim they d get. Its dictator
peace. Federal laws they don't aquifer was the crime was committed to live state. So how could they lay claim? it is not a colorado law. It is not accused of violating the colorado laws. How can they make that argument, even if he was that would not bar him from being on the ballot? in the car colorado constitution he had bought it in their state, then they would have when they outstanding, but I hope you will not argue. No standing. Also, I think, with dignity. they're, going to wait till the last minute. The supreme court will come down in favor of of the four judges and then they're going to make you wear the chair. I got to go to supreme court and by the time the supreme court hear that you know what I'm saying with the voting given the twenty election. They said that up to the supreme,
court from pennsylvania, and they showed that the pennsylvania judges were crazy and they had a headache cases. But at that point the already quite count of electoral colleges. we started this whole around. I think, in this case, in germany, I had the call, but you have a great night and merry christmas. I think in this case it's different because the supreme court has to rule because the ballots have to be created, ballots have to be printed and they have to be mailed out and the whole process has to happen. So the supreme court has to rule, but my concern is that they rule in two parts, the first part being there's no there's no issue here. Donald trump has not been convicted of an insurrection or giving aid and comfort to those who have so there is no there. The state of colorado has no reason to bar him and we don't even have to get into the merits of
in three yet because he has not been found guilty of those things. In which case, then he has to be on the ballot for now. They're, always thinking a step ahead. These people on the left they're always thinking a step ahead. So if that is the, if that is what the court comes back and says, then watch the special prosecutor to charge trump and watch a dc jury to find him guilty, which case then the supreme court as to here to get in now they have to decide on the question of whether or not section three applies to the presidency. So this could multiple court gates here before the united states supreme court is my point. Tony, is in new jersey, hello, totally or on the mark of show,
pleasure, and we appreciate your clarity. You know it's amazing how you could make them, though crystal clear, but I do want to tell you it's perfectly evidence about democratic is that they have no respect for our history and for what is going on at the time, though these people of all ages. Of what the framers of the constitution is dead, because they're taking everything down and- and I just wanted to they and I dont want to add anything you said, but I wanted to say that we had Andrew Johnson, who was a democrat president who took over when lincoln was passed. Made it and nothing ever happen here need to reign. the cream and even got out of engagement by like one boat, though it was not men for the president, and it was also men.
Are people who were. There was a concern because elections weren't really happening to the election criteria to employ the dates were doing their own thing. Our democratic party has no idea what our country was going through as mark shares in his book. Why the Democrats, hate america I don't care about it and they're, destroying all the statues, so they're, not our they're, not our constitutional posts, and I thank god for mark Levin and tony. Thank you merry christmas and I appreciate the phone call tonight. Thank you so much for the kind words as well yeah. Look I it's it's! No, no question about it. Democrats hate america. Mark's book is spot on the democratic party hates america. They want to tear america down. They always have aided america. Member we're talking about the confederacy, who was the confederacy, the democrat party, the democrat party, as an unbroken line of their hatred for america, and their attempts to try to take over america and use
this republic, from the confederacy to woodrow wilson, to franklin delano, roosevelt, to Lyndon Johnson, to Barack obama, to this in the white house. Now an unbroken line you can trace it all the way back. So it's ironic in the sense that we're talking about amendments that are passed post, civil war amendments to keep the confederacy the Democrats from taking power in this country and now they're applying it's donald trump. When was never to be applied in this manner dennis is in arizona Dennis you're on the market and show you through. Thank you for letting me know can thank you for listening to me I want to make a point, and I want to let you know why I'm qualified to make this point, because I'm a motorcyclists and I've been in their capital, billy so many times I used to live in illinois. now. I know it's a lot further, but I
it's seven hundred and eighty two miles away from the capitol building and every year I rode the capital to get every year. Sometimes I flew there twice a year once on a motorcycle out of a were on a motorcycle road and once on an airplane to ride there with a bit of illinois and I'm calling you nancy Pelosi who was the speaker of the house when you're talking about the capitol building, she has one hundred percent one hundred percent of what happens in the capitol building. She has the decision to do it. If she disagrees with it, it doesn't happen. If she agrees with it, it happens in donald trump. I know for a fact that thousands and thousands and thousands of troops,
come to their capitol building protected before, though, a couple of you a couple of weeks before the the the the prevented the capitol building. If she said yes, there never would have been a january sixth riot. Never I know you're right, he rewarded ten thousand national guard troops and they said no exactly Then thank you for the call their christmas, no question about it. Nancy Policy- and this is what several several the capital police officer said- what the chief said, the former chief nancy Pelosi made those decisions and I think they wanted generous six to happen, meets its the high wholly day of the left for a reason rather keep bringing it up all the time. It's the only thing they have. They can't bring up the economy
with everything they have is based in Donald trump's, going to destroy america and every day is going to be January. Sixth again and say: that's their only playbook. It doesn't work by the way when James Carville group looked at polling data, they found out that when voters were asked even Democrats, even democrat leaning voters who do you think, is the party that's better prepared to protect democracy. It's republicans, they don't but they're, not buying this whole argument that trump is going to destroy the country and destroy democracy and he's going to be the next mussolini and never leave office Can I first of all he was president if you're gonna be a dictator, there's your chance, you gotta be the dictator when you're actually in office. Why would you leave office and then have to go through all this trouble, just that im back to be a dictator you're already there. If you're going to be a dictator, you're going to be a dictator dictators, ten did not leave so the argument that he's going to be a dictator the next time around is so stupid because he was already there he had
chance he could have done it. He wanted to our system would not allow it, which is the key, but they don't tell you that an that's not what trump is he doesn't want to do that is in. It was never intended to be that But obviously a person would just common sense would turn around and go at a reason. He was president right. So then, if he was going to be a dictator, why is he not president anymore dictators, never leave, they have to be overthrown. That's why their argument doesn't work. It's why their argument does not work here. Brian is in pennsylvania. Brian, The mark levin show. I thank you so much for taking my com, a former bucks county boy, and I love it when you host and europe priority was really good and I agree with the woman president. Tromp will prevail in there and I I don't really care that this happened, because I'm thrilled about it, because what I am concerned with is whenever the Democrats do stuff like that,
people, americans in either party say that the real seditious enemies to our country are the democratic, so no matter how the path gets to the supreme court. President trump will prevail and I think it's so bizarre that we're talking about the confederacy and and the amendment, because we, No, the Democrats want a two state solution and israel. So perhaps this is a bizarre attempt to raise the confederates you again, and I know that a silly thing to say, but enclosing trump will prevail and that these type of stones are called
the thing patriotic americans on both in both parties to see who the real enemy of our country is, and it's the left thanks brian appreciate it, yeah look if the supreme court rules on this. It's very simple, it's a very simple ruling is the word president there. Yes, sir, do check this box. Yes or no. It's not that complicated. It's like the old thing when you were a kid you'd had a girl note. Do you like me check this box? Is the word president here? Yes or no check? This box is very simple. It's a very simple ruling if they wanted it to include the president, why didn't they list the word? Presidents? They weren't running out of ink. They knew what the title was. They knew the office. They looked at lists the electors. The president, very simple, that's what I I think the court will come back and say because you were we are lucky to have textual list in original, is on the bench we're lucky in that sense, but it's very possible. They may come back even sooner and say: there's not even a case to hear here, because Donald trump has not been found guilty of any of those things which case. Then they decided that later, in which case then Jack smith, as special counsel then throws more charges at trump than a dc jury. Kangaroo court just finds him guilty. So as a couple of different ways, this could go, but ultimately I think he prevails. I do I think he prevails and even if they find him guilty of an insurrection or giving aid and comfort to an end to the rebellion, I still think the supreme court says section three doesn't apply, doesn't count. I certainly don't think a guilty verdict
it would hurt him in any way politically. I think people see through all of this, so I think he's going to be just fine. It's just more about the fact that it's annoying that a court once again decides it's going to take away the will of voters. It's going to it's going to usurp. The role of the legislature is going to usurp the united states constitution. It's going to give itself extra powers, it doesn't have he over there for the colorado springboard to turn around and say well, since the access is silent and how we determined this. We then conclude that we can make her determination what that's ridiculous, because you think he's guilty of an insurrection that gives you the right to keep them off the ballot without due process in federal court. You kidding me and that you determined that the presidency obviously is included, even though the words not bear so you decide that. So therefore it's decided, I mean gimme a break. You know it's kind of it's nonsense and people see through it, and I think everybody understands
what this is about. This is about stopping trump from being on the bow, because they know he's going to win it's the only shot they have the only shot they have of maintaining power. Besides, of course, mass ramp and cheating, which I still don't think is going to help him this time around. There's no covert anymore, the the the you know, bumbling old vegetable in the basement, can't hide anymore. He's got to come out and actually speak. So it's not going to save him. It's not, but that's. The only thing they have is to try to keep them from being on the ballot short of that he wins. They know this and their panic. They are terrified of this short of key I'm off about. He wins, it's the only play they have left and I don't think it's gonna work. That's a good news. Eight, seven, seven, three one one three one! It's a mark of in show. It's me rich z, only from chocolate each will tend to be phd in marks hometown of philadelphia coming right. Back I
travelling for the holidays, pure talk has you covered because they just added national roaming, the over thirty countries. That's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas, you're covered from the steps. buckingham palace or your villa and sent you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase pure talks, saves the Erika family almost a thousand thousand dollars a year were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put Joan america's most dependable five g network. So the coverage is second to none. So don't delay folks switch to pure talk, a veteran own wireless company with simply the best you ask former service team now with international roaming to over thirty countries go to pure talk, tat come slashed, Levine, that's pure talk, tat, come slash, alleviate them to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big! That's
talk. Tat, come slashed, love in the start, saving on wireless right now, all right, as of this case unfolds, there's going be a lot more to talk about them. I'll, be back with you tomorrow for all the breaking news updates around this, and it's been a lot of fun being with you tonight. I'm sharing it a couple of calls him before I turn it over to bureau enjoy the rest of your night. How about mark is a trucker. South dakota mark you're on the mark, Levin show. Thank you rich. You know you have to change your show. Some have changed, but I I was hillsdale call tomorrow with that point, but I was gonna say,
tolerate a large show. You're, not I've, killed by not to hear about your ballot too, because- and I quote when he said: if you don't like groovy, wait turnover, why don't you go to the supreme court just as this house and protest? You look so peacefully are patriotically like trumpeted, they went to their houses and they protracted and they threaten them ah justice from their family, and that means creating an instruction to the supreme court and that's a great point yeah I mean and violates federal law, and you could absolutely argue that. Why not mark letters have states make those determinations all by themselves and we can have some states keep us candidates off and others keep the others offered to be great it'll, be italy ass chaos, but elisa be entertaining that you were the call rob is
trucker in iowa. Rob you're on the mark. Levin show go ahead, be rich. I just wanted to make a quick point. I didn't a couple of years ago, colorado kind of do away with the electoral college in favor of they have to vote for the popular vote and what happens if Donald trump wins, the pot the popular vote. Yeah. Well, I mean first, you gotta be on the vow right, so that's their that's their first little snarky attempt to try to keep them off the ballot. I think they know it's going to fail, but they are when do I to pave the way for other blue states here react, colorado is, is it this court is left as it comes no question about it and, let's hope a supreme court will do the right thing here. Thank you very much call rob dr safe Let's see here, Brien's in oregon, brian glad to get the last word you. Can using it interesting that everything that the left
would happen under current. Didn't happen. Companies happy under Biden, tat great point: tat talk about being a dictator right apple, exactly said Well said my friend thank you very much for listening, appreciated appreciative either me on twitter, at rich z. Only if you would like I'd be very happy to have you do that. Are I c h, Z, eeo, align I'll, be back with you to morrow night you're. A mark levin show just remember this section. Three of article of the fourteen amendment does not apply to president's number one number two donald trump has not been found guilty of an insurrection or giving aid comfort to those you have. There has been no deprived due process. Your whatsoever for the former president, everything colorado is doing is completely and utterly outrageous unconstitutional and I dont believe, will stand up to scrutiny of united states. bring court have a very recent united tonight, thanks to MR producer thanks even restoring the cause I'll be back with you tomorrow. Here our golden show. God bless
Transcript generated on 2023-12-21.