« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/19/19


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the enemy of the Constitution, is the Speaker of the House. In true fascist fashion Pelosi is obstructing the Senate because they cannot control the trial there. So, at the direction of Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe, Pelosi has decided to put the brakes on sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate and snapped at reporters who asked if she was playing politics with the impeachment in order to gain leverage over the Senate process. The Senate has the sole power under the Constitution to adjudicate an impeachment. Therefore, Pelosi is attempting to obstruct the Senate’s power to act on its constitutional authority. Mitch McConnell should immediately put an end to this and declare the impeachment null and void as the speaker has failed to complete the impeachment process by timely sending it to the Senate for adjudication. McConnell has no less authority to unilaterally make such a decision than Pelosi does to withhold the administrative notification of the articles of impeachment to the Senate either indefinitely or with conditions. Her effort to cripple the presidency and blackmail the Senate must be defeated. Then, based on the Pelosi Plan there is no President of the United States that should not have been impeached based on her erroneous standard. Trump was impeached because the Democrats will do anything to stop a duly elected President of the United States. They've tried to abolish the electoral college, prosecution through the special counsel and the phony dossier, and filing false evidence with the FISA Court. From spying on his campaign to the silent or soft attempted coup to sabotage his presidency, the attacks do not stop and we have never seen anything like this before. Afterward, Donald Trump, Jr. joins the program to discuss Wednesday's impeachment vote and Nancy Pelosi's obstruction of the Senate. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here There is a truly independent institution. Where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run casting on roaming underground command, both than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building, we once again made contact with our leader, everybody Mark Levant, number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three eight line three eight one one well looks like
started quite a little. How about here in response to our fascist speaker, their house, Nancy below scene? She is a fascist in every respect. She ducks herself like a fascist, she's body, language like a fascist and that's what she is a fascist. How many times have I said, at five times I'll, say twenty five times by the end of the programme for those who like to keep count in the liberal media. First Nancy policy. After the vote, these two phony articles of impeachment, which I'll get to in a moment after the vote, she just decided. I'm not gonna point managers to go To the Senate for the trial, because I dont like when I'm hearing over there in the Senate from Mcconnell and others, have already made up their minds and Chuck Schumann Witnesses and I'm gonna try and leverage is to try and get trucks humor witnesses in the Senate,
and control the Senate trial process and she got this hair brain idea from a hare. Praying left wing Old man, who is still a Harvard law, professor by the name, a large tribe, he wrote in a bed suggesting something along these lines. Nancy policies? Anything but an independent thinker. So she and her stupid, psychic, stumpy horror, said hey. Why not. And so today, by the way they took a holiday resource and they won't be back to January seven. So this is what they ve done. Much, let's listen cut five go when we see the process forward, the Senate. Them all know the number of managers that we may have to go forward and who Who is accused? That's right
that's what I'm saying now the president for this, and I met with my six chairs after some of us, were together for a press conference after the votes last night. Just ass, the precedent of it all, and that is in the most recent and case. You know, she's, very painful, isn't really. Her spasmodic jaw and her little extra. A troika ends, not really synopsis. It's just It's hard to listen to this one, the bow tax floating around, like mashed potatoes in her forehead, her lips falling off for a few sir teeth coming loose or mark you shouldn't talk, though, of course I can, and of course I will. These people deserve that in a hell of a lot more go ahead, then impeach finish, there was
a proposal on the four four together, but by partisan way, one its centre of support for the process on how they will go forward the case of let's stop there? Why does she care what the Senate voted? I she's the speaker of the house and really the speaker, the Democrats in the house. It's none of your business, the sole power for conducting a trials in this so why she involved in the in the Senate, because she's colluding with humor and the Democrats I think this is clever. This has never been done in american history, either. To try and use and impeachment in the house as leverage to control and effect the procedures that are used in the senate- and I hope about now african Ernie Fury and will follow my proposal in just a moment? Go ahead.
They could come to some conclusion like that, but in a way that we're ready, when we see what they have or no and how many we will send over. That's all I'm going to say that now that's all she's gonna say there's nothing about who and how many the jig is up. The cat is out of the bag, the dentures have dropped, and that is she's. Following the advice of a left wing kook, Harvard LAW, Professor, who suggested that she put the brakes on enforced Macao to accommodate whatever it is. She wants to accommodate, got six go like your DNS servers are the same as that which we have had We bring the doll, my god. What are we dealing with here
yeah. I get hit it again at the top. Please cut sex, go I say: one thing is clear: we have when we bring the bill, which is just This has been made in order by divorce committee that we can call up at any time in order She send it over to the Senate and to have it provisions in there to pay for their produce, further encouragement and then the next step in the kettle. Whatever you want to call it that the trial, my God are you listening to this, MR producer. Oh my Is she on something? Maybe she should be
she have a abbadie. Maybe she needs a la by. This is incredible, go that is where you, they managers I was not prepared to put the managers and that the earlier, because we don't know the arena, that we are the arena. Your ingenious is called the United States Senate. You choose three or four managers. And then you await the Senate. Tell you what the manager supposed to do. The let's use these false analogies, they use all the time you don't send process. In a court room until they feel HU, the jurors iron who the judges he gets ass in the courtroom. Let's stop start this again at the top there, because I think Nancy Pelosi a fascist by every definition, word, I said a fascist fascist
Nancy Policy, needs your head exam and I mean that literally cut six go I sympathise with the same as we have when we bring the bill, which is just this has been made in order by divorce committee that we can call up at any time in order to handed over to the Senate and to have a provision to pay for their produce through the impeachment and then the next The cat, having a stroke, maybe a many says, some going on many stroke. I certainly wouldn't wish that honor but she's
sounds like half of her mouth is frozen. Maybe all of it go ahead whatever you want to call it that the trial, that is where you put they managers. I was not prepared to put the managers and that the earlier, because we don't know the arena that we are in. Frankly, I don't care with it. This is an undergraduate bad said. Fascistic Nancy spoken. Let slip in one more cuts: seven go
Finally, like to see a fair process, but we'll see what they had and will be ready for. Whatever this we would help, there would be a fair process, just as we have that's very, very clever whose what the fascist do this is what they do. They deny any form of due process. They destroy the traditional means by which impeachment sir pursued they come up to completely. Bogus articles of impeachment. They shut down minority rights, the other parties rights they shut down the right of the accused. This case the present from confronting his accuser, from having a lawyer present during secret testimony, and from providing witnesses and as well, evidence again, but not at the second stage.
Where the House Judiciary Committee strangely takes over from the House Intelligence Committee, but at the earliest front end of the stage. The poisonous tree, the fruit of the price This tree here has taken place. I can all parallel and the fruit cakes have taken place to here is, as it turns Nancy policy among the year. Among the most of the fruit is true cakes. Now you ve heard this. Are you tired of fascistic Nancy Pelosi destroying your car In addition, I trot tired of her fascistic edicts undermining the entire process. I am so
We do about it I'll tell you when we return I'll, be right back then, as we celebrate the Christmas and holiday season, we often paused to consider our many blessings. Helstone college jus for loyalty, as it celebrates a hundred and seventy five years of blessings. Now, since eight in forty four hills tells how fast to its mission to provide the kind education is central to preserving free government and for decades they call has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty for a variety of outreach programmes. Perhaps you receive him Primus for free every month or one of hills does excellent, free online courses or Tended one of hills does free regional events, you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core principles, learning character, faith and freedom without government interference. So during the season, a blessings, hills Del. Thank you for your part.
Ship and extending its mission to that country, Mary Chris, Miss from Ill stale college and to learn more visit, Levine for Hills Del back. Come that's our easy iron, fray hills down bad cop. I think my buddy Damn Bonn Juno fulfilling and last night it was plan to be absent, who knew. But there was a plan that had been on for some time on our schedule. To go to turn quite USA, their marvelous event there, for which I saved a lifetime achievement award, and I want to thank train my USA, trolley car can all the folks. There was very, very wonderful event: remit, wonderful patriots, and this Parliament has really motivated conservatives. And many independence, Trump supporters across the board.
Motivated them across the board. My problem ass. It's done great great violence to the United States constitution in every way backed the process used in the Democratic Control House representatives, or under the republican majority. What was done to the acute president of the United States Conspiracies behind the scenes, and in the shadows between members of the house, including Adam shift in his staff and a phony So blower in order can cause this entire thing. One day this will all be unravelled and presented to the american people. It'll just be too late. Now these impeachment articles are not impeachment article. There kitchen sink articles they put too
aims onto overall overarching matters and through the kid sank into both of them, it so bad I explained last week on radio, as I explained on tv and radio it so bad. That there's not a single president of the United States of any party who could escape impeachment. Let me also underscore, and reiterate the Donald Has not violated the constitution in any respect during his entire tenure. Donald Trump has not violated any federal statute in any effect during his entire tender. The Donald Trump aside violated any rule during his tenure. Now there been
allegations made, but I said he is not violate them and yet is impeached he's not. Peached, because of the reasons that the framers put the impeachment clause in your constitution,. He's not a peach because of anything he has done is presently united States or before he's not peach because he committed hi crime or misdemeanor treason or bribery. He did none other he's impeached, because the democratic path free and their media reject, twenty sixteen election. Our position in themselves for the twenty twenty election and will do anything, including a fraudulent unconstitutional impeachment To take out a duly elected presently United States, they will try to destroy
electoral College to prevent this from happening again, try to use the emoluments clause against this present who's never violated the emoluments cloth. I've tried everything to cripple. They ve hurt TIM and his family with endless subpoenas that of Nothing to do with it, article, one legislative function of the Congress of the United States, nothing. Sure and others pressured the appointment of a special council, violation of standing Department of Justice regulations. It matters that we knew then better Certified by the inspector general Flat out laws, in fact the committee, of crime as far as I'm concerned in contempt of a court. With a phoney dossier? The funniest of those here.
Lying to the face a court filing false evidence with a bicycle court. We have never seen anything like this in american history. The attacks on a candidate for president the attacks when a man who was just elected president during the transition, the attacks or it was just sworn presently, United States. We have never ever seen anything like this. This isn't the resistance. These are marxist buffoons. And if they say oh you're, very extreme, of the language you use? What who conducts himself. This way, this. Spend an attempted at overthrow or, as I've said, Asylum coup that has been repeated ad nauseam now, but attempted and overthrow in place Since before the man was elected and executed, Syn,
the man has been elected and when you step and think about the allegations that came into office in order to make money. When he gives away his salary and he puts his business on hold and deep freeze. For three years really probably could have made millions more but he's dictator, like he's fascistic, like he's, he's like Hitler, Stolen really. Did he round up? chinese Americans, like Franklin, Roosevelt, it did. He throws Political opponents in prison, like Woodrow Wilson, did DNA in the IRS, a media, let's with whom we disagreed like J F K, hefty are now be jaded did he per week
tabs on his political opponents. The way I'll be J, J F K did Barack Obama. Who the hell are they talking about Donald Trump as a victim he's, not a perpetrator Our troubles comply with every federal law, the constitution in every court decision. Snap, Iraq Obama, the victim the victim. Is that and it continues to be the victim, and so do we, the people more. When I return you hear me talk about hills, to college, a lot that its rigorous classical liberal arts curriculum about its exceptionally bright and patriotic students. One hundred and seventy five years ago, hailstone college. Was founded with a mission defined by four enduring purposes: learning character, faith and freedom, while many
Petitions have lost their way hills. Dale college maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom. I've also talked about the Doktor Larry are the President of Helstone College to one of the finest Americans. I've ever known- and he explained said these for purposes, learning character, faith and freedom remain inseparable and the activity of education at Helstone College. He said learning, is difficult and takes more than talented, takes hard work, which requires character. Freedom is essential for learning, but it is fragile and constantly under threat. So its principles must be studied by all for the sake of its defence. At here, stale faith and learning our integrated toward God, because he is the first authority if you ve, ever wondered why I love hailstones college. Now you know visit hills, Del DOT, Edi you, that's hills, Del Don T you for more information Hills Del college. Pursuing true
and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four remember: that's hills, Del DOT, Edi you hills, they'll, dot! Eighty! You argue over national law and national at eight. Seventy, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, Donald TUSK: junior well beyond the programme. In the last hour, he'll, be here locked on on the phone, but it'll be alive. So I hope you ll stick with us and I just realized didn t the solution to what Nancy pillows During which I will in a moment Sprint was voted on in the house. Represent and there it sets because Nancy plus he says, I'm not going to choose the managers until I'm satisfied kind of trial that the Senate is going to create. That is the opposite party, Mcconnell in the Republicans and the chief
ices has no say in this whatsoever. Just so you know, and they took the guidance from left wing cook- Harvard law professor large, trying now here's. What Mitch, Mcconnell and the research centre Republicans must do. The Senate has the sole power under the constitution to adjudicate and impeachment, therefore policy attempting to obstruct the Senate's power to act on its constitutional authority Mcconnell should immediately put an end to this and declare the impeachment null and void as far as the Senate is concerned because speaker has failed to complete the impeachment process timely, sending it to the Senate for adjudication and in fact she caused a recess to occur in the House of representatives without
appointing the necessary house managers, so she's abandoned the field he ever vocs. Tractor comes in your home. Does makes a mess of things. Then you decide, you know what I'm gonna hold them to account and they abandoned the work. You have that, MR producing it, but it happens. Well, that's ninety pillows! She's abandoned the impeachment process. Mcconnell has no less authority to unilaterally makes such a decision, matters now null and void. As far as the sentence concern, then Paul see, does to unilaterally withhold the administrative notification of an impeachment to the Senate. There are definitely or would conditions her effort to cripple the press. Lindsey and blackmail. The Senate must be defended in the way you defeat. It is rejected. Now, the senators, the Republicans
it is, must defend their institution They must not allow the poison that is being spewed from the Democrats. In the house and specifically from Nancy Policy. Spill over into their institution. Now. I want to be very very clear about this, because some of these republican senators listen to this programme You look at the constitution, impeach And conviction is set up in a very interesting way: the framers look. Britain as well as other examples. They were aware of irish trials had taken place in Britain, and they came. Judgment came up with this by four Katy process. So if the house- which they knew they created a simple majority members, are voted every two years. So
all its court on CO closest to the people and also has the greatest potential for abuse for faction for hysteria and Oh, they created a check on the house when it comes to impeachment. It's called the Senate this. It is not simply do follow the dick AIDS of the house. Or assume responsibilities unconstitutionally created by the house. The Senate has an independent responsibility. Apart from the house If the Senate believes, in this case the Republicans because they control the Senate may have the sole power when it comes to a trial, Nancy Policy has not effectively completed the work as the speaker, over the decision of the Democrats in the house in this case to articles of impeachment and it's not required to sit there and
can, it lay in wait for Nancy Policy to pull the trigger. Nor is this it required at rules that satisfy the speaker of the house. This will be a complete disaster, a complete disaster so you'd have the speaker of the house and what is a rare, rather small majority in the house of Radical Democrats, not controlling the agenda of the full house, but control the process in the Senate now republican centres, don't understand this there, bunch of useless buffoons. If there prepared to stand up for the institutionally stand up for themselves. If they're not prepared for the present, the United States at least stand up for themselves, constitution is at stake, so the framers set this process up. They trial requiring a super majority, two thirds vote to convict and remove a president.
Vice president, so so the girls. If monetary policy is going to win, hold the ability or prevent the Senate from taking the next step. For variety of sleazy and on constitution. Reasons, the Senate needs put an end to the centre should simply say through macabre, hey look. We waited three eggs for weeks. We waited for your managers, does. If you're in recess, you have the power to appoint them, whether you're in racist or not. But in any event, you the recent before pointing them. What I can do The Senate and its members and drag the election and dry. Country through this process, because you have cash. Waited it's in your best interests as a Democrat and left us. This is,
constitutional, United States, where the United States Senate? We are a separate body. Therefore, we have concluded the majority. Therefore, speaking on behalf of the Senate, though, energy policy and the house has done is null void because they No intention. Raising the issue of the Senate, as they must for the Senate to take its constitutional responsibilities. This will put an end to this will put, and the sort of thing that now T policy is doing their work also put an end to this kind of an impeachment which, Must be done and must be done soon. The wise we're going to have disastrous precedent. For the rest of this republic. However long exist, they D
Ride the impeachment process do not let them destroy the trial process. She Destroy the House of representatives do not let them destroy. What's left of the United States Senate. You senators, you Republican, so you don't work for an anti pollution. You're there, too, faithfully Secured the constitution and to protect and defend it. Unfortunately, the enemy the constitution today is the speaker of the house, the speaker it, doesn't matter that shimmer once more witnesses. This is bizarre. First rate told we have to move quickly quickly quickly. Because trumpets a threat to national security said this on the floor of the house yesterday he's threat to national security. We have back quickly and remove them. Madam said it.
They also argued. We must act fast. We must act immediately. Why? Because Trump might enter there were twenty twenty election shift said. And we were told overt over there's no need to delay the fact overwhelming, there's motivate Whatsoever, we don't know you're in a debate that facts are overwhelming. Let's move quickly and today policy in the Democrats. Take a recess through Christmas through do years a week into the new year, twelve January seventh and say you know what maybe we're not in such a hurry. This is not expose them for the four thousand times the fraud that they are. And then you have Schumacher shoe. Actually comes off like a complete moron. Who apparently reports to energy policy and the Democrats in the House of Representatives he's air.
They want for witness, is no, it doesn't mention the so called whistleblower. He doesn't mention Hunter Biden. Does it mention any witness who might be actual useful information. But what does he want witnesses that bad? the crash in the house would even go to court to fight over and what makes him think The present the United States still, we assert executive privilege and they still would have to go to court and fight over. They don't care. You see that a crowd citizen at that point present spinning beat. What are they care? We cannot allow these people to destroy Our constitutional structure. We cannot allow these people to you their connivance is to do what they're doing The framers put the Senate in place to fix this and look We have a small majority in the United States Senate who can fix this.
I would strongly urge them urge them to act now. And to a. In unity that change. Energy policy, did not appoint managers, managers to execute the impeachment articles. She caused to be voted on Wednesday, caused them to be voted that tie but she caused them to be voted on and now has withheld them from the United States Senate. In order to come, deploy the threatened? blackmail the United States Senate the unit state Senate should say the republic in a unified voice. We hold what Nancy Pelosi is doing as destructive the entire process, we cannot be blackmail and held hostage two policy in her appointment of managers, which is in
cereal tests, but she doesn't want to do She can control or influence our process and we are independent from the house. Therefore,. Therefore we, the jarred the Senate. On behalf of the entire United States Senate, the matter null and void, no trial notes justice know what this is no nothing. No advice and you'll like it Nancy policies, feet. That's the answer, that's the fix, but what republic goods in the Senate have the guts to do it. Why should they. Better to listen to me, the Nancy policy. I back as we celebrate the Christmas holiday season. We often paused to consider our many blessings. Helstone College
you for loyalty, as its celebrates a hundred and seventy five years of blessings. Now, since Eighteen forty four hailstones how fast to its mission to provide the kind education is central to preserving free government and for decades they cause has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outreach programmes. Brow to receive him Primus for free every month. No one of hills does excellent free online courses or tended. One of hills. Does free regional events. You know of Dale's refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core principles: learning character, faith and freedom Without government interference so during the season, a blessings, hills Del, thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to that country, Mary Chris. Miss from ills down college and to learn more visit, Levine from Helstone Back come. That's our av iron, Fray hills,
that car bomb fascistic Nancy, I think for the last several months has taken us through her mental nervous breakdown. I think that's what's going on here. Ambling mumbling and fumbling that I played fewer earlier. I think Nancy policies dragged the nation through her mental nervous breakdown and it's not over yet some say well now that we have the impeachment she's waiting for more stuff to put in their. Ladies and gentlemen last time I checked this country doesn't belong to fascistic Nancy Pelosi belongs to the american people. Last time I checked there's more than one brand.
Government and more than one person who populate these other branches of government did anybody here outside of San Francisco vote Nancy Policy for anything. So she is the least democratic figure in this entire thing she represents what a certain percentage of eight hundred eight hundred fifty thousand people who live in her disk maybe it's a million whatever it is big deal big deal and yet look what fascistic Nancy's trying to do, but she doesn't get to do it now. These republican senators gonna pull together and take care of business or not Nancy. We're not gonna sit here and for you now response to wade through new years into the next year, because you're, having some kind of
Mental nervous breakdown and your burping out orders left and right where the Senate we'd like to call ourselves the most deliberated body I like to call themselves they most profligate body, but that's a whole another issue which I will get to later in the programme. But this must be crushed. This be defeated for the sake of the country and the sake of the constitution and its interesting. My man brine over their right Scooby points out that even even one of the professors who testified, who testified against Trump Left Wing Democrat Harvard University LAW, professor. No a Feldman has said you don't actually have an impeachment until the articles are actually transmitted to the Senate. Now.
Matter to me no Feldman. Last time I checked he wasn't at the constitutional convention But it is rather strange doing the House of representatives taking votes just for the fun of taking votes. Now these people on recess now these Democrats, who voted in these so called thirty or so districts, impeachment but claimed, but when they got elected the first time around that they wanted to bring some kind of centralism and moderation a get stuff done. Attitude to the House of Representatives, throw their asses out at every one of these. Town Hall meetings or whatever they call them. You need ass them. Not only did you support a fascistic process, not only did you cut out
Publicans, and even though I voted for you on the Republican. Not only not only are these articles of impeachment bogus and dangerous to the future of this republic, but you and your party are sitting on them Sitting on them after you and your party told us that they were urged that this was an emergency for national security reasons for their future. Twenty twenty election, but the fact so just so overwhelming that no more witnesses are needed. We're in a hurry. We're gonna get a damning Harry Harry Harry Harry. Then it goes to humor, wait a minute. A mini, I went some witnesses, wait a minute I mean I need a net brace my neck heard so much from these democrats. These people are evil and what they ve done here. This attempt is
The first institutionalized coup attempt in american history there oh attrition, what the Obama, administration, FBI and CIA, an element of elements of the Obama administration did to train interfere in our election. They are absolutely the worst people to ever. Sit in this house Preventive, you need the kick their asses out of office and the dam and the report. Begins in the Senate to put their foot down and make it. Psmith, the sooner the better fifty one of us sorry null and void, you're done finish with you when we went on praise that The two I'll be right back from the west, one podcast network,
easy now broadcasting the Mermaid underground demand, both than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, my dear I number eight seventy seven three, eight one, three, eight one one seven seven: three one three, eight one, one: what about suckers. These Democrats in the House of representatives are tough. Oh Nancy Pelosi who clearly is having a mental nervous breakdown of sorts, but is definitely fascistic
bunch of suckers, these so called moderates who had been now totally and completely revealed now, they're clotting, quicksand. Nancy Pelosi doesn't care about these so called Mount moderates. She could care less this Game that's been going on. This fan dance would Nancy closely. I know some ugly. But nonetheless, this dance with Nancy Philosopher Lucy early on. Where she was trying to hold back the radicals. She. So smart she's, a brilliant technician, hope the radical. She is a radical what city she comes from. You forget her background with full burden. Radical left wing cook at a California by holding back the radical. She is a radical she's. Every bit,
radical away she just pretends better No more on the fascistic Nancy closer, that's gotta be twenty times right. Mister, I'm coming up from mediate, so they can just pull up there and are not very good at math over there did you see they had a big they too big story on these? Seventy five top media figures of the year. There was a number forty something there. Big part so some of my friends there with all these radical left wing cooks- and there was Dan Abrams Dan and his hair weather. Who owns the side? He started to say some of my best bodies. But some of them really Lois to the low
The amazing? How Washington and New York work in the end when catch me dead, dead party? That's for sure plus, why my number forty someth gotta be in the top ten MR produce. Nonetheless, look at this story and emerge greatness by Deborah High Nancy policy. Muzzles Republicans, who want to speak out against impeachment by cancelling special order speeches. Now the real muzzle leanings coming out in anti policy, the real Fidel Castro's coming out a Nancy pillows and not a burp from the phoney media, trouble by any of problem. Whether all none of this house bigger Nancy policies effectively Muslim, Republika members of Congress from speaking out against the
MC rats impeachment sham in special order speeches on the house floor and what is caught an unprecedented move. Policy on Monday, cancel the end of day special order. Speeches on the floor of the house for the entire week. Under the current rules. Members are allowed five minute speeches in the morning. The leadership each side or a lot of full hour each at the end of the day, and then each side is given two and a half. Our slots. She's me. Half hours, lots no fly. Speeches are allowed past, ten p m, even Everyone has not had a chance to speak January. The house past.
Rule that allows members only one special order. Speaking slot per week. She can see fascistic Nancy. This is what these people resort to over time: less and less freedom, less and less speech less and less opportunity. The clause get more and more, I am like and tighter grip cats tighter policy not only shut down under the day special order speeches on Thursday. That's today she also cancel minutes speaking slots in the morning tomorrow. Early borrowing, the minority from speaking out against the biased and unfair impeachment process. After the vote. Representative, lower gaubert, who had been scheduled, big during the leadership our on Thursday told american greatness that he had I to talk about how the House Judiciary Committee advice did the rules in the restaurant PETE. President drop
Turning to the rules the minority is supposed to be allowed to have their own witness hearing before impeachment vote, but trimming madly jerry, Harry Jerry, Louis Babbler, that's your name for an hour. Jerry Louis, would hate it. Nonetheless, Jerry Louis MAD lay denied them that right commerce, that a majority could have voted to. Change the rules, but I didn't know to do that. That has changed the rules to prevent them from having their day, but they didn't even do that.
Just straight out violated the rules in their haste to impeach the present, so the list of fascistic moves by Nancy fascistic moves by meddler fascistic moves by ship and all the rest of them, endorsed by virtually every single Democrat in their cock. Ass is perfectly fine comment also said he was going to point out the hypocrisy, the Democrats who, by claiming that the rush process was why, because time is of the essence, peach in the present was such an urgent matter. Why is that the speakers sending the articles to the Senate? Of course I've pointed that out. Gomrade also said it was totalitarian of policy. You know what I love about. Lui Gomer is, he speaks accurately and they may straightforward manner totalitarians. The perfect word.
Come at also said it was totalitarian policy to abuse their position to quash the opposition speech rights. He said: priorities. Behaviour indicated a lack of confidence in their own arguments. There just fascistic lily, that's what they are. Their fascistic So we had a new korean style suppression of speech by Nancy Policy. Preventing other members of the House of Representatives from speaking on the floor of the house. Why? Because on a whim, she didn't want it anymore. That's why she didn't want it. And so, no speaking and that's just the way, it is well like it or not,
much in the articles of pavement over this, a the waiter, whether you like it, and to ban what you gonna, do, we're in the majority and of course illegal analysts over there. It s lsd and in stupid news network and all the rest of the jokes I'll leave. Did he wasted carbon footprints? They don't have a problem with this at all Nancy. You hold up that impeachment, the more destruction you can do, the better burned down burn baby. Oh yes, oh it's! Where real revolutionaries here we see a man and MSNBC Abc Cbs, NBC New York Times washed imposed name, the rest were real revolutionaries. Yes, we aware resisting the people we resisting this administration do whatever you have to do and to the ends justify the me. Rather
honor CHE Guevara Hatch now Mr Produce and our camouflage sweatshirts and our converse sneakers and we're gonna run through the woods. Where the resistance or the revolutionaries that yes, we are actually they're burning up the place, and there is a disgrace. I see here over paralyzed blogger. They have an idea that I think I mention one month ago, MR producer and Well, I'm glad there mentioning it. That's not my point that Melissa Peterman is an invitation to a motion to dismiss there's no question about that, but it's worse now, it's beyond that. Now the solution of what's taking place is the living solution, which is the Republicans unified to a man to a woman to a transition in the United States.
Making clear that this matter is now behind them had stolen void. Nancy Pelosi failed to send managers and it's not required a way around, can't wait interminably, and it's done. And then show hurry up. The sun managers are, but will be too late. The Room doors, a k, the Senate doors and our. We ve already made our decision it's over, wouldn't that be magnificent. Now this professor Noah Feldman of the famous Noah Feldman family, add on over the helpless guy anyway at Harvard LAW School is one of the pukes who testified TAT at our last hour, he's made the statement that the Mai, Design appointed it, it's not send to the Senate than the present this. I really impeached now, there's nothing that says had its irrational response. However,.
And there's nothing wrong with the present and saying that you know what. This isn't like a meeting of the Democratic National Committee being In the House of Representatives and the all vote for my impeachment, there actually steps you have to take things. You have to do and Nancy didn't do. Would it be great, wouldn't be magnificent if you woke up to Morrow morning, but I magnificent in and of itself, but when it be great, if warning comes, and you hear that Mcconnell and the Republicans have held that the impeachment dead. The Nancy Pelosi failed to follow through on the constitutional requirements that the United States is not holding a trial because it can hold a trial. The United States Senate cannot keep it schedule open indefinitely and because they took a wreath. And they show they really are not serious about this in any constitutional way or they have passed on
close that they really don't want to be tested in the Senate hold it null and void. You know you need a trail, we hold him, and void. And I would Mcconnell doesn't even need to have a vote in the Senate, let alone in his Hocker anymore than Nancy Policy. Did you have a vote for this delay in the presence of the United States, announces that he wasn't impeached. Their policy is bogus that the process is bogus, that the Senate process was destroyed and therefore would be bogus if they went forward. It's over. That's the Levin solution and it's a damn good solution, I'll be right back
can a great meeting with one back today. Mr producer didn't even know about good man went back Wonderful meeting with land back which may made a blaze tv. You know my friend the past three years, pounding the airwaves about the coup attempted against our president. I was the first to call this event a silent coup I predict than I did. Now, there's something similar being orchestrated against. Benjamin Netanyahu, my believe, as Israel's greatest Prime minister, along with Menachem Beggin but Netanyahu is really up against it. The red hot hatred that spews from the left here saddle. Not unique to our great republic is not left us.
Israel's targeted their leader. And their organizations in the United States. They reach Israel, many them like J Street and there's more, which are run putative lit by jewish individual. Who are self hating, Jews and hate the state of Israel? Just a fact, tat justice It is, I haven't heard much about any of this, which is why I exe how's it on live in tv, and I exposed recently with a great guest, Arthur Ferguson and Chicken art- and I uncovered this politically. Campaign to starve friend NED, no because This issue is so important. I wanted to so I to watch it it's free under the pay war. By going to lose in tv dotcom, go easy tv dad come and signing up for a free, thirty day, trial
watch the shows and quickly see how we bring your content and prospective found nowhere else on tv and expose the left. Whichever side of the ocean, their rearing. Their heads this code, Levine Ellie you'll, get tender off your annual plan nets, then tv promo Code, Levin, Levant TV, I'm a could live in and by the way, shortly after the beginning the new year and I get into a now. We have some incredibly exciting plans, When tv and the network place tv incredibly exciting, I have the great my teeth have to keep my mouth shut. I can't really talk about it, But I know, as a matter of fact, that you're going to be excited about it. I know I when we discussed it within the company Mitch. Mcconnell It's often that I cite Mitch become
when hang in there, you gotta get points for that take points away next hour with their profligate spending. But let's let stick to this right now. Areas on the floor of the senator gave a great speech. I can't play at all cut a go so afraid color. Thousand vote yesterday was got some neutral judgment Democrat came to was great reluctance. It was their predetermined, determined upon and crews that began before private rob was even nominated, let alone for for the very first time in modern history, we ve a political faction in Congress promise from the moment the moment President election ended. They would fund one way to overturn it. Interesting to hear
Sherman, the other liars, our poor, absolute hypocrites based on nineteen. Ninety eight to its is incredible, But it is interesting to hear them say: there's no impartiality, ve heard meddler say that these are political, hacks, of course tummy. This did the framers constitution right in the constitution that the trial should be held in a federal court. Mr producer know they can the judiciary out totally no framers, carefully laid out the conditions for impeachment pro The guidelines for a trial. And beyond that beyond that left to they thought the virtue of the senator.
So presents free accuse me a senators Fredo announced whatever senator wants to announce, they specifically excluded the federal courts or the Supreme Court even from this process, except for the chief justice. As the individual, who basically would be the traffic cup and no more more Mitch tunnel cut nine go wherever to do enough time. No, ok, we'll get there at nine, it's very good and don't forget next hour. This time we're gonna have Don On the programme- and I be very interesting to hear his taken all this he's very particularly young man, is a matter of fact keep this in mind. The Senate was never considered a judiciary.
The purpose of the Senator Teresa, the purpose, the entire process, the House, the Senate, with a little bit of participation by the, but the court through the chief justice, is in ended to involve the entire body politic, So when you have a railroad job like this by a faction, a radical factual within the Democratic Party that has a temper small majority in the house then they try to use the process to control the Senate. If that's not tyranny. Oh, what is and if she's not fascistic, I don't know what it I'll be right back. The New York Times is a trade ban, call now heading seven, seven, forty one, forty eight one, one MR producer we take him call yet tonight. Do we good colorway. Let us take it We have disagreed by.
Who is it and where's the disagree or from I D w N K, dawn, than in Arizona, that's in Nevada Lee. How are you Katy s too. Yes, let's get our callers right. Yes, lay: how may I hope are unaware already talking over each other. How may help you, sir. I got the respectfully disagree on just one point that after you talk after you finish talking, I agree with the I do have one guy that fly suggestion. I think just that the seller. A girl. They should act like nothing has happened, declare them go on vacation a job like a few days after another congress I'll be in the house, and then- and I beg you in order that our this time ago got that the Republicans are talking
that is an answer. I have no idea what you're proposing try again not now, I'm embarrassed to effect. Fervour of the Congress of the House has declared that they develop impeachment, but they haven't officially replied ass, yet so we're gonna take a vacation one avenue. I got all that, but they need to put an end to it. The way, then too, it is put an end to it. Because under your scenario, there still waiting around for the house whether that they're gonna come back from their vacation at some point right, maybe in January MID January now how you put it into something you're, allowing Nancy blowsy to control account after I, after I left them, where they were What has take this has to come to an end. She doesn't want to come to an end, they come to an end and
where these guys in the Senate Gonna, do sit around away for Nancy Pelosi to blow whistles traditionalists your eye exactly both right. I refer. The Democrats happens, we're gonna grapple for all. They then goes a trout who care The facts: look you can't whereby what they're gonna sale at the fact spell out that she every chance in the world, she's controls the calendar of both the On the floor of the house and their vacation counter, she's made it abundantly clear and he in her repulsive voice. What is that she is not going to send managers and so forth over till she knows what the trials going to look like watching since there is not at all what she means is she wants some control over it she. To have evidence, she once more witnesses, she's conscience
Lee undermining the constitution. You cannot allow a reprobate like this. They control the process. My friend were in agreement, see that MR bidders Do we have our Adams, of theme song available tonight. You know thee. Seasons almost here, ladies and gentlemen, of all their it is I'm only here tonight and tomorrow night then I'm gone for a while. Katy Hill, who was in her low thirties when she got elected to this house, representatives from Irvine California. And when you are elected to the house, he should conduct yourself with some level of class and respect was busy having lots and lots of sex with lots and lots of different people. Sometimes three people are to people at the same time,. Call me in old, forty daddy. If you will seems to me if you're,
person or an old person, and you get elected house representatives, you should conduct Yourself with some level of decorum, and then she resign could she's a coward because she's a hero. Why would she be a hero. There is going to be an ethics investigation, because there is an allegation that she was also having an affair with the director of legislative affairs in her office, which would violate the ethics Two rather have an investigation. She resigned now she's running around calling the president and I M M effort is the quality of candidate, apparently that the Democrats or nominating to the United States Congress. This is the quality of candidates. Sir. Nominating in electing you had Katy Hill
the fresh me there's a great fresh MC clure as part of a freshman class. You have tally back, tally, bad part of the Freshmen Class Omar. We never did get to the bottom whether she was married to her brother and, of course the media could careless. I was. Curious personally, but I didn't really poke into at that much. What a freshman class. Actually that was Omar the way they are straight from bar. Turning to the philosopher, king of the Democratic Party,. What kind of drink? What you like? A dirty martini, o authors, but ok, dirty martini! Then she gets What did I want to reorganise the economy? I want to reorganise the environment. I want to reorganise this. Guy should do that which it, while genius, who knew.
Who knew I'd only been drink? I did know she was at smart, but she's, brilliant. What a freshman class and, by the way, Kantos Semitism can't beat the freshman Less Omar tally back the three stages of Anti Semitism. There they are, an anti Pelosi, protects every one of them. Could she is a strategic genius. She protects them. This Omar repeatedly. With her smear of Jews, How can push through these bogus articles of impeach mobile when it comes to actually punishing one of its own democrat members for being a d gusting slow by anti Semite who happens there
her country. Well can't do that. Why, These are women of color. You can't attack women of color unless, of course, their consent. Where's Andorra Republic, and then you can attack women of color woman of no color it attack women. All you want, but not if their anti semite Democrats can do so. This freshmen class has been fantastic for the Democrats, don't you think Then we have the freshmen, who are moderate Democrats who got elect oh wow, did you see how they were? They were really talk these modern democrats lie to the voters to get elected? You know we're really sent prison. We want to get things done here and men, They said they were not going to vote for Nancy Policy be Speaker every day. One of them did maybe, except for one, but I believe every day and one of them.
And then every day one of the voted for impeachment, but they really struggled with their conscience slightest. They struggled o the press, told us how they struggle. Know what to do, but they had to. They had to vote on a patron of both articles, except for one clown on a main who thinks he can slip split. The baby thinks he's King Solomon he's not yes, the drama, the the pain, but they had to do the right thing, which was follow mental nervous breakdown case Nancy Policy in the editorial pages of the country. They were so courageous,
To cast their votes as they did and they'll come home now, cuz they're in recess, and they will lie through their teeth to you. You know what you should do: a little less listening to these people and a lot more talking to them, and you ought to make it abundantly clear, you're going to throw their houses out of their asses out of Congress and you're going to work against them. You're going to support the candidate against you going to help raise money against, because really it's to put an end to this. It's up to you, we're gonna, Miss Katy Hell. Are we, MR producer? Terribly gonna Miss Katy Hill. She had such a magnificent future ahead of her so entirely back o,
she'll be around a long time, she's in one of those gerrymandered districts and all are oh mother swear by the way is it aren't Omar and Talley? investigation for violating rules with their campaign finances. I could be wrong about that one or both of them. I think. Not exactly Gandhi early. We care about them for the. Why you were by taking money other campaign because we care about the poor. Everything goes when you care about the book. Let us act. Ass, Bernie Sanders, Multi, millionaire we're gonna get the people what what? What what were we would Bernie have three homes. Yes,. I'll be right back then,
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Mamma how stakes dot com code living I missed? producer doing have a particular collar to whom I shall speak yes, W Abc in New York, Elaine Harry you hi Markham. Well, thank you, especially after I heard them within pollution, made me feel a lot better, but I worried and somewhat along the lines of what your last caller said, with fire up the democratic base. If the case were, I don't understand, sensors that they do. They worry about firing apart pace. Are they more fired up They just impeached attempted to teach our president. I know, but I don't understand, what's the recourse, there is none. Of course, there is put an end to it. Defend the constitution and up speak out, let them about us, the pink cats coming
again, you know has a bad but paying cats coming out again. My god, Appeasement in the face of tyranny is not enough. Actually the way that you fight it. No, I understand that in all seriousness, woody, rebound again, those pink hats. They frighten me, not a friend. You must really see the people moving with the pink hats. Tell you that, by the way that law, professor they they had on which you have brought up her. She she would, parading around in something unspeakable language, the point, but could could it really? You know, get them power at the election, twenty twenty. If they got you know their base fired up. My dear friend
Maybe you haven't no slightly, but their bases fired up, maybe even notice. Lately our basis fired up. We need to defend the constitution. We need to put down this leftist marxist revolution. We need who what's right now we need to turn out and vote, make sure family members, friends, colleagues and neighbours turn out and vote in large numbers. But if we lose, it won't be because we put them down it's because we wouldn't stand up. It's the right thing to do, and can I can I make one other point, which is it don't open one? Anyone it's mentioned it on your show yet. But if you haven't seen this movie Richard Jewel, May I say you know what I'm glad you brought it up, because they're trying to say our Clint Eastwood here fling media. Circling the wagons again the phone style, sections and fashion sections there Joe Movies, all my less to see in the next forty five days during the course
we get a my vacation. Absolutely I wealth good, one or is not bad I'll, be right. Back from the West one podcast network he's here now: broadcasting the Mermaid Underground Command, both than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody by living here. I'd number, eight. Seventy eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one
slams Tulsa Gabert over Toasty Gaubert's vote, which was present. You know what they are. We old timers have a saying in old Philadelphia. You noted is MR producer. A yak can stick it. We don't really care what I have to say. This isn't CNN and Marseilles D, we dont care, she's, a moron she's, a clown she's, a book and let me move on over right scoop. My buddy Brian tip me off here that. They just had a big vote in the United States Senate. They approve the house one. Point four trillion dollar spending bill by eighty one to eleven. Now they have these different omnibus bills are coming through.
And so the senator proved that they call it the National Security spending package, which also happens to include de chess through the UN the fiscal year, so what they do, they use the word defence or near the words national security. They slap on a bill and then you figure and they figure they can't be accused of being against defence or they figure they can vote for it because it has those words on its utterly and completely irresponsible. They dump all kinds of crap in these bills. Eighty one to eleven. Only for Republicans vote against for Braun of Indiana Holly, Missouri crews of Texas Lee of Unita. That's it.
Grandpa, may have still been on a plane for all. I know from the turning point event, but that was the vote for Lee Holly Crews Braun, where The rest of them now you see what happens is this? Was the game, the left ones, all the time, the left, the rhinos, the bureaucrats they go right up to the deadline. They go right up to the deadline, and so this a threat of a government shut down. So they they get the support of the EU, Street journal editorial page and all the rest of them cannabis at TAT moment. After all, nature blowsy immensely blows human well there's policy for Republican Senate. They can't call themselves fiscal conservative anymore. You know, like I said they used to say what our motto social eleven there I'm out
defence. Can you get on not a hawk, but on the other hand, I am a fiscal conservative. They can you say that Because you're, not a radical Marxists left, it does it mean how your voting and what you believe in is good is good. I'm telling you. That the debt is so massive and getting so much more massive and totally out of control. The fact that version every radio talk show in this country ignores the fact that nearly every Nearly every television host conservative ignores it is appalling. To me, I expect the left and the Democrats to ignore a peach when impeachment impeachment. While they slide these things through. But this is a war on your children. There are eight who did vote because they weren't available ran pause
I pointed out, I believe, Was- was still Travelin Corey Booker, but this guy's running for presently United States does anybody know is running for President he's running because As you know, we need more diversity within me, more diversity, but looking to vote for somebody would be the best present the United States and you ain't. It. Richard Bare of North Carolina, why he's asleep. Come over here is a California, no excuse, she's not run of her present anymore. I, for now. George, I understand he's Elizabeth Warren Minnesota, what's our deal. Well I'm running for President Bacon, the hell out of my staff? and is Bernie Sanders. Bernie the red. And Elizabeth WAR, now in all fairness to Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders club richer
tomorrow, Harrison Booker, they were needed. There's the Republicans voted for this massive debt This mass of spending, like we ve, never seen in the history of this country,. By the way this this thing about the people would say you really should get into this. Congressmen Dingle and then his wife took his slot. Many Passed away and John There was the longest serving member the house represents, I believe in history, his fathers before him and handed him the season when he passed away for he passed away handed the seat to his wife, so this It's always been held by a dingle. May I say that must reduce its been how, by adding I didn't, Dingle bury, I said, Dingle an,
but are very, very upset about what the president said. News hosts business hosts other very, very upset about the president's. Lindsey grants very upset by what the presidency- ok, fine, I dont say stuff like that how I don't remember the very upset when they accuse trumpet being Adolf Hitler. Now, that's pretty bad, don't you think rich Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hitler Joseph Stalin That's pretty bad, I mean that's, weigh up there, slaughtered tens of millions of people in horrific waves. They call them. And Hitler and they call him stolen. I don't for the nation, taking a pause and being.
Obsessive really upset about it. I mean I'm sorry that what was said I think Dingle was said about Dingle, but in terms of statements that have been said, ass three years. It's not Up there with Hitler and Stalin again now uses its just bizarre. What draws the and should, in the media,. Yes, we're very, very angry and they'll ask every guest who comes on. Do you think that was right? Do you think I was right? You thank you. Isn't it true that you shouldn't a president, a powder you think better. Meanwhile, you got hosts, you ve got paid contributors, you ve got regular contributors who gone into that trap as a Hitler had always had TAT day. I judge is thank you and they come the next day. There's no page there. I would say to the morning Schmahl little banjo from Deliverance Unita power
for the present you this NEO. See and hit Larry and stuff that you use when you describe him all the time, that's unacceptable diminished and who Hitler was do understand when it or did you know, the Holocaust is no no he's next day with a big boss knows his dripping into his mouth. So same thing,. And then the same people who talk like this when it comes to. I cannot believe he said that, will you call them Hitler? Listen. I cannot believe he said he's the president. President doesn't talk like that. Will Lyndon Johnson took Hey Doc, What about some stuff? about history. I don't want to know about before we're dealing with their stay here and now and by the way. Yes, we're what
the flax and I'll talk about any just him him. I am am tramp tramp tramp tramp. I just wish he would stop tweeting. I bet they do. I just wish you'd stop the rally. I bet they do. I guess we're stop wishing the things that have been said about Trump. This is a fact some excuse. It's not a diversion. The things that have been said about Donald Trump are much worse than anything to trumpet said about anybody, but you think I'm right about their rich Richie. They don't you think, I'm right about that. They meet that. They agree with me and by the way they don't get fired. If they don't agree,
doesn't work that way. We are breaking story here, the near climbs door. I remember him the? U S attorney in Connecticut he scrutinising Ex CIA directors role in russian interference for all. Listen to that. This is for trucks. Tat hey, check, pay attention and educating you, the federal prosecutors scrutinising the russian investigation has been. Examining the role of the former see I director John O Brennan, and how they entail, community assess crush. Twenty sixteen election interference according to three people briefed on the angry. There's your near tat. Three people brief turn the inquiry anyway John H, storm the! U S attorney leading the investigation has requested MR and emails. Oh, my God call. And other documents from the CIA according to a purse,
Briefed on his inquiry much to learn what Mr Brennan told other officials, including the form, Fbi director, James, be co me about here, and the CIA views have been noted this dossier of assertions, about Russia and Trump associates. Mister Where's pursued at Mister Brennan's records to add: accusation. Listen to this. Here's, the hull ass, denying New York Times. Certain To accusations that Mr Trump, as you have seen, the Justice Department to go after is perceived, enemy, like MR dorm, is taking orders from the gesture from the president. But if then. Times as evidence that by all means tell us presented to us, but should jackasses, let's go on the president, so Here, Brennan is looking into it. Shoot me here: Durham is looking into Brennan and their attacking trump their type. This sick.
Sick present, his long attack, Mr Brennan, is part of his narrative about so called dipstick about because I had the lab. I'm administration officials who tried to sabotage this campaign and Mr Trump has out Mister Durham investigation. As a bit, Draw avenue for proving is clear. There were three per they have sent to this and the law this paragraph. The third one is to create a sinister inference about the President, who has nothing to do with this he's the victim. Mister Durham is also examining whether Mr Brandon privately contradicted public comments, including May twenty seventeen promoting the Congress about the dose. In about any debate among the intelligence age, sees over their conclusions on russian interference. The people said the people said could be to avert Brennan's lawyers, but doorman on how to try
This down, there's only so many people who know this. The people familiar with Mister Durham, sank, restrict That it was continuing and it was not clear what crimes of any he had uncovered. Representatives from Mr Brittan, the Justice Department declined to comment. Will somebody's leaking defenders at Mister, Brent, wisest and a new story cares about defenders of Mr Brennan, Mr Brennus, now officially under criminal investigation. Hello, hello, thing done. Mr Brandon is officially under criminal investigation. The defenders Mr Brennan have long maintained It nothing wrong and properly sounded the alarm on russian offence in twenty sixty or did they read all as emails and they conducted criminal investigations. And he told him I sell us do this fall that he would answer Mister, Durham questions of ass, good, you better,
the door in the. U S attorney Connecticut had previously conducted politically fraught, invest it. What does this have to do anything anyway? I want to wish Mr Brennan a merry Christmas to you, MR producer, and a happy new year, at least when you're not imprison, not that you're going to be, of course, don't let that every cross your mind. Don't let the bank rubbing the bankrupting of your of your pension and selling it your home, like you guys did to MIKE Flint. Don't worry that stand happened out of the door about their don't worry about going to and in getting old and having a heart issues like manner for now part of the winter you're part of the victory. Don't worry, everything's, fine,. Back. Then
by the way they grow, Wanna one guess for the full hour on life liberty and live in this Sunday, it'll be the last. The last live life, Liberty and Levin. For two weeks this Sunday will be ten STAR one on one with moi and it'll be absolutely fabulous. Former independent council, former federal judge, former solicitor, the United States can star and by the way toward the break he was absolutely hilarious. He was singing show terms to me and my wife and my mother in law into the whole truth show tunes must produce started. Dance is a very happy man he's a very content man and is a lot of fun to be around and I've known him a very, very long time.
So can star will be my special guest. I hope your watch this Sunday, Sunday Sunday Sunday, member, that electronic sky was member, that guy shake this crazy eighty Sunday, Sunday Sunday. Nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about. Ok anyway,. Eight p M eastern Eastern Eastern five Pm Pacific Life, Liberty, this Sunday on Fox, don't miss it please. I know you're going to love it and it's hollow by Steve. Hilton is a very good guy and his ratings have jump since I've removed eight p dot m he's been moved to nine p dot m. I'm told MR producer. I always try and help the team. You know that I always try to help the team Equally, the team- that's good good members shall, ladies and gentlemen, only one week, For the Shopman Christmas and holiday sale time is running out on harmonies best promotional year. Imagine
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eight hundred skin, six, o four, eight hundred skin six, o four or genocide, dot com that genocide, dotcom, eight hundred skin, six, o four haven't the media been great all through the trunk presidency, particularly here during the impeachment period, always giving us the facts and the news. I gave you a perfect example of just a few minutes ago. The new EC slimy piece on John Brennan that he's under criminal investigation that is, official emails and tax, have now been sought. By? U S attorney, Durham and right, all the first third pet, the third paragraph and then throughout the New York Times trashes the present the United States to Mason This is why the New York Times had to be saved a bail out. A billionaire from Mexico who they housework, how I want to buy it seriously.
You, my by I liked the cross, where Jean I liked the crossword puzzle well I'm somewhere else for God's sakes, I'll be right back Nobody says it does Mark Laverne locked with nobody could better call. Now I need seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one where we're close Donald, junior, how are you, sir? I'm going? Well for an hour. You I'm doing great, and you and I really hit it off. When I interviewed you, don't you think you know I really enjoyed. It was great to be able to have the time batteries. Would you get through the point? Threatened hooker, you don't doing it on Twitter, where everything you oughta character to lessen, yet the people of the world. With that, you have to be able to spell out the thought. Well, it's good Have you back here? You're fantastic book triggered gray Christmas gift. It's done absolutely stupendously, but
When I talk to you, I want to talk about this impeachment. I'm and it's been on your mind a little bit and I wait Nancy policy. Is she. The biggest screwball of all here she has her impeachment its bogus that counts. Her bogus, and what did she do, people's another Pelosi, so she d they're gonna sit on it until she can blackmail the United States Senate and the Republicans too, what she wants them the do. What do you make of that? Well listen, I is par for the course with where all Democrats have been feeling great if no different than shift rotating as a rule so that he can say he's playing by the rules. Now, when you, get the actual they're just withdrew, Wishes of the Democratic Party right call all the witnesses. They get to make sure all the questions are they get the interview, everyone in back doors, when republicans start asking questions that they don't like
to get answers that aren't convenient to their narrative. They cut off the republican questioning. Then they bring that partial facts that whatever is not already leaked to the media, who their marketing department and bring just that partial fact said to the american people to try to create an imperative. This thing has been a sham from moment: number one mark its total disgrace to our democracy, into our report and it just really scary. At this point you know she's got what you wanted. You wanted to do it she pretended to go. It's such a sombre moment, mark it so far more than a dressed in black, because I really care about the constitution, art, Thou Republic. I care
much about it. Meanwhile, all the other Democrats are laughing in their do your little dances and their victory parties and the people at the Washington Post. Your thing Marian Peach Miss and their posting about an on social media. They don't even pretend the care anymore mark. This has been going on since November. Nine of twenty six p o gave the Washington Post was the first one to write it up. Oh Levin minutes after my father was inaugurated in this is just the culmination of three years in change of absolute hate for a guy that getting it done for a guy. That's not going by what the Democrats would like him to do work. I was willing to fight back for you or me for all Americans and putting up unprecedented results mark. They can't stand that because it a disaster for their narrative of failed policies in eighty attic, more radical plans that are not bought out that make no sense, both economically mathematically or intellectually, but that
They have marked, they have nonsense and they have a mainstream videos willing to say that they can do no wrong because they too, no nothing other than their left. This principle is truly a sad day for this country. He really is, and they will do much damage to the constitution. Is a camera damaging themselves. I notice your father beats every damn red head to head. It surely, but still a beats. Every democrat head to head nationally and in these so called battle ground states He's doing quite well against the Democrats who this doesn't seem to be working, doesn't know it. It doesn't know what really I see this speaker put my money. There are people who are reaching out to me that are never trumpery. Ok, you know what I'm done How do I don't know? How do I get involved? I don't like the sanity at this point. You know it. I think it's gonna backfire closely anyway, at eight point, one million and small fundraiser we put together at the last minute last Friday, your people are coming out there.
Involved. I think it's motivating our side. There side has only been vote raided by hate, and they can be a powerful motivator at times market. Our side is coming out in their motivated by facts. There are motivated by result. They are motivated, knowing that this country under Donald Trump is gonna, be in a better position for themselves or their families, for their children and for their grandchildren. The future, when we preserve the great liberties that this country was founded on, that's what my father has been doing he's been doing it at an unprecedented fashion and again he's bringing out Republicans and making them willing to fight, which was so something we were not good at for so long Martin, You have the Republican Party for the last few decades. No one had been better expecting to speak from the jaws of victory because they were just rolling over it. I turned the other cheek and I understand the concept of the biblical sense, but it really hasn't done much for us politically sort of turning the other cheek every time
No one wants to write about article about you, someone tat every time they heard it. He you because you're not left this enough in all of the nonsense. The Republicans are finally pushing back while on the nonsense, that's been perpetrated by the far left, which is totally taken over the Democrat Party. I do want to make that distinction mark. This is not your grandfather's Democrat Party leaving your parents, Democrat Party anymore. This is a far left party. I know so many great hardworking Democrat across the country and many of them are reaching at the meeting on a sudden as I've had enough with his nonsense, like unites either resolve I've been a Democrat, but it's mostly because of the tradition of being for working class American. That party is long gone. That party doesn't exist anymore. That party really is the Republican Party, is fighting for the men and women The hard working men and women of this country and its an amazing metamorphosis, it's great to see it happen, and I think twenty twenty he's gonna be a landslide or you may well be right and
but what do you make of these phony moderate democrats in these trumped districts? Almost every damn one of a vote for impeachment weren't they frauds to begin with They weren't war, but the reality is that I mean that's what the Democrat Party has done really well for decades by they sort of go in there and they take someone who looks like thereby conservative. They get him to say something but are also pottery. Ever they get fifty feet to humor Nancy Policy, get a hold of him and they become leftist. That's the real problem look at some of the moderate democratically part of a Democrat, moderate Democrat younger than you look where their funding comes from newgate coming from the hollow Would liberals is coming from New York City had not coming up with a district I put out we yesterday with half of those people over sixty to seventy percent of their money was coming from outside of the district and, frankly way outside of their Smith, though you it's all a marketing scheme with the democratic, that's really what it has been a very good at doing that they get someone that looks the pardon. They act potter, liquid and their moderate, but when you look at their actual voting,
you'd, like other, doesn't seem so moderate to me. You know that the college Conor lands in Pennsylvania, those kind of guy. While we learn paper, he really seems like a moderate you're, not moderately about mainly seven percent of the time with a Democrat party. They get in doctrine aided by Chuckie, Nancy, they're, afraid they have an opinion beyond that, because you ve seen the left eat their own as of late. If you it'll, do you take a little bit? You diverged from the talking point it over if you're on their side, and so they are not really moderates they're, just pretend moderates and the media will make them feel. Like the moderates. I think now that people are getting involved in this process. Now the people are educating themselves. Are seeing it and now because the republican parties, Henry pushing back and saying the truth in what needs to be said is out there, people get it, they see it and they realize there's nothing moderate about the Democrat Party anymore. They are like this. They are socialists by extremists.
Billy with a big donation of what I wrote about him in my book, triggered because again I have experienced communism, my mother escaped from communism. I grew up there. It's that my suffers in communist chuckled. I gave a child. I can assure you. There is a reason why the boats only go one way to America. Mark. Ok, it's not because those values, those principles and you're that Socio economic platform has worked anywhere it if they old every time and now the means Left have incorporated that to be a main talking point, if no longer fringe element, it literally the way they want to go, and that is scary for our country. Mark dont junior the near times has a breaking story tonight that? U S attorney Durham is scrutiny. The Ex CIA director Brennan's role in the russian Interference findings to the point they report that he is Curing Brennan's emails call logs other doc from the CIA that sounds
serious to me, doesn't it to you it and it's about time, Imagine conservative at the top of these institutions were doing the things that they have done a mean enough. The big. Far right, you saw I d horror, which the report the median running. While there is no bias, and if I don't let not what I got from the testimony, what I got the testimony in what has never made clear to the american people was that he said well. It was no both at the start of the investigation, literally because no one actually used the word bias. I go wait a minute, so you mean all the actions, all the things that they said, because I didn't say it was exquisite by is even though reasonable thinking. Bringing would realise that it was all a bias just because they felt that was the reason and there was a very low bar. You started investigation, so fine I'll give them that now. Let me explain: to the american people in the media. They re went up in your little Obama pretended happen. I hope they go after these guys.
The same way they would. If any member of the trunk campaign, any member of the court family, whether they were in politics or not what what they tried to do to me? I want to see these guys scrutinise the exact same way. Ok, I went through it for three years. I was the number to target of the mullahs hoax way. I'd like to see these guys held accountable for the things that they obviously did and I'd like to see him look into, and it's not just Brennan, you got my cave, you got struck, you got page, you got combing. The list goes on and on what happened to the top of these institutions, whether it be the CIA, whether it be the FBI, is a freak in disgrace. That is it.
Grace and the amount of people that have come up to me because I'm a big cuter, competitive hued, all this sort of thing, the circles where I hang out really online and the guys that are the doorkeepers, the gap between the real work, the guy, but I'm really proud of the man of those guys come up to me and say that these people are disregarded tarnished to their badge and tarnished at a great name of the reputation of the institutions like the FBI, because of what they did is outstanding. I am I here every day we need to be able to give credibility back to those institutions. There needs to be some accountability for what went on because they tried To literally perpetrate a coup on the american people, Martin last question: once in a weapons, do you shoot or that you're you're really good at it? I do it all. I do it all, but my big thing is a long range. I do a lot more precision, shooting precision, rifle patched up a lot of shock and lot of practical pistol and he's gonna things,
I really do at all, but if you don't mind, I guess my passion, precision, long range, shooting very, very cool, our I, my friend have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. Take care of yourself, you as well that could affect We think that much mark- and you too God bless you really and you can hear our smarties in the book is triggered. The book has triggered strongly encourage you to get a copy for the holidays as well to really good book, We write back marred by the way the peoples are playing. The cowboys. Did you know that this weekend, strew aright?
the business. Although I have made the point repeatedly haven't I mister producer. So one of these days, I'm going to do a sport show. I just want to do with Stephen. I Stephen I origami up, but because he is stronger he's just noses stuffy smarter than I am least on this. I gotta go up against MAX. What's his s, what's his name, Coppermine Chemist Kellerman, yes story like stories like these are further evidence of how optimum tax relief solves tough higher as problems Eric fell five years behind with the iris then boom they frozen account and demanded money. He didn't have he called up them. A tax relief optimum took control, gotta, Bank account released and set him up with a plan that was hundreds of dollars a month less than the as initially sought. Problem solved, that's how, after
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Sorry, New York, the Great W Abc, go. I thank you for taking my call I'd like to know. If there's anything, we can read on the procedural requirements for proceeding with an impeachment, because I've heard some say that the Senate cannot proceed until the house refers. The articles from over the others say that the Senate can decide to ease the charges and other dismiss them or even acquit the president on the evidence that the health collected. Nobody knows because nobody has been so arrogant and evil as Nancy Pelosi, no speaker to pull what she poured so to me neither is logical, everybody's trying to show how smart there What I'm saying is what I'm saying is the Senate? You just say: okay, you haven't sent us the articles. We can hold a trial This is not one void and went on
Some around with this anymore, yes get rid of it right she and that's the answer. Let us get rid of it. She doesn't want to send it to you why The trial get rid of it even Let's not just pointed out again, this is in the constitution and lets say they hold a trial. What Nancy policy certainly manages to think that's going to solve anything. I will we didn't get our managers. There aren't any managers that there's the managers and while hear this for three months, just kill it is unconstitutional in every respect from the way Investigated all the waste rode to the actual articles, and now this this is damaging. Constitutional system, it will empower the law because the Republica don't ever, do it in the house,
they have a small majority in the house to bring down the government put an end to it. Well, may I just say that might give you present to myself is being able to act with constitutional law. Question of a constitutional Scotland tank saying that. Well, don't hang up we're gonna, send you a signed copy of on freedom of the press. Thank you very, very much for a kind of and by the way today, Thursday Fridays I stay until next year. There's gonna be a point at which you can't water at the last minute, even with Amazon, so I want to strongly hallo how strongly encourage you to give on freedom of the press as your big Christmas, her Hanukkah gift, or even your little one, but it then a huge stocking stuff. I'm gonna tell you it's a crucially important, but it is the number one political book earlier number. One is the number
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Transcript generated on 2019-12-28.