« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/16/22


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Twitter has been working closely with the American Stasi (the FBI) to target their political opponents just as they did in the Russian collusion hoax to collect, flag, and censor social media posts as if they were a subsidiary of the government. Then, Ukrainian children from cities that were lost to Russia revealed that these children were tortured by Russian troops. Ukrainian troops have since won back certain cities like Kherson and reunited some children with their families. Later, Antonio Gramsci is most important evil communist you’ve never heard of. Marxism spread throughout Europe with the idea that communists were necessary in various institutions like schools, unions, entertainment, and the media to control the culture and influence the country. While Gramsci has been dead for a long time many democrats adhere to his teachings and President Biden has implemented many Gramsci-styled policies.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills: they'll college for over one hundred and seven five years for purposes have defined hills, douze mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. Thank you for listening my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had hills data for their great I'd, say ship now run casting a lonely underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel of unarmed. This dreadful thing we once again made contact with our leader,
mark levin. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three,
one three, eight one, one, these american stasi has been working very, very close with all twitter and undoubtably facebook, google and instagram an you tube and every other public site. I now suspect that most media organisations have been working very closely with various government entities as they did during the russia collusion fear go and co attempt washed and pose new york times in their work, and you can be sure the mindset at all twitter is the current mine,
said in all these newswire operations, all of them all of them. What do you think they hire these former top senior fbi, executives and department of justice, executives and prosecutors? Former federal prosecutors, because I ve been working with em over decades to target their political opponents and the media have political opponents, but the information released just a few hours ago, I met tb is stunning stunning this. This will remind those of us who are familiar with the history of the stasi of the kgb of the.
secret police forces that had been used by every marxist and fascist regime known to man. You draw your own conclusions: here's thai beach thread, part six twitter and the f b. I subsidy Carry the twitter files are revealing more every day about how the government collects analyzes and flags or social media content twitter's contact with the api. I was constant and pervasive as if it were a subsidiary. Between january twenty, twenty and november twenty twenty two there were over one hundred and fifty emails between the f b I and former twitter try. and safety. Chiefly all roth. Such air mondaine, like san francisco agent elvis chan wishing roth
The new year, along with a reminder to attend a quarterly call next week, others a request for information and a twitter users related to act of investigations. But a surprisingly high number are requests by the fbi for twitter to take action on election misinformation. Even
evoking joke tweets from low follower accounts. So, let's stop here. The api ai is monitoring your social presence, just as the communist chinese do with their citizens. The federal bureau of investigation is doing with american citizens even low level individuals. They must have a massive amount of resources, including person aimed at tracking what you post. God only knows what they're tracking on me, MR producer, I put it right out there and I say it every day, but they must have a file ten inches thick, but I'm talking to you folks out there. Let's continue the f b. I social media focus task force known as f t. I f f t I f created in the wake of the twenty sixteen election which they interfered with the api. I interfered with the twenty sixteen election and tried to take down trump. They failed, but they tried and then they tried to take down trump after he was elected swelled to eighty agents and correspondent which have to identify alleged foreign influence, an election tampering of all kinds, foreign intelligence and law enforcement reach into twitter included the department of homeland security, which partner with the security contractors and think tanks to pressure twitter to moderate content. It's no secret. The government analyzes bulk data for all sorts of purposes, everything from tracking terrorist suspects to make economic forecasts. The twitter file shows something new agencies. Like the f b I and the dhs department of homeland security regularly sending social media content to twitter through multiple entry points, pre flagged for moderation. What stands out is the sheer quantity of reports from the government, the sheer quantity of reports from the government, some are aggregated from public hotlines. An unanswered question: do agencies like the f b, I d h s. Do in house flagging work themselves or farm it out quote. You have to prove to me that inside the fn government, you can do any kind of massive data. A I search unquote says one former intelligence officer, hello, twitter contacts, the master, canine quality, the api eyes, relationship to twitter. It comes through in this november, twenty twenty two email in which quote f b, I san Francisco is notified and you unquote. It wants action on four accounts at the I
it's hello, twitter contacts is an email epi. I san fran is notifying you of the blow accounts which may potentially constitute violations of twitter's terms of service for any action or inaction deemed appropriate within twitter policy. Twitter personnel on that case went on to look for reasons to suspend all four accounts, including from em a whose tweets are almost all jokes, including his civic misinformation of november eighth. His tweets are jokes. Just to show the api, I can be hyper intrusive in both directions. They also asked twitter to review a blue leaning account for a different joke, except here it was even more obvious that the person was kidding of the six accounts mentioned in the previous two emails all, but two were suspended in an internal email from november five, twenty twenty two, the nb, the f b I's national election command posted. You know they had a national election command post which compiles and sends on complaints, said the san francisco field office, a long list of accounts that quote, may warrant additional action. Agent chant pass the list londo his quote: twitter, folks, email, twitter. Folks, please see below list of twitter accounts which we believe are violating your terms of service by disseminating false information about the time, place and manner of upcoming elections, and there are several many of the above accounts were satirical in nature. Nearly all, with the exceptions of baldwin to get
in a second were relatively low engagement and some were suspended most with a generic thanks twitter letter. When told of f b I flagging one replied. My thoughts initially include one seems like prime aphasia, one, a violation to holy cow me an account with the reach of an amoeba three. What else are they looking at? In other words, why are they having a span this guy, they say inside quote, I can't believe the FB I's policing jokes on twitter, that's crazy! In a letter to former deputy general counsel and former top f b, I lawyer Jim baker on September. Sixteen twenty twenty two remember this is this year: legal exec station cardale outlines results from her quote soon to be weekly, unquote meeting with dhs d, o J, f b, I in the office of the director of national intel. He got their lawyers for old twitter meeting with the department of justice. The federal bureau of investigation, the office of the director of national intelligence and the department of homeland security and the media today are attacking elon musk for not believing in free speech I'll get to that later, because the media are in fact thugs. The twitter exec writes. She explicitly asked if there's were impediments to sharing
classified information with industry. The answer at the I was adamant, no impediments to sharing exist. This passage underscores the unique one: big happy family, vibe between twitter and the federal bureau of investigation. With what other firm, with the f b, I blindly agree to quote no impediments to classified information at the bottom of that letter. She left a series of escalation, apparently raised at the meeting, which were already handled the unquote one, she writes flagged specific tweet on illinois, use of modems to transmit election results and possible violation of these civic integrity policy Except they do use that tech second limited circumstances and other internal
or from january twenty twenty one shows twitter exists, processing, an f b, I list of possible violative content to it. So here we have the epi I taking water supposed to be the twitter rules and using them and then contacting twitter and saying look at these people in this room. Look at these people in this room. That's the government, nobody elected these people, we don't know who they are most of them. They are spying on you. They are spying on you.
here too most which contain the same, get out there and vote wednesday, a trope that had low engagement. Now we used to joke about that here. I mister producer. This is what the f b I spends its time on. This is what the mp I spent its time on in this march: twenty twenty one email and fb. I and liaison thanks a senior twitter executive for a chance to speak. To quote you in the team then delivers a packet of products scraped. Speaking with you in the team a twitter last week, I wanted to flag a few products that were released today in earlier in the week that may be of assistance to twitter. Let us know if you have any questions, so the executive circulates corner called the products which are really de hs bulletins, stressing the need for greater collaboration between law enforcement and quote private sector partners.
Let me put it to you bluntly: the f b, I has been a silent partner with old twitter with facebook, I am sure, google, I'm sure instagram, I'm sure, youtube and I'm sure the rest of the media. It has been a silent partner.
Tell you be goes on the ubiquity, they twenty sixteen russian interference story, as stated pretext for building out the censorship. Missy machine can't be overstated its analogous to how nine eleven inspired the expansion of the security state. While the d, a chess in its products court, unquote pans permissive social media for offering operational advantages to russians. It also explains that the domestic, violent extremists threat requires addressing information gaps. Now remember how the fbi was changing. The domestic terrorist threat. to make it look bigger for the code on call right, wingers member Allah umbrella, another there on a monitoring them at bay on one key so so many possible violet of content reports, twitter personnel, congratulating each other,
slack for the monumental undertaking of reviewing them. There are multiple points of entry into twitter for government flag reports. This letter from agent chan in san francisco to roth references, teleport or a platform through which twitter could receive reports from the fbi reports also came from different agencies. He's got an employer, recommends, bouncing concept based on evidence from the hs state governments also flag. Content twitter, for instance, receive reports, be a partner support portal, an outlet created by the centre for internet security, a cardinal organization to the d, a chess taking feds states, federal contractors. Then here's another. Why was no act? and taken ballade twitter execs receiving an alert from california officials. By way, of course, our partner support portal unquote debate whether the act on a donald trump tweet.
Here a video is reported by the election integrity project at Stanford, apparently in the strength of information from the centre for internet security. If that's confusing it's because these centre for internet security is a d, Hs contractor describes its office part as with the cyber internet security. And she had the gauge s. One of a series of german affiliated think tanks that mass review content a list that also includes the atlanta councils and they go on that. Take away what most people think of us, The deep state is really a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, sometimes state funded ngos. The lines become so blurred its meaningless. Twitter file researchers, removing a ride in new areas now watch for more on this space, I'll, be right back then folks, our friendship.
hills. The college which you and your is happy and blasted christmas and healthy and prosperous new year since hills does founding in eighteen. Forty, four, it's taught it students by precept an example that teachings and practices of the christian faith they cause. It continues the mission in its classrooms a nationwide through its educational outreach efforts. So this christmas season, my friends at helstone wanna. Thank you dear listener, for your kindness toward the college. They prepared a special, of feeding their sacred music choir, singing our little town of bethlehem in their beautiful christ, chapel at the heart of the campus. When you visit, hillsdale dot, Edu, slash christmas, that's hillsdale, dot e d this last christmas, can see and hear the choir and view many other free resources to help you celebrate the season Promise it'll be uplifting and inspiring for you and your family. That's hillsdale,.
I'd be to you slash christmas, the there's absolutely no way christopher wray doesn't know about this no way, and you have eighty f b, I agents and other personnel, and so much resources apply to this. There's no way he didn't know, there's no way matt to posted instead of chasing child sex, predators or terrorists it's the epi ice agents, lots of them analyzing a mass flagging social media posts not as part of any criminal investigation but as a permanent end in itself surveillance operations. People should not be okay with this, and yet they are mat. Many in your profession, you have rightly condemned many and
There is no free media, it sat simple. The media are corrupt. If there's public in the white house. They seek to destroy him and they will work with the fbi. They will work with the tec oligarchy it will collude among themselves. If there's a Democrat will do the same thing, to destroy anybody who dares to question the Democrats, I'll, be back folks, our friend, hills. The college wish you and yours a happy and bless her christmas and healthy and prosperous new year, since hills does founding in eighteen. Forty, four, it's taught it students by precept an example that teachings and practices of the christian faith college continues. The mission in its classrooms nationwide, through its educational, outreach efforts. So this christmas season, my friends
I also want to thank you dear listener, for your kindness toward the college. They prepared especial of featuring their sacred music choir, singing our little town of bethlehem in their beautiful christ, chapel at the heart of the campus. When you Visit hillsdale, dot, Edu, slash christmas, that's hillsdale, dot, Edu, slash christmas you can see and hear the choir and view many other free resources to help you celebrate the season. Promise, notably uplifting and inspiring for you and your family that tells del dot beady you slash Chris.
As long as the show fly national at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, a one one so starbuck workers are on strike for three days: america, because they want to unionize, not all of them. Of course, some of them do. They understand that essentially comes down to them serving coffee, mister producer they're, not steel workers, they're, not cops. No offense, I'm not saying your job is, is not important, but a cup of coffee at starbucks- and I don't go to starbucks very much- is very expensive, particularly during times like this. When you go to dunkin donuts, you can go to mcdonald's and go to this place or that place starbucks ain't cheap, so they're going to drive up the cost even more. I suspect.
Not so that probably watch being fought, I just showed you through twitter, elon, musk and company showed us actually have the fbi and the other federal law enforcement entities have been working full time. All the time monitoring you here is a peace. When the federalists margo Cleveland eight times, our federal government ran a product, protect Biden, racket. This is why your disk
instead number one censoring the hunter buying laptop story. We know about that before the new york post broke the story october. Fourteen twenty twenty two about Biden's knowledge of the potential involvement in his son's business dealings. The federal bureau of investigation warned facebook that it should be on high alert what we thought there was a lot of russian propaganda. Twenty six cain campaign, the f b, I said, adding that we have it on notice that basically there's about to be the same kind of dump similar to that. So just be vigilant. They just lie based on a warning facebook's founder mark Zuckerberg explained, while the new york post broke the one hundred buying laptop stern october. Fourteen twenty twenty facebook treated the stories, potentially misinformation, important misinformation for five to seven days, while the tech giants team could determine whether was false. They also warned twitter in the lead up to the twenty twenty general election. That quote, they expected a hack and leak operations by state actors might occur in the period shortly before the twenty twenty presidential election likely in october. But of course it wasn't part of a hack and leak operation. It wasn't part of russian propaganda. It was part of the f b I's misinformation effort. If you want to know the truth and the fbi, I knew that fact because of it seized the laptop from the computer repairman as she points out nearly a year earlier in december. Twenty nineteen, when it did this anyway number two quietly seizing a hunter's laptop from the repair shop. While it was the epi eyes, lies that prompted the detect trying to censor the near post coverage of the b. I family pay to play scandal the epi eyes. Efforts to protect the Biden family from the damning material contained on the laptop may also have included the api. I seizure the laptop from the repair store owner John Paul mac isaac. Had mac isaac not made a copy of the hard drive before the fbi seized hunters laptop on December. Twenty nineteen. The fbi could have kept the entire story. Quiet one can't help, but wonder if the bureau's, true motivation in seizing the laptop was to protect the Biden family numbers,
rate seizing and returning hunters second laptop another by clean up mission may have taken place. Two months later, when in february twenty twenty, the d, a drug enforcement administration raided the office of hunter binds former psychiatrists Keith AB low in executing their search warrant. The de seas from our blow save a second laptop that belonged a hunter, even though a hunter was under investigation. At the time the government returned the laptop the hunters lawyer and, at the time of the d, a search no mention was made of hundred buying laptop and steady limited public coverage of the re consisted of reports that the eight d claim, the eggs execution of the search warrant was part of an ongoing investigation. and references to abalone medical licence being recovered in may. Have twenty nineteen for alleged quote inappropriate sexual activity with patience and illegally giving prescriptions to employees
that the d, a weighted nine months before searching I blows, offers for evidence and that their government never charged a blow for any crimes seems rather suspect. Especial given the raid only follow the fbi. Seizure of hunter binds first laptop, so the feds grabbed the first and they grabbed the second number, four downplaying or ignoring intelligence threats to provide plausible deniability. The delaware laptop contain hordes of compromising information both on urban and his father, Joe beyond that scandal material. The laptop also included other significant revelation that hundred bind believe the russians had stolen another laptop that contained material ripe for blackmailing the bag and family. The
in the family. When asked whether he worried the russian teams would try to blackmail him hundred and said yeah in some way, yeah noting his father's running for president that I talk about it all the time. So it's difficult to overstate the national security risks that would exist if the russians had possession of a laptop filled with not just personal information about hunter, but communications implicating gad in a pay to play. Scandal and the fbi had it properly process the laptop upon completing it from mac. Isaac would have known of that risk and at a minimum provided Joe Biden, a defensive briefing that, according to whistleblowers under the auspices of not interfering with the twenty twenty elections, yeah right at the ai leaders told employees. You will not look at the one hundred Biden laptop and the whistleblowers further claim. The epa did not begin to examine the contents of that laptop until after the twenty twenty presidential election think about that
for five running, shame investigations and bearing information. The f b. I did more than delay the investigation into these laptops. Couldn't a whistle blowers who claim that agents opened a sham investigation into hunter bind to brand reliable and verifiable derogatory evidences dis information only macro. According to senator chuck rashly multiple f b. I whistleblowers, including those in senior positions, raised the alarm about tampering by senior fbi. Injustice. Officials in politically sensitive investigations include,
When investigative activity involving derogatory information on one hundred binds financial and foreign business activities rashly alleged that the whistleblower's claim washington field office assistant special agent in charge, Timothy c bolt and other epa officials sought to falsely portrays disinformation evidence acquired from multiple sources. They provided the epa derogatory information related honor bonds, financial and foreign business activities, even though some of that information had already been or could be verified, remember at the same time, the fbi ice monitoring the social sites twitter, the evidence as they are black and white for people like you and remember. The oligarchs at these social sites are covering up all this information, and so we have whistleblowers now who are who are claiming these things too.
Italy number six, stepping up when one hunter's gun goes missing. In october, two thousand and eighteen one hundred bind purchased a gun, completing a firearms transaction record that shows him responding. No to a question on the form that asked: are you an unlawful user of or addicted to marijuana or any depressant stimulant, narcotic drug or any other controlled substance? Obviously? Was a drug addict, notwithstanding hunter's very public and long standing, addiction to drugs? No charges were ever filed against the president's son according to politico on october, twenty three, twenty eighteen hallie Biden, hunter sister in law, turned lover, sick removed, hundreds gun and threw it in a trash can behind a grocery store only to return later to find it gone after the manager, the grocery store called police who launched an investigation called a curious thing happened as politico put it secret service agents approached the owner of the store where a hunter bought the gun and asked to take the paperwork involving the sale. The gun store owner refused to supply the paperwork, suspecting that the secret service officers wanted to hide hunters ownership of the missing gun in case or were involved in a crime according to political sources. The store owner later provided a copy of the paperwork to the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives, and while the secret service claims it has no record of any involvement of it's agents. This story suggests agents again work to protect the Biden, family step seven
stepping in when Ashley Biden diary shows up, while the investigation into one hundreds missing gun at the potentially fraudulent representation made when the firearm transaction record ended without charges, department of justice brought federal charges against two individuals who attempted to solve diary reportedly belonging to Ashley Biden, and not only did the government come down heavy on those individuals but the api. I also raided the home swat team of the ot and the office of project veritas founder james O'Keefe,. Got it all came. The dire was allegedly abandoned in a room that actually by state at the two individuals to discover the dire reproach project, very tests and other media outlets to sell the book.
project. Very tough gave the diary law enforcement to ensure it could be returned to its rightful over. We never published it I'll keep set now miss spiders fathers department of justice, specifically the u S, attorney's office for the southern district in new york, appears to be investigating this situation, claiming the diary was stolen. We don't know if it was, but a begs. The question and what world is the alleged theft of a diary investigated by the president's happiness department of justice, a diary oki vast number, eight keeping the ducks in her own quiet, tourney, general merit, loose garland represents the final and biggest protector of the vine family, with the investigation into a hunter Biden continuing under the oversight of the bite administrations, department of justice. Similarly, department of justice through the western district pennsylvania's- u s attorney's office- is still overseeing the criminal investigation into the bank. Rope healthcare business from which james by Jos, brother, allegedly siphoned, hundreds of thousands of dollars to finance repairs to the beach house- and I am quoting notwithstanding the clear conflict of interests- garland- has ignored calls by congressional leaders to appoint a special council to investigate the financial dealings with abiding family. Instead, he appointed jack Psmith as a special council to investigate president trump brain with the only thing as strong as they get trump attitude of the deep state is to print.
The Biden stance of the federal government care for that kind of wraps it up. Doesn't it mister producer? It's really unbelievable, these corrupt bastards and their corrupt bastard media. It's just disgusting I'll, be right, back much love him and foulkes our friends at hill, college wish you and yours a happy and bless her christmas and healthy and prosperous new year, since hills does founding in eighteen. Forty, four, it's taught it students by precept an example that teachings and practices of the christian, face. The college continues the mission in its classrooms nationwide through its educational outreach efforts. So this christmas season
my friends at helstone wanna. Thank you dear listener, for your kindness toward the college. They prepared especial of featuring their sacred music choir singing a little town of bethlehem in their beautiful christ, chapel at the heart of the campus, when you Visit hills dale that EU slash christmas, that's hills, dale that either use. Last christmas, and see and hear the choir and view many other free resources to help you celebrate the season. I promise it'll be uplifting and inspiring for you and your family that tells del dot. Beady you slash christmas. l, L, l fox news from anders extra ready for another one
let's see, CDC, removed, stats on defence of gun, use over pressure from gun control activists. What the centres for disease, control and prevention, which has a very tarnished reputation, or does it not reportedly remove statistics on defence of gun use in the? U s following pressure
the gun, control lobby, the stats source from a cdc commission study finding that instances of defensive gun use, in other words, some protection, occur between sixty thousand and two point five million times per year. References to that study were deleted from the site following private meetings were gun, control advocates and twenty twenty one emails obtained and published by the reload show that two point: five million number needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and bear it again, marked brine, exactly
director. The gun violence archive wrote to the cdc in one of the emails. It is highly misleading. It has used out of context, and I personally believe it is zero value, even as it outlier point an honest de gee, you discussions and while that very small study he says by gary collect, has been debunk repeatedly by everyone from all sides of this issue. Even collect that still remains. Cannon by gun rides folks and their supporting politician is used as a blunt instrument against gun safety regulations. Every time there is a state or federal level hearing this is the pressure. Bride was among several gun. Control advocates to meet virtually was cdc officials regarding the data. Little dick durban of the state of illinois, the land of little dick durban, reportedly facilitated the meeting through his office. In other words, he held it. The email show the cdc officials initially resisted, removing the reference doktor deb hoary, the cdc acting principle- deputy director argue their brains, gpa inspecting only a very small,
well subset of people who have used guns defensively, adding that it does not include individuals who might have used guns defensively but not reported the use to law enforcement. She explained that a city it goes on and on and on the the cdc acquiesced to the gun, control demands and dropped. The information in the statistics in the estimates from the report, what we are planning to update the faq sheet in early twenty twenty two. After the release of some new data, Beth re meals associate director of policy partnership, strategic communication at the cdc division of violence prevention, wrote so they're setting up gun control. That's what they're doing I want to tell you something that is shocking. Even to me, when the consequences are going to be very severe to those of you who, like boating to those of you who, like fishing, there's going to be a back door,
I effort now to regulate, if not destroy both. Now what in the world? Could I be talking about what you're going to find out when we return it's pretty frightening I'll, be right back the this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you! Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for this,
sponsorship? Your talk now, broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with the leader of our levant here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seventy seven, three, eight one, three
one one. So I wanted to tell you about this, sir. This rule there trying to put in place an that's if I can find the damn thing looks like I may have oh here it is. I believe this is it? No, oh, yes get ready, and this just shows you the extent to which these people are crazy. Bind administration. Fox news, boating proposal would be greatest regulatory overreach, its kind critics reward. A worn, frank august Meyer describes a proposal by the bad administration of lumbered the speed of all motor boats over thirty five feet from floor to the messages. Not only are the creating a serious safety issue. They cutting a massive negative economic impact, he's presently nash
a maritime manufacturers. Association is just one of the growing number of voices suppressing outrage of the proposal, but put forward by the. U s: congress, apartment under the auspices of the national oceanic, atmospheric administration, Noah, it's stupid suggests angers, the present a centre for sports fishing policy. It's not what government is supposed to do this and of this. The far reaching regulation would restrict speed to ten knots for eleven point five miles per hour for all boats over thirty five feet from the seven months out of the year and up to a hundred miles out at sea. For most of these coasts and I'll tell you what's really going on here. Their purpose they report is to prevent both from hitting an endangered right whale in any, not a fox news. I know a spokesman pointed out that there are only three hundred fifty right whales.
In the ocean. This rulers designed to reduce the risk of mortality from vessel strikes and afford the species a greater opportunity to recover. This statement admitted, however, there have only been five deadly well strikes by both between thirty five and sixty five feet in length in more than fifteen years, and boats over sixty five feet are already subject to a speed restriction. It's ridiculous, edit angers said, there's less than a one in a million chance of a fishing boat hitting a whale according to know his own numbers based on actual interactions between recreational boats and right whales. Their proposed restrictions are unjustifiable, also dangerous code into Eric edmonson present other boat owners associated to the. U s he said, most boats can't get on a plane if they are going under ten knots. A plane is the speed it
which the bow of the boat lowers in order to cut through oncoming waves. The boats are designed to ride on top of the waves. This is going to
make them wallow in the waves up and down side to side. Pitching it's going to be hard to maintain control. You can take waves over the side. He said. Larger boats are especially at risk going through channels near the shore that they can't maintain steerage. He added if you're, going, that speed, you're going to run aground. So safety is a huge concern, said: captain trade types of the crew will be thrown around tossed around injured. He said at the stern of one of his pilot boats, speeding at thirty five knots side of the port of savannah Georgia. If we run at slow speeds, any side swell is going to make the boats roll unbelievable. Now, what's really going on here, mister producer, since there really is no danger to any whales. What's really going on here. Ladies and gentlemen, this is peta and other groups who want to destroy boating in effect, destroy boating. Peter was the group. My wife tells me she was deputy general counsel of the company that owned the greatest circus on earth, barnum and bailey for many years many decades, and she said this is the way it works. These groups like PETA, they say, oh, you can keep boating and you can keep fishing there's no problem, but then they fight for a fight for something that they know will critically destroy the industry. So they said elephants, we understand, you're, taking good care of elephants and elephants at the circus are among the best treated with vets and all the rest, but we just don't want them to use leads any more. Will you can't control an elephant without a lead any more than you troll, a dog without a leash, so they destroyed that whole that whole industry and the lives of many of these elephants were were ruined, and so here you have a situation and all you boaters out there better pay attention. Thirty five feet is not a very long boat that they are going to destroy boating by making it impossible to boat by making it dangerous by getting people nauseous all the time. With the waves slapping up on the side, they are going to destroy bowling and by the way they want the rule to go all the way from massachusetts down to florida.
that's the vast majority, the east coast, so they're going to destroy fishing too. These people are evil. These people are sleazy. This is what they do and they don't pass laws. They don't bring these matters before congress. There's no subcommittee committee hearings for people to speak, to take evidence to take information Biden's just going to try and do it with the singer. Travis Penn. That's not what executive orders are supposed to be about america, legislating from the oval office. We have all these people talking about the constitution, Donald trump says or suspend the constitution, which he really didn't say, but ok, let's play along these people really are suspense, the constitution there not saying we should. They are any, does this over and over and over again and whereby.
Basically does say catch me. If you can any hopes he gets her friendly judge when they form shop and so forth. He's got merit loose garland in his back pocket he's got the phoney power
prosecutors and litigators in his back pocket. They don't care about the rule of law and, let's be honest, most of the people writing about this- the washington compost, the new york slimes, most of the people who put their ugly mugs on tv. They don't have balls, they don't go boating, they don't go fishing, that's it! They want salmon, they went to orange roughy, they want grow bearer, they want shrimp, they want lapsed. I want all that stuff, but they have nothing to do with. Actually all the work that's involved, and what about the sportsmen out there and what about people who have boats just because they enjoy having both is that so terrible, so they're, coming after everything, everything they're coming after h, vac systems are coming after our boats, they're coming after our cars that use gas. So we look at what's going on they're coming after the minds of our kids in the classroom. Right in your face. Parents have no say in five damn days five game days where most of you are really getting ready for christmas and so forth, as well as in the middle of hanukkah title. Forty two evaporates thanks to one moron, a federal judge in Washington DC and he's always been a moron. Quite frankly, since the day Clinton appointed him- and you know- there's upwards of fifty thousand foreigners along the southern border in various locations getting ready to storm over the over the border. Did you know that fifty thousand and did you know that we get about eight thousand illegal aliens crossing our border every day and that's going to increase to fourteen or fifteen thousand every day, which amounts to four
hundred and fifty thousand a month? Where are they going to go? How are they going to eat? What about our school system? What about law enforcement? What about all the sentinel? What about all the criminals? Is this not cause for alarm the pie? Administration? presented has not presented a single thing that intends to actually do that can help. We are they a man in the presidency.
who is violating the? U s: constitution, with the support of the attorney general, the united states, and despite the fact that his party puts our comments, we need our comprehensive immigration reform. Are you nuts? Are you nuts? You don't need comprehensive immigration reform to secure the border, to deport criminals to fight to keep no off our streets, and we didn't have such a crappy lowdown sleep the media in this country, who can't stop covering donald trump donald trump day in and day out, attacking them and what focus on issues that are
Better really harming the american people. Maybe this stuff would stop and by the way for this article, I just read you from fox on on the boats. Have you heard it anywhere else, mister producing nowhere like we're, so dumbed down! Okay! Well, you know nothing. I can do about it! Oh okay! Whatever you know it's incredible to me and they get away with this stuff because the media know, if they don't report it, then most people don't know about see all tree in the in the forest of the tree falls. Nobody here that did it fall. Well, yeah fell, but nobody knows it fell.
I'll, be right back much love tired of We're paying woke wireless companies, how about this, get talk, text and blazing fast data, just thirty bucks a month, yes, on the same network, the same towers with the same coverages, the other guys, but for a half the price merry christmas? hanukkah, hallelujah friends. This is great news. You can start saving today without having the same, her face on coverage. How do I know I'm a customer plus? Listen all the other benefits you get a? U S, pace customer service team to make your switch even easier. You are supporting a veteran own business and here's the best part when you get a pure talk, dot com and under promo code, levine podcast you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's right, good, a pure talk, tat, calm and are promo code, levine ellie, the iron podcast, and you can be switched over in as little as ten
In its switch to a company that shares your values, gotta pure talk that come in or promo code, levant podcast does say fifty percent off your first month. Pure talk is simple smarter wireless woebegone for a while the great hanukkah starting sunday night. A wonderful christmas is the year comes to an end. And, as I say, far democrat friends out there, particularly the leadership of the democratic party in congress, I can see a truck sumer walking around women's underwear. Could you must reduce he strikes me is that type open minded, of course, is what I mean
I could see gerald matter that we really really big size, maybe maternity, but I could see that.
the course in the media, the democrats in the media. We could see my draw drums, I'm sure, probably just a guess. I don't know one never knows, but that there is anything wrong without, of course, others so much more, and yet here we are now. I want to read this to you folks. I want you pete noise in particular, who have stuck with us, and I appreciate what you listen others, because this is why I stone where I stand on this. This is Ukraine's global voice and the pictures- and it's not pretty chamber, used by russians to torture. Children found in Carson that's there, I believe second biggest city.
and ukrainian officials have discovered a room kherson that evidence shows was used by russian invaders to detain and torture. Children sounds like the islam or nazi regime in tehran sounds like isis evidence that children have been tortured by russian forces was found for the first time, a kaerusson human rights. Commissioner, few cranes, parliament, has announced we saw the rock bottom carson. He said in one of the torture chambers we discovered a separate saw were children were kept. I thought that the bottom could not be brought and after boucher europe, him and you remember what happened there, but we really reached the bottom of kherson quoted a local testimony revealed by luba nets. That's the citizens of that area
He came, children were given minimal water, almost no food while being subjected to psychological torture and abuse by russian interrogators. The children from the recently liberated southern ukraine city were allegedly held in the cell until that their parents would abandon them. Some also claim they were forced to clean up blood, feminine adjacent torture, room used for detain ukrainian adults. The british newspaper the daily express reports that right
in the forces and kherson had allegedly nicknamed the room, the children's cell, speaking at a hearing held by the? U S, helsinki commission, on Wednesday, Dr James as gordon founder of the center for mind body medicine, said an estimated. Sixty percent of ukrainian children have been forced to flee their homes during russia's ongoing brutal invasion. Every child in ukraine and all ukrainian children who have left are experiencing some level of distress. Meanwhile, the commissioner for children's rights and the ukrainian president's office and co founder of the alliance for ukraine without orphans, told the commission. Russia has deported thousands of children during the war and, according to russia itself, russia state media channels have reported the figure to be, let's see, seven hundred and twelve thousand seven hundred and twelve, I mean what the hell is going on here and yet we have some people in this country tv radio.
Who just act like this? Is nothing it's not here, so it doesn't matter it's not here. So it's not a big deal, it's really quite troubling what we've got a lot more! Ladies and gentlemen, what is our final show for several days? look very much more and I'll, be right back tired of it we're paying woke wireless companies. How about this, get talk, text and blazing fast data? Just thirty, bucks a month, yes, on the same network, the same towers with the same coverages, the other guys, but for a half the price. Merry christmas hanukkah, hallelujah friends. This is great news. You can start saving today without having the same
We face on coverage. How do I know I'm a customer plus? Listen all the other benefits you get a? U S, pace customer service team to make your switch even easier. You are supporting a veteran own business and here's the best part when you get a pure talk, dot com and under promo code, Lavigne podcast you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's right go to pure talk that calm and are promo code, levine ellie, the iron podcast and you can be switched over little as ten minutes switch to a company that shares your values. Gotta pure talk, dot com enter promo code, levant, podcast does say fifty percent of your first month, you're talking.
Simply smarter wireless doesn't suffer fools well. So if you don't call eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one pino, ladies and gentlemen, jimmy from brooklyn last night. He called the program. The guy is unbelievable and he mentions a marxist by the name of grim sky. Grim sky was an italian marxist who was born in the eighteen hundreds and he died in the nineteen hundreds. He was imprisoned by the fascists and he died in prison. Who is only in his forties? I recall antonio grimsby in Tonio. Grim sky is the most important evil. Communist you've never heard of.
Grim sky was born with some physical defects affecting his spine. He never reached five feet tall. He was hunched over yet a significantly large head. As I recall, he was one of seven children. I think one of seven boys and he spent a lot of his life reading in one of his older brothers, became a socialist. He would become a socialist. He would watch the russian revolution from afar and he got and he got turned off by the socialists because he said they really never did anything.
She became a communist in an activist, but he was also an intellectual and I didn't have the room to write about it in american marxism, as I said last night, but he's very important at a huge impact on mark who see and the frankfurt school in berlin or frankfurt, which also widened its reach into berlin and so forth, but nonetheless
And I mean there's a lot that he wrote about, but one of the things that he explained is Jimmy was touching on last night was you have to tailor the revolution to the society? Look at the united states. We don't have a proletariat that rises up to overthrow the government. That rises, over throat in industry. We didn't have a french revolution. We had an american revolution, we didn't have a
russian revolution with an american revolution and and again our our revolution wasn't about. Overthrowing a society was about the kind of government we had. We wanted representative government in france, it was about overthrowing the society and russia was about overthrowing the society and by the way it wasn't like most people rose up in russia that a third about a third so grim sky says in essence, we need communists to get involved in from the bottom up these various cultural institutions- and this is what is meant by at least by grim sky neo marxism. So we need people with this ideology to get into the media, to get into entertainment, to get into the and I'm just saying in the united states as an exit get into the democrat party. Yes to get into the republican party to get into the court system to get into the department of justice to get into all these areas of governance to get into the school system, and that's how we change the country and that's exactly what's going on. That's exactly what's going on and the so called progressives that the late eighteen, hundreds and the turn of the last century. That's exactly what they promoted to that's exactly what they promoted to and then once you get the leavers of power and the leavers of the culture, and you can influence the mindset, influence the psychology of a country and so forth and so on. Then you don't look back. He got to take off with it, so the books that the children use the assemblies that they go to the teachers that are hired the coursework that they're given and you cannot have parents interrupting, can appearance getting them.
I love this thing now. I don't mean we're trying to indoctrinate and promote an ideology in the worst place where this takes place and grim sky knew it and cuz. He knew it and the modern day, marxists know like Bernie sanders and so for those the college and university campus. The college and university campus and they've done a great job, basically of creating a one ideology. One party college campus- those professors, don't vote for republicans or Democrats, and isn't it interesting that the Democrats they vote for democrats and their marxists? Now that doesn't mean maybe there leninist or trotsky. I too am not talking about that, but the all commitments you know share the same core ideology so obviously are the italian fascists. Viewed crim sky and the others is very, very dangerous, so they swarm in prison for like eleven or fourteen years and of his life. I think he died. He was forty six give or take, and and in his writings go on, though I guarantee you that every member of the so called what is it called? The progressive caucus in the house knows all about grimsby. I guarantee you that at least half a dozen democrats in the Senate know all about grimsby. I guarantee you that every Democrat sitting on the supreme court know about grimsby. Perhaps every federal judge that they've appointed on the left knows about grimsby, even if you may not.
So he said, there's not going to be this huge convulsion in a lot of these countries like the united states, we need to take them over slowly and basically against your will. The media in america had been conquered, have they not? They been conquered and, as mrs would say, in some cases they don't even know it. If you were asked truck Todd today are your mark, so she went talking about here right wearing rather longer. He doesn't even though you, but then there are those who do know that they are they bring in these clowns from the nation or mother jones magazine they bring in that moronic, professor from Vanderbilt, for bringing some crazy ass lawyers and so forth. They know
They know what they are and who they are but go ahead and look it up. That's why they're shows little of different look up. Grimsby teach have a little bit about what's going on and who he is. And none of these guys invented these ideologies by themselves. They build on them. They build on them. That's what they do. Joe Biden does a moron Joe Biden never heard a grim ski and your Joe Biden has been the greatest implementers of grimm's keys ideology in american history in american history. It isn't, even though it that's, why is a dangerous man? Number one is doing it and virtue
doesn't even know it, but there are people around him who do know it. There are people around him who do know what the climate change agenda with the open borders agenda. Interesting thing. The spoke said it. for the eighty eight at the white house cannot. You why the borders, open shore line shall say it's we have operational management.
The more on running the parma homeland security I'll tell you what secured look these are. These are pathological cereal liars their sick, but they can't tell you why the borders open, so they lie so wise. The border open, chuck shimmer gave it away and we ve always known ass. The Democrats say: oh this replacement theory as racists, but chuck shimmer announced replacement theory two weeks ago, not enough americans being born. So we need to bring people in from other parts of the world. That's replacement there. They push abortion and they push open borders. The world s, people gonna, go what about our health system. We can handle this it's over run already. We not waiting times like canada.
britain, we never had waiting times before, want to see a dermatologist okay, see in six or eight weeks. You have a heart issue, okay, see in ten days. We never had to do that before and you need a referral for a referral
For another referral, because they're trying to slow you down, I can't handle all the traffic the bigger the government gets the more involved. It gets, the more subsidise send the more it withholds, the more it decides. These people deserve better treatment. Those people are not going to get better, but I want you to think about this with almost half a million people, starting in five days coming into this country every single month, where they going to get their healthcare, we don't have enough doctors when element of nurses. We don't have enough beds, we don't have enough medicine where they going to get their baby formula. Are they going to get their tampons? I'm not joking
What are they going to get anything? Where are they going to live where they're going, and how do we know who they are? Who are they half a million a month? We don't have enough people to process, even if we wanted to half a million people a month give or take, possible and what are we going to do with our jails in our prisons? Most states wanting to work with federal government anymore in terms of real to eighty seven section to eighty seven courts are going to be overwhelmed, cops are going to be overwhelmed. The borders overwhelmed.
mexican cartels are controlling the southern part of the united states. Grimsby department of homeland security has been taken over even more. The white house has been taken our I'll, be right back much love tired of we're paying woke wireless companies about this, get top tax and blazing fast data. Just thirty Bucks a month, yes, on the same network, the same towers with the same coverages, the other guys, but for a half the price. Merry christmas. We have to have a lawyer friends. This is great news. You can start saving today without having the same
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Have a regular or irregular american on the phone line, sir. Our man, down from like round the great w abies hey don. How are you my friend, a mortgage, great to talk to you again how you doing? Okay? Let me look, yes, I'm ok! Oh, it's been awhile, but now I know we're getting close to the end of the year and I just want to thank you for another full year of giving us all this information and opinions that we really deficit per le me to herald the biggest stories of the er of the year, and I just wanted to thank you, for you know your remarks on the border crisis and to the Biden economic rescue plan, which was anything but end up with a coverage. Nineteen. You know all these great stores,
is that you have given us and give us something to think about, and I want to thank you about that. While your sweetheart, I want to thank you, don t, have a lovely family and don, and my father would correspond. Unbeknown to me and done is a really great craftsmen, and he makes beautiful book stands, among other things, out of out of trees had of out of out of wood. That comes from a very important place,
as in it's donated to you, write like a a limb or fall from mount vernon or madison's home or mason's home and you'll you'll get access to that right. Yes, I will, if I, my grand daughter, wrote, could these places at the georgia too? I have that mount vernon and yes, and they were happy to send it to her at ten year old. You know, and at she gave me the pieces out, she displayed them at school and ah, and she gave them to me and I gave them the tuba I made book stands for you. Sean enemy. I even made something for president trump there's some day up to give it to him, but dialogue, illness. and you look like a man and a hardware down have a fantastic Zena mama folks. I need you to do something today with
a cramp prices, surging and flights being cancelled, left and right, it's harder than ever for our wounded, ill and injured service members to be with their loved ones on christmas, and unless we do something right now within the next two weeks. Hundreds of wounded as members, will be forced to be apart from their families on christmas luke's way believes that every wounded warrior should be able to spend the holidays with their loved ones. Since two thousand eight, they provided more than Fourteen thousand airplane tickets, reuniting families with wounded warriors this christmas, Please join me and help luke's wings reunite five hundred wounded warriors with their families. By making a tax deductible donation at luke wings, dot org! Today, please don't wait. Don't I. right now, ferris rising fast and these soldiers are running out of time. Please. Game, meaning for impact this christmas bring us during their family, together by don't Today I look wings dot, org, that's looks wings, dot, org looks wings, dot, org
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Now this pair old tax refund is only available for a very limited amount of time, so check it out right away. Get refunds, dotcom, that's get refunds, dot com the broadcasting coming from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader. Mind love the era america mark Levin here are number and you might want to write it down since we're taking some calls this waste the year. Eight seven, seven, three eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three one three eight one one it is
near the end of the year, and I really do think you should have your input. I've got a pile of stuff here and I'm thinking it's so negative. Now I think we're hold off and that for now, let's just take some you folks, that's good! Caleb Louisville, kentucky exam satellite caleb power, you, my friend, our mark hello, You might have wanted to tell you. This is my first time colony and I've been listening to you for years and years and I I love your show. I really hope that you have a merry christmas and that you're a you, have a safe christmas and are not actually pulled over on the side of the road. I'm headed down to florida on vacation
What did I tell you that you are amazing, you're, very knowledgeable, very informative and other areas as well. Our christmas on were that that make over christmas on you play Well, thank you. My wife and my mother in law get very angry at me, so I know I play that at some risk you know, but so what I enjoy it caleb. I wanted Thank you very, very careful in your drive. What town you headed toward I'm I'm headed toward port balkan beach. border. I know it is on the east oh sort of northern correct, is yet so very nice area. So it's a suburb, it's really booming! Now you think it a move in there. I would love to eventually wouldn't be a wonderful state. The live in you're not kidding our. I cannot be a big safe. Thank you, my friend,
That's gonna, tyler, grand junction, colorado, the great k and z time or go right ahead. Sir, yes mark, I just want to say, god bless you for everything you do was out there and I told your call screwing, but that I am being fishing guide, in colorado, I'm so I'm really familiar with. What's going on with all the ah government and tyranny from both the state and federal governments out here in the west regarding our boating access to our lakes, I'm I can't even hardly
I get a permit to guide on any of the lakes I mean I have two permits and by the grace of god, living doing what I love, but I'm they are systematically shutting down our lakes to boating access for all sorts of a dubious biological excuses and they're, putting up spike strips and us locked gates. So. we can't even launch at m at night or early in the morning or when the fishing is still good. So it hurts my bottom line as a guide, because I depend on getting out there early in the morning and I'm He looked, I look at this tyler and more people are gonna, be affected, their businesses, their livelihoods. Their employment
The bottom line in terms of what it is they do with their lives. I look at this. of liberty around us that alexis the tug full use the term I ended, shrinking and shrinking and getting tighter and tighter. They keep tat, Yes, what we can do and telling us what we can do and they use the they use climb change the environment as an excuse to destroy like what going into destroy so many things related to destroy entire industries. They have figured out Few can regulate air and regulate water and regular land. You can regulate everything nobody's against common sense regulations, but we're well beyond that. You know this isn't the nineteen twelve. This is a twenty twenty,
who and what people are trying to do now is because extremists are radicals, are to push human behavior out of nature out a nature, but guns and bullets hereafter and taking boats mean basically, if you'd make about particularly in the ocean on the. If you make a boat, if your forcing them to go slow, as you say, they become useless. you know this better than I do. They can't use them they're, not killing whales. It's a lie. Go ahead outside now, you're right on the models, it's all the executive, see out by really what, like you always said, the unconstitutional fourth branch of government, the administrative state and at the federal level, my great com
women alone. Barber has tried to help me get a permit for the colorado river, which is one of the biggest rivers in the united states even here, and I can't get a permit because they say it's too crowded and that's a complete and utter lie. You can go out there and count four or five boats on a busy day going down the river, and you know I would probably be making six figures right now. If I could guide on the river that I know and love all right are very sorry. My friend take care yourself. That's continue: let's go to raj pittsburgh pennsylvania, the great w J s raj. How are you.
Hi morgan doing well, how about you very well? Thank you said you had, so I wanted to talk about this later dump from the twitter files and It's like the f b. I has been directly involved in telling twitter whom to ban it. Is this a direct violation of the first amendment? Absolutely what's the legal recourse here like getting the f b, I people be prosecuted or it can. I won't tell you your question is a good one who has standing the people who have standing the people who were harmed so if I'm an individual and the I tells twitter and shorter agrees to take me off the social sites. I have a case I have standing and if it affects me in a business sense, I have standing and I can get damages of sorts to. So. Yes,
people do have standing who have been banned at the behest of the federal bureau of investigation but question about it, because it is a violation of the first amendment because effectively twitter, they all twitter was an instrument, tally of the state and the reason the the amendments exist, specially the bill of rights. They exist to protect you from the government and if the government is banning people from speaking forget about these. Your platforms pretend you're on the street and you want to say something in the government whispers into somebody's ear, whatever. Maybe it's a private road, let's make it all privates a private road and europe and you're in your speaking.
And they don't have a problem with it until the fbi says you know you might want to shut that guy down and they Sarah get off my property. Now the the private property owner has a right to tell you to get off the property. The federal government does not have a constitutional right to do what it did that make sense. Yeah. I a raj guy, get about how the steelers doing out there. I don't follow football much in I'm an immigrant from india! I state debts follow a lot of these sports. I'm kidding they're not going well. Unfortunately, alright, raj god bless you my friend take care. That's continue, showing anthony latro pennsylvania.
home of the great lakes. Arnold palmer. How are you I let's say your listening on w J? I already brought up that story about the environmentalist in the river and at times was there and I'm sure, tyler probably where those radical environmental groups like the environmental liberation front, the once again put spikes. if the trees are lumberjacks and and also the animal liberation front, that's out there, I'm damaging farmers' properties, they go to mink farms and they let the minx out and the poor minks all get killed by the local predators. The those groups are domestic terrorists groups never hear about them. Though, do you No, they don't get papa. You gotta dig for the stories because you down here about the department of justice, doesn't really press releases on how many there prosecuting
apparently they're all behaving well. Let me let me just one other thing here on the climate. You know we didn't watch our first weather satellite until like nineteen sixty, so you have to think how accurate is any of the data prior to nineteen sixty. Well, let me take it one step further. There are so many industries, so many individuals, so many. profits, so many people who are relying on climate change ideology and for some people it's a religion, no matter, what the statistics show, it won't matter any. It will not matter. Because this is part of a big government marxist movement by knit wits and people who know what there
At the same time that is going to make this country poor, less prosperous, impoverish alot of people you're only seeing a glimmer of right now look at what it's doing and I fear for our children and the next generation with all this racial crap, going on with all this left wing crap going on I really really fear for our kids and our grandkids anthony. Thank you for your comments, and I shall return. The folks. Have you heard me talk about some on my show and wanted to go back and listen again. Or are you curious about my views on current topics? Making headlines then visit my website mark Lavinia Dot com and use my audio search engine, you can search for any topic. I have discussed or guess I've had. my show that automatically pull up the most recent audio clips, you're searching for and best of all you can
easily share those clips with your friends and family on a variety of social media platforms. My search engine is sponsored exclusively by our dear friends at pre born saving bay he's lives of one ultra sounded a time check it out at mark. Levine show dot com Let us continue ill in south carolina, the mark levin, a power user Hey, I'm good mark! I appreciate the opportunity I'm guessing. I gotta say this: if, if I'd only had you as my constitutional law, professor in school, I wouldn't have slept through the classes. While thank you for the project, the. My comment is a regarding the invasion at the border. I'd I'd gladly support any candidate they could put together or outline a comprehensive deportation program not to remove the
spoke. Some I haven't got a lotta. Do that anymore? I don't you know not allowed to deport people anymore. No one Clearly such circumstances. Ok, a fly. You is a legal reason. No, do we follow the law anymore. I mean look at this place. It's unbelievable. Some believable me you have most of the media is valuing covering what's goin on the southern border, we're all their Martha's vineyard, though weren't they weren't they bill here. Yeah, but on the southern border, thousands and thousands and thousands of the media? Don't care It's happened in these little kids. They dont go down there and look at these cages. They do not go down there and talk to the women who are being molested and rape do they and by the way, not just phone vulgar
women, little girls and little boys. They dont go down there to look for the drug cartels. Do they they don't go down to the sea. These guys Karen these packages of a federal across the border. Do they now they don't go to their communities to see what's happening happening to their schools and law enforcement. All the litter that's taking place now
Now we got to attack trump, not just say we're very, very busy here, alright bill, I'm disgusted. Thank you for your call, my friend, but I shouldn't be, should a holidays right around the corner. Let's go to pete franklin, connecticut, X, m satellite pete. How are you, sir? Are you doing? Alright, just talk just I'm just thinking about the the regulations that they're talking about putting on the the boat, speed and everything thinking about these poor guys, its tuna fishermen that are out there who are heavily regulated as it is. The season is short and it all goes by and what a total weight. So I mean
As soon as they reach a certain quota, the season shuts down now these gentlemen are out there busting their home in the steaming out to the fishing grounds, And- and I know this is only boats- thirty five- to sixty five feet- long, which are some tuna fish to a tuna boats, but this is aimed not only at them and it is aimed at them, but it also aimed at the tourist boating and also at the year at the sportsmen bony, in other words, a team for the vat it's majority of boats that are sold in the united states, thirty five to sixty five feet, long that that's the vast majority of bold soul in the united states, so they are trying to prevent people from using their boats from buying boats from using the ocean, and this is the back doorway they're doing it. They've gone after the lobstermen in maine and other parts of the country, and this is not going to stop these people are out of control.
They hate us, they hate capitalism at it's, it's just it's unbelievable, and then we have a political party, the represents them, and then we have half the morons in the country who vote for them. I mean these people should be getting thirty five percent of the vote should they know not at all. it's, just it's unbelievable, or that is unbelievable. My call I appreciate it. I take care of yourself. Let us continue. Let's go to tim Dallas texas, the great w a p when we went all over the country or to him. Our you hey mark is a great honour to speak to you, sir,
when I heard you commenting earlier about the immigration which is totally out of control, I'm in texas- and I see it- I mean- I see it a lot. So I work at a very, very popular m grocery store that was founded in nineteen o five in texas, and we have supporting employees coming up to help us get the store up and running there from harlingen or down along the border. Are there I'm brownsville, Mcallen or down there? And I ask them about it, and they say you know what isn't natural normal it's a normal day. We see a the border patrol chasing them, they're all just walking the streets like a big carnival, a big street fair or they have no place to go no place to do.
The thing, I feel what do y'all do about it's like we stay away from them. You know we don't know what they do, what they're up to what they're trying to do, what you're trying to achieve, but they're, just lingering they're kind of like they're, like I'm squatting, they are not doing anything and it's just so. What are you he says? We see the border patrol chasing cars all the time we just move over, like the sandlers come down the street that they learn. That mark, I think, is you that told me this to listen to you religiously, like I think, is trump that made the deal with the mexican president during trump's presidency that if you don't keep those people in mexico and you get your army to hold those people back from coming across the united states, I'm going to get our military to come into your country because they're a threat to the united states government
and you're a threat to our national security. It. I think that was a deal that trot, nay, that's almost certain that you're the one that up entirely, then that's why I'm gonna believe I was hannity. But what do I know that said to him? We didn't have this going on during the trunk presidency. Did we No, we heard it now and you know, but you know we're gonna destroy crop Joe Biden, man he's he can run for re election. The fact that he doesn't have to brain cells. To rub together, In honour and fairly doctor jones, all- and now she likes being first lady- oh yeah- oh god help us our eye tim. Thank you. My friend, I folks will continue to take a caused by the way you let those you can call into not be scared, don't be nervous eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. We usually refer board here, so you want
calling we got one or two opening, as I just took to call. I'll be right back. Are you ready to fall in love with the new beauty brand aryan beauty by marianna grundy is available at also beauty. The aryan beauty assortment includes the on your collar lipstick, in addition to their at the borderline. Looked liner pencil, while you're here check out the sweetener, conceal or practically permanent, lipstick markers and lunar magic, blurring primer. It blurs the look, of course, with a soft cooling sensation head over to select elder beauty stores, elsa dot com and shop, aryan beauty by our yannick randy show shows braggart at seven three one. One month
Richie me is, MR corresponded to many of you, but he also has its own right he's doing good. And he's part of the commission westwood one radio network he's heard in many places many places but he's been doing double time, he's been doing the call screening and his own show and today is decided. His last day. Of course, greening even though enjoys it, richie veer you they are please, yes, sir. I am right here,
Mr call screener. How long have you been doing this with me, sir, and a couple of months it'll be five years five years wow that goes fast. Doesn't it time flies when you're having fun yet will tell us about what what what what is involved in your job and and how have you handled it and so forth? The MR coffee, in her job, is like being a bouncer. It's like you're you're at the front door of a nightclub, and you can be the nicest guy in the world, but you've gotta check the ids and bounce out the bad guys and that sometimes you gotta bounce out good guys, that's just how it is, and I love all of the nights. Even if you don't get on, I do love you. Do we have any strange ones? Oh, of course I mean every now and again you get these crazy people that just hate the great one or don't even know the great one or just want to go off topic or want to talk about just about anything they can or they want to curse, or they want to get belligerent. They'll use the heap limit to flank. But you keep this from me, the ones that hate me. What do they hate? Oh yeah? Well, you know, most of it is a jew hatred, anti semitism! You are still getting that
that's a constant threat that doesn't go away, sometimes it's more than others, but but it does exist and its there. Then you have others that just a belligerent they're, just like all you tell them that he's bleep leap legally, bleep you and it's not an you, know, unintelligible argument. We don't mind engaging, but right now I need another juice. Was still out there. I really didn't you and the first one to put on somebody. That's descent, because I'm always hoping to here get after found get picked up, right, we haven't had one of those colors so tell us about your radio show sure. So the new show is called america at night. I had the good fortune of feeling and for the great jimbo hannan over the summer time, and then he retired- and they named me to be his successor in these times, like that, was his and prior to him, Larry king from ten p m eastern to one a m heard on three
hundred stations from new york all the way to alaska, and it is a pleasure, it's kind of like this town hall meeting, but we do it late night, so there's just a whole new world out there after ten o clock at night, and it's a real blessing. It's a privilege, it's an honor to beyond with so many great affiliates in so many great listeners. Well, you're, really fantastic you're. Very nice talk show host, which is a very good thing. It's a very good thing. I think you're in the minority and people would say that especially some of the people that don't get on Joe, but I'll, take it now, you're great and when everybody to know what a kind and decent person you are. How friendly These are two my family by the way same of MR producer, MR producer, you been with me open your microphone. How long now, like china, now twenty years and how old, are you now? Forty? You re you're, forty three, so you ve been with me since you were twenty three, yet they won, and I remember mr producer
you going through various dating situation. That remember all I want to talk about it goes. I don't remember them well, but MR producer grew up with last year and MR call screeners absolutely great he's a moving onto what he wants to do and the very lucky I have people round me, who were loyal, who are competent, who are smart and very, very just just top of the heap of what they do and we don't have a lot to turn over here course. We don't have a big, roger either. It's you, MR producers, MR call screener from time to time. There's a substitute call screener we have stephen or substitute on the producer site, thats it some I'm guns, woman and, of course we have our her body dairy new, handles of filet relation. Normally a show like this has
twelve people write rich can like twelve people at a one, twelve people, twelve people is a train wreck. That is what it is, but instead we are wonderful people who get along with each other and the, and I want to wish you both a fabulous christmas and new year and now and then richie. You come back. Okay, absolutely certain. If I could take a moment, I just want to thank you very publicly for your support, your tutelage, everything I've learned from you and, of course, from rich them at them. As mister producer, I mean you guys had been instrumental in my success in his career and I'm grateful we're grateful for your well honestly. It was a rich who found you you know, and but I took a liking to you right away, you're, just a great great guy. All right god bless you, my friend and I again don't forget to come back. I will think I'm coming back next week next week. Ok, that you are as a matter of fact, are you yeah you're right our? I take care man. Yes, sir.
you know, there's a lot of turnover in a lot of shows. Not this one same goes with the live in tv, the blaze tv network, they paderewski josh trump tower our crew. There is very small. I think we have six people, maybe. Sometimes seven, but they handle all the editing they handle the the cameras they handle the audio they handle the technology, its bare bones it just because it seems to work better that way and people have more responsible
well, they have broader responsibilities. They like it and I pretty much stay out of the way I mean other than my part of the content of the show rich. I don't tell you what to do. I don't know exactly what the hell you do to be honest. I just know it works and that's all I care about from time to time the equipment gets a little rusty and rich steps into the of vanguard there, and he takes care of business and he's he's just about any. It's almost like. He can read my mind now. Isn't it rich? Isn't it weird it's kind of weird as sometimes you do Alright, let's take some more calls here. People always want to know about the background of their show charles old bridge, new jersey. I know where that is the great w, a b c charles. How are you allow yell yell, the charles jump off the bridge? Let's keep moving,
Claudio rockford illinois, the great w, are ok, go go on their mark. sorry caught by mid water just took a seat. Great. Thank you. A good all right! Well, congratulations to, ah miss the school, a call screener there, because ah yeah he's a nice guy, a parlor to ah, yes, I went to I went to make a comment. Ah you were talking about antonio grime sky and ah I grew up in ITALY and when I was in school at the age of about ten or allow and as we were learning our italian history and all that stuff a grab she was held as a as a hero, okay, road and a as a hero. Exactly he was a great guy, a matter of fact. There is squares that are named The train stations are named after him. I'm bob avenues, boys, but you don't see a mussolini piazza.
For me, these are independent, so, but it is that that's so weird because I'm not understanding I mean the the the italians are so messed up because they fought fascism, socialism, nazis them and all all that kind of stuff. But I'm and are they they are now literally as a crazy government. You know it takes like three people to bring a whole the whole parliament down anyway go ahead. Yeah, we're really messed up, especially with the gimmick should go, and I could everybody is landed, lesbian down in the sicily and then they make their way they track of away. In into europe and bolognaise, say enough is enough. You halliards ITALY, for the italians, but uh is just the thing immigration, the replacement like he was saying earlier. It's it's terrible is just killing everybody and I
he might hear. I came to the states back in eighty two and I went through the legal way. I became a citizen after all, my processes and that's how you do it. You come to the greatest country, which again is turned into something that I never never anticipated or could ever expect but every great. So you tellin me here here, there's leading communist, is is in many ways worshiped in italy, grandpa yeah, somberly right right. He is a yeah. There is a and again as as a younger kid when I was in school, I didn't really do too much studying and well appointed, because I want to just to get by how they look but a, but unfortunately, yes, there is a. There is a a a lot of ah a lot of communism.
That is still that is invaluable. Had a cup of communist governments. Quite frankly, you ve had socialist governments, Claudia I gotta run. I want to thank. You have a fantastic christmas and new year's eve.
I'll be right back then. I want to thank all the year broadcast companies if they run this programme. I want to thank all the executives, all the general managers and programme directors, and want to thank my fellow hosts. I want to thank my team here: rick rick, rich richie guns, stephen and, of course, everybody else associated with our company when an thank teresa gauge and suzanne grimes in the folks and daring billina and all of our sponsors. I want to thank each and every one of you. I want to thank our friends at fox
for running our sunday show suzanne scott, our great producer, tara. We have mead, we have megan executive producers and my team there as well a david paterson. She was absolutely fantastic in our whole team there and blaze, tv cary, Katz who's, the founder. I want to salute him and tyler who's, the ceo and his entire team and most of all, ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you, the most fantastic audience in the world, and none of this is possible without you, then you show up here. You show up at the T. V show you show up ablaze, you read the books, you're the most knowledgeable, the smartest people who walk this planet, and I cannot think
you enough in this sunday we will have our final show before christmas, a pm eastern on fox, but molly, hemingway and victor Davis hansen. Then I hope your check it out and if he can't watch live, he can always dvr the program. You know what the look Eric once said, that he's the luckiest man on the face of the earth, member that Mr Barroso on the luckiest man on the face of the earth at least now, thanks to you, and so now, every friday we give honour to you and give honour to our country.
seventh fantastic hanukkah, fantastic christmas-
just remember god, family country- that a key demonstrate an errand, keep your mind together and thank you for being the greater, I really mean that the weakest efficiently over the weak officially begins. Now we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency birds, now our trackers and all the men and women who seek freedom. Can I sprightly grim hagen I pepsi observer. Can I smoking gigi can Andy. Can I patten gonna rory? Can I barney and gonna marty good? I dad. Can I mom? Can I leo gonna, Joe and america? I can't the talk in a few weeks- and I think god bless you seen a view.
Transcript generated on 2022-12-25.