« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/14/20

2020-12-14 | 🔗

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, two-time Attorney General William Barr has given his resignation letter to President Trump. He fought for the law, and the president and was no Jeff Sessions. Barr was prevented by rule 6.e which prevents the Attorney General from releasing information about ongoing grand jury investigations, which included Hunter Biden. Barr was an excellent Attorney General, a real class-act and this program salutes him. Then, on January 6th, 2021 the Archivist of the United States will transfer the electoral votes to a joint session of the US Congress. In 1960 Hawaii challenged the electoral votes in the race between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. The fraud was evident but Nixon chose not to rock the boat, per se. Finding the 2020 election fraud is like a game to the media and Democrats akin to hide-and-seek. Later, the founders feared two kinds of tyranny -- the mob (pure democracy) and the monarchy (the central government)! The Democrats are systemically destroying the Constitution on a state by state basis since they don't have the momentum to get a constitutional amendment passed in Congress. So they have used unconstitutional means like lawsuits and judicial activism to circumvent the rules and now there isn't a court in America with enough courage to stand up for the Constitution because so many of them have been compromised.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Because there is a truly independent institution where learning is prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hills, Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both bows or even bunker, somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant, our numbers, eight, seven, seven, three, one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one! This is our last week.
Until I take off for it weeks in a row and so Hope you stick with us this week. Allots already happening. I happen to be a big fan of Bill BAR it was just announced that he will be stepping down. I believe on Christmas, The second time is become attorney General he's been a terrific attorney general. I really do. People don't understand that an attorney general cannot announce an ongoing investigation. If he does, he committed a felonies obstructed justice. It's that simple we may not One it that way, but it is that way it is that why. So he was not going to reveal information that was going on in front of the grand jury because I will be a crime, and so he couldn't make an announcement.
It is a problem, maybe that law needs to be changed. The six EU law. Particularly as it relates to a presidential election, but bar couldn't change. It. and I think he fought hard for justice. I think you fought hard for the rule of law, and I think he fought hard for the president, which are the our midst of an attorney general. When you compare his tenure to Jeff sessions, you can understand what I mean. Way. He confronted Mahler in the Mulder report. what they tried to do to bill bar Floating hold him in content. You remember that hearing in front a house, Judiciary Committee remember. So I will not be counted among those who trash attorney general bar. I happen to think he did a fantastic job. and there's a few others who could have withstood the attacks that he did just like the president.
The few others echo withstand the attacks against him. in order to reach a letter. At attorney general bar submitted to the present United States and you'll, see what a class act he is, as is the president. and, of course the media. Anonymous sources was talking about how they hate each other. Clearly, they dont there an issued. A very positive tweet thirty minutes or so give or take, and he also catch. The attorney general letter, what I've seen these two men together. Just so you know- and I have on several occasions they seem the truly like each other and respect each other. I also happen to know that Bill bar decided to come back into the just Department a second time, his attorney general, because he was Very concerned about way the present in the administration was being treated he's a very wealthy man. He didn't have to come back and deal with any of this, but he chose to so
the spin doctors away, but the anonymous sources. Why? I want to read you the letter. The attorney general to the president The president, I appreciate the opportunity to update you this afternoon departments review a voter fraud allegations in the twenty twenty election and how these allegations will continue to be pursued I'm in the country, so deeply divided is incumbent on all levels of government and all agencies acting within their purview, to do We can do a show the integrity of elections and promote public confidence in their outcome. I am greatly honoured called on me to serve your administration and the american people. Once again, as attorney general, I am who played a role in the many successes and unprecedented achievements. You have delivered for the american people your record is all the more historic because you accomplish it in the face of relentless implacable resistance.
You twenty sixteen victory speech in which he reached out to your opponents and called for working together for the benefit of the american people. Was immediately met by a partisan onslaught against you, in which no tactic. no matter how abusive and deceitful was out about that Later this campaign was the effort to cripple, if not, ouster, administration, frenzied and baseless accusations of collusion with Russia. Few could have whether these it achieves me attacks. less forge ahead with a positive programme for the country, you, the strongest and most resilient economy in american history, one that is unprecedented progress to those previously left out, your restored american military strength by Growing historic peace deals in the Middle EAST, we have achieved what most thought impossible. you curb illegal immigration and enhance the security of our nations borders. You have advanced the rule of law by appointing a record number of judges committed to constitutional principles.
With operation warp speed. You delivered a vaccine for corona virus on a schedule. No one thought conceivable a feat were undoubtedly save millions of lives going Administration, the Department of Justice has worked tirelessly to protect the public from vice, climb a crime closely with leaders in Mexico to fight the drug cartels crackdown on China's limitation of our economy and workers defended Competition in the market place, especially the technology sector, in support of the men and women of law enforcement whose selflessly and off this often thank Leslie. With risked their lives to keep our community safe. Discussed, I will spend the next week wrapping up a few remaining matters: important administration The part on December, twenty third. Wishing you Malawi and your family merry Christmas and a blessing holiday season
God bless sincerely William P bar what a class act. And I for one am thankful. He was the attorney general for the remaining years The president's at least first. Yeah he was a class agony is a classic lender. I consider it a friend, even though we're not bosom bodies. I consider my friend and I admire him a great deal and so That is that, and by the way, because of that letter, he will now be attacked by the media, who will now be attacked by the pseudo conservatives. Who will now be it by than ever trappers. He could have done what the others do: Madison, Kelly and so forth. Retraction. The president, I that he didn't do anything this is a classic.
Stands the problems going on in this country. When I read something to you, I want only Website of the national markets are wiser manner. The national archives is involved in the electoral college process. Did you know that Vista United States collects the electors, votes. And then he or she turns his votes over joint session of Congress? Here's the process. that not a single newsroom has shared with you December eight, which has passed of course, states are typically resolving controversies. They make final decisions over the appointment of their electors six days before the meeting of the electors, it so the electoral votes will be presumed valid when presented the Congress. This is why you saw these lawsuits and was
Absolutely unconscionable I'm gonna get into this deeply today for these courts. Do what they did dismiss? After another, particularly the constitutional challenges, and that's what I want to focus on. December fourteenth today actors mean in their respective states and vote for president or vice president separate ballots. The Elect record, their votes on six certificates of vote prepared with a six remaining certificates of ascertainment just signed, sealed and certify six sets of electoral votes. He said like proverbs consists of one certificate of ascertainment and one certificate of its in the It's I'm just tell you decide for twenty three Twelve out arrive electoral vote, called the certificates of, must be received by the President of the Senate and the archivist no later than nine days after the meeting of the electors, the votes are lost or delay. The archivist may take extraordinary measures to reach
tree, duplicate originals honor before January, three, twenty twenty one, the arc of his transfer certificates to Congress. New Congress assembles on January third, the This transmit sets of certificates to Congress this generally, happens when the Senate does not receive it set of certificates on time. Here's the key date. January sixth is the key date not today and you're not gonna, hear this anywhere else. I'm not trying to give you false hope, I'm not trying to give you anything. Here's the fact Where's meets in joint session to count the electoral votes device, as president of the Senate, presides over the count and announces the results of the Electoral College Fund. The president of the Senate, who was the vice president, then declared which persons of any had been elected president vice president of the United States, if
the objections, the electoral votes are made. They must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one member of the house. And one senator if objections are presented, the House and Senate would draw to the respective chambers to consider the merits of the objections procedures set up by federal law. If oh presidential, candidate, Windsor least two hundred seventy seventy electoral votes majority, the five hundred thirty eight under the For amendment to the constitution, the House of representatives decide the presidential election. If necessary, the house, what elect the President by majority vote, choosing from among three candidates who receive The greatest number of electoral votes, the vote, be taken by the step by the state which state having one vote, so, in other words, what would happen in the house is? Each delegation gets one vote. Point being there's a majority republican delegations.
vice presidential candidate wins at least two hundred and seventy electoral votes under the twelfth amendment the Senate next, the vice president. If necessary, the centre would like the vice president by majority vote. Each senator having one vote. As this process goes on, it does become harder and harder and harder to Of course,. but the final step is on January six January. Sixth,. Now Pennsylvania in Georgia, the Republicans In those states have set, have sent alternative votes. are too the archivist to the United States, the a electors, have met and they have voted that Joe Biden, one their electoral votes.
And that will be sent to the archivist to the United States. However, Republican Party electors. Have decided at the request of the White House that they're gonna send their votes and their electors also to the archivist of the United States. So now you have a set of elected, sent by Pennsylvania from the Republicans at a set of electors sent by Georgia. the Michigan Republicans we're going to do exactly the same thing, but the fascistic governor, their literally had state troopers lock the legislative entry, so they actors couldn't meet the republican electors. To send their electors to I I suppose they can meet somewhere else, She wants to decide the whole thing rather than Congress, I take it back to a little history lesson: nineteen sixty
I'm telling you that's why I'm telling you you should listen to this because you're not gonna, hurt anywhere else. You're, just gonna hear the same by. New states, electoral votes went to X and first and then the Kennedy, this is a piece Memory- eighteen, two thousand, two thousand in the Honolulu STAR Bulletin, editorial. the nineteen sixty re here in the islands. The first election who I faced as estate made electoral college history when Hawaii, elected one president, then review did soft during a bitter recount for Two different sets of electoral delegates to cast votes. In nineteen. Sixty the electoral college consisted of five hundred and thirty seven members of which Hawaii had three. the majority to win then was two hundred and sixty nine. the initial results of the November. Eight election showed as President Richard Nixon with one hundred and forty one votes ahead of John Kennedy in a why one,
Written forty one votes, and so the new states three Elect profiles were officially CAS, Would Nixon, but the a crash didn't give up. The Hawaii vote was so close that a recast was inevitable. Both parts May charges about voter fraud, although I court investigation later showed no evidence, every Actors nation were scheduled a cast their ballots on December nineteen that year, but the Hawaii recount was still under way. When that data approached, republican electors cast votes that day for Nixon One minute later democratic elections, cast their three votes for Kennedy. Of other Hawaii attorney general's office declared that the only official electoral votes we gotTa Nixon That the Hawaii recount itself would need a recount of results. Show Kennedy add governor what Quainter Republican, notify Congress that otherwise votes were republic. The was completed by Christmas Day Twenty fifth and showed
he carried away by a hundred fifteen votes notice, how they always find votes. The circuit, rule that Hawaii three like provoked, should go to the Democrats but the governors office waffles are making the notification by the time Was decided, a new certificate is necessarily today's remain before Congress convening on January six, allow Congress sang a certificate was on the way it arrived both of electors were sent chose the Kennedy elected,
explain more about this. When I return as we enter the Christmas season, most of us start to consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education essential to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses or of a tender. One of hills does free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference at no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for the kind of classical liberal arts education that hills Del offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season, a blessings, hills Del. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for wholesale by combat alleviate for hills, Dubai, COM, Levine from Helstone about com.
We only have a minute so will listen lower when we come back I want to talk about. The grave and I mean grave failures of the United States, Supreme Courts and our judiciary. Are they let down the american people. How they undermine the very simple clause of the United States Constitution well that's Pennsylvania or Georgia or Michigan A number of other states, on constitutionally change, their voting requirements. Election rules, the The Supreme Court refused to do its job and defend the United States constitution.
And I want to delve into this in more detail when we return as we enter the Christmas season? Most of us stop the consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses orbit tender, one of hailstones free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference at no time in our nations history has there been a greater need for that kind of classical liberal arts education that hills tell offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season blessings hailstones, thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit, Levine for Hills, delta com, that's alleviate for hills, Delbert, COM, Levine from Helstone that come up Erica's, most powerful conservative voice. The mark loving, show dial now eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one hour: I.
Let's get down to business, smartest audience of audiences anywhere, really know this by memory, article two. Have your constitution section section one closed her It's in plain English or even John Robertson, sodomy or in briar Kagan and the others can understand it. I don't know how much more clearly the framers of the constitution could have been each It shall appoint. in such matters. The legislature thereof made direct aid number of electors do to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress. The add up the numbers, senators and members of the house purposes of the electoral college.
That's how many votes they have now. what is the purpose of the electoral college? Does anybody know, Yes, we know. they will count. The votes. They will determine the votes or proper at its Congress. And then they will confirm or not the President and vice president state. What is flexing to me. He is the incoherence and intentional mislead. perhaps if we People by they the media, by rhinos by Democrats in all So the reprobate theirs. Electoral college for reason, Jake Tapir I understand this. In fact, I don't think
Virtually anybody in his rooms understand this but care to understand. Our presidency are not chosen by the popular vote. Their chosen by an electoral college and then are checked by the newcomers. There was Great fear, early in our republic about two, Kinds of tyranny, the mob and the monarchy. the mob pure democracy, the monarchy, centralized iron fisted government. The framers of the constitution were enlightened men. Can they debated hard how this com- attention should be constructed. This sectoral College was one of the issues that took a most of their time in the office of the presidency,.
the nature of the judiciary and the Supreme Court took up almost none other time, because I figured. They figured it wouldn't figure that big indoor system, but it has, of course,. the democratic made it clear. They want to remove the electoral college short of removing it that is short of getting an amendment to remove it. They are destroying state by state. But in order to destroy its state by state you gotta get around the state legislatures this past Elect. In Pennsylvania in Georgia in Michigan and another key states. Exactly what the Democrats did, how do they do it. they went into the states and they identify who their friends were in her. Their enemies were. Stacy Abrams in George you're, brings a lawsuit.
Do a number of our surrogates. How because they believe in good government, because they believe in the democratic path. so they try and change the rules to advantage them. Not to prevent fraud, but to enshrine it. Why in the world, would you weaken this signature requirement in Georgia and less Europe This is to ensure that people vote who should be voting, so they institutional Ized fraud votes. That previously, that is, before the consent, decree. What had been cast the way they recast. After that consent decree would have been fraud, they would have been rejected selection. They recounted. This is The presence of the United States is so furious. the governor of Georgia, who call an emergency session, bring in them Publican legislature and put that requirement back That Stacy Abrams and this a pair of state removed
constitutionally. Not a damn court in a country that wants to hear that case, not one. Why. Pennsylvania was even worse putting aside the unbelievable violations of their own state constitution by the state legislature failing to amend their constitution for the mail male vote, putting that aside as a secondary issue. At this point. For the argument of making governor, the Secretary of State and the devil rats on the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania elected, the election laws are any than part of the legislature, not one of them. They alone aided signatures, They eliminated signatory comparisons, they eliminated postal dates, they exceed the voting time and more they eliminated effectively. The ability of Republicans for observed counts in Philadelphia. Pittsburgh thought
It being one of the most corrupt studies on the face the earth. Why did they do that?. Because they wanted they, when a balance to be counted the previously were not count, they clearly violated. Article two section one clause to of the United States Constitution, that's two state saint This happened in Michigan and other states. And the United States Supreme Court would not take it up. they wouldn't take it up each stage a point in such manner, as the legislature thereof made direct the I sets the election laws. The legislature, and only solely unequivocally. The legislature determines.
How elections to be held, the lead Slater determines how electors are to be chosen even whether there is an election or not Legislature decides but no longer no longer. not acting the United States Supreme Court acted. By counting the electors that the Democrats are presenting. As part electoral college, the archivist or the United States in the Congress of the United States on January six. there are no longer is an article two section: clause to the constitution, the Supreme or just eliminated it The Democrats. They eliminated in Pennsylvania. They eliminated in Georgia. They eliminated in Michigan, they eliminated in Nevada and Irish Zone and Wisconsin.
because I don't wanna disenfranchised paper. Those votes. Were illegal and unconstitutional. Until these so called public officials took their unconstitutional actions Now there counted, and now we can do franchise votes, that months ago,. Would never have been counted, nor by all means. Then then we play this game fraud. Find the fraud in others. Or fraud out there, but this It was presented to the United States Supreme Court, a straight flat out federal Institutional question federal constitution no case and they wouldn't take it. They wouldn't take it.
friend of mine, as I was walking, Marty dog comes up there, so a lawyer What's the point of a supreme court if they can't even stand up to this, and we know this court in the other courts. since we have these judges, including on the Supreme Court and elsewhere. They take illegal unconstitutional acts like Dhaka. That was, by Obama clearly illegally writing legislation. From the oval office and tourist agencies, they come up with Hocker Mamie argument. Thanks to the chief, just as the United States about the administrative procedures act now EVA, judge that directs the president of the United States, the institute aka directing their prey the United States, to institute an unconstitutional at that was repair by Congress. That's ok!
To choose its virtues EPA is: I talked about what was at two thousand, Five or six or seven there their support, or gives standing to state that has no standing because They like the outcome. Five hundred, they were Carbon dioxide to be a pollutant, even though third grade alleged taken a basic science class Mose, its mark Didn't matter standing was conferred, Somebody that didn't have it Texas brings Oh you don't have standing even specifically in the constitution? It says when you have a conflict with the state, original jurisdiction, while not in this Supreme God it's not you, repeated violations of article two section, one clause to the United States constitution. That's it Only the state legislatures can make the law when it comes to elections.
Selecting electors, how many more brace those Damn Supreme Court need, but they doc. now you have the same disgusting, unconscionable putrid left wing Democrats dressed up journalists going on and on about how trumpets poor Loser Still the quality Al Gore, the big one, give up the gun whilst we have legal analysts, national review and on tv digging into the The niceties of footnotes me in there the to show how smart they are when they don't even pick up a day, constitution and read. You know why the Supreme Court wouldn't take up this case
in taking this case, because three, the justices make it for including the chief justice the United States were. the result. Roberts despises trump. three Democrats on the court do whatever the hell they want. They pretend its constitutional, who else Gore pictures I gutless wonder haven't all who you fought for gutless, wonder next election. What do you think the Democrats in the left are going to do in these states? This is now the new baseline. going to determine what they need to win the states and I'll make the changes Supreme Court's now created a precedent? Doors are locked, they are locked down you damn come here with an article claim we want now to do with you.
so one of the most vital aspects of our republican system, which the free where's the constitution spend day Debating to protect them, country from the mob and the monarchy is gone. thanks to the justices of the Supreme Court. I'll be right back then, as we
The Christmas season. Most of us stop the consider our many blessings, while Helstone College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over a hundred and seventy five years of blessings since eighteen, forty four coastal has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education is central to preserving free government and for decades the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outrage programmes. Perhaps you receive an Primus for free every month or have taken one of Helstone excellent, free online courses orbit tender, one of Helstone Free regional events. Now you know of hills, Dales refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom. Without any government interference had no time and our nations history has there been a greater need for the kind of classical liberal arts education that hailstone offers on its campus and nationwide. So during the season, a blessings hailstones. Thank you for your partnership and extending its mission to the country to learn more about hills. Del college visit Levine for wholesale dot com. That's alleviate for hills, Delbert, COM, Levine from Helstone that come with a great blaze by our friend in your Horowitz
Finally discovered an instance in which the courts will enforce requirements for standing and refuse to adjudicate, broadly political questions. Now it's four conservatives to treat every court decision that violates rules of standing in the principle of federalism as null and void These principled conservatives who are chairing the court's decision in Texas lawsuit, stand with us an opposing judicial supremacy ism in all its forms. recent years the federal courts awaited into every political issue imaginable. They prevented state. Enforcing federal immigration law when only green lighting states to criminalize federal law, but preventing the federal government from cutting off funding the sanctuary cities they It states from defining marriage, upholding basic sexuality or play common sense, health regulations when abortion clinics they prevented dates from cleaning out homeless, encampments and from sin Declining the fun castration, surgery in prison or through a medic, aid funding, they vote
are prevented, states from acquiring able, bodied, Medicaid recipients even attempted employment for a while, Peered there was nothing a state or even the feds could do without a fight. Accord violating the rules of standing to give some straw, man, third Party organization, often me half of illegal aliens standing there, To overturn and outcome of a fundamentally political issue and decide it with finality those I'm courts have no problem Wednesday, Some their noses at federal immigration law when they violate every individual right, known a man in guys are fighting the corona virus, in other words, the judges, believing states rights when they are competitive? It's the left and they believe Strong federal government will final court adjudication when it benefits the left. They will protecting right so called when they are invented, but not real spelled out in the constitution heads the If wins Taos. We lose.
there is one problem. The only reason we are in the position we are today with a broken election system, full amount and ballot. Harvesting is precise. because the federal courts officiously commandeered state election laws for the poor, Generation, yes, the federal It's a it into every state decision on election law, except those in pensions. We're ok, because they benefited Democrats, republican controlled many key state governments and Pennsylvania North Carolina, whiskey, in Michigan from Turkey Ten to twenty eighteen PS, voter integrity laws or enforced existing ones during those years, every But the way federal courts standing Stroman plaintiffs, the block every. Election integrity measure imaginable. In fact, to this day We told the governorship and North Carolina solely because Ballot harvesting, that is poor, It under state law, but for upon them by the Federal for Circuit Court of appeals. To this
A photo ideas not required in North Carolina despite conservatives working hard to enacted in a law that same Fort Circuit gutted. It Democrat also hold two extra houses, thanks to the fort. good, destroying the election map. wise in Arizona Republican. Controlled state government for as far as one can remember, but over the generation near every voter, Integra they'd, always been thrown up by the nine federal circuit. Often in cases where the laws of nature were proved by ballot initiative, overwhelming support in this. Importers sided with the wayward lower court. Most of the time every time I resign has tried to stem the tide of illegal aliens, the courts after their state. This is clear, Cascading, effective illegal aliens being able to remain in large urban areas and be counted in the census, numerous peace, Federal legislation have been paid by a margin that is entirely garnered through county, illegal aliens in a census. How was I lawful? The entire
premise and president for the current for a model that Democrats abuse this year was created, so by the lower federal courts that the pathetic Freight corridors fell the police space. Frankly in this election, the legal, Voters, suit and federal court to have Pennsylvania signature validation process on ballots counter mandate as a result, of that federal law suit. The Pennsylvania Sectaries state made a settlement that unilaterally gutted state law allowing hundred of thousands of extra balance to be counted without proper verification. Which is likely why the rejection right this year for male imbalance was Plausibly low. Similar settlement resulting from a federal also took place in large as well as always, the federal courts tampered with every aspect of North Carolina election process, but that damn came up slightly short, although suspiciously close this yes to the court. The Supreme Court notice a pattern here,
There never seems to be a problem of federalism in article three standing when lower federal, words, when a shred existing state law and order to benefit Democrats, Somehow the Supreme Court rarely reverses these opinions before elections. Then, when we Big redress for the fall out there was largely enabled over the last ten years and during this Taking election from federal judiciary for re into state powers. In the first place we told the supreme at once, to stay as we speak.
Federal, judging Georgia's considering whether to add two hundred thousand voted through the Georgia voter all prior to the running. This isn't about trumpets amendment about future elections. This is about a fundamentally rig federal judiciary and political system that has one role of engagement that consistent heads. The Democrats when tales that people lose their jobs, game, ports and your Damn Supreme Court poorest are not political. Ladies and gentlemen, now not honor, they don't want to get involved from the west. Would one podcast network.
Easy now. Broadcasting number may underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levine, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one isn't an amazing: where are the calls for a special council? I've called for Special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, James by the entire by family, including Joe Biden. I'm sure the Democrats in the media support this data. Before I go on. I want to thank all of you, folks and our wonderful affiliates and want to give you a little bit of information. As you know,
where the third largest national radio show an American and we have a massive audience really right up there and for a show that airs and this time slot. That is unprecedented throughout radio history. In its thanks to you, and I do best every day they make sure it's worth it to you, Rush taught me something a long time ago respect your audience. embrace your audience: love your audience and they will do the same to you. That's why we all love rush. We all love Sean and I want to Thank you for your incredible supports. Let me show you what's been going on here recent radio affiliates include W b- and I am Buffalo New York H, oh am Allentown Pennsylvania, W T Q Fm Lebanon, New Hampshire,
you T Ibm New Orleans Louisiana K. Exe. and am Saint Louis Missouri W J, F and Am Richmond Virginia now knew Twelve affiliates, which will start right after first the year give or take W S. Why are am Fm Syracuse New York. W l l, I am Jackson Tennessee, as well as W Z G, Why Fm Jackson Tennessee Well be why an arm Michigan W B S M New Bedford Massachusetts, W O S Age M, Appleton Gosh Harris stations that are moving us up to a better time. BT, I am FM in North Carolina. W H Am Rochester New York. Casey M, Kansas City Missouri. W
R E Memphis Tennessee, Val Di Pasco, Idaho care, fake. Tulsa Oklahoma. This show thanks to you is killing it. I call Radio Free America now for a reason, failure list is growing significantly. Our times are getting better and better our listener ship on the podcast is through the roof through our apps. Online listening streaming through the roof satellite. We don't know the numbers by were tall, we're doing extraordinarily well,. Millions and millions and millions of you I want to thank you. And I promise you yet through this horrendous year. This horrific here were not given up. Radio, Free America we're gonna fight. The mission stays the same and I
to make this clear so media matters media And all the other reprobates leftwing cooks, unhinged morons pick it up. From where I sit by deserves exactly what they gave to Donald Trump Times. Ten. Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. the United States Supreme Court in the court's under the United States Supreme Court have all But destroyed our electoral system, we must fight back And that begins in Georgia. The counter counter revolution to that Counter revolution begins in Georgia. Early holding began today I want my fellow event: AIDS Fellow conservatives in constitutional is to turn up and mass unemployment.
This counter revolution with our own counter counter revolution. And tomorrow will begin in Georgia. those of you who don't live in Georgia. That would be most of you who are listening. You can help Few live near Georgia, they can user your labour. Live near Georgia. They can use your money Things we can do gathers seventy five million of us. legitimately. I might add, legitimately. I want you to listen to Joe Scarborough, you know in the old days media groups use to police themselves because they owned by massive major Corporations- that is so, to train and the Democratic Party.
Joe Scarborough wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a microphone. These are mentally ill unhinged, partisan,. and that's just the beginning. Constant references to the third Reich and Hitler by Scarborough suggests to me he's a big it. I have said this over and over again as a Jew, and it's so many of the men who fought war were to join Andrew. They know what I'm talking about this constant use of Hitler. Third Reich one Writing to the president and the president's Porters and so forth is, so disrespectful that to those who died in a holocaust its it is beyond my. The ability to explain what Hitler did
The Jews when Hitler did Prisoners of war is unspeakable. and for Joe Scarborough and MSNBC to allow this guy d just throw These phrases out like this because he's trying to make Clara points- Simply unacceptable and I, encouraged the shareholders at Comcast that owns this outrageous phone MSNBC. challenging the executives there, because It's the only way to stop this twenty, have a political debate, but this is enough. Just Scarborough should be given a hook. he should be anywhere near a television. Cut seven today go you really should read the constitution and the little that it has three before
You got an office. I heard the ad mine com by your bedside. I think your wife said the Djinn mine, complex whites, idiot, my might by your bedside, should have been the constitution. I showed you should have been a little bit of history and you would understand that Supreme Court's huts Tis a man whose dumber than adorn he doesn't what damned thing about the Supreme Court Supreme Court president. He knows nothing slip and fall. chasing flawed a lawyer the weasel Others Wayne Office and as weasel his way into the media. There wasn't msnbc or, alternatively, a CNN. He be no on television, nowhere he's a carnival barker. He knows nothing about the constitution is an idiot. The dummy that sits next door. No, I want to remind you that
our friends had news busters other me It had a completely different take in December twenty sixteen one Donald Legitimately. an overwhelmingly defeated hills, rotten Clunton. with a huge electoral college. Victory cut eight from December nine. Twenty sixteen ABC John Carlin George Deaf Annapolis go. He saw Hillary Clinton back in the spotlight listings, something she said. the dynamic of malicious, fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year It's now clear that so called fake news can have real world consequences. This isn't about politics or partisanship.
Lives are at risk, interesting choice, there she's not going away. Absolutely not. You know you after that contentious two thousand campaign. What shall Gore one the popular vote and basically disappeared after the election? That is not going to be the case. I dont believe with Hillary Clinton. She wanted big popular vote. Victory or people will tell you she got more votes for president than any white male in american history. I do not think she is going away Male in american history. Are these people sick and again, This narrative on the popular vote, the popular vote, the popular vote. They turn out an enormous numbers of legal and illegal out of metropolitan areas, and then they say see we won the popular vote, but that's not constitution That's exactly what Daniel Horowitz is talking about exactly what I wrote about a man in black my first book. They move back, And fourth talking it, what the constitution says: we must uphold it and then defying the
It's the truth, like the federal courts, interfering repeated in state decisions, accept not interfering when it comes to upholding article two and the Pray imports sits there. These justices just sit there. Like their holier than thou, their use. All MR justice. Yes, Oh, your honor, yes parties in front of them, they're scared to death. I interrupt him, they browbeat them thanks ass if he class at some university. Now Joe Biden. rather than blaming Communist China for our virus. He blame the press of the United States. rather than blaming Communist China for the deaths in this country, because he's bought and paid for by the communists and soldiers whole damn family. He attacked our president.
But job I made a promise on June eleven twenty nineteen, he made a promise For half a century in Washington DC doing now but self peddling self aggrandize meant. He said this cut nine But what happens to you now Why Iver work so hard my career to make sure that their. I promise you if I'm elect the president, you're gonna see the single most important thing. This changes America's we're going to cure cancer. cure cancer Well, what he means is come up with a cure for cancer. That's what he said June, twenty nineteen, both my parents died from cancer.
You're. My beautiful little Barney died from cancer. Joe Biden says you going to cure. Cancer has Fraser cure cancer. So many keep an eye on this. I'm gonna keep an eye on this when the present the United States said. We're going to come up with a vaccine in record time. to kill this virus. He did exist. Thirdly, that now whole Joe Biden to his promise. and it's beyond cynical to make a state I guess, if he's not gonna come through because People who are suffering from cancer that people who have suffered from cancer. The God, knows how many millions have died from cancer, unbelievable we shall see the progress he and fell to the others. Make I'll be right,
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promo code? Levine podcast? When you do you say fifty percent of your first month, that's pure USA, dotcom promo code. Av iron, Levine Podcast pure. USA, simply smarter wireless! these experts really are greater than the ones that we're all over television. Doing the dance that the liberal media, one of them, the dew, telling you that tromp was lying or that they were cutting corners and getting vaccines or they could never do it fast enough. That wouldn't be enough and so forth, and so they have been lying and wrong every step of the way one of them is faulty fouche, said it could take. Twelvemonths could take eighteen months could go into twenty. Twenty two She was not involved in guinea. vaccines, but An expert on anything just ask just ask him might be scrutinised he's on the floor,
Pages of magazines, Whither Joe Biden and calmly, without was commonly Harris by where is she Does anybody know where she is now nobody does anyway, you s expects to have immunized one hundred million people against covered nineteen by the end of March. Says. The gentlemen who works for the president is running the operation warp, speed chief adviser documents f slowly. One hundred million why hundred million against the covert nineteen. Some people simply don't need it little kids and people who just had it and got through it, so you can circle back Other fifty, so he says, are empty, forty million doses of vaccine, distributed by the end of December. The The December the and of the somber another. Fifty
Willing to eighty million distributed in January. The same number distributed in February. Four toll a hundred million or more in the. Early part of the second quarter of the year. And as a result of that, we should have call. This heard immunity that we ve talked about. And this was all done under the. Presidency of Donald Trump. This is, it Unbelievable accomplishment for country, unbelievable We know that the so called experts got it all wrong. They got it all wrong Our friends at the blaze. News, busters and elsewhere they kept track of this.
And news right, a fact check on trumps claims, citing experts to say a vaccine was still twelve to eighteen months away unless a medical miracle happened. Bloomberg NEWS question of trumps vaccine aspirations amounted to an impossible dream business insider reported in April at a vaccine against the corona virus, might be impossible to produce, regardless of timeline. And the may show to note that the present was contradicting the? U S: centres for Disease Control and prevention in September. ABC new, similar reported trumps vaccine promised stood in contrast to what is a team of experts set CNBC noted that trumps promise, which repeated during the final presidential debate, was issued Contrary evidence, tromp was right. In Pfizer and Moderne waited until after the election to announce that they had a vaccine There was ninety five percent effective, believable, how the media.
Lie about life and death issues. they're, trying to feed trump. An unbelievable at least two corporations I received billions and support by from Tromp would wait until after the election support for it. Podcast comes from HP, your idea are powerful singer device should be to the Hp Spectre, Ex three sixty with windows, ten offers more power and better performance perfect for helping turn your dreams into reality. So go ahead! Think it learn it and created, with up to eighteen hours of battery life and a premium display dream it invent it and make it a lot up or tablet mode with a screen that has a three hundred and sixty degree hinge. Visualize it dried and design with an oecd display that gives you bold details and vivid colors right it produce it remix it. with the HP spectre Ex three sixty, which can bounce audio with zero lag, whatever you're, it is, do it with the aid.
Be Spectre Ex three. Sixty four, dream in the making HP keep reinventing What the fuck ventures will repeat tomorrow call mark at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven vines, giving a speech about democracy, three hundred and six electoral college votes. He says he got anyone by seven million system works. He says system work. after his lords went in to state after state after state to change the system. what he means is the system that was fixed on roaming reformed. I mean crooked from it, institutional perspective, works. What he means is when the supreme court fails to uphold the constitution.
The system works works, democracy works. He says not a democracy, Reconstitution Republic. There's a man who could never get the nomination was party. Gets. Eighty one million vote really. oh yeah. The system works. The federal District Court and the circuit court. The force circuit, the nine circuit other circuits and prevent States from the main, their electoral systems, and fraud cleaner. Toro roles and so forth and so on, then the Supreme Court sit back with its member Picking their noses and thinking very righteous thoughts about themselves, the system works. folks. If the same system that existed in twenty sixteen.
Was the same system in place in twenty twenty we'd have nothing to complain about nothing. we'd have nothing to complain about, but they train the system, judges change the system. Governors change the system. In violation of our federal constitution. The system, that used to exist doesn't exist anymore, so, I say this fine ones: compares three hundred and six electoral college votes. The trumps. He should receive the same. Welcome. I guess we will call it The Donald Trump that don't you think, MR, but is the proud Miss the Republicans when Capitol Hill.
Our certain national review, Republicans values that phrase to what they are. not the good old bill, Buckley, just nor view Republicans Romney Republic, the pretty much what they are. The Democrats, man they fight to win them their party to be superior to the country and everything else. The Republicans don't view things that way. I think. As Joe Biden speaks and, of course, I'm not gonna, listen another word, he has to say cuz. I don't care here with his staff wrote for the matter to me. Joe Biden will not speak about is his car and the corruption of his family in their ties to Communist China. We have more information on that. a number of news outlets, let's see the daily collar hunter by.
Called his father and chinese Business Partner office mates in September, twenty seven email. That's twenty seventeen. Hunter Biden sent an email rights truck Ross and Andrew occurred to the manager of his Washington DC office. Building September twenty seventeen asking my keys for his court on court office Mates Joe Biden, an gang when dung what said was the emissary for chairman of the chinese Energy conglomerate You have seen keep that in mind: F, which is Ache communist chinese state front Energy company again in its dealings with sea have seen twenty seventeen were at the centre of Tony Babylon Skis October allegation. The Joe Biden was plainly familiar court on call with his family chinese business dealings. Multiple news outlets reported this week that a thorough investigation and honour binds tax affairs his
just on his farm business activities, including communist front, energy company- called his father and his chinese business Partner office mates three years ago. You wanna keys made for them office made squadron club. And honour by road in the email before listing Joe Biden, his stepmother doktor jail, but she's, not Age. Ok, let's get that straight! That's why people are saying: why should we call all you must be against women? No! Actually I love women. My daughter, my wife, my mother, in law, women, all around me Stir them smarter than may all of them better. Looking. No, I love woman. Unlike Albino go around putting my nose in the head strange women- and giving them massages. That's called molestation, but will you
Up to now Andrew COS anyway, she's not a phd She wants to be called dockers. So a colored docker, Dios e k, dash e r backer. How turbine also requested and assign be made for his office stated quote the bag and foundation unquote. End quote Hudson West, unquote You have to U S, in other words, this This chinese front group, the american outlet or office nobody's dealings receive C and twenty seventeen were at the centre of allegations from his Ex business partner, Tony Bobby Linsky, whose In October, the Joe Biden was plainly familiar with his family's business. Dealings in China. Bobby he was one of the recipients of the much publicize may twenty seventeen email references no binding, the big guy would hold and presented a joint venture with Hunter
fine and sea of sea. By the way I got, to you every major network, is carrying Joe Biden comments. Now that would be the same networks that would not cover Donald Trump comments We live in a country where we do not have a free media. I wrote it this over eighteen months ago, and on freedom of the press. Light and laid out hook, line and sinker nothing's changed nothing's changed. And they are the enemy, the people, the present, was exactly right. Hunter binds, Quest to Cecilia Browning, to create office keys for his office mates Joe Biden her Joe Biden, Jim Biden, divine crime, famine, and young, when dung of the famous tongues, MR producer.
Undermine reveal this week that he'd been notified, and you know the rest. So you're browning, the general manager, the office building, the House of Sweden responded on turbines requesting. She was called very excited and honour to welcome your new colleagues. The emails right here. I've got a copy of it right: Cecilia Brownings, response, the hunter binding, create office keys for his office, major Joe and Doc, jail and Jim by Browning find a comment on the emails when reach by phone. She didn't dispute off. Of course, of the inner. How can how can they so job binds. There Blubbering on about the electoral College and how he's the greatest thinks and sliced bread, Is he mumbled through his speech. media matters, member them the Soros front group that hate
America. Somehow they have a tax exempt. Classification from the Internal Revenue service when they are clearly an arm of the Democratic Party there, the propaganda. Scarborough my call them, you know, like the third Reich, Right, Joe right Jelly. Jeffrey Ingersoll. The editor in chief of the Daily collar called out self identify progressive media watchdogs. Media matters Conclusive way on twitter. Jeffrey Ingersoll said: yes, you can make this crap up Media matters is turning itself inside out to paint a country would know, situation camps actually with as a victim of GNP fearmongering A country with concentration camps is victim of GNP fearmongering, so, in other words, media matters are signing with a genocidal,
ass, murdering regime and attack the Republicans as fearmongering there were people who aren't idiots, conducting apologetic opts for congressmen caught in a web of truly important regime. Three clear that China, recruiting at universities their efforts. well documented. It is unnecessary to fear longer about a country like China and a court, These correct, literally the second auto fell on Google, is arrested because get into that too many committee kerswish. I've come to the conclusion that not only do we need a special council to investigate the Biden Crime Family, including Joe, We need a commission. a commission to look into China's influence. Throughout our society, culture. one place. Nobody in government may be somebody who, or people who been in government
the appeases, nobody whose had any substantial relationship with the chinese regime. To look into that, and we need a second commission to look into this election. From beginning to end putting the role of the courts. Including the role of the court which state courts Federal courts have done to our election system in various states, even Supreme Court and other means, if your its independence, will leave that the Schuman, the Democrats, what I mean is to see and go through the processes that they used. When filings were made to the Supreme Court. The supreme Court is not beyond reproach. If reforms need to be may they need to be made, and by that I don't mean packing the court. By that I mean for it. Its potentially term limits. All of these entities
Supposed to belong to you and me, and they have come The grave to service here, Sir, really the United States Supreme Court our courts are running while the governors are running while article two section one, who doesn't even exist anymore. Doesn't even exist anymore. but we need to know what happened in this election. Here too, we need to know, what's going on with a communist Chinese in our country, they're all over the place in terms of their influence. From the regime. number three. We need a special council if there was a special council for Donald Trump and Russia collusion. When there was no no criminal, When they regulations were violated by the Department of Justice to make such an appointment, how can you not up A special council here and it must be appointed now maybe one
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promo code, Levine Podcast, when you do you say fifty percent of your first month. That's pure Usa, dotcom promo code Oh av ion Levine Podcast Pure USA. Simply smarter wireless. Please listen very, very closely Joe Biden had absolutely nothing to do with the development of this vaccine. with a manufacturing, this vaccine. And the distribution of this vaccine. Absolutely nothing. Nancy Pelosi. Charles humor did everything I could to undermine the effort Your governors, like Cuomo, that did everything they could to politicize the effort. You had come Allah Harris who politicized the effort.
Banana republic. Politicians out there. We are saying that The presence of the United States was cutting corners. the President of the United States didn't actually develop the vaccine. He created the conditions, whether at facts and could be developed in record time and now they're saying processes that were used in the vaccine. In this case,. Is so cutting edge It is a process that can be and will be used in the future to address other Never get maladies in fact, Talking about applying it to now cancer now and down the road. Unbelievable. and I remember the nineteen seventy six republican convention for Falcon and Reagan spoke.
and I believe for it had about a hundred and ten more delegates than Reagan. Reagan almost defeated a sitting present in the republican primer and after he spoke. Maybe the delicate said, my God: we nominated the wrong man. despite the media propaganda. I think it's only a matter of time where some of the people who Vote for buying are going to say my god. I voted for the wrong guy. It's bear the rest of us have to suffer through it. It's funny the Democrats, her upset about secession. What do you think sanctuary cities or through a form of secession. It's what sanctuary. Cities are one and it comply with what the federal German tells us. What do you think Black lives matter and a for fighting for the structure of our society, a former secession.
There has never been a more important time to protect your internet activity from prying eyes. That's I urge you to get express Vps, very, very important, a protectorate, confidentiality and your privacy, particularly from Facebook. particularly from twitter, particularly the communist Chinese and I suspect, the incoming administration. Assuming its incoming, so Democrats and I've talked about this for years with their sanctuary cities Believing nullification and Crafts and California, where they not talking about secession. Mr producer, just a few years ago,. That's what they were told me. It was their party that gathered up a bunch of states and seceded or tried to. she's very, very interesting if they,
this country so much they hate Conservatives and Republicans, and they hate hard working people So much so they want to take away their vote via the electoral college They care what we do. Or they gonna get their money to redistribute who's going to feed them. Who's gonna, try sport, the food do all these things that come out of states, states, mostly red states. May I say yes, I think I will I'll be right back from the westward one podcast network
easy now broadcasting, I'm lonely underground demand both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, Denmark, living here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one year, therefore casting starting late tomorrow, where I am the twelve inches us not forget sex. the hell. Am I doing here, MR producer, Yeah, that's one thing when your kid it's a snow day every day, the snow day. Now, thanks to the teachers unions, quite frankly, nothing comes good of snow. Unless your business is built around I'm gonna mine isn't
From twenty nineteen. our brothers and sisters had news busters. proposals, outstanding organization. Listen very very carefully how they defend Hunter Biden Montage from twenty nineteen ten fifteen. Do I just want to deal in fact, because there is so much speculation out there and there is a serious evidence it hundred via the way her name is poppy. Does anybody take seriously any woman whose named poppy I can see grandfather name Mr Barroso, you know but a young woman I can see no evidence what's now. These are you understand. These are supposedly reporters in german nobody's handing them evidence, you see and yet people were handing them evidence about Hunter, but they didn't want. So it's like that the blind mice here look at this look at this look at this map. I don't see any evidence whatsoever, no evidence. There's nothing here.
and by the way in the morning Schmo today, the idiot his. kick. I forget the idiots name, but this so many of them. There is no evidence whatsoever that their investigating anything related to the laptop and the hard drive. Now we all know exactly what the investigating what a source tells me. It's not that folks. Give a federal grandeur investigating connections and tat fraud and securities fraud and so forth there. Now to ignore the hard drive. But this is MSNBC in the morning schmo relaxed reference the third Reich any time you can. Which makes me wonder about this guy Scarborough. His carbo german, by low enough not to do anything wrong with that, I'm distorting a wonder is starting to. Maybe the homeland language I'm starting to hear it out of his mouth anyway. Go ahead
Anything wrong care. We should note ago you you- and I say this here many times there is no evidence that Joe Biden was. We shoot I used to work for ever, but there's no women. Actually I don't want to know what other job I'd know. Anything now used to work with back, go ahead. y know, of course, want to note that there is no evidence that Joe Biden or a hundred Biden has done anything wrong. I just want to reiterate, and let's be clear for the viewers there is no evidence. Biden did anything wrong all note again, because it's important there is no, I repeat: no, there is no evidence that either binding did everything a league. There has been no evidence, there was no evidence, there's no evidence. There is no evidence. There is not an iota of governance avid inviting do anything wrong. There is really no evidence said Joe Biden get anything wrong nobody's ever accuse me. There's no evidence whatsoever that Joe Biden did anything wrong. You gotta Joe Biden, did nothing wrong. Contra Biden did nothing wrong MR producer make sure you go back and get Scarborough in
I'm too. The especial list would you. Now we have a montage from twenty twenty. I am a losers Hunter Bidest Ivan it's the Russians, the russian state, it cuts. Sixteen go Biden secret emails, really fishing story. If the posed claimed that the emails were found on a lot
computer that was brought to repair shop in Delaware in the spring of twenty nine tv. If the eyes now investigating whether those alleged honoured by the emails are actually connected to a larger foreign intelligence operation, they may be related to a foreign intelligence operations, foreign intelligence, operation, foreign, intelligent foreign intelligence for an intelligent operation. For all we know these emails or made up the information found on the laptop, maybe part of aggression, disinformation campaign, part of a russian disinformation efforts, described by many intelligence experts as having hallmarks all the harm. Our call marks. Rather, all the hallmarks of a russian were russian rushing disinformation russian disinformation. This information campaign is a classic example of the right wing. Media machine don't break the intelligence community into this hunter binds laptop is not part of some russian. This information campaign intelligence community doesn't believe that because there's no intelligence that supports that nets. John Rackliff great admiration, for we ve tried to get him on my Sunday showed that we couldn't get through.
We asked the White House as we know the direct contact and it fell. Fears we wanted to get Rackliff on the Sunday issue, but we got another Rick right now: He'll be on the Sunday show he's terrific Michael pills by where both of em interviewing them there. No better. Now this sunday I had our friend Peter Schweizer on liberty and eleven exclusively he was Actually, the first interview Tony Babo Linsky for four and a half hours. And he was really the first to break the buying, storing the buying family corruption story not just with Hunter Biden, James Bide and Frank binding. like the whole Colombo family here but Joe by. And he deserves awards up the Wazir because he's a real investigator reporter, but is a part of what was discussed on Sunday for those of you who who couldn't who couldn't
cut seventeen go now turns. Five hundred Biden has been under criminal investigation for two years: somehow that information was never revealed to the public service not prior to the election and in fact, Everybody was waved off, you don't have evidence. This is a last minute hit job by the trunk campaign, Its russian information in leaking it in they get fifty. former national security advisers, almost all of whom, backed by and I'd like to know how that letter came to be by the way, so that paying covered this up by slow plays rope. It though The media, which is in the back pocket left in the Democratic Party attack, Anybody who came forward or was absolutely silent first of all, have you ever seen, scandal like this that was so carefully prepared. Did by the media and by the campaign, obviously working together,
No, I haven't mark and in fact I was I was looking back through history it how you know A previous scandals emerged, or will you had situations where political candidates allied to the media about things and how they react? And I went back to a nineteen. Eighty four, you remember there was a guy named Gary heart that was running for president, and there were allegations about. You know his relationships with other women and flat out told the media. It's not true. It's not true! Well, reporters knew that they were not that he was lying, so they followed him and they caught him, which you have is the situation today, where the binds have repeatedly lied to the media. And the media doesn't care they the catch seminal eyes. They don't want to pursue the lies. You don't look at a hundred by an hunter by Ngos on national television on ABC News and said I have not received a single penny, from the Chinese, well
we now know, of course, that he got closer five million dollars from C e, F C, a chinese government connected energy company. We know he had a big equity stake in that private equity, firm, that a billion and a half dollar private equity firm. We know there were other transactions involving Rosemont, real, Tee and Rosemont opportunities fun to so. He was flat out lying to the national media. What's been immediate response, nothing They ve taken it they'd accepted it. In fact, they not only covered it up. Ben Smith of the New York Times ran a piece right before the election bragging about the fact that the gate keepers, which, of course include the times and other publications, had effectively killed this story and how proud they were of it so. Where does situation today Mark where a grand jury was in paneled in twenty eighteen?
to look into hundred Biden and his foreign dealings. It has a counter intelligence component. It has a tax fraud component. It has public corruption component. This has been going on for two years and nobody in the national media took it upon themselves to actually pursue that story. It's a massive disservice to the american public. We need a vibrant media. That's you know, following all of our national leaders, in holding them into account, and we don't have that. We have a national media that wants to protect certain powerful figures and wants to go after other public figures and it's a national tragedy The tragedy in it didn't worse in the media. Were you To get out the Biden side, Anybody who didn't support, I mean. Really the great hero here in a dish tony Bible Inskeep skip. The greater here is Rudy Giuliani. He's the great hero here. Look what they tried to do to poor guy
still suffering from the virus. So I understand- and I haven't spoken on, but how came forward. He had the guts. And they try to ruin. The truth is I did the first exclusive for interview with Rudy Drilling Ani onto Vision to lay out what Rudy Giuliani had seen What he provided to the New York Post and what was provided to his office in him. By the original computer repair man whose another hero. Whose another hero you know they have their whistleblowers. and the media made sure they would never released the guy's name. We got it from others like real, clear politics and over, but the me it covers it up covers up everything. People come forward; they want Media the question- and they want to go on these various shows. How many shows is Tony Babo Linsky been on,
to do the best. I know. pretty damn outrageous, one more from last night's greater Schweizer life, Liberty and Levin, and I hope, you're watching it. If not, you can dvr course. These guess, a really good. Nineteen go so hundred binds, but under investigation by federal grand jury, For tax fraud and securities fraud involving three countries- China, Ukraine, in Romania, Joe Biden brothers under criminal investigation by the? U S attorney's office in the western District of Pennsylvania having something to do with a hospital that is there, There are other activities of other by family members in which you write about and which they again use Joe Biden name in to enrich themselves. How is it conceivable that job Biden,
is the only person in the family that doesn't know. What's going on this man runs for present. The United States, on the one hand, is very specifically about his policies, but on the other hand, when it comes to his own family, the crookedness and even allegations that he made an enormous amount of money from Bob Linsky hee hee heap. He plays the role of Helen Keller. You see anything, it doesn't hear anything not absolutely mute Why are we to believe this
yeah, it's it's! It's completely inconceivable that Joe Biden is not aware of this part of it is the binding family talks about it all the time. There's lots of evidence, it's very close, knit family. They communicate all the time they travel together everywhere there aware of each other's affairs so that by a self denies it. But beyond that we have the direct testimony of Tony Bobby Linsky himself, who is brought in by the binding family to do these deals with C e, F C the chinese company in and Bobby Linsky met with Joe Biden. Joe Biden was going to be caught in on some of these deals, so there's no way they cannot have it. Both ways say that we were where this tight knit family were. Very close. We talk about everything together with experience all these things together, but on the other hand, we know nothing about each other's business affairs and we don't know that family members are under FBI investigation as its patently absurd mark.
now, ladies and gentlemen we're gonna move on, but Just so you know I mention that we try to get John Radcliffe on the show for some reason that didn't work out. We ve tried, repeatedly. Haven't we, Mr Barroso, to get produce the programme, one of the candidates running in Georgia. he's never available Oh my tv shows I want to wish him well. I want him to win very much Because of him, but because of his opponent,. But we have had left her on the programme. She's been very forthcoming. and though, we're being a supporter of Hers wells, we possibly can because we want both of those candidates to him, but I think, produce not helping himself by playing its safe now is not the time to play it. Safe, Kelly Leffler, on the other hand, is foot down on the gas pedal and she's flying. Yes to inform you all. Well, they re
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it's pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless wrap. Your Warnock wants to be a senator from a state of Georgia, american back and twenty thirteen. His list of anti semitic activities and friends is is just endless. He speech in which he said Louis, Erica. The nation of Islam was important to Democratic sent, a candidate Fox NEWS, Reverend Raphia Warner referred to the nation of Islam as an important voice for African Americans. During a twenty thirteen speech, which Comparing the black power religions numbers two main line, Protestantism one: Made the comments in response to an audience member who asked the reverend discuss the nation of islamic relationship to christian churches and weather
black churches, having the same lieutenants problems of mainstream white churches and synagogues Has been the Senor past of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta? I wonder if Martin Luther king would approve this guy, I don't think so, two thousand five and is running on seed, Senator Kelly, Leffler so the nation of Islam is significant, but its numbers don't come close to christian churches. Its voice has been important for the development of black theology. I don't know like theology? Is? It was black Muslims, who challenge black preachers and said promulgating the White man's religion, It's a slave religion. when people to focus on haven't. Meanwhile, there Ching hell again, I don't think you'd ever hear words like that for Martin the King Jr. The reverend said. The nation of Islam was necessary to put a fire under black preachers and keep the modest, but the message, coming from their pulpits.
The nation of Islam is an african american political, religious group founded in Detroit nineteen thirty by war. Fired Mohammed, became a full about political force over the next several decades. The leadership of a larger Mohammed is most high, profile, disciple, Malcolm X,. The nation, priestly messenger, black empowerment became one of the wealthiest african american organizations in the United States. By the way, it also supported. Segregation of a different kind. The nations message of black empowerment has been overshadowed by some of its more bizarre theological. Teachings that holds the Jews are satanic. that's race, mixing more than forty years, the nation has been led by Louis Farrakhan, was stopped this controversy. For his incendiary comments, predict attacks on Jews me as referred to as satanic termites,.
Fox news reached out to warn express office, but did not hear back by the time of publication. Tell me what is it with these local newspaper during that debate? Member that debate the other week. access to this information. His notice, how careful. The media are in dealing with Democrats very, very careful. Linda sauce or anti semite Ellie. Omar anti semite rest, police Thyssen. Start in a rough fat, Raphia, Warnock, Vodafone event, wow how to attract. Doesn't a gimmick, Raphia Warnock was already struggling to be back allegations of anti Semitism this from the washed and times Linda SAR Sore and representatives Alien, Omar Russia. Terry jumped into their Senate's Georgia Senate election picture. The Georgia, After the council, American Islamic relations care at another front grew
for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas You know, Mr British, have always been waiting for these people to assume you know. wait times of? I said that you know discovery would do in civil court God I finally get to the bottom of this.
Plan or hold Sunday evening, a virtual voter thought aimed at encouraging Georgia Muslims to vote on January five I'll be right back a MAC. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S, America's most powerful conservative voice. The mark Cloven Show Dial now eight seven, seven, three eight one, three, eight one, one, I'm not a conspiracy!
our words are not a Democrat. I think somebody is sabotaged. My computer mister Bruce. I really do. Maybe was fun fun. I don't know Let me continue where I was briefly. The washed and times is Raphia Warner Cooper and my father was a small business. Either Europe Commie Anti Semite one up when I voting for your phone river, Whether you should be United States, Senator power. And clearly you should not. So he brings in this house raising money form Linda SAR Sore billion or more and more Sheeta tally, ball of whom are well known and anti Semites I support the boycott sanctions, divestment movement he's back This group care, which is a well known, Jus, hey Israel, hating Organization, Martin. Psychological, if that,
his or her name CARE Georgia, legal policy, directly counter that the virtual gathering cosponsor by the georgian Muslim voter project is aimed at getting out the vote and not endorsing any political candidate. So this is how they get around the tax law. No, no! You don't understand one, taking sides between, say, Kelly Leffler, and Raffi Warnock worn. I work finer right down. The middle relies liars. don't take them the court in other. can't resolve things in court. Only if your left, it's been only you can resolve. Things are quite a your left. Sets it bill gates. Does anybody know why we care what Bill gates has to say anybody? Anybody know why we care? Who cares anybody. While Bill Gates wants to tell you how to live and he's alive, He can afford to be alive. Of course,
and this is from bright bark, dot, com, Microsoft, founder and philanthropists Bill Gates said Sunday, unseen and state of the union a k state of confusion that it. Be eighteen months before the corona virus pandemic. Will not impact Americans daily life? For how does he know anything?. How does he know any that wisely on tv he's a fool. An anchor Jake, tapir speaking a fool Do you think life will fully returned to what we thought of as a norm as normal back engender no mass, no social, distancing, no other protective measures necessary just condoms: Emmy, whatever, and the talk their CNN gate said like we care, but I want to make Certainly by these summer we will be way closer to normal that we are now thanks to what an whom Mr Gates.
But even early twenty twenty two, unless we help other countries get rid of this disease, and we get high vaccination rates in our country. The risk of reintroduction will be there and, of course, the glue, what economy will be slowed down which hurts American economically in pretty dramatic way. So we will have starting in the summer about nine months. Rifts things like big public gatherings will still be restricted, can see now that somewhere between twelve and eighteen months, chance? We managed well to get back to normal, Mr Gates, yes, mark tell me how you suffered economically during the pandemic. the little guys all over the country has suffered the waiters the small business people. Certainly restaurant tours. Everybody really Except those who are attached to government teachers, union and so forth, but those
but in the private sector, those people, they ve all been hurt How have you been heard, Mr Gates, you ve been heard in the least should shut the hell up. Nobody cares what you have the six. If the idiot Jake Tapirs sits, there were that constipated, look on his face and then starts, Lecturing everybody, but all the reports, Begins at the Republicans or the Republicans Jake, why don't you admit to your audience or seventeen of them? You're a left wing, Democrat, you grew up as a left wing coat Democrat and having in Pennsylvania, the township, mine. Why don't you had met there? spokes mouth, a mouthpiece for hang on controlling four Marjorie MEDS Vinci, wherever they. How our name was another leftwing Democrat from Montgomery County Pennsylvania. I know who you are fake, Jake want to admit. Why are they a news channel anyway? You jerk. Nor are we all understand the Republicans had signed on about loss. What a disgrace! You would think there tea for how much coverage.
They give twenty four be alone here. We have hundred thousand more or less people show up and peacefully peacefully. in support of the president, questioning took place on election day and thereafter had again Their breaking up Antigua, a mob, starts to pick up. the weakest among them. You can barely look at it, you, the blade. You see five of these hoodlum speeding up one guy. You see that picking on the elderly and people were little kids it's not worried about that. Now, Jackie's, not worried about that! Those are his People the pair military wing of the Democratic Party. What did your buying say about that today: nothing. What are they he had Scarborough, had to say about that and nothing fixated with mine triumph. This has to be put down. This has to
put down this tea for crowd has to be rounded up round them up roundabout, yes round them up. some Marxists anarchist organization, just like black lives matter by the way and all the people, let's supported that, Well, MR producer, since my computer isn't working, I need your assistance to whom shall I speak who's the first collar. Please, yes, on X, M, satellite, Bruce and the state of Michigan where, unfortunately, you live under the iron fist of very fast the governor. How are you, sir. wonderful, enjoy your format and presentation. Sir, thank you format. Anyway. I don't, but anyway go right ahead forever Heiner. So what is the problem?
just wondering what is the process that we, the people can do to impede, the poles are wonderful Supreme Court judge, you don't have any powers, people to a peach, the print the Supreme Court were, there's no in the constitution and empower people to impeach anybody. My upside down it. On my last time I checked they work abroad. what're you gonna do about let us look at him all out. Apparently we don't need to go on and on what are you gonna do about it? I get the Solana We ought to have a way to do that. We are bugger throughout anything they want. I just wanna hear how we do these things now. They're not representing the law, as I have come to know it landed on man. They have arrived. That's quite it's quite When sense- and I think parliament there in order to impeach somebody
and with the president of the House of Representatives which we do not, control has developed by a majority. Then two thirds of the senators have the vote to remove We do not have a majority in the house and we're not going to have two thirds of the senators, so not going to happen I appreciate your honesty and proposing that out again what I think is going to happen. Would you be interested in this? too bad. It's gonna get much much worse before it gets better. If it gets better We are surrounded by too many stupid people. We just are. And when it affects them directly. flashing goes through the roof. When they lose their jobs, not only Republicans lose their jobs, and some Democrats. When they see the iron fist of the health care system, they seek to impose on us and over and over and over again, maybe
that will awaken right now. They escaped a red states and destroy the red States, like my Virginia ten years ago, was republican election of George W Bush, my county was sixty six percent for George W Bush, who was really a very poor Kennedy it once Sixty one percent least theoretically for Joe Biden this, why those people in Maryland and easy escape they. How would they created, and now they create a hell over here. May move into these. I call these people They move into these red states ago from California to Texas, and they won't like Democrat. It's it's really astonishing. When you think about it, I my friend
thank you for your call. I shall return. When did you know your family can save over eight hundred dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon eighty anti anti mobile think about what could your family do with an extra eight hundred dollars? You don't even have the sacrifice coverage pure talk has exactly the same coverage. Same bars has one of the big carriers, but they charge you have Definitely don't have the sacrifice customer service thirteen based right here in the U S and are some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to. So don't wait anymore, get unlimited talk text and to gigs of data for twenty bucks a month, and if you go over on data usage, they don't charge afford no, not even a penny, so go to pure talk, USA, dot com and are promo code, Levine Podcast. That's
de I am podcast and when you do, you also save fifty percent of your first month. Folks, is the best. That's pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless, Rich Fairfield, California, not too far from San Francisco, the great care so folk San. disco, whose Petitions and public officials have been targeted by the communists. Chinese, I might add go right ahead. My friend Thank you a merry Christmas to you and your family. Yes, I'm using take care of yourself because we're gonna need you More than ever now going forward self that take care of yourself. No thank you. I appreciate the hell yeah going forward. Yeah. That's what I want to talk about this. We hear this this president he stood.
for us for four years and was yes, he took we think they re abused him. They abused his family and yet you know, inter himself, people The same will: what can we do to help this president and we ve got a stick with him. We we can't you you got Grandpa Josiana, well, his he'll have to unite. You know You know you know as well as I do. What that means is surrender the end. We can't do it. Now you're gonna do it do this nation or even years? thing and you make a great point: rich. We don T to control them, tell them how to live their lives. Try to destroy electoral systems are constitutional systems. We try to do and our circle of liberty, we try to defend. Our republic we don't try to do anything to these people and now they need to be crushed. They need.
He crushed politically, obviously, but they need to be crushed. Otherwise, will crush us. That's it states that, and so I believe you notice. This is now turning into a fine gets in their Obama's third term. That he's he's taking all these Obama retread. Bringing them into the or he would bring him into his administration. So this This is Obama's third term Obama's invisible hands behind the whole thing hard core. Articles NEO marxists at once, in place of the media. Want you to think, because they pretend but Joe bringing all these moderates and Obama's. people weren't moderates. They were nuts and I think you will be out there in the media smile and you know telling his where fringing is always cringing. If you notice that I don't know what that's all about my gosh If you put a little green paint on its basis, he's the I gladly Obi WAN he'll be the frightened
and the media will be celebrating over. But behind the curtain. bomb- I will be chairing this place apart. We doing the same thing, they did, you know when Edwin Obama was smiling, and his minions, we're back there just shredding the constitution, so we can't do it when they say you know it I'm sure he'll assigned to unite in the words of the quote Honourable Maisie Harun Al Hell no we're not hell no end, no o bye, bye needs to be impeach doesn't use, and I would the Democrats would say He comes in office. Should he. And therefore needs to be impeached. He needs be spied on. Other needs to be leaks. We need to go after his kids. We need to do everything away too. That was Trump. They did the Trump and there idiot Jake Tapir in his ilk getting There is from my friends Jeff mothers soccer
There they are destroying the reputations on tv every single night. drawing their industry and they care less. They didn't build up this industry. The titans of media are long gone now, we're let, with the idea the diaper boys and girls that you know it's not gonna be pretty, but we owe it to this man Oh it to him for Whitey good for over the last four years and how he stood for us that anybody out there that that love, country and respect the constitution has to stand. And don't fall dont be alone around you and can thank you Friend, gray call rich. Thank you. And I read the letter from the attorney general earlier in the programme and Bill BAR. I told you
for. I may disagree with some of you. I think he was a tremendous attorney general and I was really classy letter. He didn't do a balkan or matters or Kelly. You didn't have to take this job. He did it because he wanted to help the country and help the president. I like you did. Ladies and gentlemen, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel, and now we're not wrong over on their show and I'll see you tomorrow. God bless from the westward one podcast network
Transcript generated on 2020-12-19.