« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/1/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat media will go to any length to smear Benjamin Netanyahu and act as mouthpieces for Hamas, like the New York Post and Joe Scarborough attacking him for things that happened when Netanyahu was not even Prime Minister. Like Donald Trump, they want to put Netanyahu put in prison because they never wanted him elected or to put together a coalition government in Israel. The Democrat party and their media surrogates are sabotaging Netanyahu-led Israel while cheering for Hamas and protesting for Hamas in our streets. Our government under President Biden and Antony Blinken has blown up the Middle East while re-arming Iran and its surrogate terrorist organizations with our tax dollars. Also, Liz Cheney is saying that a re-election of Donald Trump would put our democracy in danger, but she did not talk about the Biden administration this way while they were going after parents at school board meetings or using swat teams to attack pro-life protesters.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting the monopoly underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The the the.
the number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one man. We have a ton to do here, no time for screwing around. I watched that debate last night on Fox hannity was fantastic and so is dissenters. The Senate, just crushed news, wasn't even a close call. You know why, because dissenters came prepared to say this was like machine gun Kelly just one fact after another after another- and you can see from time to time
newsom's phony smile turned into a frown and he would panic with the name calling and he would lie repeatedly. I mean I was online. I was checking book banning fourteen hundred and five bug and I looked know slightly over three hundred ah and they listed the books and the books. Raw crap, vast majority of them were pornographic. So, first of all the numbers even irrelevant, if it's ten million books, because they are all penthouse type books for little kids, they ought to be banned when it comes to abortion, to santas locked in newsome. For all time,
newsome supports abortion right up to birth. The american people do not support that. Newsome does not support parental notification. How do we know that cause? He said nothing when he was directly asked three times by Hannity and then he talks about you know our taxes so yeah, it's a high rate, but.
if the wealthy and so for them? It's not the wealthy alone who are escaping california. It's hard working americans, it's pensioners! It's people who are third, fourth, fifth generation to get the hell outta there to zero percent income tax across the board in florida, zero percent. But when it comes to the kitchen table issues food when it comes to issues like energy, the cost of gasoline you're getting killed in california, the highest in the country. Why does he take credit for? Why isn't he proud of it? But in any event, I'm not going to redo the debate and dissent just did himself a lotta good, particularly visa v. Nikki haley Nikki haley is out there at the billionaire trough, slopping it up as fast as she can get back by liberals getting back by democrats getting back by open border types by radical columnists by bushies. What's that all about, and I want to apologize, I was wrong.
Nikki Haley is not george w bush and address she's a complete and utter chameleon on every major issue, whether it's china, whether it's the border, whether it's disney, whether it's drilling whatever it is. She said, five positions on the same issue and when you catch her on it, her debate style is to interrupt to deny and to attack, interrupt denying attack, and that's why last night's debate was so good. You could have some of that, but one on one. You really do expose yourself as newsome did so I think dissenters really hurt news. I really do
And I also think that Hannity was fantastic. That's the kind of debate you want right, so we'll watch the next debate, who keeps interrupting you're going to find out who keeps interrupting it's going to be nikki, haley, tacking ramaswamy. She spending millions and millions of dollars not attacking trump but attacking to santas. Then he got the ah the hindenburg on the stage there fill with gas the gas bag. Chris Christie, who is sort of the liz cheney of the bunch as well. She has a book coming out. You watch, every single major network will be promoting it. Why cause she's a poison pill? For the republicans? That's why I want to read you something:
this is very very important, not just the substance, but something I'm going to point first of all, see if he can catch it, you're really smart out. There really really the smartest audience of all audiences, and I mean that I say that, are you wouldn't be here? Why waste your time, but I want to listen to the new york times article they came out last evening. when I was on air, so I didn't say I didn't have time to read at seven sixteen pm eastern by ronan, bergmann and adam golden ready for this. Israeli officials obtain Hamas as battle plan for the october seven terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents email, an interview show
but it's really military intelligence officials dismissed the planet's aspiration of considering a too difficult for hamas to carry out, and let me tell you what the new york times did the jerusalem posters written to stories on this. So then, here at times decides to leap. Frog, drew's than posts gives them credit whatsoever and goes in does a bunch of interviews on their own fine. But I just want you to understand how this has worked. They say the approximately forty page document which the israeli authorities code name. Jericho wall outlined point by point, exactly the kind of devastating envisage invasion that led to the deaths of about twelve hundred people rights. This limes stick with me. The translated document, which was review by the new york's limes, did not set a date for the attack but described a methodical assad designed to overwhelm the fortifications around the Gaza strip. Take overs
really cities and storm key military bases, including a division headquarters. Hamas follow the brute blueprint, was shocking precision. The document called for barrage of rockets, outside of the attack drawings, to knock out the security cameras and automated machine guns along the bordering gunman support is run, moss, Paragraph writers, on motorcycles- I don't put all of which happened on october, so. The plan, also included details about the location and size of israeli military forces, communication hubs and other sensitive information raising questions about how a mosque gathered its intelligence and whether there were leaks inside the israeli security establish stay with me. I'm almost there. The article goes on, but I just want to start with the point that to me I need to emphasise, because nobody
will ready the documented. The document circulated widely among israeli military intelligence leaders, but experts determined an attack on that scale. Ambition was beyond Hamas as capabilities according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether prime minister, benjamin Yeah, who are the top political leaders saw? The document is well what's wrong with this article patrolling the chronicle, they say the front under this.
that the battle plan for October seven terrorist attack was more than a year in the making before it happens, so that precedes October seven, twenty twenty two, their proceed precedes october: seven, twenty twenty two: a year before the attack in october, seven, twenty twenty three. They also that the document in the intelligence was no more than a year before the attack. So again the proceeds october, seven, twenty twenty two. and then five or six paragraphs down. As I read to you, they were they too unclear whether prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu or other
political leaders saw the document as well courting by the way to the Jerusalem post stories. It's very unlikely that top government official sought, because at the relatively senior intelligence, Well, they display they dismissed much of it and they didn't have enough exactitude with respect to the date, but putting that aside, just for the moment, that's not the point of this article. Benjamin Netanyahu was not the prime minister. When this document came out. He was not the point minister quote more than a year before it happened. That is the attack on october, seventh, twenty twenty three. in fact, he was unable to organise a government
December? Twenty? Ninth, twenty twenty two. December: twenty: ninth, twenty twenty two. Nowhere in this article, certainly not at the front end, they say well, we Now, whether the acting the prime minister at the time bennett and the coalition government with la peat and guts, that is bennett la peering gaunt's. What did they know since they ran government and better. Was the prime minister. A year well before the october seven attack. In other words, what did they left? wing government in Israel. No with this information, Well suppose we being pulled together. The document was created, you have to assume the senior entail an idea point.
he's mozart, appointees worthy appointees, either made by the left wing israeli government or left, thereby The left wing israeli government there's not a word about them, not a word about them. Why? Ladies Common because the new york times and the rest of the media in america and much of the media in Israel, wanna put Netanyahu prison like trump, never wanted him elected, never wanted him to pull together the coalition government. They attacked the other parties as radical right
religious type Netanyahu at his coalition, is constantly unceasingly obsessively attack by the new york times and thomas freeman by the Bye regime For that the obama regime, because Netanyahu represents his people and echoed by a disgraced former disastrous prime minister of the hard left Who's been campaigning in america, even as I speak during the war. And was involved and raising dark money in organizing a coup against Netanyahu in prior netanyahu government for two years.
he's all over tv he's all over their newspapers here and in your gods gets a complete pass, even though it is part of that government. Now is part of the. The war government la peat is a leftist, a former tv announcer, a leftist who's, not part of the war cabinet, because he can't be trusted. he's been in the united states, trying to undermine their commander in chief Netanyahu is well. We have liberal democrats on cable, even some as guests or hosts on Msnbc Cnn and far when this october, seventh is brought up the immediate. We start attacking Netanyahu. Why? Because I have another piece and when I read your very shortly, it was in the financial times.
And here again, the NBC news took the store, their genuine wrote and used it as the basis of gathering other and from all these people in the media. I just slime boss, their sleazy, what they are and do their own work completely sleazy. They don't give credit to anybody.
So what they were taught it is unclear whether prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document. Why don't they ask him, but when are they asked bennett and le pete and guns? Why don't they ask all of them even heard somebody who have enormous respect for on cable tv said Netanyahu's futures over while he's at like seventeen or twenty percent or thirty percent, or something like that Because that every two or three days is an article blaming him, I'm not blaming anyone. Can I'm not not blaming anyone. you're in the middle of war. When the japanese had
harbour there was a discussion about what it after yarn known. When did he know it? Media certainly wasn't it. In that way, nine eleven. What the george w bush, nor when did he know, that's not the way you do things, but I'm not done with this I'll, be right. Back Ben. Have you seen the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unfair. Dictum of world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my god, gives me peace of mind its tangible and I am a firm believer in owning gold, my favorite gold company, a gust of precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something: their top of the top. If you have an eye array or for one k and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about the benefits of a gold. I re from a gust of precious metals. Their outstanding get a free,
Guy the gold I raised from accustom precious metals today, text levine, in vienna, the six eight five nine to that ellie vienna, six, eight five, nine to again Lavinia six, eight five mind too, or visit our gust of precious metals, dot, com text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, had get disclosures, augusta, precious metals, dot com, just garber target in the other article that both I've told you before he is a disgusting low. I q demagogue always has been always me, which is exactly why he's over assembly sea, which is filled with people like this filled with them.
Msnbc is the boss, MR of b, in their both owned by comcast. Many of you are paying overpaying. An enormous amount of money for comcast, which is a fellow about darfur, based cooperation run by woke, corporatist and, of course, Nobody will ever do a story on them and that's why a lot of these while corporate is by these media outlets to protect themselves. That's why days, oh spot, the washington post had every story about amazon. Do you in the washington post what I want, to listen to what scarborough says on this article, which he doesn't read carefully and how as to the line of a full, fledged big it in anti semite. Might he becomes have you
seeing the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my goal me, peace of mind, its tangible and I'm a firm labour and owning gold. My favorite gold company augusta precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something top of the top. If you have an eye array or for one k and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about the benefits of a gold. I re from augusta precious metals, their outstanding, get a free guy, the gold I raised from accustom precious metals today, Tex Levine Alleviate the six eight five nine to that's, alleviate and the six eight five nine to again lavigne, six, eight five, nine to or visit august a precious metals dot com text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. He get risk disclosures,
dust of precious metals, dotcom liberties voice. My love then talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one and I miss him You see they have a significant number of anti semites who pretend not to be of those semites, but they are. just as obama is, and was an anti semite, no question about it and I'll damage. read it again, as I have over the many many years. I've been behind this microphone, professor, lady colombia, the video that's never been shown that the l times continues to conceal, there's so much. And I want to focus on american media american media MSNBC stern and Joe Scarborough Joe Scarborough gets a lot of because he's on early in the morning
says crazy. Ass things is a trump Haider and all the democratic party websites and others pick up, make abrasions Brzezinski father Zbigniew Brzezinski was another israel raw haider. Has he advised Jimmy Carter from the national security council just another contemptible fuck. But I want you to listen to scarborough now you have some facts I want to give you more information once I'm done with him about the article itself. The article is of dates, this information and the document months before net, Ireland is government. We will acted, let alone organised and the jerusalem. Started goes both of them that I read in the course of the last seventy two hours, which were the really the first to break this information. Make it abundantly clear.
that the information per se got caught up in the bureaucracy got caught up in debates. Challenges from experts within the israeli military units, No information was collected by a woman who wasn't even really a full time intel person from aside, and so they started to dismiss her. She pulls the information together. She doesn't have a date The information is taken. Its analyzed. they head of intel for israel's already said he is going to resign or has resigned and there's no one.
Information whatsoever that this information got to their heads of either the government, either bennet, repeat and guns or Netanyahu, and whose college, but for some reason, bennet la paid and gaunt's, escape all scrutiny, even though the information was bubbling around during their government a year before topers, seven Netanyahu wasn't even announced candidate. Yet now listen to this ignoramus and this tirade about the west bank. They used the term west bank because them
orthodox jews, not all tend to live in judea and samaria. The indigenous homeland of judaism they want to take judea and scenario they always have on the left, the democratic party and give it to the palestinians to take pressure or for jordan pressure off of egypt, with the claim that this would be a two state solution and the radical left in Israel agrees with them. Just as we have our radical left, they do. To that Led by a hood black and the left wing parties in Israel, so moroccan bag and one. nothing to do with that. So they would attack him Of course, it's Netanyahu. so listen to this Tiree cut to go
Let me add you look at the chaos in the west bank, riley all at the feet of Benjamin Netanyahu and his policies over the past ten years. You see, ladies and gentlemen, Jimmy carter with big newbridge linsky. Her daddy, kept insisting that quarter quote the west bank be delivered to the palestinians They have their eyes on the west bank gotta get in the west bank, which, of course, when you, Who's that phraseology it shows number one complete ignorance and number two. obviously hate the state of Israel, because there is no west bank of jordan anymore. They controlled it for nineteen years, that's it when I took it during the nineteen forty eight war for into Go ahead. I didn't blame his policies for the attack in Gaza.
chaos in the west bank that threatens any peace Process moving forward and also threatens another second fight in this war, possibly a third find in this war. Nor is he talking about not any time during this diatribe, you notice. Does he blame the palestinian terrorists, the uranium terrorists, the hezbollah terrorists, the p, allow arafat creation, Arafat, baby Abbas, whose attire Joe. Scarborough has gone full thomas freeman in full, Barack Obama and he's an ignoramus complete maura, but it doesn't matter he talks about net, yellow the way talks about trump. This guy has a serious mental problem.
he really does go ahead. The united states has the right to say if we're going to continue propping up your government. If you We have faith in rank higher separate there. The united states is propping up the israeli government. How is the united states propping up the israeli government. Joe scarborough, wouldn't talk this way about a genocidal maniac in any part of the world. You would your propping up the israeli government. Let me tell this dumb bastard a little secret. In the war for independence, these railways didn't get any help from the united states. None of them
citizens when they could illegally sending weapons jews in the united states, but it was illegal in the united states. They didn't get support from anybody. Nobody, the british, were their enemy. Nobody talks about propping up these people had been fighting and fighting and fighting for their right to survive and their right to have their own government. The right who live in their indigenous homeland that goes back. Four thousand
in years, and there's son of a bitch goes on about how our government is propping up their government, what a disgrace, their allies they're, providing support to Israel, and they should because our government, under Joe Biden prior that under Barack obama under blinking above presidencies, has blown up the middle EAST. They funded iran. They re armed IRAN to the tune of a hundred billion they paid around for our hostages, hundreds of millions of pounds of your tax dollars, followed through the. U n took out a hamas hundreds of billions of euro,
skype paired gonna pay, allow another terrorist organisation, and this son of a bitch goes on about were propping up the government in Israel. He would never talk that way about another country ever ever.
he's playing to the anti semites at his network, he's playing to the anti semites who watched their programme the get ratings. That's what he's doing he's a disgusting disgrace, the west bank. Our government is now building a database of Jews in the west bank that they say or violent, whether defending themselves against Hamas, which is secreted itself now into judea, and some area.
I told you about this tiny little town, name Sheila job scarborough has no knowledge about it out. Maybe your google it now. He knows nothing about their history. This region sear up its intraday in Sumeria. Maybe you ve heard of Samuel sr, one of the most important figures and junior. If he ever do go to Israel, you should check out this tiny little place. Sheila spout like Shiela in the history there for the various jewish tribes came together. The separate tribes came together right there, a preacher
the city of David, which predates the city of jerusalem under the obama plan under the hood barrack plan under the Biden plan the blank and plan the Joe scarborough plan that will be handed over to the palestinians. Why? Because Netanyahu says no. Because Netanyahu says there's a land situation. This is
slowness, idiotically, Julie, problem, audio gi. They wanna caliphate into just not just Israel, they fight each other, they kill each other. We had a test run. We gave him gaza, Gaza never belong to the israelis order the palestinians, who was a genuine. They said. Ok here, take this and what do they do? They turn it into a terrorist centre. And so Joe scarborough goes on, a ramp is an ignoramus. He goes on IRAN. He doesn't even understand what the hell is going on, but he understands what people want to hear on the radical, hard anti semantic left, and so he fades it to them. I had missed a bit is: who knew this was coming a year away? We need a better partner,
Benjamin Netanyahu is not that partner. We know. Let me guess lesson in more than a year away. Benjamin Netanyahu was not the prime minister. This guy is so unhinged, so illiterate, so stupid. That he doesn't even carefully read the article. The new york times is feeding lies, pushing up propaganda, we don't know what not the outer wall. No, what more than a year ago, in a government that preceded the netanyahu government? What bennett, know? What am I paid? No, what in god's name he doesn't care, he does it. Now we gotta get rid of now? Because each defending. The land of the jewish people. We gotta get rid of him right mega. Yes, yes, that's right. Waken says so, yes he's great by no, yes, he's a moderate them.
I'll be right. Back much love in the Have you seen the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my goal, gives me peace of mind. It's too enjoyable and I'm a firm believer in owning gold, my favorite gold company, a gust of precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something: their top of the top. If you have an eye array or for one k and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about the benefits of a gold. I re from augusta precious metals, their outstanding get a free. The gold I raise from augusta precious metals today, text levine ellie reorient the six eight five nine to that's alleviation,
the six aid, five, nine to again Lavinia six, eight, five, nine to or visit our gust of precious metals tat come text data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions had get risk disclosures, augusta, precious metals, dot com, Am I done with this phenomenon? time through some at all after the next segment carried over to the next hour, but there's a number of things I want to get too, including As all these issues are swelling around life and death issues, issues that are crucial. He constant effort by the Democrats, dressed up as judge to take our donald trump, is not ending this never ending. They are destroying separation of powers, they destroying the presidency there destroying the couch
fusion and due process and in the united states senate, the Senate judiciary committee led by little dick durban, who is a contemptible, little bum fred times, Thompson. Me about this guy's dishonourable he's destroy! The independence of the supreme court is destroyed, the united states Senate in the subpoena process and a judiciary, he is shut down. Republican objections, he's cut off republican speech. he's, destroyed the procedures in the united states Senate judiciary committee and these people don't give a damn while they're talking about democracy and following the rose and trumpets hitler and everybody else's taylor, and they want to defend democracy. These lilliputian, destroying our country in every respect they are a cancer at, is metastasized every second of every day.
Stick with me, folks, I'll be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again for list
and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk now run the monopoly underground command, both through the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under britain steal over longer strip building. We will once again made contact with our leader Erika. Mark Levant. Here are numbered eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one Joe scarborough last week said that Donald trump wanted to imprison. People and execute them still keeps his job Joe scarborough. Today. Who not only gets all alors information wrong or an utterly demonstrates what I can
before he is the look: how egos after the only jewish state on the face of the earth they were propping up. Their government know Joe, were propping up. Hamas were propping up the islam or not Came in tehran were propping up the palestinian liberation organization. Terrorist regime founded by Arafat, where proper up the saudi arabian throwback monarchy by binds energy policies here in our own country. now, all these other regimes, they murder slaughter, their own citizens, gaze algae, bt. Q.
People, who don't agree with what they want them to where people who look in the wrong direction, people who are suspected and their murdered and tortured and killed in the worst possible way, but you see, but according to Joe scoreboard Netanyahu and the west bank quote on quote: that's they give away. and at the problem? Would Netanyahu and look good and all these right wing notches? They were actually want to hold on to their territory. They want to hold on to their country. They went out on other, their indigenous has stopped oh ancestral lands? That's a big problem! America go look at a map, pull up on your computer right now, pull up on Your iphone or what area have look? How big Israel tease speck in the Middle EAST.
And Joe wants it to be smaller? Why? Because Biden does blanket? Does obama with these are as new friends because jealous a punk? That's why So here is more of his projections onto the propping up of Israel, popping up and Netanyahu. Netanyahu is a duly elected prime minister of a democratic state obama. By the democratic party and their media front mouthpieces have been trying to undo they duly elected leader of Israel, this time around the last time around and when he was duly elected under obama, they ve tried to sabotage is prime minister ship sabotage.
his coalition government, because they want iran to get a nuclear weapon because they want iran to be re armed because they want to flow into Iraq because they have this insane ideology about bringing balance to the middle east prop up we're propping up the terrorists were propping up IRAN. It's not Israel, that's killed american soldiers. Many hooping horribly warned that you see on tv commercials. Israel didn't do that yahoo, didn't do that. Then he went on cut three. Go it's, not that they work taking it seriously. It said they were
focused on the west bank for netanyahu cylindrical survival, because you are right. There notice they have the clappings yeah yeah, yeah, Netanyahu's political survival. He's the longest serving prime minister in the history of the state of Israel, so they were focused on the west bank. You see. That took Netanyahu's attention away from the growing evidence that Hamas was going to slaughter and commit atrocities against the israeli people, whatever Let's just Joe Scarborough, have her that nothing, zero. The article he waves around from a holocaust
nine new york times from my hamas. Mouthpiece new york times provides him with a time that makes it clear that he wasn't even running a government at the time that this report was supposedly percolating up, and we also know what we don't know. That is whether, in fact, this report did percolate or the information to bennett, law, peed and guns, let alone Netanyahu, but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter to the bigots. It doesn't matter to those who try to character assassinate and smear individuals, which is one of Joe Scarborough's trades one of his traits and that's what stupid people do who know? No history who don't have any grasp of reality, but they know how to jerk their knees, so Netanyahu wasn't ready because of his political survival. This is the line that's been put out there and one day I'll address this in more detail exactly what was going on.
israel, by the left in america, the left in europe, the left in Israel, the millions that float in in an effort backed by obama, a hood barak and the usual marxist leftists, but let's go on, go ahead events and he has to stay in power or he goes to jail. Listen to this. Listen to this he's facing three indictments where he has to stay in power is going to jail. First of all, as a factual manner in the united states, it's been decided that a sitting president cannot be indicted and only to get into that in this round. That's not the case in Israel. When it comes to prime ministers, prime ministers can be indicted, while in office in Israel.
And they are removed, and so he says here he's got a whole theory based on what the new york times wrote and he is willingly led by the nose. His nose is quite substantial. Why not? He gets his government's mixed up now he gets his country's mixed up. You can indicted sitting, prime minister in Israel. It has nothing to do with our department of justice. Is view of indicting a sitting president. So many says here he has three indictments and he has to stay in power. He goes to jail. That's a lie. Number one number to those indictments are falling apart. They ve been falling apart. There been witnesses who testified, there's a judge who even suggested to the prosecution. Why you're bringing this case is falling apart, but they still bring it. Why? Because radical left wing prosecutors, whether there in Israel or the united states, are the worst of the worst
that's why. But this is way or were jos head and his p brain go ahead. Paying attention to Gaza was medically inconvenient for him. Why was politically inconvenient tram? Can anybody make sense of it? Why would it be politically inconvenient to pay attention to Gaza? Joe scarborough doesn't have any idea. what Netanyahu was doing. What is government was doing what they were not paying attention to. But I can assure you come monday when he's back on the air with gas treatise.
and the fumes coming out of his nostrils ears and his mouth, he will I apologize. He will not correct. He will just keep at it because that's the nature of american journalism today, Is in journalism, its pontificating morons if this guy rona soap box on a quarter in san francisco During his rant, everybody look at that nut, stay away from him, honey, don't get close to me, looks very dangerous. He could be carrying. We do not stay away from it, but when he's given a platform like this and they dress him up and what a tyrant, I'm like a mannequin, but we have to take him quite seriously. Go ahead
on the west bank, helped him with his religious extremists settlers, resulting when he was dreaming settler. Why are the Jews in today and sumeria religious extremists, settlers And this is, where is anti semitism comes.
Clearly, not all the Jews in judea and samaria are orthodox jews, but many of them more they're, not extremists, they're practicing jews who embrace the Torah their Jews orthodox Jews like you'll, find in brooklyn new york orthodox jews like you'll, find in south florida. There are orthodox Jews, many of them not all of them, but many of them. So Joe scarborough calls them religious extremists settlers and why are they settlers?
Why are they settlers our native american settlers when they live on the lands that their ancestry lived on How can it be a sattler in your own country? How can be used sattler on your own territory. How can you be sattler on your online? Listen to their propaganda? Remember chapter four: the demo. Party, aids, america? They use a language, the changing, a belief systems, the indoctrination, the reputation, that's what you get from the slut And he doesn't even know he's doing it. He just repeating it because we stop it, he wants ratings, he wants money, that's it. There are not settlers. There are the indigenous people.
They're, not religious extremists, not all, but many of them are worth orthodox, choose go ahead. Remiss groups helped him stay in office, helped him stay out of jail. Let's be euro area sick s, o b, and the fact that the corporatist. Comcast keep you on the air the way you talk about Netanyahu. About tens of millions of people who support him the way you train in flame people by saying the most over the top outrageous things about tat, going to execute people you bring on a former senator who says he is worse than worse than hitler, you're a disgrace that whole network is pathetic. Up and down the line.
Up and down the line and the near your attacks on the jewish your attacks on Netanyahu, your attacks on orthodox jews and judea, and some area, namely terrorism, pow europe closed crossing that line on anti semitism is anybody ever racine I'll, be right back Ben you wanna gear, one for you, free moto, g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g five g phone free, but here's the deal you need to move fast. Because these phones will be gone by the end of the month. So if your current problems,
Life support upgrade for free with pure talk enjoy two day battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more. Just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, L, a v, I n to get this exclusive offer and select the plan. That's right for your family. Remember pure talk gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make the switch today go to pure talk, dot com, slash live in that slash alleviation to claim your free moto g, five g phone with qualifying plan again pure talked outcome, slash Levant, pure talk, simply smarter wireless just listen to the way these people are left talk then talk about american principles.
Now it's always about them in their ideology. There is a peace in F, Tita com, financial times By some left his name edward loose: u s national editor colonists, but I want to read this to you. Trying to ignore all this. You know the these stupid stuff, but here we go and alex pected riff, that has been brought up by the Israel Gaza crisis as the passive aggression between Joe Biden, Barack obama, former aids to america's forty. Fourth president made clear. That they disapprove of how america's forty six present has been handling Israel since october seven and listen to this, for our in charge, they say the euro would be putting conditions or military aid Israel and calling out bench. And that yeah, whose egregious fairly so you can see the words getting out among the Democrats.
media the Joe scar bars and all the rest that this is the obama position. Obama is the invisible hand The high what's going on here, the lincoln, as originally his deputy sector state Sullivan, worked with obama to obama calling the shots, and this is why you see all the anti semitism and all the hate, israel stuff, That is precisely the point binds people reply only by hugging Israel. Closely. Can america exercise leverage over its actions without binds embrace? There would be no temporary ceasefire hostage, no stranger, humanitarian aid getting through Gaza. They say, let's see here. Leave israel aside for a moment he writes now. I gotta put this in her term, trying to cut to the chase He says I'm not sure former members the obama team are winning. The argument is not as though about This criticism of Netanyahu had any effect when he was president. Quite the reverse is
Settlements continue to expand and Netanyahu broke all diplomatic protocol. By giving a speech to u s congress, tacking obama's nuclear idea when you send them negotiating it. That's right. Netanyahu actually represent there's people and says he doesn't want. I ran to get the noakes he's supposed to sit there and shut up obama's in charge. My point is that there is not. Much love lost between obama and buying. What he writes in here too, is that obama hates Netanyahu, that's his frame and he's talking to the obama. People obama That now, because Netanyahu stand in the way of their designs, he's trying to protect his country and these people hate Israel. remember khalidi. Remember I talked about him last night. Never leave. Some of the audio professor carlini colombia, history,
faster on the middle east, the edward say at sea. In my view, israel, haters and also Hamas mouthpieces my pointy rights, as is now Love lost between obama bind were not for the fact that donald trump came in between their presidency too. We will be focusing a lot more divides these two men. Some of its personal Biden felt this respected, as vice president, was routinely ignored, obama staffers did little to disguise if they saw by next summer. Had to be tolerate a resident solicited his from a different generation, I learned is politics and in error that seem to have lost its relevance. Biden felt slighted. The friction between them was kept by obama's preference for Hillary Clinton and so forth and gone some of their friction is also political. If you compare obama's fire policy record to abide is doing thereafter on opposite sides.
A double down on afghanistan. With his big troop surge buying pulled out, precipitously obama respond weekly to Vladimir Putin's annexation of crimea. Bine is all in for ukraine. I'm going to question that soon later, in the show, obama talked about a pivot to asia, Biden's doing that obama, detested Netanyahu by and says they've been for for more than thirty years baby. I love you. I don't agree with a damn thing. You say buying claims to have told him. Obama would agree with the second sense, but die a thousand deaths before entering the first. That's the point. Obama wants Netanyahu up, obama, hates Israel as it exists today. Obama's a mouthpiece for the palestinians and obama, broaden the people wanted to build up iran you wanna deal. I got one for you: free mode,
gee five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g five g phone free. But here's the deal you need to move fast because These funds will be gone by the end of the month. So if your when the phone is on life, support upgrade for free with pure talk enjoy two day battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more. Just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, L, a v, I n to get this exclusive offer and select the plan. That's right for your family! Remember pure talk gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make the switch today go to pure torque dot com slashed, live in that slash ellie alleviation to claim your free moto g, five g phone with qualifying plan again pure talked outcome. Slashed levant, pure talk, simply smarter wireless.
If you turn off your radio and open the window, you can probably hear him straight from the studio call mark levant at eight seven, seven, three, eight one. We ate one one. What is less changing ever done through the country? Quite serious she's lived off her name training in the republican party. That's how she got elected in the first place in miami. Nobody knew who lives cheney once what is less cheney actually done prior to her new found popularity among the corrupt media can than anything for the country. Oh, she saved us over bright bart list. Cheney trump election would be ended. The republic we are quote sleep walking into a dictatorship.
Says who lose training, I so regret the funding this family, because I thought they were so horribly abused and they were by the left in the media. She hated trump from day one. Why? Because Donald trump did not share her fathers farm policy, Jim, for whether he did or not that doesn't mean trying destroy the man. so she never bought into that fine. How much you wanna bet she'll back Nikki haley in two seconds, because Nikki haley is that kind of a republican she's, a liz cheney, republican, John dickerson dont John dickerson is a radical left wing Democrat Whose help destroy his phony profession, even at a move em out but areas interview, english training. You say
trap of you, re elected or in the republic. What do you mean? Isn't that it incredible question, MR producing very tough. He told us what he will do it very easy to see their steps that he will take. People who say, love, he's elected he's not that dangerous, because We have all these checks and balances. Dont fully understand the extent to which the republic of congress today have been co opted one of things are we see happening today is a sort of sleep walking into a dictatorship in the united states, checks and balances. See the presumption that donald trump is hitler. Donald trump was president. He had here to the constitution. Had more conservative policies, then,
Strain it, he signed an executive order by the way that is used today by your students and their lawyers to defend themselves against anti semitism on college campuses. He wanted to secure the border course. The chamber of commerce republicans hate that seed Donald trump represents in represented mainstream usa. I called him and don junior course pick this off, but I called him member. This must produce a blue collar billionaire cassettes He is in his work with blue collar hard working americans, its entire life. You know, and donald trump bought more alardo the restrictions for jews and blacks.
Still existed and he immediately eliminated them mediately. You don't hear about these that every such a big it don't. You know why you used the word vermin daughter married a jew. She converted orthodox Judy reno scarborough those religious zealots, his grandchildren, their jewish. Forgot, Israel today could be elected prime minister, but they call in hitler. The newspaper. Whose correspondent in berlin with sympathetic the hitler in the third reich the newspaper that covered up the holocaust, the new york times, they don't call that paper the paper
It learn, but I was and is the paper of hitler, no donald trump. You see because Lou genie says so list cheney. Is an evil person? She knows what she's doing she knows what she did on that committee. She knows how she worked the testimony. Now we have video, that's missing. We have testimony. That's missing. apparently one third to one half of the information they gathered. They raced with a federal judge, unwashed who's, trying to put donald trump imprisoned or the corset. Election. She won't even allowed Donald trump access to that information. Despite these rulings by these judges, all democrat all Democrats and so they're going to use her the useful,
idiot that she is like they do kings singer. Who now has a drifter, I believe on cnn and can buck? Who will be a drifter unseen because seen in his mighty media enterprise, it's a political enterprise is an appendage to the dynamic. had part that's what it is. Quite hires democrats like jake tapir. Msnbc same thing, but worse. They actually higher marxists islamists. There Will you hire a guy like Al Sharpton, given his record person who spews and sputum before she was in the media, anti semitism Bigotry, racism, joy rate they hired somebody like Jos, garber, whose I want a big one
To be in the crowd, you know, and everybody knows I'm right. None of this is fiction. It's all fact, so she will be pushed and pushed hard by all the media outlets, and I want to congratulate Brian Stelter fat little slop brian stelter cannot get fox off of his seven. I q cranium. He just can't. She writes another book about fuck how many books he sold in the first week, MR bluefin thirty five hundred give or take. Give or take I mean it's better than chris Christie did when his book came out. He saw like twenty two hundred and they go on. These same shows the chain. will do well because she's written a book for the purpose of selling it did. He radical marxist left wing zombies,
And I would say to lose Jamie you liked by foreign policy. Has I got it? I can't. binding, hollowing out the united states military. You ve always been a fraud claiming to be a hawk. You know hawk hawk you twenty bear. Your fraud She's also egomaniac, I remember when she wanted to take on the incumbent republican. senator in wyoming, came on this programme had us all food, but the appalling showed she get whipped by this guy. She desperately want to be a senator, so she pulled
I ran for the house that his name wasn't enough to carry over the over the finish line for the senate. Now she's there a voice of righteousness, a voice of consciousness, a voice of morality, she's, a contemptible, evil, manipulator, that's what she is donald trump's, not going to be, Hitler a trumps not going to be a dictator. Donald trump snipe going to violate the constitution were donald trump will do is trying to unravel washington DC. Were the chinese have lived most of their life. And where the media lives and lives in lives like rats in a sewer. And they don't want donald trump.
for that matter. They don't want to say this in all: want anybody whose capable. Of actually unravelling washington and giving the government back to the people. Mainstream, mainstream, I'll, be right, back then you wanna gear one for you, free moto, g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up her pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g five g phone free. But here's the deal you need to move fast Because these phones will be gone by the end of the month, so if your current foreigners
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failure. We go again another panel of democrats dressed up as judges and washed in these see that in that district court, you may recall that Harry red brok obama expanded the number of judges or thy court and put democrats on it, and this is the result that you get these stalinist type, judicial outcomes, their destroying the judiciary to destroying the office of the presidency or because they want a bankrupt, imprison and destroy trop. Listen to this one, reuters. Of course, you s. Appeals court on friday ruled the donald trump must face civil lawsuits his role in the january six attack on the capital by his supporters. Rejecting the former president's claim that he is immune. Now, let's stop right there. It's not the hope court. It's a panel of three judges- and I read through this reuters piece and they don't tell you if they're Democrats or republicans that means they're all Democrats or most of them are
majority, because otherwise, they would say appointed by Republican. That's number one number to think of the idiocy this for any politician or any former president ready president who's going to be a former present. You now opened a liability if you're supporters go and do something and there's no direct nexus, there's just one that's claimed one, that's implied one. That's repeated You now subject to endless numbers: civil suits are look if you're donald trump, you ve got these democratic judges in new york, trying to steal all of your property and trying to prevent you from ever doing business in new york. Again, even though there is no fraud, there's no complaint and the banks are saying they got paid, everything's fine, it doesn't matter they test of a law
that nobody's used before now in washington, DC they're saying you know what any number of people can bring. Law suits the cops on january, six, the members of congress on story. Six. Maybe there was a waiter in our getting a hamburger to Nancy Pelosi. He can be. Anyone can make a claim in civil court in washington, DC federal court, claiming god knows how much against donald trump. So the floodgates are open now, but trump has gag orders on the criminal case, better, be quiet about. What's going on in new york trump, you better be quiet. so say democrats on appeal in washington, d c, a democrat panel to a bomb, a point these one by appointing and how does it happen? It's the inner cities, its democrat stronghold, that's where the bringing their cases.
And this is what needs to be broken up. This is what needs to be fixed in if trumps elected president, he needs to fix it. that's why loose chinese nervous? I we're gonna have a dictatorship which kind of we unbelievable place. You folks a question roquat all these people saying that a trumps elected its hitler and muzzle Lenny its stolen we're gonna have a dictatorship. People going to be imprisoned, people are gonna, be executed. Let me ask you a question: how many of them have bought homes overseas? Must none of them. Why, if they really believe that sort of thing is going to happen, why are they all now putting the overseas markets. urges homes all over the world to get app You don't wanna hit muslim laney on what was then have where you don't want to be.
at present and executed? You know what all these this is. How sick it is there such lying scum and they get national platform by these corporatist and these phony fraudulent judges who are democrats or playing games with our constitutional system, the general party has already said they reject the constitution. It was written by white slave holders. They reject our history, goes back to sixteen nineteen. They have destroyed our entire foundation, our principles, our culture, while they claim to be defending them. That's how they're gonna run that's how they, to get Biden reelected to gonna, go out there and corner the market on depend, so it doesn't. Let him siphoned public, they're, gonna, get that creams We can make sure his adventures don't fall out, he's already
at the corner on the top of his head. So that's been taken care of. I get a special shoes, so many shuffles he doesn't fall down. Well, we've got an hour left and I, like others, I keep my foot on the gas pedal. Don't kick me He replied. I had there's a lot more to talk about that affect your lives in this country. I'll, be right back folks, our friendship. The college wish you and yours a happy and blasted christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year. tells jos farming in eighteen, forty, four, it is taught it students by precept an example, the teaching and practices of faith they college continue. This mission, in its classrooms and nationwide, through its educational, outreach efforts, hills del college, pursues learning character, faith and freedom and all they do because supporters, like you, allow them to refuse every penny of taxpayers money even into.
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The underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I've been remiss in telling you that we have two killer shows this week and on fox on life, liberty and Levin, and I really hope, you'll watch them. She can't watch them. You can set your dvr now. Eight pm eastern, of course, saturday show it's a killer, opening statement. They say so myself. We also have general jack, Keane and sen Tom cotton. So it's going to be very hard hitting our focus
there's going to be in part on Biden and blinking sunday night show a pm eastern time same time, same place, same format, different guests, different opening statement and other killer opening statement, former ambassador from the united states under trump to his David freeman great guy and our friendly's alvin, former congressmen, you should have been governor of new york. Folks, you really, I gonna want to miss these shows seriously: I mean I'm going to be there whether you're, not there or not, I'm just saying these are going to be absolutely killer, shows and I'll keep something in mind. Come the holidays. What is it in about the two three weeks? I won't be doing.
It shows on fox for several weeks. So, if you want to see the shows on a contemporary basis on a real live basis, you'll want to watch the next couple of weekends because after that brother's going to be reruns, that's with all of us. So I want a carriage you. While you can watch these show saturday night, sunny nine. I know you love him. he listened in a radio. When are you gonna love? It. And I don't think anybody and there are others who. very, very hard. I just don't think there's any body works in a harder than I do to try and bring information to you analysis when we have guests here it's not often and of course On the fox programme, where every shows about seventeen hundred guests, I have two sometimes all have one.
life libyan levine on fox, eight, p, m eastern time, five b and pacific seven p central. You know what time it is where you live, please don't they. But if you're not showing our arab israeli great college came, go ahead Sure dvr that's what therefore recorded in same with sonnino epa me. in a sunny, number begets sixty minutes. Sometimes this yellowstone show. In Sunday night football and we're still number one, MR producer on all cable news. Psych this slot on radio sixty nine pm whenever their sport, So I'm up against with its the mets in the yankees. New york, a you name, it the devil's, the rangers again. This adjust new york internal all over the country and, of course, your own wife. You know I like to eat
Nor susie has a player whatever, so I take these these slots, where nobody else can or has succeeded, and we succeed. Why? Because we're in this together, because we have a lot in common because I speak forthrightly, I don't play games. That's. Why and you'd listen forthrightly aeroplane came secrets of ground and that's great, my buddy TIM Saunders sums it up. Rashid Attali democrat marxist america Haider Jus hater Hamas lover, she just posted the images coming out of Gaza are rick Netanyahu has resumed she hates Netanyahu like scarborough. They relied commoners to nanny.
Has resumed his genocidal bombing campaign. Oh by the way that you wanted to do a genocidal bombing campaign, it be over already. when even at the send, the idea in the big dont be over we need a permanent ceasefire. She says now end the apartheid free palestine. Of course, she doesn't say that her side, the terrorists either My side has said there never gonna stop. She hasn't told her side, the islam or nazi. rainy inside in tehran to stop attacking american soldiers hashing. No, but my body tim sumner army that good man, he posted an answer and hamas from the river to the sea. I like that, mr, but is now. How can you say- and I mean the Gaza strip- was egyptian
so how do you end apartheid when it comes to the Gaza strip? The israeli say: let your people go. Egypt opened the gate. Let people go apartheid, This is something the radical south african governments come up with, which experience horrendous apartheid for hundreds of years and another you use that phrase it started about twenty years ago. They have used at present. Israel, it's an apartheid regime, spin picked up, The Hamas network have been picked up by the soros networks it picked up by other radical left entities and regurgitate not permanent ceasefire is not strange. This at me. This I mean Hamas is gonna, stop raping and killing and maiming. It's gonna stop little babies and ovens handicap obtaining them as ever. That means now. It means is
well surrenders and Israel continues to be victimized in horrific wave. That's what it means Sarah Sheeta tully remains in congress and the sky santos, his out tell me, which is a greater threat to the american people, which has a greater threat: the liberty to humanity, this guy santos, who sounds like Looks like a schmuck, rashid attack, leave these special pleader for middle east terrorists. Oh yeah, I shouted and I made it and I can prove it, which is a greater threat and by the way they hypocrisy. The democrats- and I mean this guy Santos that guy, I don't know anything about this guy, don't give a damn about. That's not the point, but there's menendez sitting in the: u s senate, and
Harmless long of indictments and for all, I know, is innocent. I don't know guys got gold bars in his home that people gave to him. Egyptians and others doesn't that happen with everybody. Mister producer. But that said you don't you wait for somebody be convicted before you expel them We have voted no to expulsion now, because these dummies in congress had not lower the bar. Where a representative of a particular community or representative people cannot be expelled if they get a bad ethics committee report or if their charge by the united states government, which I don't even trust any more quite frankly, in so many ways, santos there's menendez, noticed the Democrats. They will never push Menendez.
Until they replace him, they need that folk. Then you have all these rhinos they want to show you how righteous they aren't. Gonna get set those at what about the he's, not convince I read that matter. there's a guy like you did that nobody has to be convicted. Nah when I waiting for that, throw a bunch of candy years is because the truth is they're worried about their own butts and they want to be able to go particularly the some of these new york republic ears.
I stood up to this. I stood up to my own party and you know what that's going to get you nothing defeated defeated stupid. The people voted against us are defending santos they're, defending due process they're defending the institution of congress, but it doesn't matter anymore, wait until you hear about little dick Durbin, I'm going to get to him in a little bit how he is destroying the judiciary. Now he's using. You know, stalinist tactic. This guy is sinister contemptible, but aren't they or aren't they all yeah? They pretty much are the fact. Let me get to that now see if I can find that now, because this is very, very important what's been taking place, let me see over here. We are the Senate judiciary committee, it's it's funny. They give themselves these corner where the judiciary can know you're, not
The judiciary committee so weird name for what you're doing he should be the clown show committee. You want to hear the ins and outs of this folks. The Senate judiciary committee has been destroying the supreme court. They been taking reports from both group pro publica, aka pro publica, which is funded by left wing billionaire democrat, which goes into these disclosure reports and otherwise. And as luck luck. The clarence thomas took this trip and get this money over here and who wait. Wait, wait a minute, there's more look at samara, lead our centre and they'll. Go as such, the three look at them and, of course, soda my or is the biggest money grubbing on it
the core member of the united states supreme court, probably ever. using taxpayer dollars instead to promoter book to set up talking, events complaining about. Not getting enough money are not having enough people there. It's really sleazy, but they're, not interested in her. Let me tell you what happened the other day, the republicans invoked to our rule. These are rules that they have in order to function. So the mark abandoned at noon, so, in other words there they are Sitting- and they said I we were invoking the two hour or so you have two hours to mark up, whatever it is, you want to come out of this committee little dick durban has psychological issues. He always has
Look when you're as white as you are tall, that that becomes an issue, I'm not I'm not putting people down, but when you're built, like a kumquat, you're eager the people of sight logical issues, and so they want to take it out on somebody else. They wanna shall tough here so little dick durban, starting with nominating, stood, bade and votes, and they took until eleven forty five, a m course the republicans were unable to speak. You know they support democracy, the democrats, democracy everywhere. You look Their promoting democracy, constitutional. It then Durban, after all, I determined to these subpoenas. He wants to subpoena Leonard LEO one of the head. Mercury marks the federalist society
Because he wants to destroy lightly on the federalist society, there's a private organisation that their target. like the national rifle associate targeting them. They don't do this to the left.
But suddenly Leonard LEO is public enemy number one. Ah wow. I wonder what liz Cheney thinks about that one. So they try to intimidate him. They tried to kill the donors to the federalist society. They try to destroy his business, but a favorite democracy trumps. The problem, so durban turns to the subpoenas and the debate started on the committee. They were about to turn two amendments, but the clock was getting very close to noon. You know they have the two hour rule at eleven. Fifty eight two minutes before the witching hour, dick Durbin cut off the debate. No amendments had yet been offered by the republicans and he call a vote on the subpoena resolution.
In other words, he's muscling this thing through he cuts off the republicans gags the rich they like gags. These are democrats. I like the gang everybody. Now we know that the bite administration was working with youtube to shut everybody up and shut them down. I mean you talk about marxist fascism, utah, but these people are dripping in it. While they point the finger at everybody else, which is typical of lenin and trotsky. Like maoists, that's typical! All the republicans were fed up, so they walked out, except when lindsey, graham senator, graham the ranking, a republican on the committee. He objected to the vote.
Objected have to vote under the Senate judiciary committee regulations, which requires of out of eleven members, including at least one member of the minority party, to cut off debate and bring a matter to a vote sooner Durbin said when we have a long tradition here of you know using this rule the senate rule, but I am suspending it had he liked, mr, but if I'm going to suspend it the Republicans, they need to shut up we're looking vote on subpoenas without the number that required I'm going to suspend the rule that allows minority participation I'll need the minority. I've decided to suspend them
We're past the two hour rule: I don't care about the two hour raw and I care about any of the roles. I want Leonard LEO's head on a pike, so the vote began the clock, struck noon and guess what happened? People were watching this on the web, mr produce and they ordered the web. Is to be cut off, so they violated to send it rules they gag the republicans. They went over time on the clock,
They eliminated the need for a minority vote on a subpoena. The unilaterally surpass suspends that rule they vote on the subpoenas and the website cuts off the public can view it any more In durban goes out any lies to the constipated news network and tells them over. The vote occurred before noon. He's a liar, but then again they all are. This is very, very serious I'll, be right back much love in the
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Anybody remember her objecting to the fbi. Talking about infiltrating the catholic church. His loose cheney stood up for the women being raped, insulting to sex slavery in the kids to on the southern border, was training spoken out against the assault on the supreme court supreme court members right now taking place in our country at a democratic party. Its lowest trainee, worried about how Joe Biden issued four hundred million dollars in waivers for low pay. I can make the list those training very worried about democracy. You know this episode is brought to you by south of fire.
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Molly was the senator from the vat ain't been a governor before that you, as the closest politician. Two ronald reagan: they had neighbouring states of governors at the same time,. And he would confide in lacks hold- lacks lowood confide in him, just a terrific and he and I became very, very friendly- became a mentor to me and he's passed away since, but just a great guy Adam lacks all fantastic as his grandson. By the way, If this guy represented representative goodman and accuse me go Dan government was in the: u s in his office in the southern district in new york in this tells me that the quality and level.
A professionalism and intelligence in that office isn't what its claim to be. It is very low, government is a another detestable hack, his entire purpose, for existing as a member of congress. Is too is to run interference for the damage a party mob, and you know what I should even call them the mob. The mob as more honest and less less damage to our country. Systemically. Then, the democratic party, the biggest enemy we have really is the democratic parties, an institution to I wrote the book about and by the way MR producer. remind everybody, and can we post a place where people can go to get assigned dish, we're running out of books and we're running out time for the holidays? Can you post that then, and then remind me where that is because There is a limited first edition signed copy of the book
Levin signed dot com alleviation signed that com. I know, if you're a regular listener. Your family's gonna love this book. and I'm not doing signings anymore, I didn't do that many to begin with then signed that com is at it. Ellie vienna signed as I d and e, that Levin sign that com it's friday evening? I mean for all I know, they'll be sold out by the weekend. I don't know, but I You know they do sell out, see needed quickly anyway,. Sky goldman is just another pig Michael. shell hamburger voted for by that. He regretted he's a Democrat I think still. But the point is
Democratic, not he believes in free speech and he and to levy and wise and others have worked very, very hard particularly in recent months in the last year or so to explain away the people the day Our free speech is facing in the power of the federal gun, the central government, equally under by to steal it from us to abuse it. And so what do they do? They? They abuse shellenberger. They abuse to levy. the? U inserted iris agent to his door and open and not at all out just by chance. Come on. These are police state tactics. It signals. And it's going on in our country right now right, let loose change very worried and thought of tribes denominator While I lose our country, we are losing
country. You idiot, you suffer grand icing self righteous per phone feel better. Now. and government. At a hearing yesterday, the wrecked the reprobate, my shallenberg or MR first amendment. Here we go cut. Twenty five go. You ve talked about a hundred binding, laptop and how the f b, I knew it existed. You are aware, of course, that vote laptop so to speak, was actually there was published in the new york post was actually a hard drive that the new york post admitted here. was not authenticated as real. It was not the laptop the f b. I had you aware of that right. It was the same contents. How do you know because because, as this income individuals on the railways is the same content, you have now
Do you know who drives kane? I can smell. It was a lady. Are you suggesting in Europe post participating conspiracy to construct the contents of the hunter by I thought, no sir, the problem is that hard drives can be manipulated by rudy, giuliani or rush. What's the evidence that happens when there is actually no evidence of it? But the point is it's eleven? It's your engaging the conspirators glad you agree with me, MR celebrated, that transparency is the most one thing, and my last for you is. Do you think it would be transparent if hunter biting came. To this congress and testified in a public hearing and more transparent than if you testify privately, It's me little. I've never thought about that. I have no. I you don't know only never thought about that. Have like testimony morgan. Is there the reality tat? Are you familiar with the first examined, and I use that congress shall take no action to a bridge freedom of speech now, but you just describe it's amazing to me.
they want public testimony? Remember when Donald trump went into gift buckled, testimony general six committee, they said no member witness after witness that they took into the back room, other russia collusion testimony, member that MR bellew. so they wouldn't allow those witnesses to testify in public the degenerate six khamenei cherry pick, which witnesses would testify in public.
There were. Witnesses were subpoenaed said I'll only do have had some public. Now your girl will tell you to do, and I went to the back room. You know, don't you despise these people, I mean I despise them. These are not adversaries. This is the enemy. These are not good people. These are evil people with power who are trying to destroy our system. Destroy our language, destroy our culture to crash the
the thing from within these are political opponents. These are opponents of america and americans. I don't care what they wrap themselves in. This is who they are. The democrat party, as I wrote in the democrat party, hates america which sold more books in three seconds, then muppet, then a stouter by the way. But that's just me: this is not a political party. It's an autocratic, totalitarian entity that doesn't seek to fight fair and square politics votes as it seeks to devour the system it seeks to destroy the system. It seeks to empower itself, so we have won
party rule its devoured, the media, the jake tapirs, the wolf blisters, the Andrea Mitchell's, all the rest of them. they know who they are. I know who they aren't: it's not just them. The new york maggie had remained. She knows what she is. They all know what they are. Their democrats, radical democrats, most of whom the country while they pretend earth defending the first amendment other, not they were fed lives by the damage. Imagine the obama administration intelligence agencies out of the white house department of Justice The f b I and they use them and created this whole russia collusion, lie.
They know who they are. They know what they are. We all do they think it's a game. It's not a game. It's shockingly disgusting. I'll be right back then Talk has covered for the holidays, with a free, moto g, five g phone, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks, unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g, five g phone free, but
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the the the the
the the The
the the
god bless beach in every one of you, stay strong, raced up and don't forget watch life liberty and live in eight p m. On saturday, eight pm m sunday eastern see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-03.