« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/11/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, University presidents like those of Harvard, MIT, and the now former president of UPenn, do not understand the history of the 1st amendment and allow their institutions to criminally promote anti-Semitism. These anti-Semitic threats and mobs on college campuses are not protected speech, and what they are arguing for is not protected either. The Supreme Court has said so as well, but under President Biden and Merrick Garland not a single U.S. Attorney has brought charges against anybody. Also, Mark speaks with journalist Julie Kelly about another effort by Jack Smith and an extraordinary effort by the Department of Justice to go after Donald Trump. We don’t know what the Supreme Court will do next, but if they get involved, they may rule the wrong way because John Roberts has been weak among others. This would do severe damage to the presidency and the country as we continue our descent into a banana republic. Jack Smith and Tanya Chutkan are doing the bidding of Merrick Garland and Biden by rushing Trump’s case along in order to affect the 2024 election. This country and this court will never be the same if they involve themselves where the court has never before, and it will open the door for other future presidents to charge them with crimes.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the The the
the the the how america mark levin. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three
one one man or manischewitz. We ve got a lot of terrorists. Recovery with me. You're the only audience I can handle this. I want to talk about the first amendment briefly. What are you rate experts on the first amendment and other parts of the constitution is a gentleman by the name and Nathan. Loan. Nathan leeuwen has litigated in from the supreme court in america Cipolla courts more times than I can cap he's a brilliant man he's taught at harvard and colombian georgetown and university Chicago
he with his brilliant daughter, they run their own firm, they bring their own cases, big big cases, big supreme court cases, big first, a memory cases. So I wrote a piece In Jan S, dot org jns jewish news it downward explaining. first amendment to university president's it's called shocking. The presidents of harvard pan and I d do not know that the first when it does not protect anti semitic here speech or support for terrorism. In the wake of the astounding, testimony before congress by the presidents of harvard university of pennsylvania and mass. True such an institute of technology. Three important questions must be ass. Number one.
Why are the presidents of leading american universities abysmally ignorant of supreme Court rulings on the limits of protected speech under the first amendment, the prey it is claimed in their testimony. Today is wrong? I play semitic protesters. Cora quote on there Procedurally, exercising their constitutionally protected right to free speech when they call for an into fatah and she and Hamas is battle cry from the river to the sea. Palestine will be free. Both clear calls for It's against israelis, Andrews harbours president Claudine gay repeatedly declared that her universally will act. Only quote one speech crosses and conduct unquote. She might be so. I learned that not a single supreme court justice, not one agrees with her. In fact, it's like that the three presidents have bothered to read the most recent definition of first of a first amendment speech
a team of exercise by all nine supreme court justices, albeit in, Opinions, not one justice is believes that threaten incitement have like a constitutional protection cannot be punished unless they quote crossing that. This is a sunny huston on a view and other perfet pathetic buffoons, legal analysts on tv who don't know a damn thing. It's incredible. that's. Why you're here we know a lot of things on in twenty seven, the united, A supreme court decided a case titled counter, versus colorado which dealt with harassment. on the social media site, facebook, the case the rate of much discussion, precisely because it dealt with the issue, what limits can be placed on speech projections. All justice is agreed that the bell rights not guarantee any right to send threats over social media. None.
nor did they hold. The first amendment entitles a speaker to say anything so long as it does not quote Send a conduct on club that justice is different. We over how relevant the speakers intention might be to the question of criminal penalties, a majority in the court speaking through this alone a kagan, so that expressing eighth It would be a crime if the speaker uttered it with quote reckless disregard. Unquote. How will they be understood by the listener for Justice is different. Only in part. All the justice has agreed that freedom speech does not protect the speaker, who makes a threat with reckless disregard for the listeners. Fear of violence. And we have more than fear of violence with actual violence and threats going on these campuses. Jewish, this lacking themselves in rooms walking themselves in their dorms at libraries and fanatics not wanting to go to class low enriched the campus protest.
Does in question are obviously guilty of reckless disregard for the fears of their jewish, Fellow students, under the most recent supreme court rulings they can be charged with crimes and punished accordingly that It's a harbor at mit and the former president of pen are ignorant of. This is shocking number two, a major donors to these universities only terminating future grants, rather demanding that billions of dollars and pass donations, be refunded. Benefactors have given here donations to harvard and other universities were they not Miss endowments have announced publicly that they will not continue to contribute to these institutions because they promote and felt a control anti semitism. It is possible that this man florence public declarations of unified university administrators who are unhappy that the flow of funds has been interrupted.
given the vast resources of these institutions and their contributions like it is from advice american israel day, Israel sources, It will only have a modest and pack a far more powerful response before a major donors to fire lawsuits seeking to recover the billions of dollars they ve donated in the past they could do on the grounds that these donations, is secured by false representations. They claim the universities were prefer proper, meaningful education to their students, and, I might add, import footnote here. Parents have paid the tuition of their kids to be. Students at these universes They would have the same cause of action with different facts, the same cause of action to wish him tuition back. For example, harvard original charter of sixteen fifty stated its we'll be taught knowledge and godliness court. I quote: contributors have now
given that harboured does not abide by this charter. Instead, it agreed sleep violated by nurturing hate and violence against Jews, as Donors are legally entitled to recover the fund. They were convinced by harvard false representation to provide again same, but the student. And three and finally wire no federal grand jury is investigating the probable violations of american tight terrorist laws committed by organizers and participants, and pro hamas, public protests and nineteen. Ninety six nineteen, ninety six congress. Back to the anti terrorism and effective death penalty act, which makes it a criminal offence to provide quote materials, port defiant terrorist organizations? Unquote, violating this law can be punished where they long prison. Since this supreme court, with chief trust to turn round
its riding for a six percent majority upheld the law, wanting tenth, I rejected claims that its restriction of corporate our support on quote pretend and violated. First amendment rights of free speech and free association. They cases older versions, humanitarian law project in twenty ten advocate pray, terrorist organisation and supporting its activities, even if they constitute otherwise lawful protest. Violates this provision of the federal criminal code, organised pro supporting hamas accompanied by costs? printed signs, customize uniforms and gaps that palestinian flags assuredly qualified as material support on for Hamas, and I bet if they look for going discovery. They'll find money there too. So now louis ass this. Why has the department, justice under attorney journal merrick, garland, a descendant of holocaust survivors,
How to initiate a federal investigation into these probable violations of america's anti terrorism laws. Why is no? Not one? U s attorney in patently federal grand jury and subpoenaed witnesses. These are just the questions that american law must ask in these turbulent times. And now he has set the record straight, as I have quite frankly on the first amendment. These threats are not protected, these mobs and what their complete and what they are arguing for is not protected. The supreme court has said so every member in their own way has said so and other joe, in america. Ireland, not a single. U attorney has brought a single charge against anybody. Nobody.
What about some of these faculty members who go out there and celebrate these threats and violence and hamas a terrorist organization. I said before we are required to fund this number, we're not required to provide safe havens home grown in foreign supporters of terrorist and terrorism and turn the other cheek not academic freedom. That's not free speech, that's quite the contrary. and so things that can be done are not being done by the department of justice by Joe Biden, But not a single: u s attorney in the united states, not one of the ninety three none other I'll, be right. Back Ben
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investment decisions and get risk disclosures had a gust of precious metals dot com. Ran Hamas and hezbollah. have awakened they sleeping giant and a horrific way. Of course, Israel has worn Hamas, say defeat. Excuse me, Hezbollah. and they give rose had enough for this crap once and for all, even though the united states keeps funding the wrong party but mark, of arms to Israel will then why? Giving funds to the terrorists. the least a foreigner just posted this. The Democrats,
our circling the wagons around the. these president to these universities, giving in comfort, therefore, to Hamas and for anti semitism the crab party. America does hate. America have tragic Why not great length both here on tv and certainly my book in representative released a fanatic tweet the following, desperate and deranged democrats are now attacking us for uniting. country round calls for these university presidents to be fired here. The facts worse for my cathy manning, ouch me on the house floor with a rough draft for a joint letter to the boards of mit, arbed and Ben I taller like to review and would likely have many edits to strengthen the language. My office setbacks agnes, added to the manning office, who want radio silent, why we circulated among republican murmurs our office. Then decided to go in different directions with two separate,
in a letter, one rapids manning did not want to call with the firing of the president's among other significant added she refused to accept. This is Thing that happens every day on capital hill, our uptake version of the strong, a letter with significant at its got much more by partisan support because it was the right to do because three men and got much less support for her weaker letter. She's, not true. Go ahead, peace to how panic democrats, who Clearly, on the wrong side of history, protecting the university president's, while the men free media is refusing to cover the actual plagiarism, have clogging gay. What about that? Tapir tapirs such a puke? Let's just be honest,. That's just beyond she's a fraud, a phoney and a thank both blitzer same damn thing meagre brzezinski,
and I q of negative seventy four, which. police better than her husband, Joe with. Get it. I've killed one hundred and seventy. Yet he is sort of the anti mensa she not only MR bit, it is like the end, I meant sir he's a clown. There's a lot more going on out here, too This one second computer, has computer out five hundred family members have come to the defence of gay She's credibly accused plagiarism moving for she was credibly accused plagiarism. Her scholarship is almost non existent is a D I appointed president. That's who she is.
She doesn't have the grand qualifications to be the president of harvard and harvard could care less. busy discriminatory and discriminating against asian americans blocking. So many of them from getting admitted into their college ran right Is he protecting the Hamas work in the Hamas supported fact faculty and students from doing what they do and there's a great piece in the tablet. And in the tab, what they say: well, isn't it time to get to the bottom? What harvard actually does the tax payer money, gets with all the dome patients. It gets tax deductible, isn't it we get to the bottom of this. I think it is a fact, I think-
To pass time to get, the bottom emerges that, but all the rest of them they take in hundreds of billions of dollars or taxpayers money would accountability whatsoever. That's gonna end that has to end, in my opinion, Americans views of Hamas in Israel, with republicans port for Israel, is very, very strong. a very strong hamas, the militant studying group operas She took a lot sixty five percent, a little nine percent. And you know most of those who majority support. Republicans and republican leaning, independent seventy three percent
Hamas has a lot of responsibility for the conflict democrats, fifty percent or more than twice ass, likely republicans. to say. The israeli government mark levant here for With a central information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for a one case, educators sub before a digital dollar comes with a gust of prayer. This metals downside of the digital dollar report created due to popular demand. This report is packed with important digital dollar in Best of all, it shares a strategy. Smart investors have used the hedge against economic. certainly like the digital dollar, act now to learn more with a gust of precious metals good for your financial future received the free down side of the digital dollar report. Today by texting Levine the six eight five, nine too, l e g? I am the six eight five nine to again texel of industry
said five: nine to argo, augusta, precious metals, dotcom text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclose years had a gust of precious metals, dotcom, America's most powerful conservative voice. The mark loving, show dial now eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one, one almost nine years ago, when I As on china, these programme- I had something say, borrow barman, anti, semitism, course medium matters when they hear lighted. It thought they were smearing me. No. We approve Hey the publicity media manage gave us, because it's very much a pro soros organization,
anti semitic, anti black, bigoted antigay, at least that's what the press the media. Matters has been certainly in the past and now he tries to walk back, but he can't walk he is who he is he's a grotesque low, some bottom dweller now, that said, Here I am unhappy most nine years ago march. Eighteen, twenty fifteen cut one go well. There have the president with contempt an outright loathing of the prime minister and his liberal media clapping she'll audience they regurgitating. Basically the president's lines. Here's what I am problem with mark play It Netanyahu had to battle not only liberals in his own country, but the obama machine on the ground there. The president didn't pick the phone today, but he didn't call the president overran when he won he did call
when he won? He didn't call Mohammed more see who referred to the israelis as descendants of apes and pigs. He can him when he took charge in Egypt. He called. President turkey. He called leaders when they want in china and in saudi arabia. Why can't pick up a fuss and call our number one ally in the only democracy in the region. Why be just did he doesn't like democracy, it has Congress he's got a pen and a phone and one congress does ability, says, feeds off doing his benito mussolini. He doesn't know Netanyahu, their netanyahu, just one in a landslide obama's number one in a landslide, the american people, up in november, in total obama how how they are disk, stood with his programmes and its policies, and what did he do? You turn around and spat in our faces? and he does the same and that in twenty ten, when they lose their house of representatives, obama has more ability to work with dictators and genocidal type sunny does with people who are elected democratically. The FAO
The matter is short, and I want to say this- and this is important- color said that this nation is full of cowards, because we want to have a discussion about race life this nation needs to have a discussion about what's going on in this white house and this administration about ty semitism because White house and its reaching out to up to sharpen the on brotherhood care, all these radical, not jobs and groups policies, which are which It's not just Netanyahu there well and throw israel over the side for the islamic regime and in tehran. This present former relationships with the khalidi that professor in colombia now with right. The these these so called reverend from Chicago there president has a lot to answer for noise conduct is contemptible and I don't care how many liberal democrat donors who are job on now. Care how many liberal democrat donor g as who are jewish.
Hide behind them all he wants, but the holder, Mr Obama, let's have a national discussion about the ty semitism that reach from your administration. You think the present It's anti semantic mark purse, We do yes, I has he demonstrated otherwise Israel is surrounded. Israel was under attack with Hamas, who state to pardon, puts out these proposed statements about moral relevancy, Israel's taking missiles. This praise its holding back ammunition, slow walking. It does this a guy who has a rational reason for his belief system. I don't think so. That's my personal opinion. There you go What is right then, and I'm right now, Jake tapir gives a platform a platform, to people like this obama hold overs in the by two antony blinkered among them.
He s questions in a way that are intended. To undermine the state of Israel, even though he's jewish trade paper. But I have explained this issue before have explained this issue before Jake tapir has a long long history being leftist being a Democrat. even writing for salon, which is my view. Is it's not flat out march, has a quasi marxist site. and he has a long history of undermining Israel after Israel's attack by Hamas and other terrorist, a long history. One of these reporters it says what happened is terrible but he's a buck reporter. Not be? U t t but beauty, And here is where they had broken on Sunday show that has literally one I literally, almost literally no viewers cut to go.
Will the EU s continue to back? Israel the way its backing israel right now. If this continues for months and months as opposed to days or weeks, Israel has to make these decisions, of course, everyone wants to see this campaign come to a close as quickly as possible, but any three. Faced with what israel is facing,. This organization that attacked it in the most horrific way possible. over seventy and, as I said, has said, italy that it would do it again and again and again it has to get to the point where it is confident that that can't be repeated, but you Another point is very important when the Major military operation is over. This is not over because we have to have a durable sustainable peace, and we have to make sure that we're on the path to a durable, sustainable peace. From our perspective, I think, from the perspective Of many around the world that has led to a palace
the state. So let's stop do we have adorable sustainable peace with the taliban. Mr producer, isn't that important he sustainable peace, with the taliban. If you listen to these people, ladies and gentlemen, what a terrorist regimes and terrorist organisations. There is no normal sustainable peace with terrorists,. And I know the fiction is out there and immediate push it and therefore groups media I meet a matters, they push to. They want you to believe that all the Lest any answer. Just innocent people who want to live the good life under jeffersonian democracy. but the Jews in Israel permit it, they won't permit it who stopping them.
The vast majority of middle east is controlled by the arabs, and muslims is result pinprick of a country terms of its geography who stopping them, who stopped them in the golan heights. Stop them in certain territories, control by the palestinian authority. Nobody who is stop them hundreds and It's a billions of dollars pouring into the palestinians summit, become billionaires where the refugees, because they want refugees? When you control land, how do you have your own people as refugees only territorially control no other place in the world, except their justice Hamas once civilians. because I see it and gets off on it. That's right. I said it, palestinian authority or better the piano Arafat original organization. They want refugee camps or mark. What are you talking about.
its widely understood that the leadership of the, see all the money turns over portion. If its economy to its most loyal tourists,. Boss, as family members are rich, rich. The other money, that's supposed to go to the people, that's how you have refugee camps, That's how you it's not Israel is creating refugee camps. South America That's great in refugee camps, which are jews who are creating refugee camps. It's the palestinian leadership, that's creating refugee camps. It's the palestinian leadership that puts its own civilian. front and we have this survey from an hour.
Institution, I too believe that media matters were mediator: CNN Msnbc, bologna slime, so that compost, The rest of the media have reported this, certainly not diligently. Certainly not more than once. That gives a completely different story. then the fictional. I story we're getting from these, so called press and when you bring it up to producers who live in says there aren't any innocent civilians. I am given up dealing with radical left wing propaganda, Unless I haven't given up every now and then when they annoy me, but most of the time you have to give it up. because these are sick, demented people. So there is. Two state solution, they don't want a tool
state solution, they wanna caliphate. I have to say it over and over again jake. Are you in any it? Yes. Are you more? Yes are you? I never saw you Ass red Hamas is mentioned statement. In fact, the other day What are these hamas? Nazi leaders said, so we don't want another stay. We want wanted caliphate. Iran has its own country, they wanna caliphate, the mother, the muslim brother. What's a caliphate, that's why they call for intifada its fraud is not about another country. The ignorant Of temper and his ilk the outrageous propaganda time is freedom and his his bosses at the new york times The insidious this Bernie Sanders marxism.
has no limits. Tell you what they want. They show you what they're going to do. It's not a secret, so why are there are just in the american media, why their policies and our state department why their policies in the democratic party Why were there in the nineteen? Thirty and forty same thing same thing: Toy you'll never know the truth about franklin rose about and when he did in the thirties and fortys during the holocaust. Try the media in america whenever remind you of what they did they did, including their there are great, leader of em media out at the new york times. They will never remind you of that I pointed out on my facts show last night universities in this country, supporting the nazis supporting.
Students coming to this country at our universities to promote nazi propaganda professors promoting nazi propaganda. These are facts Books written about it, I know I know these people are distracted by other books that show genitalia what you can do agenda janitor rate a box they're out there. It's unbelievable. Then blankets honeybee sees this week with obama, supporting martha rabbits cut three go If your continuing to say these weapons without any accounting how they are used except talking to them, and so she is a democrat cheese recurring. stating what the radical hamas Supporting anti israel wing of the democratic party is there's no accountability.
Israel using these weapons, there's no accountability Mention that this administration is funding IRAN and there's no accountability for what they do with their money. Not a word merit word in writing the money that's flowing into Hamas and what is happening. That money using it for weapons entitles not a damn word its these really Jews. They need to be controlled. Don't you understand. I had other leverage. Can you use to make sure they take greater care in this campaign is enough. Sickening she's got the iq. of a fifteen want bob. We gotta get taking the lines from the radical left from Bernie sanders cycle
on a cabal, they all say the same thing: they don't want israel to win that's the bottom line, but Israel's winning. Israel's winning and us leadership is freaking out and hezbollah, Picking it up their starting far more missiles in Israel, just warned Hezbollah will kick your ass. Toe rather than the Democrats and excess in congress and elsewhere, and that call so the meteor say: Kate, you control Israel. While there Repression and administration is funding the enemy, go ahead Martha, were focused on to shut up you eddie I'll, be right Ben. mark levant. Here, fucks with
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The Well, here we may be Bernie Sanders anti face. The nation is so it's all over the sunday show all over the submission, same propaganda why would you s Bernie sanders to our national team? Who does he represent comes from On a beautiful state, the size of most counties to saying he's a marxist, and yet faced the nation once his opinion, Margaret Brennan what he thinks about Israel? Already, nobody thinks, but is he Netanyahu keeps talking, the religious parties keeps telling about them. As three medicine. Now, a racist, nay believes and apartheid and other things are lies. So the only reason possible reason face nation CBS, Margaret Brennan bring him on his because they want him to repeat himself.
This is a guy that is embraced every communist regime She was in college now he'll distance itself from people wait a minute. They murdered. Four million people made up for environment of sugar, either honeymoons in moscow. This is a guy who supported castra, defended castra he hates Netanyahu. What does that tell? Why is this man, concerted and legitimate voice here? actually not even a Democrat, he's a democratic socialist, a he's a marxist so How do they bring em on just a few? His is, is raw hate is american hate in the past. What do they do that? You know why cut forego secretary of state antony lincoln said that he sees a gap between Israel stated intent of limiting civilian casualties and reality and the secretary of defence said they could face a strategic defeat. Given civilian.
Casual gathers amazing to me. First of all, blinkin knows thing about military military operations. This is a man who basically was in why in d, the vast majority of his life, except for those since when he was at poison, ivy league schools and by the way I want to thank my brothers and sisters had fox for picking up it's very good poison, ivy colleges, they used to call him. Ivy league schools, because the eye with a groan, their buildings, tuna. Anyway, putting that aside and I'm glad its being repeated by the way it's important. What do you need for me? How fine get there in time, let me try. I want to continue worm, leaving authors, a lot to say, Julie, Kelly's coming on the programme, because there is now an effort to again go after trump now with the supreme court in extraordinary effort by the depart.
Of justice in this bomb prosecutors. So I want to get into that with you as well. this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you thank you again Are listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk now run from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden somewhere under under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader while its right to it. Kelly whose fabulous reporter and a lawyer has been tracking
the destruction of our legal system in and around washington d c, and In a fantastic peace, That's her own website, which we will promote to produce, let's go and linked to it. Julie, Kelly, donald trump having to face is a first impression as a result of the department of justice and jack Kelly. Bringing these phony for counts against him. In washington d c. Every motion that they have filed see their lost or lost any significant way with a little piece of couplet crumbs thrown to him. He was denied any claim privilege, there's gag goes beyond me anything. That's imaginable Little bit a lady's actually allowed to attack the prosecutor.
Eyes being brought before the tuesday super tuesday in a fight month period, six, the members being violated fifth amendment with due process. First amendment on free speech, and I go on and on and on, and you know better than anybody else, something happened today
in the last twenty four hours. Can you tell us what's going on and what just happened share mark thanks for having me on. So this is remarkable because mark what it does is completely contradict what judge, tanya, chuck, kennel or appointed by obama and special counsel, jack smith appointed by merrick garland, have argued for, and he indicted donald trump for january six. This was back in august, and that is that donald trump will be treated like any other criminal defendant. No one is above the rule of law, he's not going to be treated with kid gloves because he was president or he's running for president. What will jack smith did today? Taking this highly, he even called it mark in his motion, an exceptional bap of bypassing the appellate court. Who is going to hear the argument? Trump's appeal of judge shopkins other order that basically removes and says that he is entitled to no presidential immunity that a president is is subject to criminal indictment and prosecution, though trump appeal a bat and rather than let it play out in the normal course. Jack Smith today took the rare step.
I think it only happened a few dozen times in in the past few decades of asking what the brain court to weigh in on trumps appeal by passing the deasey circuit, the appellate court and taking it directly to the supreme court, and they ruled yours. You can do that as you point out. This concerns me a great deal for several reasons: number one. Why would the court do this unless it's gonna rule the wrong way. I am very concerned about John Roberts brand cabin- I buried they ve, been Very weak on very important issues are a very weak on litigation pennsylvania during the course of the election that their race, is constitutional issues about the power of a legislature three, As this is wanted to the go forth, they couldn't get a fourth. That means the other three so called road, begins, wouldn't go for it. Why would they accept the case like this.
I will leave that to hold on if they dont believe it should be resolved before the election, the redhead, I'm sorry. So what the supreme court did within a matter of hours? Is they told Donald trump team that they need to reply to? This is his petition for red, absurd, so they haven't necessarily accepted the review they're just telling donald trump by next week. You need to file a response to jack smith, asking for this cert this writ of cert cert petition that would eventually fast track it, so he didn't necessarily accept it. But your point: if he did take this step, what what is that, knowing. So that's an excellent point you make so we don't know what they're going to do yet. Surprised that they asked for response this quickly. But let's talk about this issue,
immunity of a president. If a president has unity as president from charges. Even bogus charges, but let's just say whatever they are charges. Then he ceases to be president most The statute of limitations on so called crimes for five years, not all most so let's say serves one term, then the hosting party or the opposing administration, that is, they present a who defeats him. The attorney general. He appoints the special council that they report appoint, can go back and look at the things he did as president. I'm talking to the precedent that this will set good decision on whether or not they should bootstrap it into a post pray. Didn't see and then yeah well you're not present anymore. You not immune from it. Will that do
beer. I mean severe damage to the presidency to the presidency, yes into the country, as we continue this descent into banana republics, thou heritage,
this is where were headed, and this has been the trajectory and what jack smith just did today with active and accelerate tinware were headed and unfortunately, but revisit again with the supreme court did. Why would they even consent to this this quickly? Why would they signal at all that they are going to indulge shack smith and judge chuck kin, because they are the ones more as we talk about bay fast track the trial instead of the typical fourteen eighteen, their defendants, who are still waiting to go to trial from January six, some waited over two years between dight meant and trial. Sheep fast track this a seven months window. Knowing all of this litigation would need to be resolved beforehand. They set this up to continue to heighten the destruction of the legal, judicial and political system in the country before the election. Bees are fixed the injuries people and
he once again proved how dangerous jack smith is and the fact that no one has reigned him in have cut his budget by a penny, speak again to the weakness of republican leadership in washington. Surely in the senate they won't agree to anything I mean Mitch on our backs anything pretty much. The tumor wants to do, but this this this is a poor. We really need to put a fine point on this. One is the hurry in getting this case to tee other than be buying power of justice, jack smith obsession and judge champions political by, There is no margin, see there's I'm going to be any issues about any lapsing of statute, The witnesses as they are have already provided enormous amounts of information. The charges against donald trump, the clan act.
to end run acts as you have pointed out which are being challenged by other defendants and, of course, the federal, a contract, Iraq. Absolutely nothing to do with general. Sixth, so he's trying to bootstrap that and judge trunk and jumps The judge and floor did he get her case out before the other case, which, which smith brought first. She calls the judge. In new york and says: hey yours, postcode first. Can you wait torn down? He says, of course, he's a democratic, a hack attorney, client privilege, strip drop. You go down the lying down, and this is what they are willing to consider you're a hundred percent right. They shouldn't even be asking trouble where's for response by next week, because that's a fast track, but fundamentally the idea and this hunt. Can her rhetoric and heard decisions its highly charged gas lighting political She doesn't just rule insists on being a host on MSNBC.
And by the way, truly kelly what jack, smith roque. As I read it. Highly political well over stated what what we're talking about here and to do all of it and for these courts to go along with it, and you hope that the supreme court is the place. That's gonna put an end to this. I fear it's not I they're gonna buckle. I fear that there are so frightened after that, the decision that they want to show that there really going to stand up and they they listen to them like a so the world they live, in these other former judges? They want These legal analysts on tv- I am very very concerned about it. You very and I'll tell you something even more infuriating. What happened this morning and I was waiting, for an order related to sir I've granting stirred in the fifteen twelve feet to case that is before the supreme court.
Remind everybody what that is. This is obstruction in an official proceeding, the post enron law that you just alluded to more than three hundred january six defendants had been charged with this its it represents two out of four accounts and jackson criminal indictment, and so we were waiting today to find out if the supreme court would accept this petition and review this splintered it basically with three different opinions in a three
panel rehearsing, yes barely, and they kicked the can today to after the first of the year they re listed at mark. So they didn't have to make a decision to grant sir or deny it so now, this key to fifteen twenty one of the team, twelve k, fifteen twelve feet you in miss indictment. The supreme court kicked back down the down the road, a crucial issue. The J six dependent had been waiting for some sick prim court resolution on, but yet they return in a matter of a few hours to tell trumps team. You have till next week to respond to this rare petition by jack Psmith thinking. Expedited resolution at the supreme court. I mean what what what if that I'll tell you what it is Julie Kelly. I knew John roberts before he went on the court, not we weren't buddies. We were both
The reagan administration he's political he's highly info by the media, especially the new york times, his wife, his dear friends with the wife of Thomas Friedman,. He is a year. the d c that whole genre of social rights and so forth, and so on he's in the crowd and I think there has been an enormous disappointment, basically he's been taken under the chief swing and some bright carbon are is all show, no substance when it comes to standing up these issues on quite serious about this. I think you have three Justice is who understand what the constitution we intend to do there's no, Aid for this rush, except europe, These two charges, these Enron charge is there not even relevant to what took place the obstruct definition in these sections, don't even meet the obstruction that their that that that's methods,
in four it's much like his recent filings worries laying out facts that he's going to bring in the trial, which are basically factual. Use if you're trying to charge somebody with the answer action or seditious conspiracy, so, as to a drag that through the back door, while he brings these four phony charges, because he doesn't have the elements of insurrection or a seditious conspiracy, so you want to use them in these other choice. Just this is so completely unethical. This is the jack smith. The supreme court should know that supreme what has had to deal with jack Psmith before in and eighty zero decision
Yet some of the members have changed so who the hell knows if there are serious about a rope I I just don't know how they would get away with you. I mean I know how they would get away with it today, but your point jackson s record. He has a lousy prosecution lacquered. He was completely up up ended by the supreme court in about macdonell overturning his conviction about big donald than he had hungary. On his prosecution of John upward, I you know, then he shuttle them off to the hague, where he invaded the former president, serbia. They were trying to reach a long term plea peace agreement and he indict him then comes over here
he used to run the public integrity unit under the o j under obama. He let all the Biden, crime, family. It was happening right under his nose between twenty ten and twenty fifteen. He completely ignores that fill. The guy is a is a known luther. Why would the supreme court today give any validation to what he clearly is trying to do, and that is to stick with this march fourth trial date that he and judge chuck him were in cahoots to set Amazing, I mean an end and track smith with trunk and created the this entire schedule. They created this entire. These entire issues, these issues first impression these constitutional issues that are significant. Particular the court rules improperly. And there is an assumption in his fine. Today, that trumpet in fact committed crimes and therefore tromp should not benefit.
for those crimes by claiming immunity for life, claiming immunity for life, jack smith has pick something in to bring bogus charges based on issue. There were related to his presidency when he was President does it mean your immune for our purposes and all things a major immune from his charges, which are both has to begin with and the other thing is Jim: stay in you and I know any pointed out, o my show the other night, the speedy, I'll act for the defended, not the government. What is the rush here other than you want?
influence the elections, you think of another reason, aluminum trying to influence the election. There is not the well to get him in handcuffs, as you know, two to gratify the blood was that the left has had for nearly a decade to see donald trump behind bars and jack smith and judge chuck can r r in on it. But this is what this is. Another thing the jet Beth and judge chuck can have created this, that the public is an interested party in the trial proceedings and speedy trial. Jack's myths that this repeatedly in his petition today that there is great public interest, moving forward with the strap public interest, where MSNBC viewers need proof, you show your work and he version one that argues split since? When did he speak for the public? What does he know about the public, the public?
An interested party isn't that job here to do justice, Julie, Kelly! Isn't that the point the individual, the fennel in the courtroom? Sorry about the public, it's about politics are tried about public opinion. In fact, doesn't that damn? It's what's going on here, that he's rep at least part of the public. He believes that is the left them democrats and the trumpeters and the binding. I mean has any really shown some ankle here that the trump laurie- could seize on? In my view, I agree, and I am sure that they will do that to the extent that matters so marked I'll, tell you- and you know, after covering these hearings and trials for the past few years. I am never. I never walk out of one of these courtrooms, whether to tromp, judge and obama, judge a reagan, judge believe it or not, and I am fully with stuff lambert fully disgusted
How I see their job is to protect, defend every hold you over I gotta, take a heartbreak. Don't leave will be right. Back was pure chocolate Covered for the holidays, with a free, moto g, five g phone, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks. I get the moto g five g phone free, but here
It's the deal you need to move fast, because these phones are almost gone. So if your current phone is on life, support upgrade for free with pure talk enjoy two day battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more. Just go to pure talk. Dot com, slash, live in l, a v, I n to get this exclusive offer and select the plan. That's right for your family! Remember pure talk gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make the switch today go to pure talk, dot com, slash Levin that slash l, a v, I n to claim your free moto g, five g phone with qualifying plan again pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, pr talk, simply smarter wireless we only have a minute sexually were kelly, will be rejoining us right after the break. I just when a really put a fine point on this.
The question now is that of the united states. Supreme court want to be drawn, into election interference as a result. Of this rogue special council, whose created the entire scenario, that's that the mask is off. The mask is been off as far as I'm concerned, but it's really off now. and he says the public interest, the public interest, the public interest, it's not in the public interest, On the one hand, he says smith but the law immunity not above the law, and then says forget about the large. The public interest I hope There's enough of them who are smart enough to get this, but I fear I really do that. There might be right back. you're joking.
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put them bob thunder on our right now. Page, seven, seven three, eight one: three, eight one: one julie kelly: these courts, this job this department, this special prosecutor. They ve already made unprecedented acts are taken unprecedented acts in radio precedent through them. They're gonna damages republic. There are, however, long it survives and they keep knocking it up again and again, again and now they reach into the constitution separation of powers, the power the presidency Changing criminal law creating case, the first impression using. Creativity in order to
certain charges, and so what you don't do that with a former prisoners running for present, you don't do that to the constitution because this is all democrats all the time they just don't give a damn literally, and I can't think of one no reason for the supreme court to buy the regular poets system by battle with a deasey courts, loaded with obama and binding that's anyway to bypass it too accommodate a prosecutor and the department of justice. sat in and of itself as injustice done to change. processes to accommodate Prosecutor like this, I
I have never seen or heard of anything like this. Nobody has actually, no, I don't think anything like this has ever happened, and I think that's what's so shocking about the Supreme court's quick response, especially in light of kicking down the road. The the crucial fifteen twelve fee, two case that criminalize is political dissent. This is what they're doing. This is the totality of the entire january thick prosecution, whether its donald trump, his associates or a grandma from florida. This is to criminalize political dissent. It is to create an entire category of domestic terrorists
This is why you have judges like ten kelly and ahmed meda, who have now created new federal crimes of terrorism, including shaking up temporary fence or obstruction of an official proceeding, did now put their jeered judicial imprimatur on a list of domestic terror crimes that we never would have conceived. What happened you know, after the first war on terror, now being aimed at americans from the former president and kippers emptive presidential nominee to children as young as young adults, eighteen nineteen years old, who have had their lives destroyed over this or sixty, but they just arrested the sixty five year old woman from texas last week mark and her for january. Sixth, this is a campaign of terror unleashed by the c o j with jack.
now at the home. You know I wrote a book called men in black was my first book on this cream chord in its tyrannical decisions. And I would just say to the current supreme court justices if any of them are listening, you are our flirting with a legacy of certain pass courts. that have done enormous damage to this country, whether it's the dred scott decision. The policy versus ferguson decision, the core macho decision and other decisions. They involved race. Of course,. but they involve more than that. They involved. Unconstitutional acts in this Import was on the wrong side of every one of those decisions, and I'm just saying now this court to refuse to take up this crucial
port and constitutional case. They came out of pennsylvania which three that just just wanted to, but they couldn't get a fourth, and this was Morton case. It wasn't about ballots was by voting machines or is about who gets make the law under the constitution. They wouldn't take. It because I didn't want involve themselves in politics. And so now, you're, right, even by saying, to the travelers. We needed immediate response next week. That means at least some of the justices may well want to hear this case. not for them, and I would tip the balance they would be playing into these efforts Administration trying to take on what might be a prior administration of interfering in election. The only reason to move this ban is to come,
the prosecutor, who does not believe and due process who does not believe when the free speech and a judge, the most radical- gender federal judiciary who make it's outrageous statements from the bench and then users to refuse or such like she's, god's gift and roles time and time again on motions for the government. the prior judge, the motions judge stripping donald trump of attorney client privilege. Is the supreme court really. going to drag itself at the behest. as a prosecutor to move fast to accommodate him Do they understand that the american people Julie kelly just stay radical left, cooks that millions and millions of americans who may not paid and you do. The court will turn on them because they
Recognize how political and expedient this is, do they not recognise sad julie, Kelly, I have to assume that probably a majority of them do not or they dont care, because their insulated in this bubble of washington d c, where their online all of them. I really, during his hearing. I really do If they go down this road. allow this prosecutor to push them down. This road are actually fallen down. The road allow this radical, to do the same, but that they break precedent and take up this case. and if they rule and favour the prosecution this country, this Tree will never be the same. The court will never be the same. You don't have no respect from tens of millions of americans its
justice is in the courts that stand up the tyranny that stand up to the government. that are remembered better. Murmured, it's not the new york times for the world In post or somebody else, going to determine the legacy of this court delay see, there's gotta be just think about a julie kelly through years from now cases written about out of the supreme court where they but the prosecutor says I'm gonna jump the appellate court. Court says if they do ok, we'll take it. The court, we'll take it and then up all this decision by judge trunk, which is Just because you are president doesn't mean these protections follow you, they will open the door. To future presidents being charged with crimes once they leave office that he
tread ministration of the opposite party will sit there. The weight to their president leaves office and then they'll charge him. And they're gonna fall in that sword. Julie Kelly, particularly when you consider the for charges in this case having nothing to do jack killed. argues, insurrection, Jack Kelly, argues. It argues about the these these cases, these matters these charges, you won't bring seditious conspiracy. It argues seditious conspiracy without using the phrase he argues insurrection without using the phrase he queues donald trump of creating a violence he had in creating, he had to know that his actions and statements were great via made after our taking traffic phone and we're hearing
this other stuff and but he's not charge with anything creating violence in the supreme court. As you point out, would a directive. It seem premature to this. I fear I worry that is caught up in the politics of the moment, which is which is the politics. Which, by the left through the media. I worry about it any final thoughts now It's one of those days mark it- and this is one of those days where a cover- and I woke up with them- hope that they were going to accept the fifteen twelve cert. And then you end up with this and it's hard to not believe that this is calculated and orchestrated. It's hard to believe that the supreme court did not kick the fifteen twelve issue down the road, but that knew that this was coming and recently pick this up in your political maneuver on both matters,
man, my nose matter that put the pit in my stomach, because the only hope these january six defendants have ever had is that when some of these appeals finally got to the supreme court, they would at least be given a fair hearing that they were denied and washington d c, and this hurts me because I know how much it hurts these defendants who are waiting for some relief, and today, just was a very reed disheartening indicator and the card. Should we have more important things to do and pushed off a try oh and by the way, one of those more important things have to do is take up jack, smith's ridiculous motion, the job over circuit court, which we almost never do. rule in favour of what he's claiming, which is a The former president has no immunity from his actions as president.
He doesn't have any rights committed these crimes as president any expects to get away with it. He didn't commit any. Privacy is not convicted of committing any crimes and these forward text Charges you know when those charges were first brought truly kelly. Almost every objective, legitimate lawyer, A constitutional said: this is ridiculous: their dusting The clan actor dusting off the two enron obstruction of sections, their dusting off a federal. Contractor law, what the hell is that and then he paused into this and has made it clear to the whole world and he's gonna convinced this jury of Democrats. it's, gonna get him all worked up politically anymore, shit and emotional about what happened on January. Sixth, even though is charged about what happened on January six. This is but a sick as it gets Julie Kelly, keep ad
If people want to read you and where do they go? I work on this from the beginning and my subject: the classified with julie, Kelly, I've got a lot of coverage there and then, of course, I post a lot of breaking news on twitter, flash actually or score Kelly two. I, let's make sure we have on our social sites, the first site where people go to keep up with Julie Kelly, MR producer, god bless him. Frank keep up the great work tomorrow, thanks so much thanks, wretch and your rights very depressing day. Supreme court has failed us yet again Ladies and gentlemen,. When here something outrageous. I first got this from right scoop before we take our break breaking ready for this, Joe Biden refuses to allow american families of hamas hostages to attend hanukkah,
even at the white house, Families ass to a ten gave hoffman rights families have several hostages ass to attend tonight's menorah lighting at the white ass. They were refused invitations, the vitamin creation, doesn't want upset it's base of Hamas supporters. Folks, and just reported this a few minutes ago their story. Several family members of your citizens believed have been taken hostage by I had asked to attend A reception at the white house Monday night, but never receive invitations to father a nineteen year old missing is really american. Told scene, It's an american israeli cnn. I know what you're trying to emphasise ruby, Chen, whose son pity is a reserve is missing since the militant groups october. Seven attacks on Israel said anne where families of american hostages were in washington. This weaken it reached out. To the white house asking to attend the reception, but we're not Invited a white house
spokes idiot city. It declined a comment like this. The skype What are their names or whether they just so pathetic there section hosted by Biden. Firstly, jill celebrates the fitness I wanna get our features some eight hundred guests, go to the white house, including holocaust survivor, lawmakers various jewish leaders, monsieur they're, all leftists. There are still seven american men and women unaccounted for since the israeli hamas war began corner there. I'd house for american some four year old girl, three women have been released, his brain or right school rights. If this doesn't just big virus buying, won't allow them to come because he knows it'll further alienate his hamas loving constituents make it harder for him to get reelected. He is a contemptible person in the people in the media who defend them, react
lee contemptible. They wonder how many jewish reporters had been invited to that event taken the place of the families of hostages. It's a wonder in a lonely, be Jews, the hard left to nobody who opposes the white house this. I can assure you so. The families of hostages taken by Hamas, we're not in Indeed, even though they requested the hanukkah party tonight I'll be right back George arcade Covered for the holidays, with a free, moto g, five g phone, no gimmicks, no trading necessary just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks, I get the moto g, five g phone free, but here
It's the deal you need to move fast, because these phones are almost gone. So if your current phone is on life, support upgrade for free with pure talk enjoy two day battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more. Just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, L, a v, I n to get this exclusive offer and select the plan. That's right for your family! Remember pure talk gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make the switch today good, a pure talk, dot com, slash Levin that slash Eli v, I n to claim your free moto g, five g phone with qualifying plan again pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, pure talk, simply smarter wireless Look at their protesters, desecrated, manure, with a palestinian flag, going on all over the country everywhere.
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You can see and hear the choir in view many other free resources to help. We celebrate the season. That's levant from helstone dot com, He's here now, broadcasting on roaming underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark levine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one Seven, seven three, eight one three one one. Well, let's see here the day, the empress clothes fell off the weekly dish, Andrew Sullivan.
I'm not necessarily big fan of andrew solomon. Remember when he's good is really good. Think over the decades, who's actually become better hates my guts, but really care. Have the country loves me, the country agents in nature, the beast weekly dishes side. He writes the day. The empress clothes fella. maybe too much to expect now the guy, was a hard core. Liberal democrat he's, not much anymore, more liberal, slash, libertarian not really hard core democrat per se. Maybe too much to expect that the congressional hearings this week, storing the three presidents of harvard mit and pen cause was sweet, but I'm reading it from last week will people up to the toxic, lapse of america's once great ivy league, but I hope. Can I
in mortal words of hitch because means her doesn't matter peace be upon him As you listen to these people, you see how far the termites have spread and how long and well they have dined. He goes on. The medio guides what I call media, mediocre, ike That's what it is smart financed, condescended and stonewalled. Take a good look at em. These are the people who now select our leads and they said let them as they select every single member of the facts. In every student, by actively Sk remedy against members of certain so called print. Groups gradually favouring other so called marginalized ones. they were themselves appointed in exactly the same way. De I approve pools of candidates. Is our
redeem. Claudine gaze top priority was quote, making more progress on diversity. Unquote, that is, tend to find the already systemic race, sex gender discrimination that defines the place. thanks to the recent supreme court case, the energetic discrimination against and asian american candidates for admission at arbored It is no longer any doubt that cattle other candidates for admission have little chance, regardless of their grades, are extracurricular activities. because they belong to the wrong race. The wrong sex set orientation and gender identity quote unquote mine, andrew solomon, as a gay, but it really doesn't matter. Does it discrimination is discrimination. So the students are admitted under this identity framework. They are taught its core precepts that the truth or not
words now ironic motto: there: it ass his function, not of logical reason, are of open, free, robust and dialogue, let alone of western civilization, but other inimical, an evil power structures. Route In identity that need to be dismantled, first, identity, first truth: second, because truth is rooted in identity and cannot exist outside of it in their minds. The hearings president gay of harvard actually said with a straight face. They core we embrace and commitment to free expression, expression, even a views. There objectionable offensive in hateful, unquote. This is the president, whose university mandates all students attend a title: nine training session, where there are told that fat phobia. Insists heterosexual, ism, whatever that is, are forms of violence
that using the wrong pronouns constitutes abuse. This is the same president when the astor of a law, professor Ronald Sullivan, simply because He represented a client of gay and students right but irrelevantly disapproved harvey wine steam. This is the same president, who watched a brilliant and popular professor carol hoover. Be effectively handed out of her position after a public, shaming campaign by whatever department de I enforcers anymore of teaching fellows. Because hoover and dated excuse me, because over to stay on television the biological sexes, binary. Is the present ever university, where a grand total of one point five. six percent, a faculty call themselves conservative. Eighty two send call themselves. Liberal, are very liberal. This
the president of university, which rank two hundred and forty eight out of two hundred and forty eight colleges this year on free speech, firstly, of pennsylvania was the two hundred forty seventh, according to the fao nation for individual rights and expression hard, There's a place where free expression goes to die right, Sullivan, the critics who keep pointing out double standards when it comes to the inflammatory speech a pro palestinian students miss the point. There are no double standards, there is a single standard it is, and a malign abuse and denigrate oppressors and forbidden to so against the oppressed. Isn't it amazing how that has picked steam since erode american marxism, Mr Blair's everywhere and correctly so.
freedom of speech in ivy league extends exclusively to the voices of the so called a press. They are also permitted to disrupt classes, platform are shot down. Controversial speakers hurl obscenities force me Of a pressure group said is true: students and teachers in the latest case and a lot I brazen office is drawing protests and blocked from classrooms jewish do have even been assaulted at harvard at columbia. University Massachusetts, amorous at two lane. Assaults by works students used to be rare, such as In twenty seventeen, a mob Middlebury that put allison stagger in a neck brace, but ten seven october, seventh, their intensified. The member of an oppressor class says something edgy. It is a form violence of a member of an oppressed class commit sexual violence. Its speech.
That's why many harvard students instantly supply. they fundamentalist terror, called they killed, tortured system likely raped in kidnapped jews. Just being Jews in their own country because they ve been taught the only moral position to take they ve actually read their fan, and it must a puzzled over what the problem is palestinians are victims of a colonial white satin state in any violence they commit his thereby justified be wrong to see this as a function merely of old school anti semitism. The new anti semitism is simple, subsidiary of the entire rubric of anti whiteness. That is too as the supreme principle of diversity, equity and inclusion. This is an important point I do not mean and has never meant, diversity, equity and inclusion fraud. It means active word for these so called a pressed against the so called Pressures, it means challenging whiteness. Has
scented by individual white people. Again this is Andrew Sullivan So to the smithsonian to read a definition of the term quote it's why people in america hold most of the political, institutional and economic power. The smithsonian. They receive advantages that non white groups? Do not these benefits and advantages of varying degrees are known ass? privilege for many white people This can be hard to hear, understand accept, but it's true says the smithsonian god they ve been destroyed. The smithsonian. Now replace the word white with jewish. Off its neatly into place. Doesn't Jews hold most of the power Jews receive advantages, others do not jews. A jewish privilege, with I'd supremacy there is, financially jewish. Supremacy
jews in america and even Israel are defined by their whiteness, but this something I've been talking about at once. They may not want to hear it, but they the oppressor class now before supremacy is changed to join supremacy, you even get the title of David dukes, two thousand book. Jewish supremacy is the troops, the structure, the psyche of anti semitism have simply been copied and pasted onto anti whiteness. there's. This same envy and resentment of an all controlling racial group. That deemed not inferior as an anti black racism, but superior Underhanded shifty rigged means. That's why the word merit is derided in the ivy league. It doesn't exist in neo.
exercise only power exists took guts for him to write this term reading. It. These are things we talk about all the time, their important to know and are true and their killing us. His white Jews help construct a constitution long ago, the pretends to guarantee equal rights. Once you awaken quota quota, the races conspiracy that will always define america, you can It was actually designed to oppress non. Why goin forever? This is The new york times believes, as we covered in twenty nineteen in an entire issue, their magazine, which they did distributed a high school kid. You know the sixteen nineteen project, so could learn which groups to hate in america and which groups to love. This is why one non whites commit hate crimes, their instantly,
we define as and that is is enacting white supremacy is. Why does not triggering too conservatives student, white supremacist are aware Gay man of my generation, a queer We deserve it as oppressors, but it is form of violence? If you miss generate trans, persian, arrests, where someone is from. even silences violence is the be all and pro testers insisted in. Back some day. Silence is the worst form of violence. The chairman MAO have put it better. It is why you can set up a segregated dorm at mit call, a chocolate city and praise the president sally corn, loose as being about Positive selection, its way due process exists and sexual abuse cases for women campuses, but is denied all men. It is why these universities have racially segregated graduations for everyone except whites, and because this grow
Ask races. Engineering requires admitting vast numbers of students who can meet the academic standards of the evil past eighty percent of harvard Annie students now get an errand, a minus as a great. This is not equity. However, their re and redefine it. It is take hard bigotry of no expectations. The absolute worst thing you can do right now is what the press And so these woke institutions now say they intend to do so. jews out of the oppressed, class and into the oppressed one and reapply The d I discrimination on their behalf, feathers and solve the problem of compounds. It probe. Steady and tyres will speech, should no more be censored than any other and the supreme It is real. Should be one standard. He says that it should be free speech, but there can be no free speech. No t of it until the toxins,
critical theory and the architect of its enforcement de ire excised from the university altogether asking leadership to correct these lost institution is an excess as in few tilney. an I in its entirety. Fire all the administrators, whose only job is to enforce its toxic orthodoxy students on academic merit alone said if standardized testing, which in fact minorities and it's the best wait. A distinguished smart, poor, kids from stupid ridge, kids as steven pinker, said this week, recent A grating so that actually mean something again: expel students who or shut down speech or deep platform speakers pay. No attention to the razor sexual orientation or gender identity of your students and see them as free human beings with but mines treat them equally as individuals
going to learn. If you can remember. Such a concept, and so it is the great peace And we want to salute their. Andrew Sullivan, for writing it for having the courage to do it, Welcome more more leftists and liberals. To the side of the enlightenment, of the reformation of liberty. no john locke and mount the skill of Adam Smith. I want to welcome here Because we may disagree. But we don't intend to destroy you win. Adequately, do not stand with Hamas win ethically, do not make excuses for hamas
emphatically want Israel to destroy Hamas? do whatever it must do to destroy that terror regime. We don't need a lecture israel about humanity and civility. This is at the heart of judaism and the heart of the republic. Not at the heart of the democratic party, marxists, which have agreed influence over it. back, then, listening to this might help your mental health, but sometimes You need someone listening to you that I m d. Live, has licence therapists, ready to talk when you are get how
weekends after hours, whenever you're, free and get back to feeling like you again its mental health care made easier and realize now that's better, the israelis are trying to find and hunt down the Hamas leadership. They want to kill, the circles getting tighter and tighter. So squealing from the dead credits in the media and the sector state he's getting louder and louder. Then you ll notice surgeon entire pattern. That's out there from the new york times to cnn, to MSNBC to the should impose reprobates. Israel, haters.
Hamas supporters in many respects, propagandist for sure an entire pattern. That tries to destroy Benjamin Netanyahu. Does you heard from my clip or in the programme and twenty fifteen when I was on Hannity the retreat destroy Netanyahu back them and they hate these religious groups that have their own parties in her part of. the coalition government, that look ned yellow put together. They were freely elected tat they were elected in a really size of almost landslide from day. One there's been a campaign led by the new york times as time is friedman, gotta look in his background. Hell he married into wealth. There was a memory cupboards Hell he was a socialist. How part supporter of these. These content,
well anti israel groups like J street and others thomas treatment as a real sleeve who comes through this country? Travels Europe a widely detail, that figure in Israel go left us who was going to give away almost all of judea and summarily significant powers of jerusalem and pay reparations, The pillow under arafat and of arafat said no. Israel wouldn't be. It would exist today. leading a campaign raising dark money overseas to try and take on Netanyahu times make a brzezinski without the dummy next, her she's dumber. Without the dummy Netanyahu for october seven, this report, they came out in the new york times and asked what Netanyahu know or we don't will know what Netanyahu newly report came out under the price left wing government that they have
Robert all over, not under the neck and yahoo government, or now it's not yahoo, supported qatar funding, how my it's just drip, drip drip, drip, drip, not at all stan Israel will be great, but for their election sooner, but for democracy the court over there. The tyrannical court For all that, power should be Levin tougher as hell, that's why I like mark Levin and I'm not sure a lot of people like him, he's tough as hell, but I, like I love of color, no, eight, seven, seven, thirty, eight one, three, eight one one. I hope you're able to watch life, liberty and Levin on saturday and sunday or who are you or at least able to record them. So you can watch them later tons of important information. It was get. Wonderful responses from these programmes and more People are learning. They were also on saturdays now, very important that
game sunday, the Dallas cowboys and was the greatest game in history for an eagle, I'm from filling I'm an eagle hand, was the biggest damned disaster glad I didn't watch until after my show, an is the lesson is Stupid is that's the moral of the story, never miss. My show you don't have to. Even if you know, watch alive. So you can go ahead and even set your recording device. Now, you're, smart tv or you dvr whatever eight p m eastern time, whatever time community. saturday and sunday. You can recall You can easily said it, rest time. I encourage you to do that. I also want to remind you. This is very, very important. I thrilled, your listening on our affiliates. Many of you, I'm thrilled listing on our satellite, but our son
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search. Mark levine show you two sets up a market even shown you too. We have at least They dozen different way is to listen to and find this programme would encourage you to at least have some back, That's just in case And again here we are the first night of hanukkah. Christmas is right around the corner distributors, but you know that don't you Roy, around the corner like right around the corner. I would encourage you to get a fantastic hanukkah nor a christmas gift. And that is these Books are running out. First edition lie, it'd edition Signed original copies of the democratic hates america not doing any more signing. I to find him anywhere else.
There's somebody sewing about some usury price on ebay or something don't go there or to do is: go to Levin, signed dot com made it as easy as possible. L, a v I n S, I g n e d signed I come. Levin signed outcome, add them, while they last. We always go into this holiday season. We run out of them. what were near the end of them If you act now react tonight,. After the show, you'll be able to secure your copier copies just in time when encourage you to do that, seriously: I thank all of you who have and all of you who are bourgeois the last minute ain't gonna happen- certainly won't shop in time. here: jamie rask, anonymous, lsd, yesterday
This is a self haider. This is in his raw hater. This is it stated. This is marxists, who daddy was a marxist who love the soviet union so he's a stand out in the desert, At parties on in the media all the time and he will not come on their show, he I'm not bernie sanders wilma come on the show fake tapir. What do you think of that. he later emailed all right here. Sunday MSNBC, jamie rask and pattern go with laugh republican gun laws across the country we ve gotta take very seriously anybody who is making kind of violent threats, especially genocidal threads, let sewn on their see the marxist wanna. Take your guns away immediately. We know why we know why the all powerful state-
This is the constitutional experts the Democrats rely on who hates the constitution, who said section. Three of the fourteenth amendment back Donald trump from Running for president is an idiot who objected donald trump on the floor of the house. Even though we had the electors are now accusing them of obstruction. and I go on and on about this reprobate go ahead. Having said that, weird is at least a funny get off lecturing anybody about anti semitism when she's the huge supporter of donald trump, who traffic in anti semitism all the time she hold on hold on shoot me here. which has supported mr produce. The hugest support. I've donald trump. So where does she get off lecturing anybody about anti semitism? They may
Are you something you too little punk? Let me tell you something to eat a little puke donald trump, supported the Jews more than you ever have any jewish gout support, supported Israel than you ever have and you're jewish. Where do you come off punk? Where do you I've marxist you have. Quoted regimes that are a wash and anti semitism Parties are wash and anti semitism you work. for a cease fire, so Israel would lose and about what, when you have called for- two state solution, so Israel could never defend itself. you're a fraud and a phoney in iraq think we're stereo tony brings up conway where's the nick fuentes days. Ok,. What are we bring up Joe Biden past. As a razor segregationist made. For god's sake,
she's. The present united states. Franklin rose about your damn hero? anti semite. What your brain You love him, don't you forgot to mention, rask in trouble The word vermin worse than hitler corny to MSNBC. You gotta, remember that one. You have to remember that. Notice ruskin does it should maui. Pointed by breakin and Biden. The american envoy negotiating a nuclear deal that they wanted to breathe more life into whether ran despite the fact he's a marxist. Despite the fact He's a special player for iran, despite the fact era try diplomas roar of the face. They are what about that one riskin rask it does
speak out against omar disease, speak out against tat leap. Disease I can't stay o c or the other forty fifty eight play. Semites in the democratic party does speak Against a zero bernie sanders now, of course, not, ladies and gentlemen,. so you see who gets attention on the sunday shows. There is sk in the marxist theirs. anders the marxist wow, such diversity of opinion. Then listen to this grifter. Listen to this mentally mangled buffoon. My steal one msnbc. Did. He transition quickly, MR producer. Petty the aral sea did asked another democratic But listen. Nobody asked to notice how Attacking at least a fanatic
because she was so damn affective and spoke exposing the anti semitism at that point. Ivy league schools. and so now she's the enemy january, asking targets her. Now a dragon donald trump, I think donald trump has more Jewish grandchildren than ruskin does. But anyway I don't know of a family stuff. Here's Michael steel. On MSNBC today, eleven go
I finally played politics in her questioning rather successfully what she sat up is setup rather a legitimate question, and you know tell me on your campus, given what has happened on the campuses that that brought you to this table in front of me as a congress person and does anti semitism anti semitism have a place on your campus and you know calling for the genocide of jews. Is that something that you accept and she's right? The obvious answer is: no, we don't accept it. It has no place The problem is, it is one of those questions that ultimately exposes a trap. and that is something that these universities tossing about. You, mental midget. Rambling. Like this, you sound like these presidency. These universities, the least defined did nothing wrong. In fact, she did everything right, she's, more
that's than you ve, ever had in your entire life saver that idiot rascal. This is she'll get. Ladies and gentlemen, if you give them that's power, you get buffoonery rhinos, Stream ist marxists so the products, the enemy. Now America not ty semites, not those who promoted or cover it up and allow it now, you ask MR constitutional is Michael still, MR api trump I'll. Tell you what You guys are the worst. You guys become tyrants. Will you tell How a tearing mindsets. you'll say, whatever you can to advance your agenda. And we invited on these networks to speak rask in as a true believer. Michaelson,
it was performing. These performing both are dangerous. I'll be right back then your talk, the you covered for the holidays, with a free, moto g, five g phone, no gimmicks, no trading necessary just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g five g phone free, but here
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It does look, look like the twenty twenty four election will Down to present abiden versing versus former president trump and I'm wondering what you think the world would look like under president tromp being elected, which is certainly a possibility not only when it comes to the climate, but all when it comes to democracy crazy you see and all but ass. We need ass. Al gore because he's very objective and independent. This is why you get no ratings tapir. This is why so many people in the country to test you you're, not fooling anybody, you not falling. bernie, I mean if you want to retain their position as a democrat spokes idiot than be it grant spoke seated, officially, don't use europe. platform, foreign britannia news manner reporter nobody believes it.
I don't sit behind this microphone and pretend to be a journalist on me. Why would I do mean myself? In the first place, you guys of despair, your profession, because you're trying to destroy the country We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, m fighters all over the world, and I include ukraine. Brothers and sisters in israel- and I oh you folks, god bless each and every one of you and I'll, see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-13.