« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/11/19


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Rich Zeoli from WPHT fills in. Mark Levin was right in 2017 when he said that the Obama Administration spied on the Trump campaign. Then, Republicans in the Senate Judiciary Committee should drag out any potential impeachment trial and call Joe and Hunter Biden to the stand, as well as every single Burisma board member. However Democrats don’t want that, they'd prefer to change things by altering court documents and saying it was a mistake. The question is whether this bad behavior will affect all citizens or is it just for the President of the United States. Imagine a world where you can use fake information to get warrants to spy on your political opponents? Sen. Lindsey Graham was clear in his statements today as he excoriated Inspector General Michael Horowitz who appeared in front of the senate judiciary committee. Graham expertly drove home the point that there was no collusion between the campaign and Russia. .John Brennan told Congress that he never spoke with President Obama yet we now know that he did, in fact, he sent this information to Obama. What the Democrats fail to recognize is that voters from 31 vulnerable Democrat Districts that President Trump won will very likely vote for him again. Later, Trump signed an executive order to combat anti-Semitism. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is the best and most entertaining candidate to face off against Trump in 2020.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented of the as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, there is a truly independent institution. Where learning is price, an intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening. My sincere appreciation to hills. Their brother sponsorship now run casting a mermaid underground command, both bows or they even bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leaders. Are, I fell within its rich is the only and for the great wine, and today it was proven. Marvin proven right that, yes, they did spy in the trunk campaign that we know Republicans in charge of ass judiciary, censure sure committee at least
Graham, was on fire. They all were- and it's so great to see the Republicans in charge again. Finally, now and yes, we know definitively question. Yes, the trunk here with spied on exactly what they made fun of mark within four months and months and years ago, and without question between the inspector generals report and the hearing today, It has been proven it's on the record and you can hear it audio tonight on the mark. Levin show eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven is our number eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven We see this is why I believe the Republicans in the Senate should have a long drawn out an impatient trial and the Senate? I do I do. I know some people disagree commands the only listen. We gotta get. This done, wrap it up, put a beau on get. It gets move on now, I say bring in Hunter Biden. I want two weeks with underbody: have them
cross examined him? Bring in the border Maurice MA this guy do on the board anyway, and then bring and Joe Biden have Joe Biden explain how it got his kid the job? If anything, any influence member everybody's under oath and, if any one wise they charged with lime line to Congress, exactly what they have done to so many people in the trunk A pan charge, Emmeline Congress send guys with fifty gun. Drawn to their houses that five thirty eight in the morning to arrest on charges of line Congress, do it and I wonder this true: if we have a long drawn out, set a trial and we finally get Joe Biden on the record about why that secure was fired, met memory. The bragging bye, bye, Joe Biden, you ve, heard the clip March, played a bunch times bragging came prosecutor fired. I said you know six hours on the hotel and I'm leaving the money unless the guy's fired I know more about that. Don't you now that the
I'll is gonna happen in the Senate. Their problems have an amazing opportunity here to just get everything on the record, get it all out there on the record, all of its each and every ounce of it, because the president's did nothing wrong and the press and has a great argument to make about Ukraine, corruption, I great so Let's have it out. Let's finally show the world what he was talking but when he said we gotta get to them some of the Ukraine corruption. As you know, there was a lot of it back. Then. You as well as I do. There was a lot of it and what learn today from the inspector general going going back to this forty p I see a christian he'll dossier. What we know is that they knew was fake back in January. Twenty seventeen They still relied on. A bell lie: defies a court judges they actually Gmail, say: federal offense, they fabricated, an email and use that is part of a doctor, to get a warrant from Pfizer Court, I'm in What happened here want one senator put Bessy said I feel, like I dropped acid. I can't even believe
That's it! I'm reading in hearing Emmett, inspect general report the horror which report. I can't even believe it remember our, It is not there to criminally prosecutor anybody, but he say today. The entire report is a referral for criminal prosecution and I was big, when the inspector general said today the entire report, is essentially now a referral for criminal prosecution. You know that battle reports going to John dorm bull dorm. Is as in call them last night at the rally bolder Jonah, John? special prosecutor and I'd, say security for Connecticut appointed by bar to look into the origins of the Russia Investigation and he's got it. Man he's going look into the stuff. What a lot of questions an alteration of an email, purposely impacting a court document. Just don't just imagine the sort of Kafka, ask nonsense that went on your imagine what the government can do to you on the internet.
Generals, giving warning. We cannot let this happen again, and we also have to wonder: is this happening to average ordinary Americans? Or is it just presidential, I would say: don't like Imagine a world where the party in power gets to always stay in power because they get to use the federal law enforcement and the National Security apparatus. To ensure their guy or gal gets the election. Imagine that we never. We would not be a republic right. There would never be another free election is country again because I could run. I would never would crazy way. Crazy, but I could run and then I could be. I could be winning and they decided to like me, I'm not in the club. In charge. So all tools that we gave them over the years to keep us safe from terrorist and bogeyman and bad guys they are now using politically spying on us getting warrants abusing the fire, a court and therein on the presidential campaign and they get to make stuff we, they knew the dossier was funded by the Dnc betting care. They
The dossier was fake, didn't care, they knew all these things better care because they wanted to stop Donald Trump, that the federal drove Investigation Department of Justice. I think the CIA was probably involving as if we were to find all this out as it goes armor of these major general. Can we deal with the FBI, but that liar John? run in the former head of the CIA working to find out what his role in all this was. We do know from inspector generals report that he did put the dossier. In President Obama's National intelligence briefing we know that and we know that John Brennan lied to Congress when he said he never discuss. Two Brok Obama. So he's a liar right there and it should be charged rely to Congress? Is such a liar, and so many different things that John Bruton he's always run around like about present travels to be impeached, and that this is this is the that our countries coming apart. Now Lindsey, Graham as chairman today, did a great job and I'm so happy to see the Republicans in charge, because it's a much different feeling from Adam
if you know it's much different from the atom shift, show. First of all, nobody did any bad mobster impressions, nobody came out and did a little a little old time mobs. Your team, I got him shifted member, make not the whole thing about the phone call you see, what's let's do this right, which she now use of your bed, name's Cagney movie. Nobody did better today. Nobody, it up anything. There was no bad acting they stuck to facts. There was a very refreshing thing to see. Actual senators sticking to facts, because the facts for so many and there were doping. As usual, standing out stand out dope like well Blumenthal. I'm in that guy's a gift it keeps on giving in terms of darkness, We try to pushing inspector general to say that the fine words they produce actual use one intelligence which here this audio clip and these gentlemen not know No, I can't I can't say that senator sorry, I can't
Maisie arena was a giant dealt, but there are some some shining moments that a center tat crews, Michael D course mightily, whose one of the greatest I think, when the great constitutional minds, besides market and, of course, but in the ice age Senate, and yet there are no peace. The president, this all this has been a peach. The president. Now, let's understand the politics of that for a moment, shall we, because this is gonna, be there death? Now I mean there are thirty. One Democrats who are for real action in districts, Donald Trump, one in twenty sixteen laser districts that he one and one sixteen of them they one in twenty eighteen but Sake Pennsylvania example. We're on broadcasting from I do morning, DR under View Phd twelve ten site presented a rally in her she Pennsylvania home now she park and her. She struck a beauty, ways to go especially this time ear Christmas time present was stage last night and at scale is can't pay magistrate out some very interesting statistics. Twenty percent of the people there register Democrats now these were not the case
protesters who had to get a sorted out. These are people who came to support the president. These are union people manufacturing people. These are the people who have been abandoned by the Democratic Party. They haven't changed their party registration, but their trump supporters. There's still registered as Democrats, but they voted for trouble. Sixteen a negative from again twenty twenty. Forty percent of the crowd last night at this massive rally in Harrisburg Bearing Ershade Park, this massive crowd, twenty percent of them have it voted since twenty. Sixteen that's very telling Is that's emblematic of the rest of it? Let me do it all out a trump supporters. Kay for him and twenty sixteen state. Only twenty. Eighty in the mid terms, say dormant all these local dog catcher elections throughout the country like Pennsylvania, heard, the national media go in more signs of how this state is getting blue dot, County is Democrat for the first time since the civil war, no look, the trumpets borders did not come out to those, local elections for dog catcher in municipal
ouch librarian made is better things to do like work and family, but they will. The outer November twenty twenty. I promise you that they will be added. We're twenty twenty and guess what those thirty one Democrats one though seats, because that twenty four and stayed home. While I too, Resents come out and those thirty one Democrats never to have a big big problem Prs guess who else is running in twenty twenty? That's right, Donald Trump, and now these Democrats, after one and the same ballot, is eat us. They ve gotta, be tested for their first term in Congress and what have they done? You go back, our constituents and say what have I achieved. Nancy Pelosi announcing our support for the: U S: Embassy, EVA United States, monsieur kind of trade agreements. She did this, I believe to get them. Some cover give us thirty one crash covers they go back your dish and say hello. Local authorities are just impeachment. We also. We also did this trade agreement. It's just that I have is it? Is there a quid pro quo for Nancy Pelosi to these thirty one Democrats and I'll, give you
association, but you gotta go for impeachment pollution, love is to go away, but she can't she's all and now the kooks are running. They leave a party they completely completely taken over and she is not in control she's in control in name only but she's, not really in control, but those thirty one. Crash nervous. Some of them are actually saying can't we just censure the guy just issues, ensure and move on, and these democratic, these thirty one. They want this wrapped up before Christmas present or a tree began before with an I'll ask you. This question: if in Peter was so popular for Democrats, illegal wrap it up before Christmas, now, of course, not right. They dragged out into the new year. They drank the January, when everybody's back from your vacation drag the January and February. They would not like over this just a minute. They have the vote it's over for them over and they know the presence could be vindicated and Senate. So why would the Democrats
acquiesce so quickly and give it up if they know it's politically popular, now they would hold on forever you'd have none stop hearings on these articles haven't Peter, but instead the rushing it. Why? Because they know how politically impossible it is, and they know it puts these thirty. One Democrats in me major major peril. Political peril of the worst kind is how to get around with the present about twenty percent that stayed home, is coming out. Man. The Senate trial begins in January after the ball games are over and I want a long drawn out sent a trial senators up their cross examining the violence I want this to last and last and last for ever want to see him and thou trouble murders victorious from all this, along with this great economy, and I think problems are not legally when White House again presence than when I think they're gonna take back the house. I think all thirty one of most of those members are broken loose, that's waits looking and they are getting there
nervous, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven, I'm actually amazed at how quickly stupid the Democrats are. I can't even believe I can't believe it, but that this is it's it's political amateur hour. It really is his political amateur hour, but I I love watching. I love seeing it and I loved seeing Semi Judiciary Committee today, yet it on the record. For all that, yes, President trump spied on his campaign was spied on. If they give it to him, they could do it EU you, seven three, eight one, three one want to mark Levine, show Rich Z only in for the great one coming right back as celebrate the Christmas on holiday season? We often paused to consider our many blessings. Helstone college thanked you for Long de as it celebrates a hundred and seventy five years of blessings now since eighteen, forty four hailstones, fast to its mission, to provide the kind of,
education, central to preserving free government and for decades the college as extent its educational mission on behalf of liberty, variety of outreach programmes, perhaps you were from Primus for free every month or have taken one of hills does so free online courses or have attended one of hill does free regional events, you know: deals refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core principles, learning character, faith and freedom without government into parents, so during the season of blessings, Hills Del. Thank you for your partner, but extending its mission to that country. Merry Christmas Hills college and to learn more visit, Levine from Helstone Back come that's our av iron fray, Helstone vodka, and ass. We look at the Senate hearing today, with the adults in charge. Finally, was beautiful to listen to them, actually get the inspector general
record to say, yeah. You know what they spied they spied on, the President's they spied in his campaign. Welcome back to the mark. Levin show rich Zeoli from Wpht Marks, hometown of Philadelphia great to be with you tonight, eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven why what a long drawn out try I want to get these people on the stand. I want to get him on the record. I want everyone to hear about the corruption I do I wanted. I wanted to happened, then we think about some of the great minds back and ask questions because rebalancing and drove the rules. TED Crews, MIKE Lee even Lindsey Grandma, was great today. Have these people go in there The senators grassland did did a great job today and ask the questions Joe Biden, What did you know about your sons, role embarrassment? Did you make a call to anyone? Did you say anything to anyone about his role on board a bracelet did you did you brag about it? Will you are over there and the process you're getting fired. Were you aware,
It s getting very smote the time you were did at factor into anything. You know who this hurts right more than anybody, and I have said this. DR show over and over again this art show body. This does not hurt Donald Trump We look, I don't want. The guy impeach are very fond of the president. I was in the oval office with him a couple weeks ago. It gave me a exclusive interview. I don't want to impeach, because it's it's a obviously it's a historical star, but at the same time, politically speaking, He is washing its immediate. This rally less, I Hershey you had found, the people there there screamin their dancing their chanting. His base is fired up, That's what's happening with the end result of this is his basis, fired up more than I've ever seen them before and yet Joe Biden. He can't escape this Why should you posted at a story that Joe Biden is now getting asked about Ukraine everywhere? He goes
that you, some of that, are his democrat opponents who they are plants. They sent plants cities. FR in town all meetings all the time. You know the candidates will be doing an event somewhere else. Up and ask a question Julia plan from another campaign. A lot of people, though they go to a lot of these things, preserve jobs, but rather Democrats you probably don't never mind, but somebody over and over again about Ukraine and Marie Sweaty hates it Why don't you show the video last week right of a guy called the guy fat, listen fatty Emma? He said that it will go They said it was fact, but we heard the guy fat shaman guy liar. There's a guy used his son of being corrupt Joe, It does not want to be talking about this, and yet I've actually speculated. Maybe President Trump is a whistle blower, because these not being by this in any way, shape or form, not a single senator. I don't think he's gonna votes removed from office, not a single more of a house is going to vote to impeach him, a republican member, the house, I should say. And yet his basis fired up more so than ever before, but binding on the rope
his fund, raising as it is in the absolute toilet. Why do you think Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor view? and a good Julian air jumped in the race tell you if I do my morning, show in Philly I'm looking up. The tv Bloomberg is already running ads in Pennsylvania. If the primer is not till April. A Bloomberg is dropping sixty trillion dollars to run for president. Why do you think he's doing that? He was abiding guy. He was supporting Joe Biden, Casinos bindings, toast is it a bite. It becomes a nominees Santa save your president tromp and present Tropicana cleanest clock. He's gonna be painted exactly like killer. When did what's corrupt. Slimy sleazy swampy using the power or of governments who enrich himself and his friends and his family members and the president is gonna clean as clock. That in fact, environment remember worry is now be up. They're gonna try to be debate sage tonight in Pennsylvania, we're an eye what right Iowa the guy has no sense of geography and maybe a break out something about its Harry Man, ledge or something I mean. That's just weird. All that poor
stuff with kids touching his hairy blonde man legs and sitting on his I mean it's bizarre he's the front runner for Democrats seriously. That's the front runner, so Donald Trump is doing just fine. The president's doing just And all this and we're exposing the corruption we're exposing how people like James Comin, clapper and and how these swamp creatures are incredibly on ethical, how they abuse the bill of rights with reckless abandoned to get their way politically exactly what the framers feared exact the founders fear exactly. George Orwell feared exactly with out of us, feared as we were seeing them take more and more power under the guise of protecting us from bad guys. There the record and soon in the Senate, even more we'll be on the record, that's a beautiful, beautiful thing, but let me Ask you tonight on the mark of show. Do you think this sentence? You do a quick trial, giving the president's in trouble.
I know your thoughts cuz. I know this debate on that. We're at the President should do a quick trial, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven Rich Z, for the great one mark, Levine great to be with you tonight. Coming straight back, you hear me about Hilda College, a lot that is rigorous, classical liberal arts curriculum about its exceptionally bright and patriotic students. One, Britain. Seventy five years ago, hailstones college was with a mission defined by four enduring purposes: learning character, faith and freedom. While institutions have lost their way hills. Dale college maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom. I've also talked about the Doktor Larry are the President of Helstone College, so one of the finest Eric I've ever known- and he explained said these four points MRS Learning character, faith and freedom remain inseparable and the activity of education at Helstone College. He said
Learning is difficult and takes more than talent takes hard work, which requires character. Freedom is essential for learning, but it is fragile and constantly under threat, so its principles must be studied by all, for the sake of its defence hills, Dale, faith and learning our integrated toward God, because he is the first authority. Folks, if ever wondered why I love hailstones college. Now you know is it Hills Del dot edi you? That's hills, doubt that e? U for more information, hills, they'll, college, pursuing truth and defending liberty, since eighteen, forty four remember: that's hills, Del DOT Edi you hills, they'll do Eddie, you thirsty conservative mark. Events show call now that eighty seven seven three eight one, three eight one one and it turns out
call me like a multiple occasions when he said I don't know the dossier is real or not? We just don't know well now we know, games, call me the former pr director was lying, welcome, Margo then show the great one is off tonight we back tomorrow, rich, is you only from is hometown of Philadelphia Debbie Phd? Where are you show eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one is our number the question for you: do you there should be a long drawn out Senate trial. De I do, I think so, and there is wise, because I these centres to get the burdens on the record. I want the senators again, maybe about on the record, to what are you know with regard to the prosecutor? Getting the aid that was withheld. I want all of that on the record over. There is in charge of a trial. They can set the rules they can shut. Democrats out exactly like the Democrats did in the house to the Republicans just shot him out. Wouldn't entertain you, their parliamentary motions, just completely ignored them, may do the same in the Senate,
that kind of time and power. What's the rush, I mean get it on the record. Wet America see it. I'm just tired of these. Getting a pass. You know really tired of us knowing that their corrupting crooked and swamp creatures enriching themselves, and but they seemed always get away with it. Right. They won't get away with it. If we can expose on national television exactly what they did and that's what has happened in my opinion, Maybe you disagree with you say: no, listen, rich, it's gotta be quick. We got a wrap it up and move on. I understand a thing I just think it will be a wasted opportunity. If you know the president is gonna be vindicated The sad and you know it can be found not guilty, as as it were in the trial, he's not could be removed from office. Why not make a show of it it's? What is the present wants? A long trial he understands the showman aspect of it, but I guess does integrate he's worried about some of their vulnerable members? Any wants it just to be wrapped up and move on so she's in causing
remain and and and say I voted to equip it. I don't talk about it, I guess, etc. And three eight one, three eight one one I let us go to match is in Philly Pennsylvania, my hometown and mark of interim down. What's up Matt by MID march of Eminent later filled it? Thank you. I thought I was thinking if we started endorsing the guy, I'm ready to contribute to Joe Biden right now at the Republicans. Just royal tat make a late December. Elect ever get nomination April is campaigning every book sacred, Joe Biden. Then he gave expose it being a crook and fraud. Then you got somebody got. Maybe what we, by day system, obtaining, I think, I'd better get might benefit the Republican Party to kind of tat. He was worn and everybody else who may have a ten. Let your mind given nomination industry and the Senate
How to do a little operation cast right to make sure he is in fact the nominee vibrate draw my brother all right, my man, thank you for the call, Matt and Mark will be back tomorrow, night, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven David is in Richland Washington, David great. To hear from you I totally agree with what you are talking about, it should be drawn out, like you said, and it should be exposed, I'm just afraid that the Ceta Republicans are saying. Oh, let's put it the better, a quick, because there will also be implicated Don't believe that Mcconnell it cleaning, you know, he's probably corrupt as well. It is probably afraid or laptop or come out against them as well That's why they want this to be done in overweight, but in that unfortunate, but I ain't reject one of their own bottom was a senator Soviets that kind of senatorial courtesy I
Lisa I mean that those part of their deep enters the Democrats. Somebody's Republicans have been there for so long. I am almost positive that they are just that corrupt. That? Look? It's a legit point David thanks for the call the Markov ensure its legit point. It's just that What I saw today and looked Donald Trump? Is a game? Changer! There's no question about it. Yes, another president would be under the desk sucking is found with a blanket calling mommy. There's no question in my mind about it: he gets fired up for the fight he does. He loves it. He loves the fight at ease like a bite search as they come at enmity just keeps coming, motivates him there. The president's right out will be coward. Cowering and fear in the world. Office and just letting it all just absolute descend upon them. He's not that way, and I think the Republicans see that and realize oh well. We can fight back.
We'll get us. We have the ability to fight back against these people, but I feel so good see that's the game changer of President Trump. Is that he's not one of those facts? GNP types that we're all used to, and so a lot of them see that now even Linsey Gram right, I'm a couple years ago. What what we saying about Linsey Grand Prix Trump. You know what we were saying. I have to repeat it, but what saying now we're saying great job today, chairman Gram, leading the judiciary Committee in the Senate, if you don't, let me play a clip. If I could, MR producer must play a clip of winning. M today, as he ass, he talked of the inspector General Horowitz. He asked about I D report the FBI S about a number of things today, once you cut ten, what happened here can never happen again. Because what happened here is not a few irregularities and here is the system failed people, the level of our government took
law in their own hands and when I defraud the fires accord. I mean it to your team, you are able to uncover and discover abuse of power or, I never believe, would actually exist in twenty ninety? How bad is it is as was is was as if Jaeger Hoover came back to life, the old FBI, the FBI that had a chip on his shoulder and more intimidate people find out was going on in your life and the law be damned Martin Luther king, is fill in the names. You know the point about Overcoming back minus the clothes is a great joy, because
Truly. This FBI is all about going after political enemies. Donald Trump was, it was their political enemy. They knew the guy Peter Strzok, LISA Page or two of them to lover's back and forth back and forth over at how much they hate this president were to stop as president. What does that convey to you? did you make conveys people that say we ve got all this power. Look at us. We got guns warrants, we got badges. We can use all this power to get. We want politically it's exactly what J Edgar Hoover is doing, and so many other people around back then later you think about from J Edgar Hoover time as head of the FBI. To now how much more power we ve given our government over us. How much more of our liberties we have ceded to them in the name of safety more power, there was no Pfizer court back than before and intelligent survey Zack court. There was no way for this secret court. Despite american citizens. He added you the old fashioned way by going through an actual judge and following the due process of law, the constitution, we created the Pfizer Courts
can have another secret way to give to get the bad guys, but now it's backfiring on: U S, citizens, but J Hoover. Have power to think how much work. Actually is now because of all the different tools we have given them in the name of safety, and the name of please just keep us safe and as we do that We did that thinking to ourselves, yeah they could abuse it, but ass. You ve done nothing wrong. I have nothing to fear member that people say you said to me all the time If you ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear, but not true. Now is it what did trumped Europe? Nothing. It did nothing wrong and yet get all this to him and, like I say if he was a lesser pray and if he was a guy who was a little bit more of a coward, he would be sniffily under the desk. With his blanket in his in calling mommy and yeah bottle, honours map salute me. He would that's what the goal was immediately
The goal was to just get him show mired in investigations at a cripple. This presidency at again got nothing out of it and they figure the Republicans would turn out of it, from there anyway and then Trump would be out that was there play that was their long term play. They were to use all the powers we. The people gave them to keep us if they were gonna to use all those powers to get their political outcome, and we know that we know that on what was revealed the modalities and from the inspector journals reporting to the dossier. While the inspector general said today, we know this summer record, it's on the phone. And we will hopefully get more as John Durham continues, his investigation, let's go to Joe is in Memphis Tennessee, Joe you're on the market and show you, sir. Thank you for having me answer your question. I believe it goes quickly comes going to win and the Democrats will use
speed or did you just say, wasn't a fair trial and they will continue to cry for years. Maybe Jack, I don't know, I can't see the Raven that's it. You know what sir that's an excellent point right if they were too it up in forty eight hours, then every history, professor in in the country at liberal and doktor, universe. These would teach that, but try was rushed. It wasn't real. It was a fake trial, you're, exactly right, of course, and if we do not do it, don't you think way the better ways to make it last a little bit longer. They won't be able to use that excuse he Donald Trump, Donald Trump will get off anyway. He's gonna, you're gonna be ok either way, but they didn't have it. You know deranged. Mentality towards their. We did it on fairly and I think Donald Trump going to get up either way that right, it's like if it's a long trial, they're gonna find some smoking gun and no no, of course, not so to your points as he is not The worry about in the sense of the trials of violence are all with
in doing wrong. These articles, impeachment are joke. Yeah managed well played out might as well poet played out on prime time, and I have some fun with it. And Baker recorded as the longest impeachment trial in the history of our country, and they will find nothing, and if we do, it quickly will get back to regular business and that's what I want, but we can do that with them being so deranged. We can't with the democratic being sold off if it's just that, do it quickly. I think Joe thanks to the call to the mark of ensure appreciated Richard is in Bayside New York, Richard Long trial or short trial. As long as it can be Richard, I think that the longer it goes, the more the Democrats will be exposed for their zombies, that they are and it just Trump will be vindicated one way or another. I think that this will be short circuit. The damage
rats plan, which is more and more obvious to say that trouble is complicit in fixing the twenty twenty election, which is over the top but they're trying to set up things to make. It seem that the twenty twenty we'll be illegitimate because well, he already was involved in the twenty sixteen election. So now any Republican that wins will win a legitimately, and I think that where the Democrats are going there as long as the trial can take- and that will also keep those Democrats senators, the campaign trail, which is also a beautiful thing, though I agree answer. That's an added bonus it out without question Richard The call to the mark of yeah Factory Lindsey, Graham said to shed, Kamala Harris welcome back senator after her failed presidential run, eight hundred and seventy seven hundred and thirty eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one
yeah no think about you'd have Harris there. You know she's dropped out but Warren workers, mother in law. She would be there just eat me, pull our off the campaign trail the Bernie Sanders would be their yelling. I issue: Mikey. Does all the time yelling at the Senate trial Young Eddie to go home any closer but she has a chance of anything. I mean she's clearly running for vice president, but she's back she's back there to be part. Send a trial and error in forty enough that leaves Joe Biden out their right to become a nominee. There was a time when we told me Joe Biden was heavy the nominee. I would have said to you, where you know he's probably the strongest Democrat out there. They take on Donald Trump, now I say to unite on the market of in show. I say to you: he is the dream candidate, the dream candidate for jumped to go against absolutely Burnham. Reasons. First of all, he doesn't have that enthusiastic base. That burning and Elizabeth Warren do I mean he's those to have the cooks
books, love them and are actually divided. Cooks. Survey team. Like some sort of Ghostbusters, Yenoki Master, gatekeeper thing, then Admiral It's gonna happen, but that that socialist energy would would form of of God only knows, and could they win, I mean anything is possible. Joe Biden doesn't have anything like the guy can't feel room unless it gives everybody a seat in a border can't and so Joe Biden as the nominee without having that diehard base, and you know what else all those worn and Bernie brows all those people in that energy that they have for those candidates. If, if their cabinets, not there their stay home and twenty twenty agonies where their stay at home. They are not going to let the deed the establishment went again. This is a big picture for them. It's big picture they want. This. Is me years and years of a takeover the Dnc led by people like Danger quarters. No way there to get an establishment. Garlic biting at the nominations are there to stay home. Noble.
May the reason why there's Democrats saying if Trump wins one him again, the progressive base will absolutely safe we'll go to branch with their friends, and I say there is no rush. What is going to teach him again, but only an open sea twenty! Twenty four we have to worry about. Joe Biden have an eight years or Joe Biden Then another establishment, hack Joe Biden, becomes the ideal candidate down pumpkin punching exposes corruption, while he's only a pain trail there? supposing his corruption at the Senate, trial and keeping the two candidates that could actually be a threat with all their socialist group followers in the Senate during the trial absolutely brilliant. That added bonus to all this eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven rich Zeoli for Wpht in for the great live in long trial, short trial trading ban, as we celebrate
Christmas and holiday season. We often paused to consider our many blessings. Helstone college thanked you for long de as its celebrates a hundred and seventy five years of blessings. Now, since eighteen ready for hailstones how fast to its mission to provide the kind of exit Asian, essential to preserving free government and for decades the college as Ex its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outreach programmes. Perhaps yours then Primus for free every month or have taken one. Else, does excellent free online courses or of a tender one of hills, doubts, free regional events. You know him else. Refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core principles: learning character, faith and freedom without Government Interference, during the season of blessings, Hills Del. Thank you for your partnership and standing its mission to that country, Mary Chris miss from ills Del College and to learn more visit, lava for a hills del back. Come that's our Evie Iron, Fray hills! Doub!
it'll arguments about a quick trial, because otherwise the we legitimize the impeachment of Donald Trump. I don't. I don't agree with that analysis, but you're free. Let me know also on twitter, by the way, at Rich Z, only as I fill in four markov in tonight's marks, back with you to Morrow and maybe over different, take them as I just think that if there are problems here and there and say well guilty, not guilty its history is gonna record that not as the impeachment clause, Constitution is preserved. Entries issues can require bad as ape as a fake trial. Kangaroo court are we The house was right: have you ever law Try drag on it. It doesn't change the context of the impeachment clause actually of anything. I think it strengthens, strengthens the reason wise because
At that moment you get to show what an absolute joke this process was. Show what a joke it was. You just go in there and I hope I shall we remove them. No, the ice amulets, let's go to have lunch in its over rather to give us any credibility, it already has credit, ready by virtue of the fact that they voted to impeach him. And that's how history is going to record it. So the the opportunity you have to push back on, that is to do a trial and expose the fact that this impeachment was flawed by odd, but you, when you show the american people why it was flawed and you take your time and at the same time, you exposed the people who really where the crew at the same time you exposed the people who really where the corrupt ones. How do you lose in? That sense, at is add. Is that hurt anybody. Unfortunately, the impeachment clause is the impeachment clause. It is what it is and yes, I agree with mark, but this is an absolute illegitimate impeachment
but history has been recorded either ways and impeachment. So I say have a trial have some fun with it expose these jerks for who they are, and then the college, investors will have to stand there and say was the longest trial and Senate history. Two months delay to acquit, Donald Trump I just about baby. I guess I'm I'm looking up a theatrical seven more than anything, but I don't see it constitution suffers. In that perspective, and the only reason why they want to wrap it up, is for political purposes to protect some of the senators. It's not Mitchell that word about be the impeachment clause or the constitution being heard. He just wants to get somebody centres back, I'm a campaign trail I get it I get it great. Would it be if we got to the still A very small now you could do a quick trial and still have a committee hearing on jobs Well, that's a question. But what have the same truth? But that's hear question what was exposed today, you got
great audio ahead. Our number two in a mark would ensure, with me rich Z, only coming right back now run on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building we have once again made contact with our leader exposed a lot of spying today, a lot of thirty tracks had no James call. Me is not indicated by the ideas of work, a back to the mark of ensure rich Z. Only from his home base afloat Althea, doubly Phd They give you. The other night fell of knights, eight seven, three, eight one, three one one I said our which report today these
Jenna was in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Republicans? Now it's their turn after watching Adam Schiff, show and F watching the joke of an appeal turn that we saw the house impeachment hearings. The daytime shows we're not the hearing of the the daytime shows we're not interrupted for the hearing of the idea that that's important and understanding the daytime programming. It is on the view, without interruption and soap operas as well, but the actual CNN cutting out of the beginning, where the opening comments were seen as getting blasted for that. But then he had seen at what buys reduced were seated getting blasted for that, but then he had seen what buys would you expect right, aiming last? No, of course not but Fox NEWS Carry the whole thing I watched it. Eyewash alot of it today, and there's some amazing moments that were exposed member the inspector generals port is to show what the F b I did wrong. What the FBI
the Department of Justice did wrong, but that's only a piece of it. I mean this is bigger than just behind this involves the CIA is well and that's what dorms gonna get to the bottom of it. Which is too great reminder of when, when the adults are back in charge, it's nice, it's fun, trundle watch eight, seven, seven, three one three one one, let's have a little audio. Shall we today? First of all, this is idiot, Senator Richer Blumenthal, boughs of fraud and life, military service a richer Blumenthal, questioning in some general Horwitz about be Pfizer, ACT now What's amazing about this, clip is Blumenthal. Leading the inspector general down a path. Amy inspector channels are going there A Blumenthal is quite rightly too dumb to figure that out credit at this point. From from my standpoint, people can have that viewpoint, but was an hour conclusion and just one last question vice want: they were renewed and of times correct three times based on
your experience- and maybe your report theirs. Reason why warrants are renewed their renewed because they are producing useful information, correct or they should be some useful information. They should embrace it and your review Those warrants would indicate that they were producing, useful information, correct, not That's entirely correct and I dont know how much I can say about that and this ethnic well, they were producing information. They were pretty. Sing information, I'm not sure how I would characterize whether they were helpful or idiot. They didn't help they didn't help your cause, approving russian collusion. That's what the inspector generals trying to politely tell you that's what it's there's an aid that should like tug is Jack and NGO. Senator don't keep going down this road. You moron you just proving the fact that these five warrants were relevant in terms of getting any information at all when they get the launch some information and technical,
the guy guy order for lunch. I guess there we got bad information and technically anything is information, but it does it make it information its useful information, dummy. By. That is absolutely the dumbest guy, my committee, without a doubt committee, and I mean that he's a that course is center tat, crews and centre. My committee a doubt, one of the smartest guys on the committee, of course, is centre to crews and center tat crews, very, very smart virgin debater as well. Zone with the inspector General Horwitz. This whole thing with this email that was, third purposely so em and used in the fight for an application to get the warrants a spy and quarter page. So that's affair. Offence right there and that's something that could get somebody serious jail time, but in a criminal trial and a criminal proceedings that would also render a mistrial without question would cut eleven. Let me read:
age to fifty six of the OECD report. The final paragraph, consistent with Inspector General ACT, nineteen, seventy eight and following elegies discovery that the Oj C attorney had altered the email that he sent to them. Supervising agent there after relied on to swear out the final five application, so that those are the many women home need to know what's happening. A lawyer at the F B, I create fraudulent evidence, alter email that is in turn used as the basis for a sworn statement to the court that the court relies on my stating that accurately that is what occurred now. You have worked in law enforcement along time. Is the pattern Department of Justice, employ altering evidence and submitting fraudulent evidence that ultimately get submitted to a court is that In places that typical not seen
alteration of an mail end up acting court document like this any ordinary circumstance of a private citizen did this. Brocaded Evans, and by the way, what he inserted was not just slightly wrong. It was and degrees opposite what the evidence said, so the intelligence agency said this guy is a source and he inserted this guy is not a source. Private citizen did that in any longer but investigation if they fabricated evidence and reversed what it said. Experience with that private citizen be prosecuted for fabricating evidence, be prosecuted for obstruction of justice, be prosecuted for perjury, they certainly would be concerned. For that if there was an intentional effort to deceive the court on this one minute, for causes, we noted here and in this sense you indicated we refer that over to the eternal gentlemen, tough guy director friendly.
Oh it's kitchen. Last part. We refer that over two the attorney general and John Durham, these special process, I'm kind of matter of exact title, but the attorney General Amen United Certificate John Dormer, is in charge of the investigation we reported over them ready criminal inquiry. All that will be built for if they actually charge this guy, who alter this email and lied about this and made this all up validly beautiful right, I would just say to the centre tankers pointing out of recent correct for private citizen this. If you are, I did this. We will go to prison, we would go to put you no one, and I know it come down as, first of all, it would not be a knock at the door, be five hundred and thirty in the morning and then the door be knocked down and then the thirty five federal agents with with guns drawn Webe, dress, of these I went out with Roger Stone and Paul, therefore dragged off younger son. Sort of a terrorist, for I would not have access to council for hours. They private.
Scare, the Jesus out of us. They go you you, you wish you u altered and email you you and email. We got you It carries a minimum jail sense of seven two hundred fifty years, whatever it is out of a statute and we gotcha So now tell us everything. You know that everything, if you are, I did that we be toast. But also a criminal trials. This should be thrown out of me that that whole, that that entire, that will be the basis for a mistrial, the entire chain of should be thrown out. I'm an attorney, but I I watch enough court dramas to know that part and to know that advice, every tenant of due process and the government fabricating evidence against us we have a presumption of innocence, which is enshrined in the bill of rights, a prison
should have is in fact the bill of rights is our protection from our government, because we have to be protected from a government that is able to have all this power against us, and you look at all the various amendments and, of course, if you ve read Mark ovens books like I haven't, we Marco's in great detail about this These amendments are there in the bill of rights too, to ensure that the rights we have Even worse by God are written down and their there for us to be able to use and their thereabout many cases protecting us from criminal process by the government on false phony charges because they knew back then that, yes, governments can do this for the purposes of politics, so we gotta make sure that the citizen has a tonic protections. So knowing that, when you find out of their governments, fabricating emails to get warrants to spy on private citizens innocent american citizens by the way, you understand why a judge you really believes in the constitution believes in the bill of rights believes that it is there to protect your liberty from
government would be furious right. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! Let us go to George in Clayton North Carolina, George, you are on the market and show you Doin long will try to make this really really click no one. I hope the grand talk, swollen attributes cock I mean you're way out and what is more, the big point is we can't afford to just lit, top when all of his battles. We cannot let this returning to another Virginia and I would love to see the great one have a brainstorm storm in love with any Johnson of the inner debts. Beer.
She's on Saturday mornings they got daily or to a credible out of the box thinkers runaway Virginia is great point you break up of the Virginia. I love the of the rebellion that's going on. There were people were saying, you're not taken away our second amendment rights in its it's, it's a beautiful, beautiful to watch these sheriffs and other law enforcement people say we're not enforcing this unconsciously. No law, I love it. It's turning the sanctuary. Syrian sanctuary stay right on their head, but but what what's critical? What is criminal? The GEO pay only that clown, that of outside who's the clown who the more marcy either that what the word he's a patter
I'll stronger. Let's just sixty eight dealing patrons up a George thanks for the cooperation. If I seven seven three one three eight one one is focused on the patron: try out of that, no idea what that is here are the market and showed me rich Z? Only from that we pay it. She in Philadelphia Jellia this this. What was exposed today proves what mark within has been saying for a long time and mark was right in a win win. Seven Colbert mocked him and belittled him. This mark live inside. The present was being spied out when the president was marked, and but little because he said my phone were wiretap the Trump Tower they weren't wrong. We know that from what came out today, they were not wrong at you. Here is something else you I'm this is. This is really important. This extreme But I've gotta play you and I'll get to this in a second, so so stick around for this, but really the question of whether or not there was spying on the presidential camp
and that this exchange with Chuck rashly and Horowitz without question proves that the FBI deceptively used strategic intelligence briefings given to the trunk campaign way in true spy and gather intelligence, the that point alone right. There was worth the entire price of admission for this hearing today by the Senate Judiciary Committee, the entire price of amiss, and when you hear that you can understand firsthand wow. Yes, they really this this. This idea of spying on a presidential campaign to gain access to gain information to affect the outcome of an election. This is not crazy. There's stuff. This literally happened in our country in the United States of America may almost got away with it. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one: three one. The mark would ensure the great ones back tomorrow, Rich Z, only common right Ben
I think I said Mister producer about seventy five whips to play there. Just a lot of audio today is one of those days here. The Markov ensure Rich Z only in for the gray one I am broadcasting from w the age tee in Philadelphia. The morning drive their rights Epps away by the way from Independence Hall from the Constitution Centre, and it's always great, will it be with you tonight mark and I go way back. He's ease act, the guy? Who inspired me to you to talk radio and I think the world of himself always an honor when I get to call to fill in for him, he'll be back tomorrow, night ain't, seven hundred and seventy three eight thousand one hundred and thirty eight. What about his eyes? Conversation with Alan Dershowitz is a must, must watch from a show and Fox NEWS Sunday night absolutely must watch. We haven't seen it too great country, our minds coming together, is terrific. Now, today, Chuck rashly Janshah gradually.
This exchange with the inspector General Horowitz. This proves the spying is real. This proves that this was not some cookie conspiracy Are you not to take your tinfoil hats off for this? This is real it's now understand that the FBI was going to give intelligence briefings to both campaigns, the Trump campaign and the Clinton campaign, but they had a nefarious motive when it came to coach, is giving me the same briefing to the Trump campaign. This is critical here for twelve we noted the text, messages between struck and page indicated that the F b I may our views- differ see briefings not to warn that crow, campaign, but to investigated, or questions along this line. Question Number one. Would you agree that, with respect to the fancy briefings. Campaigns briefings or treated differently than those provided to the Clinton campaign
if I could, they were called strategic. It was not an FBI briefing there. Went to aid office, of the National direct National intelligence briefing. It was a strategic and care leaving any. I mention that, because it precisely wasn't, everything briefing was an intelligence briefing and if they were treated differently in that the aid road it up to the file and and put the info. In the field of briefings were identical, but the net result Was one was for investigated purposes and what was purely for the intelligence? Briefly, one was for investigative purposes and one for the intelligence briefing so under the guy eyes of giving intelligence briefings through the potential president of a United States of America. The FBI, In the room gathering intelligence, What are you call that ETA curiosity one way or another word for that sea who are under good.
Posing as somebody out through their posing as with a different agenda, with a really doing for the purposes of God. Information really what's a word for that. A good word for that: a of extra we'll guys. Like a three letter word starts with ass. I can't spy spouse yes by right spy? That's what we call somebody like that. You know that, secret identity. A James body goes in as an FBI agent there to give you and tell but actually he's getting intelligence, or this is it the kids. This really took place right. There is all the proof you need that the EP I was in fact spying on the campaign, the minute they walk in the room. And they go hey we're. The FBI were here to give you an intelligence briefing and by that spy on you, the minister, that happened. They spied on the campaign and at any of you just heard that convention, you just heard that from inspector general now the Hitler couldn't campaign. They got an actual briefing. They had an actual entails.
Breathing from the FBI B. I, whatever it's called it whenever they little term, was any actual strategic briefing. Why was to give information, the other was to get information. One was written, nation purposes. One was for investigative purposes, the investigative purposes that is, spying on the term campaign right there investigative purposes they go into brief the net, but the better Next President United States of America by becomes a president and their there. Spy on him. Unbelievable by the way any fun of all this came out and the Senate trial. Could you know really could all of this and so much Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three one one the mark within show. I wanted from your long trial, short trial and wait until you the exchange we linsey Gram on fire surveillance. You want to miss this
in show this the home of July job. I you can go living seven, three one, three, eight one, one, the dossier was a few Gacy. As I love the say, it's a fake was: Fraud and they knew it though they knew it, and yet they still acted like it was real mark Levin show regularly tonight rich Zeoli from Wpht in Philadelphia, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven mark is back tomorrow night great piece over at Breitbart dot com, terrific piece over there, Did your golden lead and Peter investigator claim the steel dossier was true trite claimed it was true, but the Department of Justice Inspector General report into the FBI A B
since confirm Wednesday and testimony to censure committee that the steel dossier was a fraud. Ya G also found that the FBI had misled the foreign entailed in surveillance at court by failing to tell it that the steel dossier was false once it knew and a new. For certain early twenty seventeen November ginger coming was appetite everybody. We are always sure we're not we don't know the peat RCA recently. Just don't you just don't know they knew and they still use it anyway. I want you to think about this from me. This you're, maybe Europe Trumpeter, maybe You'Re- maybe your left, the outer know- maybe you are just leave trumps same out of it for a second. Your government becoming United States of America used its law enforcement national intelligence capabilities to spy on a presidential campaign to try to infer
the outcome of that election. They they they made up stuff. They they travail private citizens, american citizens, they they fabricated documents. They left material information, exculpatory evidence out from their request for subpoenas and warrants now think about that for a second leave, Donald Trump out of it, and tell me that does not send a chill down your spine because you know as well as I do that if you fat they just imagine if we found over the George W Bush Department of Justice, did this candidate Barack Obama Michael more, would make a movie out of it. There be protests, I mean every late night Shall we be outrage and rightfully show by the way we nonstop? Nobody would call it spirits. He I want it all came to light hedge would role, but with trump bigger. Well, I mean they're. So what now big deal now? It's not a big deal.
If they did it to him, they can do it. You don't you understand, he's got more power than you and they still did it and they re still. Even after he became the president of the United States of America, they were still try to get the guy and he's got way more power than you. Where I do, I'm a you, may have friends in high places, but he's the literal friend and I place, and they were going after him. So what protection you have to. I am from a government that is willing to do this to get what it wants politically, not zero, zilch nata! That's the problem! That's the problem! If you allow this and if you have a system and basically what you're saying is who for the last party in is last political party, they get to pick. They have to pick their successors for the rest of the history of the republic. Only it won't be a republic anymore, because they make sure that their person gets in and then will be able to do all the tinkering they want to do with the constitution get rid of the electoral college. Let illegal immigrants Oh, you know a new jersey, they're gonna vote to give drivers licences to illegal immigrants, and am I
New Jersey, where I live, when you get your door relations, you're automatically registered a vote now thought always I mean that their voting. I guess I guess this is the grand master scheme of the left to ultimately take over the United States I got an order do so to they give you the amount Bernie Sanders promises. They got a break, some rules they got. You know I got a funny little of it, that this is why the constitution. At the end of the day, these socialist hate the constitution and the bill of rights. Cuz it restrains them. It was them Elizabeth WAR in America's mother in law, stood there and said I will be the last president ever elected by the electoral college. Why really? I guess she has no idea what a member to the constitution works if you're gonna, if you gonna, do in a member to take away a mammoth there's a process by that, we would wish I've sage voting in a period of time and its most to take a long time, but you don't show prodigy second of order. I would imagine and open your hair
Wednesday. I that's that's fine ears, MIKE he'd of order ignoring the constitution. They ignore the electoral college and they pack the court springboard. Just as you say, fine, no big deal I'm just saying that if you are okay with that, then let me give you another scenario, which is that the Trump Administration decides spy on the next Democrat running for President, who actually becomes a Domini, they do exist. Actually what was done to him to that person? Let's say: let's say it's Joe Biden: let's age by land: they they do exactly what was done to President Trump to Joe Biden. Are you ok with that? Botz different goes potent Russians? No, it's difference at no point did we ever find any collusion, so it's really not different, because Donald Trump never did anything wrong to realise that they never found anything. That said Donald Trump or anyone in the campaign did anything wrong
In gram chairman of aging to share committee today did an excellent job in the Senate there with you, If you general, he asked TAT question cut. Nine. Has anybody in charge? was working with the Russians. Legally working with Russians that were part of the Trump campaign that you know. It's not that I know of Not that I know of no body daisies better I don't even know right. Maybe he would know So always Russia, Russian, was made up in the first place, and that was the excuse that used to be able to spend a presidential campaign. So we can make up another excuse for by and we can make something up ourselves in an entry, it it was Russia with with binding will say, was Ukraine you, Ukraine's calling pulling the strings for him. I don't know what you find something corn pop Hornpipes pops, the strings that guy the pool that he it was who have a smack
with until Bill right mouse came around and gave him chain single fight in the pool parking lot. Maybe corn Bob is raised. A strange these avenant yet always have a little little them the marionette. I don't know, but it's very easy to make something up. You see. That's the thing. If you want to make something up, it's easy to do and then at that point not hard, apparently not to get. Warrants not hard to spy on people, not hearted, to use all of this power to influence the presidential campaign. We could do it too. You know all you left he's out there if exist big deal was justified, and let me also say this to you, because this is nonsense. I'm so tired of hearing this spin, like the New York Times, been tonight, which is that the inspector generals report prove that there was no political motivation, no political bias in launching the investigation. It did not prove that it absolutely did not prove that it did improve at their word
Because that's not his job, that was not his job to prove what the motivation was is. This is something I trick the Democrats, the left, the media does the time ripe legal, oh look, He didn't say that it was politically motivated. Therefore it it's, it wasn't politically motivated. Therefore, though, investigation was fine vindication, no the inspector general said it's not my place to say whether or not investigation should have taken place now my place to say whether or not there are motive sincere says he refers us for criminal prosecution, criminal prosecution? I dont know what the motivations were, what not my place to find out and that why Bill bore the attorney general and that's why John dorm issued a very rare public statement. John DORA Mission, that same saying that he disagrees with the inspector generals findings that this investigation was not predicated on political bias. I read it these representatives, not saying it it wasn't
Seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven north incredible political bias, and I just say we can always do it to them. You know just for fun, as in Bosnia, Massachusetts and you're on the market, ensure with me rich Z, only great to have you can you hear me, I sure, can ok go on my report decorated I've been the apathy and on many armed your torrent, affidavit and Only purpose of an affidavit is to show a judge that you have probably to believe that a crime, either being committed or have been committed in the purpose of it is so that you can actually legally violet come and fourth amendment right. You don't because there is probable caught from an agent perspective. The only reason that one would omit Any exculpatory evidence from that affidavit is because if it were included, it would blow the probable cod, would be. No probably, it would basically to feed the purpose of these
try affidavit. So I think, Prima by Prima facie agents, The temptation is to exclude it that that evidence, because they want that warrant so badly, and that's ok, no, terrific, ok! It's a don't know. I was just trying to understand that you're of your baseline, in terms of where you were going with it- and you know what the FISA court in particular, First of all, women have had exculpatory evidence against participation in ever, never should have asked for the warrant. In the first place. I mean that that, despite my backing,
can agree on that point right without a doubt. The wrong thing is that after David should never have ever ever ever been approved if it was properly written, those agents intentionally omitted that evidence, because they would do anything to get that surveillance warrant in that these dumb agree with everything you say the scary part about it, because it is a secret proceeding. There is never a chance for defence attorney to ever, how that warrant was obtained. Unlike a regular trial in I'll, tell you, I think it goes on more than people realize it's very, very scary. Well that's interesting, add- and I love your perspective on this, because one of the things that I took away from this is when the inspector general said, we got a rethink and look at our tire process of getting these surveillance warrants, because this may be happening to other p,
two. It may not just be limited to the trunk campaign. It again when you have no procedure in place that, Our judicial system is entirely and address areas that jump where defend attorney gets to push back against the government and challenge the evidence, because that component is missing in the five the court warrant. When you don't have that It is, it is trade policy has said in and an Mikey, it's not a matter of. If it's a matter of when- and I I I think, every five a warrant should be should be reviewed from the last ten years and I think you'd be upheld. When you find excellent points and thank you for the call appreciate very much way. I'm perspective as a former fellow agent, eight, seven, seven, three, one, three, eight one one, yeah, I'm sure she's right before a court is largely a rubber stamp for the government. They approve warrants about ninety eight point: nine percent of the time, or something like that. It's that close and
there is no due process involving, and there is no defence attorney present and show because of that judge has a very high borys, the judge S do the job of protecting your civil liberties and in order for that to work you You gotta make sure the garments gotta make sure they give the judge everything, because otherwise judge, can't you anything to protect your civil liberties in there and there's no defence attorney in the room present so that you don't have the ability to have any council represent you they're they're, making all these claims in secret. Don't even know about it, so the judge has to be the one to look out for your civil liberties, and the only way that can function properly. If the government gives the judge everything your honor, you gotta, know this to this dossier, which were relying on paper by the Dnc paid for by rival candidates. We have he's gonna, believe it's politically motivated. We have reason to believe we doubt this reasonably that there's problems So for steel. Oh it also your honor. You should know this Carter page the CIA, they did stuff with them so
he's probably on our side, but you don't have event and then a judge hole We can make a determination to go well. This is ridiculous. Why are we spying on this guy? Why travailing this guy. What have you leave the the that information out and the judge doesn't have that opportunity to do so to be able to look into the details. This application and decide whether or not this is warranted and whether or not they met the burden of proof, Your civil liberties are not good added the Argovie violating once they start spying on you, that's obvious right! That's obvious! If the judge is going to allow that to occur, he's gotta make sure she's got to make sure that they they they have a very high bar, that they met the burden of proof. The standard by They can then go on to say. Go ahead, goes by an american citizens. And she's absolutely right. It probably does happen more than you think it. I grew there, a hundred percent, that they should look back at every single warrant and the last
years. This is a reason why guys, like MIKE Lee, have said we have to reform the Pfizer courts. And a lot of these republicans. You know that keep us safe crowd, as I call them they'd is one to be safe, so no leave Pfizer alone. It's fine! We got to beat the you got to be safe. We got to be safe, listen we got to be but we also have to be safe from our government, just being safe from terrorist overseas or crazy people here at home, also being safe from our government, a tyrannical government, the crush us So we also have to be safe from that and that's where the bill of rights comes into keeper. Safe from our government to give us safeguards to secure liberty, so that the government doesn't crush us and we have to make sure in our zeal to keep us safe from bad guys overseas or within the country. We don't forget that the government has more power than they do and can be just as dangerous, maybe even more so
seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one you you allowed the government garment, you affect the of a presidential election. I'd say that that is dangerous, as it gets Levin show with me. Rich is the only eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven coming right back Paradise. Mr producer, well done by the way to this point, there is no political bias in the ideas reports over the media is imperative over and over again there Exchange today with MIKE Lee Emmy Inspector General, our wits, which really debunks that an The hour of the market in show I'm going to share with you, because you need it
understand, is able to break it down. I am going to read it out in ass. Mister producer. Bully order is a game, seven and fifty clips, but this is like. I have the transcript and right. There proves that in fact yes, yeah, really the entire general does. Thinking cannot rule out the fact that political buys was in fact used so stick around for that, because you're gonna be able to get to know that more than while everybody else you wouldn't be able to pushed back on all your facebook friends who keep saying that there is no political bias. Let us go to it can is in San Francisco, California can how're you surviving in California in San Francisco of all places. Oh, my god. It's terrible Do you clean up the poop on the streets? Is that your job or is that somebody else's job mine, but I hate people having to do it. It's terrible! It's disgusting, my biggest sitting pays them like six figures. Not to do it right, pretty much
how to make at least six just to read an apartment right, yeah, bad, so thankful, technical, rich on through the part about the political buys. If they needed steals dossier was made by steel, which they knew he was politically bias and they use that dossier, knowing that still politically buyers and that he created it. Wouldn't that be wouldn't disprove the theory that there wasn't any political buys a hundred per cent. A hundred percent can well said absolutely because the origins of that dossier are in inherently political and there's political bias clearly stated in the dossier and political bias behind the fun of it you're a hundred percent right. Yes, absolutely well great point: I met proof.
Because they got water was no written proof will that is written so yeah that wide innovation, above all with a statement but anyway long trial, I'd like to see alongside a trial, the more stop the uncover. The Democrats did the better now present, all due to the better. The house will go back to a republican majority and the better, Does the Senate will stay republican majority? I agree. Can gray call my friend good luck surviving in San Francisco in California. I wish you the best and they have The mark, Levine show you're gonna, hear exactly why this was politically motivated. I've even gotten journey general. What he said last night on television, you gotta hear that too, and the president's signed, a very simple, executive order today. Recognized the jewish faith in his family
straight ahead. Our three, the Marquis of in show me Rich Z, only don't go away. Now broadcasting on roaming underground command both than the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building? We have once again made contact with our leader. Democrats are feel they eat on impeachment. Oh, yes, that's why some of them were saying. Please can we just do censure? Please welcome back our number three of the market in show the great ones. Often I back with you to Morrow night. Each z, only from doubly PHP in Philadelphia Marks home town great to be with you always love give a chance to hang out together, eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven where's. I have to be up to be on the air at five hundred and thirty in the morning.
We have a phd. But that's ok because I will be around not adrenalin and a lot of it. It was a busy day today Between this sun Spectre, general hearing before the same Judiciary Committee, the reaction to the impeachment and the political analysis so that to give you and then the signed the very important executive order today to combat Anti Semitism, which you, Forty to make sure that all these people in the media they did. They want so badly. For this present to be a big. It then, Why they lie all the time they keep? Taking that all good people on both sides thing out of context. When the president clearly says I'm not weapon, NEO Nazis and the white supremacist, but they leave that out of it, just Europe advance their fake narrative. That he's sure the racist they accuse him. In anti semite all the time his is closest adviser, Jared Cushion or is jewish and his wife of?
Could converted and their kids are being raised? Jewish in the present recognise that today, by saying, I am very proud of the jewish faith within my family. Ass, he was there to silence executive order to combat Anti Semitism and I'm sure MARC Chagall. Out about that tomorrow, night. Our Dershowitz was there to at last set of you missed the great one with Alan Dershowitz on his Sunday night show on Fox NEWS watch it you gotta, see it because, was a great exchange. The dervish and mark of industry break it down in terms of what the founders, the framers thought and why presents due process rights are being violated. But this all notion of the impeachment holding Tromp and I've said this to you. I believe it with my core being this is not hurting the president. This is only helping. Him his basis fired up. We are finally seeing what would actually went on here with our government spying on people using its powerful political purpose is I gotta meet always is coming to light now, but meanwhile
Joe Biden has a lot of problems with Ukraine, and am I read this? sure postwar earlier today we say everywhere He goes now he's being asked about Ukraine everywhere he goes and the problem is he's a dough. And he says, whatever comes to his mind- is really have a mind. So he spits out stupid things, get angry people that asking questions cause people names called a guy fat last weaker earlier in the week of these unhinge and that they do actually have talking points for him because they just assume what won't come up. No, it's coming up. Everywhere he goes, people are asking him if you up Son get a job. The you help your son a rich himself. This is bad for Joe Biden and it would not prize me in the least having worked on political campaigns. If Democrats were the ones sending in those people asked the questions. Why wouldn't you you know the campaigns can send in people to say we get there ask this and so lasting bite and wants to hear about. Meanwhile,
job was in her. She last night crowd loved them. Enthusiastic he's fired up disgrace In contrast, those two things, Joe Biden, try get you a little of that, would maybe thirty people showing up and half the wants to talk about. Ukraine gets nasty with him and bitter accuse them of lying calls him names, and That'S- does there's nobody knows how bad this really is so wage of the Senate trial when we get to bring in Joe Biden and Cross examined Hunter. I can't wait for that. I hope it happens. I really hope it happens But let's turn to this notion that there was no political bias in these. The investigation as wetlands, let's go women Talking point you hear from the media all the time this that this this idea, the Bishop worn in some way shape or form is inspector general report vindicated Oh investigation prove one for all that was just good people trying to just you right America, I heard Anderson Cooper say that the other day I almost fell,
but you're not here to Cuba was everything what? Yes? Yes, it was Anderson Cooper. I was found my share. These were just good people. Just try to do good for America doing the best they could No, they weren't. These are people, political motivations who wanted to use our government to get their way politically. That's what this was this report in no way shape or form vindicates them. It doesn't vindicate call me vindicate anybody. Here's senator unlikely member these Santa Judiciary Committee, one of the sharpness minds in the Senate. Tiggle listen, so we are faced with two possibilities: either one. These FBI agents purposely use the power of the federal government to wage a political war against a presidential candidate. They despised war to these agents more so incompetent that they allowed a paid foreign political
positive to weapon eyes to devise a programme into a spying operation on arrival, presidential political campaign- I'm not sure, but you, but I'm not sure which one is worse. I am sure that neither conclusion is acceptable. Their book horrifying for slightly different reasons. I'm not sure there is a substantive distinction be, when the two of them, I'm not sure, if one can conclude, I'm not sure it's possible to conclude that the bias evident in commuted Actions between some of these investigators wasn't at least a part up now, you say that there was a causal connection between there wasn't a sine qua non with, but for causal chain between those communications in the opening of the investigation itself is beside the point. The fact is that these were agents who made their bias clear and they went after someone in part, because
They did not like his candidacy- and that's inexcusable Also Lee continue and said: isn't the lack of evidence on bias evidence that we really should take as bias, but it's in any event it, certainly not itself. Indicative that no bias occurred is not correct to it inspector general responded as to the opening of the investigation, which is in a different place than the five issues that you have identified in I talked about earlier, I think it is too. In situations on the fireside, found, as you noted, a lack of documentary and testimonial evidence about intentionally, but we noted lack of satisfactory explanations and, in fact, leave open the. Stability for- reasons you indicated it is unclear what The motivations were, on the other hand, gross incompetent negligence, on the other hand, intention Amity and were in between we.
In a position with the evidence we had to make that conclusion, but we are not ruling it out. With certain rightly says my point here. The lack of and here is not evidence that there is no bias, the biased being to the opening of the investigation inspector general says I am surely basing it correct on the actual evidence that we have and likely. So. Thank you very much. Moreover, the attorney general and U S Journey John Durham, whose leading the investigation, the criminal investigation of the FBI, s conduct. They both came out and said that there is no doubt that the inspector general is wrong to include This investigation was started without political bias. So then the inspector general had a basically clarify what he said and he did. He said The staff couldn't reach a conclusion about what motivated the Pfizer abuse heroes were reiterated
several times today that the conduct of Investigation was a separate matter from watching it, Joe Pollack, Europa server over great peace, yes, exact right, they can't rule it out and enter Michael's to Michael Point obviously the vices and full this way, and now all of that has been referred to John Door for potential criminal prosecution, but you and I, both know. We know They sent me. You know this is your smart person you're living? I like? I am you, you know biased when you hear it and when you see it, but the bias is the media is now running around own vindications. This report was in no way political in nature. This that this invest. Should I mean really no way was opened in because a biased report, takes that is not true. That is another. Why by the media and other spin another twist and other terms, to try to somehow justify what happened here.
And I'll tell you as you are as you break this down, and you think about what took place here and you think about what could potentially occur next, you think about where this could all go down. The road I mean there are people who could literally be in prison over this and they should because they broke the law. Here's german Lindsey Gram today with the inspector general about Pfizer's surveillance without a legal foundation without a legal foundation nation. Mrs key right, because remember your do process rights through the bill of rights. Is there to protect you from your government, so your government can't just make up often abuse you for political purposes. The founders, the framers they didn't want. King to be able to just say, oh you disagree with me- won't hear these trumped up charges to off with their head that Why you have all these projections from your government, and so, if the
government breaks the law if it's in a legal investigation, if it's illegal, if it's not predicated on legal grounds, then involve itself than it is in fact illegal. And then whoever's behind that has some real explaining to do cut. Fourteen so less. Let's play this out. They never told tromp about the concerns. Is it? air to say they came a point where survey carter, page became Awful we'll let the court decide that the court has this report and will make that decision less. But this way, if you dont have a legal foundation to surveillance and body- and you keep doing it- is that bad absolutely is that spine? it's it's not it's illegal surveillance, it's not! Quite all s say: let's means they did it right away,
surveillance spying. I mean we could play these word games all night, I'm fine, I'm happy to do so. It's great firm, vocabulary in my son's five and I'm teaching him how to read so, I'm happy to do work games all night. I don't actually read this stuff to him, but I got to stay sharp on my words on a man, it's not easy. So sharp spying or illegal surveillance. If you want to use it politically correct term illegal surveillance and satisfying knock yourself out inspector general. Have about it. Go ahead, enjoy knock yourself out, but you know it's the same. Damn thing right! It's exactly the same. Spying and illegal surveillance is exactly the same. Spying can be legal or illegal, but actually I would say, since spying could be legal if it's done against a foreign entity, and we are rising as a country, and should it be done against american citizens by spying, could theoretically be legal, but legal surveillance is never legal, so actually illegal. Sir
ounces is is much worse. So I like that illegal surveillance and that's exactly what it was eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eighty one one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three hundred and eleven the mark Levin show with me rich Zeoli in our third hour together, from you on this question is still out there long sent a trial or quick send a trial. What are you prefer? I say long sent a trial dragged out bring all bad actors right there in the center of it all. I want to hear about it I wanted exposed. I want to know each and every thing and exposes the american people. I want to learn all about Hunter by an embarrassment and what your Joe Biden New and what he didn't know Plato ouch, just like they would do to us eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven coming right back
you notice how nasty anti philosophy sounded yesterday and today I mean just nasty it it's. She sounds really angry and this is the question that I asked earlier. If in Peter was such a political winner for Democrats, wouldn't they dragged us onto the spring, drag this summer, the minute they voted Each man it's over. Those are the Senate, may know that and other sensitive indicate themselves out of their hands. I just listen to Pelosi she's, just angry at everybody. I dont think about impeachment anymore. And you know it's forty two because she's she's they're putting to you I'm seeing out there. Finally, this trade agreement when I'm convincing it completely. Just for those thirty one Democrats I mentioned earlier thirty one demo ass. You are running in districts down from one and they go beyond the boy with him this time around and may needs
something to run on, and I think that's why she put usmca up but up, but I also comes at a quid pro quo, the negative over impeachment ill. She admitted Democrats have been hell bent on impeachment for more than two years own played out for you in just a few minutes as well. You gotta hear that too is very, very important stuff you're on the market in sugar. Let us go to and he is a trucker listening and serious radio. Conseil Alabama. Alan could have young show one full debate here: you're doing a plan, this fantasy jobs and uneasy lesson I wanna talk tonight, I'm beyond angry. I can't even articulate the the rage and I'm feelin from a number of reasons
everybody to me I'll molest than on the Rhine seem to be missing the main point there saying things like well, you know this is your band for what we did decline, which could be true. They say that they are doing this because of their utter and complete hatred and contempt for the present and which can be true and a whole number of other reasons in another cells to be true, but does not even touch what is truly go now, and it is this you have the CIA, you have the F b I and a number of other organisations who fall under the umbrella of the executive branch and you have they can rational branches to give oversight to make sure that we are protected from all the rates of these branches of buildings
right, and what we have is the presidents we ve had these over departments and the congressional Bryant conspiring against the citizens of the United States not just gives the president leg from come in present day consider themselves solely they consider themselves so big and so on we lowly Americans that our constitutional rights are civil liberties are not the vacancy better. We are so or who is to them. That thing
I know why you're making such a great point. It's absolutely true and I got her. I run out thanks to the call DR save my friend you're, making such a great point, which is that we are nothing to them. We're we're expendable to the governments we have no meaning to them would have been a value to them. That's why, when I listen to all these people, try to defend what happened here. I think to myself what if it was done to you, What if we did it to you, what have we were so worried about what kind of a President Elizabeth Warren would be were that Bernie Sanders would take us down the road of socialism that we decided. We got use our learn force. May we raise our law enforcement, our national intelligence apparatus? We got to use it to stop him. How would you like it? I absolutely without question believe that the powerful elite in this country believes that we are no
more than expendable little numbers, and this is one of the reasons why at trumps rally last night, he was crushed in it because the people get it that he doesn't view us. There way. He doesn't see us that way. I may know that. That's why he's gonna get reelected Ray? the only inform Markov emigrate. One eight seven, seven three one three at one, one common right back, mark them a proud, conserve, rib, no Ifs, AMS or blots call em at eight seven, seven create twelve thousand eight hundred and eleven, and so great to be with you tonight. Mark will be back with you tomorrow, night Rich Zeoli from Wpht in Philadelphia morning drive great to be with you, eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven.
Weeks ago I had the honour of being the oval office with the President and I did a short conversation with in which you can hear I've got its posted Abbott. If you go on my twitter and Facebook page faced with that calm, Slash, Z, only show you can see at present was incredibly gracious. We're dogma. U S embassy, among other things, and why its beneficial Pennsylvania and he loves Pennsylvania. It was just so kind show me the private office, the dining room, and it was a loser wonderful day at the White House it absolutely was an end and I'm and I'm grateful for an opportunity like that. It's just absolutely amazing, really glad to to see the present recognise the work of your cursor and vodka tromp in getting this executive order signed the deal anti Semitism college campuses, because you know it's one thing to disagree with policy having the the SK ways of shutting down speech, various ways of,
calling names to people the absolute by these pro palestinian groups and college campuses. The behaviour is despicable and really happy the presence addressing it But again, this is a guy who values family, loves his family and loves the ability to be able to show his family to the world and guess what A lot of them are jewish, and yet many times he called an anti semite. How many times do you call the races? How many times he is he is. He called all these horrific words. I mean ever since day one they've been saying these terrible things about him, terrible things that are not true. You don't have a daughter, converted Judaism and then the guy she married is your top adviser mean Jared is doing a great job for the presidency's ease in doing everything now is just right is: can we deal with it with China? Now.
You don't have a guy like that around you of your an anti semite in the president had a lot of jewish leaders around him tonight and the number of people and yet the media, the left. They continue to do this narrative of ease the next. It lorries, they say all these horrible things that Idiot Joe Scarborough MSNBC every morning every morning. A reference to Hitler, its eye. Its or stolen or pol pot, depending on the day he does have. A different dictator is a dictator. We gotta be Stalin one week and then then, I'm back over Hitler the next week in POL pot after that in your mouth, but that that's your Scarborough me. That's what he does it's. The truth is that, if you the president, you understand, he's a piece: a really nice guy he's a really nice guys, very hospitable, very great This event, the hardest part is trying to keep a month what does the OECD just keeps talking to people and its what'd you, because
I was in there with the many full disclosure. I did some some early work on its campaign, so when he saw me at the White Aussee, he recognized me right away. You sit up these moves reasons day. One come out of the oval office and the staff members one of the press, oppressed people will give me the signed. A rapid open and the President gonna gives the high sign, like egg staff, keep it going, but I knew we had to get to a cabinet meeting and I don't want to hear fish with his time, so I wrap it up, but that's probably the biggest problem is keeping him on schedule was just loves to talk to people of the show Moran? I have no doubt that if I said we must present a quick tourism, Instead, I check it out again: go go out, Stuart Cabinet away, he's kind of a guy. I don't agree with him on everything he would now,
want me to agree with him on everything. You wouldn't want you to give him on everything. Despite what the media also says, we're not coolly drinkers either. We can have disagreements on things but Joe. It's amazing, though, is that there are things that he does agree with Democrats arm if they could have pushed through right, like say, prescription drugs, trolls or prescription drugs pricing initiatives he programme, more time with Republicans it conservatives like me, mark within that he would with Democrats, but where is that bill? Where is that the President the idea of a big infrastructure package. I imagine that you have some fiscal conservatives concerned about it, but Democrats or be all in missing infrastructure for years. As always, it included trains they love trains But where is that infrastructure package? The truth is do not want to give him a win on anything, but he really It need them, because the economies is is incredible right now he doesn't need them and their realizing that
and the whole purpose of my visit. The white House that they wish to discuss United States, Mexico, Canada, trade agreements, I'd buy, interviewed a number of different people in the cabinet go about it and rode. The impact on Pennsylvania is my show, is local, it's not national and what it would mean for this statement They need our region in general and jobs. Was empty ace of it. They had a deal on a year ago. The only reason why policy is moving it now is because she know she's gotta, give those thirty one Democrats something these over thirty one Democrats who won in districts trump in twenty sixteen thereon for reelection, as is the president's, but it turns out that Nancy Pelosi she has been trying for this impeachment and this impeachment things were going on for years for years, before I get to that. Alan Dershowitz today said something really really positive, that the presidency was signed, this executive order and it get it. If you haven't seen the interview without Dershowitz and Mark of in on March, Sunday night on Fox NEWS, life, Liberty, M of Life Liberty and then go.
Watch it go check it out a March website because its So we must see tv issue constitutional minds. Discussing impeachment together is great but here is today the dervish at the White House after the president was about to sign the executive order for sixty five. Of my eighty one years I have spent at universities. Country and all over the world. There is no more important event in those sixty five year. To turn universities away from being met. Students of hatred and discrimination than this executive order being signed. Today it is a game. Changer will go down in history as one of the most important events in the two thousand year ban
all against Anti Semitism. Thank you, Mr President, you did a great great job. The people who help you do this did a great great job and you will be remembered by history for all time for having signed this very important order, and how about that and say what the dervish would not be for it if it in any way trampled free speech no way, because it is a staunch defender of of civil liberties using the last liberal out there, the less true liberal there are no real liberals left there, all crazy people that just want more big governments there, not liberals. It's very different. Their left us is what Are there leftist and they are dangerous people? I match who's in charge of Democrat Party right now and honestly, since Donald Trump got elected president, they have been trying to impeach him. I remember I was going to live, show at the Chickie's PETE's in Philadelphia on Inauguration Day, and I said that
said, you know them and try to impeach him now, right collar calls up come on the only. Why would they for what- and I said, the what is not relevant? It's the when they'll find something little that I know they find all of these things there all made up, but they would find him they would make em up. They would do it exaggerate and policy a minute about the speaker vow submitted to the fact is we go on for for two and a half years now and as she admits that you have to stop and think the Democrats have not been willing to try and compromise with this president on anything, even things that he wanted to do, that that heap had disagreements with with Republicans on they had no interest in it, the minute they got the majority. It was all about impeaching this president bearing believing it was. It was about that before they got the majority, but once actually gap in majority, then then, without putting it into motion,
power that it was just a dream. Had six one of the biggest criticisms of the process has been the speed at which the House Enterpriser, meaning. If this is seriously that has been going on for twenty two month and a half years. Actually there has been some criticism, though I will say about whether or not you should move for before the end of the year or wait for the court's. Why do you think it now is the time to think not moving speech. This was a tune have years at those at the initiated, Mahler Investigation, which round nothing which round or collusion Brigham up his long before the president ever had a phone call with the President of Ukraine. They were working on impeachment twenty two months, two and a half years,
and believe me, Nancy Pelosi has been around for a very, very, very, very long time, she's eternal, and she knows years. She knows it by the minute. She does and believe me, it's draining it's very draining on all of us twenty two months of impeachment, so they don't move people that act like while this phone call with Ukraine. That was just the next excuse. The next try and there's a democrat congresswoman, who admitted today of trumpets, reelected,
They all Beecham again we'll keep trying and he's got all these different entities that are common after it's amazing, don't forget the city of New York and the state of New York. There still come after him to try to get US financial records, and that has nothing to do with when him as President room. All of these records are before you ever get elected, and there is nothing that empowers the Congress to be able to look into his private life. As a private citizen before became president, you can impeach. A president for the stuffy did before he became president's at is never the intention of the impeachment clause, but they don't care they build teaching. For that, too, I'm sure we got into a fistfight
school they'll be tried, and that is where the articles impeachment this has been going on for twenty two months. That's not me saying that bats Nancy Pelosi same about is that as the speaker saying that and she so nasty to it. If this was a political winner for them, I keep asking this question. Why would you want to just quickly have a vote and wrap it up see? The truth is in that clip she's showing her hand whoever's asking the question is right: what is the speed? Why are you rushing through this phase of ensures rushing twenty two months? I would have years actually this part of it this phase of it. She is moving very quickly why It has been two and a half years, wanna make a three and a half years right. What's the rush, why not have a go into labour day right before the presidential
Hell why not have investigations up into election day? Why do it now? The minute the house votes it's out of their hands, so why do it now? The answer lies in those thirty one Democrats. I mentioned you, those thirty one Democrats. You have to run again in districts, Donald Trump, one, that's why they want this over with, so they can. They can either if they have to vote yes, but I'm hearing more and more that Nancy Pelosi is letting them some of them are reveal a vote, no if it means saving their seat, but again, if this was so politically popular. Why would anyone after vote? No, why would if the rush it. Why would they try to put this to bed as quickly as possible? Put it away into the dark before the sun comes up? Why would they try to do that because it's not politically popular? That's why it's a political disaster for them President said last night at the rally it always said there dumb impeachment is only helping my poles and its true. They are so
politically stupid I'm! I can't even understand them through what is well. Actually, I can't it's it's the godfather to govern departure, which it never hate. Your enemy is a cloud. Your judgment. They him they hate on baby, they absolutely despising with every ounce of there being an that's. Why they're doing this because those thirty one districts I mentioned those are not salad, blue districts, but think of the people who are pushing this at the top Maxine Waters, whose crazy she's got a very blue district in California Gerald either as a safe, flew district, Adam Schiff say: flew District Nancy Pelosi, safe, looted, you see the difference. Those districts. What they have to worry about is a primary challenge from some kook. I'm a left whose cook here the mayor who oppose ale c and beat them in a primary. That's what they're concern is, in fact, a guy.
South Jersey, you've seen him on Fox news. His name is Jeff Vandrew he's a freshman congressman he's a Democrat he's saying he's against impeachment: got a threatening letter, the other day from the local county, Democrat bosses in New Jersey, threatening him saying. If you don't get on board, you may have a primary large so Jeff Andrew a smart enough to know that if he signed on page raised Don T is it's over for him, he has no chance of being reelected, but the party leadership doesn't care because the party leadership their ideals, to an end. The ideologues at a running the Democratic Party there completely driven by emotion there, completely driven by rage and the promise of socialism. The promise of a of of America emerge opium as Mark Road. An american utopia based on their socialist nonsense- and they know
the Donald Trump stands in their way and they can't figure out why the guy so popular was he so grotesque to them, and I can't stand it when the economy is doing. They hate it there so angry and why they're, driven by emotion and when you driven pay their life? When you let emotion, guide you you tend to makes mistakes, you tend to be sloppy, so you got to be a sober mind. You got to make a sound meant, but does this sound like sound judgment to you in any way, shape or form? Eight, seven, seven, three one. Three hundred and eighty one one hundred and eighty seven seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eleven. The mark Levin show with me rich Zeoli. Our final calls and final thoughts straight ahead Ben Thank you for letting me hang out here tonight. It's an honor whenever Mark asked me to fill in for my actually love it and
stop hanging out with you, and I appreciate it, even though I got to be back on the air at five hundred and thirty, a dot m, it's totally worth it and it's been great to get your calls and your tweets and your emails and always enjoy it. Let us go chew: Jim in Homer, New York, him you're on the market even show Yasser it nice to talk to her lesson I know the question is whether Mcconnell squashes this as soon as possible, or whether the Republicans milk it for all its worth. But my concern is: process, never gonna report on anything that favours Republicans anyways, won't they just Turner, copper job. Well, maybe bite we have the ability to get coverage out in different ways. Me talk radios, a great example of that right. Fox news, news acts one americanism, if there's lots of different platforms, but the question
he's not. We shouldn't do things based on what the media is going to do, because we know the media is always going to be unfair. We got to do things based on what's best for us ten thanks for the call appreciate it very much what's what's best for us, I just believe what's best ass is showing in exposing the corruption with the violence. I really do. I really believe this trials and arbitrary do that. You know, you and your people say: well, then they may call Pompeii or Panzer. So why there's those guys in doing wrong. What are we about issues is an opportunity I, why do I I just want to see them exposed for who they are? I want the world to hear Joe Biden have to explain what he meant when he said fire. The prosecutor some leaving without money. I wanna hear Hunter bite and talk about what he did on the border between I want to hear it all and I want to know what Brok Obama and when Barack Obama knew it. I weren't to reset Brok Obama, Mr President,
ensuring that the vice president's son is on this board of his country and liaison, and we just gave them all this money even though you won't let them use the money to defend themselves against the Russians, What's the other piece of others right trump allows the money to be used to actually let them defend them. Cows, and yet somehow he's wrist. National security of Ukraine and the United States of America is laughable. Msf, struck. Of Congress, nonsense, hey! You know what I am sure Margo more in detail the marble, the breast has a right to return to climb privilege just like anybody else and even stop anybody. From going to testify in front of a little sham committees. He didn't dishpan progress, even dismiss Congress in lock. Anybody up only We do when anybody else will do, which is to preserve their attorney climb privilege preserve their whatever executive privilege. They have any did not the final court orders. He was never ordered Supreme Court turning over any said. No, so how do you obstruct Congress,
when you didn't any wrong? What are you obstructing thanks The import of showed show tonight always appreciate when I get the chance to be informed, Arkell event in catch me. Thirty. Two nine on twelve tend to be patient fairly or on twitter at Rich Z, OECD. Oh, I am a great one, we back with you to Morrow night with. I imagine some really cool stories. Glass and say safe and keep up the good fight.
Transcript generated on 2019-12-28.