« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/15/24


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Nikki Haley is the Washington D.C. candidate backed by the GOP establishment and people like Charles Koch, and she has used enormous sums of money to sway independents to vote in the Iowa caucuses and then switch their party affiliation back after the vote. Haley has completely sold out to the special interest groups and the D.C. swamp, and she is not a Conservative. Democrats want to put Donald Trump in prison and make Nikki Haley the Republican nominee for president. Also, the Islamonazi terrorists see weakness in the Biden Administration, and these are murderers who want to blow us off the face of the earth. Biden’s responses to the Houthi attacks and the oil tanker attack have been miserable, and now Iran has committed a major act of war with drone attacks. Biden has created a domestic Hamas in the United States through his policies and open borders and created a Marxist movement that is in every aspect of our culture. Later, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell have never been closer in pushing the Biden border agenda because they are teaming up against Conservatives and Americans. The immigration bill being proposed is a disaster and a massive amnesty, which would allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to come and remain in America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command, both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the,
The the america mark levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! So, let's in this first, our least talking about iowa. Since people are now going to the clock, I to make their voices known, invoke.
and so I want to say to our friends in iowa. What are you gonna? Do you gonna pick Washington dc favorite candidate, Nicky wholly justin? worse by the former liberal governor of maryland, endorsed by the four liberal, governor of new Hampshire, backed by charles coke. who has spent his entire life fighting for open borders. And also Nicky hayley Has used the case of iowa, enormous sums of money to persuade democrats and independence to change. Sir party affiliation, which they allowed to do as they go to the carcass and then change it back is I will Republicans one. And then they have the voices in d c at the think, tank swimmers, bush, speech, writers. You know row of these guys telling us she's she's the one who could be
head to head by ten points. Ladies and gentlemen, its january, nobody can be noble By ten points, everybody can beat everybody by ten points utterly and completely irrelevant irrelevant, but here's what they can't tell us because Nicky Hell, I can't tell us three: four five proof an important thing. She did as governor south carolina. She and her pacts. I've spent tens of millions of dollars on negative at trying to define rod the scientists and donald trump, that's it. And so what she's been doing now for the last three four weeks is trying to the media to cover tracks foreign, carry the ball for And say mother, endorsements and I'm way to prove it to you. If you're The public in you wanna be a nominee of the rich
working party, a centre right party that ought to be a right party that is concerned of constitutional republicanism. Can't you answer, why should clearly on whether a man could become a woman or not? If you can't ads. Question that so obvious biological. Then it's This you're, not one of us and, ladies and gentlemen, She so reliant now democrats crossing over one independent Crossing over there, a billion airs and their political action committees billina. the cracks are going about providing billinger political, shrink committees, raising dark money, pushing democrats, the vote in the republican com, said the republican primary in other states. So who's going to choose our nominee Iowa the heads in washington d c, the talking heads of the media unit party
democratic billionaires, democratic, political, actually, companies, they don't even high put their doing and nicky really is completely sold out to these interests. She's completely sold out to the corporatist she's come We sold out earlier years, she's completely. Forget it. I'm watching she's, completely sold out to the. Businesses there like illegal immigration. She doesn't even talk about. She barely even comments on it. Can a man become a woman nicky It was ass. This today had tipp Ex cut twenty six go a lot of the stop. The trunk girl. You already said, really bothers me,
stern about it. You don't want to. I have no idea who this guy is made. Much care cause he's not relevant. It's what she says. It is good that you said that you don't get trouble answering the question. Could a man become a woman and I'm just wondering what will your response to that question is what I mean. I think our of look at the fact burnt out again. I'm sorry that we didn't make it to the beacon- and I hate that not there, but I'm. I appreciate you coming on here. What I may I have And I want to start with and get to the the question you know this is a hard truth on my part, I believe tromp was the right present at the right time. I've me with a lot of his policy, no notice. He didn't ask her thing about this
Do you care about any this blows? Creating she will do any work or pick it up anything to avoid bay, sagacious. Anything. The answer is, of course, a man can become a woman and make an altar genitalia that doesn't make him a woman. That's the answer. It. simple iowa and she won't answer it just like when you governor south carolina. She wouldn't sign up from there that said, mango demands rooms and when they go to women droop and when you called out on it dissenters she accused him of lying and yet, after the factors. This. She was lying. There is the problem she is fictional candidate. She is a a creation that everybody can pour there belief system and to be very careful go.
I was then- and everybody on this call knows that, and we can't be account. We in the three and a warning start. Their chaos follows trump. Oh I see he's indicted, they call him hitler. He tries to secure the border. All these things for the american people in this country and he's it in chaos, housing and chaos. He's respond, do these outrageous lawsuits. This is the point, Nicky their career, Kay ass, the Democrats, the media there. Creating the chaos not the victim, she has spent nearly fifteen billion dollar trashing ran to say this in our, She has spent more money trashing to scientists, and I were then dissenters and trump have spent I gather in iowa these past.
Our loading up, the attacks. Why? Because they want to front load, victories for her or X, Patients fur and I were new hampshire. She goes into south carolina they're, trying to create a juggernaut, they're trying to manufacture a moment That's all this is that's why they want the Democrats in that Why they want the independence in the what's going on the web two or more years, and we want for by that, and I think a lot of that is how we communicate them. What happened just set us all in disarray? Our do democrats want you to be the nominee. Why do them? You want you to be an army, wanted. You talk about yourself for once, you stay and rather than trashing other people. You know she's than that. these candidate in this role. They could talk about trump. They could talk about whom I wish she wants. She trashes rebecca she tresses wrong. She trashes trump.
and if you dare try, lay ahead on her, she uses the woman car like well as users or race car. They just don't want a strong woman. I'm married your strong women. You nitwit, go ahead. Private account my hair Now, can a man become a woman? There has been. A lot has been talk about when it comes to all. These rules and all these issues. We want to make sure people can lead. anyway they want. I don't think, It needs to be in control of anybody's? Like you go led the way you want to live, you should be fine. Led the way you want to live and every The government has anybody, said, lived the wooden led? The way you want to live, as anybody said, If you're a man- and you want to mutilate yourself, go for it, there's nothing. I'm gonna do about it, some of the woman and sober. That's not the issue The issue is whether our children are going to be taught this. The issue
Whether we are books about this in our schools, the issue of whether this is a civil rights movement, the issues whether we have to embrace it, they ve earning rubber he wants to go over there and do it every wants to do. Nobody gives a dam that doesn't make it a national issue that doesn't make it a cultural issue when they trying. you know, impose it on everybody. That makes it an issue, again a red herring, go ahead here. Why? I think it you always have to believe in freedom and allowing people lived the life the way they want. Eleven, that's how they choose than you know. I don't think let's have any say on that day,
Bet he can a man become a woman, not whether a man cuts off his genitalia or what can a man become a woman? The answer is now: no, it's a simple word. No and she couldn't say it and she wouldn't say it and she won't say no. If iowans, disappoint, new hampshire rights to support and south carolinians desmond, what do we have here, a standard bearer for what? What's the mandate, to be. I'm a woman. Don't fall for chaos. I won't you know you. Aren't you sick bs. You people on our who were going to these caucasus is understanding it's freezing, it is the freezing you didn't
Go to a facility to voice opinion and vote for this seriously. Why would you do that. And I would ask the folks in ireland I what do you have in common, the governor marilyn, nothing. What we have in common with the governor of new Hampshire, these ex Republican, nothing, zero. No crystal said: oh she's, a nominee, he would vote for it. Doesn't it tell you everything you need to know bill crystals they can play reprobate. Why is it that democratic billionaires, their democrat operators? That republican establishment types in Washington dc cutting out. I think, tanks, coming out of their little whenever
little jobs I get their grief, their jobs. Why is it that they're all backing nicky? She talks about trump. That ninety nine percent of the add she ran were against the sabbath, not trot. She didn't say no. If trumpet asking to be vice president santa said now: She's a ladder climber, that's what she is. You and I we say to each other, constantly the hell's going to happen to this country. If we lose ask yourself this, what the hell happened to this country. After all, the money spent for the battles are fought or the votes are cast and we get an a
merely to me. She sounding not more more like georgia, bush is literally sounding to me more more, like mitt romney she's, not a conservative. Larry hogan, no sir chris Unos, Chris resting knows it. The bush bill on tv, they know what our body whereof, he knows it. These are people we'll never supported ronald reagan, let alone Donald trump and they would Supported round his head So if you were the nominee they're, not conservatives are long and the tooth republican apparatchiks so you get the support or at least favourable opinions from the wall street journal editorial page. This is how you get favourable opinions from our friends at national review. This is A favourable coverage from the cable network, cable network, cable network, listen a weapon
Democrats are telling you they want to pick our nominee iowa. Listen to what they're saying. Anybody who tells you- and this is the new wine- the pulse- tell us the postal. You nothing pulse, tell us. We had a landslide last election, but we did an imagined pulling caucasus. which is an impossibility. It's an impossibility and they're always wrong and theirs surprise, when or maybe not this time, but certainly in the past, chaired crews rick santorum button, He hilly. Does it really give a crap about what's going on, and I wish she once iowa as a stepping stone to new Hampshire, and then she wants new Hampshire as a stepping stone this at carolina and then she All the media are the cable channels,
The commentators all the media, to announce to declare to proclaim sheikh president united states, why. why? What are they always talk superficially politics, but why? Why conservatives. Why republicans? Why would we pick somebody? The Democrats want to run against, despite what they say. What tv network tv? Why. You know damn well. Why. she will not take on these, american marxist, she will not take on the fbi and the department of justice. She will not fight to the bitter end secure that border. She will not reverse much of what Biden has done shall play it safe and easy. That's what she's always done I'll be right.
back then. There is a long list of outstanding, brilliant, beautiful. Conservative women and the republican party long list. That the Democrats would never support that the media would never support period, but they support Nikki Haley. We're making Healy even a friend a minor one of the leaders of the evangelical movement. As far as I'm concerned, frederick eagerly gaily,
weak on the abortion issue. She never talks about prayer in school. All she's ever done when it comes to Israel's talk at the united nations, which is very important, don't get me wrong. but I do in the heavy lifting when it comes to pointing out what the hell's going on right now by the way I get this some of this next hour, but right now, iowa, the here listening to our knowledge of great one, the gray one, and you can call it now- aid seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one that was analysis done by actually one of the big networks. It said the big networks, in promoting healthy and good news about Hayley more than any other candidate. Now why they doing that? Why are they doing. I want you to remember. These sooner history, when it comes to recommended candidates.
governor John sununu appointed. Suitor, embers sooner he was horrendous supreme court justice to this Cream quota new Hampshire, nineteen, seventy eight Two years later he recommended suitor to georgia. W bush to the? U s supreme court. I should say, twelve years later. Ninety ninety. And he was a stealth nominee, a stealth nominee. I am trying to tell you. They. Chris Vanunu, no staff nominees, The whole sununu family does and what is the sooner we get all this face. Time he's just we're governor, whose endorsed nicky ellie. You don't see.
Kim Reynolds the sitting governor via where the caucasus are actually taking place, getting the kind of face diamond airtime they chris Who gets that's another game that they play? but I want you to hear from somebody named Andy. Save him. makes me wonder if he's the son of a guy named saving billing air out on the west coast in a radical left wing jerk, as far as on sir, but nonetheless this anti sabin on fox news sided with neo commodo, listen, carefully, cuts We actually have they large Fundraiser on the thirtieth of january. Eta made Apartment if she were raising a tremendous amount of money believers a number of it, being from democrats another raising it fairly new.
City billionaires who are Democrats are raising this money for Helen. I mean alarm: bell should be gone off all over the place. Go ahead. when you say I your apartment in new york city, whose apartment I can tell you, I'm sorry stir, I wish I could tell nightmare. Maybe you could I whispered to me now, just between you and me, all I can tell you is one of the biggest Democrat is one Best friends, how you would hungary, whose never voting for republican is a color of this benefit This raises this is At the same- and I was thinking about that said- get that. all this was going on. Ladies and gentlemen, in the shadows. That's why Nicky hayley cannot say that men can
A man cannot be a woman, we've campaign like this in my life and people are to vote for. Why? Because Chris who says so, fence chris issue, as a people on an elephant says who really cares what christian and who has to say, or his daddy has to say, given what is daddy? Did the supreme court weapon these people so wise. One. Christian, who knew so wise because he's as for nothing. But here he is christian or on face the nation. Why is he on face the nation? Why is he on meet the press? Cause he's a foil. love republicans like this love. It go ahead All the eu and economic needs of boredom, but he would trump go ahead, but
support him out and we never said we once abortion republican nominee, but unfortunately evil anyone be anxiety to go up against a backdrop. Well, but I didn't say I wasn't going to support them. Republicans are going to support them. This would be a nail biter race come november with Nikki haley at the top. She wins by ten ten points she doesn't now. This is what I mean the lies that come out of the mouth of these these frauds she win. By ten points, in german one more time its january. Anything can happen. You don't They're gonna do massive. Opposition research, ronicky hayley, I mean I've, barely watch this service, but the surface. Our word salads, like gamala harris and they're gonna go through, Echo is governor and are going to talk about how she could even say that civil war was fought, the civil was fought for two reasons. to end slavery and they keep their
but gives one country, that's it. How brown your dad debated say that she couldn't say it. Can a man be a woman? She can't saying now what's the problem and you expect to get. under her fingernails fighting the left, fighting the media, the meteor, carrying her on their shoulders? Why? Because I like now. You can get her nominated to cut off at the two seconds and here's my problem. All these dynamic It's that are gonna pour into the I will call, and these are left to pour into the new Hampshire, primary and so forth. There never gonna vote for helping. These are hard core radical democrat. So highly won't even have the base behind her. You understand what I'm saying:
some people are not gonna rally around them. sir I've had enough with the bush people the roundly people, the sioux knows the christie have had enough. Maybe they'll go third party, my humble opinion is. She would be a disaster that very reason. One of this. Let me try this what are the three great point she's running on? Can anybody tell me she's tired chaos? Oh I'm sorry, should find another job. Chaos Let me tell you a secret politics as war without the bolts twenty. It is I'm tired of the chaos and I, like all the negativity gear spent fifteen million dollars in iowa character, assassinating the scientists. but I will stand up for the people. How, where giving your five biggest Gimme, a three big issues. You know I'm right. America.
You know I'm right iowa and you know new hampshire you know damn well, I'm right about this had been through too many these primaries, where the conservatives are always attacked there always dismissed as too radical by the republicans they can't win. I told you this story when I was a young kid. Well, however, nineteen, seventy six nineteen years or the republican party in pennsylvania was strongly behind gerald forty you can imagine we is this the republic, we were young, turk, republicans, conservatives. Unfortunately, most of my buddies have passed away, but we organise these conservative efforts against the establishment party in the state.
And every time they said, the conservative couldn't one the conservative couldn't couldn't win. Rather, I want to ask you a question. Good man, the attorney general kentucky african american modern republican. They ran for governor of kentucky full backing a bitch macao, genuine mr bidders. He lost. They don't about that. I could go down the list of all these rhinos who lose they wanted or on a mac. Conservative really are twenty turn. They attacked the tea party. Look at other I knows who lost the mayor get there. Yes, landslides and modern american history. Not just the republican party was the most kind. Herbert of man ever
On aid for president by the republican party, the most conservative ever get fifty percent of the vote, despite the fact that John Anderson was running and he was running against encumbered democrat. In january. january of nineteen. Eighty. Last year before the election, he was over twenty Wage behind Carter try the listener this eighty eight sooner said oh yeah yeah and should be chosen. By and by ten points. and their larry organs after announcing nobody cares who out hogan supports, but there. Here's my cnn gallop. I find all the conservatives in voting republicans on CNN cnn,
god, sakes cnn, oh yeah, you know the conservatives red faced with the agreement to be ratings for low republicans and conservative amazed. Now here's larry organ on CNN yesterday, what I have to say that it was so critically profound go ahead. Some focused on trying to nominate the strong, we'll republican macao. The rest of us want to dominate the weakest possible republic Gerald ford lost Jimmy carter. George Bush almost lost the electoral college. I'm sick of these republicans telling us that they know they,
How you see the republic at the these rhinos. They know who the strongest candidature, though they don't have the foggiest idea, romney Mccain, not exactly Reagan: go water, constitutional conservatives; they can straight out of the republican establishment, thereby lost dogma, forgot sex, but don't Sorry, they couldn't tell us who's going to win. They have a crystal ball that completely out of touch with the base, and what they're trying to tell you is. We need a quisling republican who can muster enough a publican votes. Masterson Democrat votes monster enough independent votes to win. That's what they're trying to tell you. Well, maybe that's how hogan did in maryland but the whole nation is in maryland. Maybe that's
Christy did it in new jersey, but the whole nation is a new jersey. And I love new Hampshire. I think I drove through their once or twice mr producer, but I understand is very beautiful. Nothing against new hampshire per se, but I hate to say, as no hampshire goes? No, the country doesn't go. Guy had finished. Without hogan plea, urging everyone to get behind nicky haliae. Oh, I wish my friend acts could come up with a better for the Democrats quite rightly had they talk to each other Axelrod. His friend acts that this is what I mean Says relationship with these people, his friend acts. He talks about tromp like he's like he's filth, but his friend acts who got up elected, twice nasty s, obey his friend acts, but it's his friend action hacks. Is it ass? Her acts must, what is I don't know which it is go ahead
other people in america do not want to vote for show by or donald trump, but no I'm I they're gonna, get up you idiot, you believe will be the day. He would back to republican nominee to replace him for governor a team player dish guy hogan. I just I think about these things when you look at historic figures period worldwide in this country, even in the republican party they're, not Legs of Larry hogan Sooner though, not the likes of these rhinos paper on, Yes, the greatest rhino we ve never had is there having been any? It is a daunting task to put the massive federal ubiquitous.
leviathan, that is the federal government, the police state, the bureaucracy back in the bottle, its massive job, and so yes will be a little bit of chaos. Nicky here, I just don't think you're up to it. I'll be right back then Look at this very simple. The Democrats want to put trump in prison I want to put Nicky hayley as the republican nominee, not what you think about its number one number two. I keep hearing them we decided to spend money attacking each other hayley spent. Almost fifteen million dollars decide to spend about for four and a half.
without that democratic money going into their pack billion years, a quarter of a million dollars or something like that. She would not be able to run those sites by she's, not going to say man cannot be a woman. She is not going to do that and I would like to. Ask all the evangelical leaders and others who are supporting her does not bother. You does not bother you. And we're just talking about a campaign at the front end now we're not talking about when they hit them when they. really hits when you're running it's a Democrat or if your presently united states you to take on the media and the culture and the congress. She's also said the debt is way too high. We need to cut it, something that I myself, okay, now what what's your proposal, As you know, this party government shut down about as a footnote on that, stop
to these morons in washington? We can't when elections when we do that really reagan shut the government down a ten times. What do I keep mentioning a because? That's that's how you win, drives. You gotta do what's right, you know, I don't think these. Damn republicans what is supported ram lincoln to the, and they would have asked a compromise. We can't when elections and as a matter of fact, just so. You know late summer early spring in eighteen, sixty four, this. Or was it Abraham lincoln would lose. I wonder what Chris Sununu would have said. I wonder what all these republicans in Washington dc would have said sometimes you gotta do what's right, whether there's quarter ok, ass or not. A government shut down destroys nothing
And we want many elections, vaguely like when tat crews conducted is for buster We picked up seats in the senate. People forget all about it, because they, all wine are getting their money back anyway, whether their bureaucrats are recipients. Sir pensioners, it doesn't matter and yet They don't have any alternative. Ok, how do we cut the budget had always step this debt that will, while other countries us out and make us tested they no solutions, none and that's vickie. and her supporters are the same people and the republican party. The push people that their romney peep did the sioux new people
There, the larry hogan people disasters as our countries getting destroyed disasters. George Bush didn't secure the border, it anyone wanta. Sorry, it's true, copper. Immigration reforms that would work. Paula. We no longer on the. Why should I want back IRAN has committed a major act of war. Now. What are we going to do with the this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again.
For listening- and thank you so much for this sponsorship pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground, then both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader that the america mark Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one one! I can't speak for Everybody and talk radio, but I'm sure. Some, not alone among a real small handful of us. that iran has been behind blowing of the Middle east that by Then, behind iran blowing up the middle east, because he's been rearming them with billions
much of it due to his refusal to continue to suffer lord de restrictions I was placed there were placed on IRAN and its economy and its oil direct money. The billions to around direct money through the? U n, hundreds of millions tom hundreds of mines directly from us to the p yellow it's the p. I know its appeal. I thanked me and of course, their policies, luck. The islamic terrorists, the slowness nazis, see weakness. They're like cockroach and Joe Biden blinken, they're busy chasing the cockroaches at all. I crawling up the wall, but they're, not behind the wall where they alarmist impetus, has had for an hour these
Murders I want to blow us off the face of the earth. Now These attacks on us, through their surrogates, the hutus among others, have been met with a miserable respect, miserable. This orange says: ok, we'll take one of your tankers. That's been met with a miserable risks. And the who do you say you didn't hurt us fire more missiles and and fly more drones to attack us, but a few hours back, iran stepped up. From the Jerusalem post, a really any news network right now, the american counselling and our bill in the car Stand region of Iraq was attacked, Monday evening by dry
Funds belonging to the iranian revolutionary guard cord, the I r d c, according to a report on Al Jazeera in, is interesting. Rainy national guard, that's what salami used ahead, and course trump took him out. Al Jazeera is the newspaper, the media outlets for qatar. The of vines are not just bides, but so many in this country that have spent money supporting mass and other terrorist activities. The eye Our GC took responsibility for the attack in northern iraq, announcing that they had attacked intelligence, headquarters and gathering place of anti iranian terrorist organisations in response to the latest terrorist crimes. Against IRAN's enemies. Now We call we sent men and women to fight in iraq to democratize iraq under george w bush. You might remember the purple fingers people voting.
Iraq is now a client state of iran under Joe Biden, Iraq's already been conquered bearer effectively under Joe Biden. We ve been attacked We ve been attack by drones and missiles we paid for directly and indirectly. We ve been attacked. We have had over a hundred casualties big. winning brain damage and small to american. forces personnel in a region actually over a hundred fifty. And we in the brits, maybe Norway or somebody else. he had some of their sites, but then Joe Biden set made clear
There we didn't hit any citizens, because you know that's the goal here, not to do america but dont had any citizen, the opposite call with the enemy kills. Many citizens is, you can and then let events follow. Joe Biden has widened the war in the Middle east because of his failed diplomas. That because he supports his roma, because his rose defending itself that, because Israel wants to crush its enemy, they keep saying if they get get a little breather, they're gonna attack. Israel is Russell. Oh breather were not taken, are full of your damn throat pierre friggin hands off our girls, you bastards, that's what Israel said Joe bona turbines got a lot of people killed
cleaning, americans now Afghanistan, loony americans. Still there we don't know, what's happened to them, including france, He's in afghanistan who fought side by side. Just assumed if we left, we will leave in a way that wouldn't imperil them their families. They were wrong. unfortunately, for some of them they were dead wrong. Now, there's a He's an ax, yo sacho says a radical left wing website and theirs by the name of iraq, ravine. What's with you, name, barrack they're, all kind of putrid brok obama, the Former chief justice in Israel, Iraq and others This, I is one phony reporters we Adam here they have in Israel who, in my Humble opinion just might be hate his own country, but I wouldn't right the crap any rights
So he is sort of the thomas freeman practice shows that is when the administration wants to get propaganda, of undermining Israel, undermining Netanyahu who they all hate they go to. Iraq ravine. And he's happy to serve serve them on on his knees. Now I don't mean that in order me. So there's a piece of their Joe Biden is growing tired and weary and frustrated with the elected leader of Israel, Netanyahu. But he hasn't called him in twenty days and I thought well, that's not unusual. I don't like he called his defense sector in twenty days, but that's beside the point. So there. at the where just like Biden and his people put out the word of the new york times that they wanted merrick garlic, to indict donald trump and stop screwing around like a panel.
judge they got the message out: that's what they did. They get the message out through Propaganda mouthpieces, like Barak raviv, will make him famous or infamous in this She must have been only monopoly is understandable. Maybe we'll get the hell, we'll call him another pulitzer prize, Mr Barroso, do you think that maybe he'll get they goldberg price? If there is one nonetheless he's an circle of jerks. May I say that must reduce or the circle of turks who mind their own country. We have them here who undermine our country my humble opinion: that's what he does the time a war tat time. Oh, oh, but you know Their been elections during times of war, there been elections during times of war, but at
got up and been your lane, you moron What is it to be you getting too I points from the administration and then spewing them and attaching a line. anonymous or they didn't want to be quoted. Wild eyed fact after penury, what's their dutifully again? His own government that our regime in this country is tired of Netanyahu. They may not keep putting up with this guy. Five shores of wow and they made be putting up with him anymore and they may not support his war effort anymore. Let me tell you what's really going on. Rather eve is too stupid to ideological. Tell the truth, in my humble opinion, of course, first and foremost Joe bynes about Joe Biden,
That's it we needed to be racist segregationist when he came into the senate was erases segregation if he needed Support the crime bill in ninety ninety four: he supported many more. If you believed abortion should be rare and should be paid for by the federal government dumbly that anymore. And I can go on and on. But what's the point point's been made. Joe Biden seas and I talked about this a few months ago- what his party is done through immigration Through propaganda and colleges and universities, they ve created in the EU It states that domestic hamas islamists. You don't have to actually be met.
islam, in my view, too, heavy mess that islam is mentality than hurt. But you don't have to. You believe in what they believe. That's good enough. They have come, this marks a movement that is ubiquitous in his country in every aspect of our culture. And they have allowed this islamist mentality through Hamas through care and their front group Many of them, funded by george soros and supported by non chomsky self haters of the worst order. By media in this country by the jake tapirs, they Andrea Mitchell's. And so many others, the joy reads: the those on the view. Other law, I q morons, to run defence for these people.
Celebrate them to promote them, and now this happens on every marxist islam is revolution. What do they do? Mr produce? They kill off each other down this case, I mean politically of The look in london and stolen busy killing off their competitive mouth, Oh just like gee, you know they have these cleansing operations, everyone's corrupt, but them here, corrupt or I'd, executed him or not. The third line of low I q fact slob in breadth, same thing, castra, jake were there with all those cool, tee shirts same thing. My door, and that is where the same thing
nor throughout the Middle east, same thing. Well, it's not as aggressive it's a softer kind of slash. Islam is mentality thanks to our constitution,. And all those men who wrote it ratified it adopted a you know those guys discuss those guys. It's so now this is the democratic party base, not black people. that hispanic people, not asian people, not jewish people, marxists and islamists. That's the democratic party base, Now, the other day, this weekend, you may not have heard this. There was an insurrection that took place my what all the data on your calendar. I believe it was.
Was it saturday sunday, MR buddhism? Maybe it was both days so all circle january, but is it. january thirteenth on our counter ends action day, something about Joe. But that's a january thirteenth insurrection there they were trying to down the fencing surrounding the white house? They had a move. People out of the white house, move them out of the white house. Joe wasn't their course chosen out there. Thank you get a six ten chance, the job at the white house. While he wasn't there. In their called pro palestinian and listen, I agree. I dont know why the media. Trust eyes me to be pro palestinian today means to be pro hamas talking. They keeps putting it.
Well they're, not the hamas group. How do you know What are you trying to say I'm trying to say there was a survey? not yesterday, and these are arab, think tanks and others who are doing they surname. Sixty seven percent. It was a huge survey of all arabs in the middle east support october. Seventh, why? How can we least suggest that a majority. of the people in Washington the other day. So Where did what happened on October Toby, seventh, yes, I think we can logically concluded- and I will that's the democratic party base. Is I've been saying for months.
They are going to vote for Joe by what about joe and genocide and all that there either known about for Joe with again about third party. There, not republicans for all the talk and pray. Again, the democratic party media and the democratic party operatives who were in the democratic party media. General six was nothing compared to what and during the summer of twenty twenty were so burned, but. hundreds and hundreds of casualties at least Score of people were murdered. There was a revolution: people were armed, people were shot down on the capital. One person was shot by a hero now were totally shot through the door and killed a veteran who didn't have a weapon
It wasn't violent, hidden, break anything he's a hero So bad is it that Joe Biden has pretend and lie that five police officers are some number lost their lives at day? No, they didn't doesn't matter democracy they created. Did the democratic party media there, phony masterminds in these universities they ve created this. We have a terrorist supporting population, its big enough, not huge, but big enough in our midst and the democratic party created. That's what your binds reacting to you idiot barrack, rubbing its hurting his base.
the majority of democrat young people, oppose Israel, oppose israel where'd, you get that from an you run cover. You're uncover oven and whatever the hell, you name is forbidden, pathetic and so is Biden. That's why Biden his stabbing Israel in the back and is poised to make it even worse for them? the right back. Then Does social engineering from left us corporations make you feel like we're living in the twilight zone? Well, you're, not alone, pure Fuck, my wireless company knows the site. Majority is better and I I urge all those americans to stand with a company that champions your values, those of you who always have your neighbors back, who put yourselves up by your boots,
perhaps to realize that a little bit of elbow grease can fix just about anything while it's time to join your fellow patriots who fled their old wireless company for something better pure talk, pure talk gives you phenomenal coverage on america's most dependable five g network for half the price of the other, eyes and with unlimited plan starting it just twenty dollars a month, the average family saves most one thousand dollars a year and it's a veterinary company pure talk as a company. You can feel proud to do business with just go to pure talk that calm, slash, love in the join your fellow americans and make the switch. That's pure talk, tat, calm, slash, levant and save an additional fifty percent off here for smart whip, your talk, Martin luther king, we celebrate his birthday today is most famous speech. He said in part I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they want
be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. he went on to talk about a color blind society. Now, if he read either my last two books or paying attention on. What's going on in the world critical, his theory judging universities, the official position of the department of justice, the official The vision of the democratic party in their media is a color blind. Society is racist. The only equal or equitable society is one that specifically this. grim and aids, and segregate they start race. stone marxism, does social engineering from left. This corporations make you feel like we're living in the twilight zone. Well, you're, not alone, pure My wireless company knows the site,
Majority is better, and I, I urge all those americans to stand with a company that champions your values. Those of you who always have your neighbors back, who put yourselves up by your boots, Perhaps they'll realize that a little bit about about greece can fix just about anything. Well, it's time to join your fellow patriots who fled their old wireless company for something better pure talk. Pure talk gives you phenomenal coverage, america's most dependable five g network for half the price of the other guys and with unlimited plan, starting it just twenty dollars a month. The average family saves almost one thousand dollars a year and it's a veterinary company pure talk as a company. You can feel proud to do business with just gotta pure talk that calm, slash, love in join your fellow americans and make the switch that's pure talk, tat, calm, slash, levant and save an additional
two percent off your first month whip your talk, mark Levin, the voice, the liberal sphere and most, and you can call mark at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one Well, you're going to have people say as soon as we get results, we'll let you know. Well, I'm going to tell you the truth: we're not going to have results during the course of my program doesn't work that way I'm going to have any kind of results of matter mark, Mark that I all the audience I wholly audience. By being honest, I owe my audience right must reduce and that's everybody should hold their audience. Be perfectly honest with you. Alright, well take a little listenin to her. from a lily jaya in open for we do that, get the thinking in that a mac,
Add said: listen to these assets that I read, I review them. First, they talk about the country, our ancestors book. And, what's amazing to me is what I'm going to say will be considered controversial, not controversial the unless, of course,. You're a buffoon of the left. that is in the media, ancestors built this country. Let me repeat that our ancestors built this country wherever you're from whatever your race? Whatever your faith. americans are an Esther is built this country or more. What about migrate, listen to me.
Migrants of old, absolutely assistance through the question about their, but americans built this country And I'm tired of americans taking second place to everything, the propaganda, this country. In some of those migrants were our ancestors as a matter of fact now fast for de right now, the people pouring into our country have done nothing for this. Nothing, zero. But mark they might do this you're not listening, and I don't mean you, I mean the generic you. And we have a mass, a welfare state.
everybody coming over the border in one form or another, is now and welfare whether it's free hotel, free food, free clothing, it's free. whether it is governor welfare, one level of government or another There's some organization whatever it is. The people who come here in the last few years under bindings, open borders policy have contributed nothing to this country. The zero remarked I haven't. I type not listen to me no excuses of factors. In fact a man can't be a woman. A fact is tat. By the way, I'm very glad a man can be women? Are you mister bellew, oh my, That's a whole mother story. Men at this, lasting in so many ways tat. You think rich.
I'm not talking about his friends or the color easy to understand. Men are disgusting, at least they are to me, but that's one other story irrelevant everything, but your ancestors, my ancestors. built this country. Yet we have no say it who comes here, none whatsoever and that's not the way it was supposed to be. That's not image what's happened on the borders, not immigration Not immigration as the fur. Where's understood it. It's not immigration, as anybody, and I have books that are mentioned in american marxist- I cite so called intellectuals, court on coal scholars, obviously, author and their books.
And their preaching in the classroom and their theory. and their ideologies. and it is they who talk about replacement it is they who talk about placement, not as a theory but as a goal is they and their mostly marxists, who write books, cited in my book. Paradise is cited in my book and I barely touched the tip of the iceberg. Since I focused on a lot in american marxism and I've told you this movie, the quote, the white majority population and by the way, what happens at even mean italians are an irish. Poles are german, germans. Aren't they just go down the list.
they're, not romanians, but other all white people because marks and I we met like the categorize people and and stereotyped them. African american. Every black person in america didn't come from africa. What that's right. And the various countries in africa the people in those countries don't view themselves as dickens per se. They view themselves as identifying with their country with their country, in other words the patriots for their country So government as says, has categorized as they put it under these little groups with Fitted in or not, then they stay type you and they say this group is favorite. That's how government controls assets are they can while our minds yeah tried, try. My group excuse me ernie, yes, united
Yes, I am, and what they preach in these books in these are safe in the classroom. Is that the illegal immigrants or the white europeans and behind them any body whose white pyraeum? This is what they teach and you pay for the indigenous peoples. other people in central and south america, and also in other parts of the world. There Illegal aliens they're not undercut. The americans. This is their home. we live in a pardon, your apartment building is on their land. If you live in a home, yours your family homes, on their lamp everyday.
You do here is a legitimate starting with your damn government. This is what their being taught by the marxist I took my racialized marks that part of the book- not all of it, is different aspects of this american marches in these are the people at the border Today, not all these right wing, white supremacist and their replacement fairy. You have these marxists, these racists, who are pushing it. That is a theory, but as an action plan to an action plan. That's why you're borders wide open to change the politics, because everybody, Coming in here illegally, who has a child that child is an american citizen who can vote? Listen to me.
seven or eight million people here illegally and they all children they ve. Two three four children multiply yourselves at such an average of two children. Once they hear their american citizens and they vote pretty nifty huh. As I pointed out, was the miller last night, Where's department views the census, determining how many people in the country not citizens. Therefore, congressional districts. are made out of the number of people here and not the number of citizens hear what kind of a country commit suicide like this art, because our people feeding at the poison pill. The Democrats. There are slimy supporters, their marxist supporters, you name all the reprobates who hate this country.
keep a pull together under the umbrella of the democratic party. I should have called the I'm party hates america volume to america. Marxist could be, but I wanted to put a fine point, a fine point on the entity today. The pushes so totalitarianism as an entity. It's the democratic party. This is why the borders went up, It is Joe Biden never speaks to us What is wide open? They simply deny it. We have video, we ve cameras, hundreds of them sounds of eye witnesses, none other borders, Control the big lie: chapter four, the democratic party, hates america trumps against democracy, the Democrats, her fourth, the big lie: chapter four, the democratic party hates america. Like totalitarian regimes.
That's why the borders wide open if your white you're, the illegal immigrant you're, the way that goes for immigrants from africa and other parts of the world to your you're, the illegal immigrant you're, not the indigenous people here, but they don't mention that because they didn't want to break up their quote. Unquote: political coalition. I'll be right back much. Does social engineering from left. This corporations make you feel like we're living in the twilight zone. Well, you're not alone. Pure talk. My wireless company knows the silent majority is
and I urge all those americans to stand with a company that champions your values. Those of you who always have your neighbors back, who put yourselves out by your boots, perhaps to realize that a little bit of elbow grease can fix just about anything while it's time to join your fellow patriots who fled their old wireless company for something better pure talk. Pure talk gives you phenomenal coverage on america's most dependable five g network for half the price of the other guy's and with unlimited plans, starting at just twenty dollars a month average family saves almost one thousand dollars a year and it's a veterinary company pure talk as company. You can feel proud to do business with just go to pure talk, tat, calm, slash, love in join your fellow americans and make the switch. That's pure talk, tat, calm, slash, levant and save an additional,
if two percent off your first month with your talk, I've decided not to play familiar jaya. Pal she saw them stood with. I mean honestly. A body with her by the way the skype pritzker I have to give him the floor. For the weirdest looking guy in politics, don't you must reduce. He is one strange. Do another worth a zillion as you. The governor of minnesota tim walls, there is another don't show up in his own, he think it's great. The eurobonds running for office as a senile old man cut eleven go.
But I guess the question is: is the campaign taking this issue seriously enough? Do they need to do? I think they are? They got us out you're talking about it. I've spent a lot of time with the president and his great. We were talking we're chatting and all this and I think in a week we all get a little older countries. People lie, did they just as it so sick they don't care that there's gonna be a man in their who doesn't know, defence secretary is, who doesn't know is why, from a sister, whose crooked corrupt up to his eyeballs? There. all these challenges and threats facing us as a nation and they could care less, go ahead, But you also gain that insight in. I think when it comes to these issues working across the island come on regaining insight could you're older. If your name, you don't get inside just cause. You turn eighty eighty, two years old, you're, always an idiot you're, just an already. What inside what insight.
The guy was an idiot when he had all of us of brain tissue, going in one direction and got all kinds of stuff gone up there and his experience Provide him within sight is us auburn full go ahead. Just doing This with dignity, doing it with glass getting up every day, do so shut up shut. I can't I can't take. It must reduce the proper. in other words a republic, and yet you know you'd get there The rhinos out there just trash away crash in Democrats not conduct themselves. You could be running a come quite for present united, dates, and they would say, recipes kept the expense,
it's a ripening he's got the experience of value I just on the label, but we ve never had a common, quite in the white house before this is a good opportunity right. I think so. I'd see here. Oh we're right up against what time do I have the next hour? I also want to take some cause. I mean I've got a ton of stuff here, but the last time we took calls I'll be honest with you he's an eye slow down a cause is because, no matter how we tried to screen people would change top it can do other things and and It was. It was more of a distraction, it wasn't a contribution, but we ve had the last few times some really good cause of. When I do it again. In the programme. Is time those on, but all these Democrats are lining up behind by despite the fact that no is a crook, despite the fact that
No, he doesn't have it together. They spend time with him. They know all these things, but they don't care of her. We got another of india yet and with bands Every night is a watch party was time for european to improve to make their beds. So what's the move tonight game, you know the new customers get five dollars get one hundred and fifty dollars back in bonus, bets football, but he's not bad at all the stars with all your friends and make every moment one can do. New customers threat by dogmas get one hundred and fifty dollars backing bonus bets make every moment more with do to America's number one sports book:
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Seven. Three, eight one, three, eight one, one area, this senator length from Oklahoma or you're so that the country. On his immigration deal with the Democrats, I mean these republicans in the senate. There they are the worst of the worst. This is from bright bart descent, Gnp leaders draft border deal with a white house would reward illegal immigration. Ready for this age, more foreign graduates to take jobs for american graduate says the immigration accountability project. They said nothing in there. They restricts immigration. In fact, it's just going to encourage more people to come. So Chris Chmielewski. essentially authorizes the binding ministration. Listen to this, the Republicans take continue to catch him these people into the country it authorized, is there to give them work permits to
legal migrants enter and authorizes them to grant parole. That is legal status to everyone that they are able to funnel to a port of entry. the republicans got played by the Democrats. He said the Republicans went to the auto shop to get their car fixed and walked out with a broken cup holder and here's. What this gentleman said about the details of this ordered deal that the Republicans are lining up behind in the senate, but my johnson, these big the house said not we're not doing that period, that's why you cut out by Mcconnell. They do involve Johnson in that questions are negotiations, there's a whole story. I think it's new york magazine none other daily beast, but is a radical leftwing cook paper. Nonetheless,
A website about how Schuman m o connell I getting along now better than ever. Of course, they are because teaming up against the house republicans and the conservative and a couple of hours runs, There's former staffordshire out their trash mike Lee and others. We have heard on you yet because that's what they call does. This is what they all do. Their pigs. So, what's in this thing, among other things, increase green cards by fifty thousand a year work permits adult children of age, one be holders, so these are additions to what's going on. Media were permits to every illegal alien released from custody. What you know it is for this is backed or amnesty. They want use the word, but lank fred, I will you,
We want our globe and understand what a jerk disguise very earnestly drugs like just very earnestly he's a jerk. They all are. this person negotiating for them, can citizenry just how Nikki hayley would do this crowd. She'd do great she'd, fair right in immediate work, minutes to every illegal alien release from custody. How about immediate deportation notices, tat, ready, ACS funded lawyers. Just certain. You are and mentally incompetent aliens. don't worry you I see an authorized. I guess, spoken authority for a limited number of days. Only in think where's exceed five thousand a day over a seven day period, so we're restart
our ourselves? America, restrict, we're for those who enter without authorization between ports of entry, still secret draft. Somebody like this, but it's a secret drift to sell out grandpa, Points out it's going to continue to allow illegal immigration. It. Saying oh wow at five thousand people come illegally every single day, and I remember but you're johnson obama's, head of DHS said when you hit two thousand. This is couple of years back. It's a disaster, And so what lank for it in the republicans in the senate course, the democrats raw for killing erika, but now you know some of the republicans are to what they Do as enshrine five thousand a day, five thousand a day.
is to reduce or by my calculation that's a hundred and fifty thousand a month, and by my Neither calculation psych wanted porters million every single year illegal immigrants, amnesty for we're talking about. Democrats are one support from geo p later macao mcconnell behind the whole thing. Let me one support. By threatening that sea, by threatening to cut off money for ukraine, war against russia, the dealers, championed by senator Tom. Tell us this guy's a complete rat, frank. ex Nicky hayley look like bury go war here. Just in january tenth, the bill would be popular because who curve the asylum migration portion of a huge inflow Was didn't mention the
restrictions effort to expand the parole inflow or the age? on be expansion, but he did say I am also somebody who thinks we should probably legally immigrate each year and other ready for this a million here million more workers than we do already. Oh, my god,. They say these things, even though we're not even assimilating the people into our country right now, because we're destroying those institutions that do the assimilation, namely our public schools, so here, a republican for more carolina. he doesn't know. What's goin on Terms of assimilation, why do it's not going on. And then he says, I think, what a quarter of a million and a half million more here. This is a direct contradiction of the framers of the cards. During that people found at this country. You say why we have a quarter of a million. Have him half
it is the size of baltimore every year,. One million is the size of montana every day, Well, these numbers around We ve had as many illegal immigrant crossing into this country, as almost a population of massachusetts, give or take ten million where they go in. while their sixty seven thousand in new york city thats, spittle ocean. That's nothing! Where are all these people does matter? so Tom tills yanina. I think we have half a mind two million more legal way here in a shop. You moron: how do these? but become senators, there's so stupid. kara law allows an annual inflow
roughly one million non proper legal immigrants and several hundred thousand temporary visa work and save a million plus several hundred tell us to increase by half a million share Most two million plus whereat. I would argue, ten million, but about eight million illegal aliens in those going. Oh yeah, that's fine tom! Sorry! I good idea like for good You're, a hell of a negotiator, oh you're, good. Binds massive use of parole loophole. It's also explain in great detail. The democratic party hates america is being challenged in court by state attorney general, so he's taken this idea, parole and, of course, he's twisted his rewritten it just like his prosecutor friend psmith. And I will continue to say this is the most important area in which to impeach Joe Biden. The american people are furious about what's going on in the border.
You will have the body politic, and by that I don't mean politicians, I mean the american people in all corners of the country, Some more than others, but it doesn't matter of a bull, unite america. This issue of impeaching donald trump, four intentionally violating federal immigration law. Mr it can I ask you something had the great minds in the house. Charge of these committees did even talk about this bank account number twelve seminal three dash a case. I number three. I look at this. Someone so said such and such judgment. This is serious stuff. That's that's how you build a movement for impeachment, any movement, the defeat the Democrats and, at the same time, some Technically support the constitution in the united states and get control over the border.
This is low hanging fruit. I've been saying it Its low hanging fruit, you know what I should start corn out these terms. They don't come on the show anyway. Do they must reduce comber calmer, doesn't want to come on the shelf. What's hear it his name ways and means. I don't remember that smith is another one. I've been asked, Jim on Jim comes on Jordan. Baby, I ask, is what the hell's goin on here. This is The most fertile area is the most important area. it's also the air, while you'll get enormous support from the american people. And maybe will actually be able to do something about it. Amiright was love
the believe. Some of the emails I get during the break people Dunno thing: guys, really good. You know it. Tromp signs on his front lawn, that's great under. Do you have an audio again? Can you play that must reduce the skies salesman? these same and I think his name is: that's. Listen. If we go ahead, we actually have they large fundraiser on the thirtieth Jane, I say: did you not say we We actually have a large fundraiser on January. Third, so we have one go ahead. Your apartment, If she we're raising a tremendous amount of money- believers- a number of it. and saw raising a tremendous amount of money. Ok, fair enough
believe it or not. A number of what guy at my Democrats When you made your apartment in new york, city police department and the raising a ton of money on jack, Third, we and a lot of them, are Democrats or raising it. So then I raising in four trump go ahead I can tell you, I'm sorry, it's just the eye. I could tell my, maybe you could I whispered to me now. Just between you and me I could tell you is one of the biggest Democrat is. My best friends, we would get we who's. Never voting for republican is a color. Of this benefit so co house, one of his best friends whose a billion, apparently its: we were raising all his money because he won't say who fair enough. But we know it's for the raising it. Nicky hilly, but don't worry,
mark. I can vouch this guy's, a right wing. Please don't semi stupid emails Can he, with my own ears, he's a right wing or what he's done here is terrible, terrible. in my humble opinion, the air, at see here there is something I want to get to. Oh yes, yes, yes, sir His approval writing is plummeting to fifteen year low. Now, my own colleagues, asian here, which is The lower his rating goes the more while the more desperate them hysterical. The propaganda will be from the democrat party in the way that they talk about any like a nominee These numbers are really horrific and therefore, if. even with the support of the media.
Even with the support of the media. It's because of these issues. Immigration and the like, and that's why, I do not understand why the republican stung, go on that you got lightfoot who selling us out, selling out the country. tom to us all, and these are the rhinos in the republican party. They will be backed by some of these bubblegum establishment, commentators, I've been around forever telling us The only way we can win, you are actually only one we'll be back by the wall street journal editorial paid, then any your poses m- is going to be viewed as a radical extremists, even in the face of what's taking place, The centre. Republicans can stand up to this and they want. Even in the face of all this and then expect us to support them and, of course the problem we have is honestly
When you have such a weak opposition party, where do you go? third party who then they win and they span hundreds of millions mcconnell on his work in these regions. In primers to defeat our people, at least recount scared of alaska. They change the voting system to help her and then make poor tens of millions of millions of dollars anyway into their re, said he gets into his pack from big. Actually, no big corporations. It's all an inside job. So the radical laughs have representation. They have representation. The. I stand for nothing republicans, they have representation
We don't have any representation. Pilots, a big problem, and when it comes to the issue of immigration, that should be shot? Those be open and shut america, because, this is a winning issue, because what they're doing is a disaster and we should be arguing if we get elected working fix this we're going to secure the board and close it we're going to deport people Shouldn't be here. We can't do that. Why eisenhower did it? Presidents have done it. Why is this. A third rail all of a sudden and if it goes on, if you give them jobs and if they quickly have shown then. What are you gonna do look at what about Did you talk about the rule of law and violating it in democracy comes up This cockamamie scheme
Anybody was born here in a excuse me that anybody who came here in a certain period of time, Have a right to have a job and they will Be deported forever, whatever five years, whatever the rule was, so he give effectively amnesty outta nowhere he doesn't have any statutory authority, but he did it a brave district court, judge role that that was unconstitutional, but so what. So what it stands, as is almost but he's getting deported. Whenever you came to the country and we can get republicans in the senate to fight this model, our onward around and it's ridiculous and they can. The speaker, this is
The thing that annoys main it should you seems to me than rather than focus are ire admit, Mcconnell and tom tell us at length for it. A corner, and but sarah and all the rest of them we keep going after these speaker guys, while I cut their steel, ok. if he had a partner in the senate, maybe they cut a better deal Kevin Mccarthy cut a great deal with the help of chip, Roy environed donalds and the freedom caucus cut a great deal. The biggest clad in modern american history not reduction caught and the biggest
efforts to secure the border in modern american history. They pull him out, they throw em out. it seems to me. Our political aim is that the wrong people- sometimes isn't it Back his laugh of beers right versus wrong goal market, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, forty eight one, one! No one wanted to talk about this. In about the republicans in the senate. This is Tom folks, our system is a function, it's not working and there's some reason for this. We spend enough time talking about tonight. The Democrats there marxist ideology and all the rest of it we ve
so talked at length over the years about the republican establishment that their perfectly happy with the way things are going. They just want power for themselves as well. So, where does that leave us. They don't want another ronald reagan. The republicans. They don't want another ronald reagan and they don't want another donald trump, Don't wanted the santas, let me be blunt: they don't want a conservative. What are these people go after? They leave congress while they become electricians or plumbers they Still, mills they're, not to them. They're, not farmers and ranchers. They become cops. Where do they go? What are they become? The Majority them don't go anywhere. In fact, many of them really dont go home.
So story about the Adam schiff, who has spent. his years as a congressmen really living in the washington DC area. That's what we're up and we really do have this ruling class its incompetent. It is of serving. increasingly ideological, and The people are the enemy. when I started out in this business. To produce will tell you this. He was with me every step of the way when I how did it go after the republican establishment and so forth and so on, I was alone this isn't it. pack on, I was alone measurement we used to call up the top radio geyser Vainer would do it or this one would do that when we look, I talked to them from time to time, but
I have I've had enough of them now much mcconnell. Of course. I let him have it hatch, I'd known or enhance for decades. he swore to me that Who's gonna be more conservative and then he gets reelected and almost immediately. That's not what happens almost immediately. He swings back to the left skype. sas tea party guy headed a small college. Seem very conservative, gets elected, gives good speeches, but does nothing worse, He hopes another pusillanimous republican senator from this day, in tennessee.
To give obama what he wants on IRAN. That should have been a treaty obama. He came up with a great idea. I will do what I want says obama, but I will presented to the senate. And you'll need a super majority in order to Tommy. I can't all that was never go happening yet that's what they did. He Me lobbying for it, and I told him in no uncertain terms, and I wanted to talk to him again. Vainer wrote a book I guess between drinks, in a pot I don't know cigarettes or whatever he smokes. And he kiss me of having somehow changed russian sean and others All I must reduce to professors, wrote a book. about talk, radio and of all the house. They accuse me of being them.
I forget what it was, but it wasn't very nice. I pose a danger to these people. I can't stand them. I told you my measure is this at some point: we all die and you hope it's not painful, but in my own minds I I just want to know that before their time, Comes when you're facing it, if you in in the position to think about a while you're facing in dealing with that in compromise. My principles- and I mean I didn't copper but I didn't compromise my fundamental principles in order to get a compromise. Oh, we get eighty percent want. We never get. Eighty percent, we get a foot in the growing
we never get eighty percent of what we want? They keep calling regular angle. We got it. percent of we want the countries look completely differently economically becomes. Do racial, none in the open border policies, national security and so forth, and so we have a republic, but we do get eighty percent barely twenty percent to get anything. But I don't want to sit there alive there and I don't think you do knowing that I didn't do anything. I could within reason to protect what we inherited to protect were passing on to our children and grandchildren. and I watched these guys like Tom, tell us and Linford mcconnell toward him, has tool. Maybe does Adona cordin presario
Or whatever the hell his name is. I watch these people. I think to myself your shameful what you're doing to the country Children, grandchildren generations yet born is disgusting by the way I'm going to make a public service announcement. America, particularly to my philadelphia. There's and sisters where I was born and raised the eagles look pathetic. The losing ten to nothing camp bay looks like the guy, his team to ever ass suit up and play on their first. Possession. They got three points, but there are, most god, save their second possession marched down the feel out. Maybe three four plays and they got a touch them they cannot tackle. They can protect the middle. and if they win it'll be amerika and I'll say.
For them. I want them than when I'm from philadelphia. I'm just telling you they look apps, really awful, so it's good to see you, listening to this show. Because I shuddered off- no, not me, Can you join the show? I look at it during the break, but it's just something I can Look maybe they'll come back in the one eight hundred to three, the under the ten. That's fine. Maybe I'll, miss the greatest football game on the face of the earth at any time in history. Good, that's fine, but- Is enough Injuries, everybody is injuries. You know. Stephen, a smith is a friend of mine. for some of you that upset you for some reason. What did you hear what he said about this guy, and here I don't care Say agree with him all the time I care the guys always been.
Classy with me. Always from the moment. I met him at a talk. Radio event came up to me. This could have been nicer. In that way to me today than we can ever do. Three, but we also have our agreements weaken dislike different people, unlike different people, so be it. But I sent him at maybe was three games ago, two games ago, a text- and I said, oh, my god cause he likes. You know he used to be with the philadelphia inquire for a long time. It's a very good writer. The book is a great book. I sit on my guard. Today's think he wrote back off one in its true. And what the happen this team game busters also think they can't stop any by that with all due respect new york.
Hi it's what was at blow. I was at school remember that Mr Barroso is a mass of forty, eight, the something how they The giant score forty eight points on anybody, against the giants. But how do you see it's incredible And they make all these loser tea. What was the other team forget? The las vegas team? They made them look great win or lose. they then look they make. Every team may play a great every quarterback. Look like Joe name. That's just incredible, so I can't stomach it anymore. I'll be right back then,. our legislation, Let's see
Let's see, let's go to can rockville flawed. The great w ex J bay go. Are you going to have to live and just wanted to? Let you know, I heard what you said about langford and I better into senator Rubio am scots office tomorrow. The speakers offers to block the good now that leads to die died. Now So when you told me that gun like I'm sixty four, your lord sir upward the eight year one little bit of security, I get We spent nine trillion dollars on watching war. Gimme a break its this, almost as if it were speed. This at this point and the fact that we came and rally a party. This is why, limits or so right, but once can happen without a constitutional amendment. You can have term limits. He can't statutory.
We change the constitution. There are no term limits right now. That's been try, you know Nicky Hell, he said I favorite term limits, walker, she's, a constitutional imbecile. It takes hardware, to get term one it's, but I'm a hundred per cent for it. Enough is enough. Thank you for your car, my friend. Las vegas nevadas serious, satellite lu lu. How are you good mark how you well? Thank you, sir. I have. yeah. To give me a second here. you re, yeah, you're, a figure in our household mark I think the typical way I ran my own house or two, but not necessarily pretty ones, go ahead. I have to keep moving, go ahead, load a walk in the door. My wife might see my face. As I say what now say, I gotta tell you what mark just said. Well, thank you. Just go die a lot and I'll. Thank you. Lou and god bless you. My friend take carriers
that's another state. They destroyed las vegas, used to be a reliably republican state, Let's keep moving J. Inside target york. The great w g d j go over there and I want to get people I had that. I just received my fourth registration. Voter registration from humor he wants to read now hold on a second. I humor sense of honor Shimmer sends out voter registration forms, a voter registration to register nine million new quit. My lunch slowdown. Jane, You know a senator could send out registration forms everybody. He wants you to fill these out back to his stop its box. It's not a registration form. It something else
In a so they're really deceiving you I'm guessing it's some kind of male form that he wants to exhibit malice. He wants to create causes. I can't say here: everybody, here's here is a registration form, thought out and send it to me. You, like everything, filled, in the Middle east says he's very, very, very urgently. Trying to win back the senate and launched have been through that but you gotta listen to me. This is a fund raising ploy. That's what it is. I fundraising. Thank you, Jane, he's asleep sleaze That's what he has such gotta ed W I, a l, virginia, go right ahead, please more. Are you all right at? How are you, sir. I'm calling me because.
Why are you stand Joe bride? He is her. what we ve got to say disease nearly, why hundred percent back Why were you jammer democratic party? It's about time. We start telling the borders. The Democrats are bad goes I realise that we are working on it brother, We're working on it. Thank you appreciate it. see if we can slip in one more here. Junior roger is arkansas on the the market, app, how a junior nowhere more. Thank you appreciate call Call you tomorrow to, but anyway go ahead. Yet, yes, are you speaking binds impeachment. However,
twins are in the act and I believe, as do all the corruption in Washington I want. What I'd like to do is take this opportunity to ask you in this audience for help mark I understand, is you: are the politicians where's the media? Were these people went into these fields of study to expose the truth? Britain First, regarding I've, only thirty seconds left, you ask a very difficult. Should that doesn't have a simple answer. We support armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, We salute our truckers and the freedom fighters out there. We salute all you, wonderful people, goblet each and every one of you and our brothers and sisters of Israel in ukraine I will see tomorrow, take care.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.