« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/30/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and Antony Blinken keep pouring billions and billions of dollars into Iran, who are using that money to produce weapons and oil for Russia and China while also funding terrorist organizations like Hamas. 90 Democrats joined Republicans in passing a bill that will prohibit U.S. funding to Iranian terrorism, and now it is in the hands of Mitch McConnell and Republicans in the Senate to force the bill. We will not see people like Bernie Sanders taking the lead on this legislation which would protect Israel because they are Democrat Marxists and hate Israel. Sadly, we need a vote in Congress to stop the Biden Administration from funding and arming our enemy. The greatest enemy that Israel faces today is the Biden Administration, which is preventing them from defeating and destroying Hamas. Biden and Blinken are demanding Israel not to engage in air attacks and making ridiculous demands to prevent civilian deaths, while at the same time ignoring the civilians killed by Hamas and others used as human shields. Later, Mark speaks with Dr. Yechiel Leiter, father of Moshe, a Major in the Israel Defense Force (Airforce special ops) and father of six, who was killed on November 10 while leading a commando unit of reservists against Hamas-ISIS terror installations in Gaza.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now run casting a monopoly underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick in steel of unarmed. This building we have once again made contact with our leader. the
The. The. The The here are number eight, seven, seven, three eight, once three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one. He ate one one hostage, family
warn of hamas raping. I don't have many more information than that and when I think Zoe the sitting proceeding in last night on others thing like yet, but I'm getting there now Something's breaking as I come on the air here, as you know, Biden in blinkin keep pouring billions and billions and billions more into the coffers, these islam or nazi regime in tehran. They only had four billion dollars on him when Donald trump left office. Now they have tens of billions. And he using that money to produce weapons for russia.
There are sowing the royal mostly to china and they're, making tens of billions of dollars for which they are funding; terrorism against Israel, terrorism against the united states, terrorism, against anybody that doesn't agree with them and, of course, funding the attacks on american forces overseas, for which there not paying any prices. Well, I've been saying over and over again it's time for the Republicans, particularly in the house, to do something about it and they have an excellent speaker. Their house, quite frankly, he's a good man. They ve tried to destroy him. Have the media because he's a faithful christians are born again christian and you know you're born again christian or even orthodox jus are your faithful catholic, your religious extremists, this coming from me ma,
Exists and the other reprobates in the media, but the vote in the house just now was three hundred and seventy one. Nineteen one present eight, not voting on a house bill. Five, nine six one. Titled no funds for a rainy and terrorism act. Ninety democratic drawing the Republicans now what's interesting is that means over a hundred. Twenty Democrats voted against it, but now He's a big number, I suppose, and three hundred seven at a significant majority, so others goes immediately to the united states. Senate were chuck. Humor is in control of the daily agenda, whether votes, rescheduled or not.
Nah, obviously, the republicans in the Senate have some power to they can shut that damn place down at others. Have one on this thing they certainly can and they must they've got to show some strength. For god's sakes, I mean the house can't do all the lifting under our system. It's one part of the buy camel congress, and if it got to the floor, I'm sure it would pass, but what this is, among other things, it exposes the Hamas wing of the democratic party and exposes those
Who had moral integrity in those who doubt check? Sherman gave this speech the other day, and I talk about this because it's not what its are said to be now. It's time to act is the majority leader he jewish he's from new york. He made that clear in his speech he set his fellow travellers partly responsible for anti semitism maisie uses a marxist phrases in industry produces fellow travellers But nonetheless, we salute for that. Little piece of the speech doesn't call out anybody by name nobody doesnt condemned the administration for not taking forceful action against anti semitism were again.
college campuses in universe? Oh, it's picking one off here and there no presidential speech about it. Nothing. We haven't even heard from the attorney general more on that later. So this now is in the senate. It's on Schumer's desk and what's he going to do about it and what are the republicans going to do to force action on this Michael Johnson, the speaker of the house? The republican he's already brought it up. They voted on it now in the senate, and this would also stop buying from giving a ran sanctions relief, including that ten billion dollars in this six. in dollars earlier and any future monies now think about this. Why do we even need a vote in congress to tell the administration to stop doing this.
I mean: should they be stopping it on their own? They not required to do this, so congress has to tell the administration to cut it. Canada arming our enemy. I dont have another president in american history that armed our enemy It is insanity sanity, their sabotage. I think the american people they're sabotaging Israel, while they're trying to put a jack boot on Israel's throat. That's right, I said it. The greatest enemy Israel faces today is the bite administration. Why cause it can defeat Hamas? It can defeat Hezbollah. It can defeat IRAN if it has to where they can't do those things. If the united states piles one condition after another, on top of it is funding our enemies and their enemies to the tunes of tents
Billions of ours, you can have an ally that hubs you gives you the bare hog, as they say we stand with its railways standards, but I think they throw away. We strongly go, get em go get, however, and in days later there starving them in the back. now. This legislation is in the senate, which senators are going to take the lead which senators looking at the floor and demand about outside. What's amazing to me,.
Schumer is not leading the fight. Bernie Sanders isn't leading the fight. Why I've explained this in the last few days about how certain jews view themselves as purely ethnic jews, with very little connection to orthodox jews or Jews, who follow the Torah much more closely than they do? They have almost in common with them view. Them is kind of radical kind of weird kind of extremists. That's why thomas remit is constantly trashing religious, Jews and israel. He's the colonists for the new york times. They get pilot prizes for publishing fiction, he's a buffoon. Bernie sanders it's a marxist, you can't be a marxism, believing the Torah
Give me a marxist and really believe in the bible, because mark says burn all those things, but I saw a a report or the other day referred a Bernie sanders and other sanctions infective Lee wants to place an interim reminded us and he's a jewish senator. My point is this: when I read what Michael posts, and so when I read what time cotton posts and says, one from you tell one from arkansas how many jews, in those states? Seven, I really don't know I'm just making a point, one righteous gentiles or taking the lead in the united states senate. That tells you a lot about the democratic party and the marxist left, but also told you about the fantastic conservatives that we have in common
These are not the only one leaves, and example, com. An example. They support is run more than thomas raymond. They supported, bro more than Anthony blinken. They support Israel, certainly more than Bernie sanders. The amazing isn't it and they support Israel more than chuck Schumer. You know, chuck Schumer is a fraud and a phony and a fake. He votes against the iran deal on yet, as the democratic leader under Obama he's behind the scenes, pushing everybody else to vote for it. What kind of a sleaze bob does that truck schumann,
that's, what kind of sleaze bar and he waited a long time to give that speech long con more on thy later so there it is the legislation, it's it's in the senate down or what are they going to do about it? This is something you and I have been calling for. This is something you and I been pushing, but while the republicans in congress to okay, MIKE Johnson, the speaker and the republicans acted, they got ninety democrats to go along now. What schumer going to do about it? What's bernie sanders going to do about it, Bernie Sanders hates Israel hates it he's the tally, but the us Senate
He it there's not a communist regime on the face of the earth at one time or another. Bernie sanders didn't support so there the bill sets. Let's see what happens in the sun
If a killer couple of shows this week- and we really really do- and I know many of you are going to be busy- but can I encourage you entice you persuade you to watch saturday night show eight pm eastern time, life, liberty and levin on Fox. We have general keane and sen tom cotton in my face, say so myself, my killer opening statement and they are fantastic and if you're going to be busy, you can set your dvr. It's very simple. He correct the record on your smart tv. It's very simple and seamless sunday, where we have former ambassador from the united states, does were under donald trump, David Freeman, former congressman and republican candidate for governor in new york, Lee zeldin and again my opening statement. I want you to know something: nobody writes anything form. Mister producer, openfoam open your microphone. You write anything for me, not a thing any of my comments, any of my opening steam anything at now, mister producers, the best in the business he's my executive. We worked very very hard. He finds these clips and so forth. I send him clips to I decide what I'm going to keep or not. He really is
the best he's been with me since day, one and I'm a very lucky person, but on tv you see these guys. Looking at monitors re I do. I don't have what do the colors monitors? People read readily remembered the name of teleprompters. You know Biden can't even get it right on the teleprompter. I don't have teleprompters eye monitors, but they have pictures that you know who the guest is or something like that. So I take notes myself or if I read something or hold up the document or from my book or a book or something or I'll just speak to you. Everything you hear from me is from me, but I'll give you the example, because many people ask
about behind the scenes stuff. To the extent I can tell you, I will tell you this when I prepare for my saturday and sunday fox shows I spend hours gathering research, I want to be accurate. I know so many of you take the time to watch. You have a right to accurate information. Ninety five percent of it doesn't make it on the air because at the time. But if I'm gonna do a show, let's say I taper show at noon I'm up at six. Thirty working on. I don't want a pat on the I just want you to know. I put an effort into this radio. This program eastern time comes on at six I'm prepared for their show morning. Noon and night, Mister producers catch my emails, catching my comments left and right all day long. This is a twenty four seven to me
obligation that I have only I might even say blessing that I have a particular times like this when the world's on the brink, when the world's on the edge. It is not the time this gate- and you know I don't honey through the last ten or twelve days had been miserable. For me, it saves not covered it's not so maybe it's this time iniesta. I dunno what the hell it is, but it's been brutal and it pains me to have missed last night's program. But it pains me, but I'm not going to sit here and hacking cough on the microphone on a long and turn you off anyway. It's very important circle back! You make it clear to yours, senators, a you, expect a vote on this bill and you wanted to be sent a binding and it's time to push back time to draw lines it it's time to take back our farm policy I'll, be right back
Ben. Have you seen the headlines lately, third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my goal gives me peace of mind its tangible and I'm a firm believer in owning gold, my favorite gold company, a of precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something. their top of the top. If you have an eye or or for one k, and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about. Benefits of a gold. I re from augusta precious metals, their outstanding, get a free the gold I raise from accustom precious metals today. Tex Levine
ali vs, the six eight five, nine two that eli vs, the six eight five nine two again Levin the six. Eight five, nine two or visit august of precious metals, dot, com text, data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, at risk. Disclosures Augusta, precious metals, dot com. It's amazing, ladies and gentlemen. Blinking is every bit as I have been saying for weak every bit as sleazy john Mccain said, several years ago on the floor of the senate,. when he goes to the middle EAST. He doesn't go there to help Israel. He goes there to undermine his or her when he's meeting with arab countries with a pr low. That's why he's there, and so he meets with the israeli cabinet. They called the war cabinet, but the israeli cabinet
the sector state whose elected by nobody and apparently reports, do nobody he's calling the shots pretty much. The sectarian state blinkin, who worked very closely with obama notice. All bomb has been very quiet lightly. The sectaries state who was Obama's deputy secretary of state that it. lincoln, and he brings in Jake Sullivan, who also worked on the buying campaign and blinking, and some Sullivan were responsible for that letter. Remember by these so called fifty one experts, hunter Biden laptop was actually a russian disinformation. Those people, I want to tell you what happened in this war meeting in this cabinet meeting with blank and when we return have you Seeing the headlines lately, third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my
all gives me peace of mind its tangible and I'm a firm, labour and owning gold. My favorite gold company augusta precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something top of the top. If you have an eye or array or for one k, and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about the benefits of a gold, I re from augusta precious metals, their outstanding, get a free guy the gold I raise from accustom precious metals today, Tex levine in vienna, the six eight five nine to that's ellie visa And the six eight five nine to again lavigne six, eight five, nine too or visit august, precious metals, dot, com text, data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, he get risk disclosures, reduced. A precious metals dotcom, magua then thunder on right now
Seven, seven, three, eight one: three, eight one, one, this Jon Carl's, really kind of a puke, either works at a b c he's a dork keeps writing books about trump. If you're a reporter and you're breaking news, then break it. But this reporters live off of donald trump they actually gripped offered donald trump. I let me move on to theirs blink and right. Various. in the meeting causa meeting wants to me would not now in his ward cabinet- and this is the times of Israel according to leak remarks from today's a cabinet meeting attended by euro sectaries state aid. Today, blinkin first will think about their here of a guy. Who's really accomplish nothing in his life, except
Went to a poison ivy league school, worked on capitol hill forbidden for years was appointed by obama to a top job was appointed by blanket to the top job. But what is that I have done so Here's a link untold israel. It cannot operate in southern gaza in the way it is done in the north, in other words, at one in the north and east, winning in the north, it can't win in the south. I presume reference to the heavy air bombardment and crushing ground operation in india Israel, has weeks not months to complete it declared mission of destroying I'm. So let me see if I understand your weeks not months, you must not destroy the southern part of Gaza. You must therefore only do a ground operation which, of course exposed
more and more of your idea of soldiers, these young men and women, of whom are not regular military. you mustn't heard any citizens. Even though, mass uses, their citizens and war crimes to protect themselves. You mustn't, use any air power which gives you a significant step up against Hamas, yet the fight on their territory, urban warfare street to st room to room- God knows how many explosives and other things are there. They have tunnel. everywhere so the israeli juices, how we demand that you fight and it over in weeks. And if you win, should you win. Then get out of there and we, the united states, are going to give that land As well as today, in some area about a fourth or a third of the other-
of the of the land mass of Israel, your ancestral homes to try turned a bible, go look. We're did. I gave it to these people and we're gonna make the false distinction between the pay. oh that was founded by Arafat, a terrorist and, of course, Hamas. So you tell your thing, but this is the consequence of the attack on Iraq, we're savage. You gonna lose your country, you gonna lose your body to defend yourself and whatever you do. Don't kick him ass. His ass. Goes on the us administration is repeatedly backed israel's goal of eliminating Hamas in the wake of the terror groups October, seven slaughter, twelve hundred israelis, but indicated is increasingly troubled by the civilian fatalities and widespread destruction of hamas run strip see the times of Israel's actually quite a left wing outfit.
When cnn and the vine white house try but failed, of course, so preposterous Me as an anti semite, they went along with better, of course, it's the anti semites who played that kind of stuff civilians, ones, ass time. Jake tapir talked about the civilians being murdered in IRAN when's the last time, Jake tapir talked about that civilians being murdered in yemen when's the last time, Jake tapir talked about the civilians, the wig is being murdered in china when's the last time, jake tapper talked about the civilians being murdered in turkey when's last time, jake tapir talk about the civilians being murdered by other muslims and compare that the number of times he brings up israel
civilians, oh and when's, the last time, Jake tapir, talked about all the americans dying from binds policies on the southern border, penal care about civilians, he's report. This is so predictable, so predictable, I predicted, but here's what took place blanket Quote you can't operate in southern guys in the way you did in the north are two million palestinians there. You need to evacuate fewer people, their homes be more accurate in the attacks not hit you and facilities and ensure that there are not protected. There is for civilians and, if not, then not to attack whether as a civilian population. What is your system of operational? Let's break this down. The egyptians wilma allow the palestinians to leave, whereas all the pressure on Egypt,
In the times of Israel, naxos on cnn anywhere, almost none zero So the egyptians literally get away with all this murder taking place. The pressure on Israel, even though Israel's the one they attacked Jordan, but you stupid our homeland a most of these palestinians lease historically there now Take a single one in jordan is not being pressured to take any so Israel's box, then look you can to feed Hamas, but here's that conditions he cared to feed Hamas. Why do I say that there is no way that they can destroy Hamas when ass nazis are now among the poppy, nation of the south part of Gaza when their being told that
can't hit you and facilities like like they're trying to hit. You emphasised there told not ahead infrastructure. so, where you get a fine hamas terrorists among the civilians, the, u n bill things in the hospitals in the infrastructure, so Israel being told effect we can't win, and then It has the temerity to say, and what is yours, System of operation, This is a sovereign nation, Israel. This is an elected them. Credit government, the only one in the middle east, the only one, but they hate that so they consider an illegitimate? They hate him as much as they ate trump. Why cosy stands up to them? He stood up to obama. They need to get him out of the way in order to accomplish their. Their mission, which is to empower iran, create a so called balance in the Middle east,
weaken Israel. I know it's insane therein saying so audio chief herzog, how levy response says we follow a number print, both proportionality distinction in the laws of war. There were instances where we attacked on the basis of those principles and instances where we decided not to attack, because we waited for better operation, the defence minister. You have go on adds the entire is really, society is united behind the goal of dismantling hamas, even if it takes months blanket. I don't think you have the credit for that. The secretary also reportedly press the cabinet over Israel's plans for a post war. Again, one of the reasons it on the corner of credit for it is because blinking has undermine. He goes to these arab countries. He goes to the piano. He speaks to his european bodies,
and he's organizing them he's trying to unite them against Israel to end their war on Hamas and to agree to have their country carved up afterwards. Think about how in saying this is and think about how saboteur like lincoln, is the sector. I also reportedly press the cabinet rivers rose plans for posted workers, a blanket you, don't want the palestinian authority on the day after we understand that, but the best way to kill an idea to bring a better idea. The other states in the region need to know what you're planning so Israel. Still, I can you imagine doing war war to some country coming to the end. states and saying we need to know what you're planning all these other countries want to know and by the way do not touch the year. You know Heidelberg, do not touch frankfurt.
And I don't do that if you're going to do it no bombing, you know man to man combat, that's it hand to hand man to man combat. Can you imagine, and then prime minister Netanyahu speaks up. Who says quote as long as I'm sitting in this chair, the palace:
indian authority, which supports educates and finances terror will not rule Gaza. On the day after Hamas period, think about that he's in there is a special player for Hamas imagined mister. It is he's in. There is a special player for IRAN. He won't even defend our military personnel in the region, it's pretty shocking and then the constant condescending lectures in public.
israel and citizens. They don't care about the death of citizens, any more than jake tapper. Does he doesn't talk about the middle east and all the people being slaughtered in the middle east? How about all the people being slaughtered in the Middle east before october, seventh they're funding, IRAN, which is slaughtering it's own citizens? We talk about Hamas as a terrorist operation, killing its own citizens using it's own source, suggested committing war crimes, we're funding them to run riot and the un and again through Hama through IRAN. What about the citizens dying in yemen as a result of IRAN? Why are we still funding IRAN once again? The greatest danger the israelis face right now is the Biden regime. They are on a glide path, not an easy one to destroying hamas they're being told they must not that's what all these conditions are about. That's what all these conditions are about. They know that the united states supplies Israel with so many of these weapons and they're, using it to blackmail and threaten Israel, the city in their war cabinet meetings to demand to know how they're going to proceed, one step after the other. The israeli leadership must be sitting there grinding their teeth, chewing on nails, going. What the hell is, this obama's back his sink offense or back, and I explain on Saturday's opening statement, which is why I certainly hope
you'll, watch why this is the case. Why this is the case? Why this is the attitude and I think, when you're done listening to it, you'll see why nobody said this before, but he's one hundred percent right. Trust me on this I'll be right back mark Levin and- have you seen the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in, unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my god, gives me peace of mind, its tangible and I am a firm believer in owning gold, my favorite gold company, a gust of precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something: their top of the top. If you have an eye re or for one k and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about
benefits of a gold. I re from augusta precious metals, their outstanding, get a free guide the gold I raise from accustom precious metals today, Tex levine ali vs, the six eight five, nine two that eli vs, the six eight five nine two again Levin the six eight five, nine two or visit august of precious metals, dot, com text, data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com, happily pointing at a press conference, but I had three go as I've also sets aside. We came here after october, so away is real defence itself matters that is relax in accordance with international humanitarian law and the laws. Were ass, shut up your way hall, with your condescending of noxious constantly.
True to the state of Israel that suffered this horrendous attack that suffers around us Max every day, like in jerusalem at a bus, stop billions, mining, their own business to palestinian terrorist, come open fire murder, three of them injures six, others, The israelis don't want to hear your crap and neither do most americans, you unleash turann. You unleashed Hamas you're unleashing hezbollah, you at least these terrorists now you're promising that more benefits their own country. If you re armed IRAN, you ve got nothing to prevent them from getting it.
clear weapon. You are I sick air, so be take your ideology and shove it where the sun doesn't shine and stop going overseas towards these people have suffered and tell them that they have to be careful and follow the rules of law. Let me tell you something: you dumb. Let me tell you something: if Israel wasn't following the rules of war, israelis would have right there way, decapitated, babies, their way mass slaughter and burned alive palestinians their way to feeding Hamas. They haven't done any of that and they never would wouldn't even occur.
have them stop lecturing these ethical or moral people about being ethical or moral. When you have blood on your hands, us obey you and your damned about policies, stop blackmailing them, stop threatening them, stop organizing the arab and muslim world against them, you and obama, and solomon and Biden, and the rest of the reprobates. There was peace in our time right there in the Middle east, peace was breaking out left and right. Arab countries lining up their diplomatic relations with Israel the donald trump outta trying to put in prison for the rest of his life and you went there. You are so be an you set the whole region, our fire, you and blankets.
Only the whole crowd. The obama dream now the bite and team there arsonists they set that whole part of the world on fire, and now they blame Israel. They pressure Israel, Israel s to give up a third of its country, Israel s they give up its ancestral lives, were judaism, was born intraday and some area and give them to the moderate power. stadiums hoop and slaughtering Jews there for more than half a century. This is insanity, this guy's, a punk isa, no, nothing sanctum only is punk. That's what he is. My cane was right and I'm right I'll be right. Back
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She'd carlini. I know all these names that using the term he's a professor at columbia, professor of history, Professor Middle east history, palestinian american, was sympathetic ties towards Hamas easily edward cited chair, similar ilk And he was interviewed by this guy greenwood Greenwald, who some people have a fascination with. I view him as a little, I can't say the word p r. I c k here kanye, but that's how I view him very little Pierre Icy k and so on. Green wall. Favorite of the eta Israel right by the way, he's interviewing professor rush. reed quality.
You want to know why so many of our students have lost their minds. Here's one reason. and he says in this interview- and I want to give a hack tipp to bribe parts- the first place where I saw He says the sooner that the Israel had not a legal or moral right to respond militarily to the hamas terror attacks, and so this is what your kids of you, colombia learning when they're in this guy's class here just a little taste of a catch, one. go. If you stop, one minute I think, is clear if you occupy and if Imprisoned and and and blockade and besieged a population sooner or later, that population is gonna, react violently and negative. Is really talk about this. As if its irrational, let me educate you more on the Gaza strip was opening
free. It didn't start with a war, then start with a blockade. John Locke, I know John locke is very foreign to people like rashid khalidi, not his type of philosopher. He was the main philosopher behind america's family, and people said all. Is these things we talk about? I told you this I wrote about what is it exist? He says in america mark as a clean slate or Gaza was a clean The israelis want it. with the lives of their soldiers, Venezuela's attack from the egyptians. The egyptians wanted nothing to do with it to sliver of land, but it's beautiful piece alain actually on the mediterranean sea, and it could have been a beautiful hong kong type country if you will. But the problem was.
First, the pillow. The moderates took it over and then there was an election. I was two thousand five, an election in two thousand and seven, and the peaceful palestinian citizens vote For Hamas, a known terrorist organization, part of the- muslim brotherhood, umbrella operation and Hamas didn't hide who Hamas is, but they voted for. So this is an occupied territory. It's not even ended in dispute, it was given the palestinians, a gift, not even in dispute someone, so things like. If you step back one minute, I think it is very clear that if you occupy if you imprison and blockade, and besieged population sooner or later, that populations going to rio. So this is what his students written. This is what is
students are so he's justifying terrorism, and he goes on- go ahead national and The nature of the violence is, of course, horrific that that was carried out on that day, and this I'm tired of to the people who hate the Jews. The existence of Israel. They all said in october. so that was honourable think back and then they explain it, but she's rules for but it's the Jews for but after the holocaust, back. Go ahead. You do this to people and you pretended out of sight, is out of mine. You can live a normal life in summer. When communities with other people in a cage within a couple might only live a normal life and suburban communities. These are key and by the way, america. For those who don't know some of the most radically
liberal individuals in Israel live in these key butcher. Keep would seem like little socialist enclaves, they're, not le coeur party supporters, not net near whose order not living in wealthy suburbs, they're, not living in five star. taos like the hamas leaders, multi billion errors, which of course collegiate I never address. No, no, no and, of course, all this pent up anger in everything else, twenty thousand or more gazan palestinians would come into Israel to work and then go back twenty thousand or more. How many jews could go into gaza and work? None fact most of them can't go into most of the countries
around Israel, and so this is enough? What about iran funding I've done matter what about the arab countries with a must. comes at killing muslim, better lives quite secondary. What did I think How will fade what about that? All islamist ideology- jet black they're, all stuck here in Gaza? They ve got nowhere. also the exploded in violence? Okay, so their raping people in and be heading little babies. That was atrocious. We don't support that, of course, but its understandable. go ahead? You are storing up problems that sooner or later are gonna erupt. So.
Did Israel have a right to occupy. In the first instance, did Israel have a right to kick those people out? Nineteen, forty eight in the second, and not again when it comes to Gaza strip? None of that is relevant, but Israel kicked those people out in nineteen. Forty eight. So for this, professor, no doubt tenured or disputes his poison in his anti semitism, the world began in nineteen. Forty eight. Seven, we say to black americans: the world began in nineteen for you Is that what we say to native americans? The world began in nineteen. Forty eight. Is that what we say the world didn't begin in nineteen, forty: eight to kick out the people who were there, they say. We're all the jews that use live in Iraq. There were kicked up world
Use used to live in IRAN, most of them fled for their lives worldwide. who's that used to live in lebanon before Hezbollah almost all gone, we're all that who's that we're in the middle east, I mean, after all, judaism. There's an older faith in muslim. Then excuse me a islam. By far what happen all the two, I mean you really want to play this game. Well, let's go way back. Half the middle east belongs to the Jews. If you follow this morons logic logic and of course they apply the same logic to the united states, just as a footnote here, but an important one. Why do you think the borders wide open- and I discuss this over the weekend? Why do you think to turn texas blue got it? But why else do you think those of you read american marxism and read that chapter? What does it say because the white europeans came here and conquered these lands? It doesn't belong
to so called american citizens. It belongs to the illegal aliens who are coming here, it's their land, so they can't possibly be the illegal aliens. It's the white europeans who are the illegal aliens, it's the white, dominant culture, that's illegal, not the people who are coming over the border, it's their borders, their country. That's what they're also teaching and colleges and unity. Cities so that projects right in the middle east, except the differences that choose where before the right, even call palestinians, but they're not going to discuss their show you now the jew As I said before, that site telling me. telling never hold nation that yours idlers in your own country, uses There is on your online: do we That too native american hey, you know what the usually indigenous peoples, actually there were, but before that, but I don't want to get into that. The indigenous people.
Do we call them settlers? Do we call native americans your settlers wait, a minute we're knives. This was our let your settled and we're talking about it, one hundred years ago, maybe tops five hundred years ago in the middle east for target for a thousand years ago and there's proof it's called the Bible and there's proof. It's called archaeology lots and lots of proof and the funny Is the palestinians were in the bible and there's not a lot archaeology backing up that they were there either none zero. This is russian colleagues know what does it matter he's? Basically, a pebble on an elephant says. glenn Glenn Greenwood now is well, he doesn't have much reform anymore. What's this all about. Well, this is where obama's ideology comes from.
This is where obama's ideology comes from. I told you do my research back on may twenty twenty eleven, When, half years ago, national view online stanley, carrots, our buddy. He wrote. A piece code is run obama's radical past, including rashid, collating I'll cut them. Chase the los angeles times as long refuse to release a videotape in its possession of a farewell dear, tended by obama for a scholar in palestinian activists, rashid Colleen,. Obama spoke warmly of his friendship for quality. At that event, fortunate, the continuing this Three of that videotape has you're the rather remarkable article that is our times, did publish about the daring about obama's, broader views on the conflict between Israel and the palestinians. later. The controversy or obama's remarks on is run as address on the middle EAST. It's worth revisiting
Two thousand eight article from the l, a the extraordinary thing about allies of palestine see friend and obama quadrant quo- is that in it bombers. Supporters say that in claiming to be pro Israel he's hiding is true views from the public. This is exactly what the doing. that whole team that whole obama team in their media friends are doing it to having observed is personal association this open political alliances is public statement. It's private remarks. virus palestinian. Now I steadfastly maintain that obama's private use far more pro palestinian that he lets on. I think piece together obama's history. He says Stanley Kurtz. I make much the same give met, obama's, broader political stance in his book, radical and chief says obama. True views are far too the left. What he lets on in Like and by the way, this is strange conduct right now These are the Israel versus the terrorists.
is way way. Radical left much further. On that they're letting you know about with MR moderate- reached a lunchbox Biden. Yet it strikingly rights to see palestinian activists making essentially the same point, not criticism, obama, but praise. Let us also that, in this article, rashid collegiate himself claims that Obama's families ties that canyon indonesia inclined to be more sympathetic to the I was standing american politicians are at sort of claim, often gets ridiculing. Conservatives make it the point of all. This is not that as president Obama's gonna make policy exactly is rashid quality might, rather than is it obama stance is going to tilt more heavily towards the palestinians in any other likely american president republican or democrat gesture, obama's palestinian allies, argued in the alight times, peace, and we will of course put this up on them.
Ship mark Levin showed a com. This entire article, in which kurtz links to the article that he's talking about an obama appointed the sky, maui To work on the around you Biden comes in sectors. State lincoln appoints his buddy molly go she ate with the arrangements malaise a marxist as follows. A marxist think about it here strongly pro iranian the iranian regime. He brings in. spies with him. Mali is now under investigation is classified tickets, been pulled. The bite administration is gone. One hundred percent silent, nobody knows what's going on, but we can see the after effect
and what's going on in the Middle east, now middle east was silent. It was peaceful as result of truck that's about silent for peaceful and now it's exploded. I guess the blame that, on climate change, I'll be right back Then you wanna gear one for you: free moto g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks. I get the moto g, five g phone free, but here's the deal you need to move fast because these funds will be gone by the end of the month. So if your car
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we ve heard over and over again, which is a fact which makes his behaviour inexcusable. In my view, this and of the way this questions posed, cut five go then you were in geneva or out in the west bank yesterday and since then palestinian, authorities, say to palestine children were killed by israeli troops, there are the west bank. What can you tell us about? This is really it to me palestinian children have died, as a result of Hamas. How many I was standing, children have died, so called west bank today in semira as a result of Hamas or other terrorists seriously. Folks,.
so the question is, of course, to widen in any nosey answer. Those blitzer tell us about the palestinian say two were killed. There tell us about that. Ok tell us about. Go ahead, this is just the latest in dozens of is rarely incursions. I entered city of janine in the northern west bank, particularly the refugee camp, and why is that? What's going on? There sure you wanna report the whole story, Hamas has now active in the so called west bank, their terrorist directive there attacking the indigenous peoples there, a k and the west. The set. And these relish are having to fight them. There till you're not getting much much news about this
We get actual news anyway go ahead at night. They left it about three p m, but what were seen in there were several people at least four people killed in this raid, but two of them were boys and we need to be borne viewers that some of these images can be very disturbing. They work on cctv. One of them shows eight year old, Adam and all who is hiding behind a car. I then, is hit directly by live fire. He falls to the ground. You can seem scar to bleed somebody, a friend, perhaps tries to drag him to safety behind the car, but he was killed there. The other one fifteen year old, basil aboard and work Also shod now some of the video seems to show that he had some sort of device in his and he was trying to learn
the israeli army, says it, I'm gonna just read this here: a number of suspects hurled the explosive devices towards israeli soldiers who responded with live fire now. I've covered is really incursions into refugee camps before oftentimes. The little kids are not throwing explosive devices. Throwing firecrackers are throwing firecrackers When I get back to this is a kind of reporting and incite violence, you want idea, I got one for you. remote oji, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g five g phone free, but here's the deal you need to move because these funds will be gone by the end of the month. So if your car,
when the phone is on life. Support upgrade for free with pure talk enjoy two day battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more. Just go to pure talk. Dot com, slash, live in l, a v, I n to get this exclusive offer and select the plan. That's right for your family. Remember pure talk gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make the switch today. Good talk, dot com, slash Levin, that slash l e v, I n to claim your free moto g, five g phone with qualifying plan again pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, pure talk, simply smarter wireless. This is the nations town hall meeting and you can join in had eight seven seven carry a one. Three eight one. One listened carefully to this for this report, The cnn international course senior in an irishman correspond
The other one, fifteen year old Abou, a whopper, also shut No, some other video seems to show that he had some sort of device in his hand. Then he was trying to light Now remember Israel's a war: these are terrorists and by the way they use teenagers and children as terrorists. All the time. Nonetheless, the israeli army says, and I'm going to just read this here number of suspects hurled. loss of devices toward israeli soldiers who responded will lie fire. Live covered is really incursions into refugee camps. Before often times the little kids are not throwing exe was devices they are throwing firecrackers and blitzer. Sits there like a like a bump on a log, and so the obvious follow up. Question is.
Or what was he was writing this? Isn't you ve seen kids throw firecrackers before what was this fifteen year old kid doing tell us, and how are these really supposed to respond? They don't know these fifteen or eighty when they do ass for his identification. But he has a device in his hand upon to show that there is a device in his hands that he's trying to light disposed await their check it out. This is cnn, This is how scene and conducts itself its grotesque, absolutely grotesque.
I also want to say something on the record: elon musk is no advice and he's even apologize. First post, the anti semites or in the democratic party taliban bunny during the media, they know who they are. We know who they are. You. Yet I semites or in the white house the entire semites, Democrat, if they vote at all they vote Democrat, they don't go republican. The anti semites tenure professors, most of whom are democrats. Their college students, not all obviously, but those that are vote- Democrat try calling trump worse than here,
He's worse than hitler used the word vermin. While it is worse than hitler worse than hitler, oh and he's going to imprison and execute people This is what we get from the morning, Joe overt MSNBC. So me It matters a source, front, grew talk about anti semite, their sorrows, and the front group said he funds. And the ceo of media matters. There is an anti semite and a homophobe and a bigot and a racist or not any more. Of course, you know he's cleaned up his act. He sees that he's a good guy. Quarter all over the media is organization feed stories to the media to try this I fox or eu musk or me they used to do right whatever cause they all have the same ideology in the end. That matter truth be damned truth began.
There is no evidence whatsoever that elon musk as an anti semite in any respect, not in his hiring and in his investments, goes over. The Israel meets with the prime minister, members of the war cabinet looks at the area towards the area where the slaughter occurred all eyes around tat. Some it's like tromp, there's an idiot. I samite he's worse than hitler, but by not abiding supports israel always has really now come back and didn't think so now you don't understand you say you're part of mega. Part any god. Yes, you definitely are but media. I said you know they gain abrams, abrams democratic front group with his brother in law, who was criminal prosecutor, looking in the trunk which they never revealed over their media. That guy you're right that the media.
Matters that never reveals it's donors gets all kinds of dark. Money was founded in part by george soros. Remember that read that grope, they're reliable, oh yeah, yup, yup, Now all worried about citizens all of a sudden there worried about citizens, not our citizens,. Not on our southern border. They don't talk about it a report on it. They don't go down there. They don't see what the hell's going on their sex slavery. That's going on selling children in this slavery? Oh okay! Well, you know big deal and they don't even report on if they do it's in passing that their concern new report up about these rape, tents, rape, tents, on the way to get to the united states all the women who were right, all the women who come here and I have to have abortions. It's unbelievable, but Joe Joe batch
his fault you see, Joe Biden, doesn't have any responsibility for anything but Alex magnox. What yeah trump's fault not going to take care of him we're going to put him in prison like at all our democrat judges and appellate jail. All lined up they'll take care of him. Don't you worry, we'll get him convicted and then you know then I'll be called a convicted felon, as he runs for president
You really want to know really. What's going on in the middle east, with a news operation, there's a handful of them, but make sure you check out check out memory, dot. Org I've talked about this group before m e m r. I doubt, or you know what they do. They monitor the news and the reporting and the speeches and all these arab slash muslim countries as well as iran, muslim persian country, and they have interpreters that go through this stuff and the
What they're saying about us that the Jews about israel about each other? You won't get this crap from cnn blitzer and his senior foreign correspondent, or in my long history reporting in these refugee camps and the israelis going in frequently the youngsters use firecrackers. Oh okay, thank you for nothing. Complete hit job on Israel and the Jews from cnn in it's constant, jake tapper is very concerned about the palestinian civilians in the Gaza strip and he'll. Tell you just ask him out: what's going on, it's humbled Bob, it's unbelievable was taking place. Ok, jake weren't, you doing any reporting from IRAN and what's going on the citizens there, the rape?
murder, the young ladys, and what did you do that trick or syria? I you know Get that three and a half years ago. My. Why did I grant what do it now? Still going on about yemen? People are no other how yemen is go check. It out. Drake tell us about what's going on citizens in yemen play. I have a better one. I have a better one: wolf blitzer,
if you're, a senior correspondent, you and here maybe take jake- to go. Look at the death camps in china check em out, what's going on there you're concerned about civilians and citizens right. Why are you only focused on Israel, which is trying to defend itself, which is trying not to kill citizens despite the fact that Hamas wants citizens killed, so they can feed you feed you propaganda that you spew when you regurgitate ben wedeman senior international correspondent cnn. This guy should be kicked out on his ass for this kind of propaganda excused as reporting menu engineering at the west bank. Yesterday and since then, palestinian authorities say two palestinian children were killed by israeli troops there in the west bank. What can you tell us about this? We don't even know who actually killed them, but okay, it's okay, Ben will tell us ben has no idea about anything specially this fifteen year old was he holding then I dunno, but you know in the past firecracker Ben ben hello, Ben fifteen year old, Hamas is moved heavily into
quote. Unquote westbank was he lighting, firecrackers or an explosive? And how are the israelis supposed to distinguish? Be I as any cop that call the program? How would you know what are you supposed to do? It said fifteen year old, maybe he looks like an eighteen year old who the hell knows, but it doesn't matter what he's supposed to do die. This is cnn. a wasted carbon footprint. This is why they have no ray about away over overt MSNBC. What's the name of the guy, they just got rid of MR bloom many hassan used to report for Al Jazeera, among others,. many hassan as in Israel, a hating, mouthpiece and propagandists. Who, in the recent pair that all that forty years ago,
You do know really just a few years back probably unleashed one of the most sickening statements are speeches and was called on video. I forget who found a good for them. The sky was given a show on MSNBC and, of course they put him up against yours truly on Sunday night. We crushed him like the great that he is crushed now they're bringing in another reprobate MR producer, another equally hateful anti israel propagandist and we will crush him to the eurostat anderson cooper, they tried him against me. Remember that Mr Barroso, big big push. We crushed him,
minds me a radio in many ways, while the people they throw at us, you know who's. Next, I have a good one. Jake tapper put him up against me. I know you want him near prime time doing then that's okay, give jake tapper an hour against me. I'd love! It. No branches fact people don't want to hear their crap, they never seen and is seen and started before foxy and started before. Msnbc was really the first news, cable network, great gotta like up and then cut it off itself, because the lousy awful hosts, the lousy, awful executives, turned it into a real swamp and let me Honest with you, if you're a news reporter and you are in its cnn or MSNBC. That's like the lowest stood alone, mr, but after that it
poor radar and santa- that's it- an orange juice cantab your door handle that's it jake, captured as from a b c news: the scene at cash paid millions of dollars for twelve years and Jackson's exactly the same thing. Every time really does, though he does that's where journalists go to die, isn't that where they go to die, mister, blue, cnn and MSNBC the Washington post losing employees left. impose just let go a few more hundred employees go ahead, have a good time. New york, slimes needed foreign investment and then a liquid. It's turned into it, didn't turn into a look, but it's been. People are sick and tired of these operations.
America knows evil versus good america knows who the good guys are and the bad guys are. America has suffered directly from islamism and from terrorism. America knows who stood with us and who did not, and americans know that we're taking a vacation- and this is what tells you everything you need to know- you're not going to vacation in Gaza you're not going to vacation in the palestinian, so called territories you're not going to vacation in IRAN and you're not going to vacation in the southern part of lebanon. Why is it because they'll kill you in two seconds? Therein is the difference, and all these reporters are very careful about what countries they go into because they know
journalists are respected in these places they can attack Netanyahu, walk about. Ninety heart goes trying to cut subsidies in these other countries. The cut your throat I'll be right back. Was you want here. I got one for you: free moto, g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks. I get the moto g, five g phone free, but here's the deal you need to move because these funds will be gone by the end of the month? So if your
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the harmony of these corporate ceos that have decided not to advertise on formerly known twitter, have gone to his room, visited the site where the october seven slaughter occurred. Elon musk went there spent time with the prime minister and so forth, he's apologized for his posts, but how many of the people have done? This, how about iger, whose, right, disney, liberal democrat? How come he doesn't go to Israel and check out the area where the Jews were slaughtered since he's fine, eight thy semitism their idea. Fighting anti semitism is fighting elon musk, not fighting the universities and colleges, not fighting the anti semites in their own employ population.
not fighting the anti semites in their own democratic party or the binding administration? Now on mosque easing easy head. It's amazing that triggering this occurred in many respects. Do the media matters which was really founded by george soros? Is one of the biggest anti semites, never walk on the face of the earth. you now allowed? The common anti semite, of course, could seize Iraq a left us whose put tens of billions of dollars into front organisations. Trying to destroy america, our economic system, our culture and our entire country and, of course, funds. These front groups. that are anti Israel, many of them are anti semitic. But he's a good guy, elon musk is the bad guy. I'm never
by the way the media in this country work. I don't care how many arrows they shoot at me. Ain't gonna work not now not ever because they're destroying our country now they're destroying Israel but they're, destroying our country, bunch of sanctimonious punks who are not professionals who have oh I cues, I remember these kind of guys in high school and a college of law school. The vast majority of them are democrats. They vote Democrat. There always good about Democrat, they hate you and me, they hate middle america. They hate republicans baby tromp. They ate that now. What else I'll, be right back. America's colleges and universities today are less concerned with critical thinking than with indoctrination, but I am happy to report. There is a college where students, ideas openly and honestly, where they pursue true together. Whether professors, where am I
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the broadcasting from Birmingham around the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin. Here are a number of eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one, eight Seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. What do I owe you mister, because I think I owe you something done by the way we're going to have a great guest on his name. Is it heal, lighter father, Moshe lighter a major in the Israel defense forces air force special ops
The father six was killed on november tenth by leading a commando unit of reservists against Hamas isis ter installations. In Gaza These are the individual's you never see on tv, especially we see an anonymous NBC. The death toll is now four from those were slaughtered. Just waiting for a bus outside jerusalem on palestinian terrorist came up and jests slaughter them. For now hour dead. I don't know how many were injured. Six eight, something of that. and I dont know how these cnn and correspond in his reporting that one, you know that's not like, while about a crackers
now they were murdered in cold blood in broad daylight. This is why you don't watch scene and you're, not gonna, get the news on, since it is a completely phony and disgusting operation, specially their foreign correspondence. They are the worst for killed and hamas shooting. Let's go to our foreign correspondent, fred, wait a min or whatever the hell. A guy's name is those people who murdered those israelis sitting on a bus bench waiting for the bus where they throwing firecrackers and anyone know
What's her mistaken identity know what we're their ages when of the foggiest idea, any children who knows that seen in two thousand and five I e f soldiers have been injured since october. Seven. That is a lot for a relatively small army. Two thousand and five I didn't get that from the Hamas health directorate or wherever they call themselves. This comes from the israeli army, so you know it's true whites, democracy! That's why they could be checked. The wreckage republic in others, a difference, there's a difference between sub human, throw back to the seventh century in a modern society there, just this moral equivalency that the media produce, of course, is a lie. So here we have four kill to terrorist, who carried out the attack was shot and killed by police and in nearby civilian. Oh, I see. Well then, Hamas, Hamas drug children. This is from the hostages. They drugged children burned their legs with motorcycle exhaust for identification.
Each child seized by Hamas was placed on a motorcycle. They position the child's leg against the bike's exhaust pipe, causing their flesh to burn. So I have a question for jake tapper and wolf blitzer and the other reprobates in the media. Tell me how many children have had their legs. Seared or children have been marked by burns. By these really ivf in gaza, none what we're doing their statistics game. Comparing numbers have some questions for cnn and MSNBC and the other Hamas special pleading. How many Palestinian women had been raped in gaza by israeli soldiers. None really none tell me how many babies and be headed by the israeli soldiers in Gaza. None zero tummy haven't I
but had been burned alive in Gaza by the israeli soldiers. None how many people have been dismembered alive or dead by the israeli soldiers in gaza, zero? How many civilians have been tortured? Zero? Well, how come those statistics don't get up now, all the numbers they keep regurgitating about civilian deaths. How many were caused? only by Hamas, no idea how many were caused indirectly by hamas by using these these citizens as shields, are not permitting them to leave. No idea how many the numbers of civilians, cordon quote, who been killed, were actually terrorists. Hamas, terrorists,
I have no idea they just throw these numbers, how we have no idea, oh okay, and to think that the Biden administration will blink and molly solomon, the other traitors, the traitors traipse to think they unleashed at all, and they take responsibility for it's amazing, this guy blink and runs around. He says the azra. You better have a plan for protecting the citizens. You better have a plan for not harming the citizens. You better have a plan for safe zones. You better have a plan. This guy has no morality whatsoever. He unleashed all of this.
None of this would be going on, but for american foreign policy under binding none of it, you better get those hostages out. You know Israel, you. I wish us all on wait a minute. There wouldn't be hostages, but for your policies, IRAN was dying. People were trying to overthrow the regime. You put an end to that. You are backing your backing up islam or nazi regime in tehran, against the people of iran, Biden, blank and all the rest of the reindeer. Think about that when we come back a man who has suffered a real horrific loss, his son and father-
Six, a real hero, he was leading a commando unit of reservists reservists, these irregular men and women who have other jobs against hamas installation in Gaza. If highlight like I'll be right back, then this episode is brought to you vice, fi selling a little or a lot, do your thing: how ever you two ching with shop, defy the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business shop. If I helps you turn browsers into buyers, with the internet's best converting check out thirty six percent better on average compared to other leading commerce platforms, get a one dollar per month, trial period at shop, a fine dot com, slash offered twenty three
the hero, lighter serbian government, isn't obliged ariel Sharon. Is deputy director general the ministry of education chiefs of staff? Benjamin Netanyahu and the ministry of finance major economic reversal there to the tremendous benefit and growth of israelis, chairman of the Israel, ports, authority and other positions, but the most important was the father of motion a major in these really defence force air force. relax five father six killed on november ten, while leading a commando unit of reservists against Hamas ter installations in Gaza. I'm very sorry, sir, for your family, for the loss of your son. I've seen a picture. I m just a terrific young man whose background is history,
And I wanted you do come on the programme and tell millions and millions of americans, but this is like what's happening: what's happened your family and what about the future? Sir? We're thank you mark at evening. Thank you for the opportunity to address your audience. My son Moshe was my oldest of children he was also my best. he ah spent fifteen years in a shell dive unit, which is the Israel equivalent to the delta force he actually trained for some time with the ah, with a delta force. At the age of thirty three, he decided to go to medical school because he was intent on helping people and healing people. Um he uh was about to start is a clinical experience. Ah, on october, eighth,
but don october over. We know what happened to my story entire communities slaughter to a bunch of people and he immediately went back into a reserve disposition he had spent even during the training, the medical training he had spent eighty ninety days a year ago in reserve duty, because he was a real export feel talks. He understood the battlefield very well. And that's why, when he went back in His reserve unit on October eddies, an organised yeah. His soldiers prepare them for he. He was actually put at the command of the point squadron which led the division of first division enterprise. Her that's. The northern community in are in Gaza, from which the hamas terrorists, with fire missiles and our cities, sometimes thousands of missiles,
time that he was killed when a he led the operation to a discover peers. A tunnel appears that a would lead to terrorist headquarters and to their ammunition sites that was booby trapped, very heavy booby trap and he was killed along with three of his soldiers and three were injured seriously. I lost my legs so it was a great loss for me personally, I think firm for the idea. We we had thousands of people. During our sugar the morning period for him, thousands and and any of that Minister visited us to the president of Israel. I say by half a cabinet because he was very very well known, he was very well liked and he was a major who had mastered. a masterful reputation? So have I hardly it's? For my?
sudden. My best friend and half my heart is very proud that I had a son who led the battle civilization battle against evil Sitting here, listening very emotional, obviously Don't know, you didn't know him, and I am thinking of the great men who have to go if the warm, whether they really want who are not in times like this. There called duty and they go, and they do so without objection, and then I'm thinking about leading politicians in my country here in They never talk about the idea of soldiers. They never talk about who they are, they dont show their photographs, they don't talk about their backgrounds. Their firm was what they ve gone through and.
I assume you find that incredibly disturbing that never does then a blanket manner. Whereby none of them ever talk about the the casualties. Two thousand five now have been injured of the the idea of soldiers. These are mostly not permanent military, person. Other people leave their jobs, as your son did united they most of them. Have Not a background and then and then he's killed. The media here is quite often they dont cover these stories properly. I don't know What do you make of this? You were born in america? Correct is to understand I right now I was I was born and bred. the pennsylvania I got from president by some down. And in my view, would you for my son actually sent a letter to the president. I addressed the president and requested that he?
This is from my pressuring israel to stop the notary campaign. Look at mark. I I think he touching a very, very ah an important point to a raw nerve or the troubles most israelis. All we hear is about the ah, the gazans and I'm you know that there are gazans suffering but they're suffering because of Israel they're suffering because they get under the boot of a totalitarian, fascist dictatorship called Hamas. Isis. People who disagree with Hamas are thrown off rooftops, and this is a isis and the united states didn't negotiate with isis or they didn't have ceasefires with isis. There was a concerted effort to destroy isis. The same way
you didn't negotiate with hitler. You dont negotiate with nazi. These are people who have no moral compass, the problem with with three the west right now as a whole, and particularly in the EU this is the good, the more confusion, that's taken over the college campuses and it's the college campuses who are producing leaders and think tank people making policy. In washington you know in in when we were kids mark so so, ah, post modernism was a playful philosophy. Let's become diabolical politics because it confuses it used to confuse good evil. Now it actually interprets evil as good and good as evil. It's done a complete reversal in the words of isis, so it's a it's a horrible situation where everybody is concerned about
mass and nobody realize what is yours facing. So it's important that we try to address this issue. you have more clarity is opposed to mark. I want to hold you over his fire with terrorist murders. I I have to take a break that I want to hold you over a very, very important voice. What people are known very smart man get postal girl worth more political theory, John Locke, who is so crucial to our american revolution here and we'll be right. Back and hey, it's ryan, reynolds owner and user of mint mobile special holiday message. If you sign up now for three months, you get three months free on every one of our plans, even unlimited. Now I realize this is more of a holiday offer than it is a holiday message. But if you read between the lines, you can see a message in there. It says: we'd love. You visit mint mobile dot com, slash switch for the offer limited time new customer offer activate within forty five days. Additional taxes, fees and restrictions apply. Unlimited customers using more than forty gigabytes per month, will expect
source beats video streams, authority, seamen, mobile that copper details back. You can t have a wonderful man this morning, was his son, who is enormously proud of his eldest son motion. He would darker lighter it lighter. Worked in where's positions and garment include for including with ariel sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu. Let me something doctor there's a lot of moral equivalency, which is you pointing out in the united states really evidence of asia. Heavy rotting culture What is it that you want to tell the american people in terms of moving forward here? We are blinking over in Israel, trying to get the israelis basically to stop by piling on conditions he's already talking about how he wants to carve up Israel and gives you
in some areas, the palestinian authority, in all these other things, you must be thinking, oh my god, what the heck goin on here. What When I tell the american people about how things should go forward, I think there are two points. Mark is, if you permit me this? The first thing is that america, understand it all americans, you don't ran, calls america, the great satan yeah! Well, that's because it's great. and they wanted to write it to be called the great satan. But america is great and if it is it The parts from that role it's, not only america that suffers at the end of the day. It's the entire world. Certainly the free world certainly if the people who believe in the values of the judeo christian ethics or america, can't step back from it's leadership role and when it does that as it began to do
during the obama administration you're going to have we rise of malevolent powers who are going to ultimately cause suffering for western civilization as well? It's not gonna stop here. Israel is really be like my son was the point squadron. Israel is the point squadron for further questions. liberalization and if we defeat Hamas, then america benefits and be read in europe, and europe benefits and digital christian will benefit. But america has be out in front and asked to lead. and it can step back from that role at that they'll be my first point, as a second point is that we have to go back to our roots tour sources. We ve kind of lost their more companies because we ve lost
where we've come from, but you don't know where it comes from. You don't know where you're going you've written about this extensively in the book on liberty. You know the a you always have to look back and see. Where do we come from? What are our roots What are we believe in and if we, if we confuse that, we forget that you know we make sixteen nineteen twenty years. Sixteen twenty in sounding and it's all confused. If you have all of us, He was beginning, then you have a very confused future so I think it's really imperative that america understands its leadership position and understand its roots, and if that happens, Israel be well more appreciated and is now the reason why Israel derided in so much of academia. The media is because workers this taken over and America's role and its history has been forgotten and confused very brilliantly, put
how is your family coping with all the rest, your family members, I mean as big a whole and yet you citizens of Israel. This threat still looms over of your family, like it does the entire citizen realer I'll, tell you mark, you know it. Yeah, it's quite a move, your from talking about america's role to my family, but I I'll tell you this, but you know we. We always have to see our ourselves personally in the context of a bigger picture and the bigger picture in the context of our personal lives. I'm you know when I got the knock on the door, twelve thirty at night, two officers came to inform me that night, my son, it had fallen. I really didn't know what name they were going to say As I have five sons all serving in combat unions and two sons of law. So was seven. I really am. The members of my immediate family, and, of course, the name so on
I and my oldest who were was in most most senior position of my family members, but since his death, the army has requested, of my for other signs and bushes brothers- do not go back and combat big virtue. to go back and their mom asked him please at least the present time not immediately go back the combat, but my concerns a law don't fall category- and they are both very much I at once- an alarm at the italian commander, and the other one who's, a squadron commander in the give our people date or very, very proud, our hearts are, our hearts are split. I will have my heart, we twenty four seven for my son. I miss him desperately I'm you know just to just to have a conversation with him again, just to stroke, him and, and and ah you know, give them a hug or
I have another half of the heart, that's very, very proud, because it is impossible to protect and defend liberty, the values that we hold dear, Are you a wife, as opposed to the glorification of death that Hamas ices does without being willing to defend, and give our lives for that cause. My son, I will tell you this: I didn't notice until the end of the shiver morning period, but one of his closest friends I told me before he went in to big phenomena, were entered Gaza. He left a voice. Message to two of his closest friends, and he said I may not make it out and if I don't, these are my instructions in order to take care of my wife and and six children. So he knew that you know there there's a possibility of death in war. He knew what he was leading. The squadron that would leave me
Harry division, you know he was, he was actually battalion commander in rank, but he chose to go and as a squadron commander because he loved his soldiers so much and they loved him and they wanted to be at the the point of the entire division, which you knows overtook some two thousand soldiers, so they were very much dependent on most the entire division was dependent on russia's understanding of the battlefield. And he knew that when you go out there in front of the entire division, you stand the greatest risk, but he knew what he was fighting for. Look he knew he was fighting for. He knew that we need to a defeat this evil. What was perpetrated?
just this morning, mark for crying out loud and Hamas already took responsibility for it. You know they they they get out of a car and start randomly killing people at a bus. Stop at the major intersection in Jerusalem. This is what these people believe in it's a glorification of death, it's a death cold and, unfortunately, it can't be negotiated with it can't be seen fired will do everything we can to prevent it. civilians getting involved in harm's way by the way. Let me make this point. You know if, if we weren't concerned about this, williams on the other side and gaza, or it could be that my son would be alive today. We could have just continued strength bombing gaza for the, for you know to the stone age for the next three months, but we chose to send infantry and combat troops commando units in order to do a hair. Splitting pin pricked operation
in order to prevent collateral damage, I don't think any army in the world takes the caution and care that we take in order to boyd collateral damage so very, very proud and, and that helps us into a period of consultation as well as boring. And you know when you hear members of congress here, the people than me. we have phony experts and this administration here in this country. Talk about you need to be more precise in how you're, using your weapons use weapons that are more precise, and you know you can't do two. South gaza, You did not north Gaza. I just want the public to understand. I think you can underscore this point darker than me: that. More is really. Soldiers are likely to die. It's more urban warfare, more.
You know how to allay door to door. They know the terrain, they know where they ve put the explosives and all the rest is incorrect Absolutely they ve done. They ve got an entire city. The billions of dollars that have been pumped into Gaza have not been used for the for the average for the average citizen they'd been used by the terrorist organisation, some forty fifty thousand strong to build an entire city underground. Amid this isn't three tunnels that the north koreans got. You know to do tax so that work that were that were discovered. This is an entire city with operational centres. Commands ended underground that they can be They, by the way most of their headquarters, are placed under hospitals in school. The firing of missiles takes place in the middle schoolyard, and we know now that the
We're in a representatives in Gaza were holding actually holding hostages? I mean the the level of barbarity is, is hard to understand. One of the hostages released yesterday was a severely injured when she was taken hostage, a twenty seven year old woman, and so you know they operated on her a veterinarian. An animal doctor operated on her hand and, ah you know who knows what kind of permanent damage, but it's it's all part of this during just four murderous cult. You know we're going to treat the like an animal. We're gonna have the veterinarian operate on on her hands. We have, we know the extent of the we are the women's organisations were crying where's. Where is where is the meat to generation? uh aware, whereas most michelle obama
Men are being raped. Right now is we're talking. We know the hostages have have have have detailed accounts of what has taken place there. This is a form of punishment by Hamas, Is it you get your view? You, rape, women and torture, people? They were children who are forced to watch her respect film of the slaughter that they purple read it and when they cried, there was a gun held to their head that they have to stop crying you. What kind of barbarism is it is for us to be lectured too about collateral. damage, I don't want to go into the details. I can go into numbers, you know about. It will be a major other armies in other fields of peril, and our statistics are far better, and yes, we are mark. We are endangering our soldiers in order to prevent
as we can collateral damage, but the people responsible for that collateral damage are not our thoughts is not our army, it's Hamas, and if somebody can come up with a magic potions about how to deal with a terror organization, the fifty thousand strong that takes charge in it in a totalitarian, fascist terrorists authority over it's, it's civilians and- and you know, Israel puts it's soldiers in front of the civilians. They put the civilians in front of their terrorists. Now you know somebody come up with a solution for dealing with that. Where you have no civilian injuries just doesn't exist. It's unfortunate, it's tragic, the sooner we end Hamas, the sooner we destroy Hamas lunar. Those two billion will be protected. Doktor lighter. I am we mourn for you for your phone for your sons, loss of losses throughout Israel, the losses, unfortunately, that are going to come
but I do want you to know because we have to go There are tens of millions of us who support you, support what you're doing spiral media say they don't represent us and support for israel in this country. Not necessarily in a particular party or particular news outlets, but it remains quite strong We will continue to lead that battle right here behind his microphone and I want to god bless so very, very much you take care of yourself. God bless you mark. Thank you very much going work that you share with me, and I thank you. God bless you, sir, what a remarkable man, what a remarkable man- and so many people are going through this over there. He can. You won't see this on CNN. Remiss of me why Why I'll be right back much,
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any reprobating washed and composting hates conservatives thoroughly incompletely and most republicans. saying she's endorsing Nicky Hayley. What are they know that we don't know. Well, we know a lot she's, a rhino, as I've said, she's george bush and address really worse, To save many many many of you, but the a party billionaires are realigning it behind her coke who's, no conservative or constitutional, who makes makes partnership with soros. his enterprises behind us all the money, people or the corporatist all the time. Fun, babies and all the rest were getting behind the key hayley, which means there against you main street usa. I believe this strongly. there is a debate in about five ten minutes on the fox news channel. Buddy sean handed the moderator with them around a sad. This and governor a gruesome, newsome I'll be wide
should be very very interesting, of course, will be pulling for governor dissenters here against gruesome, lose him, whose all hair and no substance will see Alex but you know how the media hold earth. I was a debate moment there he'll be filled with one liners, buddies, destroy California, that's the why people can't get out of their fast enough We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, are truckers freedom fighters all over the world, our brothers and sisters in Israel, our armed forces. Thank you. America! God bless you I'll see in two minutes. Walk fox watch the debate I want talk about it tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-12-03.