« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/29/22


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, like clockwork, the Republicans led by Mitch McConnell are working with Chuck Schumer on a massive spending omnibus bill in the name of fully funding the government and they plan to do it in the lame-duck session. Interestingly, the Wall Street Journal will support this massive spending to keep the government open but sat idly by when the government shut down the private sector. Who are these Republicans that claim to be conservatives but march to the drumbeat of Schumer and McConnell? They are phony conservatives, and they are sabotaging the important work that needs to be done for the American people. Later, Apple gives into China's request to remove the AirDrop function so that anti-lockdown protesters can't share information. Apple is also threatening Twitter with removal from the App Store because Elon Musk has opened the platform to share truths about COVID and other dissenting ideas that they suffocated in the past including former President Trump's account. Apple is using its monopolistic power to destroy disagreement and Gov. Ron DeSantis is their next target to be canceled. Afterward, US Sen. Mike Lee joins the show to discuss the most recent bill passed in the Senate to codify same-sex marriage. Lee says that this is problematic for communities of faith that don't recognize same-sex marriage and suggested amending the bill, but the bill passed anyway. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills, they'll, college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, douze mission, learning, character, faith and freedom
for listening at my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters. Had hills dale for their great sponsorship, now run them wrongly underground command, both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with the leader of our numbers. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one like clockwork
lame duck congress. Publicans led by Mitch Mcconnell in the senate. Has been the case for fifteen years now, whether it's Harry reid or Schumer. Tom dash will before reed. It's always a colonel. Mitch Mcconnell is working with sumer canada fox. On a year long government funding deal they're gonna, I get it done in the lamed on congress. The lame duck probably laid down his better congress and it would be an omnibus bill- is a massive massive spending there now As is also a typical. And this is one of the things senator RON Johnson has objected to. Why voted against shoe Mcconnell for being the republican leader,
Humor Emma conall and their staff and a few other colleagues our negotiating this, the vat Johnny republican senators, have no idea what's going on and those who voted for Mcconnell apparently don't care about. What's going on. And, of course, the wall street journal. Editorial Pedro come out and strong support that we have to keep the government open. Course. Nobody cared when they shut down the private sector. None of the government, more central than you are. Now why my bringing this up. What should be obvious? but there is another reason how's republicans have yet to vote for their leaders for their speaker. They have yet to do it. Because a five bone heads in the house of representatives who are Republicans,
of no alternative candidate who can get anything close to a majority close to majority and are playing right into the hands of Schuman, Mcconnell right into the hands of policy in the Democrats and hacking, jefferies and right into the hands of the republican moderates, Some points are not going to sit on our hands without going to demand that they pick the speaker. Who are these five bone heads. To allow Mcconnell Schuman, I work out the budget who are prevent Yes, from supporting subpoenaed there, behind the department of justice conduct, investigation investigations, the Biden, crime, family, of two years? Who are they? republican, so are they who can today's such solid
Stallworth conservatives, who are they can I be so stupid. They have no conservative alternative. They have my thing: who are they mad gates? ah he's enjoy about a watch on tv- is very clever. Debater utterly useless. Andy bags. A phony conservative as the senate president. In arizona block that convention of states vote in the senate. Only until he ran for the congress and one. Was the senate in arizona able to vote for it as well as the assembly, and did it pass Good and virginia just Elected to a second term, they second term. Who is this moron.
Ralph norman and south carolina mirrored, I don't know a damn thing about it. And mad rose and down montana, who I met who was on the show when he was running the first time around seem like a son. Conservative now is Are the gang of five saboteurs. They know they have no plan b, they know they have no plan at all. The other conservatives in the freedom caucus and elsewhere. They have finally figured this out. But what where these five knucklehead. They're playing right into the hands of the Democrats. Right in the hands of the establishment republican right into the hands of the media. Me. What, there's Mcconnell on their side workin out a deal was humor everybody.
In the dark and the report hence my house have no voice. They had no say. And these five have no plan. Solar sabotaging conservatives. You're sabotaging those of us who want to get the spending under control theirs. Punishing those of us who want to secure the border theirs, Advertising- those of us who want to fully fund the united states military because of their antics. Because they want you to think they're, more conservative than all the rest of us. I have no stomach further republican establishment. I've taught about this now for decades,
We're talking about now is the absolutely critical timing of, what's taking place, that we need. Get to the bottom of what the fbi's doing, we need to get to the bottom of the department of justice we need to finally get to that am I by crime family. We can't do a damn thing. Kennedys cannot organise. We can't events. Chairman. We can't do a damn thing: Jim Jordan, Kip. The chairman of this house judiciary committee. Until this gets resolved. What are they waiting for aids and bags and good and norman and rose and they're waiting for that, He call his show any damage. Or on together, they should.
And defend themselves and defend themselves, but these are the five. A gang of five saboteurs. Making it impossible impossible. To get on with these investigations to get on with fighting. Spending and getting the the dead under control- making it impossible to deal with this cabinets. Today, department of homeland security making and completely impossible. We don't always get our way. Ladies and gentlemen, I understand that you understand that.
But we have to be rational. You don't even have to be reasonable. They have to be rational Who is it that these five candidates believe muster majority the republican vote. I've asked this over and over again. They say some Jim Jordan, Egypt, Jordan, is backing cabin mccarthy here, to be chairman of the house. Judiciary committee has no interest in running for the leader position who's next who's. Next, there is no next. They have nobody, Well. What are we supposed to do america that trend millions of us also. Finally, even though we have a small majority, we have majority. Let's get down to business. What are we supposed to do sit on our hands and wait for gate bags and good and norman and rousing dal whom Nothing to any of us.
This lame duck session is dangerous, now Because I'm not spending all day on this here the tailor force act. This was an act of congress. There were signed in the law by present donald trump on march, twenty three twenty eighteen. To stop american economic aid to the palestinian authority until. The palestinian authority ceases paying stipends to the palestinian authority martyrs fun there. Visuals who commit acts of terrorism and the families of deceased terrorists at the time it cut. More than two hundred million dollars in direct aid to the palestinian authority because they wouldn't swear off terrorism. That's the law.
Donald trump cited in the law, Joe Biden, has defied the law. And half a billion dollars has now gone to the palestinian authority. Was named in honor of taylor force. A native of lubbock texas garage from the new mexico military institute. Then he went to last point two thousand only serve to tours of duty and both afghanistan and iraq and, after completing a service taylor entered the owen, graduate school of management advanced about university to study for an mba, he was murdered in Israel. Twenty sixteen by palestinian terrorist. He was visiting israel as part of a vanderbilt university study group examining global entrepreneurship. He was killed on march eight, twenty, sixteen in a terrorist attack by a palace. From the west bank as they call it a stir
being in tel Aviv that injured eleven people, because the or died while committing an act of terrorism, Killers relatives are paid a monthly pension equal to several times the average monthly palestinian wage, including from our tax dollars attention paid by the palestinian authority? Martyrs fund is part of palestinian authority policy to them. Lay cash stipends to the families of palestinians killed angel in prison for environment, attacking assisting in attacking planning to attack Israel or for other types of political inspired violence, including riots demonstrations and throwing rocks Law is being defined by the by administration and Joe Biden. Specifically, and Chris Christie hasn't said a thing
ryan, camp hasn't said a thing, so I went back and at the votes on this and the sponsorships on this act. Twenty eighteen in the senate there were twenty. Republicans, co sponsors and ten democratic co sponsors. Mitch. Mcconnell was not a coastguard I. Why does that matter?. What does it matter that the republican leader in the senate was not oppose warning and all we normally don't close Cosa tommy. The republican leader spoke out today about donald trump. What is that public and leader in the Senate ever done chicken. Front, anti semitism and are colleges and universities at times semitism in the halls of congress, particularly in the crash, I eta. Semitism in our cities. What is
Mcconnell done he's been in the senate. Pursued it'll be forty years forty years, what has he done. What does he done has gone to the floor of the senate spent one thirty minutes talking about it. He's done nothing. But in a made a proclamation today cut seventeen when he was asked by the press. Go first, let me just say that there is no room in the republican party for anti semitism or white supremacy. The anyone meeting the people advocating that point of view in my judgment are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the united states, but that's not true.
Joe Biden was elected present. The united states and you never said a damn thing. About his racism and segregation, and you worked with him side by side. You never said a damn thing about obama, mr anti semite, not a damn thing, you don't about the congressional black caucus, several of whose members have work with Farrakhan, not a damn thing. You haven't condemned MSNBC. For hiring, our sharp, did not a damn thing. When Israel comes under attack by hamas paula or other terrorists. You say nothing. You said nothing over the past several months when they have been attacked. Nothing. This is what I talked about yesterday. There are those who believe in their hearts and love,
in a trap. And our concern are upset. And then there are those who exploit this politically and I absolutely no stomach for them democrat or publican, because After another week or two, they will move on cutting their deals, funding. Palestinian terrorists. And I want to remind you as much mcconnell working with bob corker that man possible for the around deal there. Burma could sign in order get the iranians nukes other. Back then function Nation was founded on the principle of all. Men are created equal, but far too many of our nations colleges and universities, including those in the so called ivy league, contain, to insist on using race as a factor for emissions, and the supreme court is
citing a case on this subject right now, but there's a unique american college that doesn't discriminate based on race. It never has ended, never will and it's my favorite college hills to college hills. There founded in eighteen, forty, four to educate, quote all persons, irrespective of nationality, color or sex. Unquote, it contained that policy today it many students on the strength of their character, ability and intentions. Now their heritage or background. My friend Larry, are the president of helstone college recently published an article explaining hailstones colorblind policies and its related refusal of government funding, even indirectly in the form of federal stewed. Neighed, read it for yourself at lavigne for helstone back com and after you, You may want to support hills there with a year and gift. So please garee doktor arms article today at lavigne, fray, helstone com, that's alleviate free hills, still dot com
it's amazing is the most coherent knowledgeable substantive effort to expose Joe Biden, racism and segregation came. From his now vice president kamala harris. Mitch. Mcconnell wouldn't touch it with a ten foot. Pole. Mitch Mcconnell, doesn't give a crap. Happens to the state of Israel and much Mcconnell doesn't give a crap anti semitism. It's been demonstrated in his forty year career. All of a sudden he's concern. That's that's my point cowen. Governor of georgia hidden, says squad. All of a sudden he's concern. Chris Christie, who was governor of new jersey, where
it tastes semitism is spreading like a bad thigh rash. Folks are a nation was founded on the principle of all. Men are created equal, but far too many of our nations colleges and universities, including those in the so called ivy league, continue. Insist on using race as a factor for admissions and the supreme is deciding a case on this subject. Right now, but there's a Big american college that doesn't discriminate based on race, it never has ended, never will and it's my favorite college hills to college hills there Founded in eighteen, forty, four to educate quote all persons, irrespective of nationality, color or sex, unquote and content. That policy today admitting students on the strength of their character, ability and intentions, not their heritage or background.
My friend Larry are, in the president of hills to college recently published an article explaining hills, dose, colorblind policies and its related refusal of government funding, even indirectly in the form of federal stewed. Neighed, read it for yourself at lavigne for helstone back com and after you You may want to support hills there with a year and gift, so please garee, Dr Ahrens article today at la vent, free hillsdale, dot com, that's ellie, vn for hillsdale dot, com, merch reviews, general patterns call interval, mark Levin, show now at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight wide one: what do Keith ellison maxine waters, James cliburn, Al Sharpton, Barack obama- And kenya westhaven common, Mr Blair.
Their association with Louis Erica? To different degrees and in different ways. The mere meeting with him, the mere attending an event with. Alison waters cliburn sharp and kanye west of all defended have all defended Farrakhan. They didn't say they didn't know who he was. They have defended him and they have defended his statements. The case kleiber Us and actually worked with the organization nation of asthma. He beat The deputy Dnc chairman, I objected, Dershowitz objected Didn't hear many others, I didn't hear brine camp.
I didn't see any these men go to the stated minnesota campaign against Keith Allison did you must reduce. We fought Keith thousand, we brought his opponent honourably. His name was shots However, that mr producing. And he lost he lost by more than hope, but it was still relatively close when he Chris, Christy, due to trying to feed key thousand nothing brine camp, nothing. How about the editorial page, so the new york times in the washed and post, nothing. Cnn Msnbc, nothing how about
maggie have reminded they ask any questions about an unseen and never why? Why didn't? They threw amazing thing. We have people who actually worked with fire con. Varying degrees. Varying degrees, defended him or complemented him or befriended him. They were never asked any questions. Alison was as a result of my attacking him, but others now. Major policy was barely touched, ones came up with a scheme. To write a resolution at wooden, condemn o mars civically for her repeated
anti semitic comments. And now she's an icon. The greatest speaker in the history. Speakers really just And tat they how she worked with the progressive wing, made up of mostly jus haters. Mostly jew hated Israel, haters. Right now for a lot of you, this is getting old. I understand. The vast majority of people in this audience- you're not doing, but this is very and in some ways it's just it's it's about the worthy rot within a society that we have. People who have tolerated The tree racism and anti semitism. And promoted and celebrated you have networks like MSNBC and cnn that
heatedly bring on jus haters, bigots and racists. You have news, Papers like the new york times. That even higher its racists and drew haters or what Mistake we didn't look at their social media while and have gone so far self centre on the holocaust. There needs to be some perspective here, but there's not going to be cause the name, one comes. I am not defending anything. All these months, when I've been condemning anti semitism, much been going on in brooklyn what took place said the synagogues in the right. The marxist riots, have twenty twenty, Tell you to prosecute hate crimes.
And democrats, cities. Black lives matter, we expose them is a marxist organization, anti american anti jewish in Israel organization. But black lives matter was supported by the media. Soup by the democratic party, supported by mitt romney. Supported by mitt romney. What did Mitt romney stated aim is to produce a curry. The ngo hears distressing to invite people like that to meet with the former president of united states. I think this has been clear that there's no bottom to the degree to which president from oil degrade himself and the nation. So what I mean exploitation for political reasons,. The great himself in the nation mitt romney publicly
Celebrated black lives matter, marched with them. Even though he knew And anti semitic organization, even though we knew was an anti american marxist organization here, raised black lives matter, mitt romney. But people are interested in what he has to say about trump cause. He trump. That doesn't serve any purpose use. The people attacking don't give a damn about anti semitism. They don't give it about their career there's demonstrated. It's swirling all around them and they've been silent about it. It's going on in our college campuses and our universities it's going on in news platforms throughout the country,
Taking place in our public schools, as I speak,. And what did Mitt romney say about it? Nothing marching with black lives matter. Was marching black cloud manner, but he was. Trump side, the teller forsake bitch. Wouldn't it be a co. Trump killed the around deal, the colonel made it possible. The new york times reporters work for a newspaper, get paid by newspaper voluntarily, are employed magazine, shoot me Cooperation: knowing full well. It's history. What kind of a media outlets.
Self centred on Adolf hitler in the third reich. The very upset. What trump. Then very time Israel takes in coming from Hamas or hezbollah nearby takes about Twenty four thirty six hours, because his rough, its back. Until the new york times, trashes the jewish state. What about obama and reverend Wright, media To cover it up. How do you sit in a church for twenty damn years. When a guy who is spouting lower spare car type comments about America about white people about Jews. How do you sit in the pews for twenty damn years. Unless you want to sit in the pews for twenty damn years,
talking about a lunch, we're talking about every sunday setting an abuse last spring to a big it. How do you do that? But its barack Obama nobody's per some people are more imperfect than others. I have already said, in my opinion,. The former president must distance himself from the congo west. I stan. He is. Reaction to loyalty to people who've been loyal to him and so forth, and so on. Very positive characteristic, except in this case.
He said he didn't know it with what they swat conquest Still accepted by wrappers all over the country, you don't hear about that. A west is still accepted by the most of the, Basketball players in football players in this country- you don't about that. Congo west was extremely popular in hollywood and by hollywood. Don't hear about their! Why. You remember mister producer for a couple years Conservatives and republicans were taken. By kanye west? Remember that jingo dig it up on the internet: media outlets, And so forth, and so on, kissing his ass several on person me member, that.
I said: who is this guy? Why is everybody kissing his ass the same thing about bill Maher. Said much the same thing about Joe rogan. We don't really know these people, they don't really expect was who they are. But in the case of kanye west I never understood the interest in him. Never did. Fuentes, honestly, I didn't know he was so when president trump says I didn't know who we was to the whole world I believe- and I didn't know he was when I do this every day. Sorry, I don't keep track of all these little bastards.
Finally, they keep track of me, but I don't keep track of them. But for Mitch Mcconnell to get up there and tell you who will and will not be. The nominee makes me sick. There was he's been in the senate about forty years. And he hasn't done a damned thing about anti semitism has even talked about it at lamp, hasn't even had committees look into nothing, in condemn obama, with the muslim brotherhood and care nothing Neither did the clowns who surrounded every time he walks up. Then our national review national You my favorite magazine growing up, go. Finally, one of the great there's no question
but they have a whole congo line over their starting with any mccarthy and others who, from Perspective is relatively new to the conservative. Maybe you ve been there for years, but. In the early days. Former federal prosecutor, but not just him. There's nothing wrong with condemning or some questions about what took place absolutely. But that's not what they're doing you may know what data. And just like the new york times in it, reprehensible coverage. Holocaust. The national review has reprehensible essays and writers at the time who are quite young. When it came to segregation in the south, including built buckley, though buckley would renounce it go buckley
He evolved over time a question about, as did many people You would think a magazine. That's build on that foundation. But say their peace and then move on, but it doesn't. And they have no intention of doing. For a number of essays, written. Had naturally you they put them together. I was contacted by them and I was asked to join them because early on, I supported cruz over trump over everybody. Known ted for decades ted is a good man. He remit It's a good man is critical of trump because I didn't think he was sufficiently conservative lot of you lot of us were. But I said no, I'm not going to participate in a smear enemy. In pain
a group of others. I don't work that way. But Mccarthy did and others too truth. Is they ve, never change their minds. Try suggested you read this peace by victor Davis Hansen, who no longer rights at national area of american greatness, said he put out a few days ago survey important piece: very smart peace, snarl Gushy, it's not all positive. Just a very intelligent peace. I want to move on and I'm gonna move on I'll be right. Would ban function. Nation was founded on the principle of all. Men are created equal, but far too many of our nations colleges and universities, including those in the so called ivy league continued,
Insist on using race as a factor for admissions and the supreme is deciding a case on this subject right now, but there's a unique american college that doesn't discriminate based on race. It never has ended, never will and it's my favorite college hills, doug college hills there, Founded in eighteen, forty, four to educate quote all persons, irrespective of nationality, color or sex, unquote and content That policy today admitting students on the strength of their character, ability and intentions, not their heritage or background. My friend, Larry are, in the president of helstone college, recently published an article explaining hailstones colorblind policies and its related refusal of government funding, even indirectly in the form of federal stewed. Neighed, read it for yourself at lowood for a helstone back com and after you You may want to support hills there with a year and gift. So please garee.
Doktor arms article today at lavigne, fray, helstone com, that's alleviate from helstone dot com. The attack on one must continue and to have these presidential spokes idiot threat. Twitter. Any line must be Twitter used to be the the lapdog, the Biden, administration and democratic party is disgusting. And they're going to keep an eye on it says the spot: said he for the area free country. They're gonna keep an eye on twitter. Meanwhile, they're not going to keep an eye on apple apple, I speak. America apple lead.
Liberals from silicon valley worth hundreds of millions of dollars apple site, Thirdly, and quietly did communist china is dirty work the other day and made it Very difficult, if not impossible, for on chinese citizen for community Aid, whether another, the censure them. At the direction of the communist party. If china. Have you heard much about that. Michael troy and our company. Has thrown on the side of there danish party of china against the people of china. In many ways, setting Policy.
Where the united states of america more on this, when I return this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find them, And that's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank
so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the hell america mark Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I want you to listen to what wrong dissenters had to say today at a press conference about apple. Possibly getting. Twitter on the app store Is it that elon musk
done, that is so horrific. What he's done, ladies and gentlemen,. Is similar to what rhonda santos is done in florida, Whether people want to hear it or not, it's similar to what donald trump did as president As the cultural continues to decline and As the ideological monopolistic, Six of the marxist left take hold. And are enshrined any pushed back. To be met with all out destruction and so the goal now is to destroy elon musk to destroy his businesses. Two mob his advertisers and he use the instrumentalities of government.
To investigate him to investigate his company and threaten him. The same things been done, the donald trump, the same. It will be done to deronda santa's. That's the way the marxist laugh works That's why, if you agree with me, you despise paper like romney like Mcconnell and others were more than happy. To play at the forty yard line. And to embrace significant aspects of this agenda while pretending they there are very pernicious individuals and so apt is threatening to destroy twitter as its what painlessly
gives aid in comfort to the communist chinese government, which is. To crush. And if necessary, kill murder protestors Much like the iranian islam or nazi regime. So what apple's done? Because it's been bought and paid for by the communist chinese is, funded, airdrop, correct, MR, but isn't so. Important. Pieces of information like video and so forth, can't be shared, than among citizens. Correct. They were told to do it and they did it. This would be the same apple. That is relentless in its attack against Balkans. It's just incredible.
You ve, heard nothing friendly national base ball association. You've heard nothing from Lebron James. You. Ve heard nothing from the national football league. You ve heard nothing from the players, you, the players association of any of the legs, nothing And you've heard next to nothing from Joe Biden, think, from the sector defence. Nothing from secretary of state thing from the national security adviser, nothing, China Has been murder when torturing the weak, you ve, heard nothing. From the muslim brotherhood. Really nothing from care.
Certainly nothing sustained, nothing, zero. It would appear, ladies and gentlemen, that the communist chinese and the culture that they ve, created or attempted to create, has devour Our culture, rather than the other way around intention of opening our markets and our systems to the communist chinese was so the we would influence them. That's what the bushes wanted to do. That's what they wanted to do. That's what believed, and they failed spectacularly. Rather than devour their culture, they ve been devouring arse.
Some people recognises the santa's Tom cotton Marco rubio ted cruz donald trump First and foremost Ms Mckenna. Because of his family's tie. To thy regime that Peter Schweitzer has written about. Often Certain people get very angry when I talk about this on certain platforms nobody's gonna silence me. Nobody. Rod decide to set a press conference today cut for good and then, as you seen that go on in china, you know there's reports that apple not allowing the protesters to use this airdrop function
are trying to communicate. That, obviously, is providing aid and comfort to the c c p, and so you see that report and that's very concerning and then when you also hear reports that apple is threatening to remove twitter from the store, because elon musk is actually opening it up for free Speech and is restoring a lot of accounts. There were unfairly and a legitimately suspended for putting out accurate information about covert. That's like one of the main things, that's being reinstated, so many things. These experts were wrong and you had people on twitter that were calling that out and twitter, the old regime in twitter, their response was, try to just suffocate the descent and in the eu on must knows that's not a winning formula and so he's providing free speech and so of apple response to that by
new king them from from the app store. I think that that would be a huge mistake. Be a really raw exercise of monopolistic power that I think, would merit a response of front from the united states congress and so don't be a vassal of the c c p on one hand and then use your corporate power in the united states on the other to see The kate americans and try to suppress their right to express themselves, and so, I'm glad I'm glad things are changing a twitter, Pretty dame important statement: don't you think america from america's governor and that's what sting wishes. On so many friends of so many substantive issues from the rest.
That's what distinguishes him from the whole guns in the christy's. And the esa hutchison sulphur, their debts, but the common on track, The main thing that's the vogue thing, but the scientists. They want to get involved in that crap hissing wait a minute. We this company- it's the biggest company in america, that or amazon, but they go back and forth. It's trying to use its monopolistic power? shut down free speech in two countries. In the united states by threatening to choke off twitter from its appstore because they know you have a little iphones and
They control you and blocking Air drop communications at the door. The communists, chinese government. So that the citizens of china can communicate Each other about their lives. Their families, their freedom, cut five. Governor to scientists go, I just want to make a comment about what we ve been seeing going on in china. This zero covert policy is draconian, it violates people's liberties and it is completely unscientific and the people of china are right to be able to speak out and protest against what the chinese communist party is doing. This c c p has a maniacal desire to exert total control over its.
Population, zero co bid is really just the pretext for them to do what they want to do any ways, and that is not a model it can work over the long term. The people in china are finally speaking out. Ken stead, and I just think we need these draconian covered policies to go to the ash heap of history where they belong, absolutely crucially stated and compelling. He just said more in two minutes, As the governor florida than Joe Biden has said at all about the situation, in china. Fact, Joe Biden, his party. They have a completely different position. Joe Biden And their corporatist at Poland elsewhere have a completely different position
suppressed, albeit articulately by warner of virginia senator I've seen end today cut six go. Do you they'll believe there is something absolutely is. China is now cracking down on those protesters, something more that the? U s could or should do to support the chain People when they express themselves this way. I think there are things that those of us Leaders in the senate and the house have a little more flexibility frankly than the administration, This the administration critically at the most recent meeting between she inviting you try to have lower some of the tensions. This is a we don't want. I am if concept to erupt, I think those of us in the congress have a little more freedom and I think we can. The administration, but, as you said, we don't want to be the propaganda machinery the term these proteins.
Driven by chinese people into what the overall message would be, the chinese people god. The french didn't think that during the revolutionary war, when they helped us to feed the british, the bodily I can't. Laura through every major war we been in. This is how Democrats think this is how isolationists, thanks. This is how some people, a media, think it's Well, what's the right thing to do what's the moral thing to do what's the story Jake thing the do it's america or trip the triple. Are america. And so, while the chinese or rounding up wiggers. While the chinese, her killing people in
selling their organs, while the chinese are forcing abortions raping people. While the chinese have devoured hong kong and seek to devour taiwan. Chinese or in our hemisphere Chinese have ports now of africa the chinese are. I believe it or not. In the solomon islands. Where some here fathers and grandfathers and others in your family fought during world war. Two like mine,. While the Chinese have. Let her eyes these phony islands. There Our china, sea and threatened japan threatened australian, threaten the philippines and even threatened vietnam, while the chair these are building for war. We don't want to upset them. Ladies and gentlemen, The position of Joe Biden mark one or two democratic party, and yet
You just heard Great american leader, rhonda I have to say what he said. And this is why the apples of the world and the professional sports In the media outlets and Much the american. Corporate world and invest Ten dollars In china, this is why they will go to war with the santas. As they went to war with trump already compare the two and it's funny, I saw one comparison of the two and they said they said his trop, without the personality, so How bad is tribe is to this particular outlet. I think I was a new york times. The scientists is even worse.
That's why in this audience there so few suckers we understand what's going on but In the next hour. We're gonna have our body mightily on the programme, because you We do have to wonder why we even care who controls the united states senate. The house is a different issue. They voted for what they call the risk Act of marriage act, I believe it's cobb. Which is another phony name. Grave concern by those who voted against it. That? There's a reason why the Democrats, and susan counts and others pushed for this It has nothing to do with actual marriage. Gay or otherwise, and thing to do a preventing free speech, for people who only support men marrying women, and women marrying men.
People who refuse on religious grounds, debate, cakes. First of all kinds of weddings and so forth. This will be used by activists, judges at the state and federal level, and we ve seen it a thousand times. To silence all religious viewpoints and mark warner and romney important. And a lot of other republican frauds have promised that donor we passed and remembered to change that the moment has no teeth. The republicans who voted to get rid of those filibuster, the break to filibuster, also effective, voted for this Roy. Whose retiring richard bear, whose retiring compete on west virginia, whose a disaster collins and main disaster loomis, and why arming real?
a problematic portman in ohio, whose retiring romney, whose a moron sullivan and alive Tell us a north carolina ernst in iowa, young, just re elected in Indiana and of course, work. Ski of alaska, be right Ben There is literally no reason to pave arise in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you can get the same service on the same network at pure talk for a half the price, yep talk text and blaze fast data, just thirty bucks a month
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So, ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna have mightily on the programme and less than an hour to discuss the sack. They always name these things and ways. How could you vote against this. But we do we have, while republicans voted break the filibuster most of the usual suspects, except for one or two really one loomis greatness point meant, unfortunately, And what have they done what have they done to marriage? Have you participated in this you're, not even aware they're? Sorry, there is literally no reason to pay verizon a t and t or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you could get the same service on the same network at pure talk for half the price. Yep talk text and blazing fast data
Thirty bucks a month, those other guys are making you pay for thousands of retail store. You don't go into perks. You dont use a massive profits to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they have invested in a? U S, pace customer service team: it's why they give you more data options than unlimited, because they won't charge you for data. You don't need. I switched to pure talk because I like supporting a company owned by a. U s veteran, I like supporting accompanying, supports me and my values, and I invite you, switch to pure talk to their my guys switched to pure talk in less than ten minutes. Gonna pure talk, dot com and our promise. Levin podcast, that's easy. Iron podcast does say fifty percent of your first month again pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, levine podcast,
mark love in making conservatism great again, dialing, now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one mr produce at you- have an american express car things here California, when you use it pretty well sometimes, An american express card since nineteen eighty two- I was twenty five years alone. I've had this card almost forty two years. And I ve never missed a payment. Not in forty two years and it is the card I use the most by far by far. And then I just paid off every month
Obviously I use checks and some other cards from time to time, but it's just easier where I can And the reason I am, I you The american express card is its interest free. If you paid off. Other cards are too stand, but this is the one I started with sea like the right thing at the time. I don't play games, never have same with my taxes. We pay taxes not only on time, but we repair taxes. Now, all of a sudden, contact from american express a few months back, we To talk to you about your cap, so my cap have a cap.
No, I didn't know anything about. Caps are no caps, but I never had a cap on my american express card. It's not like. I spend millions of dollars. Every month my american express car. But it does run up because I use it is my I can in lieu of cash or even other cards, So I said to the guy: ok: what do you want to discuss. What we want to limit your cap. I said you wanna limit my cap, I didn't even know I had a cap, but now you want to limit the cap. And the amount was some ridiculous amount To love for me anyway,. I said well, that's too low, so they know I hear somebody speak, it sounds like a supervisor back. A female, ok
double that to a different cap. I said why even doing this and as to payment, I've never missed anything. Have had you guys for forty two years Well, if you want to send us your last three tax returns, you hear there must produce to occur car company. If you want to send us your last three tax returns. Perhaps we can raise it more. Sending you my tax returns, there's no and for this and that's the cap. So now I'm pissed off have to use american express. So if I get the time and I'll get the time over the vacation time, which is in just a few weeks,
get rid of my american express card. I may encourage my family members to get rid of their american express cards and I'll get a different car. Even if they want some income information on the cap issue a cap. I'll give it to them. I don't lest any these companies anymore, because they turn step forward to the Feds and so forth. I'm just being honest with you. I don't trust them in the least. But I dont have a full two year record with them, however, they may be like I do with american express. For paying my bills every single month. Even when I didn't have a lot of money for forty two two years without miss once. And all of a sudden.
They want. Three years of tax returns, cause they put a cap in place. Doesn't sound strange, must reduce it. Doesn't it sound like something weird is going on. Like they're coming after me, but I do think this is a little strange. That may be, they are trend a hassle me. I don't want callers on this, I'm just curious in your own minds, as is happening in other people, s, meaning assuming you're, paying your bills on time every month. I don't think it should be happening if you have problems at a different issue. I understand they have the negotiating talk, but this crazy. I'm thinking why all of a sudden I turned sixty five, so all of a sudden.
These increase just very strange. No american express and these other companies, but especially american if they make a lot of money, because there. There, algorithms. They figure out about what you're going to spend a month using their card And they're able to use that money to generate capital for themselves for themselves. So they have essentially a different business model and say a visa is something there where. Whether their model, as you know, interest after them last month in forever more and I suppose that's why originally was attracted to americans press, but I'm not attracted to them anymore. I tell you that I find this to be really reprehensible.
The pain in the ass. To be honest with you, I gotta go back and. And find another company. But it's very weird they bring it up because I bring a lot of things up that have absolutely nothing to do with the news That you may be experiencing as well, just the just a thought. This very strange I thought. Prettily doesn't matter to me, what credit card company I use so long as it's convenient right. What do I care. As long as they don't charge interest cause, I pay every month It's important to me a typical reporting. And this is from the allied times I headed from a few days ago
who farm policy headache for Biden as Israel forms its most right wing government ever the ally times Such a new headache for buying you see that the people in Israel voted and they- read for look who, in these other parties to form a government. They call at democracy. In the parliamentary system, but Shame it's a headache for buying, because now he's gonna have to deal with these antrim intrinsic an intransigent jews in israel and transit. Choose me how dare they All these right, wingers and these religious parties, and so forth and they re mad at him because they say he offended obama, the obama administration. When he spoke to congress, you don't do that. You see
Yes, don't do that. But this is how the media and the Democrats treat our allies are best our little israel. Now you never see a piece like that written about saudi arabia in the monarchy now these stories don't just happen. Stories are leaked, From the administration. Administration leaked to the. Times tracy, wilkinson and others. That the israeli should not, of course, their balance for the Netanyahu coalition, that Administration preferred thee the weak pete bennet coalition, which include Parties, they don't believe in the survival of Israel, don't believe in the state of Israel. They prefer that because they know that a government, that will buckle
Their demands washington. They know that. That government will not attack. The iranians, while their bill, nuclear weapons and when you, Joe Biden year, europe, your mental midget enough policy more on, as well as a domestic policy moron You dont, want to deal with the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu and his government. They're not going agree with you. And, of course, when you're the democratic party. Who just love the Jews in Israel. Just ask them. As Talib their media outlets, the nearest slides and apparently the allay slabs. This is a bad thing. That you actually have one of the greatest statesmen. As the head of israel when you have one of the biggest idiots as the head of the united states executive branch. It's a problem
right back, then there is literally no reason to pave arise in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you could get the same service on the same network, a pure talk for a half the price, yep talk text and using fast data, just thirty bucks a month. Those other guys are making you pay for thousands of retail stores. You don't go into perks. You dont use a massive profits to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they ve invested in a? U S, pace customer service team: it's why they give you more data options and unlimited, because they won't charge you for data, you don't need. I switched to pure talk because I like supporting a company owned by a. U s veteran I like supporting accompanies supports me and my values, and I invite you to switch to pure talk to their. My guys switched appear
Walk in less than ten minutes, gonna pure talk dot com in I'm a code levine podcast, that's easy iron podcast does say fifty percent of your first month again pure talk, dot com and then a promo code le then podcast, the new british prime minister greasy sooner made it Declaration today. And here's what he said about the relationship between britain and Communist china cut tango. Let's be clear? The so called golden era is over. Along with the naive idea that trade- would automatically lead to social and political reform. But nor should we rely on simplistic, cold war rhetoric.
We recognise china poses a systemic challenge to our values and interests a challenge that grows more acute as it moves towards, greater. For terrorism. Instead of listening to their pay protests, The chinese government has chosen to crack down further, including By assaulting a BBC journalist, the media and our parliamentarians must be able to highlight these issues without sanction. Including calling out abuses in changing and the curtailment of freedom in Hong kong. Say of governor the scientists. Made a strong statement about communist china. And its allies in america, including the apple corporation You have they brand new newly men,
The prime minister of Britain. Condemning come is china, I'll call golden era. Is over You have the president of the united states, hiding his desk. Hiding under his desk, that's what's taking place tonight, as I speak as the people China brutalized, as the people of IRAN, are brutalized mark what This has to do with us. I am so sick of this stupidity. Of those who would drag us into a real war and pretend it is we who would drag us into a real war. These are liberty movements that have had nothing to do with us.
But I've had to do with what the declaration of independence talks about. Edmund Burke wrote about. What our great founders of this country fought for. We can at least give them verbal support. Can we so they know? That we know what's going on. But the response of mark warner and his party is. We don't want to be used as propaganda for the enemy. While the people of china or on the precipice, perhaps of something big one hopes. While the people of iran are the precipice, perhaps have something big one hopes
this is the difference between a ragged and a trump verses abiding and an obama. A mark warner I'll, be right back. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you a question: did you Withdrawing your cash from the bank can be very risky. That's her Banks are now required to spy on us for the government and the report indeed behavior they think is suspicious it's true and shock when I read this secret or on cash from swiss america, the new Or against cash is really a war against the constitution against freedom, loving americans, so You need to read the war on cash, get your free copy by calling eight hundred six three zero. Fourteen. Ninety two aims red six three zero fourteen. Ninety two or. Swiss america that come this way cash is growing daily and also includes
All forms of digital money, please get in Read the secret world cash free tom, I listeners, calling now aid? six three zero. Fourteen. Ninety two eight hundred six: three zero fourteen. Ninety two swiss america, that com. The broadcasting from the underground command post the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader mike love the. What is this marriage act, ladies and gentlemen, that the Senate just passed in the house, is going to pass during the lame duck, or we can have the republicans organised in my house thanks to these five tom heads gates, bigs good norman rosen there. What is this.
Likely will tell us, when he's on the programme and about fifteen minutes, an amendment that Proposed would have protected. Religious liberty was defeated. That should be enormously concerning to you. For we get to that. Epic times is one of the really excellent work Sites new sites, And Benjamin Weingarten is one of the good thinkers out there very sharp, Points out the appointment of a special council, the sky jack Myth and the more we learn more sleazy. He is a man Election interference and sets dangerous precedent. We've talked about that too, so does Benjamin Weingarten, while republicans kicked off twenty twenty four presidential race. With the announcement that trump was running for president In perhaps the ultimate sign of our Ignominious times, Democrats in effect kicked off their a half the contest three days later by upon.
A special council to escalate their political prosecution of him. This is where Our democracy quote: unquote stands today with its people, The defenders engaging in the singularly anti democratic act of seeking a hyper politicized law enforcement apparatus on a key aid for the highest elected office or do The grounds thereby Subverting the political process by which we decide who represents us well said. At a minimum, no doubt to an approving president Joe Biden, his law enforcement arm is now engaged and what amounts to election enter insurance against. Arguably, the president's top challenger, ironically probe In part, the president trumps alleged interference with the transfer of power in twenty twenty one. Trump could make the Is that the deep state did the same to him with the section of russia gate and twenty? Sixteen and onward
where the attorney general merit garlands appointment of jack Smith's a special council. The spry prospect former president being charging convicted of something anything is more real than at any time during the perpetual campaign to purge trump from the body politic. This guy's, should be writing the editorials at the wall street journal national review, a ruling class really does wish to lock him up early Oh, that's right over the former president said for the maximum political gain There are many layers to the surreal law, fair assault on tromp worth peeling back all of it, point to the fact that our cork institutions I well burn themselves down and service of their own power privilege first, As we have the inherent third world nature, the current president by way of his attorney general pursuing charges against his predecessor and present challenger this
An extension of the third world soviet show trial, style january six committee preceding it, though enforcement apparatus carrying out the investigations time and again acted third world like as the class a sword and shield such thoughts world is, and in our politics weapon icing the national security and law. Enforcement apparatus against ruling class opponents as I've been normalized and in detention alive. No justice department has ever pursued such probes on such grounds concerned such debatable charges under such I'm stances as this one, the twenty what do you for election election? A presidential election? May hinge large part or what kayser cases that just department can make over a document dispute as you Federal law enforcement has acknowledged is at issue with they mara largo materials and the manner
President contested and election. Setting aside for a minute the contempt with which The o j, f b, I treated trump time and again get on the merits, the agency, Upon it, far more clear cut cases concerning the handling of documents by officials with far the authority than the commander in chief, strong about Hillary Clinton, among others. Of course, to my knowledge, there is little the guidance on what constitutes court unlawful interference, on quote with a train for a power election certification, meaning it very best the just Department is Gillian hypotheticals and you Matters of interpretation- in other words, The grounds for legal pursued, a trump by his successor administration, are shaky. The case is to be made our novel To put it mildly,. A federal prosecutors, starting with the attorney general.
Active with even a modicum of discretion, they would have immediately dismissed even the thought. Pursuing anything but an open and shut case, overwhelmingly supported by long president when it comes a prosecuting of former president current candidate instead by character, strictly holding trunk to a different standard that any president become before Our pre eminent law enforcement agencies are undermining the rule of law and its two, By the way that bill bar doesn't comprehend, this are all the other former said, types and aid. Costs. Another aspect of the stories garlands artful attempt insulate himself from an inherently hyper political prosecution. His department of justice initiated in the first place He ultimately calls the final shots on anyway. In other words, he's got
Special counsel will do all the dirty work, even though, behind the scenes he calls the final shots excuse me folks, I'm struggling a little bit here. While Biden son, not to mention other family members who monetize patriotic jos office through deal, with our worst adversaries. Face Special council talk about a double standard than their spare. Council smith, chequered record and spear, in past baseless pursuits. Republicans during his time is headed obama, justice, department, public integrity, section office is reckless prosecution of former virginia governor bob mcdonald. On bribery charges to an embarrassing rebuke at the supreme court, which overturned the republicans conviction by another Two zero evoke and Special counsel has been implicated in the irs's targeting of conservative nonprofits, storing the obama years.
And we ve learned more sense Life as a liberal hack. And his mother in Lhasa, liberal hack, Then, of course, is the myriad ways the prosecution can and will be exploited, the harbor, a trump cast, a cloud over the geo p primary process so me congressional republicans, likely to probe aspects are generally six. Perhaps the yo Jane FBI themselves, in sidelined those members. In contesting the twenty twenty presidential election, all while distracting from the bag, administrations, misdeeds. And there's the pressure that all other sets the legal persecution of trump and ensure its policy of sorts? Should the political Prosecution of him and his supporters fail is beyond chilling those low tromp is policies. Is people
proven they are willing to a visceral the american system in the name of defending it from traders, authoritarian and insurrectionists. Their projection is reaching its apex. Persist. We will be an unrecognisable country too, Peace by a great writer and thinker, Benjamin Weingarten, I've cited him before as I said, he should be writing editorials at the wheel. Street journal a national veto, but of course not. And that's all true Right back then,
I want to welcome senator MIKE Lee senator Lee. I need you to walk america through this step by step wine. They, how was there a marriage, bill during this lame duck session in the senate. That republicans supported. Many of them negotiated, and that most of the american people have no idea what's taking place here. What happened here Well in a nutshell, the bill was designed to effect codified. Your burger failed women, Some people were getting nervous faced on the same sex marriage, the earth about same sex marriages or quarter phil The session was reassuring. Twenty fifteen by the supreme court that declared their appear two full right to same sex, marriage, justice, thomas
mention in his concurring opinion in it. In case you mentioned a bogus allocation, suggested that it ought to be reviewed, grabs too, Figure out whether substantive due process was appropriate for that, but didn't didn't. Even Say it should be overruled, would only justice saying that A bunch of people said what we gotta codified. And so they proceed with looking saying that their ignoring the fact that a burger not going away the story? Decisive. Doctrine, the supreme court uses to decide whether to keep relying on precedent play the same way with same sex marriages that it did. Abortion, nobody thinks it's going away, but the demo Decide they needed a codified anyway, so what
started doing that. I should hate we gotta be careful here, because, if you're, not careful, we're gonna end up accidently, declaring all religious institutions bigots and in violation of a number of civil rights law, so that wouldn't we must not forget that- would include orthodox jews. They would include faithful catholics. I would include the mormons urge that would include people of the muslim faith. I would include tens of millions of people and they once were most worried about all this in a mosque, synagogues and churches has we have reason to worry about non profit that are really Italy affiliated careful religious schools, colleges and universities that our religious missions, if they dont want- and we already saw that with you- she was schools in new york- correct. Yes, she met with
She was so pretty much any yeah, yeah religious, We observe court locks, jewish school were muslim, school and many christian schools, going to have an issue because they are women Water is backing them, don't believe in same sex marriage in it on the basis of a religious belief that they don't believe in in fact, marriage, not on the basis of any kind of bigotry, just religious belief, so I put it we can have a real problem, is that the wine of cases back in nineteen, eighty three involving bob jones university that suggested like this- can have their catholics status, remotely benefits on the basis of religious belief that we need to take away the authority from the federal government, including the irs, to punish religious. Institutions, for religious reasons, don't recognize same sex marriage, and I in an amendment prohibiting that thing that other still can't be allowed to pass unless it
this religious protection built into it tragically today, the united states senate path, legislation that codified aubrey fell but did not, adopt my amendment or any comparable amendment providing that protection. Just nonprofits and other religious institutions in individuals she sat day really. If you point outward a lame duck session of congress? A republican house has just been elected and is about to kick him in a few weeks. Had they waited just a little bit longer add shoot. Had it had there not been twelve republicans. Had there been fewer, and ten republicans willing to vote with the Democrats on this issue fewer than ten welcome this, up and down until at least the next congress in the next congress. If it got done, will be done much more respect,
A way of religious freedom, moreover, I think, even in this context, they might well have been able to adopt this thing. Had these twelve republic has not made it so darn easy for general. Deposit without their religious protection, they had other language in their that provided some religious protection, but not for the problem and describe it. It was far inadequate for that they passed it anyway. I think that's really sad. Now mark warner went on tv. Smear jill. And said that you're just doing this to obstruct this and that there's protections built into this law- and you certainly Didn'T- have an opportunity to respond to that. Would you like to. It was unfortunate that he'd apologia and- and I appreciate his apology- it is important that we speak with clear when speaking with others, you went on there and in response to a question
From China grandma fox news someday, you asked him what about likewise amendment, though you think that's necessary anyone. Say what might we first volume Equally, the woman and the mormon church support without the amendment making it sound like my church Spoke for me, I'm making it sound like my church with against my amendment, which was true. Yeah, but I always and romney sounded the same way just for the record. I go right ahead, like porches george, you want, which is also, unfortunately, but every time somebody myth characterised somebody else's church of their own church ships that unfortunate many compound to be air by saying, look, gobs, here's the deal likely had a chance to pass this amendment, simple majority threshold in the senate, which wasn't true We finally arrived today. This was enough ten days ago, or so Clearly that I had already had a chance to get a passage. Fifty one votes,
which wasn't untrue and have made it felt like bad, coupled with my church collision meant that the only way Can I could be doing this was to engage engage in bad shape, delay tactics, cheeks lazy, moved to characterize somebody else's church, some elsie religion, is speaking for them and then saying that you couldn't possibly have a good faith legislative of objective and trying to This religious protection, like us, a marked mark warner, apologised to make today for that and what we want, and what is this, what is this that there are hiding behind where they say That you're, a member is superfluous, that there already protecting religious, but he had a vague, whoopi, kurdish and protected Legitimate, they add some protection, but I appreciate like it made clear if you're and mama a rabbi were a priest or a pasture.
By the same sex marriage, and I could be forced to do that. I accept that that great, but you know religious Denmark is about parliament, s slow it down. I just want to walk to one if you're a baker- and you know what a bake cake furry a sir type of wedding ceremony. They protect well. This doesn't deal typical, rises under state and local law, not federal law to the cape baker again apple probably doesn't get directly implicated, Here I am not aware aware of any has federal eyes out to the extent that they apply that to a federal law. Then the cake breaker be either if it's a nonprofit or for a small business. And the small business person didn't want to do that. In reality, a calculator in violation of one or more federal laws. If that's implicated, it's more like
Come up in the non profit context, but in theory, can come up with some small business examples, and so is a result of all this. The religious freedom protection they offered was adequate, but it's really not could make. You know they provided some protecting for churches, synagogues and moss themselves and then they have this other sections section. Seven a of the bill said that nothing in this act shall be construed to deny or alter or revoke any status, but that was never the problem. Mark or argument would never that the bill will focus. It was that it would even packed in existing problem, exacerbated by the still they left him there and that the tragic
Michael, I want to thank you for fighting for the constitution and edifying us on this. We really appreciated. Thank god bless you my friend, and, thank goodness, you re elected other folks. Have you heard me? talk about something on my show and wanted to go back and listen again. Or are you curious about my views on current topics making headlines then? my website mark levine show dot com and use my audio search engine. You can search for it, any topic I have discussed or guess I've had, on my show that, all autumn,
Radically pull up the most recent audio clips, you're searching for and best of all, you can easily share those clips with your friends and family on a variety of social media platforms. My search engine is sponsored exclusively by our dear friends at preborn saving babies' lives of one ultrasound at a time check it out at mark levin, show dot com mark levin. The research arm of conservative media call it no eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one: one guess what we're going to do, that skoda: deva, los Angeles California, where we live, and national guard at smart greg talk to you, I'm very disappointed in you the suddenly caring, so much about anti semitism and his statement that clearly no room for anti semitism or people that to anti semites so
Like a trump at the time gay, racist friends to some commission needed daunted, do but me with them the problem with the americans. There, too soft and too much about emotional things, how about the way tromp panel, china, The way you handle north korea, russia, bringing out the way on the subject you raise break, the jewish state, like no president before him. Nobody, how about the fact, as far as I know, he's the only president to have a jewish daughter, And son in law and jewish grandchildren. I mean it's so ridiculous. What they're trying to pin on. I just feel like a kind of shot himself in the foot. By doing this, any needs people around him who are going to help him stop people This from coming into more logger wherever and either
those people let him down, but that said, he's made a clear abundantly clear. He had no idea ideal point. This was he said if said the things that he has said in the past to him. He would have obviously done something about it. As far as Conny west is concerned, his It is that guy is he's known for all these years As have many people. And he said he was trouble than he was looking for a meeting any wanted to give advice I would have done it back. Idea. You see the consequences of what he is. He's really in the spotlight, no matter what. And then there is the issue of relay anti semitism out there and its growing its growing in various ethnic communities. Its growing as a result of open emigration from certain parts of the world.
And its ground because of the marxist mindset, which has always been a jew, hating mindset. But you'll find this even with evangelical christians how they are put upon and other people of faith. But anyway, thank you for your call, my friend, law now Richardson texas, they grow. W b ap. How are you my friend Are you don't pretend I'm gonna big brother, I'm doing great nike, sir, could you give all problem, let us get down to business though, I called the turtle, would you call about his neighbors, miss MC carl. I don't want you know here in best man could you do a good job at it? Might? listen to you is. How can we live one? Dismantling now and number two bodies: A total look behind out. We can't get them out
and he knows because his colleagues voted for now. I had the good sense not devote far one of them voted present. We don't know who voted, how we can surmise try, Like to know how some of these people have voted They asked for our vote in they promise not to support my conall and now I want to know if they did. They didn't because me, that's a red line at this point, but as already negotiating with humour to sell us out on spending in the debt already it'll get full backing in the establishment and wall street And in some of the long and two phony pseudo conservative but if we don't fight the spending, then what is Purpose I haven't these republican seriously, though, that I don't know we lost the senate. Now there were a lot of candidates, so they dump on. Those are the candidates I like many of whom, Fought like hell it's
enough to have a majority need a majority of states, meaning a majority people going to do something about. Lay this majority of republicans in the senate or minority is not have more hope for the house. Yeah advocate my last question. Male is this: here is now you made a point. You said we we can't get them out. Is there anyone that's mad enough to run against this man at the end of his term?. Oh in Kentucky? Well, yes, I think I'll be one hundred and twelve, but that doesn't seem to stop them. Does it If it chooses to run again, we're gonna have to become active in the campaign to feed them, because that is the only way to do it. But he's got a stranglehold on the politics. Turkey, the way he does with his colleagues in the centre, And in really, why is a smart Oh right now really is
Substitute known, I really, as he accomplished great things, all look at the court's. While there is more than that and not really. What does he done? the budgets that a bloated look at that. That's a bloated look at immigration or the guy's been their fifteen damn years as the leader of the republicans. Bob doll was more effective, much more effective than he is I law dahlia, take care you so buddy, good man, priests, atrium, louis iraq arc and saw the great k a are, and how are you louis thank you, pfizer. Thank you. You got a mark the democratic politicians need to impeach. An cobbler to say themselves there the congress anyway, go in another direction, there will lose the senate and the pressure
Next time, They're never going to do that Plus signal line up in the majority in the house, so they won't be able to do that. And they don't care they look. Election losses as temporary setbacks, because they own the bureaucracy, the permanent government. And they view these his temporary setbacks, and so they use the time they have an office effectively I've been there soon Be two years Look at the enormous damage he's done. Do our system to our economy. To our energy to the whole, damn thing to our border to immigration Not will be able to fix it in less than two years look Republicans act Mcconnell, we want to meet on the forty yard line we, by partisanship working on a spending deal with sugar is working on a spending do shermer that the vast majority republican senators aren't even in on and they vote for him
because he gives them cover. He gives a money when they run for reelection. He's got the entire establishment media some some of republic republican media in and around washington d c, as well as the think tanks. At their spewing, their support for Mcconnell, who is about as ineffective as they can get, but you know politics, politics is a cutthroat. Kind of establishment, and I think there is. Democratic politicians get to realising the that this is, is affecting them very hot, very badly. Today, my go along with the republicans either republicans Those are some push. Whenever the americans, they hate, republicans more than they hate Many chinese The communist north koreans ash, cystic putin, the islam or nazi iranian regime. They hated
Publicans, more than anything else, because They want those slots, they want Please control as a government. Your power hungry and they have. Plans for you and me in the entire country? They hate the country They never say anything good about the country, he's busy legislating against the country against private sector against liberty against individualism, and there never satisfied. Oh that's where their mindset is louis. Thank you for your time, My friend, I shall return. Mr producers, I'm going to send you you're doing this honor. That's, ok, a picture of patents. Nine month old puppy,
He was learns family, dog, worn and neck. Daughter in my son in law. And the grandkids. He was Buy a car so weeks ago and got an infection as a result of it and died from. We ve had a lot of. Sadness around here. Do you mind putting him up at the sex The paid. How want anyone trust the georgia run off results. There's enough illegal voting to tip the scales s margo Cleveland at the federalist the final tally comes in for the georgia run off the country should expect the kennedy behind in the cap that take to the courts. Initial data from the november twenty twenty two general election indicates that more than twenty five thousand georgians may have voted illegally in the general election.
No you're, not supposed to talk about this homely Democrats can talk about it. And fraud, but ah how continue and the prom appear? is poised to repeat itself and voters cast their ballots and states run off election for senator on December six. Absent when by substantial margin by the republican challenger walker, Democrat, warnock litigation with a potential ordering of a new elections seems likely. She says. A scenario. They would approve, approved a disastrous for the country. Had control the centre remained in play, complaint filed earlier this month with the georgian state board of elections, mark Davis and expert and voter data analytics and residency issues loaded, state to data indicating that in both november, De twenty and november twenty twenty two.
Thousands of georgians may have voted illegally by moving, but then, rather than re, registering to vote as required by the states election code casting ballots in the county which they no longer reside. There's a problem nationwide by the way. Davis's complaint noted that, due to space constraints, he was providing support data in a detailed letter to state board of elections. Member at lindsey Letter obtain exclusively by the federalists highlighted the relevant portions of the georgian election code which provides that no person shall vote in primary election held in this state. Unless such person shall be a resident of the state, The canyon municipality, which here she seeks to vote, makes sense lecturing code further provides that if the vote or changes is residents from one georgia county to another or the third
days before the election. The person has lost his eligibility to vote in the county of his or her old residents. The individual must registered a vote in his or her new county or residents, and if the individual fails to register to vote for the dead by the deadline they can vote and that election was then detailed, he had gather related to the november twenty twenty two alike. Obtained from the national change of address database showed sick Thirty, seven thousand georgians provided notice of permanent changes of address that sixty eight thousand of these six hundred thirty seven thousand change of address notices were from voters who moved from one frederick county to another. More than thirty days before the election. But failed to re register, their number twenty. Five thousand of them appear to have voted in the twenty twenty two general election and they're all counties which violate state law.
Now, all twenty five thousand plus who moved and then voted in their old country, necessarily voted illegally. He explained some of those individuals may be students away at school or soldiers serving a tour duty or other people had reason to file permanent change of address for what is really a long term. Temporary movie data collected by Davis from them twenty twenty general election indicates At least thirty, five percent of the approximately thirty five thousand people, from one georgia county to another country in the state and voted in it, prior county had in fact move permanently You dont consider that fraud. But it is a huge problem. Georgia where there is a very, very close election and twenty twenty. Arizona, still having issues, Of course, the media won't actually dig into what the issues are. They just block off of court
I we so it all you heroes out there, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, folks outlets.
Transcript generated on 2022-12-06.