« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/28/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden has blown up the Middle East and has blood on his hands, from the Iranians protesting against their tyrannical Islamonazi regime to the Jews in Israel under attack by Hamas. The citizens of Israel can never live in peace while Biden is president because he does not want Israel to win. If Palestine is rewarded for slaughtering and kidnapping people and given more land, Israel will die. Like Barack Obama, Joe Biden is an anti-Semite surrounded by like-minded people in his administration, which is the most anti-Semitic presidential administration since the creation of Israel. The Biden regime does not have the back of Israel because it doesn’t even protect Americans, leaving our borders wide open so we have no idea if terrorists are coming in. Also, the Democrat party is now using tactics never done before in American history in order to win the Presidential Election in 2024. They want to nationalize our elections and turn our entire country into California and have removed virtually all checks and balances in the election process. When you have a Democrat party and a media that hates the country and will do anything for power, it is a big problem. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley is spending more than ever to buy her way into the presidency and is now being endorsed by the Koch Network. Charles Koch hates a strong border, a strong military, and most of all hates Donald Trump. Later, what the judges and special counsel in the case against Donald Trump are doing is assuring that he will be convicted of at least one count, so when Trump runs for president in the 2024 election, he will be called a convicted felon by Democrats and the media. What the Biden Department of Justice is doing to Trump is worse than Stalin or Mussolini. Finally, Mark is joined by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to talk about her values and background before Congress, and to discuss her new book, MTG.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now run broadcasting a lonely underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building, refuting we once again made contact with our leader. The
the The The. The here are number eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three. On three eight one. One, ok democrats. People on tv hosts.
Commentators panel members, Joe Biden, is keeping a sort of world war three or Joe Biden. What will we do without her Joe Biden, Israel's best friend aren't? I wanna get this straight up. Joe Biden blew up the middle east, Joe Biden has blood on his hat. His blood on their hands, including, Brave he rainy and citizens were rising up against the tyrannical islam, or nazi regime were going to overthrow it till Joe Biden, lifted trade way. first lifted. Oil waivers lifted cultural waivers. Even lifted media waivers, in other words, breed life back into that diabolical genocidal regime and he killed the protest movement.
He didn't give a damn. How many citizens in iran were murdered by that regime? Never said a damn thing, not one either did blanket, neither did solomon, neither did their parents and the media blitz her tapper michel scarboro, none of them said a damn thing. Joe Biden doesn't talk about the citizens in syria who are being slaughtered. Half a million syrians muslims, among others,
A word nothing still going on, not a word when it comes with a hoodies in yemen, another islam or nazi cursed operation funded by the iranians, Joe and took the terrorism label author hoodies just like he refuses to fighting you and they put the terrorism label on Hamas. Hoodies have slaughtered unknown numbers of yemen ice unbelievable Joe Biden says nothing, nothing.
Joe Biden says he supports the ukrainians, but he doesn't want them to win. Tens of thousands of ukrainians have died, have died because of his feckless policy there. He never talks about the ukrainian citizens ever when he meets will she. He never brings up the two and a half million wingers that are in death camps, concentration, camps being raped, forced abortions, tortured murdered. He says nothing fishy about that zero. He doesn't care about the citizens, not in china, not tibet on our southern border. God knows how many people are dying. We now know about rape, tents. We know about little kids who are being sold into sexual slavery. How many we don't know, but by the thousands, how many women have been raped. We don't know, but thousands how many americans have died. Hundreds of thousands over the course of his presidency no front page no concern on the morning, Joe no concern by tapper or blitzer, or anybody else. None. They say they're concerned about citizens.
Concern about citizens, they said and I'll tell you what other citizens are not caring about the Jews in Israel. Of course they talk about proper service. Of course it was her renders, but they do not want israel to win, which means these citizens in Israel can never live in peace ever and if they do wind up carving up. Israel wrote one third of that country today, in some areas the incense draw homeland of the Jews. If it is surrendering to the palestinians as a reward for slaughtering jews and kidnapping people, Israel will die, they don't care about these really juice. I don't care about the citizens there. I am sick and tired of this narrative tat tells us that Joe Biden and blank in and the american propaganda media and the democratic concerned about citizens and Bernie sanders concerned about citizens, and they squad is concerned about citizens or woe is me: I don't give a damn about citizens, not at our country, certainly not in Israel and not in the rest of the world. The same political party that is eventually ended local law enforcement in this country. The same political party that works with sorrows and others to evaluate our criminal justice system, the same political party in their city councils or in their state legislatures in illinois in new york in California. Other blow states refuse to punish criminal. They don't care about citizens at all, not in any respect. Now Joe Biden say this because I mean it: oh burma was an entire semi surrounded by people with the same ADI ology, some of them jewish, some of them not I've, taught.
About self hating, jews and the difference between Jews who identify as ethnic jews and Jews who identify as both ethnic and jews of religious faith. I'm not going to go there again. I've explained repeatedly- and I do so at great risk to myself, but I don't care, I truly don't because in the end I have the answer to my god, our god, not the cnn or MSNBC, or not some of these soros or dan abrams front groups. I have to answer to god, almighty and myself. In the last forty eight hours, Joe Biden and blanken, had put out the word that they want this, so called cease fire to extend in iran using Hamas knows how to play Biden. They already got six billion from him,
In a bunch of terrorists from Biden, they knew how to do it with obama to end this administration. It cannot say anti semitism without saying a slammer for out of the other side of its mouth, this administration, not enforce president trumps executive order on anti semitism college campuses, certainly not any significant way there: the administrative and I have yet to hear a full throat, a press conference from the attorney general that deputy attorney general, the associated tourney general, the attorney general for civil rights, the attorney general further criminal division, standing of fraud and showing the american people that they will do whatever they have to do to protect jewish
They won't do it because politically, they rely more and more on arabs and muslims who have come into this country and sets a fact.
This administration will not review at student visa policy. This administration will not go back and look at people up entered into this country, overstate their student visas, this administration, while look at student visas to see exactly what they lay data this country for the last two and a half year. Its administration does not want to vat. People were coming across our borders, every corner of the world and you better believe terrorists are going to exploit that they don't care. The goal is the fundamental fundamental transformation of america, and so I m here to tell you this is the most anti semitic administration, since the state of Israel was established because under oath bomber there were some checks in place against the lincolns. The Sullivan outsiders like thomas freeman groups, like care in the muslim brotherhood that had access to the white house and so forth, but under Biden, it's the buying, whisper blake and who's in charge. The same blake and John Mccain went to the second floor and, for a half hour tried to block him from being that gap and secretary of state under a barber laid out specifically the problems with this guy, the former senior far policy adviser to the senate, fine,
there's committee, that Joe Biden both was chairman of and ranking member rather one point at disaster. They came said he was a complete disaster and he was right so now this regime in the united states of america, which will not protect us from foreign and domestic threats to totally Israel. We want longer cease. Fires has long.
His hostages are released playing right into the hands of iran and Hamas, so they pressure Israel, see they have nobody to pressure in afghanistan. The taliban tells them to screw off one of the americans they're well one of them. Where are they doesn't matter? Nobody cares anymore. They don't even mention it not at any single press conference any day of the week. Where are the americans in afghanistan? Don't worry, though Joe cares about citizens tells Israel, should military operations commence and they don't want them to comment, and I warned about this- you better limit the displacement of gazans you'd, better, be more precise with your munitions. You better not block their steady flow of fuel now going into Gaza. You better make sure those people are fed and are medicated and a water you're in charge. Israel, Israel, you're in charge. Now I've taken care of the people in Gaza, not defeating them.
Not ridding them from your border, you now in charge of our welfare state can take care these people why Hamas is killing them and killing you, and now you that qatar, which funds hamas qatar, which protects the numerous brilliant airs who made money off the you money off of our money off of your money, just still in qatar, is our leading negotiator for hostages,
Then I have to hear fools and the media so early. It's not Biden. It's Netanyahu, Netanyahu! Oh, yes! Yes, yes, because he really doesn't want peace. You see the left in Israel, they want peace. You know they're they're, really the peace. Next, you know. There is even a rumour out there and I have been able to confirm it, but I'm trying that these relative trying to buy weaponry from other countries
So they have to rely only on binding blanket, including certain missiles from south korea. This is a room or so far or more than a rumour, I'm trying to confirm it, but that Sullivan step than the way in next the deal say they want the israelis to rely a hundred percent and then, of course, pine says, aid in the future may be contingent on. Following: u s policy, oh, and by the way we want a two state solution. away. Israel just go away. Well, you I'll be right: back Have you seen the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms mike
all gives me peace of mind its tangible and I'm a firm. labour and owning gold, my favorite gold company, augusta precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something top of the top. If you have an eye or array or for one k, and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about. The benefits of a gold, I re from augusta precious metals, their outstanding get a free, guy the gold I raise from accustom precious metals today, Tex levine ali vs, the six eight five, nine, two that Eli v, I n the six eight five, nine two again Levin, the six eight five, nine two or visit augusto precious metals, dot, com text, data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get disclosures dust, precious metals, dot com. This is my actual reason:
By word, we most airtight israel, anti semitic administration in terms of anti semitism. Since franklin, roosevelt. Terms of anti israel, since obama and its even more than obama, because it's a people and it by who was one of obama's people, obviously, and I don't care what headlines little clips people use. I have explained this over a period of six weeks or more. And if you're going to stab israel in the back and you're going tie Israel's hands if you're going to carve up israel in the face of what's been done, that is where our while you're funding, directly and indirectly terrorists and terrors regimes that sick
have you seeing the headlines lately, third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my goal, gives me peace of mind tangible and I'm a firm believer in owning gold, my favorite gold company, a gust of precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something: top of the top. If you have an eye or or for one k, and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about the benefits of a gold. I re from a gust of precious metals, their outstanding get a free. guy, the gold I raised from accustom precious metals today, text levine
in vienna, the six eight five nine to that's ellie, vienna, six, eight, five, nine to again Lavinia. Six eight five mind too, or visit our gust of precious metals. Dot com text, data message rates may apply. Performance varies, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions had get risk disclosed. there's a dust of precious metals, dotcom mark love in america's passionately, so ribeiro voice talk with voice now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight! one, one from bright bark, jolt pollack, today november twenty eightth source within the israeli government told bright bar news. On tuesday he was
isn't Joe Biden pressure would lead to hamas surviving the war intact, rather than allowing Israel to destroy Hamas or remove it's military and governing capabilities. Recent days, the white house has acknowledged that israel intends to continue fighting hamas after the current phase. It should read Karen pause sought by bind to allow the release of hostages ends later this week quote the israelis have been pretty clear that, once the pauses are completing the hostage exchanges are over, that they intend to continue them literary operations against Hamas, said John kirby speed a great john kirby who lied to us day in and day out about afghanistan. But the way
Ass is no longer clearly stating that it shares our goal and the israeli government, probably belize Biden, is prepared to tolerate the survivor Hamas, despite the fact that Hamas and other terror groups will see that as a victory. The reason Israel believes this is by de gaulle is that the EU s administration is imposing onerous conditions on the israeli defence forces regarding its operations in Gaza, such that defeating Hamas has become almost impossible from the new york times today, the. U S has warned Israel, they must fight more surgically and avoid further mass displacement of palestinians in its war against come out. This is a leak from the minutes,
nation to their favorite anti semitic holocaust, covering up media outlets. To avoid a humanitarian crisis that overwhelms the world's ability to respond. According to senior bite administration officials, american officials have told the israelis that any coming military operation should not hamper the floor. Power and water impede the work of humanitarian sites such as hospitals and you and supported, shelters in south and central gaza. So the laying out the plan for a hamas. This is how you survive hostages. Few a day, all the americans back his loins Can those hostages continued EU civilians continued? I hide and mosques, hospitals and so forth, and we will continue to attack the israelis for attacking you
that's today, november twenty eight. I want to read something that I wrote on october, twenty fifth almost five weeks ago and everybody said mark. What are you talking about mark? What are you talking about and then I get over the transom e mails articles from their authors? Oh, did you see what someone so wrote today? Really Let me tell you what I wrote five weeks ago: Biden is sabotaging Israel and america. The bite administration has intentionally created a situation in the Middle east, where it is becoming increasingly difficult for isro to launch a full scale ground operation against Hamas in Gaza five weeks ago. The administration's rhetoric is more and more bellicose and more and more conditions are being said publicly and behind the scenes militarily on Israel's leadership and military
And we, the american public, are being misled and lied to byron. Government divide in regime does not have Israel's. It doesn't even have our back every day that goes by Hamas and other nazi groups and regimes such as iran, syria, qatar and the palestinian authority and others are buying time to plan their attacks on Israel and support from Hamas. Hezbollah, nazi terrorists. In Gaza, the enemy is fortifying its positions, essentially tunnel networks with the Biden administration is war. Nice the world around a quote: humanitarian, unquote, effort to get goods and medicine into Gaza. Egypt blocks the main passageway for the palestinians to leave and now, of course, Biden. Stewing egypt's water carrying by saying the palestinians are not to be removed from Gaza, because
You don't want them. Not another country's army anywhere on the planet is expected or pressure to do such a thing again. Five weeks ago, of course, not one arab country will accept one palestinian. The bite administration's pressure on Egypt is minimal, as is it's effort if there are any for any arab or muslim country to take palestinians. Another country biden blanket and the rest of our regime leaders repeatedly signaled to the enemy that they do not want to open up any fronts in this war, any new friends, but why would they continually telegraph their greatest concerns to the iranian regime that will use those concerns to bed to it's benefited, strategic and and It tries accordingly has it occurred to the president and sectarian state that are already a spread that Hezbollah and that our own militaries been repeatedly attack by iran's proxies the same around that
hilda named americans in iraq and elsewhere, with no effective response. The same around that is still receiving billions. Bowers, an oil revenue because Biden refuses to enforce existing sanctions against IRAN, the same and that bind and blinking reaffirmed at appeased. There still funding IRAN's war regime in their tears proxies and are developing nukes without any plan by buying a blanket to stop them. The same buying regime that hard for a rainy and special players and spies to try and convince the iranian get back into the disastrous obama nuclear deal and install israel. Hating may have better as senior direct
for intelligence programmes at the inner city, the same Biden regime that has nominated jack Lou as our ambassador, Israel, despite a central role in repeating a ran with billions in payments under a bomb and more and that's for hostages, the buying regime is pressuring is rather do things no army can accomplish against us is how cover twenty five weeks ago, one feed medicate the citizen to occupy the territory where the enemy is dug, in of which had slaughters. Israel to destroy the enemy which hides among the population and holds hostages without hurting any citizens are hostages, three conduct urban warfare, building to building a room to room with tunnels, and I d is without harming any mosques you inside schools and hospitals, which are you whose by the enemy to launch attacks on israelis and where the enemy hide and for do nothing that might cause IRAN, which has funding at all thanks to buying power.
is to expand the war. Even though iran is expanding the war and attacking our own forces through surrogate. I might add, there's never a word by Biden blanket or any others in a bind regime about the young about the lives of young idea soldiers, most of whom are reservists and their well being. And safety. The bind regime is implanted a marine general, not merely to advise the israelis but to watch over their military and interfere with the war effort by seeks to be a disastrous commander in chief, not just in our own country, but in Israel there using the provision of weapons as a condition to impose on the rallies what they may or may not do with those weapons that is blackmailing them.
Military decisions and diplomatically the Biden regime is working with our european allies to pressure Israel, not to fight the kind of war. They must fight to prevent future terrorists attacks from Hamas, but they lie to us about their full support for israel. Indeed, they publicly and continuously lecture Israel about complying with the rules of law and proportionality, which the buy in regime interpret wrongly and intentionally mean don't fight the war to obliterate the enemy and, of course, Biden blink and calculate the more time that passes the less support there will be for Israel to defend itself. Boys apparition can this is five weeks ago, where I wrote this.
Hamas knows this. Well, that's why they took over two hundred hostages and uses them is military ponds. They know, bind paid. Six billion to the enemy ran for five hostages. The bind regime is busy seeking impossible peace rather than victory lincoln said as much in a recent tweet, so the vine regime, which destroyed actual peace under trumps policies a blow up
Middle EAST were only a few years ago. Iran was on its back. The palestinian terrorists were defunded, and arab and muslim countries entered into multiple peace deals with Israel is seeking to appease the terrorists that it has unleashed in Israel's very existence, as well as well being of american forces in the region are now at stake. We've gone from unimaginable peace under trump and his foreign policy of peace through strength to horrific terrorism and war under binds policy of appeasement and worse financial support for our enemies, and it goes on that was october, twenty,
The fifth five weeks ago was love in and have you seen the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold. It's weathered many storms. My goal gives me peace of mind. It's tangy and I'm a firm believer in owning gold, my favorite gold company, a gust of precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something: their top of the top. If you have an eye or or for one k, and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about benefits of a gold. I re from a gust of precious metals. Their outstanding get a free. The gold I raise from accustom precious metals today, Tex Levine,
Ali vs, the six eight five, nine two that eli vs, the six eight five nine two again Levin the six eight five, nine two or visit august of precious metals, dot com text, data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com over thirty one is real or not start by muslim. For my tree november. First, who the hell does blink and think he has to tell Israel who should govern Gaza. It goes on.
November fifth, I didn't have every third unbelievable sickening biden. Turning on Israel for purely domestic political purposes, by losing support among arab supporters of Hamas in michigan and elsewhere and of under third so implies his rose, not protecting civilians, and there must be a cease fire which, without
the undermine israel's military efforts. At the same time, talent and terrace naturally nazis the. U s will reward them with a country carved out of Israel regards itself it's time for republicans in congress to dig into this november. Fourth, the! U s is not is now calling for a cease fire. The american people stand with is where the republican party stands with Israel. Republicans in congress stand with Israel, the democrat party and the democrat party, midi media and the democrat party protesters, many of whom are calling for the annihilation of Israel and the jews are calling for a cease fire november. Fifth lincoln's rogue and denly foreign policy blink, and this morning his meeting with the pillow
seeing them a two state solution. Neither our congress nor the israeli government agreed to this, but blink and a whole over from the barn ridgy. Exceedingly obama regime is running its own foreign policy now and it is contemptible. Blanket is also responsible for the policy rearming the iranian regime, and I am as nazis november eleventh. Our soldiers have been attacked over fifty times in the last month by the iranian nazi regime, and it's islam, as surrogates and Biden refuses to do anything, syria it's about it. Our enemies in the middle east, see it our enemies all over the world, see it by and is actually provoking attacks against, our forces and our allies with us
to defend our men and women and uniform november twelve time for the geo paid to expose and push back against the vine regime. The vine regime this time hapless sectoral defence austin is telling Israel. It must not win the war, it must not protect its own citizens from Hezbollah. That's ran the buying. People are leaking to their favorite media outlets, publicly undermining is rose, war effort and threatening israelites time for leading republicans in the senate and the house to hold a press conference and make clear to the buying regime in the rest of the world. That americans do not agree with what the vine regime is doing, see. They're doing this without a stated foreign policy there doing this had a confusion to create confusion. The member thirteen the barn regime is in for propaganda mode, as is its media. Demanding that Israel lose the war is rose not doing enough for the civilians. In Gaza there told, even though Israel's the only country trying to actively protect citizens while trying to defeat I am asked Israel must not push back too hard against hezbollah in the north of Israel, even though they rainy terrorist surrogate is constantly find miss lives and artillery shells in they, israel trying to breach the border into Israel of ember thirteen, I'm starting to wonder if buying in its regime. Actually what the citizens in Gaza to live in freedom, Israel's actually liberating geysers citizens by
Combating the hamas nazis, who are killing them november, fourteenth by blinking, continue to release billions to IRAN, rearming them and empowering their police state. While they make war with israel and attack our own troops. It is Biden lincoln, who unleashed hell in the Middle east after trump's, multiple peace deals and it is Biden blank and who are expanding the war, thereby adding billions and billions to IRAN war machine november nineteenth. The israeli government is becoming too accommodating a binary blink and the israelis were horribly brutalized
Girls were right, there, babies were murdered and, although there's a lot of lip service from the buying regime that it stands with Israel, it does not the outcome. They seek to reward the palestinians within another state, but one that includes not just gaza but today in some merry. This is a grotesque exploitation of the jewish state. Israel's not fighting to get the palestinians, another country carved out of Israel's ancestral land and anti semitic. You a state department, doesn't give a damn about israel, sovereignty and borders. The israeli government must push back Israel as a sovereign country. Given what has been done to their people, they should turn out the bull crap about humanitarian pauses and defeat the nazi enemy november. Nineteenth, let's face it. The democrat party immediate, do not want Israel to one against Hamas. They use the civilians in Gaza as the reason notice. They never show any concern about the mass murder of civilians in syria or IRAN or yemen, or china or russia. They never talk about the responsibility of the murder of civilians in gaza by Hamas, and they certainly don't give a damn about the american civilians dying from fetnah, with a migrants being sold in the sex, slavery and child abuse and so forth, and so on november. Twenty one now official fine blink and do not one israel to win the war against Hamas november. Twenty six fine once longer cease fire. These are my posts and all
stop there as it goes on. No, I'm not nostradamus, but I know in america hating Israel, hating regime. When I see one- and I see one, the twenty twenty vision of the right back, the this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again for this
and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the underground command posts, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building and we've once again made contact with our leader, the america mark. Levin here are numbered eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! You know our numbers are coming in across the country on the ratings. And given the time slot em in we're up against the toughest schedule from competition across the board, critically sports with some major metropolitan areas that have multiple sports teams are whether its football.
Whether it was baseball, whether its hockey and got very solid numbers, I want to thank you folks for this, in what is truly the toughest time in the scarecrow, particularly on the east coast. Sixty. ip, it always has been and always will be. The nature of the beast and, as this business diversified eyes, are released, pointers and other platforms, whether its podcasting, whether its on line. Their its apps satellite fm radio m radio.
when you're holding numbers- and you have strong numbers consistently throughout the year and throughout the years, is the big deal again, particularly from sixty nine p m eastern time and whatever time. That is where you are and that's thanks to you folks again, our podcast numbers are through the roof or radio numbers are just wonderful and satellite doesn't keep numbers, or at least they don't tell us, but with a big satellite following especially with our trucker brothers and sisters and police.
officers in their cruisers and so forth. So it's all very important that we get the message through we get the word out particularly coming up to this election in this election is getting more and more hideous by the second, because the democrat party is now using tactics that have never been used in american history. We thought that at the last midterm elections- and it was true- we thought that of the prior election, twenty twenty- that was true. Our voting systems are a complete disaster. It's a complete mess, which is exactly how democrats and the radish
I left and the media wanted to be because there they can succeed very few checks and balances any more and whatever checks and balances. There are particularly in democrat strongholds, they're eliminating them. They claim there's no fraud, but they they seek to eliminate virtually every barrier to fraud that exists And, of course, they want a national eyes, are elections and turn the whole country and california. This is a problem that is an understatement. So the question is: what do we do about this and it
a complicated question, because when you have a democratic party that literally hates the country and will do anything for power and so will their media when you have this kind of autocratic force taking place in the country, it's a huge problem. But I don't have a magic one, I'm not king of the country, but I have a microphone. I have a t v camera. So it's very important that I call out what I see so you, the army, the army of thomas paints and Paul revere's, can get the message out to your friends and family and your coworker and since his crucial, absolutely crucial the.
Aggressive hideous propaganda campaign has begun, actually never stopped, but it's getting more and more vile by the day. and the best measure that the best guy poster that would be Joe Scarborough, Joe Scarborough, has no limitation. On his ability to lie to demagogue and propaganda, and that's what a hat. And with low I q individuals who are given a public platform by awoke corporation like comcast, by, Very weak cable channel like MSNBC, it's like the began his books
World record, you know, who's got the longest. Toenails who's got the longest. Now nasal hair, there's a person with three breasts. There's a guy that got to be. Feet four inches taller? Well, that's what you're, looking out when you're looking at amazon, MSNBC, complete freak, show and seen it It's best to be MSNBC and often succeeds by the way, just as media dan abrams operation, which is a democrat party operation. He's a Democrat. His brother in law was part of a prosecution team of the mullahs team against tromp. They ve never reveal that, and so they do what they can throw you stories out here, crashing a republican or something, but
But that's their mission. All these elements are now coalescing around Nicky. Hailing now the coke network. has got behind Nicky hailing. I want you to know something about cook few years ago, my wife was a deputy general counsel at freedom partners, the freedom party coke, she left marc short, the right hand. Hatchet man for MIKE pence was once a senior official over there at freedom partners. He left the koch network is not what it is to be charles coke is a radical libertarian. He believes in open borders. He's anti Israel, in my view,.
He's weak on law enforcement and punishing criminals he's a article libertarian, not a constitutional, conserve. They radical, libertarian and it's gotten worse, which is why some people have left people hang on cause? They need the money, but other people have left pig headset worked over. There are one point: pete left. because they considered him too pro military. U s military. Peach, no wild, I interventionist globalist, but he was too much for them. Soapy left, he came to fox full time.
So this was a radical libertarian organization is a matter of fact. Charles coke formed the Quincy institute with george soros and the Quincy institute is a pacifist isolation, This operation, in my view, very anti american military and obviously very antis israel, so Charles coax network
A millionaires and billionaires with some objections has now endorsed nikki Haley. Now you might scratch your head and say how's that possible. She preaches being tough on the border, but she's not she preaches being tough on law enforcement. She has no record of achievement law and order. She has no record of being so tough. She preaches taking on communist china, but her records the opposite of that. She slobber all over g in the communist party she's, not into cutting government, even though she says she will. She has no record of that.
Her record is very milk toast in some of the best questioning that came out when TIM Scott was in the race but notice. None of the moderators really put it to Nicky Hayley, a notice when she's challenged by another candidate on the stage. She really raises her voice. She speaks over the individual She interrupts the individual and does what about you- and you did this, and what about you- and you did this in the media- say that is a great debate performance, it's a lousy debate, performance She's all over cable tv, including my my home at fox she's, all over everywhere and now she's
spending, millions of millions of dollars to try and be the number two kennedy. So all the trump haters will coalesce around her. That's her hope. That's the plan and Charles koch, hates donald trump, Charles koch, hates a secure border, Charles koch, hates a strong, united states military in it. Eighty backs Nicky healing and all the people who are part of this network, the donors and the employees alike- I guess they march right behind him and, of course, where does this story of
here, the headlines in the new york times, maggie haven't what would baggy Harriman do without donald trump. If there was no donald trump on the scene, what would she do? She's in love with donald trump? She thinks more about donald trump in any other human being. On the face of the earth. She's on cnn be constipated news network where she looked constipated. She talks about donald trump, the new york times. She writes about donald trump. She writes book about donald trump, donald trump, donald trump, she's, obsessed she's, like a stalker. And shane gold marcia, whoever that is in jonathan swan, another phony. Oh then he used to work for.
In online- is publication. They all went to work for the new york times the holocaust, denying the castro supporting the stolen supporting new york times. The political network and by the cope brothers is endorsing Nicky Hayley and the republican presidential primary reads: giving organization muscle and financial half. Does she battles governor rhonda, santa's florida from second place an hour? I would ask that people in iowa, of which there are many who listen to this programme, is this? What you want she's, also being backed by this guy richard, thank it rock or blackstone stone. They gather was pushing hard d. I any ash tree on other companies, she's also being backed by rhino billionaires like this. Can griffin in florence
Hopes be governor Florida one day over my dead body, but he might in these other camelias. I say with all due respect just my opinion: the commitment by the network americans for prosperity, action bolsters miss hale. Is that campaign enters the final seven weeks before the first nominating contest since the first republican primary debate, miss Hayley has steadily climbed in nepal and is closely competing with mr de santa's for second place slot an hour. Now everybody knows they rhonda santas in our friends that our family or friends we go way back way back.
and then my step son is assisting in his campaign in it. I'm not sitting here in endorsing because I'm not allowed to, and so people read what they want to another. Don't read anything into that. Don't read a thing:
I know that there is no bigger voice on tv or behind this microphone that defends donald trump against, what's happening to donald trump than me. Excuse me than I pathway as a footnote I watch these shows. I love the show chicago pd they're, an iowan network, iowan, f b. I one of the great shows about the happier, the er, the chicago fire, the reagan police family. That may be my favorite. I love the shoes, love 'em, love, 'em, love, 'em, I'm hooked on. I wasn't before my wife turned me onto them and said these are great, but I watched some of the actors and it's not the actors. It's the people write the scripts in the end, the sentences with at least some of you may do this too, but this is just a short little english legs lesson. You don't end sentences with the word at I watch tv too. I watch shows that don't cause me to think about what I have to talk about every day, just to get a little break, a little psychological praying and the sentence that most the.
with me, is the one that ends with we are at. We are we're at where's everybody at where's everybody period, not where's everybody at a. Where is everybody where is everybody at you? Do this mister bruce? I don't remember you also. You don't need to say where's everybody at its. Where is everybody here? Where are you at no? No? No. Where are you? Where is everybody? Where is he at? Where is he that's enough? Just a little fucking
Back to the koch brothers. Excuse me: one brother passed away. Actually, the the better of the two. ms haley, who has described mister trump's time has passed while the voters will decide that nikki has gained support from donors and candidates. He has received approval from elite opinion makers, many of whom describe her as the best alternative to mister trump. But miss hale is campaign, does not have the organizational strengthened. Mr dos santos does thanks to the work the super pack affiliated with his campaign is. doing for much of the year, but the endorsement from the super pack established by David and charles coke David has passed away, could help change that it will give her access to a direct mail operation field workers to knock on don't doors and people making phone calls to prospective voters, and I went beyond the group also as money just
and on tv advertisements. So Nicky hayley wants to buy her way into the present moroccans for prosperity. Action has been among the country's largest andrews on it. I tried material this year, buying online ads and sending mail was to voters in numbers its, including I, when new hampshire, south carolina? The group has spent more than. Million dollars and independent expenditures opposing MR trump? there are hammering and focusing mostly on Iowa right now february. Twenty many three memo Emily side. Now the president americans for prosperity wrote, we need to turn the page on the past. Are the best thing for the country beat. I have a president twenty twenty five who represent it's a new chapter and I would be nicky hailing whose george w bush in a dress I'll, be right back then you wanna gear. I got one
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Appointed to the bench. He should never be anywhere near a courthouse. She is precisely the kind of rogue judge that destroys the judicial system, she's ruled against in significant part or in whole, against every single motion that the trump people have filed, including very serious motions about constitutional rights. The first amendment, the fifth and the sixth amendments she's, ruled that the government can and is not required to explain. Enjoy any of the hyper information they've put in their filings about the january six violence since trump has been charged with any of that- and she said no, they don't have to more. When I return you an idea, I got one for you
Moto G, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks; unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g five g phone free. But here's the deal you need to move. because these funds will be gone by the end of the month. So if your current photos life. Support upgrade for free with pure talk enjoy two day battery life and exceptional quad, pixel camera and a whole lot more. Just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, L, a v, I n to get this exclusive offer and to select the plan. That's right for your family. Remember pure talk gives you america's most dependable five g network at half the price so make the switch today go to pure talk dot com, slashed levin that slash l, a v, I n to claim your free moto g, five g phone with qualifying plan again pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, pure talk, simply smarter wireless.
Mark. Love in the research jar of conservative media call now, eighty seven seven, three eight one, three eight one one see what they ve done: the trump in washington d c in the federal court house, which pretends to pursue justice. nobody's above the law. Don't you know america? Nobody. We're gonna, hold everybody to account. Don't you know so in that court house, when a federal judge pointed by obama used to work for pat lay, he who ruled that donald trump does not have to cloning privilege she did this in secret proceedings. You and I idea what took place, but she determine that there was an attempt to commit a crime through attorney climb private.
Therefore, she will waive it as a due process right. A due process right under the fifth You know you have a right to tell your lawyer pretty much anything for you did you can save your lawyer. What if I were. To set a match to that building without be illegal will, of course it would that's death Then saying to a lawyer, I am going to set a match to that: building to differ right, but we have no idea what took place and so donald. Leading lawyer on the january six case was forced to testify in front of jack smithy, rogue, phony special prosecutors, grand jury, which is made up and chosen from
the ninety four percent democrat population in Washington dc that voted for buying and against trump, so he lost attorney client. We can also that lawyers notes were taken. Then came the issue of executive privilege, discussion trump had with his vice president, my pants. Apparently my pants is squealing as hard as he can and is often as it can at the direction of the prosecutor. That's the report's church, true, would wouldn't be in the media, for wasn't would trump lost that then trumps lawyers said we can't possibly prepared defence with over twelve million documents. In five months we came,
Why to another example, in this district or anywhere else for that taken place? What's the rush, there's no statute of limitations? Here we have an election going on. This interferes with the ability of the candidate to run. Oh, that's all cases. The judge you five months anomaly that she calls the state trudge in new york, handling the other bogus nba case non disclosure grimly case and says to that judge. I know your schedule to go before my case, but can I go before you in that church has will? Of course you can judge trunk, so she sets the trial date for the day before super tuesday. There was no need to have that at all prior to the election, but she's in a hurry. There's some emergence, there's no stature,
limitations, but their son emergence need to get this resolve. Don't you know, wait. A minute had happened almost four years ago. Another we're gonna, get us resolve once and for all, and what are we getting results? Then? There's the charges, the coup, klux planet,. The enron laws and a federal contractor law not enough,
correction, nut trees and has all the legal analysts on cnn and MSNBC. And yes, some in my home network, said no. No, no none of that to the great dismay of the bar and karl rove and others. So we have four preposterous charges and then the trump lawyers file a motion and they say hey, look, look at all the comments judge that you've made in the sentencing phases of these other people associate we generally six, you have attacked donald trump, not just by implication, but by more, not by name, but everybody knows who you are talking about. You didn't know more than one occasion to dinner repeatedly and she decided
on her own behalf. Now no, I did I had to say certain things in order to, in a sense these people, so her conduct on the bench has been utterly unethical, but she won't recuse herself. Okay. What else has she done? She gagged the candidate for president, the former president right in the face of the government leaking again and again and again, information. First from the grand jury, then other information spinning it leasing it to maggie haberman, releasing it to all kinds of reprobates in the media who are not interested in the truth or any of that they're interested. Let's get trapped are corrupt, corrupt get them, and so they become mouthpieces for the government.
As they had with ran under obama, they have with Hamas under by so their mouthpieces for the government. I write all this and the democratic party hates america by you know what there's milk The view- and I want to get this really made clear and underscored so she says to bed and she rolls the other day. As I said, a gag orders on appeal to a three judge panel lay these panels of the deasey circuit saw the judges, don't have to be involved unless there is an appeal to the entire bench. it can take that are not so the full bench can hear the case may be there court, even the american criminal liberties union, eight kay the see how you has said: look we despise trumpet. This is ridiculous. This is too much so the
Had all heard the case in an emergency hearing too, Everything up you're, not because there is an election to judges appointed by obama, One judge appointed by Biden, isn't amazing, all trump haters and they're. Looking to split the baby in half, you can have a complete right to speak. Only a partial right. Your opponents have a complete right to speak. The prosecutor has a complete right to speak and even leak, because there's been there's been no order by the judge to conduct a leak investigation. I mean, after all, those links to effect the.
The fact of the judiciary being abused. The judiciary has to defend itself too, but not now. No, it doesn't want therein on it and so there's the gag. So, as I said, the and people said: okay, look these filings of the government with all the violence in their january six and there donald trump's, not charged with any of that. You tried to you know, get the heavy democrat future jury all hyped up, focused on emotion and out on the facts. Judge says: that's: ok, I'm going to deny your motion look when jury selection comes up, what we call Dear, if you want to you no challenge we can get rid of. So she doesn't even want to protect the sanctity of the allegations which okay, you can bring that in it's nothing to do with the charges. No! That's! Okay,
Cause response, Donald trump floors file, another motion, they say: ok, look we get Three months ago, your denied all these motions. We need action the general six policy committee information to see! If there's! Information in their that might be exculpatory are useful. I mean, after off their they're able to bring up january, sex and violence that took place. We want to act Oh, no! No! No! She says the other day. That's a fishing expedition to fishing expedition. So I'm rolling against you don't get access to that information, no matter how many times the prosecution refers to what took place that day, you cannot have an information.
An expedition besides, it might delay our proceedings here, not about justice or about the election, and there have been other things complete and utter abuses of power by merrick garland by LISA. Monica. the deputy tourney genuine, of course, by MR eight zero admonish by the? U S, supreme court special prosecutor, who was appointed really violation of the department, justice regulations, because it puts a special council supposed to be appointed to investigate individual. at senior levels within your own administration, not your political opponent. That's not why we have a special counsel now. Why is that a problem? Because the special counsel is focused on one person? A? U s. Attorney's office is focused on one person. They have a thousand cases, some of them going at the same time, so they can't put all their rights,
Sources on one case, but a special prosecutor. get all the resources he wants focused on one person. That's why they appointed a special counsel. You can use his many prosecutors investigators, f b, I agents in as much funds as you want in pursuit of one man and that's what they're doing- and this is only one case manu. This is only one case, so at this judge is during, of course, the bite administration, but they don't care about this judge.
It's doing, and let me be clear about this. I wish it weren't the case, but they're doing it not me is. She is ensuring, from her perspective that donald trump will be convicted of at least one count. That's her goal! That's her purpose, so that when Donald trump runs. the general election or doesn't even complete the primary election? He will be called by jake tapir what let's are and all the others- and this is intentional- they're all waiting there- all celebrate a convicted fell. So in addition, a hidden. Stolen motherly worse than hitler, Stalin muzzle leaning and his obvious intent to imprison and execute people according to Joe scarborough and his met incapacity
according to John Carl, on a b c report and on and on and on he's a convicted felon by a jury of his peers. Why is that important? Because everybody doesn't think like we do? Everybody doesn't see this as a complete outrage. Like we do, and there was a surveyed known a fairly elaborate one in september late september of this year. That said, if donald trump as a convicted phelim on any Just one truly need one and that's why there's ninety one counts against him: indifferent jurisdictions, you will lose the general election to bag and by six percent and other one says by ten
So in addition to all the shenanigans, it's going to go on with changing the election laws and all the rest of it in the efforts to keep that donald trump off about that, so part have failed over, for which I told you was preposterous. A Larry tribe said: hey, you know that could work moron clown, there's this convicted felon, that's what they want. They do not want a debate on Joe Biden's policies, domestic and foreign. They do not want people to remember what he's done This country's done to Israel and other countries. They do not want you to remember the price of food, the price of heating oil, the price of everything through the roof. They went to be scared that you might like hitler or worse, stolen or worse.
as a lady or worse, he's a convicted felon, duly convicted by a jury. Oh my god and he's going to present people are execute them vs the price of a mcdonald's meal. My what is more. Concerning. I'll be right back, then you want it I got one for you: free moto, g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g, five g phone free, but here's the deal you need to move fast. These funds will be gone by the end of the month. So if your current foreigners,
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it's funny. Yet we have four adult children in our family. Of course, told me about our my stepson david, my daughter, Lauren, is and always has been, trump is and always has been trump. You know when I was backing cruz long time ago in the primary.
She was trump, my father like trump and cruz, and really didn't come down on one side or the other, but he did say to me. I remember those battles. Remember that mister producer says: why did she get off trump's ass, which I did I've gotten to know him and really we adore him Juliana and so adult children will make their decisions on who they want to support. Luckily, none of them support Bernie sanders or anything like that. We don't have that problem when have that issue, but when I communicate to you, I communicate with marked levine's opinions are when one on children's opinions are one or nephews means, are one or two rabbits geese opinion? Is I'm not influenced by any other
Anybody use in a family understand this, but what I am proud of is our kids all share basic principles: love of country faith. There are hard working, their taxpayers, they contribute to society. Not one of them is on the doll. That's what matters to me, but when you have news platforms like some afore, which is all slobber up with a communist party in china in, doesn't make that no. Which is really an investment to survey in my view, a phoney news operation that spends most of its time and most of its effort, building relationships with corporations that duty. business and trainer. When you have an organization like media which never reveals,
Its founder dan abrams is part of a democratic family. Prominent Democrat, family not known to most people, but that his brother in law is married to the federal judge, a Democrat who was appointed by obama, but that his brother in law was on the trunk press. fusion team, maybe they mention that immediate I've seen it, but they are sure, as hell obsessed with trashing donald trump over there, And then you have media matters which has all kinds of dark money backing it founded by soros. It ever puts a little bug at the bottom. That says, media matters founded by soros or one of soros, is that they are one of the they don't do that. Why is there news operate? I'm just a little opinion. I shall return America's colleges and universities today are less concerned with critical thinking them with indoctrination. But I am happy to report. There is a college where students to
ideas openly and honestly, where they pursue true together with their professors. Where am I his great heritage of liberty is studied and revered. My favorite college hills, delicate as stated in hills, dell's founding document in eighteen, forty, four hills deals, regional mission was to offer. The kind of syria liberal arts, education needed to preserve the blessings of civil and religious liberty across the country, and this mission can used to guide hills del college today and you can a whole lot more at levine for hills, del dot, com. the fray hills delta. Come there. Find a short video. It's just over men along showing how hills doves work, not only in Michigan washed, in DC campuses, but across the nation, is effective in defence, american liberty. Take some time to watch today at levine for hills, delta, calm, that's eli, vn, re hills, they'll, backup.
the broadcasting, the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The mark Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one saw a friend literally sent me during the break, a clip. He said this demonstrates everything you've been talking about. and was posted at seven. Twenty two p m by media. I trolley nash, this disdain abrams group, which is really a democratic an operation with very low. I q operators, but anyway doesn't matter cnn
It's a lousy ratings cnn is a profit loss center for the major global corporation that owns that that so called news platform. A jake tappers, like their guy cause. He used to work for a b c, but of course he used to work for a handgun control link and marjorie maslin ski a one term democrat lefty congresswoman at montgomery county pennsylvania, see jake tapirs from Abington township, I'm from Cheltenham, township Those are neighbouring townships and they were competitive terms of highschool and so forth, and so on. So I know who jake tapir. As I know the can, did he comes out of, I know is mindset, and it is a typical liberal, suburban democrat mindset. But here's what my friend was talking about- here's the headline
and notice. How mediate is constant. Promoting this guy as they are scarborough, who have no ratings. Jake tapir confronts former is ellie prime minister on civilian death toll in Gaza quote. Is Netanyahu going to continue to ignore president Biden. It's written this way seen an anchor Jake tapir confronted former israeli prime minister enough tally bennett on the number of civilian deaths in Gaza before asking. whether prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. We cannot continue to ignore on co. President Joe Biden on the matter, they hate Netanyahu, the self haters, the liberals, the marxists, they hate netanyahu for the v The reason that tapper here reveals and asks is he going to listen to Biden? Is he going to keep ignoring Biden? Let me just add a footnote which I think is very important to this recent context. We talk about
global us all the time right. Why we involved here? Why are we involve there? We have our own nation, we should worried about what happens here but Biden. His said to be a global strike. Not always please globalist when it comes to unconstitutionally and illegally. Conferring our authority on the foreign entities and governments like climate change are only deals with Powerful countries like china, or he deals with powerful allies like Japan or whatever no reporter, would ever ever say to a former. Prime minister of any those countries, our former president or leader of any those countries, are not going to continue to ignore prejudice,
I'd and on this matter would be like you, don't ask a leader of a country, but you do the leader is Benjamin Netanyahu and it's the jewish state, and this shows you, the bigotry that takes place. This is a big it, an interview. I don't care what this guy. background, as that is tapir. It is a big it in interview. It is a question. He would never ask anybody else who leads a sovereign nation or democracy justice. They d, eyes and villain eyes. Tromp. They dehumanizing villain eyes that ten yahoo, and, by the way they used to do the same thing with Menachem beggin too. So what does he say tat, but I want to ask you about israeli strikes on Gaza. Because, ultimately, this pause and hostilities is going down in Israel's going to continue to try to destroy Hamas. The one thing I continue to hear from him
We supporters in the. U s: government says whether it's the Biden, administration or congress weathered the Democrats or republicans. I keep hearing by the way, how many republicans are talking to Jake tapir, who are they. What is he keep hearing? I keep hearing that the idea of needs to be much more careful when it comes to palestinian civilians in Gaza that the idea of needs to use more precision munitions. What does that mean what people are fighting in tunnels and ass patrols and schools? precision you make munitions what he means is more jewish young men and women. her in the reserves and are now serving the idea and confronting these sub human monsters. That is, Hamas need to be killed. Let's listen to this.
go ahead. I want to ask you about israeli strikes on Gaza, because, ultimately, this pause in hostilities is going to end. Israel is going to continue to try to destroy Hamas, but one thing I can t To hear from israeli supporters in the EU as government, whether it's the by the administration or congress, whether they're Democrats or republicans, I keep hearing that The idea of needs to be much more careful when it comes to palestinian civilians in Gaza that the idea of needs to use more. Precision munitions that the idea of needs to take fewer risks. even if the conservative estimates are right with fifteen, thousand killed, even if five Some of them are Hamas that still
a tutor one ratio of civilian lessons from us into this. Listen to this. He it's not evil, verses, good. It's not innocence, verses terrorists, there's no contacts for her a mosque, came to power. There's no context about that survey. I tell you, but even all that aside, Israel's expected to destroy this enemy, which uses its own people. to feed propaganda to cnn and jake tapir and is expected to have a kill ratio. That's not true to want. One me. They kill ratio in israel with hamas slaughtering those villagers was twelve hundred zero. go ahead. It's a lot of civilians who have been killed, is Netanyahu going
to continue to ignore Our president Biden on issue of civilian casualties. we're not magicians. There's no magic came way drama Really reduce damage when Hamas is deliberate golan. Goes to increase Gaza. I let me put it to you this way, jake coming how many gazans had been executed. Summarily executed how many have been raped by the idea of how many been decapitated, how many babies have been decapitated jake. How many civilian hostages have been taken by the israelis, and now they say Hey now I have a pause: now will negotiate civilian for civilian had they done that drake.
Obviously the israelis, the idea doesn't use the tactics of Hamas, but what jake tapirs demand is an impossibility for any army on the face the earth, including our own, and yet are going to continue the propaganda that can continue be the mouthpiece for iran and Hamas and how come jake tat Whenever it has one of these buying administration officials, rigour bind says these hostage.
Is there on your hands? Mr president, the blood is on your hands. Mr president, you keep funding Hamas and the p l, o and hezbollah. You keep funding them, some of them directly with the un, some of them by violating the taylor force act by certainly iran, by lifting the trump enforcement of the sanctions, which he'll never admit with billions of dollars going into IRAN. How is it, MR president, MR secretary state mash is the national security adviser that you blow up the Middle EAST that you provoked and instigated this? No, no! No! No, because jake tapper is a mouthpiece for this administration. Oh he'll show ankle now and then, but he's a mouthpiece. When are you going to stop killing civilians choose? When are you jews going to stop killing civilians? It's two to one. Now. Those are conservative numbers. You know: when are you going to stand precision weapons? This is how people speak, who know nothing about weapons at all, what precision weapons? What are they talking about? You've got tunnels. There you've got people hiding behind other people. He knows this, and yet he insists on pushing out this propaganda.
I am convinced, ladies and gentlemen, one hundred percent convinced, if Joe Biden had been president it near the end of world war, two he would not have done what harry Truman did. He would not have ended a war with unconditional surrender. I'm convinced that he would not have agreed with what fdr agree to do to dresden no way draws concerned about civilians. I don't know how many trips jake hackers taken to the southern border. I don't know how many investigative researchers he has used and that he's been involved and to find out how many children of insult into
Sex slavery in the southern borders as a result of this presidency policies, I dont know how many report she's down on the hundred thousand americans that have died in this country's resolve the open borders and ventnor. I don't have any reports, eastern about crime in the streets in america, where thousands and thousands of americans are murdered, particularly black on black crime. I don't know how many civilians job I accuse me. Jake Capra, cares about in this country, but damn you that is clear. Jake tapirs should resign and he should join the Joe Biden, propaganda team. I dont know jake how many you give us a number and how many will be. Ok by you, your moral, your moral equivalency is disgusting
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our brain, and I like that, because I enough of them and we're losing our country, and it's all gerda talk him on a town so well and good to were play along with the other folks. You know, but it's very, very important. People speak out and take a stand, You certainly do. That you are a very solid conservative and you have a new book out. You have your first book at m. T g m t g. The cover by the way is fantastic. I wish I'd. that cover. I won't steal it from her. That's a really nice cover. I won't tell you, know, get it. People characterize you, they pay jack on two particular in the media. Tell the audience the millions of people in the audience your background. We Come from and how you got the congress in the first place I really appreciate that opportunity. Thank you mark. Well, I'm
in a regular, ordinary american. Just like your listeners, I grew up in a in a small family business mine. It was a construction company that my mom and dad ran and then went to college after college bought
I appearance construction company, they retired and just proceeded to raise a family. Three children who are adults now and just like most americans, kept looking at washington feeling like Washington, didn't understand us why we felt like forgotten american watched, our jobs and manufacturing go overseas and and watch washington dc forces and plunger, then, to debilitating debt that that is just unbelievable and while they've kept our borders open, our cities have fallen apart. Rural America has fallen apart. We have our manufacturing plants that loom like graveyards and skeletons over our small town ah and has really destroyed small town, and you know life, and so I ran for congress in two thousand and twenty, because I truly believed in make america great again absolutely loving president trump and since I've come into congress in january of twenty twenty one, the media has attacked me. The Democrats have attacked me with something
I never expected, but I think it's because they knew. I mean every word that I say and their terrified of of real american coming and trying to hold hold the federal government accountable. They really aren't they don't like small business people who Republicans would come into congress. They don't like people, they don't know who when the congress, and yet, if you a marxist street activists at a man handling you come into congress that action? not at a man had, but it's bad enough like a sea, they promote you and no offense she's has demoted as they come. She has an accomplished a damn. Thing, and yet they keep promoting her, and in your case they keep putting you down, putting you down putting you down, but you have a thick skin to deal with their sent me. The book is fantastic. It talks about your router talks about your values. It talks about what you found in Washington d c And you need a thick skin, don't you that's that all wine forget who it was? Who said if you need a friend
washed and get a dog is at about right. That's right out what I would say definitely know who you are, and our you come from. The good thing is: is I've got wonderful friends and family back home. That know me, and- and none of that has ever changed in my life, no matter what they've lied about me and said I and the thing is: is you also don't want to value what washington is? You have to see it for exactly what it is and it's a completely broken system that is corrupt or that used and abused, and many people are here for the worst reason imaginable and when you don't place your value on on Washington DC and that's not your identity. It's easy to come to washington and fight for what most americans believe in and it's easy to have that thick skin and in washington dc up is down because
here. They trying create controversy around you for some of your views, and yet there is Joe Biden who was a segregationist racist and now he's he's the greater the great hope. There's Joe Biden stabbing as well in the back as we speak, there is Joe buying who will not secure Border despite the any humanity that that's creating all along the border on both sides of the border and there's Joe Biden bankrupting america who can barely hang on with the price of food and gas, and yet you are controversial and he's one of the greatest president's era that Washington right. That's what I think and purity- and these are up the issues are worried about my birth, the real racist. Those are the Democrats, not republicans you talk about
you see, I wrote a whole chapter about her and the green new deal, because the green new deal is is absurd. Policy that is literally going to destroy our country and plunder, send a darkness but ruin every opportunity that we have in the future, and china will control us and beat us that everything and their progressing that way under the Biden administration, but yeah you're right, mark Washington DC. Everything there is right, is wrong and everything that is wrong is completely right, and I mean that in the american people would not believe what I face on a daily basis and what really happened in the hall, the congress you take, for example, the sweet. They passed. The continuing resolution right before thanksgiving break that I voted against, because we can't kick the canned down the road on the bite administrations budget, the budget that nancy policy made that work
akron in washington this week and we're not even passing an appropriation. I want you to hold on we're going to carry over the next segment. We need much more time with you, the book as m t g book dot com- that's where you get it m m g g, as in marjorie, tell a green, empty g book dotcom in getting on amazon to as well. Link to it on all my social sites. You really going to want to get a hold of this book, she's. Actually, quite a fascinating individual, we'll be right back and the the really intriguing, but it's well written book easy to read book. You go to mtg
that would go to amazon, yes, I've been empty g and it'll be right. There you'll see the cover, and this is the body that the rest of the media. I don't want you to know about, and that's, ok, I sell books. I write books and sound when the rest of the media. I want you to know about it either, but this is one of those books. I think really going to enjoy particularly this holiday season. So Marjorie kelly, green ye come to washington d c. One or two are the three most problematic things that you see the fact that they can't get things done that they
Take it the right things done that they can agree on any. What what is it? I mean you come from the outside. What do you see this dysfunction here, where I come from running a very successful construction company that grew from the state of georgia to eleven different date? I I come from making a profit, not a loss, and what what has found me and our federal agencies and congress itself is the quality of people that work there. These many of these
for people. I wouldn't even hire in my own company to work for me and they're the people running our federal government. But what amazes me is we can't make a budget that cuts out all of the the the failing departments, the failing parts of our government. We can't get rid of the waste and we can't come up with a budget in a timely manner and it just it blows my mind, but yet the american people, if they ran their companies. This way they'd go out of business and if the american people didn't cross every t and dot every I like, like they are forced to by law, and if they did it like the federal government, they would be put in jail monarch. But yet every single year congress continues this ridiculous dysfunction. We have a calendar that sets us up for failure, that we go home all of august and half of september.
but yet were supposed to have a budget and find the government by september thirtieth. It is just a complete system, a failure in as though frustrating children marjorie chill agreeing the book is empty gee. You can get it Ain. T G book, dot, com, mtv book that can be a great connachar christmas gift. Forget it on amazon, dot com. They raise a very good point. Now. Here's the problem, as I see it, a democrat party that its each ideologically committed to spend in a bankruptcy. Then you have a group of republicans afraid of their own shadow lady Cumnor washington, to make changes. They just came to wash them to be in washington, then you, so does citizen politicians like yourself, you haven't, spent your whole life as a politician, let alone in washington. You know we used to make a big deal of. This was a great thing, MR smith, goes the washington what a great movie with Jimmy stored in your case. Sort of miss smith goes to washington, and yet you and people like you- are the ones
They try to destroy, because you are the ones and say wait a minute. We gonna fix this stuff. Do you find in the republican at the establishment so much, but in the republican caucus or whatever? They call it that there's at least several dozen of you are a few score of you who think the same way who act the same way are concerned about the same things. Yes, there is a smaller percentage of acts that that talk the same way. I feel the same way. I my frustration with my conference and I've been very outspoken about it lately and I think about it in my book. Is that we don't have enough people with courage? Our country is on fire. We've had over ten being ten million people cross our border. One point: eight million got a ways we know there are terrorists and those we know. They're child molesters, rapist, every kind of criminal, human sex trafficking happens every single day at the border. But yet I was so frustrated that, right before thanksgiving, when I tried to impeach secretary mayorkas, eight republicans
in the democrat and protected his job, and I am continually shocked ken confounded and angered at my g o p conference that that they will not take take the courage and the real action it takes to hold the Democrats accountable and that's exactly what we should be doing. They say this stuff on the campaign trail they go on. Tv shows the new shows and they talk tough and say big things, but when it comes to actually casting the vote, that matter like impeachment of have a horrible secretary of homeland, that it has created an invasion our border every single day? They are unwilling to take the action to do it. you do have to wonder. I know we do out here. What in the hell is that going to take to impeach one of these people? They impeach donald trump over nothing twice. And- and here you have serious
I crime. High crime is the framers men, it wasn't a crime actually committed. It. Is these so called constitutional b, of authority. Were you undermine your own country, we want mind your own country, sovereignty. You refuse to allow us to apply and abide by. The statute said have been passed. That is what they consider it: a high crime skies time they don't spades and by the way, so as binding, these eight grip begins. I mean, I think they need to become famous or information I view I don't even know who they are, but I'm going to find out. I won't put that on your shoulders, but don't you find it outrageous that they'll go after somebody on something so ridiculous? phone call, and yet here we have all this inhuman.
Kennedy that's taking place and you lose eight reports. Did you get any Democrats even one now, not one democrat, absolutely not, then I fervently ever oversight committee impeachment is an important tool. It is is the tool that our founders gave us to fire. Someone just spoke about and we ve been investigating Joe Biden and abiding crime family, our impeachment inquiry, and we have so much ivan it. We have a mountain of evidence. If we were any serious country, we would impeach Joe Biden because of what an incredible crimes he has committed abusing has power of over fifty years in washington
and republicans per unwilling to do that tape. I'll tell you another one that I can't believe this and you'll see this coming up over the next week. Possibly two weeks is the authorization reaffirmation of the five at work. I think it should be completely dismantled, but we have publicans right now that are moving towards re authorizing at maybe revising it a little met, but this is a court, a secret court that has been used to spy on unsound thousands of americans and it needs to be completely dismantled, and if our republican majority in congress does not take that cord apart and end it, then how can we even trust republicans to wield power in washington seems like with the governments
supposed to do or doesn't do, and it uses its police powers in many respects against the average citizen in this country, and this has always been the puzzle. How do you protect the country from criminals from terrorists from illegal aliens and all the rest of it, but at the same time control these institutions? So they don't turn their guns, figuratively speaking, on the rest of us and the answer is: we haven't, figured that out yet heavily well. I think we could certainly use the f b I and and homeland, and that how we can we can hold people accountable, that or maybe coordinate with Hamas like the cease fire now groups. They are pro. Hamas are funded, they they have tight links with gaza and Hamas. I mean, I think we
new agencies that we already have in place without having a secret court like pfizer that can be used against americans. I think we just need to have better use of our resources that we already fund, but we need to save the american tat, pay taxpayers the money, but also protect their privacy and their rights as well. You know I love this book. America Joan you, know perfect, perfect for hanukkah ongoing christmas mtv said some It's got a beautiful cover very jealous of it, marjorie teller, green. She writes about her life, but even more than that which he has found in washington. What she's dealing in washington she takes it behind the scenes like nor the book. I've ever read
you really want to check it out. M t g book dot com or go to amazon dot com, any final words marjorie tiger corner of your career. Thank you, mark america loves you and, and you do a great service for all of us, though, keep fighting for us- and I appreciate coming on your show tonight. Will god bless you, and I really wanted to thank you for writing this book. I know all the time it takes to derided the edited to promote it. It's just a lot of work and I do know that it'll be very worthwhile for people to grab this book. As I say, amazon dot com has it that simple to remember, m t g or you can go to a mtg book dot com and we hope to have you back. God bless you, my friend thank you. Have a wonderful night youtu be well like how they turn a woman like that into something she's, not she's. Actually, a very.
nice lady, a very hard working lady, she doesn't have ted talk. Washington speak like most of us. Don't she comes to a situation like a small business woman. She looks at this and says we can keep spending like this. Look at the interests like this and she's the enemy, because the democratic party and the media, one Same and the bureaucracy, the democratic party in the media are one and the same. They try to destroy, and now they do this with every single conservative. But if you're, a woman, you're an f if minority or, if you're, a skin color minority or, however, you want to put it the hate on as even more it's worse, you're a check out her book. It's really a fine book, mtg book, mtg book, dot, com or amazon dot com. Where you can find it,
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Whenever this is that I have. I cannot completely shake this when I think I'm out of it. It throws me back. I've had all the tests for everything they know and nothing's popping up choose me, It's what its causes me to do among many other things I I'm not on death's door as you'd liberals would love. But I am saying that it is zapper. If you know what I mean all of a sudden, And the blood zaps your energy, so I have to keep fighting through it, I'm going to keep fighting through it. But I'm just letting you know in case it comes across on the microphone and work. Just as hard as I always do, I'm thinking just sharply as I always do, I'm trying to were to be as forthcoming with you, as I always am. But this thing
as slow you down. So I am fighting through it. I want a circle back with this. Illustration is doing to the state of Israel. The people of Israel is a sin. and it's worse than being an outright enemy. You pretend to be an ally. They are destroying the israeli government, it is destroying the country of Israel there giving aid and come to the enemy while per day to do otherwise than they're getting cover with hamas nazi supporting media. That's a case closed I'll, see you tomorrow, god bless I
Transcript generated on 2023-11-30.