« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/27/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden, Antony Blinken, the Democrat party and their media are betraying Israel, and they have more negative hostile things to say about the State of Israel defending themselves than they do about the Islamonazi regime in Iran. Biden and Blinken do not want Israel to win, pressuring them into a two-state solution while crippling them from destroying Hamas. Iran is behind the scenes running the hostage swap with Iran because they know how to make the Biden administration give them what they want. Biden is betraying Israel just like he is betraying America by leaving our borders wide open and leaving our troops in harm’s way while re-arming our enemies. There was peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords before the Biden Administration came along like wrecking balls and blew it all up. Democrats cannot continue to threaten Israel’s survival and carve up the country so it cannot be defended while giving aid and comfort to Israel’s enemy terrorist organizations. Also, Donald Trump may be in grave danger because of comments made by radical Democrats like Claire McCaskill and media mouthpieces like Joe Scarborough. To use the word Hitler in a context like this for purely political purposes, when millions of Jews and Christians are dead because of Hitler and World War 2, is unbelievable. Later, Mark is joined by Fox News anchor and author Bret Baier to discuss his new graphic novel, Duel Across Time; The History Club.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
He's here now: broadcasting the lonely underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, The
the the. the Furthermore, even here our number- eight seven, seven three one three one, one, eight seven, seven three one three one one hope yet a great thanksgiving. I did sick as a dog, but I still dead. I don't know what this is: I've been tested, free, covert, I've been tested for the flu have been test,
for some rsv rvs. What I read nothing all naked. I have a theory that this covert has really done damage to a lot of people's immune systems, and perhaps the medicine and the science hasn't caught up with it. Yet, but whatever it is man, I'm telling you I'm still fighting it, but that said, there's a lot to deal with in the next three hours and not all of it is the same. But I want to stay with this. I want to wish you a national, not international, warning, torres, really friends, that the people in Israel to the leadership in Israel
To the israelis that love their country and love their history. I'm warning you right now that Joe Biden, his betraying you, I'm warning you right now that antony blinking is be. Praying you I'm warning you right now that the american democrat party. betraying you. I'm warning you right now that the american media are betraying you and, oddly enough they are more negative, hostile things to say about this.
This round how they're trying to defend themselves, then the islam or nazi regime in IRAN, I am telling you now. That is really leaders. I don't care what party I don't care who they are, have got to stop praising Joe Biden, not for political reasons here or there. But because they are only motivating him and his radical administration taken could send you to put pressure behind the scenes now in front of the scenes on that country like no other country has to face. All of this is predictable. Just look at my tweets for the last month or listen to my broadcast for the last month, a four day cease. Fire is not going to be a five day six day, seven day, whatever
thanks fuel is pouring into the Gaza strip, feel so much for climate change. Nonetheless, fuel is pouring in all kinds of benefits. That's right! Medicine and food are pouring in the gaza rather than support the israelis and say: do you have to do and get this over with as quickly as you can it's being dragged out because bind does not want israel to win blanket does not want israel to win blinking while you are sitting at the table with your turkey and other family members on the left, blinker was conducting.
His diplomacy, he was pressuring arab states to pressure israel for a two state solution. He's pressuring european states the eu to pressure israel for a two state solution, while at the same time they are crippling Israel's ability to destroy their enemy. It seems like October, seventh was so far away. Does it not so far away? And now we have the photo. Of hostages being released little kids, elderly people, family reunions, that is families there, weren't slaughtered and, of course, its heart wrenching? And of course we are happy to see it.
But this is in Hamas. This is our ran around behind the scenes. They know what to do with hostages. They had a sort of hook for four hundred and forty four days until reagan got elected. They got obama to pay them billions, they got bind to pay them billions. The stupid media in america is asking caribbean others how come no americans have been released, but this four year old girl. The answer is simple: they're playing binding. Been like a fatal, although latin american out here and there, but their goal is to let the americans out, if not last near last, why? Because they have Biden pressuring israel to allow Hamas to rearm to reposition.
their terrorists and their hoping enough time will die out where people like cinema came will be speaking out about their famine, that's developing in Gaza. Here's the problem excuse most people. Know very little about wars that america has actually one. We had heroes, great heroes who fallen afghanistan, great heroes who fallen iraq, great hero,
many who fought in vietnam, great heroes who fought in korea, but each one of those wars and others the politicians pulled back. They did One of victory, even in vietnam, they went on forever with an unknown, My surmounted destined casualty same with korea. they didn't want, an ultimate victory. We haven't had an ultimate victory, sizemore ultimate victory. Really, if memory serves since world war, two so most people today in america, certainly young people are used to worsen
no actual definitive outcome or wars are, we actually lose and they expect the same of the israelis, and so they don't know the consequences. boy, that wars have to be one. They have to be carried through to the end, particularly when the enemy, the muslim brotherhood and all of its offspring and the islam, or not sorry.
In tehran say they're not going to stop under any circumstances, and so they play the west, which has a completely different mentality and they play biden who has no mentality and they take hostages, which is a war crime. They murder babies, workroom, they rape, women, a war crime. They use butchery to destroy the bodies of individuals. In order to defy their faith, a war crime, and so here in their home, will give him ten hostages back and we'll give them ten here and the cameras will be there. The west they'll be there and the and will daylight.
This longer and longer and longer and longer we'll get more and more fuel we'll get the world to turn on the israel. What is now the israelis are. The year are the oppressors. Now the israelis are the the amount, the militaristic state, It wasn't for Netanyahu boy, would you get that him and his right wing government out of their then we'd have peace in our time And while we at it in the middle of the war. while you're at it in the middle, the war. We want this two state solution, so their blackmailing israel. There are threatening Israel. We send our to carefully fleets over there. We ve sent a nuclear cyber over. There then have done a damn thing, pretty much so far. Certainly the nuclear submarines, no purpose. we live in use them to defend our own soldiers, not nakata use,
defend israelis. We don't even use them to defend americans, but Joe Biden showing strength. Don't you know.
And is allowing the israelis to continue to purchase weapons from us? I know of no president, since the founding of the state of Israel, who has refused to provide israel with weapons except Barack obama for a period of time binds not doing anything extraordinary Biden publicly says he wants the cease fire to go on longer, and so they are three card monte right there. Three four days, five, six days a week, two weeks, three weeks same with nukes, IRAN will not get an oak says the united states. Iran will not get your nukes as the un and IRAN will not get a get a nuke says the E. U even says Israel, but IRAN is getting a nuke right now, as I speak, and what's anybody going to do about it? Does that make you nervous america when they have ic bmc? Can retract country
Threaten us, Israel is being portrayed as america is being betrayed. Joe Biden has betrayed our own country. He will not secure the border and the last thing I read over the week and watch they're going to blame, but trump for an open border and The media behind them they'll have the billionaires behind them because they lie that's all they know to do. They lie they're not going to Ronald Biden's record they're gonna lie about his record and and lie about trump and I'll, get to that in a minute Joe scarborough and Claire Mccaskill they're not going to escape mia my response to what they said last week, absolutely sickening and bad
Well, trump. Joe Biden re armed iran if he hadn't done that Israel wouldn't be in this situation. If he hadn't done that these atrocities wouldn't have occurred, the radical left in Israel has been trying to topple Netanyahu. For two years, they've tried to create a civil war, they told their military, their pilots, massad, don't take orders from Netanyahu. He saw legitimate. We're going to send him to prison. Is a radical thomas Friedman here in the pages of the new york times never friendly to the Jews, certainly not the israelis. Never they take no responsibility. None I've been reading about the roman empire. There is no one hundred percent
while, of course, the roman empire fell for lotteries and spare part internal disputes and internal fighting. Isn't that always the way its other second temple felt that the romans were the Jews broke up in the face
actions and we're fighting and killing each other, while the romans were receding were laying siege to the second temple and the romans were fighting with each other, their enemies, particularly today. What we would call the german, the german, but also the barbarians they are organizing against them. In fact, the romans let many of the barbarians into their country under pressure, not political pressure, but they ran the border in huge numbers that he decided to let some in aladdin big mistake, sound familiar, they lost their border and yet the roman empire lasted a thousand years when you include the republic and the empire
America's around two hundred fifty years old, the border wide open the democratic party, a war with our own country, but I'm warning the israelis tonight, you're being betrayed you being betrayed by an individual he doesn't care about his own people, let alone your people? That's why our borders open and that's? Why does it take hard steps to defend our soldiers in that region of Europe?. back then Have you seen the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold Whether many storms, my goal, gives me peace of mind. tangible and I'm a firm
labour and owning gold, my favorite gold company augusta precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something: top of the top. If you have an eye or array or for one k did you want to diversify with physical gold? You can learn about the benefits of a gold. I re from augusta precious metals, their outstanding get a free, guy, the gold I raise from accustom precious metals today, Tex levine ali vienna, the six eight five, nine to that's ellie, vienna, six, eight, five, nine to again Lavinia six, eight, five, nine to or visit august precious metal stock come text data message rates may apply. Performance varies, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions had get his disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com, the wanting to get later, the Joe Biden, let them eat cake president didn't give a damn about you, I'm going to prove it,
I get to some of the things involving trump because they're under the radar, and they need to be right at eye level. What they're trying to do to him in what they're saying about him, which is despicable. But before we get to that I've a minute left in this segment that the next segment very important member. I explained to you that. People question is judaism and ethnicity or religion of faith in the correct answer is its both, but for the self hating secular jews, it's not both its and ethnicity,
that's why they despise the house freedom, that's why the despised the orthodox choose. That's why the despise so many who were george know nothing about them are completely alien from them, and quite serious and ass. My wife likes to say the real faith is the democratic party- and why is that important I'll get to that in a minute you seen the headlines lately: third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my goal, gives me peace of mind. tangible and I'm a firm believer in owning gold, my favorite gold company, a gust of precious metals? Why? Let me tell you something
their top of the top. If you have an eye re or for one k, and you want to diversify with physical gold, you can learn about the benefits of a gold. I re from augusta precious metals, their outstanding get a free the gold I raised from accustom precious metals today, text levine, ali vs, the six eight five, nine two- that eli vs, the six eight five nine two again Levin the six eight five, nine two or visit augusto precious metals, dot, com text, data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk, disclose, Is it just a precious metals dotcom mark glove and promotes politburo? Conservative author of america, going through our mark, loving, show now heading seven, seven, three, eight one, forty eight one. What people say to me: why do
choosing? No matter what vote overwhelmingly for democrats, it's the wrong question. Ninety five percent of orthodox jews voted for trump. The real issue is the divide within the jewish community, just as there is dividing the catholic community and protestant communities and so forth, but I want to address this as a true catholics can address it for themselves. Protestants for themselves, muslims for themselves, but I'll dress it my way. You will not find. Let me put it this way. Judaism is both an ethnicity and faith, but if you're not a faithful, drew, if you don't, We believe that- and you just believe that its enough-
the city. Then you fit in very neatly with a left wing democrat party, justice, Certain catholic floaters protestants, water, certain other people, blue and the reason is, if you don't get real face. And rigidity. Isn't maria faith haddock of how a system a real faith, that of whatever it is, then the faith you hold as the faith and government that is in the democratic party. And this is why mrs was talking about everybody talks like marxists now some of the left, whether their jews or otherwise they also like marks, and so.
These secular of the solely ethnic jewish people, as opposed to the jewish people, who are Recognise themselves are both in ethnicity. Interfaith has led to a great divide within the jewish community. which is why you have a guy like thomas friedman riding over here in the united states in the euro times trashing Netanyahu, When is unity government over over and over again for the right wing, extremist religious parties called unquote. You'll get that from the democratic party. Yoga that from the american media you'll get that from the by an administration, these extremists, religious jews, what they call them, there's never know. streamers, marxist, whether their americans, whatever their faith, that none of them
and here's the police and axios by andrew cylinder little over a week ago? Scoop jewish democrats lead push for gas or fuel shipments. Now? Why would jewish Democrats be leading the fuel the purse for a fuel for shipments to Gaza, because they're democrats, regardless of how they were born regardless of of their ethnicity? This is why Thomas freeman despises Israel, unless Israel does what he demands, that Israel does same with aids and a plank. I'm trying to explain this to the broader audience here shows dozens of house democrats led by their jewish colleagues, are calling for the binding administration oppress israel to allow fuel shipments to Gaza. Axioms has learned specifically to talking about this marxist jamie rascal, whose dad was a big time marxist susan, wild Democrat pennsylvania and janshah cowskin other marxist alone,
and it goes on mark. So why did you if I told you I. Because they're born Jews and maybe they'll shop at the high holidays- and maybe you know they'll know a few prayers, but it's not part of their being. That is the faith is not part of their being. How do I know this because I was raised as reform? Jews, I know what I'm talking about. I know what I'm talking about. And most of those reporting in the media, who get very very angry with me, are of this mentality. In this background, this is who they are. This is who they are, they are self hating and really what their pushing.
Is the democrat party agenda. Whatever Biden says, whatever Biden wants whatever blinken says, whatever blink and wants thomas Friedman and all that that's what they're promoting. So it's not a big deal to use hamas statistics. So what what's the big deal. And that's why you have this moral equivalency when you a ban your face when you abandon morality, things as simple as the ten commandments or the Torah or for other face whatever it is, then you're, nothing more than a political apparatchik had to identify
It's a Democrat right. I Democrat as I identify as a marxist. I Democrats are left as identifiers of this identified so that I'm not part of this extremist right wing, religious cult, these different parties and so forth. That's why faithful catholics when they talk about abortion, they had the Joe Biden types of the Nancy Pelosi types. Oh, they were Oh, they will acknowledge holidays. Look at ashes put on their far ahead, though do of low go through the motions, but they don't really believe believing what what do they believe in government throat they believe in and their self righteous about
The list so there's many things that it's got different levels: it's a bit complicated that you see playing out with Israel here with blanket and thomas Friedman, their hate for Netanyahu, why they joined forces with a third black, a radical left wing former and failed prime minister or the new, a hood Barak lockheed. You see that too and Bernie sanders. I saw
One report: I think it was friday by one reported who said that Bernie Sanders says: aid to Israel must be conditioned now. They can't just get a blank check. We got a condition aid to Israel and the reporter said: a jewish member of the senate. Bernie sanders despises orthodox Jews despises them he's a marxist he's a marxist. That's why the commingling of hamas and palestine palestinians,
When I read something to you, if I can find it fast enough and let's see here trying to find it probably won't be able to time just bear with me america and see her well, I don't know where I put it. You know I tried. but I want to remind you at this point the kitty. Pavlov strikes the other day, a town hall, great site, a reminder about how palestinians operate from bill Clinton and she
in the aftermath of the heinous october. Seven Hamas attack against israeli civilians. The bite administration and european leaders continue to call for a two state solution, but while the elites in far away countries advocate for a palestinian state former president bill Clinton reminds the world, this proposal has been rejected. Time and time again, I don't we don't have that audio. Do we read. He was in the article and he says Hamas is really smart. When they decide a rocket israel, they insinuate themselves in the hospitals and schools and the highly populous areas. I killed myself to give palestine estate. He said I had a deal they turned down. I had a deal they turned down, there would have given them all. Gaza between ninety six and ninety seven percent of the west bank.
but citing land in Israel? You name it. This is, may thirteen twenty sixteen enjoying ewing jersey- and this is exactly where blink and wants to do now. So they re arm the iranians who rearm Hamas and hezbollah. There are still rearming the iranians because they will not turn off the oil spill. They will not defend our troops, who they ve introduced into the region in significant numbers. And their demanding I went Israel's done. Should Israel get done that Israel carve up its country? I give a third of it or more to the policy that is not in this. The democratic party here is Joe Biden. Nantucket yesterday cut eight mr produce, we go.
I would like to see move your point where. we were able to. Let me put it this way. I liked it his paws pause on launch long kept coming up, and that is why their holy americans to laugh. here is again cut nine. Go If the members of your party wanna put conditions on aid, Israel, as the many keeps flowing to IRAN. What's he said Guy picture to force, while four, but I dont think if I started off that we ever gotten where we are today the truth sufficient time, I'm telling you he stabbing
in the back one piece at a time these salami tactics and they're not kosher. I know what I'm talking about and its regurgitate it today by John Curbing the white has cut ten go president call conditional aid for Israel, while, though, because he actually considering conditioning eight or not what he also said right after acknowledging that was a worthwhile thought was that the approach he has chosen to take so far has produced results and outcomes. Only by what one result I mean this, this is so sudden they so delude themselves. Go ahead blocked. You threw in my opening statement so the approach it will take with israel, and, quite frankly, with our partners in the region is working. It's getting aid in People are needed. It's getting. A pause in the fighting is getting hostages, outbursts getting americans out, and, quite frankly,
we continue you bastard, you army enemy, you still arming them and their building nuclear weapons. Listen to you, you moron, you are the same. Moron at the pentagon got up. There lie to the american people. When we surrendered in Afghanistan that cost american lives and their still americans over there and we ve never got now that they never talk about. These guys think their brilliant. There was peace in the Middle east before these bastards came along The abraham accord, saudi Arabia and all the rest, those israelis
Children and women, and I they were alive until this guy kirby, the mouthpiece for the wrecking ball bite and employing, can it till they came in the turn important life. It's working, america, it's working Go ahead, the israelis, as they conduct military operations, to do so with the utmost care, for instance, even say with the utmost care. Is that how we're sitting in the border with the utmost care? Is that our protecting our citizens and our cities- yet most care. Is that what you're doing you jerk? You jerk? I don't think so with the utmost care
but it took up to the palestinians about using the utmost care. The iranians, the utmost care, they're syrian set of kills half a million their own people, the utmost care, here's the utmost care, stop slaughtering the jews and the lady. Allow there's your utmost care Stayed busy slaughtering each other. That's what you do, I'm not done now. You've seen the headlines. The headlines are disastrous beneath the headlines were disastrous. The economy's tanking the well to do or find the democrats are happy, as can be, but America's becoming impoverished and the americans, who can least afford it, are becoming poorer and poorer and poorer, and so we're living in this unpredictable economy
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or texting and see how this works. In my humble opinion, I'll be right. Back much Have you seen the headlines lately? Third highest deficit in history, digital dollar sparks uncertainty, we're living in an unpredictable world, but gold is still gold, whether many storms, my god, gives me peace of mind tangible- and I am a firm believer in owning gold, my favorite gold company augusta precious metals. Why? Let me tell you something: their top of the top. If you have an eye array or for one k did you want to diversify with physical gold? You can learn about benefits of a gold. I re from augusta precious metals their outstanding get a free the gold I raise from accustom precious metals today, text
in l, a n, the six eight five, nine two that eli, I n, the six eight five nine two again Levin, the six, eight five, nine two or visit augusto precious metals, dot, com text, data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures that august the precious metals dotcom. What are you care? What happens to them most areas as opposed to the home. its government and the people with missiles, They weren't, they weren't, no automatic. Yes, they were. Hamas is really smart. when they decide Iraq, it is right and a notice. He said it's really smart of trumpets and that they be trashing and went. They must produce. We go ahead with them. In the hospitals and schools in a highly
populist areas, and I are small, so they try, so they went away data they try to put israelis in a position of either not winning themselves or killing innocent. There are good, if they're smart they've been doing this a long time? Look they're smart, they're, smart they're, smart god, if trump had said that, but he's telling you what they're doing cause bindings, plain right into their hands and he's ok with their gaza, a garden who escaped the israel. Converted. Judaism, shares a story and you're gonna wanna hear Because it goes against every one of the bromides that the media keep spewing. Do you mean are lying to you like they, like you about everything else. Stick with me. We ve got other issues. I want to get too as well I'll, be right back
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for listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the underground, then both the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick from steel over nondescript building and we've once again made contact with the american market. Then here are number eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one so now. Israel's attack that most violent attacks, since the third reich and democrats are talking about conditioning aid to israel so that Israel can't properly defend it. So and democrats are talking about a two state solution in which Israel,
Carved up and losers at least a third of its content and its handed over to the p. I love that arafat create democrat party, not only hates american hates Israel tune. It's time to we. We recognise this and, as I have over the decades since had been behind this microphone. If you hate america, your hate round, vice versa, that's what you're saying that's what you're saying. There is Eric swore, while on MSNBC yesterday cut eleven go. Some of your colleagues have called for conditioning the aid to Israel. What would you you think of that? We should have expectations, Israel commits to a two state solution that Israel, you know doesn't humanitarian aid, and but we should support their efforts to defeat Hamas, because hamas will continue
want to bring a barbaric attack against the jewish people, and people like that. In the united states, who they have also declared. Their enemy again, but there's nothing easy about this high wire act feeding our laws, protecting innocent palestinians and in protecting the jewish state. But if you step back. I think you have to be an aggressive listener in this situation. My district has one of the largest muslim, An error populations and the country and understand the islamophobia that their experience in the family members they have in this conflict. also to understand. The anti semitism is at a peak and this country. Right now, parents are concerned about their kids being out and the queen. You can do all of that. Concerning uranium mouth like get diarrhoea, the mouth. disease. Sound like he's committed to Israel, Mr Barroso,.
He's not even committed to the united states itself. Israel robot only go to war and not harm any innocent people quote unquote, that's what we need at hamas targets, innocent people, both israelis and palestinians, and so this is the mantra now. Ladies and gentlemen, it's funny. I warn an israeli official about this. A few years back, I said with immigration, going as it is in our country and the student visas and the population growth and the jews becoming a smaller and smaller minority and the palestinian other muslim communities getting bigger and bigger and bigger israel's going to lose any leverage it may have had, even with democrats with Jews in their congressional district and that's exactly what's happening. This is
black and white. This is so good risk evil, and yet look at this must look at this mess. Carries chris murphy, democrat senator connecticut, cut twelve go my senses that, though the israeli people may not be planning have Netanyahu is their prime minister for the long run they are still united in their belief that there has to be accountability and hope is that when vague do go to the polls that they choose Your ship that is going to make good on the only future that guarantees the survival? I have a jewish state in the middle east and that is a palestinian state or you go there. You go and they're going to trash net now cause he he's not he's not bending over backwards go ahead. Who believed that ignore the palestinians that you could try to squash their desires for estate
Ultimately, that would bring peace to the region. It is just ain't for nothing, and then we have a so called moderate represented a row. Qana and not these guys are all on the weekend, you're pushing their propaganda. The meteor pushing their propaganda slighted dimes worth a difference between what your hearing and wolf blitzer and jake tapir Andrea Mitchell. and the whole rescue them go ahead. Cut thirteen! You see the celebrations in the west bank with people waiting Palestine, hamas flags, hamas flags, chanting slogans for Hamas. Is Hamas really diminished? I mean know they mean that Israel wants to eliminate. Hamas sounds like fraction of their fighters killed, but what about? What about their political support? Their military capability has been I finished with the bombing and not northern gaza, but their political support and sometimes actually ink
this every time you have images of children and women killed. That's why they're faster, a diplomatic solution until thanks a lot for nothing, these guys will get us all killed. I'm going to read you something I finally was able to find it during the break thought I was anyway and get rid of this ad mister producer here hold on america stick with me. There it is Jerusalem post gazan who escaped Israel converted to judaism shares have stirred. This is remarkable. Quoting Gaza, there are no citizens who oppose Hamas. Listen if
this area, they were murdered, Jews, christians and even muslims so store shikar. Forty six in an interview with a reef born in con units in the Gaza strip, as I'm on a bull chaba who escaped the Israel converted in our lives in Israel krona dish, a car court in Gaza, there are affiliated, they are a failure with organizations like hamas, islamic jihad, feta popular front for the liberation of palestine and others. All these organization support, the killing of jews. Some of these organisations have infiltrated the Gaza strip. This is a religious war. They want to take over the entire world. So now that puts everything into context.
And he's not the only one to say this. The son of the former founder of Hamas says the same thing that he escaped me converted: christianity, this guy escape. We converted to julius. But he says the palestinians believe belong to one of these organizations or another nobody's innocent, obviously the children, but you know what he means. You don't hear they don't see it, and you didn't hear that in a single sunday show on the clips it I just played for you and they want to give him a state. The Democrats, as a child shikar, learn that These were murdered, who took his ancestors land and they needed to fight them. He said.
I remember once israeli soldiers joined us for a soccer game in the neighborhood. I was maybe six years old after this game. A soldier called me play something in my hand and closed it. For me, after a few seconds hope at my hand, I saw candy, I opened it and it was tasty. I took the wrapper home and showed it to my father because I wanted him to buy me such candies. My father asked me where I got this rapper and I told him I got it from the Jews from the soldiers he got up and in his anger he warned me not to take anything from them next time because the soldiers could poison it. He said at the age of seven truck car recalled having a new teacher at school who said that there would be a special lesson that day shekhar was happy because he thought the teacher would teach them to become doctors, but the teacher started talking and said: the Jews were murders of children, men, women and the elderly.
He said quote the Jews took your grandfather's land and you might fight for it and whoever dies will be a martyr and go to Paradise. He also said the Jews had three legs. It was unsettling to receive such indoctrination at such a young age, especially from an authority and authoritative figure quote exactly at that moment. I didn't feel good. My happiness turned into a nightmare and I told the teacher that I didn't feel well. He slapped me on the cheek and took me to the principal's office, the prince, Asked me to stand facing along gave me a slap with a rubber hose and it burned. He demanded that my father come to school with me. The next day my father came with me to school and went into the principal's office. He scalded me and told me that I needed to kill jews. Question is it possible? Your father was influenced by the ideology of the terrorists, which was actor during that period.
Generally believe in what he was taught did your father. Ever a change is views. My father worked in Israel for twenty seven years that you said, good god, and even with all that time, in his rod, homey advocated for the murder of Jews, even in the school books, I was right We should behave this way because jews took the land from the palace indians. When I got home, I saw that my father had hung a rope from the ceiling. Excuse me and threatened to hang me. He also let a gas stove there and threatened to burn me. My mother was not allowed to intervene. Despite his father's fresh, a did not align with the fathers demand said it's like the story of our forefathers abraham. In hindsight, it's like the biblical instruction of god to Abraham lack lacquer go forth from your native land and your father.
His house to the land that I will show you. I feel like a messenger of the jewish people. My mission is to warn jews of dangers. Were all messengers of this world the age of eleven he was exposed to israelis when he boarded a bus at Israel. Without his parents' knowledge, he said I was curious to see those Jews with three legs. I arrived at six thirty in the morning and saw a couple walking through Shaun Lucien. They pass me by le closely searching for the third leg. He said
towards evening. I returned home and saw my father was strange because he was supposed to come back on thursday. He asked me where I'd been, and I told him with the sheet. He told me don't lie, but he punished me. He just told he, but he didn't punish me just told me to go to sleep. He knew I been ezra because the people in the bus, those who recognized him, told him the next day, told me with him to the construction site. We work. He allowed me to prepare concrete and carried in buckets along a long distance was very, very heavy, but it didn't matter to him when shankar was twelve. His father took him to work with him in construction when he was thirteen. He ran away from home and didn't return to the Gaza strip until the age of nineteen and a half found a job as a security guard at a construction project in Israel, where he met nissan, would later become his adoptive father. Shekhar is another adoptive family, girl and emir tsar bar and he's in touch with both families. But,
so he said, he's an angel for me. My father people, I came, cannot be found. That's, why said, we're all messengers and as far as I'm concerned, god sent me a messenger later, he and his wife taught me to read and write hebrew. They taught me to love after witness and invited him to celebrate the pass of recital with him and his family and then shikar decided to become jewish. I told him I wanted to be jewish wait. What did you say- and I repeated the words he was surprised by what came out of my mouth. He told me that whoever is jewish remains. Jewish whoever's muslim remains muslim, revers christian remains christian,
but I didn't, except that this I'm understood my intentions and set me up a meeting with a rabbit night and so forth, and so now he is telling the world that it's not as jake tapir, says that it's not as wolf blitzer says that it's not as john karlov abc says. It's not as all these people say that there is not a dimes worth. The difference between hamas and corn quote the palestinian. Hamas is palestine, islamic jihad of palestine, is palestine. Feta is palestine. There are involved in terrorism, and I read you that survey done by an arab operation et cetera
eighty percent of the palestinians supported october seventh, why can't we admit there? Why can't we admit that I didn't make it up. So there is a huge problem. There is a huge problem, and so the democratic parties answer is that Israel has think of over one third of its land mass mind you, its indigenous landscape four thousand years to the moderate palestinians, the piano that was found a virus in same what Gaza
and that's the reward, the idea for the israelis and their dead soldiers that are dead citizens get if they defeat Hamas, they lose their country. Another blackmail by the democrat party from Biden on down is open and public. We should condition all support for Israel and Israel doing what we tell them to do. An effort led by self hating secular jews like Bernie, Sanders a marxist, not only him by the way, lot of other rotten people in other faiths as well like Joe
These so called practising catholic who believes in abortion on demand I'll be right back much you wanna give. I got one you free, moto g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g five g phone free. But here's the deal you need to move fast because these phones will be gone by the end of the month. So if your current foreigners
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I was very angry at these arab countries for not coming to their support and not even coming to their support in an aggressively vocal way, and I and they write a gate stone institute dollar, which is a fantastic place and a fantastic thanks. If you were with great authors, they right there that the arabs are really never come to the support of these for the palestinians and these groups. And they re countries such as saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, by rain, Egypt and jordan are as opposed to Hamas as they earn israel. Hamas has. Another branch muslim brotherhood organization, which has long pose a threat to their national security member. I talked about this a week or two ago.
in twenty seventeen, saudi arabia, Egypt, the united arab emirates, unbarring cut ties with qatar after accusing it of providing support for some Terrorists, including Hamas and the taliban, as well as iran, saudi arabia said today. Surgeon to cut diplomatic ties was to qatar code embrace a very terrorist and sectarian groups aimed destabilizing the region, including the muslim brotherhood, Al Qaeda, the islamic state. Isis militants, by IRAN and saudi arabia's eastern province. Egypt's foreign ministry said all attempts to stop at that is qatar from supporting terrorist groups and fair And this, of course, is who were relying on right now by news in two thousand twenty one, a saudi court sentenced sixty nine hamas members to prison terms, ranging from three to twenty one years the Hamas members were accused of affiliation with a terrorist group. Two thousand and fourteen an egyptian court banned all activities Hamas and egypt, all of them.
Including in the sinai polynesia, twenty twelve hamas leaders were forced to leave sera after they were accused of failing to support the syrian regime against its opponents during the civil war They came under scathing attack. The Hamas leader did colleague who would move to syria after being expelled from Jordan of she's in qatar. Ninety ninety nine, the jordanian authorities expelled michel, another hamas leaders and shut their offices and the king and the move came after the authorities accused the Hamas leadership of meddling in Jordan. Sensitive relations with its palestinian population. Hamas and other palestinian terror groups and criticise the arabs and muslims refusing to be more hostile towards Israel since the beginning of the war in interviews with our media outlets array
Twenty one palestinians of the Gaza strip further complained about the failure of arabs muslims to come to the rescue. once again. Hamas and its supporters have seen that there are Muslim brothers are disgusted with them once again, palace means were seen that ran and its proxies are the enemies not only of israel, but a growing number of arabs and muslims. Undoubtedly, Hamas and other palestinians were hoping that arab and islamic armies would march on Israel and destroyed after dragged over seven, but they have a marched at all. They won't take a single palestinian. They want nothing to do with so Biden and blinking haven't idea, let's creating entire Carbon out of the tiny state of Israel, which is the size of new juries, we'll make it their size or say, dollar Right back you wanna deal. I got one.
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My gloves america's tyranny hunter call. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. You know it's interesting The habit of pushing our allies in the hands of other countries- I'm not suggesting that'll, happen here, but if the Democrats, continue to threaten Israel's very survival, carve up the country, so it cannot be defended, give aid and comfort to their enemy, that is the palestinians. These palestinian terrorist organisations. I am talking about specifically, and these are the same organizations opposed by all these arab states.
And then say you know we will. We will limit our military aid you based on how you comply with our dictates and country to try and topple governments over there that they don't like, like the netanyahu government, you know it's interesting. When Israel won it's independence, the state of Israel and people get confused with that and how long the jewish people have been there. The jewish people have been there. for four thousand years but the modern state of Israel, the establishment of the state of Israel and the was proclaimed on may fourteen nineteen. Forty eight. Within a few hours,
Truman issued from the white house a statement that said the united states government recognised the provisional government as the de facto authority, the new state of Israel. Two days later this year, The union followed with a formal recognition of israel through an exchange of letters. stones. Right hand, man molotov and should talk the foreign minister of Israel itself, at confirming receipt of your telegram on may sixteen a which who inform the government of the? U S has Sarah the proclamation on the basis of the revolution of the united nations resolution november. Nineteen, forty, seven to the creation and palestine, the independent state of Israel, make requests for the recognition of the state of Israel and its prey regional government by the ussr. I inform you in this letter.
that the government of the ussr has decided to recognise officially the state of Israel and its provisional government. So, two days later, the soviet union recognizes We and in for my moment until nineteen sixty seven, it formal diplomatic relations. But after the war, nineteen sixty seven diplomatic relations were broken off. And they were resumed to maintain ninety one.
also Israel's closest ally when it was the state of Israel was stabbed. Wish was not the united states, there was france. France was Israel's closer sailor. And its belief that france provided Israel with certain technological information. I'm not giving you any information that secret its adler too for them to build atomic weapons was friends. Eisenhower was love chile towards Israel least at the beginning, but not towards the end. Biden is literally despite what some Really officials are saying at the highest level the worst pregnant.
In the state of Israel's history. Even worse than obama, even though Obama's acolytes arson, adding Biden him in stating their ideological agenda. The as you can see since Obama's presidency that the demographics of the country, and hence the demo Graphics of the democratic party have significantly change. there is more islamists operating under the umbrella of the democratic party. In receiving ten year and receiving student visas and all the rest of it, then, during the obama administration. And they exist big time now and are being funded by billions
it's and they're, being funded by the Hamas network. Another by these front groups. They get tax exemption status and our countries being imperilled by the Democrats party being imperilled by buying its being imperil by the media. You wanna gear. One for you, free moto g, five g phone from pure talk; no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g five g phone free. But here's the deal you need to move fast. Because these phones will be gone by the end of the month. So if your current foreigners
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specially call me how it looks the part, one go if he has now been into office, then a lot of these people that met literal or figured ever whatever the hell they're saying like idiots because He will do he will get away with he will in prison. He will execute who ever he's allowed to imprison, execute drive from the country just look his past its really hard to read. again, the only thing that stood between him and the dust rocks of american democracy. The federal judiciary in this man is sick. Did he say. I thought he said, hey MR producer, because will do he will get away with he will in prison. He will execute who
he is allowed to imprison: execute drive from the country as anyone informed jake tapper about this must produce wolf, blitzer. The more on over at the white house press office Zanu has anybody. Even commented on this. No one of the things I fear america is the donald trump is in grave danger, because our comments like this that he is personally and physically in grave danger because of comments. If, if you're told and scarborough has called him hitler muzzle leaning stolen, I haven't in my book on freedom of the press,
Now he says here: there's no twisting a words like they attempted on me. This is flight out. He says are repeatedly. He will prison. He will execute whoever he is allowed to imprison, execute drive from the country. If you hear that from scarborough MSNBC that has donald trump is elected, he won't prison and execute and drive from a country. Individuals.
Those are fighting work and I cannot believe the comcast NBC Msnbc allows this for this emotionally unstable unhinged punk to say the things that he says like this and it doesn't come under any scrutiny. It doesn't it's not condemned, by any of his colleagues. It's not condemned by any of the other cable network is not condemned at all and there's declare mackay on the morning Joe last wednesday, on the same programme. Now that fact slot What are you a senator for michigan cut to go
I only even bring in what I think is also a very dangerous threat to this conversation. A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between mussolini and hitler and the use of the terminology like vermin and the the the drive that those men had towards autocracy and and dictatorship. The difference, though, I think, makes donald trump even more dangerous, and that is he has no philosophy he believes in. He is not trying to expand the boundaries of the united states. That's enough, so trump is more dangerous than hitler and muslim leaning more dangerous than hitler and mussolini. So if you're on him- and you make statements like this- and they are broadcast nationally on MSNBC you're, given a platform to say it again, if you choose your nodded manner,.
There's not think put out by the cooperation that runs a company that media company to condemn any of it. You now have clear mechanical The same show the next day say: trop is worse than hit or muslim, meaning I mean he's not just trying to, spanned boundaries and conquer his neighbors now to use that word vermin. They use that word. Hitler also say one other thing to use the word hitler in a context like this.
for pure superficial political purposes to get angry and louder than the next to draw attention to yourself. When six million jews are dead as a result of hitler, when millions of christians are dead as a result of history and others, when we lost hundreds of thousands of military personnel, fighting the access power. You make statements like this from washington, DC or c or secaucus new jersey.
In the green room stuff in your face with donors and some coffee and whatever they are, and it you get in front of a cam. And you talk like this- that donald trump is going to execute people that is worse than hitler. Marvelling at you have nothing but absolute silence from MSNBC silence, silence from all pulitzer and jake tapir, nor resignations vanessa
You say in condemnation of a none, no outrage from the eighty l or any other organization. I couldn't believe it. I could not believe it when I saw this. These people should be rooted out and removed from the media like joy, reid, but this is really unbelievable. Unbelievable he's worse than hitler,
and scarborough says in high dungeon, because he will do he will get away with he will in prison. He will execute whoever is allowed to imprison, execute derived from the country, and mechanical lot of people have tried to draw similarities between muslims.
And hitler and then and then drop the use of terminology like vermin, Donald trump. Us president, for four years he didn't do anything close to the police state environment that bind and the Democrats have created in this country, where they're trying to put their opponents in prison in his lorries in prison and his staff in prison and the people in the media say nothing in the corporate media say nothing Joe scarborough should be removed from any public life was he's a sickness and clamour casket
another signal, even more dangerous markets, colleges and universities today are less concerned with critical thinking them with indoctrination. But I am happy to report. There is a college where students to ideas openly and honestly where they pursue true together whether professors, where am I. His great heritage of liberty is studied and revered. My favorite college hills delicate as stated in hills, dell's founding document in eighteen, forty, four hills deals. Regional mission was to offer the kind of syria liberal arts education needed to preserve the blessings of civil and religious liberty across the country, and this mission can used to guide hills del college today and you can- a whole lot more at levine for hills, del dot, com. the iron fray hills come there
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the broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the dousing my throat down your throat. I don't think he can. I think I just did it alright, folks we'd be here. Chris Christie, you know I get an inkling or an instinct for people which can be changed once you get to know them a little bit, but in the case of Chris Christie, it's reinforced over and over and over again
Really contemptible human way, he's a big mouth, he's a yeah he's a boy and you can see its psychological. Obviously, when he's growing up, he was so He was sort of a spanky on alfalfa in what they collection. The little rascals remember: spanky mister producer of deer wristwatch, the black and white little fat kid with a hat. I think it was the propeller cap, whatever it was But spanky was kind of the leader of the crowd, so you can imagine what chris Christie went through has any it would honestly who is as wide as he is tall.
What I don't say that domain people who have wait issues, I waited issues constantly trying to lose weight. I just lost believed him out. I've lost. I was two hundred and thirty. Seven pounds must rid of such data And the two thirty one I'm gonna get the two twenty in that said, I live says one. Eighty five had none this lifetime, their inhabitants,
but it was my understanding. Christie had the band, you know in the timing and all the rest of it, and so he's got a. I think. An issue he's got an issue so of self confidence, so you over compensates for marks it's. When did you become a psychologist? Isn't everybody psychology throughout the go to school, to be a psychologist and new psychologists who support the show? There's no offense from the sun set there. whether we look on your face shows me that would be a liberal psychologists. None of you in the audience are in any way, but rich these not running to be president, because you wanted to be a statesman because he wants to be a leader
Because he has an essential agenda for the nation, Christie will not be president He couldn't get elected governor again. A new jersey of his life depended on he's very unpopular, but is reached the point from unpopular to despise. and of course, like most cowards. He won't come on this programme. That's alright cares anymore. But I want you to listen to. This is on cnet and here's what you need to understand. The most of these sunday shows, except for shannon brain of course, the. I was by the low lives, gandhi sunday lower stood a lot. The romney's romney was very one vote for vector, tromp he'd vote, providing instead, who asked cares will CBS cares friday. I guess they did it.
and the reason romney's and I running again as he couldn't get elected in the most republican are one of the most republican states in the country. We call it Utah. So here is would gain Abash. There was an I q of a lobster after it's been boiled. The back. Can anybody tell me why Dana bash has a programme? Anybody raise your hand. Nobody raises are now all the ensuring that goes on or used to go on behind the scenes at sea and in this, when debating this one. This one marrying this when this one cheating on those were not Dana, my tongue about her but all kinds of people, their methane. Of course that's listen to this cut. Five go come, and I want to ask about this.
vice and hate against Jews in the united states. You told the new york times that you believe former president Donald Frumps quote intolerance or everybody has contributed to this surge and anti semitism and islamophobia shall so stop here. Show up here. I told you what I thought, what Joe scarborough sure, what the former senator for michigan had to say the slob, And our christie that the reason we have all this anti semitism in america and even islamophobia is cause of donald trump. So, literally, and a handful of days on, I missed Nbc trump wants to execute people. Crop is worse than hitler. Muzzle leaning, then we'll go to sea.
And, and we listen to the cape, may orca Chris Christie and remembered that the empty beach. I talk about that MR producer. Remember there and there he was like a sperm whale he and the little ones and the wifi on the beach the beaches cleared up, but there he is the sperm whale all by himself and of course,
christie. Is a member. He doesn't get to decide. Whether is a member. I get to decide whether to marry as a member of fatties, united, a refuge so afew chris of an error. He is saying that trump is responsible. Go ahead! Look when you show intolerance towards everyone, which is what he does, that you give permission as a leader for others to have their intolerance come out, and so you know.
Intolerance towards anyone encourages intolerance towards everyone, and that's exactly what's going on he's, not qualified to be present, he's not qualified to be anything. We have a real problem in this country. They anti semitism and delay that our trump is despicable. I give you an arms long list of the things trop did for the state of Israel and to protect jewish people in this country. I can't tell you one thing: Chris Christy's ever done. That said, we have a real problem. Would you haters in this country, where tenure professors, what people coming into this country with the open border people carrying the Hamas flag, they hate trump they're, not going to vote for trump for president they're going to vote for Biden.
And so for their slob, they go on cnn and say what he says he is playing could varies Bore me shall bear, ladies and gentlemen, a very small me shout there. he's running very, very hard in one state new Hampshire. Each opening coming second, maybe tip the the scales bed net everybody, you start talking about we're square state, that's a whole game plan, And you know why he gets in that debate stage. Could Democrats cape contributing small amounts of money. They give him. The numbers already needs republican because some of the seventies puke billionaires these unit party billionaires these rhino ruling class, useless billionaires. Some some of them had given a money.
Campaign will go the way. The hindenburg, which is ironic. cause from the right angle. He kind of looks like the hindenburg. That's just me just me and noticed nothing. I've said compares to what these people say about trump, nothing, nothing! It just goes on and on and on the democrat party as many things, going forward. Then we as conservatives simply do not. He multi trillion dollar media media platforms all over.
radio, tv print media they have a percentage of the republican party. Led by the likes of a romney in a row Of and Chris Christie and soon you know and the rest of the reprobates whose stab their own party in the back While they demand that you- and I back everything that comes out of this part- and it takes It- very unusual kennedy to break through like a regular, a trump, but they hate them and they throne with the enemy. The Democrats have said the outgoing for them, wherever there now many years, they will back and no matter what, whether their marxists islamists, whether their phony moderate,
whether they're union, whether they non union, whether they represent a wealthy, just regular and not so wealthy district. They will back their guy because, as I wrote in american marxism- and I want to thank my friends at fox- they ought to keep repeating this talk about power at all. Look at it through the lens of parent. That's all they care about. In the case of christie, he cares about himself his own self aggrandizement, the same of here same with haley. She became a multi millionaire, giving speech is sitting on board pride of the time she decided to run. She wrote a slobbering, lighter d and the communist party about the fantastic relationship as governor of sand of south carolina. She has with the communist party.
in china, so thrilled with their investments. In so many words back, I think she says it more explicitly than I am and then when it'll come up in the debate, I'm sure it will what she does as she interrupts and yells over the person and on about yale and yale and yoga back and and a new governor, ran and yale and you'll get their signal. Can you quiet down so that people can speak? She won't. She won't who's exactly what I said: she's george bush and address, but you know what that's not fair to george Bush she's much louder than george bush. in other words, obnoxious I'll, be right back
But it's a pleasure to hear my buddy bread bear on bread. How are you, sir? They mark for you I'm great. Luckily, you weren't here four minutes, I think one of the things I'm saying about other people, you're very you're, straight arrow. You are one of the real news guys out there from from my perspective, you're, not full of this hyperbole, some things that are said, but I want to ask you a quick question before we get into some other you're going to have Jon Karl on, I noticed the tomorrow, so my question may be for him, but generally when these reporters
like these so called tell all books. I always wonder myself isn't that what you're supposed to do as reaper, when you learn information that you think is important and again, I'm not trashing a guy. I'm just curious how this works at. Isn't it important to say it in real time, or I know you don't write books like this, but that's my question. I don't I mean I I agree with you and that's one of the question for him. You know. Are you saving nuggets to be in the book you know or do you file every day with whatever outlet you're with I file every deck? So if I have some big sure thing about some big thing, it's making it on the air at fox and and so it's a different mindset. I think he's done several books. You look at others like maggie haberman,
and others who ve done books. It is a cottage industry, as you know, on the former breton has therefore solve a lot of books. Overhung around I've written ten books, and I worked in the reagan ministration proper. a ragged for attorney general maize for sectoral volunteer. For this all these wonderful people download downs whenever occur. To me to write anything about them because, apart from love, you know this particular john carl think it would never occur to me to do that, because we cannot undermine the ability of. Cabinet member present and repeat, or top senior officials to actually function if they can't trust the person under them and think they're gonna be collecting notes, making notes, creating scenarios and then becoming a
where the view or writing a book or whatever it is. You see what I mean now, of course, and I will say that I respect your Carl in his reporting and I have over the years, and you know I think, that these sources that he's talking to there are legitimate people here and that they're the ones saying whatever their sang, that's making these these nuggets and these books. I agree with you. I think it has been interesting to watch some officials, do that and others don't and you notice some of them stay under the radar for a long time to organise and dynamism. we're going to be into one of the weirdest most surreal election cycles. We have ever seen and there's a lot of shoes yet to drop. The other thing is who's president. Now I don't see these books.
written about by honest to god. But isn't he the president of the united states? Right now I mean he's the one: that's making life and death and all kinds of decisions for the american people, but I don't I don't see it. You know people did to reagan some people did it not a lot to bush and clearly barbara woodward year, but you don't see a lot of it when it comes to demurred. Alright, let me get off the assertion, sir. It's very annoying to me, bradbury you. You are a remarkable many ways here. Your books are actually historically based. You learn a lot from these books. We've talked about this before, but you've written a kid's book insist the first kids book you written and tell us about this yard called the history club dual across time. You know the reason I wrote all the history books and you've been great to have me on. I am the last was to rescue the constitution about george Washington and the constitutional convention. Is that I really wanted to write these things in ways that people read them that the narrative kind of puts you in the room, and you learn something about an overlooked moment in history. What I always thought that my ultimate goal was to not just be our generation but younger generations to get history into the bloodstream. I think that history is being totally overlooked or misinterpreted or dealt with wrong in our school systems. No, no disrespect to teachers, but it's just it's not getting through enough in my view, and how how I look at it. So I decided. Let me see if I could think about something to do. That would be interesting for kids. So this is a book for eight to fourteen year olds called the history club and it's about four middle school students who become friends and they're in this history club competition with other schools and they get visited after their first competition by this mysterious woman who says they.
I need their help to fight this villain. The history twister who's changing history in an evil way, and it enables them to go back through time and try to solve these moments, and in the midst of that you're kind of sneaking in real history and facts, and it's a kind of an adventure that I think really works. So is it available, I'm sure on amazon dot com? Has it available most retail outlets? It is it's everywhere. Books are sold, I'm told it's out and about so I saw it in barnes and noble the other day. You can get it on amazon, Brett, baer, dot com. You can order that I just gave His speech today to hundreds of middle schools to hold on don't hang up. I want to pursue that with you. The book is dual across time. The history club ministry
is lincoln up to amazon on all our social site. Please what a great idea for hanukkah christmas honestly a great idea. The timing is perfect. I'll be right back. Finally, we are on the right away. Now, seven, seven three one create what one with our friend repair the book. He is a great book for young people do across time. The history club, perfect for how can I get for other way? Hanukkah's like seven days away, and christmas is less than a month away. I'm looking at that amateur so was great time to get. The book Amazon, dot com- I haven't on all my social sites. Now we link right to it so bright
you were saying you were meeting with a classroom of students? Yes, I sure met that today with a bunch of students down in vero beach florida. But couple of weeks ago, when the book first came out, I went out to george hw bush's library at texas, a and m college station, and there were probably seven hundred middle school students from all over texas, and I had this big powerpoint that showed some of the artwork in the you know the graphic novel and really great illustrator Marvin singapore, and we collaborated on on getting what this look really is and went through the book and some of the adventures and all of these kids had amazing questions about the book and the plot, but then about history and why it's important- and I said to them- you know I cover stuff up on all sides, but for me personally, I think it's important to embrace
history and not arrays history, because we have been through some tough times as a country. We ve done some bad things in our past and we'd made some mistakes, but we ve evolved as a country and we need to embrace where we were and looked back so that we know where we can go, and they really got into that. And one little girl raised her hand and said: how can I be a history maker and I said: well, you can you're making history right now. You could be president of the united states. Anybody in this room could do anything they want to do, but you have to study. You have to really apply yourself and hopefully in this open some eyes to history It's really important to get two people at a very young age. You know the marketers have figured this out. The the terrorists have figured this out, but we need to figure this out and we need to get to our
kids and other kids at a very young age and unfortunately, a lot of times in public schools are teaching him the wrong things. So it's important to grab books like yours, for parents to do that and take the response building on themselves. Now yeah, I agree, I mean listen, this is a fun book, but you really getting history and this one has to deal with the duel between Alexander Hamilton and aaron burr, and they really learn about the founding fathers. But the history, you're screwing it up and alexander hamilton, wins the duel and he gets arrested and it changes all of the history. Obviously, but you learn that he was the first secretary of the treasury and that he started the: u s coast guard and all kinds of really thing are nuggets of history. And hopefully this is going to be a real long series that be able to get a lotta history in and kids' minds. You know, seven to fourteen is probably the age group. Alright, folks, you can get this book anywhere, but I recommend you
but now I amazon dot com, the book is called do across time. Do you el across time. The history club I have all my social sites, so it's easy. access amazon, dot, com red bears his name brett, we appreciate your body great job, as always a thank you that grabbed me on the market. All right, god bless very, very nice guy, very, very nice, guy. Okay. Let me now, and then he puts up with my rants: did you know that mister, but sometimes how canada ran in a text or an email, and sometimes will reach out to me who want my opinion on something so were easily. Is not one of these journalists who look into play gotcha it just doesn't do that and he doesn't have- certainly not notice- woke me any kind of
It illogical agenda when you watch the jake tapirs and the wolf blisters these other pit. They all have agenda, they have agendas, he doesn't have an agenda. He he really really doesn't dunno, I'm catching catching off guard. Do we have any regular americans calling mr produce or irregular for that matter? All regular gimme one Yes, susan and upstate new york, debut abc susan. How may I help you mark you hopper well marked To really unwind all this and adjust when you are playing the blow to your credit card governed, former governor cairo, talking about alluding to dodge lockwood in power
that is such no anti semitism Y, o anti semitism that he said he thought donald trump with the power that he was the us with the anti semitism and could not be further from the truth. Based on the results of Donald trump's presidency, the right he showed through his policies, he funded black colleges permanently. He also and was able to pass legislation. For the poor, the poor minority children in a dc that were stuck in failing dangerous, more than obama ever was exactly they thought. Their kids to you know limited
so that I might add more than Chris Christie ever did in new jersey. For that matter. Pudding way now don't got slump peer, more legislation to have more people were proud, but leave me because he is. Policies to have a deregulate and to get repatriate billions of dollars back into this country and an economy that was able to provide jobs even for individuals who didn't even have a high school education, but her Chris Christie, say what he said and scarborough and Chris Christy's always welcome one I most NBC scarborough and for. former senator permission to say what she said. The trump is worse than hitler, muzzle any worse than somebody who led the third reich refashion fascistic italy.
And an or wants to execute paper this This is why it you know it's not tromp, it's not mega, etc, that the media are the most divisive hateful poisonous entity in america. It wasn't spoke to be that way. The thinking was you ever free press competition of ideas and by the way the states had libel laws and then the? U S, supreme court stepson in the nineteen sixties and basically blows them out, basically blows them out, as applies to public officials. So there's really very little governing or very few boundaries for the media today and they make outrageous, it's like media matters, the way they manipulate information and attack that steel on mars, but me and everybody on fox in everybody on talk, radio and anybody who doesn't sport, bind and the Democrats and on and on and on
there's, a very high bar, and so they do these things and it is they who are poisoning, the debate. It is they who are creating really vicious, if not violent reactions. They're doing it. Thank you Your call, my friend I'll, be right back much when a killer black friday deal. I got one for you: free moto, g, five g phone from pure talk, no gimmicks, no trade unnecessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifteen gig data plan, just thirty five bucks and get the moto g five g phone free. But here's the deal you need to move fast, because these phones will be gone by the end of the month surfing.
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Also, let them eat cake by the fide nominee they're trying to persuade you that things are actually going well, but there's something wrong with you know. Ladies and gentlemen, they tried this sort of thing and totalitarian regimes all over the world isn't going to work in this election is going to work in this
Election, I mean Bloomberg, has a story in two years time. Excuse me, rent has gone up. Twenty percent use cars have gone up. Thirty, five percent groceries have gone up. Twenty five percent monthly payments on new homes have gone up fifty percent and bind it and is talking at the sky kirby. Who is a complete fraud and a phoney they're trying to persuade you that things are actually getting better, that things are working out just well guess. Well,.
They're not working out just well, and so what do you take from this? They are completely detached from what goes on in your life and anybody else's life, and they are going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars, maybe up to a billion dollars, to persuade you that donald trump is hitler that Donald trump's going to destroy democracy, that Donald trump's going to create world war. Three and, conversely, the borders open because of donald trump and but for donald trump we'd be in world war, three and but for Donald trump fruit prices will be down and they are going to work at work at work at now. Then call him hitler. I guess I call them goebbels right yeah. I think so. The democrat party, the goebbels party, the goebbels party, want to I mean a third reich as in I guess, I guess we can all talk that way.
Actually pretty sick, let us go to frank, fort wayne, indiana exam satellite, frank. How are you, sir? We're me bird? Yes, sir tat the greatest, but I want to kind of keep it simple and straightforward. We don't think this is a perfect led into what you just brought it left a worker. Is this not gonna work? Is this country, gonna, get it figured out or are we at? I don't think? anybody else. They can answer the question more educated. They knew I guess I don't know Tommy freeman said under they ran a re run of an on saturday when it my great hero is one of the geniuses is wartime.
I asked him are we're gonna get out of this, and he said I don't think so. I don't see how we do too. I'm not trying to throw a wet blanket, but. It's an hour never and up to this trend? It's up to you and me, and everybody like us down my friend, I want to send you a signed copy of the democratic party hates american. promise you that book was more ubiquitous. I think we would have an effective impact on the next election, but it is what it is, how much time rich let slip in mortal. New jersey debut ABC Mordechai. How are you going to fill them with? oh. Actually, we not two years ago in vegas that our J c I'm the real thing,
from new jersey in the mid twenties anyway. I I just wait a minute you're, a realtor from new jersey, you're, the one yeah to me, I wanted to say that I was a I locked, a friend that my friend was murdered on october. Seventh, at the music festival another one of my friends that was also running security. I bet you did that those currently being held out the giant. Now, in my opinion, that the reason why this war is carried on so long is because america has essentially partially neutered military capacity and gave of it. in so far as not allowing them to operate. As you know, let them do it. They need to do. You're right, I believe, that's what Biden has done and I believe he said, betraying israelis in and it is unwise sabotage, raise a very nasty stupid man. That's what I wanted to ask you out What? What is it? What does your time frame or your time line of how long this is going
I don't have the foggiest idea, given my extensive military background. No honestly, I don't have the foggiest idea, but if I were the israelis, the sooner the better, the sooner the better. Thank you for your call. Let's send him a free copy, a signed edition of the We're crap party, hates america assume the gentlemen still with us. I want to salute all you hear us out there. I want to thank you. Nice to have you. There I'll, see you here tomorrow? I
Transcript generated on 2023-11-28.