« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/23/21


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, no news is good news when it comes to the elite American media machine, which is similar to state-run media pushing the propaganda of the communist Chinese government on CCTV says Habi Zhang. Then, according to the Tennessee Star, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, election records were destroyed faster than the state law requires. Multiple videos show officials flippantly getting rid of election information. This reinforces an email from Christina Iacono read by this program in November of 2020 highlighting votes that could not be counted and ballots that had chain of custody issues. These issues were ignored by the U.S Attorney of Pennsylvania and the Attorney General's Office, yet Bill Barr claimed that no such issues were raised or brought to the Department of Justice. So why didn't the DOJ conduct an investigation? Later, in a massive ruse, NYC moves allow non-citizens to vote. This will eventually open the door for non-citizens to vote in state and federal elections as well. With the democrats pushing for same-day registration and lowering the voting age to 16, Democrats will be unstoppable. Afterward, President Biden has taken 50M barrels of oil from the country's strategic petroleum reserve. The rising cost of gas is because Biden stopped drilling on federal land, stopped fracking, and closed pipelines, a problem he says is a myth. Fossil fuel is necessary to produce almost everything. Finally, former Watergate Counsel and White House fellow Geoff Shepard joins the show to discuss his new book "The Nixon Conspiracy: Watergate and the Plot to Remove the President." He reveals that a cabal of anti-Nixon prosecutors and judges created the falsehood that Nixon was part of a Watergate cover-up, however, this wasn't known for 45 years. Shepard has filed charges against the attorney for their misconduct.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills. They'll college for over one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, Douze Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had Hills Dale for their great sponsorship now rose. Remember me: underground commend both from the boughs or even bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We will once again made contact with our leader numbers. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one.
all my wonderful listeners and fans out their Jimmy Kimmel fairly. Among them I'll get to him later. Trust me, There's a peace had been meaning to get to the last couple of days, By hobby junk You don't know hobby gene. I didn't know Hobbes Young either he's Draw student in political science. she holds a master of public policy from Pepperdine University. And so I wanted to read something to you, because it relates to what I've been saying about the racist. Propaganda see our tv media, see our tv see our team media. And, in the american mind, the Claremont site, when no news is good news. So
rights, the elite american media apparatus is disturbingly similar to the chinese propaganda machine in China, where I grew up. News is known to the people's propaganda in its neutral, if not positive sense,. since all news agencies are run by the state, so called news as whatever events and opinions the propaganda department at this From committee the Communist Party permits for manufacturers growing up in a household of illiterate parents. I never saw newspapers as a child. My first, a propaganda was a thirty minute. Tv programme see tv network news, broad In the early evening, we all local station said I occasionally watched as relit in relatives homes. Sounds and images rather than words work better with Educated or indifferent masses, since nineteen seventy eight, this daily news programme remains a textbook success of the soviet style of propaganda,
fine manipulation, warping concepts language in history. The convention, the chinese people, are the benevolence of the party in the superiority of socialism. Many years later, when I read Orwell's nineteen, eighty four, the depiction of the two minutes of each In its hate ritual reminded me of the thirty manage one Lando programme. there is never knows, but only fantasy in China, state control of Mass communications is one of the most striking features of totalitarian dictatorship model. mass communication media under competitive conditions, otherwise, ought to be the essential component of law. Scale democracy as well. Lippman argued in his influential nineteen twenty two but public opinion that Craddock citizen. We need to be properly informed to deliberate leaders, need knowledge of the public to lead and serve and an honest and fair journalism is the midwife
american journalism, is then destroy, thus been trusted in extolled as the fourth estate, a government. Until now,. I first heard this term fourth estate when chance, I came across a book in my home town at the age of sixteen chatting about America has a short chapter devoted to journalism I read in wonderment, then in America, journalists were commissioned to discover facts, pursue the truth, and safeguarding public sphere went on flow of information, I guess and debate were permitted as an detention are guaranteed and inform public discourse journalism, thus monitored the state for the civil society all As far as the chinese totalitarian state when apps discover MID tells the people what to believe fever propaganda apparatus that speaks the language of authority, not truth. Nearly twenty years later, I moved to America only to find that the meat broadside
It does not resemble anything. I read in that book. I was flabbergasted to CNN or the New York Times unabashedly lie to the national audiences about pull candidate and later President Donald Trump. Over partisanship of sin and is widely known, yet academics consider the network To be an unbiased media outlets, when political scientist studied the effect of media and public opinion,. I was a managed and class last fought for challenging mainstream media falsehoods. to state that it was only my opinion here We ever established truth and a court were thirty promulgated, lies I've important, as I always found in China. I use think journalists in America were like the socratic gadflies. follow the sea that media leads constitute part of that country's ruling class Cable news for years preach the Russia collusion hoax with no basis in fact reminds- of chinese Communist TV propaganda.
increasingly. What I see resemble what I see resemble Beach, Cheeseman, increasingly icy resemblance between China and the? U S on many fronts,. specially to left. This media syndicate had become the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party, The relationship of seeing Panorama sent NBC to the dynamic Parties no different from the Communist Central Television Cctv to the car. this party. They all feed their audiences fretting lies. So troubles me is why the american people seem to have changed it is no longer the highest value summit. become more like the Chinese and publish member about the golden age of newspapers, Peter our kind along time, publisher, the Wall Street Journal rights that is called colleagues at the journal were lively, irreverent and very often negative. Even cynical, unquote conservative editorial page colleagues were quote more principled and cerebral unquote, but it's
Ray colleagues where those in the advertising department who were invariably loyal, positive in good nature. What first group strike me as modern liberals who have since ascended to the cultural and intellectual led dictating to the unwashed they're gone, into the self proclaimed. Philosopher, King President, Obama is Disciple Joe Biden. The sex group embody virtues I gotta be the basic aspiration of the prophet Surreal rank of whom have become progressive activists, social justice causes over academic integrity and the like. Represent what I call a good old Americans, such as the ones I met, Parent avenue in Unalaska Indiana Christ church in Moscow, Idaho I believe that there are also many of them in other parts, the countries I would like to find a home in a land where the people are mostly principle decent and charitable. In spite of its ruling class,
numerous condescension and callousness are not working for the media late. When so many Americans assume that a fish we constructed reality is a lie, while self evident truth is labour conspiracy, in short, mostly people now see them through the media, but how long coordination. Last in this gets her frantic state. yes, very much like the communist chinese state media. Have the american media become. and I want to touch on this in a specific instance very, very soon- evidence, we return. I want to tell you about what took place in it Taking place any, Big county one of the biggest counties The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Delaware, accounting. I don't want to tell you- then you are attorney in Philadelphia.
How his office handled it in the And United States attorney's office. under bill by house. His office handled. Stay with me I'll, be right back then,
In history and civic education is at a turning point, where we allow bureaucrats on lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught or well, we teach the whole truth. My friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth. They ve made they hills Del seventeen. Seventy six curriculum downloadable for free at Levine, for a hills doubt that calm available not only to teachers but also to citizens. Just like you to share with other concern Americans. This complete k, three twelve history and civics curriculum designed to give educators guidance, not mandates, allow students to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened. Only through a complete an honest study of our history. Can students fully understand the world in which they live. Our children deserve to be taught the truth through a sound curriculum that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and upholds the dignity of each individual. America's future depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, those seventeen seventy six curriculum for free today. At EL easy I am from helstone dot com. How do I know somebody told me somebody said the cow written have case. Could calling him a whites premises is opinion?
Bill Buckley want a case a long long time ago, Again, sir,. Gore Vidal Gore because he called him a fascist knowing he wanted a minimum amount of money. But if you call somebody white supremacist, No connection to white supremacy whatsoever. and there's no effort by the, vigil Speaking me, slander, For she can win the case. It's not opinion things opinion. You had a host, I forget her last name tip. What is her last name on MSNBC Cross. Who call him I something to the effect of a little. murdering white supremacist,. The little murder white supremacist- that's it
if a case to bring. the bars very high for public officials. That is, the individuals who you're suing but not beyond reach As for buying, as I said on Hannity last night, he was at present at the time. There is absolutely no immunity for him this case in Delaware, County Pennsylvania,. It's a very significant case because, as video. His actual video. the Tennessee star, explained a loss. Alleging multiple violations of federal state election laws, now some people their eyes- are rolling over Pritchett In the press, Portugal in corporate Amerika, particularly Chris Christy, set when it comes to him. Like a massive sperm whale on the beach during member the hurricane, MR reduce it,
but I call on the beach that area. There was, with his family a lawsuit, alleging multiple violations of federal state election laws as well as Pennsylvania. Right. You know. Statue was found in Delaware, County of Pennsylvania, according to sources familiar with a litigation. The suit brought by plaintives, Gregory Sensorium, lay a hopes. Ruth Marine stand May twenty twenty republican Pole watcher has been outspoken in recent months regarding alleged irregularities and ballot harm canvassing in Delaware, recounting defeat its include election officials, Marilyn Hider and James Zero, half her as well Delaware, accounting, the County Board of elections and the county, fewer of elections, only twenty twenty one, a whistle blower working for the Delaware can bureau elections began inquiring. Why was to her the multiple documents pertaining to the November three. Twenty twenty elections were being destroyed and south
in Pennsylvania, That County Delaware, county, the name of the whistle blowers not yet been made public. A third party attorney father requests. We Pennsylvania's public transparency law for your request king for election data records for last November elections, in particular the request for return sheets, the official documents on which election results are recorded, as well as voting machine tapes showing the in person vote, total shriek precinct Canada, the videos and the sources regarded the lawsuit. Many such records were actually destroyed because Our economy officials violated numerous election laws are needed, a hide evidence for their violations, ledge destruction of records was the source who say done to ensure the records eventually provided actual actually match. The election results are reported in November. Twenty twenty, Pennsylvania law requires the records be preserved for eleven months after an election, Federal law demands at such records be preserved for twenty two months after election.
Pennsylvania law requires the voting records reserved for eleven months and so forth. records in Delaware. County were also require to be preserved. Per a prior law suit, in which stems from alleged action, irregularities. One of the videos provided by the more recent law suit sources shows Tom Gallagher, a lawyer and election of fish on Delaware, county destroying any longer pieces of paper allegedly the voting machine tapes election officials, are required to preserve recording the whistle blower S. Gallagher, love camera wise tearing up the documents. Gallagher replies point: I don't want anyone to pick it up and think that we through stuff away now they're, like an official James, Zika, SIG Harper, identified in the video is XVI, then says we're gonna have a little camp fire going. What I don't understand- and this makes honesty and makes me nervous- why tapes were being thrown away. The whistleblowers shown asking the XVIII
Second, video zinc: he began to protest that no tapes were in the whistle blower interjected that zagging another election officials were throwing away tapes and she again asked why they did so. He replied or an identifiable. After the whistle blower pointed out that all election records have to be preserved for twenty two months ago said. Well, let's put it this way. Yes, there are tapes are being tossed, but they are of no added value. One source involved and the litigation said that by no added value he means the numbers contain on the tapes will not match election results publicized last autumn that very go on display onto display still shots of voting machine tapes and a garbage been labelled miscellaneous scanner tapes not attached to return sheets November. Three. Twenty twenty turn. She with a hand written note. Reading eleven fourteen twenty twenty more than three hundred blank ballot ballots reserved she's me received,
and ballot return envelopes torn up inside a garbage been A final still shot shows a hand written note, stating quote: there's a discipline. There is a discrepancy in total ballots receive because ballot box so returned sheet indicate three hundred BC, but three hundred thirty blank ballots returned. eleven slash fourteen slash, twenty twenty third recording capture conversation between county voting, machine warehouse supervisor and Jim Savage and Director of election operations James Hounds about deposit, I quote pads and second scanners. Unquote, after our mentions those materials, savage replies, we can't talk about it anymore went out. Ask is why Savage says it's: a felony This is our video fort video shows Gallagher. Speaking to the whistle blower off cameras, saying that another county official handed him a Box of election records and tell them it was missing: v drives from at least the community of Chester have referred and fall Croft feed drive.
Like tropical, contain information tabulated by the voting machines, the whistle blower inquired of Gallagher. Why those v drives or missing a gala response. I have no idea. That's the story, that's the summary of the Tennessee star by Bradley the soul. Now I have additional information at this additional information added it. It's not in the story when we return american history and civic education is at a turning point. While we allow bureaucrats on lobbyists to choose what schoolchildren are taught or well, we teach the whole truth. My friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth they ve made they Helstone seventeen. Seventy six curriculum downloadable for free at Levine, for a hills down that calm available not only to teachers but also to citizens. Just like you to share with other concern Americans. This complete k, three twelve history, civics curriculum designed to give educators guidance, not mandates, allow students to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened. Only through a complete an honest study of our history. Can students fully understand the world in which they live. Our children deserve to be taught the truth through sound curriculum that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and upholds the dignity of each individual. America's future depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, those seventeen, seventy six curriculum for free today, at El Avian flu hailstones, I come yes, it's true. Marshall event is the fastest growing radio show in Amerika. The marshal of the show is on AIDS, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one! I still have information on this. It is more important one. I just told you.
More important than when I just told you in November,. In November, of twenty or put on a sickly may try have arrived. November of twenty twenty shortly After the election. I was sent an email forded me. And I read it to you in the air. Related the Delaware County. Luckily we have the videos, like in conclusion sober because otherwise this Pooh Pooh, but I think things like this for taking place all over the country subject Delaware, County Bureau of elections, missing precinct data actually require from judges of election.
and this was. Sent on November twelve twenty twenty ten fifty nine p m to all Delaware County workers. All Delaware, candy workers. Dear recounting per worker. Christina I o Connell Thank you very much for your service on election day. We know that it was a long day and that things may have been missing during the using procedures at the end of the night, unfortunately, due to missing data election results from your precinct, canopy confirmed and approved for final tabulation until the missing data is reconciled. in order to ensure that all care will be counted We need at least one member of your election team to come to the machine warehouse, a sap they help complete forms.
If you were the minority inspector more provided an envelope at the close of the poles, please bring the anvil of with you to ensure The county has as much state as possible. The correct issues in the precinct the missing data may be any of the following bullet missing, yellow numbered list of voters, bullet income, numbers and the yellow book numbers that do not the scanner tabulation bullet, missing ballot. Reconciliation forms, this impacts, the ballot chain of custody bull. Missing information on the clothes of night return sheets bullet. In return, she, sounds like they were missing an awful lot. Mr producer. The machine warehouse is located at four hundred and three EAST 24Th Street in Chester. Pennsylvania will be open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, from eight hundred and thirty, a dot m to p m. We approve your commitment to serve the voters on election day and appreciate the time and effort spend helping the county in this endeavour. Kindness regards Christina. I account
Delaware, County, Paul worker, coordinated Delaware, counties, one of the biggest counties Pennsylvania right outside the Philadelphia now. Here's the kicker, you ready My wife Julie was working. On the Pennsylvania, constitutional litigation. With several other attorneys, who had volunteered for the most part. This is a litigation that involves the federal state constitutions. Not machines not ballots in that sort of thing lifting the briefs. She participated in. They wanted Supreme Court of the United States, where at least two or three justice is one of the herd. The cases. That aside,
She was contacted by one of the top individuals. Perhaps I believe one of these places. With this information. That they had a significant problem here and one of the biggest counties in Pennsylvania. He asked her to contact the yard so the attorney general, the United States. And they asked her to contact the office of the United States Journey in Philadelphia by their name and mix Swain. Who now wants to be the governor of Pennsylvania. Julie forded this email after me, a call to a top senior official who work for attorney general bar. She forded this email after speaking too, that individual before the purple,
Was, of course, to get the attention of the Department of Justice with respect to election issues in Pennsylvania,. and these election issues effective course. The federal constitution. And this email was more than a sufficient basis to get the attention of the Parliament of justice and Bill BAR. Do not happen after she said the email, MR producer, nothing. she heard absolutely nothing back from the senior official or anybody else at the Department of Justice. Or the attorney General Bill Bars office. Nothing not knowing people in the? U S, attorney's office in Philadelphia, she contacted the! U S: attorney's office in Philadelphia,. And advise them of what And taking place in Delaware, county.
The? U S, attorneys, a guy by the name, then explain. Make Swain seeks to be the Republica nominee for governor of Pennsylvania. After all, it was. President trumps, U S attorney in Philadelphia. As an excellent reputation. He goes on tv, a lot to trash the outrageous Soros district attorney good for him. So she gives the information to the: U S: attorney's office, Mc Swains Office in Philadelphia. You know But they did with it, MR producing nothing. She never heard back. and so a bill bar made the pro, Investment which has been, Is by every left wing, journalists and critic. and Republicans like Chris Christie, I suppose when he says
not any information of fraud of any and has been brought to the attention of the Department of Justice or, as yours attorneys. That's not correct. That's not correct!. I personally know that that's not correct. I just read you from an actual an email about. Complete anarchy there was taking place in Delaware, accounting this. Also, there was brought has numerous videos that had been attached. They cannot be ignored. people saying actual things clearly. Clearly enough information, even close. Till the line enough information to a warranted. a federal and
A criminal investigation. I won't mainly individual who was contacted the Department of Justice, because that individual was one squelching eight are dropping the ball or not. I won't do that. But if I mention the individual, you know who it is so that the information I wanted to provide this is not what brought on other laws, but, oh my god, what they restock. The question is, why didn't parliament of justice and why The Eu S attorney's office, anaemic, swaying, do anything about. Why didn't they conducted investigate. Well, I wouldn't have affected the outcome of the first of all.
When you have one murder case, it doesn't affect these statistical outcome of the number murders are going to have an a country every year. Does it you take it case at a time. Don't you? Yes, you do. you dont let people off because it may not effect. Ultimate outcome of an election, or whatever has nothing to do with this You have election fraud or some kind of election irregularities. that raise serious legal question. You were you pretty And you dont issue a blanket statement that You're not aware of any fraud That occurred in the election. particularly when my wife was trying to reach and did reach the senior levels at the Department of Justice. One of the attorney general staffers end
forded this email to her, though, maybe that That staff to the attorney general senator the criminal division. Maybe that staff sent to the chinese office, maybe that staff has signed up to. The criminal division- I don't know. but the stair for never got back silence. The? U S attorney's office, never got back silence, nothing. Nothing, and so we a brave people now who brought this law suit on their own brave people. but the videos whistle blower. this e mail, I suppose other, I commend our information, acted. Information was destroyed within the twenty two federally mandated month period.
I'm sure there won't be any congressional investigation of anything while a crowd control the house in the Senate. I'll be much media interest outside of Delaware, accounting cept, they show other shows perhaps clearly not on be right now Perhaps if the Republicans take the house I'll, take a look they'll take a look. This is an ally this has in supposition. This isn't speculation. This is a fact. This is a fact. That's what it is And, of course, the questions raised if it can happen in a huge county in Pennsylvania, did happen and other counties. Pennsylvania. I don't know. I don't have subpoena power, I'm not a criminal investigator with a government or anything of the sort but
simply not true. But the attorney general said in its simply outrages that the? U S attorney, who will now wants to be the governor of Pennsylvania his office did nothing then. return a car didn't look at whether back then
History and civic education is at a turning point where we allow bureaucrats on lobbyists to choose what school children are taught or well, we teach the whole truth. My friends at Helstone College argue for teaching the truth. They ve made they hills Del seventeen. Seventy six curriculum downloadable for free at Levine, for a hills doubt that calm available not only to teachers but also to citizens. Just like you to share with other concern Americans. This complete k, three twelve history and civics curriculum designed to give educators guidance, not mandates, allow students to learn the tragedies and triumphs of american history, as it really happened. Only through a complete an honest study of our history. Can students fully understand the world in which they live. Our children deserve to be taught the truth through a sound curriculum that was created by teachers, not bureaucrats and upholds the dignity of each individual. America's future depends upon an honest candid look at our history: Download hills, those seventeen seventy six curriculum for free today. At EL easy I am from Helstone Dotcom. Whether quickly changed course is beside. The point is second to be fixed for the next elections and the like
after that how about the violations of the federal constitution in Pennsylvania. With the state legislature, not the states beam Corridor, the corrupt governor or thee. the resigned secretary, state or any the rest get to make those changes. Institution is where's possible on that point, There was widely what about some of these other states that have serious issues too. Are they going to be fixed? Why do you think job? I was so angry, calling them Jim, Crow, Jim Crow, because they're trying to fix what the Democrats did
Because they want to lecture where they are come as known and where they are going to win, come hell or high water I'll be right back now, broadcasting them only underground command, but then the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, America marked Ere. I ain't. Seven seven Rio create one real one, one sorry to report to you that a six person has died and walk ashore and eight year old.
A little late you out at six. And I saw a picture of all these individuals who died. I have seen the eight year old. What would joy reed. This, MR producer, what would msnbc in the racists and bigots and the professors they bring on more racism bigger? What would they say about this When you have an african american driver and all white victims who died. So this is the danger of the media matters media I these other operations. This is the danger of the american media. What Brooks has in common with three people who cow Rittenhouse, shot their off balance. Long felonious records
what they haven't: common victims victims. These are predator, In the media, in the Democratic Party embrace the predators. They ve no problem with the predators. If a problem with you, you say you're deplorable, they would never call Darrow bra deplorable where they now they wouldn't. Are the three felons who were shot by Kyle written House? They would never call them deplorable now. Would then. Joy read the other idiot joy on the view. What is with the view, why do people called the view who cares about the view. view they assume jerks anyway. Thank they. the stupidest birthing. But they can fine put him together. So
I'm on a tv show, so they give everybody a headache pretty much, Psych everybody's worst nightmare, Immediate neighbor, who never shut the hell up. And on and on honor, but anyway,. What are they sang about? Brooks Darrow Brooks. And his victims on MSNBC and CNN, so they say that this was a racist attacks. I'm just curious know they're not what they want. That's why these people truly are sick in them. their everything I've been saying they are in Europe. Sir, the found bravery of some of the others in radio and tv. Now, yes, we train
the right thing to do the right thing here and apparently we lay the foundation for others to join it and that's very important. I think New York City, New York city law makers are poised to allow more than eight hundred thousand. This is at Times New York, so our green card holders or have the legal right to work in the United States to vote in municipal elections and for local ballot initiatives? What trying to say there is these are non citizens who will be able to vote in Ispra elections for local ballot initiatives. Now, considering how poorly that cities run by Congo, any other cameos in that city. Have you They're going to protect prevent these people from voting. In federal elections in state elections, MR producer they're not. they are not. This is a massive ruse.
This city councils, like the if it could be a city council in Havana,. A pay these sitting council in Beijing in Moscow. That's how creepy radical extremists these goals are: The bill is known as our city, our vote make New York City, the largest municipality in that country, to allow non citizens to vote in local elections. and, as I said before, and prevent them. from voting and other elections to think about. This will put this together. The demo catch a proposed federal legislation that would nationalize all these elections there On sixteen and seventeen year olds to register that would allow people to vote in precincts they're than their work went the use of voter. I d sooner have the person's identification or address if your mailing in about that would
prevent a signature comparisons. If you vote in person, it would prevent the judge elections or anybody else at the precinct from challenging your vote in challenging who claimed to be, even if they know you're, not who you claim to be improved? localities and states from cleaning up their voting list dead people people registered more than once non citizens registered But who have moved and honoured prevent you from cleaning your records. And that's just some of it. that's just some of them. So imagine having that long place and let me tell you a secret, If they get a majority in the house in the Senate, I dont mean fifty fifty I mean fifty one, forty nine and if they, The presidency- and they have the house by one or two votes they're- to make that law. because we have now reached a point.
Where were you in many respects? Repose constitution has talking about now four years, and we are its like a one way. Parliamentary system when the Democrats are in anything goes if they have a simple majority. When there begins in they follow the constitution say need super duper majorities. You need to respect the court's their separation of powers, so we have. new parties playing by completely different roles. completely different roles. playing completely different rules. The Republicans will destroy themselves if they don't like the hell up fast but took last month in the election had nothing to do with the Republican Party in Washington or in rich men or anywhere else, the people so you get eight hundred thousand non citizens to vote in local elections, and then you pass that h are one People shop, the vote in federal state elections,
illegal to challenge them. It is illegal, as a matter of federal law, require voter? I d, what's going on got there Why these little cities and Democrats control big cities that's why they want non citizens about their laying the foundation you're that here first, because I know what the hell I'm talkin about. Their laying the foundation here. So these people are not going about just local elections. But all in all elections wants that a crash put in place this federal law, they ve told us what they want to put in place at the federal level. They told us. So, knowing what they want to put in place at the federal level show my pushing it obvious, We are talking to each other in New York City of New York,. it thereby in Washington.
eight hundred thousand non citizens to vote in local elections. Ok, then Europe, say Taiwan hygienist Those eight hundred thousand promoting how you gonna stop them you're, not. so the Democrats don't believe in every count. I read out that's legitimate cast by a citizen. They done believe in voting, Our baby power. By any means. You remember the end justifies the means. Bobby and justify everything that these people claim to do and are doing that's the truth when you come back Joe Biden does something that is so cynical, so pathetic. That, rather than demonstrating, he has a handle on things that demonstrates,
then, that not only is he a fraud but we're in deep. Shit to say that MR producer. that's legitimate name of a diagram as we are. because this guy is pathetic right back, then
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Two percent off your first month. That's pure USA, dot com, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless by me, everybody but himself obliged under this country's amazing thing they have the house. They, the Senate has its executive waters. They did I'm an injustice justice determining what to let a gay. What not to let it go Biden has basically wiped out any new drilling in this country. on federal lands? The federal government controls about thirty percent Of the land mass here and much of it has oil reserves under it. How does he think Strategic Reserve got filled, it was filled to its tip top by President drop in the price of fuel was low and he said he what he was doing. So he takes fifty million. fifty million gallons love that I guess,
Fifty million gallons out of the Strategic Reserve. every day the world uses one hundred million gal gallants. One hundred million- So you can see the drop in the bucket, but it sounds like it so big. it's nothing, and that's not. Why that that is there. It is there in case of a national emergency, basically for the military and police and so forth. Cut six. Go I also want to briefly address one myths about inflated gas prices. they're, not due to environmental measures. My efforts to combat climate change is not rise in the price of gas for increasing its availability for what it is doing, its increasing the availability of job cider. Let's thank for two. If you're not permitting any new pipelines to closing down pipelines that are being built
the Keystone exile pipeline. Your cancelling all lease agreements for drawing on federal, Lance. if the industry knows that you are going to impose mass of regulations and taxes on what they produce. So Not making known assessments and so forth. if you're, shutting down fracturing, which really The great technological advance you gonna create less supply Now we ve talked about this many times we were energy independent before abiden entered the oval office. His administration is filled with these american Marxists, that this is the DE growth movement, that is not a climate movement. It is not an environmental movement it They D growth movement that's why we have less
going today than we did ten months ago. That's called the growth now, so he What's the taken ordered oil out of the reserve? he's demanding that OPEC or begging OPEC, to provide us with more fuel. What does he think that comes from. in the atmosphere it's not like. It changes the atmosphere, the air moves, as you well know, softly. Ass, these extremists have fossil fuels as their main target and fast fuels is what we need. To run this advanced economy, they ve and to replace it? Nothing Talk about batteries all they want. They can talk about electric. How do we get electricity does Trinity, produce electricity. Now. Something has to happen.
To have these hydro. Electric plants were burning, wander Obama. We were tearing them down, they don't like hydroelectric plants because it involves war, rivers, dams. So those don't cap you gotta, get rid of that hurts them They tell us, hurts the environment. and then there's the year. the batteries, lots, thee here in the batteries. These lists In batteries it had to be stronger and stronger over China and Africa. In China controls most of them any controls a lot of it from Africa to somebody named by Think his name's hunter by but not a scandal, not going look somewhere else. Ok, Electric cars are extremely expensive. and you don't have these plugin things all the time, Think about it, you got
for the biggest population in the country, even though losing citizens. They are brown out, some blackouts now, almost every year what are they gonna do when everybody? Secondly, plug for their car into some electrical device? To get electricity to have more brown on some black out. I think they might don't you folks yeah. I think so. He's in the price of fuel is up, is simple. Because a Joe Biden in here administration because of the Democratic Party. It's that simple. The reason we have inflation is because of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. It's that simple. It really is go ahead. I was building electric cars like the one. I drove the GM rejoice in the GM factor in Detroit last week. That makes up the hay driver Elect
cut women went dead when we met last week a dry, twelve feet, the big dummy Thousands of folks who brought one of those electric cars? Thirty to save eight hundred two thousand dollars in fuel costs this year, but they can spend twenty five thousand dollars more for the vehicle, and then, if everybody's using electricity guess what happens to electricity grid. Your greater greater demand and the sub I cannot keep up what about the electrical grid. We we can protect their to think about that another day. Go ahead. I'm gonna put those you idiot. don't worry about food shortages. You see the price of food going up. I followed up, and today I actually drove over a shooting match the place. I did. took place. I like a lot Roy Rogers,
The like the roast beef sandwiches when you mean used, I would still eat them, but I dont do it now I went up and I ask what is the cost of a regular roast beef sandwich? I had looked at the menu, but then I said I gotta do this research for the honour. What is the cost? The regular roast beef. And a medium soda in law, spread Virginia with tax. nine dollars and forty nine cents But it's more, were you guys are Mr Producer New York, Mr Call Screener nor Jersey. It's more. There. Nine thousand forty nine cents on thinking to myself. Ok,. you have a family for. you go to the drive through a could be any of these places. Nine hours and forty nine since times for you, Hang forty dollars in
I've thrill the price of meat, no one, it's not them. Producers are hoarding meat. For God's sakes,. People want to sell stuff, they don't wanna hoarded the guy. Doesn't care about selling stuff they care about imposing their will. What's goin on that, the price of everything's going through the roof. fossil fuels to produce Almost everything, including fertilizer when you Tractors run on what do you think harvesting machines run on? What do you think right on what think plants. Where do you think plants that comes from? How do you think there's I'd send grocery stores and I on and on and on its fossil fuels. Gonna build our walk around with those Laura Propeller capsule? Nor have I don't know what's gonna have neither today they are no answer other than library change My change climate change. If we left
by an entire eve and policy in the rats, whereas nobody says it marked Laverne Bout, it always importer. Mark said nobody could say a better call. Now I read seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one direction: it's not fifty million gallons, it's fifty million barrels. That's what I thought and then I looked at. You know fifty million barrels. America lay. ass for the country terms? its use of oil. It's less than three days. I saw it less than a week less than three day suits that in that ballpark. So it's not gonna. Do a thing.
maybe, when you're driving for thanksgiving or something you'll, see come down a few pennies. But that's it then is gonna go right back. It does nothing that cynical buying and his administration are really grotesque, quite frankly, playing with the american people playing with their livelihoods. Your blowing money for no reason whatsoever, none none these extra costs. This is We call the tax that the Democrats place on this economy every time they can be. taxes at their placing on you absolutely unnecessary, they don't improve your lives, they do the quite the opposite and I dont know how people on sixteen comes, Through a drive through and spend forty bucks every time and then the because, if the pay another sixty sixty five bucks, I don't know how you do it.
I dont know how you do it and they talk about. While you need more government programmes and it's the fall of the oil companies and the Republicans in bed with the Ark. As I said before, when the Republicans had the White House under Trump and had the Senate The price of fuel was very low, so under the Republicans and corner called the oil companies. Yet Low cost of fuel and energy independence. and you didn't have inflation. tell whose embed what what. Nicole Hannah Jones on democracy. Now, which is a radical left operation Billy spewing, her her began to her hate America propaganda. She is not a historian in any respect And I want you to understand that what she's talking about the sixteen nineteen the book has a new gout. Sixteen nineteen, the steps being pushed through our colleges and universities and education throughout the country. In my book, a book American Marxism. I dont have:
the benefit of colleges and universities, buying ten thousands of copies of my book, the hand out and uses attack book to teach in classrooms, I don't have the benefit of taxes, I was being used by local school districts. To buy these radical coop since pass them out of their teachers in their students, I have you, the american people. About one point, two million of you have purchased copies of this book in various forms. Would wouldn't be wonderful, though, if these books or in the schools. The effect that it would have looked at the affected it's already had in the country completely ignored by me. Conservative media completely ignored by most conservative pundits radio hosts plainly ignored by most conservative websites. completely ignored by Capitol Hill. That's good, Not bad it's good, and yet one Two million and sales idle.
use twitter. I dont use Facebook. I told them the squirrel off about what a year or two ago, Mr Milosevic. Yes. It's just you and me: the people. And then, after the election, Wow look at what the parents are not yet look at wow. We should be running on bread and butter. I should know you should be running against the mob. the March a. The car, how to Jones included. This cut eleven guy, We have an article that talks about the second amendment, that's by Doktor, Carol, Anderson in Autumn Henry, and really argues that our obsession with guns we're right. Why? What is an obsession with guns me. What does that mean these phrases that the marxist use? We obsession with guns, You know his interception would guns the communist chinese government, the.
Cuban communist government, because In his feathers venezuelan government, the police states have obsession with guns. They have the obsession with taking them from you, so they nowhere pair you with their own guts. Not the call. How to Jones is a moron. The police are systemically racist. Because they're there to keep in place this white dominant society, which we know is unjust in every respect, Meanwhile, you are obsessed with guns, so you need to be disarmed all goes back to slavery. You got what yes, indeed, it's how much she knows about the bill of rights in the constitution or goes back to slavery. did you read the second amendment the car? How to jobs? Does it say only white people and slave owners have a right to guns? Is I wanted first Catalan?
no more guidance than almost any society in the world. Who cares? What does not have to do, and what does that have to do with anything? what does it matter? We supposed to compare ourselves to France, is what France has. how about Germany should compare ourselves to dream? Member time when Germany had more guns and everybody else in the call to remember that time? Oh yes, yes, We also have more free speech than any country in the face of the earth, or at least we did before the Democrats took over that a problem. We had more due process and equal protection, oh yeah, more freedom when it comes to our economic system all kinds of stuff, because America's different and if you'd Barlow, to read some of the great philosophers who informed our founders and our framers Like John Locke, you would understand that America
Was different from all other countries, Lock explained? Why? Because it was a clean slate. I didn't have a history of feudalism and monarchy. It didn't have a history of programmes and all the rest of it so clean. A slight because I was specifically asked many wrote in his second treatise on government, brilliant bro. influence the revolutionaries. Maybe you should stop raining marks and start paying attention. Our actual history, he said, He was challenge where, where, where does this exists, this land that you talk about? America is its America. I had the highest rates of gun violence and that is also highly rated gun. Violence. That's in our inner cities. She won't mention that the highest rate of killings is young,
Men, killing young black men. That's not something she wants to confront our help address, and I view this the greatest civil rights issue of our time, along with school choice. and a call how to Jos doesn't talk about that, because it doesn't involve the white dominant society Scrolling everybody go ahead a favor, he led the second amendment while we like to think of it as being on allowing citizens to four militia to ward off government tyranny. It also was allowing them to form militia to suppress favour guidance because it's it's the right to bare arm. so bad people can use it for bad reasons. Good people can use it for good reasons like protecting themselves. like fighting people whose
ported slavery, so that the key the purple of the second. Women had nothing whatsoever to do with slavery. Nothing even back, then the more populated northern states you're colonies, rejected slavery. There were let's have a document, but they rejected, so why would they agree to it Institutional amendment, because the first ten amendments came later, the bill of rights, big was slaveowners, wanted it listen to her incoherent, she's, utterly illiterate. When it comes to this topic, cheese pushed by March this agenda and our hate for this country- and I guess the court and quote why dominant society go ahead
constantly verbally, and it looks at why someone like Fernando Castille in Minneapolis, who is illegal, gun carrier could be killed for carrying a gun and whether not black people really do have a right to bear. I get beaten him for carrying a gun. You give us one example: there's a lot of people are killed for carrying guns and using guns there and they can do that sort of. So you take one example. By the way this is see, Artie Critical, race theory, critical theories based on example, In theoretical arguments or current events, it's not scar So there she goes. Cause she's a c r t activists, Lando, Castilla Minneapolis,. Illegal gone carried: what about. Kyle Rittenhouse who was illegal gun owner? Yes, he was excuse me, holder, legal gun carrier. There is a legal gun, carry at the age of seventeen.
But apparently he wasn't aloud with love the debate. Nicole Hannah job it'll never happen. I would love the debate. Bernie Sanders, it'll, never happen. It'll never happen. Not because of me cut twelve go so every single, as in the bar, really makes days modern connections and what we hope is slavery has influence our society in so many ways, but we really invisible eyes that we lost that amazes me when I read these books in writing. My book professors these pseudo scholars Nicole, had a job how they these words Are they use words at her. Invisible lies. You're running to Google to church where it I'm sure she googled it herself were invisible, living slavery.
What are we supposed to do? Every now, there's probably well over majority Americans here. ancestors, won't even here. Doing slavery, including black people from parts of the world, including the latino community, big percentage of what you, try to go on with your lives. You try and respect people live by the golden rule, which is the greatest rule. You treat people with respect, regardless of their size, grounds or their religion or the race. You want to get along in this society this. This society has been known for this them. diverse society on the in the world. Yet we were not balkan eyes were not travellers, Nicole, had a Jones and others that's what they due to us. They want a balkan eyes and tribal eyes us and complete The under cut.
The greatness and founding the snake, if this nation was so horrid, not only would people not be poring over the border by the millions people would be poring over the border by the millions in the other direction. I'm just serious. we're, wouldn't call Hannah Jones. Go there. better than the United States of America. Nowhere Where can I phony historian was noted Note nowhere advanced degree in history, Pushing this ball crap become wealthy and tenured. And popularized, nowhere else on the face of the earth go ahead. standing and what I argue for the project is the narrative of seventeen. Seventy six does not explain the insurrection on the capital of January on another. What that means. It does
Explain the insurrection on the capital in January. The insurrection in the capital and drank she's, the one leading an insurrection, she's not allow Pelosi, Cheney The whole critical race theory movement, the whole de growth movement, the Disarm movement. There are the ones leading an insurrection if it corrections Don to involve weaponry. taking over in one swoop, a country and so forth. The dinner Brad Party and these American Marxist there making a hell of a lot of progress in their insurrection, call Hannah Jones We were in sober times and so times will be views. As a fringe, unhinged provocateur.
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Jimmy came away now Jimmy camels very upset that I interviewed president trumpet didn't attack him, that we had a wonderful discussion about him, his presidency, whose book Jimmy Kimmel doesn't read books. I thought he might like this book. It has pictures in it, but now Jimmy Kimmel, you see, you say, is an activist. play basketball against senator crews and crews beaten. I believe so. You think if he and I were in a U Fc ring, you think I could beat the crap out of the sky. I'd be willing to do it. For you, We of course one five minute round, I will beat the crap out of the sky, I'm just imagining just daydreaming mister. But you know what you mean Kimmel has done things that I have never done. I dont know the obsession with Democrats and black face
We have a governor in Virginia who went black face. We have attorney general ran for reelection. He went black face. These are guys, of course, but Jimmy came on enjoyed. They are both. went black face this Daily Holler piece. You can see Jimmy Camel shaped his hair, but one of those skin coverings on his head and had not only his face, but his chest and his arms painted black. and, as they remind us of the daily call, comedians became all enjoy bay harm both born black face. In the past were black face in the past yet their imbracus because of their ideology over it. Bright bark, John Multi few years back pointed out. The joy red is a big marquis. Star friend, BC a big it anti semite and racist that sheep
stu, grotesque things such as steel, being nice to Jus J o o easy. I am you know, thee, now hold up a the point about the Jew CS and more? About straight people, Gazer a things of this sort, I'm gonna go ahead and how does man is married to a woman? Is gay
I don't know the pieces up there, you can read it yourself, but she was promoted to our vote for Charlie Chris. He called her Missus Charley and go on and on and on I've. Never done anything I'll be right back. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now rose. Remember me: underground commend both from the bowels or even longer, somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader of our air or elsewhere, and I won't be here tomorrow giving a frantic everybody where the great best of Thursday and Friday we have our body a bright and I'm back on Monday senior in good hands with Mark state
you can read all about joy, read a bright bark, Can google that Multi nine indefensible things? but she has said and then lied to cover it up. She and NBC. Can read all about the gym, black, face, camel and what's yellow and joy black face, they harm their their families, their fakes, their hypocrites. And that's why they have no ratings live. Something I agree with something our sharply said. I know once in a lifetime all the stealing Louis Vuitton bags and so forth. The mobs now because of these prosecutors, because they ve undermine the cops because you're not allowed to defend property anymore or even yourself. call of all people cut fourteen go there
politics is what is going to resonate because one level, you want criminal justice to be criminal justice, but you do not want to have this kind of bedlam and lawlessness. First of all, no one is towards giving people reform in terms of how this sentence to bear one I have, but a guy, lady stealing a Louis returned back is not somebody that needs social uplifting. This is somebody daddy is really causing us more of a problem. These latter liberals justified this has nothing to do with poverty disease then do you couldn't get a job piece of people? There can go back and enables we're Louis return back is not unusual and they can just read it and many other forget and they heard the cause of those the war, criminal justice reform. So at one level they hurt he stone at another level. They hurt us and are trying to get a break in the criminal justice system, which is why we were married. It pretty good.
Now sharpen and actually relatively coherent. I thought MR produce, but he's right. Isn't he. then there's Kwame Brown, former mba play for number teams and I saw this that like. I said this guy, he's right on. He's right on so he won't get to be a host on MSNBC or CNN. Cut sixteen go.
I just don't get our focus- should be on a modern, banishing beyond Coward house debt. To me, my appeal, like self defense, the court's found it s too, since the only the only bad that he had to say in jail for so long because they may some political there was it shouldn't have been polluted as you go, get aboard a gun charge him too damn gunshots or let the boy I'm sure a seventy or walking around with a shotgun would have been a misdemeanor which would have been probation. He could have been home being fruit, loops, aware, really stated at making like tat and some black tat in some vigour. So we can have people come on March and get checks off a little teenagers back, and that means coin, trying to give money off of teenagers, trying to use a situation for political game to meet us corner everything, political, ok, but a razor already, a bunch of people even paid pushed his ratio. As I did not know lane, I really don't got nothing to say to only then I get paid off all the talk about how races he's talking to you, joy and joy.
He's talking to you. Kimmel. He's talking to the whole line up at MSNBC and CNN, the pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post he said how the hell is this racist, some kids defending himself and found innocent. Which is what were also go ahead.
The house is the everyday telling you how bad it is not by you drive a bees plan all over the world. You speak in engagements black tyres is security? Does all bad off on a figure I saw shouted Jesse Jackson also got a role in mind that black ass a curious that black issue we arrive in staff. They stayed at home, the elderly, the good people of it. So they tell me how to get it. Like you, gotta tell me how to get someone in black escalate secured is that you show me to put up with plant politically my brother, and so he's Answerin effect
Ebay, horror, latte liberal, by his terms, but more on by mine in sunny Huston. and other fraud here. Talking into them. You go back to your neighborhoods in your homes and you got You got money Drivers you got shut, you got all kinds of things what do you mean? This was racist. some teenager defended himself and really I went out against three white Gus says: pimping, this stuff, He's right on cut eighteen go Sunday, if they were black, would he be free now, no clue in realising asking Sonny which she now How would sunny know that if I'll Rittenhouse were black. Would he be free now now. But it doesn't matter. as Kwame says: I'd love
meat Deca? Mr Purvis, I would love to meet that guy. He's really solemnly If he can tell Kwame Brown go ahead, Why reporting that they got their clapping seals in the audience, black. Would he be free, not know he wouldn't be alive? Not what are you applauding? You know happened, slave and applause sign. cloning, the clapping she'll go ahead I agree that it wasn't a cotton and cut and dried case of self defence. Why do I care if you disagree and you're in one of the stupidest, shows that we develop a human beings? The view the view from where Are these people chosen so Not by their smarts there, yet this yet this look it up.
the yet does it's like over the dinner table there? They are the there there they gossip ramble. You know, Go ahead, thank that when you certainly gosh. I wait here. May I say with all due respect. we have a very, very fascinating gas coming up. I think. very fascinating to me. And he's written a book on Watergate. and he's written a book on Watergate in this is a man during that time, Nixon I believe he served in his administration And it turned on next. But then he found something out. And he said: wait a minute. This is wrong. What took place.
we don't have all the facts, and now I have all the facts. the bands name is Jeff, Shepherd the some conspiracy Watergate in the plot to remove the president, not please. I want you to listen to this man, because guarantee he's not gonna get beyond any these other Network shows. I'm probably the first major programme is going to be on so you'll see all the yet back benches get all excited. But that said I won t.
Here with this man has had on our having question Eminem going to now will be ripe aim act. The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounted, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants, and I have a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S by. I read it excerpt from this book, the next spiriting Watergate pottering present. I repeat, I think it was in the near posters, absolutely fascinating to me and very credible
Guest is Jeff Shepard who worked in the Nixon White has for five years. He was also involved in defence. the president for a period of time then. He concluded that the president really hurt Then all the things he was accused of an Watergate and now. He's done an enormous amount of research and he says, wait a minute wait. Jeff shepherd: how are you, sir? I'm fine? Thank your mom Thank you for having me under show. Well, the pleasure tell us briefly about your background and then Cause you to wonder if, in fact, the Watergate story was accurate, cause you're, not some kind of a cook or anything you're serious person were trying to do grow up in southern California. Will your college, what you swore techniques in Latvia and then I wanna scholarship to Harvard LAW School in coming. Harvard LAW school I was chosen as well. A fellow is one of the youngest white fellow Javert chosen and at the end
My fellowship year, I joined Nixon's stab. Let's stay provided that was a member of the original domestic council and I did see work on the law and order a ship. and then, when Watergate here I ask for a seat at the table. I and I became jeopardy Council to the Watergate the sand. I transcribe detail around the document rooms holding ceased files and my staff, the presidential counselor. Honour on Watergate and the as yet no no, it ended rather bad life. Are you using a firm legal side? You are involved in the teeth of this. You went chestnut observer. You aren't, you are active in this process. Oh I I I wasn't senior. but I was in the room for every major decision. I may I was afraid bazaar was the press. Aid inside lawyer, and I wish you step it right. So
you you decide that the president's gilding right well what happened right at the end, and there was a huge surprise mark. We were all shocked. You defend the president, oh and what he did actually learned. There was a cover up from you learned from John Dene and then nowhere. This tape appeared that suggested the press, It was involved in the cover up from six days, act the original break em back in June, of making seventy two and edit. It was such a surprise ever he turned on the president and I am beginning to look like you. Ve been leading his lawyers on and I was just as disgusted as everybody else, but then over time. I start doing some research because of that particular cape. It's called the smoking gun the third person to hear it. I prepared the official transcript island,
get the smoking got you're the guy Fischler, current quote, who named the smoking gun. I just want everyone to know that guy it Although I am there's no question in fact, in Woodward's book called final days he's trying to. down coordinate came from it and he gets a The cinema speechwriters unit to say the early She heard the phrase with from me So I mean I didn't I didn't talk, there would talk to the animal, but what it was he was my yeah, my camera. the reservation it turned out. We were wrong, it was smoking gun, and then over time, as I was doing, research on the special prosecutors files. I rebuilt the case. For the President, I turned around completely in that basically, what the book It lays out,
thing we know after fifty years of disclosure, but I want to jump in vain because because we have limited time it wasn't just while I read in a turner, you had a fight. documents, you had a fight for information. Finally, this stuff starts coming out, What do you learn about the roadmap? What're? You learn about the prosecutor's office of the judges. What are you learn as you're going through this, while the short summary next and was driven from office by a secret cabal of vindictive judges and partisan profit Peters and of cooperating he'll staff. But what really happened is that support top prosecutors. look there records with some when they left office so The networks is supposed to have all the files, but they didn't have them and they grant they all night first within the last eight years.
Clashes of documents from for the top prosecutors and then I got the road map and the road map for your listeners, education was the sick, grand jury, testimony that the prosecutors said nailed connection proved. He was personally again or in the cover up, but fifty Was grand jury evident, it was conveyed, But don't you your house impeachment committed? I helped you did your committee in correct we never saw it. We ever knew what they were. using lexicon of having done so. We were, we were of boxing in the dark. I got tat field In twenty eight thing it had been secret for forty five years and that's what the book is about. The book says: look look at what they did look at what they said in secret. They couldn't prove it.
they married facts, island, right either hazards, Emmy break off a boundless and I'd like to carry over the break to. If I might change your short and it's this. did Nixon led a cover up that encourage them to raise hush money. What was that all about? No? He wasn't directly involved in any of that Money was paid, but what in bringing about it- is that it was paid poor legal fees and humanitarian aid and it was happy elated up at the prosecution for the cover up there. dime was paid against an invoice for legal fees, for humanitarian aid, but the prosecutor, If we have one dime, was also paid to by fire from the Watergate burglars there. there's a cover up in June
By this time, the person Sawyer had switch sides. Any figures that was the reason but we were paying the money, but little and involved in raising the money or the money that was that was done at a much much lower level and the moon, intriguing working documents. I am covered from the prosecutors on file, they save for them first man that job They came in looking for immunity looking to sweat side. He never saw you know called it. How much money you said yes There was money being paid, Buddy say was buying silent and energy. As you know, you pay would. changes her testimony in the hands of the prosecutor. That much,
Be disclosed, we're gonna, take a break me about heartbreak. But the point is you saying: Nixon, never directed the raising of hush money. He wasn't involved in raising of hush. Money was raised with him, but he was never involved. We're gonna have more of Jeff Shepard and his great, but when we return AIM Act, the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending, disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy. Joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a seed dot! U S! Magua grim, Thunder Roma right call in low paid seven seven four year, Gordon forty eight ward, want a book. Is the Nixon conspiracy Watergate in the plot to remove the president its on Amazon? This is like a killer book
Jeff Shepherd didn't get in on my social site and go directly Amazon or retail store? I don't know authoritarian, but hopefully they were you say you in your press release Jeff that at the prosecutors were basically dishonest and that they work they had a series of secret meetings. Will Watergate judges improperly properly neighbouring vindictive charge? I guess Eureka come on. Let me finish with the question: please to name himself to preside at the trial. What did you mean by that? Well, there are indications. They had at least a dozen secret meetings with Judge Director to work out details in it, of the trial, their form, right that I have uncovered, or they described, they did in the meetings and why? I'm from because, in order of course,
Record to be all the name of shopkeepers, chief judge nor yet the authority, but the prosecutors had to request special handling to take case out of the normal rotation of judges. So your work, you, the special prosecutor, went to Syracuse members on the morning of the indictment, and they were Hearst how they would do it. You say there stood outside. then you say this will hand down the indictment I'll call for special handling and then will take up. This document called the road map with you which are the accusations, the secret accusations against Naxa, so what what what? What deprived, what that, what the documents show- and this is all based on documents that are publicly- level now why I uncovered them, but there are publicly available, meetings, where the judges soup other evidence that was helpful to the defence and I'll write, falsehoods and miss presentations made.
Grandeurs, anti congressional staff alike. With regard to the present personal involvement that's all laid out in the book and of course, some of this illegally. You send that and you got to take that with a grain of salt, but people realize you can't have secret meetings with the judge. That's just that is an out and out denial of a fair trial and we You know we have guarantees of due process in the fifth and sixth amendment store constitution that that make plastic, letters play fair. They have incredible powers, but they also have rules of conduct and what I learned most recently. This is just last month. Markham in the book is now out, but when I learned after the book was at the publisher, yes, There's a special unit within the Department of Justice Whose sole mission is to investigate our
visions of wrong doing by justice, department lawyers. It's called the if not the inspector general is called the office of Professional respond. Melody and I've filed a formal complaint against what the special prosecutors did. Fifty years ago, But then I added don't thank me It's too long, there's no statute of limitations on ethical violations and the Saying very lawyers who shaded took their files with some that precluded any knowledge, your understanding of their wrongdoing at so the department of jobs, these are career lawyers at the Department of Justice. are under a current obligation to way all the stuff that's disclosed in my book. This is quite remarkable, basically saying mix it had nothing to do with the cover up, zero missing, didn't
know about the cover up. Both President Nixon and John Dene, who really ran the cover up, have maintained consistently, he didn't know anything until the maiden of of Wednesday March twenty first nineteen, seventy three when John Dene goes in it says: there's a cancer on the presidency. A lot of has been going on and you're gonna have to make decisions, and you don't know, what's been going on and he does scribes, that people have been per during themselves and that money has changed hands that that the house It is asking for a hundred and twenty thousand dollars SAM. legal treason, debt repayment of these, but two thousand years because he's maybe let off to jail, and he wants walking around money first family
There's no way I mean what the way John D describes. It is disastrous, now blackmail and then he and opposed to talk about what they should do and it's all on Kate, never transcribed, tat so I can go chapter so what is said? The only decision at that meeting for famous meeting is we need to bring John Mitchell, the attorney general former attorney general down from the York Anderson what to do and Mitchell come Mitchell comes down the next day and and their more meetings of what to do, but so intriguing is that very night that very Wednesday night, a payment is made to the Watergate burglars. So the prosecutor said showed in other things speaks well. Let's learned at a meeting that ended at noon and the pay occurred at ten o clock that night. What other?
explanation. Could there be, and then they said about trying to heard their witness to India. Do testifying that every occurred in that can our window on Wednesday afternoon, but they couldn T they had a missing link chain of events so they lied about it at that but I've uncovered with regard to the road map. It's it's just in Well, now you you, you don't a situation where Nixon is absolutely exonerated but Nixon, did not do what the prosecutors occurs. of doing in that and this is a while back mark this is fifty years ago, it was failed. If you're goin to deny the president has real action, you the prove personal involvement in a crime that was-
equivalent of bribery or trees in which are mentioned in the constitution. Not there was Conspiracy and John Dene broke the law and left as a part of the conspiracy but Nixon himself they had the catch him with his hand and a cookie jar and the profit there said were up to it. We ve got it weak, Prove that he directed payment of blackmail to hunt better occurred that afternoon are these. People are these. people learn these four per sk as you talk where they still alive. One of them is still These are the people who on the road map are still alive, but link on July. He was just got your brought here. He took it, but he took her to load animals, women, caught, took his memos. Aren't you stop there?
a guy named James, born bird who was really the power behind the throne. He took his files and then We took the person who still alive, who was an insult to the special prosecutor. Stouter personal stuff a younger lawyer named Philip lock up IRA who took it what is our name sound familiar a very prominent lawyer. He was president the bar association always set general care General Electric for Jack Welsh. Anything guy, but I gotta tell you, read some of those things hoodie road and you begin to wonder: have you tried to contact him with these documents? No, I don't. I don't deal with Visa former special prosecutor. Now. Another gentleman still alive is one to lead lawyers in the cover up trial led prosecutors that Richard Ben domestic hell I'll, listen. I've dealt with him. He says, he's a nasty dude,
He is one of the most personally obnoxious people that exists. I agree with a terrible person. Is he still arise, but yeah yeah he's dead. now, member always this lawyer, annexing staff and seventy seven. they're they're all a year or two round, my age float, those that are still around I remember a ban. Vanunu was counsel for the Democrats, with Jean Louis and others during the mile gap, calculus with capital and a map scam. They owe it. They always used to bring her manners the hip and for them to meet hit me I'd work. I think of him. As a Democrat, spear carrier Well, let me ask you this. I assume the book was carefully reviewed from a legal perspective. Cause you have. Some of these guys are litigious Nelson Nothin for them the file, something This is my third book,
based on the record, they're, all on Watergate, they're, all based on documents that are publicly available I've now. Her been challenged, not a single fact in the book. their problem. Is this Jeff if they do well the sky? cuts. Both ways doesn't discovery category. I don't think they wanted to just themselves to my discovery, you know, I'm other people's lives? moved on Mark in my head I am so up on the date and the unfair and envy and the context of these documents, and you know it's one thing to determine: had secret meetings, What is so? What is so appalling is road memos about their meetings and, in I've got these Emma. I guess they never learn. Anybody would see them. Did they want oh
We have. We had strange, most on our side to on totally different subjects, people don't think what might come out in twenty or thirty years. There are people in this administered. In the Bible administration, there were people and proper administration who were riding mammals that will come out over time. They will prove very embarrassing. I've gotta go, but you can see how, but when you were watching what was being done, the trunk, by Adam shift in his work with this should collusion, stuff and use Ukraine tranche got. You must have been? U s I'm thinkin thinking way back at all my God, there said Miss Gaia. Well, this days Yahoo all over. Exactly one say one say: yeah a set of accusations becomes highly polluting, died, truth
the window, it becomes a movement and nobody cares what truth is at it's very discouraging interview you talk about them of law and you Evidence- and you want proof- Nobody cares. They just recite the talking point and they come. They come to believe them just because they were signed. And the media, up again those regretted they are no help whatsoever. That there's you know, do you work is almost impossible to fill the media and I'll do it. story one day and then that will be It is fact from then on listen. This I have to go. I could talk to you all day. This is fascinating. The book is fascinating. It's called the Nixon Conspiracy Watergate in the plot to remove the president, whether x and faded out is beside the point. He's explaining how our justice system can work in a very, very sometimes
a correct way, and we ve been saying that more and more and more out in the open, Jeff Shepherd. I want to. Thank you. Thank you for doing this. All thank your mom, I enjoyed it very much. I sometime we can talk again. I amen, hey man, you can get this book at Amazon, DOT, com or my social sites or any I soon retailer the nexus spirits see Watergate in the plot to remove the president, it really does have a lotta overlay. What goes on today with these prosecutions, I'm not kidding and I was involved in the IRAN Contra Matter defending a former attorney general nice. I saw how sleazy these people can be an? U solid with both eyes and the cow Rittenhouse case grab copies of American Marxism on Amazon right now, as fast you can we'll be right back then aims
the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U S love both difficile thanks! I won't be here tomorrow. My buddy Larry, O Connor will be here he's great.
obviously Thursday, with of fantastic best of Friday, my buddy Brian Muddle, be here. Please don't forget to watch coming Sunday, a pm eastern time? I won't be here to remind you, My exclusive interview with the present I know, there's our other views with the president. Now that, as president trap at this was the first, it aired at eleven p M eastern time Sunday. And he got a mass of rating, a one point: seven at me. Most two million people, I think watched it eleven p m at night on Sunday, eastern time but we're gonna run it at eight p. M East Time this Sunday in here is something I wanted to tell you discussion with the present enemy went on for some time, so we ve broken, The two programmes to part so you'll see the first part this Sunday and the second part the next Sunday night hope you'll dvr. If he can watch live,
other people might mention it I know well Jimmy. Can has been watching with bated breath. I should say: breath in his case a guy sits there. He eats like You see this guy, I mean and he's been accused of all kinds of stuff there with the black faces their marking women, but he's dead now. You know he's all different now he's a big radical left wing cook. Who is not funny at all. He wasn't even funny when he was hanging out with Howard stern member? That. Think that guy's night show standards. There are no standards. Johnny Carson, That was a standard and there other grates these guys. Joke, like all the other Democrats who destroy one culture or another, but look As I said, I think Senator Cruz beat him in a basketball game. Them. As a matter of fact, I know I could be crap out of the sky in a you, have seen just one round.
So let us had marked trace. Gonna beat up to make him, and now I didn't say that I said I could. I would never do such a thing. Tat face looks like it's already been feeding, ladies and gentlemen, have a magnificent banks giving seriously. I can't wait to see again on Monday I'll be thinking about you will be posting things. Grab your copies of american Marxism, be safety well and enjoy your plan.
Transcript generated on 2021-11-24.