« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/12/24


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Donald Trump joins Mark to discuss the disinformation from the Democrat party and press, who paint Trump as a dictator while President Biden defies the Supreme Court and has our borders wide open. Iran was broke after the Trump administration which meant they had no money to fund terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, but now Iran has billions from Biden removing sanctions. The Democrat Marxist ideology seeks to change the American people into dispirited, tentative, and compliant citizens who are subservient to the government. In truth, the Democrat party and their surrogates seek a despotic government. Nobody with any objectivity would hire Joe Biden for anything, but Biden is being pushed by a corrupt Democrat media and billionaire donors trying to destroy our constitutional republic. Also, Iran is on the brink of having a nuclear weapon and we have quislings like Biden and Antony Blinken who seem to think that we ought not to defend ourselves and the bad guys will just go away, except appeasing these terrorists only emboldens them. This is why the world is on the brink of war – not because of the strength of the American military, but the decision to stand idly by while the world is burning. The only reason we have these forever wars is because we do not seek victory.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The the. america mark levine here our number eight in seven three, am I really am anyway? I'm eights seven, three, eight one, three one might ok I'll do properly present. Probably on the programme next hour. You know it I have a letter, heavyweight candidates,
What on the programme now and then, but there you go, we look forward to it. So is a good time. So as a great gas, now It's interesting, you know the show begins. Hearing the music. Mr producer knows that I have a plan, Then I aboard the plan immediately again right now, because What does it matter? How I think, but I was thinking about much of the unreality that we have to deal with. The vast majority things that were told to believe we don't believe the vast majority of things that our kids are told to believe we tell them, don't believe it most.
of which cause comes across our cable news tv, radio, news word news: we don't believe it, in other words, so much of what's going on in our country today in our lives, today, slowly, nothing to do, but what were being taught And, on the other hand, things are changing in our country. in ways that we reject, in fact, in many ways were paul, but it's not like. We put it up to something If the plebiscite you and I don't really have a say in any of these things, what goes on our classrooms k through twelve? These are called public schools, but their government schools, their indoctrination mills,
Is the progressive told us a hundred twenty years ago, a the american marxists? They should be. They bar that from Stalin. How do we know they told us, they told us right there, the pages of the new republic and nineteen twenty eight john doing himself. Woodrow Wilson told us in nineteen o eight, I'm doing this off top of my head, but this way works when he was president of princeton I wrote a treatise on the constitution and how to interpret forget about the constitution. He says in so many words to an old document, and you hear today he can't possibly keep up with a big, vibrant industrialized nation, which was not the founding.
and reject the declaration. He says all that talk about unalienable rights and we get our rights from god and all the rest, that's all quaint stuff to coin stuff. But what does that have to do with anything says, look at the back of the declaration where they have over twenty complaints that they're making that's what you need to look at. Franklin rows of outward told us the greatest modern president for the democratically It is president ever why, because he destroyed. their economic system. He prolonged the depression. He changed the relationship between we, the People in the individual in government in ireland.
Democratic, gets elected, wants to do better and be bigger than sdr, including the idiot it's in the above his right now. He went to war to the supreme court of the it states you want. The war destroyed, its independence threaten a packet. Eventually did, as the older members of the court retire to replace them radicals and racists justice black. When a lawyer for the clan in Alabama senator from Alabama You look at our entire history held three red. You look at the history, the democratic party versus the republican party, the collapse rewritten. They actually flip the party. You look at the people who bring you news, If no real substantive background, they have no real substantive experience and, to the extent they have
any rosa may you'd say reza may that is radical or a regiment of being with or connected to in some way the democratic party, the overwhelming majority of them and look like. These people use modern technology to further trying. For us and brainwash whether it is social media, but for one of my heroes, elon musk, look at them. They were more than happy to do the bidding of the bite administration, the f b, I dhs adam schiff, more than happy to do it and they did it. The pages of the new york times this is a newspaper cooperation that should We're on a business a long time ago for its out
adrian inhumanity, whether was ukraine or the third reich or cuba. Today, with Hamas in Israel, who are these people. Joe scarborough make a brzezinski lightweight failed. Politicians and operatives and radio hosts comcast gives them a platform whose comcast, what are they, whose on their board, So much of what's going on swirling around us, we have no control over. It is Tat it our ears, but they have control over what our government, how our kids are taught. And it's ninety nine point: nine percent pro
Some american marxist democrat party ideology. They seek to change the american people from a free thinking, engaged independent, curious and industrious people to a people who dispirited silenced, subsidized, inattentive and compliant, and in this pursuit, language and thought control are essential and should they succeed, while there will likely exists, the patina away Free and vibrant people living under democratic conditions and voting in regular elections cycles, but all be a grand deception because in truth, the demo. at party and these surrogates and these elements in our cultural oversee and omnipresent despotic government.
There were rule and matters large minute, the evidence of which is rising. All around us look at Joe Biden. Nobody with any objectivity any seriousness any did his desire to succeed would ever higher job. I do anything, he can't do anything and he's never really done anything other than get elected, a sentence Times from a tiny democratic state, they hang on obama's coattails, who never did anything either to begin vice president, the united states please running his campaigner. There's no real campaign.
There are legal efforts to try and get Joe Biden elected president. There are billionaires trying to get Joe Biden elected president. There are free media massive kind contributions coming from the Democrats in the media and the corporatist their own. These media platforms and outlets. He's gonna run a democracy, victor Davis hand, If I get around to it, has a great peace today that Joe Biden seems to think he has to destroy democracy. In order to run on democracy, these people are destroying more accurately our constitutional republic there, destroying it. Even today, as I speak and there's no push back, there's no room.
the attention I seen in the washington examiner by breaking the eyes. Education department, accelerate student loan debt cancellation plan. But why does this matter? What does a man? This is a grave usurpation of the power the purse from congress, particularly the republican house and its again a violation of separation of powers because he is defying. He is usurping the supreme court in its ruling that he doesn't have this power and money goes. The media very powerful. They dont report something while them for millions of people. Nothing ever happened, The bite administration announced this morning, it's expanding and accelerating its income driven stood alone, forgiveness, bull bars or
We took our lawns of twelve thousand or less had made a lease. Ten years of payments will be eligible for complete debt cancellation as early as next month. They call it the saving invaluable education plan. This is a crude, despotic effort. Unconstitutional on at least two levels in which you the transfer wealth from the taxpayer or those of us who have to pay the interests on the debt and future generations to part of his voting base. Three way. ago, he signed an executive order, increasing the salary, the salaries of all federal personnel by five and a half percent the greatest increase in forty to fifty years. Just did it Sign an executive order that they kept quiet for as long as you possibly could they gives full
hours leave for any bureaucrats to vote. a four hour relief for any bureaucrat work at the precincts. That's an army two million people die of bombing majority of whom are Democrats and donated democrats with the signature of a pen, who had no input. I had no input, nobody at any import. It's out there in independent media. Hasn't been reported by big media corporate media because they don't care they supported. They support the Democrats. In addition to the twelve thousand dollar ten year payment limit for immediate cancellation, the plan allows bars to receive them if it, after one year of additional payments per one thousand dollars above twelve thousand borrowed now who pass this law. Nobody who said he couldn't do it the supreme court
but he's doing while he's running around talking about democracy. Therefore somewhat aboard thirteenth. We have to make a minimum payment eleven years before getting remainder, a visitor, Daddy raise the offers, based on the original principle alone, not care a debt that part. In education added. It believes that the plan will make eighty five percent of community college bars debt free within ten years. It's not my job, that's not your job and by the way, what does it teach this generation had? To be honest with you? I always am. I have friends, and I know people are very upset about the Democrats very upset
the growth of government. There very upset about people on the doll they get and that one hundred percent correct. And yet some of them are on the dull. This is what mrs men. That we all sound like marxists now there on the doll, probably work in the system while complaining about. I sometimes you have to throw your hands in the air and say Jesus. They ve conquered us. They devoured this generation. This generation.
Now the education department is going to announce an outreach programme to accompany the role at which the department will start emailing borrowers to encourage them to sign up for the programme and also plans to work with third, is to boost and roman and the plan. So you can see that this is basically a democrat party operation, thereby giving these such leniency to mortgage borrowers. People borrow money to buy but nor should they just a specific group of people. Ben, so here I am
we discuss with you a serious, a grave violation of the constitution, separation, power and more Costing you and me the american people. Have a trillion dollars and they're moving as fast as they can to go out. The money. Imbibing has absolutely no constitutional authority to do any court has said so. I mean I've, analyzed it their correct, a hundred percent less you don't believe in the power. Purse belonging to congress. Nothing nothing on cnn, aramis, MSNBC, nothing in the pages of the new york times are washed imposed. Nothing in the network news coverage, putting in any news coverage a grey
eve violation of the constitution. Grave cos you have a trillion dollars. no big deal when my with was a kid. His teaches didn't, like is nine sense of humour today, face stilled out like a cool marked within now, petty seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty, eleven minor president trouble on its seven, our second, our eastern time. Joe Biden says in allentown today, at the nowhere. coffee shop wireless,
for yourselves cut one go already. We will make sure that we respond. I do yes say, listen so, playing this for reason, number one,
is asked of, the hoodies are a terrorist group. He says I think they are well donald trump. Label them as a terrorist group which has legal implications. Joe Biden lifted that As soon as he came into office is IRAN doesn't want a war with us. but IRAN is a war with us Was there a successful strike last night? He says yes, I don't think there were any civilian casualties. So that's the test you see of whether it's a successful strike. I want to raise a couple of points about this. It really sickens me stomach, though we have american soldiers under attack. We have an american tanker, We ve had american ships under attack.
and finally, I administration? Doesn't it hit around? It hits the hutus. Can we have some so called constitute Conservatives in congress democrats as well- saying you have to have a declaration of war. in order to hit the hoodies. in yemen or anywhere else declaration of war, not stupid. Now you don't, I mean two logical to irrational. First of all, that's not the way we ve ever applied the constitution ever ever. Even the men who were around during the time of the constitutional convention and shortly thereafter, that's not how they defined a d.
Duration of war around practice. At that time we were fighting the pirates of coast of africa, somalia today and so forth, and declare war when you too, where war. That means that you will put all your resources, your military power together. To go to war with an opponent and back then advantage. Try the opponent, but that's not what we're doing. That's, not what we're doing Another been occasions when we should have declared war but attacking the hoodies the way the
the attack them really pin pricks does not require a declaration of war. How stupid and these so called constitutional lists. Are they familiar? Was supreme court? President? That's number one. Number two. We have republicans as well as democrats from turbo republicans, the likes of gates and others who seem to think. like they radical, left the worthy colonialists worthy imperialists that way
start all these fights, my god they ve been attacking american soldiers. Attacking IRAN is using its surrogates iran. What did it take out? A former secretary of state in former national security adviser, both of whom still have protection Iran is preparing a nuclear weapon and I can do. what did you do a hundred one, and so we have these quisling dressed up as republicans or even constitutional experts. That's right quisling who seem to think that we ought not defend ourselves.
Is that these bad guys will just go away. They're, not going away they're, emboldened they're, more appeaser and isolationists than Joe Biden. Joe Biden is funding IRAN they're going to lift a damn finger to stop it, nothing, nothing with them by their. By their view, ladies and gentlemen, we are a slash, the military budget by fifty percent. What do we need it for? What do we need it for if we have to declare war against terrorists in yemen,.
The poor shooting missiles and using drones against our ships and against our personnel. We have to declare war in order to fire sixty message, then we might as well surrender because the people who hide behind the constitution, that people who claim their america first, when their america last the people who can supporter response, not bite and, for god's sakes, a real response. Face of our men and women and military being a tat. Make me sick to my stomach Biden, makes me my stomach. Haze widen the war in the middle east by appeasement appeasement as a provocation. That's why Putin rolled into ukraine. That's right, china rolled into hong kong and trying to get our role that taiwan? That's why don't we
at break a war, not because america strong not because we we strike too many enemies. It's because we don't do ass. That's why that's? Why. Now that aside, look at the abide administration and what they're doing their funding iran, which is funding the hoodies in Hamas and Hezbollah, their funding Hamas through the EU and their funding, the p allow the arafat p allowed directly their funding iran with tens of billions of dollars directly and indirectly, they lifted the sanction Trot put on IRAN, I was starving it. There was the fading, adding economically the way we defeated the soviet union. This clown.
Walks into the white house with a self hating clown right next to lincoln, who work with the money was in the other set it should it prove in foreign policy committee. I can't say fashion and have not and are well aware. I ran, doesn't want a war without radiance this. They laugh there on the brink of having nuclear weapon? Then it's too late, then what the hell are we gonna do when the attack occurred, these really Jews and october. Seventh, the buying them in a situation took more time going out there telling the american people around and nothing to do with it. Why? Because of her aunt did, and they did then blanket
some and yes biden- have blood on their hands. They breathe life back into that regime. That people were rising up overthrow that regime where all these republic in her all over the place on social me, lying about what the constitution requires lying about american history lying about our military men and women in the military. Where are they on ran? How many have they introduced legislation or in congress to deal with a ran, how many these people on tv and radio demand
By the ministries should stop rearming around these phony bastards in the republican and yes in the democratic party and the media, nothing I can do about them, but these phony bastards in the republican party they're, going to get more americans killed and they're going to get their wish They will one day get their wish a massive wore, a declaration of war, which means your kids are going to be drafted, which means a lot more body bags. That's what it means they are not avoiding even trying to avoid a war. There are provocateurs they're, just too stupid or ideologically stubborn to understand. Call call me warmonger come means nothing to me because I'm not a warmonger or neo, which
in a democratic became a republic but it is a pejorative used against a jew who supports america, that's what they do, but you tell me the difference. between these people- are talking about and george Mcgovern's baron power. You tommy the difference between these. But it never chambers foreign policy. You tell me the difference between these people and truly Joe Biden, foreign powers. The only reason we have forever wars is because we don't sick victory were hit by osama bin laden, whose headquarters with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. What actually we have done.
We should have gone and there taken it s so be out and everything around and within a hundred mile radius. That's what we should it on all mark, omar, nothing. We have people today and the republican party, the democrat party at all the media, that if we were in them. where work two, they would not want us to obliterate. The third reich. Because, in order to obliterate the third reich, we had to basically blow germany up the face of the earth, they would have been no, no, no, they would have been undermining their great hero. Franklin Roosevelt. They would have been undermining george Marshall, they would have been under mining generalise and our pack and all the rest of them. I can you imagine Harry truman, a Democrat dropping to atomic bombs in order to finally defeat Japan
Because the biggest battle a war to was that the battle of the bow. Was not he gmo where my grandfather for was not those panel? It was open our. A little island off of the country, Japan, it was how can and god, we had the power and the willpower to do something about. There were no cease fires. Provide humanitarian aid to the enemy in fact way: targeted cities we targeted civilians. That was the
only way to destroy the military and the government, but not today, gotta hear you hit the hoodies okay, six, location, okay, but we need a declaration of war. I don't remember the constitution of it: bull, crap, IRAN, IRAN's been at this now, almost half a century republican and democrat president trump had them on their backs and remember. When trump came under criticism from the same people when he took out salomone, oh, my god, trump is going to provoke
Well, what can we do? You watch tunnel to towers? You watch wounded soldiers watch all these charities that are trying to help our men and women, while many of them are the casualties. Are the casualties of what the islamic nazi regime in tehran did to them? Oh, but we're provoking them. No, I don't think so. wings, he fifth column. Sometimes I wonder how they, however, going to survive with men. In march this year, at home, destroying our history destroying support for our country,. turning the current generation against our country, pulling down monuments shredding the concept
who shall other runaround claiming their defending democracy, and then we have republicans joining radical, radical hate. America, democrats, blaming us and whatever you do, don't provoked the enemy when it provoking anybody except. Our appeasement, you don't send to carry your groups and a nuclear sub and all kinds of jets with all kinds of pilots in the Middle east, where they're sitting ducks or leave troops in Iraq, where they're sitting down I, when I get pull them all out, ok, maybe even heard of things called missiles I'll, be right back Ben, hmm.
As you know, folks, I don't sit here and take poles and surveys. I don't know what everybody in the audience believes and read the count: And so my social media, because some people absolutely insane- I told you I mccarthy some time ago and many of you now wish- can Mccarthy was there? Don't you because he did present the most conservative budget. And the most conservative effort to secure the border and he did it in partnership with a freedom caucus but chip, Roy byron, Donaldson self. I have no like the current speaker. But I saw no reason to move the prior speaker. I was everything I told you he was, he told the truth. The eight people who ousted him. I reprobate.
You know really here from a many more except when their chortling, so we're stuck yet again. My views when it comes to foreign policy, national security or not be controversial, these. Are the views of a warmonger and interventionist, but somebody who loves his country wants to protect. doesn't want to see wars on our coasts and our shores. And doesn't want to see a draft. The only way you can deal with that used to do a. U need do president trumpets girdle do appear in just a few minutes will be right that this segment of the podcast is as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage
and save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for this. Sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the american mark, Levin here and, more importantly, it's a great honor to welcome and I say, a dear friend of mine and my family president trump present a tramp. How are you, sir, I'm good mark I'm getting ready to leave for a very called location. I guess concerning I'll buy their record, setting goals that we get it we're gonna, get there one way or the other
leave flag, fundamental the winners, trusting, but we have great people, I think, have a big turn out, despite the weather, because you know these are real mega people make em up the great again people and they could have data be body. They say that the entire as is greater for us than anybody else, so we should be in good shape. You know on behalf of my family, in the family, so audience. Here too, we want aware pass our deepest These two you and mrs tramp in your family on the passing of her mother, so I met once and her father and he could see by the way maloney would look at her mother. She absolutely adored her. So we're sorry about that. I thank you. It's tough Let me hear you know, as I say, I feel it We know each other quite well. I admire so much of what you doing what you ve done and then you watch the media.
The same person according to them, you not the same person that people around you know they trust supporters. No, let me just do it quickly and then I'd like you to reply. If you don't mind god, they say you attack mokroe, so you have never defied a single supreme court ruling. Joe Biden has defied too. They say tat democracy, you secured the board and follow the immigration laws. Joe Biden violates them, you are being found. Now in every instance, with these lawsuits, civil and criminal, brought by democrats in every single case, local state and federal. You never did that, your opponent, you never even carriage that they talk about an insurrection, this said no, he didn't commit an insurrection, yoda charged with an insurrection. They have not I level of evidence that you encourage people amid violence you're not charged with that, and yet they keep so,
You did and there you are- the president united states, offering the national guard not sending the national guard in to take over the capital and you left office peacefully and by and stepped in, they create this whole thing and now, which is incredibly offensive, you're. The only praise, then that has a jewish son in law, a jewish daughter who converted george grandchildren and they call you hitler, so they create this whole. I am at this whole scenario. I want to give you an opportunity to tell millions and millions of americans how this may you feel and why you think they're doing this to you, whether the party misinformation or distant information very similar, not quite exactly the same, but it sir. Towards a very similar, and they are just some terrible people. Look we people that I think they really want to hurt our country when you see open borders where millions
millions of people have come into our country and many from jails betty from many or sick, very sick people, then that sickness could be passed on in a lot of cases under, but also meddling, the are being dumped into our country, and but he is there to do anything about it. You know we had the safest border in history and today we have the worst water. It is, I believe we have the worst border in the history of the world. I don't like any. There was there's, never been a country where this is this is an invasion of our country. So when you look at what they do at what they say and they say I'm gonna dictator. Yet I eurozone only friend of man who respects you greatly, as everyone else does is shown reality, then he said to you. wanna be a decade or other said no, I wanna be a dictator one day sean one day, we're gonna, become energy, and and it had waited at close up the water add just one day, But I want to be a dictator anymore nicer than obviously joking, but
But, alas, a euro energy dependence and close up the border to things that are just a week. We had the greatest energy programme in history and now we're. I think, that all over the world we are from Venezuela and frank, moved from a ran at it's ridiculous and the same thing with the other. So that's what I was so I said I want to be a dictator but one day, and then I don't wanna be a dick, but they put me. I want to be and then they cut her off. They said Donald trump wants to be a dictator and he goes. I want to be a dictator cut ad. You know it so. it's so incredible. How They lie in their evil and they must take the country. They must state the country. You look at. Actions away. Elections are all over the place, but the election was a horrible, they think of it. If the elect I got millions more votes. We did much better at the second time that we did in twenty sixteen and twenty twond. It would did much at a millions and millions of more words but bad
happened, and you wouldn't have inflation. Israel would not have been attacked. you know very well. You said of any kind to zero chance. You know a was broke. When I was running things I wouldn't let other countries by from them. I said if you wanna buy or else from a ran you're not going to do business with the united states America and China took a pass. Everybody took a because they had a dubious, It's with those that make too much money. I also said I'm going to put tariffs on you, one hundred percent tariffs, if you do any business at all, if you buy a a. If you buy one barrel of oil from her and you're gonna, be tax added, a number of like nobody's ever tax before so they were broke in Nobody for our minds had no money for hezbollah. You know this better than anybody. You spoke about it. In fact, I said the other day a democrat congress. The television, so, whether you like dropper that they were broke, they had no money for as well, and this is a big stone. Three years ago, how there was no terrorism,
goes around. Had no money cause they're the year, the perverse of terrorism. Iran had nobody to give to these other, Upset over about twenty, eight of them actually, but people think in terms of hezbollah, they think in terms of Hamas and But others are already others, countries of terror and around applying the money now, whereas two hundred, in dollars, because he took off all the sanctions immediately. I can't even understand- and nobody can understand- why does something going on? It is like a manchurian candidate- is something going on that people don't know about it. This is so bad. What's happened, They have two hundred billion dollars. If so much body- and you look at the middle east and the problem is we have the same people that afghanistan handling. The middle east will end up in world war. Three with these people, these people- they don't know what they're doing
so you do. I let people know and we did a great job. We had the tapers border. We had the sky rebuilt, the military who had the biggest tax cuts of history. The biggest regulation cuts in history. Even things like right to dry, where we're allowed to use space, age, medicines or medicines that won't be approve. If people are terminally ill, we saved thousands and thousands of lives with right to try. We have the right to Try a medicine that is not approve your terminally ill and people travel to. Is your dad traveled to europe to travel all over the world divides up they or they had no money, they'd go home and they die, and I got that pass. They tried to get it for fifty four years, then got passed through congress, yet he got into a car in this case and we gotta turn. We did a lot of things in their actually sort of unhappy, that we did these, that ngos space force, but thinking we rebuild them
well jerry, and they gave eighty five billion dollars of that beautiful brand new equipment to the taliban. You know, if you think it's the taliban and actually Afghanistan now is the second largest seller of military equipment in the world, because they got seven hundred thousand rifles and guns. They don't need anywhere near that number. They got a seventy thousand trucks, many of them armor plated. There's no use parking lot. Your used car lot in the world that has seventy thousand cars- and these are these- are things that caused, in some cases, hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars. Seventy thousand and they're selling all this stuff and they're a massive distributor and seller of military courts. We gave it to them. We left them all of eighty five billion dollars
of equipment? We are run by incompetent, vegetables and I say all the time and then you take it back, but I say all the time you take the ted words president in history. They will not have done the damage and the harm that this man is. That ended. we still have ten months ago, bark at ten months marches allotted time for somebody to destroy our country. We could end up in world war three, so I mean Amerika, listen how president trumps ex, listen all the areas they discussed job, incapable of doing any of this. Let me is something. Mr president, people interview friend and far: do they ever to finish a thought, my viewing and listening is typically they want to project something into your conversation. They want to put you on defence, they were create a controversy. They want something. I does anybody ever any view and shut the hell up. Will you
I guess I'll get. I do speak it long complex sentences are at the bottom. Jerry in each said, Denzil, paragraph and I, by the way, you speak that, where I watch with Sean showed users interrupt you a little bit. It didn't work that well now he just, I think you said just says there go ahead and you just go on, and you know you have a lot of gems in those I'm the you beg can unite. I talk about allotted, the things recover, a lot of territory. If we have a fertile mind that if you know what you're doing you cover a lot of character, know if Biden first of all Biden would never be Don't interview like that she's got can't put two sentences together is the worst present it in the history of our country and a happy as ban is jimmy carter because he was brilliant as president by comparison the buyer. While let me ask you this: is there a final statement that you want to make to the people of ireland?
they should turn out in the cold and they snow to vote for you in regard to the farmers have been very good too. I would in particular, and with all of the different things Including getting twenty eight billion dollars for the farmers of the country, twenty eight billion from you know where bark from china. Now you tell me you think by gotta get twenty eight billion dollars. I got twenty eight because they treated our farmers. Very. ray unfairly but think we had no inflation the best economy, the history of our country. We had the greatest economy, we had the strongest border. the issue of our country. We rebuild our military, we did everything we, no regulate the regulations were cut. I cut regulations which would, by the way what were great for our farmers, but we cut regulation grey. You then anybody's ever caught regulation, including somebody that you admire ronald reagan. So do I e that we again the big
thanks guys, I didn't one of those scourges that farmers will have to pay a state taxes. They don't anymore. They used to. Over the dead father would die, leave the farm to the kids, butter and father leave it to the kids and the kids would lose them. to the bank, because I had to go and pay so much sacks it. If the borg, Egypt, the farm, you don't have a state tax to pay any more. That's a phenomenal thing that I did for the farmers and they know it, and we're way up in the balls have been at a little distance, inserting when you see, like thirty degrees below zero, but a lot of people say our voters, it's actually good for me, because our voters have a lot of spirit, more spirited, the other people and if they going to get out and vote no matter what so we'll see? But you know it's a little cold, There are start the journey tomorrow morning and it's a tough charity because the what'd, I guess they have never see that he called like they have this no and gold. It's it's pretty rough. What But, ah I'll get up there, one way or the other, and yet I plan to I plan to be up there. I had a big rally tomorrow.
But because otherwise it will probably have to put that on the sunday but we'll get out there and I think they have Tuesday, as for this election, I Great enthusiasm for something that is very important is not making them. A great a ghetto gonna make amerika great again and they understand it and we Do we have a level of spirit that I think very rarely at you. You would know this better than anybody. Very rarely people see anything quite like it. Well, The present, a god, bless you being safe. You know these planes and ultra cold weather. That would make me very, very nervous, so make sure they're checking a bolt from the damn doors William. I will pay mr do that. I promise had a little bit to how do it myself or god bless you, sir. Good luck. Thank you, god bless you too thanks a lot by taking aren t well see you heard, the present you never get the here because
relax darn relaxed we're not at loggerheads. It's an interview. It's not an inquisition is this presently treated with respect, and in that short time span? You learned a lot, perhaps not anything perfectly. No, but. He reminded of things and mister producer, does any savary likeable. You love the guy very likeable but if he watched the media. This is what I turn about. First there, let your mind be be polluted. With these Democrats, dressed up as unless you let your mind, be polluted with Chris, christy's and the others they do ronald former employees, woman, Mine's gonna be polluted, but they are not conveying to you who he really is. I am albert
Back then, The holidays have come and gone, and once again you were too generous. Don't worry, though pure talk has your back So, instead of paying varieties and eighteen to your team mobile sixty seventy eighty bucks align pure talk as unlimited plan, starting it just twenty bucks a month get phenomenal coverage in america. most dependable five g network, just twenty bucks a month friends, this how the average family saves almost a thousand dollars a year its times. Which to a wireless company that shares your values, a company that isn't afraid to invest in shows like this, a company that is veteran owned and serves veterans. So do what I did switch to pure talk. Don't wait any more go to. your talk, tat, calm, slash, Levine, l e, I n, and your save an additional fifty percent off your first month, pure taught us customer service.
Team is waiting to serve you. That's pure talk dot com, slashed, levine l to be connected right don't wait any longer again pure talk that calm, slash, levant to start off, You're saving on wireless with accompany you can be proud of pure talk. many years ago, swear to have reached the age or I can talk about many years ago. It's really weird, isn't it, Mr Barroso, you ve been with me: longer than anybody else I mean. Relatively young men at the time for we you have particular you were twenty two but anyway, so weird. So There was a year a fantastic person and he Basically ran the republican party in pennsylvania. Name was drew louis. He supply
ford against ragged and seventy six? He regretted but you said the reagan. People never asked me, but he supported reagan in eighty against all comers. And reagan made him the head of the party for a period of time, but also eventually appointed him to be sectoral. Transportation up because it's a backwater department, it certainly not you- can see all its involved there. because he needed the place to be run properly and drew Louis, had been a. Railroad, magnates investor and so forth and so long story short. I was quite friendly with him being from pennsylvania. In part of a group of were, The conservative young rebels, who back in seventy six and eighty
things. I can remember. He once told me never fly when snowing her there's ice or it's freezing he's planes, Despite all the computers and technology in the end comes down and mechanics their mechanical. and so I get nervous, I'm not Make out or anything I'm just saying you know when you have a former pray in a kennedy flying from florida to iowa. It is a little nerve wracking I would think, or when you have. The santas flying from Florida to iowa is nerve. Wreck, in its something. I've always remembered what s interesting about that Really not in a good way. as some of you may be old enough to remember that winter that hit Washington dc when a commercial jet liner question the potomac
ever you familiar, then Mister Bruce. You were tiny little kid. If you were born in all, you would have been born and because the the icing on the wings at its sat there at the airport long on the tarmac, and I went right in the Potomac river. Many people lost their lives, they were never recovered and there at the bottom of the potomac river, some people, you might remember the fellows comic federal employee. They were trying to get a woman of the potomac. She started drowning and he jumped the water, with his clothes on. and swam to her and then got her out. And that was the beginning of the. they did. The union were reagan, brought somebody in and talked about that person ahead. Had him sitting in the gallery. My point is it: We call on our you can have judged coming and going It is very, very important if their private jets com
your jets, whatever they are, that they be very, very carefully examined and make sure they And properly maintained, this is very, very bad weather for those marriage in the sky like that, I'm right! and the holidays, have come and gone and once again you are too generous. Don't worry, though, pure talk has your back So, instead of paying varieties and eighteen to your team over sixty seventy eighty bucks align pure talk has unlimited plan, starting it. Just twenty bucks a month get four mental coverage. America's most dependable five g network, just twenty bucks a month friend This is how the average family saves almost a thousand dollars a year. It's time which toy wireless company that share your values, a company that isn't afraid to invest in shows like this, a company that is veteran owned and serves veterans. So do what I did switch to pure talk. Don't wait any more go to pier
Talk tat, calm, slash, Levine, l, E g. I am, and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month pure talks. You ask My service team is waiting to serve you. That's pure talk, dotcom slashed, levine alleviation to be connected right. Don't wait any longer again pure talk that calm, slash, levant to start off the year. Saving on wireless with accompany you can be proud of. Pure talk fuck with him about fun beer on the right color, now eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight wide one folks, this middle east is what you're the president you hear in others they can make their heads or tails were burned down. bottom line is. He believes that all roads for peace and tranquillity go through tehran. It is so insane,
it's so suicidal for our country, in others,. Then we have this little speck on the map. It's called qatar. Qatar plays both sides. It's the major funder for Hamas. Besides iran. Al Jazeera, which is an islamic news organization, is qatari him. Guitar gives safe harbor. The billionaire leaders of Hamas. They spend billions of dollars, oil money. Which now we have to rely on because Joe Biden killed energy independence. Billions of dollars supporting and funding our enemies. billions of dollars, buying it Clients in Washington dc among
publicans and democrats alike. Former the congress, former members, a prior administrations and As I explained so eloquently. week before last guitars follows china. As the biggest the biggest investor of american college in university educational institutions, it's the enemy, they say our biggest military, Peace in the middle east is, in qatar, know our biggest military presence in the middle east as Israel, not qatar, and the military back its israel, not qatar
So what is Joe Biden do in the face of all this? Does he publicly pressure qatar? to stop funding Hamas? Does a publicly pressure qatar to stop? Buying are colleges and universities and paying for these islamists, including tenure professors, though you know what he did. He secretly signed a ten year extension on that base guitar ten years. That means future students least one maybe more, will be obligated unless they break that agreement. I didn't hear the constitutionalist, the republicans directing not one day, I'm one of them if they, Did I can barely hear them daddy?
Mitch, Mcconnell John corn and all the republican pallbearers. I didn't hear them say a damn thing: did you they're not jealousy protecting the power of congress, involved in making a foreign policy. Are they now they sit on their fat asses. And make deals with shermer and our came jeffreys ion yes Biden. They cut off the speaker of the house johnson, but therefore Nicky hilly, don't where everything will be fine qatar, environment and what took place on october. Seventh: bothered negotiating for hostages. I mean think about this. Aren't you sick of this.
Joe Biden cuts the steel in secret and they make it public vines running farm policy, secretly an awful lot of it. He sends a thug that phony that fraud that self haider blanket in the middle EAST seven times according andrea metro, can't you get the israelis to stop sick sick Troops are coming under attack, it's not from the israelis. We just need peace in our time. Israel just needs to surrender a third of its country, its ancestral homeland. The little birth of judaism started the literal birth of julius. in a tiny little place in that way, Part of what they surrendered to the palestinians, who have absolutely.
Oh claim to one inch of any of that. None. that's right and all the israelis have to do- is give up that land and more. They need to make sure that the citizens of Gaza remain these citizens of Gaza. Now, how are they going to prevent those citizens. from voting and Hamas again and those citizens. Well, if you vote for Hamas, hitler's, how can you be considered just purely innocent. If the body politic allows the building of miles and miles of underground effectively like the waste system in new york to be used for terrorism started. they don't know about it, that's the biggest infrastructure investment in building
Bigger than anything we ve done recently now this since have to be in on it. The mosques have to be in the hospitals have to be in on it. The school systems have to be in on the p have to be vienna. They know it was gonna. It's they didn't see or hear anything Hamas is hiding anything and in Gaza. But martha hiding their underground from the people. People know exactly which cause your fifty thousand terrorist militia, their families marijuana them Murdered to israelis and called his dad dad told him what a great job done he was crying. He was so proud to whole culture. You ve taught us a little kid.
How is it that we knew this when it came to the nazis in the japanese door war too? How is it that we knew that put out Joe Biden, the israelis who were ok. Gaza cease fire andrea It shall says we need a diplomatic solution. Ok, that's enough! Now! Please, please, give us the hostages that you tortured and raped. Can you please give them back to us? Please please pretty! Please, that's not enough, provide and blanket that's not enough for tapir and mitchell. That's not it up!. Four sorrows: that's not it for Bernie sanders and the other yes I'll, say hitler. Arians bernie you with us. In addition to that.
They ve got a pull over half a million israelis out of judea and sumeria. Take them out of their homes, take them out of their ancestral homelands. and turn it over to the mostly peaceful palestinian rebuilding tunnels. As I speak, her committing acts of terrorism against the settlers and as I've said over and over again And others, of course repeated and that's good. It can be a settler in your own home. Call the neighbourhood settlers, the zoo, sattler an honor there's, no ridiculous. Yes, it's absurd. Well, the israelis have been in in central homelands longer than all of them. How bout that.
And to deal with the babylonians, the persians, the romans, the arabs, the deal alone. Guess we don't teach history, certainly not ancient history anymore, tv. You have to listen to jake tapper jake tapir has the I q of a p, here's the integrity, but he has no integrity and he's not alone. do not allow so see? U s quietly reaches agreeable qatar. This is even see an end to keep operating largest military base in the middle east, but the largest military presence, the united states, has the middle east is israel now air base, its Israel is really intelligence, the israeli military.
The idea they work hand in glove with the united states military Qatar has no military, spends money from fighting terrorism against our allies, the israelis. I wish the media would do us a favour, but I'm asking too much. I understand that provide a list of all the americans for their companies. Other groups that are on qatar peril whomever they are doesn't matter to me whomever they are. Because the little bastard embroider runs a country scanner, They would mass murder and he's bought the influence and the silence and the support, The united states congress, including republicans, who will not push back what just took place
there's one or two like tom cotton, but most of them walk there quiet too late, there's nothing. We can do afterwards. This basis for important. You know that's qatar so Biden, funds, qatar, bide refunds, iran by funds. Hamas Biden, funds, the who the who tease and the hooters and all the rest biden, funds as bizarre that Israel's the problem you see here back then, the holidays have come and gone and once again you are too generous. Don't worry, though pure talk has your back so, instead of paying verizon and eighteen to your team over sixty seventy eighty bucks align pure talk has unlimited plan, starting it. Just twenty bucks a month get
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because we figure you're going to want to watch and when you decide you don't want to watch them, I will stop doing it. Don't do it for the money. I've got enough money. I don't do it because I, like my face on tv, I don't care about any of that. none of it? I do it because I think, promotes our mission and you will find it both entertaining an intriguing and informative. So we Going to have on saturday really terrific show, I hope, you'll join us, we're gonna have run. Santas will be the second guest on the programme on Sunday. Program, we're going to have Stephen miller issues may stephen where is our second guess? We're gonna dig into the the border and our first gas will be stephen, more wigand, into the economy. These are issues that are very important to us. You really do We worry going to do it, in a way that only my show doesn't belong, For form of you, I ask a question and I listened to the answer: I'll be right back,
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The is here now broadcasting on the underground and endless teeth and the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mike love. The Hello america mark Levin here are numbered eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one Just a reminder, ladies and gentlemen, and I want is strongly encourage It was part of the year. in family here. To do this, then costly assent just takes about two minutes of your time seriously I'm going to tell you how to download the app or have access to my podcast
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and I think I mentioned a week or two ago that I have an entirely new project in mind to take advantage of this technology particularly in this election year. My wife is very much against me doing any more, but look that's what I do. so what I'm doing and what I'm going to do, and it won't be the too distant future- going to lock in and secure a partner. Perhaps too. and I want to have a thirty minute brand new, fresh podcast, just thirty minutes Where the mission is to promote liberty, the constitution, an american us- that's my plan,
we at actively working on it and actively talking to potential partners. And I also believe by doing that, weakening literally expand the podcasting for both us and our partners, in a more homes, more phones in a more cars in a more places with that thirty minute brand new weekly podcast, in addition to the other- so. It will be very special thing. We're doing. I have never done this before I'm not gonna be around forever. So I want to do it. and we will have a sponsor that will work with usp a sponsor that is patriotic and also concerns about the is concerned about the future of the country. So that's where we are on that. Alright, now back to business,
Nancy Pelosi on the constipated news network today, a first of all. I want you to hear what he says cause we timed it about fifty seconds and she's not interrupted wherever Donald trump, as interviewees interrupted relentlessly Quite frankly that follows with the scientists to why I am so far baja lebanese interested in that crap. We wanna hear what these people have to say, but cnn allows nancy policy. Two mumble on with her gibberish endlessly when these clowns, have an opportunity to interview donald trump. He can't get five words out of his mouth further, jumping putting among defence attacking and then attacking his response.
You heard how I do interviews by the way, interviews of friendlies and the respect, and that comes under attack by reprobates preview bass and pukes. The kind of people that populate mediocre aden, media matters for america. It's because they want you on the attack. Don't waste your time going to mediate. People send me these links. I just delete them used to take a peek and when I did take a peek, it was non. Stop trump trump trump about two out of every three clips attacking trump or attacking people who don't and over it george sources organization, which is run by a president who, certainly in his as a record of anti semitism racism, bigotry, homophobia in this
johnny and all the rest, and can you believe he runs out of it? Completes he's by his entire mission is to destroy fox news. That's it so! That's all you'll get over there. So here's pelosi on the constipated news and work today about Joe As economy now, I want you to listen carefully whether a democratic, independent public and regardless of your age or your income. I want you to send to watch, become the let them eat cake. Democrat party, the let them eat cake. In other words, we monarchs we're doing great. we're doing great and if the year if the euro. the mass is out there. meaning you, individual american citizens, red blooded american If the masses out there, I didn't ya
yet I can handle it, that's their problem. Let me take because we have plenty of cake here. You know that sort of cut seven go people have to know because their kitchen table need aware pour into them and they let's see, message relates to the kitchen table. Democracy is a personal issue for you, The choice to have oh when and if you have a family of free To to enjoy your work, have knowing you have a pension so that you have another psychopath. rambling on? They want interrupting and she is absolutely incoherent if you like, you see in San francisco anti policies telling you the job, I'm the man, she is a character witness for a man with no character. That would be Joe Biden.
She has been in congress since the nineteen eighty zero eighties. Much of the suffering that you are experiencing now's due to her and her body obama. They destroyed what I would argue like it or not. Is the prettiest or was the prettiest most beautiful city in america? San Francisco, you square was so outstanding. The hotels there they even did an entire shop. Well that all hotel there was on union square, the name of which escapes me. But it's irrelevant my wife and I, went to an event there. Where I got an award, I think was a year or two ago the streets were lined with homeless people with drug addicts,
With fecal matter in your- and you could smell it, the city is destroyed, looks like a big third world city. That's by choice. That's what the Democrats did to San Francisco. That's her party! That's nancy Pelosi, while she's talking to you about kitchen table issues while her dent these are falling out she's, trying to link it to democracy and then she's, trying to like it the Joe Biden what's wrong with you, but you support democracy. Don't you want to eat? Well, then, vote for Biden, democracy like they have in san francisco had secure the education of your children, the safety of the environment in which they live here is very high All he scores high on the safety of our children and the education of their children.
Do you like being lied to like this america, you like being viewed as stupid as zombies, who can't think for yourself who don't. Who don't embrace reality and she persuading you go ahead? and many people are appreciating and enjoying it. They just our life, giving him credit for it, and this is what we have to do now is to make sure that not only the president, Other validators come forward to. Say what is done: transaction say ventilator, but they did A rapid relating challenge, her cheek,
spew, her moronic burps all over the place and is a complete lie. Everything she said you enjoying it. You appreciating it. And then she she defends by not campaigning I mean these people are party ideology, first screw the country. They don't care about you, they don't care about the country the problems trump has with these people as he does and he loves the country. They hate that country carrico, jewish. Was not only now giving campaign. Speeches more mean out more talk.
into talking to an interview and says phil mattingly of seer. We don't expect them to get out and actually speak. I was running for president. The highest political office snag. Can I expect Joe to speak. We don't actually expect him to give speeches. Can you just get out and about just down and about just walk around, haven't about to show us that he can be out and about two pretty low standard for present united states? Don't you think america and yet look around you. Half the people around you when you're walking down the street, or maybe it a power by where half the people around you support this crap go ahead, doing rope lines. You must have seen as much of that Well, you know what the president s
the weight of the world on his shoulder decision so so, first last night hunter Biden was a victim spent enough time on that miscreant. Not the women who are traffic to service him for a fee, not their families, not their loved ones. Now hundred vine, poor precious saw he's such a victim. he's a punk he's asleep bar I would disowned and I'm not kidding and then daddy, poor, daddy he's got the He's got the stress of the world on his shoulders. Thinking to myself. First of all, his president, nobody asked him to run. He wanted to run.
Secondly, he vacations. Forty percent of the time doesn't act like use the press, the world on its shores. Does he. Thirdly, this guy doesn't know anything else, he's never worked in the private sector. He doesn't know what any of you are experiencing and would you to listen very carefully to me and neither does Nancy Pelosi. He doesn't know anything that young people are experiencing nothing whether you're, like electrician or a trucker, with a waiter, our white dress, whether you're ahead
no ma am whatever you are. He doesn't know from Butkus. Nothing he's been on a public, though his entire life and has become a multi millionaire and the family as result of him using his name in them, using his name and being a public office on the public, though his entire life has engorge themselves with over thirty million dollars and foreign money, but no scandal here, listen he's got the winter, the rule. Shores and by the way, what puny shoulders, don't you think miss with a kind of shoulders are that we need to do to me a back and beat me up Joe
I saw him only amtrak, a seller train. I've talked about this before I guess he's about six one probably weighs about a hundred. Seventy is too tough. I just like a perfect. No, so you know he's never been in a fight. I don't have a perfect knows. Do I mister buddhism go ahead it's a very challenging job. There were so many hours in the day? I trust his judgment that we be rambling before there ought to be psychological tests. Vigna serve in public life. That is, if you have the minimum minimal brain capacity. to do anything other than shuffle around capitol hill smile.
your fourth face, lift or whatever it is spewing, stupid com, I'll be right back then we got another day. if, in the age and with bands Every night is a watch party was time for european to improve to make their beds. So what's the move tonight game, you know the new customers get five dollars get one hundred and fifty dollars back in bonus, bets football, but he's not bad at all the stars with all your friends and make every moment one can do new customers, threat by dogmas get one hundred and fifty dollars backing bonus bets make every moment more with do to America's number one sports book.
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It's a guy that told us who and what he was with the central park. Five and we're going to remind them of that, and we got to remind them. This is the guy did everything he could to discredit the first president of the united states. This is now I'm sorry. I thought we were in a democracy or you're not supposed to run high. against him because he is an african amalgam, so confused go ahead and referred to and have american moment as a dog, outside what working to remind him of kleiber and that you're a sell out. That's number number two, the Joe Biden talk about a racial jungle when he was breaking red slobbering, all over three of them. Where's races. Segregation is in the united states, and india will remind everybody there kleiber and a year great body
Yeah great pal Joe Biden, racist segregation is rigour, this saturday. It's the kick off this super wild card weekend and for the first time that we are dealing with three exclusively on he got. It all starts at four thirty eastern, with a browns and taxes on ending the anti got, and then witness history would achieve. The dolphins have easter only on Peter. He can't you need a conflict, and I fell to learn more mark levantin rate, one way, one dialogue, now: seventy seven and thirty eight one three, eight one one criminal, literally o leary, mr wonderful and shortening the good guys smart, do
so I don't a wise on cnn. I guess he like sir, to go on different platforms and that's ok, but I want you to listen to what he has to say to large coats. Who is she exactly The hell knows but she's had cnn cut thirteen go someplace look at all this and they say is What happens in business? What trump has said he has diner is accused of being done. Men doing real estate for decades? Does this case strike you as odd let's leave out tromp four minute and let's leave out politics and just talk about. What happens in real, safe development anywhere. So if you, Developer and you ve got a building on a block anywhere in america and its worth, let's say five hundred million dollars, and you want to build a building right beside it. You go to the bank, it say this building is worth five hundred million dollars. I'd like to borrow a construction financed loan against this asset,
And I want you to tell me it's worth: five hundred million to in the bank negotiates with uses. Well now we think, as with forty million fight it out, you're always trying to show your assets in the brightest slight with the sunshine you can pay. possibly determine for them. You, too many worth of very most cause you're. Only We get a forty or fifty percent loan to value as it's called there bore all that money. In the case, Five million dollar asset- it maybe get to fifty million build a new building with a construction financed sloan, and so that's what this guy, It is all about what and by the way forget about trust. every single real estate developer everywhere on earth. Does this they always go up there ass it being worth a lot It is now The way it is so in this case trying to figure out and I'm not pro or conrad care about the politics who lost money now
The bank I pay back. The construction, finance loan and a new building was built and if you're gonna sue in this case and when you got to sue every real estate developer everywhere. This is all they do. This is what they do all day long every day. So I don't think this thing will ever survive appeal, regardless of what the finest Doesn't even makes sense now look I've got a lot of problems in other indictments everything else, but but this real estate developed. We are watching that you're saying what is this. This is ridiculous. The clearest explanation of this yet isn't, it must reduce I can tell he's a conservative bitch trying to stay out of politics that doesn't bother me because it's the message on this case. That's crucially important trump didn't do a damn thing: nothing! This is a phony
statue fox has announced on several occasions that it's actually done extensive legal examination, if anybody has ever been charged under the statute. In the answers now, it's called a fraud statute, but you don't actually up their fraud. You dont have actually actually defrauded anybody. There is not even a complainant every single bank that he's been involved with, has been paid off and all of them said they been paid off on time. and now let tee should James is a real piece of ass, a radical marxist leftwing cook who should have been denied her legal practice in her law licence, should have been Well, you don't campaign on indicting somebody, and this judge he's not eating up the judge. Judy standards, no offense, judge, jury,
Just saying he's not even up to well any standards he's up a phone he's a clown. And it is this law clerk cart, calling the shots. The little tubs there sitting next to him. Have you noticed redistribution very politically. Involve parliament. All these politically involve people judges. You got a political act as judge pan on the circuit court. These see political hacker, husbands, a political act. You have chunky political hack, your I got a list. You go there that this rogue thug prosecutor smith, his wife, is a political hack. This mother in laws are political hack, will centre fanny both of them. Obviously, political, hacked and corrupt. The idiot
Prosecutor in manhattan, brag, political they're, all democrats, politicians or their family members to cases protest against brought against trumpet destroy his entire enterprise. Said he spent his whole life. Working on that is, kids have spent their whole life working on nobody, defence him. It's got a very good lawyer by the way I forget name. What is your name? Mister british harbor, alina hubba she's done a great job. I mean a great deal One of the circumstances I mean it's a clown show and yet they're trying to steal three hundred fifty million dollars from the man I want you to think about. This fear and choose your being litigated against, like this you're being sued They bring this woman. Now this woman out, you accuse the tramp of
trump's, I don't really know who the hell she is so he denounces her. Then she susan for defamation and he loses and they have to pay a fortune, but the court. The jury did not found that he raped her. Then criticizes her again. Then she soon him again event shiva yeah. She sues him again, another defamation case and the local judges, the elected judges at new york? You don't want to be in front any these clowns. That's for sure! That's for sure he says. Yes, she has another case. Could then a judge rules today that while trump has to pay millions and millions to the new york times for what who cares? Who knows or was it for one hundred thousand whatever? It was four hundred thousand.
Seems to me the near time should be paying everybody off so that trend. Bleed him financially with the civil cases, and you can't tell me this: isn't all concerted and coordinated all these democrat prosecutors. All these democrat judges gimme a break. That's like believing that Joe Biden doesn't know anything about his son, hey hunter how'd! You get that sports car that I can't talk to you about it. Why not? I just can't, but why he, if it's legal, I said it laid it out last night. Why isn't he sharing all this information with that? If it's all perfectly fine that he guess why, what.
Guess what daddy we got. Ten million dollars real communist china, good jobs aren't perfect and it's all legal isn't er. Yes, it is daddy. It's all legal gray grade son that his daddy, I got a diamond ring from the former mayor's wife from Moscow, good job, son, fantastic, perfectly legal right. So why wouldn't he said daddy? I need you to play golf with meet with have dinner with get on the phone with number. These people were trying to do business with, but richmond all the rest of. It will, of course, son everything you do is legal. Instead, it I dunno anything never
discusses anything with me. It's pretty defensive, don't you think if they're in the clear, if everything's above board, I dunno my son, we don't talk about any of that. Oh I got it poor victim son. You know poor son. What's the problem, Well, he's an act What about all those women who are his victim twa whenever. We'll be right back then,
The thoughts of the top of my head, you know how trump says he's going to pardon the january. Sixth first, I thought they meant the seventy sixers know that january sixth year can you imagine that says, Biden and the rest is going to pardon billy barr same thing. Names should be billy, candy bar, don't you think, MR producer, but nonetheless I'm sinner lacking. I wait a minute you had these puerto rican. Tourists house gallery who shot five members of the house rapid, One almost critically got shut my chest, but all five were shot and wounded. And between Jimmy carter, bill Clinton.
And Barack Obama, those who lived they were all their sentences recommended. now. This is where I mean you. Gotta know a little history had to listen to this programme. We get to see what's goin all commuted. Truly insurrectionists who wanted to overthrow the country, porters, nationalist or whatever they call themselves shop. Five members. I think it was five may been four, but Members of the house of representatives, one in the chest, one in the leg and democrat president's commuted their senses, eventual wow, tromp he's a real hitler It's unbelievable sick. I want to remind you, too great, shows this weekend saturday and sunday always eight pm eastern five pm pacific. If he can't
them live or you think you're gonna be doing something else. You dont know set your dvr for those times right now: victor Davis, Hansen, Rhonda santa Saturday, And we have still more and Steve miller on sunday and of course you have my two opening statements: don't mess it we go to America every friday,
in honor of you here we are The
the the the
the. the the
Wingers over the weekend officially begins right. Now, america, please check out at pm eastern on saturday and sunday to fantastic, shows too great guests each show or you can dvr if you're not sure, you'll be able to watch alive, We salute our armed forces. Police officers, firefighters, emerging personnel, are truckers free. Fighters all over the world. Our brothers and sisters in Israel in ukraine, and you
the american people we are blessed to have each other. Quite frankly, can I friday and gravely and pepsi get aids. ok and zelda gigi. get I'd. Indian patten roaring. Can I barney and marty dad and mom, and leo and Joe united teddy this goes on. Wait too long have a fantastic weekend. I'll see you tomorrow on fire.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-14.