« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/21/22


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, reporting shows that the wife of the newly appointed Special Prosecutor in the DOJ's case against Donald Trump has been a frequent donor to the more radical members of the Democrat Party such as Rashida Tlaib and also produced a film highlighting former First Lady Michelle Obama. It seems that AG Merrick Garland did minimal vetting in his selection of this 'independent' counsel that he hired to prosecute Trump. Then, Marxists always need a devil. In this case, President Biden's using Ultra MAGA and Semi Fascist tropes to do just that. The media is similarly attacking Elon Musk since he's the world's richest man, but to them, because he reinstated Trump on Twitter, he must be the world's dumbest man. Later, the two attorneys who firebombed a police vehicle in the summer of 2020 were charged and sentenced to a lighter sentence with help from the DOJ. Yet there are people that were held in jail for longer periods of time for never throwing a single Molotov cocktail, but simply parading and trespassing on January 6th. Afterward, Kelly Tshibaka calls in with an update on her still very close and undecided campaign for the US Senate for which counting was stalled because of newly instituted rank-choice voting. Tshibaka reiterated that Sen. Lisa Murkowski has been censured by the Republican Party of Alaska and is no longer considered a Republican., but Murkowski gets the backing from Mitch McConnell.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills. They'll, college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes have defined hills, douze mission, learning, character, faith and freedom
good for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters at hillsdale for their great sponsorship, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader that the america mark Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one,
How we santa MR producer, good phenomena. hope you had a good week in This is our. Giving weak. You know we vote for like a month, but we celebrate thanksgiving once blessings we celebrate once officially, but we, Often on for, like two months very weird,. You know I go through all the news items The pressing think about that things move em over noodle over them. The train. Transfer, what exactly is going on or what exactly we need to do so we can talk but these things. One thing is incredible:.
Every sunday show every virtually website. Every event is about trump. Every one of them every one of them. And even more than that, they're all pushing to get him indicted. All of them. You have even a very. Rarely watch show called firing line. They stole the title from bill buckley with a yet there who runs a thing hoover. Her grandfather, there are great grandfather was herbert hoover associates, qualified and. Former attorney general bill bars on their now. Why do you think he's on their? Does anybody really care what he has to say? No company
is what bill bar has to say, but the What he's going to say about Donald. And billboards very, very angry. so he wants to see donald trump in federal prison. Think about their think about there And so they think that by bringing him on that, we're resonate with the bureaucrats over the department of justice because, after all he ran I place twice, though, what An overall deface, the nation we have so laughter member, her. Very pretty lady, that zone from San jose california. and she says we're going to release all the evidence. The chase ex committee, that's gonna show that tromp was the center of the overthrow of the government. The K, then they have Adam schiff on this week, he's just pilot on. You know me scale. Adam said:
Of course, you can indeed omen. They should indeed and minutes, could that there's a special council on course, He's twitter to incite the attack on the capital And then you have had case Adam kings in europe on the constipated news network how's that for a diversity of opinion, all of them one trump indicted. Then you go to the whole newspaper, which is a creature, the hill. They talk to Spur to say will, of course, trump should be indicted and, of course, there's enough evidence to indict him well. National review legal analysed. Any mccarthy will, of course, he's invited the indictments. say what oh yeah, he invited them. Don't you know all of them. at man manhattan out of it enter. yes, a washington
others to put all the stuff behind us, but there stop talking about this. In fact, they won't stop promoting this and that we have these special council who admired and promoted by media matters. Now what does that tell you. so they must know some about this guy, the wheat up, but we know a little bit more thanks to independent conservative media post millennia, great site, Joshua young wife of tromp special council produce michelle obama, documentary and made it thousands to the binding campaign. Oh my goodness,. Not any time. Judy thomas does anything. They blame her and clarence Thomas Mann. He must reduce from my colleague, but here. With a special council and remember on friday when the announcement. Remember when the attack
general of the united states, merit less garland talked about them, His credentials how he prosecutes war crimes at the ag. Excuse me we're talking about a documented case, don't matter. Oh, when he was an assistant, u s attorney in a deputy assistant, associate testing attorney in Europe, A special prosecutor- and I swear on my guard- this guy he's- got the crabs. Oh, my god, Pc records reveal. That the wife of supposedly impartial special council by an attorney general america parlance tapped to invest Tromp donated at least two thousand dollars to Joe binds presidential campaign two years ago. on friday. U s attorney general merit those garland announced that jack smith, jack smith. Veterans, career prosecutor, quote on quote, which serve special counsel to lead the ongoing investigations into donald trump being conducted by
His department of justice and on monday today, record oh smith's wife, They should then, is a high dollar donor quote unquote quota Joe Biden contributed to various high profile democrat efforts. On twitter, Henry rogers tweeted a screen grab shown that caddy That is what is your name yet caddy continue through her product. Company, big mouth productions, gay, two thousand dollars to the buyer for president campaign, it twenty twenty, maggie warm room on twitter road, while the wife of special prosecutor, jack smith, was a high dollar donor to Joe binds presidential campaign. should any also gave to anti semite squad member Congresswoman, rashid brush, telly back. Let me get this straight to the spot, the council's wife gave too
She had to leave the anti semites campaign whose a marxist. On get her journalist, Paul spere wrote breaking every see records reveal the wife of the supposedly impartial special council, binary, Any general merrick garlic tap to investigate trump donated these two thousand, a job binds presidential campaign and twenty twenty. and kadesh of any, though, Of newly appointed special council jack smith, all gave money to democratic representative, To leave these I am a member of the radical squad who set of trump we're gonna teach the amber. Oh. I'm sure for jack read. It was love at first sight. I m d b kadesh avenues listed as a producer in the michelle obama documentary becoming should be called on becoming On friday, garland set of should end use husband,
I signed in appointing jack's, better service special answer. The order, authorizes him to continue the ongoing investigation The matters that I have just described and prosecute any federal crimes that may arise from those investigations. Mr Smith, is a veteran career prosecutor. that move came only three days after trap announced that he would be running for president and twenty any foreign. Ladies and gentlemen,. So all these trump haters were on the sunday shows. All of these, so called news outlets have an enormous amount of money to conduct investigations ever see. These near ties. Pieces were like five reporters looking into son schwab. Five reports were on a case for god's sakes, where you we know. How is it that petrol prosecutors, wife receive no scrutiny, none, but there's more.
the daily collar news foundation. Special council investigating tromp was key figure in irish targeting scandal say why. Marylin garland did mention there see that neither did any of e mail. Sure no was caught on core outlets jack smith. a special council appointed by attorney general merit meritless scarlet to investigate former president donald trump. Was the figure in the irs infamous targeting of conservative nonprofits according to a tree. Fourteen report by republicans or the house oversight committee. I would encourage the reply. begins in the house. To find out how this guy got appointed jack's may cause. Obviously, they hack or not, where a twenty ten smith and chief of the department of justice, criminal divisions, public integrity, section that is a big deal, that's right. The investigations of public figures take place or are approved Called a meeting Former iris official lowest learn a quote
because how the irs could assist in the criminal enforcement of pay finance laws against politically act, nonprofits quote unquote. According to testimony from richard pilger director their sections election crimes, branch and the burden of smith's to the over committee Learner eventually resigned from the irish and twenty fifteen follow criticism over targeting conservative teapot groomsmen deny or delaying tax exempt status. This the greatest me could we ever charge in eighteen, usc, sec Three: seventy one conspiracy to violate laws of amerika for misuse of such non profit to get around existing campaign. Finally, its laws and limits throw it in the email to colleagues for the oversight committee. she really wanted to prosecute these conservative groups and tea party groups. Kid. We figure out how to do it, we ve tenuous see three. Seventy one can't we use that here we carry.
is email suggested that the department investigate conservative, nonprofit. Reportedly may violated campaign finance laws according to the new york times. The impetus for the meeting was president obama's public criticism of this in court ruling and citizens united verses have see fcc. According to the report, the times article described how five or one registered charities. What time To conserve, the law makers were receiving donations from corporations and interest groups at the time groups roscoe lobbying the same law makers on capital here, time is writing. Smith meeting with learners shortly followed the article this, He's here, He's really. really lousy, I also urge the irish to be more vigilant to the opportunities for crime and the five or one C4 area It's officials under learner, relator involved in selecting groups with the words tea party patriot
twelve in their names for audits, following learners meeting with smith There s a scrutiny of non profit fibre, one c three and see for tax exempt statuses apply by four. these groups prevented them from fully participating in the treaty. A presidential election involving obama. Learner later resigned, of course, and fled the fifth one question about our actions Smith and his team had serious conflict of interests stemming from their interaction with the arrest the report edged. He was also leader smith, a former report can bob mcdonald governor, Mcdonald of Virginia on federal corruption, charges and twenty fourteen friction and gives from a lobbyist city later repaid the. U s supreme, like unanimously reversed, is conviction and twenty. Sixteen and all images were later dismissed, though a taters have argued that the conviction stop them from running for president twenty sixteen
Many of you may not know this evening that we discussed at that time. This was such an overreach to go after bob mcdonnel for taking gifts. which, by the way, was legal in the state of virginia. It was such an outrageous case that was brought against him the entirety of the supreme court, throw it out nine zero, wasn't even close. That shows you what we're dealing with here and jack smith and its A special council smith will oversee to investigation, didn't trump. regarding. We know what they are. So here we have a guy. Ladies and gentlemen,. His family family gave thousands of dollars to the bombing campaign who wanted a process? Who tea party groups and conserve regroup sunday?
Lois learners watch one after governor bottleneck now of virginia and what is considered a horrendous case and even to turn his wife against him This is the guy that's picked by the by administration to go after donald trump. And then all the cheerleading on tv, because its clear this hack ray The press looks at the press or look. We looked at the new york times about these conservative and tea party groups listening tunnel I have a bill bar as a lie: granted adam ship. listening to Adam kings inger, it's disgusting. all weekend long. This has been going on all weekend long. I want to talk about the buying crime family. Even there when it comes to the republic, can you believe they want to investigate, apparently cannot inflation unit price over?
Of creatures re through every year, I got more I'll, be right, back ban folks like nation was founded on the principle of all. Men are created equal, but far too many of our nations colleges and universities, including those in the so called ivy league, continued insist on using race as a factor for admissions and the supreme. Is deciding a case on this subject right now, but there's a unique american college that doesn't discriminate based on race. It never has ended, never will and it's my favorite college hills to college hills. There. Founded in eighteen, forty, four to educate quote all persons, irrespective of nationality, color or sex, unquote and content. That policy today admitting students on the strength of their character, ability and intentions, not their heritage or background.
My friend Larry are in the president of hills to college recently published an article explaining hills, dose, colorblind policies and its related refusal of government funding, even indirectly in the form of federal stewed. Neighed, read it for yourself at levine free. Wholesale back com and after you you may want to support hills there with a year and gift. So please go the doktor arms article today at levant fray, helstone back com, that's alleviate for hills, still dot com, there is no bar firing line friday. None of you saw it cut one go if a former president commits a crime specially a serious crime, they should be indicted for it if the the parliament of justice can show that these were indeed very sensitive documents, which I think they probably were. And also show at the president consciously was involved in.
misleading the department deceiving the government, And playing games after he had received a subpoena for the documents. that those are serious, very serious, bethia fairies. I says that I personally think that they probably have the basis for legitimately indicting the prince. I don't know I'm speculating out there. You go speculating, but hey what the hell- not say it on national tv. Even if nobody watches, so the be transcribed, and he and I both know, it'll- be sent to the attorney general of the united states My take bill This is really small potato stuff than you, and I both know it to be charging a present with some kind of a defence related documents for which Nothing was done to those documents they were secured and protected. is an outrage and europe. rage,
Copyright folks are A nation was founded on the principle of all. Men are created equal, but far too many of our nations colleges and universities, including those in the so called ivy league continued, insist on using race as a factor for admissions and the supreme. is deciding a case on this subject right now, but there's you Big american college that doesn't discriminate based on race, it never has ended, never will and it's my favorite college hills to college hills there. Founded in eighteen, forty, four to educate quote all persons, irrespective of nationality, color or sex, unquote, and content That policy today admitting students from the strength of their character, ability and intentions, not Their heritage or background my friend, Larry, are in the president of hills. College recently published an article explaining hills, dose, colorblind policies and its related refusal of government funding, even indirectly in the form of federal stewed. Neighed read it for yourself at lowood.
for a hillside, back com and after you You may want to support hills there with a year and gift. So please garee, Dr Ahrens article today at la vent, free hillsdale, dot com, that's ellie, vn for hillsdale dot com, the mark levin show live national at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, a one one! You know people often ask me back a lot. Times. I asked me: what is my favorite books that I wrote the nine What my favorite burgers rescuing sprite. and they say I mean that I mean it of your other books. my number one favorite book- that I've written is american marxist, that's kind of surprise, a lot of you live In tyranny would come second. Then all the others are very, very important substantively and I have them all at that. Tier. But american marxism was the most difficult
But for me to write- and I think the most important and relevant book exactly what's taking place in America today. And it's been proven right time in time and time and time again,. these people do not believe in this country. They do not believe in unalienable rights for the individual. They do not believe In the renaissance. And the basis the foundational bases further western civilization, they do not. They get their ideology from a mix of rousseau and hegel and marks, and they don't even know it's some of them, which is why american marxism and not marxism, try and make it sound, really really cool Footing are humane way.
What the marxist revolutionaries always do We have to have a devil, figure or devil figures. And that's why you heard Joe Biden running around like a homeless mental patient. Going on about the mega mega, Some I fascist Going to lose democracy and, of course, its preposterous. What they say. two preposterous was the media. Hacks have to say. And it's only getting worse. There is an MSNBC panel west, whatever that by the name of danielle moody mills, in addition to the war that contain is on trump. An ex president. There's a war on elon musk. All of a sudden, the
the wealthiest man is the world's dumbest man. He does what he's doing he does know how to run a business. He tells me well to get to work. So his way out of line. and on and on and on, and yet have to hear this people who don't know how to make two nicholls or who have cushy jobs in some do you and one of these reprobate media outlets. so mosque reinstated trump on twitter. he asked for a vote online. He got an enormous response and tromp one. You see what the left does, whether tromp or could be. Anybody else could be any subject. Is it eyes to create devils. So any thing anyone any issue. Related trump is devilish. Its evil. You cross outline
no matter how you do it, even if your radical left us you know now, and then I agree with that's it. I didn't like I agree with this power to act. That's it, but it's not just trump It's gonna be Kevin mccarthy by the time they're done as a new gingrich. As it was new gingrich and then Promote the Republicans said: they insist that concerns that they insist euro embrace now it's Babar they hated billboard. Bill bar has made a clean while not so clean but a complete break from, recent past. I often wonder if bar really thought this a trump. Why did he resigned much earlier, mr produce. Why did he wait so long and then With a book, one wonders. you notice, none of my books is about individuals. Individuals have worked for with,
telltale staff, none of it? I won't put up with it. I have a great admiration for my pants. I do I've known MIKE pence much longer than I've known, Donald trump, Iran dissenters her most of these other figures spent around red conservative, so he's, been nice to us, my family. I, like I'm a lot. but I won't have a mind talk about his book. Now he has told me most of his book: isn't even about january six and trump in that respect. I understand that, but that's needs. Our focus and that's. What's on the back flap of the book. Moving forward, I thought that's move forward, except when we move backwards. And I think, might has been used by the big media to exploit this situation. Then I ask him: what are you doing the sum of twenty twenty when the right-
we're taking place. They don't ask him. Were you in the white house when they attack the white house from latvia park teeth and others to try and attack the present. You nice, they don't ask my question: they don't get The black lives matter with mic. They don't get into any these things with might now they just wanna. They want to use them to attack trap? much like one is. When his chief part short shows up on tv and so forth, and I really interested in what he thinks substantively from a policy perspective, he's estimate tromp peace, an expert on trump. How am I supposed to avoid talking about this stuff, ladies and gentlemen, when it's in our face day in and day out what he wanted to talk, Larry hogan are Chris, christy who came showing up these republican events. I always have to you know, fumigate
Microphone he's done with our let's slob coming out of his mouth. It s easy to do. way back to these these sites, danielle moody mills ever hear of danielle moodie mills course not who wish she's. Nobody. But she's on MSNBC she's on a panel. It's like scarborough what scarborough he's affair ex congressmen failed radio host really I'll tv host. Germany's perfect got a perfect resume by the way sharply over there at s all us they look at his resume, such as it is. Lot of violence on thy resume lotta racism on thy resume make it out. very, very well from one on reading. Lately you noticed that Mr Barroso mass Salary increases. Man, oh manischewitz, as a merry
good now who, really comes to the table with nothing. Much like scarborough. anyway, danielle moodie mills on musk. Reinstating tromp on twitter. This is a big issue all weekend long. What mike he's going. What. We believe in free speech out free space. free for we met for they cut. I go. Danielle your thoughts on trump reinstated back to twitter, with with elon musk. Joking aside, how do you? How do you see this? I mean you can joke if you want I'm just saying like I'm giving it to you. However, you want to take lesson lesson. It can be really a fun time we can joke and we can have a grand old time here. You know, as we do on MSNBC. We're will follow after I got it. I gotta be honest with you know they don't understand. You are jokes.
Let's hear from Danielle moody mills for crying out loud everybody's on the edge of their seat. This is why you guys get no ratings, go ahead I only I only last rate, which is that I am absolutely disgusted alarm. Sorry, you're, disgusted. I'm sorry she disgusted america that them no just bought twitter put tromp back on after taking a vote. Mrs disgusted bad go ahead. from very wide trickle, insists hetero man protect each other, because we always stay wealth and inheritance forging a so. Why? What he's? What Since MR producer dino stray Well, why don't they just say straight. What is sustained for? Nobody knows
shelby g t, q plus or we skip one algebra, take care of that number plus. You know just in case plus what and but look This you see, these men are white, sis hetero men. checking each other very articulate. And over there, and I myself city, they already got rid of one reprobate, but how are they gonna get rid of scores of them over there how they can get. neo moody mills, what do you expect? Where do you expect here? I'm gonna shoot straight and I will tell you what I'm disgusted ass. We expect from very white privileged white men. That's why twice protecting each other because we always mistake, wealth and inheritance Virginia now Always mistaken poverty.
Stupidity for gene. It's how much you must go ahead. elon musk gets what he wants his body back on the air order to finish burning down democracy while he finishes burning down the town square, wow, she's, so effective and profound. First of all, a lady, you burn down the english language, you burn down logic. Thirdly, you're a moron. May I say, moron. I don't know your race, I don't know your sex, I don't know what you do with your genitalia. I dont care you're an idiot, but then again as why you're on with whoever the more on host is on Emma sell us d on sunday. So all you, whites, men out there, I'm sure she's. Just I stood with you white sis, hetero men, protecting each other.
You see racism against white people, particularly straight white people, particularly straight white men,. Isn't racism its knowledge, its profundity. It's just history, that's all get used to it. It's important. She's one a panel on MSNBC. She's a panel and MSNBC, what isn't Complain about the board of directors, comcast owns MSNBC. I understand there is an awful lot of very white sis hetero men on their protecting each other. Mr produce They just hired a very Sis, heterosexual man, too. Over disney again hiker leftwing, crackpot
Who's gonna walk the hell out of the company, then We have a and jeered at hard us. if that is her name swimming it's her. I honestly, I don't know no excuse me say he Hell no offense intended, but of course I couldn't have offended anywhere because doesn't matter. Javert a hard at salaeratus, whatever it he's a MSNBC political analysts. As opposed to merely a penniless, go ahead First of all, I think something we often forget, as americans is that you billion airs exist as a class of people who have that much money at our collective pleasure right. It is a policy which always to allow some, If the thought of accumulate that much money, hundreds of billions of dollars in the case of people united states before everybody, has the chance to live with dignity or go a little.
Axis friend There are, however, I probably about me, but I love works. His friend mr produce he's wealth because we ve allowed him to be wealthy. You understand No. This is one of the clowns. I've wanted to eliminate fox news, one of a congo line of phony media types. we need to go beyond their advertisers. We need to lobby. if the cable or on the plan foreign providers to get rid of fox. It's not enough. We ve tried to wipe out their advertisers. Now I gotta about their platform. They did this with our way and by the way on satellite. so. A non gara harbour Addis. Let me take some power. You talk their billionaires because they have a right that we give to them.
air, because it's a right that we give to you loser patches who do not believe in this country or liberty in our Always trying to destroy successful people. Clowns like you act like you, are on air cause. We allow you. you understand, You think he is. And what did he law must do to ascend so deeply? He took what is clearly a rat left wing democrat party platform bought. It. And is changing the entire mission to free speech, open debate and dialogue well on ongoing, gobbling, avoided them and when he can allow that. And, of course, danielle moody mills she Hate all stray wipe that's so they give but from the spew, her poison.
You wonder why there's a lotta hating division in this country, the media number one suspect danielle, moodie mills, I don t have a diver do right back then folks like nation was founded on the principle of all. Men are created equal, but far too many of our nations colleges and universities, including those in the so called ivy league, contain to insist on using race as a factor for admissions and the supreme, It is deciding a case on this subject right now, but there's a unique american college that doesn't discriminate based on race. It never has ended, never will and it's my favorite college hills. Doug college hills there, founded in eighteen. Forty four to educate quote all persons, irrespective of nationality, color or sex, unquote it contained,
that policy. Today it many students on the strength of their character, ability and intentions, not heritage or background. My friend Larry are the president of hills to college recently published an article explaining hills, dose, colorblind policies and its related refusal of government funding, even indirectly in the form of federal stewed. Neighed, read it for yourself at levine, from helstone back com and after you you may want to support hills there with a year and gift. So please garee Doktor arms article today at lavigne, fray, helstone com, that's alleviate free hills, still dot com. I fear this little project them working on will consume enormous amounts of my time when I'm not on radio, not on tv. Is very, very, very critical, now more than ever
Happens under those circumstances, as I tried to move more quickly. and so it is over, important book project that I'm working on. Now I have tell you anything by contract So I want to say in the past. But. But I started telling you. This is something front of mine. I take notes, even during the brakes on the show to myself make sure I get into certain subject matters or try to research than men explore them to try get to the bottom of certain things. I invite you into a lot of what I'm doing, and that is a lot of what I'm doing and for those who have asked and prayed I want to thank you and they covert is completely overnight and I am much more tired and I used to be an spurts that sounds we had or in Laos.
So be going a hundred miles an hour. Then, all of a sudden I ride, I gotta stop so things yeah, but other than that. I grew a new pair of have breast Mr bidders, her now wait a minute nano actually doing just fine. Thank you. I haven't gotten into the issues of who I support for wider it. That's not what I'm talking about right now, I'm talking about justice, I'm talking about integrity, I'm talking Equality under the law and talking about our founding principles, when you hear Talk about those things that is one I'm focused on I'll, be right back this segment of the pot care. is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage, and save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to fight. A plan that right for you, thank you again for listening and thank you so much
with this sponsorship. Pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the head of america. Mark Levin here are numbered eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one we are here together for one purpose. and warmly one purpose mission. America, when I read something to you then I'm gonna get onto a few other things more schools and entertainment to the media and government. witnessing the onslaught of repressive actions, including threats, censorship, character, assassination
The demand for more of it, in fact, People speech words, broadcast social media access, redefining language, history, knowledge and science, all of sure you're occurring, are pursued in our current coltrane environment or the trade marks of totalitarianism, so too is the routine and unchallenged abuse of power and undermining of republicanism constitutional ism by Joe Biden who Just like the executive orders, thereby pipe in congress and the constitution's checks and balances, the ins, two fundamental change to american society. Without input the people's representatives in congress or the people themselves, or the efforts of A crab party congressional leaders such as speaker policy and tumor to bodily threaten the independence of the judiciary in order to influence the outcome of legal decisions and affirm. The ideological and political agenda and the collect
actions by the democratic leadership and both elected branches of the federal government to radically through the electoral process throughout the country, to ensure the denmark, partly rarely if ever lose its power to rule. What's with the smallest majority in the house and decades in a tight senate, fifty fifty they seek to stack the senate with sorrow, Dish with seats and eliminate the filibuster or the purpose of which to impose radical changes on the nation without bra support from representatives of other parts of the country. Yet it is the opponents of this journey who are labelled often successfully as the Defenders of civil liberties and human rights obstructed progress, and foes the people by the actual offenders. for the latter, have already devoured most of the instrument tilities of the state and the culture and dumb. the narrative in his book double talk, the language of communism harry
it concerns road, and I quote language. was to mark marks the wrecked reality of thought. I do not exist divorced from it, Her Joseph Stalin, the reality of thought, manifests itself in the language. Words tools, as well as weapons each fashion by a precise function: the land of communism is not so much a means of explaining to a non believer Communism means is important the armoury of weapons and tools and tended to produce support or design opposition to come? These policies on the part of people, hostile or indifferent to them. The mean Of a communist word is not what you think it says, but what affected intended to produce I taught concern to comment A majority has no particular sanctity and is called and do not what it wishes, but what its duty
for the court of history says choice. Green parties as a draft for formality, a bourgeois democracy russia is generally use where the qualifying adjective like you know, damn it. attic socialist or whatever. So the wave of repression sweeping our nation is not on the earliest days of the french, russian and chinese revolutions, among others, were promoted, is popular movements and people's revolutions intended Establish were in communal, ism are marxist. Egalitarianism but that is where the similarity ends. These revolutions result as liberation movements where the masters or the proletariat would rise up against the governing tyranny and corrupt society. They became genocidal police states. Of course, like these other governments and societies, America's a constitutional represented, a republic, not I'm anarchy or other form of dictatorship. There's no,
widespread dissatisfaction in the country with the government in the form of government, at most. Americans are patriotic and revere that country, but the false The forces of false liberation today are led by four go area logs and activists who are the real purveyors of tyranny and even totalitarianism. These propaganda, sabotaging subversion and effort. Demoralize destabilizing, ultimately destroy The existing society culture it is they our repressing the liberties of their fellow citizens, through what is loosely called woke, is somebody cancel culture. It is they who man, conformity of thought by banning different views from from social media. It is they the false narrative of oppressors and oppressed the statement. those who claim as part of white dominate. Culture, and so What's the voices of fellow citizens, It is they who are banning words, books, products, movies and Our goal symbols
It is they who are destroying the careers of doubters and boycotting the businesses of non conferred, mists, it is they who are undermining academic freedom and intellect curiosity through fear and intimidation. It is they. who are distorting american history, brainwashing students, and it is they who demand that deep, for me of cable news networks and the muslim of hosts, it is they who are using promoting racism, sexism, ages, etc, as well of disunity and rebellion, welcome we to want to end them even worse. They're, using america's freedom to destroy freedom and the car the decision to destroy them Institution, that's a giveaway line and their poison spread throughout the culture the intended to some doubt about the country. This at the citizenry and soften publics. Nay and reason this resistance to the point, acquiescence
The tyranny, the marxists, inspired and related domestic movements. The last several paragraphs chapter six of american marxism- that is exactly what's taking snow. Interestingly enough. I know one senator has read the book others have claimed to, but I know one has an that's ron. Johnson. and he was running against a marxist mandela. Barrett. and he came on this barnes. Rather mandela. Barnes they came on the show several times. and at least twice. He mentioned the book, any mention that it uses it on the campaign trail you're, not getting Chris Christy's to talk about this until my talk trump. Not gonna, hear Larry hogan talk about this. You can talk about trump. You will hear around the said to stalk about this because he's smart cause she's, what's going on in the country and watch, but
hampton in his own state, but the arrow republican as holder has no idea what I'm talking about or does but does the guts to stand up to it, so just as they seek to literally put donald trump in prison, they will to destroy iran. To save this cause, Guys are under them their onto them. America. Marxism has made great progress, Instituting its goals of the last several years to be fitted as it must obey it. I think and complex, distance must first be acknowledged and labelled for what it is conservative house all over tv who refuse the were used. The phrase.
I use progressive liberal, or rather they wilma use the right words, but I just read to you that's what the marks once they control the language. Well, don't allow them to. But the urgency? The moment must be realized and the emergence of a unified, patriotic front approval, lee docile divergent and order imputation, societal, cultural, political factions and forces which have common their belief that america's worth defending must meet. Italy galvanise around and rally to the cause. We must rise to the challenges that our founding fathers, when they, in front of the most powerful force on earth. The british empire and defeated. The numerous ways today's thread is more byzantine. As it now and habits most of our institutions and menaces from within. Speaking engagement, difficult and complicated. Nonetheless, I fervently believe america, as we know it, will,
we'll be forever lost. If we do not prevail. Now that's on the back cover my book. That january six. Not january. Six, that's on the back covered. My book one of the things I wanted to talk to you about an itching to talk to you about Is this fire bomber lawyer? happen to the fire bomber lawyer. Remember this person as explained by nick Adams and many others, that red state all over, you may recall, The story. The two young new york lawyers are crucial, rapprochement, And color inferred matters who were involved in a fire bomber on the Nypd van during the bill and riding in new york city or may thirty, twenty twenty None of this is in the general six report. I seriously doubt it. What was unusual about the case was that right
than big chastised further actions. They seem to get favourable coverage from left wing media because of their elite connections. the accused, enjoy widespread support and sympathy from new york's legal and media. Let's rock mine is represented by one of the city's best defense, attorneys and former, obama administration of fisher guy teach her bail in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Both have been the subject of favourable profiles and the new york magazine and npr. Among other venues,. Did anybody on January six firebomb a police car with a molotov cocktail. Anybody. Yeah, who lose even ran a false story, claiming they faced forty five years for vandalism. Rock mine was sentence this pass friday. There too, Both originally pled guilty back in two thousand and twenty and faced a possible ten year sentence,
terrorism enhancement but then A Biden, justice department interviewed garlon and the gang In mid may the same career department of justice prosecutors, who argued for the ten year sentence, were back in Withdrawing their plead deal entering a new one that allowed the defendants to cop to the lesser charge of conspiracy. the tosses out the terrorism enhancement entirely The new charge, then they only faced a maximum of five years. The case of your rules right upon the abiding ass. This tomorrow is only recommending eighteen to twenty four months term,. Based on the history of personal characteristics of the defendant, and by the way they did I know that vehicle was empty when they fire bond. They did not know, was empty. Even
The ultimate sentence that she was given on friday was only fifteen months, fifty Months later is lower than the eighteen to twenty four months time. with two years of supervise release. Not only were they involved in the fire bomb attack, but a witness also said that rock man was trying to distribute other devices to people she gave an interview on the day of the attack saying the only way they hear us is through violence Ever stop unless we effing take it all down, from the near posts. I hope they burn everything down rock mom, told madison a message. Hours before protest form need to burn all the police stations down, probably other courts. Do on joint protesters. That night she wrote the mattress. throwing bottles and tear gas some fires, but were put out fires go on and the What rowan.
Oh burned down. One p p. She responded bring it to the neck. That's a police station. so even announced with a smiley face and emotionally that roc had struck a police officer, poured into prosecutors carnage, claim that she should get a lighter sense because of our commitment to social justice. And she said she had. Unprocessed trauma from being a muslim after nine eleven A lot of us white straight hetero guys did too by the way, those of it But for whom the department of justice intervened, stand. She could have faced ten years, an unbiased department, justice intervene and she got fifteen months for thrown molotov cocktails. James trusty, good man from are prosecutor department of justice, criminal division till the
Free being in that rock man receive extraordinarily unusual treatment by the d o J. I have a hard time thinking. General deterrence is well sir, by swapping in a soft play agreement, justify like treatment for someone who bombed a police car. He said this Department of justice would likely take quite a different stance if they said they defended throwing molotov cocktails and washington on January six. Now that is my point. That I wish to highlight. There's a washington Jeff filled filled to the brim. the parameters and trespasses from nine eleven. Their people serving multiple years away, The capital building. when the door was open button any damage and left thirty seconds later in jail for years we were
image by the name of Walton reggie walton. Who can- tromp to the nazis and third reich. And said it was understandable that people would be brainwash this when so many words. that same justice department that same justice system, judges gave somebody who, through a firebomb, let me judge what you know like I'll crystal mark. You understand rich biomarkers judge, I'm sure you read up on that- maybe not who, through a mile top cocktail, a police car that that individual didn't even know was empty. And confessed to throwing a brick and hitting a police officer, wanting to burn the whole damn place now,. and she's doing less time the majority of the people who are in jail. From January six,
and it's the same department of justice. equality under the law does not exist. you know damn well of malta, cocktails were thrown that day on January six. Or buildings were burned that day on January six. Or somebody was actually murdered that day on general dixon. They were not, except for the protesters who was killed in cold blood. Then they never hear the end of it, but as it you never hear the end of it. This is a test casting outrage, right back then.
There is literally no reason to paper rise in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you can get the same service on the same network, a pure talk for a half the price yep talk text and blazing fast data. It's thirty bucks a month. Those are the guys are making you pay for thousands of retail stores. You don't go into perks, you don't use a massive profit to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they've invested in a us based customer service team. It's why they give you more data options than unlimited, because they won't charge you for data. You don't need. I switched to pure talk because I like supporting a company owned by a us veteran. I like supporting a company who supports me and my values, and I invite you to switch to pure, to their my guys switched a pure talking. Than ten minutes go to pure talk, dot com and our promise
levine podcast, that's aviation podcast does say fifty percent of your first month again pure talk dot com. Promo code, levine podcast, countries that were story with heavy bind administration step to ensure that the the criminal. Didn't get ten years but fifteen months for them, molotov cocktails police and police vehicles. the lesson of this draft shaw of hot air ohio high generally six mangus three years after stealing, a coat rack. The latest and our ongoing series covering general six writers who been arrested, convicted and sentenced deals with dust and tom In ohio who face the music yesterday, like many others,
Thompson was not among the front ranks of writers who broke down windows and doors, damaging capital property. Nor did he get into any sort of physical. turkish with the with the cabin police? But this story does have one choice: it adds another loi layer too. Ferris activities on that fateful day he can stealing some things from the Senate parliamentarians office, two things to be precise,. and they clearly move them closer to the top of the most wanted list. Nothing a coat rack I'll, be right back. There is literally no reason to pave arise in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you can get the same service on the same network at pure talk by half the price. Yep talk text and blaze, fast data. Just thirty bucks a month,
Those other guys are making you pay for thousands of retail stores. You don't go into perks. You dont use a massive profits to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they ve invested in a? U S, pace customer service team. It's why they give you more data options than unlimited, because they won't charge you for data. You don't need. I switched to pure talk because I like supporting a company owned by a. U s veteran I like supporting, accompanies supports me and my values, and I invite you to switch pure talk to their my guys switched, appeared In less than ten minutes go to pure talk, dot, com, enterprise Code, levine podcast, that's easy, iron podcast does say fifty percent of your first month again pure talk, dot com and then a promo code,
then podcast mark with him speaking about four or five americans who are neither it ain't. Seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one So this is weakened friday, saturday, sunday. Are they had the publican jewish coalition in LAS vegas? I spoke there last year. I was too sick this year to go. I want to thank them for inviting me. That said, The scientists cut By far the greatest apply By the people in the audience, including wealthy people, average people, young people, people standing ovation, they Eventually, come up to the stage to shake his hand, like he's a rockstar, nobody else got treatment like that. That's not reported in the media.
what's reported, as chris Christie got some marvellous ovation. I have it first hand, knowledge that about a third of the audience, clap recruits christy, My here is one of the things that Chris Christie said at the republican jewish coalition meeting go. Keep losing and losing and losing The fact of the matter is the reason we're losing. Is because Donald trump Has put himself. before everybody else. So let's stop gathers Smattering of applause, but that's not the point. you go to an event like this. You wanted to about the country. You know you want to run for president. and that is your marquis statement. That's your marquis statement. That's
statement of a simpleton. That's my were round said there. That's not what he said at the report in jewish coalition. And he got more votes The jewish community. in florida, whether in miami dade palm beach or the rest of the state than any real, Begin in the history of florida. he got an enormous number of hispanic votes much better than normal black votes. What did he do. So this is the difference between a leader and a statesman and a curse. Christy. as to the republican jewish coalition, know what's going on in this country that Talked about here that even the the less fbi director talked about the other
what's going on in the country. and you're my brothers and sisters out their regardless of your backgrounds, faith. preferences, whatever it is you believe in liberty, you're with me and I'm with you there, is a horrendous skyrocketing. when the number of assaults Crimes against truth in this country and worldwide, but in this country Sixty five percent of all rachel or ethnic base attacks are on truth in this country. make up a very tiny percentage of the overall population of three hundred and thirty million people. Very small. And this is for a lot of reasons.
It's open immigration. A lot of people come from the Middle east who been indoctrinated, hate, jews,. listen, Attali. Second generation palestinian, Know what she says. Listen, omar first generation. You ve got that going on you of the marxists. I have always been drew haters always. And, of course, you have left a lot of self hating juice to. I might add that set up these organizations which tended to undermine juice and Israel. And a lot of you are looking me right now. At your radio across eyes, I can't help it. This is true, but You go to the republican jewish coalition.
you don't get into these issues. You get into donald trump. That's what christie does that's why he can never be president. He can never be a statesman. he doesn't led he's not the point of the spear. He watches the media and he too I too. Taylor, his comments, so that they are promoted in the media. So he can get attention. There's nobody is thinking of Chris Christie. Nobody can even think of one thing: he did profound or that was impact for that has lasted while he was governor of new jersey, nothing. And the same goes for Larry hoagie. When you have this rise of true hatred and anti semitism? Let me the two. This way.
If you had a rise of attacks on black people and black churches But they actually had the higher security guards and all their churches. Don't you give Christie went to a black church, he'd mention it only in passing that there will be The focus of a speech. then, who does he attacked donald trump? these and we keep losing his donald trump donald trump. To the israelis is a hero. To non secular jews for the most part he's a great man. The things he did in america and the things he did in support of Israel, your republic
you want to be president you're, the former governor of new jersey,. Do you not know these things. yes go there and prattle on. You're on a b c this week,. It's not simply about superficial political commentaries, wrong, as you are Chris Christy, It's about more. And that's why Rhonda said to sketch staining ovations in you. Don't. Because there is no reason to nominate or electric Chris Christie we ve been we ve done that to no avail. We had a romney, he doesn't like losing. We had Cain he doesn't like losing where a job bush, as I glows webpage,
george, w bush, you lost the second time around, but he doesn't like lose nothing. That he said makes any sense at all Managing to fail strategy, but it is it's a pile on. Trust me he would take shots, decide this. All these governors please hear me. Their jealous of the Santer, their jealous of dissenters,. Try Larry hogan was taken, shots went to save descent illegal aliens to Martha was venue, because Larry hogan does, comprehend why that was important. He thought it was a stunt very hogan, doesnt comprehend. A lot is not a very bright guy.
And then he says I don't know how to say this once to run you know. So what he's going to fill the void. There's a reason why Joe Biden gruesome, loose and keep attacking the scientists. They fear him. They fear. Another republican governors due to they do the Democrats want bi partisanship on their terms. The rubble we're begun establishment wants unity on their tents. They're not gonna, get it not from me. And not from millions of you. It's not gonna happen. Have a story here from USA today, actually caused by a great kindness, Glenn Harlan, reynolds instant it is his sight
aids ago. The ivy league colleges thought they a problem too many jews. These recent emigrants from a culture that prized education and achievement had enough. Fortunate characteristic. They work harder Studied longer and carried carried more about school, in short, they all attributes required for success in the ivy league. Promises, the ivy league didn't want them first generation students, these applicants didn't have rich alumni, parents be likely to donate big bucks. Being from an ethnicity not associated with america's governing class. They didn't help the ivy league with its biggest selling point they going to. College, their provides an opportunity to rub shoulders with america's governing class and there is seen as boring, grinds who studied hard and weren't much fun. the result was a change in emissions criteria to reward so called leadership and well rounded candidates, a thin disguise
For those in charge and following closely on actual quotas for jewish students, so that no matter how many apply their numbers on campus would stay just about the same, and Glenn reynolds as a professor of law. By the way I then conveniently enough the ivy league was able to find jewish applicants with plenty of money, polishing governing class connections without too much trouble. But while the court for jews are gone. The ivy league now by all accounts, has quotas for asian students there its people who study too hard boring, grind so much fun and, of course, their parents are is rich and connected and though the numbers of highly qualified asian applicants have grown dramatically, the number of agents admitted stays pretty much the same every year, now the asian students are showing a lawsuit against harvard their claiming that harvard demands higher qualifications formation students than from others and that it uses racial classifications to engage in the same brand of invidious
crimination against asian americans. It formerly used to limit the number of jewish students to it stood body. These claims are almost certainly correct description. Can I get station students and not just by harbour throughout higher, it is open secret for years asian students were told, face, bamboo ceiling as a result and where today discrimination is different from the ivy league. All quarters against Jews is that the all quarters were removed as part of efforts to fight racism. The ivy legs new quotas, meanwhile, are often defended on the same grounds or at least as mean attaining diversity, harder to do in a nation that is made up of minorities? The older It's affirmative action was about overcoming white resistance to opening up institutions to blacks, Student with a lower s, I t score, got a spot in college, it's. My wife did, while I whites do probably benefit to some degree from growing up for having at parents who grew up in a racially segregated society. That's the argument.
And give him any white institutions, history of lying and foot, dragging when it came to desegregation, firmly actual is said to be a way of ensuring that we got results, not excuse but spend then sixty years since brown versus port of educational? What's more racial issues in america, no longer black and white? The vein He's child a boat people are the indian untouchable immigrant workers, The harbour they didn't benefit from rachel segregation and probably came or obstacles. Pre college in an african american born in new york Should these asian applicants be disadvantaged, so universities can ensure that there are two You have the wrong kind of people on campus. Thirty years ago he writes my old law, professor bert Marshall. on the yale law journal on non discrimination and a nation and minorities europa that affirmative action was still about breaking down the white power structures, maybe there we're still true a nineteen eighty four, but now universities, all of which, including private schools. I carbet are heavily fed by
Taxpayers, funds Their engaging in racial discrimination and all produce. What they regard as a pleasing bouquet of race and ethnicity. Is that it enough reason to deny individuals a fair chance. I don't think so, and I suspect that Which will feel the same way? Will that's interesting, because our new judge, who needed a biologist to tell us she was a female where the vagina I guess Our new judge. When the oral argument was made, she d did using the equal protection clause of fourteenth amendment. Against minorities she was not particularly soup, Heading four special privileges. you understand what I'm saying. The marxist left, is invidious at heinous.
Nobody should be discriminated against as it. visual. Why are you representing a group as an individual. Why you even representing history We write back much love in the There is literally no reason to pay verizon in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you can get the same service on the same network, a pure talk for a half the price yep talk text and place. Fast data, just thirty bucks a month other guys are making you pay for thousands of retail stores. You don't go into perks. You dont use a massive profits to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they ve invested in a? U S, pace customer service team. It's why they give you more data options and unlimited, because they won't charge you for data. You don't need. I switched to pure talk because
like supporting a company owned by a? U s veteran, I like supporting accompanying, supports me and my values, and I invite you switched pure talk to their. My guys switched a pure talk in less than ten minutes. Gonna pure talk dot com in April code, levine podcast, that's easy iron podcast does say fifty percent of your first month again pure talk, dot com, Promo code levine podcast, firstly also compared to run through the john birches, who appeal buckley had dinner some time ago in aggregate announced some time ago as the john birch society have to do it. Donald trump. you go in front of a group of people. To start raging on and on like this.
They fly your fat ass out. The las vegas Las Vegas has great face. Did you know this, MR producer, which Me too, thanking the only thing that Christy is ever lead as a rational buffet. You know this. Golden corral. Isn't that the name of it We get in the way. I could see it. I parfait man. I could see that that press chris bill bar there, man tell you what they restock I remembered toward it those Legs like here, like the gun, style. Haven't we first before mister still to come on this programme. Mr Blair said I know we have in the past. when he was running for present member that certainly. Harold stassen of new Hampshire. He couldn't Start a new hampshire, but look what he does. Kelly trashed Marco rubio look
goes around trashing people. I would love to debate this guy Rip the pieces, I get educated one, how to debate chris yo Come on come on the programme. You really are john bert society. Really lost your mind. John audubon society made Schonberg society. No, I don't think so. He can get elected. Ladies and gentlemen, not even a new jersey, I'll be back. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you a question: did you know withdrawing your cash from the bank can be very risky, that's her. Banks are now required to spy on us for the government and the report any behaviour they think is suspicious. It's true and I shock. When I read this secret or on cash from swiss america, the new or against cash, is really a war against the constitution. Against freedom, loving americans so
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the broadcasting, the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mike love. The Hello america mark Levin here are numbered. We will like some calls later in our three eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one etc. seven, three, one, three, eight one, one. Waiting for curse Christie, to quote another reagan phrase, but it where's. He wouldn't do that. Eleven, the commandment. thou shall not speak ill of another republic. What about mark running for office period.
I'm not running for president I'm running from the presidency when I'm saying so well. That will never say anyway, he'll never get elected here too much Hillary Clinton within the disparaging of tens of millions of people. Surprise, you didn't say and adapt both I read a blurb more sparrin sweetie. This is really an outrage. I mean it's one after another year, not the pile On the daily mail. Ready for this one america Biden agree: to pay climate reparations We will pay up to one billion dollars to compensate developing cunt he's for global warming. But gas guzzling china won't have to pay into global finance. This is so her They can't so many levels First of all, since windows, a president have the power to just blow off a billion dollars, like their hats,
money, that's my money. so they want to have higher eighty seven thousand new iris agents to shake us down so low. this, can get the money for public sector unions can get the money, so third worlders can get the money, so they can redistribute wealth me. While you are at act as a hard working american. It's just! It's just unbelievable and people vote for this. when a chance to put an end to this whole. Damn thing our trump But what am I remember. you ready to hear this. He got to hear it. Joe Biden says the: u S will sign up to a. You went back fund to pay reparations to developing countries worst affected by climate change, so each just never end. You see climate change. If you were to ask your by what is climate change, he couldn't even to find out what is it.
How do they define what is it One degree celsius in bolivia stoner, a hundred and twelve day record keeping score? Nay? can't even define it it is utterly elusive, but is there a religion? So it doesn't matter and then you keep going you ve got, constrain. What individuals can do you ve gotta constrain and destroy capitalism You have to have environmental justice reparation payments it. Start a whole new com. Ideology that is, miracle. Nice the creation of the fund was announced on saturday, he was negotiated at the united nations seal t seven to seven rather summit in egypt was, originally known as a loss and damage fund and had been blue
by previous american administration's but jos out there, and he wants to make a legacy america He is for the little guy. Why he's destroying the lullaby. the nations will benefit from the funds are largely from asia, africa, latin america, the maybe in the south pacific they say there were said to be worst affected by rising sea levels and other whether extremes blamed on carbon emissions created by wealthier countries there you go said: damn capitalism. Why are they paying us for all the lush vegetation that they have as a result of carbon dioxide? Mr producer. they should be paying us. Why are we paying them last year? I was granted one billion dollars to help develop. countries tackle climate change, although it clear. If that care. we'll go into this fund. It don't matter.
He'll. Take a billion dollars out of the defence department. Do their president, so faces Having his plane, stymied by their gnp majority house, which would have to approve any funding mooted by the white house. But he gets around them and then here they have the law catch up with him. Remember like the student, oh you suckers, Oh you millennials suckers, who voted for Joe buying cause. You thought he was santa claus. you wanna get free money from the rest of us now. What do you think butscha suckers. There'll be wrangles with fellow you and members over who pays what it could well mean nothing gets done. Yes, let's hope. Donald trump famously pulled the euro saturday, twenty fifteen, you and paris accord on climate change. You know what that took guts, the great movies trying to save the american worker
saying it represented a bad deal for america would decide this known to share many of the forty four presidents views. china, the worst in the world's biggest polluter ready, wouldn't They contribute to any global fund because it still consider developing nature, yes, developing icy being With nuclear warheads aimed at our cities, so this its vast wealth. As a developing country, they don't have the pain to this system ever seen a country more hell bent Sabotaging itself On committing suicide, have you ever seen a country more hell bent on it? It's really shocking. I haven't, but we had our chance. Just one enough of us just enough of us, the german disaster. Remain a disaster do tell
There is an official in germany whose now recommending stockpiling several crates of water and can food. That's Eric and three years. If we don't get this thing under control,. Germany was the wealthiest nation in europe. The ema Industrial nation in europe, the self sufficient nation in europe and now it's on its back. This is a zero hedge. They head of germany's federal office of civil protection and disaster relief, BB k wrath tesla as worn citizens to prepare for short term power outages. weekly in January february and stock up on rations in advance, So we have to assume that there will be blackouts this winter folks in new england, new york area Slovenia, you should pay. and she possesses usin. We have this.
That their and our thanks for voting for buying those who did you, Get where you voted for. After soon, there will be blackouts this winter. By that I mean a regional tempering interruption of the power supply. The cause will not be energy shortages, but also that targeted, temporary shutdown of networks by operators with the aim of protecting and that words are not endangering their overall supply. We call at rationing. Some municipalities are not prepared and despite drill, gas, storage facilities being near capacity. Experts. Think the back pile will be enough to lead the country. So the winner shows me won't be enough. Due to a lack of new supply from russia- oh yeah, that's it the case, it is because sixty percent ready for this sixty percent their fuel. They got from russia a hutu. The cut it out. MR producer, who told the cut it out that
Birch society now trump told him the cut it out. Take crispy. China cut it out. No When I think of energy, I don't normally take a christie to you, Mr Barroso, but now I am. grotesque like methane, Europe Christy polly gives off two or three times the amount of methane as an average american, when you guess that. And build bars probably up there somewhere, just a guess: I'm good an it. on calling minds? Don't wanna know in my case, but you get the point: I'll be right back, then
listening to this programme, know that leaves summary with the aid of Mcconnell and others destroyed the voting system in alaska still trying to find out? Who is the senator from Alaska? So I thought we would check in with our friend culture. Aka, and she could help us further south. How are you kelly market? great to be with you thanks. So much for having me again. How are you don't forget? We don't forget what the hell's going on up there we're still. Waiting to determine the final outcome of the election. As you know, the actual action was on november eight. They think we have the least amount of votes to count in the fifty states and we will take the longest to count them and part of that is because they implemented this ring choice system that George soros splendid organizations are trying to push through out to the united states are only two states that have a state. Why did this
that's mean and alaska, and we know what those two: u S, senators have in common and we are dealing with it for the first time up your unalaska one of the things that we saw as an effect, as one of the lowest voter turn out that we ve seen in decades and unfortunately, I think that that has had a real big impact on the result, so for ten days, So I was leading substantially overmore cow and then just here recently it is swept. She has a point, Seven percent lead over mean the election is not done yet they saw have to run the ring choice algorithm where the fourth in the third place, candidates will draw, often depending on who they ranked as their second place and third place preferences, That's ultimately going to determine who wins the race to were still in this fight. This could go, The potential we count this could go to people filing law suits, so I'm asking your listeners for help. Please help us at kelly for a kate outcome. I dont know
What twists and turns will come next, but I will need help so kelly for a kate outcome. We ve also had to pay for staff costs time for ballot observations for weeks now and that's been pretty prices while, so, if you can help I'd appreciate it, california, kate outcome, that up on our social sites, mr produce, this is just terrible absent, the terrible. You can't just, however,. a face to face woman on woman election. They they go through all this rigmarole to try and knives. Somebody, like you, I thought Fournier had this process to know. I think they do in some other local elections, but not stay wide and what we ve seen as resoundingly the voters are to get rid of it; they don't understand it. That's what I saw in the last, a week's most of the stuff we're doing with voter education on having choice, work, people I don't understand: how is it that the person who could have the most votes doesn't the monthly the election. That's really confusing
The figure is kind of a game strategy. If I want my candidate to win, how do I rang a ballot? Destroying willingly primary system, so conservative stone have I say when you're dealing with an establishment republic. They can't just stop them. As the representative horizontal faggot, The Democrats too, so ample and our race? We literally had and actors from California come up here change your name pretend to be an alaskan to try become. Are you a senator? Could you imagine his dark funded and everything if we had fallen for that if it hadn't been exposed in time and we'd elected a fake person by actors from california funded by dark money to be our next, you senator that's how crazy this system because you don't have parties actually vetting candidates to say this several legitimate. They stand for what we believe and they can run with our name and that's what actually here
Worked from or koski his advantage, she's been thrown out of the republican party she's, not a member she's been told she cannot be a member. She cannot use the republican name, she's been officially censured, it didn't didn't, stop her she decided she's, gonna collar call public a republican. Anyway, we can see from the vote the actual democratic candidate has only ten percent of the votes. So where did all those Democrats go there? in turn. Number one rakowski are putative democratic candidate, but she has an hour behind your name because in Alaska you can't be a: u S, senator and not be a republican. This really I've been a race between me and the democratic candidate, but mark housekeeper on the ballot anyway, and that because a ring choice, election although I have to say that actress you spoke about, probably could have gotten elected in pennsylvania. cause they elect the ferryman and that will go down in history as really the biggest crackpot elect dammit at nominee. in history- and there has been a lot of them, but so
think it would work there in my home state of pennsylvania, so You need support in order to continue to fight to count these ballots and so forth, getting any from Mitch. Mcconnell. Have I did not get support for mentioned. I think we thought I mean this story is still evolving. We today, our mouths drop open. As we see that asked he acts gave over two million dollars, tam o connell. They gave money to macao ski they gave money and all the democratic, the wise Mcconnell on that list. With all these Democrats, mcdonald's, then it later I find that worked so hard I think my campaign and preserve a minority in the senate when that's not his job, his job as leader and make sure we republicans have a majority. The mountain get this straight and behind the curve. So his crook? This If the ex guy two million dollars to the Senate leadership fund Mcconnell fun
was sent an article two data set two and a half million dollars from after tax went to Senate leader should fund, and we know that much. on page over I can nine million dollars spent in alaska. I think we shall have to see how much actually seats were and to make sure Murkowski Caskey preserve that seat. Yeah, you got it. Wow! I wonder how much oversight he's going to support and whether he is going to be witness and testify in his buddy steve law, who runs that Senate leadership fund sounds pretty corrupt. Well but they're, not about you now, of course, now It's not an economy with all behind making sure that macao he can keep. Those who are campaign is under way. oh by the people for the people making sure alaskan actually have a voice that we can get her sentence. He back there's a guy right before, though action who told me no carry on voting for you, because I'm tired of the last gains being a pawn in the dc game, and I thought me and that some of the whole thing up and mercosur. second, her own launch video in this
action lower forty eight outsiders are gonna flood our state. What our money to try and by our centre feet. They don't care about you and I don't care about your future remarks. She's! Absolutely right! That's exactly what's been happening up here for decades. She didn't oh, that it was gonna, be on her behalf and that's what happened campaign was of me, mcconnell by dark money for least summer caskey, and that's exactly what's happening across the united states. You ve got this establishment regime two heads of the same beast, telling all about people out here in amerika, I how it's gonna go down and we the people. Heard of It- and we have something to say about it, I'll tell you we started with two no name recognition last march. Are we We have a really good fight, and I'm not done fighting this. This raises an over when, when the sea it out this week- and I dont know how it's going to turn out but in the event colonel immortality were able to buy the ascendancy, we're not die appear in Alaska. We ve started a movement and I'm not gonna stop. I think that
You still got a lotta runway to go and we're not just kind, throw our hands up and say what they want and were defeated because we're not visit Stopping and I'm not stopping organ and continue to fight for alaska and fight for america, and I'm gonna keep going We appreciate that and you are very solid person aunt. Let me good question- I don't mean to be personal, but you're in an interracial marriage, isn't that correct that's right, my husband's god from democratic republic of congo and my husband grew up in africa. Ok, so the Senate devotes it's like guinea and clarence Thomas interracial met and they vote. Who codified the right to interracial marriage? Did you have difficulty getting married, Because you're, a one raised and he's of another I know there is a supreme court case. and loving vs Virginia that decades old. That allows me and my husband to be married, so I'm that was so. Why did I vote on that?
because they're trying to send a lesson that the supreme court out of control and unless you vote on that you're going to oppose the stick. We don't hang up we're gonna be right back the thunder on mobile right now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one with kelly shebang, aka it would make a great senator from Alaska Kelly's tobacco has Mitch Mcconnell ever called. You are spoken to you. Are you there Yes mark. Can you hear me I'm here yeah? Has he ever spoken? You now mr Connell never spoken to me. I doubt at this point he well unless we went on Wednesday that I think will have some arts, but early on, he never wanted to Can I see what you're like talk to? You got discuss the issues, and so he knew he never asked you never placed it
to the endorsed republican candidate from Alaska. Remember, though, after public in party to me to be our candidate and censured, one. ski removed her for membership, so I am heads republican candidate in alaska- never placed a call now. What about well. He cannot works his way, under the radar, but he works very very closely with Mcconnell. They, they operate, often on who they're going to support, and so for do you know if he got involved in your race. I don't have any reason to think colorado, but I do know that J w through pretty large fundraiser from a cowskin textiles. While I wouldn't happen without car. Of that I can t. I agree. We jail such george, w bush through a fundraiser from Rakowski cracked yeah And the gutter from taxes, knowledge workers, but the other one who works carnally with exact who works closely with
Mcconnell also did a large on raising to earth or taxes for her. So you up established framework and on behalf of my asking who both eighty percent of the time was Joe Biden, from his nominees and his cabinet, the radical nominees to shun dog boiling. send a sri in Albania A bar border for all of them, illegal immigration problems that were having function bite and right hand person in the senate. You can't have the bite administration having the success it does. We all know that the constitution is established, what the check them, and says that it has an order forbidden to get this far. What the Senate like the way, but when I go on before I run out of time their public and say in John corning campaigning firmer cask against you. Obviously george w and you also had tim scott support. I play didn't yet exactly
when it was exposed on undercover videos that she and her campaign staff in her allies rig this ring choice system in her favour. They took that to TIM gotten said: would you pull back and he said now. And even though he must know that the national education association is her biggest supporter. I don't know about that and in other extremely liberal unions up here I mean up here it's democrats who are running her campaign. We all know that and and he stole wooden, pull back on man. We know who else garlic, babeesh men Do we know anyone there yeah there's a whole bunch of their senators up when you don't print the fcc contribution report, a whole bunch of those republican senators dropped thousand here, ten thousand there to support her hands. Soon, as supporting harm, etc. Johnson, so the whole The whole Mitch Mcconnell conciliatory
you got it that stage behind him, like they're at a funeral. Every time is at a press conference everyone, lamb or certain her mother had them's yeah. That's what we're against here in Alaska. You know our economy is taint. We have a housing crisis in every single community. Alaskans were eating the food that we can, that we caught and that we killed and there's not another state in the nation, that's having to live the way that alaskans are living and try as we might. You know, we've got a great candidate that rises up and says: I'm not afraid of them are called skis, I'm not afraid of the. if your monarchy, I'm not afraid of mitch macfarlane and to do this, you know of darkness. They come then, and then smears my reputation with a whole slanderous festive lies all Mcconnell to persuade just a couple thousand people me she's, not even two thousand votes ahead of me at this point. That's how close this. as the three says, and I dont know how and ultimately turn out by it just goes to show how little downloaded oda you A new newcomer
her family have been in office for half a century, Her name is well known She barely has led they rigged in what we mean by rigged as they legally ray The system He came out fraud, but they legally rigged the system so she wouldn't have to go through a primary in effect, weather begins with throw out. You are the endorse republican candidate, and she likes me, millions and millions and millions for Mitch Mcconnell And soon and corn, in support Tim scarred and others how do these guys liver themselves? So amazing? I think I don't think it's about us. The people anymore. I think everything that you ve talked about and written about is exactly right. It's just about holding onto power at in eating at any cost, and the cost is our Hey checks it petroleum, it's our pistols as our parental rights. We this go on and on we're on
feeling it in our pocketbooks every day were feeling it at the pump were unaware feeling it we can pay for that. Heating in our homes, this winter across alaska, I'm not exaggerating, people are panic, now, let me tell you something all the liberal democrats in new hampshire vote for Bernie sanders types. and massachusetts, and elsewhere, pay a price for their vote. Now playing big oil all they want big I live in alaska, is passed into do more drilling as they are all over the country. They all want to build more pipelines. They all want to do these things and the Democrats they run on both sides of the aisle, which is above the train tracks big one While produce soya and then on the other side, big oil must not produce oil got their voters who are dumb as hell. I'm just telling you my own opinion that yea, I don't care if they went to ivy league schools and fourteen degrees, They don't know how you get oil
and there they are voting for the same person- is now going to impoverish. Them are kelly to keep us informed. Ok, thank you. Mark mama kelly brocade, our common I'll, keep you posted on what happens appreciate you. That's kelly for A k, dot com are gub lesson but have abbe thanksgiving if he can goblet happy thanksgiving. Are you too sad The only of these people in washington dc orders, but calmly spent millions who? Well what about this now, and I want to talk about that- I want to talk about trap. tunnels, the putative head believe it or not of the republican party many way. Certainly the senate will trump's not carry out trot trump we're to talk about from. Let's put again, let's put but behind us, but let's not stop talking about only if its negative.
Only if your cheerleading for him to be indicted, then you can talk about. That's ok,. I I want to get one more piece somewhat get some calls after the break, sits in the free beacon, the washed and free beacon, one of the great sites you ready for this. this is by aaron siberian forty four percent of medical school. Eighty four percent of medical school have ten and promotion policies that reward scholarships unquote: diversity, inclusion and equity, unquote, seven, percent make students take a course on quote: diversity, inclusion or cultural competence, unquote and seventy nine percent require that all hiring committees receive quote unconscious, spire sancho training or include quote, woody advisers, unquote people whose job it is to ensure diversity among the faculty.
This poison is everywhere we were now to non medical schools. It's gonna be in your doctors office. It's gonna be in your surgeons, operating room. this poison is everywhere. Those are just some of the findings from a new report by the association of american medical colleges, which too there were the american medical association. I credits, air. medical school and the united states. The report quote the power of collective action. Assessing and advancing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at a m c medical schools, unquote based on a survey of one hundred and one medical school dean's presenting nearly two thirds of american medical schools Given a list of diversity policies and asked to indicate which, once they have implemented the result Paint a striking portrait of ideological capture at many men
schools concerned about social justice have saturated every layer of institutional decision making particular the hiring, an emission processes. Trend. Some doctors say will undermine meritocracy and endanger patients. Three It indicates that more than a third of medical schools offer extra funding, apartments that hit diversity targets halfway. Our job applicants to submit diversity statements two thirds quote, require departments units to us They diverse pull of candidates for faculty positions. Unquote. In addition, every school reported using quote holistic since processes. That means race discrimination euphemism for affirmative action that assessed plugins grades and test scores in light of the race lowering the academic bar for groups under represented in medicine, quarter, unquote. What we're dealing with life and death here said: Jeff singer a general surgeon from arizona. This guy's got guts.
I want to know that my doctor got their degree because their smart and know what they're doing, but why, They be different than the president, he open it, doesn't know what he's dying. Release november tenth, the report comes in the wake of a year, long campaign by the association of american medical colleges to inject quote, calling them too, city, equity and inclusion into the accreditation process a year ago. ro, put our guidelines. Calling meritocracy quote ready for this. A militia narrative unquote a view critics at the time, with lower admission standards and endanger lives and in july required all medical schools all to incorporate biodiversity, equity and inclusion, lessons to hinder their curricula state that they should impact a critical understanding. One just systems of oppression. The survey appears to have been part of that campaign. All schools they completed. It received a score grating there d efforts, which might Any policies not implemented as areas for improvement, quorum quote and
the best uses of the server the reports it is for schools to show their meeting the core. accreditation requirements for d. in other words they're not going to get accredited unless they take this bogus poison and impose it. Telling the heat of these requirements, medical schools of lower standards for all students, even the two, performers to avert a scenario in which dropout rates explode. What she'd say, A cohort of students who struggle you have to ratchet down the entire curriculum said step illegal far but professor at the university of pennsylvania, medical school, a why In free beacon, enthusiast and the father, free beacon, chairman, Michael Goldfarb, so Everyone gets through with much less rigorous courses. if you're bleeding out from a gunshot wound. You need a doctor who knows how to save your life, not the one who can tell you about employ said biased, said Larry logan alarum morgan, a nurse in Dallas texas, who lost her job at a teaching hospital, paler, scott
And white health after Refused any recent diversity training to affirm that all white people were racists. You believe this rich, this sickening? It goes on and are we were opposed this. This is this is unbelievable. Let me just say this. Leave were daughter in this family who is working every Am waking moment. to get into medical school. To get out a medical school with honors to get in the medical school into a hospital johns hopkins working every day, working working working studying studying, studying, researching, researching, researching. That's your life writer.
this is an abomination, an app with the abomination. Disgusts me I'll get accredited. Unless you racially discriminate. this christmas, redlined land cotton, is inviting you to bring the farm home. What do I mean by that You already know that every of cotton used in red land cod sheets taos, quilts lounge, where grown on the Yeager family farm and north alabama manufactured entirely in the usa. such as one of the many reasons why I love them so much. But this commitment to america is nothing new for red lancken for six Here's redline cotton has been bringing up as members new bedding towels loungewear and more direct from there in a farm with a transparent and sustainable supply chain. This sir customers to enjoy american may quality while supporting their american friends and neighbours. This christmas bring the farm home to your family and friends.
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at a crossroads with depressing piss slipping into the abyss. and while we have our families to turn to an hour, And deterrent. And that's normally enough. We ve got to do more and I will tell more about that tomorrow. Before I leave for thanksgiving, ladies and gentlemen, we salute our armed forces. Police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel- are truckers, thank god, for you our brothers in taiwan are brothers in ukraine and all over the world. I wish you all the best how about you say we join here to morrow same time same place.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-23.