« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/1/20


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin. It's too little too late for FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer who chose not to act in 2017 when Landmark Legal Foundation filed a 'friend of the court brief' citing the abuse of the FISA Court. Collyer denied Landmark’s request and now, two and a half years later, rebukes the FBI for their "irregularities." Her actions are disappointing and she should be held to account and publicly share the facts behind her new decision to look into these matters. Then, President Trump submitted his statement on impeachment for the record today citing the lack of an impeachable offense, the erosion of our Constitution, and the ill-spirited will of Democrats in the legislature to attack him over political differences.  Later, the enemy of the Constitution, is the Speaker of the House. In true fascist fashion Pelosi is obstructing the Senate because they cannot control the trial there. So, at the direction of Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe, Pelosi has decided to put the brakes on sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate and snapped at reporters who asked if she was playing politics with the impeachment in order to gain leverage over the Senate process. The Senate has the sole power under the Constitution to adjudicate an impeachment. Therefore, Pelosi is attempting to obstruct the Senate’s power to act on its constitutional authority. Mitch McConnell should immediately put an end to this and declare the impeachment null and void as the speaker has failed to complete the impeachment process by timely sending it to the Senate for adjudication. McConnell has no less authority to unilaterally make such a decision than Pelosi does to withhold the administrative notification of the articles of impeachment to the Senate either indefinitely or with conditions. Her effort to cripple the presidency and blackmail the Senate must be defeated. We hope you have a very happy new year!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year hills, there is. Truly independent institution where learning as prized in Actual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my son.
Here- appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run casting a mermaid underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader. This is the best of the mark. Levant shall happy new year and everybody Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one page, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one we'll get to this beach when stuff and a minute, but before we have heard about this judge Rosemary Collier
And she's the presiding judge, with the face a court and she's been for several years and they home newspaper record reports us the headline drug blasts FBI over misleading info for surveillance of Trump campaign, adviser the secretive federal court that approved the surveillance of former trunk campaign adviser Carter page on Tuesday accused FBI. Agents of creating a misleading impression about their bases for requesting a warrant, an order, the bureau to overhaul its process in a blistering order, a judge on the face of cord, accused the bureau, providing false information and withholding materials that would have under cut its for surveillance application. Funny thing I said this back
March twenty seventeen. But let's go on the FBI's handling of the Carter. Page applications as portrayed in the OECD report was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor, described above Rosemary Collier presiding judge, what they face. A court wrote in the order released by the court. The judge gave the FBI until January ten to provide the court sworn statement detailing how plans to overhaul its approach to future surveillance application- and it goes on she goes on the frequency with which rapidly Patients may by FBI person, personnel turned out to be unsupported contradicted by information in their possession and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case calls out of the question whether,
formation contained in the other. Api applications is reliable and I have nothing but well. Let me be careful about this. I want to admonish this judge. She had an opportunity to act when it mattered back on April. Twenty
two thousand and seventeen, the Landmark legal foundation under which President PETE Hutchinson file a motion. He secret motion with this court and it was a motion informing the judge of the violations that occurred based on public reports, because it was known back in April two thousand and seventeen, some of it is not much of it and those exhibits were provided to the judge five days after we file that just five days after we filed
The judge role as follows: order the court has received a pleading titled motion for leave to appear as a make us cure. I infer in Bonn quarter directing investigation submit by landmark legal foundation. On April twenty twenty seventeen, although presented as her request to appear as an amicus cure, I friend of the court There is no matter pending before the court with respect to which such an apparent would be proper. Therefore,. Ordered denies request. There is no matter pending before the court with respect to which such an appearance would be proper. There was always a disingenuous reply by this judge and apparently she changed her mind today. Barely she changed her mind more than today
a few years later and realise all I have jurisdiction. The matter is pending don't never made any sense because it judges free even after a matters, done to call part before them in their court room, if, in fact the judge believes wrongs have been committed in the court against the court and so judge call your did not pay checked the federal judiciary. She did not protect her own court room. She did not protect the foreign, intelligent surveillance act. For more than two and a half year. She allowed these perpetrators to get away with what they did and she could have brought an end to this. She could have had an evident cherry hearing, for I can t tearing if you will- and she chose not to now jumping on the bandwagon after the oh, I see report after Robert
I want a fan of, I mean the FBI Acta Ray, I should say w already, why has announced forty different reforms that he's going to take a look at. After I and others, including MIKE Lee, have said you know we have to abolish the court, they of course failed to do its job and I suspect it won't do its job. Only now does Judge Collier issue her decision only now, because part of the problem is judged. Oh yeah and any other judge who overseas hers involved as a vice adjudge. They don't read these documents over a thousand of them. Work added to the face court's last in the twenty eighteen, and only one was denied that trauma stay. One hundred percent approval record. Now that's absurd.
So Judge Collier has some answering to do Congress is serious about ending to the bottom of this She and others need to be called before Congress in a legitimate. Oversight function, not to investigate For criminal reasons, but to find out Exactly what she and others did, did they read it? Did they raise any questions because. The person being targeted groups being targeted, they have no presence in the secret courts. None. So more than two and a half years after this judge in a couple sentences reject. Landmark legal foundations very appropriate. Pertinent motion Calling on her to investigate what has taken place on what was taking place.
Claiming it s and she didn't have jurisdiction anymore, since the matter is of before her anymore. Now she pulls jurisdiction back claims. That matter must is in front of her. And orders reforms and orders this area faces system is broken and in part, because the face of courts are broken. Including what Judge Collier did rosemary car you're, the presiding judge under the Fisk. Fine, intelligent surveillance court system does not improve what she's done here am disturbed that it took so long. She writes. The fights accord, expects the government to provide, played an accurate information and every filing with the court. Without it, the court cannot properly ensure that the government conducts its electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes only when there is a sufficient, factual, basis, while Judge Collier. Why did you wait? Why didn't you home?
your own hearing in secret. Why didn't you pull the parties in front of you. Why didn't you hold on evidentiary hearing, you were waiting for the office of the inspector general, but you haven't. Dependent obligation, you're an independent court you're, an independent body, to look into these It is on your own, such ass, Well, that you waited for the executive branch and for the office of the Independent Council to do its investigation, but the meantime they took it four and a half naked, Trees plodding along we have Ellen within the media elements within our political system who are denying that violations occurred or ignoring them completely, and signed off on these applications. You or one of your colleagues.
Did you ever see this court system? You are responsible for this two who's going to hold you to account, and why did you slough off a perfectly legitimate motion that was warning you an inquiring of you and encouraging you to act? And you only act now there were serious missteps as the inspector general. So worse than that, of course, but there were serious missteps by you, judge, Collier and your colleagues, because without you and your colleagues, there would have been no warrant regardless b I did and you chose to sit on the sidelines for two and a half years and watch it all play out.
We chose to sit on your hands and watch at all play out until you can get cover from the inspector general report. Rather than conduct your own judicial inquiry. That is appalling to me. And this is why, when likely Senator Lee was on my programme last night, I said I don't. Have a whole lot of faith that they're going to be able to reform the system. Not only of judges like this, who, even after the fact, take their damn good old time. Addressing what was obvious over two and a half years ago?. I'll, be right back then The new year begins hills. Dear colleagues, thank you for your loyalty to freedom, since eighteen ready for does held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education essential.
Preserving free government and for decades, the collar has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty, through a variety of outreach programmes. Actually receive in Primus for free every month or have taken of hills. Does excellent free online courses or of attention one of hills, Dell's, free, regional events. You know, deals refusal to take even one penny of government money now this in and its allows the college to focus on its core purposes: learning character, faith and freedom without government interfere, It's so during the season of blessings. Hailstones thanks! You for partnership and extend Its mission to the rest of the country happy here from Hills, Dale College and to learn more visit? Love four hills: Delbert Com- that's l, E me. I am for hills, dot, dot, com,
this is mark, love and wish you a happy new year now, back to the best of me proof, better, Ginsburg, the reason the left loves is because she's a left wing politician, former General Council for the American Criminal Liberties Union and pretty much a left wing hack the Supreme Court, who has been idolized and celebrated by, of course, law, schools, the media and the usual cabal. And over the business insider they ve been article title Justice, Ruth Paine Ginsburg hits back at trumps called stop. Impeachment quote the president is not a lawyer. Why she came back in anything with Washington, was on a lawyer either. So what.
President of the United States, today wrote a historic letter, a comprehensive letter for the record for all of history and all of time to Nancy Pelosi laying out in exquisite to what a disgrace, the entire world Our job is, I'm gonna, begin reading it to you and we'll have to go to the break at some point already after the break as well as I don't believe I can finish it beforehand, but it's worth reading he writes dear. Madam speaker, I write to express my course I lose it. Immediately lose it most producing. How am I right to express my strongest and most powerful protest against the partisan impeachment crusade being pursued by the day a in the House of Representatives, this impasse,
went, represents an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power. By Democrat lawmakers unequal to nearly and a half centuries with american legislative history. The article seven p when introduced by the house. Judiciary committee are not recognisable under any standard of constitutional theory, interpretation and jurisprudence. Thank include no crime, snow misdemeanours are no offences whatsoever. You have cheap in the importance The very ugly word impeachment the articles of impasse when introduced by the house, hurry read them by reading of my Iphone by proceeding with here in valid impeachment, you are violating your oath of office, your breaking your allegiance to the constitution and your declaring open war on american democracy. You dare to invoke the
Fathers in pursuit of this election nullifies asian scheme, yet your spiteful actions display unfettered contempt for America's founding and your agreed just conduct threatens to destroy that which are found his pledge their very lives, to build even worse, worsen, offending the founding fathers. Your funding, Americans have fun by continually saying I pray for the president. When you know this statement is not true, unless it is meant in a. Negative sense. It is a terrible thing you are doing, but you we'll have to live with it. Not I your first claim abuse of power is a completely disingenuous. Merit, listened baseless. Invention of your imagination No, that I had a totally innocent conversation with the President of Ukraine. I then, at a second conversation that has been misquoted, miss characterizing
Fraudulently misrepresented, fortunately, there was a transcript of the conversation taken and you know: transcript, which was immediately made available that the paragraph in question was perfect. I said the president, so Linsky quote. I would like you to do us a favour, though, because our countries been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. Unquote, I said: do us a favour, not me, and our country not a campaign Then mention the attorney general, the United States every time with a fine leader. I put America's interests market interests first, just as I did with President Zalewski, or turning a policy disagreement between two branches of government into unimpeachable offence It is no more legitimate than the executive branch charging members of Congress with crimes for
Lawful exercise of legislative power, you know full well that vice President Biden used his office. And one billion dollars of U S: aid to to coerce Ukraine into firing the prosecutor, who is digging into the company, paying his son millions of dollars. You know that. Because Biden brag about it on a video by openly stated. I said I'm telling you you're not getting the billion dollars looked at them- and I said I'm leaving in six hours at the prosecutors not fired you're, not getting the money, Well, son of a bitch he got fired even Joe Biden emitted, two days ago, in an interview with NPR that it look bad now you're trying to peach me by force accusing me of doing what Mine is, admittedly, actually did
until he has repeatedly call. It declared that I did nothing wrong and that there was no pressure. He further emphasise it was a good phone call. I don't feel I share, and I explicitly stress that nobody pushed me the ukrainian farming. Their stated very clearly I've seen a direct link between investigations and security assistance. He also said there is no pressure. Senator RON Johnson was carts and a supporter of Ukraine who met privately reply. An insular scarce said at no time during this meeting was there any more. Is olinsky or any ukrainian that they refilling pressure to do anything for the military aid many. Meetings have been held between representatives, Ukraine in our country. Never once did Ukraine complain about pressure being fly, not once
This is a very, very powerful historical letter, and I want to complete it I return you hear me. About Hilda College, a lot that its rigorous classical liberal arts curriculum about its exceptionally bright and patriotic students. One in seventy five years ago, Hailstone college was I wonder where they mission defined by four enduring purposes: learning character, faith and freedom, while many instead, patients have lost their way hills. Dale college maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom. I've also talked about the Doktor Larry are the President of Helstone College to one of the finest Americans, I've ever known- and he explained said these for purposes, learning character, faith and freedom remain in separable in the activity of education at Helstone College. He says, learning is difficult and takes more than talent takes hard work, which requires
Character freedom is essential for learning, but it is fragile and constantly under threat, so its principles must be By all, for the sake of its defence and hills, dale- faith and learning are integrated toward God, because he is the first authority folks of ever wondered why I love hailstones college. Now you know visit hills, doubt Eddie, you, that's hills, Del DOT, Ye D, you for more information, Hills Del College, pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since eighteen forty four? Remember: that's hills, Del DOT, Edi you Hills, Dale, DOT, eighty Your listening to the best of the are Golovin show Happy New year, Mark Lover America's tyranny. Hotter call now. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one, some people spend
I'm talking, which is fine by me. I spent a lot of my life talking, but for me it's not enough. You have to act and unobserved any credit for their motion, landmark legal foundation farther on chairman of the board, but it's the President PETE Hutchison and his staff that put that together and filed it and they were right on and it was appalling. The judge Collier pretended she didn't, have a jurisdiction to deal with, because the case effectively was over and well now. We know that these courts continued to extend the Pfizer warrant. Was an enormous amount of information by April at twenty seventeen, the we included as exhibits. Attaching to our motion- and I ongoing know she read- she acted so quickly and got rid of it. I think
She and that court and others of her colleagues who are on those courts where humiliated and it exposed in enormous weakness in this process. Does anybody here think they read over one thousand over one thousand applications by the FBI and twenty eighteen anybody? I dont, because their judges on another court to federal district court. In addition, landmark asked the National Security Council, the National Security Agency, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Administration, among others, all honour to investigate these vice of violations, and not one of them agreed. Not one of them provided us with a positive response, not one.
Are the great thing about the little landmark legal foundations. You don't hear a lot about them, they're, not flashy. They don't issue a lot of press releases. They were wonderful website, but they don't they don't play ball in the marketing area. They just do the hard work there. What I consider landmark to be as a liberty Guerrilla operation, whether there on the writer we're off the road. Are they are their everyday permanent away, and I pointed out to a couple years Given this judge rolled the way she rolled then, all of a sudden she found jurisdiction. She found the authority to act, a truly appalling it. It's it's quite appalling. A member Judge Susan Weber, Ryan, Arkansas, T v GER that district after Brooklyn was impeached.
She ordered a year a contempt hearing now our legal foundation high and Arthur Ferguson, my buddy, the foundation far what's call judicial noticed nobody really heard of it before, and Clinton's lawyer Bob Bennett filed a motion, saying hey, they don't have standing and I filed a counter motion, the reply and I said we didn't say we have standing. We don't seek standing or giving notice to a federal court that Mr Clinton is presently united. States lied to the court.
And obstructed justice when he lied during the course of that deposition. Nepal drunk and the judge was there, so he lied to the judge and obstructed the judge. In other words, he did damage to the court and that the court needed to defend himself itself. Whenever heard from drudge right, shewn rule on Bennets motion, because there was nothing to rule on within six standing and right after send a trial, a bill Clinton Bright after the Senate trial. She issued an opinion. She waited. She shouldn't away She waited. Could she didn't want to influence these and trial? That's what she said. That's not her job. Her job is to rule and ultimately because Clinton refused to defend himself because it would
quiet him shop in court and defend himself and that certainly didn't want to do. He was held in Civil contempt he should have been held in criminal content, but her rational was, I dont know if he can indicted sitting president. But that's not the point. You can still hold criminal content criminal contempt. She Holloman civil contempt. It was not challenged. The Arkansas Supreme Court did barred him and he resigned from the Supreme Court? U S Supreme Court bar before they could despondent. There was a landmark legal foundation filing again. No, let's just press knuckles. And some very, very proud of them. What they're doing over there I dont operated day today, More, as I say, I'm just in board member of received the board not the day to day activities, but I pointed out because, while the charge is why look what this trudged ruled? This judge should
that couple years ago, this church should have had a hearing a couple years ago. This judge, should it. No the bottle what occurred in her court or in the court of the colleagues that she has, which. Overseas, not sit around a wait for an inspector general report, if there was never an inspector general report, what if they had never been an investigation. The one hand the court say: hey look this where independently the other branches. On the other hand, there sit around waiting for the Office of Inspector general in the executive branch about taking, upon themselves to look at it. They don't take this court seriously enough that judges don't. I can assure you that, if judge call your thoughts, as a federal district judge in Washington DC that some climate, some party had fixed the record.
And deceive the court. She won't wait around for the executive branch to tell her what to do. She would immediately take charge of courtroom, but she didn't hear. And it part it's because of what I said, because the judges in this system are not doing their damned jobs. And even with all the blurring abuses that we're out their forget about CNN Msnbc and the Democrats should meet, this judge knew what took place or know enough to know that something bad took place. But there you have it.
I want to finish the year later by the president. Do I haven't advertise for MR pollution? I think, will move to the next segment. The present goes on in his letter. His historic letter to the so called speaker of the house. The second claim. Emirates obstruction of justice. Is the Congress is the first. The second claim so called obstruction of Congress is preposterous and dangerous house Democrats are trying to impeach the duly elected President United States for a certain constant
Only base privileges that have been a certain on a bipartisan basis by administration to both political parties throughout our nation's history. Under that standard, every american president would have been impeached many times over. That is something I've been arguing, isn't As liberals, Professor Jonathan Turley warned when addressing congressional Democrats court, I can emphasise This enough to impeach President, if you make it- climate misdemeanor out of going to the courts. It is an abuse of power. Your abuse of power, you doing prince. Firstly, what you're criticising the president for doing unquote, everyone, you included, he writes to Pelosi, knows what really happening. Your chosen candidate lost the election and twenty. Sixteen in an electoral college, landslide, three hundred and six two thousand two hundred and twenty seven and you and your party have never recovered from this defeat. You've developed a full flow.
Case of what many in the media called trumped arrangement syndrome- and sadly, you will never get over it- you're unwilling and unable to accept the verdict issued at the ballot box during the great election of twenty sixteen So I have spent three straight years attempting to overturn the will of the american people and nullify their votes. You view democracy as your enemy, speaker policy. You admit it just last week groups, I didn't say the word as everybody hush, I'm getting there. The damn thing speaker Pelosi submitted just last week at a public form that year parties impeachment effort has been going on for two and a half years long before you.
Ever heard about a phone call with Ukraine. Ninety minutes after I took the oath of office, the Washington Post published a story headline the campaign to impeach. President Trump has begun less than three months after my inauguration Representative Maxine Waters stated I'm going to fight every day until he's impeached House Democrats introduce the first impeachment resolution again. Me within months of my inauguration, for what will be regard is one of our countries best decisions. The firing of James call me see inspector general reports, with a world now knows, is one of the dirtiest cops are nation is ever seen a adding and raving Congresswoman Rashid Tally by declared Hours after she was sworn in office, we're gonna go in and we're gonna page. The Amis represent Val Green said in May, I'm concerned
that. If we don't impeach, the president he will get. Reelected and you and your allies said- and did all these things long before you ever heard at present, these linsky or anything related to Ukraine you know very well this impeachment, DR, has nothing to do with Ukraine, or totally appropriate conversation I had with its new president. It only has do with your attempt to under the decision at twenty sixteen and steal the election of twenty twenty. Congressmen Adam Shift cheated and light all the way up to the present day, even going so far as to fraud, make up out of thin air. My conversations, incidents are, let's give Ukraine and read this. Fantasy language that Congress, as though it were set, by me his ship less lies and deceptions dating all the way back to the rush hour. Hopes is one of them
In reasons we are here today, you and your party are desperate to distract from America's extraordinary economy, credible jobs, boom, record stock market, soaring confidence and flourishing citizens. Your party simply cannot come. With our record seven million new jobs, the lowest ever unemployment for Africa, arrogance, hispanic, Americans and Asian Americans a rebuilt military aid completely reformed Ba with choice and accountability for a great veterans. More than a hundred and seventy new federal judges into Supreme Court justices, historic tax and regulation cuts, the elimination of the individual mandate, the first decline and prescription drug prices and half a century
The first new branch of the United States military since one thousand nine hundred and forty seven, the space force strong protection of the Second Amendment criminal Justice Reform a defeated ISIS Caliphate and the killing of the world's number one terrorist leader, our daddy, through is one of the disastrous NAFTA trade deal with a wonderful? U S embassy, I M not so sure about that, but that's alright lost my place, a breakthrough phase one trade deal China, massive new trade deals with Japan and South Korea withdraw from the terrible around nuclear The cancellation of the unfair any goes on. I wish I could do a job. As he is a hell of a record, a hell of a record, particularly concerning what is up against. There's nothing. I would rather do than stop referring to your party as the do nothing Democrats. Unfortunately, I dont know
That you will ever give me a chance to do so after three, years of unfair and unwarranted investigations, forty five million dollars spent eighteen, angry democrat prosecutors, the entire for. The FBI, headed by leadership, now proven to be totally incompetent and corrupt. You have found nothing. Few people in high position could have endured or pass this test. You do not know, nor do you care the great damage in her you have inflicted upon wonderful and loving members of my family? You conducted a fake investigate upon the democratically elected president of the United States and you're doing it yet again there not many people could have taken the punishment inflicted during this period of time.
He had done so much for the success of american citizens, but instead of putting our country first, you ve decided to disgrace our country still further. You completely fair weather Malo report because there was nothing to fine, so you decided to take the next hoax. They came along the floor
car with Ukraine, even though it was a perfect call, and by the way, when I speak to foreign countries, there are many people would permission listening to the call on both sides of the conversation in the letter goes on for a couple more paragraphs. I'm gonna have to take a break, but it is a fabulous letter had really is and it'll be historic letter and I'm very, very hopeful. The president tomorrow or soon after the Democrats in the House take their vote, and I said the Democrats. This is a democratic, peaceful process, not a house impeachment process. I hope the president will talk to the nation for
and her fifteen minutes. That's my hope. This is a powerful, powerful letter. I'll be right. Back so new year begins hills. College thanks! Thank you for your loyalty to freedom since eighteen, forty, four hills does held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education essential. To preserving free government and for decades College has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outreach programmes. Actually receive in Primus for free every month or have taken one those does excellent free online courses or have attended one of hills, Dell's, free regional events, you know of deals refusal to take even one penny of government money now this into and its allows the college to focus on its core purposes: learning character, and freedom without government interference.
So during the season of blessings. Hailstones thanks you for a partnership and extent its mission to the rest of the country. Happy now, from hills, they'll college and to learn more visit, love four hills: del dot com. That's L B. I am for a hills, dot, dot, com This is the place to the mark. Levine show happy new year, Manischewitz we're gonna get everything in today. I really doubt now. Do we a collar whose available the irregular American. Let's take one. Taught in Arizona GO
hey? I wanted to say the one word that should attach to every Democrat who is going to vote for this is the word. Shame for all the unjust, just unfair trials. We looked back in history and say then someone say something should have been done. That's what we're living in right now. The word is for all of them who vote for this year. I have other words when I can use them on the air of Course my friend, I shall return
he's here now: broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building we have once again made contact with our leader is marked Levine. Wish you a happy new year now back to the best of make Mark Levant our number eight. Seventy seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one I won't be here to Morrow Night, albeit a wonderful There were turning point USA
I look forward to that very much. I will be back on Friday. Excuse me, Thursday, these days or come together. For me, there is day there's Eric swore won't. He began Mister producer, which side of his body will we be talking out of tonight? Does modern. It all sounds the same. They ve never a new argument. There such liars, but they all say the same thing that they they couldn't wait. Cannot for these four witnesses now that shimmer want like Bolton and so forth, Mcbay inner mulvaney, but now that it goes to the Senate, the chief justice is the was the Lord therein, You can order them to be there. He is, after all, the chief justice and they would have to comply. That's not how it works. Separation of powers, the chief justice, doesn't such decide. The court's decide
Context of civil litigation justice. Is one judge? Isn't it Party to make a decision about separation of powers during the course of an impeachment trial. These people are. They're, not only morons, there are liars, there are liars. Mitch. Mcconnell is a permanent away on tumor sure Looks like the Franco guy. Does he not MR producer on the corner during the rain he went cigarettes now. Every time you see Adam chef on tv, that should be your image or better. Yet meddler. Man. That's big woman's unaware Fernand learn. It must reduce MR producer or humor with women's unaware over his head, I can see that got a whole look there perverting the constitution, so, in my view, their pervert. What's wrong with that.
You ve, no idea the earful I'm and it take. So I don't care I like it much MIKE On the floor, the United States Senate today cut six, go we'd all group hatreds over Rover. We judge the trousers road, thirty two, today. It made the very bar for undoing a national election as bigger palazzo herself, once it is the half hour
to quote build aren't case to that speaker policy. Its houses obligation to build on our planet caged end quote if they fail avail, it's got the son a job, a leap into the breach and search desperately for ways to get together. That would already be impartial. Justice, then, is a brilliant point: Painful, what can I say that is a brilliant point: more Mcconnell cut seven go off same Jersey job later this week, Democrats are finally going to do many of them. Foreshadowing three years now and impeach travel appears at the most rushed least, thorough
impeachment inquiry and modern history nights, not modern history, tall of american history. I can't find another one. Whether federal judges are proud president's. It is the most outrageous ever go ahead. Just twelve weeks flock Product will be dumped on us over here and this much We say to our colleagues from the american people if and when the house does move, but as we speak today, We shall have the option to do the right thing for the country and avoid shuddering in this cause new president Afghan turn back or Macleod
Not deploy this constitutional remedy was resort to deliver a predetermined, partisan. I mean it does little good today, but histories going to judge. These people and their actions, as well as the media extremely harshly but enemy in time they are doing untold damage to our constitutional system. There even talking is Keep pointing out about successive impeachment successive impeachment there even talking about meeting to stop the president from being re elected because he was violate
constitution in another term show. Now it's like their view, MR producer on Post birth abortions. We ve got to have abortions after birth. In this way there talking we have to abort this presidency before, during and after elections,. It's six stuff, but there you go speaking of six stuff speaking a woman's underwear, his truck shimmer on the floor that I gotta go. Why is the leader? Why is the president so afraid of having these witnessed contacts with since come Tessier your question we better pose to Adam Schiff, Jerry Nebular and eighty palazzo. They had complete one hundred percent control. Of this process in the house and they didn't call these witnesses
some of them they didn't even subpoena, because I didn't want the court battle. And they didn't want away. They wanted to do this now because influence the election going forward and lives. As my friend down the street said they want to influence the make up of the Supreme Court. Should one of the justices dire resign. So then I have to get this done because, of course we can allow unimpeached. President successfully nominate people to the Supreme Court and I think, he's onto something that's part of the reason for the rush go ahead. What are they afraid? The witnesses would say, I'd like to hear leader how come on your list take tough guy, hey corn row, hey tough guy,
come on your list of, for you, don't include the so called whistleblower. What's at all about how come on your list of for you put a hundred by much at all about you, complete fraud Jack S show my always have been all the year. I've been on radio and w B C in New York. What is it now? Fifteen? Sixteen years, MR producer Sundays included Jerk would never come on. My show knows who I am well aware. Won't come on the show, MR tough Guy, Mr Shift, tough guy won't come on the show mad, like tough guy, won't come on the show and I'd be perfectly civil the light. What are you afraid check? Just like you say when he afraid check witnesses. I want why I guess so called whistleblower and hundred by cause you're fraud,
therefore, ladies and gentlemen, oh did you hear what Bolton said now anymore witnesses and more witnesses, so they want to buy tat. The apple two bites. The apple go ahead, come to the floor and gives specific reason why he gave specific reasons you idiot and by the way, the matter in the Senate doesn't answer to you. The majority in the house acts like dictator in the majority in the Senate, acts like dictators. They assume their control, no matter what no matter, what clown. And wisest Eric swore well getting all this attention, this back bencher. Nobody who got less than one percent decides each gonna run for pressure. The United States on what basis is a moron
Page all over to me, I want to remind you I want to remind you what Maxine Water said December: seventeen ninety ninety eight during the peach meant a bill. Jefferson be J Clinton, cut, twelve go, driven by drift nl a regular and so much. They will stop at nothing rang em down, but they got. Another third comment be while her husband work for the Clinton administration, who was appointed the head mucky mark for the United States in Bermuda. Believe something like that. You know that's a job. I would take MR produce when you love that job I in the top american farm What's a guy in Bermuda, you can wear short pants all day. He can wear tee shirts nobody's gonna, buy.
Nobody cares about Bermuda, two wonderful placed a vacation. I boys there once I could live there. I liked it so much, but anyway, what are the foreign policy issues where Bermuda? Mr producer? I don't think there are any man. I should a position myself for the job you think they'd confirming the United States Senate must reduce. I think they would. They say, get the hell out of here sent him to Bermuda. They think it's like you know, get MAO Senator Bermuda, get him out Like I broadcast from there, you know, like a pirate broadcaster, alright I'll, be right back.
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added to this offer and get your gift before the holidays. Moreover, that's order the favourite give package today, Omaha Stakes, dot, com code live in for the want of leave. Obama make stakes. Does he missed producer? I would need him anyway. Would you now? I don't think I would. We have Gerald Adler, Jerry, Jerry Jerry, yet chocolate mounts ready Jerry. Why are you doing that? They went down? That's. Back in December, seventeen nineteen ninety eight Clinton impeachment cut thirteen go because you know quite properly, then please read the president's. Is an undoing of a national election and one of the reasons we
feel so angry about what they are doing is that they are ripping from They are ripping a our votes. They are telling us. Don't count and that the election must be set aside, the killing He d, where ripping ascended the vote here, where we re read the votes of Sunday weapon. The votes have sender, but what about till I get different? We went to rip the votes of Sunday today they Republicans we're ripping the votes have signed there. More nobbler cut fourteen go teaching president's when you have not got abroad. Consensus of the american people brought agreed, almost every body that stop their work a very broad consensus. House representatives who was heavily by partisan Clinton had committed felonies. I heard one reporter
on a cable channel say it was about sex was about felonies. You dont degrade what somebody is done in a court room to somebody else and to a judge and our just about sex just about sex. No, there was about felonies, eleven of them, hello, eleven of them specific felonies and the federal criminal code, Unease they ve got nothin here: zero, zero back, the Jerry is a cherry. Louis Jerry Natalie have oh hell I'll, go ahead, Clear present danger to our liberty. Ass, shut up you idiot back, then. I have to admit he was a member emeritus of fat is united, MR tradition. We
they give him an award, but he would never show up at our events. We have these wonderful events. These banquets, we have all kinds of a smorgasbord going on there all kinds of meets foul fish, dessert chicanery, minimum. None of this sugar free fat, Frida we loaded up and there we invited Jerry NAD, where who was built by Alaska and a guy wouldn't come, and I wanted to give him The Jerry now Adler, F, you emeritus worthy Jerry, nobler fatty, United, a war, but he wouldn't come, but I still give em a big mouth. Golovin. A few shadow I'll be right back,
This is the past or the mark. Levin show happy New Year park. Love post hell. That's why I like Mark Levin and I'm not sure a lot of people like him, he's tough as hell, but I like them. I love them now: seven, seven, thirty, eight one, three eight one one! Well, you know my friends for the past. Years really longer comparing the airwaves about the attempted coup and now coup perpetrated against our present. This is a coup. I'm calling it a silent coup for the other broadcasters to use that phrase. Go ahead.
Shows the audio of the video when you first used it. I know when I first used- and I know why and that's exactly what's been taking place in the exact same thing in a different manner, is being done in his room. A coup against Benjamin Netanyahu, who I believe was his ra, is Israel's greatest prime He and when I come back in the red hot hatred that spews from the left here is sadly not unique to our great republic is now the left us in Israel have targeted their leader but I'll betcha. Given her the whole story, which I just exposed on, live in tv. What my special guest, Arthur, Ferguson, former federal prosecutor, it's an incredible story and we haven't up on my social sites. Don't we must reduce its up in front of the pay, while I hope you'll take a good look at it.
I hope your share it with friends and family. I know you haven't heard the whole story together, Arthur Ferguson, an eye uncovered and dug into this story, and this politically driven campaign to oust the Prime Minister of Israel. Mainly the same elements are involved. This group called J Street, which is a reprehensible group filled with reprobates and self hating Jews. I'm just telling you the truth. Right Harry Harry, you keep wanting who Harry is one day I'm going to tell
Harry now, because this issue is important to me as are so many- I want to personally invite you to watch it. By going to live in tv dot, com alleviate tv, dad, come and signing up for a free, thirty day trial watch the shows quickly see how we bring you continent perspective found nowhere. Some tv and expose the left, whichever side of the ocean, their rearing, their heads and if you use code, Levine you'll get ten dollars off. Your annual plan had slipped in tv promo code, Levant lots of events there just for you. And so, ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow is the vote. Tv is going to be very excited. They hope they get the ratings up, they hope to get the ratings up, but Doug Collins who's turned out to be
superstar congressmen from Georgia, such as superstar that the Governor Georgia fears is his rise and fears his potential competition so picture rhino woman who raised a lot of money for Mitt Romney and makes her a senator this idiot camp in Georgia. But here's dog collins at a hearing the rules committee see if they have to have a rule that comes out of the rules committee and one of the members of the rules committee. As a former federal judge- and I say, former federal judge cause he was impeached, he was impeached. You have a former federal judge, was impeached by the Senate and convicted peach by the house convicted by the Senate and removed, whose non elected congressmen sitting on the rules committee voting on rules for the unconscious,
social impeach, one of our present Elsie Hastings, very nice man. If you meet him, but he is what he is he's a leftist and he was peached anyway. Here's Doug colleagues at the hearing on the rules today on impeachment cut three go there. She's not here alive today, heard already from MR asking from the from the chairman's will discuss the funders in assisting. We cherry, pick the boundaries and that's ok, that's what feel part of those new when you're in a partisan impeachment you Jerry big boundaries. Do you want this partisan If you like, the other boring, but they want is not mention- is the very thing that we're here for analysis. Leave it was in federalists, does nothing to sixty five Hauser is Hamilton. We said this. He said I would warn against a vague open any charge because it can be applied. Partisan fashion by the majority of the House represent is against a popular opposition present Alexandria our ports and impatient regulated by more the comparative strength of parties. Then the real demonstration of
since reveal the greatest danger, and additionally them Explicitly excluded the term malady straight from the impeachment calls, because they did not want to subject present presents to the whims of Congress, their words James This is so vague terms will be the equivalent to a junior during the plenary during the pleasure of the Senate, I will say it: we attain near to the pleasure of this house. This is why you don't play ball with what the house that I don't care. What witness you want to hear from this is why Schumer's pushing for witnesses, because he knows they didn't make the case to the american people in the house. Folks. The USA today Poll today has Trump eating every single Democrat who is running for the nomination in their party for President head to head nationwide. His strength and growing strength of the battleground state
Democrats, support from peach meant drop from ninety percent of Democrats to seventy seven percent of Democrats well at still absurd, but that's a double digit decline. There's a backlash going on. There is a tediousness to this. This a tediousness to this after three years were told his broken campaign, finance laws, but he hasn't way colluded with Russia, but he didn't that there were sealed indictments against him, but there aren't that The phone call with Ukraine was a quid pro quo. I was bribery. Was s, but it wasn't. Went over and over again chicken little on the Democratic Party dressed up assault, Linsky more Doug Collins cut forego, but I agree with him
That point is about engagement. What I disagree with this, not about these powers, not everything, fails and it was sent come a lot better. Majority if they have not had a long history, a written record. This is something that you love to see in the law, because it's a written record of motive. You seen since the day that he was elected, he's seen it in this whole process. Working out, you saw it last year when much european grants the job because he would be the best for impeachment- was hanging out last year of impeachment. What became of lower bore the didn't, give them everything they wanted, and then we came we'll call this is this is a pattern in ITALY so this to my german horse, but you ve got the votes and you got the voting list the american people thought well talk honestly, election. This is what we're looking at, but there also view things here, though, that is interesting, as I said earlier on time. Terrible masters.
So many of them from the chairman of this committee, chairman of our committee and others. We gotta do this because the twenty Twond election or Canada, we are voting for instead of going after a present. Are you having trouble reading, but girls are the things that have happened. Our country with unemployment will be gone. We going to do it and everything else that little primaries or for not less, but they don't have. A good Kennedy gave a bunch of cooks and a man who can't spell as name running for the nominee. Tom call is a putative Republican he's very much. The gadfly goes against conservatives repeatedly, but not today. Even he His very disturbed at what he sing again for the rules committee hearing today cut five go there. We may be moving forward with a vote. I said: I do not believe the majorities proven its case or convince the America,
people that the weeks wasted time was worth it and person. I believe the articles themselves or unwarranted majority is seeking to remove the president over something that didn't happen. The alleged quid pro quo with the President of Ukraine. Never mind that the foreign aid went to the Ukraine as it was supposed to end. Remind that no investigations, the required for the Ukraine, they get the aid, Never mind the two participants in the famous conversation president Trump and presents Olenska. Said nothing and appropriate happen. According The majority, however, a quid pro quo ever existed is an appropriate basis for removing the president from office and yet even though the majority is not proven its case and even No there's no basis for impeachment are still moving forward today, But I could not discern is a legitimate reason why why them
What is moving forward when the process is so partisan? Why. Are moving forward when the american people, or not with them they are moving forward when they haven't proven their case and why? They are moving forward when there is no basis for increased. Why why put free through all this, because I thought and think what help them in the twenty twenty election and if it doesn't, they figure, let's burned down the institution of we can control all this, folks. They don't support the constitution, listen to them in the past and that the framers were racist white supremacist slaveholders at the nation began and sixteen team slavery in slavery in our dna. If you really believe that you must hate the country or the capital
should we replace with centralized government run socialism. Not capitalism is about freedom, free markets, voluntary transactions for Johann of Capitalism, Mckenna Freedom, their ethnic, Jacob Lee linked. Well, you know they dont, particularly like you, the citizen race, we're organ of open borders and more noble people are going to come into this country. More noble people going to come into this country. Fourteen states include our New Jersey, if said, they're, gonna get drivers, licences and many of them get social security or exclude me or food stamps are other welfare programmes. They get free education shore, one The way you beat the citizen Ray, the current citizenry is to change it. Now, that's what they're doing. And the overwhelming majority who come here and there there progeny will vote
Democrats. How do we know? Because that's what they're doing that's what they're doing. If you dont like laws, you nullify them. So if sanctuary Citys, we have open borders, like largely just not a fine fuel new laws you just make em up, like Obama, did, but what cannot tolerate a warmer tolerate is a business man. Under the oval office and shakes things up and doesn't play their game doesn't talk like them. Talks like the american people has a flawed life like everybody else does, but the difference between Trump and policy, the difference between Trump in if an idler the difference between Trump and virtually every one of these democrats running for president is, he loves his country and he loves the people. The country.
He's not interested and putting them in the groups based on one issue or another. He loves the country. Tommy does Adam Shifts and, like he loves the country, does Axing water sunlight, she loves the country, the structure Emerson like he loves the country now laid up. Did I say that? Yes, I did. I'll be right back This is Mark Levine, wish you a happy new year and I'll back to the best of me. What life
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excess, not order. I, MR producer, its have a collar plays, go K, s info our greatest failure, Dan in California. How are you so good? I mark thank you for everything you do, but several times and worth several months, you asked a question about the plight of court. And you asked why isn't applied the court done anything on it on its own initiative, about about produce sheep in the filings and today talk about the landmark, the landmark filing. I have a suggestion. We know that the court was lied to, but what's the basis for us knowing that court was deceived much the basis for yet I am suggesting I mean the basis is overwhelming, there's five hundred pages to begin with and before that it was once
after another. There was leaked to the media, but my question is: why is it that we assume that the court was on part of the now the courts not part of a conspiracy at any other courts? Have we had any We had any district court. This typify. Let me try my question for you what your evidence that the court is part of a conspiracy. What's my evident that that any of the district courts have been part of the resistance thus far, what's my evidence that NASA is involved in the conspiracy, so you want to prove a negative. I can throw anything out there. What's your evidence for there's no evidence for anything. The answer, is the answer is that none of the district Court have done anything in resisting the district courts are involved now, but what's the evidence or go back to your question, the evidence is that they fastened the fact is straight
Let's not that's like go into the shadows. I don't like the share. The evidence is straightforward. These courts failed to do their job. They have now been humiliated They ve been humiliated for a long time and discharge hast act and so she's being celebrated today, but there's nothing to celebrate. This should have been done two and a half years ago. Now you take from that that she's in it spiriting, you no evidence for thou whatsoever. I don't take from that that she's any conspiracy I take from that that this system needs to be eliminated If we cannot rely on judges, do their job in the pantry we can now. Life went on before the fire to life were gone after. We need to find some. In my view, to replace them because the judges have been utterly asleep at the wheel. The problem is the system. There is no conspiracy conspiracy. If there is one and there was one- is among the top level- the FBI, but it didn't include the judges
back Now, broadcasting, I'm lonely underground demand both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader here. Listening to the best of the mark, Levine shall happy New year and everybody Mark Levant number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one well looks like
started quite a little how about here in response to our fascist speaker, that House Nancy below scene. She is a fascist in every respect. Junior doctors are like a fascist, she's body, language like a fascist and that's what she is a fascist. How many times have I said that five times I'll say twenty five times by the end of the programme for those who, like keep count in the liberal media? First Nancy policy after the vote, these two phony articles of impeachment, which I'll get to in a moment after the vote she just decide I'm not gonna. Point manages to go over to the Senate for the trial because I dont like when I'm hearing over there in the Senate from Mcconnell and others have already made up their minds and chuck Shimmer one witnesses and I'm gonna. Try and leverage is to try and get trucks humor witnesses in the Senate.
And control the Senate trial process, and she got this hair brain idea from a hare, praying left wing old man who is still a Harvard law, professor by the name, a large tribe, he wrote in a bed suggesting something along these lines and aid, policies anything but an independent thinker. So she and her stupid, psychic stunt behaviour said hey. Why not. And so today, by the way they took a holiday recess and they won't be back to January seven. So this is what they ve done. Much, let's listen cut five go on. We see The process is set forth in the Senate. Them all know the number of minor truth that we may have to go forward and who, with whom we would choose, that's her
last night. That's what I'm saying now the president for this with my six chairs after some of us working together for a press conference after the votes last night We just ass the president of it all, and that is in the most recent and case. You know she's, very painful, adolescent, really with her bad Matic jaw and her little extra Electronic ends not really synopsis. It's just its it's hard to listen to this one. The bow Tax floating around, like mashed potatoes in her forehead, her lips, full off her face, her teeth, coming loose or mark you shouldn't talk, though, of course I can, and of course I will. These people deserve that in a hell of a lot more go ahead. Then impeach finish. There was a proposal.
On the four put together by partisan way. One hundred senator supported for the process on how they will go forward on the case of let's not there. Why does she care what descended wherever she's the speaker of the house and really the speaker, the Democrats in the house? It's none of your business, the sole power for conducting a trials and the so why she involved in there in the Senate, because she's colluding with humor and the Democrats lately This is clever. This has never been done in american history. There. To try and use and impeachment in the house as leverage to control any effect the procedures that are used in the Senate and I hope about now republican senators. Here in a fury and will follow my proposal in just a moment, go ahead helps it thanks.
Anderson conclusion like that, but now that we're ready, and we see what they have or no. And how many we will send over? That's all I'm going. Now, that's all she's going to say that is nothing about who and how many the jig is up. The cat is out of the bag, the dentures of dropped, and that is she's. Following the advice of a left wing kook, Harvard LAW, Professor, who suggested that she put the brakes on and force Mcconnell to accommodate whatever it is. She wants to cut six go free, I say one thing we are: we have had. We bring the pillow, my god. What are we dealing with here?
you're gonna get hit it again at the top. Please cut six: go I say one thing: we we have when we bring the bill, which is So you know this has been made in order by divorce committee that we can call up at any time in order to send it over to the Senate and to have its provisions pay for the credit for the impeachment, and then the next step is to get the whatever you. Called the tri. Oh my god are you listening to this, MR producer? Oh my God is or something maybe she should
she ever a lobotomy? Maybe she needs a lot of. This is incredible. Go that way they manage I was not prepared to put the managers and that the yet because we don't know the arena that we are the arena. Your ingenious has called the United States Senate. You choose three or four managers. And then you await the Senate. Tell you what the manager supposed to do, the let's use these false analogies. They use all the time you don't send prosecutors in the courtroom. Until they figure out who the jurors are and who the judges you get your ass in the courtroom. Let's stop this start this again at the top there, because I think Nancy Pelosi a fascist by every definition,
I said a fascist fascistic Nancy policy needs your head examined, and I mean that literally cut six go I say one thing: we we have when we bring the bill, which is Do you know this has been made in order by the vote in committee that we can call up at any time in order to send it over to the Senate and to have it provisions? pay for their produce, further encouragement and then the next step in having a stroke? Maybe a many says some going on many stroke, only wouldn't wish that honor but she's
sounds like half of her mouth is frozen. Maybe all of it go ahead. Whatever you want to call that the trial, that is where you put the managers. I was not prepared to put the managers and that the yet because we don't know the arena that we are and frankly I don't care with the report. This is an undergraduate bats. It fascistic Nancy spoken let slip in one more cuts. Seven go! Let me suggest
they are far from we like to see a fair process, but we'll see what they have and will be ready for whatever it is, we would help there would be a fair process, just as we heart that's very, very clever whose what the fascist do this is what they do. They deny any form of process, they destroy the traditional means by which impeachment sir pursued they come up with two completely bogus articles of impeachment. They shut down minority rights the other parties rights they shut down the right of the accused. This case, the president from confronting his accuser, from having a lawyer present during secret testimony and from providing witnesses and as well as evidence again, but not at the.
Second stage where the House Judiciary Committee strangely takes over from the Us Intelligence Committee, but at the earliest front end of the stage. The poisonous tree. The fruit of the poisonous tree here has taken place to make it all parallel, and the fruit cakes have taken place to here is, as it turns out. Nancy policy among the among the most of the fruit is true kicks. Now you ve heard this: are you tired of fashion Stick Nancy Pelosi destroying your constitution. Are you trot tired of her fascistic edicts undermining the entire process? I am so. What are we
about it I'll tell you when we return I'll, be right back This is the best of the mark. Levin show happy new year when I think my buddy damn bond fulfilling and in last night it wasn't my plan to be absent. Who knew? But there was a man that had been on for some time on our schedule to go to turning USA, their marvelous event there, for which I referred, the Lifetime Achievement award, and I want to thank turn for yours, Charlie Kirk and all the folks, there was very, very wonderful event: remit, wonderful patriots in this. Peach mint has really motivated conservatives and
many independence, trumps supporters across the board, motivated them across the board. My problem ass, it's done great great violence to the United States constitution. In every respect. The process used in the Democratic Control House Representatives was under the republican majority. What was done to the acute President of the United States. Conspiracies behind the scenes and in the shadows, between members of the house, including Adam Shift and his staff and a phoney whistleblower nordic cactus entire thing. One day this will all be unravelled and presented to the american people. It'll just be too late. Now these impeachment articles are not impeachment article. There kitchen sink articles they put to me
games onto overall overarching matters and through. Kitchen sink into both of them? It so bad. As I expect and last week on radio, as I explained on tv and radio, it so bad there's, not a single president of the United States of any party who could escape impeachment. Let me also underscore and reiterate the Donald Trump it's not violated the constitution in any respect during its entire tenure. Tromp has not violated any federal statute in any effect during his entire tender.
Donald Trump aside violated any rule during his tenure. Now there been allegations made, but I said he has not violate them and yet is impeached. He's not impeached because of the reasons that the framers put the impeachment clause in your constitution he's nodded peach, because of anything he has done is presently united States or before he's not a peach, because. Committed a high crime or misdemeanor treason or bribery. He did none other he's impeached, because the Democratic Party and their media reject
the twenty sixteen election, are positioning in themselves for the twenty twenty election and will do anything, including a fraudulent unconstitutional impeachment To take out a duly elected presently United States, they will try to destroy the electorate college to prevent this from happening again. They ve try to use the emoluments clause against this president, whose never violated the emoluments cloth. They ve tried everything to cripple they ve harassed him and his family with endless subpoenas that have nothing to do with the article one legislative function of the Congress of the United States, nothing. Schumer and others pressure the appointment of a special council violation of standing Department of Justice regulations. It matters that we knew then better
certified by the inspector general while flat out lies fact the commission's of crime as far as I'm concerned in contempt of a court. With a phoney dossier, the funniest of those here. Lying to the face. A court filing false evidence with a face. A court. We ve never seen anything like this in american history. The attacks on a candidate for president, the attacks. When a man who was just elected president during the transition, the attacks or It was just sworn in in the United States. We have never ever seen anything like this. This is resistance. These are marxist buffoons. And if they say oh you're, very extreme, of the language we use or who else.
Ex himself this way. This is an attempted and overthrow or, as I've said, Asylum coup that has been repeated ad nauseam now, but attempted and overthrow in place, since before the man was elected and executed, Syn the man has been elected and when you step and think about the allegations that Came into office in order to make money when he gives way his salary, and he puts his business on hold and deep freeze. For three years really probably could have made millions more, but he's dictator, like he's fascistic, like he's he's like Hitler stolen, really. Did he round up japanese
Arrogance, like Franklin rose about it, did he throws Political opponents and prison like Woodrow Wilson did, data and unleash the IRS, a media let's, with whom we disagreed, like J, F K after and I'll be jaded. Did he per week? tabs on its political opponents. The way I'll be J, J F K did Barack Obama. Who the hell are they talking about Donald Trump as a victim he's? Not a perpetrator, Donald Trump is complied with. Every federal law, the constitution in every court decision slap. Iraq, Obama, the victim, the victim is the time and it continues to be the victim and soda. We, the people
more. When I return, this is mark. Levine, wish you a happy new year now, back to the best of me, Laverne Michaud lie a national Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven Donald Trump Jr- on the programme in the last hour, he'll be here a lot on the opium farm, but of a be alive. So, I hope your stick with us and I just realized didn t the solution to what Nancy blows. During which I will on a moment near rock a mortgage rates they surgeon, refinance activity? Have you taken. And each of them will, if not it's not too late. You know so
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Eight hundred and eighty eight nine hundred one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight or online at American enhancing dot net american Financing Animal S, one two: three: four: nobody, nobody, nobody, not animal, less consumer access, dot, Org our Ike impeachment was voted on in the House of Representatives and their it sits. Nancy Pelosi, says: I'm not going to choose the managers until I'm satisfied with a kind of trial that the Senate is going to create. That is the opposite party Mcconnell in the Republicans And the chief justice has no say in this whatsoever, just so you know, and they took the guidance from left wing Cook, Harvard LAW, professor large crime,. Now, here's what Mitch, Mcconnell and the research centre Republicans must do.
The Senate has the sole power under the constitution to adjudicate and impeachment. Therefore, policy is attempting to obstruct the Senate's power. Act on its constitutional authority, Mccoy well should immediately put an end to this and declare the impeachment null and void. As far as the Senate is concerned, because the speaker has failed to comply, the impeachment process by timely, sending it to the Senate for adjudication and in fact she caused a recess to occur in the House of representatives without, appointing the necessary house managers, so she's abandoned the field you ever have occurred. Tractor comes in your home, does. Makes a mess of things.
Then you decide, you know what I'm gonna hold them to account and they abandon the work. You have that, MR producing it, but it happens. Well, that's Nancy Pelosi she abandoned the impeachment process. Mcconnell has no less authority to unilaterally makes such a decision that this Matters is now null and void. As far as the sentence concern then Paul, see, does to unilaterally withhold the administrative notification of an impeachment to the Senate. Indefinitely or with conditions her effort to cripple the president. And blackmail, but said it must be defended in the way you defeat. It is rejected Now the senators there looking senators must defend their institution. They must not allow the poison that is being spewed from the damn. Crash in the house and specifically from Nancy Policy to spill,
Into their institution, I what very very clear about this, because some of these republican senators listen to this programme when you The constitution, impeach, and conviction, is set up in a very interesting way. The framers looked. Britain, as well as other examples there, where various trials had taken place in britain- and they came Judgment- came up with this by four Katy process. So if the house, which they knew they created a simple majority. Members are voted every two years so. All its court on call closest to the people and also has the greatest potential for abuse for faction for hysteria and Oh, they created a check on the house when it comes to impeachment. It's called the Senate. This
It is not simply do follow the dictates of the house or assume responsibilities unconstitutionally created by the house, the scent as an independent responsibility apart from the house, and if send. It believes, in this case the Republicans because they control the Senate may have the sole power when it comes to a trial that dancing policy has not effectively completed the work, as the speaker over the decision of the Democrats in the house, in this case to articles of impeachment this It's not required to sit there and can it lay in wait for Nancy Policy to pull the trigger? Nor is this It required get out rules that sir As far as the speaker of the house, this will be complete disaster. A complete.
Disaster, so you'd have the speaker of the house and what is a rare, rather small majority in the house. A radical Democrats not controlling the edge of the full house, but controlling process in the Senate. Now, if report Concenters, don't understand this there, a bunch of useless buffoons if there, prepared to stand up for the institutionally stand up for themselves. If they're not prepared, For the present, the United States at least stand up for themselves constitution is at stake, so the framers set this process up where they try requiring a super majority, two thirds vote to convict and remove a president, a judge of ice presence, or so the goes. If Nancy Policy is going to withhold the ability or prevent
the Senate from taking the next step for a variety of sleazy and unconscious. National reasons. The Senate needs to put an end to this. Then it should simply say through macabre, hey, look. We waited weeks for weeks we waited for your managers does if your and recess you have the power to appoint them, whether in racist or not, but in any event you the research before pointing them we're not gonna, do the Senate and drag it members and drag the election and dragged the country through this process, because you, calculated it's in your best interests as a Democrat and left us. This is constitutional, United States, where the United States Senate. We are a separate body. Therefore we have concluded them charity. Therefore, speaking on behalf of the Senate, there were Energy Policy and the house has done is null void because they have no intention
raising the issue of the Senate, as they must for the Senate to under Its constitutional responsibilities, this will put an end. This will put an end to the sort of thing that ninety policy is doing It will also put an end to this kind of an impeachment which must be done Emma Be done soon the wise we're going to have disaster. As president for the rest of this republic? However long at exist they ve destroyed. The peach meant process, do not let them destroy the trial process. She destroy the House of Representatives. Do not let them destroy. What's left of the United States Senate. You senators, you Republican, so you don't work for an anti pollution year. There too, faithfully
secure the constitution and to protect and defend it. Unfortunately, gimme me that constitution today is the speaker of the house, the speaker, it doesn't matter that shimmer once more witnesses This bizarre first rate told we have to move quickly quickly quickly. Because trumpets, a threat to national security said this on the floor of the house, yesterday he's threat to national security. We have back quickly and remove them. Madeleine said it. They also argued we must act fast. We must act immediately. Why? Because trot, might interfere Twenty twenty election shift said. And we were told over and over, there's no need to delay the Actual overwhelming there's no defence
so ever we don't know you're, a native of the facts are overwhelming. Let's move quickly and today, policy in the Democrats take a recess through Christmas. Through do years. A weakened the new year, ten January seventh and say you know what maybe we're not in such a hurry. This is not expose and for the four thousand times the fraud that they are. And then you have shimmer show who definitely comes off like a complete moron. But who apparently reports that energy policy in the Democrats in the House of Representatives he's air they weren't four witnesses, nor does it mention the so called whistleblower he doesn't mentioned. Hunter Biden doesn't measured any witness who might be actual useful information. But what does he want witnesses.
That the Democrats in this house would even go to court to fight over and what makes him think the pressure on the United States? Still no Sir executive privilege, and they still would have to go to court and fight over. They don't care, you see that the cracks innocent, the at that point presence page. What are they care? We cannot allow these people destroy our constitutional structure. We cannot allow these people to you. Their connivance is to do what they're doing framers, put the Senate in place to fix this and look We have a small majority in the United States Senate who can fix this. Now. I would strongly urge them urge them to act now. And to announce in unity. That's it energy policy did not appoint managers, man
just to execute the impeachment articles. She caused to be voted on when He caused them to be voted that tie. That she caused them to be voted on and now is withheld them from the United States Senate in order to conduct a ploy in an blackmail the United States Senate the unit. State Senate should say the republic. In a unified voice,. We hold what Nancy Policy is doing as destructive of the entire process. We cannot be blackmailed and held hostage two policy in her appointment of managers. Which is in a ministerial task? But she doesn't want to do a lot We can control or influence our process and we are independent from the house. Therefore, therefore,
the majority in the Senate, on behalf of the entire United States Senate, all the matter null and void no trial, no chief justice, no witnesses. No, nothing now invite. And you'll? Let at Nancy policies feet. That's the answer: that's the fix, but what a public goods in the Senate have the guts to do it. Why should they. Better. To listen to me, the Nancy Pelosi I'll be right back Ben.
You're in listening to the best of the mark, Levine show Happy New year, while fascistic Nancy, I think, for the where several months has taken us through her mental nervous breakdown. I think that's. What's going on here, her ramblings and mumbling, some fumbling that I played fewer earlier. I think Nancy policies dragged the nation through her mental nervous breakdown and it's not over yet some say well now that we have the impeachment she's waiting for more stuff to put in their. Ladies and gentlemen, last time I checked this country doesn't belong to fascistic Nancy Pelosi belongs to the american people. Last time I checked there's more than one branch of government and more than one person who populate these.
Their branches of government did anybody here outside of San Francisco vote Nancy Policy for anything, so she is the least democratic figure. In this entire thing, she represents what certain percentage of eight hundred eight hundred fifty thousand people who live in her district. Maybe it's
Alien, whatever it is big deal big deal and yet look what fascistic Nancy is trying to do, but she doesn't get to do it now. These republican senators going to pull together and take care of business or not Nancy. We're not going to sit here and wait for you now you're supposed to wait through New year's end of the next year, because you're having some kind of a mental nervous breakdown and you're burping out, orders left and right where the Senate would like to call ourselves the most deliberative body I like to call themselves the most profligate body, but that's a whole nother issue.
Which I will get to later in the programme. But this must be crushed. This must be defeated for the sake of the country. In the sake of the constitution and its interesting, my man Brien over their right Scooby points out that even even one of the professors who testified, who testified against Trump Left Wing Democrat Harvard University LAW, professor. No, a Feldman has said you don't actually have an impeachment until the articles are actually transmitted to the Senate, matter to me now Feldman last time I checked he wasn't at the constitutional convention. But it is rather strange. We have the house of representatives taking votes just for the fun of taking votes.
These people are on research? Now these Democrats, who voted these, so called thirty or so districts for impeachment, but claimed when they got elected the first time around that they wanted to bring some kind of centralism and moderation a get stuff done. Attitude to the house. Representatives lives need to throw their asses out and at every one of these towns ah meetings or whatever they call them, you need ass them. Not only did you support a fascistic process, not only did you cut out Republicans, and even though I voted for you, I'm a Republican. Not only not only are these articles of impeachment bogus in dangerous to the future, this republic, but you and your party are sitting on them
sitting on them after you, and your party told us that they were urgent, that this was an emergency for national security reasons for their future. Twenty twenty election, but the facts, so overwhelming, but no more witnesses are needed. Where are they We gotta get a doubling our harry. Then it goes to humor. Wait a minute wait a minute? I went some witnesses wait a minute. I mean The net grace my neck heard so much from these Democrats, these people per evil and what they ve done here. This attempt is the first institutionalized coup attempt in american history there,
electrician, what the Obama, administration, FBI and CIA an element of elements of the Obama administration did to train interfere in our election. They are absolutely the worst people to ever sit in the house of Represent We need the kick their asses out of office and the dam and the Republicans in the Senate to put their foot down and make announcement the sooner the better. Fifty one of us sorry null and void. You're done we're finished with you or more went on Is that constitution I'll be right back.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-16.