« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/15/22


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, if Mitch McConnell and other weak Republicans continue to work against the interests of Americans then this program will lead a movement against the Republican Party. We The People have more power than McConnell, Governor Chris Christie, and President George W. Bush, it's our country, not theirs. Then, Sen Josh Hawley is suggesting that more federal programs be used to help the working class, in other words, more government not less. The Republican establishment hates constitutional conservatives just as much as the Democrats and the media do. Later, Craig Shirley joins the show to discuss how establishment Republicans and Democrats said Ronald Reagan was too toxic and divisive to win back in 1980. History is clear that this was false and the people decided what was best for them. Afterward, we now know from FBI Director Wray's testimony that the FBI had confidential informants embedded within the January 6th protesters. Wray neglected to answer if the sources were dressed in MAGA clothing disguised as Trump supporters. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills: they'll, college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, douze mission, learning, character, faith and freedom.
For listening at my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters, had hills dale for their great sponsorship, now run them wrongly underground command, both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with the leader of our numbers. Eight, seven, seven, three one three on one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one, one brief
announcement fox news channel- and I are extending my show for another four years. it was up in february, were extending and another four years We ve had a grey relationship, so and scott trust but I could do a shown. get thrown off the air on fox and or others did not- and I thank her and team. and all the year, although folks and between who were who have supported this We will be doing it, the four years swimming home here, I think I will be. For years, starting in february- and I know this That's all our enemies out there, but that's just too bad. So well, want to congratulate them congratulated me.
And so we move forward in what will be a very interesting and chris we important for years and most of all, I want appreciate all you folks in the audience. Life, liberty and Levin has been really without fail. The number one sunday night. Prime time show for years. And thanks to you, we have defeated MSNBC, unseen and combined week after week after week after week,. It's often a number one show in the entire weaken when cable news talk. and we have to do it. I was football with the duke it out with yellow stone and all the rest of it, but you you show up I do the very best I can on that programme, to make it worth your while. I don't shoot from the hip. It's some. We think about a lot. We think about the guests. We keep it limited. We go deep.
and now that this campaign is over we're going to continue with that format. Its unique law Form interview format. again I want to. Thank you. I want to thank fox. I want to thank my family, my beautiful, Wife Julie, all of our kids. my wonderful mother, in law. Everybody I want to talk to you folks for a second I've been doing this for about twenty years. You, we ve been through a lot together. we were through. He party in verse. Movements beyond that, Candidacies beyond that, many of you have purchased. Many of my books have ridden nine books. Millions and millions
what are they about? What are they about? What I do, what is the purpose of all this No, I'm gonna tell you something: I've been think about this I've been why Watching the media Watching the politicians, Watching these governors today spout off, I've been watching the the people who have spent. most of their life inside the washington dc bubble. Working for one of these entities or another working for think tanks. And I ve been watching this Mcconnell for twenty years and I want to tell you something wanna tell something to Mitch. Mcconnell tell something too Christy. and Larry hogan an ace hutchison, I want to tell us
thing to the republican establishment that still here still dug in no matter who we send a washington, no matter what revolution we have politically. I want to tell you something. You guys are trying to exploit this past election. when power yourselves, yet again, you don't care about, Donald trump. You're vicious constant Obsessive attacks on trump that trump I must come: we get to decide that we, the people, you don't get the decide that we get to decide If Larry hogan his presidential material, you don't get that decide their. I want to tell you something. If, at the end of the day, the mix. the candles went up. Over the course of the next few years, if the rich but can establishment wins out if the
Romney's went out and the Chris Christy's in the whole guns the esa hutchison winner. Peggy noons, then count me out. And I'm going to encourage I'm going to lead a movement where millions and millions of us refused to back the republican party. they keep threatening us they keep talking about, people who lost what kind of europe Bates they were. When they wouldn't even support them every day, and I just mentioned to you- didn't lift a finger to help these candidates, not a finger Mcconnell plague James, he cherry pick. but Mcconnell has blocked more in the senate, Promoted more deficit spending and so called I partisan legislation, this country, Dying from this, we, the people, are dead, from this.
We're getting smothered. And I don't need lectures from Paul, we go, and his team over the wall street journal. once in a while, they ought to go out meet the people- Every now and then. and I don't need lectures from the national review, what used to be a great man gesine stolen. a few great writers, but not enough who come to the defence of the very p who have created this situation. fifty years as an activist, twenty years on the radio many of you understand exactly what I'm talking about. It doesn't mean That we support every not job who's out there. It doesn't mean that we don't prudence and think about various candidates and so forth, what are taught
about, as if you and your smart out their step back, look. What's going on Chris chris gets a standing ovation at the republican governors association meeting for the last, six seven days in a row tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp even from our friends They see it as their opportunity. people who didn't help us at all. But who do not when they say you and I do not invite conservatives in we, Not going to beat the marxists we're, going to promote the constitution. We are not. A promo liberty. We agree to this We have more power than all combined you and I. Fourteen million listeners through this programme over the course of a week,
We have more power. This is a country, it's not fit for it's, not chris, steve, it's that some newspaper editorial pages, its ass. And they put the same propaganda, saw on radio and tv over and over again in the newspaper. Saying, the same thing: if only the tea party had done this, if only mega had done that, if only conservatives are done this excuse me. the only reason the republican party has any all events and any power is cause of you. Mitch, but walkin around is crawling up their own capital, the hill. I the votes that it, has the votes.
They are a lineup bind Tat, one of them except really about a handful of em, but the that lined up behind them, they're, not worth a damn. Nothing barrage So what does that? Seventy percent of the catch a damn? What do I care. gets a one hundred percent of the vote at a south south dakota. Why do I mind has nothing Do me except one serves as our henchmen. where my car, I know Mcconnell better than Mcconnell, knows: Mcconnell o the judges, Excuse me he gets credit for judges. Bob doll would have done it. Dread lot would have done any solid conservative in their water made sure. Ok,
Ms mcdonald and judges take eyes bent their fifteen damn years. Can your point to something else. they ask us vote for romney wheels. Behind romney. Let my romney's become a fraud. Get behind a can you get behind a campaigner run a day of presidential campaign, Now the losses that same and competent republicans who delivered to fate after two feet after defeat. The same a carpenter, republicans per say, mitch, Mcconnell, who Ronald Reagan and seventy six Ronald Reagan, a nineteen eighty, that's how awful. Cited. This clown is. Runs the republicans in the senate he's their leader. This guy
is so unpopular. Among republicans, he can't even speak at a republican event. we can't even campaign for candidates Can't even go on conservative shows, I'm not Talking about frauds, I'm talking about really conservative shows can't do it and won't do it. Cause he despised, except all the mouthpieces inside the bout way. And in new york. towards support, comes from the fact he can communicate to the american people. He can't talk. He's not uniting any body. He's not uniting. Anybody know what about tat, he's making an announcement tonight. I dont know what it is. I really want to know in advance what it is he'll do what he wants.
Well, let me tell you a secret donald trump and I become quite friendly. We don't talk that much. Rhonda Santos and I are very close- very good friends- Let him do get out. I do not support the vicious personal attacks on this At this weather new york times or donald trump, and I've said it. but the people who are trashing tromp other people who have never liked tromp Chris Christie, what. How did this jerk do in new jersey but Democrat, Stop control new jersey. What did they say it? Larry hogan do here disown republican candidate. It has, I believe, in a big tent. All these guys are gryphus. All they do is promote themselves.
a tv show or they they wanna. They want Some kind of a legacy- I don't know what it is, they know this, both trades and now, and then George w bush sit and happy where the hell is, he waco, texas, painting, And I haven't a grand old time with the obama's. Did you know they're, good, french? Oh yes, particularly he and mister. What that tie, trace, burning doesn't That damn finger to help not our finger. The fact is: The most selfish republic and bastards have always been saying selfish republican bastards. They want Don't work hard, no one should expect to have power They want to work closely with the correct media to try their conservative opponents, seen it too often.
I see how they want to have to reckon it, took on three damned times to get the nomination. Why? Because the republican establishment didn't want em, look tromp side to put up with get me wrong. I get annoyed to you, I do but that man doesn't deserve what he gets. And he swings back. be swings back and ways. I wouldn't, but that's what he does. So we need to go to prison for that right already trash into scientists, already, trashing him. and I'll trash the others to what I am saying here and I want to be abundantly clear. We keep getting threats by them.
on all types and establishment types. Now it's our turn. You guys take this party over you this concerted movement and walk away, hopefully with fourteen and a half million listeners I'll be right Ben rights
immigration, foreign policy, marriage. These subjects are a big part of the political dialogue. Today we talk about them, often on my show they're at the heart of so many campaigns this election. But what did our founding fathers say about these issues? We've moved so far from the founders, understanding, a government that you'll be surprised by their answers and my favorite college hillsdale college as the best way to learn about the founders deep and wise insights into human nature. Today you can join hillsdale professors, Thomas wes and David AZUR, at as they explore the thoughts and ideas of america's founders and hillsdale, the newest, free online course. The real american founding a conversation. So don't wait. Folks watch the trailer video of the real american founding a conversation. It's a killer and sign up for this new, completely free online course and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's ellie, vn, prey, hillsdale, dot com, completely free online and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's eli, vn, prey, hillsdale dot com
the ladies and gentlemen, the hero, he is a republican saying the ones are one or the washington. We should have focused on the future, not the past, who stopped them stop them from focusing on the future. What is it that they offered us further future? They didn't do anything then the house where you have a change, our heads, etc. We lost at sea, we got nothing, they ran on that. Absolutely not think we care what passed, ok run on their future run on something for god's sakes, and you what they won't run on conservatism,. They won't run on limited government, they are all round. capital is they run on faith and morality.
I've got more on their stick with me. They won't run on our principles. Instead, they all want to turn into general board and george worked there. That's the answer. No, that's a disaster, I'll, be right back rights.
immigration foreign policy, marriage. These subjects are a big part of political dialogue. Today we talk about them, often on my show they're at the heart of so many campaigns this election. But what did our founding fathers say about these issues? We've moved so far from the founders, understanding, a government that you'll be surprised by their answers and my favorite college hillsdale college as the best way to learn about the founders deep and wise insights into human nature. Today you can join hillsdale professors, thomas west and David AZUR, at as they explore the thoughts and ideas of america's founders and hillsdale hillsdale, newest, free online course. The real american founding a conversation. So don't wait. Folks watch the trailer video of the real american founding a conversation. It's a killer and sign up for this new, completely free online course and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's ellie, vn, prey, hillsdale, dot com, completely free online and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's ellie, vn for hillsdale dot, com mark Levin grief won the great one, monolithic tile and now eight seven, seven, three a one. Three, eight one. One, let me tell you something folks because of the lack of strong leadership by this guy Mcconnell and not just him. Let me talk
but the governess they say the governor. That's where our strength, this all the governors are alike. No they're, not all like some of them sack and some of them are republicans. We are voting issues in these states. who was the governor of arizona? His name was, do see how committed and fix it you think they d. Rights would sit there, the other Lie there like a flower on the beach and just let them roll over them now fix it in areas, and I Through stayed at the look at new jersey, what thou Christie leave I gotta cracked. already more powerful than ever before. Look at this guy all these People are not leaders there, not statesmen. They, added to an election here, and there. Of course, there's lousy republican candidates are always are, but there
exclusively because a mega or exclusively because conservative or event, Sclusively because the rhine. It should said everything going hearing, is so much bull, crap right now,. Mitch Mcconnell, what do you think? I think we learned speak up pal, try and speak in english. Try and use real words or incomplete sentences. I've, never seen anything like it before any as an island. Grip on the leadership in the in the republicans in the senate. Khazar joke. Certainly more more them. That's go back. Chris Christy Chris Christie couldn't find his way out a new hampshire he's that later larry hogan. Plays area joke
Hot just said:. Are we serious I used, can you speak up governor? We can't even hear you We got harvesting our own, and these forget about fraud. We have harvesting, we have cure, giving era harvesting a gearing now, if you're republican, get rid of crap. The wall street journal editorial page, Viciously used to attack the tea party, smarter fact. That editorial page, which is being cited all day for reasons. I dont, understand basic, A five hour office nerds, who hang around write an editorial big deal, This is from July. Second, two thousand one I've read it before spout immigration
We are really celebrate the fourth of July, with a paint apparent to immigration, the force that team this vast continent and built this great republic. Does not simply history. Immigration continues to refresh and nourish america We will be better off with more of an indeed during the immigration debate of nineteen. Eighty four ready for this week suggested an ultimate goal to guide passing policies, a constitutional amendment. Five words quote there. Shall be open borders unquote. Did you know that. I guess Joe Biden was listening way back in two thousand one. and when it comes to the debate over the debt ceiling with this country debt is spiralling completely out of control. Thirty, on trillion dollars: wasn long ago. Folks, when it was sixteen trillion dollars.
You'll see the wall street journal editorial page line up our high Mcconnell and the big spenders and lie about credit at their nation at stake and so forth, and so Mcconnell has done this every year, he's done nothing to confront this. Nothing, zero, mark my words. You will see you will see how does party that has a leader like this run on anything anyway What are they gonna run on. Why doesn't want I'm a run on anything. And now this all upset some of the trash holly. Josh wholly says here too, we need to do any, lays out a plan that could come from george mcgovern. Am I right, mr? It is all about
federal programmes, federal money, federal subsidies, but always for the working class, of course, because the governments of fishing to continue to govern bureaucrats who doesn't trash control all of our economic trade overseas The hell is this: this is the new populism. Mark. populism you're, giving all this power to bureaucrats. What so populism about it. populism, you want What economic populism is called capitalism its populism, we the people, some strange weird. Yes, that's right. we have to help the working class and the working people your damn right? We do get the hell out they're back. get out of their way the private sector employs steel workers that private sector employs call workers that private
at their employees, electricians, plumbers and roof resent construction workers, the private sector employs is The middle class, I don't care if you re Public in our conservative, what kind of Oh, you did you put on your lapel. What knight jude you can run this economy better than strain mrs america, we I don't need a new team manage our economy. We don't need any team managing our economy. Let's look at the candidates. The Mitch Mcconnell wanted to run. and did run in some cases. The state senate president in new Hampshire.
He fairly liberal republican while In alaska leeson, recount utterly on how why an unreliable? Sorry still, covered, a limit Republican. He opposed Marco Rubio one. I endorse marker rubio during the tea party. He opposed Head crews, when I endorse ted crews during the tea party. We could go on and on who else what other fantastic candidates? The admission colonel want to bring to the united states Senate? They help save the country and he could ensure that they would be elected. Don't you know that's right. I checked it out with the american enterprise institute. They feel mighty sure that they would have been elected or better. Yet Donald trump would just drop dead. Then we know all these republicans get elected, unbelievable.
Tell me: have these republicans done, how did they do without Reagan who they opposed How did they do without tromp who they opposed? How do they do without the tea party? They would have been in a majority. and they still heinous you understand. The republic and establishment hates us just like them media and the Democrats. I am a constitutional conservative, that's what I am listen here. We have this guy this senator in nor counter. This will be purposely spun by the media and I don't care. Said senators name, I can remember his name, doesn't matter now, and so the demo We are going to propose another gimmick. Chica. fi same sex. My marriage, you don't to court on call.
Five same sex marriage. This supreme, what already ruled that the law of the land, is that same sex marriage must, he permitted throughout the land tom tell us tommy tell us what is Tom tell us done in this and nothing, but you loaded former, I would have out of our right there? We need your vote. Ok, what has it done? Nothing They say we need a forward message with what what's the message so that Credits are very good at scheming and they so can we want to codify same sex. My any announces we were begins need to all get behind them. Just get behind it. So just think about this for a second put this subject aside, but think about what he's doing this, import already ruled. There is literally no threat to this.
We do have issues of federalism, so only on the edges. You know this have to make certain kinds of decisions, whether a baker has to bake for that sort of it, and he He blows of federalism, he blows up. The supreme court he's writing about baby. Let's go, let's go, that's the problem These are not serious people, they don't. leave in the constitution. say they do, but they don't that's the truth I would ask you this: what is it about a chris Christie or larry hogan? That would appeal to anyone, nothing, nobody. Cares about them. Nobody wants them, but the media prop them up and increase Christy's case. You need a crane, a prop that guy up, but you understand my point. Why, in the world, when the data As bad as it is, did night
republicans led by mitch, Mcconnell vote to add one point Nine trillion dollars to the death, called infrastructure. There was almost all climate change. What did they do then? Why did this happen? Republican later do that he didn't Funny thing: where is the Mitch Mcconnell bill for securing the border there isn't one? Why not? Where is it? Oh, there isn't one okay. But don't worry it's the future. They want to look into they're going to lead in the future. Got a lot more to say, but I just want to be very, very clear: we don't allah. What the media say: we don't follow what the establishment say. We don't follow any of that. We have to think for ourselves. It's very. not complicated, there's a lot of static out there. We
Certainly the conservatives are and they're the ones had typically might talk about something like you know, freedom in Your liberty, private property rights, something like that. We don't need the great compromises like me because we always lose consumers smarter than mecca. Humor is more aggressive than Mcconnell. Shermer is more strategic. The mecca Mcconnell's their burping into his chair. how do you have a republican leader who can't be. republican leader? I've never seen anything like this in my life, fifteen years of this round. The road revolved, trap, rap hair wrapped up here
back then rights
immigration, foreign policy, marriage. These subjects are a big part of political dialogue. Today we talk about them, often on my show they're at the heart of so many campaigns this election. But what did our founding fathers say about these issues? We've moved so far from the founders, understanding, a government that you'll be surprised by their answers and my favorite college hillsdale college as the best way to learn about the founders deep and wise insights into human nature. Today you can join hillsdale professors, thomas west and David Azariah, as they explore the thoughts and ideas of america's founders and hillsdale, the newest free online course. The real american founding a conversation. So don't wait. Folks watch the trailer video of the real american founding a conversation. It's a killer and sign up for this new, completely free online course and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's ellie, vn, prey, hillsdale, dot com, completely free online and Levin free hillsdale, dot com, that's ellie, vn, prey, hillsdale dot com! The mask is something with all the things the Democrats are doing to the american people: critical race theory
Transitioning thing and go on and on and on on and on and on the idea that the report, bookings in the senate. Had no agenda is a disgusting disgrace. It it offends. You I thought, and me because it doesn't tell us what they're going to do another party calling all of us fashion insurrectionists and tied them accuracy was defending us. speaking out, whose having press conferences. And let me ask you a question: Mcconnell george bush, hoagie christy come home. I really want you know the crap. How many of them have called out. what's going on in this country for what it is, the national review has the wall street journal has the one then examiner. Have they call
these marxist for what they're doing to that country. There's plenty of scholarship out there till they read do they know I mean pop up an editorial you're in there and that's it off. They go back to the same Trench warfare here. trench warfare, whether some canada Jia. There were some dumb answers. I ran, don't get me wrong Then always happens, I mean I can remember romney running for president perfect example. I've got more to get a handle it I think it's important We make it abundantly clear that we are independent there. We are. Constitutional concern can you The house conservatives today even more
they rallied around a guy that an aim, a bigs who up The convention of states hoop in arizona? That's the guy. They rally behind Thirty one votes. they have. Nobody asked a rally around. That's their guy can china stage is really, in my humble opinion, the only thing that can fundamentally save the damned country, but the one guy freedom carcass who oppose this convention states that a guy. They rally around that. Guy, they hope will give him a leverage that they need. Are you kidding me he's knuckle were surrounded by knucklehead. There was never going to be a red way, we're lucky, we didn't get. Our asses kicked even worse. The other side is on the attack on the attack on the attack.
they have a lot of very stupid voters who accept- no tomorrow urged we're not gonna, have a democracy. Listen to that wrap coming out of obama's mouth. But there's more next, I want to get into what do we do about it. let me circle back to the beginning, I am a constitutional conservative. I believe in individual liberty, populism What do you think Joe Biden thinks he's practicing populism. Josh Holly says the answer to this is populism. Using government for the benefit of the middle class, who's gonna. Do that which department? Which bureaucracy? Which public union. give any faith in the american people jobs. He's not alone, don't get me wrong. Then we have this. I bigs
the great savior now who oppose This convention of states, then we have Mcconnell, there's a we laughing stock to be quite frankly about. I can go down the whole damn list, here's the point, you and me, we insist on constitutional conservatism and embracing capitalism, securing this border and law and order that this segment of the Podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage, and save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find them, and that's right for you. Thank you again, for
listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the helm. America mark Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one one guy elected, I think his name is Stamos or something else out of new york. Let the democrat seat and he's all over tv. and you say I don't to spend time on investigations. My dear friend nude, I heard him say on tv today, ninety ten,
ten percent of the time on investigations, so all of a sudden. government, corruption,. A rogue fbi. A rogue department of justice chasing down parents. Using swat teams going after state legislatures, try. to impose in bore abortion on demand on the stay I go on and on and on that's. Listen, that's not our problem. inflation is And I'm sitting: ok what're! You gonna do about inflation. When you look forward. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm looking when you gonna do.
You gonna cut spending has much Mcconnell gonna cut spending when he disappointed in this massive debt increase, and you'll see the wall street journal and others are going to defend it when it time to real and when the rubber really hit the road on increasing the dead, so you watch you watch the greatest out ages in recent years by the fbi. and yet we do. We know we know it. At present, we do not have a lot of time, so I the guy in new york. Yo put him on the agriculture committee, then ok, they are but beyond on these bigger, but I want to be only a ways and means for tax camera non owner. You focus on the price of food. Now here's the problem. the only thing we can do when it
to inflation, republicans in the house And with all the Senate is to put the brake on spending. Let's see how many these guys and girls who say I want to follow on the table issues on gasoline prices on inflation on getting that under control. See how many of them are prepared to play chicken with binding and the Democrats. To keep a lid on the debt ceiling as much as per let's say their smart enough to get any leverage on that telling you in advance, I always do they're not going that way there going to be By partisan group republicans should but what the government to work No, ladies and gentlemen, I want the people to be free. The government works in communist china.
The government works in a well. You pick the place. Huber, and I don't mean effectively, I mean there's The government works. What we found out is moral power. You centralize, The effective it is this The Josh holly thing: what are you talking about. The government needs to do this, the garret, what what? What are you another mastermind. and who, in the government's gonna, pull the stuff off. It's fundamentally fundamentally that all understand so Don't don't go into these investigations? so. In other words, the republicans can't walk untrue. Come at the same time. some frustrated. But what's frustratingly most, Is it we're not rallying around what works.
The reason people like descent of so much is not just because he focused on kitchen table issues which he did, but it Ben did your liberty and toward he defended parental rights in florida he pushed against woke ism in florida, larry organ, didn't do any of this. As a matter of fact, you might recall Larry hoagie look a shot at rhonda santas several times, because. airy hogan would do it differently. Meanwhile, Larry haagen leaves a state by that's a disaster, nobody's blocking the marilyn nobody's? Lock into new jersey, Chris Christie, it's not happening to scientists even Even one is attacked the guy's a gentleman. He knows how to deal with these things. This is why I like em. Caught one go,
Well, you know one of the things I've learned like and learn in this job is when you're doing you're, leading when you're gettin getting things done. Yeah you taken coming fire, that's just the nature of it. I roll out of bed in the morning. I've got corporate media outlets that have a spasm, just the fact that I'm getting up in the morning and its constantly attacking- and this is just what's happened- I dont think any governor, Tat more particularly by corporate media, then me over my four year term and yet what you, what you learn is all that's just noise and really what matters is. Are you leading? Are you gettin in front of issues are delivering results for people and are you standing up for folks? And if you do that, then
none of that stuff matters, and in that's what we ve done. We focused on results and leadership, and you know at the end of the day, I would just tell people to go check out the scoreboard from last tuesday night. The fact of the matter is here. The fact of the matter is we. It was that the greatest republican victory in the history of the state florida, because As the man is true, blue he's, principled in everything he does. He looks at the facts eyes. Isn't the situation in braces? his values, attacked by hollywood, is attacked by disney his attack by the media, but just presses on you- can
possibly compare rhonda santas to chris christy Larry hogan, you can't look at I resign. As I said, disastrous voting system. You think rhonda scientists would have allowed by the stand for fifteen minutes. Mr producer, no, you think rhonda santas would run the senate the way Mitch. Mcconnell does not four minute not for a minute. Now. You have the f b I touched on this, the other night. You have fbi. That's completely out of control. Yet Christopher re up there today republican, saying: look, you know The focus on other things, now focus on everything.
petrol job to oversee the fbi, your job that job to oversee the department of justice. It's your job to protect parents, it job to ensure that their securing the border. It's your job, to make sure there aren't spies that the EP Inserting the organizations they don't try to interfere in elections, that your job. Ten percent on that one. We got a lot more to do hide. So here we sit in a for Mitch Mcconnell their proposed. What he's going to do on the border kind of legislation. He would have had his guys vote on what Legislation he would impose or support that will reduce federal government size and spending much Mcconnell
to take shots at everybody, because he learned member. I read that peace to you the other day because he learned a long time ago when you propose things your subject to criticism. We actually have to defend them, Jeez you to say that guy's, an extremist all. We need to pick better candidates, if only this happen, I know you're the republican leader. And what do we have to show for. All the worse things, in my humble opinion,. now we're going to have on the programme literally in minutes, my buddy, craig shirley atop historian finally the reagan era, but of republican politics. Do I think he fancies himself a populous of short but of sorts, but that doesn't matter one of the described to us the battles that Reagan had to fight fight against these people with the same mindset in to become one of the greatest president's in american history. When to lance lies,
I remember when I was a young guy four ragged and seventy six in my. How should be my precinct than the Republicans kept come on up the rigging it will hear reagan care when in pennsylvania he's too stream. Might be able might be a hollywood actor. Buddy can't get elected here in pennsylvania to massive landslides, including by its albania, say. people out there right now I'll be back then. There is literally no reason to pave arise in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you can get the same service on the same network at pure talk for a half the price, yep talk, text and blaze fast data just thirty bucks a month,
those other guys are making you pay for thousands of retail store. You don't go into perks. You dont use a massive profits to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they ve invested in a? U S, pace customer service team: it's why they give you more data options than unlimited, because they won't charge you for data. You don't need. I switched to pure talk because I like supporting a company owned by a. U s veteran I like supporting, accompanies, supports me and my values, and I invite you to pure talk to their. My guys switched of pure talk in less than ten minutes. Gonna pure talk tat come in I'm a code. Levine podcast, that's easy iron podcast does say fifty percent of your first month again pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, levine podcast. craig. Surely how are you my friend? mark how you I'm not great.
Fighting covered here in a furious with. you know, I actually think there wasn't going to be a red wave. I told mister produce without you know our fear some time ago and there The numbers will add up in the senate and so forth, and all these people who promoted are now telling us why didn't happen writing the same clowns. Hussein long ago we were saying yes come here, red, tidal, wave or now thing Beware long. You know who they are the guy with the white boards, the guy they never shut. The hell up then they're out there in the politicians who who live in wash and actually it'll, never ever touch the will of the people. Those people people who never go outside doorway I ask you something: you know we talk about populism reagan was not a populist like Holly is where he has a arms. Long list of subsidies and programmes that we ought to create for the middle class reagan spoke for. We
people all the time you talked about how he rates more freedom, more opportunity, tax cuts, reduce regulations, things at sword heat? In other words he he stuck with the conservative, tried and principles he wasn't coming, with a liberal laundry list of ideas on my right now. Finally, right you know what's interesting: I have begun type person I am. I guess I have actually true reagan: speeches from nineteen, seventy six nineteen. Eighty present his as post presidency What strikes me is how many times he uses the word individual or individuality, he doesn't talk about the group. He doesn't talk about Group catering- to serve other some other purpose. He talks about that, you don't want the rights And the privacy and the dignity of the individual, the this he was there
invested in this philosophy, which was a combination of kind of go american conservatism. With a dash of terrorism. He often said that libertarianism was the base, for american conservatism were there with a dose of with a large dose of common sense. You know you I praise often evidence is all: is beaches as well. by the way you should know even though we knew it. The media are now officially announcing the Republicans took louse but I think I can do that and here's the thing here is what bothers me, Tell me when I'm wrong seriously homage Mcconnell orbits, whom I read it, and I am not this abortionist. We have to have an answer to this right, Craig, We have an answer to this, to push a vote, whether its amendment or flat vote. You are in the minority. You can still do it somehow enforced
democrats low on partial birth, abortion and infanticide and parental, troy and parental knowledge, because a Democrat suppose it in other words we oppose the work two percent of the american people exactly right, But, as you know, they voted for so many go on the record is a set frequent and there is uri there's your way. You fight them on that issue by by testing them on issue after issue after issue, you know in nineteen eighty you remember because you were there. I was there Nineteen eighty bob dole did something rather brilliant. He was in the minority in the senate but in the summer and fall ninety eight in order to set up to frame up the agenda for the ninety eight campaign. He introduce bill after do after bill in the senate, to force the democrats to cash. No on military spending social issues and berries and
all sorts of issues. You can imagine you lido silent prayer school things like that and to punish the democrats to the defensive and force them to bow answer what the will of the american. He knew what he was doing against the will of the american people. On this help. I see election got going too far with reagan versus carter. Do you see that's going on now. Destruction taking a brilliant report now I do. I know because my son is targeting a girl's coercion, capitol hill they spent time the office is geared to things fundraising and promotion so they spend all their time, putting people on putting people on tv, putting people on radio doing
dolly up their facebook page that you do do nothing on legislation, it's all about the promotion of the individual and then the financial advantages of the individual of the individual congressmen theirs. being on legislation, I think on issues, not the boy. I remember the old days when we used to we used to go after the democrats on wasteful spending. What was the last time you saw a good article from from the republican side and wasteful government spending or or even Yo shrinking government by love how can you have a leader so called the republican party in the senate, Mcconnell who cake what a republican events and campaign cause he's that unpopular. I don't know the disconnect between washington and the people as enormous as an enormous enormous in our bedroom. Again I wish it was. You said that concern. had to take control. The house now republic,
As you know, what is going to be the same old inside. wheeling and dealing spending? why they can't do this, why they can't do that and also to market and will never You know they were. we saw the advance of socialism, but they won't stop at her turn back the dough. B. I actually there there then the them it's browser. Yes, we want socialism, these guys to say no, we all got so don't want socialism, then they enable it. While speaking that, since is Chris Christie. The voice of like anti trump is more larry, hogan or or, this guy. I saw Hutchinson one gerald ford wannabes, I mean what, where where would they take the party craig shrilly? They would take toward the establishment that it would be more choice, and you know this fight has been going on inside the republican party since tat
captain kept. And item our. nixon and large, recalled water and rockefeller ray And before it has been going on on fourchan for too long, and the irony is that the moderates always rules and the consumer it's always win away, why can't be pointed out to some decent people? We think otherwise intelligent people, I don't know I get the republican national ready. A brow, romilly wish stand in principle, she would shoot opera resignation, I think liaison- would do great there actually, but he's he's tied a mega and by the way, I'm I'm constitutional concern over that's what I am. I support it
tromp and will continue to support him if he does the right thing. The scientists who I'm dear friends with I will support him, but I want to get into this a little bit more with you to create, surely will be right back. There is literally no reason to pave arise in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless when you can get the same service on the same network at pure talk for a half the price yep talk, text and blaze fast data, just thirty bucks. A month,
Those other guys are making you pay for thousands of retail stores. You don't go into perks. You dont use a massive profits to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they ve invested in a? U S, pace customer service team. It's why they give you more data options and unlimited, because they won't charge you for data, you don't need. I switched to pure talk because I like supporting a company owned by a. U s veteran I like supporting, accompanies supports me and my values, and I invite you switched to pure talk to their my guys switched of pure talk in less than ten minutes. Gonna pure talk, dot com in April code. Levant podcast, that's easy iron podcast does say fifty percent of your first month again pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, levine podcast
mark, Levin radios, hell raising and del actual call. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one we're here with a great historian, Craig shirley's read many books have them all on my shelves. Mister shirley, one lined up after exterior and one of the maple nineteen, forty five, the hinge of history, That's continue here. So, if I were to ask you what does republican party in washington dc stand for what does Chris Christie stand for? what does Larry Hogan stand for? What would you answer, I would say, was truly bureaucracy is to defend the bureaucracy they are status quo. They dont want things.
And they don't they agents of change that they would be. They would be the motto republicans millcote Republican, sir me to republicans, but they're, not In some change, the revolutionaries- ronald reagan, was there we'll get reagan wrong. It was not a reactionary. He was a revolutionary. He tested. A lot of new conservative ideas you like fdi in tax cuts and things like that with an eighty two. I think you would anyone he was at sea. And he was asked about the tax cuts and and This is revolutionary thinking when it s about the tax cuts. They said you rather about stimulating the economy and this map, but the really about restoring private, restoring power to the american people. You understood
there is only a certain amount of power in the universe and power cannot be destroyed, nor created it can only be moved around and Jimmy Carter and the Democrats and liberals before him had been- power steadily away from the american people the wash em bureaucracy, rigorous approach- many a year to take power and move it back to the citizenry from the national government. You know He grew the price With economy five times greater I shall give the washing the car midway. The bureaucratic economy didn't grow at all during his eight years, but he grew the national con me by by fivefold so if you do that, you do the power, the national government, by the increase in the power of the private, govern the private citizenry. With his genius worth that's what he was was one of the things said he was aiming for, withdrew, restore the rights and dig
I see dignity and privacy to the american people Now you probably know this better than anybody. You really do have a sort of a rain man mind on this stuff. Thank you. You know, you know you have this and I cannot keep returning to it since he wants to be the mega leader here. Carlos supported forward in seventy six, as you know, worked and his administration or one point, nineteen. Eighty we found. I think, thanks to the eight vagary through air. Another friend of mine end nineteen eighty he said reagan was third or fourth tier to him, now put on a variety yeah, but by nineteen eighty, if you're conservative you are for reagan, there was real evidence that was at radio and he had primary opponents, but they have a crush on pretty easily so I mean
I'm trying to figure out how this guy continues to be the leader of the republic and it's gotta, be or inside washington fun rate and to establish a review, the establishment- that's what it is, but he's, every single one reagan he hated the tea party hated it, which he had any of the great britain. The recipe pledge was always supporting him in attacking them. Then he here, tromp any hates mag and to say that when the time it's just the nature of the beast no It is easy to use your typical run or no establishing establishment terrorism. It is inside or its status quo. Its anything he perceives is an attack on the status quo must be depth opposed her art or destroyed, is not Anything that grants power to the american people
even though the centres ways one body do not gonna do propose anything. That's gonna, be embarrassing or move the ball against the level our practice going be a lot of compromise and a lot of bending over a lot of voting for For liberal policies, but barely any change or come for them to change scares them. very radical change on the left, they have almost no majority in the house. They had no more there, no majority in the senate, but for the vice president and they ran through stuff, left and right, They are very, very bad things for the country. And Let me say that I think we're gonna be evident that georgia, ukraine, which, by the way but by the law on. I want to get this out for his cause is important point and so on. We take the house as as small as it is
the other side celebrating and we And on the senate side, the guy that that's to be in charge of the legislative agenda and all the rest of it. He blames trump like you used to blame the tea party course I dont know how we're ever gonna really unite and be able to defeat these people with numbskull like this, but the selection is, is the proof of the proof in the pudding is said: was there this is not. This was not a bumper sticker campaign. There was no galvanizing shed of issue saying just war against war against democratic. Ok, fine were against democrats. We know that, what are you for what for to help the american people. What are you for to eliminate inflation? What are you for doing lemonade? I gas prices were you for to eliminate high grossly prices? What are you for to move the ball down the field and help him
people, which is what you therefore anyway, supposed to be there to help the american people, not there not to be a big with each other, not tat, they did to do cause deals with each other but a but to help the american people They never did that in this election than ever It put out a set of principles or they put out and never did get any sunlight that it was. It was all just attack, attack, attack and that's just not you. You can't beat something with nothing. I and I understand, but if there's something you beat something there's gotta, be intelligent. and thank you craig. Surely, if somebody wants to find out more about you order, they go sure dot, com or surely and make their dad come my up programme, by parliament's website. Surely an make dot com other! You take care of yourself. Thank you You saw much bark good man. Christopher re. At a hearing today I don't know
it so hard to find a good fbi director, but it is now we know from afar that the FBI had in full, events on January six. We know for a fact that he put in from its into organizations. and so is at a hearing today clay, Higgins, congressmen, clay, Higgins's, trying to press him on this and its really grotesque, cut acres, it did. The fbi have confidential human sources embedded within the january six protestors, on january, sixteen at twenty twenty one As I am sure you can appreciate, I had to be very careful about what I can say about when even more out aid, because that would not all this have years ago. My finnish About when finish, what and how you never have anything to say you schmo you jerk
I think these better than the entire congress go ahead. I have not used confidential him sources To the extent that there is a suggestion, for example, that If the eyes, confidentially human sources or fbi employees in some way instigated orchestrated january, six, that's categorically fall now generally. Did that. He didn't say that. So what ray is able to do their say? We didn't instigate anything. He asked you if you had any plan. Anybody embedded in January x. You would answer that. They should be held in contempt when the Republican, take over go ahead. When sources dresses drops of borders inside the capital in january to six. to the doors being open again, Had to be very careful in no can you
tell the american people know we did not have Galva Daniel, you would sources dress, as jobs are borders position inside the capital gentleman has X, you should not read anything into my decision was to share and from iraq to re. Often, actually almost term has expired. Spare January sixth. christopher re almost two years ago, twenty twenty one? What are you hiding this? and about sources and techniques. What are you hiding? We go back to this new york times piece. It looks they had about a score, or at least a dozen or more informants. Involved in January six in one form or another and with all the talk about january six, all they hearings about January six or the investigation about january six. Don't we that damn people a right to know what the hell
happy. I was during the day before Throw a former president in federal prison. Don't we I dunno. Barely not snotty? Snarking condescending bs. This jerked doesn't understand you work for us pal, Restrictive information, except what they lake. nor, no, you don't understand! We don't want to reveal what sort! Now you don't want to reveal what you did. Now. Let me tell you something if I'm a lawyer for one of these people and I have on my lawyer for trump I wouldn't and a full blown trial and I were dragged his ass in as a witness ray. to provide information on what
happy. I did and did not do and who was there and who was there? You know as an old justice guy A lot of the reasons in these intelligent cases where we have spies three and the government has to settle, go to. You know that actually the spine, so forth is because you had to present your evidence you have two presented in open court get the dual: the secret stuff, that's Our framers were geniuses. You don't have secret courts when you're try, People should not supposed at the federal level and so was always where we can reveal the secret can reveal our. I, let's cut a deal that sort of thing. but if they dare to bring charges.
Against tromp or somebody in his inner circle of this sort. They should demand a full scale, public trial, full scale. And use that as an opportunity to get to the bottom of things as well. No deals full scale. Because now we know there were informants there. The question is how many who were they, Guy's name again, MR producer is running around waving people in re, eps re apps, Ray apps needs to be deposed under oath. Of course,. Ray apps needs to be a witness. I should say ray: needs to be a witness The bottom of these thanks, I will
Nancy policy too, I would figure out ways smart lawyer to make them testimony are relevant. maybe even dizzy lizzie cheney and over now it's a harder stretch, but what the hell? right back then there is literally no reason to pay verizon in eighteen, eighty or t mobile over eighty dollars a month for wireless, when you could get the same service on the same network at pure talk for a half the price, yep talk, text and blaze. Fast data, just thirty bucks a month
Those other guys are making you pay for thousands of retail stores. You don't go into perks. You dont use a massive profits to keep their shareholders happy. You know who pure talk wants to keep happy their customer. You that's why they ve invested in a? U S, pace customer service team. It's why they give you more data options and unlimited, because they won't charge you for data, you don't need. I switched to pure talk because I like supporting a company owned by a. U s veteran I like supporting, accompanies supports me and my values, and I invite you I to pure talk to their my guys switched a pure walk in less than ten minutes. Gonna pure talk, dot, com, promo code, levine podcast, that's easy iron podcast does say fifty percent of your first month again pure talk, dot com and then a promo code. Levine podcast
No remorse mc sally, she was a senator from arizona she was appointed by governor, do see at the request of mitch become even though she had lost. in her race he had lost in a race to. I think it was cinema. and then she ran again, against Kelly. I may have a reversed anyway. She ran twice and she lost twice who is Mcconnell candidate in arizona. What I'm trying to tell you all this talk of? Ms mckenna goes up there. The independents voted against us cause. We were too angry. We were to this The colonel candidates lose all the time I haven't. tract of honour. All the time they lose.
And so the idea that if we only had had mitch, become candidates in these various races in new Hampshire and other places that we would have is a lie. So he's? Gonna ran through this well they're, going to more behind and pretty much and vote for even this loomis, from my home, and she says A delay the vote I take great, but I'm still going about form. Ok, then, why bother? Why bother boy said: Dianne, Feinstein god Diane funding stone. I believe I suppose this is in line to be the president pro tem of the senate. That means she's the longest serving. In a report goes up to her.
This is on media I'd, which has like one or two good guys the rest and are a bunch of our rap thanks while I happen, he's he's asked. Are you? Are you thinking about becoming the president of the senate? That's the protests Obviously the vice presidents, the permanent president. Nonetheless, well I haven't thought about it, but I'll. Let you know what I do she says I just got I had a lot of issues. Walking with the senator quickly interjected telling insider that Feinstein had told her report in the past that she's not thought about it and has no intention of seeking the position, what you ve told reporters the aid told Feinstein. I dont.
What you're saying responded Feinstein this is about Senate pro tem position. The her aide said wow, I haven't said anything about it that I know of. Oh, my god isn't the time to have a little bit more youth like people in their seventies. The. This episode is brought to you by angel's. Envy is to a season filled with elevated spirits, new acquaintances and modern old fashions ears to the exceptional gift of angels. Envy a bourbon finished in port wine barrels. It's an extraordinary way to bring a modern spirit to the holidays. There's an angel's envy, dot com to learn more and find a bottle near. You enjoy responsibly copyright, twenty twenty two angles, any straight: bourbon whiskey, finished in port wine barrels. Forty three point: three percent alcohol by volume.
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the nato agreement is not going to be triggered, read it The missile that landed in poland and killed who pull citizens as much as despise putin's. What he's doing, obviously a miss shot to misfire He had nothing, basically, immunity kill two people, but it didn't hit anything and anything Evidence who went slightly over the border. Cause he was missile. Happy today, Putin was fired him off left and right. He fired ninetieth so your hearing people say were war. Three, it's not gonna happen. That's number one number two I gave it has declared. an invasion in texas,
I was a convention of states, a number of wonderful wonderful people. Patriots came up to me and said why doesn t just what He just assert, there's an invasion under the constitution and send the national guard there well, let's play that out a minute. And I have no problem doin it, but is second The problem why And fix the problem, any really sharp. The tunnel out there. Let's say a governor sends the national guard into a school. And the governor says: I'm gonna block the doorway so little Kids can go to school with little white kids. Two different issue: when I'm talking about the constitution. What did the Kennedy administration do when they occur, MR producing? What did the eisenhower administration do? First, when that occurred.
They nationalized the national guard, they federalized it. and then the national guard became part. The federal government, the federal motor. So if we send national guardsmen now- oh guardsman to the border. To secure it, not against trying everything, please don't get me wrong in In what can happen is that Biden her one of us flunkies, but Biden well directed national guard is federalized. and then the national guard will be removed that My concern so we shall see, in other words, I'm not into the antics. I just want to get things done, secure the damn border republican. I've got to step up to the plate on this national Applicants have got to step up on the plane on this. What's the
Mcconnell proposal out of this, there is none there, no proposal, none. Craig chilean I, when we were talking we talked about, and he mention how bobbed all bobbed all was the really a legislative genius in here. Was the one that force the Democrats devote time and time and time again against things that were popular, but they oppose is a party help lay the foundation for the nineteen eighty landslide, the regen her I'm not doing that on abortion. What they should have done is fought for put her as an a member to some bill. position to partial birth, infanticide. and insisting on parental notification. The Democrats of oppose this then our candidates run around the country who For the Senate say that, support partial the bush and infanticide, which has a roving way they didn't they didn't
have they didn't have at issue that they could run on. That's what they should have done cassettes. The democratic support here the republican leader. What you do is you huddle with the republicans in your group, and you say: ok, what what's our answer on inflation? What Legislation will we put in place what's our legislation on the border? What's our legislation to deal with the teachers unions to defend the parents, How do we want to set ourselves up the deal with the f b? I want it hidden. Do any of this? How do I know? Could members tell me he does do any of this, none of it. Why not And then he defended, what car he he supported? candidate and that candidate and look at all the money he spaniard, Let's washington think,
read something to you. They should draw your attention to. and then we'll take some calls red state in her room Move around parliament votes to execute fifteen thousand protestors teach hard lessons. This started with the brutal murder of attack, age girl who wasn't wearing her headscarf properly. They beat her to death, and so other young teenage girls and then other women. And then joined by men. Young people rose up. and they ve been doing this for several months now and they being slaughtered. and it's getting no attention on our media man. None Every night this was going on the p we're trying to overthrow that government.
in the up against her renders vile theocracy. And so over a red stay. We reported susie more on the ongoing. protests in iran following the death of 'em, sorry, twenty two year old Marcia armani report they from being beaten, while in custody find her arrest for unsuitable attire laden Toby, thereby administration and answer was loving sanctions against fourteen iranian officials in response to the government's crackdown peril. Phase by this, the iranian parliament has elected crack down even harder vote last tuesday to execute the fifteen, thousand protestors who been arrested. If I was to poor seven to sixty three to twenty seven to sixty three to execute the press. Protestors These were peaceful protesters. Civil
seeking the right to justice. As cassim rashad a she'd. I should say a lawyer posted on it. acceptable and barbaric per newsweek, uranium law makers have in recent days called for strict punishments for the protesters who been arrested on monday, syn Reported a letter signed by two hundred and twenty seven members of the iranian parliament urged that the protesters be given hard punishment that would serve as a good lesson in the shortest possible time. The parliament voted to impose The death penalty on all this fifteen thousand protestors as a hard lesson for all rebels. They color. their preferred method of dealing with the people who have caused disturbances has understandably sparked outrage following the letter calling for a harsh punishment to serve as a good lesson journey,
as a maid marion called on the world to respond. He said after killing hundreds or protesters on the streets in a violent crack down to an twenty seven mps and around call for the pro esters, three eve, death sentences. Iranian journalists and activists if europe, activism around you truly our brave person, if you're in division, america, your typically on the doll iranian journalists and activists machine allege, yod called the work stop this act of terror. On monday, a revolutionary guard court in tehran issued the first death sentence to protest. As per the bbc is boring, everybody will. It ought not be. recording around this issue. The first death sentence to occur the arrest of taking part in the protests have engulf the country, state media, say.
The revolutionary court found the defendant who was not named had set fire to a government facility was guilty. of enmity again scott gee whiz. You many buildings went on fire as a result of these twenty twenty rights, MR producing another, cordial five people for between five and ten years. But what then is there putnam and joan than their executing them for many cases. and we put out a statement and that's about it. The rest continues truly grotesque What's going on over there and you know, Tromp had arrived yet his foot on their throat. I'll be right back. Then The holidays are coming, find it
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out in the car today, right as, as you were talking about christopher re in his testimony, you said something about it. You know he really didn't, say anything karla while he was still alive. Let me turn a hearty gave up All international press club yellower. Whenever you have there, it's distracting and he said but he likes listing the people. Talk but he likes listing to washington talk because they great care To say anything, in lieu of the recent election. We ve had report can congressmen and senators you know I think we need to do a better job. Oh, we ready for the attack. We weren't ready for this, but will do a better job next time around. No, you won't Why would you say, but miss Mcconnell. Why would he do anything
Why would he take a chance at losing Is she position and Larry? I say that is because these people are taking care of her life for a job that they volunteered for man. They get their healthcare from us. Secret service protection from us, and it's like how do we fix it and somehow they get very, very wealthy? Have you noticed this is true it, but hey guys to fix a simple Is anybody ever left the senate? Poor not that I know that I am aware of, but not an I'm aware. I said I can't do anything about this because I live in D c. We don't have a senator, we don't have a congressmen and I dont care. Thank god for learning. Is you folks? They live in state need started petition. Get thirty three. And at the no, no, no, no, no, no! No! No, no that's all,
the time no offense to get a petition. Nobody cares. We get a petition. We had a whole movement, the tea party move. We had tens of thousands of people showing up a rally showing up at the capitol building Mcconnell hated our guts just as baynard hated our guts, we gave us sixty three new members of the house. They store hated our guts, they hate our guts today. This is the problem. They have to be removed. We're crap party does not put people in leadership, positions that hate their base. The has fought us for decades with Support of the wall street journal, a national view and other publications and people like that. He has fought us for decades and he's made excuses for decades. So handing him a petition or somebody petition at this point, not a useful time as far as I'm concerned, I do think
The first time my programme, the people, need to go back and listen. I do think they need to understand the we're not lining up behind them. and I'm right here put the marker down right now, the marker down on this programme and I've it abundantly clear There are millions of us in this audience million, of us, and if you think that you can take back our government with the car, of bureaucratic, rhino ism. that you hear from the from there? coming out there in the media. from their surrogates from their think tanks and all the rest there I have to deal with us and by that I mean not just primary. If we lose primaries, we're gonna sit out. That's it. These people have to go. And by us, constantly lining up as soldiers and getting behind them, and they Made our guts there's too much it's too it's too it's on
and the relationship we have with the republican establishment. It's insane and they have no intention of buckling. None. so far so good. just not going to help them. In the days and weeks in the years ahead, I'm not going to do it, but I Thank you for your call, which were well beyond petitions here. In my opinion wanes very articulate, don't get me wrong. Let's go to Paul. Sioux falls south Dakota, where senator soon got seventy one percent of the vote and why I don't know the foggiest idea, guys and empty suit. How are you I am very well, mr le pen, it's an honor check off the bucket list today for me, cause. I I are you started the first arm enlisting sense and you I've? that name, some of which many times Throughout your your monologues and sold here today and
I want to tell you that, even a great day like south Dakota, I did vote against all three of our in umbrage. You know that we had up this year. Fortunately, the challenger lost in a way Gonna do you have fought for them? However, I called and left messages proposed senators last week, birthday sentiment. Bilbil last we first they call this morning after I heard that rick Scott is challenging mitch and set your problem Listen, I don't care, however, I'm telling you the oder constituent, Mick mick. The time has come and gone there at a time when a certain man or woman. The daily needs to stand up, and is there All the time- and I think this time needs somebody other than mitch- macao will definitely is, as you say later, an empty shell. I think I've found a good man. However, he has been in war to do anything. He does the case he doesn't.
at the point of the spear he's in leadership. He barely even speak sunday with any emotion or any passion he doesn't even put, but arguments together. Well, I mean just he's just a laptop: that's all he is. We end this for this time we need fighters and I've set on our local programme. I call it the time when I say we need fighters here and now we do not need the establish when we don't need go along the get along which we three of those they talk. They talk on our Local stations, but tom you had the time daschle he didn't just sit on his butt and do nothing you had George Mcgovern. He didn't just cinemas button, do nothing what the hell is thrown done. Nothing. Really literally either your senators. What have they done either gave a great, governor by the way, but we're. Ah, I, my friend, I appreciate your call
The slip another one and MR producer. Mary silver spring marrow and the great w emma out. How are you mary, Mary. Sal coopers down new york exam satellite area. Mark. I look forward to the day and I hope I'm alive when you take the fourteen million. be in that line following you to wherever it goes, and I'm glad you just what you said a few moments ago, because back I did not vote from a cane. I did not vote for romney because the establishment wanted mackay and I wanted giuliani in those years- and I just felt at that moment in a vague out what they wanted and come up in twenty four, I feel like the Mcconnell than that use of the world they
I don't care about losing the twenty four election so long as they don't have hop on the mantle. That's going to be their fight for two year, I'm trying to figure out what they've done to advance the cause of conservatism and the republican party any of them. I really am, and they help these american marxist movement, nothing other! I back
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Hey good evening, market evening, thanks so much for taking the call first of all about trump announcing tonight, what he's going to run or not. I am very conflicted about it because it was a great president, if you like, there's too much pain the democratic party against president from there a liable to women who agree with you A lot of people who agree with, in other words, he turns out their side and they're nuts. right? I have a lot to say about this. What do you mean you're, the nasa and their sad I tyrants, left out. The left is crazy As he had the personality and their able to you, know, dramatized everything that term says- and you know exaggerate his words in the media and they did they play around with his words, and he got he's, got lotta worthy can play around with that. I also debate say about the senate: That I don't see how we can get rick Scott like that of the leader, because the majority of our republican senators are rhinos we as conservatives
and we're not going to vote for them in their primaries. Anyhow, I don't see why they should be a free of us, not tell it what we tell them, we're not going to vote for them. If they do. What will our let slow down a second Why should Rick's got run even though he knows he doesn't have the votes, Are you may be trying, maybe believe the calendar calendar? How old are you about? How old are you. Twenty one? Can't you don't necessarily when the first time took Reagan three times to become the republican nominee for president. You were the ogre yeah they took churchill a few times become, prime minister. In other words, say: we're not gonna win this war, not. But you gotta show somebody does and they have to be enough votes the so courage that there is
the possibility of building up to the point where in fact, one day he will be removed, and hopefully not by his own health, but by the by the political change, like the political environment, these battles don't come easy. In fact, freedom doesn't come easy and so You don't just surrender, because today a stir look tells you whenever the numbers, While tomorrow you might with a day after you might, and so rick Scott is running which he is, which I think is very courageous of him and we'll see who votes with him. I don't know if it's public or not I think they do everything in secret and the senate I bet whatever they do, kudos to him. nobody, expects them to win because their rushing. This. As fast as I possibly can we,
sure in alaska. If she were to wind, she would definitely vote against Mcconnell Mcconnell. has done this over and over again, the average time between the election and the vote for the for the leadership in the senate is eight days per two mcconnell. In the nineteen eighties and so forth. It was almost a month And so this is how they do it, so you can't just surrender to that. What I'm saying is we have to have leverage. We have to have a threat, you know inside wash nagy. We need leverage, we're gonna, we neither will we the ultimate leverage. We, the people, the base conservatives, those of us who are constitutional conservatives, so need to start looking at this in a more effective way. That's all I don't, have all the answers. Yet things have not broken out. Things presented themselves. Two years is a long time but I'm saying and I'm announcing to them. You
can't necessarily count on us. Unless you demonstrate to us that your us, you're part of us that you represent us period, you know, I wouldn't I'm not gonna, be voting for these rhino centres. Anyways in the primary bad enough of them- and so I ve been a lot of us voted republican, and I certainly did because we needed to stop the marxist, and when I say that putting the primary aside, but if not going to stop them they're going to partner with them or be, by partisan with them It's a different story. call again Alex very, very good. Ah my friend, I appreciated young guy, that's good! We don't need to talk about sammy, berger and the obvious mr call screener, I'm so worn out that story. I I that's. Let's I've in our body ivan in miramar beach florida Mark levant power, you ivan
Work on your phone, Malta does get frustrated. I look up. I asked you about this before about the fraud and everything in the elections. It seems like every two years. We wait for the democrat machine to keep counting until the Democrat, let's slow down a second Ivan. I want people to understand something. There may well be fraud. But that allegations really not being made the fraud is the institutional it stick to shoulder zation of what their due now, what are they doing. Why is Lauren bobo still fighting for her political life. Western district colorado? The pulse of closed. Is it because of fraudulent votes? No, it's because of a system that they ve instituted. That to show what we used to call fraud now? What do I mean by that after the election but can cure their vote,
So what happens is people are contact There told you didn't sign the envelope. He didn't do this, you didn't so they can. back and fix it who's ever heard of anything so stupid. Now, why is that in place Is it because of republican voters who vote by mail and drop out no for the most part, its democratic voters, so they can cure because they don't shop on election day What's going on nevada? How is it that lacks all has led in she beat him the left? democrat by most exactly the number of votes that they need. Is it because of machines? Now it's cause. They have legalised voter harvesting now. What does that mean. on the republic inside and the Democrats side. They have this down to such a science that they can tell what precincts in what parts of what town
Haven't voted enough koran quote They know what kind of vote they need to get out but if we vote on election day and only on election day, most of us who is it. The voter harvesting helps Ivan the Democrats so the weakened. Listen. This is important so we can before the election. What are they do? They know where they need to get their votes. they send out their thugs. In the case of nevada, a really was that it was, it was in the apartment bill. in LAS vegas. They said, The union's out in all the union's a deal with the casinos and all the rest of it tonight commodore to collect the ban what's voter harvesting and they get them to the system. It was massive over the weekend in LAS vegas in nevada,
and so they knew where they needed to get the vote out. It's not that Didn't send their ballots in denver, they didn't. They went got their balance. now that is legalised in the state in nevada. If we don't get our hands around that kind of system and tear it down since the virus has been in place? we're never gonna win in these states. My problem with arizona is you had a republican governor? He didn't do anything to stop this system. You have a new republican governor nevada, even though you have heavy dew democrats and the legislature there and what he should do. We're not pass and a beer we're not doing anything until we get this fixed. So we keep talking about how great a republican governors are. Some of them are. Some of them are no better than anybody else. I go ahead. Ivan
That would not be possible to get an auditor the vote, because it you get an audit of the boat. you ve, been audits of the vote before who do you want to audited? these democratic enclaves lock I got a territory upon himself almost like the mobile, no go zones where the law is not allowed in the riot police think they like pennsylvania, but there were lawson's broad, I'm in good that they do. Well, you see what I'm saying I m saying is when you are republicans We should have one nevada. Now they needed the ever republican governor now needs to address that we, republican government, arizona who didn't. at some point. You can pass all the laws in the world if Begins aren't going to do certain things, they're not going to change anything that's why I've had it. That's why I'm saying it to you you're right. does he didn't do it. I needed to do
I mean hold unlucky, let you you left maryland right hold on. You left maryland correctly. How do I send you left marilyn correct absolutely ok did Logan, make Marilyn more livable more more more bear. before you know you left absolutely not a democrat, and now we want- To run for president, I would ask my friends or new jersey: decrease christie, make new jersey, more livable. If so, why are other people leaving Marilyn a new jersey and going to florida? Their failed governors? they managed to get elected for themselves but Christie is a failed. Governor hogan is a failed governor. You know you, you have a guy in Florida who literally change the state. To let people run and while you know we have a democrat legislature here, while he had a fight the rhinos
Give you another example ivan you in the nation dissenters was sent a redistricting plan. That was a copper Eyes between the Democrats and republicans of the legislature, and you know what he did he rejected vetoed it from his own party. Any re rewrote it, and he said back and he told us party. No, this is the one now pass it and they passed it. Now that's a leader that You do that's what made the deference Of course, the changes that occurred in the republicans and all the rest, but he would not abide by the rhinos in his legislature, wanted to show that they could get along with the democrats and come up with a bypass, and now this our time. This is our moment we can win.
before five seats and that's what the scientists. And the Democrats did that in most all the other states they pull if a whopper there in new york, but this but the court. and even tolerated and threw it out said, I A crash you get another try legislator, they tried again, it was just as bad. They threw it out again. So we're stuck with they all map and as a result of that, look at all the wines we got and as a great candidate liese album, and by the way, how can they don't call leaves out and part of mega Lisa sherman defended donald trump right to the end and was endorsed by donald trump I'm just pointing it out? the dumber than you, know, people like to cherry pick. These things. I've and you're the best take care. My friend will be, Ben
Simply safe was named the best home security of twenty twenty two by: u s news and world report, but we don't do what we do for the accolades. We do it to protect EU and everything you love our advance. Sensors in hd cameras are powered by twenty four seven professional monitoring for fast emergency dispatch, visit, simply safe dot com, slash savings to get forty percent off any new system today advanced home security, twenty four seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day. There's no safe, like simply say, the gap is loser. Heaven kramer's senator from north Dakota. Anybody know what the hell that guy does stolen from Mitch says Mitch has, ice in his veins. Ah well, and we should all vote for mitch. doesn't have the votes nobody's got more courage than you do Kramer what a buffoon.
He's got ice in his veins. we watching hullo town or a will try discern who votes how if we can get it public. so question. However, the votes, What does that demonstrate demonstrates what what a bunch of loads these guys are. That's what demonstrates. I have no respect for non zero. Charles barkley His daughter married d, a young jewish man, so asylum laws, George. It's always asked about this cairo irving stuff, and all kinds of weirdos commended his defence. but let's listen to this charge. Barkley cut fourteen go have the right to fail to say what they want to. We have freedom of speech, but there repercussions. Will you say certain things? and I dont know, carry irving novi, the good guy, bad guy. I think he's suspended
I believe so things you come back and play an mba, but- That's a really slippery slope, because you know people always talk about freedom of speech. Freedom of as of of afraid, that what you say whatever you want to, but there repercussions? I may end easy prey for that right now, but this thing were free speech is really god not a hand. I mean you just can't go around, and people and take It's okay, just because it's freedom of speech and a point is well taken. He doesn't oppose freedom of speech, but there is a price to pay in the old days. You would pay in court an enormous amount of money Defamation sue! not so today, but pay a price, carry irving. I think the dumbing down of, Anti semitism in its spreading in our schools, college level on our public schools. Folks- and you know, if you have kids and there is getting completely out of control-
we salute our armed forces. Police officer, firefighters, emergency personnel are truckers. We hope more republican senators have the guts to stand up you're not going to war. It is voting against mitch. Mcconnell forgot sex, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow, take care.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-17.