« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/10/24


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Chris Christie finally suspended his Presidential campaign. Christie is an angry, ruling-class establishment Republican from the Bush administration, and is doing what establishment Republicans always do – sabotage their opponents. The same was done in 1980 with Ronald Reagan, who won a landslide victory even with a third-party candidate. We cannot let people like Christie and John Sununu destroy real conservatives like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis while pushing the establishment candidate, Nikki Haley. Also, Congress voted to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of court, but unlike Trump allies like Paul Manafort and Peter Navarro, Hunter has not been charged with anything yet. If the DOJ does not charge Hunter Biden, then there will need to be an equal protection case, because he is getting special treatment as Joe Biden’s son and knows that if anything happens, Joe will pardon Hunter. Joe Biden is the John Gotti president and has been corrupt his entire life, but AG Merrick Garland will never investigate the Biden Crime Family. The Democrat party is the insurrectionist party and has destroyed our sovereignty and our Constitution, and we are the ones trying to fix it. Later, if Israel had not stopped Hamas immediately after October 7, Hamas would have destroyed the entire country. Palestinian hospitals have been turned into terrorist rats’ nests, and innocent women and children are raped by Hamas every day. Finally, Mark speaks with Richard Goldberg, Senior Advisor of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, about the threat of Iran getting a nuclear weapon and the Democrat media allowing the Biden administration to get away with re-arming Iran and terrorists in the Middle East.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The broadcasting from the underground command, both the teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the The
the the The hello america mark levine here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one alright you've seen some of the Breaking news chris Christie is out of the race. I want to comment on this. I listened carefully to every word in his speech. It was contemptible.
to bring up the israeli hostages in order to make a cheap point attack trump, about as low as I've ever heard. and this is not a classy guy. This is not a guy does give a damn about the country he is an angry. Ruling class establishment. publican given birth, the bush administration. Is u s attorney. and he is doing what establishment ruling class republicans always do. Try to sabotage their opponents will give you an example. In nineteen eighty four, at present a rag and was running in the republican primary. You already ran a nineteen, seventy six against europe,
Gerald for was elected president. He got the presidency by an The resignation of richard Nixon, he was a horrendous kennedy, good man, but he was fairly liberal. Moreover, rockefeller republic. Which is why I chose rockefeller But he wasn't a man for the time and yet the republic establishment lined up behind. Some of them were radio host. Today some of them are The commentators today, some of them still give advice, campaigns today on tv and elsewhere he had to stop reagan. An extremist garrison reckon he couldn't be anywhere near the nuclear button as they called.
I remember my home. Suburban area outside of filling and pennsylvania, the republican establishment, their ran that town back then cheltenham township, which is all democrat now, of course,. They told me over and over again, ragging cannot win because I campaigned heavily and all I used others to campaign heavily for reagan and seventy six. A mere nineteen years old- I guess less than that. So seventy six, they denied reagan the nomination came about a hundred, give or take Convention dolly had short and after he gave a speech, people said. I think we made a mistake, but they didn't mean it. Reagan announces you can run a nineteen eighty. This
republican establishment rises up against bob. an honourable man, the great hero, bob doll, george w bush, John Anderson, six or seven Trying to deny ronald Reagan, the nomination In all, but one of those be phil crane was a libertarian consider all the other ruling class modern republicans establishment republic. The things they said, particularly the push camp. about ronald Reagan, were disgraceful. John Anderson decided go third party.
he said he was sort of the atom kings in rivers day, but they failed. Luckily,. In writing ET the nomination. Roger said, this is right when he said the other day. That about a year out in the general election or so. When the poles were pulling reagan, he was twenty four, weight behind Jimmy carter and as our body, craig shrilly, the foremost. Expert on the reagan. President, dear friend, is he would tell you. actually about six weeks out give or take Reagan was behind prominent republicans. Mitch Mcconnell during the republican primary head back gerald ford and he would not back right
in until much later, nineteen eighty car rove was all in for bush, as you can imagine, And it really wasn't until reagan, one the nomination there, through an pretended. He was in front of the parade for reagan. He was not never was. How do I know because I'm a seventy six ragging guy in an eighty the guy with the ever heard a car rove regulars, denounced, he called I'm stupid. Reckless he'd get us in a world war. Three, as I have explained For they call him hitler. Individuals who gave speeches like Christie did this evening, this guy christy, Like the others is a self righteous egomaniac.
If you don't agree with him, there's something wrong with you fundamentally wrong. You and your character. And that he will do everything it can to stop donald trump from getting elected president. the two time. Loser against trump isn't lost in two Sixteen any loss this time. reckon one, a massive landslide victory. In that we were told he couldn't and he wouldn't. Massive landslide victory, even with a third party kennedy. He won over fifty one percent of the vote, even with a third party candidate bill Clinton, good nature. There. It always bother them. He was always a minority president reagan
policies were told, would be very unpopular, the media in the Democrats. attempted to pay him as for the rich, Economic policy for the rich, slashing tatches across the board for the rich, trying desperately to cut the size of government will he did, but he could have done more, but for the republicans who controlled the sun, and rode reagan's, coattails ended the majority. Nineteen eighty and then served in eighty one as a result, Landslide but the rhinos. There are always the rhino this day coal was fine by them. No matter who runs the matter what's happening, don't stir the path that the democratic, and their surrogates run circles around you and if you do.
To run or unorthodox campaigns. If you dare to speak your mind, rather than top behind somebody's back, if you dare to take on the corrupt emma Party media take on the fbi In the cia or take on the open borders crap, you must be destroyed, that's what they tried to do, the rain and before reagan- Had a kill politically very goldwater before he can get out of the republican primary, they tried desperately the same people lead. rockefeller, who ford would pick and scranton and romney current round me father. There will be measured in new york and pennsylvania. Big states,
couldn't tolerate go war, they couldn't tolerate reagan and they can't tolerate trump. The same people Look, I understand. Donald trump is not an orthodox politician speeches mind such things that at times cause people to cringe. The same can be said of Joe Biden, obama and his hate america comments. Pelosi says most disgusting things, but there are given a pass tokay because they get a stab hitler Creatures campaign was an absurd campaign from day one hell returned to a b c news and his buddy George step a lap and stuff and apples, of course, is best known.
trying to destroy any woman who came forward to tell the truth about that. Sexual predator bill Clinton. Stepping up didn't have a journalist background, but they did choose him. to be a morning host and meet the press. We do. Third, this pair sunday, that donald trump did commit an active in or the pixel. Like chuck tired, but his ratings were so bad that it given the buddhas but chuck Todd still with us. Mr Barroso, I don't seem to hear from you Anonymous NBC, you know, that's like the that's where they, any it's like a single, a minor minors baseball though the Democrat meet the press.
Announced that he will have no guests who dare to challenge climate change, even phds and physics, but we can't have them Mother from MIT, we have some from prisoner their deniers like Customers, like the palestinians, can have them through to put the embrace them. That's over another story: Chris Christie was never a conservative Chris Christie, not a truth. Teller. He ran a campaign to get even he wanted the attorney general was furious, had nowhere to go. We know that this is how I look a billboard, I've known toolbar, while I'd consider us the pass friends in this
wife, whose lovely would invite us to their christmas, partisan. once told me. He remembered me. I like, eat the food. Now, that's the pot the kettle black, as it now MR producer, but nonetheless I promise bar as he waited until december. Peter be fired, a resigned depending on who you believe in the administration give or take for two years. He worked closely with president trap. So all the things he says no, on fox and elsewhere, I scratch my head and I say, am and perplexed because. This is a man who defended. This is a man you work with and worked for but all of a sudden you find him to be the greatest threat ever in the office. The presidency, You find it to be lawless,.
Suddenly the light bulb goes off and that's what you conclude now it doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way so Mcchrystal studies would trump Governor new jersey proposition, developer in new york, but also, As is perfectly. The new jersey chris, like the high life always did always does like being around people of well. People are prominence and then the light bulb went off suddenly He's never trouble. You know the funny thing about me. I am not one of these people who gets Can you buy personalities, I really doubt in the twenty
Fifteen and sixteen republican primary supported ted crews, whose a dear friend of mine, a new crews for years, I think, he's tremendous I also think it would have been a great present he's a great senator. he's a solid rigging conservative that he lost three bubblegum primer, fair and square, and then I endorse donald trump after he gave his greatest speak people say mark. You were never trumpery. Who was now. for a never trump or I've explained it a thousand times, but I'm not gonna explain it again, but I was for cruz and then I backed trump strongly, and I don't regret it and I'll regret it.
He's done tremendous things for this country, a great personal expense. He loves the country, dissenters loves the country, Tromp has lost a lot, is now fighting for. Very freedom in his life christine, You never had to do their nobody's had to do that as a result of running for office, be right back. Ben you can see how the media, the cold Academia, democrat party, The whole mass of powerful force pushes are thought. Processes Try to push us annoy direction if I thought
minute that Donald trump An insurrection from the white house. which strongly reject and oppose him, if I thought for a minute, not from violated the espionage and committed acts of espionage. I would be allow us person in media opposing him. If I thought Donald trump actually violate constitution in challenging the election. Like so many others have done same thing. I refuse to take their fictions. I refuse to take Argument I refuse to accept what I know is a lie. What I know is not true, and you should I'll be right back
MIKE tyson, suffer fools well. So, if you're, a fool, don't old age, seven, seven, three, eight one, forty eight one, one! circus. You have the individual, that's really at the centre of the public in the interim. Joe, who put the narrative for the various hacks individual who. really draws any the crowds attention too tough job too tough job. But when you're a lawyer, that's not your trap, abbe low! I thought was a great lawyer and I think he's a clown not evenly. The man at the centre of the circus, the clown.
Though I think I'm embarrassed clowns and when I say that these spectre those with hunter by first on the steps of the capital and then today in the house today, J committee. Then I went to pr points but a damage. Reached me that hundred doesn't have a legal leg to stand on and are only only give testimony in public. Well, there are others who said the same thing, but they had to honour their subpoena or face charges by the by justice department, the coming. today in the house voted to hold hunter and contempt vote Goes to the full house, where I think he will be telling contempt Skinner their teeth, because a rubber republicans are running out a republican and I hope Our friend Peter navarro and stephen ban- and I hope watching this because of
apartment of injustice doesn't charge hunter by I have. My lawyers find a way some way to raise the issue of equal protection, Why does the president's son not face criminal charges for defined, and really defined. because bennett and of our raise constitutional issues, the courts may not agree with it, but they weren't hours? They were legitimate. Hunter Biden is raising any issue he's given them the middle finger and told them to screw off, and I know why and I've told you why, because Joe will pardon no matter what. That's now being regurgitating. By friends of ours in the media and the right to regurgitate. so a hundred buying in his laura cocky is how, because they know in the air and he's not siren, one second imprison not a second.
He will pardon his son, but why mark? He showed he won't he's a liar. He will. If we lose our partner on the way out, We saw pardon me, don't give a crap those has now anybody can do to him. so either way. That's what's going to happen, that's? Why doesn't take much to be hundred binders lawyer? That's why? and do a clown show. That's why can define a committee of congress and that's why, and break the law. Willy nilly and, moreover, there's another and Joe Biden would want to partners on anybody. Know. so a sun can never be patient trial. Put on trial. In any matter that my reveal his fathers and bob
it's not a tax issue per se, or neither that but notice. He hasn't been charged the far violation yet, and I've talked about for months and again back benches, are bourbon now as they should, they show is for them to because far But all of a sudden is a big deal now that they used against trumps. Folks, wasn't a big deal before, but then again its trump and his folk. Because. As I have said over and over again here on fox on blaze and everywhere else,. Joe Biden is a co conspirator when it comes to hunter Biden, but failing, but refusing to register a foreign agents to very broad law
the catch a lot of people, I don't mean to be caught, but hunter binds. Violations of far are textbook violations. As of today has been charged with any other, they through. and afraid in solitary confinement. Try to get him to flip on trump companies that there's nothing to flip lot. He didn't care. Guy has a heart attack, swat team sent to his house. They didn't care the obama job, Forget what the hell a name was, doesn't really matter. Another another row, judge The same thing to roger stone, same damn thing, but not hunter. the notice of the democratic defend hunter care tunnel if the trump family had done half of what the Biden family,
all this money flowing in from foreign interests washed. Through these front corporations. absolutely nothing in return daddy on the phone number, the phone, tromp had with the head of ukraine is a link. You said no problem and it wasn't a problem, but when it comes to Joe I know on the phone he doesn't always talking to. He doesn't know where we are. He is, he doesn't know. What's going on everything's fine Second, I robot dope crap. While they all know how will hold him in contempt and put it to attorney general and all arresting them over their present a trumpet correct it. Deputy attorney, general who's running the department of injustice. Monica was your name She's, a radical she's a mark,
as our so many of them over there. The truly appalling, what's taking place in his country, But who are the tyrants, the people who are the totalitarians, the people who are the part of the aristocracy, or should I say, autocracy better yet. They want you to believe that there are in the right that they represent here. I want to say something to the people of ireland voting coming monday and look I'm not making predictions american just saying my feelings, Very important, Nicky hayley not come in second place health? Is a creation she's, a concoction? She has the ban
the ruling class, and that would include the republicans in washington, not all, but many shears. backing of the republican infrastructure. There's the operatives that consultants, the road types. The journal editorial pay, here's the backing wall street billion errs on both sides that conservatives- yes, some republicans, of course, and she sought their backing and she got it is the back Of Democrats, we're going to vote for buying and support by. Why is that. Here's the backing of the american media, who want her to be the republican nominee. So all the wrong people want
to be the republic monotony, why? Because they live For the days of gerald ford and Georgiana, w bush and george w bush, a law for the days of impotent republicans I won't even say leadership because that's not leadership. they want their relations with communist china. They wanna keep working with communist china to make money. They don't want to secure the border Even though now, even in new york there putting illegal aliens. public schools kicking the kids out, that's their preferred. There are so many millions of illegal aliens in this country, there's literally nowhere to put them, and I want you to about something. As aside now, if Joe Biden, god forbid, were somebody like him is president another four years.
We could well have as many illegal aliens in this country, as is, population of pennsylvania. Perhaps illinois massachusetts. Were they all gonna go some of haven't been touched by this. You will be. There is no question about it. Nobody's ever see anything this contemptible. This suicidal this insane, but it's the on climate change. You know and the republican. Mickey Hayley hasn't lead. The fight on securing the boy Should lead the fight on anything.
She- does not have a conservative record a run on because she's not running on her record is quite poor. Actually She's billions and billions millions and millions of dollars behind or millions to lie to you. To tell you she is the alternative and she's a woman by the where she said. If you ever notice,. At one side of her mouth, she admires Hillary Clinton out of the other side of the mouse. She admires. Maggie thatcher means to demand anybody except herself. She's, a creation she's a fiction.
She's the candidate amalgam of is that you cannot stand and who will undermine as every step of the way you need to think about this. And not allow your emotions, you, you know the the general you not each and every one of you. Because only a mass of mistake, we talk about the disaster? That is our country right now son, raveling and we're running out of time. the hayley we should get behind Nicky hailing the republican primary. Why. she would sell out the disney she would sell out the communist china. This is your background. She, We consider peaceful palestinians from Gaza Although she changed her mind on that one, when she was called out by descent,
Much commentators oliver tv. Trashing that, however, the sentence and these commentators and these media outlets, I despise and I'm thinkin. If your choice between two santas and highly were. Why would you vote for heavy wooden, oh for dissent- so am I you it's very important that santas have a good showing in Iowa Y, why to knock out hailing. Because, with the open primary new Hampshire, not talking about caucasus talking about eight open primary. Whether a so called former republican governor And the sooner dynasty there are pushing hard for independence and democrats to vote for nicky hailing. Snooty pushed hard for christie to get out of the race, even though he wouldn't endorse he will eventually, but even though we wouldn't this is all the set
Stayed for Helen. Millions from Austria. Millions from companies that want to do business in china are merely from other border crowd, like coke industries,. what do they know that we don't know the answer is we do now. I listen to people on tv and elsewhere who defend her and support her. They say nothing, they say nothing. We need a leader statesman, We need somebody's gonna, do something I they ask yourselves quickly. If I gotta take a break. Why do they want to put donald trump imprisoned
do something so horrendous. What was it? What did he do? with the clan act, the enron act. The federal contractor mishandling of documents charge him in new york. With a fraud stature that doesn't require fraud where there's no complainant trying destroys business. sleaze ball, district attorney in full in the county is abused or offices. Views office has has her sweet are apparently reportedly rico statue, if there was a meaning twice with council to the present in the oval office, for which the media have no interest whatsoever again. Can you put The show on the other foot and imagine if all this was happening proper president to Biden,
Eric garland doesn't have a problem with any of it. Of course,. But why do they want to imprison so damn badly? What are they want? A brook to set an example. That's why. Through the play, the game of the corrupt in but a ruling class or destroy you. They try to destroy reckon they try to destroy, Barry, go were fact they did destroyed. Go what his presidential campaign and it just It is reputation and many corners. Back then hmm we keep at it. There's some audio here. You gotta listen to this next hour, you're gonna, both the appalled and laughed like Hell.
I was laughing off the air was, I must reduce or haven't even life a lot, but I couldn't stop live anyway phenomena. Time to get to some of this, but the stick with us. I know you're gonna crack up at this cause. I definitely did and I dont crack up at a lot and I Sometimes I am perplexed by gordon cole republicans, About concern republicans their flocking in droves to florida, with all due respect, not the south carolina, which is a beautiful, wonderful state. That's not my point. There flocking to florida and people weren't flocking to fly.
But before the scientists became governor their flocking to florida because of the of the consequences of the dissenters governorship, so why a republican so stupid, those who are going to vote for trump got it But why would if you're gonna make a choice between the santos and haliae? Your mindset is there A choice. Andrews now. It's the sadness deciding between We back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the.
Sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post teeth and the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the as promised hello america mark levin. Here are number eight seven. three eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three one three eight one one is promised gotta, listen carefully Prevailing jaya power- remember her, defended the hamas terrorists and the rape of the israeli children and women member her failure? She could have been the president of have Currently, the other poison ivy schools out there.
Why, here for years at the oversight committee, a vote on it? resolution to hold hunter binding contempt. I hold them in contempt. Even went out of a look at this guy. down foreign governments for tens of millions using daddy's name treaty? and like crap pays for their sexual services. But of course the me to movement is dead until rob against president again decide Apple discharge, I think it was from the navy, not a pot head, a coke head, I'm sure Josie proud father was sunny, said his son is so brilliant, so smart it comes from Joe, is hardly character. Witness. so. In other words, this guy's based
Golly low life he's done nothing productive in his life, the zero impregnates a woman few years back, and it takes pressure produce, bind even recognize his granddaughter and, of course, hunter doesn't want. Pay the appropriate amount of child support Can you imagine again if this had been from child or decide to judges whomever, but they be hang about him and so forth and so on. But tonight they defend him. He defend him because I ve no scruples about power. What a book, the democratic party hates america, what a book. saw a light outright. Therefore, all of you
here's primula jaya, Paul. She is head of the progressive wing of the democratic party, a k, a the maoist, communists, Kate, america, hate the Jews, port the terrorist raping women. You know the base of the democratic party. so, let's take a lesson: Shelly, Mr Bin, So shall we america turn up the volume all the family around call your neighbour, Call your colleagues, everybody here. We go cut. One go well, I appreciate the passion from my friend across the island. The outrage, I think, we're all outraged about many things, but if we're going to talk about outrageous things that have happened or things that have never happened, let's talk about the
President trump incited an erection, and maybe that too he could talk about that too. I guess maybe we should talk about that. Do the president incited an insurrection? What is it with these? crafts and the word erection. All the time must produce them really glue. The right, to the tv with these erection dysfunction commercials which are important, you know. I have a policy on this programme its if it's a funny see, but it's true whose we get all cameras trying to come in here and to add to mr produce, entire. Can I've had this policy for twenty one years, because you have people who will do anything for nickel in this business? Sales team, not me rule number one. no commercials about genitalia,
number two, no commercials about that, but. not that complicated. Yet today we almost had a violation, didn't we must believe. I will get into that, but that we just don't do live here. and when they wanted me to voice, but my own voice. I said no pass and that's not running here bullets this again and we will, certainly add this to our long list of members cut one go While I appreciate the passion from my friend across the island, the outrage, I think we're all outraged about many things, but if we're going to talk about outrageous things that have happened or things that have never happened, let's talk about this
the president trump incited an erection. Maybe that's up to talk about that too. I guess. Maybe we should a diagram. Do the present incited an insurrection? What reminds me go What are the kind of a funny? Only the ghost struck the Heaven I it because when a few pages you game, we know the witch Bringing us home troops from home and and the the the humid summer, whereas when finally of of of of of of a bunch of about budget would resist we much. We must and we will much about that.
Admit I'm a warrior for the the that it was it didn't matter that they said. Look the the the the mises trip was a hammer. Why I I didn't she if we, if we know it, We can walk into doubt gone the way our researchers reserve eleven are created by going. You know that you know the being true to sovereignty. Pressure didn't teach for inciting the erection. Donald John Donald, John trump incited the erection, insurrection And what am I doing here? I'm going to lose track here and to confidence in contact with a private to private, to our economic
no, no, no, no, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! Don't match every deal with the devil this year, bridges in those bullshit or contraption- and you know it is it is it is no, it is not. It is a. It is the birthday the point or the the This- and I can do some of you to some of later ship of every was John John John G drown, jackson, the box of joy division, the angels have enrolled nurse mills, bb god save the queen man, president trump incited an erection and all Democrats, media, political hacks and the like are leaders. our ruling class. But here
Another funny when you gotta listen to this. representative nancy may she does provide good entertaining but she's not alone. You have this this guy. Moskowitz in florida. Seems to be lost as he runs around the capital holly's show Little feller thin little feller people confusion for an intern Fourteen year old aunt, but I've been told, he's not fourteen year old in turn actually beyond, premium besson stayed, but it's hard to tell cut to go. My first question is who bribed hunter Biden to be here today. That's my first class The second question you are the appeared to me: Of white privilege coming into the oversight committee spitting in our face, ignoring rational subpoena bead deposed. What are you afraid,
You have no balls to come up here, MR chairman port of incurring MR chairman, A lady ruddy external, if the general eighty wants to hear from on your bite, and we can hear from him right now metallic airmen. Let's take a vote here, come on providing what are you on our order? Stop here about the seriousness of the Democrats. Do not want actual hearings. so you guys, like moskowitz low, I q talks fast and their bomb throwers and are loaded with these mantra. And show their entire purpose is to sabotage the hearings. be nice. If there is some show down on this on CNN Msnbc or something like that hearing after hearing after hearing oversight, hearings, whistleblower hearings, but of course they're not because
The democratic party is the insurrectionists party. It's the party that destroyed I republic, we're trying to save. What's left of it, it's the party that destroyed our institution we're trying to say what's left of it, it's the party that is too right, our sovereignty or trying to say what's left of it, whether pointing the of insurrection and everybody else go. You are now are no women allowed to speak in order to keep interrupting me. I always draw up. If you don't even entirely that he's a lady I think at that kind of this guy a punk or something? What kind of a stupid I think he's a fishermen are a sophomore and no, I dont mean in high school. I had said right: right now go straight to jail. Our nation is found the rule come come premise that applies equally to everyone, no matter what your allowing a border, MR chairman, has large topside bishop rascal. What's the point of order
giving our opinion. What is your policy? There is no parliamentary point of order, particularly from ruskin. rascal. His father was commie he's coming and I'm not kidding sue me ruskin you're such a good, constitutional you're such a great lawyer. Let's go out I don't have a private like care decades ago, threatening talk, show how sensible sue me your way halls, and not going to settle. I'm gonna own you and every damn document you have every created so yo ruskin, you won't be able to behind immunity, show me and drag your soon fronted depositions and we'll get every piece a document. evidence, so we need from you you jerk such care, you won't come on the program such a coward anyway go ahead. You
our point of order, mr big, so we were not tat june exuviae state, your point, which may let my point of order is this: are we going to continue on with with this blatant interruption, this. This is absurd and inappropriate. intend to give my statement. I don't intend to have anybody and rubber? I'm not gonna, interrupt your statements. I think you should have decorum and courtesy and don't act like a bunch of nimrod MR, a on that one. I pat you're on the back I congratulate the irish. They say. laws satan comprising the guard honour and it's all in fired by the guy huh turbine- sitting. There He's such a low life.
I want everybody here me in a hostile, democratically, three biden supporting media, Joe Biden. the former racist and segregationist, but he's a race baker to this day is a low life. He always has been. His character, assassination tactics against great men and women, he's hiding behind his son right now to avoid it an for what he has done with his own family in the millions that they make nobody's I accept the most ardent radical Democrats that he's an observer aid as really know. What's going on, did them a massive international scandal where they were breaking in millions from our enemies. Not even our allies are enemies.
I don't want to hear anymore that he didn't know anything about it. And I clown that spokes idiot. Yet the topic Isaf has no weed out. You're, damn salary, what the hell's going on and the race bathing. the is paid him because he is destroying our inner city, no scope. Boys crimes through the row. People can't get jobs they can afford flow because, through because of inflation I say it: it's all traps for every There's trouble started or purchased was diesel Forget it, it was a great Joe Biden, didn't start or create anything he's been a welfare Pack, his entire alive use their position to enrich himself. Created nothing as families gotten rich. His son has,
other his sister in law and all the rest of them. Oh, can you prove it can prove. It will give me a subpoena power. Let me suppose, bring them on the radio approve it obviously that's not gonna happen here. under investigation by the department of justice Is that John gaudy presidencies- and I apologise to the god eventually here- is that you and gaudy president He won't even take a peak. Do their hell, do they think they're falling? you're, right, congressmen, bags glad we're on the same side of this one nimrods that's what they are numerous and worse I'll, be right back Ben
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don't wait any longer again pure taught that calm, slash, levant to start off you're saving on wireless with accompany you can be proud of pure talk while it is more in the hunter Biden, sure odd, might say it haven't, or they may say here again. but anyway, so, let's look and to report on capital held today. sit down. Hunter Biden cut nine go and by the way before we do that, then we do this his lawyer, addy law, whose all part of this making millions. In doing this stupid stuff and I'm sure, they're coordinating with the white house because Joe by watch me. You know: turbines hiding behind his son, you see
original takes on these things. I made the point the other day when Joe Biden, screaming a mental patient and patted room. The journal Tromp is effectively hitler and his supporters are effectively the s s and going on and on about losing democracy in the things that he says that things that he does that was not only a general campaign message to scare the hell out of people protect people in the suburbs were easily scared, apparently, but also I directed message: do they turn region? to the special council and the other. council lights to the democratic, When of the judges, obama, Biden, Clinton, judges to the would be trial juries as he continues detained and poison the report and every major metropolitan city.
where these cases being brought to stop tromp he's hitler's people. Are it larry and stop him. So and actually have to pretend pour it does happen, ease attacking She doesn't know he doesn't have to when I'm trying to say he doesn't have to whisper in the ear of the attorney general he's interfering, not just in the light in his biden, but in the criminal the system is doing so purposefully, so here's I'll be all in the hallway cut nine go It's your question: why are you make us only slow I see some of these guys? These independent reports have had about enough of the shah rod. I know it sharing sure rod what kind crack? Do you normally smug, Mr Biden, and by the way, wise at such an hour, question he's the experts on the subject of iraq.
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don't wait any longer again pure taught that calm, slash, levant to start off the year, saving on wireless with accompany you can be proud of. Pure mark Levin radio's radios principles. Patriot call now, at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, MR producer- I can't do it speaking her? Will you see if the attorney general of georgia's is republican? Because I have a question. I asked the nation about this. I will explain once we determine his party affiliation, I suspected is, I think his name is car cooper, cooper, car car cooper, something like yes, what ok he's trick Where am I, MR producer, help me here, we go Christopher cars, the attorney general georgina Republican. And he's a gutless wonder- and I only even know- never spoken to him
now. Why do I say that gutless? Wonder you see it democratic turn. General are doing in these democratic states. gone after the and our aid? Have they go after in wash The sea, the federalist society, how they go after donald trump, And bankrupt him and his family destroys businesses were here, you have a charge made under oath under the penalty perjury presented to a federal court, accusing the district attorney of foreign county georgia of laundering taxpayer monies through our budget. To our alleged lover, who in turn you that money that shit had to approve to go on lavish. Occasions together. I that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Where is the republic an attorney general of georgia. What is he waiting for a we? Don't any law. Yes, you do fraud laws you of. Laundering large of all kinds of laws or dig up the old Cox clan law luxury. Have one of those in georgia get creative by jack smith. The last they supreme court decision eighty zero, but he still created betrayed, create the designer region, architect, what Guy's name again, MR producer christopher car, car. Fifty four: where are you crickets? We don't hear from christian recur He doesn't want to be accused of dangerous he's a godless, wonder least so far.
If I was running the attorney general's office in georgia- and this came up in a federal filing- it's not In a newspaper, article, One of these allegations are true. I'd want to know if the district attorney in full that covers most of the latter, if she's a corrupt, prosecute I want to know if she stealing money from the people of four county alina to her if it, in the benefit of her alleged laboratory alleged, of course, had so reported this The problem with the vast majority republic and prosecutors. Too many of them are a joke. At all too many The republican attorney general in georgia and penal even hear from you,
Solly put out a statement about the their consumer affairs division. If you have a complaint about a business, here's a toll, free number? You can call to it. All free number for alleged crooked district attorney. Whose indicted a former president and interfering when election. What number that we call on that one chris, may I call you chris- is chris with the sea or a k. the spell at the girly way or the he man were just saying. May I say I think I did, although there are mainly cruises with K r I s but will need to go there where's, the republican elected attorney general of georgia he's nowhere. Now we have a democrat chris murphy of connecticut thin nutmeg state. Did you know that must remain a nutmeg stay everybody likes nutmeg.
but why would you name your state after something you cook with. don't use, nutmeg and baking in cooking. Mr producer, then not make steak. Now that all about, And why would you name your state after a fruit, a peach, georgia, the peach day? I don't know I know, but here's chris a press conference today and he wants you to know, look look. Look where were we? when a secure border, but but but but what we really really were not trying to stop migrants from coming your country known. We would never to such as the liberal democrats
in new york? How there is thinking more about these migrants as they lose their parks as they lose their schools as they lose their playgrounds. Ask them as they lose their community center asked them what they think sanctuary cities. Today It should be a sanctuary and I don't mean legally a sanctuary for the citizen- love new york. We have these parks. These our fields, we've invested heavily in this taxes or through their work, but the environment's unbelievable for the kids and so forth. Are elected officials are set I used to create these public sanctuaries the extent they create them for us, but for seven and a half billion foreigners worded
send where's the logical line drawn here. There is not at climate change forgot to climate change is killing off all the polar bears and by the way, their spawning like. Never before like fish. And then it's cool seeing people to leave every corner of the world. come on our climate. Why, given the theory of this fraud. We're not exempt from climate change in america, It is drawing our economy there, destroying our economic system, energy independence, fossil fuel, the combustion engine, you're, stow airconditioning. We are the epicenter of climate change because we're prosperous people on that So what does climate change? It pieper
because of climate change, are they coming to america? It's like the race thing. People are leaving refugees, they're leaving these countries because of what is being done to them coming to america per when I wore racist massaging of homophobic this that the other doesn't matter. But he senator chris murphy of kinetic I just another a whole to be perfectly honest with you eleven go. I think we are interested as Democrats now. This is a press conference to grow is holding press conferences. These politicians press conference very busy hard work. From a top cut, eleven please go. I think we are interested as Democrats. providing the administration with tools that will help better Manage the border now locally,
walks a staccato tone because he's a fraud and a phoney and a fake. We want to manage, but it would they need the tools. What does he mean more rubber stamps urine? here and there in Iraq, not urine. You are in your and urine urine max max tax nags? Don't don't carry from! We don't ask questions later area data, mama nuts, when that's went in and that's when I can you imagine that, can you count two seven hundred and some thousand, because last month that so many tried to get into the united states in one month. We ve never seen anything like this before. Just count that high tonight and then you'll get it for how many people are coming into this country- go ahead with a great chris murphy, go or not interested
taking away from the administration to they used today to help better manage the boy and so when we talk about this topic of parole very important understands that it is Used today as a way that the administration is able to after this guy is scum. Scum using parole to allow more people come into this country as quickly as possible in the process them through. That's not my parents. Was about that is not to do it. Parole there are violating the law and this clown. That's. Why he's. talking in that car? That's why he's talking with these Whatever is done. That's. Why he's trying to come up with words to describe
things that are not happening in support of things that are happening and that's what we wanted. tools away from take what tools away they want a higher more border patrol. You heard fake jake tap our tapir. Now they want to you I want. I want a higher three thousand or more border patrol agents congress, MR speaker, what are you talking about and what are they doing? It's not a matter of how many people you hire what matters is what their job description ass Call them border petroleum com. Copying called a military com, whatever you want their processing people. How do we know that, because the port au prince I was telling us that, not only by chris murphy radical democrat from their not make state that a crash murphy's telling us at a press conference.
That all is well so what's happening. Now you ready for this when the great city Michael is just treated this. The republican leadership in the united states senate, such as it is the inert publican leadership, you never hear from you never here from a cow or corn it or the other pallbearers. You never hear from There never town halls nationally known not yet never hear from god forbid. They come on. My show: I read them. I don't blame that, may be perfectly honest, a coward. They are negotiating. As I speak with the Democrats in the senate, there would be shimmer the crash in the house, I would be hockin jefferies democratic, the oval office that would be low. I q joe. Dammit they are negotiating with the democrats on the boy.
As part of this budget package Republican leadership in the senate has excluded the republic and the speaker of the house. And all the republican leadership in the house have excluded them. So they can put this package. they're gonna try and ran down the throats of the house. Republicans because you see patriotic, Conservative constitution, supporting government and death cutting hopkins need to be cut out of the process when your ms mckenna waiting for the wall street journal right, an editorial, I am sure, will be a duty. Their cutting out the house republicans from the process. The republicans in the same I'll be right back. Ben
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into twenty seconds, because the issue in this clip to me is the question from Andrea Mitchell. Andrea Mitchell, hates. The state of Israel, she hates. Benjamin Netanyahu. The mitchell use. hamas terrorists statistics, because Andrea Mitchell doesn't have the fear Hamas terrorists. She doesn't have to feed atrocities, Believe she's actually gone, the Israel Any time in the recent past supposed to be rapporteur, believes, Gone to the border area mitchell is a talking dummy. She regurgitate the mindset.
speaks for the mindset. That's in Washington dc in new york among the hamas apologists in armenia. Lot of these reporters who long in the tooth, as is she To be seventy, if not more by now their use the putting the shoulder on the state of Israel when Israel's attack by piano terrorists by Hamas terrorists by islamic jihadist terrorists by iranian terrorists and terrorists. Galore. Better believe she's ever had a discussion about how many young idea of soldiers who are not even regular soldiers were reservists have been killed. And I believe, she's ever shown their photo ever. Can I have a question, ladies and gentlemen, it is.
I had not stopped Hamas. A day, or so after october, seventh hours, if a run of the country. What the country look like, what would Israel turn into. And the more the israelis who are fighting in Gaza, the more evidence and the more justification is for the fighting their finding. These absolutely unbelievable? Tunnels manufacturing? centers for precision missiles technology given to them by the iranian islamic. Nazi regime that the hospitals are in fact terrorist rat nests, but that doctors and the attendants there are members
All of this is being found out now, all of its being demonstrated their raping, torturing and murdering the tina each girl, hostages, they have an android mitchell, wants to no one will the israeli stop killing? I despise people like her. I despise her. When the weekends andrea Mitchell enjoys her life, I'm sure goes out being spending her millions, could she so pertinent and compel in profound, protected In american society, and then she so we see is unjust, wonders. I wonder if Andrea Mitchell looked at that's forty, seven minute video. I can't even look at it. Here she is, and she has Antony blinkin with her.
This is what I mean by self haters. I know I'm touching on a subject that infuriates left wing jews. As it infuriates left, wingers of all background so be facts are facts whether jake tap. Arrange, andrea and, of course, they're not alone. We have the islamists on these networks, the anti semites on these networks. They know who they are. We know who they are joy read, but you know But here's andrea mention here is your question to antony blinkem cut twenty two ago, the fourth time. been in Israel since october. Seventh, You have said from the beginning that that
ass, a girl, had to be responded to that Israel had to invade so stop right. There see that's she affair. She goes through the punchline. Now but now, let's get it another matter better. One hundred days go ahead. One days it's twenty three thousand persons, civilian lives. According to report stop that, according to reports, according to Hamas, a disgusting pathetic liar. and the israelis have pushed back over and over and over again against the american media that and flaming this situation the way they inflame. Our politics here at home, media? Has but on a hands, Receives and here at home, grocer democrats
so Democrat left us Andrea Mitchell. Twenty three thousand palestinian civilian lives. According to reports, The israelis have said: wait a minute thousand of these people may be more per actual terrorists. Now, but Hamas tells us twenty three thousand- please question is what is worthy. All these people being buried, can I s NBC news MSNBC in the other, liars and frauds and figs. Can you please Gus to these mass cemeteries, I'm not saying people are dying, there would be preposterous, people are dying and a lot. My die, that's why eyes the terrorists in what they're doing to their own people as well as the israelis? Okay. So that's it Our stipulate there's a lot of people died. I just want to know if the twenty three thousand where's the cemetery
are these body shifts in the streets? I think that's a perfectly legitimate question: don't you, MR, produces twenty three thousand people. That's a lot of people and we're getting these Tis sticks according to reports. Ok great. They cannot very by these numbers even though we know their significant. They can't verify these numbers. So where are all these people? Where are they reed and a very serious matter go ahead. Ass. It is thirty four hours six americans included have been there for all this time. things have changed as in Israel, now have to wine this down. Isn't that what you want? This is a report showing me
pressure on Israel, not hamas pressure on israel the palestinian liberation organization on Israel, not hezbollah, pressures on Israel, not iran, one real rapporteur. Ask a question with all this going on. Why are still funding directly and indirectly, IRAN, Hamas Hezbollah. Why are you doing there? Why did you lift the sanctions? Why are you funding on? Why are you giving direct payments to the p, although that is they call themselves now the palestine authority I'll call him what I want to work She asked the question because she's a hack, she's, a self haider. If there are such people, you now. Come? Our harris's daughters, another step daughter,
I'm sorry, my offending look, I didn't call Biden hitler. I didn't call come harris even braun. Nor would I call Biden hitler or kamala heresy abroad. If I left wing Democrat and they were concerned. That's what I would do, but I'm not when democratic scruples. I have morals I've ethics I've standard, so I will never call Biden hitler. Come on harris, eva, braun, As I would be wrong, be wrong. Justice? I would never call andrea Mitchell goebbels. That would be wrong even though we have this whole third reich thing going on in the media. If you did Gray, with them all these things and worse, even though they apply this, the republicans all the time. Conservatives specially Israel
support is specifically yes, but I don't do that. I won't call by hitler, I won't call come heresy. My brain, I want call andrea Mitchell and her ilk goebbels, I will not denigrate the people who died and suffered under the third reich, the way that they denigrate them. The reason andrea Mitchell is no longer a big time network news reporter is because she's in a hall, I'll right, back then we got another of india yet and with band,
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Well here, ladies and gentlemen of the richer goldberg senior adviser foundation for defence of democracy, he also held a significant position in the trumpet strange and advising the president the national security council on these matters and a richer goldberger wrote a peace and ran a nukes. We have Andrea Mitchell who is pressing the site, Sorry, state antony blinken, it's been hundred days and reports say, twenty three thousand citizens had been killed by the israelis and in a way what to do about that? One think, the media Israel's so much pretend they dog and absolutely ignore what is the greatest threat? Certainly one of them and that is a ring getting a note in there now on. The precipice are getting a knook and they're not even reporting about it either.
I can understand the life of me how the press corps has allowed this administration to get away with concealed. Deaf or concealment on their around policy can happen stopped even after october, seven, because They want us to believe that all of these things are disconnected there's just as well, The team in yemen called a hoot these in there just suddenly lobbying missile and your own at you, after for in the red sea in commercial vessels which came out of nowhere. You know there's this thing called head. In lebanon and urges firing pull down Israel, there's just poor palestinian I have suffering in Gaza and they have this organisation than it just goes back years. It could contain at all with a view to contain it all marked up the administrations method and they went get away with it and if the maiden cut it's obviously all source to
A place in the world, the islamic republic of IRAN, all of these fires are being sat around the Middle east the lad lebanon, the west bank in amerika, arrived Syria, yemen north africa. I just read on our former secretary of state, are former national security adviser in our own country. Oh yeah, I'll attempt to kidnap americans of you. I thought can soldiers being locked. It rocket. rowan gonna nightly based it in the Middle EAST that we have one critical condition. Still remember: recent attack in herbal in northern iraq and there's no responses, in fact, as you know, margaret blocked about this anyone else more than anyone else, There are allowing around the acts of ten billion dollars in sanctions relief. Today they renewed thanks report after october, seventh dough,
If the maiden, why are they doing all this wire that all this happening? It part of this fantasy? That started in the obama administration It was around Joe Biden. It's all. The old obama guard down the around nuclear deal in and fifteen. He pledged in the camp and he would try to rely that perverse. What donald trump dick getting out of that you put maximum pressure on iran and from the day He was sworn into office. It had been applied, the united states to do everything possible to get back to that deal, and that is still the policy too and we are seeing the effects of that policy all around the middle. So you, what you're telling me in the nation is thereby administration is doing absolutely nothing to stop around from building a nuclear weapon. Right now Colonel they're, giving them money they're giving them on helping doing nothing there, helping them they're there. Their praying that if they release cash, everybody knows about
six billion dollars. That was part of that half the deal. But anybody who believes we traded six billion dollars for five people. I got a lot of bridges to fill, you, but there are ten billion dollars on top of the six billion dollars that deal being made available. Seventy billion dollars. On top of that from the oil money that all the all cut off that way If I let me, let me ask you there. I want to focus in on nukes, because it's very very important nobody's talking about it with you, and I we talk about it all the time on this program that nuclear capability is build into a functioning nuclear missile. That means they're going be able to build multiple nuclear missiles have they has they have with north korea, north korea, we're supposed to be in a box de nuclear eyes. If you will south korea as a sop to north korea, so there's no technical, nukes south korea now the image.
building them in north korea. We fed his people for years as well as effort one. distribution, democratic republic and republican, the Democrat pakistan, god noakes another country, that he tried to appease Now they have nukes but iran if they get They have this fundamentalist islamist ideology and their very capable perhaps willing to actually use them and andrea metro on Sunday sees at kingly is rarely. Does it make any sense to you. Makes no sense to me if you go and watch the timeline from that and the donald trump. Clear deal started: putting maximum pressure on iran, really twenty nineteen when he cut off the oil killing salami in early twenty twenty pudding around back on it feels draining its resources, making them afraid of the united states. Again, you see them
Frozen in their nuclear escalation for most of twenty twenty and they come in, twenty twenty one. They see Joe Biden pledging to go back to the nuclear deal, offering appeasement from the start and they start escalating. First, a twenty percent in enriched rainy and what's the threshold for high enriched uranium, he done nothing about it. He said he had more cash. Just let you do a deal, they go up sixty per cent high enriched uranium. Like ninety percent of the way to work. His great uranium production. He does nothing. We, I don't. I mean that nothing like worse than nothing. Offering more marty nano will sweep The deal one will put more thanks, usually found a cable. They keep a racing for they are limiting inspections from the? U n, you can't come into the center food manufacturing facility. Can't take these videotapes anymore, there do not a visa to a third of the: u n inspector, the ones. You know what they're doing, and all this time
We keep making money available, we keep trying to make a deal and they look at the united states than those guys crazy. We keep going during closer to a nuclear weapons capability at all. He doesn't respond doppler, our highly confused when we come back. I want to ask about this, so donald trump puts foot on the throat of the iranians, I regime is going to collapse. Donald trump cuts might the terrorist throughout the Middle east, with its rougher Hamas direct funding at the p I'll catch up. hezbollah yeah the I am a chord because he goes around the very palestinians that the in our country, in the democratic party and by our kowtowing to so we really had peace in the middle, as for a period of time and donald trump has been the his friend Israel has had- and I want to ask you as somebody who worked in administration. Somebody worked in a national security office, when you hear people called Donald trump hitler,
and say nothing of what Biden is doing with a ram. What does that mean you think and have his head make. You feel I bet, thunder right now, seventy seven three one. What one would you call biogas senior adviser foundation for the defence of democracies my question to you richard Goldberg, you're jewish, Support the united states support the state of Israel. You, conservative, you'd love this country. your serving the tribe, Whitehouse you're working national security issues this great foundation now. And you see what your team your colleague and president trumps team did
spected middle east and then you can also has a citizens see what he did to protect your students in this country. When you observed donald trump, and you observed his administration, reuse or people in your office at the national security level and so forth. Did you see a man who wanted to destroy democracy? Did you see a man who defied the supreme court? Did you Yeah man, a man who was a dictator and would support larry and type society. If he's re elected, is that what you saw in addition to being a veteran of the united states military and at this and all the things you mention atlanta being the grandchild, ebbene grandchild,
somebody who fled nazi germany and nineteen thirty nine are kinda transport to join the british military and fight the nazi. I can't personally stand when people try to cheapen comparisons cheap in the blood that was spilled, in the holocaust? By invoking comparison that hitler the nazis? It has no place in a man can political discourse that have nothing that I observed In my time in the administration it disgusting rhetoric it shouldn't, be allowed. you wanna, hear you wanna would not be there in the world at the moment. You can take a look at what you see and t v of what Hamas did on october. Seventh, you can take Look at your nightly knew that the peoples or in a street wearing masks ring down buildings trying to harass people marching on behalf of hamas across amerika. I grew up in a place called skokie
no home hope to where actual nazis tried to march a long time ago. The let's not bring that. disgusting, vile type rhetoric into, american political discourse and certainly not for an administration for president putin livered more for the state of Israel and probably any president in history. And, as you mentioned, did more to try to protect jewish students in america under our camp does with an executive order that has become so important, though funding until and fighting back again, the kind of work I phonetic radical hamas next that you saw on capitol hill, testifying couldn't bring themselves to say it's wrong to call for the genocide of jews to allow rhythmic anti semitism to grow on their campuses. There is a tool for students to be file complaints now at the department of education. Obviously, disparities
it doesn't actually have to enforce the law and it's not been consistent to say the least, but that tool exists that executive order exists because Donald J trump put his name on it. No, I can't stand any of these types, imagery comparison and I'll call out republic into you did it well, it has no place in our discourse the problem is. I don't hear life from republicans in it. I hear a symphony of these words and these languages and these references from the Democrats in their media richer gold. gathers more reporting now. Actually, this occurred, the two or three ago, actually, two months or so ago, when a group called honest reporting disk those that there were actual reporters with the hamas. Terrorist nazis october, I meant when they were breaching the wall, to get into israel and committed there monstrous acts,
the wind humanity they were attacked. By sea, cnn and others saying they couldn't prove it, and now it's pretty clear that they one hundred percent correct here's, a piece in the Jerusalem post media watchdog on us reporting the focus, on eight areas where media coverage and cover that to Gaza based photo journalists who work for a p and reuters at brag about footage. They. quiet while accompanying hamas terrorists during the october seven massacre? This is dated last night, ah shrub amre and fellow photojournalist, mohammed fire abu mustapha rico,. the video laughing at the lynching of an idea of soldier pulled from attacks october; seven footage captured on the scene. They hung this young man the idea of soldier hung him lynched and these two guys laughing and they have the video.
to, or not alone, according to honest reporting data, what some might have seen as a social media, speculation that some american media proven true after an ngo uncovered the armorer conducted and if instagram live stream on october, seven as this was going on, live laughing with friends and colleagues about the events of the day and sharing They had seen and done after infill training? Is territory? The report details the photo photojournalist reflections on the day, That, I believe, must stop has said we were two hours ago since the beginning and he's laughing any smiling and he's here Up as iphone video, what do you make of that? and by the way the american media was sceptical and basically censured. Most of it.
yeah but little outrageous and by the way, if not the person than ours recording, which has done great work, run by a former editor that Jerusalem post dues Actually, a graduate of northwestern universities, medieval journalism programme? He covered that that that team there have uncovered multiple by dennis of individuals who have not yet been strangers as photo journalists, cordon clout, photographers who are filing on the payroll of a reuters dns in new york times, but also people claimed to be journalist who turned out that their to tear up, and in fact the day we learn that a couple of the people that does europe claimed where journalists killed in Gaza. The idea that looks them for who they were, and that is actual terrorists or behind him. rhythm and terrorist attack. The gather league store. I just want to slow us down a minute because s came a big issue in the
it states, among others, We ve had these situations. These I'll call journalists were Hamas terrorists, just like the administrator, the hospital, the main hospital in Gaza was our hamas terrorists, in fact, most of them there's a nurses and they help and that hospital. Where part of that hamas terrorists organization. and even though this information keeps coming out, keeps coming here to show that you pick of this thing you get. Andrei metro get a jake tapir you'll get the american media you'll get the secretary of state for god's sakes, saying when israel going to back off what is is wrong to stop. What is Israel get my god? It's just on board and now the media in our country, Natalie, gives cover to these monsters. There are media
that our country used so that our media in america uses better johnny on the spot while Abdulla on the spot that there are actually there live? celebrating, encouraging and I'm sorry- and this isn't even a headline on a single night were night night news grim network news programme tonight, isn't an amazing. It is shocking to me that if this was Al Qaeda and we back twenty years now. Maybe the world has changed, and maybe this meeting Today, in this environment, nine eleven twenty some years ago. Maybe this would just be ninety about how america terrible evelyn were killing, you know that you have good people left and right in afghanistan, which was never the case but right now the amount of trust in no verification and journalism going up just a spoon feeding from Hamas of propaganda. That goes straight
into your newswire. That goes for aid onto your television, with nobody thing hey. This is me: source to an area that we know is infected with terrorists by terrorists. We know that people disguise themselves just because, they put on their instagram, I'm a journalist or Al Jazeera, which is one of the EU. the gaiters and insiders and chief providing material support, the ground, a mob on a daily paper based been caught. Her the sponsor of Hamas, is telling you somebody. The journalist hobart checking it out first about weight, how about calling the idea? The update of intelligence, because the secretary of state took this fund spoon fed propaganda today, The expert outraged at the idea would kill a journalist only to learn in a few hours, wasn't a journalist, you was a terrorist and they got the receipts. It's amazing that the united states is undermining constantly.
The state of Israel or using propaganda from the enemy? The american media are doing the same thing? What is at the core of this? Do you think it's because Israel has demonstrated that, in fact it can defend itself its change, the narrative, and so they please through the lens of what I wrote about an american marxism. That's now fairly ubiquitous in that country, oppressor, verses or present their system asked and the oppressed her these poor full of color, these I've, men and so forth. Up against these white, you pay and jews who moved into these territories despite the fact that they are, in fact the indigenous peoples of this era. Is it something like that, as I what's going on, I believe Not all journalists are created equal, I know, plus. people who are doing responsible journalism are trying to talking about I'm I'm talking about these main network people who show after show it got you yeah. Oh the walk, you can post that's just turning out
our budget on a daily basis in your time. But this is just what's going on remember when very wise and the whole team part. The new york time after that, controversy when they were. They believe up in the newsroom over publishing that op ed by tom cotton, when the country would explode any. He do actually think of something that was constitutional, edgy, controversial dumping it they print in the op ed better than your time. Dictators terrorists, but cotton with a with a big idea that was too far for the newsroom and you saw in all their slack. Channeled got expose this whole generation of woke ism that came from the college campuses. Look at what happening on the college campuses today that in the end, the room today. Nearly a hundred percent, philip you one hundred you wanted Why is this happening, because that same intersection elysium, that you see
playing out on the woke left on college campuses, it's in the newsroom as well, and so they absolutely resent anybody who is called a designer because they're supposed to go? That's what they're woke network told them to do. it's gone, goldberg of the foundation for the defence of democracy, here, a great patriot veteran and keep up the good work. We need to continue to stay focused on the islam or nazi regime in tehran, in its pursuit of nuclear weapons, because our countries not doing a damn thing about it, our media are not talking about it congresses and holding hearings on it- and I am deeply where'd about it. As our you. Thank you, my friend, and god bless you. You too thanks mark so good man very, very good man, great patriot? right back then,
While a chinese billiards, the second biggest far owner of land in the united states, begin a ruling class, how stupid is how stupid is it's. These should be like priorities. They go through congress, the president signs it and that's the end of it. If you love your country, but we have people who hate our country and the republic office and are voted into office by reprobates, but at least at the state level. How can it be that a communist chinese billion years, the second biggest foreign owner of land in the united states? What are we doing towards of borders? Open forty billion dollars and, alas, twenty five years from foreign governments, our enemies to brainwash
kids in colleges and universities, mass funding network for a lot of the protesters. You're saying, why do we put up with this with the open borders with a student? users, which we learn the other day. There are not even going through those visas to see the people here are promoting terrorism package. Is this and binds running around here, It is going to defend democracy. You see, I think, we're and out of the park, not because of me, but because of my fantastic listeners and what you want to know about So we salute all you heroes out there. Thank you all our brothers and sisters in free countries, trying to defend themselves from the enemy, and I as each and every one of you. Thank you west by you- see tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-12.