« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/9/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden re-armed Iran, Hamas Nazi terrorist groups, and the Palestinian terrorists in every way possible. We’ve gone from peace in the Middle East under President Trump, back to President Obama’s policy which was to weaken Israel and empower Iran. When you are fighting evil over and over again at some point you must destroy it before it destroys you. Weeks ago Israel and Saudi Arabia were close to a peace deal that would have changed the Middle East forever. But Biden and 20 senators said no - not unless Israel gave land to Palestine. Biden was already in the midst of sabotaging what would have been an incredible deal. If someone wanted to destroy Israel, they would fund Iran and undermine the Israeli government. They would do exactly what the Biden administration is doing. Also, Gen Keith Kellogg calls in and explains how the Biden administration is selling Israel down the river. Biden needs to put fear in the leaders of Hamas, and Hezbollah and say we are coming for you, but they won’t do it. Later, Rep Kevin McCarthy joins Mark to break down his 5-point plan for Israel – rescue American hostages, stand with Israel, confront Iran, focus on security and our own border, and combat anti-Semitism within the U.S. This attack is a combination between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor and the lack of response is infuriating. Finally, Secretary Mike Pompeo calls in and explains that Iran has threatened to kill him and other Americans yet the Biden administration gives them $6 billion. Iran just killed nine Americans through Hamas. Iran has funded and fueled Hamas.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The
The the well, America, this is what happens. This is what happens. When you appease and sell out to the enemy. Now As I have been saying or weaken on fox the first to say it
somebody had to say it now, it's being repeated and that's a good thing: Joe Biden, re armed Islam, not too regime in IRAN. Joe binary armed. The Hamas hezbollah, nazi terrorist groups,. Joe binary armed Most terrorists in every way possible. the democratic party, trying to put a man in prison for the rest of his life. You may have heard of him donald trump. who literally changed the middle east, I don't mean he made evil genocidal, maniacs peace, nics.
He had his foot on their throats. He killed salami. They had of the iranian republican guard. He killed a head of isis, he cut off the palestinians, because they wouldn't they would give up terrorism and he, we're not going to use one american sent which they can claim. For refugees, in order to build up their terror operation, he cut them off. Just like the border. Just like so much else. Joe Biden comes in office as the anti trump.
whatever trump daddy had a reverse, so he reversed at all. We ve gone from peace, breaking out the Middle east, literally tuna have three years ago: unimaginable success, policy of success that should have been embraced and continued and he went back to obama's path. Was open, His pouch obama's policy was to weaken Israel. Power ran create what he and the peace on our own biden, does his people. considered they re making of that region of the world. Where Israel in IRAN would be a pretty much equal powers.
both have nuclear weapons and look what they ve done. Enough, Ghana stand the afghans have to pay the price look, what's happened. And in the Middle east, the jews are paying, the price americans are paying the price. There are two hundred thousand americans in Israel. Where's your bind today, we don't know where Joe Biden last evening is having a barbecue and so now The obama staff working for Joe Biden is adding policy putting up propaganda working their left. media working there,
liberals to blame everything, of course on that now. of course, everybody wants to know how this happened. Now, with the liberals are saying how did this happen? That is the left. we marxists. many of whom hate our country and hate the state of Israel, maybe was because The radical left wing majority parties in Israel lined with Joe Biden. In the midst of a civil war against the netanyahu government, maybe that was a distraction. Maybe the call for the idea. to rise up and strike again
The netanyahu government- maybe that was a distract- maybe the endless effort by so to undermine neck Netanyahu's authority. He'd have the body in anybody over the white ass president of costa rica matter, treated netanyahu like a dog two weeks ago,. The israelis and the saudis. Where, within an eyelash of having a peace, deal, never even imagined. It would have changed the middle east in a profound way, but Biden and twenty democrat, so including the most radical among them, said now lot unless they
see the significant manner land to the palestinians. so he held it up by. Netanyahu, sudden I'm going to do that. We have a problem you might. You may have heard of it's called the Gaza strip, Now you're gonna concede land. So Biden was already in the midst of her day this today, it's amazing already in the midst of sabotaging what would have been an incredible d between saudi arabian ezra he and his party, but here's the problem now is a war And it's a major: it's a big deal. War. in Israel. Can't lose of Israel loses his railway
cease to exist, and you see what's happened so far with these blood thirsty sub humans who target the innocent. Babies, old ladys old men, including survivors of the holocaust, taken away to the other side of the border into guy can you imagine they purposely attack first and foremost, this music festival weathers a lot, number of teenagers in young people and grab the girls kidnapping.
Take them to the Gaza strip, where they're gonna be raped over and over again decapitated. Idea of soldiers they capture, and let me tell you something to. The idea of soldiers are civilians who spent a year Three in the military there there are very young seven in eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, the very young, the
Hamas not caesar using isis tactics, their torturing soldiers, the torturing civilians, their dragging them through the streets, the pudding babies in cages. I have posted relentlessly relentlessly on my social sites, so you can see It's taking place and also what has taken place in the recent past It's gonna get worse before it gets better america. We have a hamas wing of the democratic party.
Who get an enormous amount of attention from the corporate media who hate america. Who hate our military. who hate our law enforcement. I our founding, who hate the Jews and not just in Israel juice period. There marxists marxist, have always hated the jews among everybody else. tell me who are the jew haters among the republicans in congress. There aren't any how, by republicans in the senate, thrown any. Joe Biden has always been of two minds when it comes to Israel, but he's always Two minds, even though, doesn't have one he's: never,
a great supporter buddy. Never really made it a big issue. And so he and the obama, Reprobates he surrounds himself with- I want you, remember blinkers: deputy secretary of state, under obama, sherman, another obama guy. There all obama paper, obama was and is, in my view, an anti semites. Interfered with the israeli election much as Biden's interfere with the israeli luck. As far as I know as a right now, burma has an important statement peasant put out a statement. Oh half hour ago, two and a half days,
later, what did it say we oughta come together, show restraint, see if we can de escalate something like that. Pretty much. Because that's the party that lie now in the how Hamas wing of the democratic party, what is a democrat party to put down its hate america, Hamas, Anti semitic wing of the party, not a damn thing,. Henry condemned and now has hockey. Jeffreys condemn them. No in eighty per sing, condemn them! No! Now some jewish Democrats in their house and others more sympathetic Israel have said things, but the leadership of the democratic party has said nothing: what about accountability, accountability,
As I said right out of the box when I was on saturday on fox. this six billion dollars issued not only is the buyer, illustration lying and trying to get people confused and the media regurgitating what he was saying I to put an end to that, and you can see now people are standing up in this. It's not just that money is fungible they help. We give six billion dollars two weeks ago to a regime that wanted to assassinate mike, compare and John bolton or any american. Since hate to america was building intercourse Annabelle listing missiles with nuclear warheads, but it's even worse, six billion dollars and ran obama paid almost two billion dollars in cash and ran.
The only enemy see these things and they see weakness. They see opportunity, they see exploitation, but for two and a half years in total secret, Vine and his people been negotiating with islam or nazi regime in tehran and their chief negotiator, He's a well known, uranium, sympathizer and its classification was pulled a few months ago and he was yanked obama, another obama guy and bind was begging. The arrangements to come to the table begging them to take anything he would give them in. Among other things, he waved of sanctions and Simon that handed them ten billion dollars among. The things he would enforce. The oil sanctions are donald trump put in place that,
About sixty billion dollars at sea sixty and ten seventy billion dollars, so six billion chump change. But when you are given billions and billions it out, I don't care for, given him billions and billions it. I wish to buy lollipops when, in fact they threaten the life of a former secretary of state. And they threatened to destroy your own country here, buffoon insane. I've got a lot more I'll, be right back then have you been, waiting to by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you
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some are. What should we do? Let me tell you something when I read you: some the european union of all organisations today, announced. It is freezing millions of dollars of funds to the palestinian authorities after terror and brutality. by Hamas. It would be freezing the supply of hundreds of millions of euros in aid for palestinian authorities have to Hamas as attacks on Israel. Over the weekend, Austria, and germany were among the countries that have voiced approve of the recent measures by the EU revalue eu commissioner. press? The EU strongly supports his run, the carved the guiding the small countries, the right to defend itself and so forth. European union is freezing this up,
I have hundreds of millions of euros to the palestinian authorities. There is the palestinian authority or hamas. What are we doing? Nothing: six billion dollars, of its witness independent account? But qatar phrase it? Why don't they announced crushing new sanctions against iran, rather than sabotaging the sanctions that tropical in the first place, three easy steps right there right off the top. I back. Have you been waiting
buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at august, the precious metals dot com mug with him of thunder on the right call him no seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one! So as I sit here america, as I sit here, the
Opinion has backtrack, it's not gonna cut, funds, the palestinian who got the them. Who do you think that to them And binds going to speak tomorrow evening use How did the be pressured to do everything you have a good. Friend on the programme here, general Keith cal co, chairman america, first policy institute, you know, general if I wanted to help destroy Israel I would find the iranians to tens of billions of dollars. I would fund the palestinians to a billion or two billion dollars, undermine their current government? There. I would insist, when negotiating with saudi arabia, for peace, that unless. get major land concessions to the palestinians. The united states will support it, in other words, general. I would do everything
the divine administration, is done to reverse what trumpeted can go even beyond that? Where am I wrong where you, because you missed one in the one yet you missed, is this administration is pursuing a policy of accommodation with no rain obama? Did it with vitamins? Is president they're doing it now, they're better. Looking the other way there given around money and the real state sponsored terrorism in that region. the iranians? You know when this occurred on saturday in theirs videos other radium members of parliament, channing deaf to Israel, deaf to america. Why? In god's greener thirty we ve been talking to the arabians. There are the real thugs behind these people and I give you the ear. This is where this is an essential threat for israel, and we should support under the post agree possible and we should shown quite clearly. We will support you unequivocally and make clear to arrive.
and his proxies that any escalation will will be viewed as a threat to american allied interests and will act accordingly, full stop right there and what would happen general if the jewish people, were destroyed in the middle east and the iranians got their nuclear weapons. What would happen without being next? central threat to the united states, I think it would be absolutely okay. There there's calls you can get it breaker baby, iranians or do you know it was a weapon and, as she is almost a guy, if you look at the sky administration- and I really mean it mark Will you look at everything I've done to drive these enemies together in one group The iranians supporting the russian and the russians works. The north koreans maturing eased chinese, looking brokerage of a deal in the back yard that American always consider their back
or where the saudis and the iranians made a deal at which was conducted by the Chinese. I mean this is insane. I mean this is: if we're not sk in for major trouble. It's right here and now are you I get really really concerned about what you see how this administration's handling it and then today, to take a holiday take a day off, not address what's happening. Oh I'm gonna dress from tomorrow night, because they're forced into it, because somebody saying wait: a sec you're that you're supposed to be the leader of the free world and your mission action in mark, I'm telling you. I can't believe that people don't see this general. What do you think of television networks and cable networks? They come to defence. of the Hamas nazis. Israel, that is, they have guests they have hosts on, I mean.
Basically, there not a hooker what they ve been doing today, the people in Israel, like other targeting babies and killing all these people their due. You know the isis redo and so forth. Don't you scratch head sometimes wonder: how is it possible that so many in the american corporate media. Take the side of the enemy Mark issues one those times, I'm really glad that people have a video on their telephones cause these these terrorists or doing when they fill me in what are actually doing as we put on twitter acts formally twitter. I think that's great because its great in this and people get to see willie, whatever he's talking about on the beheading of israeli soldiers the killing of women in their cars on the killing of women at eight at
festival in men and women and children being harmed. Could children be put in cages? I'm sorry this is beyond the pale yellow did. There was a war that was plot in nineteen forty five and we should look. It was a moral imperative, we're never gonna. Let this happen again. This is exactly You saw what happened? What we saw with the nazis in world war, two and four people not to put that moral equivalents together is is just that it's beyond stupid and I think we need to call him out and when you put a lot of pressure on everybody in people keep can about it, show those videos and say: where am I wrong, show me where more, because they can and so here we are now and enable any questions all day? Will what shall we do? What shall we do I understand why that so complicated with IRAN? Why are we putting sanctions on them? Enforcing them bankrupting them,
telling the rest of the world any efforts at a black. Market to assist that country will be met with force. We will, front. You on the season in the air, wherever you are, they talk about the six billion It's an especial account. They dig well, why not freeze it. and why are we freezing all the money going to the palestinians? In other words, why don't we get back to what trump did in spades and info, and the answer is cause binds not going to do that and obama would. when a duty that right you're what work remembering show you more. When the prompt administration cut off plunged the palestinian authority upwards paid a slave on giving money harry wars to families of suicide bombers in image from Hamas has blocked in also ran and we used to use force to the basically convey our
She'd, when needed to do so that this industry, from all do it at their either. This whole group that you see there may talk about being megan adults in the room there not adopt. In their basically showing israel down the river within talk now they want and are gonna have to back it up, back the only real. I will guide the middle east and the only game better get ally with Israel and the fact that we are not doing anything. As we can usually I think should be clear about who is a good idea, because not because of the aeroplanes, it's because there's over four hundred to tom, our planet act missiles in that, the shocking really does break out, there's an ability to use those with. You gonna have the will to do that and I am sure the president, as they should be creation does either in in that's the fact that we say it's real. You know exactly what you she returned, the signor arabic and they haven't.
The endangered may look a bottle map today to say something: it took it's taken, while the Biden even go on television and and I'm just stunned, that more things have been said there should have been people should have been. On the first day, people have been standing up and saying. This is wrong. This will not stand This will not happen. A bomb adjust treated this almost three days in all a merry should be horrified and outraged by the brazen terrorist attacks on Israel and the slaughter of innocent civilians. What are that take him three days he goes on. We agree for those who died, pray for the safe return of those I have been held hostage and stand squarely alongside our ally. Israel is it dismantles Hamas and we support israel's. To defend itself against her. We must keep I voted for a just and lasting peace for israelis and palestinians alike. That list It is amazing to me it
Palestinians don't want a just and lasting peace. Why are we striving to help them? Because that been always the policy mark visit this administered, before that, with the obama in the situation. Before remember, John Kerry made a comment: there be no peace in the middle east without the palace in each we in the trunk administration we had now we're gonna go. Go we're going to work on economic incentives to bring the other. at least nation to do it in the politicians will come they now come along, but what do, as I believe that you have to solve the palestinian issue. First, article, illness anymore, I remember going. We signed jabra Abraham, IRAN, the gorge, They are in front the white house you at once launch afterwards with me, I should like to tony blair the former prime minister them I killed him when he looked at me and he said you guys got this one light we had long. He is absolutely right
and I dont know why we do that. We shouldn't do it you'd arm of the above. The might, of course, part of these by military mine. This is one of those who go back and you take it a cue from from yours. Yes, grand and civil war and junk unconditional surrender, The matter is, I would say very clearly that the leaders of Hamas, the leaders of the past, Liberation organization and even a hezbollah, your credit created connected yourselves and with crimes against humanity In the same thing, we did with the nazis at the end of world war two and put them on a leash, and you are You're coming for you will we will find you wherever you rat and we're gonna kill you its debts, chapel and you make out very clearly We get. There was all the money and we also did out with that. I'm with community we have a rather we should have gets all a model. We shared the committee who your next, you kill another american war coming for you and we were dead seriously the administration about. It is how we want
Baghdad? I did the same thing and we need to do that. They need to put some respect and fear and these leaders that are. in leading nothing more than terror stage and they haven't done it in any All about I realize you charge, I got it marked This is not harsh to me and war at each mercury. I'm is general we're stuck with this crowd for another year and a half hour stuck with wisdom, with for another year and a half, and you and I know what needs to be done Any really red blooded american who cares about our country and our allies. We all know what needs to be done, but it's not going to be done. And so now Israel has to use this opportunity. In my view,. in all these world leaders issuing letters and support, but they're not supporting, and they betrayed that country under different points. These and so forth, and so on are now. The consequences are being felt.
And Biden betrayed that country and the people with its policies and so forth. And they say we are all the need to stand together. What do I mean by that? None of them are sending troops and which will give the israelis arms and support. That's because mostly congress wants to do it and buying what through, I suppose, in some ways, but fact of the matter is talk, is cheap and how these these The jewish people, their literally I to their families, their kids and so what I mean. The numbers now way over a thousand which is an enormous number for a country that has seven million jews. So great that pudding their statements, like this obama statement, this statement Took him three days to put out, because you wanted to be very careful, they looked at everywhere. They looked at every syllable, rather than
bastards or the enemy? We should wipe them out and do everything humanly possible to help the israelis right here. Yeah you're exactly right, humming issues. This is actually the unconstrained war, their enamel treated, tat way, the age, terrorist organisation in his clerk I could be solved with negotiations and up there I heard or read something today that Hamas shit well, let's have some peace discussions of shit, yet my my attitude would be simple answer. No and I would go for the unconditional surrender just clearly eliminate the organization, but I've trade mark. I really mean it. You have to have the leadership. one of those you shaded the leaders were common action Your where you are, I don't care. If you ride in a box in those four jeweller we're gonna, come find you and make sure they understand it in policy with that. You know that before we need to do it again this this was a crime against humanity and for people to understand that
then they don't understand the moral imperative of never again. There are parallels and behaviour was she in it now and we need to stop it pull start right now and present a trump took at the top in a terrorist. in iran remind everybody. What happened to Yama moto. You know the year the great terry mind that the japanese of the japanese, a war machine maybe what we did to him. when we shut them down? Can we actually do the morganville we actually were able to break through intelligent, find out? Where he's flying, we put a bunch, p. Thirty eight aircraft in the air and shot him out of the sky and ass the same to you Jimmy and nobody would know Bother anybody, then it shouldn't by everybody. Now we should stand. There was the if you, if you come down what is actually happening in the end it then you are within your occurred. You don't mark. I remember it out in into camp or two thousand.
Tina desert ass, rich in poland, with vice president pension in those of the camps, have made up, It made your side of the nazis climate solution, the extermination of Jews when one million men, women and children were murdered in the visit, was really pretty. shall damage devastating in those who Hard, I remember after born in europe, was too I told the vice president. the first time in my life, I doubt the existence of god and he stopped me said no. It was not got that caused this. He was man that make man and pay for, and they have to do that they have to pull these people. Audible, they're, the ones who sent these these terrorists on their way and they're the ones they need. it was well and make sure Never ever do it again, JANET I want to thank you very, very much. We're gonna have to go What's gonna be now the propaganda of the holocaust, and I new york times and much of the rest of the media, Do the same thing they Israel, they always do maybe they'll have of like they always do, and how many palestinians
have lost their lives in Gaza strip for she knows how many palestinians there our its them stands area on the face of the world, Hamas know, what's the most of the denser we don't need like, is about that they're gonna. Have they tallies? You see tell me really yes or no to war. So. Did we keep a tower on how many germans, italians and japanese we were killing during the war? There were very utopia, Hundreds of thousands were killed, I'm saying did we have it on t v and as a look at this we've killed, this we've killed them? No, we didn't we didn't, but I think it would mark. I think it's ok to have it. Maybe I think the world is to see that an eye out, because that's not why they're not doing it to show the world they're doing it to put pressure on Israel, not to complete the task, that's what they keep doing. That's what they done last time now. That's it! That's that,
it's an effort to use propaganda. Look at the Jews, I lost a thousand people. Now they ve killed three thousand people. That's that's what that's all about general! I gotta go heartbreak, my producers in my ear. Thank you, gabbler general will be right back then have you been way,
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the welcome back welcome. America has the media start building their wall, around the bite administration in their policies, mcquire pint. Let me tell you something: we don't call a spade a spade there. We can hold people to a cup. There a reason why these nazis didn't act, the Jews, the four years The prior administration and there's a reason why they did a few days ago, our policy mightily contributed to this are policies mightily funded. This. he's, getting around math. These railways will have to figure out what happened on their end, but I know
happen on our own folks, we ve been told, about this for two and a half years under By- and we talked about it eight years under obama, there is simply no question about it. Well That's where we are and we're going to discuss this at greater length, we're going to have pompeii on the program we're going to have mccarthy on the program, and we will dig deep into this more I'll tell you what this could happen. Us too. Because iran is on the precipice abetting nuclear weapons, it can hit our country see what they ve done, those jewish babies Others in the grandmothers and grandfathers and the girls. One of their commanders, said.
Either recently or not susan, just about the Jews about the christians. about the eighth, the non believers and all you my phrased, the soft muslims. they all need to be killed. They all need to be destroyed, Put the koran tells us that this is a moss commander. You know the The tears hit us on nine eleven, Hit us over and over and over again and these Talk about climate change, I'll, be right back their segmented podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again
We're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the snow broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader to the american america mark levine here and giving you their number don't call today. We just have too much going on and I apologize that I can't get any color you know we did anything to win world war to set the british so that all of our allies anything and everything everything in every anything.
The british in the area and the united states air force army are core. bomb dresden in the smithereens, tens of thousands died citizens all through europe. Citizens were tar, During our civil war vicksburg, Prime example, but but there are other city, there were targeted. we didn't send our men door to door. Define enemies to pen prick. Here and there and hope you get there, a guy and all the rest of it. You had a destroy, what existed
the Democrats really mention Harry truman. These days. franklin rose about dies, Harry Truman's, the vice president and he's told He becomes present about to atomic bombs weren't sure they would work or not they really build for the german Lebanese, just wouldn't surrender, battle of oak an hour. Small island right offer, Japan. Was the costly spat on terms of casualties in american history. In truman concluded, we cannot defeat once and for all impale japan, which attacked us pearl harbor.
We cannot truly defeated. Unless there is an unconditional surrender it One bomb on Hiroshima and they celebrated the fact that a work but the emperor of- and wanted to conditional surrender trim said now. A couple of days later, he dropped the second atomic bomb on nagasaki. The death toll combined is believed to be about a hundred thousand citizens. and god knows how many injured and how many other casualties. Truman literally blue two cities off the face of the earth. You said enough is enough: we can't go on anymore.
Those of you who saw the oppenheimer movie, which was an x. Dreamily buys movie, you weren't told why We decided to draw up those two atomic bombs. you weren't told anything about organ our. No, I'm not suggesting we drop atomic bombs, I'm not suggesting any that I'm making a broader point. Look at how we foreign iraq, brave heroes, united states military trying all we could avoid citizens. We were even willing to swap the lives of americans american citizens who advise
here to be marines to be soldiers and so forth. We were willing to have them, killed and maimed. to avoid civilian casualties in Iraq. I don't agree with that. Ultimately, we lost IRAN those the government, Iraq now racks the enemy. people say there tired of these long wars. So am I the wars are not always avoidable, not because of us, but because, of evil and the enemy. The fight in the right way and are all governments in Israel, pretty much.
All parties in the majority. They were fighting wars and the Gaza strip. Since two thousand and seven when Hamas took it over and never relented, like, we fought in Iraq. That is not a completely accurate Example, but it's good enough israelis have sent their tanks into the Gaza strip before, but always always stab in the back by our administration by the press. ganda led by the holocaust, and I knew your times and now we have cnn and MSNBC that gives voice and platforms to Hamas supporters, hurrah
it slightly american haters. The whole point of media outlets trying to keep track of Heaven. people will die in Gaza. Is too and israel from winning. it is to prevent her from winning they do it every time Thomas freed me comes out the others at the new york times come out. The washed imposed joins in the tv now which join in suddenly going to see all kinds of photos had said to them. hamas and their allies suddenly The Jews were the baby killers. And the jews are out there to kill. Women The moral imperative, though, is this.
Israelis didn't set out to kill anybody, they weren't and aren't targeting citizens Benjamin Netanyahu said the other day. I am urging the people of Gaza to get out and what did he mean by that get out. some relatives or whatever, who are not in the Gaza strip or move to a part of the Gaza strip. That's unlikely to be hit They know where that is everybody does over there. But Hamas will prevent a lot of that. because they know they know that they need the statistics. They want to pressure the media were problem,
anna, which will then pressure the buying administration, the european union? It happens every damn car any network that starts Acting like this has covered and starts put those numbers on the screen. You know their and Hamas is corner I'll, be right back I I have to tell you something that speaks ray core values, as americans about a veterinary company on me
and to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation impure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans. Get the best service at the best price as well, is a pure talk, dot com, slash levant, pure talk, dot com, slash, l, a v, I n
which to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. What's a pleasure to have Kevin Mccarthy with us, you know I was thinking we, anybody. Speaking for a country, we have trucks, rumour whose very busy is china. Right now we have came jeffreys, who put out a statement but hasn't really been seen publicly about anything. That's going on overseas in Israel. We have no republican, who speaking anna course, Joe Biden was a barbecue and here comes cover. Mccarthy fills the, lloyd and really gave a tremendous tremendous speech. Mccarthy you ve been a friend of Israel since you ve been in congress. You visited their scores of time. You brought democrats with. publicans over there, you were asked to speaking. On and on and on their was p.
Breaking out all over the middle east people were feeling great, and now this now this. What do you make of this This combination between nine and eleven and pearl harbor, the idea that eight hundred rarely died. He called at thirty thousand american, I leaned over a thousand just say you know yeah, rose every time we look back on the table. I am so furious what transpired, but am furious of our lack of response. The president put a lid on today. The present put a tweet out about ticket master, starfleet. Whenever here we are on the plan, I waited with three taken master. He put a tweet out about access.
Fees on hotels, room concerts and other. This is what this is a tweety put out today. This is really going to scare Hamas. God help us and I put out a five point plan. First of all, we've got to rescue the american, After all, we need is not gonna, be Afghanistan, we're not gonna. Do any americans by second, we have to stand with Israel, but not just stand with Israel. Hamas has to be defined We should be moving right now, like you, ve been allotted I been there lots of time. Take a lot of men are supposed to take all the new republicans at the end of this month. We ve been to the iron dough. The overwhelming iron dome that promise you promise you mostly first metals, are gonna, be dumb rocket later they'll come back with her Decision guided long range, one in the iron down, doesn't have enough weapon weaponry to take them out right, so we Actually we be that the ammunition that they need
We should go after directly by this came from a rat wind in the wall. Street journal have better entail the secretary of state And what we need to do it? You leave greed that monies which is able to do it, but the key part. We have to go after hears why they forgot created this appeasement earth this administration start paying for hostages. Secondly, the appeasement to ireland They used to produce only four hundred thousand barrels of oil day. Now there three million we have the sanctions on him right now, but if not being enforced by the us administration, we could shut down their money maker. To produce the actual, create more jobs and more wealth here and then What we need to do is look at our own. its value in tell why didn't we know this was happening, and what about borders wide open, a hundred and fifty one people we caught so far this year and the and the fbi terrorist watchful.
In twenty nineteen that number with zero in camera mccarthy, I watch these people? They pretend they didn't give six billion dollars to the iranian uranium as it goes, This pool of that poor. They they wanted media de escalation. They had a pull to tweets down. They're, not good what you want them to do, even though its a sure way to have an impact on a ram. They deny. The intelligence at around was working with these other. What I call. these these nazi organism, should any here's. The thing hamas and Hezbollah has said around work within IRAN said they work with them vision of the world arena: it's crazy administration pretends it's not the these. Are people don't learn our lessons. Kevin Mccarthy
made a ranch, stronger, financially and funding more care that you look at the point: foreign currency fun. the bite administration came in a ran, only had four billion dollars. Today, seventy billion years, and what are they doing with that money? We know they trained. We know what went trend Fired for how long we know what their plan it this way go directly after I ran a you have to pay a moth have to be destroyed, not weakened de destroyed. an aim and said that heavy now the other thing to get me you on that point. We ve got to end the anti semitism illustration. Every single president every college better step up. But what is being said, but you know what's happening in the halls of congress. I hid anti semitism ten Democrat that voted again. Even
providing desert the iron down. But what is even worse, you watch d the comments by these in the progressive squad, but you know what the Democrat leader said: no comment, if not leadership, that no standing up against it What I did I removed from foreign affairs when they want to hold a meeting of anti semitism. I took the I took the room away from you. You ve got a stand up to you making bodies all over again, you got the axis of evil russia and china founding together. What's amazing, to me carbon, is your watch fox in bring people into a pro american approach. where a pro our allies who understand, and then you watch MSNBC as an example And they literally have mouthpieces for hamas. They individuals who are blaming is
is this not amazing to you walk away every language, you, water, shoulder holocaust survivor, innocent familiar twice in there. I don't understand why this entire world waking up and say we ve got to destroy Hama. This is ice and you think the other problems You do what the president said. The number one issue, the number one threats: more important: a nuclear war, climate change. Cause there is, alas, what of focus on our internal committee. I he just said andrea alone when they asked the spokesmen. Today No, we don't take that back. Climate changes very scary. The number of cartel you, what the next year and a half is gonna, be a disaster. For all of our allies. Will you see Israel's now fighting for its survival,
Taiwan is going to be fighting for its survival. Ukraine is fighting for its survival. To be an ally of the united it's under this regime, the buying regime, is to put a tar. On your back and on your forehead and hope for the best, because this administration. Everything Just turns the blood I'll be perfect. Honest with you, I've never seen anything like this. I don't even know if anything like this, a modern american industry. Do you remember. not in modern american history? But I know the nineteen thirty a lot like it remember three years ago. There was no more you great There was no war with Israel in the prices. Didn't have five in the future. We had to evacuate this isn't Biden's administration, which is causing we'll be right back Kevin Mccarthy. I have to tell you something that
speaks to the very core of our values. As americans about a veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members, and, of course I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk- I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk, stamps. The sacrifices they've made now they've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast, five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference. Just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. This is a pure talk: dot, com, slash levant, pure talk, dot, com,
ellie vienna and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way mark love in research are of conservative media call. Now eight seven, seven, three one three eight one one we're here with a camera mccarthy gave a fantastic speech today, really filled the void and really incredible that the I'll, be honest unity to comment on the sir, which macao, without a statement he hasn't been really heard from a day shimmers in china. He put out a statement. He has really been her premier day, hocking jeffreys brok, I'm finally got around with recent statement. If your typical pabulum turbines a cook out nobody knows raised tonight. Pressures on swiss can make some kind of statement that is prepared. Him tomorrow
world looks at this in their shock in the world also looks at how eight individuals were not concerned. Risen, I'm gone through their histories before can decapitate the conservatives. in the year in the majority in the house of representatives, can you Maybe you don't have any? Can you give meaning insight into what's going on with our were trying to walking that now. But you bring up a very good point. Think about what this aid done by joining all in the democratic they put. The whole house in june think about it. The government was shut down right now, nor troops were not being paid and we are asking them to put that aircraft carrier striking gerald ford in the place and wonder whether they're getting paid. I that eight people join with all the Democrats, four percent, when ninety six percent, then they should do something else they get to decide. Now, that's not a majority!
That's a lot of this is the only thing conservatives have a majority at least what they want to give up on it, to me it's unbelievable. I don't know of any serious known. conservative- and I don't mean some guy just runs a website, or so I mean victor Davis hansen list after list after list of conservatives have been fighting to defeat. The left been fighting to shrink the size of government fighting to secure the border, their entire life, who supported this. And so my question to you is this: there's two running you ve got sk police and jordan and hearing people, I don't even know if they can get a majority. has anybody approach to you. I'm just curious and said you know what you should run too. I mean I'm not campaign,
I'm just curious. If is any that going on, or do you know Look. I didn't go to compress tonight, lemme! Let them work it out to have some that approach it, but I look conference, as likely conference has to decide if they want to be a majority or not failing the american public? If we allow this to continue because I in I saw what was happening in Israel prior to this attack and there go left in Israel kept undermining the netanyahu government We regarded turn out fifty two hundred thousand people demanding democracy while supporting judicial oligarchy and then I even here some of them say today on tv that that that net whose proposals weakened israel distracted israel when, in fact it was the same radical hard wing left in Israel as it is in our own country that under elected republican government and saw
just wondering about this evening anybody's having second thoughts of broken, I'll. Tell you these eight remember there, the thank you, for who voted against it, the border, cutting government and making that battle to the senate, but then and argue somehow we, it's something wrongly when they would allow us to keep the government opened by cutting it actually the border making at argument it Jim. It's infuriated You can buy the way I wanted in total, happy and hockey. Yet tackling want to save Do something stupid now I dont think them can be to forgive the republicans I really now they can enjoy and. if they can't get a majority for scully's, can you a majority for jordan? You might want to drop your head in the ring again, but I get it. You don't want to be involved in are seen, as you know, print
fora for the job again, but you know people need to think about these things and I hope but my question to you now is this american intelligence, intelligence couldn't tell us that a chinese spy. Balloon was a chinese spiderman. They couldn't tell us. About nine eleven before nine eleven, ok they couldn't tell us about what iran was up to. in this latest round of terrorism, but this from being a mean humongous. Do we were here serious problem in this country with american intelligence, if there's a concern I have, but I'm part of the gang of eight. I am impressed with a lot of things. The cia does I'm very impressed with birds, eye products
yeah, but how can they have intelligence when you have a wide open border, a hundred sixty different countries coming through your catching people on it watch this, but how many people are you not catchy? Who knows if there's a cell sitting inside that's the part, I have no trust left and then the concern here is this was a long planned incident yesterday, an unusual, but we should know what's happening as well, so we to reassess. Where are we? Why didn't we others this gonna happen? We pride ourselves with it an american knowingly different things going on www? How could hamas, plan along with a red, the in beirut, and how can the wall street journal have it for the sector if they said he sees no proof, and they say today. Were they telling the truth when I say that no everybody site citing the wall street journal, but I have to be honest with you. Hamas said it hesba
A set of iran sat in the wall. Street journal reported it they treated at their bragging about its didn't, you know It's it's really, quite unbelievable. Do you think when you get the squad and the democratic party you had to deal with around some of these people? Can you play Now you through more off the foreign affairs committee, there was. Intelligence. He the one fine by me, for what I did. I did the democratic sleeping with the Chinese by off intelligent, will you allow she kept alarm flower and shift, which was terrific, cause you ve put your photo now where they went. But that's my question to you. My question is the Democrats party has allowed this anti semitic, but now pro hamas wing of its own party, to have influence to get grand bigger. The media can't wait to put a o c on every programme. Despite
Ty, semitism and so forth, and so on? So the democratic party in the we're crab party media. This is becoming step one group of theirs hazarded. They need now this they, this growing hate, filled What of democrats? Socialist, ideological, hard left, marxists types, it's now part of their party, I think, is it not? Angrily part of their party- I will tell you this, just as I too would take the republicans to Israel. They would do that with the Democrats. Once a o c was elected, they made it a political problem. the democrats to go and you watch where they literally voted again providing iron dome, which is a deficiency ability to not rockets out the sky from killing innocent. Today, they voted against needle and never mind you something
and lied to lie in the cab while europe, while you made that point today, that they flag they fight every flag in these other countries, country, but in other countries overseas, obviously I ve been flying the israeli flag and we're not doing at here and we're not flying israeli flag. So to show our support, these railways flew the american flag after nine eleven You wouldn't think we immediately say by my border policies are wrong. We better start blocking down that border. They don't even think about the border by in that way,. Or you know we better really start strengthening our military little bit. We're getting stretched between all these countries into they. Don't even think about the nope proposals coming out of this white house. Really, no attention paid, they think they can control over them. They can control anything.
We're in for a very rough year and a half their MR s going to call speaker, MR speaker, thank mccarthy, but history repeats itself. Will you don't pay attention to it? Lowering or stockpile keys met? Think of everything that he did. When we met with prudence before Putin invaded ukraine. What did you do? He lifted the sanctions up, nor strange you and ass, nothing, a rare He ascended our allies, saudi arabia and others He ran and provided a money, and they just funded Madame Newton enforce the sanctions produce more oil attack. Producers in america for the price of oil goes ire. What does that say to Afghanistan? The debacle there, the sheep he personally made those, He's left american knowingly left americans behind our allies. I thinking they needed to go to china.
I didn't know whether we'd be there and then, when our closest of allies has more of their citizens killed the most since the holocaust. He has a barbecue, he puts a lid on it and he tweets about some. some fees concert ticket the world is watching, can a world leader to act like a leader and, as you just pointed out, his spokes idiot, presenting buying, tells the entire world after the israelis go through this slaughter for the last two days, and now they're gonna have to go to war and are going to lose. God knows how many pay brought a young men and women. That's not the biggest We face in the world climate changes in the face of terrorism and terrorist stage and what they were unleashed. They stole sake climate change
Again, what our enemies, thinking that they go? Oh, my god, we attacked their allies, will attack them and those toby talking about climate change. Now. Now we can do america strengthened enemies and then what This is why the world is not safe policies that causing this my friend what we wish you well, the argument has taken unilaterally and you thank you. Take care of yourself. And I have mentioned this and days, ladies and gentlemen, but I'm gonna do it now, because I really think it's important this little. Cairo. Could the democratic party hates america now more than ever? Now more than ever, we need to understand in a very substantive and deep level, what we're up against in our own country,
secure aboard against possible terrorist. We do support our ally, that is the jewish state of Israel. A mark would give them that I'm not talking about that We gave the iranians seventy billion dollars. We don't the israeli seventy billion dollars in this last track at six billion dollars brigade the palestinians. Hundreds of minds into the billions of dollars. Why. will these are things you need to understand really understand the democratic party hates america, It is interesting. The times we live in rachel madhouse book, a shooting weigh up, I'm told I hate america's greed, Cassidy Hutcheson book the shooting way or other hate, trumps greed-
I just feel sometimes we are in such a dark place. I'll be right back I have to tell you something speaks to the very core of our values, as americans about a veterinary company on a mission to make it
will difference in the lives of our military members and, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. These are pure talk, dot com, slash, levant, pure talk, talk
slash, l, a v, I n and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way the flying want to know what you learned, something about a fella by the name of carve their afro cb. This is from The algae minor website is fantastic. Biden pardons new york times writer charged as iran agent, who influenced operation exposed wow, I restore frequent. at times contributor? Pardon by? U S, president Joe Biden after being charged as a paid for an agent of IRAN says he play the return of teaching the new york times, which publish more than a dozen goes and letters to the editor by him. Finally, which the federal criminal charges against him only in the context of a report that he was five iranians, including in a prison swap in which five
americans for free by ran in the united states, released six billion dollars to arrange the times. Well then, I mention that outfit Babies were published in a newspaper in it and accurately described the charges against them as being an unreal. Mr lobbyists sitting here at times like. All time, particularly about terrorists and terrorism, believe it or not, especially about Jews,. If you read on freedom of the press, you know I'm talking about by this full pardon Of this iranian mouthpiece issued on september, fourteen includes four terms. It says he shall not commit any additional crime against united states any waves, any claims against the. U s or its employees that he waves claims to funds already caesar that he shall not accept or otherwise receiving EU financial benefit directly. equally in any manner amount from a book movie pub, occasion and on and on
so violating the conditions could, via the pardon, by an warn. However, even those conditions may not be sufficient to satisfy critics. A prisoner, swap yeah, including me senator time, cotton for sample wrote to you a sectaries dna anthony blinkin, arguing. Should reverse the deal which encourages arena, make more hostages and gifts, while that sir, our view is that course not. now. This guy was arrested in January twenty twenty one. He acknowledged germany here that he was. Aid by the iranian mission. At the: u n, he pleaded not guilty arguing that he was An agent apiece committed to: u s got anyway. Why would Biden pardon this guy he's one The people he sent turann with the six billion dollars. Now we're gonna have former sectaries state. Might pompey on the problem in the next half hour were short visit.
and one of the reasons I wanted to have the former secretary is to ask this question part. all the lies? The buying administration is feeding to our media and our media regurgitating Biden. Essentially gave six billion dollars to a regime that wanted to assassinate you. And still wants to assess nature. How does that make you feel You realize, nobody's ass. My compare this question. I asked the question, although he wasn't present. Of course I asked the question one of the fox appearances over the weekend- this told you not to write a cow Veronica, you and I know how to deal with that. Fungible all arrest, but you can't explain why a present the united states
Would give this kind of money to regime that seeks to murder the former sectors so the amazing how the corporate media and left wing goons just like sniff slide I'll, be right back. he's here now broadcasting the monopoly underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader in america. Let me there's this way, when you're fighting, evil
and over and over and over again. At some point, you must destroy it before it destroys you what the. Hamas nazis, what the palestinian. Authority, nazis the hezbollah, Nazis, in the iranian nazis, had been doin. Israel goes on and on and on and on. It is a moral imperative Israel destroys many of these sub humans as possible, and it is simply impossible. To avoid civilian casualties but the day
prince between a human being and a added subhuman terrorist is that. Number one you didn't started number to your goal: The blow up. All this civilians, but number three goes to defend yourself What's left unsaid, all the time when new york, slimes and their ilk. When the squad in their young and when liberals, Here, on tv and thereof, start to make comparative Points about how many this died, how many that guy. he's not moral people were making. These points are utterly immoral. People.
when we decided to destroy. the various enemies I were attacking us waiting. Kid head count. How many of them we killed Or how many civilians might have been killed, but we did not accept the fact That more needs to be done and done in a quick way to destroy and a moral evil. and so these battles go on. Theirs Decisive van and look at afghanistan. We lost look at Iraq, we lost. But look at germany at the end of world war? Two we one look at ITALY. We won the catch, Japan. We won. in the world a better place for it.
The israelis are fighting for their own existence. If fifty five hundred five in five hundred missiles were fired from mexico in houston in the dallas and albuquerque into tucson into phoenix And on and on and on politicians say and what would you want. Water politician saying, what would you want? First of all, no mist defense system on the face of the earth could ever stop all of that. Secondly,. would have been intelligence. Failure is an entirely and failure that federal comes into this country. It kills
hundred thousand people every year that intelligent failure and what, if there were a video. Of american red blooded american babies. Being shot in their cribs for american grandparents or grandmothers being forced at gunpoint into jeeps. Well, let's say: there's a teller, swift festival going on That outside arena and across the border come the drug cartels. Slaughtering everybody in sight and grabbing american women girls.
And shipping them over the border to write them. Would we be saying we gotta make sure the civilian casualties over there and mexico we gotta make sure we Keep it down just tracked down the bad guys. Now we weren't we say: beat the asylum crush them, so they can never do it again. What about the civilians. Well, let them overthrow their own government, let them blaine their own government. We have We're about our civilians are grandmothers. Our mothers are babies. What do we say we need to de escalate? What are you talking about.
literally did? Oh? No! We need equality. What there is good and there's evil when evil raises its ugly head and strikes out like there's another holocaust going on people expect the Jews that lost after their population in the most horrific ways to de escalate. We. people in America today that we ve let in amerika people on MSNBC and them today, people who write for them your times and other major publication in this country they make a moral equivalency between, Just occurred in the above, It is rather defend itself
You wanna talk about restraint, I'll show restraint. Israel does in a minute, but Israel's nuclear weapons. They haven't used any start on the table In iran wants nuclear weapons. and everybody knows, though, use including against us these robots the us and the entire world, a favor at a tremendous cost to its people to crush this regime, and these terrorists at any cost and any at any cost to them again petra about nukes. but how restrain they are. And they are gonna, lose a ton of troops.
Because the enemies been dug in a long time and has been putting a very very long time. I was in this town with my family called surat surat. If you like The places we visited was a kindergarten, slash. They care centre right on the damn border. They had all these mechanism in place to try and protect the kids there. I guarantee you, it was breached. I guarantee those little kids if they were, there were slaughtered. my wife and I made a significant contribution, so they could be for their security. There.
I wonder what happened in that place. Thought little kids in the teachers are, but they ve been slaughtered. I'll be right back, then in order to have former secular state might pompiers mike palm pale. I don't have any one zero. She this question the debate about the six billion dollars. This is a regime that to assassinate you enjoy bolton another americans would be assassin was charged by this administration in sit there and you see them.
Transfer six billion dollars to them wing quibble over accounts. I don't much give a damn. I mean you must say to yourself what in god's name is going on here. But what was you react? Yeah, there's no doubt about that mark I met my wife feel the same way and we can see not only have they threatened to assassinate me about recalled him, but they had now killed that america, that's pretty clear and taken other talk that almost certainly as well what's going on today in Israel, the Gaza strip is clearly arranging activity in this administration, giving them the swamp not only the six billion dollars, but they did not enforcing the sanctions anymore mark now they have almost seventy billion dollars and foreign exchange reserves available for the iranian regime to spend and when I left off, but they have less than ten, that's just indecent and they have now funded and fuelled this terror campaign of these barbaric medieval actors known as Hamas and
they have been party to that by underwriting it. You know, MR secretary, I watched advanced vast, Well, I guess the same thing. Some of these other cable networks. pro Hamas, I don't have any way to say it guests and hosts. and apparently all the horrific news and videos that they're saying they stole tackling complain about Israel and the for people who are left us these europe, many who defend the democrat party. These are people in the democratic party you and I have been around a little while we've never seen anything like this before. Have we now know nothing like this before, where a significant piece- and these are just a handful of actors- this is this- was the left center of the
acra party, the democrat socialists either. These are all theories. People engage in the democratic party's political process. These aren't wing nuts that they are talking about Hamas, as if somehow they have been so mistreated in that whatever happened to them somehow justifies raping pillaging killing two hundred people who are just doing nothing more than going to a concert or a party in southern israel, know it it's unexplainable to me. I was in Dallas this week and there was a big protest pro palestinian protest, the queen. We know this. We know. We know that this is not all of the palestinian people, but we know that they have permitted their leadership to become terrorists and haven't done a thing about it for an awfully long time and they have now killed over fourteen hundred innocents in Israel, people, not just israelis, but americans and people from other countries as well into the.
These Democrats saying that and not sing chucks humor and the other democrat leaders criticise them, take them on directly. It's just simply indecent bark. He really is grotesque in the defence of buying them saying by the Democrats in the media. Rather than saying you know, we need to rethink some of this stuff here and putting the figure over everywhere else. I mean MR sector is five thousand five, grid missiles were shot in the united states from mexico by the drug cartels, and they they come for our open border and they slaughter it would have to be the equivalent of what Forty thousand american, something like that and and then regrets the women to go on the other side and rape them it would we be
american people, say no, we need to be careful here, don't kill many civilians, wouldn't we say ok time for wholly hell. I hope we would like most of us what I'm afraid there than for who would say. Thirty they approach of gosh. Where america brought it, we think the blame america force crowd. You opted bark, no america would only be right if they were going to extract bending than we are going to take down this threat that as we're going to eliminate this risk, but it would also be the case that of any other country, told us that you need to stand down or you need a cease. Fire need. The backup we'd be rightfully angry and we. ignore them, and we would do what we needed to do to protect american area amended face a christian. You ve been in the middle east over and over and over again, you can. Mightily to peace in the middle east
Was breaking out all over the place? What kind of a politician? What kind of so called experts. Many them out of the obama administration would light a fire to all of this and revert who pass coarse and even worse, they have a high Theory in the Middle east I've been reading about a witches iran because the balance that Israel, when they get nuclear weapons, they shouldn't get him right away. But we need this balance and so forth. in obama, bomb and waits awaits and puts her a couple of seconds, moronic statement, shouldn't we politically hold the people accountable, who have contributed to this. If we can mark we after we have to do to keep america faith, go out to our president, did and then the way we women and fix it and we built out more prosperity, a great deal more
the ability in the middle east and have brightened go back than a boar gonna go. Do the appeasement plan again. We're going to underwrite the uranium, the world's largest state sponsored tear it it that I can't explain it. I get ass. I can you explain what the thinking up. I've heard this balancing very make no mistake about The iranians don't want a balance, a thing they want to wipe Israel from the face of the earth. They want to continue to slaughter jews and they are prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve that end, and our responsibility is to make sure we protect american and support the people of Israel as they do the work to protect themselves. It is incomplete sensible to me how the by administering kate but an administration came in and within days, add of uranium espionage. Folks, people connected to IRAN working inside the administration, they plundered the palestinians, who were still promising that we're gonna pay people to kill. The palace lay pay people to kill
actors inside of Israel, and this was the nation that we decided. Now we want to support them. We want to give them american taxpayer money. It's really dangerously united states where this was a big failure of intelligence in his We should be very sure we know what's going on, not only in Israel but all around the world, including inside the united states. Today, in the may escape personal question, We spent really highlighted your career successfully in peace to the Middle east, you are on the iranian hit list be taken down taken out. You see what's happening to your fellow human beings over there. Now hard to sleep at night with all this, isn't it it is mark, you know, jane, I keep praying praying for the people of Israel bring further the Jews there
protect their rightful homeland, praying that we will find a path way, to eliminate this evil. As we all know right remind you that there is good and evil in the world. You can just see it and feel it when you these videos. It breaks my heart to see what's happening there. And I lose a lot of sleep. Thinking were wasted where, where are we still able to exercise american influence in american power? Could we have prevented this from happening and it breaks my heart to see that the by demonstration just unwind the direction which was to isolate the iranians, put them in the box and build out alliances between christians, jews and muslims throughout the middle east in a way that would have protected an awful lot of human life? I I see some of these videos, MR secretary and really does remind me, the holocaust, the little kids, the babies to swastikas,
The girls at their shoving into the jeeps to drive over there. with the border there slaughter of all those kids at that festival, just modem down and grab what they could. I mean this is If, if this isn't nazi like hitler aryan, then I don't know what it is to have thirty seconds left for your final thought. I picked up a pretty good summary and it requires a response like the one that we got around to a too late, but got around to after the holocaust right. We we extracted the vengeance that was appropriate and we eliminated the bread. I need to make sure that in the days ahead it's going to be tough and then we are going to be tough. We need to make sure we are going to want to have you back because you're a moral standard, god bless you, my friend the folks you've heard me about hills, to college, giving away free copies of the constant
washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day. They have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your. for for my listeners in soon. So, if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com. Every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy, in hillsdale college girl, Levin for hillsdale dot, come right now complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy. Now at Levin for hillsdale dot com. That's l, easy! I am free hills Del backup
Radio free america marked by seven seven. Three eight one: thirty eight eleven. If this Does not only shell on the Hamas nazi. He won't survive. The reason you have a country in a society first and foremost, history. tat, the people who live within it if, in the end, you can't do that you won't survive, I don't care for the roman empire or before that athens. You can't survive, and let me ask you a question. If Israel would do tit for tat. And then sue for some kind of negotiation. How would you feel.
After seeing all those video, if you You're only stood what would you think, I know what I think: Well, you gotta put yourself in their shoes. They need to blow the enemy off the face of the earth, in other words, crush them. And we'll be enormously expensive and lives for these railways the Jews over there,. Because they're gonna lose a lot of them. The way outnumbered their surrounded. And they ve got an enemy in the north that has one hundred and fifty thousand missiles.
Funded by the alien iranian regime, there are far more sophisticated and accurate than the missiles Hamas fire. That's what they're facing In iran wants a nuclear weapon, because of ran, uses a nuclear weapon on the israelis, use a nuclear weapon to stop them. Will we will europe now? I don't think so think about things that way. And the only reason these people are hated, his cause they're, jewish. Because they survived theirs
Five, the babylonians, the persians before that they survived the romans. The ottoman empire. They survived. Nazi germany. They survive the war for independence. They survive the sixty seven war, the seventy three war, and now they ve been hit harder. as a nation state at any time in its history and well I supposed to do what would we do? I think. I will leave it do you know when I saw these videos of
Parents being separated from their children for the execution of a child or streets fill with the Jews I mind immediately went back to the black and white film, these various Penetration camps of crystal mark one pull out from behind that cheap there type, a hundred back look like my daughter. Grabbed your by the hair, shoved or another I could ve probably never to be seen again, three tough guys. How many of you have a daughter,
ten, twenty twenty two years old, they go to a concert and then they disappear. The face of that young a teenager. Maybe a young adults grab from that festival, put on a motorcycle with one. Nazis in front one behind to prevent her from escaping looking out help me help me. Help me an attractive young lady, we know what's gonna happen are already happened. Father knew nothing about it until he saw the video severed the Jews due to the palestinians.
They break into people's homes and execute them in their sleep parents, children, grandparents, Sarah they do or do they do that. And it was amazing, the hull Ass goes on the holocaust. Wasn't one year in length, the holocaust Goes on and on and on and millions of people die. Before anybody notices or gives a damn country, the new york times which
extremely hostile to Israel, Thomas freeman, who is a big advocate for the Palestinians, that cooperation A corporation spent years censuring the holocaust, even though, was owned by Jews. Because franklin rose about mr iconic democratic. Further the least amount known by the american people, a better, really wasn't until nineteen. Forty four, that the american people began to understand what was taking place. You had report From britain and other parts of Europe who couldn't believe the coverage of armenia couldn't believe, it. The new york times had one
Managing editors now gone died, it's like twenty five years conducted Port of its own, so called reporting during the holocaust. And, of course it mostly cover up. The new york times, Spot in berlin was sympathetic to the third reich. In order to remain in june. many during the war to get those important stories back in order to cover up the holocaust. He behaved himself, but he really was sympathetic to her and yet it will be in the new york times that people will turn to fraud. Whose has fit the printed paper. Rhetoric, which will lie, which would deceive, which will project which will centre.
The are times is a corporation. That's all it is cooperation with the printing press, reporters had set board manage. His editors owners. They don't have a moral guide if your moral person. and yet that newspaper corporation has survived even though a covered up the holocaust. Now they're going to report on what's going on in Israel, who I can't wait for day four five. Six and the israelis really go on the offensive. Trying blow out this this not like entity Msnbc is already showed us ankle, factored showed us more showed us their damn. Ass. He can't bring on enough.
Pro hamas mouthpieces a whole congo line, hosts guests. Same corporation that owns MSNBC, owns NBC and, of course, its comcast at philadelphia and will give a damn. Do they. What about the television network now television was really but back then I was nascent radio curse networks. Most of them were the ones who cut into television rights, Yo broadcasts networks, the news they were told the Tampa down franklin about change the license period from two years to six months,
this campaign manager in charge of the f c c in any broadcast platform that didn't comply with what he wanted since pulled or threatened number the big networks, when crawling Two rows is all in the book. Think it's and on freedom of the press. And told them that they will do whatever he requested them justice Pretty much do they were buying already the way embassies report at all. This is republicans attacking Joe by the Democrat. I guess he doesn't deserve to be attacked as America, for what this helped unleash? I saw one liberal, whose name Did you say that you would not have
mention it. She turned the whole thing against that yahoo. Because she's supported the elements that wanted to take out netanyahu within Israel. So that was a time you see to advance that cause. he's a dark days and dark times was river import that you keep your head framework. No, you educate and inform yourselves. Very important that you know which propaganda mill to reject completely, which house which guests wherever they may be, are to be rejected, and that.
And there we join, the courts, have never again Who is the israelis blow out these terrorists toby doing us a great great, great favor? Back in the now you know, companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news And for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just had a day every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterans.
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the jewish collar. She is a disgrace when discussing a buffoon, go ahead, mobile mobilization that has been going on for a year and reaching critical points, not completely unheard by the outside world, frankly obligations day after day time after time. Otherwise, why some nonstop- and it seems like, naturally, our government is now waiting to to up to bring any peace to the region. He believes footing for me because you have people in there and innocent bystanders I'll be involved in it, but at the same time its side, we know what other twisted they have do you condemn what Hamas did inside Israel to israeli civilians fed and ed,
hostages, first and foremost, the western media must really abandon this framework that has gotten us to where we have to address. What is the loss of civilian life is project in all sites. Suddenly you ve got to seventeen really that there is more than two hundred palestinian death so far more than one one thousand six hundred in tat intolerance. Essential compounds are being worked out. This is a war crime committed by Israel and what does Mary judge this as spokesman for the palestinians. Just tell me it's Hamas, the power standing authority holly's go ahead: equally tragic, the blindness and new eddie at the world you terrorist bastard shovel. and by that I mean shove it, your sword and shove. It. and thanks a lot MSNBC cnn you're doing a great job. Probably be ruining for the third reich,
where the nineteen thirty I want to salute all of you, patriots who know good primeval I'll see you tomorrow got left.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-12.