« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/4/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, one of the greatest disasters in ancient history was the destruction of the Second Holy Temple in Jerusalem. It didn’t have to end that way. “It was the factionalism among Jews that ultimately brought about the destruction of the Second Temple.” They had a common enemy, but they were too busy fighting each other; when they finally united it was too late. Those 8 Republicans, who helped oust Kevin McCarthy, teamed up with the Democrat Party and destroyed it. We are facing the Roman Empire - you don’t make deals with the Roman Empire to take out your own people. People who can easily embrace and make deals with Marxists are not conservatives. Rep Matt Gaetz insisted that the House failed to bring up 12 separate appropriations bills. The fact is they could not get them out of committee because Democrats wanted to spend a great deal more. It had nothing to do with a refusal by Kevin McCarthy to oppose regular order. This was an unprincipled, personal, political attack led by a demagogue who repeatedly lies to conservatives and the public generally, and who is the favorite Republican of the Democrat Party and their media. Also, our founding and history is under assault. Individualism is substituted with groupism. The Democrat party is responsible for this and much more. You must look at the Democrat party through the lens of power - it hates our country. Later, it’s amazing that in all but one case Donald Trump is facing Democrat judges and Democrat prosecutors in Democrat cities. They are trying to steal his liberty, steal his property, destroy his business, and put him in prison, and he is supposed to be quiet?! Finally, Sen Tim Scott calls in to talk about how energized he is to take a stand against liberalism as he seeks to serve the country in the White House in 2024. Coming from a single-parent household riddled with poverty - he is the American dream. After watching Biden, Scott says that the Democrat party and Biden don’t just hate America, they don’t like black families. They use race and class to divide the country.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the
the The america mark levant here our number eight Seven three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one one of the greatest disasters In ancient joyous history was, Destruction of the second wholly temple.
those of you who have been to one, you see one of the outer wall that survived it didn't have done their way and about work just little overview that I want to share with you because it has meaning to today. The second wholly temple stood in jerusalem for four hundred and twenty years. Unlike the period of the first temper when the Jews were, for the most part, autonomous there If the majority, the second temple era, Jews were subject to foreign rule. The persians the greek eventually the romans aside for that I was caused by these external powers. The Jews were also plague internally by tom, Twas politics: they divided into many factions.
A phenomenon that ultimately led to the temples destruction, and the nations, tortuous exile. A concise history, the second About era span four hundred and twenty years with the romans destruction of the holy temple in seventy c e and by the way that battle went on for almost five years. But for much of this yeah judea was under foreign domination,. the beginning of the roman take over. allowing palm pay to become involved in the internal affairs of the holy land. Hc grannis aristobulus, headed lay given to day in the hands of the roman empire. The roma governors allowed lawlessness, terrain arab gangs, increase roman officers plundered and killed.
Former high priest form their own militias to control the temple Jews have been united. They would have merited gods protection. There was the factionalism among Jews that ultimately brought about the destruction of the second temple. Now the Jews began revolt against the romans. While they were fighting among themselves All against the romans throughout the land creasy numbers. They join the movement of the zealots who were openly preparing for war. Bar camacho stood up brush the dust. his clothing, had said to himself said some rabbis were present at the feast and did not stop him there. They agreed with him. And our slander them to the emperor. Robert. Your then, is a key,
actually foresaw. The Jerusalem was doomed There stood the need to transplant this, DR towler scholarship to another location. The Dream is pretending to be jews coming off. Her sacrifices also entered once inside. They look out their swords and began to kill moderates as well as visiting jews. Now. Finally, all the factions in Jerusalem had no choice but to work together. fight their common enemy, but the outcome jewish defenders, they fought with great courage, but it was too late. The best of friends would snatch food from one another, the top. Recounts the sorry tale of a woman who killed and consumed around baby Titus General saw the Jews were now weakened by hunger, yet is sold
cut down all the trees and a third came mile swath around your loosened in order to build a new rampart for the rest, And they also build them. To build miles and miles and miles of crosses were captured. Jews were tortured, they ran out of trees. The destruction of the temple, the romans and jews were crowded together and they're dead it fell on top of each other. Screaming filled the air and the floor. The temple was covered with bodies. Whoever the romans found alive, were slaughtered and fed to their dogs burn all the houses filled with the starved dead, the victorious. Roman troops marched through the ark would Titus was at their head in front of him.
The young and handsome captives carrying the golden vessels of the temple. wicked one, the son of a wicked one descended. Yet these are the good. I have an insignificant creature in my work called matt coming sure do battle with it. The redeemer. I wish him the potential of redemption was born the moment after the destruction. The second temple fell, because the Jews were killing each other finding with each other. They were not united And when they finally were united, it was too late They are a common enemy we too busy fighting in killing each other,
It was too late. I want to read you from the epilogue of the democratic party hates america. It may twenty twenty three is concurring opinion in arizona verses, my yorkers. Free import, associate justice. Neo gore such issued an impressive Its statement to his fellow americans thing is. Opinion is unknown or new ground, but it is profound in its consent Paul revere, like warning, not that the british are coming, but the tyranny is here And while all is not lost, we are closer to losing our country than many may think. Here's, the most salient part of what he wrote so March: twenty twenty we have experienced the greatest intrusion on civil liberties and the peacetime history, the united states executive officials,
cross. Their country issued emergency decrees on a breaking scale. There's a local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. shuddered businesses in schools, public and private. They closed search a close churches. when, as they allowed, casinos and other favorite businesses to carry on They threatened violators not just with civil penalties, but with criminal sanctions to this They are church parking, lots recorded licence An issued notices warning that attended said even out. Where services satisfying all state social, distancing and hygiene requirements could amount to criminal conduct Federal executive officials enter the act to they deployed a public health agency. regulate landlord tenant relations nationwide. They used workplace safety agency? Issue: vaccine mandates for most
working americans, three fetnah fire compliant employees and warn that service members who refuse to vaccinate might face dishonourable discharge in confinement, And along the way, seems federal officials neighbouring pressured social media companies to censure information about pandemic policies, the which they disagreed, He said the concentration of power in the hands of so few may be efficient and sometimes popular, but it does not and towards sound government. Our wise one person is advised. Maybe that is not a substitute for the wisdom of the whole of the american people. Decisions made by a few often you unintended consequences that may be avoided. One more are consulted. Autocracy of us have already suffered from this defect. left unsaid. Of course, this is me,
that the vast majority of those who acted in this manner described by justice, corset rovers, we democrat officials from new york California, illinois michigan everywhere in between the blue, states, cease being free and open societies. There were closed a policeman as we have seen, are experienced. Certainly in recent history, democrat party officials. particular demonstrated a lust and frenzy for seizing inexperienced power issuing fee, The previously seemed unimaginable many america lost their lives. Who'd may not have died without My friends around at the federal level, the keys to the raiment were effectively handed a long time, medical and health care bureaucrats who rejected most in nation. They did not comport, whether narrative a cave. sources outside their circle of sick offence. Although they were welcoming of
serving and politicize advice from the likes of the teachers. Unions memories, tend to be short. Let us hope they are not so short as to forget what was done to the country. it is one thing when politicians seek the input of experts as part of the decision making process, particularly when the issues are atypical require certain agree, a speciality Over nineteen virus surely did, but that's not what happened broadly. Moreover, the level of corporate and social media participation and censoring and dismissing competing medical and scientific opinions and demeaning the highly regarded professionals who attempted to voice them as well as lockstep acceptance over the integrity and soundness of virtually every edict issued by the few self appointed medical masterminds at the top of the dc beer at bureaucratic letter underscores the extent to which america lacks a free press.
it is proselytizing for the democratic party and the parties agenda makes its oppose it. Independents from democrat run, administrations of the administrative state impossible and preposterous for this. Country pays an enormous price in liberty in a functioning constitutional republic, unlike the I welcome party, the democratic party is more than a political party. It is the state party it seeks to managua Eyes the political system, the culture, the government and society, and while the Republicans it exists to try to win elections. The democratic party place for keeps that is election d it can never be allowed to interfere with the ideological trajectory the party imposes on the nation and whether democratic eddie winds elections. It continues building upon the permanent parts of the government infrastructure, it firmly controls, that's the democratic party single,
early dots permanent centres of power, including in the van federal bureaucracy. Subsidy, eyes: non government organizations, lifetime activists, judges, tenured professors and teachers. party members in the media, etc democratic party users, the culture and politics to empower itself in its agenda and democrats have no intention of surrendering controller either. Consequently, democratic party winds elections claims broad mandates. when it loses elections that ignores the popular will. The people in turn to the permanent government and its cultural gets to sabotage republicans and for with our american marxists agenda concept. the over time. It becomes increasingly difficult to reverse. The Democrats, parties, political and cultural damage. Conversely, the republican establishment is mostly flat footed course. The republican party does
exist to fundamentally transform america. However, refuses to acknowledge or take effective, affirmative and proactive steps to counter the democratic parties agenda. The forces of american marches- Many cases acquiescing contributes to them. The republican party fails in its most important mission then the american people from a democratic party that literally hates the country and is destroying it from within and on The democratic party, the republican establishment, would rather be trade zone base. Conservatives and trade Marginalize it then battle the democratic party, preferring to make Peoples to the democratic party median demonstrate, thereby partisan common sense suit of temporary political power and positive media coverage send a republican leader mitch become the lights.
Mitt romney, Susan Collins, leeson recalls chris sooner way, such and Chris Christie are but a few contemporary examples of this defeatist mindset It is also one reason why they and republicans like them: constantly target donald trump rhonda, santas, ted crews mike and others, to understand the nature of the thread and are willing to confront it? Takes Common forty two principles and foresight to recognise and engage democratic party at surrogates. An american marxist movements, goes on
the marty's these eight they hadn't come in fortitude. No, they didn't they're saboteurs. The house, republican with the tiniest majority, have been making very good progress, very good progress, those a teamed up with the democrat party in destroying it And I ve got more to say about it in a moment: have you been waiting
buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text, data and message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get rest disclosures or augusta precious metals, dot, com,
the. Confusion spin, what I have said. think they're clever, and to use it against what I'm trying to say and make the point some trying to make Primaries, a very healthy. conservatives need the battle, the establishment we need to take our party back. But I will not. Oblige a liar a sub promoter and an anarchist and pretend That there are constitutional history, conservative, Lessons to learn from the bible there
lessons to learn from this pandemic. We are facing. In essence, the roman empire, you help me, It deals with the roman empire to take out your own people. I'm not done I'll be right back. Have you been waiting
I gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, text: l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures or augusta precious metals, dot com, America's most powerful conservative voice. The mark levin show dial, is now eight seven, seven, three eight one, three eight one, one anarchists are not conservatives,
people who can easily embrace break bread with it, make deals With marxists, strong your lives, your country, you child, his brains, her or sovereignty are not conservatives now clearly there's a faction within the report Come party who are not concerned is there not a establishment republicans. What are they to arsonists? They're, anarchists? That's not you! That's me. That's not the framers of the constitution. That's not the founders of the nation, that's them. as I posted earlier today. Let's cut to the chase.
gates repeatedly lied to the american people on the floor of the house. Yesterday. And then, of course, simultaneously was fund raising, collecting email lists. Anyone believe he did on behalf of the people of guests, these special interests. Here, System that they have failed to bring up twelve separate appropriations, bills, You didn't tell you, is they couldn't get them out a committee, because crash wanted to spend even more through these appropriation bills. Some liberal publicans we're going along with that, and conservatives had to stop them in the committees. that has nothing to do with a refusal by mccarthy to oppose regular order. You can both ways. They had to be stopped in the committees.
That's why they weren't twelve of them and yet gates knows this. Lauren bobo knows this. Any bigs knows this: they all know it. They lied to you. Mccarthy refuse to go along with a continuing resolution, even for that forty five day extension, he referred who's to go along with the sea are, that is. Actually rubber stamp. The omnibus spending that Senate usually sends over their house. He said no, but I need forty four, days to sort this out. I don't have a majority functioning as a majority. And then the very anarchists or making it a pass will they get the majority act like a majority, then complain there's no majority
and blame it on the leadership gates, kept, insisting insistent otherwise He said, he's sick and tired of deficit spending and poured into a thirty three trillion dollar that we're all sick and tired of so what does he done about it? Absolutely nothing we're thomas massey on the programme last night, really the gold standard. He was attacked. I think by president trump and specific, but certainly by spokesman. for the administration when he stood up against all thy covert spending. And I asked them last night on this programme who back actually said nobody, I said, did gates back Who is an absolutely not, I said, the gates
the floor, the house until the republican stop spending like drunken marxist, he said now. It was too hard for gates to do So he blames you, don't everybody else, that's right and that bending was the second highest in american history into buying came along gates demanded that Former speaker intervene in his ethics investigation and kill it despite text messages, saying that that's what he wanted to do he's denied it release text messages, MR gates, release them Segregation didn't begin now months ago, it began two years ago and that committee, finish, should stand job and even engages defence.
The cloud should be hanging over somebody for several years, but I suspect. That little faction of anarchists wouldn't care what it says so either not conservative. During his ramblings yesterday, gates blamed house republicans who pass the mostly ass, a bill to secure the border from the ongoing invasion, orchestrated by Biden and the very Democrats he partnered with four. Not securing the border, I don't rosy red the constitutionally. The house can secure the border on it, so it can pass spending those He compare spending were bills were directors, that's what they did. The most aggressive in modern history, In haiti brings add up as a demerit.
And the worst to me, as I said, his gates, working with a marxist and the democratic party who are literally destroying our country politically, culturally every other way. I wrote an entire book on it. Then he denies he denies years. And yet we all know we was report after report. If the report seems to have a lovely for a yo see Here is the former speaker being the Democrats speaker. In the course of seventy two hours, he trashed him, Jordan. He trash jamie comers investigation, he said, when I agree as a ruse, he accused chip. being a rhino. Not honouring one word against tat came jeffreys to get here a word on the floor of the house against tat jeffreys, not a word against day, o sea or the rest of the report,
it's in the democratic party, not one word. Making peace with the romans. He was frantically fundraising, offers anarchy. Positioning and herself out David, taking on goliath. Gates of the others want up killing the greatest effort to slash discretionary demand, expanding in our lifetimes that didn't come from a car, it didn't come from gates. It came from the freedom clark, Which was working with the senate steering committee, which has members like tat, grows and they d, steady was working with the romans modern day marxist.
And the Senate conservatives wanted it to use against mitch. Mcconnell gates talks about the unit parties right about the inner party. Mcconnell and Schuman by but in the house it's another misfire. He's a member the unit party, he work with the democratic party he work with a marxist and. grant party the party that hates america there is no basis. So to do that, man, I don't care how bad it gets. This was an unprincipled, personal, political, it led by demagogues repeatedly lies to you lies. The conservatives lies to the public. Generally. There now, as I predicted last night,
He's on social media tweeting away. and now he sang according to his perverse logic. Thank him and the other seven thank him for what. well, if it conservative, like Jim Jordan, is elected speaker, he and the other seven. And their media laptops will claim that they deserve full credit will be putting themselves in the back. I want you to follow this logic. He came out of that session. Noted vacate the chair and he was asked about a number of people he might support for speaker and Listed about half a dozen establishment republican said he could support. even one liberal republika all that.
All bad for an establishment, or even a liberal republican, but the anarchists faction and give a damn they want to believe they want to believe Now he was attacking Jim Jordan. Yesterday now Jordan has announced here he's running. First, and now he's a cheerleader for Jim George, check chip roy the other day called him a rhino. He attacked byron donalds last week in He's arena and the vast majority the freedom caucus rejected gates gun control Nancy mace can this training buck and the other rubber
states as well, but let's follow logic should thank gates and the gang away. If Jim Jordan, who went to the floor specifically to give a speech we have for the outer speaker. As a friend of the other speaker, too, became chairman of the committee as result of the other speaker, shall we thank MR gates now? If this is the logic, we should thank hacking, jefferies.
we should thank every damn marxist democrat in the house of representatives. Thank you. Thank you, they're the ones who should get a big wet kiss, because if it wasn't for every damn one of them marching in line behind hakeem Jeffries, the chair would not have been there. Maybe we think both of them gators, dear friend, hakeem jeffries, who hasn't said a negative word about the last three days, but certainly without hakeem Jeffries. Bring all the Democrat that chair would never been vacated. Hacking jeffreys didn't save our present. How came you please didn't say: hey, look, eight, seven of you, whatever don't show up, hockin jeffreys didn't do any of that. How came jeff I got a little marxist
And he said. both his heirs, our office, and they do. The Democrats worked in unison with a gang of eight it the chair, so we should thank hakim jefferies and a o see and taliban omar beaumont. And all the other slow. Ball reprobates who hate america right because, according to Matt gates, whoever voted to vacate the chair, they deserve credit. If a conservative I Jordan takes the slot. This is how demagogues work. This is how Benedict arnold work,
I am telling you now? I haven't changed. Conservatives, real conservatives in the house- haven't changed We know the enemy is, we know, We have to do within the republican party. We ve spent a lifetime on this guy's. A flash in the pan gates he's a flash in the pan. She's on social media access, fantastic and look: look at these eight. How pathetic look at needs mace and unhinged. In my view, head case. She's angry because they have an abortion bill on the floor she's here because they don't have a gun control bill on the floor, she's, because some feminists agenda, whatever was wasn't pursued- that's all right by gates, he'll, take
numbers wherever you get any bags held up as an I kind of conservatives. When he stood in the way, one man who clearly doesn't believe and representative government in arizona as the press none of the senate and block convention of states. until he moved his ass out of their moved, a washington DC. Then it was like crap a goose, went right through and was adopted. I reserve that's the way you help save the country. He opposed convention of states, the man that they pushed out of office the it I asked them right on the show can back and never tramper prologue training, Gifting to get a job on CNN or MSNBC, now their most popular guest. Now they kings again gone.
another one of the eight that's three three out of the eight. rose and they are celebrating that wars of conservatives who are running against marxist democrats lost their seats. So six or seven of them. What have the power over the carcass horse rose dell want to lose his ansi. That will be totally different, He wants to be a senator from Montana, that's for the eight and I described gates, that's five of the eight that's five of the eight Meanwhile, the Democrats are on the move every day and in every way, the unelected part of the government, the elected part of the government regulation laws executive orders in the world, part of the government was actually trying to
something about it with a minuscule majority which rose, and I was thrilled about with new capped, I'll, be right, back it. have. You been waiting to
I gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist today, text l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com,
in writing. Pretty sick and tired. When I hear. Conservative republicans on the sentence high they keep talking about the house you know I conservative republicans when the Senate sigh keep talking about the house because they don't the gonads to take on Mitch Mcconnell. You don't hear them making noise. They rather talk about twelve appropriation bills in the house. But let's talk about you, operation bills in the senate, where they may have the power philip filibuster, the minority? There is no filibuster in the house there, also they can use roberts rules of water, parliamentary procedure and so forth and so on they can block the judges. Why are they going? It.
Our biggest problem- is that the united states senate- that's the part where the republicans needed dick, potato leadership, politically speaking, of course, because they ve thrown a company. we will show up there you're, a party like gates- and I came jeffrey, There's the other bonaparte. I want to encourage you folks, you fantastic patriots took Why are copy the democratic party hates america? I think it's the norstar now when it comes to what's going on in politics, the culture and I encourage you to grow
if your copy at amazon or any other place other than barnes and noble the this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader that the american mark Levin here, are a number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one eight, seven, seven, three one three, eight one, one.
Our founding in history- are under assault. Families and faiths are being degraded visual has been substituted for group ism. Color blindness is now racist capital and prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism in climate age, fanaticism, clan Arms had become indoctrination, mills for racism, segregation, bigotry and sexual perversion, teachers unions are hostile to parental involvement in critical decisions that their health, Welfare of their children in iraq are free speech. An academic freedom are shrinking and the poor state is growing fast. monitoring and spying on citizens, remedies banning and regulating more and more household products from incandescent light bulbs. Dishwashers
while creating shortages and rot driving, costs of others, crime is out of concern On our streets, public transportation and schools, while police. Budgets are slashed, Emily. security and judges, cobble violet criminals. Our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry. The country as drug and criminal, tell ship killer drugs into our country by the tonnes. And brutalize migrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves, and the list goes on. the democratic parties response for most of this and much more than six. Permanently control our governmental institutions. Does it dominates our cultural entities from the media that academia from entertainment, the science sixty
de legitimize and eviscerate the constitution, including the bill of rights, the electoral college, the supreme court separation of powers and so forth, which obstructs its illogical, designed abusers the rule of law by targeting its political opponents for harassment investigation. Prosecution and it seeks to imprisonment october. Thirty, twenty await when Barack Obama My shadow do a crowd that we are five days away from fundamentally transform in the united states of america. He was not kidding. I may fourteen twenty away when Michelle obama pronounced that we're going Have to change our conversation, we're going to have to change traditions, our history, we're going to have to move on
a different places, a nation she minute. the obamas are not alone among democrat party apparatchiks and their contempt for the country, In fact, it is a rare top democratic party politician who reg Ali praises. America is sincere about it. They mostly trash talk, the country, And smear millions of its people. Examples are too numerous to catalogue, but it is a party, that is built on the demands and propaganda of revolutionaries. Demagogues and malcontents And as a horrifying history of supporting the most contemptible causes, including slavery, segregation, the ku klux. when eugenics and even lynchings.
Indeed, almost from the start, the democratic party rejected the principles and values of the american experiment. Today it is the home of another anti american movement, the american marxism movement. With its various ideological appendages. There. prep party ruling class elites and activists are united in this revolution two swirling all around us. The title of this book is from chapter declares that the democratic party hates america If you want to fundamentally transformed something you clearly do not love it or even like it is Splain on my radio show time and again his summer says I wish I could fundamentally transformed my spouse. Then you obvious don't love or like your spouse, but what, if
want to fundamentally transform america and love our country. What about them. Well, then, the ruling class of the democratic party will try to destroy you. Silence dismiss you, that's the way it works. Biden has an autocrat Twenty is an autocrat, whether their marxist fascists or of their own making they want power. I've done probably a hundred radio interviews
morning noon and night over the past five or six weeks, fantastic hosts, affiliates sea or satellite online. Certain podcast, you name it, and I am grateful to rebuilding and has a say in the book- and I said in every interview- you must look at the democratic party through the lens of power tried there in the book, it hates our country, the declaration, the constitution, it hates free speech and hates peaceful protest. Said, agrees with in haiti the competition of ideas, it seeks to monopolize monopolize the language thought process.
the seas, beliefs and values in service. Tom power and, as I say in the book, the republican party is in a different place. as incompetent as so many are. They don't and recognise the danger. Some do. Some do and then shoot themselves in the temple in the country with them. That's a different story. This book is not written for politicians in washington, DC republican or democrat. I'm sick and tired of politicians generally ones a lie to us and then pretended to represent us.
This book is written for you, I'm one of the few people in broadcasting. Who spends and has been his life the study? History, ancient history, american history- I can't get enough of it, but there are lessons force. How many red twenty five books on people, who have survived hotel. A terrorism and armenia paper. I mean read the books tat, so many books. I read for this book that I wrote on that issue. This is why so many who have survived the gulags, the soviet union, the internal camp, that is north korea,.
The slaughter and torture in china, cuba and other places, not one of them- supports Joe Biden, not one of them. Support the democratic party. Now one of them has or will. And those who are alive today asked the same question what's happening to our country. This generation my generation, the generation right behind us, we're in a uniquely important position.
What's happening in america is not unique. It's happened before in other countries. Chapman another republics has happened in europe. It's happened in the Middle east, it's happened. We need to learn from it Can you tell us about the politicians are going to be able to tell us about it. There too stupid most people on broadcasting if they have books ever written. They spend their time doing other things and do not hold that against. Most of them will live longer than either
but I feel responsibility as the second largest syndicated radio show on the face the earth. To use this microphone and use. platform. I have to lay out the case between good and evil. way out the case for liberty and tyranny. we're running out of time. All that stuff Place the last forty eight hours I can t didn't help us we're wasting time
democrats and their surrogates in another government. There waste time. They use selective office to destroy elective office. They use the voting system to destroy the bonuses they Is there judges in their court to destroy justice and law. They use their mayor ships in their governor ships to destroy our cities. That's crime or illegal immigration. The you the teachers unions which are paid and bought. For today. Try the relationship between a family and their child and to brainwash They are at odds with the bill of rights, they are constantly attacking it. They come up with also to destroy free speech there.
Judges are issuing gag orders. Like candy on halloween. One person donald trump they did against roger stone as they did. its poor. Man referred in his. Well against anybody who gets under way. you're living through a soft tyranny. His alexis took for pilot. He didn't think it could happen in the united states because he said with all these townships villages counties There's no way under the constitution that they can control these. These americans Through a rugged individuals like sisters, hook, phil
Ro two volumes: democracy in america to volumes came the united states twice. He was spies by Marx, who dismissed him. as an intellectual lightweight. That's one of the most important books, those two volumes actually in existence. The describe america. I didn't have a lecture, the togo and mine when I wrote the democratic party hates america. But I think it will be said when I'm gone There is certainly one of the most important books describing the entity that is destroying our country. Small matter I'll, be done and gone.
But while I'm alive and kicking side of the grass as we say And keep pushing the hell out of this because a what's in the book I cant do otherwise. Otherwise, there is no point in my existence, Into this, radio show there's no to my blaze fled from theirs Why do my fox platform? I'm really not a broadcaster, even though a broadcast on multiple platforms. I'm an activist a mission oriented. I believe and everything I say I don't put away finger to the air and want to know who's. Forget.
It was against gay to form a carcinogen. I don't care for non agreement. Me. That's ok,. In the end, we all have to live with ourselves. but I'll be damned. If I allow the democratic party to define itself a party of blood lust. of horrific racism and anti semitism, This anti americanism a party the marxist movements in this country. in every other movement that seek to destroy our traditions and customs. Our ancestors fought for liberty, many of them died. Many of them died whose names we only one now
mrs racists. When, in the most brilliant authors, philosophers are dismissed, we're never discussed. We'd millions and millions of people crossing our border, most of whom speak our language, most of whom an illiterate in their own language. It's hard to understand a complex document like the constitution of the united states, can't speak your own language, let alone or language. have who's the disunited of america. His art lessons your junior put it the purposeful destruction of this country, and if we don't start pointing the finger
at the end, to do that's doing this rather than talking about it in a vacuum. Rub abstractly then it's over and I don't want it to be over. We can't surrender I'll be right back Much has been made. Companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge. You, for this is great news. and for new and current pure talk. Customers pure talk just cited: data Every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot
just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterinary, and only hires the best customer service team, here in amerika Mostar These are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on, during the most dependable gee network in america now pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this, which the pure talk and you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month, again dire pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I want to talk about What's taken place in new york today,. Amazing, let in but one case, Donald trump.
Facing democrat judges in all cases, democrat prosecutors in democrats, cities some one case. We see the dissolution of the civil society and all they said it. The york, washington, atlanta, where law and order is out the window. And it's in these places. For the most part, the donald trump is being prosecuted, civil and criminal. the democratic party in the media and the republicans stylish republicans, wants you to believe it's trumps. For this What's infuriating, right back now. You know it. companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge. You, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, pure talk, decided
data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text enough, fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month. Folks, This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veterinary. and only hires the best customer service team, here in amerika. Most These are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on, during the most dependable five g network in america, pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll saving it. national fifty percent off your first month again. a pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk. Today,
my flesh and should be the smartest man on radio and you can fallen eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one we'll be back. We are back, let's see here, you know Let's listener donald trump in his own words and donald trump, very dangerous man. If you love this country is very important. Man Dangerous man, if you don't love the country. here is another hearing. Today the court house, with a democratic cook, judge. He wants to campaign is not able to campaign. because they're trying to steal his. business from him and his children literally
try to steal his business cut six.
Go with you now: here's the thing america.
Close your eyes from, except those of you driving, of course, but in your minds. I let's pretend this was a former president in ITALY and france in australia. In any way, country. They claim some form of democracy and you're. Looking at this reform, president united states, who announces that he's going to run again. Italy, the leading republican content, to take on the current regime And they unload civil charges against him. In a Crash stated democratic city by radical democrat prosecutor.
campaign together in for they democrat elected judge whose already announced that he's going to seize effectively the private property rights of donald trump and prevent them, his family, from doing any more business in new york, which is where the vast Majority was empire is addressed. Where you can be accused of fraud without actual fraud taking place and without a jury. Said your friend, what elected democratic judge? Imagine happening, another country where what our state department, then you go to atlanta Where the former president, united states is charged with numerous cry including speak free speech,.
Nineteen defendants for their flipping a couple hours. I speak. That's why Nineteen defence to flip people, to say what you want to say, bringing a rico case. They mobster case against a former president who is exercising his absolute right, particularly during an election. the challenge at election in every way he possibly can. And under our system. That's purely constitutional and the local dear, whose father was a black panther activist she elected to The county, Deah fulton count seizes the authority that belongs to the federal government,
when it involves federal officials, any federal election to bring your charges. Then we go to washington DC, we heard. Since january, six, twenty twenty their words Place in washington was an insurrection by the president and sedition on his part Even legal analysts on our favorite cable network were saying that now by the way. the re silent about it now all over cable, but he was accused of this. The general six committee,
which was a stalinist construct, got that media stolen and he wasn't true for that, instead, the same prosecutor whose exe to the hague was brought back specifically. The hunt down donald trump. appointed special counsel in violation of the special council law, by an appointed attorney general. and the same prosecutor who is managed by several juries. The same prosecutor was managed by an eight this wrote decision of the supreme court, condemning him pretty
being a bribery statute and re writing it and expanding it beyond beyond their statutes. Borders has done the same thing here brings a clan statue clansmen, He brings enron statue any brings of financial obstruction statute. All of which are outrageous because they know they have a judge in their back pocket. refusal to reduce herself, who wrote an opinion in her defence, which was a disgrace and a joke and on her behalf, the department of justice told her. Don't reduce yourself. We love you, you terrific, because they got the judge they want, whose made it abundantly clear in case if the case had sentencing that she despisest trump democratic judge
Radical though they say in these other countries, and she times this trial for one day before Return they weren't trod can't even campaign. He can't even get on the campaign trail, but this model The first case. They brought also washington the wrong jurisdiction, claimed to have fixed that I argue they certainly did not the as a democrat jury poor. Injury pool- Charge him with over thirty counts. A violating, among other things, the espionage. And then the legal analysts, including some.
In national review, was John otherwise, of course, or the fonts wisdom there. The Joseph stories in the. Outstanding geniuses of our time because they once were federal, bureaucrat prosecuted. They say that's a dead cinch case There is at least six motions. I would fail to help unravel a case that currently, these former federal prosecutors don't understand their tokay turn. so. The judge in Washington, The line, even though there The second case brought by the bad administration to get her case for I've told you why, because she wants at least one conviction of donald trump. So donald trump is officially said to be a convicted fell.
we can't let that convicted fell under the presidency. Will he has the right to appeal that takes time. She knows it. And I had david shown on my programme, a brilliant lawyer, litigator constitutional experts. He said, he's had a case in front of this charge, a very simple case been sitting there for three and a half years she's. An area that one now, when a rush, we're gonna get this done He does this in violation of the due process under the fifth amendment and sixth amendment the right to effective also because counts already said we take it prepared and four or five monster retirement almost thirteen million pages of documents and that this document, We get to prepare our own case. We get the interview with you will do it and she picked the date on the counter. She calls the democrat judge in manhattan, the outbreak
says he do you mind putting off your case until I get mine starch course. I were our brothers and sisters and arms. Of course I will but. Problem here. America is Donald trump talks too much. You see, that's the issue, so we got a gag and so and so the stalinist prosecutor, jack the Ripper smith, he's far. Multiple motions to go donald trump, their monitoring, his media, and so he can't talk to charge we're getting You gotta stop him. While their leader, the president of the united states, putative anyway, goes on and on as maga paragraphs like the neo nazis, they gotta get up. Trump is like hitler. Trump has like muslim nobody's, gagging them, of course, not.
Is a democrat party doesn't believe in free speech, and let me say this particularly under circumstances like this: Where we all know exactly what's taking place, even the people who defended the frauds, they contemptible, despicable government media They all know what's going on here and they like it. and they supported and all these former federal prosecutors who were supposed to believe in justice and be objective. They expose themselves. They ve expose themselves for the sleeves bombs that they are so their trade, still ass property. Steel is business, destroy it still. Liberty put him in prison for the rest of his life under state law, federal law, local law come up with these
How can they be laws about by clan and enron and financial obstructed? All the rest. Injurious. I too short a convict and he's supposed to be quiet. Don't you dare talk about our trust, system that body and the rule of law. What happens in tyranny This is what happens in tyranny, so you must be quite in the judges who see these the intellectual. corrupt and dishonest judges who oversee office. They don't want to be quiet, and yet the reason we have open trials. It is so in question exactly what's going on there all the time. so we can see and hear, what's going on only the prosecutor, one gets the speak. Only the prosecution gets condemned donald trump and then they file gag order request with the court or the
Where did south on its own gag water stolen would be proud or am. I must produce an actor, although some people think I should be an actor. I don't know That you know we come back. People keep asking me mister produce. What are my favorite tv shows? You care, I think our list, a few of them. I'll be right back Now you know companies looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and dont charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk, genocide
data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spots just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens veteran own and only hires the best, Ms service team here in Amerika most fan, are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on, during the most dependable five g network in america, pound to fifty and say mark Levin, to make this, which the bureau talk and you'll saving it, national. Fifty percent of your first month again a pound to five zero say mark, live in and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, or a my favorite tv shows for trial
watch, what my why very late at night, reruns and so forth, but they're all new shows an I mostly. I love blue blood the reagan family. I love Tom Sela, gives a great actor donny all burg, the whole crew. They are terrific, even though they can say it, you can see it from a law enforcement and a conservative perspective. Lou blood's chicago fire, that is, fantastic, show with Eamon walker. I never see before he's he's the chief he's outstanding. They have a great list of actors. Do a fantastic job, and I'm telling you the production. There is a very high quality these fires scenes and so forth. But it really does focus you Chicago p d. Another great show. By jason in the leader in that one, I think
and I'm not sure and pronouncing this right, jason beige, fantastic and the new who I five. Oh it's not that new scott his father was a big fan of mine alex laughlin. And so many others. I don't want to start naming people, but the These four shows to me are really good. I don't have time no watch them when there are laws, but I watched them in my wife watched them late at night and They are just terrific. I can recommend them enough. Blue blood, chicago fire, Chicago p, d in hawaii five! Well, what do you want? MR, but is do we have time? Well, you really don't Pick this up after the top of the hour and behind one sponsible, genoa, we catch up her easily. Here I quit telling his cause, I'm almost all the time
of course, these the jury channel, which is Jim shopping network love to watch that too. From time to time. Why mark Oh no, it's soothing. I love the hosts. Most of the vendors, I loved a look beautiful gems and design and all the rest, and in the house are actually most of them. Intriguing believe we or not anyway. Ago, when- watch tv since most of what I watch I'll be right back.
The broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the hell america mark Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one so my think important information for perspective in context and then I want to move on alone totally let it go. you have the congressional leadership fund which is a car These political action committee would do ass. He raise enormous sums of money and use it to train, elect republicans
the conservatives to the house representative he was condemned for that by gate, saying he was controlled, special interests dance, when the democrats of dark money and billion airs nor out, raising us and spending a fortune, I guess the Look, it's conservatives her supposed to disarm altogether. So we can everyone, Every seed is not twenty plus margin for republicans, as is gates of sea You ve got some concerns and very rough races and of tough districts, but look what I dug up here so this Mccarthy pack spent four Two million dollars, MR producer to help Nancy mace. south carolina race and twenty twenty two get elected. We voted against.
Because he wasn't liberal enough for her. And listen to this, nearly a million dollars soup winning representative eli crane of arizona. Who turns around and votes against, mccarthy every step of the way, so why did you take the money? Why did either of these reprobates? Take the money it for that principle? You don't take the money and then well, you know you don't take the money. To make now also corner there, records on looking at mac gates. Nancy policy. Both game is same exact amount to the national republican congressional committee, the purpose of which again and twenty twenty two was to elect republicans, which is nothing
you're in a safe district in you raise as gave stood nearly seven million dollars. The thinking is, try How about some of these other conservatives were running? He did not. But it doesn't matter, and I don't care, though, be a faction actually had bangers. They won't care and that's fine who cares and That's that our right, I want to get onto this you're, not my favorites, sport, show as first take was Stephen Psmith. I just love the interaction I love. It can watch it all the time, but it's fun. I think about sports basketball, baseball football
you have see my favorite sport. I guess soccer any of it. It's become the purest form of competition here, the among the elite group of professional athletes, ownership management, the fans they don't give a damn what color you are. My favorite basketball player of all time was well chamberlain. I grew up in Florida that was my man and when they, He left for los angeles honey. I broke my heart as a kid Used to go to these sixers games, alot me and my buddy Eric and others you still watch him and how greer and chap walker and bill Cunningham and Wali dad, and so are the old days like your old near
anyway, so we had a black, and you know what you can go up to the side of the basketball court, at the beginning of the game, and they would shake your hand. Or we had on a little autograph books, they would sign your autograph book. You really looked up to these people and as a kid I never thought about black white hispanic, interracial Plus a man issue key robinson battle had been fought and won by the good guys you look at most sports today, not all but most football pa back. the bar for sure it's not
the majority black athletes. It's a significant majority, black athletes. Why? Because its color blind they want that. Athletes. When you draft a basketball player, a baseball player, a football player, those teams have a huge investment. They want the best they can get. So to me. It is one of the least racist. areas of our society. Sport, it just is. Are you wouldn't see the numbers that you see or you wouldn't see, the draft That you and I'll tell you something else, sports broadcasts. there, for the most part, wouldn't put up with it because
Significant number of those folks are minority black to be specific great. It's called the market system Competition is called capitalism, that's a good thing now. What about the tos a bad thing. I'm looking at this left wing site axioms. Abraham acts can The site is real name of course logic. Ass paean plus series on sports and race. This is this critical race theory bigot. Whose just had to let go in and this number of employees his special unit, his special, the boston university centre for antiracist research, cs right, Boston, university, professor and arthur airum k ex candy has kicked off any caspian plus series that
Guess who's on racism in the sports will go. What. Why it matters, they say: candy, whose best selling books on racism in its history in america have been banned by some schools if two complaints by conservatives, being a streaming with the sports projects. An upcoming netflix documentary well read american marxism, and you realize it's not just complaining conservatives here marxists agenda that destroys american history, its dishonest that's. Actually, I would expect on reading on his ear Plus series comes shortly after Kennedy was forced to lay off several staffers of Boston universities centre, for I raise this research worries of founding director or why did you have to do that? They don't tell us who we know what they were doing very much. And there are blowing through millions of dollars this
there was created shorter shortly after george flawed murder by minneapolis police and twenty twenty in its goals include creating a nationwide tracker racial despaired, a ratio, you sure why tracker of racial disparities all disparities or racial. I do that the debt, crap party hates amerika, thomas balls, soulless meant is life writing about that and is at an end testing time saw was never tapped today, They kind of series it s pay, and my only point is the me you hate america. The media wanted divide us. I hope these have and broadcasters, including my buddy stephen, I don't fall for this crap every There's a dispute on the sidelines every time, there's a quarter
Dispute or whatever whatever doesn't mean its racist little one of the least racist areas of our culture, the sports. And every disagreement as watching them the other day and stephen. I was, a lot of fun actually watching them and debating with two other guys, and there was a big argument on the sidelines: sky, darfur, who screen his assistant coach, and I must say, was repulsed. Actually was outrageous. You don't treat anybody like that in from the cameras and I wouldn't do it even in private- could better in private, then in public. And immediately the insinuation was the white guy remain out the black guy. If the black, I dreamed up white guy, you never hear the end of it. Now. That's ridiculous.
You have mass murder going on in our cities, mostly black teenagers, killing black tina. You never hear that discussed S, p, n or anywhere else or anywhere else. What was done on that side? I had nothing to do with grace. It was a stupid mistake The assistant coach? You don't rima mouth in this again, and that he was reamed out because he was black in darfur was white or that the public reaction will be different, the most public. Did you see it. I'll be right back then,
welcome back america and want to tell you why I liked him sky Spain is a gentleman. Even when he is in the midst of fire fighter debate. He still a gentleman. he says things that other people won't say Has integrity, No, that he means what he says. He's a man who understands history, he and his family have lived history. He is a conservative, he is a republican. Believes and liberty. and I have to be honest with you folks. He come under attack because he doesn't fit the left wing stereo pipe, and yet he is there.
happy warrior. He keeps movement along and he keeps talking to the electorate. throughout the country and during these debates and whenever he speaks, I pay attention to it. TIM Scott. How are you, sir work when you big ip? then there is no question that you're into like your fire is something that the embers feel in my heart for our country, and I gotta tell you a mortgage note. This is not what you asked me to talk about, but I gotta tell you anyways when you wrote the book. The Democrats, he hates america, but gotta tell you mark after watching The dude in the house- I would even mention his name referred to me. fan bo
Behold me, but the democratic party, the belgian aid, america, I think Joe Biden, satellite black family, because when I looked around what I see them using rays and fire to divide our concrete is mark I can't imagine why, in the world, they keep doing that. You are country, poor black kid. better than the leadership or three in chicago malaise going around the country. I can tell you mark you got me, fired up. Well, I'm gonna tell you something: senator you say more and a couple sent there are many, these politicians saint lifetime and it's very important coming from you because no denying my raise your raise my faith, other people's faith and so forth, and so on of the democratic party. Has you pegged? They have clarence thomas peg and I think our frederick,
One of my great heroes escape slavery. He becomes ease although it is an intellectual he's, a scholar, eighteen, fifty two, he greece will many was fellow abolitionist, not slavery, of course, but their trashing, the constitution, says to them. Why you trash the constitution? The constitution doesn't perpetuate slavery. Is It is governing document on the face of the earth, we need, our choice: people too Industry that constitution That's wondering aid in that to lay a lot like you I got a day, I'm a pan of project that will pay with abraham lincoln to what those two men under third will celebrate our my father's, not because they were perfect. They were flawed, but it was the constitution
I was the inker to absolute truth. Absolute truth is how we set people free. You see, frederick douglass, understood that our constitution and our deck rachel up. Independent gave an alien above all right, the declaration that will that does it all right, don't come. other they come from a creator and a mo you married life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We month, our founding document, because that people hurry radical whacked, their will and a lot poor kid end of failing school by having the teachers, unions then in the doorway of the school. How. Bill man Google elite ferries are located Oh, how a lady
people out just disgusting. It is disgusting and you mention in the last debate. Some it almost nobody else would and yet it's the truth, in scholars have written about? Even Patrick Moynihan wrote about it. Many years ago. The Democrats, who became a grant senator from new york, which is that these. social programmes destroy the family, the poor, particular the black family they destroy. The nuclear family And they destroy the whole work ethic and you so far but the only one who's even mention that tell me a little bit more about that, but morgan Think about it, I you leave was evil upon our nation. I make no excuses. I pull no pun to slavery was evil. No good came out of slavery, but I must feed and we should all take it
both work, but the black faintly coming out of slavery. We survived pole, taxes and literacy, tat in even describe the nation, more women to the laws of our country, but the great society introduced by l b, J, never dated poor and particularly black families. By me, the extremely poor thing, but man out about how puts sex Come in the mail, the result of that has been done. The asian that you measure in these big blue cities in crime
and an unemployment and educated people and hope deferred make thought port thick. It is time for us to tell the whole story more than in the nineteen. Sixty seventy plus pursuit of black kid grew up with two parents in the household in the two thousand and twenty is seventy percent of black. Kid are growing up in a single parent household, and that is the fourth shadowing for the rest of the country Male forty percent of white hid in working class. Families are growing up in a single parent. How hold? If you want to know if those who live and work take a look at the devastation,
in our nation. I must stand up and shout from the room up if I can't reach mountain top, because our that poor kid mark growing up in a single parent. How old man? in poverty, but thank god, almighty. I was given the greatest citizenship honor, in amerika. You can rise beyond your circumstances a new court. really on earth No sooner, I know you have to cause yet again, your plane. I want to have you back, but if people want to help you, where do they go more? Please I hope everybody to go to vote him got dot com. I need your help. I need your help, but I need your resources, because the radical left. Call me everything, but a child of god, bible than in the fire boat. Film got dot com. God bless you, sir. The folks you've heard me
about hills, to college, giving away free copies of the constant washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day, they have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your for for my listeners. In soon so, if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com, every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy, in hillsdale college girl, Levin for hillsdale dot, come right now, complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies. Last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy. Now at Levin for hillsdale dot com. That's l, easy! I am free hills. Del backup,
I then the thunder on mobile right now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one, I meant dimension Jim scott sight again vote him, Scott that come vote tim Scott that come I think the american needs to see more telescope. I hate to see him blown off the debate stage. While we have the guy from north Dakota, the sperm whale from new jersey and so forth, and so on, So I point that out. one of the year, one of the great magazines in this country is the american spectator, the american spectator has been a rock rib intellectual sky,
clearly magazine on about conservatism for decades. For decades, And it said it right now friend of ours prevents her paul, and they just posted a peace that says the mac. Eight eight sounds like I just said right, but I just got it. I just some reading it now. Mac aids did with seven other votes, would cover mccarthy could not. do more than half of the house chamber imposed, as will the And all this is by a really excellent writer, Daniel flynn, the general, Meaning a majority, the troops on the field, capitulated democrats to keep the federal of eyes of navy federal.
churchill us swinging its tentacles and snapping its claws. The general The troops behind him impose the change he desired, meaning he deposed the speaker characterized as a liar kay, suspicion. Mccarthy gauge proclaim from the Laura thursday achievement tuesday, ass. If somebody we cannot trust where their words that much it was not so much a sneak as he was weak. He reads he did bang, the gavel he tapped, it so gates in coming snatched the gavel from his hands. Spending bills emanate in the house. representatives, rather than reverse the multi dec, a trend and lead the budget succeeding six trillion and he goes on sweat. Look I'm trying to say
senior editor at the american spectator? Very well done and there are others out there is, will the means he question, mr. Women collars curse to me curse to me, the we'll take some colored I've got more articles here more clips here, but you know what I'm tired of the articles untied the clips. Let's have some participation. Who do you recommend eleven chris from portland Oregon go right ahead, please, oh hello, march loud It's exciting much privilege to speak with you. I just the regular guy listening and maybe hundreds of hours since I I first learned to view after rush limbaugh died. I started listening to and ever since a thank you and I looked at some samir, I looked at your books,
heather, rescuing spry and murder, marxism, samea the evil, further democrat party america and understood very enthused and happy to answer me like you, listen to everyday. Aren't you nice While I appreciate and my brother so don't hang up, I want to send you a signed copy of the Democrats, he hates amerika, and I want to thank for being a regular listener, now take care of yourself. God bless who's. Next. W b, a p arlington texas brett. How are you bread go right ahead place? speaker forever hold yourself rat. Are you? There lie further delay. as much as I want you to take my call. I also don't want to interrupt the smartest chauvelin radio. Aren't you nice
Thank you. Thank you. They want a meeting that sir I appreciate your seriousness, You are yourself like an open book here, not sound bite, You're, just I appreciate your lucid Mr of our politicians are judges. It falls to the bureaucrats, You know on elected officials are like morning oberon aspects. we are now some bureaucratic, we don't know most. I start no many or bumped into many, judges, hopefully and politicians, but bureaucrats all day long right, I
Let me say this you're very articulate. I can tell you a little nervous, no reason to be nervous and thank you for you. a kind comments. I appreciate that we're going to send you a signed copy, the democratic party hates america folks we're not meaning call so I get complements. Were screening calls, so we don't have what we get too many around round here. Mr cosgrove does really virulent anti semitic college, so we try and keep them off. The air is an I right. Mr Vanunu, and it is endless and it is daily. so I don't want to turn their show and do you know that kind of thing? So that's why Screen calls anyway, whose now MR producers. In times river new jersey, how are you in Now why well marked out you could take my actual. Thank you. You want as a bed,
well, every member of the military should be given the cost of carbon cuts tuition when they go and since they pledge their lives for it. Now that said, mark article two section three of the constitution gives the president the authority to adjourn congress in times of great disagreement at X, minority occasions with, what's going on in the house of representatives, does this rise to the threshold of Joe Biden being able to send the house Representatives hope for a period of time, and now I'm back when he's ready now return him. I like, if the buildings in flames in that sort of thing so now. No, and we don't want Joe Biden. Even having the authority to do such and he does not, and so I don't think that's a fear. Yell vacuum Much work, I don't hang up the Democrats, party hates america has to producers.
mark running in a book. It's ok I'll handle it done my party hates america will get you assign copy as well we have another color do any irregular, americans, in other words, Democrats now, ok, who's next. Baltimore, syria, satellite michel hurry you, I am able to get a gateway. I have been listening usually years, even when I this new about? We have a terrible connection. So here's what we're gonna do. Mr call screener Get my shelves number, let's call her back, so I can hear exactly what she sang. I have a love for hearing from. I can't tell what she's saying so. I think what we'll do.
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are you you are arming you You tell us about the true and year, serbia. I just want to thank you for your third it. Well, my husband and I enjoy. to you and comparing to weed out like always to have to say here that our truth, but we need it at people, need to listen and they need to wake up value every kind in many respects, and I appreciate it and Look I just column. As I see him, I have no agenda other than to prove liberty and defend our country, and we stand for. That's it. That's I don't put a wet finger in the air and try and forget where everyone's coming from I just take my own Give it my own shot and people agree great. They don't agree fine, but you'll get tee. What I believe is
truth: you'll get integrity, that's what you'll get from me and I want to thank you very, very much. Don't hang up. I want to give you a copy of the democratic party here America, I don't know, do I've got it. You know we lost michel in baltimore. I was starting to get nervous. It is baltimore after all and what happened she cut up Michelle w senior country. I mean how? May I help you? Ok, here I felt for here you now michel great. I write so delighted. I believe in serendipity the year was, I think it was it brown could ever the nineteen. I think you and now that you book was now out, I found September covering her? I do you also stated with your birthday. You said that you were birthday, twenty first about me, any further gay. Do I think that you in my daughter have a birthday in common, because here what
at the turn of the nineteenth and I get something in the mail from amazon. I never use amazon amene, almost, never any two blocks and wondering what the heck is there, the call for my daughter that day lonely were making a birthday party for me. Can you come, though I say: ok, I'm free trade for your work and I get her well. I was one of those people who is privileged to get a pre publication. Addition to prove for you from To a friend and ally, with the waited to have that honour- and I said hey, what would you like are there. An embargo copy of your blood nazareth avenue they are both body and that's what I did. I gave a dinner for her birthday. You should have seen a smile on her face. She had read and I know she's gonna really. Could you tell me what and so I will eurozone hard penury, great mom. I mean why not you not giving it but the democratic party loves america. That would be a fiction. So I want to thank you my step.
Were spend a lot of time, a baltimore because she's, a doktor at them your hospital there. I'm not gonna, give the name, but you know what it is so well, and Thank you very, very much. Do not hang up, and when I get you a sigh copy of the democratic party hates american. I want to thank you very, very much all these nice people, all these nice people. No. I just saw a pole from bright bart, favorite sites by economics, bus began pulling lead on the economy jumps to thirty two year, high value. republicans, have over democrats when it comes to economic prosperity is reached its largest and thirty two years? That's what gallop says: fifth three percent of American said they think the geo, piecemeal likely to do a better job of keeping the country prosperous. Thirty, nine. since I they favour democrats on the whose face in the economy now here's the problem. If you have a guy,
matt rosendale montana's as he prays for minutes your majorities in the so representatives, but of course his election is crucial, and so we We deny that just republican rhino but real solid, considers all over the country. These lie. We had one running in northern virginia, the guy's fantastic. If that's what you praying for man, you are definitely screwed up Ladies and gentlemen, we saw salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel. We salute art, workers and their freedom fighters all over the world, and I salute you, the most loyal, intelligent audience of them all. bless each and every one of you and if you have a moment, run amazon or your fate? we tell store not barnes.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.