« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/31/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Israel is not going to do less than we in the United States would do and have done for their own survival, and to demand what the Israeli military do what our military and no other military would do is simply unconscionable. The constant pressure by the West, led by Joe Biden and Antony Blinken, is clearly anti-Semitic, because no other nation fighting for their survival is being asked for a humanitarian ceasefire so that the enemy can re-arm and regroup. Israel is not only fighting their enemies, but our enemies too; Hezbollah, Hamas and other Islamonazis have killed thousands of American soldiers in the name of jihad. If saving our union and ending slavery were noble purposes as a result of the Civil War, then why do we expect less of the Israelis trying to save their country and their people against an enemy who doesn’t seek to enslave them but obliterate them? Also, the lack of seriousness that Biden and his flunkies give to anti-Semitism is incredible, and would rather call Americans islamophobic than address the growing anti-Semitism in our colleges and in protests in our major cities. We are allowing people from Arab and Muslim countries to come into this country unvetted, which means Hamas and others are sending people into our country to infiltrate our culture. It is sad that Christian Republicans are doing more to support Israel and combat anti-Semitism than Jewish Democrats like Chuck Schumer.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command, both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the
the the. America mark levine here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three eight one through One one, I have a little message for the media providing for the democratic party.
Little message for the islam or nazis, like Hamas hezbollah, The iranian regime. Israel is not going to do less less then we in the united states would do and have done. For their own survival, they're not going to. this constant pressure by the west, Take led by Biden, blinkin. and other sell out and pieces. Is clearly post, traumatic,. No other nation on the face of the earth is fighting for its survival and ass to have a humanitarian ceasefire koran quoth assets, Military personnel. it's an harm's way can.
Thing. An operation complex. So that the enemy can re arm so that the enemy can regroup today Man that the israeli military do what our military would never do, that europe in military would never do no military. Whatever do is out right just an unconscionable where we feeding. where we feeding territories conquered and controlled by the taliban. During the twenty one years. I we were there, of course, not. We should learn from our mistakes rather than trying to protect them and other countries. We want indoor rack. We lost a lot of men
And a lot of them lost our arms, their eyes, parts of their heads, their legs. Because we wouldn't fight to win, we refuse to take on a ram. And so our soldiers suffered badly. I will send a message to IRAN that taken out last us and they can do whatever they want and they give build Ever they want their we're, not going to stop them. Israel is not only find either their enemies. Those enemies are our enemies hamas, is IRAN. The muslim brotherhood, Islam A tree had they ve killed thousands. american citizens and sound
Zones of american soldiers. They are trying to fight a war We do not anymore and presently we will not anymore, they want to defeat Hamas. they want to obliterate. Hamas What is this humanitarian ceasefire stuff? Have you I never heard of that phrase in any other kind. Tax than in the last three and a half weeks did we when we talk about humanitarian cease, fires during the civil war during the revolutionary war, Don't worry, I one during world war, two during the vietnam war going to korean war, human, Terry ceasefire cease a war. They're trying to defeat the enemy to fit the enemy not for their people have died under presidents of both parties.
Pope insisted on coral quote the equivalent of humanitarian ceasefire. And Hamas, and Bon IRAN and all the other you have a dab, is. They understand the damage, a party slash western mentality and they exploit it and they explain the israelis. Pray to god we're going to ignore by they're going to nor blanket Publicly, though pat them on their head, thank them for everything. But behind the scenes they must do what they must do. And of hezbollah around when I open a second and third front.
That israel has the weapons to deal with that too, and they have the old. At weapon we. the ultimate weapon twice, those by We're both for germany, but it turned It was japan, a wooden surrender. in american lives, red blooded american laws. We have lost enough lives, war war too. Hundreds of thousands of lives. in japan, wouldn't surrender. Then we fought it organ our. people now and I little island south? And open our.
We are in suffered the greatest casualties in any battle in american history. The marines did any of their battles in our history. That was the most costly mary would gmo. not guam, that the solomon islands oaken our enough was enough. Ah, through world war, two Civilians were targeted, they retire guided by the access powers there. Targeted by the alliance. As well as manufacturing sites and military sites, of course, but if you don't take the heart out of the enemy, the enemy doesn't die. Harry Truman.
If they dropped the first atomic bomb, they weren't sure it would work. They were thrilled when it did. They only at another one, the upper japan, much like a religious figure. He offered a. A partial surrender we conditions. Truman said no unconditional surrender, they wouldn't do it. Two or three days later they dropped the second by they had none left, they pray to god. It would work for you did. And Japan surrendered unconditionally mark mark your such warmonger. Isn't it interesting History make sure warmonger.
Discussing history make sure warmonger. I don't judge my character. I don't judge my morality. I don't I myself, based on what reprobates contents and miscreants have to say about me or anybody else. The swine are in the mud right where they belong with Hamas. The hamas nazis. they have more. In common with Hamas nazis, there were people fighting for their Pretty civilized people who believe in humanity and life. A humanitarian ceasefire, that's the phrase now monitoring to home the israelis The israeli soldiers, those citizens, soldiers, Israel, is mostly citizen soldiers,
Monitoring cease fire for home of the palestinians. Oh, the egyptians role item out the egyptians, Take any the Jordanians when I go through the other twenty to our countries, they won't take em, but humanitarian ceasefire, where we now mass nazis steal the food steal, the medicine steal their fuel, they know it. but they want to do it anyway. Why? Because those art, honestly american lives. So Biden says it. while some of them are american, some of them are dull citizens, theirs. French life doesn't. British lives. were fighting, those are these relish the Jews, So sure we should have a humanitarian ceasefire, you Should never use the word humanitarian in the same seconds. Has Hamas.
Not in the same sentence and Joe Biden. They may be clear. Let me Clear so that Hamas, nazi, loving propaganda in the media in their little websites, the george This and a trial, co crowd. It may be as clear as I know how. And I have already said it, but let me say it again, Joe by. His blood on his hand, so does blanket so does Sullivan they all the soldiers maui. That humanitarian ceasefire- I guess that goes along with the human turn rearming of the islamic nazi regime in tehran, slaughters its own people, it's a little girl. humanitarian ceasefire cease. Fire gets that goes along with the humanitarian aid kitty. Palestine
and I use it for terrorism, humanitarian ceasefire. In other words, Joe Biden is pushing appeasement and stages is thinking about, The policeman and stages as appeasement apiece When stages appeasement railways would do well to patch on the head. They go through these seven and a half hour. Ivy league tied meetings with blinking and what the hell they needed do, regardless back then. Have you been?
by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bed investment but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an eye re or for a one k and want to buy physical gall to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist today, text le then to six eight five, nine to that's our easy. I am to six eight five nine to now. I trust a gust of precious metals and invested myself, eustace checklist to choose the best called ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist today, text ellie v, I am to six eight five. Nine to again text alleviate this six. Eight five, nine to tax data message rates may apply. Performance varies, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions. It get risk disclosures at a gust of precious metals. Dot com,
I have five minutes in the signature. It's gonna take a little longer than a start in this segment carried over the bottom. But I think one of the reasons you list for this programme is because you get perspective in kind extra american history. How many of you have heard of the battle of the siege of vicksburg vicksburg when american city. The american battlefield trust has a very nice commentary on it. This you're vicksburg was the culminating point of nearly a years worth of campaigning by the federal army to gain com Control over the mississippi river lasting four forty seven days from me, eighteen to I for eighteen, sixty three.
The crucial city of vicksburg mississippi were both its garrisons hundred lieutenant general John Pemberton in its vote. Population were surrounded on land. By may general Ulysses S, grand charming and on water. By? U s navy gunboats before. City was completely besieged. Many civilians, including men, women and children, and the enslaved, tried to escape, but were forced to return after encountering general pemberton troops, As a result, they thousands of civilians left in the city, were forced to endure. September terror and uncertainties, they were bombarded unable to flee. Civilians, along with nearly thirty thousand confederate soldiers, face shortage of food, water, medicine and comforts leading up to the siege as confederate forces were retreating into vicksburg. So in closely followed events, including em, about for aid dire to live next Pemberton headquarters
in observant, direst, thou, for often of what she witnessed and vicksburg in one of her earliest sentries may seventeenth. Eighteen sixty three. She wrote. I hope, never to witness against such a scene, return of our rounded army from travel, I can tell late at night the streets in roads for jammer wagons, cannons horses, men, mule, stock, sheep, everything you can imagine that effort in turn, army being brought hurriedly within the entrenchment. What is to be of all the living things in this place when the boats And showing god only knows shot up as as, inter no ingress or egress, no norway and around our thoughts. Women and children who have all fled to vicksburg for safety. then, all the mules and horses belonging to the department and all stocks of all kinds of fifteen or twenty miles around her huh thanks. Human life will be endangered by the stampede amongst these creatures when terraces them for
fear we have no programme provider to feed them for long. She was right. Soon, showing you, the city, began at finding food and water as well as safe, shouted became a primary concern for those trapped inside in order to gain protect. and from the constant showing on the city and its rounding, forts soldiers and refugees buried themselves into the Creating caves human caves to live in the lead, scape vicksburg, rising from the mississippi river, is a steep rise with firm soil. Making it easy to dig into the outside. Without the fear of caves, though, ask Tunnel sometimes connected family caves. case of a rare cavan, Variety, refugee, parlors. Bedrooms choosing via highly refugee caves, rebuilding vicksburg firms, but one room homes to multiple room complexes would parlours and bedrooms occasionally connect With other families, some caves could be large enough for sixty people value,
and furniture is removed from inside homes to the caves to give them the feel of farm, but as much as they trying the constant fear of showing. In short, it was not the same as a house one of the most comprehensive accounts or what it was like living in a cave during the siege of vicksburg, by the Indian soldiers comes from twenty six year old, Mary Webster, long bearer. Only only on visiting vicksburg but got trapped in the city, she wrote it spirits is in my cave life and vicksburg. In inner letters of trial travel. She wrote not only the building of the cave. but what it was like to live inside, and I'm going to continue this after the break. Mrs S, grant with a false. What did Abraham lincoln, surrounded? expert gay major hop Supply to the can, Better see army choked it off bombarded
from the mississippi and from milan, starved that people wouldn't let them in or out until they surrender have you been
need to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text, data and message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com,
your daily, a dull does a constitution. Giving show common. Now at seven, seven, three, eight one three eight one one. So I want to get back to vicksburg, american fighting american expert, mississippi, was crucial on the mississippi was a crucial hub for the confederacy. And Ulysses S, grand general grant knew that if he could take vicksburg eventually Eventually, the confederacy would fall They needed the mississippi as they supply chain. It was a very difficult position now, just one The stage here for you. Confederate troops and the citizens of vicksburg they weren't segregated in the sense that they lived among each other.
was a major southern city. It was a hub granite, didn't really care The war had been her renders the war had been bloody even by eighteen. Sixty three. the goal was to win it and waited as fast as possible, with as few casualties when the union side as possible. Now, as I go through their solo but further vicksburg, the battle, they call the siege of vicksburg, which was horrendous. No eagerness, no ingram was surrounded one part by the mississippi and other part. The rest by the federal troops and they were letting anyone in or anyone out until it was a complete surrender.
So I would like to ask joy reid. I would like to ask Joe Biden I would like this anthony blinkem. I would like to ask all individuals. But promoting insanity in the course of this war was the worst choking of vicksburg. Those citizens dying some starving, some of the meeting medicine never getting. It was the battle worth it. There were two things at stake. Saving the union an ending slavery, was it worth it for seven hundred thousand care for believes in a civil war to save the union an end slavery? Was it worth it? should there have been a humanitarian ceasefire, while general grant
Is parliament the hell out of expert from land and sea review, the let anybody out like this europeans on their own, who led the Palestinians, grant said no citizen and warrior alike, where, sir, The city, where choking it off we're, then a bomb it into a vienna. Unless you surrender. yes, war has to end, and it has to end on our terms. Whence it worth saving the union an ethnic slavery, what was it After the Jews, Saving their lives and saving their country. Are they know less of a people. Like in a grand would never agree to a two state solution: that's what it was all about to state
two countries no way. living side by side in peace no way. No, I was safe over the course of the siege. Homes were damaged. People lived entirely in caves, notion DE anywhere else, and there is no given? The caves several act Security one caveat: whole family was killed or credible rights, missus bow for her diary. Additionally, the enslaved of many refugees within the city were in even more danger. for they were the ones who were sent outside the safety. The caves to complete necessary task, such as finding food. Food was a critical concern for the thousands of civilians within the city while perceived competing The tens of thousands of soldiers confined
Within the city, food and water quickly became scarce and other direst goes by the name of Martha By July, third, Martha still making gaily runs through the market from Miller the miller family, but the food available chain Riding at her diary that Martha says rats are hanging dressed in them get sail with me, or meat. They're killing them. Yours, the killing of dogs, the killing, the cats they're, killing the rats they're starving to death. There starving it. Independence day proved to be a bitter sweet holiday for the citizens of vicksburg when the each ended on July. Fourth, eighteen sixty three channel,
Pictured surrender to grant and thousands of union soldiers moved into occupy the city. long barley, direst road. I felt, strange unrest. The quiet The day was so unnatural. I walked up and down the cave until well. In return. The day was extremely warm, with a violent headache. This is one of the men. He told me that the federal troops had acted blended. They were stationed opposite the place where the confederate troops, Stop and stack their arms. They seem to feel sorry for the poor fellows, who defended a place for such a long time. Here's noncombatants emerge from their caves, malnourished and exhausted they just wait. A wide range of emotions, enslaved african americans, found emancipation from slavery after the city fell to the. U s: army
why residence remained defined in the occupation good. Lord, a wife to a local minister serving in the mississippi regiment and they have confederate army, refused aid from the union soldier, other family I'm going to church because the yankees had taken sunday school in their own hands. She said many fixed residents remained, define the occupation forces general mc fierce into Few general order number fifty two december: twenty seventh decree Quote that any individual who insulted earth showed disrespect for the president government or flag of the united states, but short any officer. Older would be subject to fine imprisonment or banishment. The civil war was a total war, impacting everybody men women, children, free and enslave soldiers and civilians author,
the south. Families lost their homes, found their property destroyed or stolen struggle to find food and shelter. In doing this age of vicksburg. This happens suddenly to an extreme within two months. Within two months now, If saving our union in ending slavery were noble,. noble purposes, ensures how were why do we expect less of the israelis. Trying to save their country and save their people against an enemy that seeks to obliterate them, not enslavement. Obliterate.
one of the things that different between then and now is our media. Msnbc is largely a pro hamas nazi propaganda operation, prior that they worry and anti american propaganda operation even publican reprobates they have on the network every picture fully cringe worthy in swarming type, with scarborough wallace or their ilk Benedict Arnold. Freedom, the constitution and yes, the republican party. Have a home on m and b c, they do on cnn.
These so called media outlets are today, as I speak,. Advancing the cause of the enemy Israel's enemy and our enemy. The same people. And the same part of the world, he killed. Three, thousands of our citizens or nine eleven. That enemy. And the israelis are taking it to them now. And binds telling them slowdown humanity In ceasefire there's no, Humanitarian about stopping the destruction of Hamas, nothing. The phraseology is repulsive the constantly
true to the israelis, is obnoxious unconscionable no listen! I believe it's cut six, MR producer to joy readers. I write. cut eleven. This joy, reid on MSNBC go ahead the people in Gaza to turn over Hamas militants to the israelis. Ok, how do you because they do that Hamas is Fact of government in Gaza and they are the ones with the guns. The leaders, The most aren't even in gaza and if they were, if you are a teenager, living in an open air prison getting bombed day and listen to her language. It's the Hamas language. Why is Gaza an open air prison? It was We're palestine in territory the israelis gave it to them. So why is it an open air prison predator?
Terrorist attacks there was any wall or fence between gaza and israel. They elected hamas. Hamas started terrorist attacks goes a terrorist organisation by its own mission statement. So Israel seeks to secure its people. Why you to believe that the Gaza strip was sort of democratic party hellhole, you know like Done to so many of our inner cities in this country, but it wasn't, it was a blank slate. beautiful beaches on the mediterranean billions pouring in. The two state solution, it's an open prison.
Joy, red uses, racist anti semitic language. She should not be on tv She should not be anywhere near a broadcast studio, radio, tv or otherwise. she's a racist, she's, a jew, Haider. she's an american and she's a marxist, and she gets a platform. those comcast which owns NBC. Msnbc gives her a platform. And it is amazing to me I'll say yet again that you have hosts there like the scarborough who do not. Resign in protest. Despite the fact their colleagues an anti semite interracial, despite the fact that their colleagues as regards retaining hamas talking point. Instead, today they attack Netanyahu.
There are their minds the rather there might go ahead. And mexican police kicked in the door and waited your house any time they wanted in turn off the water and cut off your food. What are you going, Side without you know, to help them while you're dying stop. Please. You noticed this. She's patiently, comparing the israelis to the nazis, they kicked in the doors. You know it's an amazing thing is just urban warfare. Does hamas thrive at least. Think they do, and urban warfare did not. One of the hamas leaders say it's not our job to protect its citizens and the caves. Those are for our fighters. And yet had MSNBC continue.
They have a host for the enemy I'll say it? Our host For the middle east terrorists host for the. Ty semi bigots on our college campuses, host Anti white racism day in and day out, joy, reid,. With our own history, her own history, as our homophobia As an anti semite in a racist online for the whole world, the sea coast Prime time spot primetime spa. She's, worse than Tokyo, arose. Tokyo arose with japanese during world war. Two. She's part of the enemy within. The enemy within.
I'm sure she believes, as I do, that the battle Spare was a righteous battle. As ugly as it was the union and enslaver. That was the goal, but she doesn't feel that About the Jews in Israel, why cause she's. Their ties symmetric marxist, that's why. And MSNBC Nbc and comcast are okay with it I'll be right. it Have you been Waiting to by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there, but who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news. If you,
I have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com,
According to the national park service, the distinguished civil war historian. James MC fears and a real historian, not like the phoney binding historians, An estimates that there were fifty thousand civilian deaths during the civil war any further included that the overall mortality rate for the south exceeded that of any country in world war, one and all, but region between the rhine and the volga in well. Work too. The civilian deaths were enormous. Almost ten percent of all those died in the civil war were civilians, not all.
but perhaps the majority of whom were in the south is worth it. Joy reed was worth. There were no pauses for free ceasefire is ceasefires not once now once. was like in a war criminal grant a war criminal. I'm just curious. But slavery worth it the under Slavery worth it, the answer is yes for Israel, Is Israel's survival worth it. not according to joy, read not accord to the abide administration, not according democrats and media types and active
some college students are professors all over the place. No. Israel, survivors, Norway and that's the different. That's your problem. I shall return this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader, the hello america mark levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one before we get started on more? I wanna talk to you folks, our big family. Here my book was released on September nineteenth. September nineteenth, it's been on the new york times best seller list every week. Sense.
The first week it was number one, then it was number three. Then it was number five number eight onwards, a couple of things. When I talk about a police, state censorship, lack of free speech, the new york times and barns and noble, we get the sales figures, We know what the sales figures are: the new york times per itself on its list and yet near times lies over and over and over again about its list. Why does at least books. higher than other books when there's other. Starting to come close to the cells numbers of books are putting in front.
You see they waited. They say for independent bookstores, but beyond that, it's a secret process. They're not going to tell us, gets there created a fallen enemy hands but a majority of independent, so called independent, bookstores or liberal some important exceptions. I and since over, but the vast majority are liberal. But my life and I truly were in key west. We visited three of them. None of my books were there. I can't control these things. The barnes and noble. Has thousands of stores and you ve all been in them. And they lawyer their coffee in snacks and food, food. They law you there with toys, kids, toys to huge operation, huge operation.
And the word came down from corporate barnes and noble, we don't know who they are. Not too prominently display my book in any of their stores. And this has been going on for A month and a half. The latest people semi. This is from a barnes, noble outside in nashville. Conservative area. Their push in the EU must book pushing their chastity hutchison book their pushing me whatever book. And you people are really patriots who worry You go and where's levine's book. And over and over again, where is the democratic party hates america and the staff act like very, never heard of it before.
So as bad as this new times less because it is absolutely a hundred percent corrupt. need to be number one, and I list means I have to add oversell. I have some more than the person behind me by thirty thousand books to offset their corruption. But for barnes and noble the biggest of the big book outlets and that's their job that's their business selling books to take my book because They don't like the title and hide it the back shells, are worst. I hide it in the Torture is we're never sees the light of day. Is disgusting? Happen in store after store after store after store, my my was number one and that new times by so unless they had the new york times best sellers, you know where they are their up front and my was mostly in the number one slot or you
given the corruption of the new york times, the number three slot, the number five slight, the number eight it's never been anywhere anywhere- It's called the democrat party hates america. It's never been anywhere in the front. When you have a number one book you supposed what a poster in their fund and so forth, it's never been in the front. Oh, you put a stack of my books in their front window. It's never been in the front window. people semi video they semi pictures of these stores and I've had it have apps. we had it. So don't go there anymore. This is they think of you. This is what they think of that books with the effort on it box attacking trouble, and right they have all library books are tracking trump over their tacking report.
Guns and conservatives and talk radio blob. My book is in the back or in storage? Now let me tell you how this works. They give a number of books that they think they need to the publisher. They tell them. Need fifty thousand eighty thousand twenty, whatever the number is doesn't matter and so publishers, expense they ship these books. To all these outlets. Barnes noble, several thousand about outlet, Then there comes a time. When their warehouse or their storage areas, they keep getting a new books. They want to give those books back again. It's at the expense of the public.
So let's say Barnes noble orders, eighty thousand copies of the book, but they only south thirty thousand. Because I don't want to sell it. They don't want to show it. They have made a bit This decision made me business decision at barnes in up there, wind towers, mostly liberal, and they don't want to upset them. and the executives and cooperation also are not interested in free speech. Their liberals as well So what the eventually wind up dying haven't talked my publisher about any of this. I just about the shipping of books, though turn them to the public at the publishers, expense, so ended. Sure to censorship in it, issues, are hiding the book.
Reducing the sales, their punishing my published. If you're not gonna sell the book, wanted you order so many copies. and then you're gonna, sell them back. So it's really quite evil would Barnes ennobled is doing and has done carrasco. Has a relatively small table. Kosovo has sole more democratic He hates american and barns, and no up that's unbelievable. they weren't afraid of the clientele they weren't afraid of anything. They put the book out. You ve seen em, you been cause, go and there it is at some point or stop.
They need to make room for the books, they only have one table. I understand their walmart. And so more my books than barnes a noble warmer think about it. I'm just telling you how corrupt this is. Others, no conservative, who sells more books than I do none. I write them all. What do you think happens to conservatives who write books, the dawn. have the reach that I have the dawn of the platforms I have their smothered there's smothered. This is part of the problem. This is what happens in totality.
and tyrannical like regime the corporatist. Understand, what's expected of them, they're not going to put a book up front no matter how many copies itself, no thanks to them called the Democrats He hates america, if I wrote a book or some leftist, it republican party hates amerika, be all over the place that trash book they now frank and wrote about rush limbaugh. That was right there in the new york times right at the front of barnes ignoble that ash book, written about donald trump by thy, cassidy, hutcherson or whatever the hell or name, is on the phone. Barnes noble, trashing trump trashing. staff trashing as lawyers tracking, Sure right up front, mitt, romney book trashing conservatives MIKE Lee TED, cruz, Donald trump right at the front of the store. all good marks, but
By the title is too controversial,. Every damn thing in this book is the truth. Everything with end notes used ubiquitous lee. And it's because it's the truth: it's because it might hurt the democratic party, it's because it might hurt. Bite the next alike. Barnes and noble, doesn't want you to see it pulled during the business of selling books, not this one. I think about this. over the last ten years, maybe more, maybe fifteen years. Conservative assault, more books, and I have I dont say this because I'm bragging, that's not my point period In other words, you we Have made they may crap load of money.
they make more money on about. Then I do they make more money in a book I think than the publisher that they have made. Ton I've sold millions of books think about the people who haven't seen millions of books who want to write a book, conservatives who want to get issues out there and how their treated think about that. Alex Marlowe's book is fantastic on Biden, part the site is fantastic, he's a great guy. I really like I'm smart as hell. They pushed them all away down a number eight on weak on the first week when it was like number four or five on the new york times by so I left with a number. books. He saw go, find book a barnes ennoble get to dig.
but my advice is: don't go to barnes ennobled, a wonderful retail outlets, including outlets too, gus exclusively on books books. A million is a perfect example. Now, in october,. My wife Julian I and my mother law, but a couple. These trips we flew to the west coast three times twice California in last, began to las Vegas. I don't like doing all this fly, but I do it if the causes right every airport, we walk through hudson Now one hudson had the book something called ink, not one inquired. The book, This is l a x, the las vegas airport harry red dallas reagan. National.
People want to read on an airplane: they going He stores me to get some pretzels gum. God knows what in a magazine and maybe a book you couldn't find my book at the port, except one little store at all, that I posted about books, soup,. At the book soup. A very small retail outlet bookstore, but not hudson, not ink now they're afraid, but what's in the book. This hudson crowd was once content. good by one of the owners are sound. Conservative or fix it. These never fixed it several fixed. It.
So all those retail outlets- and that includes target now target didn't hide. The book be jays, SAM's fantastic All the other retailers out there Thank you very, very much. But here's the thing: america, we don't Need barnes ennoble to get access to my book. all the things we see swirling around the country today from colleges and universities, the democratic party. The ideology, the language. these threats, the intimidation, the corruption. democrats, judges and our court system the corrupt Of elected democrats, it's all in the book.
in ways that you ve never seen before in your life period. So those of you who want to get a copy, Go to barnes and noble We got some money now. It so they said we can order it in order. It combines a noble. But there it is sitting on amazon it almost forty Five percent off you have thanksgiving christmas hanukkah coming. Every one of these age, but other retail outlets have the book. And it's available to you, don't let barge unknowable turn you off or anybody else for that matter. firmly believe- or I wouldn't spend this amount of time on It- that this book, to coincidence, god. Came out at exactly when it should have come out of europe
Back then, I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values as americans,
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alleviate and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. There's an individual who I dont know J t x, two usa, that is their name. Actually I've had free to hd, f r E. I got a great pains to give credit where credit is due whose posted the following. This halloween summit, you should actually dress up as human beings and finally condemn Hamas, that is the post of the year I want to show you what a sleaze ball Joe Biden is highly really doesn't care for human life I don't just mean on his radical abortion views. I don't just mean the open border were found I was flowing any killing a hundred thousand americans a year. I'm
This guy's crash in his cold blooded locality twists. This them and is desperate he's on his back politically fox Exclusive, the white houses blasting house republicans for setting unprecedented bar corner code in their new bill, they keeps fourteen point three billion dollars in aid. Israel. republicans rolled out the thirteen page bill on Monday, which would completely offset the foreign aid by rescinding the fourteen point. Three billion for the so called inflation would Action act passed last year, specifically our target some of the eighty billion the package allocated for the internal revenue service for all its a wealthy and Vigils: it's not a wealthy individuals. You don't need eighty, seven thousand iris agents it's to go after middle class period, fox news, exclusively obtained a white house memo penned by deputy press sector and senior communications adviser andrew bates of debates, hotel tied up
house republican set, an unprecedented bar for helping israel defend itself and other critical national security needs. Silk heavy. They twisted the republicans want to get a bill done fast, Targeting monies to Israel in their existential about eight that, whereby the way a life and death battle, and what by did as he tied in with ukraine. He tied in with border But not to secure the border to hire more people administrators to hit rubber so they get more people in here faster and faster and faster and a whole christmas tree filled with stuff for ten. Billions of dollars would know offsets. And this is how they tree at Israel. I have to tell you something that speaks to the very core of our values as americans about a veterinary com
winning on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e the iron and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. This is a pure talk: dot com, slash Levin, pure talk, dot, com, slash.
Ellie vienna and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way clover. America's tyranny hunter collar. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, we're ready. Mr Barroso, The answer seriousness, ladies and gentlemen, with which Biden. And his flunkey steak, I semitism and anti americanism is really quite unbelievable. notice how they keep trashing? You, MR and mrs america,. That is how they keep crashing you, MR mrs america, like you're islamophobia ks. How so.
how sad how's that evidenced anywhere. And notice when this one how speaks they can Not say ty semitism on our college campuses in the streets by a groan, Swaths of the democratic party is unacceptable. They always have the same anti semitism and. Islamophobia. Barely there in the same sentence. Christopher re testifies I'll get to him in a minute, Two point: four million americans choose me two point: four percent of america's jewish. over sixty percent of the religious hate crimes are done to Jews now who's doing this, why such a spy This was the case ten years ago. This wasn't it. twenty years ago, while tell you why.
Because we are allowing people. from arab muslim countries. from the middle east and other parts of the world to come out of this country on vetted vague in that? I mean everybody from these parts of the world are so terrible, Means there's a lot of them coming into. Are we With our own two eyes, we read the signs and we know the enemy Hamas and the others are, many people in this country. We know this because they ve sought to infiltrate our culture and our politics. We know this, because they said so in the nineteen nineties in a meeting in a hotel, a merry at home town or the philadelphia airport that was wiretap by the fbi. We
this because there was a lawsuit called the whatever it was. The a lawsuit there was brought about the financing of all. the holy land foundation. My mind is low, slow, but there we go. Making their supply the question for you other than me who also set any of us. Nobody Ray Mitchell, why don't you tell you the truth? Jake tapir Won't he tell you the truth: frickin frack. Second, and setting a K, a scarborough scarborough. Why won't they told that you? Why are they always attack? Netanyahu. What they know, A strong jew is added as I why they keep attacking Netanyahu. They want chooses. Victims have started they death for scarborough is coming from because he's obsessed, but seriously
How can they don't mention any that's? How come they don't mention, george soros and charles coke. Why don't they mention where their money goes? They quincy institute. It's more like the algae, his institute, if he asks me, but what do I know why haven't Talk about molly Robert mally, dumb, access pro hamas pro iranian envoy of obama and Biden, To the islam or nazi regime in tehran, how much time if they take it on my story, none zero in it ireland? Has the gall tell republicans in the house that there is a bar high to get the israelis money when it By news attached every christmas tree ornament than
Can think so that he can think other choose me on that package. A good lord. We ve got a defeat these people in the next report. but we're done. We ve got a defeat. These people, the colleges and universities, are over run the democratic party has destroyed our cities. The democratic. Is destroyed, our media, the claire party, has destroyed our border, the dynamic Parties destroying Israel by the way friend of mine, dear friend, what color halley She came up with a new term, MR producer jews. sitting the democratic party. She said: let's call it checks it j t X, I t checks it. Let's hope that's the case. Let's hope that's the case
The better aren't enough jews in his country to make a difference. Quite frankly, our numbers are way too small. And so when you have open borders, when you have an immigration policy that doesn't base. its standard on. Importing individuals who support our country, that used to be the standard by the way you would have allowed Since to this country, not anymore gate we get to the front of the line if there is a line. Otherwise you sneak right across the board. Our countries being destroyed. And I will tell you, I hinted it, This the other evening, why. Attacks on Benjamin Netanyahu. the new york times and time is friedman whose pots. Lincoln Sullivan in that mob.
I know bomber and that mob. And I go on and on there is Putting a coup attempt against Netanyahu by trump they were put him in prison Attacked the other members, the other parties, His coalition, as of course, right wing surprise relating column, mega extremists. they created a civil war that was taking place in Israel. We touched on in numerous times. Led by, among others, a hood barrack. who is a radical left us socialists for prime minister, who almost went to prison, whose they get ninety seven percent of today and some area and the temple mount. to the palestinian terrorists, but they turned it
Don't you know they want the whole thing he's led an effort he bargain Thomas freeman, in the new york times anti semites self hating, Jews, the whole crap to topple Netanyahu, and it was so bad that aim brok, kept her urging the autumn not to follow orders from their prime ministers, should we send them a war? Can you believe that that's treason. He urged the idea, pilots, if they're called upon turn, Follow orders from their prime minister their commander in chief. Can you believe that here. Intelligence agencies, Mozart,.
I join the protests in the street they paid for manufacture, protests. That's why Israel wasn't ready. You keep hearing this talk by the brainiacs so called. I keep telling you. I know why Was attacked when they did with IRAN's backing? Why? Why because Is one iran are the precipice of a deal and they didn't want that to happen. But bind was already sabotaging that deal. He was insisting that Israel give up huge chum, of whatever little land it has to the palestinians for who state, final solution. But this was in the works a year or two. So that doesn't ec sense, but the mere repeated like parents, what did he say? What did she say? I'd better repeat that are I'll be out of the loop they did it.
Because they saw over about nine ten month period,. That Israel was its civil war with itself. Like when the romans laid siege to the second temple, when the jews adding with each other behind the walls of the temple. They ordered the siege, because they can see they weren't united. While it happened again on october seventh,. And that's why you see reprobates people who are her propagandists, like Andrey Mitchell, like Joe scarborough make Brzezinski her father was, in my view, an anti semite too, by the way, Zbigniew brzezinski how You say that my I know what I say.
And they still keeps saying why won't Netanyahu resigned won't want lucky screwed up. I want to resolve the matter. A war. He should resign and somebody else takes over. I don't know why didn't Glenn rows of our resign if the pearl harbor, why didn't george the bush resign after nine eleven, I don't know, but that's what's goin on. We'll be right back. Then. I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values as americans,
veteran one company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, l e v. I n and make the switch let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well visit pure talk, dot com, slash levant, pure talk, dot, com,
Ellie vienna and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. You'll notice, because you're really smart out there and you can connect the dots I spent a lot of time unravelling work raveling concepts like humanitarian ceasefire or binds really Unconscionable effort now to turn the reply. Begin effort in the house to immediately fund Israel with support with weapons. as a high bar, because they won't include ukraine, thousand other ornaments on the christmas tree, and yet it is binding Biden. My doing what he's doing was placed a roadblock in front of that aid, its bite,
Who plays no road fronts? No road blocks in front of a ran and seventy billion dollars that they get, because you want in force. the earlier restrictions, its Biden who gave six billion dollars just recently to the iranians no strings attached. Fine gave hundreds of millions of dollars ta to on raw. The. U n Biden gave him Millions of dollars to the palestinian authority violating the teller forts act no strings attached, and yet it Republicans how so he says, ache It very difficult to get the fund Israel needs to defend itself because you greater my massive of no spending bill, that's not offset by a damn thing. So what is this. it's, what totalitarian regimes do chapter for my boy,
The democratic party hates america chapter and verse, that's what it's all about and that's what's happening, authoritarian practice widely exists in the united states,. changing the meaning of words, changing values, changing belief systems, changing arguments to exist. we what binds doing right out of chapter four! That's why I'm here to challenge it and confront it and deal with it I'll, be right back, At cod, jeanne universities today are less concerned with critical thinking than with indoctrination, but I'm happy to report. There is a college where students to ideas openly and honestly, where they pursue true together with their professors where america, great heritage of liberty, is studied and revered. My favorite college hills delicate,
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he's here now: broadcasting permanently underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader american market, even hear our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three one three eight one one will actually be taken some calls this evening. Josh hawley. At a hearing today confronts my arcas. They secretarial de h s De Hs employ posting an image of a hamas para glider flying and Israel. Have you noticed it's the Republicans and even more specifically, the conservatives were taken. on the Democrats, members of this administration over there
began to laced Hamas like positions. Look at all that binds done. What are you talking about? funded their enemies. He funded our enemies in the borders wide open cut one go. This is a para glider, Hamas, para glider depicted with a machine gun flying into Israel, she paused, That, under her online alias these celebrant tory free palestine Terry Wynn, what's going on here is this: is this typical of a people who work? Indeed, just this is an asylum and immigration officer who is post, these frankly pro genocidal slogans and image. is on the day. that israelis are being slaughtered in their beds. What have you done about this for things? I'd like to say to you number one. A question I suggest that it
Emblematic of those animals- I can stop you see, you see how sick this is. This is so He gets on his high horse you're, suggesting that the Blood data he made no such suggestion, this self righteous bull, crap. for the pieces of the enemy is sickening. Sidney this is all the democratic party has this. Is it, and this is totalitarian regimes, do take reality and they turn it into a fiction. Go ahead, The department of homeland security is despicable, not sorry with a view to this person works for the department of homeland security. Have you fired her at was one oh for answers. Have you fired her one? Have you fired or don't come to this hearing? Room with Israel has been invaded and jewish students are barricaded in libraries in this country and care. be escorted out because they are threatened for their lives. You
employees who are celebrating genocide- and you are saying- is despicable for me to ask the question this: is the peace, a crap that has the border wide open and tells you had secure. these people hate our country, hate it cut. Go. What about people who say things like october, the seventh, israel on cleaning up the language here, Israel, the government and its military are you ready for your downfall? People same things like if Israel and any jew who supports Israel, may your conscience, hot your dreams and tell your last breath. Palestine will be free one day, F, apartheid, Israel and is the israeli. What Pretty extreme rhetoric, don't you think stops it? Have you. Noticed america, whose coming to the defence.
Civilization, coming to defence of Israel and the Jews. How can you be a jew in a democratic today? I just want to know how is it even supper. The Democrats in the committee are raising these questions. The Democrats The committee art. Admonishing this man. Employees under his watch, I don't care if there's one two thousand and one that's his job. Are they not concerned where the Democrats. Where's Schumer Schumer gets up there is diverting all the time it's attack in the region but given the house these rip tackling the root a package in the house of representatives. Do you know that the jewish republicans in the house of representatives? That's it and Schuman is the majority leader for the Democrats in the senate, he's jewish jews and are also representatives. The republicans are trying.
do more to protect Israel, then a jew, where's democrat majority later in the center sickening. That's why I say people listening to the show orangist your righteous trend, tat god bless you Because you know good from evil right from wrong moral, honest people. go ahead? I do, and I think there is a distinction- Between espousing or endorsing terrorist ideology and speech Is this odious that does not rise to that level? Fair, this person works for you. Women still with this filth,. And I want to say what I've been saying here on fox and on blaze.
all these here today, anti semites or democratic. The offer democratic; they voted. Ah they're. All democrats. Universities, professors, democrats, media types, democrats. Joe Biden, who founded the enemy, funded them Democrat. Now in my arcas at the hearing today cut forego insipid the department of homeland security, published twenty twenty four homeland threat assessment. Laying out direct, pressing, pressing Threats to our security already Weeks since the assessment was published, the world has changed. hamas terrorists horrifically
attacks. Thousands of innocent men women. In children in Israel, on october, seventh, brutally, murdering, wounding and taking Passages of all ages, in the days and weeks since we respond to an increase in threats against jewish muscle, An arab american communities and dozens of crony- I told you- this is how they do it. They were, Their base is fill. They tie, semites filled with them. filled with Hamas, loving voters and supporters and this is how they deal with it. They could. Ambiguity ambiguity. Arabs in this country are being threatened in any stomach are ubiquitous way Muslims in this country are being threatened in any systemic, are ubiquitous way carefully
three times more hate, something or other with much care is. Hamas front group they ve, yet what else statement apologizing to what happened on october. Seventh. And they have their media types like joy, reed and their meeting. Types like Joe Scarborough who diverts attention and netanyahu in the middle of all of us MSNBC is pro be the number one problem Hamas propagate operation in the country: lot of close number two is don't get me wrong, but MSNBC leads the pack and not a single person has resigned from that network in protest. Not one must agree with it. They must agree with it. In fact, for a pro hamas network, I'd be outdated. Thirty seconds, nobody had explained to me, but I'm proud other coverage, and yet these these.
We must be proud of. What's goin on MSNBC, you know, people say how People have been silent at a nineteen thirty, forty one on your tv, teghmus, NBC and cnn, and see it. see the silence even worse, see propaganda. The enemy see it. And see when it comes to media outlets that are not cable networks, newspapers, radio, how can people be silent even worse? How can they defended. Ron Johnson is a great american. when he is my yorkists in its sights set this hearing today. I want you to listen to this cut five. Go when. people has this administration: let in Encountering process
in disbursing or come in is unknown unknown got away. What what. Actually, I don't need exact number sorta. We got limit. Let me let me I need numbers. I again don't feel about me how many people has this ministration went into the country. Let me say at the outset that our job, would be a lot easier if the broke migration system of legislation in this sector. I want to know how many. No, have you went into this country I should also, however, I'll give you now is about six million. Can immigration system there. Like the arsonists burning down a building and say, are broken fire department. is this? Is this serious. These people have destroyed whatever immigration system we had. Everybody knows it: Even the mayor of new york knows it.
Everybody knows it and they fall. Comprehensive immigration reform. so the arsonists there's blaming the fire department sick, And look, he wouldn't give an answer. so Johnson gave him the answer for him. Six million. Here's christopher re being questioned by Denying Blumenthal cut six go. What has now increased is the greater possibility of one of these foreign terrorist organizations, direct Attack well, let me ask you a question america, foreign organization, directing and attack in america, good old america. Now, who would that be. Whether it be the israelis who are prepared to direct attack against america now, would it be? Jewish people who are preparing attack against america,
preparing an attack against america. Who is it say? No, we can't do that. One. Go ahead. We haven't seen ever that is actually happening. What we have seen Is- and I listed them off in my opening remarks- one terrorist organization after another calling for attacks, and wishes where's organizations one after another. That sounds like a lot of them where they based who are the terrorists. But one of them just curious where they based through the terrorists, are the had acts juice now. bad rabbis now, but are, they were, are some believable
Just sitting absolutely unbelievable: go ahead, the time to be concerned, we are in a dangerous period, so is the fbi able to track all threats? prevent these individuals from conduct, an attack on us soil. I couldn't say that we are able to detect all individuals who the people that we know about as secretary rumsfeld used to say, the no known we're quite good Together with our partners, but the unknown unknown that I worry about quite billy. Unknown are unknown that you worry about that. The idiot sitting right next to a D dress says, We only comprehensive immigration reform. I don't you know what that means to you. These people destroy our country than they throughout these shibboleth. That's two big of a word for the left wing wing kooks their goal
if we do not have either individual foreign tourists or terrorist cells are filled with foreign groups. Currently is now illumined thought by the way this is rick scott, who is a great senator, go ahead, sates we're, not we're, not tracking that. But again I can point back to what it is. The gaps in our intelligence are real and something that we have concerns about. directory. So what would you? How would you? What would you say right now to the american public is like him? I say I've got a significant jewish population, theirs to go to synagogue, have odd they're scared, it's in their kids to day schools. So scientists them it's your other individual. My daughter's called me said: should they be sending their kids school about? Would you tell americans right now about the threat? Today as compared to before this is the time for panic, but Is a time for vigilance we
stop conducting our daily lives going to schools, houses of worship, xenophobia, weighty, it you're the guy with the EU and where's. That an attorney general by the way, committed, more resources to the Astrogation early january six parameters and protestors than anything else in our country, in fact, it's the biggest investigation in the history, the fbi mega extremists. Peter do see really now the spokesman it for the idiot she went I call Hamas extremists are the people marching in the streets for Hamas extremists, but she has no problem with stream mega extreme mega. That's what I mean about the totalitarian vocabulary agenda. That is in the democrat party. Go ahead
but we should be vigilant. You often hear the expression. If you see something say something I see something hand I'll say something: the borders wide open, moron. You got care Hamas. Front group what you gonna do about him: yeah students justice in palestine, another Hamas front group what're, you gonna, do about it sorrows, funding these groups where you gonna do about him I saw something I said something now: what the hell are you going to do nothing back, then this episode is brought to you by medical history. Imagine if your couch kids and into court side seats at the indicating the text if you're living room could transform into renaissance vanish from assassins greed nexus? If your hallway could be along fair way and golf plus,
imagine if your breakfast, this could. Could we a breakfast look? Well, it's got demagoguery, strange things we are in it do more than imagine, expand your world with the new medical three now with over five hundred titles dive into see, shouted the gardens online account pretend blustered naps, games and experiences may be suitable for a more mature audience the Democrats, mine, they hate Netanyahu, they treated him like treat anybody else who runs estate, country, duly elected, and if when in abundance thinking. You just watch carbon because he has an I q about as big spines at ten
Most supporters of Israel would agree with Benjamin Netanyahu. In many ways I accept the benjamin Netanyahu part. He was responsible for that and not just directly by Israel, sleeping and the defence forces sleeping in him, obsessing over wars against the courts and keep in mind scarborough has no idea what happened. No idea, unity. But he has literally no idea, what's happened. and here there in the middle of a war. I guess Barbara bureau, what had been on some crap network when I hated pearl harbor trash after your course? Not, I guess Would have been trashing george, w bush or nine of course, not, but barbara has anonymous, a real animist towards strong jewish leaders, like Netanyahu,
did his wife and does his wife's did his wife's father Brzezinski. As did Jimmy Carter. So that's where his mind is right now, he's telling you that, me, I was asleep at the wheel. Netanyahu is obsessed with this court proceedings. Netanyahu was there's nothing. I was back home they tell us audience about what was actually Taking place in Israel, never It's a jackass he's on that network. He's therewith pro hamas individuals who spew their anti semitism the racism, their bigotry every night, he's not going to resign where he gonna go, can go to congress fox, wanted nothing to do, and he and his missus failed at radio, what are they going to do so he saw it sells his soul, such as it is, seventeen, I q doesn't say anything interesting are profound or historical, Jes regret
dictates when he hears somewhere else, mostly by joy. Reed, I'll, be right, back criminal like the financial system by different it does care where you come from what you look like you're credit score or your outrageous through delivery habits. Crypto is financed for everyone everywhere. All the time machine crack and dot com flash see what crypto can be to learn more, not investment, vice crypto trading involves risk of loss. Crypto currency services are provided to: u s: anuath territory, customers by papered ventures, hank view pdf disclosures, a crack and complex legal, slash, disclosures I put the right now: seventy seven three one, three one one islamophobia, just reiterate what I said last night, but I want to repeat the whole thing
There is islamophobia its violent its genocidal. And it exists in the middle east, existing communist china, that's where it exists. It exists in muslim in our countries Sits with palestinians, Hamas. The palestinian authority all his slumber, phobic. saudi arabia, Jordan, egypt, you, ok, Arab slash muslim countries, they have slaughtered more muslims, then we can even count There are always at each other's throats. Slaughtering each other.
There was a sunni who's, a shi ite who's. This, whose are that islamophobia this group care islamophobia they promote Hamas. They are crucial. It by Hamas thorough lama phobic: are they not? Yes, they are. as are the other front groups for terrorists, the other front groups for terrorists, I was watching a local amis lsd channel. think it was in florida, but it may be in LAS vegas. Today's are kind of mixing up. And the anchors cited care. Care says that That was amiss and bc. Care says that three I'm am increase in islamophobia, whatever.
The hell are these fools talking about. it's a sad fact that this is done. To try and create a moral equivalency. When terrorists and people who believe in humanity and life. the organization care should be fully investigated by the fbi and the eternal revenue service, Should be eliminated functioning organization of front group for Hamas, its There should be investigated, that is its senior members. It is her Regional offices and its washington office See if they have links and many do. To organisations that are promoting terrorism and these individuals.
If they here on a visa, if they're not here illegally, should be immediately deported back to Gaza, the real hope right removed. I'm been talking about defending the funding, Colleges and universities, those of you who read american marxism, it's right there, one of my proposals. now more than ever. I've heard on republican governor stand up and say this is what we need to do. The scientists. I've heard other say it to, but he's actually governor he's trying to do it. Dissenters fights the culture, wars, Nicky, Hayley, attacks,. What do you say to said? No, no, In the united states, not from the palestinian authority, not from the Gaza strip,
because their cultures different it because they ve been brainwashed. I hate, americans and hey Jews dickie hayley denied and then she reverse course just telling you the truth. When I was at the republican Coalition I watched him. Scott gave a fabulous speak. I watched governor to scientists gave a fabulous, be Peggy haley's, their attacking trump. I walk. There. Trump gave a fantastic speak Chris Christy's, all over the media. Salivating curtsey celebrates all the time you know he's looking for a year chicken, agar here she chocolate bar, but
though he salivating, because he can't wait for donald trump to be thrown in prison in violation of one of these unconstitutional gag, who the hell once a guy like that, as the nominees for the republican, but nobody. Nobody wants. Chris Christie can't get stopped at a stop sign unless he's trashing trump and any they bring a man. Cnn Msnbc couple of our home on fox. They bring him into the, hey where we want to hear a chris S to say why. peace in irrelevancy because he's a republic in the treasures. Republicans, that's why Why he shorter the mac gates of the rhinos? May I say that MR producer gates of the rhinos. Throws a turnus when we put my should use it in his case. It's.
it's something I dont want even imagined be honest with you. That's what's going on there. Let's take a few calls I said I would therefore bill and I should like to see and pulling them up Let us go aims: odessa, texas, syria, satellite james. How are you, sir, but god bless you, go right ahead: I'm always listened earlier in their mentioning these threats that They are aware of our face threat, considered a crime. Yeah, you mean the fbi, yeah, I don't know they the guy's not transparent at all, so we don't even know what the hell are. You she's talking about exactly You don't get anything more than a headline from him. Christopher raise a disaster. He needs to go to view spending
most of your investigator resources on people who were protesting and peacefully outside of the capital. Coming or people who went into the building, maybe looked around. sure why they were there and left is opposed to the vote people there you shouldn't be fbi directive should be gone. Thank you for it call James. Let us continue shower. Yes, we can betsy philadelphia the great w phd, a great trade. six years with hard and who is a year, always angry and upset and not happy while he collects as forty five million dollars guerrero please Nancy, hi marked now eat you. In name only that would be garland. May europe is blinkin yellin kemal of hope, then you're not rhino their china's that's my name for them they would all be hiding in fear at their idea.
Amateurs maters fear for their lives but gun. I want To tell you that when I called comcast here in philly, where they are headquartered. I wanted to complain which I did about the programming and I could make in a bigger programming on envy. Seeing MSNBC cureth with their executive officers, told me well we're not in charge of them programming on those shows. We just provide the means by which they can there are liars air, the course of For where the clansmen they'd pull them and they should but we're dealing with Hamas nazis and many of their vocal supporters. Equally or ambiguously and kind. This does nothing. Let me suggest Do you folks, if you have a comcast. cable line, going to think about it. We ought to think hard about it. Thank you
God bless you, my friend, philadelphia, hometown, let's go to Michael or macao spring in iowa, the gray k, I l r. How are you. I am great market actually met all I was closed. The eye like like a lot of people, yes eradicate, yeah, I thought I'd. I interrupting thought that when, when you replaying joyless ribs clip here a little while back then the beginning The show anyway farm she made the com about how you know with these the palestinians you know just taken it takes. Back government. How a government is Hamas and they are the ones that have gone well. If internet thing, how one you disarm population and The government is the ones that got the gun
They can run roughshod over the population, a point that interesting first of all its supplied by her, but secondly, that the general the ball is that people should be armed. and she's such a moron. She doesn't realise she said that I'm sure Joe Scarborough picked up on it. our I, my friend thank you for your call. Let's keep playing Had, let's get another variants, but turkey, new mexico k, k, o b the blow towards station and a wonderful affair It they're events go right ahead michael. Ah, yes, I am a farmer an election My glasses walmart. I just want to download the book I'm going to pass it along to my passengers, please safely,
thank you my friend you. They carry yourself and thank you and thank you for your service. God bless we'll be right back much love in the elevate, your company's mental health strategy with com business, a preventive self care to all your employees can access anytime anywhere to manage stress and anxiety and sleep better than ever before and with enterprise, great management tools and analytics com business gives you data insight into what your workforce needs to be happier and healthier com. Business. Mental wellness in the palm of your hand, learn more at business see. I m dotcom grab a power to ITALY. Do we have to accept Let's go right
san diego california, on the mark. Levin app go right ahead, plays Thank you. So much rolling you do again official, recycle crossing point. I know you, Now you tell me I couldn't hold this guy my office, inviting the kitchen jeopardizing. Eighty mercantile knowing a hundred percent, which I think it is high. I like it, it's time to go right for the tough guy, not the other guys to many of you. We'll get confused time all these are his policies from arming the enemy opening our border to terrorists. Hundred thousand darrell s friend. Now, that's enough already we ve, now for this in its time, patron of the senate. GonNA, you know Well, it's fingers that's their problem. Let let the republicans who say no, let them suffered the poles, but we have to What's right and what's constitutional come? What may are, I might Thank you for your call, Kurt.
hundred and new jersey, w abc go. No, I mean miss alive. It's an honor privilege, you speak with you, yes, you do. For a attention and love. I'd, never call a talk, show or any show in my entire life, which is a little bit a few years older than tat more than yours? I goodbye apologise for that. Our eye. I wanted but you up a dead body, but we give to your book was read your news. What was really I did go to appoint a noble it. Wasn't it Nor, however, not displayed out front, then find their own shop into the few of them and walked back out over the table. in this sea new jersey store, you wait a couple you a boxer up front so that everybody can see. I want it. I was buying a book for I eat glow in the sun, which was always been a child's book, and I had your book in a couple of chapbooks on Open it I'd want to register the child book all they give me the big smiles and adapt to your book
get a change of attitude where exactly Well, thank you, brother you're, very, very kind, of two or three on a shelf in the back. But that's not where word supposed to be. Thank you. God bless, who issued our armed forces police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are truckers freedom fighters all over the world and we stay with our brothers and sisters in Israel. God bless each and every one of you, patriots, and I will say tomorrow have a good night.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-02.