« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/30/23


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the impeachment clause of the Constitution is unique. If you have a president who conducts himself in a way that endangers the country, that's an impeachable offense. If you have a president who will do nothing to prevent the enemy from developing a nuclear weapon and has given them proceeds to help them make nuclear weapons, that's an impeachable offense. If you have a president who refuses to secure the nation and close the border, that's an impeachable offense. These are not policy disagreements, these are impeachable offenses. He's refused to enforce laws that he's required to enforce.  The time to draw up articles of impeachment against President Biden is right now.  Also, it's time for Congress to investigate the George Soros network. He's putting in billions of dollars to destroy the country. The groups behind most of the pro-Hamas protests got $15 million from Soros. Later, the Biden administration doesn't want Israel to obliterate Hamas, wound them yes, but not eliminate them. They want Israel to keep fighting and fighting - just don't win because if they win, they will change the balance of power Biden is trying to create in the Middle East. Finally, there's no ubiquitous islamophobia going on in America yet the Biden administration keeps mentioning it when they mention anti-semitism. The most Islamophobic places on Earth are in Muslim, and Arab countries as well as Iran.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the.
The the america mark Levin here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one three, eight one one who is very. Pleased to hear the news speaker of the house MIKE Johnson talk about.
Fact that Joe Biden has committed impeach bull offences released. He believes There certainly not information. I haven't impeachment angry. Ladies and gentlemen in a peaceful offence, is not the same as a criminal offence, because their two different tracks, Congress cannot determine if somebody's actually committed a crime or not, nor do they have to there's no need for probably cause there's no red for guilt beyond reasonable doubt. There's no grand jury, there's no joy! There's no job The majority in the house of representatives has to make a judgment. And it doesn't even mean that be.
Presently united states has to have the men's rare, the intent, even these specific content to commit an offence. That's a constitutional process. Nobody behind any microphone in this country noted in full. many cameron. This could, in fact nobody would computer or pen in this country's done more to study this issue than I over the last forty years. Experience amounts to something desert and when you study the impeachment clause of the constitution, It is something that is unique, but it is something that, in some respects, was based on how britain handled impeachment not exclusively. Of course, there are A hunt percent agreement on details
But there was one hundred percent agreement on this. If you have a president of the united states who can. Himself, in a way. That undermines your country that endangers your country. That's unimpeachable offence. When you have a present the united states, the refuses. and for sanctions better place against an enemy of the united states? That, in fact, is responsible effectively for rearming. An enemy of the united states. If you have a president of the united states who, in fact. Do nothing to prevent that enemy from developing
At the eleventh hour, twenty ninth minute, fifty nine second, a nuclear weapon and, in fact,. Has provided proceeds to enable them to complete process these repeatable impeachable? These are impeachable offences. When you are president defies, say, a law like the teller force named after an american citizen who served a west. Who was a veteran and it was murdered in terrorist act by the moderate palestinians. That's unimpeachable offence, now When you also present the united states to refuses enforce immigration laws to, if It's a secure the nation who opened the paper
his country to national security threats. That is. who enables the chinese to provide the drugs for the drug cartels to ship in our country and slaughter a hundred thousand of our citizens each year when I play. It refuses to secure the border and unleashes inhumanity like we ve, never seen on our southern border, rape, sex trade little kids and women murder cartels setting up shop and every one of our states every one of our metropolitan areas. Those are offence, those repeatable offences.
Those are not merely policy disagreements, ladies and gentlemen. Those are people offence because what the present the united states has done The constitution doesn't care if he's well, meaning or not. If his the is above water below water. The constitution could care less. These are high crime. This is what they meant by high crimes. Eighty mean felonies, they would have said felonies. this is what they met by high crimes. They didn't mean maladministration. They said they did mean maladministration in the constitutional convention, in other words, look, I I miss her
created by accident, misapplied funds by at now, if your actions are dangerous, Two american society, if you're winning of america to terrorist attacks. You are by own actions, refusing to enforce laws which are required to do under the cards. true she had taken out to uphold the constitution and includes law. The undersigned statute, and if you refuse to enforce. Stringent policies that are in place to prevent the enemy from being funded and then you, u dont, withdraw those policies, but you quietly refused to enforce them, because you want iran to get Tens of billions of dollars, party or philosophy.
Hey it's party or model those unimpeachable offences. There is a need to be another hearing. I am not saying the financial crimes and fraud and the crime, families and significant. It's very significant he's a crook, the whole family's crooked and their corrupt. But I am saying. Well then another here. Joe Biden has committed unimpeachable offences. Why would you need to take depositions? Why would you need to subpoena documents? Did Joe Biden higher. the higher the iranian marxist sick, it to be
envoy to IRAN. Yes, he did. did that individual in turn higher three individuals who had contact with the foreign ministry of around one of whom was the car tax fraud Long and is now chief of staff to an assistant secretary defence. Yes, he did. That's Alger his all over again times three or four. We don't need depositions to figure that out I'll need subpoenas to know about it. It's done. This is what he's done. What our soldiers, Ireland has conferred hundreds of millions of dollars story. You an organization called on raw shortens. On what is a phoney front group for the? U n, that. laundered money through their refugee.
went to Hamas. You pay for this. Joe Biden has paid the palestinian authority hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, despite the fact. That acts of terrorism are still being committed, against the israelis and against americans, quite frankly, money, is being used, your money to provide pensions to the families of terrorists who are killed in the more damage they do. The bigger the pension pats unimpeachable offence. I know many of you republicans in the house and the sooner you listen to this programme. You tell me you listen to this programme. You want to come This programme, so people can listening it Listen to me. This country's and grave condition.
We have millions of people coming to cross the border. We have no idea who they are. We caught a few terrorists. People on the terms watch lists, had means we we ve not caught him. It's not possible. And you republicans in the house and the sending of an obligation to try and do something about this. Beat your chest speak loudly, but take action. the senate, republicans, are in a minority or put Writers do other things insist on enforcement. Insist, study, enforce thee, oil sanctions in the other sanctions. I got the country's dying. Iran's gonna get a knook their work, with china and russia, north korea, they ve destroyed yemen. They ve destroyed lebanon. The iranians.
They fund Hamas, they fun Hezbollah, they fund the hutus. In any event, they work with the syrian. Who slaughtered half a million people. None of our business Let me take some bad, none of our business that So has nothing to do with impeachment. Joe Biden has committed unimpeachable offences, if not now, when what we use look at them, mickey mouse crap they impeach trip trump on. It's ridiculous. or the efforts to put him in prison, the rest of his life over documents and free Beach drawing january six, we ve got witnesses footing and flopping and all over oh, it's so serious, and I rogue phony judge. Who just reinstated after staying per gag order and paper
didn't. He violate the gag already wanted. Gerda cried criticized bobo. Maybe we need a few gag orders for the media. let's hear them, squeal like stuck pigs and trudged can do exactly the same thing. The Amendment applies to individuals, we have a right to we speech as much as a media. Nation has the right to freedom of the press. There not prioritize. That will see how much they like gag orders. But I am here to say that the best way to bring this front and centre And to show that there are people in congress who want this country to survive and to show that people in congress who are smart, now comic as he's banging their heads against the wall then draw up the damn. Articles have competed.
If you want to draw up a separate said dealing with the finance, as you can do that or you can wait on that, but draw up a set right now, and how binders arming our enemies. Thirty, two arrogance died as a result, so we're still hostages? We don't know how many as a result. southern borders open because he won't enforce the law. Hundreds of thousands. The americans have died as a result. If these items while offences there are now a peach while offences. Or do you think that, most of the constitution would say about a present like this. He's committed, multiple high crimes, no subpoenas no deposition just make a case,
If you're incapable or writing their articles, I can write them myself, I'll be right back ben have you been
and to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there? But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com,
Another thing: I'd, like the republican majority, do in the house of representatives it's time to investigate. George soros has network. he's an american citizen. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't care what he is he's putting billions of dollars towards destroying our country. He's, got enormous amounts of dark money going into non government organizations and other front groups that have, their purpose to overthrow our country. Destroy our national security in our borders and he's teamed up with this, so called quincy group named after John Quincy Adams,
Because they are so historically illiterate, they think John Quincy Adams was an isolationist. Nellie wasn't neither was George Washington, none of them were, but that aside, it doesn't matter. It's a short statement, but after the break I want to tell you. some of the money. That's going into back in the hamas attacks much Coming from Hamas and their network in this country- and I waited till tell you more about that network, because its effect. Your lives, you might well that's israel when you know it's here right now in america right now to make and I'm sick and tired of this white house. Every time they talk about anti semitism talk about what it. What is it? Islamic bigotry islamophobia There are four five hundred percent increase in threats against muslims in this country, really talking about
Jews and straight and christians in a straight and other people. Industry really protesting about muslims exterminate the muslims obliterate, the muslims tommy, who is that is anybody do, of course not Muslim students are lacking themselves in libraries and then told her escape to the attic. I haven't seen that. I don't get me wrong: honours, there's, not just An evil everywhere, people who target muslims- I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the systemic funding. This stomach networks. This systemic effort to destroy people in this Country, you don't see that happening, muslims, no europe Have you been
waiting to by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you
I have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight, five, nine, two, that's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta. Precious metals dot com.
is that a copy about the constitution, your god? Are you just happy to see my glove in call him now, at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one share the damage at play dirty all the time and they of the media behind. We don't have the media behind us, but who cares. fact of the matter is: would Donald trump tax returns release the congress? He admitted it was a private citizen. At the point that they were released, he was a private citizen. The house of representatives have been won by the republicans, Democrats finally received the tax returns from the irish, have too much litigation. The supreme court. Its rubber stamp. And even though they were leaving office and there is no legislative purpose whatsoever, they handed it out get George soros his pact for time.
This guy is a is a anti american, absolute. one man wrecking bar here, since from the near post, called her and Matthew sedaka groups, find israel bashing protest, backing Hamas attacks got fifteen million plus from soros. have you notices, filthy bloody, stinking hands or on everything. The irony is he's a jew by birth, jewish fibre, but he's a self haider always has been from the days he was a teenager. Far less billionaire kingmaker george soros has funnel more than fifteen million dollars since twenty Sixteen two grows behind this month Palestine protest. The pro hamas protests were demonstrate.
Openly cheered Hamas mud militants, craven terrorist attacks on? Is this my point? Even the new posts can't get this right. Why you calling them pro palestine protest when they are pro hamas protest. Is it your point bet there one and the same because Your point is the one and the same. I understand that argument, but you can have it both ways their different, but their protest. Think for the same thing. No, I don't think so. You can have it both ways: A post examination of open society, foundations records show so, also grant making network gave thirteen point: seven million of the money through tied centre, t ideas, a deep pocketed, lefty admin. See group that sponsors several nonprofits who justified justify masses body attacks, while claiming palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the jewish state, are the real victims. I have a question.
The internal revenue service gives these groups and non profit status when their promoting terrorism for supporting it, Through their protests and actions in this country, tides, beneficial include illinois base at dollar justice project which won the day. october, seven massacre posted a photo on instagram, a bulldozer tearing part of it border fence down and a captain had said following quote- is I call colonizers believe they could in indefinitely trapped. Million people in an open air prison, no cage, on child while so clever opening open air prison? You know it's interesting america about twenty five percent of the people in Gaza.
Live very, very well in about ten percent are extremely rich: money from all these international aid organisations. But there's another reason to even a tiny. financial network, then I'm gonna get to next to stick with me. This is something not told and for good reason, because of you. told there should be even more disgusted? And you already are members of the palace in adversity, group occupied california rep, you need a road canada's office on October. Twenty two demands sign a resolution calling for us the aspiring. Gaza, though, be a cease fire in Gaza. When author rat bastard excuse me, Hamas are dead. You know how much could surrender to day than there be a cease fire america. Then we could do some justice right. They killed. Thirty two americans.
and our members also corresponds to the ral. I that same day and Brian park, where a hostile demonstrated You'd anti semitic chance away to sign the red I do not damn Hamas there also thirty thousand dollars as sources foundation, Twenty twenty to death, rising, rising up and moving another co sponsor the bribe par protests were one hundred thirty nine people were arrested. Financial records show this called open society. Foundations gave sixty thousand dollars in, and eighteen to, the arab, american or so the asian and new york, a group co funded by collective, politically. Infected activists lindisfarne sore she's us He's while extraordinary that how plan I hate filled, flood brooklyn for palace I protest and day region october, twenty one where protesters called the eradication of Israel
have a sign of the israeli flagging to trace back at the red dress trash basket. That red. Please keep the world clean. Open society foundations also ordered one and a half million to dallas founding now a dollar legal center for arab minority rights in Israel, but only hundred thousand of those receiving received before the legal centre cut ties with the american organization in twenty eighteen says. It's me It is to promote human rights in Israel. Sure one of you rights in Gaza are the rest of the arab world because I don't believe in it. That's why others soros back palestinian advocacy groups whose had been sewing hated railway, since the massacre include jewish voice for peace. I've told you about that and if not now
which received six hundred fifty thousand and four hundred thousand respectively. These aren't spontaneous demonstrations, america, students for justice in palestine, Hamas, Funded these groups soros funded. George as for peace, also help occupy canas office, blamed israel for the october seven attacks. They blamed israel for the attacks in the united states, complicity. Some believable dan schneider. Vice president conservative watchdog group me research centre, which fantastic, but them said source I hungarian born, do and how it got survivor, whose loyal lieutenant scored, unmatched access to president binds white house has a long history of stony dances run back and groups who champion terrorists. Who said Joe,
sir and his son Alex, have a long history supporting the most radical organisations across the planet by the way to destroy our country too like media matters and groups like that, and that includes hamas organizations that support the most heinous kind of behavior said schneider. We ve called on short story withdraw this funny, but he seemed very determined to continue supporting anti semitic groups. I wanna appalled, western civilization, so We have a hearing get into these networks. Many them return exact, meaning you subsidized. open society. Foundations are related nonprofits, the ninety three year old sorrows funded doled out more than thirty two billion dollars worldwide since nineteen. Eighty four. The progressive dynamism marxist analyses handicaps, of his empire to his thirty eight year old son alexander.
It is another radical cook basket. I remember mass a spokesman for, on the legal centre for air minority rights in Israel, said open source. Have dacians have been generously supporting? I work on defending the human rights of palestinians under his erect under israeli control for many years, and we are grateful for their immense contribution to this effort, the source family, open society, foundations, the tides foundation, Adela justice product, a project in the other palestinian groups that euros funds. But sir us funds did not return messages when they go to america. Now, how come then, looking in the george soros, how can we don't get his tax for twenty two now he's no more or says. He spending is money to destroy america. That's what he's doing.
Somebody needs to look into that and, if not congress who nobody that's a big problem, now, listen to this one from the taliban which has no right wing newspaper in britain, but it's an honest. This paper inside the gleaming developments they made Hamas a one billion dollar terror group ready when develop his broke ground on a horse farm across a narrow son dappled street, from his bonds house about seven years ago. She had just gotten engaged two years passed and she got married. Impregnate gave birth. Surely before the shiny, complex was unveiled. New neighbours began the end, the gate, a community and Bertha turkey's fourth largest city, the block flats, towering over cares bonds house looks much like the other developments going up in a bill boom in the city, but the euro,
Given the believes this compound called and a park pilot too the high value ass at any secret global investment portfolio. That could be worth. much as one billion dollars run by Hamas, The richest terrorist groups in the world now wait a minute. I thought there. People were starving in the Gaza strip On friday, the use treasury announced its third ran a sanctions to twenty twenty two targeting trend g, while the turkey based developer via ballot too, and several other projects for Part of Hamas is international financing network. Now cares bond who was buying home. There said the first time ever heard of this. Hamas is built Global operation to fund of funds support its activities using shell companies physically moving cash, transferring via crypto currency.
siphoning support from charities and receiving infusions from friendly nation such as iran, and, I might add, the united states. So what about all this aid that needs to flow into the Gaza strip? Mr produce. Israel is preventing, don't you know the Jews there at fault, for Hamas has done in the Gaza strip there at fault for egypt block the passageway out there. It fall for not a single arab country, taking a single palestinian It's Netanyahu's, your, whose it's Israel's far. The inhumanity of it all turkey, one of the countries, Hamas has investments through firms like When do I was coming under fire for failing to take a stand, stance towards Hamas odor coming under fire
gee. I wonder how must be brutal that hit larry and pig era, one Had nearly a million people in the streets, it is all over the weekend who is under enormous pressure. turkey does not consider Hamas a terrorist organisation coarseness, because turkey is run by a terrorist, Is even granted citizenship to people linked to Hamas, including individuals later saying. By the united states. Hamas leader My alyosha hitler was also hardly in turkey when the groups come and attacked israel area this month, error On turkey's president last week, hamas. A liberation grew mujahideen, waging a battle to protect its lands and people. what we need a mujahideen? How dean elaboration group. We're throw that that pig.
while I am on the? U S, deputy chief, I won't salem thinking You, as deputy treasury sectaries, said his government. Sanctions are aimed at dismantling our masses for what you have done, a very good. are you in the by administration ministries, and so they have a fortune ever banking system. They have residence developments that are building apartments, that their building on the market for his high seven point: five million turkish lire, The billboard set an olive grove on the western edge bertha confirm that trendy wires working on a six development in turkey state sectors. Your great way to hide dirty money is property. Prices tend to be freely consisted, said, nicholas rider. Professor
specialist. On terrorist financing a car give university. There is even a chance get a return on it as well as potential investment. He added. Hamas has generated vast sums, are revenue through its secret investment portfolios. While they stay lies in Gaza which is facing Our living in economic condition said Elizabeth Rosenberg trick you s, treasury official. Three trout, a: u s, sanctions, trend you. I owe that Hamas front group appears to have tried to distance itself from alleged links dimas, typically by making corporate chain these are shifting its shareholders. According to the telegraph review of company here's the bottom line soros, has helped funding the entity he's helping to fund the enemy his network. his tens of billions of dollars. We need it. Canada is working to save our country. Enough is enough. And all the little splinter groups better out there?
Crashing you and me in america, the media matters types and so forth. Blood money, blood money number to the hamas network is but he has even talking about this. I talk about it on facts. The blaze on radio, tens of millions, hundreds of millions in our worthy finally to say: we're gonna give a hundred million dollars to the Gaza strip, because you know the people need food and water and so far, Well then, why doesn't hamas give it I'll be right? It was love. Have you been way?
buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, text l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com,
the I want to listen to the colleges and universities, and maybe the white house can provide where muslim students, For their lives, without having the locked themselves and room rounded the attic where they afraid to join their own groups and associations student groups on campus, I won a list of those colleges and universities, which ones are they? Because I want to be able to condemn them. Of course,. I think we should condemn them, don't you which one is it I'd like to know which one is it? Where is it. if it's a problem, I kinda what's happening the Jews across the country and jewish students and gentiles who are trying to defend them and protect them. Then it must be. A priority must be all over them. Life- and I looked- I have my new york times wasted for bucks on that. Damn crap, my watchmen compost
usa, today, which is really usa tomorrow, I got em all I page through them. I didn't see anything so which college campuses it. Were the Jews are organizing and violently attacking the muslims? I'd like to know which college camp That is, I need to know, because I want to condemn them. I want to put a spot by on them. Because the white house keeps every time they say a tie summit we denounce it, but we also denounce islamophobia of several great for you great for you, But where's that happening, you know where islam, Phobias happening in the Gaza strip, by hamas slaughter. Our own citizens, there's islamophobia you. Nowhere else islamophobia is happening in IRAN, where there.
Regime of slaughtering anybody muslim who dares to speak out and stand up to them. You know ass islamophobia is happening. Yes in turkey, where again kills people put in prison. We're out such happening, we see in china with a weaker, it's happening there so which college campuses isn't it. happening on the united states. None, right now, this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk offers great coverage, save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much
sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the american mark levin. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! Don't you think you know the big internet person or social media. I post a lot, but I dont worry the comments and so forth. Less mister this was said. You might read some of these cometh, but I just post and when you take a far
From somebody else, or somebody else makes a great point, aren't you supposed to put h, slash, t mister producer had tipp to your source. In school, Joe Biden knows this now, but it doesn't stop him. When you take Buddy else's thoughts are points are writings and you regurgitate them. without mentioning where you got them from you, can be expelled. You can flunk. Your career. You humiliated. Why is it that the same radio and tv. I'll even listen that anybody where I listened to some friends now and then, when I'm in the car not to be rude. But I'm just saying
I certainly don't listen or watch anything for the purpose of taking something from somewhere. I don't believe in its basic ethics and morality. So when I say- and I've said now for few weeks on fox And on blaze and behind the microphone, that's significant audience that those people in the street marching for Hamas. Those aren't republicans are Democrats, they're not going to republican laguna vote, Democrat they're, not going to vote for the republican armand they're going vote for by their democrats, those tenure marxist. Hamas, loving nazi, loving professors, their democrats, there now Republicans they're going to vote for by. and this is a growing part of the democratic party base. So if you're gonna regurgitate that.
Yesterday or today, no humility no class. The other thing is this:. Screw it let's keep going here, am I gonna keep jumping in here, while I why I told you, before that Biden, you can check the posts. You can check the audio. What's the point, he's lying to the american people and he's lying to these realize he's doing one thing and public and another thing behind their backs weak. I figure this out a couple of weeks ago because it was obvious to me when he would go were there, and then I was hearing for my own sources. That he is saying one thing publicly in doing another, and then he started to say the same thing publicly. which was over and over again follow the rules of war. There saying this, of course, Israel and be proportional, and it was
Mantra was the talk in place of the democratic party, the democratic administration, the media, the media surrogates over and over and over now there's something else. There's an. I pointed this out too On social media and beyond. In your hearing it over and over again, the israelis are fighting for their survival. Those are is really citizens in those tanks, closer israel citizens. In those points, measures really infantry. Nobody else. Just there. And yet it becomes an international issue.
When they win on how the territory that they gave to the palestinians is to be handled even worse. Two state solution, two state solution, Have been opposed to a two state solution, my entire adult life Does it make any sense? What's a two state solution and they also there were palestinians and jews can live in peace. By side, MR, but that that will happen. Side by side in peace.
And who's gonna run this palestinian state qatar, Hamas, who's gonna, run it the? U n college professor and there are students, who's gonna run. This other state, where are the quota, call, Rational palestinian leaders, where are the heirs another one show they want our brain This radio programme- I don't mean and activists I mean a leader, I palestinian leader. Where are they? Where do we find them and if most Palestinians in the middle east want peace. Why don't? They have leaders who want peace. Who are they? Where are they? They don't exist? When you mean they, don't they don't exist or are they their nowhere
What do we know their names, what they get a special international honour by now some kind of peace prize nobel prize for peace? Wouldn't they know? and if there are they don't live for long. Two states will now, let's think about this, for sick, we have run the swami who had change disposition fourteen times. But that said he says. couple months ago, and he calls me out with a week in about- and I said, you're out of your mind, and I don't appreciate you know I let him have it But I let him have it. he said we need a situation where a. Thirty years the arabs- and Lose their cultures will assimilate one into the oven said? Are you nuts.
The israelis have to learn to stand on their own two feet. These railways I learn to stand on their own to are they standing on the road to feed our mark? We assistant look up at the israelis say today you cut tat Many billions hours after a renewed keep your three point: four billion dollars, but what they dont About that three point: four billion dollars as much of it is used in these we are indeed military development and when they new technologies and they come up with new weapons. They don't sell them to the united states, they give them to the united states and much of their time. Knowledge is cutting edge, which has been used in our development of vince and so forth. Such a two way street is the point.
Not that way with iran, the palestinians, two state solution, think this through what was the Gaza strip. There was a palestinian state, it was handed to them it's on the mediterranean, a beautiful beaches. Just so you know beautiful those two small area, Hong kong was a small area. Taiwan's a smaller one has nothing to do with the other. One is absolutely nothing drew. The Hamas is worth over billions. I just told you that I told you about their investments worldwide. So, where is the second stage going to be, and we gonna have this? state solution with a ran, still pumping money. and a terrorist regimes where one has the lobby. Where are they.
Standing authority big: where will the hood these be we're all these Terrorist groups in the EU is going to go away, and this two state solution, a real independent palestinian state, What are they gonna having anyone air force. they're gonna have missile systems built for them by the communists, trainees and fascistic russians. But it's it's gonna. Look like this tuesday. Solution, let me say this again: I ride back pictures get your penza State solution for israel is a final solution and yet Biden keeps them. Harris is married to a true she keeps saying blanket. As self hating Joe, he keeps saying. I sure hope you're able to watch my shows of the weaker on fox
or blaze, or listen to this, because because I've explained the ideology that is now behind us. It's the same ideology that is behind weakening america's a superpower in building up our enemies, because you know america's imperialistic in colonial listing, like hell how many hundreds of thousands of troops of we lost to defend other cunt throughout europe throughout the entire world? How much america? blood has been spilled insane and dared on mountains and valleys, and we don't keep these countries. Unlike the soviets waiting, say: ok, half a europe alongside us, Japan belongs to us. Now they did. We didn't but Biden, blinkin Sullivan
All of their ideology is this: please listen. This is important I need balance, they say the power they super are the united states with other countries? What are you talking about? The united states It is too strong, therefore creates an, national unbalance and this unbalanced rage, wars and there's some balance creates terrorism. Some biology, creates hostility. We need a more equitable balance, so America is negotiating at acting like one of several countries rather than a superpower. Did you hear what I just said? That's what they're doing and they feel same way about its role in the Middle EAST. This is why mama, hates Netanyahu This is why the american left hates Netanyahu, theirs The israeli left aids Netanyahu.
This is why the american media hates ned, young and relevant today. This is why Biden, hates ned Israel's just to pervert. You can obliterate Hamas, you need to feed the people medicaid, the people get the people war screw the egyptian to qatar and turkey in jordan hats their problem. They don't want to participate, that's up to them. qatar in turkey for supporting hamas funding it giving protection to their leaders, Israel, too, powerful. And so we need to weaken israel while we strengthen ran insane right. That's what they're doing. that's why the oil keeps pouring out of iraq ground, that's why they make a billion and a half hours a week. That's why they're.
We need a two state solution. Alright, I'm going to give you the second shoe to drop here some you're going to. Are you kidding me? I'm not kidding anybody. They don't want Israel to obliterate Hamas. Oh, yes, they want them. The critically warned them. If they obliterate Hamas level around so why has- and you hear the monkeys in the media- It's in the media, the below Ike. Repeaters in the media. What do they say? Oh my god of Israel, really fight, International obliterate them they'll open up a second front, maybe a third frank. I did to pay one of these people want What are we gonna do? How is it's gonna work
and I have a nuclear war. So what is Israel supposed to roll over and play dead? Of course hide in a corner? Here's what they want you ready for this. They want israel to keep fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting. Just don't win because if you win your change drastically the balance. Were that we're trying to create in the middle EAST? Don't you understand, mark you think we're allowing around to be funded by billions when trump wouldn't. Oh, and by the way, single ukraine will give them just enough weapons where they can keep fighting.
We can give them the kind of weapons where ukraine would actually have a knockout blow a russia which, in my view, will be a huge benefit to the entire world. But it's not going to happen. Because buying doesn't want ukraine to win. He doesn't want israel to win. He doesn't want america to win. This is what happens when you have marxist ivy league buffoons, running farm policy. This was obama's doctrine was his farm policy, all his people around Biden. They serve at this stage Carbon, they serve the national security council, the defence debarment throughout the bureau. we see in the media. This is what their pushing. So what if iran gets a knook israel as noakes they ago, we just bows them up
a lot of saudi arabia gets news. They have nooks iran as nukes Israel's nooks, beautiful symmetry course, IRAN as a terrorist state. That's comb! Americans, that's! Ok! Let's because of us america we did. This because we supported the shah for so long Don't explain to you why nobody has explained to you and had tip to Michael dorani D, our aim in tablet and had tipped Already pirates also in the tablet, two thousand twenty one- I've expanded upon it, but they wrote about this interesting april may back to back in the right. That's what's going on? What are they say about communist china? They keep threatening us. We want a man,
competition and we manage competition. They gave to manage the carpeting we're not out to take down china we don't need to build up our military more than it is already. We want a man if competition lentil managing these people are destroying our country, their destroying other countries. and I'll be right back then I have to tell you something it speaks to the very core of our values, as americans about a veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave. Everything to protect our nation and pure talk
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moving again after the break me with a short segment here I was at the event. Where they republican presidential candidates, all of them were present the jewish. Republican jewish coalition, but I was invited a long time ago before all the rest of this happen. There is one person there whose a complete charlotte I had the to this. It is rama swami how people cheering at the tops of their lungs, but he's a charlotte. He quotes Ben goring cherry picks, he quotes george Washington cherry picks
and he comes up with these phrases like a diplomatic iron shield, and unaware comes up with this stuff. It really doesn't matter to me Let me be clear, as I can, Donald trump is not in isolation. Is he took out ceremony round. The swami would never have done. Then he took out bag daddy swami would never have done that he set loosely abraham accords. There's nothing rama swami has said they would indicate any ability to do that. I just point that out I also have something to say about mickey hayley after the bottom of the hour, too, will be right back. I have to tell you something that speaks to Ray core values as americans about a veterinary company on a mission
and to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks, plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, l, eve the iron and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. This is a pure talk: dot, com, slash Levin, pure talk, dot, com,
Flash ellie vienna and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes. It's the right move and it's the american way here listening to not only create one for gray one can you can call it now, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! So let me finish what I started before the break. I can't think of three four five major important things. did Nicky harry did eight years as governor. I can't that affected the people of four. Taco in any significant way might palm pale, who with her. He was sector estate obviously has not had things to say about her. When it comes to working together, his collar effectively itself promoted.
I listen all she says, she's done. And I don't find very much will be substantive. I remember one wrong dissenters was doing it out with the workers at the disney. She offered to take disney corporation to south carolina. She undermine and completely. She seems to forget she was the imf. State of the united nations hundred donald trump, the policies, She espoused about israel where his policies, not her policy. She may agree with them, but she was present. And what you do as an ambassador to the eu and to give speeches premium, All you do and that's ok, we had it. Ambassador to the eu, and when I worked in the reagan administration, Jean Kirkpatrick, now she gave a speech.
so I'm not diminishing her speeches. But in terms of policy that was the trump policy and hayley just trash. The trouble with her. She even goes so far as to say that she doesn't think b, as pro israeli policy may a banner. Than perceived tat shop below the belt. Don't you think america now. Say what you will, I can tell you twenty things there randy, this is done his governor in six years, twenty, maybe more when it comes to anti semitism. But not just that when it comes to education, immigration. Covered in vaccines, taxes, you name it.
The scientists has demonstrated that conservatism works. Ellie hasn't demonstrated anything now. What happening in my view, is a lot of people have given up on Chris Christy. Are they giving up on some of the other Rhinos, a more moderate candidates in the republican field. Is getting behind her? The big billion air rhinos. Our getting behind her well scientists have repeatedly track not just adds, but in the free media they fear the guy they were About a year, if you re a media left us here's what you think, my god, I pray it's not true. Somehow we get em out whether its loss judges, rule or whatever the hell. It is something horrific happens. We should
is how downward rhonda scientists in the wings. This is how they think we can, Nicky, Hayley, oh yeah, She hasn't done anything to offend us. Has she done anything? to offend the media. What has she done to offend the media? Nothing, zero! I'm just being honest, that's the way I roll Well, she's tied with the santas one pole, but their worries me worries me a lot. Because, in the order, priority order. for many of you out there. Do you really want her in the second chair. and if so, why, where she comes across Well, I don't care about any of that stuff.
but the scientists came out and said no palestinians now, because their culture is different and he's right. We ve seen it. We see the way these kids are raised, their indoctrinated We don't even assimilate into our own culture. We can have people like they're coming and they're, not going to a similar. You see what's happening in the streets, see the hamas network, you see the sorrows network. Can you imagine how we criticised? She won't fight the. Toward. She has shown no evidence that she's up from fighting the cultural where she wants to be loved by too many people and hate by certain people dead it's her love by certain people. Like me, I'm not full by these people are not fooled by these people at all. I'm not full by chris
Christy, I'm not for by roma swami, are not full by hale, I'm not full by any of the rhine. But he's young he sturdier, rama, swami, Harold carefully, twelve. Let me move on. I wanted to make that point. I want to underscore something I said earlier: the united states of america. is, if not the most one of the most magnificent, tolerant. compassionate nations on the face of the earth abner they get a number one there. No ubiquitous islamophobia going on in this country. There simply not.
I know you of Hamas related groups like care and students for justice and palestine. You have done Cried meeting all they want you to believe it in same with the white house, because the white house has. Problem, they don't really really take sides there. They condemn Hamas, but they want to put the screws to ro there, hoping that's enough to keep the Hamas Wing of the democratic party somewhat under control. There is another thing: Hamas wing of the Democrats, I should start coining. This stuff must produce. But that said in a register, tony. This is a problem. I never really believed it that much, and so he started putting little voice over things when he would play on audio. He said I'll prove it to you, so he puts it on there. I I get it now. Unfortunately, I didn't before, but I get it now. I understand the most
Islam or phobic places on the earth or the muslim countries and or the arab countries, and one uranium country through the most islamic, fall back on the face of the earth?. they brutalized their people to or ninety nine percent muslim. Look at around the dead, sr there was beaten to death by the morality police commanded could she didn't wear headscarf properly, this guy. most sour apple, more Zook he's the Hamas political Official he revealed in an interview just how much these monsters My friend brian rights over it right scoop care about their own people.
Mars's was asked in an interview why they haven't built bomb shelters for their own people to hide when they ve built over three hundred miles of tunnels and its interviewed translated by a fantastic group memory m e m. Are I memory? What did he say. He says these tunnels are built to protect Hamas, not the civilians. He says protecting the Gaza. Civilians is the responsibility of the united nations in Israel. Not us did you hear this must produce. He says eve. He puts a right up. This will not be in the near slime to the washington compost. There will not be on Emma so as the year the common news network it will not be on any that place those places. I feel
iran right scoop and memory m m our. I check it out once again here, leading political europe, a dab. And he says an interview: why To build bomb shelters for your own people rather than three hundred miles of tunnels,. The tunnels in Gaza he says we're both to protect hamas fighters, not civilians. Protecting Gaza. Civilians is the responsibility of the. U n in Israel is not shocking, and yet that's exactly how, by thanks he's giving that we have no influence over Hamas mossy figures, they kill them people they high beyond their own people. Hamas builds up just start hospitals and mosques and cause- and god knows what it is But he dies Hamas, it's not third job to protect their people, their terrorist organization. After all, we cannot
Back come to protect their own both are going to use their own peoples target practice its up to Israel, tat the gaza civilians, not at the Hamas. Isn't that basically the binding policy? Yes, it is it's sick. Then these palestinians voted for Hamas to run their country to run their country in a two state solution is to states that are be fans hassock, so their car, who said it may also Abu marsupial, where their top political, I guess,
terrorist thought, our job to protect our people. Fact it's their job to kill them. So I want to make it clear what I'm saying here: Islam Phobia runs deep, wide is ubiquitous, muslim, slash arab countries as well as iran,. they slaughter their own people, they slaughter there people if they don't comply with their version of the crew. But even more than that they'd slaughter and anyway, they dare to speak out and challenge There's a weird mix here, quite frankly between marxism and Islamism,. And these islamists. the islamists in the marxist there's a weird mixed. There there's an overlap there. And they're both inhumane jeez. So one serves the other. They overlay each be right back. Ben
I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values as americans, a veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference. Just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, l eve
I am and make the switch. That's rally together. Shore, unwavering support for veterans, get the best service at the best price as well, is a pure talk, dot com, slash, levant, pure talk, dot, com, slash, olivia and switch to pure talk today. In less than ten minutes, it's the right, and it's the american way. We tried this way: There are several million arabs: muslim arabs, christian arabs who live in Israel of the right to vote. They have their political parties summer judge they can participate in the economy and all the rest were as well as the military How many jews are there in any arab country? Can thinker.
And we do so in saudi arabia, Iraq, syria, most of them, have had to flee for their lives this. Now some question the Middle east is, were god gave birth to the jewish people, we keep from a two state solution to the west bank. We don't talk about your day and see. We talk about settlers settlers. so Jews, intraday and summarily are settlers, are native americans. We live on their original tribal lands. Are they settlers to settlers in no offense. but we can't back four thousand years woman, the jews when
dance, Samir do the same with native americans, I'm afraid, but no offense, I'm just saying the truth. Through the only indigenous peoples who Biden and the Democrats are recognised. If Israel listens to Biden, Israel will destroy itself. You will not defeat Hamas, nor did I its country into an authority fifty percent of the land it currently has, which is minuscule. it will surrender the right of the indigenous peoples to reach. to their indigenous land, it'll be ok, and what were more, I'm like by I'll be right back marrakech, Americas,
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the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one we're definitely going to take some calls tonight. Mr call screener. I been neglectful, not really it's been intentional, but we'll jump in, Over bright bart, one of the great news sites, one hundred syrians fifty iranians crossed binds open border in october, but this is T.
Daily mail, then, as well as worst gangsters, crossed into the united states illegally and are unleashing chaos in Dallas, chicago and miami fearful resident, saying they ve had tyres, slash window shot out in retribution for reporting them to the cops, then as well as worst gangster. There's no legitimate justification for this. I know political goal is, but there is no legitimate, just figure I want to praise the united states has purposefully doing this. He should be removed and Democrats wanted to Let them defend them cause should be removed. Our media, cnn, MSNBC Cbs Nbc the rest of them keep you Hamas controlled numbers
from the palestinian health ministry in Gaza which they control been told this over and over again, they ve been told by among others me, but I'm not the only one that toto over and over and over again, but they still do it. Why. cause through the Hamas naughty media pathway, said it over and over again their sympathetic to lebanon, while traded to just watch MSNBC unseen- and you know what I'm talking about look at the headlines out of the new york, slimy compost, then you'll know what I'm talking about here. It is happy news pastors notice that have tipp news there's cut eleven, go
ministry in Gaza run by Hamas says more than seven thousand palestinians have been killed. Nbc news now, learning between two hundred and three hundred people were killed in a bombing targeting a hospital. That's according to a spokesperson for the palestinian health ministry, palestinian health. If there, what do you say the hospital was struck by an israeli attack? Hamas is saying that this was the israeli defence force. That is what many people here believe what the palestinian government is calling a war crime. A direct from an israeli air strike is hit on the hospital directly hit by an israeli strike. A hospital strike. There is a sort of both sides pointing the finger at one. Another s. Kind of death toll is not what you normally associate with palestinian rockets. Hamas does not have the kind of munitions it can do. This kind of damage are not sufficient to say that death toll in the Gaza strip is now over. Six thousand hamas, as israeli air strikes, have killed more than seven thousand palestinians. Hammas says. Israeli strikes in Gaza have killed almost fifty hostages according to the palestinian health ministry and according to the palestinian health ministry, according to palestinian health, official palestinian health officials, according to Hamas officials, according to Hamas officials, we spoke to a senior hammas officials, that's nor any. According to Hamas and palestinian authorities on the ground in gaza, bats according to international rights, gives it the pudding to people. We ve, been speaking to new reaction to president binds visit to the middle east from a spokesperson from
there are instances in the past where the israeli military has said things in the immediate aftermath of an incident that have turned out not to be true in the long run and there's more, but you get the drift you get. Drift. How came jeffreys on MSNBC Sunday yesterday, I met my johnson for the first time the new speaker enough. though he is not only a delightful man he's quite hard core and he is a devout christian, so they hate him. For that, It's always now, and extremists is far right, ease their seas, that they say things about this new speaker about conservatives about trump supporters. Some the same. But you get my point that are so out of control and yet, when
comes to Hamas, not so much and how their hockey jeffreys, who has an early history and his adult adult life. being an anti semite gesture Joe Biden, has an early history in his career of being. racist segregation and I stayed around and they point fingers that everybody else voting johnson, whose none of those things and an election denier. You know that phrase comes from. Action did. I do no other democrats, user and the media, because it's kinda the holocaust denial. I didn't hear time, but of course they thought that George w Bush didn't when in two thousand they thought he didn't want in two thousand, for they attack tromp and sixteen they said he and when either I guess there, the real, action, deniers and insurrectionists, but don't matter in this matter.
Here's. How came on msf rusty yesterday? Does he regards fox one. has produce? Will you invite hockey jeffreys on my show any time this week any day this week, police, but I'm serious make an effort. Let's make an effort. There is how came jeffreys with his body out sharp and all there's a dual there's, a dual look: they know anti semites when they see them because they look in the mirror. Catwalk go This week, after three weeks of in fighting the house republican caucus elected a new speak of far right? Louise a car was then my johnson, so now you're too far right see what I mean the phraseology its propaganda chapter for my book, the democratic party aids margare far right if you're a constitutional ass, if you believe in life in a fury, conservative you're, far right
Nobody's ever too far left like this p brain sharply. He would never say oh see as a marxist democrat socialist, far left now, commander. Are you never say of joy, red she's? A radical homophobic, anti semitic left now come on. Go ahead. The fender, Donald trump, a twenty. Won t election denier, who views. Are an elderly duty to mean anti job now jpg q, but doesn't even mean honestly. How can you be aunt? I lesbian, gay, bisexual. I don't know what the rest means honestly happy. What does that mean aunt? I made. oppose subsidies. Maybe they oppose marriage, Tween certain elements- and so I don't know- but what
I mean to be anti, but does it mean for me too a person, my antigay person, of course not somebody's transition. Are you try this transition period not anti. There. Person or any other person antiabortion, oh my god, did you know he's here time muslim to what does have me anti muslim. That's her that's the slimy tree hard! That's the regime in the moraine variant time, muslim faith more muslims in anybody else go ahead or should anti muslim two separation of church and state. Listen I have is more on spews is crap barely literate. This list. Not only does it.
Look look at how their character assassinating this guy might johnson. He doesn't know my Johnson he's never talk to my johnson knows nothing about it, but somebody wrote grip form, an area go, go ahead. Having only than in the house as twenty sixteen he's the least experience speaker in one hundred and forty years. We do you like that when somebody hand that who cares? What does that have to do with anything he's the least experience speaker in a hundred forty years look I've turn them into a devil. and then finally, s question go ahead as set Say about the house geo p right now Well, good evening, reverie to be with you, I mean I think, from the very beginning of the rev that so called they must be punished in evening. Rev.
Good evening I sammy. Proven liar good evening? Rev go ahead, train republican ideology he's an industry, Magee Republican, okay, cancer is an extreme maghreb. Not just a mega republican he's an x three manga republican. Now, what's at me, I've told you before they use that phrase. In lieu of neo nazis clansmen and they get away with extreme ag, republicans. Now this is from jeffreys, the historically anti semites supports, bind the historically races segregation in a party.
Supported slavery? Segregation, Jim crow, eugenic in a party that never supported. Some rights legislation until the nineteen sixtys when there were more republicans and supported it than Democrat this a party whose hero franklin rose. Why wouldn't sign a federal land by launching bill? This is a part, Franklin Roosevelt, who wouldn't of I jesse to the white as where the other olympians a party were Joseph Kennedy senior. As both a racist and anti semite, this is a party. How came jeffreys vote for funding for plan parenthood over and over and over again that supported eugenics against black. That's the party that calls
republicans, extremists, extreme magda republican ideology, and they have learned chapter for my book again. Repetition works with totalitarians. Repetition is key. Extreme anger, republican extreme ag report pdf to me extreme aggro republican stream, aggro blah blah blah blah. Then people start to believe other extremists, like that Joe Biden speech, where he gave in front of declaration of of The pennsylvania assembly house way back when, with origin of independence and the constitution were written and approved with the red lights in the dark, shadowy background. That anyone who disagrees with him as against democracy democracies on about democracy, I tell you the most fascistic president, but will display and now that might accelerate
remains to be seen what the tenure of speak of mines and the? U n it? Listen! A! U speaker! Unity, I don't think he's ever even acknowledged, let alone poligized for the things he said about. His uncle is great uncle great uncle policemen, can any praised fair kind to both of these men have in the Ripper Democrats elected as their leader in the house at all people to elect they liked him for maize. Then they go about extreme mega republican. Makes you secure stun gun I'll be right back? Was struggling to lose weight and keep it off tired away
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No wonder they want israel to stop. They want a cease fire non posed. Arab news reports claim Israel's ground up could cut Hamas control of a key road. The success of the idea of ground troops comes amid continued cause abroad for a pause and operations for cotton, quote humanitarian aid, a cease fire the opening of a border with egypt as an ex issues Spain, ground operation, is being watch closely by regional media. It looks like it is incredibly strategic. Expected Israel just a plough in there with a cup a hundred times. They have not done that their choice. no way chipping away. Cutting off cutting off. I mean draw not the russian army the way they went in and bang their heads against the trees
on Monday. I news reports claim that israeli tanks were seeing major road that connects the south of the Gaza strip to the north, the report's profits violation and foreign media about the progress of the ground campaign. If salon din road, is under israeli control, along with another major road along the coast, transit across the street. we'll be cut for Hamas central splitting the enclave in the to these reports peered only in our media, while you would expect it to be in the near, Stood because there more than air made either Hamas media the, success at the idea of ground troops, comes amid continued calls for a pause cause abroad. in operations for humanitarian aid, a cease fire in the opening of the border with Egypt, whose stopping from opening their border other than the egyptians. all in media postulated that Israel reached into central gaza at narrowest point an area of fields.
Between Gaza city and bourgeois camp, this includes the I just drove dick it ceramic and its surrounding fields report calls this these soft flank of Gaza, because there's no built up area can be easily traversed the sea. The report reads: quote: These I neighbourhood through these are come junction to the jar. Attic area israel seem to be setting a new phase in its ground operation of the Gaza strip on the twenty fourth day of war, cord unquote. report goes on and note that move through this area, present Say stratagem that cuts the strip in two. report adds that Israel has operated in this area in the past one of the raids last week when it Entered in retreated from Gaza strip.
report says the area was subjected to artillery tillers showing from israeli vehicles and armoured vehicle station there. It also says that I witnessed spoke of the arrival of israeli tanks to an area just a kilometer away from their nazarene junction, located along the eastern outskirts of anxiety neighbourhood. The report further notes that the net zero junction, his name for the former israeli community, that was evacuated and two thousand five hundred to disengage and from the Gaza strip, and neither can never be a two stage. lucian ever be Israel's final solution, as Which is rose familiar with the area notes that Israel would have to cut the rush. It coastal road as well. It explains that, prior to twenty five, two thousand five, that is Israel used to have the ability to cut these
in order to isolate the gaza and prevent terrorism looks like it's doing just that. pro iran media, though the american media spress worry about israel cutting this key road. They ran Poor claiming that Israel has not been able to cut the road based on palestinian claims, a resistance in this area clearly, My eyes are not on central gaza and the key roads between the north and the south is, as Israel also presses in from the north. I also happen to know. when it comes to the north causes in the south, Israel has significantly muscled up its forces I can't tell you how I know what I do significantly. It's one thing when Israel's a victim, it's another thing when Israel is fighting for victory.
It's one thing to come to: Israel indeed and blinking did and the other and say all things and passionate thing you stay with israel, but do they stay with israel when israel seeking to obliterate the enemy now they go reasons I explained in our one hobby right back, aaron's new, fully loaded, hanta style pizza, so full of tat Hold on their partner that their pizza is big enough for both They have found a toppings and serve to express ensure is problem is, though, introducing the red baron fully loaded, hanta style pizza. Something awesome.
There are no rights in seventeen. Seventy four one one one. This is from bacon rebellion. Democracy five in some eggins rebellion that come far soon influence students for justice and palestine, chapters at virginia universities and their allies by James Sherlock, the J, p organizations at three virginia state universities, the university of Virginia Mason university in the university ameri washington have an active since october I on the homicide, some attempt to thread needle is simultaneously to separate gazans from the elected government. The terrorist org. Safe hamas and a separate israelis from Jews,
celebrating the october seventh slaughter. Those are distinctions without a difference. Pay attention, media sky knows what he's talking about, will look at the influence of farms, foreign students and virginia universities as J p chapters, students for. Justice in palestine. That's how hammas organization, then the. george mason university chaplain them briefly examined the progressive marks, an intersection outbreak of s, J, p d, the extent of who and what we are dealing with is not amazing. I agree with that. Now that I get all the examples. I want you to listen to this foreign visa holders. In the united states, in twenty twenty two twenty twenty one, and now it's much worse, underbody the numbers of middle eastern students studying in the united states, included eighteen one thousand two hundred six saudi arabians. Ten thousand five hundred and ninety seven bangladesh. Ninth,
thousand two hundred ninety five year on eight thousand, seven hundred and seventy two pakistan or is obama, would say pakistan, eighth, some four hundred and seventy six turkey. Five, thousand nine hundred and twenty three kuwait. That is over sixty one thousand and calories study, george mason university enrollment was thirty, eight thousand five hundred and forty one students, twenty one thousand six hundred and three of surrender graduates and forty four hundred a graduate students of the undergraduates one thousand two hundred forty five were far any surprisingly, twenty nine percent are one thousand. Ninety five of the graduate students were international student. in the fall of twenty nineteen. The latest data available, five hundred and forty eight or twenty three percent of george made
universities, foreign students from the middle east, nascent right outside a wash and universities Reports quote an international student body. More than twenty five hundred graduate an undergraduate students from over Andrey countries, that's over ten percent foreign students and a school what twenty four thousand six hundred students, but he says I can't find a breakdown countries are origin of those students racial like that of g m, you, you ve a, would have about five hundred and fifty from the middle EAST. now says I'm sure most of them are here for the right reasons and conduct themselves accordingly, but those who appear to break our laws, students for justice. Palestine. J m you, the largest public university virginia, whose multiple news reports J, Eu students for justice in palestine-
hence in full support liberation of homeland and our peoples right to resist the violet seventy five year long colonists asian of our homeland by any means necessary. This is a terrorist front group. J, w student for justice in palestine maintains unwavering support for our peoples. Resistance in all its forms. Every single act. The resistance moves us closer to the liberation of our homeland. They set for putting on the e g m. You rally by students for justice and peace, steiner, a a gm you on october, at twelve called dozens of george university students and other community members. Many wearing face mass If sunglasses and all black loathing blasted rap music pump, their fish enchanted tanks. We got hang gliders glory. resistance fighters, weak
hang lighter, and it goes our martyrs. Their allies to suggest in the university in Virginia, where we have duncan has the governor I've heard any announcement from young can or the attorney general you or anybody about what they intend to do about this thing: the poor people who are promoting terrorism and terrorist front groups. I would think the iter general might get to work, I mean they're, all republicans! No, oh, yes is the answer there. All republicans. Now we have a problem, another problem in this country and its the corrupt them. crap party, judges, the federal state and local level, tanya chunky.
Has violated the bill of rights. The first amendment, the fifth avenue the sixth amendment, as applies to donald trump. This right to free speech, may ask a question. Free speech is one thing, but when you're a defended against big federal government and a big prosecutor with all the resources he wants. In a Democrat, controlled city. and there's lake after leak after leak after coming from a government to their favorite newspaper, that's the time first, amendment matters, so a defendant whose facing life in prison, can speak out any ass. He can call the prosecutor a bastard if he wants his collar with this bastard. If we want hey. You call the judge. What are really wants to call the judge and for this judge trunk and say, while these threatening is threatening, guess what
That same logic would apply to newspapers in this country and when you go back to the text of the first amendment, no distinction between a so called free press in an individual free speech is re space where we're going. Start throwing newspaper editors in prison because they print things that, while they might be violent,. judge should not have a robe. She should not a court room region. Obama hat Nobody sees, and this department of justice is so thoroughly corrupt, It's so thoroughly stalinist, which is why Pick somebody from the hague, which is why pick somebody who's abused along before I was down by the: u s supreme court that so they pick, and now we have organizations like media ghana I'm a little baby are made
as I call it get trump violate the gag water when he could. tries bill brought. They want to throw him in prison for criticising billboard. That is a suppose it media site. Then you have these jackasses sorry, but that's how I feel I get furious with this stuff. farmers solicitor general of the united states under o bomb? Of course, let's play cut. Fourteen MR producers cut forty In go, I think that there is no doubt in my mind that there will be a gag order imposed on donald trump and there's also no doubt in my mind that he is going to violate it repeatedly repeatedly to the point where a judge is going to have to confront the ultimate question are we going to
the former president in jail, and I think there is only one answer to that, which is what is your answer, which is you have to be made if he can clearly have gnp saki a host hemison bc. part of the administration, its interfering with it trying to put trumpet prison asking a Democrat hack Listen general under a man, they want to Let him in jail. That's what this gag orders orbit to put him in jail and stop him from participating in the presidential election by saying anything. And this order so ridiculous. You don't even know if you violated or how you violate. What criticism is accept that what could it its prior Strength, pure Simple in this area, it was a soul in general, the united states that matter about power.
Then we have a judge in colorado. There's a phoney law super up by this phony group called crew, which is fair weather Your reprobates amount malcontents. These local elected democratic judges like the clown we're gonna do issue gag water against me dummy. What are you gonna do judge initial gag order against me dummy and that we have done colorado just now by the way, this judging cholera looks like you're, quintessential left wing, but the hair and the glasses and the mannerism. Sorry, I can pick them out of a crowd. I can pick them out of a crowd And so trumps lawyers here we have a case which has a phony haste by this phony group, crew,. challenging whether the president could be on the ballot under section three, the fourteenth them
discuss this time on blue in the face. I may have to do it again, but not tonight how outrage sleep stupid at it. so they shone dismiss the case she takes that can have a full trial and so try, Lawyers find wait a minute she gave a hundred dollars to a group that is supposed to trust. The judge. Now it's not the amount of money a hundred dollars could be filed out. It's the mindset, it's the mentality. The judge gave a hundred bucks at one point. To a group that was trying to stop trump, and will you recuse yourself before they could barely finished their sense? She refused the democrats In the judiciary,. Everyone I've seen from it and manhattan.
To washington d c. The colorado are: corrupt, intellectually, corrupt, intellectually correct. They know what they are, they know who they are. They know they had no business here in these cases, but the matter and then at themselves and self righteousness their standing up for the role of raw tramp tramp tramp tramp and are getting at all the media. Supporting sickening I'll, be right back then. I have to tell you thing that speaks to the very core of our values. As americans about a veterinary
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I am and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way phil southern alone. I serious sad. I hear their first in a long time. How are you bill gregg I wanted to point out that we had a two state solution I propose in the united states that began in eighteen, sixty with the election of blank and several others, southern states seceded. form their own country, the confederate states of america, that in eighteen sixty one with a loss of any working. Five hundred thousand seven hundred thousand lives. That's all I have to say Now, that's not all yet to say. That's a brilliant point fact: I'm gonna posted We say what is your name, your bill, I'm gonna say Cholera, my radio show bill made a great point. Bill great point happen shared everybody. Thank you
if other small colors, like should around there, MR producer, who do you got there, speak to me. Debbie ABC Joe entrenched in new jersey go right ahead. Please my personal, maybe we ought to start thinking about making the toilet, when you graduate from my school two years and nine combat military service My might point you really like these. Gonna make their mandatory I don't know why. What use is more disciplined? My second point last monday at that pentagon news briefing, Deborah generals, talking about in the week following the seventeen. There are thirteen attacks against our troops, On tuesday I called creep workers office bonnie com,
watch in office and the chicanos office. I got the same reply from all three which was which was they didn't? They didn't know with their did there. Rub like cory booker's office, they know if he had any any comment, and I said to the person: don't you think that maybe something should be done because a nun response would only show weakness. more? It wouldn't work more tax. my right, of course they thanks for your cause, of course, general keen on foxes, his retired for star. One these lieutenant colonel about nothing else, lieutenant colonel, but can I retired stars, but he made the point, We have really incredible speed So we can hit it ran without sending one troop oil refineries, their large terrorist
Any company was just listening: a boom boom boom boom boom. We could have hit those we should have had and so you had another one of our people, nor reg did when they attack when our ships he destroyed him the iranian navy have. Of the iranian navy We salute all you heroes out there. Thank you so much. We appreciate you You for listening to the programme gambler Each and every one of you see the mark.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-02.