« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/29/20


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, polling locations are being closed in red states and election day is being extended in many blue states in what appears to be an underhanded way to help Joe Biden gain more votes. If the legal issues surrounding this election aren't resolved on an emergency basis it will be very cumbersome to handle after the elections when there are hundreds of thousands of ballots. Then, what's at stake in this election is court-packing, eliminating the electoral college, and the filibuster rule, attacking free speech to limit advocacy in elections, and aspects of the free press and the free exercise of religion, the 2nd amendment. But it is also the democrat's purpose to take over the government, to change our culture, country, and render the Constitution useless. Democrats don't own this government, we the people own this government. Marxists have hijacked the Democrat Party to take over the federal government. Later, threats against Justice Amy Coney Barrett have surfaced. Democrats are warning they'll impeach her if she sits in on a case related to counting ballots. Afterward, the media has ratcheted up their partisan support for Joe Biden with negative coverage of Trump soaring. The radicals driving the leftwing movement are intent on surrounding themselves with big government types and creating an American oligopoly.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now, in its hundreds Seventy fifth year hills, Is a truly independent institution where learning
prized in intellectual enthusiasm, is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting a murmuring underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: those states that have early in person voting early.
Person voting have voted yet many friends and neighbors family members to vote yet see Happen in Iowa their shutting down a whole bunch of precincts right through the election, because court quote the spread of the corona virus or Red Army, all these conservatives, are Republicans trump supporters who are going to vote. All of us. Sudden there, options are limited Madge. In that Madge that. Meanwhile, another stage there extending the time to make sure that the Democrats can get in their mail and vote ballot. So amazing thing when you're fired tax return. You dont automatically get extended deadlines, yet the pay a penalty for dont you, MR producer April. Tat- I have an extra two weeks- should take an extra two. What's the problem now you don't Get slapped unless you're fired
an extension and even then you pay a bigger fate and the Internal Revenue Code, is a hell of a lot more complicated, see tramp or Biden seriously how, Stupid or the liberals how stupid are binding supporters. I mean they want more taxes, a more complicated internal revenue code and then, when it comes a ballot colouring in little circles, and we can't you Get this on time went away when I we're not sure what to do here are treated like there for years, all by the Supreme Court Pennsylvania by the beer Crash or North Carolina by the five robes on the? U S Supreme Court, its to fill out about getting. It a time with a real postmark and if you do things on time, their consequences for, but all you
get your taxes on light now, Yoda say: wait a minute wait a minute. I need an extra two wegg tying it another nine day. if the IRS audit come a tribute, goes the postal Data's raw rough wait, men. What's the problem here. I gotta it eventually. The way these damn courts in these damn Democrats treat our electoral process is a disgrace. You ve got Now five justice is cabin on a technicality which is ridiculous of now. Made almost certain. Stay said, but almost certain adult And having a winner on Tuesday night, maybe not. but they ve made a more likely. Why could we not doing their damn jobs Three dissenters, led by a leader and by Gore, such in terms of all said, wait a minute. We,
resolve this on a murder, appeals right now. Otherwise, there's gonna be a bunch of ballots two weeks Pennsylvania, nigh. days North Carolina God knows whatever else is going on around the country, and so will actually be in the position that court. of having their say. Oh you have a cup of that ten thousand hundred thousand about those. Don't count it much more difficult to do something like that. Now you have an effort threats we threats now being made against a Supreme Court Justice Amy, only bear threats being made But if she dares to sit in a decision involving a state and counting ballots. She will be impeached. the level of tyranny and totalitarianism, coming from a left coming from a Democrat does unmatched in american industry on MAC.
I think they own this damn government we own really quite shocking. Let me underscore the point in I basically of nine hours, three this evening three tomorrow evening. Three on Monday, my piece of paper. Getting frenetic and dashed Britain panicky sending me emails, hey, hey, hey! What The games rose and found somebody at their department suggested. Listen. we have an election going on going. report others can talk about it, it's not going to change one damn vote You want to win this election or not. And by the way, the issue They keep coming up with dirt on Hunter Biden. We keep coming up with dirt on out or by the time the job I
Giuliani Ani had the best line the other day. He makes it abundantly clear. Hunter buying was the bag man for Joe Biden now, every I can understand, what's goin on Hunter buying, the bag man for Joe by night. clear, played anguish,. Man, I got an email here, earn a text in plain English. Now here's was at stake. the Democratic Party? If they win this election there, not just gonna, packed the Supreme Court. Something they ve been talking about long before Amy a bear. It was even nominated me talking about eighteen months ago the using this as an excuse they're not gonna packed the Senate with four more Democrats, making it virtually impossible for the Republicans ever to win the Senate again they're, not
it's going to try and eliminate the electoral college, which means every red state will be disenfranchised. Every right, red state. They don't just want to get rid of the fellow buster rule, which is place really since the beginning of Congress, damn near and ran through whatever, and they want. And attacking the first amendment and they have over the years to limit free speech. Fifty four them sign onto a constitutional memory of my recall to limit Advocacy advocacy when a political election. They not only seek to eliminate aspects of the free press, don't come after conservative talk, radio they'll come after fox and course, they're always attacking the free exercise of religion. Religious liberty, as they want to force and institutions to pay for abortions and that sort of thing there,
not only going to attack the second amendment. You remain. Kamel Harris talked about a number of executive orders that were basically Destroy the second amendment, as well as Fourth amendment the fifth amendment that night than the ten amendments, it is their purpose. To take over the government Why they want to do only sex? I've been thinking a lot. This is not enough to talk in the abstract. All they want to pack the court. They want a pact that why do they want to do all these walls? want to advance eight ultra leftwing agenda and they will end destroy virtually every corner of this economy, this call And this society, but one
what to do that, because the Democratic Party wants to control the government. The Democratic Party as an institution wants to control the government splain this a couple weeks ago. It's not just a debate anymore. Our policy on the fringes ensure the Democrat Party wants to take over the federal government. And that's exactly what they plan to do. They will take for the federal government they will take over the judiciary. They will take. over the Congress. The Senate has in their problem, not so much the house. they will use the legislative process and the courts to control the country who can stop them at that point.
Then they will focus on the electoral college. They will find a way around the amendment process. To eviscerate it so there the big cities in the heavily populated states and their votes will determine the outcome of national elections, which means every single one of you who do not live in a blue city or a blue state will be disenfranchised disenfranchised. That's exactly! What's going on. This is why they hate Donald Trump I can since this was their plan all along after two terms of Obama,. And they would have tried it had. Hillary Clinton become president. And so they were shocked that Donald Trump becomes. President.
And they wanted to lay the groundwork for twenty twenty by taking him out because he's too strong is too charismatic. He's too patriotic he's too A fighter he doesn't bended knee, he doesn't bow. But he wouldn't leave despite the phoney crow On investigation, despite the phoney impeachment, this the spying in the leaking in the attacks on this man, he wouldn't leave. They need him out. They need to get him out of the way they feel the first time and they don't plan to fail again. The damn cried party sixty. I want to repeat this. so all the house tomorrow can regurgitate it the Democratic Party Seeks to take over the federal government.
All the elected branches and the appointed branch, then there's nothing, nothing that can stop them. The constitution has been used to destroy the constitution, that's their plan and it's up to us to stop them. It's up to you. To stop them not just for you to vote but, as I have said, For now two months, you need to get five or ten other people to vote to. People, I don't know people nobody else in this audience knows, but you know you know. My wife and I have talked to a few of our friends. Are we encouraged him to do it and they can a blow us off.
They won't say yes I'll. Do that I'll talk to my mother, I talk to my father. Had they not sailor. I'm thinking of most of the weather, they leave it to somebody else. It can't be left, somebody else we have to do this. Now some of you out there who are Democrats, maybe your union members from a sort of more moderate or he just vote Democrats, because your family voted democratic. You really need to think this through this already has been effectively hijacked the more radical progressives, the Marxists within the party of hijacked the party and when you At the hundred and ten page Manifest so that they ve put together. You are targeted Democrat. Can Republicans alike. Union and Non Union alike. I cholera, no color
Claire, slower, middle class upper class, extraordinary wealth, the extraordinarily poor, you are all targeted. You all become playthings of decentralized are infested police state and I say police state. because, if you look at some of these dark blue states and what these governors have done and are doing, Look at Newsome in California, whose telling you how many people can gather for thanksgiving when you look what's taking place with Cuomo Brooklyn New York with the Jews, were the going into their homes and counting how many Jews or in their way See what Cuomo did the senior citizens are nursing homes and assisted living whores. When you see what Murphy has done: a new jersey, destroying gems and so on and so forth. When you see what been taking place in Illinois and Michigan again in these other states, Pennsylvania,
and if they control the whole country their righteous about it there righteous It is their following. The science just ass fancy. while tyranny and totalitarianism following the science. There is no such science, and I don't about you, but I'm sick and tired of listening to a man, has been in the federal government for half a century. Who's been so wrong about so much for so long faulty. Are they back then Hills Yoke.
It serves for purposes, learning, character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive and freedom and freedom requires educated people and people of good character. To preserve it kills. The college has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over a hundred and seventy five years, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate in graduate students but nationwide towards free online courses and through its support of classical k through twelve charter schools. Hills tells us
articles of association dating way back to eighteen. Forty four commit to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. The learning includes the constitution. It includes the laws of nature and natures, God is described in the declaration of independence, Hills does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it will continue to fight to live up to that motto, come what may learn more at Levin for Helstone Back COM, l e vienne for wholesale backup, Lovin for hills, they'll, dot com. I want to talk to you all that the corona virus. I want to give you some facts better out there for anybody launched rhythm except the media. Course was a wonderful sight keep talking about issues inside start com and they
through these science, the actual data- and I want you to hear this. Daily new confirm covert nineteen cases per million people. This is as of today, the United States is lower much lower than Switzerland Fran. United Kingdom, ITALY, in all of Europe, combined. you didn't hear that today did you, but I'm not surprised. The share of Daily Cove at nineteen tests that are positive. It doesn't even mean you necessarily habit. where's, the United States. Switzerland, is the highest friend ITALY and the United States. Is, let's see tied with UK pretty much So did the fatality rate
states. We tolerate is very low. ITALY, United Kingdom, France and all of Europe is much higher united States is lower than all of them.
Where's all the outrage about Europe's failure to contain the disease of the credit to the United States for having a better a handle on than Europe. Where all the stories recognising this disease travels and how it travels better, do ignore how the United States is doing compared to other countries. The United States compared to other countries, is actually going enormously well and the mortality rate is way way down. I'll be right, back pills, Del College, Serbs for purposes, learning, character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive and freedom and freedom requires educated people and people of good character. To preserve pills. Del college has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for one hundred and seventy five years, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate graduate students but nationwide towards free online courses and through its support of classical k through twelve charter schools, hills
articles of association dating way back to eighty forty four commit to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. The learning includes the constitution. It includes the laws of nature and natures, God is described in the declaration of independence, Hills does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come what may learn more at Levine for Hills, Del Back COM, l e g: I am free Helstone, Backup, Levin for Hills, Dale, DOT, com, growing, tribe, job get mugged were very growing now. Seventy seven point one three, eight one one. You know the media matters, which is a Soros and company front group. and somebody year more pathetic
paid, is not many when, said yesterday that if the rioters her back and the looters and arsonists who are threatening us Back on our after election day really an insurrection that the press, The insurrection active put it down, this upset them enormously, case of the sun. In Britain they twisted what I no, but it doesn't really matter. Because medium matters their funders. What rights they want violence they want. Democrat Party control. That's why they're they're so. In the past, the insurrection ACT has been used by multiple president. They would use it now, not only This present, it will use it or not, should be re, elected or even not re elected, but these.
I'd have to end the hoodlums have to be put in prison. and this is exactly what the insurrection ACT is all about. Its watch called the insurrection. We can't leave our cities and our states to temporary politicians who are all. Put in these positions by sir. I, when you think about this source, puts these I ask you to send as do other billionaires they, These mayors and they support them. Then they organizations. Radical some cases, violent organizations that do what they're doing then they help fund outlets like media matters, or at least they did so look the triangle of Marxism right there triangle of Hate Americanism right there. from media matters to the streets to the prosecutors.
Of course, there should be a Rico investigation to determine what's going on here, of Antigua. A black lives matter and anybody Whose funding these organizations? Of course, there should be. When I required to sit on our hands and keep our mouths shut while and shut, while these things are going on. And I certainly won't want that's for sure. I have a question. About Joe Biden since the media, the Praetorian Guard Democrat Party media, never Ashton, Joe Biden pick up your at times. Of course, you don't have a well look at it at the grocery store. Look at the Washington Post. How many stories are there? in a job. I focused on Joe Biden job, I almost none, so I have a question for you. Those of you who are listening and still thinking about voting for Joe Biden
And there are those in the audience. After forty seven years. What is Joe Biden have to show for his career. That's almost half a century. There must be something. in forty seven years. What exactly did Joe Biden Fix. in forty seven years exactly what did Joe Biden ever lead on. In forty seven years, what Joe Biden said that has been memorable. I'm not turn about his guests, It's been memorable or perhaps even profound forty seven years. In forty seven years exactly what culture? By an accomplished vision. simple questions for people considering voting form telling everything is going to do the next four years. I am asking you specific
What do you have to show for it? What does he fixed? What has he ever level. What is he said? That's been profound or member What does he actually accomplish. The answer who the hell knows. Who the hell knows he's been a hang around for forty seven years ago, elected from a tiny state? That's a democrat state here first election was prize election, he won by the skin of his teeth. Every Action thereafter been a landslide della As a democratic state, that's what it is like it or not. A tiny State, I have nothing against it and it is what it is. nobody still sure why Obama chose him, as is running, may really. They say too sharp as foreign policy credentials and yet
when it comes to foreign policy, Joe Biden has been, from beginning to end a complete match up a complete failure. So nobody can answer this because there are no answer. Because Joe Biden has done a damn thing and forty seven years, ladies and gentlemen, I can Point out all the races things he said you weren't read those in the New York Times and washed and post you on about it on CNN and MSNBC won't hear about it on CBS, ABC Nbc, one racist common after another What was then this is now. Oh, I see. Unbelievable what this guy gets away with and rubies right. The issue: isn't there A hundred by this hunter by Miss the point is hundred Biden is the
that is the vice president's son, biden- was the bag man for Joe by its that simple. That's the problem. And Joe Biden pretend she doesn't know anything. throws his own son under the bus. I don't know anything. I love my suddenly my son alone, his campaign, and denied a single thing. That's because Corrupt, ladies and gentlemen, what day well know if your son or daughter was doing things Hunter bind was doing you a damn. Oh now, and if it of all these emails we're coming out on all these other things and your son or your daughter was clean, you would say. Those emails are fraudulent. that hard drive is fraud My son or daughter was never in that computer fix it shop. Those is photos. Those aren't as emails not base. Say that, because
true now I'm gonna, get into every particular. You know why? Because five slash eight and a half hours to try and affect a positive outcome in this election, so bottom line is not email and every text, the bottom Joe Biden is a liar. He's lying About what is son is done because these benefited from it at once, I'm going to be able to get to the bottom of it before the election. Because the media have no interest in this man. So you need to know if you're thinking about voting for abide. That the man in the family are corrupt. Why cause they? haven't denied it. They point to Russia, There is no Russia here so by.
Joe Biden Dish. Information campaign, so he's corrupt up those eyeball forty seven years of their anger on him, well. I've been working for the Department of Agriculture, the Post office and about putting them down, I'm only showing he's, not presidential materia, nobody knows what the hell he's ever done. Nobody knows what they always ever fixed. I want. She's commercials nine. Percent of them, trashing, the presently United State, almost none of them. He tells us what he's going to do in the Koran of Irish. Exactly the same thing, the president has done They would have been able to do it because By Biden already had a test run with the swine flu and two thousand nine any failed. Now the democratic Party is utterly corrupt, is right Alive, it's not
borrowing from Marxism and fascism. and it has as its purpose, one party control look the task. Was California, California, the biggest state. Biggest most populous state in the nation, entrepreneurship, Up the was Zoo Linux, in place. People who wanted to succeed would go to California. the Homer Ronald Reagan, the homo dude major in the home of Peat Wilson Summit, significant companies started in California, so many great ideas coming out of California and intent. Here's they destroy. It. It's a non competitive state politically, It is a non competitive state that took five years. Because they grab the reins of power, they packed the commission's.
They changed the voting system, they packed the courts and they did it. They did it to what was and look I'm, not a California, but I consider The greatest stayed in the country: they took the most vibrant, the wealthiest the most diverse state in the country and they destroyed. It, one party rule Democrat party rule, you cannot public and when their state, why? For a hundred years, Ronald Reagan couldn't win in California that many people forget. that George W Bush when he ran for president the first time, one California and many people forget Like Frank lunch in the others, they forget. Then, in the nineteen eighties The writing in the thinking in the arguments back then was the republic Forget it control the presidency as far as the I can see in the Democrats
we get a change. So they switched on immigration, open borders, supply Illegal immigration and the union's one with him. The unit one with them and they decided. It's gonna take over the Secretary of State offices in every state and they began to do that. They began to change the voting system nationwide and in the states to make a much much easier for people to vote. All that's good know. That means we be assured that the people who are voting are supposed to be well. Then they used your tax dollars to create and by constituent groups. They ve done everything they can with the power the purse. One party rule and the power the courts to change that. Country and we're on the precipice. This is the election.
You're staring into the abyss. It's right now. It's right here. and the question is whether we can Marshall enough of us. What does this enough of us laughed enough of us who patriotic and have they desire to save this country? That outvote the other side. It's come down to this. There's, no, avoiding it It's on your shoulders, there's no, avoiding it. It's our generation's turn. Made a generation at fought the revolutionary war generation that for the civil war. A generation that fought war war want a generation that fought war war too. What generation that fought? The korean war, the Vietnam WAR, Iraq, Afghanistan,. Our generation needs to step up here.
and we need to do what right and the truth, the vast majority of people, when the ages of thirty five and sixty in this country. Have not served in the military, have nots, and law enforcement, the vast majority, including me it's time to step up, Don't expect other people to do this, for you. The president is Breaking out in every respect. He's carrying such a heavy load. We ve gotta, give em cover. We ve got to take care business. I'll, be right back, then Hills, Joke
It serves for purposes, learning, character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive and freedom and freedom requires educated people and people of good character. To preserve it kills. Tell college has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over a hundred and seventy five years, not only to its fifteen hundred undergraduate in graduate students but nationwide towards free online courses and through its support of classical k through twelve charter schools. Hills
articles of association Dating Way. Back to eighty, forty four commit to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. The learning includes the constitution. It includes the laws of nature and natures, God is described in the declaration of independence, Hills does motto, is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come what may learn more at Levin for Helstone Back COM, Al Easy Iron from Helstone, Backup, Levin for Hills, they'll, dot com. I seen his pouch your tv, whose really turned enormously politically. Any says you know we may not be through this tool: twenty twenty two may
The president's been pushing hard for a vaccine, which would mean we get through it faster. but he's saying things that are very, very misleading. He says you know when you do the basic things like socially distance and wear masks. According to the National Geographic, which has also studying this in a report they put on October fifth. Ninety two percent of Americans have been worrying face masks, so Four percent say they always do other words and, under every circumstance, Let's say the walking in a field by themselves, there were mask whenever they go out now the two percent of Americans, Canada, National Geographic had been wearing masks. What does he want. How'd she has no answers whatsoever who keeps going on tv telling her how
bad. This is gonna, be how dire it's going to be the exact opposite of what he did when this was first. On our radar corona virus, you Do the basic she got aware mask, we are wearing masks. We're working masks. Eighty five percent of the people This is a recent number tested, positive recovered. Nineteen, the corona virus, MR producer, have said what. They ve been wearing masks? The five percent of the people say they ve been wearing mass, so wearing mass is not a silver bullet. Ask me, Dr Americans are wearing masks some People are wearing masks when they take a shower apparently and the answer from faulty. That's the end. Another country so that had the most brutal shutdowns unlocked downs are having the worse the worse, so
and head the corona virus. top, she still doesn't know what to say, but the media love the guy. They just love him, because why they use him as a foil against the President, United States, in fact, she's happy to be such a fool for you. I'll be on Hannity at nine hundred and thirty five eastern tonight I hope you'll watch it. I I hope you all your you'll come see us nine. Thirty, five eastern
And I on had any on Fox, we'll be right back from the westward one podcast network, now broadcasting number my underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader. America marked the men here, our number eight seven, seven, three eight once create one one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one in other words a time when so many these governors were caught short handed, was result of their own mismanagement. In their own failure to prepare for pandemics,
I've told you many times. Governors are in charge of hospitals whether they can expand, whether you can build new. Pros right here, my own county. That happened. There actually charge of how many ventilators or in the hospitals. How many I see you beds in the house was governors are in charge of all these things. They actually have a lot of power, but When they screw up, they pretend they don't. But I want to remind you what these governors said: Gavin Newsome, Democrat California, Andrew Cuomo, Democrat New York feel Murphy Democrat New Jersey, Michel Lou, hungry from Democrat New Mexico cut for
fact is every time I called the president quickly got on the line. We asked to get support for that mercy ship in southern California. He was able to direct that in real time what the federal government did working with states was a phenomenal accomplishment. We got two thousand of these vehicle field, medical sites that are up almost all operational now in the state because of its support and those are the facts. His team has been no team when there are no a team when they knocked his team has been responsive late at night early in the morning. We are working very well with FEMA Region tool, but the army Coreham engineers building for field hospitals, but that was a decision. The president himself took and am grateful for these were just extraordinary efforts and mobilization, and the federal government stepped up. We need help and they were there. He said everything and we had a very long station. Every single thing he said followed through. We got a double the number of Emily there's that we requested for that area of the state and in fact we got and frankly short order have lost any because we didn't have a bed. We didn't have event. The later we didn't care staff. The president was extending support for new Slavs self conversation then promised this cat.
Then, of course, they have to try and carry buying on their shoulders to victory. There is none of them said whenever we needed how we called policy the speaker. ass. We needed help. We called humor now they weren't, how least On this man wearing thing, which is very bizarre bizarre to me since about ninety two percent, the american people actually do wear masks in fact you to keep going on to by the way, seen independent actor, so the credit as we keep getting on tv amazing. particularly now the press, as you seem to attack the present in the United States, of course, but Our experts that we're advising people not to wear masks in February and March- and I reminded you about this, including fouche- Doktor Jenny, Harry's. Jerome Adams, witty
Alex are, among others, all so called experts had to, gravy and wonderful sight, two percent of Americans, where mass seventy four percent all the time for almost all the time. So the issue is not the fire to wear masks and also the great Daniel, Horowitz and others have looked at the data on country, shut down countries out of shut down more fully than even the United States shut down now have a worse problem That's listen to this cut nine, go
You and me wearing these mass done what doktor faulty and what doctors should have said is that could actually sometimes be more harmful to you, then not wearing a mass, because if it's not fitted right, gonna fumble with it, you are to be touching your face, which is the number one way you're gonna get diseases unclean ants touching your face in terms of wearing a mosque. Our advice is clear: that wearing a mass etons having an infection really reduces the risk always not have not fallen. So we do not advise that well as important for boats to know that base mask are not recommended for the general public there. There are two things: people should know number one urgent general. You wear a faith mask and you're, not wearing it properly. You're gonna be more likely to touch her face and you can actually selection that appeared. So you see how the talking points go out and we have, Rockettes, even in so called sites where the Rockets. every one of these experts to a man and woman said: don't wear mask: go ahead.
Respiratory disease like corona virus airflow right now. People should not be what does no reason to be walking around with the mask When you are in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet. But it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that no less that this is literally shocking. That this man, the infect disease. Expert of the planet supposedly good come like this than shortly thereafter say. He only said that, because we don't have enough masks. So you lie through your teeth to the american people and we have enough masks because of M Biden hadn't planned, The pandemic. Now they say, wear masks all the time so, which was the science and which wasn't the site, go ahead. Average
the public wondering demonstrate. This is really not a good idea. What tends to happen is people will have one mosque, you can imagine they don't wear it all the time take off when they get home. They put it then, on the surface, that they haven't, cleaned or they'll be out and they haven't wash their hands. They're gonna have a cup of coffee somewhere they half hooky twelve that wipe something over it put it back up and in fact you can actually trap the virus in the mouth and then stopped reading, so that we could be putting themselves more written well, wearing Asclepius. Doesn't so yet because of this issue of if you like, behavioral issues which are really important when we talk about infectious disease, is people ten candidate adversely put in so that more recent and less so? How did the signs trees device, didn't change. Droplets, don't change! The rationale for not wearing a mask. Hasn't changed from the rationale that you should wear a mask: in other words, they said no
do a science. and they still hang onto this like this is the end all the b or she does. Have they would all a mask? This would go away. All you gotta do is lockdown, stop eating, stop drinking. that's socialize! Now sacks Caspian have settled down everybody. Waiting donors for seven or eight years will be in the clear. This isn't science. This is quackery. that's right, you heard it I'll say at first. This is quackery. How can they all say this. In the middle of the outbreak of the virus and now say You must wear a mask. You must wear Maskew s whereby its core, three. and people are where I masks? Huge percentage of the people wearing masks our test. Positive it because
touching their masks. Is it because they're putting down on a surface. What is it wise? happening, doktor factory. I don't know- but if they were locked down everything in everybody, why those big glad bags you know. that thirty gallon trash bags. Thirty three going out those those green bags. Everybody would put that over there had put it up. Body may be. We just enough space, so you can see out of it and, I think will be angered, shape, quackery and then I have to play something for you now that is gonna infuriate you I'm sorry. The people of New York elected this man here Sick s whole the Sandro. He is one stupid person. He's a smart as he sounds, which means he's very stupid and trust. Me
If his last name wasn't Cuomo, he wouldn't be elected to anything. It is done little brother, frayed, o Cuomo. I think Harry Fly shook him. but their name that Idiot frayed Cuomo. He wouldn't be anywhere on tv as no talent. I want you to listen to and these guys gone the view A question by somebody collar cell Whoopi, a worthy: We ve got five and you say, and rightly so I think, but I noticed she and fancies andreasen similar, reducing. If I didn't know that was will be Goldberg I'd say: that's gotta be Anthony, found she go ahead,
and you say and rightfully so I think, but I'm going to ask you if you're holding you know who responsible for every death in New York from Colvin and let's stop right here and she thinks she's right to do it. She's an idiot. A complete moron every single case where somebody's died from this virus does. matter. If they had a coal more. Doesn't matter if they were four hundred while pounds, if they Severe heart disease, none of it matter according to die, there will be Goldberg back there. we'll be caution: Goldberg, that's on Trump, every death, Eric In a nursing home in New York. As a result
drew Cuomo order. That's on Trump. These people. Are the worst of the world's worst of the worst go ahead? You why Our whole do you know who is responsible for every death in this country. First, who will be because lied about it? That's enough! That's enough!. lied about what you jack S notice. This guy will only go and shows where they labour all over Mister producer, invited you come on the show, and I mean it seriously: his office and say I want to talk when they hear it Goldberger, disgrace a shame Was disgrace all the death that occurred in New York operators Thousand human beings, Feel as a result of his directive and you give them
I pass you live. Question him let Press him you're a fool: you're propagandists. I'll be right back then support for this. I cast in the following: small business story comes from dropbox business teamwork. Your way high, Naomi- and this is my small business story there I again struggling to balance my professional life and taking my son, something healthy and my personal life, and then I decided I can solve this. So Put together a team and we created astronauts and east balanced meal for working parents to give their goods. team seems mismatched in different time zones with different working styles. But honestly, that's only made us more productive
work early and slides, while Busdriver signs tasks and legal works late, sending documents from L a sign all from one share: dropbox workspace: oh that's our project manager. I gotta go by try drop thanks for your team pre for thirty days at dropbox, dot, com, slice teams at work. let's go to Alley Columbus Ohio on the mark live in an alley. How are you today high mark on great hurry? You great thank you so excited that you took my call I wanted to let you know that when you first started talking about getting five to ten, both out of little intimidated, but I decided to take it as a challenge and once I got the five I went rate to ten and have already at thirty to go in for fifty equally election. You are unbelievable and I'm so, and so is your dog anyway
I think he caught you is a big mark would in fact as well. I wanted to tell you that, as I have been able to convince a couple of people, but I wanted to have already installed, don't take for granted. What we learn on this show, I can say, a couple of people off the top of my head that I was able to convince or current, they weren't they won't hold on Byron, but they weren't planning on voting for the present there at all, they kept saying things like your: what is properly done? Doesn't don't We can only you and then I was able to go through a record. Especially uncovered and now I've got. my dad goin for ten, both well we're wasting that you what we could get. You got some friends in Arizona that historic. You're unbelievable if we had a million of you think we being great shape, but I'm just hoping that You sound very young, may I ask: how are you how old are you yeah on twenty eight you know, and you're millennium millennials are put down all the time, but not by me, but millennials or put down all the time. You know
you are setting an example for people who are forty, fifty sixty seventy years old and older, who really to get involved in this, and really due to treat like it something very, very seriously working to wake up one of these days election day or thereafter. We're gonna say what the hell happened. Well, if you could have got you know let me tell you something else out there elections decided by this, the smallest of numbers you look in Florida, the Bush versus for again I became down a couple hundred votes. Will you may not remember TAT, it came down to a couple hundred votes a couple hundred votes after millions of people voted in Florida and that's where people can say what the hell I should have. I should have been more active in getting people to vote. This is serious There have been Senate votes that if- down the eighty two votes, two votes, which means what.
which means a handful of votes, would have gone the other way you would have won. and there have been house races that have come down the six votes. There was a house race and Virginia not long ago, where they had a. They had Gas draws out of a hat straws or they flip the coin, because Tied. This is serious stuff, we're talking about I took this election may be extraordinarily close, and so I when people to get upset. You know I could have whatever its too late. Then it's too late. So You really have. simplified exactly what we're talking about. You are a patriot there's only. All I can do is send you a assigned, Look, I don't hang up and this I studied a semi David Zay email from the other night to please and Get your book set out surround hang up, I mean it very proud of you. So thank you out. How do you like that?
Exactly what I'm talking about berry San Francisco. California, that great care so foul Barry go right ahead, place early on in your show you something that really made me pick up when you said Democrats own you do so, they want to own the federal government over the last four years, I'm in airports, veteran native San Francisco, for the last three years I've been trying to convince my friends and my relative that the Democrats or major threat a country now, I believe, major threat to our country, corrupt politicians. What people want a beer from self. How do career politicians make money it become so rich. It's a great question: oh you don't look at that! Look, abiding and houses, and all that I don't know you know in San Francisco Mark
At the point now, where they don't know the difference between right and wrong, they allow people to shoot up publicly I'm afraid, I'm a needle we're crap on the sidewalk here, and I do think that the photos of sounds it's disgusting. The most beautiful city in America Is now one of the worst? mark and I just want American after all, you independence of all you Democrats, who have a brain vote Republican, I'm an independent, but I'm going. I wrote a Republican straight down the line. It doesn't do any good and almost don't you feel like a matter for me in San Francisco, but we think it a moving. My family's been here since nineteen o nine humbling and I've been handled it anymore than the closing down about you walk greens, because a tired of being ripped off you can steal the nineteen fifty dollars be prosecuted. Let that's cause. You have a sorrows prosecutor. We want allowed County Virginia and she announced. that basically the same thing up to fifteen hundred dollars? She won't charge anybody sick,
that its nuts Owing to the method and its role by the way, may I say that you know what I was doing in this county: what the bus drivers. You know four months there hasn't been school. Obviously they ve been paying Bus drivers to do the bus routes with empty buses Do the bus routes is not a single kid in the bus they get paid The gas leans used. The buses are used, and their driving around nobody in them. That's like that old, that old joke about the communists where they have to pay digging halls and other people filling the halls. You know well they're right by introducing the new HORIZON business unlimited plans. Now you can A plan for his Lois thirty dollars a month per line without Olpae get five g nationwide, plus massive data capacity, plus Bambi,
features and with rising business unlimited you can mix and match the right plans for your business. So you get more of what you need and none of what you don't from Verizon. The network businesses rely on five June nationwide available and aching hundred plus cities and most vizier foggy devices monthly, prolong pricing with five plus lines on business start device, payment, smartphone, purchase, auto pay and paper free billing required term supply of an interim review is a mixed virtue goal, but my Levin show now seven seven three eight on four years. Why wasn't just a reminder I'll be on hand on the Fox NEWS, Channel nine? Thirty five pm eastern, I hope, will see there, come up to the final days before the actual election, although almost eighty million or so people already voted. That's half the vote.
I hope that includes many of you were you state again. Will you go in person and vowed early? I want to encourage you to do that. Hurricane moving up through the south. You see what This happened in Iowa with a gun. Steps in and says I were shining a whole bunch of precincts because of the spread of the corona virus. Clear, that's intended to her Republicans were waiting to vote in person To keep all these things in mind than your own life and in your own situation, My wife and my family threats to their family already voted in person. In the state of Virginia. Others are voting in the state of Tennessee same thing,. And those of you who can should. look at this vine leaves tromp among White women, by five Six percent look at that. Because by done so much for the country
forty seven years, Easter, fantastic job, so why one in America, who can tell me what he's done or anyone or any person no. He also college chairs for purposes learning curve your face and freedom, patient and faith thrive, and freedom and freedom requires an educated people of people, a good character to preserve it, the college has been providing the education needed to preserve free government forever hundred seventy five years. Still continues to provide that education today, not only to its fifteen hundred stellar graduates and graduate students, but nationwide to you. Through its free online courses, its support of classical k through twelve charter schools, and its Outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty Hill does articles of association dating back to eighteen, forty four committed
I wish to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning learning includes the constitution, includes the laws of nature natures, God, as described in the declaration of independence,. It includes America's great heritage of liberty that too often it is, firstly, derided are denied. Hills does motto is pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four and it can- We need to fight to live up to that motto. Come what may. Learn more at Levine for hills, doubt dot com, l, e g, I and frail stout com live in hills doubt come. Let me try this one. You know it had great men in the past Jefferson, Lincoln Souci had just a story: Reagan, others they ve all set.
If America collapses it'll be from within that will be from within, because that's what Happened to pass republics, they get weak from within and they begin the collapse. even before the enemy strikes. The two great examples, of course, her Athens in Rome. we'll America be another example. Let's put it to you, this way said that planning to do damage to our republic and economic system. If elected bind and his party, Russia, Canada, China can't do it, but the damn crash. Can we call them the enemy from within. That is those who are plotting and seeking to do exactly, as I say, who Bennett
from destroying our energy product production I can still benefit from destroying our energy production, who benefits China, Russia, OPEC, Then, as well so forth, we don't benefit. And none of those countries can destroy energy sector. Only the Democrats. who benefits from massive tax increases on our business, their ruin these This is that make them less competitive, the drive up the cost of goods and the cost of employing people making. non competitive who'd, who does not benefit, not Americans, that benefits China and Russia and other com. And only the Democrats can do this. Does China I can't do this stuff.
Joe Biden is leading a party. At once, to weaken. The nation from within govern ITALY and economically. It is a gravely this time we live in because of a gravy gravely dangerous democratic party. This is what I'm trying to explain. and on top of all this, the buying family, his corrupt as Hell scrubbed, is here now. Again, looking at right here miles Taylor, who is MILES Taylor. Miles tailored turns out as anonymous. number anonymous
we're all the brouhaha about anonymous. Members are bad or hers, memories book or hers, anonymous. Will the New York Times lighter again. and the rest of the media were happy to go along, including CNN Byron York sums it up. Do you remember anonymous on September five, twenty eighteen, the New York Times published an op headlined quote: I'm part of the resistance inside the Trump Administration, unquote. software was anonymous, identify by the times as a senior official under Trump Administration, whose idea? It is known to us on whose job would be jeopardized by its disclosure. they senior official when the Trump administration. And they knew who or what. the up anonymous
that he was working every day to thwart president trumps efforts to enact his campaign. Promises. Said quote: many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate power, To visit agenda is worst inclinations, anonymous rope I would know I am one of them. the Epp Ed hit Washington like a bomb. This wasn't some mid level functionary, a top up insider had joined the resistance. Who was it The guessing game began immediately and so did the denials within hours a huge number of high level administration officials said it, And then my pants MIKE Pay a gym, Stephen managing Jeff sessions, Kirsten Nielsen, John Balderdash coats and then quoth the sectors. Agriculture, commerce, education, energy, health and human resources. Housing and urban development in terror,
Labour transportation of veterans affairs, swallows the CIA and FBI directors, the President's trade representative acting chief the and its ambassador to the EU and Russia to a times follow up all denied. The Trump Whitehouse vowed to fund culprit. The questions arose. Why did the New York Times allow the author to write anonymously? require him or her to identify itself by name was step, two times conceded, but quite We believe publishing this essay anonymously is the only way to deliver an important perspective to our readers. Unquote. So anonymous remained anonymous until now,. In the final days before the election. Anonymous is come out. He's come out of the closet. He's miles Taylor with the time
wrote? The op bed was a policy adviser in the Department of Homeland Security. You would later become chiefest apart he advised in homeland security. The words he didn't have interactions with the president. He wasn't at the White House He was not a senior administration official use, a flunkey. The first reaction of nearly everyone was to ask who Taylor amid level bureaucrat was not the top official. The time suggested he was an all of which Washington assumed in to be heeded have the sort of daily contact with President Trump there Yours guest, in short, anonymous, was far less than he seemed And why did you write anonymously because he knew that The identified himself people would see who we was, he might but be criticized cod. Understand why some people consider questionable to love. Such serious charges against a sitting president under the cap, of anonymity tell a road
a media imposed revealing as identity. but my reasoning was straightforward and I stand by issuing my critiques without attribution forced the. to answer them directly on the merits or not at all, rather think Rating distractions, through petty insults, name call this miles tailors ahead case. in a perfect foil for the New York Times so Taylor as Europe puts erode anonymously in the times? Let him get away with it. Our people on all sides feel deceived course trot support to see the whole thing is a scam. the members of the resistance, are disappointed to quote, The crux of the issue is that readers would have been less inclined to take the specific, specific subs. the claim seriously had they been formed in member of the identity of the authored the time row, constant, critics, Susan Hennessy of LAW, fair him knowing either they held at it.
grant anonymity in that circumstance, without giving way more contacts was a disservice. So now what Taylor will enjoy a bit more attention and returned to his new job at Google. Yes, he works for big tech, now and times will move on the times the new Ex limes, having done even more damage to its reputation. He washed it post critic wrote that the times was Sully by the whole charade and other media organisations- CNN one other group also suffered damage in September, the network Taylor as it contributes after he denied on air that he was anonymous now that it clear that its new contributor lie to viewers scene and says, will keep Taylor in his position. No intention of firing him, after only might be the next Jeffrey Tube in Mr Produce. can never have enough Jeffrey turbans at CNN.
What was that all about getting trump, of course, Trot The past four years have seen many in the press changed the reporting standards an unprecedented adversarial stance against the president. It's no surprise to see continue right up election day I'll be right back in shaping the czech engine light turn on give anyone anxiety, but rather we have car shield for ouch many ten camaro About that anymore caution, offers a wide range of protection plans. I can save you thousands for it covered repair which mean a check engine like body, so scary anymore, when it comes on, you know,
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so thrilled if its election night and worse, far ahead, that there's no way damn thing the Democrats can do well. It's Florida, Georgia, Arizona. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin mission In Minnesota, yes, Iowa. You know where you live We can get Nevada. You max co just some of these states. I don't know, but it will be because a view the people in this audience going, during getting five people like ten people to vote, not just yourselves at support. Obviously,. But we need your help. We ve been talking about this for two months now. We need your help, whom must have a mindset that you are the precinct worker. You must stay, back to the founding fathers what they want through.
Paul Revere did with his life on the line, but Thomas painted to encourage The soldiers who were very down and out right before trend in the battle of trend. I want you to think about the second Continental Congress in full in the Pennsylvania Assembly House. When representatives for every state met relatively small building with a rubber the least small number men they d I did to take on the most powerful military and country on the planet. These colonists, because They wanted their liberty one, a representative government: they wanted their freedom.
And when they sign that document, the declaration of independence, they sign their death warrant and they know it. Nobody is asking you to do that, through your own motivation, your own patriotism. It s not just a vote but try and corral five or ten people to vote as well. If you do this, if all of you do this, we will win it's up to you. Don't believe that the other side is when all worked up, they see an opportunity to actually control the government forevermore. That's their plan, That's what they're plotting to do.
By a simple vote and the simple vote, a five or ten people in your circle, we can stop them. We can stop them. There's no way Joe Biden should be present. you say forty seven year career with no accomplishments period. he's made enough money off? This government has made Money off of his name in total and swords. family he's, corrupt. So some mentally incapable of doing the job, this Democrats who want to take over the government. or move him out. The push gamala harris- why do you think Obama was behind Kemal Harris, because of a race now, a radical the radical members of the Senate. Now what you say, about that- Bernie Sanders is a communist she's,
the most radical member, the Senate. And I would ask my friends out there, who are minorities- African Americans, black Americans,. can you name one thing: Khumalo Harris did for the black community when she was district attorney then prosecute more. I want to crimes against blacks than anybody else, they tell me one thing: she did one. On behalf of minorities or the black or african american community is Attorney General California, of course, camp one thing and her two years in the Senate. Now you can't. these people are bad, a radical ideology they to get a constituency group. They train appealed each constituency group, whether
based on race or religion, withered based on economics, Sir Age, whatever it is, but they never keep their promises because the camp they want peace, Obama's got rid. where's got rid.
The burdens are rich, they all get rich while talking about the people. The amazing thing I'll be right back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run. Remember me: underground commend both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader in America, Mark Levant Hair, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one before I jumped then take a binding support at dawn. Wilmington doubt he left.
Why did he leave? I went right term as fast as humanly possible, soda left us. Well, let's get back to what I wanted to do. You know, like to play with yarn, I like to play with liberals from spreading I want to remind you of something. almost four years ago. A young man by the name of will run. Cbs news, digital political corresponded most. Have you ve, never heard of him. He was the network's managing director politics. after the elections, Donald Trump. on November eleventh, he wrote this. And, of course, citizen on freedom of the press and by the way I hear conservatives on radio on tv Talking about the press and the bread.
everything you want to know is an on freedom of the press. That's where most of them get it anyway. And here's what he wrote in part Tell me if you think it applies today, writer, for the election of the president and by the way here is the problem. The Democrats have now changed the system of electing a prayer so that. We may not have a definitive answer on election. I this is how outrageous these people are. He wrote the mood in Washington. The Washington press corps is bleak. Fervently so. shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we All tacitly or explicitly hash tag with her has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump victory. More than that- and more importantly, We also miss the story after
Having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on. This is all symptomatic of modern journalism, great moral and intellectual, failing it Sunday. Apple smugness, rob knew what he was doing invited his crowds to jeer in his report covering him? They hate us And for some time and you can you blame them? journalists, love mocking trump supporters. We knows them as racists and the way dark. age clerics, confused medical problems with demonic possession. Journalists are worse, see ourselves as a priestly cast. We believe we not only have access to the indisputable facts, but also- Greater truth, he says my beliefs, from an advanced understanding of justice. This is all white lash. You see.
From voters, are racist and sexes, so Ask me some racists and sexes to be more of them. I should say that we realized less increasingly, don't even believe, and the possibility of reason disagreement in Aceh just scribe, cynical motives to those who think about things a different way as a direct result. we get it wrong with greater frequency. Out on the road we forgot to ask: right questions. We can't even imagine the right questions. We go no assignments to certain, though we find will serve to justify our biases. Now this book came out on? May twenty nineteen and I added the following. Unfortunately runs wise counsel to his media colleagues has fallen on deaf ears,
despite runs warnings to his media colleagues. Since the election, the Democratic Party press, his leash they relentless and hellish campaign of insulting combination against President Trump, whom they see drive from office and his supporters from they have when disdain Aside from certain news, media platforms, a few cable programmes, newspapers and conservative talk radio there's little? our ability to counterbalance the large old media platforms of the Democrats? Party press, kinship between journalists and the Democratic Party in the progressive ideology debases professional, journalistic standards which- Because he is treated in presenting this news, can I go on the press Is angry that they got it wrong four years ago.
the media are populated overwhelmingly, as I proven on freedom of the press was left, in social activists who register identify with the Democratic Party. Our friends in news busters have indicated that ninety two percent of the coverage, been negative against the president. Ninety two percent, They looked at the newscasts ABC Cbs, an embassy from Twenty nine, through October twentieth. And they say the networks are point their energy into confronting and criticising the president, not equally covering both campaigns during the twelve weeks we examined trumpet. eight hundred and thirty nine minutes of coverage compared to just two hundred sixty nine minutes avert time for binding Three two one disparity.
even more lopsided. Our analyse found ten times more evaluative statements about Trump than by another, its commentaries. Eight hundred and ninety comments about the president of which eight hundred and twenty two or ninety two point four percent were negative. It's sixty, eight or seven point six percent that were positive. Note that total stone include statements about the candidates, prospects and the campaign in the horse. Race notice, include: partisan statements from candidates or their surrogates. Give trumps covered seems nightmarish, highly negative binds media profile might be a dream, come true for a presidential candidate, especially one suppose, Late payment in the polls. Out of ninety one of active comments. Biden benefited from sixty positive cars. Statements, for us is only thirty one. There were negative up to a sunny. Sixty six percent positive good press corps.
The three evening, newscasts, the big networks, have been let Leslie negative throughout trumps presidency from inauguration day. Generally, twenty twenty seventeen up, two and three Toby, twenty twenty. Twenty, our analysis as tallied sixty. thousand seven hundred and fifty five votes two comments, in other words, commentary. Ninety point: percent of which that is, fifteen thousand one hundred and sixty one Have been negative marginal, the work they're doing. The embassy, unbelievable. And compared to campaign for years ago, Tromp has been bludgeoned with thirty two Sent more negative comments. while Biden has enjoyed sixty five percent fewer negative comments and Hillary Clinton faced in twenty sixty frumps coverage during these same weeks and twenty sixteen was ninety one percent negative compared to night. two percent this year.
Binds overall press corps was substantially more positive than Clinton's. She had seventy nine percent negative binding Sixty six percent positive, you see. the media dont want to from their perspective, make the same mistake twice. They all out and all in and you can see it every day. That's why they cover up his corruption. That's why They never demand medical records. That would reveal his issues. that's why they never carefully over his taxes, which we have thanks, decrease Jacobs and others that Joe Biden in the last two years has not contributed to the coverage of Obamacare or Medicare by Ben S, cooperation. media, don't care there, definitely not gonna zoom zone and on that.
The anti Semites who'd been supporting Joe Biden, some of whom have been working for Joe Biden. You don't know who they are, because the media don't want you to know who they are. that's what we're facing. That's exactly what we're face. Let me hit the refresh button and will jump in here. Let us go to run Tampa Florida on Syria, satellite IRAN. How are you, sir? Margo, you don't love me and I appreciate it. You bet.
But what I wanted to talk about it. I know a lot of people are in a panic because of everything, the media thing and then by leading by such a wide margin. But the bottom line is this: the Democrats can say whatever they want. A lot of these people are the dinner the power they are president, thereby president that c o the big companies there need exquisite country club at her all democratic, emigrate. Democrat Democrat. However, when it time to vote. I feel they are going to choose tramp in here and why they know what Trump did what the stock market. They see what all these rules, than protests and then ran rioting and looting of going on. All these democrat run cities. These people have their money in the stock market. They own businesses and these data being destroyed. The trumpets protecting why these democratic mayors demand and did not tell you why you're wrong.
Because we don't live in a purely free market system anymore. We never really did but further. than it ever was going to use massive ubiquitous, big government, New found friends and connections and big government too, Nice themselves to defeat competition, This is what happens when you have. Something short of Asia of a constitutional republic. You have this kind of an oligopoly so I do not feel that they will be feeling that consequences- The decisions made all the rooms out there, all of us it will affect us whatever taxes are raised or whatever is done there. We're very high where their newfound friends, make ended and decree loopholes, and that's exactly what there's like her and have a look at it. That way, I hope
I don't be wrong that if they have no reason to publicly fund by and then quietly vote against- and I just don't think that makes that may arise. I ran. Meanwhile, you need to get out there and make sure five or ten people vote and by law. Thank you. Your map back to God bless. That's the great equalizer folks, that's the great equalising, but the price for too long and long enough. His face these people on his own he's represented us. He sought to protect us from he's taken, enormous hits still standing. They lie about em, they lie about his family. They live This finances they lie about his wife. The lie about what he's done, the corona virus and on the economy they lie
and they lie and they lie because they can they column Hitler. They column style on my column, muzzle leaning, they call Us Nazis. Now he has stood by himself for long enough. Now it's time for us. I don't care if you attend a rally. but to rally round him by voting. That's your duty. That is your duty. You're not being drafted under the military use, ass to voluntarily helps Every country. Reelected Donald Trump, that's what's being asked Thanksgivings coming up. Many of you gonna be with your family members. Many of you are going to be looking at your kids in your grand kids or a few younger. You can be looking at your parents and grandparents, I
And you to be able to say around the dinner table. At this president, one One, because you you and you, New listening to this programme, We decided to do something you ve never done in your entire life to become an activist with just a few days left before the big day, You made a difference. Lisa. Actions could be so close, so don't let your family down there. Let your country down You ve got access to telephone, a cell phone. You can text, you can email whatever you need to do all you can do. This, and you must do this. lose our country.
I'll, be right back the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them Believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more.
It's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at aim. Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s! That's gotTA, Coty our Olympia, Washington State on the mark, Levant APP Coty! How are you are you mark very well? I, like you For everything you do I'll make a quick, so you can be proud of it. I am From setting I moved up your two years ago- and I quote: yeah, then lifelong Democrats and I got them
What about? And yet I leaped everyone alone enable looking down the ticket. That is all the way fabulous, and let me ask you how you did. It is because really. They don't know a lot about buying, but they figured trumps a bad guys, so they think it a voting for buying and New persuaded them. Otherwise that sort of thing Are you a lot of information you provided a lot acquits from some years shows. A man just just the proven and put infallible method lot listens. The bags and did you're, sick and tired of the governor of the state and another disaster at all. gently it's horrible, but anyway data the flip in a lot of it, had to do with what he had done with the corona virus. Nothing, there haven't Seattle and I mean they're running from Seattle. I mean crazy, and they did it
They're so tired of it and I believe, the more people I talk to, Especially the hard core Democrats dad they're gone red and on, wait to see on election day if they can't pushed to state that the direction it very possible- and I just want to thank you again. The information provided not be able to put in front of him, and I've been out there trying to get more and more to go well Terrific Cody, the Second, I appreciate everything. You're doing you know I get there. Of course, the program and after him before I get people sending me information. They wanted to discuss on the radio, good friends, family members, good people. And I told them now. focused on the election? Am I talking about that issue? This issue, the issue, even the hunter by an Very very interested in this very
But you gotta get down to brass tacks and after the election we can go even further. We must go even further. But before the election, an email and twenty seventeen is not going to change one damn vote just explain that Hunter Bind was the bag man for Joe Biden. That the very corrupt family that is made millions of dollars, while for their connections and foreign governments, and that would include the Ukraine in China- and I just said in thirty seconds: post all the rest of this. Please don't misunderstand American, please don't misunderstand Coty, but we ve gotta get people to vote and we ve get people to vote and people are going to vote based on the economy based on the corona virus based on race based on or what they think. Affects their lives, it is crucially important and the destruction of our society and our constitution is also one of them saga I'm not downplaying anything, I'm just prioritizing what I'm doing. in the remaining listen to this. Sixth,
Half hours I have on radio election day. That's not at a time as it coding It's not like. I said I'm out here and I'm I'm spread your word as well as just a fax and showing people has done. I can, and in its working it's obviously working I mean I've got those people were already. So what do you want to tell your fellow, treats all across the american fifteen seconds, just get out there and get everybody that you can talk to him. It doesn't have to be an argument, just go and talk to him and show him the facts whether they want to believe him or not that's up to them, but if he can't go on to the next person, alright, God bless you. My friend well done I'll, be right back Amac. The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them
believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits in discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a seed dot? U S bark Loafin miracles passionately so Ribeiro Voice,
quit that voice. Now, eight seven, seven three eight one three eight one one can Did it go to our collars here, because people have been lining up and have some wonderful things to say that I dont really go to the phone enough, because I have so much to get him to look Adding Pennsylvania exam satellite low, carry you, sir, mark come do great things to take my call my pleasure. I've been a reading many times by the way. Many times go right ahead. I believe so I guess who's calling you, because I thought and startling graphics. Today, though, I think that American should see- and it is these cases, The case of a current of irish versus the death rate of growth of ours- Firstly, the number up had grown a virus and you can look it up and held that IE eight that gov that's three contained. What did you find?
You have a job, are almost the exponential growth in the number of tat the increase in July when the exponential growth in the number of cases it started And then you look at the deaths and then going. downtown hungry. They haven't been above twenty in months. So what's one of the reasons the number of cases are going up because we were given out exactly exactly. The point is: were testing a hell of a lot more people and it turns out a hell of a lot more people have and have had this virus. Then we ve known. And the interesting thing, I think that your mentioning logos and then, when you factor in the death rate, the Three to lower than we ever thought It's a waiver, no one's worried around here anymore
but they're, trying to scare us through the media, and if someone could see if everyone saw the graphs and I'm looking to right now, given the health up either of you could see a clear. and notice how the media have changed now, they're talking about the number of cases, that's what's that here is number case that favour surge, vivid surge of count, how many cases of the flu or other duenna- I don't have We find it now, I'm so we don't know the number Reporting that how many deaths of we have as a result of the flu. So far, nobody nobody's telling us nobody's, gives a damn. People have died this year of cancer. Do you know Coty Codes left now you, so Germany, how many people have died of I'm sorry, look how many people have died of can't nobody tracks it but a lot more than have died from the corona virus. I can tell you one thing: without a doubt: there have been over thirty six million baby.
Could have been avoided this year globally and has been less than two million deaths from this. Virus: what's the real virus And ass to this virus You have Cuomo saying today that every single death is on the hands of the President United States. Politician like that, should have just destroyed his career of just destroyed his career, bitch what thanks recall that son of a bitch was begging for ventilators. For I see you beds. for for everything. Because of all the time he's been governor, hidden prepare for the pandemic, he didn't apply, the issue of hospitals, hospital expansions, new hospitals properly. He didn't do any of that. None of it.
And so I find it out, he goes to the view. Any attacks, the present United say every single death is on the present. This sickening absolutely sickening. They have a low life like this is governor, one of our most important largest stages, really unbelievable to me, my Washington D C, the great w em a go Thank you so much for talking about the state of media complex from the type of exactly what I want to bring up a phenomenon. I've been noticing in some elected circle, of about the censorship surrounding the sound bite, embarrassment, a corruption scandal. And I can tell you this protocol position things a trumpet does wind It has gone from out of prison noted this point that this is a real scandal out. Anything then disapproval. But now I know you think people know that thing. From all be happy russian information to
we can't read, we have a couple of days for the election anemic. You could employ a bunch of people about primarily, listen, listen to me. on a matter there's a couple days for the election. Look around you if people are still not sure if they want to vote. But who they want to vote for. This is not going to persuade them. It's not I am not opposed to pursuing this. I'm not opposed to people pursuing this. I'm not opposed to radio and tv house pursuing this meat Highness microphone. I am optically focused on at the vote in electing the president and people now? Who I'm talking about people who are thinking of well? Maybe I should vote for buying. Maybe I shouldn't and, as I told you in the audience,. There's an answer on this corruption thing right now, which is there he Giuliani answer, which was perfect. As far as I'm concerned Hunter Bind was the bag man for his father.
The buying families, corrupt, they ve, taken money directly and indirectly, through the Ukraine through China and other countries. He's a national security threat and he's corrupt. That's the message as too look at this email look at this time. Looked at this email, we can do that later. We can do that after Tuesday, but I want to get people out to vote. And I want to win this election, the bottom line for me: go ahead, understand Madonna perfect. It is remarkable how don't concern now is media is interfering in our democratic grotto left this corrupt, the left, see their fascistic or marxist Sometimes I don't know what they are that, they want to collapse. Ira the traditional system they act crop of so called journalist reporters and the executives who run these newsrooms have destroyed the free press.
There's no way, there's no explaining things to them. There is no expectations from them. They are Part of the part of the problem. They are part of the of the tyranny. At this point, And when you have a gentleman like, I had on a larger Schaefer last night, and you see there the daily collar- and you see them from other places. Many The places I want to know what to limit from conservative sites and other sites were actually in Philadelphia, reporting on Philadelphia showing Video, these poor people are being beaten and harmed threat and sober. That's you. rapporteur, The new journalism real people and that Tat guy it yet, It is terrified because they know they're on their way out he only wants shame on you know me twice. Shame on you. I hope you said earlier Thirdly, I don't hate you not why, the same mistake, they did in TWAIN. Sixteen.
In that year, I if they want to come on the winning edge, mad good call bodies. Like you. I appreciate it all right. We hit the refresh, they keep telling you all the time and their right. Let us go to looking Harold VIC. Vill, California, serious, a satellite- go ahead, Harold Margo. You do I'm ok. I guess I just want to let all the listeners no in the bad, a New Mexico Colorado in New Hampshire. How close between Sixteen election was an just a couple of thousand both and we can get those that state and guides drop would be in a good position you know it's right down the line, isn't it because we could have any cases, races that are very, very close congressional races at over. I'm tellin you within five ten twelve twenty votes. It man Is it matters? It matters.
I give for reminding us Harold. I let us continue. Let's go to James last Gross us, no Mexico, the great Katy S M country go. The guy mark. I just wanted to bring us something that I haven't really heard too many people talk about when it comes to bite in an hour there. In gas, anti get rid of it all The things and that our education system, especially hearing in Mexico- and I wish people knew this because it would make help them make up their minds when voting against biting. Try get from office? Is it in Ex ago. of our money that we go. They go towards. Education comes from oil and gas So if we got rid of oil and gas where's that one point one billion dollars that we then goes towards education from what I gas going to come from the grave The Dublin intellect
Do a deal decimeter our education system in it you're talking about all, we know what about the future of our children. If I go what future they gonna, have they don't have education more? You know it education system to go anywhere, ready, one of the poorest innovation already almost dead. in education. If you, if you get rid of oil, and from the money, the culture that your dear completely get rid of all of it? There is no hope for children and Anne who benefits from this our enemies China, Russia, OPEC, our enemy, benefit from this. You know they couldn't get. Any better. If binds like didn't, come all our Harrison that Democratic Party and we, we are committing energy suicide, they're gonna be laughing at our signal, say in this great this terrific and we'd enough the lift a finger. Exactly enemy right now we have somebody, that's running,
for arbitrary, no she's she's already in office, but and enable sheltered spot a small she, However, I say you know I'm going with you, no energy and and and all their can. I voted with tromp, but ninety five percent of the time she felt she votes with policy and then the runners she's a liar. She's a liar she's left this. This is happening all over the country. All these left this who wanted these republican strikes- are these marginally republican districts they're all lying from And from their New England, the MID West. The Atlantic States, the south. Where's, the south, the MID West, the west, the northwest all he's Democrats, to do remove the present the United States. They voted for impeachment. All them voted for these multi trillion dollar bills and would have destroyed our electoral system, and God knows what else all of them are lined up behind Nancy Policy and mark with their jack boats. Damn one of them
They come home now they pretend their moderates or they produce Therefore they answer for that. They are liars and I've got an enormous amount of money to run adds to lie. plus they get all the free press that lies for them. Great I appreciated James, we'll be right back,
the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants, and I have a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot? U S reminder! I will be on hand it, and I, on Fox
thirty five eastern time, and that forty minutes, I hope your watch look forward to being there I'm not trying to lecture I'm trying to encourage let's go, John Staten Island? They aren't the great Debut ABC John, go. I I just want to thank you for being out there for us Today I am so grateful thanks. I must I've heard and I've been a republican since nineteen. Eighty two, what I could Reagan I did, and I Public, in every sense, I problems with the young borders in this country there. My problem, there they ve been given handed everything said by the council. Wanted you better for them. They don't pay but their cars- they don't pay for their father phones, they don't pay for anything in their name. They leave left with their ideology, which they get from the
go into the universities which are people from their parents or try to help them with everything? That's what On the contrary, it is a big problem. I see you in my own children and I try to explain to me and my wife talked to them, but you know that, the thing is there on and I my father was democratic, but he's a good thing you like me, was a journalist and I'm glad not here anymore, costs will be applauded. What's going on because he always he owes you don't vote for people to think on their own two feet as well as me being massage from there. And you know what are these kids? young children need to realise that we back they can't bought for this guy. They cannot. He's a liar: He did this They don't understand it, and you know what acid Donald Trump has he done to deserve this kind of treatment.
Not to stay a. What has he done to deserve this kind of treatment? From the d He came down that escalator, I mean to plant eyes and his campaign and all the rest of it. I mean it's it's so outrageous. So disgusting, no, No president, no candidate has ever had to go through this. None. I've never seen a president treated this way. Never never in my life, isn't it. It's disgusting and I'm so called embarrassing for the country to see it like this happen. Embarrassing! John God bless you, my friend excellent car. We appreciate that excellent cause. All night really Lenin, Spoken, Washington, exam satellite. How are you Picture taken my cause, delays and honour to talk to you. Thank you. He quite a while you brought up some numbers about that. The covert desk at risk,
ninety four percent of the death and the tiny virus occurred, and people with Morbidity and then elderly, thank you and I guess I would like her. I just want to point this out for you and your collars there's validity to this, and that that there's also likely wended reporting criteria change, because my husband had lymphoma with action when they got me turned on to listening to you, Thank you. He had been hit he is even with this anymore, but he's in good company he's in good company with which your parents near respectfully, but I want Say that and I don't want to be rude, but we're about forty seconds. Ok
Died. He had caught the food sector after doing chemo. Nowhere on his death certificate was his death attributed to the flu. Why now have they change the criteria for reporting, Kobe Debts and folks, with Como abilities again, one day when we're not in the middle of this somebody's gonna need to look at this. I've brought these sorts of things up which had been viciously attack that I continue to bring them up your exactly right. When that God bless you, my friend, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency person. I want to thank all you, patriots out there. I don't know what we do without you. I see on Hannity in a half hour on Fox God bless each and everyone from the West would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-31.