« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/27/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. President Biden’s answer to the next step in the Israel-Hamas war is that we cannot go back to the status quo of Hamas using Israelis as human shields, but also says when the crisis is over there has to be a two-state solution, which is a fallacy. In 1948 Israel was officially recognized by the U.N. as a state, and the Palestinian territories were disputed until 1993 when Israel recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization, enacting a two-state solution, but that wasn’t enough for PLO leader Yassar Arafat who continued to kill Jews. The Palestinian people literally voted for and overwhelmingly support Hamas which is a fact, and most American Muslims are supportive of Hamas. If Donald Trump were still the president, we would not have had a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, we would not have a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and we would not have this Hamas-Israel war.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The broadcasting from the underground command, both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the past several hours. We've seen israel hitting the northern part of Gaza from the air, the ground and the sea, some massive explosions shaking the entire ground, the roar of israeli fighter jets overhead. There was a lot of drone activity here along the border earlier this. it is a game, are now for the better. part. Two weeks we ve been hearing about the eminent ground, encouraging its on dvd Past couple of days have been the precursor, with some of the initial marches into Gaza and pulling back the idea of
engaging and their engaging on all fronts that boxes The yanks used on some incredible reporting over the past couple of weeks, as while the folks fox, have been doing in the talk about the fallacy a two state solution The Israel Hamas war really is still about islam, not an conversation. I mean it's a conversation that I've spent typically been having for well over twenty years. At this point, it set perspective shared with you on occasion on this show as well and it is central to what really is going on over there. The very well might have, as on I don't know, the precipice a world war. Three areas certainly does feel good, we're all this stuff is trending right and that's a large because well. Iran is in just iran right.
IRAN is russia. Iran is china. Iran is north korea with it man around venezuela around is cuba, IRAN. Is nicaragua and ended, works energy, Your boy, so China, All those things in russia. You get the idea. You know I go at odd in getting to the root of. It is important, as always two sides stories and once I d facts, and amber, I might end for the gray one mark, levant, always and honour in a port privilege to to be here with you and a topic that I've been personally passionate about Ever since nine eleven as I I too understand what the heck would be wrong with people to such extent that they would carry on trot cities like that and the education that I
coming by and in the years following nine eleven. The ongoing education to this very day and conversation is as politically incorrect as it gets, because, where these facts point two. very uncomfortable place and a very uncomfortable place. It involves- and cases literally your neighbors zombie, they get out there and protest on behalf of Hamas, those folks now, you can follow me social I brought my radio pray much everywhere. I think actually everywhere these days, and I I also urge you check out the pod gas as well be brine mud show and I hope the brine mud show from my home station w J. I know in west palm beach we get go, and we are talking about the fallacy of a two state solution so our wednesday during an ever
rare pressure and which he fielded a grand total of only a few questions. President Biden was asked about the Israel, hamas war and what come max his answer. Theirs. Going back to the status quo as it stood on october sex, That means the moss can no longer terrorize Israel. Any palestinians as human shields- ok god. This is god first part the answer, yea all right. And then he said it also means the crisis is over. There has be a vision of what comes next and in our view it to be a two state solution: diet Tuesday, isolation- and so this proves too thanks. First It is seemingly impossible for Joe Biden to ever articulate to conceal You have intelligent sentences and second meredith President dementia, Joe is evident.
Once again forgotten his history History is really important that the answer to this conversation, so, let's walk back, nineteen, forty eight pretty nickel year in this entire ball. Wax under is agreed to in forty eight hours. The united nations general assembly, the way that comprise modern day Israel and the current palestinian territories, where they were designated to create an arab territory and a jewish state It was on may thirteenth of nineteen. Forty eight, Israel was officially recognised by the united nations as a state to the palace. They in territories or governed by two near by arab governments, Egypt and Jordan, that could, and you'd until june of nineteen sixty seven, when Israel's influence expanded in the region, including holding influence over what then became known as the occupied palestinian territories. So this
where that whole song and dance comes from guy. And the Israel occupation and the disputed palestinian territories continued until nineteen. Ninety three israeli military withdrew from most of the, tori unrecognized be palestine. liberation organization, You know this as the pillow right and this but through the oslo accord, and at that point moment in time and ninety ninety three, the oslo accord. The goal Many world leaders and cool in Israel government at the time. This was Israel's position a too state solution. it does sound like it's the best. Idea right. However,. Almost immediately what happened here, later yasser Arafat. He's support
Tear operations against the israelis, fairly hold on you Going to legitimize us- this is great, I think, will killing some Jews. too, as a result. palestine was not officially recognised. As this by the united nations? in the region continue to be viewed through the prism of terror. where is the palestinian territories by the west, and what political movements planted the terror, sponsoring p, o o. as the leaders of the palestinian territories. I mean you know, it is right. It's the even more radical terrorist hamas so you have a tear sponsor. The yolo and who The palestinian people. Who do they decide, should govern I m going forward
even more radical terrorist. Isn't that fun. see they overwhelmingly were voted, to power by the palestinian people in two thousand five and in january two thousand six amassed took over and the last time we had any data on this. What percentage of the palestinian people do you think more supportive of Hamas. Schools back to some pew research. Seventy five percent, seventy five percent, so One of the big fallacies in this Two state solution and in central bigger conversation here. you hear around every turn. Oh the poor. cindy and people all the poor people who are victims of Hamas. I mean There's some yeah, I mean new
we tell about a quarter of all. That's it, the palestinian people literally voted asked and. still overwhelmingly support hamas I'm I'm sorry backs tampax. So as aid for a minute that Israel does eliminate Hamas, which is a gigantic. If. the palestinian territories, where do I go back to under the best, slightly less terrorist governance of the pillow these days, led by Mahmoud Abbas that ever peaceful man? With three quarters of the palestinian population, supportive of sharia law, which mean no jews, it means no, you we either? No matter who you are, if you don't see the world through, our vision of sharia but first inform
we gotta get rid the Jews but anyway, so that That is what you can work to create a state subject. Mr president, because the only way they can a two state solution, is at the palestine. territories are pretty to replace with non palestinian people, yet does this kind of hard to have two states side by side when the people of one state, Will you just our bent on killing the people on the other one really kind of hard to to make that thing work in yes, thing is still about Islam, which is the rude issue here. So let's talk about that a little bit. This being about his arm. as you have the euro images and horrific stories that have emerged from
a massive terror attacks. What you really witness there is that it's as clear as ever clears clerk can be. You are witnessing a battle between good and evil. Rhyme babies be headed, utterly burned alive- Now those teens modem by the hundreds from behind women raped and I can't be raped anymore, it's as evil as he's evil gets. What's happened in Israel is a brandy evil. That is anything but knew anything, but now only the exact tactics. And how these acts of terror been carried out. Are our new? The only aspect of it? In fact, did you know the current death toll from Hamas is here? Don't you ever fourteen hundred people killed over thirty of which our americans the initial terror attack? You know that,
hamas. Is there a terror attacks in Israel. Only account for six, ten percent of the islamic terror debts in the world. So far this year, debt see does far this year there have been thirteen hundred in ninety six islamic terror attacks carried out across forty eight countries, resulting in the death of eighty five hundred and thirty six people. And the reason that this is almost certainly news to you is due The willingness of news organisations around the world day just like the other way in the face of it, terrorism, because most The acts of terror there there carried out in the middle east and in parts of africa against christians and Jews, but in places where it's usually easy for them just two attended. It didn't happen, for example, did you know it's just a couple days ago in a small village of christians in the congo? Islamic terrorist marched in a night slaughter
At least twenty six people just wiped out. The entire village is believed that the debt Was higher but only twenty six bodies have been recovered terrorism is a way of life for many this is still about? Islam and most specifically, those who adhere to it under sharia law, which is strict islamic law and its import do too, during an import due to political correctness, that most people still, I don't have the first clue what harm more islamist stand for You been conditionally the terrorism that they are not really islamism and that the rest hard core islamist. They just want sunshine of lollipops, hines hints to state solutions. Things are enough. That's true! Islam is false. Not, unlike other religions, what's different as well call terrorism. What we call terrorism in the koran is called for by Mohammed himself and its carried
three sharia law will pick up there. I'm brian mud and for the great one month ban have you been way
and to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news: if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two next date and message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com.
Called within our lifetime, that organise the protest that we saw unfold here in that fight. answer district hundreds of people into the street, just in front of the new york stock exchange to demonstrate in the name. My bt says that crowd reach athlete two thousand as they marched through lower manhattan and foxes, confirmed that demonstrations included burning and american flag within our lifetime, is an anti zionism group which believes that palestinians have the right to return to what they say is their homeland and sound. Like the anti defamation. Like say that means this group wants to eliminate Israel gives you the warm and fuzzy says it. But here you box business there on that report. I went down today in manhattan, coupled thou and people that are
You know it take backer. Our home and their, which means you now Israel is gone. Jews gone. Yeah, so the thing is This is still about islam and when Islam is practice under sharia law, its evil period. Now the end Trouble peace Now we're going to get you to second, just how many people are into trial. On that's the real devil in the devil details here, Brian mud in for the gray one market then- and so we talked about this I met a walk you back first to peace, research or twenty thirteen. Ten years Because it's gonna be instructive, not just what where this country was an addition four countries a decade ago I got some did research that will really make you go About just how much has happened in a decade
about just how radical out of people become a decade? So if we walked back first the twenty third team, the pew research centre, study, muslims and thirty nine countries, and on the other, should have suicide bombings. What are they, bout suicide bombings, you think suicide bombings or other like attacks on civilians can be justified back in twenty thirteen, at least eight percent. of muslim populations in every one of those, thirty nine countries they studied said yep justified. I mean it The first thing that makes you go right. you could go to cause nepal, Countries all around the world by muslims at least percent of them go yes. Suicide bombings, oh totally be justified, in the united states. Our number was fourteen percent ten years ago for ten percent of american muslims,
suicide bombings like bombings were justified. Which again helps to explain some of the pro. harris rallies have been held across this country, but again, I think your job we'll drop. When I give you where we are today, but I want to explain just some of the back baxter here, because for most folks you can't begin Imagine how anybody could ever be wired to think. That's! Ok! when the thing is, can I go right there in the book, there's one this real difficult things. So, let's take a look Take a look at the koran. Chapters are known as sorrows and when you get into the services if I'd, all kinds of well instructions the structure does that you'll find? Actually, found an awful lot of the acts of terror that
become familiar with over the past few decades. I want to feel you went on that next and take your calls as well right model for the great one Have you been way
in buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two, that's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com
It returns me to repeat deliberately and repeat the tyranny call by mark levin show now at eight seven, seven, three eight one, three eight one one over the Forty eight hours, the israelis, have conduct the number of raids inside Gaza, but they have been limited ground incursions entering destroying Hamas and islamic jihad cells and then pulling out with Those troops, it doesn't seem like its limited anymore. So that's what happened over the prior to days. It looks like the bull grounding version that had long been anticipated looks like it's under way. Right now and as a here on out stuff gets a spy shelly real in the question then becomes ok. How big does this get as we have been taking fire? And I say we as in the united states, forces overseas or a couple weeks from IRAN. Finally, doing like a little half maneuver Yesterday, a couple of airstrikes at a boy munitions, facilities in theory and in it, but
grand scheme of things. The potential for this get big, there will talk more about that as we get further into the issue. O brien, might end for the gray one Markel van and speaking of the grey one. You have a two four to life liberty and Levine's first one tomorrow, saturday, etiquette. the eastern time fox news channel you It's my governor presidential candidate, randy, santas and robert greenway, though there, the guess, with with mark Then, on sunday you have in us cancer. Adam and alabama, senator katy breadth, that'll, be on four life: liberty, eleven, so good. And hit the dvr for both nights. Make sure. Don't miss those if you don't happen to catch him, live always catch them on demand by itself. been talking about this still being about islam and this
resumed particular from the koran. Really important to know. What's actually in the book, it helps explain how people get motivated, And so in sura nine five, you will find this. I quote so: wind sacred months expire kill the maastricht that word interpreted means believers and other gods. Okay, so when these sacred months expire, kill the believers and other other gods, where ever you find them and catch them, and besieged them and sit in ambush for them everywhere, okay, so the whole concept of a terrorist attack, the ambush attack the surprise what we ve seen over and over again colluding what we saw in Israel, whereas Come from right there, in the koran? Sceura, nine, five
the instructions on that being what you do. It says when the forbidden months or over, wherever when counter the idolatrous kill them sees them besieged them, wait for them at every look outpost. Now that ever peaceful mohammed guy right, Sarah, forty seven, for it says this: When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads is, if you wonder why, where did they get this whole like beheading thing, why did not become a thing with islamic terror? It's right there in the book, forty seven, four Sarah for seventy six, it says this letter, believers, fight for the cause of god, but the infidels fight for the devil, fight, then against the friends of satan. And you also observe forty- eight twenty nine, which states mohammed is the messenger of Allah and those
with him, our forceful against the disbelieve errors. Merciful among themselves exercises, no like combine. As long as your view of the world, the way that I do otherwise you you die by really awful means most commonly see up. You see. The koran which has been around for fifteen hundred year has always called for an continues to call for acts We recognise as tear against everyone who is in the woods, with Mohammed? Now The difference is with folks that are not animated. By terror, but are muslims, as the votes at our sharia law if you believe in Srila, you believe in that stuff? you look the other way now than then you go out. I don't know about that stuff, Now, in terms of the past
I know how many muslims are actually going along with Israel on these days. that t here and just bed prefers, let's go to tyler in washington, tyler welcome to the show. Can you hear me got you loud and clear: ok, yeah, so long live there. Some I got an and year, but my my point Margaret went to his shows. Eighteen years ago you told me about the historical facts: Where was that hitler hired from islamic talent, the to come and kill jews. the amount of their villages and at night and flatter them and its history is repeating itself. I can't believe my ears. We learnt nothing from the history. These savages one. I just kill
and at women. Everything that you mentioned out of their own book they're doing. Why are we surprised the one hundred per cent? Our appreciate the call good call, that's right! It's the same today as it was put hundred years ago. As it was, number eleven, two thousand one, that's the issue and the problem is twofold. First many people have actually read this stuff right, for me what it was I have. his passion myself as the facts, guy. Two sides, the stories, one side effects. Early on in my career, which around nine eleven was early on in my career. I just gotta went along with it all. You know one that we, may the pivot into Iraq and. you, take out saddam Hussein things will work out the way that we think why
Is it given an opportunity? The iraqis didn't sees at an and want a semblance of four their version of it, but a semblance of freedom. The way that we would want- or you know even cause, I afraid, I'm the way that most of europe will adhere to- why we Just gave you the shot at it why I did things in Afghanistan turn out the way that they dare. Why didn't people stand up and and fight for their freedom and for bali is because their beliefs, A hundred and eighty degrees different in many cases, to the point where we are the fires terror is there carrying out their religion. that is an immovable object and people not knowing that is a huge issue which sideways into the export of that which has political correctness the most politically incorrect thing in the world is to point out that almost
All the palestinian people are behind this. Anywhere, you turn a news media just about cutting och radio there are portrayed as the victims palestinian Now the I mean really again approximately a quarter genuinely are, but that's about it. The rest of us actually the purpose and if they're not the parts they voted in support the ports. Inconvenient truth. These are the issues that we deal with in its. Why backs matter and it's why conversations need to be had otherwise, to your point. Largest history, repeating itself: let's go, fred and los angeles fred, welcome to the show- yeah hey, I'm glad they you are quoting from a religious text, but I want to quote from a different religious tax called the old testament
And after Adam and eve or kicked out of the garden of Eden, the bible says that death came into the world through sin and we'll About sin, much social talk, radio, but you look at our society. Look at all this in its being promoted I'm talking about abortion, By gay marriage, I'm talking about this civilization of our sense of our kids. I'm talking about feminism talking about the commercialization of pornography, the spreading of pornography, I'm talking about the the dead now you might say that. Well, what's the big deal about the the debt know if you go into debt, that's that's a sin and and what the government is doing, printing of money and debasing already marked or the idea basing our currency, making it and what it is that your devaluing it does is seen as well look at all these movements, fees and biblical movements is sinful movements. Jews are at the forefront of all of them. Jews are at the forefront of morning divorce in that country, a boy
gay marriage, all the ones that I mentioned before, and we never talk about that and the thing about sin is that people die immediately from sin is a slow process. You know by our societies dying and its because all the sin, it's been inundated into our culture fred, the vienna locate. I think that your Trusting in and provocative call and thoughtful call. is important as well and I hear you and I understand, but if you're going to go down the path of the the old testament. and if you are going to say why into christianity, witches is what you're doing then. We also have to realise that big tree is a no go because my friend, that is also a sun hate and gets resources and see what the more difficult things
These conversations about Islam, for example, and the easy thing for people to reach and do is: go oh you're, a big at your your forehead. Ever they know I'm presenting you with the facts. Ok and- and I do too position that killing other people killing innocent people, torturing innocent people, that's bad, that's wrong right, so that would be the extent of my opinion, but everything else is simply a fact that we must see what then, so I don't hate muslims by and large, I do you think we ve got an enormous problem? Have no solution to with people that think that you know Sri laws ago, but for the folk too also will take the opportunity to go yet but the Jews and and look at their way of life and everything else. Ok. Well I mean, if you want, travel down that path. The day that you become perfect let me know, let me know
You're dunsinane, you know you can go and cast all those stones you want. Otherwise, I think you may a very intellectual point on one hand and completely undermine your argument on the next, and so I think it's important to deal with everything in context on the greater power about sin in this world and everything else from a religious perspective uniting there's a lot of truth to that. I've often talked about the department, Education go down. This show on numerous occasions, talked about the department education been at the root of it, and if you go back to the sixty four supreme court ruling, striking down religion and goals, and then you tackled the department of education coming about nineteen. Eighty making sure that it happened at all public schools across the country. You Take what you draw straight line between ass of a belief in I or power of any sort in this country. You can draw straight line and the increase in mental health disorders. You can draw us wait line in violence, all
that arson. All things that are bad. The bottom line is that sense of morality, which is rooted in the oh christian values. This country- was founded upon that of morality, is good for everybody. You could be an atheist and you benefit from it We ve got away from that assesses society and, I say that you are very special, ethically in this country, but of course they are incarnations of that all over the world so now the greater context of what you're talking about there, I think, think there ya think you're halfway there with a heavy dose of bigotry that that probably should be overcome all now about this conversation being about is on bout, the percentage of people. who believe ensuring a law and what were taking a look at here across the Middle east,
and also what people believe right here in this country these days, how radicalized so many people, Our country have become. I had that for you. Next, I'm brian mud and for the great one month, then Have you been way by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you,
I have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira, company integrity checklist today, texts, l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com.
We don't know if this is the highly anticipated ground operation into the Gaza strip. We do know the israelis have wrapped up their strikes on the northern and central part of gaza, hammering the strip with both artillery their navy and those air strikes they're trying to hit some of the tunnel systems and different hamas cells near to the border. But this is the heaviest fire. We we ve heard if seen since this war began twenty one days ago, fox Trade links, reporting, Brian might again for markel a ban and we're talking about Really, going on here. What really is behind this? Why a tooth A solution has worked. Why a two state solution it's not gonna work, however, story ends can a war, because the people on one side don't wanted to work, because the people on one side overwhelmingly think the people on the other side, I should die, and often
we're both terrible ways. You might say that is under sharia law is like the ultimate you know. Eighty year, either with us or against us type of thing and again. This is why, for fifteen drug years, people been slaughtering people, torturing, people or channing got his great. Because, as always, there are two sides historian one set of facts, and these happen to be the facts about what's called for by mohammed in the koran. So about sure because this really is where the rubber meets the road here. I've said: pew research study from a decade ago, In that study it found that aid- percent of muslims and asia bought follow in favour sharia law. Eighty percent, if you take get the african countries in the Middle EAST sixty four
seventy four percent based upon country anywhere from sir Steve fortis, seventy four percent of muslims african countries and admit eastern countries favour sharia law. now about the palestinian territories alibi ground zero bore: a moss, seventy five percent Even higher than the neighbouring countries, so in other words for the largest muslim populations in the world, extremism, isn't the minority opinion? It's not? the minority position. If you take a look at most of these countries are governed by. It is actually sri lanka, and even though Palestine is not a country, it's a series of territories. Hamas as the gun main body as a team
organization, walk you back to, An embassy news story from january twenty nine, two thousand Six? The headline to the story says it will use islamic law as guide the legal entity. Door again. This is january. Two thousand six, quoting Hamas will you show real as a guide for legislation after winning in palestinian elections? That's Exactly what they have always done, and by the way and looking back on Nearly eighteen year old story you have this need conclusion embassies, as although Hamas is formally committed to destroy Israel, that, although you know their formally committed to destroy Israel and has said it could accept a temper every state and along truce of Israel, up all of the west bank and east jerusalem pawing the withdrawal from the Gaza strip. My therapist,
That is a report that would go against rabies. Yes, there dedicated goal in life is destroying the robot, we'll take a truce for a little while I mean there do you think, you're stupid and by the way sure you get your copy. The democratic party hates America levine's latest best seller, riah mud for the great one market. This segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you, thank you again
we're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship- your talk, the snow broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the other attack against the. U s: position in the Middle east, the military defense. Officials as the military shot down another one way, droned added for Al Assad air base. You take that with the pentagon tally we're looking at twenty attacks against you S, troops in just the past ten days fox, is rich edson. There the reality is that most american muslims are supportive of Hamas. and so there are the first hour the show ended up.
Laying the groundwork for what happening around us and how much has changed in a decade as well in this country. Our article ized things have become and how quickly, because the facts there not talked about there discuss their very inconvenient in of the traditional news media buddy. then in many circles, even in many of the talk radio circles, you get a lot of folks that are not comfortable talking about the reality on the ground, with what's happened with Islam country and around the world sore in that conversation, and it is to talk about where this whole thing could be going, I'm brian, might end for the gray one market, then always an honour and a pleasure to have the opportunity to be with you.
The brian mud show from my home station w gino in west palm beach, you can catch me socially. At brian mud. Radio bring much everywhere, and I also encourage you to check out my pie cast, be brian mud, show Wherever you get your podcast Are you now that we're weeks into the israel I swore you're starting to get the contextual surveying about what's going on in opinions of it here at home and the results. We're not gonna make you feel so good about some of the folks that are around you, but iraq really does help explain some things. Two recent survey came out earlier. Wait from the firm signal, the opening headline. This was what grabbing the headline to theirs.
They muslim americans say Hamas was justified and attack in Israel a maiden by the way, based upon the survey results that is not a false or misleading headline from their survey either. Was it the only result that might make your question some of your fellow americans in this era of either so about the muslim american take ways. First,. Yeah muslim americans that are second most likely of any demographic group in this country. Second, only to american Jews too, They are closely paying attention to it's going on over there they found. Seventy six percent of american muslims pain. Clothes attention what's happening overseas: okay, so what means? Is the since, in the case of the ignorance, this isn't a case where people
really are not paid attention. What's going on there ass a survey question and began Jordan and might be misleading because they they just orally now. Now you you're talkin, about people that are very informed and on that you have only seventy three percent of, eric muslims that say they are informed about how moss and palestinian politics specifically, which is the most if any demographic group? In other words, what does Hamas really stand for three quarters of american most say they are well versed there. In fact many say they are experts on the subject: kay so it takes us- is of the nitty gritty, especially uncomfortable details that already killed in the survey leader of Hamas. How do you feel about that? Guy. The leader of Hamas, is that somebody you approve of your probably not right,
as you would expect fewer than One in ten americans hold a favourable opinion of the leader of Hamas, ok cool, but what about the americans that do hold a favourable opinion? Two american muslims in this ervay had a net pause. Of opinion, Hamas is later with greater than four percent muslims, more muslims hoarding a favourable opinion, as opposed to a negative one. The leader of Hamas Incidentally, american muslims hold a more favourable opinion of Hamas is later and for that matter, the leader of the piano than any other person or a world leader surveyed? I repeat, because this, I think, is a pretty big deal. The majority of american muslims surveyed a more favourable opinion.
of Hamas is leadership and the p. What does leadership than any other world leader surveyed? Meanwhile Most muslim americans not only have an unfavourable opinion of israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. More Israel is a country in a negative light, the not also the only constituency in this country to hold out opinion- and it access to the most questionable question responsible and that. the question of whether Hamas was justified and it in Israel as part of their struggle for a palestinian state, so that is how the question was worded. As more justified in attacking Israel as part of their struggle for a palestinian state. Fifty eight percent- of american muslims again, knowing what hum
did hear agreed with it would is what produced a headline? Did the survey my intention in the first place, and they say, back to a very politically incorrect in and maybe uncomfortable. but it is our reality. It's the illustration that most muslims, whether they're your next door neighbour or are waging jihad in the Middle east, are early sympathetic to islamic terrorist. Now, what's eye opening about that, In the first hour, I brought you where we war as a country a decade ago, when pew research. The comprehensive study of this. In a decade ago, you had fourteen percent of american muslims that thought that Islamic terror tactics could be justified, which, in
of itself. I think so I poppy number, but now we're up to fifty eight percent. That's one hat! That's! What's happen from a point of radicalization in a decade in this country. that's. Why. Turn around a you got these palestinian protest everywhere, that's why you have members of congress that open support hamas within I ten years ago, right what are they. Uncomfortable elements of all this. I think a lot of people On the right have taken a look at members of the squad, but you know what they're cosette. no it's arduous, really uninformed people, the rest, that they gotta like did, is that they do good song and dance, and there did you see, really is and paying attention you, you you, you ve, got these crazy people get these. Not that are in
represented them in congress. the more uncomfortable thing, as you start to unpack some of this take a look at somebody like up, but she did to lead. It would appear that she is precisely representing her constituents interests with her position. That's what's different over a decade ago, So here we are that uncomfortable truth. Now. again. I do not have any prescriptive for this kind of thing. Reciprocal. in bigotry, is not the answer, but what I and ever since I read the koran in the wake of nine eleven is more aware- and I think that's what's important is being aware under siege. What's real here now plain footsie, not playing games, not thinking that it
State solution is ever going to be viable because you don't have the people on the other would be state now want that they want to kill the people on the other state by and large an obvious we most american muslims do now, see the world way than most other americans do and in busy news story a few days ago for a muslim. population zones in michigan. The story was entitled. I won't ever vote Biden, some muslim americans in a key swing state- feel betrayed by the president. Now what I thought was was cool you wanted. That was really knowing I kind of a rich storyline. NBC when Anne did an in depth report on This is like dearborn measure again, some of their real concentrated muslim populations in michigan, but they only did it for the context of this. Could her Biden right
That's where that was the purpose of doing this is how that is really going to backfire against buying support for israel these storyline actually uncovered here is the much bigger part of it c mon. the country, if you take a look at surveys that are out there across the spectrum. Biden is not going well among our congenitally on his response the reason is most him. And don't feel that he has been strong enough in favour and in support of Israel. They feel the response has been weakened. Its been lacking. In the case of what envy, see found. In the muslim communities in michigan. Is that the muslim backlash is due to bind expressing any support any for israel.
That's just a bridge too far for them see you got a bunch of these widened voters, muslims and in Michigan that are saying, there's no way: Haiti's that ever voted for a republican, but there are going to vote for buying. So here we are And now we have on one hand, a survey resolved from an accredited point four, another hand, an in depth report from NBC news and you take a look at these different accounts and the court is ok. Well are american muslim, supportive of Hamas and yeah current indications both on the ground and a national survey? Mostar that's where we are. I am brian mud and for the good one must ban
I have to tell you something It speaks to the re core values as americans about a veterinary company on a mission to make it Well, the difference in the lives of our military members and, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. These are pure talk: dot, com, slash, Levin, pure talk, dot, com, slash ellie, vienna.
which to pure talk today in less than ten minutes? It's the right move and it's the american way as Israel battles with uranium back hamas down in Gaza. We are up here against the border between Israel and lebanon tracking how a wrong is dealing with this whole situation. We woke up to snow. Fire this morning, on average life, just about two miles from us where the borders while fires have been triggered by shells launched between the israeli military in the iranian back lebanon base, is below against women tracking, a steady stream of deadly skirmishes, syria, but that's just ten miles to the east of where we are depending on, has confirmed. Eight has struck storage areas there of a rainy and back militants who foxes power got there, and what I mean this thing is getting bigger right. And IRAN it is. It is unjust, iran, and you start
take a look what's happening area start to think about the complex These involves the countries that are involved and yeah you begin to wonder is world three in the offing. Why am I the info the great one mark levant, as we talk about what it really is at the root behind these you'll hamas war. This still be about islam, be politically incorrect. Conversation that needs to be understood. for people who, really under The motivation is of Hamas. Frankly of the palestinians, but by and large and most Middle east, but then also what the heck is really Happening in this country with so many people that seemingly are supportive of it. and now where this thing could be going so in other, the thought, a world where three is not exactly gonna. Give you that the woman fuzzy's
If you take a look at the news that emanates from around the world day after day and boy, it increasingly sounds like there's a possibility where trending they're right- and that is a lord- part because of the war already been waged for nearly two years in ukraine first of all, something that I've ward up for years. But china isn't just china. Russia is in just russia, china is russia is iran? Is north? Korea is cuba Is venezuela is nicaragua? They are all bad actors thereon, aligned with a common mission of knocking the united states and now allies out of world superpower status and why those countries have their own objectives, their alliance presence that threat that any conflict. Any one of those countries engages in and Of all the others, in a certain extent,.
And what I really got to think about something that I ended up breaking down, local show in march. March twenty second, I put together a story that said this, to putting bad in wars together, doesn't equal better and that the guess thing going on in the world right now is whatever the hell happened in moscow over the past couple of days this is back in march. Not only did I today's summit start with china president cheating being in russian president vladimir Putin, stating that they were dear friends or achieving the woefully uninformed should still be enough to tell you that troubles brewing, I pulled. The only news that you ever hear coming out of that summit is what state controlled media apparatus is. Both countries choose to reveal the window.
Choose reveals alarm, and you can only imagine what the real conversation must have been like, so the story started with this friendship of the air but a continued with a few keys in those keys. On the first day of the summit, it was reported that both leaders said there were no limits, no limits to their partnership. That speaks volumes, second day of the summit. It said that she problem to boost coordination with russia. As they signed a pledge or no economic limits within their partnership, and the talks ended with a report that she invited prudent to china to explore russian expansion opportunities within the country and, as prudent has said, shouldn't companies, stand to replace the role many western companies have held within the country now grant scheme of things what I really care if Russian s boxes. On the roads in place of like forwards
Sample, no, not at all, in fact, I'm far more inclined to have issues with every american obviously that just cells out to the Chinese, but the more important question is what heck, really happen behind closed doors where, was all this really going? And that is the bigger storyline here, where this thing is going, this partner, ship, this summit for march. It took a hue, turn just last weekend and its inner can With everything else, that's going on right now, including in syria, where worse, wanting to IRAN. Conversation next cyber? I might end for the great one market? Then I have to tell you something that speaks to ray core values as americans about a veterinary.
being on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference. Just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans. Get the best service at the best price as well visit pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, pure talk, dot, com, slash.
I leave the iron and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way, America's most powerful conservative voice, the mark levin show dial, is now eight seven, seven, three eight one three eight one one pentagon says it wants to prevent an escalation. That's why they're increasing the? U s, presence in the region, also the isn't: behind those airstrikes last night, a pair of f sixteens, hitting I r g c, a storage of weapons facilities in eastern syria officials say these targets. Houses munitions that were used in attacks against american troops boxes richard so with the report. Their ends, programming, good for you, the gray, why gotta to further weaken with life liberty analyse in order governor. And presidential get it at randy, santas and robert greenway will be with eleven tomorrow. Life liberty lead
fox news, channel eight o clock eastern ends the time that has been for many years, the sunday The life liberty live in it the eastern you're going to have in a scanner, freedom and alabama, senator katy brent, so make sure you, Dvr is recording that life, liberty and Levin again, eight o'clock tomorrow and sunday fox news channel. night Brian muddy and for the great one markel event as we ve been talking about the interconnectivity between the bad, there's the inner connectivity between a rod which, of course, they terror attacks iranian sponsored hezbollah. They are backed by IRAN. and there are also backed by their unholy alliance Yes, for years, I've pointed out that
China's unjust china, its russia, its iran, north korea, with little rock it man. It's cuba, its venezuela, to Nicaragua, all the bad actors aligning together. and working to consolidate together. So why you back to what I was Discussing march, twenty second coming out this two day summit between a mere putin and changing ping and taking a look at the implications from this summit. and, as I observed, is putting bad and work together. So case of russia, in china them expanding their alliance, praying bad and worse, together does an equal better off gotta do is take a look at Joe Biden, comma harris and for where it looks like it was going a china has burst and potentially exclusive access,
to russian energy in grain, be china. Fond russia's economy through asset purchases, see russia. in companies expand within china providing a dish. Economic opportunity for the country b, natural resources and agriculture de china, decay, balls from? U S, interest and picking up on that last one. What had china been aggressively doing for the prior year on the investment side, while China had been a I simply selling? U S, treasury bonds and what they ve been vine gold. they ve been doing it while they were becoming even more closely aligned with russia, while russia of course, at war with ukraine. they ve been joined and while they ve been engaged in military provocation, ever taiwan, and now they have they're gonna, go to
pointless economic partnership with russia. Now all of what's happened be a coincidence or it could be that china in the final stages of preparing, for what build do next. which would likely be to move materially on taiwan. Now again, that's what I. was discussing march. Twenty second watches in this pass weakened quoting a reuters headline in these china? Russian in These forms in deals. Romania fracturing to agriculture, let's discuss back in march, or that's albin, made a reality, and made a reality. And it's also on the back of china. also directly content It was saudi arabia for additional oil supplies leading saudi arabia to. Increasingly
Align itself within the chinese lion. Tortures complicated, because saudi arabia in IRAN do not get along by you might have to her that saudi Arabia recently started back away from a normalize relationship with Israel, which was broker disbar. The Abraham accords negotiated by former president donald trump they did shoot down one rocket that was heading words Israel by iranian factions there was that terrorism, mixed messages out, said saudi arabia right now, but again they're, sending on a direct contract energy future. China has locked in direct oil from russia in saudi arabia,. while decoupling itself from us he paints a picture with everything else is going on. Doesn't it I'm gonna pick up there in in just a bed
Take some your calls right now, let's go to Daniel in new york. Daniel welcome to the show they call great show initially called coup and about the unaffordable billy flagellate away that middle class family in the people's republic of new york, but you're fat, lady conversational tonight. I just wanted to say that we like you to palestinian, that name that I had a thin arafat, adapt it adopted in urging the kgb. Real people arabs who really love them like, as a christian, quite tells us what You should always among you fully they really loved what all that oil wealth. They would have the finest universities, schools, housing, water food. It could be a place you'd want to visit. But now, if you keep on poor, he created, that's where you can better more them as a tool to do
Ever you walk, and I think that's what will witness the thing right now, Daniel. I mean, I think, It's only a great observation. I think you're gonna describing they can do. You dumbing down and within this country you know you talked about the lack of affordability and new york. You you take a look at what's going on, I mean how did we to that end up getting here ready in large part because of economic illiteracy, because in this country. You had people, leaving that there really could be. You know, free poppy in and free, candy and and free Biden bucks ago, along with those free obama phones from back when right, I mean everything, just free free reign for free. You, I just had it out. You can just print more money. Where does the money come from? It's obama, money right. I mean we remember all these things right, so we have dumbed down things in this country to the extent toward the average person is economically illiterate. Which, by the way, is not me saying that if you take a look at the financial literacy studies that about annually? We have
and financially illiterate as a country, even college graduates, the average college graduate financially illiterate. We in this way for couple decades now, and so that leads? a place where what can you do well, You can end up on one hand, make it look like you're you're, doing the betting by offering the free free free, free free stuff, which creates what first more dependency more dependency more. troll right more controls very much what you're talking about on the other hand, but also through lack of affordability from the other end, as well so In many ways you know what you're saying is only accurate, but just gotta tied into you know: you're inflation point that you wanted to bring up as well as it there's interconnectivity with it. It's. Why being informed his critical and we are woefully uninformed in this country, and we have all of the abilities that they don't Many of these middle eastern countries, due to the
abuse of the governments. in place there, which the p Many cases have opted to put in place quoting hamas being voted by an over mean majority of palestinians to be put in power and one of the things it's important that, and this conversation. You already had one terror, sponsoring organization overcapacity our towards in the pillow. you anna maws, which had been a day need to tear organization according to the It states in most countries, since nineteen, eighty, seven they ve, been a terror sponsor for over eight years, recognised prior to being voted and even ahead of the pillow tells you a lot of work you need to know about the palestinian people where they really are to Joe in new jersey, Joe welcome to the show I know you don't want to talk to different topics. The first one was going back to their sir,
the american muslims, man, not an eye opener towards our immigration policies. Here we better it's wise up real quick number two. Never do we have Them in our schools, which we need before my our centres of education like in high school, let's make it yeah. I know english in Israel mandatory. Let's make financing says mandatory as well. This way kids learned the budget, their money, they learn how to invest to make it your ear. You just recently said that dumbing down over our finance policy. We must start there on that topic now, I'm a guy. I think here you may gray point and this has been one of my great frustrations for a while, as we talked about education and certainly the gray one- has been one of the pre
leaders on the fair, the education establishments and in how its lead to amerika marxism in many cases, because its led by marxists these days and at once upon a time that used to be to met who they wore now. They're, not, but they have been the educators for some time, and now we have to deal with generations of americans there at the biggest thing is finding out the people that are persuadable or can still be informed, and it's one of the reasons why I think having these conversations are really important, including the most put. The incorrect conversations that we can have, which is the reality on the ground, about like yes, that eye opening survey Is it really? I don't take any joy and saying oh yeah, fifty eight per of american muslims- support Hamas. I don't like that. It's me every bit as uncomfortable is probably makes you to hear that The natural reaction is that people who don't like day just a bigger ain't they are now I'm not actually I'm not April. I
really what the folks that feel. That way, I believe that way to do so there I don't know how you reach people. The problem is that the point where you think terrorism is okay, I m not. There person to have the prescriptive on on how to fix that. So and then I take a look at ok. Well, we ve got to make sure that you know not people out. There are informed their release. Persuadable that we don't have. A turn into I dont know seventy eight or something like that. That's kind of where I operate, because I think back. I've been too good about this ever since nine eleven, and you know what I mean first really studied what what went on with all this, and again as recently as a decade ago, you had fourteen percent of american muslims that thought that you know. Islamic terrorism could be justified as fourteen still an eye opening number, but now at fifty eight that's duchess ten, there's two. Obviously we ve got some issues that are rapidly rapidly expanding enter. Your point immigration policy as well yeah. No doubt right, I mean good
Scope to array and ohio re welcome to the show are you doin donwell me you're right you're more on that matter. way servant? I'm sorry, when you do end up their branches. I bible, teachery, passing two thousand three hundred studying what you it started in. But you were you know more than my right now, and I really appreciate what you by her looks like I appreciate you you're being there and then the support- and I mean like for me a air in a reference in earlier. It really was an endeavour to understand one Because I was not informed and I went along with the bush administration narrative that we would be treated as liberators and very specific to my situation was doing radio at the time in
vienna. Georgia ends. In the folks. They are no the third idea and the role they I did the folks who went into Baghdad hoo, who topple those statues how's your theory Infantry division out of this event, area. and those families, this nurse had their neighbors friends and their lot one's going over there and in finding that battle under certain pretext, and then What happen afterwards ends how many families ended up being broken, the the implications of the policy. We are incredible and taken out saddam unbelievable, but then the narrative Fit it didn't we weren't treated as liberators things and go well in that the bigger asia. My called on. I can't talk to you. Families on the air- I can't see their loved ones come back in
and body bags not no more and that's. Why I realized I had read the koran, and that was the eye opener, This is why people believe, and in and I had to figure out, ok, well, what's up stemming the answer. A shrill are the people who believe in islamic law and you take a look at that who that is in, that tells you the story. Ryan might end for the One must ban I have to tell you something that speaks to. We are a core of our values as americans about a veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk
stamps the sacrifices they've made now they've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference. Just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans. Get the best service at the best price as well, is a pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, pure talk, talk.
Am slash, I n, and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. The idea says it is increasing those ground operations and we have seen again repeated strikes coming out of Gaza. All of this, while the country's defense minister said that when this ground invasion does officially happen, it will be long and difficult. You have gallant. Defense minister, said that part of the process will be in tailing and dismantling the vast tunnels that are used by Hamas. is alex. Hogan there and boy couple things as we see what appear to be the next phase. The law I waited ground incursion that could be done now for a very long time. The idea of into Gaza. It does Here that a more involved base. It has begun. But that's it
I think that's begun right, so we have seen the increase. the against us, the series of attacks by iran against us against americans they are. We had a little and we're in a fire what missiles from a couple of sixteen into a couple theoretical munich. Facilities in syria and that'll battleship for now, but I did this whole situation is now twenty well and is all interconnected. Its interconnected with IRAN, its interconnected with russia syndrome. to china, and yet all that unholy lines and includes even cuba, venezuela, Nicaragua so going back to last weekend waiters headline in north east china Roy should in chinese firms in deed. for manufacturing to agriculture. So what,
happen during a two day summit. What was discussed back in march, as now been made a reality. This between Russia and china- this is also at the back of also having been involved directly with saudi arabia. But that's not all. There is another report that has gained much attention. Did you know that be the occasion at this hour, china sea, has stopped recently with taiwan, we're this week, chinese, horses blocked and actually collided with two pino military vessels blocked in collided with them As a crisis in emergency session, with the filipino government, baker, while the united states to intervene to get there. terry vessels through that blockade
the! U s said we would defend them if necessary under nineteen fifty one treaty attention kind of a big deal, this conversation, I'm brian, for the great one, Michael than the college, jeanne universities today are less concerned with critical thinking than with indoctrination. But I'm happy to report there is a college where students to ideas openly and honestly, where they pursue true, together with their professors where america great heritage of liberty is studied and revered. My favorite college hills, delicate as stated in hills, dell's founding document in eighteen, forty, four hills nails regional mission was to offer the kind of syria liberal arts. Education needed to preserve the blessings of civil and religious liberty across the country, and this mission can used to guide hills college today and you can a whole lot more at levine for hills, they'll, dot, com, vienna, fray hills delta come there, you'll find it
what video is just over a along showing how helstone? work not only in michigan a washington dc campuses, but across the nation, is effective enough. american liberty, take some time to watch today at levine for hills, delta, Calm, that's alleviation, re hills, they'll, backup the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The this is about a meeting between president vice president XI. This is why the president likely won't come out and has recently come out, strongly against chinese trying to get that face the face meeting. Our senior administration official telling them that, after that Meeting with the foreign minister is not likely, there were being.
confirmation of their face to face meaning, but the baseline is that world leaders would sit down the apec summit in san francisco. Now, president Biden juggling multiple conflict abroad connected to all of them in some way. yeah I mean if your pay, attention in you hear that you cannot think boy what we're screwed right. I mean. when you think about the context of where then taxes powers are trending where china, an russia and IRAN north korea, with little rock in man where cuba where Venezuela, where nicaragua, that nickel were there all line to go where this whole thing is going? And you think that Joe by is this single best hope from getting there
I mean that alone makes you think only crap we're screwed. But then you hear the actual policy right, because one of the things objectively that I do. Is really hope that he succeeds in moments like this, like ok beat them as version of yourself whatever. That is just be that prick yet some strength, let's get through this thing right these three strike, the idea you made me so and then what are you here? What is the policy position? You just heard it you're, not tech, taking a strong stance with china, because you're buying is trying to get a face to face meeting. We always the way the grand scheme of things, I'm not sure, what that either. Who do you think, winds and a face to face meeting between job by machine thing? I've aim
Even a bind got what he wanted here, I'm not sure. That's the wind right. An annex it all that much more nerve racking, because Joe Biden me, the world less safe, is very existence, does. As president it states Brian the end for the gray one market, then I hope the brian mud show from my home stationed up Eugenio in west palm beach. You can catch me socially apprehend! Might radio baby I m a geo pod as wherever you get your podcasts and appreciate you are connecting with me as well. Always honour and a pleasure to be here with you now I does make the world a safer. We really are the big time Example that august twenty seventh, when you twenty one is just seven months into his part, we think back.
Afghanistan situations just seven months into his presidency than ever, Thing just utterly collapse as also but it really. When it all really gotta came in focus. For me, I went back to my notes, prom what I said that that particular day when everything collapse in afghanistan, because a thing some of these even recent historical examples are important, and and tax of what his management and leadership. expectation is right now and also obviously the weakness that was projected with the withdrawal from afghanistan. That's brought all this about objectively, Russia doesn't move on ukraine if Afghanistan doesn't happen right and we Lena have download trumps president. Now this go on.
But hey stole no more transport, even though we can still no more trump tweets. There was so much more important, wasn't at not having those that those mean ugly orangemen tweets. the only tweet that's happened is just the mugshot tweet still but anyway, So I took a look at my notes: prom win avc. Stay and collapse- and I said this. Joe Biden, has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue, the password decades. That streak is intact. Those words course words of obama's secretary defence robber gates, and they re true, once again, after all, should we really have ever expected? The only obama captain member oppose
as to the re that took out. Osama bin laden is suddenly start making better decisions because he was president, so in the wake of the terrorist attack the islamic terror attack on the thirteen american troops during the b s withdrawal from Afghanistan think about what happened in practical terms for all of us: And again, I'm taking back to my my thoughts. My notes from over years ago now. In this happen, or to a few weeks ago. When was the last time you thought about the taliban, t may be because to twenty years ago, oh by the way just because islamic terrorism happens every day around somewhere on the work that the taliban whacked for more people couple days ago, just because in the name of Allah,
they're still committing tear you just don't hear about it, but anyway. american certainly worth thinking about the taliban for fifteen may be closely twenty years and prior to a few weeks ago, When was the last time, you would have thought about Al Qaeda and again this scandal. twenty twenty one now it would have been, when bin laden was taken out, which was over time, years ago, that point and prior to that have I, when was the last time you worried about isis well been about for years, prior when trump finished bombing, the blank out of them he said he was going to bomb the blanket devices and notice. How in the u s took out the Taliban and Al Qaeda your terror attacks on american stop Did you notice that, when Tromp bombs the blank our devices better attacks stopped everywhere, including here I remember, have americans getting,
radicalized vices and committing attacks here, but also to an all was a few months are misguided policy and incompetent leadership. And we ve unnecessarily lost thirteen american heroes and have until Hundreds, perhaps more of a marriage in trapped behind the enemy lines. Job and has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy. National security issue of the passport. gates only now he has the power to make the entire. World less safe, and that's exactly what he's done. In addition to strong in the: u s is credibility around the world again. These are my thoughts. From August twenty twenty one. May mutations where the buying administration world. Well, I was genuinely the most concerned for our country that had been in my lifetime when Joe Biden became president he's managed far worse than I envisioned from our
the border to Afghanistan, this country, in this world is a less safe place because Joe Biden as president of the united states, Joe Biden incompetent enough to be the president of an age away, let alone the united states, and I think about that. Because that's why all this is happening. That's why, everything that has been happening has been happening why everything that's going on now is going on now is because, Joe Biden, makes the world less safe. and it also was the first that islamic terrorism reared its head again right. The islamic terror attacks on our forces, leaving Afghanistan and look where we are now. It's a predictable.
Predictable. That's why my comments from a couple years ago, almost seller, that could be a current seamen, given current events. So let's take a look at what's happened since then. Russia invaded ukraine R, amp up provocations on taiwan and now the philippines. And Hamas is carried out the largest scale terror attacks on Israel. Today now, sir epic to the latest war launched on Israel by Hamas, a walk you back to Joe Biden's. First direct move, to prop iran and hamas up speaking of things that He did early on in his presidency. Most folks, Remember this this also critical towards going right now, made twelve twenty twenty one now
in the washington examiner from that day may twelve, twenty twenty one more than forty republican senators urge president Biden two whole talks with iran over possible sanctions relief with israel basis rocket attacks from Hamas this week, the law- who said iran is a long financial and material supporter of Hamas, which was a Has it made a terrorist organisation by the united states? Ninety ninety seven and did, that lifting or reducing punishments levied by former president An old trumps administration would impose a regime that quote seeks to do. Roy israel over the past couple of days palestinian terrorists in Gaza to are funded by IRAN, have launched a series of rockets into Israel, the sitting wrote in a letter obtained by the washington examiner. They are tar
mean israeli sub civilians in cities, including Israel's cap. Jerusalem is trump we, as members of your administration, are currently in vienna, negotiate with IRAN, the world world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, in light of these recent attacks by Hamas against Israel, the united states should take steps necessary to hold tehran account Oh and under no circumstances provide saying in relation to IRAN, the united states, engaging and active negotiations with iran any having billion of dollars, and sanctions relief will no doubt contribute to iran, support of Hamas and other terrorist organizations who attack a mayor, kids and our allies. This was all in their letter, The senators letter to president biden- We call on you to immediately and negotiations with iran and may cause
that sanctions relief will not be provided. Doing so would demonstrate a firm commitment to our close to ally in the region and tour security interests. So what was Joe Biden to respond quoting cnn? Now, president by none wednesday, dramatically s waited his public pressure on his work prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to end the fighting, with Hamas that stretch into a tenth day, though I said, buying told Netanyahu yahoo than he expected a significant de escalation today on the path to a cease fire, In the raging violence, No, it's a signal that Biden was losing patience with Netanyahu so early on that a few months, a divine administration, a mosque carried out there, Italy is terror, attacks on Israel at that point, since twenty fourteen, when fourteen when the obama bind and proved their weakness of the world find they collapse have been gauzy,
yo binds reaction was not to support Israel and protecting cells against the terrorist, it was to apply pressure to Israel. Not to retaliate instead Look at where we are Joe Biden, given the world less safe, I'm brian mud the great one month. Love some days You just don't have the energy, you need swinging by race track for three monster energy drinks on food, two drink budget that tracks one free monster energy drink with by two available on fifteen point five and sixty nine
master energy beverages limited time only while supplies last see store for detailed make tracks the race track for whenever gets you going we shouldn't be in this situation, the only reason we're the situation is the continued weakness of the Biden administration. Ever since he took office. This administration has to go the way. it is a much more dangerous place ding ding ding, that is congressmen. Carlos Yemen, as with maria terrain remo this morning in any is a hundred percent right. Joe Biden makes the world less save my money in four mark, then, as we talk about the origin of islamic terror and understanding that what we are dealing with is about is on, but the much bigger picture, because
yes, IRAN is sponsoring. Hamas is sponsoring hezbollah and is the tipp of his spear with what we are dealing with with the israel Hamas war. It doesn't stop or because iran is russia is china is north korea is cuba? Is venezuela is nicaragua and all of the weakness of Joe Biden from the day that he became president has worked to this moment where I mean hold your butt. Here, because this next year's can be maybe tight. we really do it of have to thread the needle. You have all these bad actors that are acting very badly right now and Get this since they have a sense of urgency to take advantage of the weakness that exists with Joe Biden as president.
getting through this next year. Plus is boys can be tough. And I was just talking about the real precursor to what is happening right now with iran, with Hamas, with Israel, It actually started with one job. I orchestrated after a ass of hamas, terror attack and may have twenty two. One just months into his presidency, when Hamas in iran were already testing, binds weakness and he blinked. By negotiated with iran in negotiate with them. Originally the for sanctions really took place round. Then he called on Israel to now retaliate to engage in a cease fire after a hurry, terror attack. And we know what happened most recently, that the most recent negotiation that took place with iran and that we aware of.
was these six billion dollars for was the six billion dollars prisoner exchange deal the administration. Let's let the funds loose, let iran Gain access, those funds and, and then in theory may be there on hold, maybe they're not who that knows these days, but anyway that bind illustration point again and they treated all of us like more on saying that the funds could only be used for humanitarian aid and what happened he I mean did that what? Two days after because this also does not typically get reported in this country. You what the iranian mullahs did two days after people, exchange the six billion dollar prisoner exchange, what they usually do. They all got together cheering an enchanting death to Israel. Death to America now again This is prior to the ah stare attack around sponsor in Israel.
They were telling us death t Israel, death to america, two days, later cs Joe Biden's weakness, his incompetence. He makes the world less safe, but history two actions do as well, and they had every single time what robber gateshead he's been wrong on every major foreign policy decision. The passport years. Only now it's fifty years and now he's the fricking president, the united states, is what we deal with so yeah If it was your stated goal to aid IRAN, animals and their agenda, what would you have done differently than buying did a leading up to where we today. Remedy. for the great one I call them your wins.
of opportunity is opening, but is your business ready for what's coming? Be good surprises, tat, bad surprises, ready, be new markets? No problems ready, be paved Emily. Leave ready, be ready with essay p. if ea dot com, slash, be ready. You've heard of lady liberty issues ministry, the mark levin show calling seven seven three eight one, three eight one one. We are going to bring forward a stand alone: israel funding measure over fourteen billion dollars, fourteen billion enough Well, Israel's requested a little less than that. Actually, the white house did, by way of israel and fourteen point five billion specifically, is what we're looking at new day now, representatives for sure new house speaker MIKE Johnson, which on Hannity fox news channel last night, and you hear that there's going to be the stand alone, spending belt. What a what a concept we can actually do like a intentional
spending bill where it's not a one hundred billion dollar plus catch all aware, there's no accountability and Joe Biden could just chip money all over the Odin have seven maybe end up in the hands of hamas in IRAN, for example, what a concept. Gotta, like what you you're here and what you see so far from my johnson, pretty impressive guy. Why money, and for the great one markel then as big even of the grey one he's gonna be back on monday, but in the meantime you have to wait that long to catch him. We ve got Double header for life liberty and live in this weekend on the fox news channel tomorrow cocky eastern time, you have the great wonder with my governor and eventual candidate randy santas, he's I was going to have a robber greenway on the show so again life liberty, Levin tomorrow saturday, at a clock, eastern box, new shell the time that has been there for many years. These sunday, eight o'clock,
eastern show, where the inner, scant, your freedom and senator katy bread so make sure you go ahead and hit that dvr record both of em, don't miss any episodes plus you would want to anyway by so But documents recently about Joe Biden, making the world less safe and one of the things that don't like to do is just sit there and go holy crap we're all screwed, because Joe Biden is going to be president for like another fourteen months. So what happens now. What, by did not let happen in may of twenty twenty one. We need to lead real? Do what needs to be done let's say for a moment that your next door neighbor, is a really hateful person with a large hateful family, was publicly declared that you and your family's destruction is their stated go in life and then your how's, your property, any at all really should be theirs. So the happiest start right, but then again, what's behind this hypothetical.
Question is obviously anything but a comfortable situation. So, let's continual not say that yet again Family get together. Add your home the performance neighbor brutally attacked bursts of your family. An unimaginable ways takes others hostage movement, the appropriate response, your big. What's the appropriate in game is, any scenario under which you would think that it could be simply be acceptable for that neighbour to say, remain in place, just gonna live freely. After that. if justice is in served, out of a couple weeks. Maybe you should just give up pursuing they go back to bed just living your life, like it never happened. The purple that obviously absurd in really unpleasant hypothetical analogy Is that its anything but hypothetical for israel obviously, and its aid thing, but I believe that a goal for thousands of families.
since two thousand and six a designated terrorist organisation, Hamas has led the palestinian territories in Get about Hamas, I think any reasonable person. Understands how bad they are, but I act what you to hear their charter. In nineteen? Eighty, eight, there founding charter stated- and I quote, The islamic resistance movement is a distinguish justinian movement, whose allegiance is to Allah and whose of life. Is Islam it? I wish to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of palestine Israel will exist and will continue to exist until is love will obliterated just as it obliterated others before it, Palestine is an islamic land, since this the case, the library palestine is an individual duty, for every muslim, wherever he may be.
the day, the enemies usurped part of muslim lan g, becomes the individual duty of every muslim and the base of the Jews usurpation its compulsory compulsory that the banner of jihad must be raised to a call he's for solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the prince, because of the islamic resistance movement. Those conferences. are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbiters in the lands of islam. There is is no solution for the palestinian problem, except by jihad, against the founding document of Hamas. there is no such thing as peace with these people and again house, indian people, seventy five percent- seventy five percent are behind them.
They were voted overwhelmingly into power originally by the palestinian people. It's a false narrative that the palestinian people are victims about a quarter. Them statistically are the rest of them ass for them. Wanted this and are overwhelmingly still behind this eyes stories, one side effects and they know exactly what they have done here with Hamas, Let's go to wreck an forward are required them to the show, by buying. Why are you talking here? Thank you for taking my call. I had the pleasure of meeting other side of the me. Call the shuttle for quite a while. It's great appreciated. I would I would
if the whole population, the first thing that I thinking really and marketing generally, I think the only way to really avoid world war. Three, a cataclysmic world war working as for the bomb opened- and I will the training, the wife and I it will alarm all unethical israelis, you feel the need to load up and blough come on Yeah, give the saudis and out from importing In before the end of you're not gonna, get some people like someone joshua Pye unity, if I were by apparently youth in there the children are needed
Be wearing revolutionary guard outfit writing of wearing leader If the me That shows that even bigger failure than anything yeah yeah, appreciate at the car ends. Yeah, I may like the radicalism and has happened here in this country and early in the show. I chaired minutes fiscal you how significant it has happened. Just within the past decade its meaningful, is what you're talking about with IRAN? I don't know they are good answers I mean by in iran. As a pre to measure directly in the evening question, may I mean. The question is: do you have a direct response? Prom russia from china do all the rest of them happen. What
bigger issues in the here and now if to IRAN outside of their sponsoring of terror, as there are reports they could be within a few months of their first nuclear weapon and boy. I mean you know what happened: at that point, and so there are going to have to be some real thoughtful. This since that are made very quickly here. What the best way is to navigate a situation with them in turn, firms of projecting strength, finish: what this thought here in a moment in here, and now these single best thing I can think of is letting Israel do. needs to be done. Its lead
in Israel. Do what needs to be done, because if we let israel get in there and they obliterate moss. do what every tax we do not put pressure on them. They wipe out Hamas bay, bend off hezbollah in the meantime, if they can do that, that level of strength being projected will be significant that'll be significant, because what iran wants to do is they don't want the war to come directly to them? That's why they sponsored all over the place where they spot a more that's? Why they they sponsor, has blood. That's why they sponsor terror. All throughout Syria ends now out the islamic world, as they want to keep the fight off of their ground, in particular,.
There are so many questions that come into play there and another part of it comes down to energy as well. That's a whole. Other ball wax remember that we are relying on on opec, for energy once go, are reliant on foreign sources of energy once again, and what, thence energy markets. If you then go directly after iran, and how is that disrupt the? How does that impact prices? Stateside it gets complex if an awful fast, are no easy answers to this, but is We have been able to do what they need to do, even though Joe by makes worldwide save Benjamin Netanyahu and company. They could make the world safer by projecting the strength that, They no doubt want to project here, dad it's very important right. Now. To a store in new york, store. Welcome to the show. Thank you very much
The reason I bawling you know the damn, not you're going Peter going new york in new york they have. He's all over. The very broad dig deeper three on every single avenue and thirty four speed all over canals b, I every bridge in every tunnel. In order to take the picture of your light weight and control traffic in new york city, and by doing that, people will not come in anymore and pay twenty five dollars every time they cross sixty first street or every time they go for me, the way they will stop coming into shows they will stop coming in with their families for restaurants. They will stop coming in to call museums and walked around the city. They don't need new york depend Three hundred dollars, they had their pictures taken by controlling group of Democrats, a governor who had no brain and avoid commissioner, who thinks he is a break.
Yeah. I mean like that. There is no doubt that we are seeing the impact of. be wishlist policies on display in major city after major city, what you're describing not and I'm a good place blues It said he blew states, blue cities and and blue states. Some you take a look at the impact. We take a look at you know some of the nazis right state, but read state cities, one. The things that take a look at my state of water. You don't hear about this gotta nonsense ever in miami. Do you have A major city happens to be led by a republican and a red state. You don't, about this nonsense, even in some of our blue city, so like, for example, you ve got tampa and orlando that are led by democrats.
The reason I hear about it is the EU had soros prosecutors to get elected and those cities, but these antics- when they decided, they were not going to enforce the law and try to pull the kind of crap the you're talkin about the leads to what a lot of what you're you're describing has produced. He got rid of it. I either they broke the law, credible these one, those challenges in court. That's it with real leadership. I'm brian mud in great one month. Then I have to tell you something It speaks to the re core values as americans about a veterinary
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yeah and switch to pure talk. Today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. I call on the core principles: working conservatism. What is really the core principles of america itself were different were exceptional, the region where the free is most our foremost excess relation in the history of the world is because we stand for and those values and those principles are under assault right now we have to defend him here every day, with everything we have That is the new house bigger. My johnson again, he's was shining out last night on evans a ends I mean. Impressions, really positive, really positive. Is that those just can MR producer about that is my red, on the situation in it. Universe, in which donald trump is donald trump, which is the blessing of the curse tromp, is, is going to be true.
there is a lot of great that comes with that, and there is a lot of the not so great that comes with that. With him being the personality that he is with him being the figure that he is there is something with the contrast with having a republic in a later like MIKE Johnson That is just so practical. Just Oh seemingly down to earth and level headed in prison self. That way, right is extraordinarily disarming in one of the really fascinating things to see is how quick, he has been able to eviscerate the narrative about him right the gay as soon as clear that he was going to be our speaker the news media was out to just destroy the man. He try to overturn the twenty twenty election. He is mag steroids, evil, mag, whatever orangemen republican, ok
and then you will listen to the guy he does across the way. At all I mean, regardless of his policy positions. Even he's able to defend I'm an and such a pragmatic way ahead of the year. All the things that the left is made, was take home to task on. abortion yonah, he he's aids and extremists on abortion by somewhere I take that issue up when I'm house speaker and all we he he's crazy when it comes to two algae bt. Q plus, I ate apostrophe ampere sand issue, a warning, taken any that up as Here's what we're going to be addressing this house baker really smart guy, really great and spark eye and ear. Tie up what we ve been talking about, with what we're dealing with being about islam, but also being about
the reality of the new access powers. We iran is russia? Is China north korea with little rock it. Man is cuba's. Well, as nicaragua's, we could be trending towards world worth three, and all this I think, back to the crazy man with the nukes and to think about Just how much safer the world would be if Donald trump we're still president, but how much safer the world will likely be when Donald trump is likely. President wants it And- and it goes back to some of the conversations from two thousand and fifteen- I remember talking to some folks on the left and they were. It was the crazy man with an axe. I mean. How could you ever trust that, guy with the next rain and the conversations pretty simple, it's like okay, let me walk with you for a moment. Let's say that Donald trump really is the crazy man with the nukes. If Europe, Acta around the world, and you really think that donald trump
Could she us on a whim lobby? Look in your direction. Does that you more or less likely to wanted. Something that might piss him off what you think. so anyway, you look at it. The crazy man with the nukes, makes world safer. And getting to that point man, we need to get there as quickly as boss, hey reminder, democratic he hates america get your copy today been pleasure. Brian mud in for the great one market them.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-29.