« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/26/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian is the Heinrich Himmler of the Islamonazi regime in Tehran and should not be allowed into the United Nations, and he is now directly threatening America on American soil. This regime and their surrogates have slaughtered Americans and taken more hostage, and there has been no response from the Biden administration. Barack Obama, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and Robert Malley decided that every previous president had foreign policy all wrong and that America was too strong and imperialistic, which has led to the disastrous foreign policy we have under President Biden. We cannot build up terrorist regimes that have killed their own people, killed Americans, and killed anyone who disagrees with them, and put them on the same level as civilized societies. If Israel goes into Gaza and blows Hamas off the face of the Earth, Biden would be against it because it would disrupt the powers in the Middle East. This is the kind of foreign policy that will lead to World War 3. Mark speaks with Sen. Tim Scott about anti-Semitism and anti-American behavior on our college campuses, thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East that have entered America through our open Southern border, and the 2024 Presidential election. Also, there is a massive manhunt underway for the Lewiston, Maine mass shooter who killed at least 18 people and injured 13 more in cold blood. Democrats immediately called for more gun control laws, which would do nothing to stop this kind of violence. Our borders are wide open with drugs and guns pouring into our country and our cities and Democrats do not blink an eye, yet they think stricter gun laws will solve the problem. Later, the gag order issued on Donald Trump by Judge Tanya Chutkan is blatant prior restraint and achieves the goal of Jack Smith and the DOJ to prevent him from defending himself. The ACLU despises Trump, but even this was too much for them, saying that Trump retains the 1st Amendment right to defend himself and we have the right to hear him.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
the the america mark living here, our number eight seven, seven, three one three eight one, one, eight seven, seven three, eight one: three eight one one Why the hell would we give a visa to the foreign minister the islam or nazi regime iran
this could well are you engine this car? I dont care. What's in this country, those of you. listen to this programme over the decades now I've said we should get out of the u and throw them all thy how to create a new institution of purely democratic countries. But what do I know. So the iranian foreign minister has been traveling throughout the middle east as well as how ass in the iranians meeting with putin you pete noise out there should know about that. Hosting a mere Abdullah YAP, a guy do. he's sort of thee, himmler hamlet, the islam or regime in tehran.
Choice at the united nazis. Today, the? U n any threatens us. Everybody threatens us, the russians, the communist chinese and bread in north korea and now the islam or nazi regime in tehran. I put this all Joe Biden feet all of it All of it as he shuffles around and takes it into the sand, rob with beach, and who else is mentor. Barrack Hussein obama, who hates america who hates Israel one of his closest bodies, was the. Palestinian professor carlini were ties to Hamas. Oh did you know that, yes, and
Ere, the organization care and other hamas front group theirs having door, so they keep coming and going and coming and going as well as the muslim brother, we ve been infiltrated on our college campuses and in our media. We know all about it. I told you all about it here and on fox and on blaze: infiltrated can hear this hussein are mere you have. A dab threatens us of Gaza. Genocide continues, America will not be spared from our fire. There is a duty, Threat against the united states of america, but it still has not cut off the spigot. The oil spill it with. Giving them a billion a half dollars a week he's
on the enemy, while our borders wide open and our militaries funding is flat. Here it is cut seventeen go. I say. I leave to the american statesmen who are now managing the genocide in palestine that we do not really complex pension of the wall in the region. But. I warn if the genocide in gas continues. David, not spares form this style, it is always a shut up. You and bread.
You wouldn't be saying at the ronald reagan you and be saying that the donald trump Joe Biden getting americans killed words, the open border by the tens of thousands, whether it's the soft on crime democrats And now americans are open season open season and in our own country. Our colleges and universities are breeding grounds for these rats. And what do we do about it? Zippo? Nothing, zero, not securing a porter. Not deporting people here and student visas or other visas kick there The hell out of here not ensuring terrorist, aren't coming across the board, of course they're coming across the border, They only when I put the sacred about it just
Find the right alley need narco terrorists. Drug cartels will get Jane, won't be a problem. Every state on the board is trying to stop this but binding. And stops them they go to court. The attorney general united states goes. The court hang hey wearing charges security, therefore the liar who's, the secretary digest the e a borders secure, shut up, you area. our enemy, see weakness and they act the hell. Does china have shit? in the mediterranean, for and by the way they just intercepted one of our ships and near one other fake. I did you see that MR pollution,
and other sky threatens us this regime in their surrogates slaughtered. Thirty one americans, any response now. This regime and their surrogates have ten fifteen. They don't even know americans held hostage any response to that. No now we're trying to work through Railways will just calm down, be proportionate, follow the rules of war, give the enemy, food, sustenance, water and, of course, fuel All will be well, that's right, don't get angry, don't get angry just because people are being raped and brutalized their eyes are being gouged out and being burned alive and their children are being decapitated, come on calm down
now respond out of anger. The proportionate q imagined by telling Jews in his well, some of whom came out of the holocaust. I so sympathize with you. I stand with you shoulder to shoulder. We will not allow any horrible things to happen. Is Israel whatever you need, will give you now, however, don't obliterate and now there on new kick so I really know I've spent the entire day thoroughly. Research on this topic. of iran beyond what I already know, which is a ton but more than that about
new farm policy ideology? That's what it is. It's a new doctrine, but they don't tell you about it. They lie about it. They know, if you knew about it, you would be disgusted surely wrote about it, partly in on freedom of the press. With this guy, then roads, who's, the deputy national security council adviser, as well as a poet or a fiction rider. He spilled the beans to the washington post. I read some of them. That lied about a moderate part of the islam or not the regime in tehran that they gave information to so called experts and Scott literally regurgitating talking point point by point:
in the media, as well as the media themselves, as well as democrats in congress and he lied and it was bragging about it to the washed imposed and the washington post printed it and they were laughing about it. Let me tell you, what's going on here and I'm gonna disgusted at great length on life liberty and live in this weekend, but let me discuss it right now. Obama, blinkin sullivan and a guy named robert mowing. They decided that every preceding present and had it all wrong, problem, you see is that america is too strong ok is imperialist, that america is militaristic.
and that there should be one superpower, one superpower calling the or even involved in negotiations and discussions? There needs to be a balance. I got doran d, o r n call it a realignment and before him, martin pirates. Who's, a liberal was, I harbour. Professor, was a previous owner of the liberal and now left wing new republic said the same thing, and what is this do far policy ideology? That you need to have balanced, ladies and gentlemen, on all these regions, and so you take the most powerful country in the region. It doesn't matter if its democratic fascistic marks that matter and you need to have balance,
And so Israel needs to be taken down a bunch of notches. and IRAN needs to be built up in that way. They're working at a level playing field and there'd be a balanced approach, one to the other. It's the realignment is Michael duran has called it. The realignment are you and I both know- that's insanity, you don't build up terrorist regimes that have killed. Americans kill their own people, kill people who don't agree with them are expanding with an axis of evil that one nuclear weapons to blackmail.
send to threaten us and everybody everybody in the region. You build them up your building up terrorists you're, putting on a level with civilised society. This is why they keep talking about a two state solution. Now, listen to the proper again obama put out an absurd statement, wasn't written by him over by road saying this is why we need a two state solution: state for palestine, cordon quoth, the palestinians and the Jews in Israel. This is why Ben roads put out a piece saying the same thing. This is my time is friedman whose swine and puts this is why he puts out the same thing. This is why bag and keeps This is why, even now they have Harris she memorize the line.
Finally, we have a two state solution. Now it's a two state solution, so If, when Israel goes into Gaza, a tremendous cost to that country. With a lot of their young men who are reservists. Not even regular army being slaughtered because they have the worry wary about the civilians on the other side I know army on the face of the earth, not ours. Not only the nato armies and were biden- obama, blinkin solomon harris
are all say all of them have said in the last forty eight hours when it's over, we, the united states, are taking over either directly or through a coalition of countries, and we are going to create a palestinian state and how will it be different in Gaza and how will it be different than the palestinian authority who's gonna be in charge of this and whose can enforce anything that will be the ultimate demise of Israel. That'll be the end of Israel. Iran has killed americans. We now know that there are thirteen or fourteen. In wounded american? Some of them was severe brain injuries. We know
It's now been over ninety attacks on american forces by iran surrogates, and there is no response other than we keep the oil flowing and we're not gonna enforce the sanctions. Why? Because Biden insists we gotta have this balance? Obama insists if Israel goes in and obliterates Hamas blows Hamas off the face of the earth, so they can't ever kill any more anybody and bide pretenses for that, but he's not because it changes the balance of power in the Middle EAST. He's not for it. Even look at ukraine, though he'll help ukraine, but only to the.
why were ukraine is deadlocked with russia because they believe an imbalance not victory, not victory, not victory. Ukraine over russia, not victory. Israel. over Hamas or any of the other subhuman nazis and not victory for the united states. China sees it. Russia sees it. Iran sees it. North korea sees it, and I've told you now for a long time that this kind of approach, Where the isolationist approach is going to lead to world war in your kid, you gonna be drafted a beer Back then,. Have you been waiting,
I gold as an investment lots of commercials out there, but who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, text: l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com
Our circle back to this, but before I do It's obvious. You all know that this mass murder walk into a bowling alley and then a pub slaughtered eighteen people, thirteen wounded. That number could go up and there is a massive manhunt going up and, of course, a the gun control people out there we ve gotta be able to do something. We have to be able to do something. They don't stop these people, they don't stop. Neither the mass murders or the left us- and I want to talk about.
when we return and then I went to circle back. what's going on in our country as a result of what's going on with the ran in bygone right there, Have you been into by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you
I have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company. For yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions that get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com,
mark levant radios prince about patriot caller, now at eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one, one so this guy, still on the move somewhere unless she's in the woods, would somewhere And he had mental issues in a few months ago. It was reservist. And they slaughters people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever. How can this happen in this country? It is asked how can it Sometimes wonder, how can it not happen with all the hate that.
Answers that's pushed by a vile media via hollywood. How could I not happen when one Again. There are telltale signs of somebody with mental issues. and very little is done about it in any significant way, and it's just amazing to me. But these innocent people- we don't even other names- have been slaughtered. The families must be going through Just excruciating pain, Comes the american left yet again. People are dying from drugs. The borders wide open. They say nothing. our cities are becoming how holes our own capital
washington dc crime is through the roof, murder, rape, burglary, assault, car jacking. How hum big deal, colleges and universities. Our hatred, mills, that's pouring into our case through twelve government schools. The endless dehumanization. like abortion on demand- I am extremists tell the man humans. So what do we do about guns
safety. Her gun control, a gun, something like the problem in the culture is guns, not the people. On page one, twenty seven, because I know this will come up from time to time. I asked this question in the democratic party hates america, as a rational and practical matter. Ask yourself what exactly. The democrat party and Biden, would do to supposedly prevent a mass killing like this one if there was no second amendment in the constitution and the republican party.
Was not there to stop them. What exactly what they do to stop mass killing? A complete ban on weapons organs, new weapons, older weapons, removal this thing weapons. A ban on certain weapons by their looks size. Passionate manner of firing type of ammunition and who can own weapons by age, mental health. How many so, levities will be violated to enforce weapon bands and confiscation. If a sorrows funded democrat prosecutor won't charge individuals to use weapons in the commission of crimes or if a soft crime, democrat judge releases they merrily back to the streets. What kind of message does that's him.
Gun banning and confiscation will apply to people. The overwhelming majority of whom are a hundred percent lobby, but that's not the intention of these democratic party initiatives. And, of course, if the government cannot or will not prevent, Thing like illegal aliens flowing into the country by the millions in drugs by the tonnes or the unbridled gang killings that take place in our cities, often with illegally weapons. They come over the border illegally as well. How will prevent illegal weapons from being trafficked into our country from black markets? Cartels, terrorist, hostile governments? No matter what kind of band they put in place, the borders wide, open
If there's no reliably avail government information tracking how many a unlawful weapons have been brought into the united states due to Joe Biden's, open borders policy, then how we gonna stop people from getting and by the democratic party that ankara party media, they just don't care. Wives, states gotten rid of the death penalty. Isn't this a perfect case for the death penalty. Because its inhumane, they tell us ten who me. You know what the most humane thing would be. Mr produce, and I'm going to say it. Whether people like it or not, to shoot this guy on site.
But that will never happen. You know that's the old days, the old days when crime is under control. I don't, if that's the death penalty main are not something tells me they are because its new england, but I could be wrong. Whatever happened to law and order prosecutors when it comes to heinous crimes like this are major crimes period. We have judged the coddle criminals, judges, we're prosecutors, who all prosecute violet criminals. We, move the death penalty. We eliminate sentencing guidelines. They call this by the way I criminal justice reform, revs, recidivists. Here we have a guide had had mental issues said he had mental issues. He heard voices.
Even went into an institution, as I read it for two or three weeks, and while there he is there he is in there and ruth, what have no answer their answers immediately to limit The bill of rights, your individual liberty, and to bring in big government big government- that's that The open borders, the inhumanity, that's going on on the border, the open cities, control by democrats, crime, undermining it hops, slashing their budgets early on defending them. That's it! That's not the answer
However, when the europeans say, you know you, americans, why do you put up with this. The americans are really smart. You should be able to figure out how to do something, and I think we need lectures from europeans to you, Mr Barroso, the birthplace of Adolf hitler. Lenin and Stalin, the deaths of tens of millions of people from big government, big, centralized in our europe. You keep your own advice and will be their own problems. Here, god willing will be able to. We don't need your lectures on humanity that now not ever
considering what you unleashed on the world, including marxism itself. Now we don't need lectures from europe Or their phony intellectuals and elites, or their phony ruling class on death, they definitely have us beaten on that. We don't need lectures from the democrat party either because they have the rest of us beaten on that as well. The open borders, the hundred thousand dead from fenton. And despite what's going on, despite that, everybody knows they pretended not, they lie about the border being secure by never talk. about. What's goin on an airport ever the fact, the vast majority democrats don't think I want They close their eyes only when it hits neighbourhoods and their own voice
get angry, but even then they know what they're doing, and they know why they're doing our streets are safe because the judges and prosecutors, because the democrats politicians, because of a truly sick ideology and a truly sick party won't make them say. That's the real problem. our hearts. My heart goes out to these people I can imagine, Bowling alley somebody action with a high power rifle starch pickin people off. Where the hell you run or to a pub bar
Said in your your own business, some guy comes in, and starch picking people up. Too bad somebody didn't have a peaceful right there and then must produce, because in some of these aids and some of these towns- and I know that this is one of them just saying they know the people tat so they're free the slaughter in the do at some mad men like this one I'll be right back then. Have you been way
to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there? But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v I and two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com
the you know, I wonder, Me he's quota, remarked, wounded and he's grown considerably. In my view,. Practical in reality, the marxist left. He's not left the democratic party. Many people want, but he knows the problem in many people dont. On wednesdays, broadcast of news, max's tvs their record, as reported by our friend, said, the bright burn. During which urged the students who have blamed israel for the Hamas terrorist attacks volunteering gaza a while ago in Gaza, specially members of good
representing gay and transgender students for palestine some argue that the willingness of these groups to overlook Hamas has treatment of women. Gay people. Transgender people is the best proof that this is all anti semitism, because these Testers are willing to give them a pass on these core issues. on as they also hate jews. And then, Nation state of the jewish people, Let these students who sign this demonstration, the these petitions and are viable in these demonstration. Blaming it all on Israel, let them go, when volunteer gay students from alice dine in Gaza transgender stood for power Time in Gaza now long. They were last one they may be, being from the rafters, he said the best proof, That this is all anti semitism is that these groups, these groups, that say they they support gaze. They hang them hate
and gender people hate. Women treat them as third class citizens. Yet. These protesters are willing to give them a pass on these core issues, as theirs, they also hey jews and the nation state of the jewish people. This is Maxie ism, twenty twenty three! Well, I'm glad that's caught on, because I was sick and tired of being measured by the media and others and finally, MR producer, I set it to you for these are nazis. The hamas nazis. And this phrase that I coined Islam or nazi regime in tehran, Islam or nazis, because that's what they are then I use these terms of use these phrases to try and white people up. because of the phoney names these nazis.
Give themselves how, where students for peace in palestine are you kid me? These are the s s the s s at stake for peace in palestine? Two state solution? Oh yes, yes of course, and when you fight your warren, in Gaza. When we say you can actually go in, you need medicated feed. Take good care of those people While you're sending your young men and women in the hell to defeat the people who committed ungodly her rent
acts of torture and brutality against fellow human beings, track that against human beings, because these people image copyright. The this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
Sponsorship pure talk the no broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The ladies and gentlemen. Welcome we're going to be moving around start a few items I want to get to here. Items, here. We have the new post need post. Furthermore, the new posts was offered before my book came out there. turning to run some of the sum of the parts of it
Fuck that sometimes you partner with a news agency to do that, so they waited and waited and waited and said no thanks and they ran with some other crap was unbelievable, pray, forgive them for now. near post, john pod hornets rather than per day, In june, jews authorities are telling us to hide again, what's this all about a day after june, college kids found it necessary to barricade themselves inside a library in this of greenwich village, while a mob of repugnant terrorist lovers, banged on the doors were lie trying to get at them in there courage to go to the attic. Ladies and gentlemen,. Where many jews were hiding going the holocaust. The attic the n Y p d. Let it be known that on the sabbath, this sabbath, which starts friday evening.
Jews in brooklyn a better remain at home state. Inside locked, their doors, a so called pro palestinian protest? Why do we call a pro palestinian? Is that clear a hamas nazi protests, a scare For three p m saturday in front of the brooklyn museum: this is right in the middle of shabbat for jews. That's one mile from seven seven zero eastern park, where the headquarters of the largest ultra orthodox set in the world, the luba, which has seen em right. Their roughly twenty thousand observant jews live around that address. The neighbourhood called crown heights, How shocked him! I remember the name of that neighbourhood member, that out.
in important host, unanimous NBC, Should definitely aboard the area court on quota police sword tall c, o live dotcom. There's no intel at this time in which direction the protests warhead they said locals should Finally, stay away from eastern parkway in the area If the horde says r n Y p d is tolling, the jews of brooklyn and there's a lot of them that they are at risk- and this is the implicit corollary they cannot be protected, they cannot be protected. Now, on the sabbath observant, Jews do not use electricity or vehicles or screens of any kind. They dont use. Iphones towel of any kind they can receive. Acts to e mails phone call. No tv, no radio
pass the time on a sound Afternoon they they often go for long walk, not this time, not this weekend. There's the nypd sore said. After all, who knows which direction a marble go so better for them you stay inside and hide. Just ass, it became a matter of life and death for them. Stay inside back in t ninety one hour and the very same neighborhood. But everyone is afraid of is a repeat of the crew heights rights of all nineteen ninety one increase. Hides that year as three day anti jewish riot, followed a tragic automobile accident that
The life of a seven year old black child of every was hit by a car driven by has seen a jew they were? Thirty eight jews, violently beaten in georgia, own businesses were looted and burned to the ground. Let's go get it Jus a mob chanted in and they did, they murdered an australian doctoral student named the ankle rosenbaum. stabbing him and smashing in his skull. At cooper union in greenwich village. Yesterday,. Its barricaded themselves inside for their own safety. They saw members of the protests, ahmad glaring at them through glass doors. They heard once from outside and new, as, redo nose down to our multi millennium marrow that any of them at any moment could be ankle. Rosenbaum.
stay inside bar the doors. One you think the marches or meeting near crown hides anyway. This is why, purposes and to call for a cease fire and advocate for the palestinian people. Their purposes. To make it known October seven made known their will No peace or security for any drew anywhere in the world if they get their way. And rather than announcing, that it also five thousand cops into the streets to ensure that the mob does not disturb the afternoon walk with single, Do the Nypd says: stay inside mine, the mob? the monsters are here hide and What happened and ninety ninety one for two?
after that, car accident, the cops did almost nothing except standby due to the orders of a feckless and foolish mayor in Spain Less police, commissioner. Unless that is, they tried to intervene to help. People were beaten themselves more than one. Hundred police officers were injured during that programme and in and thousands of cops were finally committed to the effort and the ride ended. that Britain mare was david, Thinkin sped away, so eventually Feckless mayors, career Twenty twenty three three weeks after jews in Israel were set upon by marauders who murdered fourteen hundred your nearly three times as many in citys around the world and now in new york. whose outside israel under attack as never before in recent history, rather than
Finding themselves protected as never before, nor are they need to stay inside. They need to hide. Like an frank trap for two years and dynamic, because any outdoor public breath would mean capture in death,. And captured anyway, because someone in the house below the attic, rapid, their frank family out to stay inside the penis. watch law, spearmen played by dream brody in the pianist twenty years ago, who did not talk to another person for more than a year for more than a year. As he remained silent all, but motionless in a room and warsaw enters family was deployed two and slaughtered at treblinka. Tat horrid says my sixty two years of life. I've thought I
day the blessing america has been to the jewish people. I've talked about this to you at length a couple of times now. There's a blessing, unlike any people of every now, and then the most jewish city in the world outside of Israel. New york has been, blessing as well at this, but though the Jews it better hide, I can Tell you how terrifying this is. He writes. Most mostly listening, a jewish. You. What I call and what others courageous gentiles you understand the problem, and you also understand that it spreads.
Never list in front of me of all the attacks against america, The american deaths. From the islam or nazi terrorists,. Slaughter here at home. Their pinnacle being nine eleven slaughter on crews lines slaughter on airlines. Slaughter, of americans thirty one americans were slaughtered on october, seventh. What are their names? Mr produce. Do they not put him on the scream and tell us who they are thirty one
americans were slaughtered. Who are they? What about their children? What about their parents? What about their families. Nobody ever talks about them, nobody Iran was behind this. Hamas as a surrogate qatar, turkey, nato, turkey, turkey And not a single bind administration policies trained because of the ideology I told you about is beginning the show. It's not going to change. What's amazing and sickening when you hereby in a bomb on this guy Ben roads and they reprobate pots thomas free men and you hear them honour singing
phrase. Two state solution, that's what's needed. This proves that's, what's need How does it prove that's? What's needed? Doesn't approve the opposite. You have gaza, which was never palestinian quote, call which was egyptian. The israeli administration, in two thousand five clears it out of Jews. it says that the palestinians- ok here you go A beautiful shoreline, it's got a border in Egypt, as well as a border with Israel. There is no wall built on Gaza to keep people in and bad come later, billions of pouring in from the u n, from europe from the united states.
Two state solution right there and what is it it's, the final solution for the Jews and so Biden and obama, lincoln hair. They're all saying the same thing today. I've picked up on a nobody else. Has two state solution. So after the israelis go in their daughter you're wrong room earlier alley, many them die oh, is that our citizens are not a citizen. A split second decision has to be made split, sec, they're, going to know how not of israel's making Steady and making of the arabs making. And then, when it's all over it is going to lead the world to do what.
Another palestinian state. Can you imagine who does that? Nobody Our enemies are on the move and are on the move. A reason Biden can't even. What's going on in our country, and we ve talked about the border. What's what going to do about this Hamas network? What's he get about do about this group students for peace in palestine? What's it going to do about the care organisation they care are, Innovation has been meeting with abide administration. This is our hamas rent group. What are they gonna? Go about our college campuses, nothing, nothing! The democratic party! After all,.
Bright bark pentagon over twenty: u S, personnel injured. In around back the militia tax in iraq and syria sank com. They were told to be quiet. Obviously they they reported this late. told NBC news. Twenty united states personnel suffered minor injuries during the october eighteen drone attack on our base in syria. Then returned a database suffered no significant damage, That's not true about all the injuries that are men. Maybe some women receive. Some of them have had. Terrible ahead and brain injuries, they attack our soldiers, they kidnap our people, they slaughter our people and we put pressure on Israel.
The democrat party militia students for justice in palestine, the democratic socialist. The marxist, marching the streets can start country against Israel think about This administration not doesn't turn off the spigot for oil money. the islam or nazi foreign minister from IRAN, has given a visa to come to our country and today, right there in the? U n, he threatened us that they will attack ass. The fire that day, like will spread to the united states. I'll, be right back then I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values as americans about a veterinary.
company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. These are pure talk: dot, com, slash, Levin, pure talk, dot, com, slash ellie, vienna,.
Which the pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. I want to congratulate the boss, but were there at the? U s, w have always said, I have a problem with union members have a problem with their bosses because their thugs, their democrats. I must remain in woman, and so they cut some kind of deal with ford and another company. I forget which one heavy jeep and so those of you who purchase ford. Those of you who get service by four by parts Ford you're, going to see the prices skyrocket so can grow in relation to the? U s, w boss is a complete democrat hack. Barely literate heresy, this kind, Mister bellew, Sarah punk, another one who get.
So your power goes to his head. Much like these h away types. Power goes through their head in our union. right here, we're gonna strike and see with a little map in his office. You know up on the wall, habits, I may care familiar more, maybe like this wine garden at the year. Makin federation of teachers, I think, for twenty years she was a substitute teacher, Arrange that union, like a monster in my humble opinion, a lot more when we come back and I will be right back, I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values as americans. The better
Veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members and, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. These are pure talk, dot, com, slash, Levin, pure talk, dot com, slash
alivia and switched to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way mark Levin, a proud, conservative, no ifs, ands or buts call in at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one soon as this judge chunking, Issued her gag order in the media Spun it as a partial victory for trump. I came on the air and I posted that this is no victory for any by cept, the government, the prosecution and the judge. This is prior restraint, Donald trump, as the defended. He has every right to condemn, what's happening to him, he's also a presidential candidate, and, despite Other squawking about the possibility of violence
for they have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that any of that has occurred. None so the goal of jack smith and the department of justice not only to go. Donald trump and put him in prison for the rest of his life, but to prevent him even say. Presidential candidate for speaking from speaking out in defending himself in the way he chooses to do it. Now they prescribe proscribed, prescribed way by the government. While the a you that's been sitting on the sidelines for years and h trump, this was even too much for them. They came to the defence of the american nazi movement and skokie illinois. They went to the court, the supreme court has did others and said hey. We ate these people, but they were right to mark by just checking and jack ryan Didn't even believe that donald trump had a right to criticise, check smith.
Think about that. How outrageous that is and Even the a you l truck retains a first round, right to speak in the rest of us, retain a right to hear what he has to say in a fire in a bar, they just found and by the way I don't take my lead from these people, but I just thought: you'd find it interest. Lorries for the a you argue, the gag order, overly vague and violates trumps due process rights, noting cannot possibly know what is allowed to say the entire. What are they said? Hinges on the meaning of the word target But that meeting is ambiguous and fails to provide the fair warning that the constitution demands, especially when, as here it comes a prior restrain on speech. Let me take this judge. Shrunken, should a request? suffered to read.
She's a radical obama appointee who cannot possibly and has demonstrated she cannot possibly run her courtroom as a legitimate courtroom. Her rulings have been outrages. Number two she's an idiot, so that's very dangerous. A radical o bomb, a marxist whose an idiot and jack's may fell. We got the judge we wanted. He told her and finally start refuse yourself. You're perfect. Does What you said in other cases, does. What you said about trump in other cases,. None of your great, we need you, the government, the by them
strange- need training. We want you to stay switches, I'm going to stay all these examples that you use, but they don't apply in this case too donald trump facing a and special prosecutor facing an obama judge facing a grand jury now caput, but before Made up of democratic voters out of the district of columbia, he fight back you're not allowed to fight back unless you You do so in a way that we insist that you'd be polite. that no, he doesn't want to be polite on top of that running for president, so this demonstrates once and for all,
The attempt to interfere in this presidential election denying trumpets due process rights under the fifth amendment, His free speech rights under the first amendment, his right to company council competent, meaning the council's incompetent, meaning that they don't have the opportunity to vigorously Defend him under her prior rolling, that's the sixth amendment! So far, this judges violate the fray remember the fifth amendment and the sixth amendment. Just so you know. There's a lot going on, but we cannot tolerate this sort of stuff either. We can't pretend it's not happening hollywood? What do you think about all these people and in Gaza? What do you think about this? That they take it out? They can't get out.
Why can't I get out? Well, here's map miller, state department spoke city for once telling the truth cut. Six go a you, if you ever been to rafah crossing or if you know what it looks like there is an egyptian side that has come. I'm sorry, I wasn't on my vacation list. Was it on yours, mister producer That one, I'm sure you can get a pretty good deal right now. Let's start over, go ahead. If you bet, if you've ever been to rafah crossing or if you know what it looks like, there is an egyptian side that is controlled by egyptian immigration authorities, and then there is a gaza side, then that has been controlled by immigration. The worries from moscow in the middle there is no man's land, and so the egyptian authorities are ready to process american citizens and other foreign nationals if they make it through the Gaza side of the border through the no man's land to them. But problem has been up until now, and it's the problem that we ve been trying to unlock is at times on. The
the Gaza side of the border? There has been no one there from Hamas to open the gates and process people and let them through and other times there have been actually armed, hammas militant stand. There now is an amazing about the way this guy talk, this diplomat, bureaucrat hack. He tells the truth, we're talking about terrorists, blood, thirsty, subhuman turret, there's nobody, they argue process the ep, hence, and let them through and open the gate and every now and then their shooting. and so in reuters. Does stories with information and photos fed by the Hamas nazis and runs with them over and over and over again them. Nourished children, they'll, show pictures of that handed to them by Hamas.
does it occurred, arrives too ass. Well, why don't you let these people go? Let your people go because reuters they're doing this, for you. They want you to run the photos and sent him all over the world. These are terrorists. These are nazis. May I ask a question about nazis, then Hitler really care what happened to his population, his citizens in germany. Now he used them. And many of them wanted to be used here, the them I believe your british base, but it doesn't really matter you might as well be Hamas based. altering war, a war to the jew or organizations now associated with writers and the rest of them. Will you,
photographs what was happening to the german people during world war two to their children. Why not? Why? Not, because back then our media, with some significant exceptions, but our me, our media, was patriotic one in america to win. He wanted our allies to win. Even while the new york times was covering up the holocaust, an unforgivable syn. by so called news organization.
By left wing jewish family following the directors of the great franklin roosevelt mr new deal, MR for the little guy. It's still didn't publish photographs Happening in the hospitals in berlin or Heidelberg or frankfurt, why not. Why not so here we have a statement by Matt miller pretty cold, blooded bureaucratic way too. But nonetheless he's telling you. that Hamas will not allow people out of the passageway. Now waiting for a hollywood put out a letter and send it to Hamas are, you must reduce it.
we in hollywood? We insist that you open a gate hamas. We insist. I have friends, and I we wrote a letter. We were setting up a cafe in beverly hills having a grand all time, but we decided, we can't just sit here, a trifle truffles and all the rest of it. Decide on whether we want white wine or red, whether we wanted to be flowery or not I dunno. We really need to make our objections. Now we need to write a letter to Hamas open the damn passageway. Now Hamas and the iranians met in Moscow twenty four hours ago.
Did you know that china has a couple of it's ships in the mediterranean region over the oh that china in iran cut last year, was for twenty five years. Economic and military deal from the by ministration is funding on it. I don't know how any rational american red blooded american can even think about voting for Democrats right now. It is the party of bigotry and racism. Is the party of national suicide? Is the party of street violence, despite their best efforts
To make january sixteen example, oh by the way, there's a new reporter member- that Robert e Lee that statute huge day Robert e Lee on his horse and charlotte in Virginia. Remember that Mr Middleton or finally, it was melted down. It doesn't existing just like the taliban. Proof Gone been replaced america with her supporting students with legs were swastikas. Was signed staminate, the Jews cares, the Jews been replaced,
Old robert e Lee long gone lost the war for his statue, his smelt it that is melting, replaced with new symbols. they dare not replace that that Robert e lee monument was say Ronald reagan now wet. Maybe dwight eisenhower no way there is an imperialist if there ever was one but who hamas the university of Virginia, which is in charlottesville region. That's student body was among the first to issue a letter in support of hamas and against Israel, but then, where are they.
They eliminated that Robert e lee statutes melted down to nothing, nothing so all as well at the university of virginia now all well. Aren't you folks in virginia, Sick of supporting a universally aren't you sick and tired of it. It's disgusting. Have said for a long time, we need to define these institutions at the cops defined the institutions that are destroying our country from within. They take money from the enemy words, the commonest chinese or the hamas that work or whatever it is the funding I don't just mean billionaires, and I appreciate that have created these. Has been damaged. No, I mean state legislatures governors, congress defund them, although destroy us.
I'll be right back then I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values. As americans
a veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members? And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk, I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well visit pure talk, dot com, slash, levant, pure talk, dot com
ellie vienna and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way latest reporting on the mass murder he might have been in his house. People are listening. On the year. open line were cops, talk to each other and they heard him going to somebody to come and come out with their hands that now it could have been somebody else who knows I also have some choppers over there, so that is the latest. I cannot be certain of it The report of the right back folks, you have heard me: Talk about hills, down college, giving away free copies of the constant
washington, declaration to my listeners for constitution day. They have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your for for my listeners in soon? So if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com, every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy, in hillsdale college girl, Levin for hillsdale dot, come right now, complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy now at Levin for hillsdale dot com. That's l, easy! I am free hills, del backup.
now rug casting the monopoly underground command, both the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel of a non this script filling we once again made contact with our leader. I marvel at any error. Number eight. Seventy seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three one one I'm gonna play. Something for you, that's gonna, make most of you really angry, Andrea Mitchell,. What do you say she's the best looking journalists on tv must rid of
Say she's the best looking report on tv? Why is that? The massage I'm giving her example. I mean that's, understand a low standard, anyway, she has been a propaganda for entire career, started as a cub report in philadelphia and has gone downhill ever since. You know it's amazing, all the people around us and we see very odd, thea the farm team, because that means they can make it on the NBC. Because everyone on MSNBC really wants to be on NBC, so it's it's embarrassing for somebody like Andrea Mitchell, the best looking women in now. In journalism today,.
Anyway, I hear she is with iman safari. Now, who is I mean safari? I'm in society is the jury, any it's uranium, pretty much jordanian deputy prime minister. I want you to listen to Andrea Mitchell, not only those for good luck. She has to be one of the smartest journalists to ever be behind a microphone listen carefully cut eleven go. Is
France's present mccrone is in a man today with Israel before that he is proposing a coalition of the anti isis coalition, the coalition of fires that are in iraq and Syria, which includes americans and multinational force in Gaza. Is that an option? It is not. We need a coalition for peace to be honest, and instead of sending arms for the region, listen delegations, that's what you get. The parties back to be done with the national governments and states say they agree with a pin to save solution, but they keep expanding settlements are so well, look, look! Let's stop right. There. now. You know I was mocking Andrea Mitchell she's, an ignoramus. She's another mouthpiece mouthpiece for the. left in Israel as well as the year? The enemy in Israel That be done with Netanyahu Netanyahu government, since they say they.
I agree with the two state solution, but they keep expanding settlement. You know why they hate Netanyahu, No, I obama hated Netanyahu, can hates Netanyahu, Biden, hates yahoo, national, the creative riser hates net? Now. Thomas remain a putz, hates Netanyahu, then roads are parts who writes, poetry, hates net You know why this cabal of bone heads reprobates malcontents and supercilious morons. You know why they all hate Netanyahu, For the same reason I hate trap and hated right. Before that. Because Netanyahu's not buying into their farm policy doctrine.
Which requires israel to get weaker in america build up its enemies, justice. Requires america get weaker, and america up its enemies. A balance of power in the region, that's what they believe it. Doesn't matter. If these people are terrorists doesn't matter if they have no intention of getting along with anybody. Doesn't matter they slaughter jews and, I might add, Slaughter christians, slaughter Muslims who a quarter quote non believers doesn't matter. I mean Israel says they want a two state solution. I vehemently oppose it. And Andrea Mitchell she'll never go to Gaza to report from their. She can't The killer two seconds: why number one she's a putative jew
two choose a female number She's in america, she can't go there and she never will. So here we are, ladies and gentlemen, just three short weeks after this waters are the jew in Israel. yeah. I was being blame because he won't support a two state solution. They keep expand settlements. What's a settlement settlers you now. Let me see if I can explain us by applying american history go west. Young man go where the wagon trans caspian from the east, moved west? Her courage to do so by the government.
Maybe they were slaughtered, pay the native americans my lied to say that MR producer, I don't know that I am. ok, my ass. I think I will. Many of them were brutalized about. Many, the native americans were brutalize too so whatever, and so today, The Adrian Mitchell's or the world would say that the indigenous peoples for all these parts of the country are the native americans, the native american. Would you call the native americans these settlers in the west? Mister Bellew, I don't think so. How can they be the settlers in the west? Are the native americans? They were? The indigenous peoples now actually go further back, but I don't need to get into that. I'm just making a point.
So here we have land judea and some area that was never arab. Never ever let alone court quote call palestinian and they keep calling it the west bank, because they don't want you to know that it's today and some those of you who read the bible. Because who was in judea and some for a thousand as they the Jews, the jews. Finally, the romans force them out why the second term? some so important, among other reasons, the siege second temple, which took about five years. The Jews were slaughtered, those who could escape escaped.
The ottoman empire knew this and have explained this. It years ago, or so as they were collapsing,. They had really control over to that area for sir, for years, but. They basically lost control of the emperor. And so they decided to divide it up in a broadway They wanted a certain amount to go to these people. Certainly Go to these people about forty percent to go back to the Jews, the indigenous peoples of fuel. But the heirs won't accept that. nineteen, forty eight they attacked the Jews among them was jordan, was called tranche toward Jordan was
Created by the ottoman empire, there was no jordan, there was no country, Jordan, there was no monarchy the hashemite monarchy, created it out a thin cloth just as they created saudi arabia, there was no saudi arabia. These were better ones. And our andrea Mitchell, who is a historic illiterate. Illiterate and many things how can How can there be a coalition for peace when you know they keep it? spanning the settlements in the west bank. And Netanyahu, doesn't really believe in a two state solution railways have offered a two state solution. For seventy five years once Israel was finally established in the arabs, never took him up now. That's the answer to everything. Now, that's the
It should at anything and Andrea Mitchell. You should be ashamed of yourself, you're a disgrace. Your moron. The historical illiterate? That's why you're on MSNBC, like everybody else I'll be right. Back then, some days, you just don't have the energy you need swinging by race, track for three monster energy drinks on a drink budget that tracks one free monster energy drink with by two available on fifteen point five and sixty now. Master energy beverages limited time only while supplies last see store for detail, make tracks the race track for whenever gets you going
it's a pleasure to have on the programme a man who I really have them joy, getting a no man is truly decent, very concerned. Of solid senator, god, senator scot I see Recall you tried to do something early on about these college campuses. Didn't you mark your how to proceed, I cannot believe that the things the couple aunt tire anti american behaviour on our college campuses and five years ago, more five years ago, garda working on legislation leading to create an environment where our jewish community would be faith and welcomed on college campuses and instead of that mark and serve people supporting the anti semitism legislation. But I created in twenty six team that the former present
President rob signed in tune executive order, inviting me to the white house to be a part of the celebration instead of a thing, the exact opposite, we're thing: the exact opposite war on today's campuses, we're we're having people hating america hating, the jewish population. pointing terrorism, rejecting side more boiled my blood use administration if, speaking with a board tongue. More You cannot believe the words coming out of the mouth. I am frustrated with what I'm thinking on college campuses, we should not wait for the jewish community to stand up all loving american, all proud to be american, should be standing in the gap for jewish community
I bear anyone to stand up and say were wrong because I gotta tell you the truth bar. We are one hundred percent right. We bring her he again, every single aunt I am in that country. Let them know where we stand. We ban side of right. We stand with our view, citizens. We And what is well because we know farms, one twenty through thick, that pray for the piece of Jerusalem and those who do will prosper. So. profound so senator? Let me ask you this: if you were present the united states, would you be lucky at these student visas, would you be looking at the whole immigration issue? Would you be looking at the funding of practically rabbit?
college campuses where people are named safe anymore, will mark a big you. You and I are kindred spirits on the topic, because here and would have already done already, leading on lead to less than to pull the pilgrim.
Going from colleges and universities that allow for people to promote and encourage hate, but not just hate. The color you'd be wrong, but you should not be able on a college campus to encourage jewish genocide. You should not be able to support mass murder, and you certainly should not encourage terrorism and have your funding in place. If these college campuses and their administrations will not called to the carpet these kids, we should pull our taxpayer funding from the university's number one number two any kid: any student on our college campuses who are here on a visa who are encouraging the slaughter of the jewish people, any college student on a visa who is encouraging mass murder. Any college student on our campus is on a visa who are supporting genocide. They should be deported. They should be pulled out of class pulled off the campus
A kick out of our country, that's the kind of leadership I would have as president of the united states. I'm telling you mark those are the first to step, but then we have to turn to an incredibly important issue: the southern border. More over the last several months we ve seen foul of illegal immigrants. Thousands of illegal immigrants cross our borders from a ran from Syria, from a rack and from human combined. I'm concerned that our country has leap ourselves in our midst and that's not being hyper. like I mean it sincerely. We need a president who is willing to close our southern border, not fell off the construction material. We need a president who
willing to use the military gray technology to survey on our southern border and, frankly, that panel beneath not a president who want to keep the border into cure unsafe and wide open. That's why you're listeners can go to vote tim forgot that calm, contributed dollar contribute five dollars so that this voice remained on the stage fighting for calm and thin beast and three and the preservation of our relationship with the great nation, Israel. Folks TIM Scott needs to be on that stage. Some of them don't Chris Christie comes to mind all the time, but tim it should be on that state, so
You need what you have plenty of money and support, but is the poles? Are you need small donations? What is it that you need? Senator mart good movie requalify about the pole. right. We do have enough money, but we need you more donors, though the individual donors, it's interesting, we thought of this campaign. In march, They only started accounting, our donors April. That twelve was we create. We raise ten thousand donors in the first poor, weak and they're, not counting Folks, we need another few thousand donors in order for us to remain on the debates days, we are the most pro israel pro common sense
loving america, because I've lived the american dream, we're gonna, fight tooth and nail to make sure that this nation is the city on the hill I'll, do it from the bit I'll, do it from the field I'll? Do it from the stand out do from the airways? We have to make sure that at the next generation of american inherit the country martha you- and I inherited. This- is not about politics. The mission, a mission to make sure america always stand on the side right vow, TIM, Scott, that fuck, you may support and other candidate. That's fine! The point, as he should be honoured stage. Vote tim Scott, that com TIM Scott that come when is this debate Emily remember when this debate is over the edge,
when they remember the eight we're ten or so days away from it, and I will tell you one the most consequential conversations we should be. Having is not simply debating each other about the differences we should be debating. The future of this nation, we should be debating the fact that this nation must make a stand and make the stand clear, make it consists in making can fight. we always what I do, but wherever they are in the entire world, wigand audio we're senator. If you don't mind, we don't get you that often its vote tim Scott, that Vote to Scott that come what may Why does this
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that they seem to have re armed and those behind all this terrorist activity. What is that all about mark on american to happening in this administration? I can't think of anything more boot bar then? The watch the first tat, the baby depth of this administration in large darted, before Where the seventh, when they were going to, have the russian negotiate, what they re me in on our behalf, for new data, p away or new nuclear deal and their after october, the seventh, the first reaction, the weakness of Joe Biden, a crack atrocities. Conflict and chaos. Vinland. Then the negotiations billion dollars mark help to find her mouth? I know They say they approach the dollars but money fungible, but what they mean that talk about
the eighty billion dollars of. Gee resources, bite and allow them to start selling their oil again. That makes them complicit. But let's go one step further on this: a relationship How is it that on american soil, the iranian foreign minister If we allow for the genocide in Gaza to continue, America will pay a price. How dare This administration allow the foreign minister of a ran to threaten me again and america on our soil. How is it that a model Thank you to wrong and we like charge. You might
we deserve better and the president of the united states at. I can't think of a funny thing. I can think the first thing they can do is call in a squad a kick them out the party. They are so old transfixed by power there So I think that the political power that there will in who use any body issue any group, the whole onto their political power, and it is this gas thing more we're talking about two thousand twenty three, the worst attack on the jewish people since the holocaust, and this situation stands would be in the daylight and negotiate all the entry into gaza I hope that as a great way to put and europe,
actually right. They do one thing in front of the cameron. Another thing behind the scenes in its really duplicitous in their life, the us we, the people now centre, again. Its vote tim Scott that can vote tim's got that come again. We want I'm on the stage. I want claims on stage, whoever you support may be support team- scott, that's great, but he's met. All the requirements except he needs me, Small donations More than these aren't see rules to be perfectly honest with you, but I don't that's what we're stuck with only the marble was having getting on that date the car making with the american people about the topic that you and I care about you, and I may disagree on economic policy. I don't think we do with you and I don't even Simeon come of the poor of all that. I don't think we do, but here's what we know. We agree on that. This is the greatest need on god green earth, and that comes with the responsibility to date it seems that gap for our allies. That is really
the ability that we have always lived up to. We ve always been loyal to our allies and legal to our adversaries. For president bided take the lead back then put of little leaning into the fight these obama bomber Ladys got all these obama radicals around them, whether its plank or Sullivan and all the rest for them, and they have a a perverse ideology about our country and foreign policy and look where it's got, I mean we now americans, thirty one who were killed. Nobody we're talking were killed. They were slaughtered on october, seven, we have american house it is. We now have american military personnel, some of apparently, some very serious head, headphones and he doesn't do anything. Will you raise a really good point, and this is where I think the country needs to put the dots together under a bomb?
we thought the red line inferior and what was the response mark not have seen with all the incursion in ukraine? What was the response, nothing really grain of a nuclear deal. The day, p p o a in march, the the baby iranians word: press firing ballistic in violation of the actual agreement with terrible anyway, but what did they do? Nothing for you take that administration you put it on their roy- bring the thing people back into Joe Biden administration, and they do it again. But instead of being four hundred million dollars for half the did like they did in the above administration, they supersize the payment to six billion the result
they created a market for american lives, the broad a massive market. It endangers every single american. brought about not being hyperbolic. That's just the facts. We need high or. I have a string together, so the american people can see clearly that the right The girl were led by remaining folk who feel like look like walk like anti semite, and talking about the squad we have arisen the ability to expose the radical left end or theology is power exactly right, Well, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for rare, your clarity, your morality. Estonia what's taking place here, its vote tim scott dot com,
Small contribution from thousands of you will enable him to get on that stage with their weird rules and that debate again Many in this audience support president tramper. Run descent. This many support you senator, but we have the senator on the stage, because I think he is a very, very important voice and I want wish you all the best be safe. Friend be safe remark bless you and let, let's make sure that we all stand with Israel. No matter where we disagree left, never turn our back on the only democracy, million people surrounded by four hundred million stand in the gaps. God bless you, sir, take carries out. Thank you. Neither so good man very good. and I want to read something to you on another matter, but there's so much going on or running out of time here, Jim trusty
us and one point one of president trumps lorries, but in my view, he's one of the finest litigators I've ever met. I haven't known along, but he's truly he's truly exceptional. And so he has looked at this. issue. These things going on in georgia. This Cases these people making these plead the off and he has a special take on. and he wrote about it. On his blog. We in the play leaves this. Georgia are guilty plea he's enfolding county, confirming the righteousness, fanny wallace's rico prosecution. They reflect an inherent frailty the case either A venue were george, largely can be expected to instinctively support a prosecution of high profile. Republicans.
a close look at the recent plea agreement suggests that prosecutor victory lapse are premature, while the indictment south has joined the ranks of other historic charges against president trump, there been so or shaky moments accompanying the georgia case. The mind numbing interviewer, the grand jury, four person on television, a shareholder press conference to confirm that he will get Mug shouted a former president of the media. A straight face, any willis, asserting that all nineteen defendants would be tried together in a practical nightmare problem oh based either on short, sightedness or worse. Finally, The diamond was about to come out. The world got a free prevention through the clerks office stan scramble to provide contradictory unlikely. Dishonest explanations for the glitch gets that backdrop of questionable professionalism
surprise at the prosecutors. What lovely celebrate any guilty please obtain this fall sky. Oh and sydney power plead guilty to misdemeanours. Janet western, aiding and abetting watered down. Felony kenneth chess brow took a felony play all the please if a couple, a common denominators promises of no jail time. Dismissal rico charge making them jobs available to testify as co defendants during the trial and apologies to the people of georgia. When it comes to pal interest bearer. The jelly Took place on the eve of trial, suggesting that one side or the other point that the oncoming battle and pray it is of no jail tender, stay The issue is most interested in avoiding the trial, means by that fanny wills. To these common denominators have brings room for genuine a political criticism if
selection statements are established such a devastating moment in history. Why woods, ni pow near the top of the culpability I made for unleashing a crackling of accusations, get a promise incarceration. The feds system. The rule for rico charges has always been that if a prosecutor charges it Here she must insist on it as part of any play, agreement reason for the policy is not some mindless. Statistically based adherence, but the recognise that he goes a powerful tool for prosecutors, reflecting desires down organised and damaging criminality such never be used lightly. For please senator george occasion every defend and has been allowed to walk on the lead charge. Rico. these agreements are almost all being characterized as cooperate or agreements
but its highly unlikely that the district attorney's office. I sat down and proper these defendants to us. ass, their testimonies value. This is particularly true. A chess brow and pow pleaded guilty hours before the onset of trial, and they are- it's a serious vetting. Those defendants could come into the defended trial and simply they're all innocent without consequence, so deeming these two and it says cooperators- is nothing more than additional cover for this and to exclude jail enrico from the agreement. all they commonalities. The apology requirement might be the most transparent. This ain't teenage court Talking about juveniles are particularly young men and women in need of a character in fusion, even alice, The junior member, the legal team claiming election fraud in georgia, yeah you're a lawyer. They did hear tearful comments today.
scottie play this ridden yesterday truly reflect remorse and a feeling of being rocked by many senior attorney so perhaps this public apology was coming either way. by requiring middle aged defendants to publicly apologize rings Gay political exercise, prosecutor who wants the political benefit of these tv, ready. Apologies to negate the concerns of those who question the targeting of donald trump by a prosecutor who announced target first evidence second whirling down. The number defended sooner case always has some value to a prosecutor, and indeed the recent guilty. We successfully prevented the remaining deaf defendants from getting free preview of a church, bro pow trial last week, but a close look.
The nature of these plea agreement suggests that politics and public relations may still be a powerful component of georgia. Justice His point is that he believes the state likely went to these people and wanted to cut a deal because they didn't have much of a case, and if these rico charges are so serious, he it's up, then: why do they get no jail time? And why would you start with the power who the stage views at least the day as among the top culprits, brian arguments, absolutely I'll be right back then. I have to tell you thing that speaks to the re core values as americans about a veterinary
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yeah and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. We can monitoring events in maine entire show I don't want you to think we're we're looking at. We certainly are not. There is absolutely no new information to give you unless you want to just keep repeating myself. So that's where we are at the end of the programme. Also, we have to fantastic life, liberty and levine's. This weekend, a pm eastern, You should go ahead and dvr recorded, because you know you're gonna be home or not or something's? Gonna come up for saturday and sunday, just a fantasy. Stick line up. You can see it on all my social platforms, because we put a little clip on their free to check it out in the courts. Nea opening statements or monologues, which I spent A lot of time on, and I know you're gonna- find extremely compelling here.
Most of all audiences does, if you have your copies of the democratic party, hates america and even better those of you have read it. Please spread the word you see a playing out in our country and all over the world. Their decision our society and to destroy the society of our allies and giving aid in comfort toward domestic. foreign enemies, there is simply no doubt about it anymore, the hall, cases laid out in the democrat party aids, America Yonah bring a copy to thanksgiving dinner. I'm serious about that. Check out life, liberty and levine Saturday saturday, and sunday, eight p m eastern, and I want to like all of you, god bless each and every one of you all you heroes out there. You know who you are, and we stand shoulder to shoulder to defend this country, We stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in Israel because we know evil when we see it I care.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-28.