« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/22/19


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, there's another pseudo-event in Washington, DC, with all Democrats and some Republicans running away from President Trump's tweet which said, “All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here - a lynching. But we will WIN!” This is the same word that was used by Democrat members of Congress during the Clinton impeachment period; this outrage is selective. Then, career diplomats continue to malign Trump in secret, behind closed doors, affording the President of The United States no due process. In our country, we guarantee due process to terrorists and mass murderers but Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats won't allow Trump the right to defend himself, to confront his accuser, to call a witness, or even to have counsel present during these interviews. The house is not like a grand jury it's more like it has abandoned all precedent for this process and has adopted tyrannical thuggery as its guide in this process. Later, according to the 'secret' testimony of William Taylor that was leaked to the media, it seems that there was an irregular channel of diplomacy set up by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Ukrainian officials. However, the media will only report what serves their own best interest, never in the interest of objective truth. It's the same way they misrepresent polling data on how voters feel about impeachment. Afterward, Kimberly Strassel joins the show to discuss her new book "Resistance (At All Costs): How Trump Haters Are Breaking America."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented of the as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, There is a truly independent institution where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm, is valued. Thank you for listening,
And my sincere appreciation to Hills Dale by their sponsorship now run casting a mermaid underground command, both bows or they even bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader while another pseudo event in America. Today. Ladies and gentlemen, a mark of in our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one: one Democrats on the attack Republicans running in every direction. The word lynching. And we are told the word lynching. The word Lynch can only be used in the context of the herd, like lynchings that took place during the course. Slavery, and even after the civil war and frankly
and into the last century, down south by the clan and other organizations. Horrific. Because the President of the United States said that he is being We are facing a lunching, while one Bill Clinton was facing. Impeachment A number of Democrats went to the microphones on the floor of the house and said that Quantum was facing a leaching, including Gregory makes Africa. Eric and Representative Democrat from New York, December nineteen. Eighty eight cut to go what we are doing We are doing here is not a prosecution, it's a prosecution, and indeed it is our political dimension. The Republicans happening, they have had no agenda for over a year and with this act today, they are things that they have no agenda, for the future represent Danny Davis, former where the House Democrat Illinois does one nineteen, ninety eight african American cut three,
so I will not vote for this nightmare before Christmas. I will not vote this mention in the people's house I will vote against, These resolutions, Jim Mcdermott, Caucasian American Democrat Washington State on the floor of the House September now, teen. Ninety eight cut twelve go this, it feels to me like work, taken a step. Down the road to becoming a political Lynch MOB, where. In so much hurry to get this so it can be in this Saturday Sunday new cycle and have our MID July at five o clock, we are gonna, find a role find a tree and ask a bunch of questions later, while that's the three found so far,.
Now, I'm not interested in talking to the media, ladies and gentlemen, are the partisans but to you, but to you. Since the president traded and use the word lent her lynching. He's been under assault all throughout the meat he's been under assault by the congressional black hawk, is he's been under assault by all Democrats. Than under assault by lotta Republicans, who said I wouldn't use that word, that's perfectly fine, It shows you exactly what's going on in this country right now,. The word Lynch or lynching was freely used by day. The cracks in the House of Representatives to describe What was happening to Bill Clinton, ninety ninety eight during that impeachment process. When the present a united state uses the same word and a tweet. They say this as a pattern of racism there. He goes again.
This is a pseudo event, a non event which there, I'm a crack in the media in the media. In the Democrats. One and the same, are you. Using yet again to attack the president of the United States and try and drive down his popularity trying a character, tat. The man. That is a racist when in fact word has been used and was used repeatedly during they Clinton impeachment period. Talking to you. I don't give a damn what the media think. Because they re not those difficult to find or on the internet. There on the internet yet all day, long, all a long. Suddenly, it couldn't use the word lynching lunching, which the Democrats used
Twenty one years ago, repeatedly during the Clinton impeachment not for that we're done that we're not going to chase that all day. Long. That's not gonna happen here. By the way Gerald Meddler in ninety? Ninety eight before ninety ninety eight associate Press article meddler top Clinton defender on that. In its defended the sense that I haven't seen anything yet there would rise in my opinion, to the level of impeachment. I wish we could get this over with quickly pushing the process in pushing the arguments of fairness and new process, the Republicans
I had been running a Lynch MOB. That's for them now for of all races. Religions, heights waits only one genitalia mail, but that's for. Jim kleiber out their trashing, the prince beneath the dignity, the office of president. He says beneath the dignity of the office of the President he's Jeffreys Leftwing Democrat New York President should not comparing constitute mandated impeachment agree to such a danger Some dark trap of american history, its irresponsible room to do so, and I hope we will apologize, but then problem with twenty one years ago. What glinted none. Now this is how the media and democrat mob mentality work
This is how they work, but that's not all, also, all evening long we're hearing about this acting ambassador. William Tailoring State Department, bureaucrat who's, been on the job Basically, half a year or less. And somehow his opening statement was released to the media and sport cherry pick, tidbits heaven to the media and democrat members, committee. The House Intelligence Committee go up in front of the clearing. And behind the microphones and say this is the way Day of my career in Washington, shocking all the dry ladies and gentlemen, and that's what this is about: drama and a mob, pushing a process.
Due process, ladies and gentleman goes as far back as the Magna Carta one thousand two hundred and fifteen and its various subsequent iterations, the Magna Carta one thousand two hundred and fifteen considered the first constitution, Europe. Heavily relied on by your founding fathers and framers of the constitution, including the bill of rights. Now, although due process, in that context was to be applied to the individual President of the United States, whomever that press
and maybe deserves at least as much due process as a terrorist, at least as much due process as a mass murder. We do, after all, we elected. We deserve as much due process. Context of an impeachment. Now, what do we mean by due process will think about. Your own situation if you're accused of something the right to council at a proceeding. This. Incidents council has been barred barred from all the non. Like secret proceedings have been going on by the House Intelligence Committee and so the the target of their attack
Doesn't even have a lawyer present to take notes as to what is being said, the right to cross examined this is. Why does that right exist?. Goes. Can you imagine witnesses who aren't cross examined. They could say whatever they want, but the witness needs to be tested. The recollections need to be tested therein Really needs to be tested all day long, we're hearing about acting Ambassador Taylor. Price, the United States hasn't been able to test what this man has written in said the right to challenge evidence We have a right to challenge eminence. Obviously the goal is to get to the truth. You have to be able to
Governance there is evidence and then there's evidence. Is there the right to call witnesses. The president has had no right to call any witnesses in the context of this hearing. None. The Republicans, the majority, have had no right to call witnesses. None witnesses that might give a different take on a specific fact pattern witnessed so my contradict the witness is being called by the Democrats, witnesses that might prove the president's point. No such witnesses, have been called, not one the right to confront Europe, huge. Can you imagine, ladies and gentlemen, a few accused of something not only done You have the right to confront Europe, user- you don't even have a right to know your accusers name. Apparently you don't have
another identity, and so they use. The whistle Blower ACT. To prevent the president of the United States to even know who the accuser was. In addition, a challenging the evidence that another I hear the other side branch of a right to present your own evidence right well, president hasn't had any right to present any evidence. None and every trial unless it's an extraordinary circumstance is to be held in public. Why Because, in the end, the public has an interest in the justice system especially so here, the public has an interest in the impeachment process.
Now some of you might be saying this is all well and good for the trial in the Senate. None Anna there's effectively to trials one in the house, the determined. The president's going to be charge and one in the Senate respecting conviction. I've heard it said, wrongly That their houses like a grand jury, no, it's not sounds like a grand jury than every Democrat on. That committee needs to be arrested and thrown in prison because their leaking grand jury information to the press. No, no they say, then I guess it's not like a grand jury. The whistleblowers name and identity the right to confront know, though supplies right complaint, the right to challenge it, no secret testimony, thence the right. The council will be present their right to cross, examined the right all other witnesses. The right to present
Evidence no public transcript. That's why they're conducting secret testimony and the president can't even adequate in response to the leaks in the media tonight and every, when they have a witness, he can even address it for the american people in the court of public opinion. And that's intentional because this is a one sided propaganda. One sided began to and the media in this country more than happy to regurgitating more than happy, and you know that well if it were Obama being paged and the Republic of China jar to the house and denying all these rights all these processes. Traditionally given to present to the United States, confronting a situation like that? You know damn well, they'd, be it,
ACT as racist as unfair as thugs as Hitler I am as stalinist and all the rest. In the pages. The New York Times and the Washington Post, the legal. Lists on CNN and ABC and MSNBC the former federal prosecutors that current defence counsel, the former intelligence its former FBI agents. They all be saying the same thing, that this is the process of a thuggery ever tyranny and that's what it is. No House
inquiry vote, no rules adopted by the full house and the Republicans are largely cut out of the process and the press of United States is completely cut out of the process. This is a disgrace. There is no way the framers of the constitution intended this. I read to you for medicines notes I read to you from the October seven ninety ninety eight and I posted on my social sites report from the Committee on the judiciary, to the full house, representatives urging. Resolution vote on an appeasement increase.
In that resolution they make it explicit. That is the intention of the committee to conduct an investigation in all respects, on a fair, impartial by partisan, nonpartisan basis, Including with the issuing of subpoenas, they made it abundantly clear. That the resolution was needed, that's an overwhelmingly important act. It's a grave act in impeachment inquiry For how should be involved so they presented a resolution and they cited the next in case a nineteen. Seventy four with the house. Judiciary committee did exactly the same thing. They stated bluntly, that the President of the United States must have certain procedural rights. Certain procedural rights. There were granted the and nineteen seventy four and were granted to Clinton in nineteen.
Ninety eight, no such rights of any I have been granted to President Trump, not. I'll be right back then, since its founding, eighteen, forty, four hills, they'll call it is provided students with sound learning of the kind of central to preserving our civil and religious liberty. Now I want to tell you about an Primus the free monthly speech, digestive Hailstone College In primacy is dedicated to educating citizens and promoting civil and religious liberty by covering important cultural, economic, political and educational issues first published in Nineteen. Seventy two in primacy is one of America's most widely read: publications in support of liberty with more subscribers three point: nine million than the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and recent Primus publications have addressed issues like free speech. The regulation, a big
Mental illness and the American Medical insurance system, and because America, Founding principles are so important hills dough offers Primus absolutely free of Large tat, any one who requested that's right, you can subscribe to Primus for Free here's. What I want you to do, I want you to visit in price. A start hills they'll, dad eighty, you for your free subscription, that's and Primus I M p r. I am I S Dodd Hills deal that EU welcome too still the only administration in modern times to uphold military aid from Ukraine, was the Obama Donald Trump. Not withhold military aid from Ukraine. He delighted. Senator RON Johnson has said publicly why Senator RON Johnson has said
on my Sean Life, Liberty and Levin, why her by- an enormous number people are totally ignored by the press. Because it undermines their narrative. Moreover, as I have argued and will continue to argue if in fact, the administration- and I don't know this- but if in fact the administration in Is it that the new ukrainian government investigate the twenty sixteen election did it or whether that government interfere with our election, just as the damn rats insisted on the appointment of a special council to determine the extent to which Russians interfered in our election there's absolutely nothing wrong with that in this double standard. Must come to an end, I'll, be right back you hear me:
about Hilda College a lot that its rigorous classical liberal arts curriculum about its exceptionally bright and patriotic students, one in seventy five years ago, hailstone cholera was founded with a mission defined by four enduring purposes: learning character, faith and freedom, while. Institutions have lost their way hills. Dale college maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom. I've also talked about the girl, doktor Larry aren't the President of Helstone College. So one of the finest begins I've ever known, and he explained said these four per MRS Learning character, faith and freedom remain inseparable in the activity of education at Helstone College. He said Learning is difficult and takes more than talented, takes hard work, which requires character. Freedom is essential for learning, but it is fragile and constantly under threat, so its principles must be by are for the sake of its defence at here. Their faith and learning our integrated toward God, because he is the first authority? Folks, if you
ever wondered why I love hailstones college. Now you know visit no doubt that EU, that's hills doubt that e for more information, hills, they'll, college, pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since eighteen, forty four remember: that's hills Del dot Edi you Hills, Dale, DOT! Eighty, making sure the land of the free and home other brave stays that way dial. My gloves there now at eighty seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one now the statement of ambassador Taylor just happens to be publicly available. This statement is out. There bear faced no one available to China. None of the individuals named in the statement. It's a long statement not-
presidents Lars I'd there. The only thing the president's lorries can do is learn from whatever's leaked by the Democrats to the media. And he was appointed in May apparently to serve in the position not very long ago and he's complaining two channels of deplore. See that's taking place with the Ukraine through the state department. He calls an irregular channel that involved among others, the sector of energy, but also Another ambassador. So it's clear he doesn't like the policies that are being pursued. He says By MID July, it was becoming clear to me that the meeting president, so Linsky wanted was condition on the investigations of Paris, MA and alleged Ukrainian. Parents and the twenty sixteen? U S. Elections was also
here that the condition was driven by the regular policy channel I'd come too understand was guided by Mr Giuliani, an irregular policy channel. Who's, the president of the United States, Trump. What is the most entrenched bureaucracy of all the bureaucracies? The department of state was not The Ukraine, the corrupt Ukraine regime, feel that our election and twenty sixteen according to political among others. Yes, they were. And who were they. Coordinating with Hillary Clinton was here Clinton, not the secretary of state for good period. I'm under Barack obama- yes, she was and who else was encouraging? and working with the ukrainian regime to get involved in the twenty six.
Election foreign, Hilary against Trump Dnc. Talk about irregular channels. Ladies and gentlemen, that's why Examination is so important. That's why the as of other witnesses, are so important. That's why presentation of other evidence or saw important. That's why so important? presidents lawyer to be available. These various hearings, these secret start chambers, as I call them. So acting? U S ambassador to Ukraine is To make a statement, a written statement, that's leaked without effective challenge with effective charge, any strong names around tons of them.
The irregular policy channel. This is the part that's being cited throughout the media. Now then remember what I just said: the irregular policy travel was Hillary Clinton. Former secretary of state, was the Dnc was their interference in the twenty. Sixteen election of the president wanted to get to the bottom of it and he said as by MID July. It was becoming clear to me that meeting the linsky wanted. Condition on. The investigations are very and alive ukrainian interference with twenty sixteen years elections. It will become clear to him what s interesting is up to this point, as I It is opening statement the first five pages- theirs word about bereavement, Mister Bellew, nothing. This is
it's important challenge. People like this. Now. Maybe I missed it, there's not a word This irregular policy channel in while travelling says involves kurd vulgar special envoy to the Ukraine,. Acid asylum, the abbess To the EU, the sector of energy, these three men, are involved in an irregular channel or their involved activities in terms of policy that this particular bureaucrat doesn't agree with. That's the way it smells to me no first hand knowledge another one. None.
Of the president's interest. Embarrassment, none zero. He just says its apparent it'd. He believes it. None. Again, I had the RON Johnson, the senator from Wisconsin on my programme and he and states the press never brought that up period ever brought up Biden, never brought up. Charisma Doesn't seem to matter. Doesn't seem to matter. Rested this almost doesn't matter this long involve statement. But I thought you needed to know it what's going on here again. Is you not local and put it to this? What the Democrats in the left like to talk about the living constitution. This comes really it's a phrase
that essentially comes from Woodrow Wilson and his long writings before he became a politician. Who is one of the intellectuals in the early progressive movement laid eighteen hundreds and they talked about the living constitution. That the constitution needs to be flexible with the times are we cannot? We cannot prevent progress by hearing. Toward the framers of the constitution, intended, after all, he says others have said as well? They wrote the cards twoshoes. They saw fit at that time. It's not for all times We can interpret it as we see it for our time. In other words, lawlessness. And so you have the living in breathing constitution.
Means its terms, its conditions, its limitations, its balances are to be changed, rewritten as the lead chooses to what we now have a living and breathing impeachment clause. Fortunately, a lotta Republicans and conservatives, including in broadcasting, have fallen for this. Answers? If there's no history behind the impeachment clause, no debate in the constitutional convention? No rest. Since the english common law. Trees and bribery other high crimes at misdemeanours. Well, what does that mean more? Whatever the house says, it means it's all political. Is that what the council Fusion says is that what the framers constitution set in Philadelphia? No, that's not what they say and context matters. History matters.
But now we have a rewriting the impeachment clause. A living and breathing impeachment cloth House Democrats can reject eight hundred years of constitute eight hundred eight hundred years from the Magna Carta twenty fifty in their application of a process As they try to drive out of office, the President of the United States. And they don't have any expectation of drumming amount of the Senate. Although you never know what Mitt Romney and whose scope are capable of histories filled with Mitt Romney Types, Mitt Romney
well, it's the revolutionary war, the civil war World WAR, two old Tokyo met, or is it Willard disappear, or the Lecter. And so now, what's happening in the House of Representatives as a result of the democratic Control and Nancy policies. Fascism, that's right. Fascism, anything goes anything goes line up. Witnesses against them, That line up so called evidence against the President make it difficult for the Republicans. They even conduct themselves as representatives of their constituents. Make it difficult for them have access to the transcripts and whatever you do, keep the american people out of the process even though they say it's a political process, even though they. Demanded transparency even to the point, running sixty grand jury information out of them-
investigation which they had no right to hear their conducting their own. Railroad exert investigation and they are doing you and me the ability to make our own judgement, because they They have the propaganda on the media on their side. They had the boards and they're gonna keep pushing this agenda. They They have Jeff Mothers soccer over there at CNN. They know it. Andrew Lack, and its little sexual harassment problems as they had and they say they know they are a scar by make Brzezinski. Where their own moral issues over the years, that's right, I said it. They know all these people are in their back pocket. This New York Times at all of a sudden concerned about Ukraine. Ninety years ago now, Two years ago was
Peace for Stalin. As he murdered up the ten million Ukrainians, mouthpiece weather to guarantee the so called reporter. The New York Times. Which ran cover for Stalin, as he was slaughtering through starvation, Ukrainians, the same New York Times around cover for aid. Learn the third Reich as if this right european Jews, now the New York Times its concern about Ukraine,. More when I return Liberty and learning and a healthy democracy. These two things are mutually supportive in America. Today, however, that bond is broken to help prepare the breach.
Still colleges wants the Van and oh graduate school of government in the nations capital and, unlike other graduate programmes, hills dealt, teaches politics as a human activity, oriented towards justice, a series choices guided in the best case by right principles, but made an ever changing circumstances. They require prudence to achieve the best attainable results, tales, dales career. It combines the careful reading, a primary sources and serious historical inquiry. Students learn how to apply the principles of free government and advance the cause of institutional is in the context of ever changing circumstances. Hailstones new vandal school of government is a problem. Unlike any other in Washington, Dc Hills Del College, pursuing than defending liberty since eighteen forty four learn more events for a hills del back com, that's Ellie,
Tvin for Hillsdale Hills. Delbert come in. I served in the Reagan ministration for years, and I thought was wonderful Kratts and I dealt with not so wonderful bureaucrats. And ass. I continue to read this fifteen page single spaced type letter opening statement. Strikes me that this acting ambassador Taylor. Had other motives for writing what he wrote. That's my take on this. The way Jim call me had motives for writing what he wrote.
The level of detail about the meetings, the time at the meetings, the phone calls its not normal for people to take notes like this. Is it MR producer. It is not normal to take notes like and also when you know acid, or acting ambassador and you're being of discussions with cabinet seconds Areas and other ambassadors and so forth and so on. Why are you taking notes like this? Why you taking notes like in any went all we're. Getting now is his statement in and by the Democrats in Spain by the media. That's all you're getting there will be like a prosecutor.
Presenting his information or hers in a secret trial. And then leading to the media about what that information is what his witnesses are saying: what evidence they have and the person who is the target. Only learned about what's being done by reading it in the newspaper. That's why this process matter. You hear the media somebody the phones in the media. You hear them say things like the Republicans are trying to do Like the attention by focusing on the process Nobody who believes in a constitution or fairness or justice would ever make an argument like that process has everything the Bela Rights therefore, process
Process can be the difference between life and death between freedom and imprisonment. Process means everything the voting as a process described nation is a process, but justice is all about a process. Equal access process. A living in breathing impeachment clause now the Democrats have rejected all institutional traditions and customs that had been applied to this process Involves a sitting president of the United States, they want to take this up and through went into the general election can say their running against a man. Who's been impeach in whose facing a Senate trial or face they send a trial. They want to be able to quote people like Mitt Romney, run adds thirty, second add sixty seconds that this is their plan.
They decided to slow down the process to push a pass Christmas into the next year practical of assented trial. Because they know what I know about a lot of these republican senators. They don't have half half the ability. That they cannot, I in the house have to deal with this. And so they'll lose seats in the Senate. If they don't do this right and will lose the presidency, if they don't do this right, I'm not one of these pollyanna on radio or tv who will just tell you what you want to hear. Look Moody's There's no way trunk and lose don't believe it always fight like here behind. The military runs model after model after model of being behind. Of having less troops than the enemy lesson.
Cover than the enemy, less fire power than the enemy. Politics is the same without that without the violence, although with the left more more violence. Don't listen to these glad handers who just What you to listen to their shows, I'm telling you I an active as my entire life, not just stay a radio host, and I'm telling you you have the battle like here behind you have to take the measures adversary, in this case your enemy and yet to take them Europe has a heart attack. She only while you're the feed them.
I, ladies and gentlemen, we got a lot more I'll, be right back from the west. Would one podcast network now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight, why three eight one one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one there's an editorial! There was an end
at times a few days back, and I meant to get to it, but so much going on and its two you or many of you it's the GNP will not be able to postpone a reckoning on Donald Trump Presidency for much longer. And the headline is the crisis of the Republican Party, the New York Times Editorial Board. I doubt there's a single republican about the Editorial Board But the very concerned you see about the crisis of the Republican Party, not then not jobs who running for president in the Democratic Party. Listen to editorial board is a group of opinion journalist, whose views or informed by expertise, research, debate and certain long values. It is separate from the newsroom really. She turned a strange to me. They walk in lockstep, actually.
But here goes you ready in the summer None of us read the New York Times anymore, but here we go in the summer of nineteen, fifty outraged by Joseph Mccarthy's, Anti communism inquisition. Now, that's interesting, Since the Democrats are running around accusing everybody of collude, with the Russians except, of course, themselves, Margaret Chase Smith. I know where, headed a republican senator from main stood. And her party that its own behaviour was threatening the integrity of the American Republic Hey buddy remember the last time a democratically. I don't want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the four horsemen calumnies, fear bigotry and smear she said. I doubt if the Republican Party could simply because I dont believe the american people will uphold any political party
That puts political exploitation above NASH, interest. Surely we Republicans aren't that desperate for victory. Nice try New York's limes, but that quote goes to you and the Democrats. They're trying to do to this republic as I speak. There won't be a word in here. I can assure you of the process. We talk About the first hour we ve talked about last week, that's used to railroad. This president. Senator Smith, surely knew her declaration of conscience would not carry the day. Her appealed to the better angels of her party was not made in the expectation of an immediate change. Sometimes the point is just to get people to look up. This is they Romney mentality in the end. For more years pass before the bulk of the Republican Party looked up and turned on Senator Mccarthy. For years.
Public show trials and thought policing the push the country so hard to the right that the effects lasted for decades. This is how they trash cold, water and ragged and the rest. The problem, politicians who abuse power isn't that they don't get results, that the results come at a high cost of the republic and reputations of those who lack the courage or wisdom to resist again the writing of themselves. There public and party, is again confronting a crisis of conscience, one been gathering force ever since Donald Trump captured the parties nomination in twenty sixteen they hated Bush they hit. Other Bush, I hated Reagan. They hated Nixon, they hated Ford who the hell are. They think they're kidding afraid of his people, Echo influence and delighted with his largely conservative agenda.
Party leaders have compromised again and again. You know it's amazing about a statement like that: it's it's not only repetition Should we hear it everywhere?. But it assumes that white people, react. The way they do to the president, including elected. Shows that they're afraid of his political influence. How about many of them agree with him. And many of them disagree with the effort to take him out. And then I millions and millions of us tens of millions of us our franchise. Swallowing their criticism and tacitly, if not, openly, endorsing presidential behaviour. They were excoriated. In a Democrat, oh really like the way you guys addressed of k and I'll, be J and empty are and all the rest who the hell do. You think you're lecturing The Holocaust denying New York Times Anti Semitic, New York Times the in the back,
Could have stolen New York Times that New York Times compromised by car my say right, Donald Trump, as hammered away, where Republicans once saw as foundational choose decency, honesty, responsibility, he's, asked them, substitute loyalty to the him for their patriot. Some itself now he hasn't. Now he has in the least and since when you give a damn it, decency, honesty and responsibility. Let alone patriotism Mr Tromp privately pressed Ukraine to service political interests. By investigating a political rival former vice president, Joe Biden as well as by looking into a long, debunk conspiracy theory about the Democratic National Committee, emails that were stolen by the Russians. But this is amazing to me: can vogel they leftist who wrote politico that peace, that I read you several times in part. He was
by the New York Times and it's fun. The New York Times really is and pressing the Ukraine interference The twenty sixteen election, because it drawing their narrative because they are out to get tromp in there. The help pillar in pillar in the Dnc had actually been working with the Ukraine. This is your New York Times. Ladies and gentlemen, and as far as Joe Biden goes, how continue to make the point read. The telephone transcript president doesn't tell them to go after Joe Biden. The President read can vocals article that's hobby, that's apparent from what he said, and he wanted them to get to the bottom of what took place in the twenty sixteen election. Do us a favour? Any was talking about the twenty sixteen electronics and, by the way, later much later, Should consider looking into Hunter Biden and Joe Biden having the prosecutor,
Ladies and gentlemen, that public information asking them to dig turn on its political opponent to service political interests is, I would say, crash we're doing when they demanded the appointment of a special council. Is that what the Democrats I've been doing all these years when they run This rogue impeachment effort is that what the demo You're doing now, what their living and breathing impeachment clause interfering with the election. Look at the timing going well, will be assigned a trial if they succeed during the core so the general election. The New York Times show any concern when senior level, so the FBI were leading to the media. Of course, not. Did they show any concern when spies were implanted in the trunk? I'm paying by the FBI, no not at all that they show it concern that they do any investigative journalism on other vice it was used.
Therefore, it should our election by a retired ex british spy working with russian apparatus. X to put together opposition research, they called a dossier what fuller, lies and scum. I used what vice court didn't hear. Show any concern didn't break stories? No, it did not in fact it worked hand in glove with the perpetrators, but the perpetrators. These attempts they write to enlist foreign interference in american electoral democracy or an assault not only in our system of governed, but also in the integrity, the Republican Party, but not, of course Obama Administration and not, of course, they, Hillary Clinton campaign, which colluded with the Russians.
Through a fusion gps and Mister Steele, and they Hilary pain again, which collude with the Ukraine government that interfere. In the election and who was the president at that time when all this was going on Barack Obama he's not mentioned. Mr Trump publicly made a similar request of China. His chief of staff, Mc Mulvaney, said publicly on Thursday the administration threatened with, military aid from Ukraine, if it did not help find the Dnc service? It's not what he said. That's not what he said. Why don't? They have quote marks around what he said and how come there's no call here now. Why don't they updated with RON Johnson statements publicly on my show, because it doesn't serve their interests.
The attempts to unless foreign interference in american electoral democracy aren't sought. Not only in our system of government is they wrote, but also in the integrity, the Republican Party. They don't believe. The republican Party has integrity republican state Emulate the moral clarity of Margaret Chase Smith and recognise that they have a particular responsibility to Caen, the president's behaviour and to reject his tactics, and what of the Democrats and Clinton and the Democrats in the deal seeing the Democrats and Obama and the Democrats and call me in the Democrats and we came and the Democrats and Baker and Stroke page. What about the Democrats and the Ukrainian Interference, whatever the Democrats and Adam Schiff, and his His lies in his sleazy conduct some of already done. So this is where they pat people on the head. He won't positive New York Times coverage,
on Friday giant case it to form Ohio governors said that Mr Mulvaney comments convinced him tat. The impeachment angry should move forward course cassock. Is they never tramper? They don't mention representative, just a marsh and other never tramper had already called for impeachment, though he it. Does it necessary to leave the party as a consequence? Now they beat on certain there was a time when senators Republicans, like Chuck rashly via said that silly thing? Foreign election assistance would be improper he's not soliciting Farne election assistance. He wants corruption investigated. And why is the New York Times a special pleader for a bide and Joe Biden? Why is the New York Times not blind to justice, Why is the New York Times defending the burdens and our
that they are above the law that they should not be investigated. Why declaring in essence, that they are immune from investigation it republican I might be able to postpone a reckoning with Trump ISM for much longer the investigate by House Democrats appears likely to result in a vote for impeachment, despite it it's by the White House to obstruct the inquiry not aware. Not a word about what the House Democrats are doing now- work you're times editorial pay they used to have, it may be still singing Where's, the American Criminal Liberty Union, ACL you on their board, but hey only Caesar do when I the terrorism mass murders, thus far enough Mr Tromp has acted against the national interests and they go on and on some republican. Some clearly believe that they could control the president by staying close to him and
talking him out of his worst ideas: ass, Senator Lindsey, Grandma South Carolina, how that worked out? Stew, grammars, alone, of course, is a long list of politicians who have debase themselves to please Mr Trump, and it goes on. So you get the kind of idiocy that is an as has been the near slides. You'll, never see them right. An editorial like that about a Democrat who are left us for sure even came to Hillary Clinton, defence. Ass. She was accusing the Stasi, Gabert of being a russian asset and jewels China, being russian assets, they're nuts, their cooks, that they are. But they're, not russian assets. The same Hilary who was essentially coups the presidency, States are the same thing, and I would remind you this New York Times got to pillage of prizes for promoting the Russia hoax.
This is the same New York Times. I claims America started in sixteen nineteen with slavery. The same times have covered up the holocaust. The same New York Times. The debating of Stalin against the Ukrainians. This New York Times, who hired I Semites and hasn't fired the same New York Times? I ran to anti semitic cartoons the same New York Times that comes to the defence of Hamas, when their shooting missiles in Israel. The same New York Times Rise, sent back the Republican for President, for God knows how long they want you to believe that there really concerned about the Republican Party. You know I've been telling you about Nancy Pelosi in the Democrats plan. To socialize medicine and how they wouldn't
Our government costs controls at the expense of high quality. Healthcare to put it another way, policies bill may prevent you and your family from having access to the latest most effective drugs therapies, available anywhere fact. According to the congressional Budget Office, which scores proposed legislation like the policy plan, new breakthrough medicines may never be discovered at all. Why she's gonna kill research and development? You need capital and a lot of it and they project that the policy plan would reduce this capital reinvestment toward new treatments and cures. Now we're not surprised. Because when you impose drug price controls and punish private innovators with massive ninety five percent tax penalties, you eliminate, financial ability to investing critically needed research and development, and with it the insane.
To discover new treatments for cancer renew cures for crushing diseases. Now, let me give an example: if Nancy Pelosi told you to work at a government dictated salary, far lower than even the cost of living And then compels you to pay ninety five percent of it and new taxes retroactively. I think you go broke. You certain and by new car. Would you, while folks, that's nuts and bananas are the same way. Get the facts. Go to true healthcare, facts that come true healthcare, facts, dotcom, much true health care, that come we'll be right back We got a push back, we gotta lay out the facts. When you look at the facts, we win.
We ve never seen anything like this before I've. Never seen anything like this before. Hey what's goin on the same day, at times did some polling. And I'm guessing they wish they hadn't done any poem. They had done polling what our polls show about impeachment views in six swing, states. Now what it shows in these six swing state is that. Let's say, register voters support the impeachment inquiry by five point Marge and fifty to forty five percent. The same voters oppose impeaching President Trump and removing from office. Fifty three to forty three percent. That's a ten point margin.
And these states are Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina Arizona, support the inquiry but oppose his actual impeachment. And so this is not clear sailing for the Democrats or for the french Republicans like Rami. It's not clear, these battleground states in their other battleground states as well. People dont want the present United States removed They don't even want em impeached, Jose. Ok, do your inquiry. But in the end you better not impeach him marrow. What I've told you this impeachment is driven by this from San Francisco committee chairman that have such diverse geographic, representation is New York and New York, and I I and allay, and New York
I'll, be right back. Their regular revolution starts here tomorrow, and shall call in Eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven in a credit card debt. It's easy to get into and hard to get out of it with an average. Interest rate of eighteen percent, he can They eat away your savings, but it doesn't have to be his way in our view, homeowner. You can consolidate that high interested into your mortgage at a much much lower rate, creating an opera. Need to save hundreds of dollars a month by the way, even a thousand dollars or more, but only if you call american
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time, a crucial sliver of relatively moderate voters. Just seven percent of the electorate support the inquiry without backing MR trumps impeachment and removal from office. The fine suggests that public opinion has stabilize in shifting quickly against the President related September and leaves american politics where it's been for some time deadlocked would neither side likely to face severe political cause for its position on the present, and I don't agree with them if they a solid campaign, and if we all do we need to do the left will pay a price, particularly with their knuckle heads vying for their nomination Democrats have long feared that impeachment what alien
Moderate voters, but in the pivotal states of Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan Wisconsin, North Carolina, Rosanna Arizona, majority voters support the angry South described dependence back the engrave fifty one to forty three percent, but they do not support in actual impeachment and not removed from office. Support for the impeachment inquiry is largely consistent with recent national surveys would show registered voters backing the agreed by an average of nine points over the last three weeks or margin of four points higher than the one. In the time Saint Paul. Twenty thousand one hundred and sixty two six battleground states were about four points, more favorable to Mr Trump than the rest of the country was a pattern that purse did in the twenty eighteen mid term elections. So he's not Any ground in these states, apparently the results, suggests the president can,
thing, is to be stronger in the top battleground states any is nationwide. This is keeping as now. A path to re election, alive and insulating him and his party from national political opinion to an extent, keep in mind the relentless idiot logical monopoly media in this country day in and day out, coming away On the present, national surveys have been less consistent about the issue of removal. A few hyper. Fire national surveys, including a Fox news Paul criticised by the President, show a Majority of voters support impeachment and removal. But many surveys have not shown support for removal. Part of the problem was that Paul that Fox did used forty eight percent Democrats a much too big
an embassy Wall Street Journal Paul France and found that adult supposed impeachment removal by six point margin. Forty nine to forty three percent, namely the reverse. As a result of fifty one to forty three percent. Others as college canopy accede and S and Monmouth College also found more opposition, then support for impeachment and the time Sienna results are fairly consistent with those they. So, oddly enough, the fact, all was the outlier a group that could be crucial to shifting the balance of public opinion is voters who say they support the inquiry, but are not ready to support removing the president. So this percent slicer responded, tends to be younger thirty, three percent or eighteen, thirty, four half our self identified independence, and they could prove tough for democratic, convince fifty one prison
say the president's conduct is typical of most politicians, perhaps jesting. They hold a jaded geopolitics. I would tend to minimize the seriousness of the allegations against them, while perhaps there right. MR trumps supporters for twenty sixteen or nearly unanimous in their opposition or removing him overall, ninety four percent of risk, who said they voted for him for years ago said they opposes impeachment and renew it's possible. That Voters have soured on him are less likely to divulge there. Twenty sixteen preference to bolster now that's wishful thinking by the New York Times. No evidence for thy whatsoever. Trump voters are not convey that the president's conduct was a typical for politicians and Washington. Only eleven percent of Mr Trumps, twenty sixteen supporters believe in it Ukraine related conduct is worse than the conduct of most put the politician. Seventy five percent sates typical Democrats and suffered
it. Hillary Clinton voted strongly support impeachment remover, but there too, biology and levels of political engagement and, of course, they're nuts. When I remove a present cuz, I don't like them because they lost same with the media. Overall eighty, three percent of Democrats, an eighty five percent of MRS Quaintness voters, said they supported impeachment an removal from office compared with ninety. Represent a Republican so opposed just seventy. I percent of modern and conservative Democrats say they support impeachment removing Mr Trump twenty one percent are opposed very liberal Democrats. On the other hand, ninety three percent are in favour. Of course, they're they're nuts, like I said. How much are they hesitation among Democrats comes from voters who say they aren't
the news about impeachment very closely of these voters. Twenty one percent oppose impeaching, removing Mr Trump new developments could sway public opinion as well. Of course,. But more time doesn't guarantee a shift in public opinion. But this is now with the Democrats, who are hoping for two things more time: more leaks. More one sided process, then Oliver and they drop all their findings on the american people. Great drama, in the media will all there Get a music an orchestra is, in the background celebrating it. Worst president, ever racist, misogynist, corrupt disloyal. On American, you know all the rest of it all of a sudden. The drama of witness is coming forward if they line up all their ducks. They learn well from Joseph stolen
But time doesn't guarantee a shift in public opinion rights, the nearest lines, the rapid increase in support for appeasement our policies? Announcements of the opening of the inquiry last month is clearly slowed and perhaps even ground to a halt. This is why their slowing down this, and because they want each Senate bogged down in a trial during the general election. Hopefully they feel knocking off. So republican senators, withheld from the media and running against trappers and impeach president facing a trial and so forth, and so that's what they're doing this is a complete bastard possession of the impeachment provision complete bastards Paying close attention doesn't ensure that voters will reside, remove the president either Trump voters say they're following the Piedmont news very closely: oppose impeachment removal from office. Ninety seven percent at you.
Ninety seven percent, so the Democrats or potentially vulnerable here we have to keep pounding them the miscreants and reprobates that they are for the system That their employing for the way they are undermining a legitimate impeachment process. Quite serious about this right, I haven't many calls, MR producer, do you have an irregular american or a very good, regular American? Yes,. Kathy, Idaho, Ex M satellite go! I mark. God bless your patriotism. My husband and I love you now.
I'm I'm extremely emotional and I'll, tell you what I cried for my country a lot, and I love this country with all my heart and soul, and I have a lot of deep gratitude, but with this country's given me, but I'm calling because Americans can do something I was on the phone today I called republican senators, and I gave him a strong opinion. I said why are you not on television broadcasting and defending this president and calling out these democrats for this bony impeachment inquiry
and I believe there are so many crops, the porters out their mark. I talk to people every day. We have barely indifferent state, even California, and tag it something they love him. I go to the market wherever I go in my husband is a disabled, be it not bedroom and he talked to people all the time and other bed print and I'm telling you people are limited in out rage. I can even begin to tell you into words how I feel I agree with you completely and you the people who voted for Donald Trump and Support Donald Trump and Republicans generally, including the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee and in the house, generally, are being treated as second class representatives. The Republicans in the house are being treated as second class representatives. There not provided any effective role in this process, as parties have in the past,
Parties, the present the United States is being treated as second class. President Nixon Clinton Johnson were all treated fair than this precedent being treated and hopefully, in the end, will be of people who see this not just the ninety seven percent, who support tromp, who voted for Trump, but also more and more so called moderate Democrats, blue collar, Hardworking democratic union members or even independent truckers and people drive to season them and on and on and on police firefighters teachers, I hope they see what's taking place in this country, cause it's an abomination. Thank you for your car. Cathy, keep your chin up.
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Working, my God, California, serious satellite, go on joy. Your show I hang on every word. You say I am so frustrated listening to the media and he's going be Democrats really minimize. The Republicans legitimate complains about process. When, It was a year ago, and always we heard, was complaints about the process during the cabin on hearing, and I think that it is obviously that the double standard, but it just really frustrating to minimize complaints about process when that's all they hung on them, gradually jam industries. We can't see all the writings What are they doing? The Mulder report? We want the grand jury information, even Ninety eight point, nine percent, but remember who Driving the agenda, the media would Cavanaugh, I mean these would not have a voice, but for the media drive
agenda of the Russia Collusion the media, driving the agenda again the media giving covered to the Democrats you know, excoriated the Republicans, for what Republicans are trying to do there. The Democrats are railroading this thing, but here's the Good NEWS, the american people hate the modern mass media, not freedom of the press, there's a distinct. They hate the modern mass media have the country more knows there, propagandists half the countries, no respect for them. If you read the first chapter on freedom of the press, it lays out there it's true. The local and here is unworkable. At night you try to get a flame When I love go because they ve been the first fifteen minutes just out of contact murmuring pomp and I just
take it ass, his Anaheim Right variable yeah. I just gave a watch by local, nothing or find out what's going on, because I gotta do fifteen minutes. On trumpet. You know it's sad. You know. Thirty years ago, Anaheim was a republican area. Orange county was Republicans stronghold now, it's not AIR Is like Irvine, I mean it's orange but Vine Huntington, Beach, defeated republican members of the house I go on and on and on. What's happened to California, one party role, these people don't give a damn, that the rule of law- they don't give a damn- who vote so long as a win this thing in the House of Representatives what the Democrats are doing, their power power and more power? That's what they're about very scary MIKE! Thank you for your call, my friend what Appleton Wisconsin, the Great W tee a cue go mark good evening hour user very well. Thank you thanks. Rather me on a question for you
thing that that I haven't heard anyone talk about, but this concept of impeachment and removing pregnant from from office. That would obviously then led by private pent up the bad. But what happened after that? Who do we have waiting in the wings one- and you know the vice president- has to be approved by Congress, but by the Senate, and saw that that's my question, so then, of course, have been alone go on long enough, sir, because we have a general election in less than a thirteen months while but vote that sea, I would be democratic on the question, and I were white, what I'm saying is you get there? They'll actually Prowler go without a vice president for a period of time and by the way, even if Trump is impeached, and even if they removed him, you know he could run again while court and that that
the comedy before that you wait until he could run. It would probably went again by what I'm wondering if there are four by, for example, for days that the democratic than try to impeach until they wouldn't have enough time
I thank you for your call, a zillion scenarios, but they wouldn't have enough time to do that. We'll be right back from the west. Would one podcast network now run. Remember me underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Tell everybody martlet inherent number: eight, seven, seven create one three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven create one three, eight one one! Well, how do you like that? Our great NATO ally Turkey, Members, some colonists and house were saying we have a deal with Turkey, that's our real ally at the Kurds,
they made a deal with Russia. We made it it will rush. I never thought I'd ever seen. Anything like they're, gonna, launch, joint patrols. And arrogant, bared Aragon, the Islamist who runs Turkey said This historic, he called Putin's his dear friend. And agreements immense russian Turkey's roles as the main farm policy players in Syria, after our withdraw from most of the country. And Many of you may not see this now, but one day we're gonna regret this. I believe that quite strongly one day we're going to regret this very, very much. Iran is all power. Foreign Syria, is now entrenched. Russia now has a huge. I'll get in Syria had nothing before intercourse
he's supposed to be our ally in NATO and has been making alliances with Russia. Because he's in Islam missed an Putin's trend break up NATO and so Turkey's basically Grab: seventy five miles of a so called buffer Zone- North northern Syria. They pushed At least two hundred thousand Kurds out of their homes and so forth, it's not like the Kurds just showed up. They ve been living there a very long time, and is he these are the syrian kurdish forces who fought with us. And our Russia has a huge foothold what the Russians have it. Ok, we did just mark my words when we look back on this. You know I get these emails, their people now lecturing us in this business, tv and radio who are
tackling a relatively recent military actions. Are we ve been involved. Ghana Stan Iraq and so forth. And yet, ladies and gentlemen, when we were involved in these military actions, they were supporting. President Bush has resigned in taking these actions, attack the people. Most of you too, who supported President Bush and going into Afghanistan and going into a rack on these broadcasters attacked the people Back then, according to course, they they have short memories. They exclude themselves as part. What do they call them warmongering? I think they com Warmongering the establishment our mongers, in the establishment, as our Bush was now, let's not what he was not what he is.
But warmongering who rely on federal subsidies, federal contractors, you see This is the idiocy of the left. The code pink left. They believe, there's this this this conspiracy, between these corporations and the warmongering and this is why they want war. So you can have Legitimate opinion, illegitimate difference of opinion when it comes to your political national security and so forth. Now you must be part of that War mongers. You, must have investments and Lockheed Martin Merriment where you must be mean its absurd stupid stupid people can have differences of opinion. Honest to God, differences of ideas, doctrine principle, opinion.
Without being a sell out, are being bought off, but they hear people. Who supported our military efforts? Over the last few? ten twenty years. Pretend that they didn't and then joining of the name calling is really pathetic. Truly pathetic. How about some consistency in some integrity change, your opinion at least say I've changed my opinion. I was wrong leave. I was wrong so much change in my opinion, but that's ok saying, if you're going to pretend now
you're part of the new thinking that you will never part of the whole thinking? This is how liberals talk by the way, then stop lying to the public, about it to Mazing, Maison back, then they were patriotic flag waving, supported our troops and their efforts today now to be patriotic, is to be the opera and the old thinking in the warmongering in the war machine and that this machine and then Amy came EU stupid stupid. In my opinion, but everybody should be happy now. The Russians have a big foothold. A second one. Excuse me in Syria: they happily took it. They happily took our basis there perfectly fine. So we can all cheer now IRAN's cheering serious, cheering Turkey's cheering right is chairing some
you are cheering, and the Kurds are not good right. Good outcome will see how it goes. While the media keep promoting this anonymous. Maybe it's more than one and I have no idea like deep throat. I suppose. Anonymous is writing a book member anonymous had a column in the New York Times in twenty eighteen. And you know what anonymous column is. Ladies and gentlemen, what is it s no event, identified, individual wrote an up at the New York Times has more than happy to run it and it began I'm a news issue. It's all over the news, anonymous a senior tromp administration, official. Part of the resistance wrote the Epp Ed. Oh my god, trying to save us from Trump went on and on and on will now anonymous.
His writing a book, that's coming out in November to all over the place. It's up on the draft report, the book titled a warning is being promoted as an unprecedented behind the scenes. Portrait of the trunk presidency that expands upon the Times column. Which ricocheted around the world and Stoke the president's rage because of its devastating portrayal of trumpets office pseudo event, one person's opinion, active somebody who is utterly disloyal, and I am firmly of the belief by the way that the CIA and the FBI have and are continuing to try and take out this president, I'm not talking about the grunts as we call them foot soldiers, I'm talking about the senior level and others they have in fact been working to take out this point.
And that's why we have a CIA operative, whose a whistle blower good guy, even though is a Democrat, even only want only to shift staff, even though connections to bide, yeah yeah! That's ok, forget it. You must be it spare see not its trump who's got the quid pro quo Not this year operative, who we're going to protect we're going to protect his name and sugar. Actually intelligence agency says: how are you going to protect us? from drop and people want armor what an idiot humour, but the corn rose on his forehead. Hey, that's very hip truck. The column describe trumps leaderships thousand impetuous adversary. Any opportunity to repeat the attacks on the president. The media will do exactly that. The forthcoming book will list the author, Anonymous, very professional. Isn't it, ladies and gentlemen, although the
Harrison does not reveal their identity in the book. They will discuss reasons for their anonymity coded of people involved in the project. This is the year pr effort. Why am I telling you this? Don't buy the book? Don't buy a book or an individual does not have the courage to put their name and identity on the book much like Pierre De on the child a fraud goofball picking up where those first words are warning left off. This explosive book offers a shocking first hand a kind of president trumpet his record reads: a statement about the books release the booklet, publishing of em, Nineteen by twelve and in of grand central publishing and hatchet, but group comes during a treacherous period for Trump.
As the house continues, its fast moving impeachment and green the allegations, the present abused, his bower, the authors being represented by Matt Lattimer and Keith Urban of Javelin. I thought these guys were conservatives over javelin. Don't you think so, MR producer? If not, I would never use them the same literary agents who represented fired FBI, the James Commie, informer, Whitehouse aid, cliff sims, still a trap ally for the memoirs for their time of the truck the minutes, The book was acquired by Sean Desmond, twelve publisher people involved in the project said that both twelve and travelling a verify. The books authorise the same person about the times column, but would not share. The whose identity with the washing compost. He must be in the whistle protected, which whistleblower protection programme.
There are obviously will be those who want the author to reveal themselves publicly, but there are good reasons for that not to happen. Lattimer said the author feels right: is almost irrelevant, because there is scarcely a sentiment expressed in this book is not shared by numerous others who served in content. Serve this administration at the highest levels. Do you think these. Publishers would publish such a book if Obama were present at the answer is no republican Second class citizens in this country when it comes to the media Republican pray, an answer second class president's when it comes to the media. Reply. Voters, are second voters are second class voters when it comes to the media, just wait, it No modern historical parallel for a first hand, account of a sitting president written a book form by an anonymous off no b, It utterly unethical once again secret whistleblower secret author.
Many senior government officials, including some, was served in the trouble administration of written box under their own names. Many more information journalists on the condition of anonymity. Lattimer said, the anonymous author of a warning did not taken advance and intends to donate some of the royalties to non profit organization said focus on government accountable, that's a piano! Oh! What oh earnest individual, so studious so patriotic said another spy. Though, the spy in the Trump Whitehouse presuming it is somebody in the Trump White House, it's another spy, like the CIA spy, tell. I'll be right back then.
You know: it's hilarious, observing the media, the Joe Biden Hunter Bind thing, it's unproven. No evidence shows me, no evidence Like two and a half years ago, when I pointed out that the administration was surveillance, Trump, no evidence enough evidence all over the place had it. I know cause the media In about it, they were feeling leaks from the FBI and the intelligence services putting them in the paper. I put him either. I pointed out: oh, you must be a right wing conspiracy, not so the same media that has been pushing the Russia collusion narrative for tuna have really three years lying to the american people connecting non existent dots. Ignoring all the evidence of what actually taking place. Trop must be involved in it.
Conspiracy he's delusional on this issue. Ukraine, but again the media brought it up any article. There was written in political, two and a half years ago, is extremely detail with lots of names, not anonymous and all anonymous, anonymous such something media. What a joke. But cannot stand. The mass media today cannot stand them. They talk about trumps ratings, all the time, look at their ratings and they have no ratings, but for the fact that Democrat left, this love the media because that's represents them. David alarming ten alone, I accept satellite go mark. I don't, and I are right, sir. I thought Crop hit the nail right on the head. The report again need to stand together. You'll see ship, he can do Bout up anything you want,
can lie Intel story because they know the Democrats get behind them. One hundred percent. We have said that we have the power in the Senate. Like you said last night, they need to start putting their act together. Get these things going like the Democrats. Do and push or an president trumped up their hang in the wind, and nobody I up with a much has the votes or naughty must launch the nuclear option Harry we did it for federal, APOLLO judges and then Mitch Mcconnell did it for the Supreme Court rightly so, given that the Democrats were followed by a string and filibustering on a large scale like never before in american history, and here they are and turning the impeachment system upside down and inside out. Turning any notion of justice and fairness, the pie. Processes I were used against president's on their heads as well. So at the end, state Senate needs to do is
get rid of the rules they put in place a nineteen eighty six, there's nothing in the constitution that prevents us. In fact, I would argue that constitution compels it, because Only check on the House of Representatives is the United States Senate, and that is what the framers intended, as you know, cause. I read it at a Madison's notes: that's white takes it super majority of two thirds to convict a president removed from office. They knew the possibility exists. That we would have a house of representatives run by one party just like this, trying to railroad a duly elected president right before I might add a new election right before the american people get to make a decision But the Democrats in this house want to use this for the twenty twenty election. That is a boy standardization of the impeachment price so there living and breathing impeachment process that their obviously embracing. So that needs to be fought. So again, I want to say that what the United States Senate must do must do, as you say, much
leave out and if they don't get Romany, they don't get a few of the others. Let's know who they are smoke, em out so the next time but when there are up for election, we can take them out politically as well. You're gonna do what's right and let the chips forward they may and what they should do as the nuclear option is basically overrule the parliamentarian who will say you need sixty seven votes to change the rule because the rule they put in place. It's not constitutionally compel you overruled parliamentarian, where, with a majority, vote fifty one votes than you can say what they ve sent over here to the United States Senate, given their process, given the fact that president couldn't even confront his accusers given the fact that much of this testimony was taken in secret, even though, eventually they might release it, given the fact that they departed from past norms weather Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, a bill Clinton. We in the Senate have our own independent institutional responsibility and we are not going to give our employment
Or to what's coming in here from the House of Representatives just like a court just like a court where people moved a disservice and they should move to dismiss and dismiss it. That's what they should do dismiss the charges, come from the House of Representatives and explain exactly why and they might be able actually a few houses in the Senate and we all when the presidency, and they might actually take the house back. We shall see what do you think well great birthday, a faint but I'd. I like a lot of other people, bag then why did it will not do that I can't I can't resolve Question like I do not understand why the Senate won't it's just impossible, to resolve that question, whether we under day, with the centre will do we're not were showing them away forward rather than
rubbing our hands together in saying I don't understand, I dont understand they must do this. This is what they must do. This is what I do. Understand I'll be right back, Magua, then, farm Bureau on the right calling now eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven, Strasbourg is a fact less rider and thinker an investigator. You know that used to be a lot of those kinds of people, but there aren't any more her great book as resistance at all costs. How tromp haters are breaking America? How are you I am great? Is such a joy to be here with you mark and like eyes and I've been following you, you ve been doing a tremendous job. I want to get into this with you they'd. They talk about in your right in your book.
About how the the Trump Haters tongue now he's destroying democracy. Your entire book, as about how their destroying our institutions right yeah, I think it's what they call projection We have for three years this argument, Trump destroying democracy, tromp undermining institution he stepped back, and you look objectively. First, I'm gonna make two premises one. This has been one of the more rule, bound strains that we had in the modern era. They ve got a lot of good people in place that are making sure that government a smaller in its acting within it. Fines, but too that if you really look at the damage is being done to our core institutions and things that matter to us as being down from the other side, whether its loss of faith in the FBI and the Department of Justice, whether its impeachment as a partisan political tool, whether the destruction of the Senate com,
Mason process. These are things that matter and therefore going to out last Donald Trump tenure. You know you, watching Washington, time. Writing about Washington along time you took over the Potomac watch column. I think a lot higher Paul had that before right I think I did I'm a moment. We don't want to talk about my age you're very anyway, so so Have you ever seen anything like this? I've never seen anything like this, and I think you know Last. However, my, but by the way, I didn't give it a lot of attention because someone had covered it better than me beforehand, but
little chapter on the media, and that is something that was astonishing to me and now my in retrospect, the one thing I think I might have done differently is put it at the front of the book, because I am convinced that had the media done its job and it had to activate the guard rail, which is what is supposed to do against radical behaviour. We wouldn't have seen if the rest of the things that had come along, you look at this impeachment process. That is the kind of flows out of your book, the way in treating these institutions their burning these institutions. As you point out the FBI, the c I a sober and they're burning down the impeach process they using it. As One party tool to affected when thousand twenty election and and you just seem to be perfectly fine with it now, and you know as well as anyone you ve watched Washington longer than anyone. You know if you set these presidency set these standards low,
Their only going to go lower still and be in my mind, measure of a successful impeachment proceeding is: can you convince a majority of Americans, but you ve done a thorough job in convincing them that there was a high crime or misdemeanour while even what these polls that their hyping out there you're nowhere that standard and so what we do as we are setting up a process by which impeachment becomes a partisan political tool, and I keep warning my Friends on the other side of the I'll look at some point. There is going to be a democratic president and, public house, and do you really want this to be the precedent where the first thing they do is foul articles of impeachment? and one of my favorite chapters in your book is about the judiciary, traditional unrestrained, and we expect the judiciary is best
can't be a referee here, but you have these bhamo point these and others who jumped into the fray right. While right and that's my favorite chapter I'm glad you brought because very few people are paid attention to it. Everyone wants to talk about the deep state and and other things, but We expect our judges to have ideological differences right. We ve always known our conservative, justices and liberal justices, but even among We have always expected them to follow certain judicial standards which are set out by the Supreme Court and one of those, for instance, just to give an example, as you dont flat national injunctions on every executive action, because certain deference is owed to the executive branch, but also because we have a system set up in this country, where this circuits disagree with each other. We get different opinions and we are Without until it goes to the Supreme Court, when some judge random, judging PO dunk wherever says I'm issuing,
national injunction he is imposing his will on the entire country, a person who was not elected, I mean granted. He was appointed and confer but this is not how our republic works and we see a lot of examples of that happening. The judiciary, not because of any good legal standard, but because of a disdain for Donald Trump incited actively new. I can tell you years ago- and I worked at the regular justice, but I don't remember district judges issuing national injunctions, no And you know two things
One I have a statistic in the book. Donald Trump has had more national injunctions issued on him in his time in the presidency than the prior six prison combined movement, which is a number for the ages, but also this has been so bad that it and a reasoned opinion. Clarence comments at the Supreme Court felt the need to point out, and I think it was on the travel ban decision. He said we ve got to as the court or the country deal with this new plethora of on dangerous- because it is growing up things in the system and we have worn them before not to do it and are doing it anyway, the musical oceans. Here, your book has meet the pressure on any interest in this book. No one showed any interest. Face, the danger that those bug thank you but but but but face the nation. No CNN now MSNBC now? This is what,
happens. You see this is, this works, so you have a thoroughly researched book is a fantastic book. In fact, I just want to tell my audience it's very digestible. Very Is it a red? It's not one of these heavy heavy books and you learn a lot of stuff in the way you right is absolutely terrific, and these these this is my These so called journalists have absolutely no interest in moving outside their boxes. Now I've never seen anything like this and my life look. I've. I've worked for a major american newspaper for
Twenty he five years now and we always knew that the left would like the press was biased, David lean to the left, fine. But what we ve seen happen in the last three years is something different and kind. It is an active o work, participation and a partisan war and is causing so much of the damage, because we expect the press to be neutral. Arbiters of these things to be referees and guard fails to call balls and strikes and when they not only don't call out the other side were doing something wrong, but actually actively indulged and collaborate with them. It's not the press anymore. If something deeper, I mean you went through this in your book in Far more detail than I ever do, but it is also causing huge damage. We need a functioning press in this country and Americans have long.
Faith in the press, you know how hard it is to get a lower approval rating been conquered. The press is managed, it book as resistance at all costs, how tromp haters? breaking America Kimberly Strasser. You are well aware of her. I have it on Markel event. Facebook mark live in Twitter. I suggest you can go directly to Amazon and grab your copy This is a must red book. Let me ask you a few more questions about this when you started this, what when did you start writing this, but only at the beginning of this last year, because it's tough to keep up with events No, I kept talking to my publisher- and you know this is about publisher so long to publish a cigarette imprint, and I can say I think we need to hold out for the idea report and I'm really glad I didn't do that. My God is they're coming
Oh no, a barely big fight over classification. That would surprise no one, given that this is the ideal versus all the intelligence agencies that have instructed any request into information from them You know, I know this sounds like conspiracy stuck with it's really not again, I'm an old timer in the ragged administration. You been around watching Washington for a long time. I honestly believe I want you to take on this to place that the FBI and the halogens agencies tried to stop trumps election and now have been worse
over time to try and take him out design an overstatement. Now it's not an overstatement. I don't think it's an overstatement at all. Look I keep trying to bring people back to even just first principles. The very fact that I could say this statement that you could say the statement that the F b I launched a counter intelligence investigation into a presidential campaign is an astonishing statement and it should scare people on both sides, We do not want a situation whereby it is happening ever and then you go from there. Then you go with everything that happened in the buys a court. Then you go with communist secret memos on the president and the leaking, and you go with his balls briefing that he gave the president and the President Elect and January twenty seventeen then- were, of offences here, is so extraordinary that it,
a long time to sort them all out for Americans to absorb it, but they need to because this cannot be the basis of a republic going forward. And this is the scary thing if tromp hadn't been elected, we would know any of this no and wider things. And out of my book, is look among the offences of the FBI. Is it. It purposely withheld the information about this pro from Congress, which was highly unusual, which even homey embedded in testimony. They always sure information about counter intelligence investigations with the House Intelligence Committee in the Senate Intelligence Committee, so that they can compare notes is good for national security. They withheld this one and then, of course, as we all know, they cloaked the actual details about this to the fires of court in the end about who provided the information for the dossier etc, and
My my belief is that they did that purposefully to make sure that neither of the other two branches of government actually knew what was going on because they were, operating under the expectation that Hillary Clinton would win and that nobody would ever find out what they had done, Kimberly Strasser. Are you able to hold on for one more segment? You bet I. The book is resistance at all costs. How tromp haters are breaking America Kimberly, stressful, you hear she's, brilliant dont, forget folks and got Amazon directly or Mark Levin, Show Facebook Markel events twitter. We leak, we link right their great gift to turn form other people about what's taking place in a world that has lost its way lost. Respect for logic law in american history, whose, sending you unwashed, who speaks for conservative, a MAC, the association and mature american citizens that, to a Maggie its members viable everyday benefits while boldly defending America's price,
the constitution sacred history, individual liberties and basic moral compass, a MAC fight for border. No security, freedom of speech and religion and values Take lady by Reagan, entrapped like strong defence, limited government, lower taxes and so forth hardly were here, but we are in a MAC is dead catered to remembering past sacrifices and preserving a this core values for the future. They apply was the rise of socialism and medical care for all push you're not They MAC member. You really should be because the next elect, is going to decide the nations future. We won't you be true to our noble past and principles or not sign. Today at a MAC dot. U S! It's a m, a sea dot! U S will be right. Back,
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Nine sixty three hundred some restrictions applying offered complete details. Please visit optimum tax relief, dot com, Is resistance at all costs? How trumpeters are breaking America. Kimberly Strasser get it at Amazon, dot com or my social sites. Mark Levin show Facebook Mark Levin show Twitter Kimberly chapter ten crazy horse now. It's interesting here is at the house, judiciary, committee demanding confident, were secret grand jury, information underlying material on the Mulder Report and so forth. Meanwhile, today the house in Budgets committee is taking seat testimony and they won't released the transcripts to the american people. How are they square that circle, but they won't really say anything. I keep getting asked about this on media and you know what my answer. I'm not going to talk about it, because you guess what, until the Democrats actually relief what they have done.
And allow the american people to see the so called evidence that they have that would in anyway rise to the level of supporting a and impeachment of a president for high crimes, a misdemeanor, I'm not even here Go there. We ve had leaked narratives from them. We had some opening statements, but, as you know, they don't count for anything What we do know, here's what I keep reminding people, the original suppose id crimes, and I put that in quote marks as it Donald Trump supposedly went on the phone and said he was withheld aid until Ukraine handed Ukraine handed over dirt on Joe Biden, we have the transcript, that's not in their. Moreover, Ukraine's said, that's not what happened and they said they didn't even know. There was a withholding of aid until a month afterward and I keep reminding people. You cannot have a quid pro quo if
quit doesn't even know there was a quote. No, that's absolutely right! You know I had Senator Johnson of Wisconsin on my feet. Show on Sunday, and he was in that may twenty third meeting Mulvaney in the others, and he said Trump mentioned in others- corrupt government over there, and he didn't want us to waste our tax dollars and also he says where the hell is Europe and Merkel. Why aren't they when he said nothing else, came up, nothing, came up, and he said- and nobody will listen to him- he's a Cereal fact witness was in the meeting, and then he says he spoke to her born on August thirty. First on the phone, when there was something about a passive deal going on. He wasn't clear what they were talking about. He called the president. He said the president was furious, said I wouldn't cut any deals, I'm concerned about, wasting the money and I'm concerned
where is Merkel and by the way, that's consistent with the president always says right, and we also have the exact same evidence like, for instance, in a text messages from the Eu Ambassador saying you know, Donald Trump is not expecting a quid pro quo here. It's not in the transcript and I love how they say: will its implicit in the transcript. That is an admission that is not in the transcript. Ok, when you have to go there. That means that you don't have the evidence that you're looking for, and what bothers me about. This is the moving of the goalposts constantly by Democrats in the media now word old because they don't have the goods on as they dont have the Progress now are told, will somehow it is an unimpeachable offence merely to ask about for help from a foreign country to bring investigation that we're doing into what happened in the twenty sixteen election, and then you see them using weasel
and I will use that praise saying: oh, you know actually what was happening as if they were demanding an investigation into Democrats, NOME them demanding investigation into what happened and twenty sixteen we just had bought mauler. Do a similar thing. Regards Russia for two years? They were all in favour, a bad. We deserve to what role other countries played and by the way, if it so happens, that the evidence shows that Democrats had some central role in that? That's not investigating them. That's investigating what happened and then finding out their position and While I have written a wonderful book resistance at all costs, how tromp, haters or breaking America Kimberly Strasser is my guess, she's the author? I want a strongly encourage eleven nights, gotta asean dot com directly. If you happen to be out any major bookstore, also when you're on Social sites throughout the night and in the morning so much. Levin show Facebook Mark Levine Show Twitter. I want to thank you for what you're doing
for the country. Kimberly stress on God bless you my friend. I thank you care mark. Thank you for having me, I will you be, will get the book folks so terrific reflect book seriously. I want to salute all you heroes out there and most tomorrow take care yourselves, be well from the westward one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-16.