« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/17/19


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Mick Mulvaney is now being accused of confirming a quid pro quo in today's press conference. Mulvaney made it clear that what the President did was completely legitimate. Mulvaney's "admission" that the United States requested the cooperation of other nations to root-out corruption was perfectly legal. There was no demand for an investigation because there was already an ongoing public investigation about the 2016 server and other foreign governments that assisted the Democrats and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. However, Jon Karl from ABC News describes this as a quid pro quo despite the lack of a "this for that" exchange. There was no digging up of "dirt" it was a request to find out what happened. The Democrats will stop at nothing to drive their own narrative to protect Biden and smear Trump as a villain. The reality is that there is no need to run for the hills, face the bullies because Trump and Mulvaney have done nothing wrong. Getting to the bottom of the 2016 election is important because corrupt Ukrainians tried to help to elect Hillary Clinton by making false claims about Trump's fitness in 2016 and maligning his advisors, according to Politico's report on January 11th of 2017. Then, a message must be sent that we will not allow this abuse of power by the House of Representatives to become a precedent. Leader Mitch McConnell must address the nuclear option and demand the integrity of the impeachment process and any subsequent trial, the integrity of the Senate, and of the United States. Later, Sen. Elizabeth Warren's proposal for healthcare would cost 34 Trillion dollars according to the Congressional Budget Office. Afterward, there is a new undercover audio of CNN's Jeff Zucker from Project Veritas.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the pod cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now, in its hundreds Seventy fifth year hills is a truly independent institution. Where learn surprised and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run casting on roaming underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building we have once again made contact with our leader and oh everybody. Mark living here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one, this Ukraine stuff is so faint phony.
Lots of stuff to talk about this evening a jump right into this, because mulvaney had a press conference of sorts today, course: the media and the Democrats. Are seizing on something he said there jumping but all over the media in every it's something else to prove. There was a quid pro quo. It's so absurd that I went fuck you through this, you want Through this with me, let's walk through cause. It's blaring area, television and radio. The phoney news reports, cited about today, showing a lot of great stuff. And now we get these reports say: Mulvaney denies Whitehouse acted improperly. Why. So that's the kind of headlines we get. Adam Schiff things
just gone from very bad much worse. What are they talking about John Carl ABC knew just admitted to a quid pro quo Mulvaney in a press conference today, that's cut three go so you're saying that present states that chiefly for some person, cannot ask somebody to cooperate with an ongoing public investigation into wrongdoing. That's that's! That's just bizarre to me that you would think that we can do that. You say that the DMZ for fine, let's let let's stop. There's an investigation going on going back to twenty sixteen it. Even before a U S attorney and by the attorney general king into the earliest
banks of the phoney Russia collusion issue, an Ukraine. That's what he's talking about? Not Biden he's talking about Ukraine and Russia, And he sang to this reporter, whose Really getting it, the president can't say: another country want you to cooperate with this investigation. It's done all the time. Go ahead,
before twenty twenty are you could not happen, but I would ask you now on the present about investigating the violence. Are you saying that the money that was held on nineteen November, the money held there, absolutely nothing to do with by there's? No, that was unable to you distinction. You say I was. I was involved with the process by which the money was held up temporarily three issues for that: the corruption that country, whether that other countries were participating in support of Ukraine and whether or not they were cooperating gate and ongoing investigation our department, just that's completely legitimate. Now, waste the controversial. There is an investigation going on with the Department of Justice Oh no! This bill bar announced it way back when.
He appointed the? U S attorney from Connecticut Durham, whose do exactly that. Presently United States says I want the ukrainian government to cooperate, as you want the italian government, the austrian government and other governments to cooperate. Why is this a scam, Why is this a problem? It's not. They saw around this phrase quid pro quo. They don't even know what it means are the media, so defensive of the Democrats and the Democratic Party they call for a special council to investigate it like they did with Russia. And trump. So this is what he said. I want you to listen one more time to this. Go ahead,
so you're saying that precise dates that chief want for some person cannot ask somebody to cooperate with an ongoing public investigation into wrongdoing. That's that's! That's just bizarre to me that you would think that you can't do that. You say the DMZ for fine fell by twenty four twenty twenty. Let's stop. He's talking about a May meeting of this year, in which the the president was questioned, Why we should get money to a corrupt regime in Ukraine? They avenue pray But the president's concern about giving money to a corrupt regime he's The concern that other countries in Europe are stepping Helping this is typical. The president. This is a pattern Then, according to Mulvaney also saying
and you know we want you to assist our investigation, that justice apartment investigation into happen and twenty sixteen with Ukraine. There is nothing wrong with any of this. Nothing. Binding, didn't come up binding I'm up in the May mating. He already said that by name never came up. So they're. Not even listening go ahead but I would ask you now on the present about investigating the buyers. Are you saying that the money that was how it had nothing to do, but she's conflicting dates? He was tall about the May, meaning that they had. She's talking about the July twenty fifth phone- call neither case was money held up because of the bindings go ahead.
Absolutely nothing to do with by there's. No, that was unable to you distinction. You said that it was it was. I was no. He sang that binding It came up in the May meeting period. By drawing a distinction, is I didn't come up? Guy with the process by which the money was held up temporarily three issues for that: the corruption in the country, whether not other countries were participating in support of Ukraine and whether or not they were of cooperating in an ongoing investigation. Our partner, just that's completely legitimate. Turn on going public investigation, we all know about it. John Carlo, may be look how he sees his on this, how the media, the pack media, the group, think media The Trump painting media all tonight Miss
port intentionally what just took place. You just heard it. Cut Forego John Carl. Such of the demand for an investigation into the Democrats was for the reason that he was so you didn't ask for an investigation of the Democrats. He wants to go back to twenty sixteen and see what happened there. The demand for an investigate. There is an ongoing investigation. The just Department, the euro, Attorney from Connecticut going too working with a number of countries, including Ukraine,
On these, you pretty the look back to what happened in two thousand. Sixteen certainly was was part of that. He was worried about corruption with that nation. Then that is absolutely world in which would ultimately then followed. By the way. There was a report that we worried that the money wooden, if we didn't pay out the money it would be, the legal would be unlawful. That is one of those things that is. Is that little shred of truth in it that that makes it look a lot worse than it really is. We were concerned about in our overall Wendy about an empowerment. I know I just put have you folks to Tibet that there's of theirs the Budget Control ACT, impound, budget control of payment, economic sincerity, forces of Congress appropriates money have to spend it greatly sets out interpreted by some folks, and we knew that that money either had to go out the door by the end of September, or we had ever really really good reason. Not to do it, and that was the legality of the issue. Is this right is a quick profile. It is funding will not flow unless the investigation server now hear hear hear how he talk. You just described
quid pro quo, something for something funding war. Flow, unless the investigation into the democratic server happened as well, they wanted after twenty sixteen and find out what happened? That's what they want to do, that's what they are doing. That's what they're doing period they're going to enlist these fine countries for assistance to provide them with information, particularly new power in Ukraine, because the corrupt Prior regimes assisted the Democrats and assisted the Obama, administration and assisted Hillary Clinton. That investigation is public, its ongoing its being conducted by the United States Department of Justice and the United States attorneys from Connecticut. And so what he sang is there were three conditions number one week turn about corruption in your government number two,
we'd like to know where these other countries are. Why are they felling to avoid a number three We want to make sure you're assisting us with our investigation and so by John Quality be seen who says that? Well, that's a quid pro quo. Funding will not flow unless the investigation into the democratic server happened as well suited me. I had happened as well. We do we do that, all the time with foreign policy we are holding up money at the same time, for what was at the northern tribal. Come countries were holding a beta northern tribal countries so that they so that they would change their policies on immigration. So nothing happened, nothing wrong perfectly fine. The problem is the media do not want Buying investigated the media do not want the Dnc investigated the Hillary Clinton
campaign of ass? They do not want it, they don't want it. The president, his people did not say. Dig up dirt on by which is a phrase that they ve been using in the media endlessly. They didn't say, go after the Democrats and twenty sixteen they said find out what happened find out what happened. And there was a story in the New York Times by CAN Vogel some time ago explaining. Ukraine's involvement in the election campaign after the Clinton campaign and then and then Adam Shift jumps. He says, oh, my Lord liquor. And then Adam Shift jumps. He says, oh, my lord, look. What we now have here seventeen go
wanna make a very brief statement in light of the immense back and cheapest average chief staff mulvaney with his acknowledgement now that military aid to a vital ally and ally battling Russia, as we speak, never be military aid that Obama refused to give today, Vital ally, an ally battling Russia, just remind you folks, he wouldn't give it go ahead. Out of a desire by the president to have you frame, investigate the Dnc server or Democrats, the twenties, it's not what he said. He wants to know what happened in twenty. Sixteen. Based on a New York Times Report, among other things, go ahead, Thanks have just gone from very, very bad too much much worse. That's it he's a propaganda, When we come back our body, job Pollack, at bright, Bart,
on a very, very interesting piece of legislation that was passed a bill that was passed by the Democrats in September. That relates to this that relates You're not gonna, hear this anywhere else Tv not on radio, so I want you to stay with me. Well, be right! Back when you hear me, about Hilda College, a lot that its rigorous classical liberal arts curriculum about its exceptionally bright and patriotic students. One hundred and seventy five years ago, Helstone which was founded with a mission defined by four enduring purposes: learning character, faith and freedom. While many petitions have lost their way hills. Dale college maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom. I've also
about the great doktor Larry aren't the President of Helstone College. So one of the finest Americans, I've ever known- and he explained said these for purposes, learning character, faith and freedom remain inseparable and the activity of education at Helstone College. He says learning is difficult and takes more than talented, takes hard work, which requires character. Freedom is essential for learning, but it is fragile and constantly under threat, so Principles must be studied by all for the sake of its defence and hills, Dale, faith and learning our integrated toward God, because he is the first authority folks! If you ever wondered why I love hailstones college. Now you know visit hills, Del DOT, Edi you, that's hills, Del DOT, Ye D, you for more information, hills college pursuing truth and defending liberty since eighteen, forty four remember: that's hills Del dot Edi you hills, they'll, DOT, EU!
there is no need for red public ends with the president's lawyers to run for the higher the high ground, just relax, rainy didn't sailing wrong. It's ok! It's ok! You can. It the running from Adam Shift. You gotta take on the Bali. He didn't say anything wrong Joe Pollack, over bright bar, he did a little digging rights, Emma controlled. U House of Representatives stability September. Then restrictions on transactions with Russia until it has been cleared of election interference, stay with me. I'll spill amended in earlier Senate bill as seventeen. Ninety, the National Defence Authorization ACT for fiscal you're, twenty twenty that require.
The directive national intelligence to investigate possible russian interference in elections. House version all united, so persons are prohibited from engaging in transactions with. Providing financing for in any other way, dealing in russian sovereign debt after a certain date. That prohibition is lifted after the dna concern. If I, within a certain time frame that neither the government of Russia nor any person acting an agent of or on behalf of that government. Has knowingly engaged in interference in the most recent election for federal office and for Congress has passed a joint resolution certifying the determination of the directive intelligence, in other words, Democratic Control, controlled house would spend transactions, both public and private, with Russia's government. Until the? U S can be satisfied that Russia had not interfere with the most recent federal election that
exactly Albania sent Trump had wanted Ukraine to show as part of its commit. And to fighting corruption, namely that it was not involved and documented efforts by the Democratic National Committee to use Ukraine to interfere in the twenty sixteen presidential election. Albania said the look back to what and then twenty sixteen certainly was part of the things. The president why step incorrect? what that nation is absolutely appropriate to the Democrats and the media, it was a quid pro quo and grounds for impeachment. So apologies saying here, just this September, the devil Perhaps in the house amended the National Defence Authorization ACT to state. That'll be no business with the russian government private or government, Less the director of national intelligence can condemn an investigation and determine.
That Russia is not interfering in our election. And what of said is one of the conditions Getting funds and they got By the way, the Ukraine, and not Obama. One of the conditions was their cooperation with it, Parliament of justice with the EU, so turning from Connecticut Durham, for investigation in Ukraine, Environment or interference in Twenty sixteen election, what the Hell the problem
Because it my exposed the Democrats, it might expose Obama and Henry Clinton and dancing. That seems to be the problem. There is no issue here. There's no quid pro quo, you what he had John correlate B C knows not in the legal sense of a quid pro quo more when I return liberty and learning and a healthy democracy. These two things are mutually supportive in Amerika
today, however, that bond is broken to help prepare the breach hills. De colleges wants the van and or graduate school of government in the nations capital and, unlike other graduate programmes, hills dealt, teaches politics as a human activity, oriented toward justice, a series of choices guided in the best case by right principles, but made an ever changing circumstances. I require prudence to achieve the best, attainable results. Tales, Dales Curriculum, combines the careful reading, a primary sources and serious historical inquiry. Students learn how to apply the principles of free government and advance the cause of constitutional ism in the context of ever changing circumstances. Hailstones new vandal school of government is program, unlike any other in Washington, Dc Hills Del College, pursuing than defending liberty since eighteen forty four learn more at love, infra, hills, Del com. That's,
easy. I am free hills now that come. This is where we will lose some ends. At liberty begin, my provincial have each seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight. What one here is the store that has been all but the killed. First appeared in January twenty seventeen in political Canada, Vogel and David Stern. This is The president wants to get to the bottom of what took place in twenty. Sixteen with Russia and Ukraine. The headline is Ukraine: ukrainian efforts to sabotage trump backfire. This is not a friendly outfit plug go towards Trump by the way. Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office.
They also disseminated documents implicating a top trot, baiting corruption and six. So said they were investigating the matter. Only back away after the Actually it was set up a manifest and they Clinton's allies, research, damaging information on Trump and his advisors are political investigation found that's the first four paragraph. This is why the present, the United States. Wants to find out what the hell happened in twenty. Sixteen. This why Ukraine comes up, it's like Russia, when it was Hillary Clinton in the day and see that paid a former Spy who with russian apparatchiks. To put it together that phony opposition research. Resulting in a special council a wasted two and a half years, they're doin exactly the same thing. Would Ukraine when in fact it was
the Democrats and Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration that in Instead, the ukrainian that corrupt ukrainian government to go after Trump. These intelligence agencies You have a whistle blower, you know former CIA operated well of course. Of course you do There's a reason why this so on Impeachment inquiry being handled by the intelligence committee that the Judiciary Committee. There's a reason why this is all being railroaded and done in secret. There's a reason why John Karlov ABC knows why are you here the present the United States wants the ukrainian government to get to the bottom of this old, actually quid pro quo because- They don't want the administration touching it.
There's a reason why Bill BAR came back into the government is the attorney general spearheading this investigation there's a reason why he picked a bull dog of a? U S attorney! That's the reputation of this. The dorm from Connecticut. There's a massive cover up going on. And they're moving as quickly as they can to trying to teach the presence of the United States using Well, we have style tactics because they They kill this story, among other things. Now, So the president of the United States, or in his stead the ukrainian government to get to the bottom. Their central work with our government to figure out what happened. And all the way the media.
Characterizes this as the Democrats do that it's an investigation of the Democrats or trying to interfere with our election. Try to interfere with our election. Isn't that precious when that exactly what they did in twenty sixteen and he You know what the hell happened. And I want to know what the hell happened and you want to know what the hell happened. Where the hell is the Senate Intelligence Committee and this clown Richard Bur. So again, the paragraph in political, Ukraine, government officials. This is. Anyway, twenty seventeen. Tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine trump. This isn't fabric statement by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They are
Disseminated documents implicating a top trop aid and corruption and suggests tat they were investigating the matter. Only too Ike away after the election, and they help contains allies, research, damaging information on drugs and advisers, a poetic investigation found The ukrainian government interfered in our election, the Democrats. Turn upset about that Hillary Clinton, the day and she worked with a far and corrupt government to interfere in our election. No problem, no problem. They go to the Russians through british spy and ex by they go to Ukrainians directly and trumps facing patient the victim. The victim
Is facing impeachment. This is why the president said or p around him said number one we give money to this regime. We have to make sure not corrupt. We don't want to. Piss away american tax dollars number two: where the hell are they Europeans in Germany and so forth, weren't they have Ukraine, which is typical, tromp, saying things like that. For three, are they going to assess the attorney general in the? U S attorney in this investigation, going back to, only sixteen o, my god. It's a quid pro quo, trumps going it Democrats this. By its important. Listen to this show. Because what I'm saying here today will be repeated tomorrow. This is why you should view, is the early morning show for tomorrow. This is why Important listen to their show, I'm break. This stuff down
So you understand it and I understand of course, Adam ship things have just gone from: with our investigation and we're going to continue with our secret ten As Mr Mulvaney admitted there was a quid pro quo Can we continue with our with aren't stagnation and we're going to continue with our secret testimony working to continue with disgruntled form State Department employs they're, bringing in Obama, hold overs and others bureaucrats, We're very upset with the president's positions on Ukraine or a very upset that the President to go around the bureaucracy. In his deal, With Ukraine, you know more vainly didn't, say anything wrong today, the Republican shouldn't run from the president's lawyer shouldn't run from him. He didn't say anything wrong
Mulvaney didn't say anything wrong today:. Republican shouldn't run from the president's lawyer shouldn't run from him. He didn't say anything wrong today and I think it would do well. For the republic goods in his lorries to remind the american people of this January, twenty seventeen article, somebody Give it the Mitt Romney too, who is a. A despicable, chameleon and sub promoter. All of a sudden, the media love the guy all of a sudden, more Of make mulvaney today cut five. Go this way
point, because I heard this yesterday, I can never member the gentleman who test was Mckinney. The guy is that his name for me. I don't know me just for yesterday and if you go and if you believe the news reports take us, we ve not seen any transcripts of this euro transcript messing with summons testimony more this morning. If you read the news reports and you believe in what are Mckinney say yesterday, Mckinney said yesterday that he was really upset with a political influence in foreign policy. That was one of the reasons he was so upset about this. I have news for everybody get over it, there's going to be political influence in foreign policy and fine, I'm talking about that is going to happen. Elections have consequences in foreign policy is going to change from the Obama administration to the trumpet ministration and what you're, seeing now, I believe, is a group of mostly career polity, career bureaucrats. Forcing you know. I don't like president trumps politics under participate in this, which today, that their undertaking on the hill elections and to have consequences- and they should in your foreign policy, is going to change Obama. Did it in one way we're doing in a different way, and there is no problem with that and that's what upsets them and that's what upsets.
Now Jim Acosta unseen end today listen carefully I'm doing this in this particular order for a reason: cut seven Go what you heard from MIC Mulvaney, the acting Shiva staff a few moments ago, was pretty mine blowing. What he said to this room full of reporters is that it is legal. It is appropriate for the White House to withhold foreign aid from a country in unless they investigate the opposing political party has already said you're a liar, but they You get to the bottom of what happened in twenty, sixteen, which you obviously know you're a flat out bald face liar the Ukraine. Effort to sabotage trump backfires that Political Story- Kiev officials, are scrambling to make amends with the president, elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
They want to know what happened go ahead. Mc Mulvaney denied after we try to follow up with them that holding up or try to try to deny that did that investigating Joe Biden was at the heart of this, but he did acknowledge that yeah. Do you deny it it's a fact. They didn't hold up Miller There's no evidence. What's so ever really getting to Joe Biden Hunter by none. None. This is propaganda. This is what happens and fascistic and communist regimes this what you are hearing thanks to Jeff Mothers Sucker go ahead
a part of the deal in order for Ukraine to get this money that was being held up was to investigate what had happened and twenty sixteen. This unproven, baseless conspiracy now unproven, baseless conspiracy theory. This is the phrase the media use, twitter anybody who raises questions about what actually occurred so he's accusing politico and Kenneth Vogel. Now, with the New York Times and Dave, stern, January, eleven twenty seventeen peace when you're printed out it goes on for thirteen pages and exquisite detail here, accusing people who have read that article and now even no information of Red John Solomon who have documents of an unproven, baseless conspiracy, theory They came at a political and a the New York Times reported and another reporter.
Jimmy Costa has no information whatsoever to justify his smear. His characterisation of any of this. He has nothing go ahead. That the Democratic Party was somehow behind this plot to deny diaphragm from becoming turanian government officials politico. Tried to help Hillary Clinton and under I'm trump by publicly questioning fitness for office. They are So disseminated documents implicating a top trump aid and corruption. Suggested they were investigating the matter. Only too away after the election, and they help Clinton's allies research Emma information on Trump and advisers, a politico, astrogation fat, tell me more
it cost unseen. And what did your investigation? Fine? You didn't conduct one a ukrainian american operative, more political who was concerning for the Democratic National Committee met with time, officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, in an effort to exposed eyes between Trump top campaign aid. Third and Russia. According to people with direct, knowledge of the situation. There wasn't any information. This was DIS information. Just so you know. The ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race helping to force average resignation and at and seeing the narrative, the trumps campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine. Both to the EAST Russia, but they were far a concerted or centrally directed then rust. A lead, hacking and dissemination of democratic emails? There, Trying to set up tromp they
That man referred the trunk campaign They have of Hilary and B and C. And a meeting occurred in their embassy in Washington DC and Jim cost us says this is unproven. Baseless spiritually theory that Democrat Party was somehow behind this plot to deny Donald Trump for Become President twenty sixty. He's, a liar, back then,
its founding in eighteen, forty, four hills, they'll call it has provided students with sound learning of the kind of central to preserving our civil and religious liberty. I want to tell you about an Primus. The free monthly speech, digestive hailstones College in Primus is dedicated to educating citizens and promoting civil and religious liberty by covering important cultural, economic, political and educational issues. First published a nineteen. Seventy two in primacy is one of America's most widely read: publications in support of liberty with more subscribers three point: nine million than the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and recent Primus publications have a job, issues like free speech, the regulation, a big tech Illness and the american medical insurance system cause. America's founding principles are so important. Hills, though, offers and Primus absolutely free of charge to anyone who requested that's right. You can subscribe to Primus for free.
Here's? What I want you to do. I want you to visit in Primus Dad Hills, they'll, DOT Edi you for your free subscription, that's and prime. I m p r. I am I S daughter. Still that EU welcome too. Still, the media have no interest in what I've been telling you deceive me: none not even though the media broke the story. One little piece of the media hill coincide political had an integrity to run the story two and a half years ago,. Two and a half years ago. That the ukrainian corrupt regime was trying to sabotage the trump
Pain the headline ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump Backfire, CNN. And it was never written calls it a conspiracy. They deny the facts to push Now, whether Mulvaney walks back from his comments are Linsey, Graham, is confused by them or whatever it is. I don't really care. I make my own mind and I look at this stuff myself. I make my online and I look at this stuff myself. He didn't say, investigate the Democrats, although they seem awfully guilty by the way, the reacting, don't they get it. Of what happened in twenty. Sixteen find out what took place Now here's the irony of all this the money did go. To the ukrainian government
military hardware- did go to the ukrainian government, not under Obama, but under Trump. So nothing was without, but it was temporarily withheld. So what. President wants to know if there's still corrupt. If the money is going to be blown away. Which is a perfectly legitimate party, wants dewie. Other countries aren't hopping. This is typical of trump. I dont know what was said in there, but it. Mulvaney says were set in their its problematic watch becoming. Beyond obvious, but the media and the Democrats dont care about any the facts. They're trying to create a false record. Secret testimony with once their testimony
president's lorries and at present all the protections that were in place During the next impeachment inquiry and the quaint impeachment increase do not exist in this inquiry. Involving the present a United States, including a vote on the house which also abundantly clear that never Trumpery, Mitt, Romney and the others are out to get this. President and a view this as his achilles heel and there and to do everything they can to sabotage and if they, with the media in the Democrats. That's exactly what they're going to do I'll be right back
he's here now, broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader and everybody mark living. Here. I number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one re eight one, one: the United States Senate. I want to revisit this with you, because I talking about this on the radio might for this Sundays life liberty in Levinus, Senator RON, Johnson Republican Wisconsin We call Senator John was cut off. Very rudely, and repeatedly by truck tied on meat, the press about two weeks ago.
And so I said, let me let me read: at the Senator Johnson and bring me the program and let him say what he was intending to say before he was cut off on NBC, So I think this will be a very fascinating in important discussion. And he was sitting in on that may meeting- Ukraine came up so, I think you'll find this to be a very, very important. Life liberty and live in any news making life level. Eleven. Hesitate to say these things in advance of the programme. Because everybody runs to get Senator Johnson. But I don't think that our happiness not prepared Therefore, impeachment Mcconnell tells GEO Peace, senators, the Boston Glow, Washington, compost.
But try to leader Mitch, Mcconnell told senators Wednesday yesterday to be ready for an impeachment trial of president Trump. As soon as Thanksgiving is the Senate began to brace for a political maelstrom there waiting of the nation. An air of inevitability. It has taken hold in Congress with the expectation that Trump will become the third president history to be impeached. And they Republicans need to prepare to defend the president. What kind of brief senators or what would happen during a Senate trial House, GNP leaders convened what they that will be regular impeachment strategy sessions in there, I was Doin weekly luncheon Mcconnell gave a presentation about them, Process and feel that questions. The staff in the Senate, Judiciary, committee, Trammel Lindsey, Graham Watson, manager for their ninety. Ninety eight impeachment of President Clinton.
The colonel said the Senate would likely meet six days a week during the trial. Lawmakers said their surplus. Expectation that it will be some time around Thanksgiving, so you'd have basically thanksgiving to Christmas? which will be wonderful because there's no deadline in the world like the next, to motivate senators, said Centre Kevin Kramer Republican nor Carol North Dakota. Now I want to repeat. What I've been saying. What I've been telling. Few of my friends in this business. There is no way a trial should take place. And what's taking place in the House of Representatives can a historical impeachment inquiry process. That denies the present the United States,
Representation any fairness in Egypt, This whatsoever for markets- Required by the constant that's fine. You know. Who else is not required by the constitution? A trial go and read it. There's nothing in the constitution that says the Senate must take up Else impeachment charges and the Senate must hold a trial, not I am loath to sing Asked that the Senate shouldn't. Follow through with a trial with a house working with the Senate, but in this case. There has to be an exception to the rule, just as the Democrats in the house are making it Options, ass processes and this an important fact. The House Intelligence Committee is leading the charge, nay,
policy declares that there in a formal. Impeachment inquiry Nova. By the four house, no involvement of the full body politic, my representatives, your representatives, demand People are cut out of the process with secret interviews. Secret testimony being provided with cherry pick witnesses there begins or cut out of the process they can't subpoena colon witnesses. Presently United States Council can't be present day came, witnesses and present testimony Walmart stand in the Senate, how it's done in the house, Does not a grand jury? These are two separate processes. You do get out of the house and I need to get out of the Senate, it's not one or the other, that's been the tradition in every time. At present, it is faced a form on PETE, the inquiry, whether
Johnson, Nixon or Clinton. It is understood what a grave act this is triggering the investigation. But we know for two and a half years, but the democratic, But he's been trying to do and finally, they seized half of a branch of the government. And they ve Claude onto the impeachment clause, David whose their power. In Africa, railroad, an elected president of the United States. Now, the United States Senate should not give it some premature to that process. Should not and over backwards to hold a trial. This isn't worthy of a trial, here what the media say.
There's no role in the impeachment process or the trial process for the media other than the report, but there Driving the process they are driving it, so there partisans, they have now constitutional role in this process, so I want to admonish nicest where can think of Mitch. Mcconnell and tell him you're handling this in complete ITALY. The wrong manner come ITALY, the wrong man. This is a corrupt democrat party. Trying to smear and cactus assassinated duly elected president, they ve been working on this for almost three years now. And they are abandoning pass practices purposely. So this is being driven by one party. Even when you hear
At these poles look at this fifty one percent port impeaching, removing the president. It's an overwhelming percentage of Democrats and a significant percentage of independence. The Republicans have held fast And have said now and now, the India is the Democratic party media. That's what it is. They represent The democratic party in the Democratic Party represents them, it's a symbiotic relationship leader of the two being the media, actually. So this is where we are in the end, it states today. This is where we are so this and it's just gonna- hold a trial so Anti pollution controls the Senate, so diplomacy drives the agenda of the Senate. Election year with a general drink coming up with our purpose, Destroying them
And it will be the nominee, the Republican Party and my kind of the leader of the Senate is suggest, allow his institution to go along with this. Oh, I wish the Republicans of the Senate. Where's motivated as the right called Democrats in the house- oh I wish so what should happen mark Well, I've explained its. Let me explain it again,. What should happen is. And people are starting to write about this, as if it's their original thoughts. It's ok in people in the press what should happen is. Republican Majority in the Senate should say we're not going to hold a trial. We are not going to poison, aren't attention with the poison.
That Nancy Pelosi has then the House of Representatives. And we are the only body here that complete with the House of Representatives, has done, and we need to send a message now and forever that Party controlling the House of Representatives should ever abuse its authority. This way abuse a president this way and use the impeachment clause. This way We will not allow such a precedent to be set. Number one number two: we will not allow. Anti policy and our gala radicals are run these committees. We will not allow them. To run the United States Senate. In force us into a trial but Connell's position would be. I can't I can't trains, the war now the rule rather Boolooroo. I can't do that. We got all the trial.
Past arose and nineteen. Eighty six, nineteen, eighty five by partisan powder. We don't have sixty seven votes. To change the roof, Comedy with Mr Langen has to say. Not much, but colonel knows how to get around that May we got around it called the news. Option when it came to Federal circuit judges, Mitch Mcconnell got around it when it. To the Supreme Court Justices nominees, what did they do. While the short of it, but they did. They went to the parliamentarians, the floor of the house. Madame parliamentarian. We are going to change the rules of the Senate. So when those charged,
Come into our body from And she pollution, the Democrats in this house are represented. We are going to move to dish. Stem. By a simple majority vote. There will be an objection. Which will be heard by the parliamentarian,. And she will rule that the report, This needs sixty seven votes to China, The rules and allow for dismissal justice will be overseeing office. If justice is wrong, Swimming John Roberts will follow them, the great William Renquist, whose now percent assurance of that cause, he's sort of a show boat. The parliamentarian will rule it. Take sixty seven votes,
then what does Mitch Mcconnell and what do the Republicans too. May vote to override the parliamentarians Takes a simple majority: that's the nuclear option. So all senators are present. Fifty one votes, the Republicans overruled parliamentarian change. The rule by fifty one By overruling the parliamentarian following It's pretty clear, MR pollution, and then they move. To dismiss the charges that have been brought against the present the United States, all indications, Mr Mcconnell I have the courage of our convictions. They all indications, whereas now
a policy plays loosen fast with the rules and the constitution, which Mcconnell and actually use the rules. To stop Nancy Policy and the radical Democrats in the house, what could be a horrific precedent. For future congresses and presidents. So much Mcconnell needs to be pressured much Mcconnell up for reelection. Many needs to do the right thing. And I would encourage back venture on radio and I want to come. Everybody on tv. You don't need to give me attribution unexpected three Peter. Tackling what I'm saying I won't condemn. You this is a mission for the country,
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Brick House, Levine, Dotcom, that's brick, house, L, E, the dot com and you'll get fit ten percent off your first order with the offered code Levin, you know, you're not going to start cooking, fresh fruits and vegetables. So let's not pretend just get one full cup of fruits and one for a cup of vegetables. Every day with field of greens, gotta brick House, Levine, DOT, com, brick House, Levin, DOT, com offered, code, Levin and others are reason why, in our courts, whether their federal state, local courts. There's a reason why you can file motions to dismiss motions for summary judgment, all kinds, emotions. Frivolous lawsuits. Prime Aphasia bad faith, kinds of filings, or something right on the surface.
Miss statement of facts, misstatements laws, processes and so forth. There is a reason why a criminal justice system and our civil justice system There is a way to adjudicate these quickly and get him out of the courtroom you don't have to A full trial required to go through all the processes of a trial because up front The case does not hold water, and you can tell up front. If you had a case, criminal Actually came the court and it was obvious that he. At the Miranda role was violated, say they haven't on videotape, that's a confession is beaten up somebody, it's videotape, that's a pretty good case for the defense.
What I'm trying to say to you is this: there is no Obstruction, there's no nothing preventing Mitch Mcconnell. From using the parliamentary rules. The ability to use those parliamentary rules to protect the constitution- yes, take impeachment clause. From a rogue mob of radical Democrats, a whom to take over the House of Representatives by a mere thirty seven votes. Thirty, seven members. And right out of the Box but to destroy this presidency. And ninety Pelosi knows it: why she one of a vote on the floor of the house. We all know it
by the testimonies taken in secret. That's why all the. All the fair processes that are in place in the past have been eliminated in this manner. We all know this. Surely the republican majority in the Senate knows this. So I'm gonna tell you right now if they go to having a full trial ass carefully ass three weeks for weeks whatever it is,. I and you should be absolutely furious absolutely furious. And they have got to show some courage and if Mitt Romney. Once we Benedict Arnold, took the Mitt Romney. Mitt, Romney has been conspiring, would never trappers and donors and others to try and take out this president. These a disgrace
He d have any problem being interviewed for sectoral stay, but he's very angry. He didn't get sector estate if Trump, so bad and his administration is so bad. We'll make that decision in the election ever about the stinks to high Heaven everything everything about it. And we have every right to expect the republican majority in the Senate to protect the constitution to Britain, the impeachment process and to protect them the elected president of the United States. Mcconnell. If he don't. As far as I'm concerned, you can lose your election, I don't give a crap. I really don't. I'll be right back you wake up in the morning feeling sluggish and have to drag yourself through your day dear
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Title locked out come home. Title lacked outcome, that's home title luck, that car Ah I see who we have here. Let's see John Detroit Michigan Serious Satellite go right ahead. I must thank you for taking my call. I look at what I'm a long time was the first time that I've got enough. I am too boys. I like make gonna, let you- tell me go ahead of her mom. First of all, I don't think. They'll, be the vote or the nuclear option in the Senate, there's more than just one. One or two report. That would that would go the other way and I think all Democrats are gonna go lacks with Watch humor eat you. You might be right
but you know this is a republic. A representative republic and we didn't know where our senator Stan. And if they're gonna vote with the Democrats to go through with the policy impeachment critically One third of them are up for re election, these slots are open. Then we need to know that we need to know it Can I just say what we don't have the vote, but for go through the process and you take the vote mark The second point is that I think will I think we all know where they stand. If there is a trial and error, I think you know that you have heard the saying a cross examination at the entered a true and and we get across the white light. Let what I'm trying to tell you, Sir, is. What took place in the House of Representatives is an abomination what's taking place now, and I am concerned more about the constitution than a trial would cross examination.
Trying to explain to you into the nation. You said in order to prevent this from happening again, and in this instance you don't you go through. A trial have cross examination and you're working on their turf and. Are witnesses and so forth, and so on. That's why you have cases dismissed in a civilian court, and that's why here, I believe this would be making a terrible terrible mistake if it took up Pelosi is done and treated as a legitimate trial. So I understand cross examination. I've been involved in litigation for a long long time understand the whole process. An understanding that whole process is why I find what they're doing in the house to be so repulsive. But even a bigger issued to me as the constitution, rather than whether or not in the then a trial we're cross, examining witnesses. I'd start for your car Sid. Franklin, D C, the great w I may I go
appreciate your analyses and more important. I appreciate your explanation, quick question. What exactly is got responsibilities? Authorities of the chief justice of presiding, try any rule at table. Have you thought about who should be responsible to preserve the constitution? Can he do that in that manner fictional? This is a great question. Institution is silent on this, so Robert so to do is look at what the fuck our chief justice wine requested. And then looked down the road is we ve had trials in the past, although not many and the role Chief justice is very, very ministerial most administrative. They try To get into making substantive decisions, so then like a judge in a court more like a referee, if you will and that
at least has been the practice in the past other that their role is almost mechanical. You see my point. Yes, Yeah, I appreciate very much higher I'd say thank you to appreciate it, some very good since by our cars or points to Derek Gal Re Florida, excess satellite go a ban at such an hour, my first time, cholera. Truly, added to be only a cop, all this talk about quid pro quo, I have, we need a day it simply that trust? Has been threatening China, the EU Japan all these countries with a view, don't do this, I'm gonna put tariffs on a Peter, I'm gonna put tariffs on
you don't do that someone a thank you why the hell, I'm a democrat colleague that quid pro quo, where they come up a quid pro quo, which ninety percent America getting no the hell I mean or some demands phone call at. I truly believe this whole impeachment thing is simply to put the word impeach impeach impeach out there, so that dumb masses I e the map is just hear something a beach and that's all they know, and that way there I think, make a very interesting point of what a president does. A lot of members of Congress still is do x or I do. I look at the tax- could look at the time You either do this, for you pay a penalty. To do this. You get a deduction you do this, you get a credit,
but whatever anything could be said, to be a quid pro quo, so it has to be in a legal quid pro quo and there is no illegal quid pro quo. They're using a new word out there that Democrats, they just figured out a new word. You know what it is: extortion, and all day long, they ve been saying the President appears to have been involved in extorting the Ukrainians, extortion, extortion, extortion and though hated the media repeated. This is What happens when in fascistic a mindsets, that's what they owe extorts extortion. Oh, I see now have a crime. Pro quo, that's a little too complicated. We have extortion and so that's where we are today are I Derek thank you for your car. Yes, they want a brand him with impeachment. When he's running for reelection in the general like, and they want to but the impeached present that's what they wanted. It says all political atomic power
takes its on abuse of our tax dollars in the process. That's exactly what it is. I've been saying this from day, one exactly what it is. I've been here about the whistle blower anymore day, the so called whistleblower. What happened? I guy or gown or transitional or whatever K vague they'll Georgia on the mark, Levant Power, you I'm good thanks mark really appreciate all that you do the passion that you gave everything at the time. You give everything, and I find myself agreeing with you so much almost everything. I thank you, but there's one thing I'm a little confused on You know how they politicians like two parts words, the meaning of is well. I got to thinking, logically and and now
the framers, probably never invasion, one, party doing what Nancy Policy is doing. They probably never thought that anybody would, and I dont see when you say when you there you know of the Congress, and the house to me that means all of them, both of them. And that where the frame the framers actually did, they were concerned. About a runaway house. Because they know another elected every two years. They know they can turn into a faction into a mob. You know they gave them a majority vote to impeach president and the check they The place was the Senate. Back then, the Senate was either pointed by the state legislature, the senators or elected. If, in fact, the M state legislatures approved of that process, but most of them were select. By the state, legislatures
and that was the intent and then they they impose. They super majority. Two thirds vote to convict move, so the Senate was to be the check, and this is why continue to say I'll, keep saying Mitch, Mckenna on the Republicans or the a check on the house he needed Police, what the house is doing, it's not enough to have a trial. And then come shied, the two thirds vote. They must repute It was taking place in the House of Representatives. They must repudiate it. They need to change the rules than change the rules the mechanism, the do they may not like it, but they ve mechanism, the do it ordinary times well, Sometimes you gotta do extraordinary. Things are citing a legal about it, there's nothing a moral or unethical about it, He didn't use nuclear option. Miss whatever charges, whatever cockamamie. Charges see the Democrats in the house come up with is all being driven by their party and the media we have never seen anything like this before.
Out in the Johnson case. The next in case, not in the Clinton case, through a strong by partisan support for investigations. Theirs. No by partisan support, none for investigation, because this is a set up. This is ah contrived I now today the word is extortion Or the phrase was quid pro quo, so they changing the terms, keep Meeting the standards and that's tyranny. This tyranny, this tyrannical, that's what's goin,
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Two at any time, but first you gotta downloaded you ready go to my. Website page mark live in, showed that come very simple, three steps. Markel events show that come. Click on the audio rewind That's the link at the middle of the top of the homepage, and then you'll, be it the podcast page. And then you can pick whatever podcast platform. You want apple podcast stature, Google, I'd kiss whatever it is, I want to strongly encourage you to do this. Particularly the holidays, coming up, she can listen to the programme if you're in your car you're travelling we want to share. One of my shows her one of my life shows with family and friends. Its mark Levine showed outcome, Get to the homepage, click on the audio rewind middle atop, the homepage.
Take it to the podcast page and then you picked Who cares that you like, if you download at pets, three clicks? That's all of this That simple, I hope, you'll join us. We get over three million. Listeners a month, that's it addition to our. Amen, FM radio audience which, exceeds eight and a half million. That's an addition to our satellite audience. I would I would guess I had to guess. We have fifteen million seventeen million listeners in any given weak, something like that. I hope you'll join us on that, Because just download it lists to at any time you want or not or not, You know I've been telling you about Nancy Policing, the Democrats plan to socialize medicine. They would impose government cos controls at the expense of high quality health care, To put it another way, policy
Bill may prevent you and your family from having access to the latest and most effective drug therapies available on the face of the earth According to the congressional Budget Office, the c b o which who is proposed legislation like the policy plan now breaks, we medicines may never be discovered at all and they Reject that the policy plan would reduce research and development investments towards new treatments and cures. We're not surprised here. Are we because when you impose drug price controls and punish private innovators with massive ninety five percent tax penalties, You eliminate the fund, chill ability to invest in critically needed research and development. With it the incentives to discover new treatments for cancer and new. Yours for crushing diseases like Alzheimer's. Nancy Pelosi told you to work at a government dictated salary, far lower than even your cost of living
and then pay ninety five percent of it. A new taxes. Would you on out by new car. No, you wouldn't well Pharmaceutical companies aren't gonna, run out look for new medicines either. They will make the investment they won't be. People are making the investment. They'll be trying to survive, get the fuck. Stocks go to true healthcare fact start come true. How There are that camp. That's true healthcare facts that cop, Yorktown Virginia exam satellite go Thanks for taking my call for the third, after the son of applicants, to stick their necks out on your great idea for the nuclear option, what would you think about trumps people during the trial by providing a motion to disperse the chieftain flooding? The chief justice decide if they decide against drop them, but I'm going to get a little butter join our eye on our humble home country, fast
so there's no jury, nullification and a motion to dismiss it- would be emotion that has to be taken up by the false Senate. The Senate sets the rules. Senate has all the power, the chief justice, his role as mostly ministerial so while its clever it won't work and. As to your point about the president's lorries making the motion to dismiss. I think they in fact could do that. I think they in fact could do that. In fact, I think that the Clinton lawyers are, more charges did exactly that they lost, but I think tromp lorries can do that. I'm going to require Mcconnell to kick in. And to change the rules, you're going to require. That goes we would need sixty seven votes or so to entertain a motion to dismiss without the trial
So you're still gonna have to do the nuclear option, a one point or another. I, too, am thank you. My friend Kenny New Orleans Louisiana Mark Levant go budgets of non carbon. My friend, I have no idea what that means. That means don't let them the bit them. That the bees where you down that word gets anyway mark. But my question that's an occasion right, that's latin! What is right! The five remit- maybe maybe it's early gibberish anyway gonna hit em- said the five remaining senators are all Democrats and they would be in the quorum quote: jury pull out of the one hundred senators and what I'm saying is if they can't refuse themselves, which I wanted to get your read on that, if they dont reduce themselves, are going to have to stay for the trial and Miss campaign to fund any slain and nobody's going to accuse themselves because they're all political
they all have the very spices. So it's not like a jury. Poor has For keeping them busy I am not in favour of IE Each man trial. Based on what Nancy Pelosi is done in order to keep a few knucklehead busy for a month. I'd say that just to me it it's it's far outweighed by what's being done, nor a constitutional system into this president. Shut this damn thing down for our group, Mark that thing you read last night on Henry hide that resolution is that on your website, it's none of my website put it up on my social site, sir, here tonight or to Morrow. I appreciate your cod and good idea we'll be right back
he's here now: broadcasting them only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Tell everybody Mark Lorraine here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, I have to admit, there's a hell of a piece in the Atlantic which, as a left wing site. In its written by Ronald Brown, stealing, whose illiberal enough still works for the yellow times, but theory is writing for the Atlantic, taking a look at Elizabeth warns. Care for all. And related to that
If you have read my book and freedom of the press or not you ve listened to this program. I've talked him many times about this. Associate professor John rose and social professor of journalism. Whose teaching, basically my view journalistic propaganda, that is social activism. They call it public press if you well or community press. And he writes on him twitter, he tweets, Elizabeth Warrant say she would raise taxes on the middle class question should be a credibility killer. Further journalists who keep asking. So you see, in other words, J, Rosen. Is a hard core leftist and journalists out. There should stop asking Elizabeth warn about the cost of hermetic care for all, because otherwise you know she might not get elected in Trump might get reelected.
He's one of the leaders of this movement. One of these so called intellectuals. I know it sounds pretty funny. Of this movement he's a New York unit. Professor, like our civic journalism, that's what they call it: a purpose driven community based social Activism, journalism movement. Spreading throughout America's newsroom, You can sell. According to browse dainty, takes a look at the urban leg Excuse me Urban Institute study, which has a left of centre. Think tank. He writes the respected among Democrats. And their projecting that a plain similar to what worn and Bernie Sanders are pushing would require thirty four, trillion dollars in additional federal spending over the first decade. Thirty four.
Choose me thirty. Four trillion dollars and he says that's more than the federal government's total cost over the coming decade for social security. Medicare Medicaid, combined When do the congressional Budget Office. Only during the height of world war. Two has the federal government tried to increase taxes as a share the economy as fast as would be required to offset the. Cost of a government run single pair plan like this. That's why she won't tell you how much it costs and that's why she won't tell you who's gonna pay for it. It's gonna break the country break the country. And thirty four trillion dollars. That's the forecast. The sea says.
How much money that's about the same, how much money the federal government will spend over that period, not only on all the time what programmes, but also on all federal income support, such as supplemental nutritional assistance programmes, The urban Institute estimates that a single pair plan like this would require thirty two trillion: a new tax revenue over the coming decade that slightly less revenue than its projected to cost It would generate some offsetting savings, but not a lot. How big a lift. Is it a race, thirty, two trillion: it's almost At present, more than the total revenue, the c b o projects wash into what collect her purse, income taxes over the next decade. It's more than double the amount. The scipio projects washing tumult collect over the next decade from the payroll taxes that fund social security in part, a medic here.
Thirty two trillion dollar tax increase would represent just over two thirds of the revenue. The ceo projects, the federal government, will collect from all sources over the next decade forty six trillion dollars. Thirty two: Trillion of which would go to Medicare fraud and by the way these estimates are always low. The first here is how to be more than that. Taxes. They can feel that Big hall are not easy to identify. In other words, as I read through this, they can't figure out how this is going to be paid for, even in part, they can't figure it out because it can't be paid for. Yesterday I told you she is a liar. I told you Buddha judges, a liar I told you they're all liars these plants can work better effect He d reformat care now in order to save it.
Because Medicare on its last legs, When illegal aliens to participate and medical care and social security. They want illegal aliens to participate in medical care for all. When many cares going broke. Absolutely unbelievable what these people are proposing, and this would be on top of a wealth tax. On top of it,. Top marginal tax rate of seventy two, ninety percent Of a green new deal, which would destroy our capitalist system on top of it, Borders, getting rid of ice and detention centres think about it on type a top. Hacking the Supreme Court by adding seats to the Supreme Court on top of confiscating weapons. Nullifying the second amendment. On top of a universal income,.
For everybody, born in the United States on top of free college, on top of wiping out all college debt, color The this is what the Democratic Party stands for: economic destruction, police state. The destruction of individual liberty. And meanwhile, I want to take out Trump people who s the questions. These report, as you know, there's nothing said that we have to have debates where we have reporters asking questions have talked about this many times many times. Getting smart questions from smart people we're getting predicted dumb questions from dumb people Ross, Getting opinions. From Adam Don Lemon, Cooper or whomever, were quite
the marks, but behind them whether Their agendas. We're getting conclusions, now, we know well, you know Vice President Biden, that. Donald Trump has made unsubstantiated allegations against you without any evidence whatsoever about, though you know, Paris, man, your son and the millions that he received and so forth. But isn't it a bad luck. We're getting nothing out of these debates, nothing serious. And I just laid out for you about half proposals. Coming from the Democrat. And this, of course, is not something they can win on if they run on it. The president is lucky in one respect, and only one because look what's being done to him, look which being done them. This has to be the weakest collection of candidates. That I've ever seen in my lifetime, there is bad as they get.
As bad as they get as weak as they get as freaky as they get. They just are. Elizabeth Warrant being pushed by the Washington Compost, Lisbeth ones being pushed by the New York slams Elizabeth Barnes being pushed by the constipated news network This war is being pushed by Emma sellers de these supposed to be news organisations, but they're not either. And so Rosen. Professor J rose and I read your book actually more than one. What are journalists for question mark. Very ugly book by the way profession, her very ugly. I read your book, I read your articles, I know exactly who you are you saying. And this is called public or civic journalism purple
driven community based social activism, journalism movements spreading threat, America's newsrooms for the last several decades. This guy's, a harsh critic of the president. He liked Elizabeth Wine that that's telling journalist lay off her. Stop asking her about the cost. You're killing our credibility, that's what he signed because you're supposed to be advancing, social agenda, a left wing social agenda. Then he wrote in the Washington Post not long ago about president trap. Imagine a candidate who wants to increase public confusion about where he stands on things so that vote. Give up on trying to stay informed and instead vote. Would raw motion you can think of all the Democrats. For those conditions does asking: where do you stand? Sir? Serve the goals of journalism? unless the interview in the candidates chaotic plan Know what you're thinking journalists? What do you want to do stop covering a major party candidate for president. That would be irresponsible. True,
Reaction. Short circuits, intelligent debate beneath every in practice an election coverage, there are premises about how Let's will behave I want you to ask: do these still apply Truckers are behaving like a normal candidate he's acting like an unbound one. Punch journalists have to become less predictable themselves. They have to come up with novel responses. They have to do they ve never done even have to shock us. They made, collaborate across news brands and ways they never have known they may have. Called drop out with a forcefulness unseen before the may have risk the breakdown of decorum and interviews and enduring excruciating awkwardness Hardest of all, they will have to explain to the public The trouble is a special case and the normal rules do not apply so this the godfather this movement- and you can tell me, so the journalists are following agenda costume and is certainly not alone. He certainly not alone.
It is an ideology ideologically driven. Form a phoney journalists, and you can see it would project very us and what they ve done? There was CNN and sucker it also clear: isn't it. I'm on Eu J Rosen, you jerk you, Turkey of poison this profession, as far as I'm concerned, just one man's opinion here public journalism and all that, back then while there is a ceasefire swords four hundred twenty hours by my calculation, that's five days. Involving Turkey in Syria. Courage. Now I dont know all the terms to be perfectly honest with you
When I came on the year I think it good that there's a ceasefire, don't get me wrong, but I don't know. What concessions there are any of the rest, terms of an so the Turks, but I will tell you this: the Turks that is the turkish government, everyone has demonstrated that he is not an ally. That is not an ally and them- I believe the president feels this is this is a very, very important to cease Aren't compromise. And I have faith, has that's what he thinks and that's what he says: that's exactly right: Jeff Sucker nine, a m phone call. I take very tough. And, they have new information out tonight. Let's go.
Twelve, let's start at the top a scene and producer, and then Jeff Soccer go the border warning from here that wars during my leg or other irish many more wine bar, were now nearing uses, goose's sucker, I don't think we should move on so quickly from that store and by the way trumpets denied. This guy had
You know what your unbelievable. First of all, don't you think they should determine whether its accurate.
Don't you think they should ask the president and the president has said: it's not accurate, that's pretty remarkable! But he gives them the storyline, you need to you're. Out of your mind, you need to say he's out of his mind. Even though he knows there, seven thousand impeachment stores and he's the one that says we should just stay on impeachment I mean these are. These are incredible statements. Absolutely incredible statements. Now they feel action supervisor CNN. He's on the video to in this next snippet cut through NGO crazy. You guys. I'll go away when trumped eyes, hopefully soon, hopefully soon he says.
Now, here's a manager of field operations had CNN Patrick Davis, cut fourteen go Ninety five I've been here about somebody so hands on the union here from every whatever, so here's a guy who's been with this company twenty four years. And he's repulsed by what scene and has become talks about
past presidents were kind of hands off, but not sucker, involved. Every day quote has a plan, whatever as I just on agree with that has applied. Every day is to attack tromp to push impeachment. To hang on to any absurd story, Almost no matter the source, stormy annual Michael I've, a naughty. No one is disgruntled anything just keep power tromp is that freedom of the press, ladies and gentlemen, is that freedom of the press? No, it's not. More on Patrick Davis, this poor guy cut fifteen go
I have money and about you. I wasn't against Davis, believes. The problem with CNN is the lack of transparency when it comes to their political leanings he's as well. They portray themselves as middle of the road.
Couldn't be further from the truth, busy find you get. The point will be right back Mark Laverne rate, one, the great one model of entirely now, eight seven, seven, thirty, eight one, three, eight one, one and eighty policy and her Politburo Committee chairman claimed The undertaking a formal impeachment ice cream. Now we all know the suggest another sleazy tactic to try and the smoke character, assassinate. He do like the president's just the latest effort. It's a lousy rotten effort to
When you tried smear, somebody like this do using. Taxpayers dollars the using the House of Representatives to fund their opposition research for the twenty twenty election. Of course, the Cried party press have been lavishly supporting this clown show, in fact they been leading it. People like Jeffrey Mothers, Sucker if used to cover the real news. News, like Biden, sons, shady dealings with Ukraine and Red China, which they say, Thing a conspiracy, nuts or reveal who their so called whistleblower is who their protecting. Well, Levin tv: We don't play games like this. We not only talk about actual news. We unravelling and we talk about what really matters I break it down, provide content we look at history philosophy, so much more women
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Conclusion Ellie Washington Examiner than the great Paul, but The trumps top immigration spokesman said that there are potentially twenty two million illegal immigrants inside the. U S Twice the estimate regularly cited, but they ve been saying eleven million for twenty years, so that could be the case. Kitchenette way the acting director, viewers, citizenship and immigration services which handles the legal immigration process. The number comes from a study done by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and it put the knife Twenty two point: one million, that's crazy, The number typically cited as eleven thirteen million illegal immigrants in the country- the latest estimates from the federation for American immigration, reformer Ferris fourteen million.
Percent, accurate countess difficult to calculate they point out, but the MIT study put the illegal immigration population. As I said at twenty two point: one million- and I, spectre, that's correct! I expect that's correct. Said a deal could be made to let some or all stay, but if not, they are in the same pool at MIT is correct. With the twenty two million people are talking about Dhaka, eight hundred thousand or so stew, nature, legal and Prince man oh Manischewitz, to lot of illegal aliens in our country, particularly when you consider the systemic racism and bigotry that flicks our country. According to the left, quantity democrats running for office and according to a lot of professional athletes, just amazing How many illegal aliens are in this country, over twenty two million and most of them are from, cheers in countries where the peace
people of color, I believe the phraseology goes Randy. Idaho falls Idaho Exam Satellite go yes, sir. Thank you mark, like your comments on the constitution and that I actually with leading into the media and in how they relate to the media on the left would say, because in my mind, I think, they're afraid to the constitution just as much as the court politicians on the left and I guess so so tired of reading these stories in the Washington Post to the New York Times. These articles that literally mere exactly what we constitutional. I say we say: hey, we got a constitutional crisis, we got a real issue was not being followed. The constitution is not being followed and they
The exact same thing, president rum, Nan and Mass who support him in it. It's absolutely wrong it. It's so sad to think There's this whole trove of useful idiots that believe that it is gonna, be some accountability somewhere for These media outlets for what they have done to develop. It ought to be the companies alone. These newsrooms but they're, just as bad give me a call my friend to make trade listen? This is a montage put together by news busters. And you're gonna hear so called journalists and Democrats use identical talking points on impeachment. Tell me about a minute and a half. Cut one go,
The actions of the term presidency revealed dishonourable fact of the president's betrayal of his oath of office. Presidents would expose violating his oath of office rather than the United States has betrayed his oath of office violations of his oath to the constitution, unprecedented breach of the oath of office trails of his oath of office. The president has admitted enough. We have got enough information. This boy he's already confirmed what he's done in broad daylight. We ve. Basically, guy concessions is already confessed to this crime. Depressing has already made it a president. Betsy did at the White House, and the State Department continue to orchestrate this massive cover up. We are watching a cover up by the President of the United States neighbouring the business of trying to cover up implicated in a cover up. There's a cover out of a cover up the attempted cover up to interfere with the commission's ability to before it. Relevant witnesses will be considered as evidence of obstruction from strategy. It pretty clear, obstruct deflect confuse structure. Justice refusing to comply with grisly increase, is obstruction of justice is bribery. A lot of the committees have
documented obstruction of justice. All of this obstruction from the White House and from the president specifically, is usually abuse of power in every element. The presidency, the heart of the abuse of power, is gross abuse of power. You could say was an abuse. There has been an abuse of power abuse of power, and that is an obviously impenetrable abuse of power. They sound the same because they are the same. That's why John Lake Ozark Missouri Serious Satellite go right ahead place. Glad to beyond what are you talking about the Kurds in nice In fifty nine, my father was the he had at one army attache in Baghdad and I was fourteen years old that time and we are driver, was occurred and
We were down at him movie theater in Baghdad, the night, we attempted to kill General Cassim, who was the leader of the country. At that time there was an assassination attempts by the back as party including Saddam Hussein, that was in the theatre with all these army people around me, and they ask my driver, who is this guy? and he said well, he's an Armenian that's. Why is a fair complexion than he looks like he's an that's? Basically, if I hadn't, if he hadn't said that they would have taken me out, grabbed me through the streets and do not, the Kurds or well known for coming in and helping us with our intelligence what was going on in Iraq at that time. This was then this was what, sixty years ago, Maybe it s really bothers me that way. We can support these people who then
Eliza bars for so many years, Well, you know my position John. I stated it often and I stated earlier and apparently my position as a minority position and conservative circles and in media circles, but I will stick by it. And I could live at myself. Knowing that, among others, I spoke out in defence of these people and their these people deserve to be protected and you see what happened. The Turks came in and just started slaughtering them left and right, including atrocities. Look airy! Every group of people has there has their evil people, but this is a very good people. The people who stuck with us through second thin. Through some of the worst fighting in the last decade And you know I've said it over and over and over again. I feel terrible what Taken place, I hope this whatever this deal is, I hope it's a good deal for them. I don't give a damn about AIR Aragon he is a killer here
tat he is in the slightest. I know we have a deal with them like weird, here was stolen. But that doesn't mean you turn people over to these facts, to these people and in effect, and Then they fend for themselves. I keep hearing, people say things like. We just fight these endless wars,. You know it's amazing to me, as I think That John. The revolutionary war went on trade and a half years. You wear them. Eight and a half years. That's a long time and it wasn't- you know a battle here in a battle there, the entire country was consumed by that war. And if they had had the same attitude, we wouldn't be a free people. We Being independent people after a couple years, it's okay! That's enough! Already the civil war Four and a half years
It was a brutal, brutal war. And linking could assume for peace. There was a war of attrition. But slavery in the union were just two important to give up on It is too early to ignore. It is to destroy slavery and, and bring back the union at the present. The United States is speaking in Dallas. We not have a lot of time left in the show, I think will take our now, MR produce from then we'll come back and pick up where the president is speaking. Go ahead, when I talk about hills, Dark College, a lot better to rigorous classical liberal arts curriculum and exceptionally brightened patriotic students, one hundred and seventy five years ago, there was found with a mission defined by four enduring purposes, earning character, faith and freedom,
The institutions have lost their way. Hills. Duck which maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom have also talk many times about hills, up great pride Doktor Larry aren't one of the finest people. I know he explains it for purposes, learning character, faith, freedom, we may inseparable in the activity education at Helstone College. He says- and I quote: learning is dead call takes more than talented, takes hard work, which requires character, Freedom is essential for learning, but it's fun actual and constantly under threat, such print, What must be studied by all for the sake its defence at hills, Faith and learning our integrated toward God, because he is first authority unquote. Have you ever wondered why I love hailstones college? Now you know hills duh, college, pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since eighteen, forty four learn more girl of Infra hills Del back. Come L e, the iron for hills, Delbert, COM,
Then, for a hills del about come here, President live in Dallas, Texas, directness wars, open borders, rapid dry, disastrous one way: trade deals with changing that one around very quickly. They believe America's, the world's Piggy bank your tax dollars should subsidize the economy, military and defence of every other nation in the world, but our own not happening in our political opposition. Its fortune selling out our nation and its citizens, and you know that's what's been happening: and that's why? Twenty, Sixteen were so important and that's why twenty twenty. I can never say it's more important. But you know it's like the roots of a tree plant planting baby trees, gotta catch.
That extra time will have more tax cuts will have even I'll tell you why we every built our military. What we ve done has never been done before, but do not think Democrats I betrayed our country and that great betrayal is over We are finally again and we ve been doing it now for almost three years Believe we ve been doing this. I've been a politician for three years. I can't believe that I never thought I'd be called the politician. I don't like it, but it is what it is, but we're finally again put:
America first radical Democrats want to destroy America's. We know they wanna indoctrinate our children, I teach them that America is sinful, wicked nation. You see that happening all the time. And I know from personal experience what they want to teach you kids, not good. They come on Mummy daddy. This is what I then you're going out now. Don't tell me, let's get him into another school fast.
They want to disarm law abiding citizens, they want to take your guns away and they want and went so far less judges to shred. Our constitution is not happen. They want to tear down symbols of faith and drive Christians and religious believers from the public square. They want or silence your voices, social media and they want the government to censor Mozilla, shut down conservative voices. You know that if they didn't Haider occur, they be doing this to our country. They wouldn't be doing it because they know better.
They know that as an example where building a great wall along the southern and it's going up rapidly growing up, are you oh five years ago, almost every one of them wanted a wall Until I came along- and I said, working to build a great workers, they could never get it done. Then they stop the funding They made it almost impossible few people
would have been able to do what we did, but we got it from here and we got it from there and we got it from all over the place and we're building that sucker right now and it's having a tremendous effect already not easy highest level. Everything we said it would be. It's moving rapidly The fact is back there. Then. I want to talk about President Trump alive and doubtless look at all those cameras. You believe it look at all those red lights. Don't worry, I won't say anything bad about your network There's a lot of times I get ready to do a number of these phony networks, and you know you see those red lights go off or Firefox. They don't want their view is to see it, but that's! Ok, I'm not going to say it tonight, I'm going to say
get a bit. Maybe I dont actually mean when you look at that.
But look at all those covers, you know, that's like the Academy award used to be got before it fell. You know why you know why it fell because they came after us. That's why it failed, because that stupid people saying horrible things about us took it. They are snooping paper. Their ratings have dropped. I hope you can pick up the president on tv right now and the Fox NEWS Channel. I want to thank you always looter. Our forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel were stick with your fill. It too, and I will see you tomorrow. Doublets they were from the west. Would one part gas network.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-16.