« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/16/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, if someone wanted to destroy America, they would elect Joe Biden as president. They would fund and re-arm Iran and the Palestinians. They would throw the southern border wide open. To destroy America they would do exactly what they are doing now. Also, we have a fifth column in America and the media are a big part of it. We have allowed these colleges and universities to take our money and we're told we can't touch them. Yes, we can defund them. We have no obligation to fund a fifth column that supports Hamas and Marxism. Later, former Israeli PM Ehud Barak spent the last year behind the Israeli left's civil war efforts against the current Israeli government, including organizing opposition to the government with the IDF and even Mossad. You have to wonder the extent to which he and the movement he led caused Israel's enemies to decide this was the right time to attack, as he was distracting so many in Israel due to the upheaval. His contribution to the Israeli war effort now is appearing all over U.S. media trashing the Israeli government, which is a unity emergency government, while his country is at war and young IDP soldiers are preparing to invade Gaza, where there will be high casualties. Barak is hardly a sober voice to discuss the war or any aspect of it.  Afterward, Antony Blinken is now on 2nd trip to Israel and has been meeting with PM Netanyahu for 7 hours so far, most likely trying to tie his hands and get him to bend to Biden’s demands. The media keep asking how Hamas can keep firing missiles into Israel with all the Israeli bombing. The answer is that Israel is being told by Biden via Antony Blinken not to hit schools, mosques, or hospitals in Gaza even though Hamas is firing missiles from those sites. And apparently Biden is trying to dictate all kinds of terms with Israel as a condition of receiving certain kinds of military weapons and other needs. Now we also know why the invasion of Gaza has been delayed. Finally, Caroline Glick calls in to discuss the state of the Israeli war and Biden's policies.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command, both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The
the The america mark levey near our number, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! Something very clear- and I do this programme her my tv sure my play, show or write books for the left wing for the marxists for the media.
I do it for you and people actually care about this country, if now revealed themselves Donald trump said tat, When the american media have actually been mild and then their little, creepy, democrat party funded sites like mediate and media matters, and many more than that they ve all. Now, posed themselves as in our country and supporting our enemies, foreign and domestic. They're out there publicly, their names are now known. Their organizations are now known their donors for the most part or known how we know who they are the same people who want to Donald trump in prison for the rest of his life by the way I keep hearing this line. Well, how marsh that's
all the palestinian people. I suggest son and I guess that goes for the I was standing authority which is run by terrorist. MC jihad and all the rest tat the palestinian people, These terrorist groups are just happen to take over all these Territories all these countries and so forth palestinians can't rise up and overthrow them? Let me just say this this had been gone for a very, very long time. A very very long time. So, where are all the palestinians between the wars and during the wars who set of groups,
in the united states or elsewhere, condemning taken place and others a few. I know there's a few, the few and look at the disgusting hypocrisy. The media that covered world war two never even asked these questions, they rhythm put forward these opinions. Look the people Germany, there not all nazi, he can't help it. What are they supposed to do? The people in japan, Then are all common causes, you know what are the people of Japan supposed to do.
And on and on and on. Why is this even on the radar. If the israelis wanted to blow every palestinian in the middle east of the face the earth they would have done it already. How come over at cnn MSNBC in the new york slimy the washed and compost and all the others, reuters and a how come they never mention. If these railways wanted to destroy the palace, indians they have the wherewithal to do it and they would do it now before anybody else gets nix. how can they don't say that Then, how come our media previously didn't? Ask the questions or make the statement but the media today do. And how can we had presidents before conducted themselves much
Differently than Joe Biden. I know, what's going on behind the scenes, but Biden talks. To these rallies, when blink and over there we're gonna have a guest on Carolyn glare, One of the great columnists in israel- and ask some of what's going on behind the scenes. Have you ask yourself why these where they keep going is rather show solidarity with Israel. but why they meeting with the palestinian authority, why they meaning The Jordan, why they meeting all of these people to keep the peace what are they telling israel behind the scenes? Israel, really I the bite administration at once the arms that simple it wants the arms. but to watch drake tapir over the weekend? I didn't watch him. I heard little clips, he is discussed. Tokyo arose type he just this.
Civilians are civilians, he says really The problem is, Hamas, doesn't look at it that way. civilians, their own people are fodder, the jews needed Burned literally, the kapital dismembered and burned. You have to be Cold blooded also be jake tapir the rest of the american media. It sickening. They covered up the holocaust. Another play moral equivalency here. Jake show me one palestinian baby. Indy decapitated by the by the hour, after show me one show me one
and, of course, we have a fifth column in our own country in the media, is a big part of it. and we ve set ourselves up for this. We allow these getting. Universities like all of our money, are they rubric of academic freedom and freedom? which they don't honour, and I respect where till we can't touch them course. What can touch them? We need Fund them something I've been talking about now for several years floating in america, marxism we The obligation to fund a fifth column that supports marxism, the communist chinese, whether institutes, and Hamas and the other terrorists with their organizations. We have no responsibility to protect them and people seek to destroy america and participate in terrorism, download free speech, to be funded by us and our platforms in college and universities.
I mean our government is arresting pro life to protest in front of abortion, clinics. How many hamas terrorists and those with? Stu terrorists, have been arrested. For testing anywhere for anything. They throwing january six protesters, I'm really when talking about people who are violent, who in a building came out of the building story, I'd others who were on the property there are throwing them in a break for years at a time about these college campuses and their breeding of terrorism and the funding of confucius institute and these students. For peace in palestine or whatever the hell, they call themselves.
there's a piece called the Hamas network in america, short history of by extremism, dodgy w that EU lorenzo rodina or video published this month. You better watch his back because nobody safe anymore now. Here's what he says about Hamas, it's the very, very small, thumbnail sketch says Hamas supporters of long operated in the united states in turn, I must occupy its enough, be I wiretaps introduced evidence. Inverse federal criminal cases clearly show the existence of a nation wide Hamas network engage and fund raising lobbying education and propaganda dissemination dating back to the nineteen eighty. You know it's refreshingly We once had an fbi either did this sort of thing
I basically saying maggie republicans are the greatest threat we face, because I write wires. Seamen intelligence agencies that are going more more domestic disgrace. The network form its existence and nineteen. Eighty eight, when it created the Palestine committee in the u s, but don't worry all citizens are bad committees calls included, quote increasing the financial and moral support for Hamas Fighting surrendering solutions and publicizing the savagery, I'm calling of the Jews and, if. as the american media has his digested, all of it right. Jake tapir, burn, Andrea Mitchell. The Palestine committee spawned several public facing organizations, most of which are based
the cargo dallas in Washington DC, they included the purpose: islamic association of palestine. There actual arm represented by the occupied land, fun, which later in the holy land foundation and the think tank United association of studies and research night, Ninety three, the fbi, wiretapped a meeting of top hamas activists in the u s held in philadelphia. I've talked about this many times the wired, show internal discussions on how to of activities in support of Hamas within the united states and how to shield them the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organisation. You, space time ass activates agree that hiding their affiliation and intentions was the best tactic. To avoid negative consequences, quote I swear by our that wars, deception, One senior later deceive: camouflage ten, that you're leaving. Why you're
walking that away deceive your enemy it's not hoist a largest slamming flag and, let's not be barbaric talking we will remain a front. So if the thing the states governed the ban on how ass happens. We will benefit from the new hat instead of having all of our organizations classified as a both by the way one of the groups. They cry at that meeting was care scarier, which has a Solid linked to the democratic party in four years was providing training. to the federal bureau of investigation for years had ties went administration and the obama administration. over the years. The US authorities have contacted several activities to clamp down on the network, including deporting prosecuting Hamas operatives and shutting down multiple front organisations. The toothache
one designation of the holy land foundation of subsequent prosecution of part of its leadership for finally, twelve, A half million dollars to Hamas constitutes today the largest success for terrorism, financing prosecution in? U S, history, air, by the way was named, on a diet, coke and spear, or they had Checks and they had other things, but they just figure they convict and beyond reasonable doubt I dont know why, you're? U s it is time as networks and individuals have displayed a remarkable resilience and many of the corrective The palestine committee are stolen. aged and various forms of support, albeit at times purely political and not material for hamas. Individuals and networking providing various forms of support for Hamas have been active in amerika for decades. Smaller,
the palestinians who belong the muslim brotherhood networks in the Gaza strip and the west bank in fact arrived in the? U s since the sixties does, reed american universities or as immigrants and refugees Hamas, as it's true States is quote one of the wings of the muslim brotherhood in palestine: that's Hamas over time the official foundation of Hamas and nineteen eighty seven onwards. This network, recently organised itself creating a relatively large soda public facing organizations devoted, activities such as funding lobbying education, dissemination of propaganda, much like them can media might at some stage? government first designated Hamas as a terrorist organisation and ninety ninety seven use of them is conducted several activities to clamp down on that outward, but its not working is it know them
following the nineteen eighty, seven formation of Hamas, muslim brotherhood, branches and I'll shoot throughout the world activated themselves to it. ass. The newly formed organization corner do internal I released in the federal court case, eighteen. Eighty eight, the head of the palestine section of muslim brotherhood in the middle east travel to the united states we met with, fell muslim brothers to seek their support? The result of the meeting was the formation of this palestine committee, muslim brotherhood in america sub group, the moderate muslim brotherhood in the united states made mostly members of palestinian origin. They said there, airbus, Palestine is the one for the muslim brotherhood prepared armies made up from the church of Islam in the arab and islamic nations. To liberate its and from the abomination and the deferment of the children of the Jews, the palestinians, never ever had claimed the land. They are on right now, I'll be right back
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If you wanted to destroy america, you do a few things. You'd, like Joe Biden, president. He would surround himself with obama ites lincoln in the autumn, the other morons you would fund and re arm you would find in re arm the palestine it's all of whom are good. Of course throw our border wide open. So, as of the last two weeks, thirty iranians sixty syria. thirty five pakistani, two thousand chinese. Several our on our watch list or are to be watched, and over a million several you gotta ways. If you, they destroy america. You would do exactly what we're doing right now. I want you to know more about Hamas, so
You can see these people on cnn and MSNBC, and you can. Here what they say. You need to understand that they are either regular indirectly willing recipients of propaganda from Hamas. Here in the united states I'll be right back the have you been
Need to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there, but who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v: I n this six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta. Precious metals dot com
marks, nothin and unapologetic patriot and unapologetic constitutional, lest you can reach him at eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one one round it does to the rescue here He brought in hundreds of americans from Israel, and he said something which took a lot of guts and is very true costs. New york times hates him, because the new york times haters and hates the Jews has demonstrated during the holocaust through scholars a written about it, I've written about and the more arms defend what took place, The new york times have read a damn thing knew at times even apologized in two thousand one sort of. So the Santer says we shouldn't accept,
Estonians from the gaza. They're all anti semitic, This offence, the Hamas supporting media in america- and you might imagine new york, slimes constipated news network, washington posts are all quite offended,. Tell me boys tell me why Washington, post how many give a bureau in in Gaza, you don't. Why not many new york times you have a bureau in Gaza. Why not. Have a bureau in tehran? What's it all about? Why don't they have bureaus the bureau's in tehran and Gaza, because they could kill. That's why
The Santer says: you're should not accept refugees from Gaza. he says I don't know what you're binds. Dear, but we cannot accept people from Gaza in this country's refugees. I'm not gonna. Do that feel if you, at how they behave while here we have and here's the audio twelve go. Also, I will say- and I don't know what is going to do, but we cannot accept people from into this country as refugees? I am not going to do that. If you look at how they behave. Not all of them are Hamas, but they are all. anti semitic, none I believe in Israel's right to exist. None of the arab states are willing to take, you know any Of then, the arab states should be taking them. If you have refugees, you don't fly people and import them into the united states of america. So we're gonna be very strong on that and I think about our country. See these demonstrations
Pouring Hamas in the united states of america, how did we get to the point where people out there doing that you get reports of babies being murdered all this other stuff, and your first instinct is to go out and praise the terrorists. who perpetrated that your students at harvard signing letters, say: praising Hamas for doing it. We ve, Some serious problems in this country. We have allowed a lot of these problems to fester, but I'm I view, is very simple: if you don't like this country, you hate amerika? You should not come to this country. We ve gotta, start being smart about this Two percent correct let's see how cnn, Response to this disease, it is his characterisation of Gaza. Residence is not supported by public pulling on the ocean pal. You say in July
In a joint paul by the pro israel organizational Washington institute very left wing fifty poorest, and of gazans agree that called Hamas should stop calling for israel's destruction and instead except a permanent two state solution based on then team sixty seven borders. What what does that have to do? but the Santer said mister produce here other anti semitic. So there are seen and looking very, very much her. That's that's he's he's wrong, so column, a racist, and I can date. This poll doesn't contradicted anything to say this, Has nothing to do with what he said? he said there not all come ass. He was from a two state solution are aware: how could they take a pole on what they think about Jews. Now, ladies and gentlemen,
You you're, like our critical race theory effort in this country by the left in america by the democratic party in american guess what in every local sure we're palestinians live. I don't care it's under the palestine, the authority under Hamas, where it is every location in the Middle east, where palestinians will have they learned hey jews, they learned. they choose, they learn anti semitism and that's that's a passageway pudding the videos, are all on the internet. You can look at sea and by you all cause you're you're. Disgrace. You disgusting and remit but that cnn reporters, I did right away with the president of Israel, hers, I've, member that. But what about the civilians over there and go a tank hadn't, even gaza. Yet this is a week ago rival, geo p, predator presidential candidate Nicky Hayley on sunday. Listen to this responded
said the remarks by saying the united states quote has always been sympathetic to the fact that you can separate civilians from terrorist, adding it's what americans have to do following the harassing hamas attack? He's not answering them either. She is an ambulance, chaser she's she's as bad as advocated round the swami as far as I'm concerned, but I was you and for two years I know that you at the? U n, you know new york city, but lesson of this she's playing the left wing car. You said you didn't say, there's a french, between Hamas and civilians. He's We should not taken any body from Gaza, because the estonians or anti semitic wiser controversial for Nicky early. I understand cnn and the new york times all these other slobs I got back and we're most
these people live there point out a palestinian within ten miles by the way, I'm just saying. You have to realise that whether we are talking about gazans and palestine- allah them, don't you have here for them The time that I was there didn't want to under Hamas role. They didn't wanna, have terrorists over seeing that they need. They were living a terrible I'd, because I am not that doesn't answer woods. It's a set either. that doesn't answer anyone. The scientists and others goes on CNN have used the attacked, argue for a hard line, immigration policies and stronger board. security near see what I mean just sickening. This is. The democratic party hates america. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the umbrella group for the media It is the umbrella group for the hum swaying in the democratic party,
congress and elsewhere. It is the umbrella group for Judging universities in their tenured marxist, that's why Tell you, the democratic party hates my all our so controversial over here barge another. We can't put that book at the front window no way. so Nicky hayley doesn't answer dissenters, see an end as an aid to decide this. They say things that have nothing to do with what the santa said. In fact, he wouldn't really disagree. Well, when Nikki Haley said said so she twisted why I don't trust her. If you not going to stand up now. I call a spade paid than when the hell are you. What are you has the time to recognise whose hope- and what's what yes and finish my
hamas information, MR producer, you bored with that, can find the damn thing here. It is So there they its meaning further taping their tapped. If the internal strategy, the report go, this is the hum. Network in america put out this month. this is a meeting in philadelphia twenty years ago, the internal Prodigy the committee this palestine committee, aimed at mobilizing america muslim community to support Hamas, meaning participants. that they could also play an important role in aiding the group by influencing american public opinion in policy making I fired in particular stressed the need to increase the committee's code influence with congress unquote, and they have a foothold in congress. Let's not play games,
said quote- this- can be achieved by simple trading: the american media outlets, universities and research centres. This is now An analysis this is them caught on tape. He continued his to achieve by working with islamic political organizations and sympathetic ones such as the american muslim alliance, such as the united muslims of america, such as the month muslim public affairs council, still calling it muslims and gay muslims engage in political activism and american started to be concerned with congress and public relations, we will have an entry, point two used and the pressure congress and the decision makers in america, corn on quote the development of a careful Crafted media strategy defending hamas without giving the impression of voice of supporting violence. Was deemed to be one of the most important aspects of the committee's public relations camp. Mr perry remember many years ago,
really when I was starting out over twenty years ago? This group, air used to try and get talk, show host, fired. Remember what I said: try it and on you, and I will see you for interference with my contract and I will hose you and I will see who all your contributor and we'll get your texts who will get your emails I'll get a red everything you ve ever created and ever hope to create, and they say is far away from me as possible. They were picking off. Conservative talk show us. There are monitored. They were recording the shows they were putting it out beckett Razors, look at this time. I like it, I said, bring it on not a word mr produce remember. This is why it's a front group- and I said- and I won't settle- I'm not
Settle, I will chase you down on discovery, the ends earth thankfully knew what they were When I had appeared on cnn and talked in the way that he spoke, this greatly reduces the severity allegations of radicalism. See they have. They are media figured out all of our enemies do I made statement refer to the appearance of a few weeks earlier, of an ip public relations directly method, or I a wad on cnn as for I wanted advanced hamas, has pointed view with words that were palatable to the american public, this is the guy. The runs care now. Did the media savvy acquired, followed up on our minds, words, their presentation and the media strategy, stressing the importance of quote training and qualifying individuals, the branch the community's on media activism, through a holding spare Courses on the media and calling him and highlight
the importance of writing up eds and prominent american newspapers Strategies long been heeded by: u s basic hamas activists upon their return to the middle east factor, as few years form. A. U s. Palestine committee had my suit mars, Zook and former yasser director of my job is to go currently senior political advisor to the palestinian prime minister. Ishmael annual have pop several editorials and prominent american newspapers, such as the washington post, the new york times, los angeles times using tones that are quite different from Those they use in arabic. discussions in the meeting that nineteen, nine three for meeting made it clear that part. spends fully understood that if, within the muslim community, they decided to openly and unabashedly supported Hamas when dealing with the general,
but can policymakers they needed to take a more nuanced position quote? Is the wire tat picked up? We can't an american organization say we represent summer, spelled backwards, explain My men? Can we, Do they congressmen and tell him here sarcastically, I am. akhmed chairman of the union, Yasser Arafat, represent me by Hamas, spiritual leader, shut, Yes, and does other participants agreed the simulating the dissimilar the committee's real aims feelings when dealing with americans was a necessary tactic, quote again picked up by the wire. I swear by Allah the wars. Deception said about backer. We are fighting our enemy with a kind heart deceive camera. prepare that year? leaving while you're walking that way deceive your enemy. I agree with your politics as a completion of war said, I
displaying a remarkable knowledge of class wits comment, further elaborated at will cars position comparing the descent. and the group was to use with ahead fake used by basketball. Players quote. He makes I believe that he's doing this while he does something else. This is the fbi recordings. Are these guys. I've been unable bikers calls for dissimulation were heeded by other participates. One argued quote opinion, we must form a new organization for activism, which will be neutral because we are, in a corner and, I believe whose care they created, among others, we replaced they called. It is known who we are. We are marked- and I that there should be a new neutral organization which works both sides and other unified speaker agreed highlighting the need creating a new organization. I will be quoted. Official us cover representing the islamic community.
Will also serve as a cover for the existing organizations. In case they got dissolved. You see we're up against. this need to be cleaned up. These groups These shut down with terrorism and terrorist links. and these bastards need to be thrown out of our country for terrorists. There. Certainly terrorists, wannabes beer back then Have you been way
I buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there, but who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v I and two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta. Precious metals dot com
So this group they wanted to create influence. Our media politicians in our schools basing their judgment on ample evidence. U authorities believe the organization it be. The council on american islamic relations or care, which was in washington dc a few months after the thought of humanity. In fact, I a omar ass man and public relations. Director knee was a wide. Both members of the I was standing committee who had attended the philadelphia of immediate became respectively chairman, emeritus and executive director, rafik jabbar, who had been I pay. President also became a family director care, while former I peace employ Abraham hooper that little putz. I remember him became cares, directive, communications,
gosh on a she. The treasure the holy land foundation became the family board. Member of cares texas, chapter Evidence introduced and the doubts trial show the holy land foundation also transferred funds to care for cancer. Link services, there's a nice big check that shows that they got it you, check out, cares website today. I think its care doc, see, I got comes, I did it my platform see what their promoting today rallies all over the country rallies to defend the palestinians. They said We're leaving collar rally thirty days ago, they're calling rallies. Now I have explained here now on tv students, for This is called peace in palestine must produce. I can remember, for justice in palestine
help expose them and everything related to them. They come out of the same meal. You never words this this meeting the terms, linked organisations these people who promote Hamas, they fun the students for just some palestine among other groups, they ve on care care now is get is out there. This whole damn thing all these protests on our streets god knows how many students are in this country, stay there, visas are haven't overstay, their visas have been accepted in this country. Here's the thing if, I'd were present during world war. Two nazis would become ended in his country, many saboteurs becoming into that country. Franklin, roosevelt, rounded up one hundred and twenty thousand innocent men, women and children of japanese heritage, but Joe Biden, he be letting everybody in this country. Why?
it will be saying: look at all. Germans are not yet we know that, but that's not the point I'll be right back this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again.
for listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The number of hostages is now two hundred and fifty or more as these numbers keep going up. The number of dead americans murdered is thirty. Three. And by not sixty minutes telling Israel, you know, should you defeat Hamas and they will. They should occupy So he's already stabbing them in the back here to keep his big mouth shut.
Then the support we, the american people, want them. They had but keep your mouth shut. Could you mixed messages. You said Suggest the islam or nuts regime in tehran you send messages. hezbollah and Hamas, the palestinian authority, you send them billy, dollars here, held to account to ladies and gentlemen, and I learned. These guys that have a hood barrack on a hood bureaucracy, disgraced former prime minister of Israel, who is going to give them the whole country away to yasser air. and the p o o goodness tat little rat said no, it wasn't enough. Why could say what the whole thing so a hood barrack very unpopular in it Yeah he's behind the effort and has been for them last year that almost caused a civil war in that country.
He and these minority parties, like Lapierre party in the us and the airport, try to overthrow the net, who government in that, its even worse than that they were using farm money. They have these. Some strike they eat carriage the idea. not to listen to any commands by their prime minister mossad in others,. And you know- and this thing is done- and over other things. America and Israel needs to look at the role of the marxist left, their media, ehud Barak and the others. The people who funded them la peed in the rest. In distracting a nation there was now, Fighting for survival internally, let's much like art here, liberals in our own country, on tv and elsewhere that wasn't for.
Yeah really well, let's get to the bottom of this. The time will come when we can, or they can do not now, but people give a platform I heard broccoli even know what they're giving a platform for he gets on it. starts trashing the government in Israel, they should have known they should enough, maybe so our government No, maybe we should have no, maybe so here also leading a civil war against the current government in Israel and urging the idea to join you in some generals, retired general. and others said they would not support Any orders coming out of the government. And some even a most side and there and tell other intelligent active, said the same thing. While you're set your country up, archer and now at there in the middle of war, a who'd brok is out there trash him. A government takes no Spots ability for anything, I don't forget anything.
Except that there's my wife, my wife, a really. What were we doing it? I one what from whom I target other than that I dont forget anything: pga media, robert spencer g, watch title everything you need to know about the israeli occupation. That is everything the left won't tell you your mouth to great peace, There will be peace in the middle east if Israel just ended its occupation right. That's what the squad Should you think, anyway, that's what american media wants to make this statement the three primary members of this winsome left this house coalition and hamas massacres in Israel and the distinct odour of kant? Talking points. yo see you should a statement that said, I condemn Hamas as attack in the strongest possible terms. That's a good start. He says, but she then turn on a dime to blame it on Israel on going up
action and occupation sea of Israel would just ease up on the poor palestinians. Of course,. have no anti semitic bones in their bodies. Jihad is what all open, restaurants in shops and peace, with dawn upon the region, To be outdone, there was omar, of course, democrat mogadishu. We now know that we know the occupation is systemic apartheid or a violation of international law must then rashid to leave The newly from powers, by so called We, the palestinian israeli lives, lost today and every day, I'm determinants, I read a fight for justice, blah blah blah. The path of their future must include. Lifting Blockade, ending the occupation, dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating you know open prison. They come.
By the beginning of the twentieth century, ready. Let me start earlier than that. He says if Israel is occupying palestinian land, can you please explain the basis in international law for palestinian ownership of this land? They all like soon that there is a previous palestinian state and that the israelis occupied and destroyed, but in reality there has never been a palestinian state of any kind. Ever at any point in world history, There's been a region known as palestine since one thirty or a d, when the roman supplied the name to the land that had previously been known as judea. That is the line. the Jews and, in fact the jews used to be called the palestinians, but Arafat starlight but palestine was akin to staten island. It was only the name of a region never of a people or nation by the big the twentieth century. The ottoman empire had sovereignty over the territory. That is now Israel and supposedly occupy
land as well. The item Empire was, however, by this time, is the sick man of europe nineteen twenties and the nineteen twenties just before the powerful, altogether conceded, control of palestine and the land they can. We known as trans jordan and our joy. into the league of nations, Jordan is one hundred years old. That's it twenty four nineteen twenty two: the lay granted administrative control over these territories to Britain, with specific instructions to create quote ash cloud for the jewish people. Unquote, that's nineteen! Twenty two. Britain immediately turned over seventy seven percent of the mandate to the arabs to create jordan. remained generally committed to establishing a jewish nationalism and the remainder This was known as the mandate for palestine sometimes left us.
point to it as the palestinian state that supposedly predated israel, but this claim relies on the ignorance of the fact that this british territory and explicitly set aside for a jewish settlement. Nine years for the founding the modern state of Israel in nineteen thirty, nine lag palestine sports, a star David. The state of Israel was founded in nineteen. Forty eight immediately had to fight a war for survival against the surrounding arab nations that had vowed to destroy it. Then there was finally and occupation, in fact, to Egypt, occupied Gaza and george occupied judaism area, which are we named the west bank, which is why I refuse to call it the rest bank, Israel, back those territories in the six day, war, nineteen sixty seven, but that was actually ending an occupation, not starting one. Israel was occupied
The only international law governing sovereignty over those territories stipulated that they were to be part of a national home for the jewish people. So from. Was the land stolen, not from the ottomans who had seated the league of nations, not from a league granted administrative powers over it to the british, not from the british, who only had it in order to help keep created your state there, not from the palace indians, who didn't even exist until the nineteen sixties, when the kgb and yasser Arafat bestowed palestinian nationality party, a group of lemon time arabs as well article weapon to use against Israel, and it worked beautifully. the idea that Israel's occupying palestinian land was further than the ninety nine by the oslo accords to achieve and wisely seated, in which a degree door. toward the establishment of a palestinian state in so called west bank. Gaza, which would only become a new basis for more jihadists attacks, but a power.
in a state of that every created by the first ever since in history period, There is no israeli occupation in its israel that is occupied popular back then I have to tell you something that speed to the re core values as americans about a veterinary company. Only me
to make a real difference in the lives of a military members. And of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk, absolutely love. What they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation impure talk understands the sacrifices they ve made. Now they ve set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network, though, donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference. Just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks, plants started just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just A pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. This is a pure clark, dot com, slash Levin, pure talk, dot com, slash olivia and switched to pure talk today in less than ten mins
it's the right move and it's the american way times people even on our own cited dimas her particularly the isolationist where we're going to have two thousand and twenty two hundred for military. personal in his room and when you think they gonna do you think of your new grab arms in charge. The earth as a city. Now we have to carrier fleet center going to be the one right now they have what we call fighter jets We have massive arm armaments. They don't take order. from the israeli military. And these really military or not technically familiar with everything that we have so as a practical matter, With those massive mass of our model sitting out there should they need to use jets are some of our big cannons and something of that sort gets argue.
So you're gonna be speaking with our guys. because there are the only ones it actually understand, what's taking place with our guys side switch the isolationist with just zip, for once they don't know a damn thing. and honoured to have my friend Carolyn. On with us cheese to me, the premium columnist, certainly one of them in Israel and she has deep knowledge of Israel and the united states having been born here and care, click, I'm just gonna, throw it to you I'm getting concerned. They were getting confusing messages from binding and lincoln and there's been an awful lot of time in arab countries and a lot of time with the palestinian Or do you have any idea what's going on yeah. I do think so much for me on your programme a mark. I really appreciate it so much and all the incredible reporting that you ve been doing on what's happening here, so
a couple of things. One is tat. You know we have over thirteen hundred who were murdered on october seventh, but we also have another of forty, four hundred or so, we're missing, though the ultimate death toll is probably going to be closer to seventeen hundred. We also got the first them hostage. Video too The beautiful young twenty one year old, woman named mary sham, whose thing how by Hamas here, we go have to remember that just like ice and Al Qaeda Al Qaeda Samantha me now is a jihadist glue, Did you not a doctorate, have you rape, women and bring them into serve as your sex slaves. So there is a real concern about that. She was wearing all make up, kill a meal or that you are a package of april to his killed twenty fifteen.
You have airstrike was killed because she was able bugger up a body. The ices commanders sexting, tell stow there there's a lot of concern? A lot of alarm concern and and and one of the concerns raised here- that we see Japan, evil hamas, as this is a war between evil and gonna. They oppose everything we hold dear person, foremost the sanctity of life, and what are the things its most upsetting is The moral relativism day is the attempt by the media by the left to choose for some sort of moral equivalence between Hence this horrible evil and the terrorists who being targeted in in gaza by Israel and our counter offensive and one of the most alarming affix the debts of the worst thing, this moral equivalence
manifesting itself in the bite and administrations. Actions and policies in relation to Israel and our military operation here, which, which goes to two years, the question about what what we're getting from them one of the things that that I've been briefed on that I that I've come to understand is that you don't know, or both president Biden and secretary of defense, lloyd Austin both the here and secretary of state, twenty blankenheim sure. Now, for the second time. under a week have pledged to I'd israel with the munich,
is that we need in order to successfully prosecute this war, but it works out that that approval of a the procurement is almost on a case by case basis that they're parsing the support and in a way that conditions it on It's all good behaviour and their conditions on the. U s military assistance are, making it very difficult, if not as practical matter impossible for us to achieve our warriors. Can this be part of the reason why there is a delay and we hear whether we hear the troops were green. We hear this. We hear that can possibly be In part the least that the israeli lead. pass to check with the united states leadership or the united states. Leadership is trying to pull them back or things of that sort going on. Do you think
We here I'll, give you two examples. One is today we had for missile strikes, oncology, one or two in jerusalem so, though, thought are not just being shot from he'll base, as we would have hit a metal. Basically, dismissal based issue there being shot from underneath you and schools and hospitals in gaza, and that the fact that these goals, I have been transformed into missile. Launching sites makes them military targets. It also, of course, shows just how absurd for the EU and to act as though some sort of independent organisation and guard them under completely subordinate to Hamas terrorists, but a beer it may be. The bride in illustration is apparently prohibiting Israel from bombing those markets. Headquarters is beneath she for hospital in Gaza and the united states is
demanding that israel not tat. She felt, even though that military headquarters of the terrorist organisation, that's waging a genocide war. Again, though, these are the three two things and then the other aspect of it is that we want to make sure that we don't play some after curve or force and some of the places that we have to before we can go in, require both bunker buster bombs, because what we see above this the ground in Gaza, is only a small part of of what Has the vast majority of their war machine, is an end in a network of underground warrants. Some of them are rather deep and they require they want. You know if you go old schooling and just put beginning burma with gas Nobody wants to do that and we need bunker pastors and the americans are apparently again condition
the ban on something else, which is a euphemism for red supply of Hamas, referred to it. monetary, and aid for lincoln was the war cabinet today reportedly demanding that Israel permit. The so called monetary and aid into Gaza and he threatened. This is the open media, it's already been reported that, would lose international support. If we deny and a cherry and aid in Gaza, and the thing is that ITALY, I didn't under international law is: let's way right there we're gonna come back. Caroline like this is very, very important after the break in cup, where she left off I'll, be right back. I have to tell you something that thanks to the very core of our values, as americans about a veterinary.
winning on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk, I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, l e v. I n and make the switch let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well visit a pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, pure talk, dot com, slash
alivia and switch to pure talk. Today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way, the fun beer on the right. Galway, no, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight wide one, caroline Glick is with me: caroline glick blinking, it has been meeting with ned now for seven hours war he's a diplomat. I suspect. What he's doing in there is pounding the table trying to get Netanyahu to bear to their demands on targets: weaponry probably receiving a number of threats by the scenes, while the by an administration is out front, acting tough sunday too No major ass ships and their accompanying ships with them is out. What's going on
well that's what I am hearing in their also. What's being reported and eggers echoes what were talking about regarding the humanitarian aid, the main thing that's being discussed by the and making it very clear that his he's making these demand for this role is that there are a couple hundred trucks the egyptian side of the border with Gaza. Now everybody wanting to prevent humanitarian disaster for today. In Gaza. The one way to do it is to pressure each in egyptian president of fifty two to accept gotham. as refugees in the sinai across the border, because then they will be immune from the israeli the israeli military operation in Gaza, that's the only to do it in the only utterly
Border with gases with Israel and it would create it is absurd to think that we would allow people who are waging war against to seek refuge in our territory that justin but I want to hold I wanna Honan. I want to hold in there's a seven hour meeting going old, lincoln here from other sources and I'm hearing directly from you had in fact the united states is tying Israel's hands. That will you during those. That's what I'm here, yes answered this injustice monitoring aid. What is humanitarian aid? I said in the previous segment that Hamas is bombing is from underneath schools in Gaza right underneath you and schools, and got that there is not one installation one individual in Gaza who is not under the complete control of hamas care not one of them will be the ones in charge of all of these trucks that will be coming into guy. and there is no way of inspecting the mood, can inspect them. To save me, you and inspectors too,
who live by by at the pleasure of Hamas who's gonna inspect. and makes a union weapons may be coming in anything becoming in and by the way the trucks themselves are weapons, and so any any time they concern is another weapon for Hamas, even if its anti that baby formula did. They claim is in those trucks there won't be gone the hostages, the baby's they're holding half the job don't go to, whoever Much wants to give it to the same with the food, the same with everything with a few of the fuel, is gonna, be you know. Going generators and refrigerators to feed passages? That's the real humanitarian crisis in Gaza that they're holding two hundred half the Jews americans to over twenty american. This is little urgent hostage crisis- america thing in decades, so you know this is proof of how much is it
rates of of evil, and the united states think that that humanitarian, humanitarian assistance to provide hamas with direct aid, which brings us back to international law. Could the binding demonstration keeps insisting from the outset We expect this to adhere to the laws of war, that democracy will be united states. They breaching them by demanding humanitarian aid, be to deliver to Gaza because finding you and security council thirteen, seventy three from two thousand and one bar All you and member state it was drafted by the united states, bars everybody from providing direct or indirect assistance to terrorists, and that is precisely what the It is now demanding that Israel do breach international law. even here, I'm looking at the blaze It says you, an agency responsible for supporting palestinian refugees, is accused of trying to provide cover Hamas amre release the statement on sunday accusing Hamas is stealing fuel and critical medical supplies from its compound in Gaza city and they ve since pull that tweet
they took it off these social media right there, I thought they might get a little bit of attraction on that first, air, canada from I've them askance and they pulled it off immediately because they live at the That's the whole point. There is no such thing as humanitarian assistance. The Gaza, it with the plight of Hamas and that's what the united It is demanding that israel undertake, which means that, as we have hundreds of thousands of soldiers now point at the border In they to the united states is demanding that we provide the Hamas with resupply that can be used to kill art soldiers. I knew something was wrong because I don't by and all this Carolyn click. He re arms around here we are the palestinians, still rearming. Let me as a cut a single penny from IRAN or the palestinians river, of course, on the trump policies.
And he also stabs had roused, is Roma back and says he doesn't recommend they occupy there. What do you mean occupied with israeli before these gave it away now. That said, doesn't israel to make decisions about its own war, how to power commit acts. A peace all I'll say things of that you're gonna have by buying blew up I've. Ghana stand here, he. He blew up russia and ukraine, china is poised to invade taiwan, and these guys sit around these ivy league although he is not even ivy league and play war games who's gonna! Go where don't hit test on hit that it's a while borders wide open for god's sakes? I am very worried about, did you have anything else. You want to do a firearm, is that you know it seems to me that the american people should also have to have a say in the you know. I speak all the time to the american media and the outpouring of support that is
receiving by the way, those two thousand you its forces that are coming to the regional aren't coming to Israel or not combatant. Let mean they're not combat soldiers. I know it. Where they're going it's what I said there there in case. ships are, our jets have to take action or not. They're not gonna, take What is from the israeli military, I'm just tired! That's why they're they're they're they're good, we are going to coordinate with ourselves as is necessary. That's why they're there to do it I think I'll say they know back in two thousand and fourteen congress path. Poor mental aid to Israel in the provision of iron dome missiles which, by the way, the united states stipulated in our agreement with them that all the missiles have to reproduce in the united states. So we definitely need resupply of those and have our air force or bombs that are produced in the united states m. and obama didn't want it, but he was forced to sign because you had The woman congressional support for the measure- and so he was gonna veto. It
And here you know, I think that the congress could also play a role in and for a solution, for instance regarding an unconditional support for it the victory had been need to reconquer gaza war. Who knows what will do if the day after? But it is clear that a terrorist organ of any kind of appeal not come about? Anybody can be in charge of security. Thereby, it'll just be a matter of time and it'll work Israel's regional pasture. So I think there are three Important, I noted the american people, so many are standing with Israel and with good against evil the an under standing that the evil also resides in the united states in the form of all the people supporting him off and college campuses and streets of europe's cities. I think there are so many good american parents important. You know too too, to be told that the durban, who was should know that no it's being there that is expected to to keep its word
and stand with Israel and enable us to defeat Hamas, but you can't do that by. Pretending away the nature of the eu well that we're facing and I I'm just saying again- hamas and hezbollah, north Hamas, in the south. The other ran where were you, wanna, be, I suppose, and then you have an ally in the united states where these State who is a complete disaster and obama, an obama Sitting down there with the primary seven hours, That is a long and high seven hours, and then I told him about some peace agreement. Then I may tarmac diplomacy, He's there delivering the message. I just one more thing your time is very short. You know I've been playing condolence calls it the homes of soldiers we ever family funeral for poor young woman company was killed, it did the damp party, but these soldiers who gave their
I've! No one from the border. I mean there is no force in the world. That's more courageous More driven, then our soldiers, these people well gave their lives in the most heroic ways october: seven to save hundreds, Hundreds of people who otherwise would be captive now in Gaza or be dead and with her It is banned and I dont firewall and you know it, we're talking about a country of cowards who want the united states to come in and save us all. We're asking is for the means to do the job ourselves. That's what the united states always pledged to Israel. That's what it's pledge has always been to provide us with them to defend ourselves by ourselves and that our hour of need is now then we need those arms and we don't need conditions place come in. We are moral, good god, fearing people,
and we are America's most steadfast ally in the middle east and anything happens to us he's going reflect poorly on the united states and we thank everybody for their support and just please stand with us now. You'll be safe over there I know you're in and around jerusalem, but I'm not going to be specific for your own safety. bless you, my friend, and people you can go. You can go to her site, which is really very informative. She gets a lot of inside information, has very very sound and wise thinking- and I be carolyn, spotlight, caroline click that com caroline, like dad connemara caroline take carrier so that org, where air added I gang, I got it. I want to get you people, Your site might take care. Thank you. I god bless. You believe this american.
He's doing the israelis what he's doing to our border patrol. This guy's two faced he's bad news: he's gonna go go over. There would not Netanyahu. Like he's the great savior, then I'm gonna make a bet. The democratic party media won't like this, but I'm gonna make a bet. Those were winding up in many of his campaign- commercial, just I'm just making a bet unbelievable seven hours were blink, and that is bad. I'll, be right, back Ben I have to tell you something: It speaks to the re core values as americans about a veterinary company on me
and to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v. I n and make the switch let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. These are pure talk: dot com, slash levant, pure talk, dot com
ellie vienna and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way listening to this programme for years hope many of you, but some of you Since the tat by the islam or nazis. The hamas nazis against the Jews, felicity every evening you ve learned more in what is it now? Fourteen days when I read is not fourteen days, maybe ten days, getting away from me and your entire life about. Let's go. On the history: the middle east, the history there. at times of the rest of the press, the history of these so called palace. Indians and say history, the land history of Hamas in our own country, the history of students for justice. Palestine, how they all hamas and terrorist, linked front groups that you sing
tv. You ve learned almost nothing from the media, almost nothing in fact, from I would like the times the post and the rest of the reprobates you're being fed propaganda. That's fed to them. That's fed to them. and tonight the breaking story, is from caroline click. As many sources in Israel has one ray columnists over there during the information that blinking and buying Cobb Netanyahu several times lincoln, whose nowadays can trip that Israel has been, Seven hours would not jago they're trying to tie Netanyahu's hands now, and he can't really publicly. So the great diplomatic effort is against IRAN, its against Israel, and this president Biden has put.
Israel, in a box. The way he's put us in a box with an open border. I've been saying to them. But gets hold capitol hill if their election, jordan speaker by now, what the hell is wrong with your paper gates livestock is on fire and initiate a man again the other seven bone heads Get a fight their way out of this. Let's get it done our borders, Somebody's gotta do something about and there's no counter, there's no balance to the executive branch give an example, and not just the executive branch Judicial, this tanya chunky he issued a ruling today, the first in american history. And the media says you know trunks. half of what do you want? None donald trump is,
allowed to criticise the prosecutor and the project asked his favorite judge for like that in more, he was way over the but he knows he hit the lottery with this drug disappearing, What is never accepted. Anything like this, its role that the lawyers have they keep their mouths shut, but if you're, a defendant and they're coming actual guns blazing and you think what's going Is unconstitutional? You have every right away, I in the process and even the job when you're running for president of the united states of europe folks, you ve heard me about hills, down college, giving away free copies of the constitution
washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day, they have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your for for my listeners in soon? So, if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com. Every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy, in hillsdale college girl, Levin for hillsdale dot, come right now, complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies. Last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy. Now at Levin for hillsdale dot com. That's l, easy! I am free hills, del backup.
he's here now: broadcasting the monopoly underground can impose the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader lie america and those of you to listen to this programme. Why? Israel has not done enough. intensive against Gaza. Yet, and that is because the the by demonstration, is telling them what they can and cannot do if they want certain weapons. and so the incursion has been delayed Israel's trying to persuade the united states no out to have certain weapons like bunker busters, there being told where
and where they cannot use the bunker buses. And the reason why in our media so stupid, they keep asking. How is it that they can keep fine missiles Israel, with all these bombings taking place, because he's missiles as carolyn collectors tolerable, five from under hospitals, schools, mosques. And those types of civilian facilities. and apparently the united states by through blimken, is telling Israel. You can't use bunker busters for those. So this tiny little country has its hands tied behind it back being told how to fight the war. even though publicly the administration says we have you, active to do what I have to do. But if you win you can occupy it. even though it was their land before they gave it to the
Peace, loving palestinians. the same time. The raid same administration that concerned about that. Funded iran to the tuna seventy billion dollars funded the palestine and to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of millions of ours of which had been cut off by trump And they haven't stop this single died from, To IRAN or the palestinians- and they prop up qatar- he's given hundreds and hundreds of millions in over the decade billions to Hamas, with iran, And Hamas is leadership, now is living in and protected by qatar and turkey. And was thirty american slaughter as part of this big slaughter body.
Hamas, nazi terrorists, who are funded by qatar in IRAN, whose leadership is protected by turkey and qatar, we ve changed any policies towards any those countries, none of That Israel's now being told what can and cannot do without a lot of questions for them media, because the meter and our interests in the facts might destroy. The narrative, surely will destroy the now. The egyptians have blocked the main passageway. As you know we broke it. Here. For the gas and citizens to leave, they have also blocks and full, but there's three trucks: big truck.
and the israelis say we need to know what's in those damned things beforehand: no, no, no, no, no! It's food, it's medicine and so forth, and so on, because they don't want all kinds of military equipment, an and and ammunition and other stuff pouring into Gaza from Egypt. You didn't hear that before you started tonight, thanks to our friend carolyn, You didn't hear before that this war was really slow down. Because of the weather, even though them he keeps telling it over and over consensus, what's fed to the air, say this data. Ok, thank you. A source tells me. Meanwhile, the israelis are eventually gonna, send their troops. these are young men. You have to understand when you have a country like what you don't have a massive standing army.
One between the age, I think it's seventeen or eighteen and forty five, as in the army, during the reserves that can be called up. many times and other being caught up, Your small business owners, waiters, waitresses, maids plumbers, electricians, truck drivers, lawyers actors whatever it is you never ever hear in this instance several days and I've been saying you never ever here. About what about their third loss of bloodgate, it's going to be tough, it's going to be a hell of a battle for me, bloody- and I am this you're gonna- have- nobody's going to visit israel on Wednesday. Why to show support, of course, while behind the scenes behind the scenes, he's undermining these railways ability to win this war, don't put an impact
this man, our borders, wide open, even though he knows it should be shut when he did the afghanis and are military in that surrender was disgusting, he doesn't care, If he carroty care about human life, much more lenny demonstrates whether it's on the border, where there was afghanistan and right now and right now. the urban battle, it's going to be very hard course it is, but Israel is told by our government make sure you feed the population, make sure you Kate. The population matrix hit a Moscow hospital. A school
don't need any those now go forward. Looking all these conditions, all these conditions that are worried Biden says that support of thanks he'll, be there in Israel standing next to net. Now that you will have to keep his mouth shut. Choking down spit already. You know he'd like to release. But they need the armaments. Why? Because it's a tiny nation with an incredibly small population, They just don't have the resources to build all their own equipment. And those usable, we gave a three and a half and they take their money and they buy the armaments from us.
the three and a half billion dollars doesn't look like a lot when you consider the binary armed iran with seventy billion dollars and for him, explained. I was as icing on the cake. What's the big deal, what's the big deal I did this environment as he did with russia invasion invading ukraine as did with the surrender in it I understand where we have this massive air force. installation this military installations. We got all kinds of intelligence and so forth, right near china right next to china,. Any surrenders the whole. Damn thing the whole damn thing.
If you use common central come to the right conclusions, you really will for use common sense, but this is why the Even as I speak today, you have a federal judge in Washington dc who issues and extraordinarily unconstitutional decision, which I hope the trump people will say in a locker tory appeal to try and get it up the supreme court. Eventually, I don't. I fully more work. Three have a political prosecution. You ve got leaks from the government of the media. You ve got what they call is speaking indictment, which lays out all the information they want to talk about, and yet the defendant can attack the prosecutor. If you ve heard of that before There is not a single supreme court decision that supports that now that we are completely corrupt judiciary, corrupt corrupt corrupt
And so all this has gone on by buying is a very evil human being very evil person he's, destroyed many lives or is attempted to bob bork clarence Thomas certain arms, long list of individuals tomorrow, reed That poor girl was so despondent. She left, states for russia, media laughter off thought. She was a joke. No, I didn't they were hiding the fact that Biden molested her when she was a staffer she went on record. She spoke. He went on record. She spoke terrible I'll, be right back then install cart, helps you get.
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from somebody who's connected. people wondering why Israel has an attack yet mother's a lotta reasons but one of them is their thing in places they want to attack, which there being told by No stage they mustn't attack. You're, not allowed to use those bunker, bumpers on schools and mosques, stores and sat on the other Even though those missiles are still being fired in israelites for the coming, and the israelis know it, but they need these bunker buster bombs. Because of all the underground passageways that that the terrorists, the naughty terrorists have and so blinking who is a complete
perform and, and they already have blood on their hands a blood on their hands from the surrender in afghanistan. The blood on their hands find us on the border with people being killed, raped, maned Soul into sex slavery and, of course, americans care what's coming over the border. Why doesn't care about his own country even and protecting the american people, so he's not gonna protect us he's not gonna, do it needs to do with Israel either. And I don't wanna hear always given all this stuff is wrong, so well I don't use it thereafter knew for certain things that he's not giving them and it. After all, it's fine who took the baton from donald trump and throat
the potomac river and should I know better with all others- obama- clients. I know better. We're going to rearm. we're going to reopen the palestinian terrorist. We're going to continue to use qatar. Who has the hum terrorists, leadership in hotels and turkey same thing: they pay no price, nothing. Even sanctions, not even threads, nothing for what they on leave. Nothing so binds gonna walk in like the great hero whose backing the israelis. Telling you what's going on behind the scenes, plus what he's done with the enemy, our enemy, some hero. The reason I ground care pain been delayed, and Israel's not gonna, admitted they're, not
made it because they cannot afford to lose. The support of the Democrats as well as the weapons is because Biden through blinkin. Is making demands that will certainly cost. Israel, a young men and women in the idea of lives, and for I know at this point there saying you can have an all out victory. This is why elections manner, I showed you Democrat party hates america, that's the book, but they hate more than america. They hate liberty, that's all in the book to its true, it's the truth. What's happening here is sickening beyond belief. Nephew
You were present the united states and you gotta report has reached it here in a daily mail that for a radiance considered a terrorist threat caught at the? U s: mexican borders crosshairs from countries with links to Iraq, war spikes She's me, Israel, wars bikes. Would you can Phone and say to your sector idea chess secure the damn border. Would you reverse course pin has nothing a fourth turanian on the terror watch, there on the terror watch list was caught trying to get into the? U s through the southern border over the weekend is, or between iran and tehran backed her group. Hamas rages on the man is his forties is the fourth arranged to be apprehended by customs officials, since the start of october
After Hamas, terrorists launched a murderous onslaught on Israel and October seven calling men women in turn by the way after nine eleven did Israel's say, hey, look. We support you, in a hard and saw anything else. We can do but just make sure. you don't hear any mosques, any schools. Any location in Afghanistan will what if they have an armaments servants over there. Well, if there's turn, we don't care, don't it iranians who cross illegally in the? U s are classed as special interest aliens, because the state department views IRAN as a hostile nation that poses a threat. National to get. This is what I mean the insanity. We re arm them a seventy billion dollar, among other things, and then and then what Now the people who come here from their considered the they need to be on the watch list
This month to men from lebanon, the homo terror group Hezbollah were arrested at eagle, pass when I catching all of them are guys, are so overwhelmed, and so we. do our border it we're doing is israeli army. What we ve done to our border patrol. We can't win this way can only lose ultimately the latest iranian taken into custody, was blending into a group of venezuelan migrants when he was located Practically three: I am on Sunday morning. He was arrested without incident. Fox news report notes just after crossing the border, hamas leader last week from qatar from our ally, qatar,. Called for a global dave jihad where's friday, just days after brutally attacking israeli civilians and terrorist attacks launched last saturday. Think about that now the fbi directors says: hey, we have a problem on our hands:
may the maggie extremists, maggie extreme Israel, Terrorism, they never have- and this is so sickening but you know Joe Biden has mentioned mega maggie extremist magda radicals, but thousand times IRAN not want, maybe maybe in hushed tones. Caught one christopher re go in this heightened environment. There's no question were seeing an increase imported threats, and we ve got to be on the lookout, especially only nine question, christopher re or using an increase in threats from jews against muslims. against palestinians whose threatening home see how it works. Not a report on the face of the earth? I will ask him that I'm asking him. whose threatening home, who are you worried about.
Worried about all those terrorist jews pouring out of their synagogues. What are you worried about how mega magazine iran? What you're worried about take inspiration from recent events to commit violence shut up. You idiot I bet love him or hate him or really really hate him. Great one is on the air at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. So we have another report. I know receive a comprehensive briefing on Israel's war aims and strategy unquote on Wednesday. This is why blank Netanyahu were meeting, in my view, for seven hours, because I had a duke it out
Lincoln holds all the cards. He will also quote here from Israel how it or conduct its operations in a way that minimizes civilian casualties unquote and allows a. Follow the citizens of Gaza lincoln says so. Israel's army, is going into urban warfare and blinking are going to tell them they to tell a blind Biden blink and how they're going to do it. Why not harming civilians. How you gonna win without taking out huh as locations on mosques and hospitals and schools. Ladies and gentlemen, I think One of the greatest threats Israel has right now and additionally, american media is Joe Biden
Oh yes, yes, yes, though, get the equipment, and but only if they comply were told. Certain types of munitions they can only get if they agree how to use them. The republicans need to get back in their get there ass in gear. We lose. country we're losing our allies. Start turning around our allies are gone. This dump. astrid finance the enemy, and I mean our enemy at Israel's enemy. Now is using the the events, which are mostly built up under the prior administration tromp as a black mally israelis, on how they're supposed to fight this war, but look martyrs, Carry groups, I got it
stupid. I say it I hear it, but that is in fixed. anything if they can't fight this war themselves and win it. You know people say we. Dont want america involved in the ground or ok great, but we don't. by telling another country Israel hour. I had a fight one and noticed this constant refrain about the civilians in gaza. The vast majority of those idea of soldiers were civilians is two weeks ago, two weeks ago,. You don't hear a damn thing about them: they don't air, how many of them die because they never talk about it. It's gonna be rough gonna- be bloody okay. So what about a guess make sure you
hit? There's you don't need that you don't do that. Don't hit that guy, they ask anybody. Listening of special forces, green bahrain infantry marines that had to do this. Can you imagine this? So I guess the prime minister's gonna have to hand out a list of dues and dance before they go in and the problem. The red, their mother going house the house what next miranda rights and just wondering. Whereas other pressure in the arab countries to take the palestinians, you could pressure them enough to take the palestinians, the peace, Palestinians almost overthrew the monarchy in Jordan, the current kings father
In a bloody civil war, he pushed him out quota called the west bank credit where many them into today. In some area. So this tiny little country S to handle all this. Comes to the united states. Okay, you ve heard them say over there, whatever they want, they have to do what they need to do, but that's not what's happening there not get whatever they want to do whatever they need to do. And now you know why there's still missiles being fired from Gaza in Israel because they come Under these no touched local and where the united states who sang job hit mosques, don't hit hospitals down head scores I guess don't even hit Hamas headquarters, which is an aspirin.
And this is what happens every time, every time here's jake tap Jake tapir has no moral bearings. What reason immoral. P, o s, that's what he is listening, this cut nine go israel. russia. Gaza is not ukraine its when situation, but cunning supplies coming off here, coming off water to civilians? What's the difference now jack s It wouldn't matter. If they are allowed to get out. Would it. It wouldn't matter if they are allowed to get out here is a difference, the differences, That Hamas is creating a situation it's what you should set. while they turned the water back on.
Let's say the israelis do everything that jake tapir ones. The dew and bind wants them the waters on electricity's on they get all the plies they need for food and medicine can imagine. This must happen. Do not hit schools do not hit hospitals do not hit. Mosques do not add anything, even though the enemy is there and purposely there. And when you go straight to ST, how The house rose by rome, you better, not kill a civilian. This is the hamas wing of our media. That's what they are they cringe when they see the videos they talk, maritime semitism, some of them they talk about that. through the Jews and yet they do now on Israel to win set supple and it's gonna get worse before it gets better memorably
the media and the democratic party work in tandem, as I wrote in the democratic party, the one and the same jake tapirs in all democratic they all protect by tommy many how many democrats have criticised? Binds iran policy? None haven't you the crowds of criticise, finds palace In authority policy, you know the moderate abbas whose a terrorist who murdered led the murder plotted it funded at the juice of munich nineteen. Seventy to tell me How many tenant cracks are criticised that none, how many critics
His rearming the enemy yoda he'd ever there there were you talking about embargo by that same pony, another get swear that six billion. They cannot defend the seventy billion. Why why? What is it with democratic power? That's what it is. Power there driven ideologically, no matter how horrible it gets. No matter, much evidence you presented. It's not the same. Democratic porridge is not. When it comes to war, they forget their hero, Harry Truman dropped to atomic bombs and I dont forum for it either I really had to do it to save american lives, but Israel jewish lives and their own soldiers. Now we're not giving you bunker busters. If you use
when a mass, but their surely missiles from. I am sorry that I give a bad pr move in the reach there. He goes again by blinking. You heard we're rich goldberg on my show now rich Goldberg's, briggs everywhere on fox, I can't say, blame them, but he used to be kind of exclusive. Thus nobody ever heard him before that is in media, but I bring These folks answer you hear them. You hear them. First, then I say: go attic on any shows your one. reason when they made the point, allow there's a big vote coming in no security council on nukes and if IRAN, that the other obama sign that bind one. I wanted to bring back. I will have the ability to- Whatever missiles at once in the southern through whomever they want hello.
Tell me cnn even talking about them. MSNBC the a p right now, they're, not talking about any of it. They want to know how many innocent civilians, the jews are gonna, kill. Iran is gonna, get a nuclear bomb on others. President he's gonna get it. Borders wide open under there's. President he's the enemy under this president, and here we set publicans and kindness. I told you guys: are my factual over and over again, you needed to impeach Biden whether he will be convicted in the senate. Not in issue number one was weapons to produce immigration, the border that they had every constitutional right to act. You don't need evidence we can see it, I'm all four chastened down the financial so great, but this understandable impacts. The united states directly.
Now they can add another article. That is the refunding the rearming. of one of our major enemies. The iranian has have explained before impeachment, Is it because of the president united states had some documents? Don't listen, federal prosecute sent another ass from all the ground. They don't see the big picture there pretender Piedmont is for exactly what's taking place her on the border, when president does damage to the body par take to the civil society. It's not about criminal prosecutions has nothing to do with them, and the payments that took Before former president's had nothing to do with finances and criminal prosecutions, it with a violation in your oath you're, not executing the laws and you're, not protecting the country.
That's number one you'll is and how much more dna number two, I sold stood alone? I move that down now number two should be Rearming our enemy. It's simple, you don't to do that. You're gonna do enormous damage and you're, not protecting us from. range acquiring nuclear weapons. That's when you are page somebody that mad gauge the eighty eight great member them the marvelous eight. Can have mccarthy. What are you a wimp where you right now. the most conservative speaker my lifetime, including all of them. With a mass of thirty percent cut massively for its part of our borders. That's not good enough.
Boy. Am I in a foul mood and for good reason- and you should be too I'll- be right back much love in the I have to tell you thing that speaks to the re core values as americans about a veterinary Being on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of a military members, and of course I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk, I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation impure talk understands the sacrifices they ve made. Now they ve set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference. Just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plants started just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l, evaluate and make the switch. Let's rally together
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This is done in a minute season, Gaza's not illegal or collective punishment, marco. sailor director, the national dress, kennedy centre. He went on twitter, and he took this issue on because you these frauds, including their administration, saying that it is. And he says no, it's not and he give several reasons for this peaks. Weighing the distinction of a central feature of the rules, war so called, is to prevent unnecessary casualties and protect innocent civilians. This is done through the applicants Three fundamental, prince principles. Stinkin military necessity and proportionality in what he means by that is, if you ve come Says hiding in schools or their wearing civilian outfits, that there is no limit to what you can do, because it's impossible to separate from the other folks and want to You I'll explore that will do more to morrow. God bless you be safe.
And I'll, see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-18.