« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/12/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, it is unimaginable that we are witnessing the slaughter and atrocities of Jews with the history of the Holocaust not that far away. We have groups like BLM and college student groups along with the usual neo-Nazis carrying signs in our city streets saying to exterminate the Jews, that Hitler was right, and carrying swastikas while defending groups like Hamas. We have voices in the Democrat Party and media outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post repeating their history of abandoning Jews just like they did during the Holocaust. We have an American president in Joe Biden who is re-arming and funding an Iranian Nazi regime that threatens our country with nuclear annihilation. This is worse than appeasement; this is giving aid and comfort to the enemy and it is suicidal to our own nation and for Israel. Not a single Arab country has offered to accept any Palestinians in Gaza, including Egypt who is spreading propaganda against Israel while keeping the gate out of the Gaza strip shut. Later, Mark is joined by Fox News Business host and author Charles Payne to discuss his new book, Unbreakable Investor, and the state of the economy under the Biden administration.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the
The The America mark Levant our number eight seven, seven, three, eight, once three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven three, once three, eight one one I was. Getting to my microphone We know that that typically, I like to be behind those microphone more than an hour before the programme, and I do prepped for this programme.
throughout the day and night, because this Programme is very. Point to me and I hope to you and I it'll waste? Your time. and the reason I was late, getting them Profound wasn't because I was shorter. operation? Now I over prepare Because I did something I've never done in twenty one years, must produce their road. The statement that I want to read you there. just posted online, and I I speak for tens of millions of americans who love our country. honestly never imagined that I would be As to the slaughter and atrocity of Jews
history, the holocaust not far away and have the spin The twenty four hours a day defending their right to self defence Which obviously requires the destruction the modern day, nazis and way against these nazis, but growing voices in the democratic party can media in college campuses obviously never thought I'd see the day when recent arab immigrants to our country some illegal, who have overstay their student visas the usual neo nazis in our country. Lives matter another black nationalists and separatist groups, and yes, college students meaning those attending our top ivy league schools. Carrying signs in our streets saying external the Jews hitler was right and caring flat
was swastikas in our cities throughout our country initially letters and petitions, a defence of a group, I come off. when it wasn't even done slaughtering juice is. If we, we are witnessing the early days of the third reich, I honestly never imagined, new york times in the washed and post me the other media corporations. How, despite how horrendous they are. And some of them around during the holocaust would repeat their history. abandoning the victims, the Jews, when there are facing extinction so much for our free press staining up against tyranny, Meanwhile, the by administration, from buying a blinkered make these statements about Hamas, atrocities virulent,
I submitted the history, the jewish people, unconditional support for israel. yet repeatedly lecture and even admonish Israel, including. standing next to the israeli prime minister that it's real bond to this monstrous unprovoked attack, be met with proportionality, an eye for an eye, a beheading for a beheading. What does this mean that these railways comply with the rules of war, rules of law, Against nazi terrorists, who too, then again slaughter jews and say they won't stop until the jews are exterminated, what rules of war and even before the first israeli really tank moves into Gaza. The israelis are to feed and medicate the palestinians who live in Gaza, whether own young men and women prepare for data will face a hellish war and massive casualties.
I honestly never imagined that any american president Would we arm in a rainy and nazi regime, threatens america, our country, would nuclear annihilation ends. billions and billions on terrorism against our country in the procedure Nuclear weapons against the israelis, among others, by tension. Allowing it to survive wait: bio sanctions intended to economically strangle that regime tune of seventy billion dollars and two weeks before the attack the attack on Israel makes a deal in which, the iranians, are to receive six billion dollars more. This would be the same regime that took american hostages, and maimed american soldiers in iraq, to assassinate might palm pale and John Bolton the immoral quality alone of making such pain Such a regime is shocking
Hamas tells a russian media outlets that it took hostages because it saw what fine was willing to pay for them, and as of this writing,. Every single policy has been in short, I ran not one. no I'll, still flows. The money still goes in. This is worse than appeasement Worse than ever, chamberlain. This is literally giving aid and comfort to the enemy. it is suicidal to our own nation and for israel. The same buying regime leaves our own borders wide open over with illegal aliens, including from the middle east, would know whatsoever millions of so called getaways with one hundred thousand american deaths a year from fetnah her rent any humanity unleashed on our own southern border and billions and
billions of dollars lining the pockets of murders, drug cartels right on our border. It no change in none none, despite what we just saw. Joe Biden is exposing our country to a terrorist calamity by this. aim, terrorist regimes and terrorist groups. Who can the atrocities against the israelis and committed it cities against us on nine, eleven and frequently. for the last twenty years,. We are a nation in decline, we become a nation divided, even when it comes to our own survival. The
ass. The police state is become bolder, even it Didn't you in prison of former president. sensor, news and information arrest and three pro american peaceful protestors. and brainwash our children against their own parents against their own country against our own history against our own culture, Hence there are met up mental and physical wellbeing. The writing is on the wall, recommendation to the israelis for what it's worth fight hard to feed the enemy You will not survive If your spirit and will to live and reject, are cop, and defeatist ruling class here in amerika? That's, to devour own american patriotism in spirit.
Do not allow the vine regime with all its blood on its hands and Actually, the pie symmetric state department, the american european media propagandists america's pro hamas. It's marxist professors and students. was student organizations funded by qatar and other arab regimes and terrorist supporting entities In the jew, hating wing of a democrat party, don't let them this wager. The whatever you need to do for your own survival There was a time when we in america understood this. And we do whatever we had to do to protect our own country. including in world war two when japan in germany, where obliterated nearly wiped off the face of the earth, we were united. We loved our country, We intended are utterly destroy our enemies, and that is exactly
we did was a proportionate. Nobody asked and nobody cared, that I liked the rules of war. What rules of war, Harry truman, a war, criminal. was Harry truman, a war criminal when we fought so or proportionate wars. We law in vietnam, and we lost over fifty eight thousand men, the communist control, vietnam, we lost afghanistan. Now the taliban controls Afghanistan after twenty one years in advance, send the horrendous industries in the door, of casualties are obvious. All around us every day in Iraq,. We lost many men in Iraq. Do too
the iranian regime, the just received six billion dollars anywhere horrendously wounded. That's controlled by IRAN. Did you know that we in america, Have lost too many of our warriors and spilled too much blood fighting, proportionate wars. The israelis have no choice but to fight or die. I'll be right back then. Have you been away
and to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com,
There's a call by Hamas right richard go back to kill jews tomorrow here. united states and all over the world. And so are, white supremacist police forces god do I feel sorry for police officers, but they ve had to go through what they keep going through, but isn't that what the damn crash in the marxist left in this country have done them call them. while there being sent to protect. Synagogues and jewish schools, many of which In somewhat of a panic demons There is no direct indicate Right now, according to law enforcement powers, It is understandable, though, isn't it now, here's the key
This threat was not issued from Hamas and the Gaza strip, from Hamas. In qatar, you see The top officials of Hamas, including its de facto terrorist leader,. Live in five star hotels and villas in qatar. They are also subsidized by qatar, the van majority, a money that flows into the terrorist hamas. Organization in gaza, from two sources, qatar in IRAN, you thought qatar was an ally qatar. tries to have it both ways. Its toothpaste Funds, terrorism
tending to be friendly to the west and that's exactly exactly how they can themselves more on that later, it is very important that we think about this, casualties of civilians, Gaza strip, do you know that really government is de pressure- the egyptian government to open up the Raphael pass the major passageway from the Gaza strip, the Israel Because the Gaza strip borders, Egypt,. the sinai. Peninsula is very close that egyptian the Gaza strip was a.
Egypt refuses open it A few thousand now. And they blame the israelis. I say it's not dangerous them, a bargaining, the gate these rather to thank, opened the gate. Let the civilians out, they won't do it. So Egypt is feeding lines to americans markers media, saying that. like to do up these rallies her career a dangerous situation. The israelis are coming Close to begging them as any nation, kanda open the damn gate and let the people out did you know this. Not a few thousand other type of egypt is blocking them from leaving the the administration says nothing about this. neither do our media, except when they regurgitate egyptian talking points.
Nobody's pressuring the egyptian guy. Meant, but the israelis and so what the americans Now, why is that? The egyptians want nothing to do with the palestinians isn't a noteworthy that not a single arab country, not one, has offered to accept The palestinians, not one isn't it amazing that these same area countries, are absolutely silent about egypt, keeping close the main passageway for the gaza? estonians to get out of Gaza, because Egypt doesn't work Gaza, palestinians coming into their country, one more that's. A leadership and control has not, as qatar anywhere country to take any Gaza Most anyone's nor have could. Are the Hamas nazi leadership asked Egypt to stop blocking the gaza palestinians from leaving and, of course, the egyptians
could house hundreds of thousands of Gaza palestinians, the Sinai peninsula and no doubt the internet, Committee would assist with very housing and food, but this would mean that the world actually to help Gaza palestinians, rather, And use them as propaganda efforts. No attempt to turn is rallies in the oppressor chaucer noteworthy. That the american and european media don't ask the vine regime other leaders of other countries around the world. Why aren't you pressuring? The egyptians More when I return have you been here
and to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there? But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two next date and message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com
a glove, am the most passionate can survive on radio talk with him now, heading seven, seven, three, eight one free What one, let me, let me, try and reorganise my coverage. Not a single arab country has offered to accept any gaza palestinians, not one by one Now one has said that Israel or the united states we will. We will accept five thousand ten thousand, a hundred thousand palestinian citizens who are not only israel terrorism. We will accept not one.
Not one arab country has said to their fellow arab country, Egypt, open the damn gate, the main pathway for the Gaza palestinians, so they get out. One, the Hamas nazi leadership that is safe, ensconced in five star hotels and villas? Will aberdeen ease in qatar, our great ally. They have not ass qatar, any our country to take any gaza palestinians.
The israelis are open to this right now today, as I speak this evening, qatar and the hamas nazi leadership. They haven't asked Egypt to stop blocking the pathway out of the Gaza strip and back and egypt, Egypt could house hundreds of thousands of Gaza palestinians right there in the sun. peninsula, the israelis gave it back to them. Where would they stay? Where would they live? The international committee? I have no doubt if Egypt agreed to this, the arab countries agreed to this would assist with temporary housing and food and so forth. but here's the problem. This would mean that the arab world actually wants to help these people
rather than use the propaganda to attempt to turn israelis into oppressors. She also noteworthy that the new york times the washed and path. NBC, abc and CBS have ignored this completely completely. In fact, The press conferences, they don't even ask the press secretary, That's kirby or what's her face. What about the leaders? Are these countries around the world? What about egypt blocking the pathway there? They don't even report it get me Cause the arabs will not provide refuge to the gaza palestinians and because the qatar funding
terrorist regime in their ran funding. Hamas terrorists. Wage war against Israel and his I must now lose lord knows how many soldiers in urban warfare in Gaza. The american media. The american media will protect and use the propaganda. Because it's not a free press Does it is sympathetic to the enemy Our american media in the european media will report numbers I would be told its response to the hamas nazis is disproportionate.
and blinkem or continued electra israel about the rules of war when fighting terrorists who, by the way don't follow any rules war. Egypt refuses. To open the wrath of past to allow the civilian population to leave. not divide administration, congressional republicans for it with a few rare and outstanding, exceptions. Not our media are focusing on her pressuring egypt instead, over and over and over again. We get the line about civilian casualties. I saw today on cable tv, CBS.
Msnbc and so forth, and so on. Talking about the casualties already. In fact, CBS interviewed a. Gaza palestinian, they have no idea if this is, civilian or a terrorist, because now the terrorists in Gaza are changing Their uniforms To civilian uniforms that is, in closing. and much leadership isn't even in gaza there in qatar, other members of the leadership or in turkey, a nato country, turkey, qatar saying as his turkey a disgusting to face game, they tend to be our allies. They pretend to be friendly
significant assets in our country, and we in theirs, but all of Hamas is Top leadership are living in luxury knew that qatar or turkey they are protected by qatar and turkey. And qatar and array, and provide almost all the funds to Hamas and our administration puts up with this fan. Dance these two countries should be pressed Detail Hamas to release all about hostile. He's right now, qatar, Assets in our country that we want our leverage to threaten them for all is talking turkey that reprobates dictator he needs more than we need. Em now give us our americans back.
And when the other, the other hostages, because we're not gonna pay you any more money, not six billion. Now one point: nine billion, nothing, not a nickel return them, but they won't believe, but because he just the opposite, they were billy reagan, trump dissenters, a tim, Scott and so forth. and they should be told qatar and turkey, those hamas leaders have killed and we're just counting over twenty five american citizens. They have kidnapped american citys, they have raped american citizens.
And we want them, we want an shackles, when I try them and bring them to justice. You don't get the kill, kidnap rape, american citizens. I remember the day when the world was scared to death. Not one now want. american citizen. You better not touch my hair on that person's head, which is why red and got elected him before he was sworn in there Same iranian regime, stop hostages, even though they held them for a month after month, after month after month, when Carter was present And reagan made this a campaign issue.
As President I'll get those americans I'll get them out of iran, no matter what it takes, no matter what it takes and yet what is America's response? You know people are susceptible to propaganda techniques to rhetoric. Speech writers know that. Bureaucrats know this politicians know some of the things Joe Biden has said after sir Days who sang virtually nothing then very passionate. But blinkin, set over in Israel today, was very passionate. even talked about his jewish heritage
but he also said this, which is in getting the attention of the media, because you know it's the same media that. censure so much of what we do. We don't know he said is prime minister and I discussed standing right next and that now how Israel does this matters, we democracy, distinguish ourselves from terrorists by striving for different standard. Even one it's difficult. and holding ourselves to account when we fall short, our human, Kennedy, the value that we place on human life and human dignity. That's what eggs us who we are. We count them among our greatest strength. That's why it is so important to take every pulse, precaution. To avoid harming civilians, And that's why we mourn the loss of every innocent lives, civilians of every faith, every nationality who have been killed. In other words, I
meant only a matter of time before the Biden regime there, media and the rest demand that Israel loose moral equivalency that he uses. Was one nazi life the equivalent. one, jewish life. a man who was born in an there's, no moral, equivalency. He says we distinguish herself from terrorists by striving for a different standard. This man is a fool. now. You know why we surrendered in afghanistan. Now you know why we're not prepare for communist china now you know why the borders wide open. These are sick people, sick,
We distinguish ourselves for terrorists by destroying them and their terrorists, not soldiers and wore their terrorist space. Quickly because we who's that term not a term of art and study it sort of a It's a term of war because I don't follow the rules of war. They dress, like civilians,. act, civilians intentionally they can- atrocities intentionally where's their victims. Their victims, in most cases, are not.
I'm trying to say their victims do not have an army to protect or to seek revenge. The israelis do and that's what upsets the left in america, Israel is to be supported. If Israel is over, Is railways are to be supported? die by the hundreds, if not thousands, money to charities. We'll give great speeches. We'll scratch our heads. well the passion among one another. But if the israelis rise up unified use, their brains use their broad use there,
terry to crush the dna. There are treated as the tariff. It's happening right now: NBC bc, CBS, cnn, new york times why imposed post? It's Before a single tankers cross, the border. Before a single tank has crossed the border. You, media outlets, when you take the hamas numbers on how many people have died or are dying and guys. I have a question for you: why don't you Show us the numbers, how many gaza, palestinians or citizens will die from Hamas terrorists using them as human shields and placing them in and around bonkers
immense missile silos around their infrastructure and hiding behind them. Why don't you may be a distinction? Between how people are dying. And whose killing home cause you're bunches Thing, bastards and you never will and you don't give a damn. the media will not segregate their statistical counts because they can't and they don't care. And so incomes, the moral equivalents. An idea of soldier killing a nazi terrorist who decapitated a baby that life is the equipped, We have an idea of soldier, nineteen year old, whose called biased I to defend his family and his country, one for one.
Tokay with the media. Since they hide out in the united states and in european capitals, the vast, but Many of whom are cowards. You write the writer torres manhattan. In Washington DC, that's ok, no problem. I'll be right back then Have you been way
dubai gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, text: l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com.
One of the things I do what I'm on airs. I turn off my phone, people forget. I'm on air from sixty nine pm eastern time too good practice. Sometimes family, forget friends and others and I haven't heard Of ten minutes ago, so it ranks, I turned it off now. Here's cnn headline before the first, rose into gaza, crisis grows under intense bombardment as Israel retaliates against Hamas. Atrocities first force, five, if I were its causes humanitarian crisis, deepen thursday in Gaza? I I have to ask you folks,
our country's change so thoroughly and fundamentally. when it comes to our own national security or a national interest Supporting our allies are whole mindset when it Mr enemies- Can you imagine this administration or the modern media during world war. Two can you imagine. It was bad enough from the new york times was covering covering up the holocaust, and its chief correspondent in berlin was sympathetic to the third reich. That was bad enough. There was bad enough when the Washington post join them in covering up the holocaust, but now it's even worse: take the side of the enemy human If crisis in Gaza once their human,
Tearing crisis in germany in japan, ITALY who the hell knows, who they're all care they attack that they need Baker, faded or we would lose, and hitler would rain and torture what raina muzzle lady, what rain do we want Hamas Hizbollah, IRAN, the muslim brotherhood, I'm a g hot: do we want them to You know her well, there's one tiny little country surrounded that is about to respond, and we are trying to cripple that country. In our own american media and now the european media that picks up on the american media do not. the media. I will not-
and american blood endures what reward to do they I'll, be right back this segment of the podcast is as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again.
are listening and thank you so much for their sponsorship. Pure talk now, broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Welcome back a maritime. Let me put it. It's I'm the most grateful man in his country. Most grateful person in this country. Look at me I have you in the audience. He can't do any better than the other. Radio shows and tv shows and digital there but I have you.
and I'm enormously grateful each and every one of you. Jus and andrew peter, american. But who understand the difference between good and evil? That's you that's my audience and I, Absolutely never and never have taken it for granted and. We stand together in peace and war. Whether we have little differences here and there a lot really. nothing, the rat really matters we share. The same principles today, judeo christian faith.
and I say that to even the moderate muslims who are appalled by what's taking place it's because of our founding in the principles of that The people of every faith can come to this country and practise their faith. Most anywhere else on the planet, I am deeply grateful to be it. Erika in many ways you and I are lucky. Those are those of us who are born here, we're lucky lucky. But that doesn't mean we don't understand right from wrong a good from evil. even got himself
unleashed a wrath against people and individuals who deserve it. I don't know was gods response. To what the faro in Egypt iD, but the fair and egypt it was, I proportionate when he told the Jews to mark their doors with red. As he won through home after home after home of the egyptians killing their first born, was I proportionate. We were different situation now, we're we're terrorists going.
from home to home the home in Israel. Killing everybody they could find in their homes. Anything guy responded that I think we're about to find out. God, accident mysterious ways: some. times. We understand it sometimes will doesn't matter. If you have faith, if you have faith the media aggregate are the mouthpiece of america's enemies, Israel's enemies, enemies of life, enemies of liberty,. They routinely choose the wrong side because
was our media illogically driven their pattern. for blood last is unbelievable. Furthermore, the role. In promoting stolen, whether it's their role. In covering up or justifying the slaughter, the ukrainians and nineteen thirty two by Stalin, millions starved to death. Whether it's their role during the third reich during the hollow
As you ve heard me discuss as historians of written about, that is what they did. There is irredeemably horrific. In every hamas attack on Israel, all to do is pull up, but they wrote before change the dates change, few pieces were impression here and there and spit it out till they need to do The same thing over and over again Jews or supported if their victims proposed, if their strong americans, where support for victims.
but we're opposed if we really wanted to defeat the enemy and secure our borders. perfect example, is this a yo see, oh see as a sickening marks. Anti semite. who hates america hates Israel and I am fed up with her bs- I am fed up with the media promoting her. I am ashamed that this two faced, america. Hating jus haters anywhere near the floor of the house of representatives. You think my words are tough. I'll, go back and look at the videos and the photos the trash Is committed
against the Jews just five days ago, didn't even take two weeks five days ago. And get back to me about my words. She says israel needs to be prevented from ethnic embedded dump. Mister Brett just you dont, thou wert, ok, Tell you something? piece of ass. If Israel wanna do ethnically cleansed cleanse the palestinians, Israel would drop On atomic bomb on the gods, strip and one in the palestinian territories they're not in stan and ethically cleansing anyone or any people, unlike the israeli drew If Hamas had a nuclear weapon, if he said
She had had a nuclear weapon if Hezbollah had a nuclear weapon. If iran at a nuclear weapon, they would ethnically cleansed Israel. Which has been that yahoos warning for years against a bomb? and vine and the rest of the reprobates. Israel has never said that we want to Bout, the palestinians, israel- Has never said we need to pursue nuclear weapons to wipe out the new. The palestine, they have nuclear weapons, even though they not acknowledged proportionality. Since the secretary of state proportionality, which is. Build more americans
In these wars that we fight and don't wanna, when then one can imagine, then one can imagine proportion. quality. Nobody really meant proportionality. Israeli jews we'll to go into gaza and target the fact boys slaughter them write them be had them bring them in TEL Aviv, dragged them through the straits carried back them. That's proportionality! Is it not that's an eye for an eye instead are using their chance to try to take out known hum
ass terrorist locations, weapons locations, leadership, locations, any that are still there and then try take out some of the buildings so when they go hand in hand, combat. They won't lose money. How very young red blooded is rarely men as they otherwise the and they know Under this operation that they can for casualties, gonna be huge, you even the media say they casual, is gonna, be massive. You hear experts and military activity. People special Horses guy say I don't get it do this. Everybody knows it. Everybody knows Hamas once this and the main passage.
Is being blocked by the egyptians? They don't want these palestinians in egypt, none other. Not a single arab country has said, hey won't take. Ten thousand pay. Twenty thousand, not one. not a single european country has walter The palestinians are, god knows we walk, which is fine by me, but one of the arabs who are so self righteous about human lives, How many the arab countries have condemned hamas for the atrocities, not one? How many arab countries have told Hamas.
Protect your citizens, don't use them as far now. One now want is accepted. Any palestinians. You haven't even heard the palestinian authority say walks up palestinians out of the Gaza strip because they hate each other. So far,. on tiny little Israel was seven million jewellers, citizens. They're, not all battle,
it's citizens, there's babies, there's women and so forth, and so on, they've called up three hundred and sixty thousand of their citizens. Their economy is going to tank. Now you need to be proportionate. Israel, don't ethnically cleanse the palestinians You need to feed and medicate the palestinians in Gaza, but why do they have towards Hamas? Hamas takes all the money. the leaders of Hamas. As I said they live in qatar and turkey. They live in five star tells they live in villas, their kids of lamborghinis. It has all been documented. They don't give a damn.
you read that in the new york times their hiding? It. You won't read that in the washington post, their hiding it and the pictures will come in even before the first tank goes into Gaza. This low life, punk moron elsie talks about ethnic cleansing of the palestinians. How many palestinians have the Hamas palestinians murdered since they ve been in office, Its they seized power in Oh seven, anybody know nobody knows, because nobody cares: how many palestinians, as Abbas the moderate who was a terrorist leader.
And these so called palestine, and if I have he murdered, nobody knows nobody cares. I say this to Hamas: let your people go, let you people go where they gonna go. This is what these, where they gonna go, these railways are telling and asking the egyptian open the damned gate. So these people can get out that's the main passageway in an age, puts out the propaganda that Israel is attacking the gate and Where's, our media run with I'll, be right, back Ben I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values as americans,
as a veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. These are pure talk, dot, com, slash, levant, pure talk, dot com, slash
We ve iron and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. Coercive vs has a photo, two three four five six power standing in man before seven In one of them is looking at a body back and the headline is these- are Gaza post civilian in Gaza says Israel's wiping us out over Hamas. Terror. With a media like this, we would never have one war war too, there's no way there's simply no way, because this is a pin compared to where we did a world war, two pinprick. We could never one. You don't hear a single republican talking like one of these Hamas supporting democrats, not one there's something about the demo.
a party that attracts the anti semites, the hate america crowd. There's something about that party, and this is why the democrat party To make its mark your hawken about, I'm not a hawk and a damn thing. Just think we're going to try and save our country and win the war Words when the war of ideas sits diverse you're, not gonna, be in Israel. Fighting a war, We have a war on the home front. ideas are right, whose principles are right, who the propaganda sooth throw with the enemy, and why do they do it. They are fighting the war words right now, their fighting a war of ideas right now, their fighting, a war of ideology and principal right. Now we must engage them, we must have faith and on that level,.
that's what we're doing here. That's what I'm doing with a democrat party hates america. We need you, we need You now back. I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values as americans about a veterinary com,
winning on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members and, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks, plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e the iron and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. This is a pure talk: dot com, slash Levin, pure talk, dot com-
flash eli vn and switched to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way conservatism equipment, passion, the mark, Levin show call it now. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one now: twenty nine nations, even little nation twenty nine nations have sent Special forces of their own or military forces into Israel they get their people out We haven't done any of that. I came here tonight with a notice. There was provided too
americans who want to get out of Israel to leave israel from our state department, which told them to get commercial flights and keep you receipts and also told them to get your commercial flights and they your pay for your flights, you need to reimburse the government for meals, housing and the commercial costs for the flight, Before I could go on, air was exposed made the rounds. And this is what it takes with this administration have to humiliate them. You have to expose them. So now they said basically forget about all that, but find your way out
Find your way out, other governments and in troops, her special for since or just in bureaucrats. We did nothing. and this is a good time to remind ourselves that there were americans who were taken hostage the taliban, where we ve never heard from again americans in afghanistan. And how does this administration and tender rescue are hostages I be stupid. If I told you that publicly, the only reason they get a question like that is because they didn't rescue all americans from I understand moroccans know this. We belong memory. If a long memory on this stuff.
No I'd be remiss if I didn't mention something I am saying this because I believe it. While the rest of the media. Our propaganda for the enemy. Some small way, some large but they're, not full throated for our ally in the victims in Israel. I am proud of conservative talk, radio. I am proud. National house, regional hosts local house. Almost remain in one podcasters, so many
The voices of liberty, the voices of freedom, the voices of sanity, the voices that the Democrats and the democratic state constantly seeks to shut down. I am proud of fox news. They have done a fantastic job, including its news team, looting, its prime time hosts. They had been unbelievable. I am proud that the new post. And the washing of examining the wash and at times. Of national reveal
wall street journal editorial page of the new york sun. And so many others that are explicitly server publications. I am proud. Of cumulative west with one This day, in this time, so far so good so far so good, I am proud of the blaze. The daily wire, the daily car right, scoop, bright, bart town hall. Just the news so many other sites.
I apologise if I have mentioned you it's not for lack of wanting to. I'm proud of independent media, conservative media. their news and their editorial personnel news max hawaiian sinclair, I'm proud of all. I am proud of their hosts, speak the truth. I am proud of the guests who speak the truth. I couldn't be proud. The most well, I'm proud of you folks, moral ethical law, abiding.
I don't care what race you are never do. Have an ok faith. You are never have never do. I don't care. we know a red blooded americans, that's all I care about, we know, are blessed be in this country and were pushing back I tell you, ideas do have consequences, you see our streets today. I will sk? Us is more lent them. I fuck show's. Over the weekend, these protestors not student protesters at all their violent. They are funded these organizations, students for justice.
palestine, there funded by qatar, their funded by and I have links to. Various organizations like hamas groups, many them here- student visas. Hats surprising, under this administration, is it We have a problem, as I said on day, one on our college campuses. We do as poor hundreds of billions of dollars into these campuses and we leave them alone. No, they don't get to hide. Terrorist activists america, hating, marxists,. Behind the notion of academic freedom when these people trying to destroy our country in distress.
academic freedom. These are thugs like nazi thugs, just a different time, just a different language, just different garb, but they are what they are And I am calling on state legislatures in governors across the country protect. Those at a republican. Why are you funding this. I asked you this in my american marxism? Why you funding this. we know it's here. We know it's predictable, we know who they are. We know what they're doing the idea that this has anything to do with our constant. Pollution, the irony is, they hate our constitution. They hate the men eroded and ratified it. There try
Destroy it and replace it went on attacking the first amendment, her academic freedom. They are stop apologizing Stop cowering: where are the state legislatures in this country, where the republicans are going to state legislatures in this country, where the governors were the republican governors in this country? Where's, your oversight, why did I, free pass on these universities, where we pass hundreds.
billions of dollars of our hard earned money of our property taxes to fund the enemy the enemy within. Why do we do that? While we need to stop it? Why are there two hundred college campuses that provide funding a platform or home to students for justice in palestine, with our terrace links with their mission. With their qatar connections, why are we doing that? We talk about confucius institutes. Are we shut, but we have confusion, statistics on our college campuses. We have students for justice, Palestine and our cap college campuses what
what is going on there we tolerate this. We don't have to go back to the world academic freedom when people are marxist supporting terrorist. That's our death! That's her death. Stay legislatures overall, where the hell are they has any Any republican introduced a bill to deal with this with respect to federal tax dollars. now in the house, are still fight. I want to tell you something you know damn well. I was right about this matter To these seven other stooges, they blew up the report martin majority in the house of representatives. They do not have an alternative strategy, they don't care, Drawn attention to themselves, they pretend to be the real conservatives air their way out. Conservatives and others talk
joint leadership in the house. I warned you about this item These guys were frauds that they're, not conservatives that I haven't done again, think for conservatism they haven't done. A damn thing for this country. Certainly, the congress. Many Names you can't even remember and here we are I'll, be right back. Ben, I have to tell you something, It speaks to the very core of our values as americans about a veteran one.
being on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members? And of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation impure talk understands the sacrifices they ve made. Now they ve set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference. Just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plants started just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot, slash, Levin, l eve ion and make the switch that's rallied together. Shore, unwavering support for veterans, get the best service at the best price as well is a pure talk, dot, com, slash levant, pure talk, dotcom, slash alleviation and switch to pure talk. Today, in less than ten minutes it's the right,
and it's the american way. We come back and want play for you, folks in exchange between the president of Israel, whose considered a moderate. Largely area, while a A customary position doesn't have any significant substantive role. man's name, his isaac herzog. He said Very famous father you see Really, president, I want you to hear in exchange, for you have an already between this fairly moderate individual in the media. And what's going on now. This is the british media. There is no difference between our media and european media. They all suck to be perfectly honest with you only a minute or so less. I want to ask the new york times and rest when you put out those statistics
which are already doing in the Gaza strip. Would you tell us how many of those people who are dead or terrorists Now you know whether they are not sits. Now, Terrorists are putting on civilian clothing. Can you tell us. We can tell you how many israelis were slaughtered, who are citizens? Who are mothers? Who were children and tell us how many people died in yours too, mistakes as a result of the intentional use. west by Hamas palestinians to kill them I bet folks, you ve heard me: talk about hills down, college. Giving away free copies of the constant washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day. They have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one, and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your
for for my listeners in soon so if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com. Every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy, I'm hills, college girl of for hills, thereby come right now complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies. Last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy. Now at fray hills, dot com. That's l, easy! I am free hills, del backup.
the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the america mark. Levin here are number eight seven. Well, it's not fair! I'm not going to cause, but I'm gonna take some cause tomorrow, this promise because you are very, very patient, so I won't take calls tomorrow in the third. Our. So those of your whole, those you calling and I apologize- I told your eyes- herzog is these really, president he's concerted sort, centrist moderate? He was eddie conference today
and I want to give a had, took her bright bird, had this on their site? Blaze did the great sites, let's get started, cut one go working operating militarily according to rules of international law period unequivocally, We are at war, we, war? We are at war with what we are defending our homes where protecting our homes. it's the truth and then, when a nation protects its made fights and we will fight until we break the backbone to I can see from in the collective punishment of a civilian population amounts to a war crime under international law. Want israel to uphold laws of war, But I just sense: maggie: you have an hour. Probably there replied. Do I too vague and unclear
Sometimes it that's what you're asking instantaneously? Haven't you seem you ve seen your all say you all their you ve seen. so now we're starting with the rhetoric about a war crimes really truly truly which was my dream, which we strongly, and you say I just said that Israel abides by international law, operates by international law. Every operation is secured and covered and reviewed legally with all due respect. truly believes that this comes comes totally out of context. It's unbelievable seen it. You know it's interesting to me, not a single house that cnn X or resigns, I would Jack and resign I've seen and has moved into four fall: throated defence of the enemy.
Cbs and NBC have now moved into full throated defense of the enemy. and they're not alone, and I will keep monitoring them. I will continue to expose them to the rest of the country because, Is our battle? America, the truth, the american media pretend that they stand between us and tyranny when they stand for tyranny they stand between us and liberty. We're gonna push back on the media every day in every way. We're gonna push back on these terrorist finance, harmless connected phony students groups, every day and in every way more cut too. go. Let me first of all say that there is an enormous amount of genuine authentic sympathy for Israel and for what your countries right now,
Listening to your houses in the last few, I'm a little confused because on one hand, you say that israel abides by the rules of war and is very careful void the loss of civilian life in the Gaza strip but at the same time you seem to hold the people of Gaza responsible that meet. Let me hold on their second, my. Why aren't they responsible they elected? This government where's the government, wouldn't let everybody knew about Hamas. Everybody. About them when they elected them, but of course the people are responsible. Just The people of germany were responsible for hitler. Justice to people of Japan were responsible for toto People literally were responsible for it goes on and on and on. I don't understand. It's amazing the brits have not learned from their own history.
from level chamberlain to women church they have not learn from their own. Damn history, I should say the brits: the british presses is lousy is ours says he doesn't understand. I don't understand why the rules of law apply to terrorists when in fact, the rule the law don't apply to terrorists, Rules of law do not apply to terrorist. Go ahead. but let me show you all the missile in your kitchen in your living room, canals by chris midfield that is sent on our head here and if there will be a siren and submissive from that kitchen. But my question is this: if I may you see the people of Gaza, the civilians of Gaza responsible for not. removing Hamas and therefore, by implication, that makes them legit
talk, but now I think this is this is why I read about mattie freeman in my book on freedom of the press to the other night, where she As what happens here is group think with the american press with international, Ass one tries to outdo the other, they all say the same thing to each other. They all essentially right the same thing. This is the script it always, at the same way, and she was right- or he rather was writing for the associated press. Mattie freeman embody freeman did much like the gun that was in place at the time in Israel that many free was taking place with the media and that's exact it's happening now. Go ahead. I do not say that I want to make it clear. I was ass, something about separating civilians from Hamas, but with all due respect,
with all due respect, if you have a missile in kitchen and you'll want to shoot it at me. Am I to defend myself, no one is denying mrs eyes these men says lodged the batteries press made some comes from, but I cannot see this is not a report he's an advocate. How do you separate the hamas terrorists from the palestinian people that live there? Not just use your own head. This report or knows at an impossibility. sir, for the israelis, you try to avoid civilian deaths, but you can Avoid civilian deaths when their hiding behind their civilians on their part ammunitions. No, there's not a single question: How to avoid the death, the body of soldiers, not one
not a single question about how will the idea of soldiers be able to protect them? if they cannot all when they go into how hall of terrorist booby traps that terrorist dressed up as citizens noticed that hasn't even cross their lips. You know why you want to know the truth. They don't give a crap. The lives of Jews, let alone the lives of the idea of soldiers, they could care less. They give you the lion, Of course, we all care was horrendous. Back back back. So why did Hamas build three hundred miles worth of underground tunnels in order to attack israeli civilians. Why did they take money.
From their palestinian civilian refugees. I was intended for them to do this. Why won't the agenda? in Japan, the pathway. so the citizens court on quotas and get out. Why won't a single, arid nation offered to take palestinians out of the gaza. No, it's Israel. You see follow the rules of law. I have a question while I am sure that they should follow? around rules do whatever they have to do to survive and eliminate this cancer from the body politic from the planet. That's the rule of law. You damn fools. Go ahead. Neither Mr measure, but but the question is this: ultimately, you can't remove
if the people of Gaza they're going to be stuck in this neighborhood are like. Why do you want us to do? What shall we tell them get out and we fight against the launch of initially what happens eventually like once this war is over, that you're going to have to What is this, I rushed run into you, folks, it's incredible, I'm just telling you the the war. Of her words in the war over what's taking place, will determine whether this wars won or lost. And I will sit behind this microphone. I will sit back my blaze or in front of my his camera, my fact, camera. We will push back. I'll be right back then
folks, charles pain, what am I favorite guests on tv and radio he's justice a guy doesn't mess around, he knows what he's talking about wanted to bring him on the programme this evening, scatterbrain new book unbreakable investor. and you get it and unbreakable investor dot com and will have on our social sites. Charles pain, welcome to the programme I wanted to have you want to talk about your book in the context of this. You see, what's going on in our country, used what's going on all around the world, people are polly very nervous about their own. Secure including their financial security, google invest investor under circumstances like this in the He's gonna go to hell and you see all breaking out what
your advice to my audience. The advice is to stay the course. But the very smartly but waiting are they going introduction mark in our? I I call myself sort of the pipe piper of the stock market, but I dont promote the stock market stock market demands going to the more you know: any you know, but you know to every single store in the mall, it's a place to change, to buy and sell spock model It focuses on people, be audience your audience. Investing in companies coming part owner of great companies, particularly when their stock share price are undervalued as bad, things are in this country will still be a twenty three twenty five trillion dollar economy, there will clearly Companies out there that provide service. that we all want, and we all desire in time and on its work closer forty years and a broker
as an analyst with my own research, firm and help anyone bastards work closer for decades and, of course, people now could stop in the street, and invariably they always say I'm not in the market, I'm afraid in the market, now know, look at a market in there wearing a nike shirt, which caterpillar pillar on. Unlike what where'd you get that at my lamp out again, my father, he gave it to me, like you know, if you guys I'll be that much of the older stock will you grandpa Gabriel clouded and had you guys on half a minute and so listen he's periods periods that were going through a tough in my book on page, sixty three began suggests Hu Jia, opel geopolitics, war and conflict other than to be these sort of ups and downs, essentially humankind wins out we saw it over the weekend was so barbaric.
I guess you honestly right now at this very moment, thinking about it and that we, the people here Things are still capable. I missed modern age of going out to other human beings a pull humanity is gonna prevail over that wealth, I think a vigilant pretty much. If we We're steady like you're time about investing sticky or principles and keep pushing and don't be diverted from your focus and so forth the average person out there who may not be in stock. but they have an eye ray and they have a four one k, maybe they're in government. Instruments, or something like that is at a smart thing. Smart thing. If you don't want to do any work, This is my third book, and this is companion book my prior book and it's it's a fair amount of It's not you know, it's not a second job.
It's probably on par with someone who does armed vanity papa. We have to ask yourself: do you want outsize gains? yes, I can change in life really does not get rich quick book, but my The thing- and I start a book of- were there I to my grandparents mark on the farm. Alabama, bought it in nineteen fifty one and they now you can imagine they had pretty tough time I rather anyone who own, who owned a farm down there had a tough time, but a black family who saved up I just want to read you what they would it they took to have their piece of the american pie just a little bit of the the so over everything, unencumbered, no lines. Red horse meal name red one, great, Let me name jack one too. Where's wagon, one, hey mover, one: hey press again
mixed cattle, nine had a mixed cattle one black. Saw hog. All of these things I gave over just at their own peace of the american dream, and so when people talk about risk, when people talk about in our twenty minutes to say I can't do it or to be intimidated by industries, as I probably one of the intermediate it so you hand your money over to so called experts, which is fine. If that's what you want to do, but I am a bit. I believe that if you buy an own great companies and manage your portfolio that you can build a foundation for the next generation and am Taxes and so forth, you write about how. Implications affect, what's going on the trump taxes are gonna be lifted at about a year and a half tax cuts that is so How do you plan for that? What do you do? He do anything oil
It depends on how we are would tax break a year in from an embarrassing? one of you again, if you look at individual companies, many companies are smart to take you doing different things. You take advantage or natural take advantage. how about so to speak, The bigger as you right now to be quite frank, what is the government spending? This is the biggest threat to the stock market our economy and our prosperity. We are now at the point where wall street can no longer ignore, what's happening a washing, They yesterday the auction tenure bonds- it was it was an unmitigated disaster today? The auction of thirty eurobonds? There was a far worse through the windows had rallying what has happened the government, the government just money by offering he's gone. What your promissory note out. Sometimes you can hold for five years two years ten years and among most common,
no ones that help I'm most people thirty or bonds, they auction them, so they want auction in today There is hardly know buyers for them and because, no buyers. They had to offer higher yields. in this higher yield. Higher inches rain environment is what's destroying everyone. The house you could about You can watch out for five hundred thousand knowledge core years ago three years ago, then, the amount of money in the same monthly payments we might be able to get out house for two, fifty grand I now the americans is being trampled on, but problem is: government spending at such an incredible right right now and again there was a time of wall street. Look the other way they can no longer look the other way because the buyer. At the tunnel, the federal reserve was the main buyer but they can't buy anymore. They want the economy to come down. Buying. After that,
was a number two buyer. Won't you and had done issues and now they're letting the yields go up to japanese buyers, announcing elders by japanese bonds. There's been an aggressive seller, brazil EL saudi arabia, the seller no buyers for debt, now I went on all new over. I want to remind people the book as unbreakable investor. You got it: breakable mole investor that comments on all my social sites now on platforms, that's where you get it unbreakable in bastard that calm, breakable investor that come in my question when we come back as this can we possibly be headed into another. Great depression will be, Ben workers banned you from a show. We have a special number. You can call to reach 'em. Seventy seven, forty eight one, three, eight one one we're here when really a good.
And charles pain his book. You know. Sometimes people write books that are sort of theoretical and I've written so Are they write books about themselves and only about themselves Maybe you don't get a whole lot out of it? This book, you're gonna, get a whole on out of if you have a home, if you have alone, if you have a credit card, if times are tied If you have an eye array of four one k, this is the man. This is the book unbreakable. Vesta dot, com, unbreakable investor, dot com, it's on all my social sites by our friend charles pain. So I read a p. Charles, I forget what it was: was a prominent business site and the gentleman was writing things at the caught my attention. I read it to the audience, which is this interest eight skyrocketing, the feds going to push up them up more to try
india, with fiscal policy worthy congress, just keep spending and spending in spending Well, his point was with interest rates going up in going higher. We have inflation oriented spending that doesn't want to in fact it wants to increase congress, wants to increase it. and then we have individuals who have who have less, Savings then recent times who are really being pinched on the basics, anything some concern that the elements are coming together and my concern is this: what we have similar situation with inflation from carter and ragged took over you vulgar pushed up the interest rates but reagan, slash taxes, view as you can't choke off the economy altogether so people have money in their pocket the span- and you grow your way out of this while trying to control the monetary side, but where doing that. What should take on this?
I thank you. You laid out perfectly soap before the break. You mention the the great depression. So let's go back because we're we're in a position right now mark where we can have a roaring twenty twenties and is impossible. Prosperity for americans or we can go into inadequate, store nearly ugly, backed in the stock market, was on fire and a thorough reserve and point to action slow it down the slow down the economy just like doing right now, and they went too far in the sky market crashed after the stock market crash people, panicked though he had several yet this panics that runs on a bank. We had a run on a bank earlier this year, silicon valley bank. which is one of the biggest banks in the country. It was and they ran into trouble rebelled out. They, they weren't bell about their depositors, rebelled out above two two hundred fifty thousand level because those the elites of the world,
silicon valley, below the top, was it a democratic party if it was the bank, montana. The bank appears more than just let them go out in the river and monitor what a pity it out that the two thousand too much too bad luck light. this scenario, because president Biden you this thing called modern monetary theory this is a notion or theory that, because government can print money, why does it limit itself? Why? a cure all the things that EL the nation you need. A house were printing money. You want something well: printing money, just print print print print and maybe the bears any signs inflation at the rich. We This experiment in I was, to them only to hang over it was and passed it for a while, you're looking martian is another fourteen bucks.
Lived up to the mall on top of it, the president of the united states. It don't pay you rent doping. the student loans, that money all the trouble with it. So here the first here the economy looks phenomenal novel Employment is through their brows, but then we, living to hang over, which is deadly no one knows how to stop. It. We'd never dealt with this kind of money. Before I mean this kind of problem, so now money supply we ve never had This sharp decline of money supply. One of the reasons for that is I mention bonds earlier. The reserve will normally do is by bonds when they emanate mature, they'll, more bonds well did is letting the mature, so this fucking the out of the economy. problem is a fiscal policy dimension. They won't stop spending so. On the other hand, the other side it is, of course, is people got sucked into this renouncing the kid
tell that to the london and damn well guess what they all the oda soon alone still, but now on average being also added another five hundred in debt if you remember, maybe when obama was and president- and this is something that was Amazing- that Matthew pelagia minuteness, that they will to increase the footsteps. And so when one of the report is ask why she said well, if a multiplier effect, the multiplier effect. If we people, one dollar footsteps, they'll spent dollar. Fifty same thing, apply to all the programmes that president buying put in so my things fortune on a dollar legal to the mall. Guess how you would spend two ran. working on, do you garden another six, grand maybe on upon a credit card, what car debt is at an all time high want one trillion. Otto an all time high one point: five eight trillion suited still at one point, five trillion answers
Are the highest been twenty two percent on credit cards store, as much as thirty three percent. So You ve been having this big party, this entire, the entire country, and now it's time to pay. It is ugly scary, dangers and gonna be a very painful lesson for a whole lot of people. Painful so the average person out there are the people listening this audience. How did they prepare for that? If it gets painful? it's gonna get painful. I just hope that many of them were disciplined but it's gonna be it's gonna be hard to see because we have an eye. we heard this term before. I guess this term, for the first time after in a bind could all those money at the other slimy checks, excess savings important anything we add extra extra we put in the coffee jar in a cookie jar on their pillow. I never knew there was such a thing as excess savings, but apparently this excess savings. This country has
who trillion dollars in accessing that's how much money was pumped into the major and on top of regular savings, all the savings is gone it's all migrated to the top. One percent of the one percent then a regular savings rate is under four percent on Would you need eleven percent for help? economy, so so regular they did they bought into this emotional. The people do not lost a lot of people dead and they took those trips cancun, or they went to my me for the weekend Or whatever they did to have a great time they spent three grand on taylor, swift tickets. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Well they're going to be in trouble. and what I hope I'm really really concerned about, I'm really afraid out is that come In time the farewell the bosnian offer from in a in a bind will behave and less reload real. Let me
I'll get around a supreme court. After all, I've got mitigated kind wishes power. Let me personally we poured out the way find a way to pay out those due allowance. fine awaited you don't have to pay all these bills that the offer of marriage by it, then guess what we desirable. We get It can get very, very ugly because by the way, When I say this book, I strongly encourage you to get it and I hope you make on plans and understand, what's taking place, unbreakable investor that unbreakable investor dot com will put the link on all my social sites. I encourage you to get it. I encourage you to get it to read it form yourself and perhaps do something that can help you, in the years ahead. Whatever happens the economy and I trust nobody better than charles pain. So, finally, Charles pain, I have this question for you. This is not a book. You can get it a normal.
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it's loves you, so thank you, Charles painting, god bless you my friend you thank you so much work. Are you be well right, MR, it is her. Where am I now. How will we write back then Benjamin Netanyahu today standing to a court link by the name of antony blinkin. who has spearheaded the destruction? more countries and more lives and really any her estate and modern memory, cut forego This shown itself to be an enemy of civilization, ass occurring of young people in an outdoor abusive festival.
The butchering of entire families, the murder Parents in front There are treated and the murder of children in front of their parents. The burning people alive, the beheadings, the kidnapped Is there a young boy, not only kidnap, molested earth attacked. And the second in display of bringing these horrors, the celebration and glorification of evil. President Biden was absolutely correct in calling this shit evil. Hamas is isis, just as isis was crushed. Or two will must be crushed. and Hamas should be treated exactly the way isis was treated. There should be spent
out from the community of nations, our leaders should meet them country should Arbour there and those that do should be set. and why are we not sanction in qatar right now,. I'm gonna be on this for a long time to some little in red. Monetary. If you will qatar way in which the british found oil Under their little sand dune decades ago,. They in IRAN. Funding hamas ministration people that there doing everything they can other, not payments. changed, one whit of their policies and then a watch. This Democrats on capitol hill circle against a defend Biden skype. warner, who talks like like he's a buffoon dan government
Back from israel circles, the wagons even defends tallied these democrats for them that countries that party and under no circumstances no circumstances are they going to show a crack any weakness, any weakness, tat five go I say to you: I say to all of us: there will be many difficult days ahead but I have no doubt that the four: Of civilization will win and the reason that's true, is because we understand what is the first prerequisite of victory is what You just said in our meeting more clarity. This is a time a particular time, a spy. Full time that we must stand tall, proud and united against evil, you are taking, that stand
ghosts. Taking that stand. Thank you being here today. Thank you. America, for standing with Israel today tomorrow, and always lost in a press conference today asked if u S, intelligence to we have some kind of early warning or anything cut, seven go terms. The early warning around are indications and warning that we may have had too that this was you're going to occur. Of course will if we, if we had indications. We would share them with our with with Israel, but To my knowledge, we did not the lie to the city. It mike mccall, determined Publication of the house whenever they for the farm policy committee. Who takes the propaganda,
from Egypt, given to our intelligence, spews it out like its fact something, ladies and gentlemen, with the agenda should tell the united states who their closer within the israelis about a possible attack before, would tell the israelis MR producer, I mean do have our soldiers in the region we have. Judge and syria. We have to thousand americans in Israel. Don't you think Egyptians would tell united states intelligence, tell their counterpart, the sector, defence and the secretary of state about what might take ways you might want to get your americans ida here, that's where we're hearing, but instead they are blocking the passageway out of Gaza for the citizens of Gaza, because they don't want palestinians in egypt. In fact, none of the over twenty arab stations nations in that area, one any palestinian.
I'm waiting for the top but I don't really know waiting for what a piece a crap while the this programme has come the we'll be back tomorrow. I will be on Fox saturday and sunday a pm eastern time Can you to be on the blaze platform, and we will continue to do everything we can to push back against Enemies within who back the terrorists nor soft on terrorism- and I hope stick with me with salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, for fighters all over the world are true. And let me say this- the people Israel we stand with you, stood with us- I'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-14.