« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/11/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Egypt leaked to the media that they warned Israel about a possible attack from Hamas three days before it happened, but Benjamin Netanyahu has denied these reports and claims there was no contact with the Egyptian government. House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul is repeating Egypt’s report despite no investigation or confirmation from U.S. intelligence agencies because he is being played for a fool. The people who want to slaughter Israelis are the same people who want to slaughter us, and President Biden is doing everything he can to give them a nuclear weapon. Also, Mark speaks with Senator Tom Cotton about the Biden Administration funding terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah through Iran just like Barack Obama, which is a complete reversal from the Trump administration Abraham Accords, and has led to violence and devastation in the Middle East. Later, Mark is joined by author Lawrence Jones to discuss his new book, American Man: Speaking the Truth about the War on Masculinity.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy. Now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the The the
the the The
america mark levin. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. Unfortunately, a man is little, who is little known to you, but as a powerful chairman, they house, foreign affairs committee is being played for a full and he's a republic I'm going to read this article to you, And this is all over the media. Now, when I read this to you headlines, Egypt, warned Israel three days before Hamas massacre. U S, congressmen says what U s. House foreign affairs committee, chair, michaelmas, call a republican, told reporters on Wednesday that each,
had warned Israel three days before Hamas as a sob, southern israel by court. An event like this could happen. I quote. According to u S, media, there seems been a failure of intelligent, he said were not quite sure how we missed it. When I quite sure, Israel missed it after you, the a classified breed. Testify briefing by whom will? Obviously u s intelligence. We That Egypt had worn these rarely three days prior that in a very like this could happen. We know this event was planned, perhaps as long as a year ago, out of the house, foreign affairs committee chairman, because state It's come after a series of reports that egyptian intelligence officials had said to Israel ahead of Hamas as a solid over the weekend on Monday the eight p reported that an egyptian intelligence official had said at ease. ted warned israel repeatedly about quote something big unquote, but that this war
was downplayed is, as is rarely. Officials were focusing on the west bank, so egyptian elegant says was down papers. There are focused on the west bank. we have warned them an explosion, situation is coming and very soon and it would be big, but they underestimated. Such warranty said the official, the egyptian official. The aid be outlawed, they monitor region, It is well that senior egyptian officials had worn is robin impending attack from Gaza. these warnings were not specific, not brought to the prime minister's attention now. How would the egyptians know that? But let's go on on Wednesday. The financial times cited to unnamed officials and stating in energy intelligence, repeatedly warned Israel that the situate in the Gaza strip could explode the officials that there was no hard intelligence about a specific attack- and this was general warning now. Why would egyptian intelligent speed
in this all over america's media and worldwide media prime minister's office. This is at the very end of the story. be Netanyahu. The prime minister's office has denied the report's calling them coat, absolutely false, unquote and stressing that quotas message in advance has arrived from Egypt, and the prime minister has neither spoke nor met with ahead of egyptian intelligence service formation of the government, neither directly nor indirectly shinto the lead paragraph must produce so we have leaks by egyptians to the media. We warned we want and what we have three different scenarios here what's in the best interests of united states intelligence, which of course, turned on trump and so forth, and so on to point the finger.
As far as well now, here's the deal, This caused the chairman of the house. Foreign affairs committee He's been no formal review, there has not been interviews, there's been no, no invite negation there's been Discussion with the israeli intelligence, We don't know what american intelligence nowhere didn't know. There's been nothing there's been a hearing. Nothing there's been a briefing and this fool The chairman of the house, foreign affairs committee, is all over the place saying. Yes, the israelis were warned by the egyptians warned of what. We have three different scenarios, I'd say they will want to something, Who is a practical matter? You always
these kinds of warnings, we get him in the united states to police departments get them. The fbi gets them. State troopers get that everybody gets them, but that's not the point. Why would they, chairman. They republican chairman of the house, foreign affairs committee, makes such aid defended. Conclusive statement, one absolutely no review has been conducted because he's being played. for. I have never been impressed by this guy. You probably seen won t was a big rhino. These weak not particularly high I q, you can tell when you talk. the man he's all over the place. Now and why would he say this now when he doesn't? the facts because he's being played. That's why.
Maybe there was a failure of israeli intelligence? Maybe they were told something by the egyptians? Where were they told? Who knows who told you I don't know, but mccall knows everything Was briefed by our intelligence for an hour or so he knows everything. But what about our intelligence? What did we know fairly? Nothing Why were the egyptians just give this to israeli intelligence and not to even american intelligent? We have troops in the region, we have a base in the region by went, they tell us arena a lot we don't know. So I would this for comment to make a definitive statement now before he has other facts because he's a fool, that's why.
If something was miss that should have been caught, that'll be dealt with and should be? but my car has no idea no idea of the four or comprehensive extent of any information he doesn't Because our intelligence services- don't even have because the israeli intelligence us intelligence, they're going to have to be reviewed, our government in the israeli government. Let me see asked you right now. The israeli government has focused on one thing and one thing: only saving its country. saving its country. Some call coming out popping off like this without me Following the formal, but we had a briefing, I don't a briefing on russia, collusion together Briefing on the dossier, all kinds of brief These are taking place. That's not my point.
my point is you wait together information and when you as chairman of a powerful committee, and you do something like this you undermine our country and you're undermine their country, as you don't really know, squad. That's why there are reviews, after the fact military operations, intelligence operations headed. We miss this. How do we miss that? You don't just pop off, because The egyptians are putting out all this information and he had a brief Income, yours, intelligent sugar. We saw this text and we saw that you don't know a damn thing. You certainly dont know all of it and you should know better. Then, to gather all the information before you papa: this is a dumb man. this is a rhino. These absent we in the wrong position. As chairman of the house. Foreign affairs can absolutely the wrong wrong it. Then. I
In our view, I think it was, we concluded a mark warner. he's the chairman of the Senate intelligence committee. at no time. In fact, let me change it. He defended. The six billion dollars go into the iranians they're the same talking, Wow, that's not really to the iranians; it's not really our money. It goes in the account over here. It's not part of it. So why not freezer? He didn't want to freeze it or he wouldn't he wouldn't be pinned down on. Now this is illustrative of something that's been going on all over the media, with the democrats and liberals, even those who have condemned what's taking place, which is in all of them. Some will condemn Hamas but defend the palestinians.
get out a boss- he's moderate he's over there, the palestine it no he's not he's a terrorist, and we specifically, pass laws that prevented him from giving enormous pensions. two palestinian terrorists from the palestinian authority poor slaughtering Jews and by the way americans like teller force and so states congress had had enough. They passed a teller force act which prevents hundreds of millions of dollars a year going to the estonians primarily the palestinian authority. Why? Because it gives pensions to terrorists and the more jews. You kill the bigger the tariff pension. Should that condemned, democrats and liberals on tv should condemn that, because Donald trump said now I'm signing that law and Joe Biden said: guess what I'm doing, I'm contravening law and a federal judge, basically role that yesterday.
But the democrats and liberals on tv, the guests in the house, you don't hear crap about that now. We so called moderate Democrats senators putting almost exist. Actually, the same day, and see written talking points if around is fair. They have been involved in these terms, activities against Israel. Then we should freeze this Billion out o how courageous and their stay it's her almost exactly the same. Oh, that's, very courageous, syn the political, the worst kind, ok. How come you don't issue? A press release that states that the Biden administration, the Democrats need to enforce the trump sanctions? Oil? sanctions. There were placed on IRAN, which enabled, when Biden reversed it
Iran to get seventy billion dollars that they didn't have before. Selling their oil to china in Venezuela and russia and syria to rio. in itself and build up as terrorist war machine. How come you don't put out I can that this is what I mean Am I haven't heard a single democrat liberal on any of that While channels condemn that and how come I this up they're, not demanding right now that Biden enforce those sanctions, where's that press release where's that statement, liberals and democrats on tv. Nowhere, nothing. And how many liberals and democrats on tv have condemned Joe Biden for the murder of a hundred thousand american citizens as a result of fetnah coming over our open border,
rapes and the murders and the sex slavery? How come they? Don't a statement or outcome. A democrat liberals on tv, don't say: ok, I'm a democrat Well, we need to reverse course secure the damn border we see: what's happened in the middle east down in Israel and so far nothing zippo. Why is that because you're, a democrat first country? Second, our country, second, every other country third fifth dead man, because that your religion, that your faith, that your ideology, toys about power, regardless of the cost. And so now what were hearing is from people like that, the Cities are horrific, monstrous.
you mentioned Biden but, and the praetorian guard steps him. Never I don't understand what don't we understand. I'll, be right back then, Have you been way.
In dubai gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions to get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com,
I want to say something to you. My audience. And I may say on the weak on fox as well. The vast majority of you in my radio audience are not jewish, you, americans, your patriots, So maybe a jewish, some of your chris, in some of the muslim? Some of you are nothing I want to thank all of you. As an american jus we're a tiny percentage the population in the united states even a smaller percentage.
When you consider the world population. I and my parents, my grandparents before them my family. Her so thoroughly grateful to be in this country. Where we have a constitution where we have a bill of rights where we have the ability to speak like no other place in the face there. I am grateful for this country, my family. fought for this country, my family loves this country. We are please, to be here all of us
In from my heart and soul, I want to thank you. you could turn the other way you could become one of these anti semites in the democratic party or whatever, but you don't. You ever saw you have a heart, you know we Jews, call gentiles, like you righteous gentiles, the highest praise we can give, and you also know- and I also know that this fight is bigger than Israel is bigger than the jewish people, the same people if they got nuclear weapons would blow our country of the face of the earth,
We rightly have you been here.
And to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six, eight five, nine two text: data message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com.
I put them above thunder on arrived to call him now. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one over here with one of my favorite senators, Tom cotton of arkansas, senator cotton. watching a lot of this coverage in what's missing from a lot of this coverage, cereal, MSNBC and cnn, and in the usual news platforms, is context. Everybody's praising Joe Biden first speeches, but they dont go by, can look at his actions or, should I say inactions, are you concerned That policies in the united states, which basically reversed, All the policies of the trump administration help re arm the enemy help arm the terrorists and that we act. We act like none. Others actually occurred
Mark that your hand me I'm back, but not just your body policies with our stock of all of you to be followed and go back to be obama, bygone era, workable, Joe Biden haven't very ideological view. At least there has always been to try to elevate alone as regional power. Thank you returned in some kind of normal state back an imbalance Israel and our airport earth when in reality line a radical theocratic dictatorship and not never be anything but with longer to ipo a government. That's why they find and fuel groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, who are dedicated not just to killing Jews and Israel, but killing american as well and president binds policies or simply. a well direction, a brought about quality, domesticated, live by the time people be made about our own house, the obama administration have rejected a weakness.
They ve been howard, iran and therefore unable power empowered to launch proxy black box and still to this day even where you're looking at featured the present yesterday were few You say the word arrived. He talked about any country, he refused to mention hezbollah department. any organization like They will not even say the name of our enemies for fear of provoking the more angering them. When, in reality, what we should be saying directly, not just some unnamed organizational warned that unnamed nation. If a law, nor has the law take advantage of the situation, we will crush them as well We mentioned in passing at the white house and when he didn't do today, is this senator curtain. We focus on this six billion dollars, which is bad enough, and it's not just the avail letty of money at some point to be used for terrorism. It is the fact that we, give six billion dollars to an enemy that is trying to build new,
weapons on icy beams aimed at the united states, has sent an assassin to the united states to kill a former sector. stayed former head of the national security council in a minute a country that is the the regime that has american soldiers created horrific. Actually jury combat veteran. You know this yourself and we six billion dollars left, pretend they use it to buy flowers. Why would you give them six billion dollars for anything and market argument? Joe Biden has illustration made last night that well, it can only be used humanitarian services, food and medicine soda, but it can only be made in bad faith. Of course, if you give the government of IRAN billion dollars, even if you just let them you'd ever heard madison. Up the million dollar that they would have spent on food and medicine, and it empowers iran and, if not, just a second
in its ten billion that was voted through a rat. It's kinda bill and the dollars that iran has re. Read the kind of administration refusal to import enforced, spoil sanctions chill out course their use that money to find an arm their proxy like Hamas and hezbollah, or the motion would far rather than other pack american forces more than eighty times, with barely a response from its administration And beyond the money, as you say, it also protects weakness. It is appeasement detailed alone, out of state will not defend? Our interests, in fact, will continue to grant concession in the hope that they turn over a new leaf, and let's talk about something concrete everybody here. So what steps is the bad administration taken to stop right now,. stop around from selling oil to china. Syria, venezuela, russia,
anybody also wants to have they had. They said you know we're going to change our ways here, we're going to stop the sale. The the movement of oil. We're going to enforce the sanctions, haven't said that, having no to my knowledge, largely taken no stay up for anything again. central to their appeasement, other line is to allow them under the table the ship candle, Billions of dollars of oil to our number one enemy in the world, china and, of course, that's also a function of their insane energy policy here in the united states. Not all Who are they trying to up even conciliate the ayatollah? If you're on a people, and they are also trying to keep the pipe and gatt lower home, they refuse to take action. produced more american oil, show it doubly doubly harmful to america.
Are you aware of any republicans, the united states Senate or any republicans period, longed. Any anti semitic organization not personally american, to congress or in arkansas. Maybe there's someone out there, but if any party has a problem with antisemitism, it's obviously the democratic party. If you look at the members of congress like her she'd have to leave an albino bar or for that matter, all these radical leftist groups, like the democratic socialists for america or black lives matter movement that have been siding with Hamas, siding with people who We had a baby right and mutilated women and burn Family belie, but the simple fact that they were doing the democratic party, the party without the prompt and act in a given country, and when Joe Biden says, you know that et. Semitism is horrific. You know he made a very good statement about that in front of jewish groups, but I call out a single member them,
Crab member, the house of representatives, he doesn't single out a single media organization or single organization, all of which are in with the democratic party? So when you How can a amorphous way like Nancy Pelosi did when it came to Omar, and so Fourth and so on, talk is cheap, isn't it seller very. Keep it Joe Biden nominees perfectly capable of calling out congressmen. My name? He can do that with tat will be, or you can do it with Margaret hale arrayed, I guess never heard of the sheet of labour is ever heard of a law no more, but the archway capable of coming out begin by name so maybe he'd call out some of the Democrats in his own party, who have been sympathetic, sympathising with lost terrorists.
and it really see any changes in the by an administration policy. You know it's one thing, the so say we're setting the gerald for the aircraft carrier biggest and most sophisticated. It may be the eyes narrow, join it and that's all important, that's all good providing the military weaponry. the israelis need that's, all important are good, but it's important affair out we got here from the abraham accords, the abraham large, which saudi Arabia almost signed onto to this and it's my view senator that unless we get to the bottom of the policies, including in the united states and all people accountable, they'll be more of this. Do you agree with without it reversal of the obama leyden along policy, can expect to see more of the savage atrocities because that's what it at the old with her I'm going back to two thousand and thirteen when pressure bomber first weaken, sanctioned and sharp pointed out at the time when I signed a new
air agreements now without a complete reversal, most policy- you will not be peace and stability in the Middle EAST marty, even Jimmy carter Melinda, not condemning, I once the I awoke had Popple bashaw, I take an american costed and soviet russia baited afghanistan change course. He changed its policy towards this country. He began us All military build up that ronald reagan, chuck and expanded could even jimmy carter change course, that's exactly what you're binding do yet. I see no indication that he will he hasn't done a damn thing to reverse a single one of his policies, its funding, this regime, that funding the palestinian terrorists who had been de funded unit, he found by donald trump in the past and done from took out solar money. Donald trump took out bag daddy. You know for all the talk about donald trump tromp was not an isolationist, he did believe and peace through stripe. I told him that
to his face, your more reckoning, you think, with this peace through stance, seventeen he put his foot down. I don't see by buying says: don't don't don't do what course of course offers no question about back there I mean dollar, probably going to import blog about his own red line. Forty bond bashar, Al Assad forces without without people, but not a red line- dollar purported bra, but he knew like one awakened me that when the president of IRAN, They come in. America, makes a commitment back amendment about followed through upon the projectile weakness, killing hardly syllable, They have exactly what ronald Reagan, what a dime, but no there's, no tyrants zyobite. Let me look bad. They fit the weekend, insisting that want to fix
in dollars hasn't been released. Yet not a penny of it has been spent. My response, that is that's great news. It means that we can freeze it once again when they're asked about it. They have no answer. They don't give the obvious sign common fifth answer, which is, of course, we're not going to give IRAN six billion dollars after the hats off about how butchered more than a thousand israeli, which we believe that they are not going to change course, the bear actually go ahead and you have a role and six billion dollars. Despite the atrocities, we abstained in Israel. they concern. Now is when we see what always starts. Israel, which is a myth, Terry power exercised that power to eliminate their enemy, the enemy, the once toward the Jews off the face of the earth and not just in Israel. That's when the new york times, which I would at the holocaust, will kick in that's when their media will kick in. That's when the Democrats,
togo, wobbly and start talking about look at the atrocities and so forth, and so on that kind of income by the israelis, in other words those what the israelis when they're victims, but they won't support the israelis to victory correct that the pattern repaint time and again in the obama Biden aramark, you thought thick. He thought he doubts a lot about peak oil was about fourteen two thousand. while after a few days when there are civilian casualties without Hamas and hezbollah use human shield that places like hospital kindergarten mark. You attack Israel
yet while boy and they labour- and they start calling for proportionality and restrain mark a cup had debated? There is nothing Israel could do in Gaza. That would be disproportionate and any child if any hospital patient it killed in Gaza. It because Hamas was using schools and hospitals and mark for military purposes, and Israel should do now in gaza and to Hamas what we did after poor herbert who, I think that's what I thought. I'd algiers pearl harbor. we totally destroyed- imperial the pan and nazi germany did. We keep a head count? How many enemy we killed during the course of our work to senator there were held a thousand smart, not and so on. Many night on many nights
In connection with not here for human health, talking, but on many nights and healthier and dresden. We he killed a thousand to win the war and other Israel, No more than you, I don't want to see civilian casualties. In the end, this is war. And you believe casualties result in places I gotta be a mosque. You do him to protect itself and protected motor infrastructure. Their report Even set Ahmad is refusing to allow the billions in Gaza to relocate to what the israeli defence forces are identifying find safes out because they want civilian casualties. An american media know it they a hundred so no exactly what's going on here: can we just mid senator the american media is anti Israel. Isn't that the bottom line, starting with the new york times lord said,
if our media are objectively aunt, I Israel, just like large segment of the democratic party, I'm a mark on the way out the door at the end of twenty six came, the obama administration refused albedo, yet another and I Israel resolution and are you not a nation security administration that both parties had gone for decades? Rock obama hope at least that sad. I wanted to have daylight between the united states and Israel, and we saw what that brought us when you saw with donald trump, when there was no daylight between the united states and Israel, it was an inflationary street. It was why thing it was peace and stability. Because when america is strong and resolute, the defence of our interests and our friends our enemy fearful, and I might add, senator that these same terrorists they can give their. Groups different names
Three thousand american citizens on one morning kill an enormous number of our soldiers, horrific casualties, can see it on tv every day. What took place here. This is our enemy to and we are wide open border and I predict it's not, I'm nostradamus, it's pretty obvious. one day, we're gonna- get a horrific hit people here, My fingers- and we know what the Problem is senator. I can tell your plane. Would you kids at is wonderful, and I want to You go play with your kids imo. A heartbreak anyway, well marked back to. I met a little ball game tonight and I thought about not accepting the invitation. I thought you I won't come on because guys we're blow I live in a country and the able to go. We the home page way not knowing that we had murdered one firstly founded on our border, who would right then to our country
to a matter for our children and I am able to do tonight when all these other parents or children are able to do tonight is what israeli parents are not able to do tonight and that's why we have to stand for square with Israel in this coming war. Bless you senator terrific, take care that you want one. Right back then. Have you been way? by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news. If you
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I got a lot more. I dunno that I can fit it all in and are three hours, but we will at least try. we ve got a lot more. Ladies and gentlemen. Don't go away. I'll be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you thank you again,
we're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the snow broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the american mark levin. Here I have a question for you: how many people died has as a result of the new york times covering up the holocaust. we're going to keep body council. Let's do it. People died as a result on the new york times covering up the holocaust. Let me er
Let me open another one, my books on freedom of the press. These books will be. other than family and friends. My legacy, one I'm gone people Get what set on radio and tv they forget, what served on online but books last and I write It's the last not because of a legacy. I read books the last because I want to convey right, think are important points to save our country. In eighteen, eighty four doktor David S, wyman page one, forty five on freedom of the press in his book, the abandoned, the Jews and he wasn't jewish by Explain that quote. One reason ordinary americans were not more responsive to the plight of european jews during the holocaust was very. Probably a majority were unaware of hitler's extermination programme
till well and a nineteen forty four later. The information was not readily available to the public because them media treated these systemic systemic murder of millions of Jews Were minor news. tehran november, twenty four nineteen, forty two. I beg you as evidence of the nazis ongoing extermination of you. European Jews was made publicly available, but was largely nor by the media collapse. Solid press coverage in the weeks immediately following november twenty four muffled, the historic news at the outset. In fact, newly released documents That the allied powers new first hand of the mass murder jews by December nineteen. Forty two This report, and on April eighteen, twenty seventeen by the independent, a british newspaper, quote newly act, material from the united nations.
not seen for around seventy years, Shows that, as early as december, nineteen- forty to the? U S, uk and soviet governments, were aware that Two million jews had already been murdered Their five million were at risk of being killed and were preparing charges. I'm quoting despite this. the allied powers did very little to try and rescue or provide sanctuary. To those in mortal danger. It late december at night. forty two uk foreign secretary, anthony and told the british parliament there when authorities not content with denying too Since of jewish race and all their territories over which there barbarous will extends the most element, Three human rights are now carrying into effect. Hitler's off repeated in time. to exterminate the jewish people unquote. In the united states, Wyman asserted two or three clear statements from franklin rose above would remove this news into public view and kept it.
For some time in the public view, but the president was not so inclined. Nor did washington report is present retrospective He was almost unbelievable that in browser press conferences normally held twice a week? Not one word was spoken about the mass killing of european jews and so most a year later because I colluded they didn't want to talk about. That's me saying that president, nothing to say to report on the matter and no corresponding asked him a single question, Rose about an estate department which was populated with several individuals who were at a minimum, indifferent to the fate of the european jews and others we're flat out anti semites, and your read that in the democratic party hates america did. I want to draw attention to the holocaust. About was assisted in this policy by the american press rights women. For most of the war, news outlets and journalists censored information,
ongoing sense extermination of jews or hid the information in frequent and sporadic reports among voluminous other stories. Most news pay printed very little about the holocaust, wrote wine and even though extensive information on it eventually reach their desks from services such as a p, you pay and others, and from their own, correspondence. Now? Surely the new york times with its wide reach resources, access to foreign sources of information, reputation, The foremost newspaper in the country, large jewish reed, ship in a jewish ownership. Would do everything possible. I write to him the gate and disclosed the hearts of jewish genocide, but the opposite is true. Women explained that the times jewish shown but anxious not to be seen as jewish oriented was the pre american newspaper lira printed
stand for amount of information on how holocaust related events, but almost always married it on the inner pages in the world, imposed The jewish on washington, post, primitive you wanna terms, advocating rescue, but only infrequently carried news reports are the europe and your situation, the other wash Two newspapers pro Similarly limited information on the mass murder of european drury, most of the other press. Outside new york and washington press coverage was even thinner major newspapers carried some holocaust related news, but it appeared infrequently must always in small items located in the inside pages. American circulation magazines all but ignore the holocaust. Radio coverage of the holocaust news was extreme. A sparse the evidence of the new york times cover is unequivocal.
Taking direct aim now more patron. Fifty four, those falling on freedom of the press, taking direct the new york times preset professor laurel laugh of north Eastern university, formerly journalist, meticulous scrutinise, not only the role of the media generally during the holocaust, but the new york times in particular and she's right, Extensively about code, how the new york times failed in its coverage of the fate of europeans Whose from nineteen thirty nine to nineteen forty five in her book buried by the times, she asks what was bad prevailing press standards and the policies and personalities of the new york times that led the nations most important newspaper paper, disk one of the centuries most important news stories. The times, was unique. She wrote in the comprehensiveness of its coverage and the extent of its influence among american opinion makers, because long term commitment to irrational affairs and its willingness to sacrifice advertising rather than
articles in the face of newsprint crunch, and it supports it's a jewish readership. The times was able to obtain and publish more news and any other mainstream newspaper. The way the times published. That news also had a disproportionate impact on both policy makers and fellow journalists who consider that the newspaper record that the time I was owned by jews of german ancestry who its Will we be more sensitive to the plight of the european brethren? Furthermore, define the times critical role in shaping contemporaneous coverage of the holocaust. Professor left then makes this damning disclosure cope, Your at times is judgment that the man- Millions of Jews was a relatively unimportant story: weaver rated among other journalists trying to assess the news amongst which groups trying to arouse public opinion and among
remnant leaders trying to decide on an american response? Then? You have democrats and liberals today from a jewish, not all, maybe not even mouse. You still defend Joe Biden His handling of around funding it funding the palestinians. Showing how the united states too and over nuclear weapon, Genuine his policies hasn't made. one degree turned leaded loudly. U and they still defend him just as they defended adored franklin rosa? What happened here.
left, writes professor left the times publisher, arthur haze, souls souls, tat actually and repeatedly buried news about the holocaust, deep within its paper or ignored it. together, Rachel, rather, although the war was the dominant news, it need not have been was not the only front page news, the new york times printed twelve and fifteen front page story every day. Fewer than half of these typically concern the war. The new york times First, storing the nazi extermination campaign, which described it the greatest mass slaughter in history appeared on page five tact under them. Of a column of stories. Yet the debts other civilians. Often fewer than a hundred regularly appeared on the front page. Salzburg is personal. Philosophical views on judaism also played a major part in his callous disengagement from the plight of the european jews. in the case of salzburg right. Professor left concerns about
I shall pleading and do loyalties we're not purely a pragmatic calculation. They also reflected a deeply religious and philosophical belief that made so Asperger resistant to changing the views in the light of changing circumstances. Being jewish was solely a religious not a racial or ethnic orientation. He maintained take care that no special obligation that help follow jews as they take. semitism, intensified in germany and to a lesser, don't in america. He protested a bit too firstly, perhaps the Jews, just like other citizens. They should not be persecuted as Jews, but they should Be rescued is jews either. In fact, american jews who helped other Jews because they were Jews threatened to undercut Their position in america salzburg believe the pilot I'm publisher thus was philosophically oppose really out my words.
the reporting on the holocaust, the credit salzburg as personal dislike of certain jewish leaders in opposition in their efforts to establish a jewish state in europe I'm a jewish homeland, further soured him, and hence the times ridge of the holocaust was minimal. Professor left, that sounds burgers environment with american jewish community also lead on to be less inclined to emphasise their fate. His aunt tip for jewish leaders in the u s and palestine somewhat. His sympathy for persecutors jews in your so guys are left us. He's an eighty alive wants to serve the interests of Glenn rose about in the democratic party tat. Six. Actually the new york times today. Exactly the new york times today
what are the Jews, the massacres we ve all seen the video jus ungentlemanlike. We seen at a tremendous what's taking place. we expect the new york times. Actively and honestly cover what's happening by this bribing whose doing what the whole? No. We cannot and, as the israelis demonstrate that will not play the role of victim that they will not let their babies and their children. And their mothers and their fathers and their grandparents and their health, survivors. pushed into what is the equivalent of gas chambers of evans of mass graves. The near tyres will turn on the israelis. It is
always turn on the israelis whenever Hamas or another terrorist group. Has attacked innocent civilians and started slaughtering them and as soon as Israel fights back up goes the numbers game up go The Hamas propaganda handed out, particularly to the new york times and you'll, see it on cnn and MSNBC, which already is the home to fit columnists. Who hate america and a more than happy to carry the war for the enemy and already are. but any news organization any any. Whose programme at play numbers game and doesn't tell you that what Consequences, whatever casualties, whatever deaths, occur,.
As a result of the israelis defending themselves and their existence that bachelor on the hands of terrorists,. Hamas and hezbollah in IRAN that that's on their head. Then you know: that those so called news organisations are no different than the new york times was, during the holocaust, I'll be right back then, I have to tell you something that speed to the re core values as americans about a veterinary company on a myth.
and to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks, plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot, just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well. This is pure talk: dot, com, slash, Levin, pure talk, dot, com, slash, olivia and switch to pure talk. Today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move
and it's the american way. Our friends in news busters remind us that for years, many journalists, democratic party journalists excused and promoted hamas cut to go there on a top former israeli general went on national radio in Israel to say there has been absolute apartheid in the occupied west bank for the past fifty seven years and even compared the situation there with. See germany palestinian a our looking around, and I'm thinking who is going To protect us from seeing a wave of popularity after this latest round of the palestinian people aren't never supported Hamas before but does. Violence comes from despair in Gaza, many
These attacks, as justified many palestinians, believe dancing weaken death is the only way to show their desperation. Politicians think they could just ignore the context in which all of this is happening. The fact that Israel is an occupying power and when you have mandatory conscription and service in israel effectively, the palestinians will save its war against everyone, because everyone's a soldier look. I think we need to understand that tells the use of the elite reality of structural oppression, violence, subjugation control, oppression, etc. Many palestinians feel powerless ballast, indians, after frustrated they're, trying to get then why? Don't they always throw Hamas It kills its own people if they're frustrated, if they feel oppressed. Then? Why don't they overthrow Hamas? Well marked they don't
power. Then why don't they ask for help? There's a nation's right next to the gaza, rip. There were more than happily help them. Let's be blunt, our little. What the media are saying if them already a palestinians in the Gaza strip didn't want ass. There would be no Hamas, they voted them in, And they won't leave. but now you are hearing the media. The two faced mania. There are circumstances their situation, so why they spending billions and billions of dollars on tunnels to kill jews. Why are they spending their money on missiles? fifty five hundred missiles of missile lotteries: they kill jews. Why are they d
the puppet regime or the iranians if they don't like being oppressed? Why don't they contact the united states and tell us we want help. We want out. The media are sitting in your nose. Most of those folks had accents and most of those rights, Since from where the middle east just being If you hear my, I and everybody here is the propagandists. And many of them are Israel rolling, jus haters, dressed up as journalists. What about Hamas if you ever heard a full story or read a full story in the new york times or any of these networks of these seen in an msnbc talking the dissidents. Even without their faces and inanimate anonymous. About what hamas is doing to the palestinians
as an austrian, I even heard one rapporteur say most of the palestine These guys are innocent. They don't want. This, then do something about or israel will I'll be right back. I have to tell you something that speaks to them. Core values as americans about a veterinary company on a myth,
and to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk, I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast, five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans. Get the best service at the best price as well, is a pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, pure talk, dot com
slash, olivia and switched to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. The only constitutional lawyer you can see today for free, no appointment necessary, just call him at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one Man, I love you in the audience I'm so blessed to have you and I had this platform to take on the new york times in the rest of the media. To take on the democratic party and their rat anti semites. To take on the palestinian terrorists in their front group, citing a student groups all along all three a country in these college campuses just remember the.
people trying to slaughter. The israelis are the people who try. The slaughter us and they won't stop they're, not gonna, stop iran wants a knook and binds gonna handed them. That'll change everything I mean the contents we are now in this country. Do you realize the number of americans killed by Hamas is increasing every day as they can the bodies and try and figure out who's who do as the number of america hostages has increased significantly. How can we always have american hostages under Joe Biden, whether its afghanistan or hear this situation? pays the uranium six billion dollars and also gives them back five terrorists.
As I said on Hannity last night, how many mulligan does this guy get and by the way? join my four and a half minutes on how MR producer Robert Kennedy went on for like eight and a half minutes like a homeless guy. Lindsey graham went on and on and on the other, as forty five minute, I've told Sean forty five minutes. I do it, it's not enough time to say what I needed to say. Although I felt like I said what I needed to say. You know like a brother me to joke. We have. Jake tapir on CNN yesterday, it took all of this. for him to figure out for jake to figure out. That anti semitism comes from the left cut for third there there does seem today, but we we spent a lot of time. I, during the trump years-
king and anti semitism on the right. This does, These last few days have been a real. I opening period for a lot of people out of democrats about a progressive In terms of anti semitism on the left, People who seem more shocked at dehumanizing language, by world leaders to describe for mass, then what Hamas us actually perpetrated on saturday can try jake. You should be listening to the show and I think you'd sober up seriously. Tromp was no anti semite like people, coins, zaleski and nazi znamensky, a jew. Two lost family members in the holocaust. Trumpet anti semite the first president with jewish. Of a family. His son in law, his wife, the children that is his grandchildren. What
ties, semi, move the capital. Choose me, the embassy of the united states from tel Aviv to truth. Why would he announced the Jerusalem is? The aim, In modern capital of the Jews. Why would he say that the united? It's under his administration recognizes the golan heights as israeli territory, and so many other things his buying demonstrate Great compassion or concern even just a cold hearted geographically, the political reality of what goes on over there now
people are persuaded that guarantee by both by the says I look at what he does her doesn't do he hasn't changed. Any was policies. toward iran. For the palestinians, including Hamas, towards Hezbollah, not one, he continues to fund them. By refusing to enforce sanctions we ve been through this here is tallied. You ve seen this hilary one is a fantastic reporter. She happens to be by the way peter deuces, wife, good couple.
Cut five go fails to come in and out do you wouldn't say a word? I hear people defending that she's, a palestinian flag
hanging outsider office. I mean, after all, maybe a jewish congressmen. congress, woman congresswoman, has in israeli flag. What's the difference, if you don't know what the differences. Then you need to go back to church, her synagogue, your mosque and figure out the difference between good and evil. but here's what to maze you folks in maryland, prince Georgia's county, in particular that area. You've had forever a man named stumpy or steny hoyer for the longest time was the number two democrat in the house of representatives. Then there forever
before that he was lieutenant governor, he wanted to be governor, he didn't make it he wanted to be senator, he didn't make it so he said you know, it'll be a congressman. The rest of my life, an extremely powerful democratic member of the house,. In our dear friend, large jones will be on this programme in about a half hour pathway. I love these young reporters fox. They are the best. They are fantastic. Whether till riven peter do see large jones and others they are, they are just terrific, real journalists standing horrid defence, where she.
defensive cut, six go such as how to link to have this house flag outside. I dont know, if he's palestinian that doesn't mean she's a terrorist minors, genius that given what's being done to the Jews by post, the un's now or not all palestinian smyrna, there's some great. Peaceful leading palestinians in the middle east name, one tore the peaceful. Palestinian leaders in the Middle EAST. Are they darn any? Oh? Why she should take the flag down because of what is being done in the aim of the palestinians in the middle east The media and the Democrats want to have it both ways. Right now. Look here, Hamas
and these terrorists are not the same as the palestinians. Ok, I got it and then he reports what someone report Today, one of the major networks, the reduce in favor of Israel, jews protesting against Israel, Really anti semitic and new york from news, I think was NBC, said the two sides face off the palestinians and the Jews also, they are just palestinians who are supporting Hamas, who are talk, that the obliteration of the Jews for talking about that cost and have a swastika flag. Walker wonder why they are they palestinians? Are they hamas terrorists or are palestinians, whether news didn't make it? Think saying the two charge are facing off against each other, which decide
go ahead condones this regime I have it, and I have come to light a danish flag in at my house, it does mean one What are you an area The danes are very dangerous, very, very dangerous. Everybody knows that. I fly danish flag of my great I e danish. What does that have to do with it? Particularly apple danish? I, like apple danish, go ahead supporting comments, I disagree with some of our camus. She'll amended the death. on both sides, nothing. She she condemn however, save arrive, jane, something they will defend her even ass. She defence,
The hamas terrorists, the islamic jihad terrorists On brotherhood, terrorists there any and terrorists the hesba? terrorists, the palestinians already terrorists, she's made it abundantly clear. she stands and I remind everybody that it was she on the airplane tarmac when nobody one up after she spewed this june hate it is right and told her you don't a good job. You gonna get jobs. Why are you something, MR medusa I'll, be right back, Ben I have to tell you something that speaks to the re core values as americans.
A veteran owned company on a mission to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well visit pure clock, dot com, slash, levant, pure talk, dot com.
Ellie vienna and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. The democrat party hates america. Need something to you that I wrote page? Ninety nine of the democratic party hates america, although the democratic parties recalibrate it its modern racist targets like them, crash of all that remains the party of anti semitism in factors. Democratic parties. Marxist court- continues to metastasize. So does it say, thy semitism, for example the current leader, that house democrats and speaker in waiting hacking Jeffrey strongly defended his bigoted anti semitic, uncle Leonard jefferies when Hakim Jeffreys was a leading activists in college cnn reports, Leonard Jeffreys, face widespread backlash in the early nineties? If
She made about the involvement of rich jews in the african slave trade and conspiracy, planned and plodded and programs out of hollywood of which executives who he said were response forward, denigrating black americans and function? That sounds like Joseph Kennedy senior, he said, doktor jeffreys administrate louis fire, a kind of come under intense fire, wrote hakim, jeffreys and ninety ninety two: what do you think your interests lie. Doktor Jeffreys challenges. Existing white supremacist educational system. He said and law standing distortion of history, his reward has been a media: lynching, complete with character assassination and in full majority, erroneous accusations. Tell me how keen jeffreys you put out a statement condemning the atrocities you haven't put other states.
Condemning those in your party who support the atrocities and those who committed the atrocity. Why is that? Why is that the job and who likes the name, republicans he hates Magda republicans or donald trump. Why is that He doesn't call out by name. The anti semites and his party, condemned them by now? I keep hearing. Pierre. Whatever the hell, I name is the year the display, city it for the idiot. Oh, she put out a strong statement. Taking these people a task. Did she named them by name now as their movement, a foot in the democratic party to expand J K. Expel these people from their parties right now
Are they condemned by the new york times now? You notice the republicans own. Have this problem This is what I mean when I say in the book. The democratic party projects its own history, its own racism, its own anti semitism. but the republican party onto the country. And by the way, is a footnote one at that Those of you who continue to purchase the democratic party hates americans number two in the new york times best seller list. Now that's a big deal because it's been out now for four weeks and it goes against books that are out in their first. We can they pilar priorities and so forth, and so I wonder where I want to thank you. It is so important you say: mark Henning all that stuff. You cannot alter the right there in the book
and then everything starts to make sense? They don't make sense, but everything else starts to make sense, very, very important Stumpy hurry, you heard it. Let me get this guy dan gorman, saucer, jewish- and here israel when the attacks are currently gets out of israeli says he's there with his wife and three little kids. Of is, and he gets out anyway, Is he criticised tallied stance on Israel? I can point to: These things on the right, nobody asked you about many things in the right. You anyhow, I want you to hear this, for he is a fool: Jamie rash. I haven't seen any ear tyres raw comments from demographic. These are However, we do not manage a deep faith. I'll be right back folks. You ve heard me about hills, to college, giving away free copies of the constitution.
Washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day. They have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this, for your for for my listeners in soon so, if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com. Every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy, I'm hills, college girl of for hills, thereby come right now complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy. Now at fray hills, dot com, that's l, easy! I am free hills, del backup.
Easy now broadcasting them only underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, america, mark lorraine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one day: involvement on fox news today. He goes out of Israel, it was there were the three kids and he talks about the horror.
But he will not criticise his fellow Democrat Tully this. Our great friend launch drones, who You saw her stumpy higher, simple question that he would answer. Maybe did answer, and condemned himself cut seven? Go,
Protests in new york city, where they have swastikas when you have even your colleague, respectfully receded to leave, has not been asked. Forceful gets what's happening. How do you go back to the to the heel and try to get them to re rally for the israeli people? Look that there are fringe parts of of many different parties. There are conservative marches in the south with swastikas alternate margin to shout. He asked you about your party in congress. How many conservative marchers was swastikas or in your part in the year Republican party you moron capitol hill you're deflection, makes it abundantly clear that you put your party before everything you put your Pa
Before your country, you claim to support Israel. You put your party before Israel you're a sick, bastard. You are simply a sick bastard, go ahead, pursued tired, and I say that your party- what do you say it's I've had conversations with them in and you know representative across your cortez has condemned both that rally and this amounts to tax, and what we're talking about here is terrorism and what we are emphasising in what present invite instead so forcefully eustache enough, and I need a propagandist, Janey rascal. Who had any slight attacks? Donald trump, the Republicans conservatives as racists as anti semites as criminals and crooks any little flight
The rash can, as a marxist, that comes from a long line, a marxist. There's heller, yvonne? Oh, I love these. Reporters go ahead, one of your colleagues have called for a ceasefire calls for de escalation referred to Israel as an apartheid state. Do you think Democrats are unified in their support for Israel, yeah we're absolutely unified behind Israel's right to exist and israel's right to? Itself and will be standing strong with Israel. What do you make of the comments from your colleagues? Have that sort of indicate? Otherwise, I just I haven't seen any of those. All that I've heard, is Very powerful consensus that we need to stand by Israel as it defends itself he's a liar. Fraud is a phoney there's another one. Another marks puts its party before his own country.
before the lives of the israelis have cornered it out baby, no canny coating, this issue: they are dearborn michigan. Which, of course, is overwhelmingly now arab. Speaker to palestinian rally in dearborn, let me ask you something: you done listening to this, this individual. Tell me, does he make a distinction between the hamas terrorists on the palestinians does now he doesn't. That. I want to reassure you that there's a big distinction. You know really. but I'm not hearing that from the people of these rallies tat. There's any distinction.
Cut nine go. We had a terrorist organisation hamas, It's a piece organization right now. This said to be a palestinian rally, indeed dearborn michigan, but it's a Hamas rally. So what's the difference between I'm not hearing this got If you really listen carefully, these protests. They are honouring Hamas and terrorism and they make no distinction between The palestinians and hamas Hamas artist In their palestinians, they're all palestinians and
what they want? You know we're all. Palestinians were all united, whether terms There are here in the united states in dearborn michigan. now we're gonna believe what this guy says. I believe what he says in this respect. I we're going to ignore. pretendedst otherwise, because somebody had cnn and b MSNBC or the new york times or me, Eight and media matters also Democrats stronghold all their party first day. you to make a distinction, but the people at the railways are making any distinction. the who, The united states government such lenient immigration policy that
ro terrorists from the Middle EAST. I'll have their own city dearborn michigan protests from the Middle east have? sound a college campuses than anybody else. and that we want to have, other supporters. They pretend not to be supporters, let's stop playing games. I don't need jamie rascal, who is a marxist buffoon and government, it was a party had to tell us. What's going, we see it, we're not stupid. More and more of the Hamas wing of the democrats It's getting bigger and bigger. The democratic socialists soup it, but a yo see said it's not, and I should have to suffer Why does she resign from that group? Bernie sanders resigned from my group about
foreign talib and bowman and presley, and what the hell else is there. Then I canary resigned from the group. Then we have David Finkel. Well that doesn't sound arab merchants. Jewish I've told you about this group you from this program jewish voice for peace. Regardless of your faith. You all have people in your faith, who use your faith to advance a different agenda. They use their faith as camouflage for their hate. This exists in every faith, including mine, jewish voice for peace.
In my view, supports Hamas, supports these groups seems unimaginable. But I want you to listen to David Finkel, jewish voice for peace member pat at this same palestinian raw rally are actually doing moss rally in dearborn michigan. Yesterday, cotton. Jewish towards peace, in detroit stands with the palestinian community in the struggle for jaffa, this stolen There are two essential minorities to demand that the united states government first the siege and the pending invasion of Gaza must be stopped immediately. It is international journal side and israeli government officials have openly said so: Yeah. Second,
the united states must end in sales, illusion that so called normalization between Israel, saudi arabia. Where you go there, you go the enemy from within. I'll be right back then Why should I have large drawn from the programme? It does a great job and his new slant on fox and friends. You don't tremendous job on capital hill very proud of you and hilary? I mean you go Reporters here, Google right into the thick of it and are not afraid, politely persistent lady s really really important questions if you're patriot, and you know there are some journalists- were patriots enough lawrence
owns, is one of them has written a fantastic new book. I got an early copy, this speaking the truth about the war on masculinity. Eric and man, is the name of the book american man by large jones large. How are you my friend, you do a bit it's an honor beyond the show, and I can't thank you enough for being. The book as well? my great honor. You know these days. It's amazing. It takes some guts to in defence of masculinity. Doesn't it sad because it used to be that you know the story. Entered the norm. Apparently is become quite controversial. Talk about culture and youth, the need to write this. Why? Well? I followed happening in society and also our was thirty, and I was right in the book
reflecting all my life and the relationship with my father mamma had made capra, you would be a sick. My dad immediately married member emerges celebrated thirty years of marriage. My dad had a tumultuous relationship because he was so hard on. It was very clear and firm and I've got older, there's a level Appreciation game for them I've seen with all due respect, this new generation of young men, be so soft and weak. I've seen the failure of society a member taking their place, and you know that biblical world view things are going wrong with society. The moon obviously have now taken their place in society because, god entrusted to me the shepherd about families as we follow him.
and the birth of structure is a family or you get govern so whatever they going so wrong. Kind of wanted to lay out contemptible talk to some men, but I respected because I were women. We appreciated by want them to have a strong man. I want it to be I a man for them, after husband as their son, but I also wanted the kid the principles of manhood as well, and you have a chapter in your book. Chapter ten in particular man as provider. You cut it trying to explain what you mean, because you know there's a lot of soft notches man, but some are
people out there. They think there's something wrong with this year. You know, look after, like god wants us to do. This is what he can and luther do is to take care about family about being that financially, and it gives us There's this model man, that is a stay on dad or stay at all. Better wife go there. Bearing gifts, debate, gonna, break out, and that is not the way is supposed to be an increase. This war and a great chaos. You not it's totally. Fine is women, It's a work in and help the house on. I'm not I'm not bashing that, but the you know it our job to provide for our families and make sure that they have everything that they need it. The wife wants to do that to supplement or more power to her, but as a society after
We're getting away from the men are when they take their friends all their dating someone. They don't want to pick up the tab that require my mama bear, told me there and they want abuse. If you ask a woman out on a date, you go shake the father's hand and you make sure that you take care of everything that goes. That is your duty. If you gotta take her away from her father, then you better, damn sure be able to provide for her that's the thing this book is basically an effort to reintroduce traditional noise pact to society and traditional families. You need a father. You need a father who understands at his role is addressed to go along or play law. That his role is to be a man. A manly man His role is, as we say in the book to be fit to be a provider,
To know what's going on around them, that's what fathers are that's what fathers used to be in yet as you point out. This is controversial now and that's why you decided to write this book now. Let me the key question in your own life. There's a lot of good stuff from those book and we're touching on just the very tipp of it here in your life, You ve seen certain men who were many men and so forth, and that sort of thing and you're that kind of man you're, a young man. People want to know more about you. For instance, you have a girlfriend You want to a girl that, right now I want a wife. First of one wife, I'm betting and dating will encourage right the days of gaining just to have a feeling. That's over.
I'm dating would intention for the wife today and so What is not marriage material and I'm gonna data because date wasting time, not smart. That's smart! That's book! american man, american man, every man ought to read this book and by away others to it, because it's not just when you Crabs in america manage describing a family really, but the american man's role by lawrence channels. It's really a great book in its endorsed by hannity and me: in a paranoid, and so many others, you get on amazon, dot, com or any books are stick with us large jones. I have only just begun digging into this book with the weather. Its will be right back, mark loving rate. One great wondered what was entirely eight: seventy seven thirty one, three, eight one, one, my back to your book, american man, large jones. This is,
a full throated defence of manhood, in that a full throated defence of the nuclear family, my question to you: is manhood and you can read about all this in a book. Any is fascinating, tales about his family. His colleagues at fox and others. I mean it's really a great book it. It was an honour to get an early copying, read it and endorse it, and I just one I could do a justice here, but I encourage you to get it is me HU, the instinctive, Jones isn't learned or is it both? What was a little the men that are in their inherent the catholics dinner but then the day, a phase where your father, your grandfather, other members around you, are there to help, shape and mould you into that man. So both my present, no one ever
at the t lead amount, we're losing you a little bit or losing you a little bit if you're on a subject. Canada turn a little bit and there you go some of it being very instinctual. No one ever had to teach me to the pier my mom and sister might, I was sure he was placed in me just like the murdering aspect that my mother and sister god placed at in them the other things in my life, we're to shovel me just because of a lack of knowledge. Ah, how to carry myself. My father and mother taught me to do that type of fur, but when you open up a door, my mother was a notorious for we'll go to restaurant or something or death in overshot innocent. to this end in front of the door and worth shoes of work,
Are you gonna get the arm, because was required in our our soul I talk a lot about manhood, but I also talk about what christ requires us to do for women. We love our wives, like price love, the church, which is the most sacred type of love. So this is not a book. The bashers women appreciation of womanhood, but it also the challenge for men to take their place in society? That's, important point you're not opposed to strong, independent women, but yours what you're defending again is the distinction between men and women? Parenthood, a nuclear family. and when I really like about your book is it it is finally a push back a what
happen in the sixtys and seventys with all these other radical left wing movements that imposed What are their own ideology projected onto men and onto women and I think, to some extent, large johns. This is this has led to this imposed confusion about jack. Care about men and women, sports and so forth, and scientists this what happens when we don't accept what god has given us? Well, You know mark there's some honesty in the book as well. answer me because I'm much more than libertarian- and I think When I was interviewing you and peter sign a handy. There was this confession of you know I have to be honest for the book as well, because I was learning so much as well, and I said that I that am I responsible for part of this for say: oh if they just wouldn't do that, then let so
blogger than hurt it hurt anyone, but the problem with them As always, if you give them an inch they're going to take a mile- and you know market- I don't think it's fusion at all- I think they know exactly what to do, but the problem is they have their so circular that no principles, anymore and we'd know principles. You get utter care, which is what we said in our societies, so I wasn't enough for us to they adults, the reconsider, consenting adults can do whatever they want to live and led the way anyone now they had asked say the children of the parents. Want to intervene and say none other than now I feed them. I put a roof over their head that I'm going to get them, I'm going to raise them. When I get out of my house, they can do whatever they want with a loud and they said another. No, there are children there and
we're gonna do gender. If we find a third and not even let the parents know, and if the parents blue side to get involved in that child abuse me locked us and I think some of those that have the libertarian approach seated on some issued, a third you know- must give them some role when you ve never get the moral. You have to have lived with them and honestly year, and for libertarianism, then you know who he seizes strain of austrian school of economics and he said. When he was living. He wrote that the americans talk more like marxists than they do like free people. And that same with this family situation, it's it's sort of
destruction of the social construct of the family and I think Sure, from your libertarian point of view, and also your your family point of view, this, is what you say, and I want people understand, as I tried with large portray what's in the book, fascinating interviews? Yes, he didn't interview me we're very hard on this book. He wrote this book. He talks about his colleagues he talks about, who influenced his life. Because when I was watching fox all of a sudden there was launched drawn up. I find can start. I think started with hannity show now, so I lost your turn again. DE I put me on the map, he gets a lot of credit for that.
MR, but is rather bad connection. Let's call em right back. In the meantime, led to a silent prayer. I know we're not. I have a friend of mine really a friend of mine. who probably was the first guy. who brought me in the radio. I don't want happened, tat great guy, he still one method, silent prayer on radio. I love them an embarrassing, but that's like they did. Of radio, because of your show because ray As you know, they wanna hear people talking or whatever so few taken minute and silent private thirty seconds and silent prayer. Its registered as no audience whatsoever. I lawrence we're back go for maybe Hannity you and other. So he didn t really put me on the map of a became his correspondence. Lisa. Look of you denied the job.
after tat, he gave me the first and it goes. You know just be you because if you stick with me and you do this, two years. You have your own show what happened and from there the boss gave me this incredible opportunity to be a co host on fox and friends. Now what's it like sitting, there were three other people. How do you know when to speak and who gets to say what it is my pleasure, the junior guy, on that on that sulphur. You know. if the hardest shown in their work. In my opinion, It's three hours and the summers those highs and lows entertainment? Do those cooking segment as the younger would you I have a lot of humility and everyone thinks that they had the most solid point and you gotta know witness the appropriate time to make it
point or to compliment your colleague in the great big is. doing this show, since I was twenty years old, I'm thirty, so I've grown up with all these people. You just got a load, you get. It deals right after feel, right, I was simple rule maybe I shouldn't mention it to you. I never simple rule If you want me on your show, then for five or six minutes, so I can say something and don't interrupt me. Otherwise, why This has to do with you. I say the generic, why me on. my own shows I've got radio which is bigger than all my life fact shows put together. If you want me on because you want me to say something. Let me say it is so bad No, only the great one connection at all
All the great ones can get six minutes of uninterrupted time on national to china, and sometimes you sometimes sometimes decided long. Do you may get you make it the boy commercial, It is really huge and tv because of I fact that all the pedals, let me just say something it is an honor to know you irene, do enjoy on fox and friend, you have to get up like it ten at night the day before in order to get there is very, very difficult and you have a terrific person? Outing charisma comes across small hell gentlemen- and I want the audience to know, this is a fantastic book he's right. It doesn't matter what your gender is and so forth and so on. But it really speaks bluntly politely. Rationally about what's happened, manhood we men and women
Support of men need to do in Did we get our masculinity back because societies colonel organised now against Masculinity, that's what you're hammered with in india and large, through interviews. He does it through his own life's experience. He does it through what is colleagues and he have experienced and so but I just want you to know. It is delightful book. Arrogant man, you get it at amazon, dotcom right now, MR producer make sure we put it on our social sites for make it very easy. We adjust to link up there, one what some of you are on their harassing me so jones bless you, my friend. We really appreciate it come on I'll bet, you great one. presented so much now I do take care of yourself. It's very, very smooth book. Words goes beautifully and he can see roads can see. I know interviewed me from us an hour
and smart questions guy. Smart, he's good. And I'm just glad he's with us and he was thus tonight again I wanted, Harold. You check it out. Particularly those of you and I'm not trying to be myopic about this. Her narrow the book particular people of faith. It's that faith has had a major impact on warrant jobs he was kind of wild as a kid and sober, but he has great faith. and in many ways a frightened amount not that he was a thug. I'm not saying that put a model trade, narrowed, a relatively young age and just terrific, so the because american man by large jones, on all my social site, we link as well as and our common any major, bookstore I'll be right back then. Now you know
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I sell phone company pure talk today. I am deeply concerned now that the house republicans really for them are gonna work, I still have a well a blow out loss and the house representatives next, like a blow out Was there no reason remove mccarthy ny the city at mac gates whose full throat, First police. Was a fine man but he's not as conservatives mccarthy, then you have a majority who are supporting squeeze over Jim Jordan. While gauges air backing school lease. Many of the other eight bone heads are backing jordan. Join, is thrown a support. Discoveries
The bone heads have said that they can't possibly supports police, and I Tell you from inside their having trouble. Husband enough votes to choose a speaker. This is what happens when you follow gadflies, fruit, cakes and buffoons, for not conservatives and my fear is that it's going to cost us the house of representatives, perhaps the senate, and then what are? We have. those of you who work hard to elect conservatives to the house. Those Make sure you vote those of you that The campaign should be more pissed off than anybody else, hey gates was the leader the leader of the gang of eight they couldn't shoot straight cept under their own, Into their own temples, how much time is to produce
I don't have time to play this, for you, miss miller is a spoke city at the state department for the moon, incompetent. Sectors state in my lifetime, This helped unleashed hell, the united states and our allies. Especially Israel and this guy Matt Miller is he's ass though we expect Israel to follow the laws of war, so smart miller. So I want you to understand folks that the buyer administration and the media in the united states. The Hamas wing of the democratic party, indeed, the entire democratic party- do not actually want israel to win this war here may clearly. They do now want israel to win this war? because our already tying their hands in their already laying the foundation to attack Israel should is. begin to win the war I want to see all of you. I want to thank all of you. I blush to be
God bless, you and I'll, see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-13.