« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/10/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden created this situation in Israel by letting Iran and Hamas out of the cage that the Trump Administration put them in. President Trump showed American strength by taking out Qasem Soleimani and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and drew a real red line that was respected, and that all went away with the Biden Administration. Biden rebuilt Iran’s military and put tens of millions of dollars in their bank accounts, and now Iran is using Hamas to attack Israel. A U.S. District Judge has ruled that the U.S. government knew that the Biden Administration funneled American tax dollars into the hands of Palestinian terror groups. Israel has every right to throw everything it has at the barbarians that attacked them, and it is not their responsibility to accommodate the media or the people who voted for Hamas. Also, Mark speaks with Dan Diker, President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, to expose the terror affiliation of the Students for Justice in Palestine. Students for Justice is not a grassroots student organization; it is a terror-affiliated anti-Semitic network that currently operates with autonomy and impunity at colleges and universities across the United States. Later, Mark talks with Congressman Michael Waltz about the terrorist activities in Israel and the Biden Administration’s involvement in helping groups like Hamas. Finally, Mark is joined by Fox News host Bret Baier to discuss Israel’s fight and his new book To Rescue the Constitution: George Washington and the Fragile American Experiment.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader the
the the. America mark living here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one welcome When Israel was attack during yom kippur fifty years in a few days ago,
there is surrounded there were caught off guard. There were losing territory. They quickly reorganized push back on every front. They took the Golan heights, they took the Sinai peninsula, they moved east in Jordan,. Back then, the man who ran iran was a dictator. But he was our ally: the shop around the actually helped Israel.
But we couldn't have a dictator in the Middle EAST. You know under Jimmy carter,. The shop around was pressure to let the ayatollah khomeini to return from his five star hotel. Then europe and he returned. He overthrew the shah, they took over the country. They slaughtered tens of thousands of iranians and they took. Our embassy staff hostage. That's what carter unleashed. In the middle east, among other things,. Before reagan was sworn in, his present, the united states.
The islam or nazi regime in tehran, released the american hostages ass fast ass. They could. Because they knew reagan with bombs. The spit rains out the israelis. Hundreds of various cornucopias deals Sinai points. Peninsula was given back to the egyptians, but during that battle The israeli army was fifty mb. us from cairo. They cross the sinai peninsula. There is nothing to stop them.
Cambridge now. The old version over the old soviet union contacts Nixon because Egypt was a client state of the soviet union. And he says we're going in this has to stop. Nixon said no you're not going in or we're going in. over the years. I've talked to people who are involved in that, and they said their bombers? Literally, several their bombers, based in germany,. To conventional bombs. Place them with some nuclear bought.
This nation was put on a former nuclear alert, Israel. Which could have literally conquered egypt and destroy cairo pulled back. The soviet union pulled back and we pulled back in the mean time when they war broke off. Dixon causing kissinger Twenty four hours less than twenty four hours after their under attack me says the kissinger. What do these really neat
Thousand but the israelis need and Nixon says Dublin as fast as you can. I heard by speak today, give a very pay When I speak to you for me, will carry group the mediterranean. Perhaps a second one, and I kept listening. Okay, well, we're going to replace their munitions whatever they want. Okay, what else? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, I tabled secret IRAN is using him.
That's the muslim brotherhood even the same muslims as the muslims in iran. Hamas is using its own people. Why? Because the nazis? They don't care. Joe Biden created this situation, and create terrorism per se, getting creeper hamas per se He didn't even create the islam Nazi regime and around per se, you didn't create hezbollah per se, they're all in their cages like animals. Prior administration in this country. Donald trump's administration trying to put in prison. As I speak,.
Try and put him in prison as I speak, because trump showed strength he took out solar money, Possible for all the debts and casualties of americans in Iraq, he took up a gaudy. They had a vice. He drew a real red line in syria and the russian tighter respected. Obama drew a red line and they couldn't they couldn't Ass, it over and over and over again fast enough talk is cheap, even stupid. Talk even incoherent. Talk Biden rebuilt iran's motor. Biden put tens of billions of dollars into their bank accounts.
I don't care than MSNBC has become the propagandists for the nazis. On the one hand,. And I never chamberlain and by an administration, on the other hand, look at their lineup look at their liner cnn, pretty much the same thing pretty much the same thing. I heard mark warner determined the democrat Virginia of the cen intelligence comedian. Nootka voters do and pretty job. Let him have it. I was proud, o neill, sometimes. And I certainly don't agree, but he was he was pressing right. There. Are they can keep doing saying these six billion dollars? is not available. Turann. You gave six
million dollars moran. I dont care in what form or where it sits, replying to assassinate MIKE I'm pale, whether building nuclear weapons. Why you're you giving them anything? You speak rifling, crushing their economy, but as I keep I'm the one who started to say. Ok, great, put aside the six point, one percent a billion. What about a boys? What about a Joe scarborough you, the biggest punk. A whole host of puncture related msnbc you're a disgrace, particularly at a time like this. You are here So far, it binds ass its common areas right, nostril,
Now, after that tough speech, that we will back israel period here, a political U s cause for proportionate, is really responsible, not openly setting red lines. We support israel taking necessary and proportionate action to defend its country and protect its people, said national securities, spokes idiot adrian watson. What the hell does that mean. We went afghanistan for twenty one years resided, proportionate response. The bite administration created this situation to begin with, they betray. the people of Israel as they have the people or the united states, and they have suffered mightily and we ve seen it. And it's not some sick, grotesque movie, it happened and it's happening. So my wife Julie says what is proportionate response me,
So the israelis should be had babies, rape, women grab Grandmothers and grandfathers and drag him over the border threatened to execute them. There's that what they mean. The white house, by a proportionate response, because that's a proportionate response. When occasion. We can have a guest on the problem with the barn when they are in this gentleman. Is really with a very small group, a very small group And he sees all the protests in place in this country. The students for justice in palestine.
Every media outlets. His report, what they have said and what they're doing everyone. Had MSNBC. they hamas wing of MSNBC, trace portable. The hamas weighing the nazi wing? I should say of the democratic party protesting with, but who are they too? Are they. I decided to take a look today tailors this group sunset, the running a bunch. future institutes in america; here's what found. The students for justice in palestine network serves as the leading student arm of the media cut divestment sanctions of movement in the united states there. Theirs. They claim a grass roots student organization. It is a terror of create an anti semitic network. They currently operate With autonomy and impunity, ecology, universe,
these across the united states, is adopt a policy of Ty, normalization, uncut relations with scientists, Groups are most jewish organisations, with the exception of the equally radical. at times zionist and probity s jewish voice, mac and by the way, a footnote. mr rama, swami. Member, when you said, is we needs to stand on its own two feet. And the various cultures need to assimilate must reduce. And he called me that weekend any said, though, What is the issue? I said you don't understand the maoist its, Support for the cultures to assimilate. in any one, often said it again. For justice in palestine advances their proprietary view a policy
injustice by undertaking initiatives to isolate demonize and ultimately destroy the state of Israel, Many students and university administrations have treated them as a problem. Extending equivalent the pro israel The group such a stand with us, the israelites this coalition or Hillel. However, is this monograph documents hobbies I can't show due on radio. It isn't, stream historic innovation that maintains affiliation with arab and islamic terror groups, is averted Anti semitic, incite hatred and violence against jewish students and rejects the existing so the state of Israel in any borders right here on our college campuses like harvard you see this but the university virginia students for palestine, this in palestine, put it could come from Hamas, prying eyes, did spend linked to terrorist groups and so forth, and so on are not done with this point
to take a break up right back then Have you been way,
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You see, we ve been infiltrated. It's funny. How MSNBC Cnn really know he has done into the background of this organisation students for justice in palestine, a product that american muslims for palestine and organization whose leaders were former members Standing islamist terror organizations american muslims Palestine was founded in two thousand fired by the former leaders of three organization kind heart. The islamic association for palestine in the holy land foundation, all organizations were implicated by the: u s: government, between two thousand one in twenty eleven for financing Hamas. tommy? Are they only terrorist watch list.
Tommy governors around the country doing anything about this. You know what is his name. Is the santas, the sadness, I'm just curious. Has anybody s robert re, nigh robber, where christian christopher re robberies. A guy christopher, raising a real load. Anybody, Ask him about students for justice in palestine,. Any hearings about students for justice in palestine, the In general, the united states, human progress was students of justice and palestine with their links directly and indirectly to terrorists operation. Have you been way?
to buy gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you have an ira or a four o one k and want to buy physical gold to diversify your investment, eliminate fear and uncertainty from the process get the new gold IRA company integrity checklist. It helps you evaluate and choose the best gold ira company to get your free IRA company integrity checklist. Today, text levin to six eight five, nine, two! That's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine two now I trust augusta precious metals and invested myself, use this checklist to choose the best gold ira company for yourself and see if you agree to get your free gold ira company integrity checklist. Today, Tex l, a v, I n, two six, eight five, nine two again text: l a v, I n, the six eight five nine two text message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com
a rolling just came down from federal matthew, J tax marking, united states district court so ordered plaintive right El Jackson, who is a representative from texas, represented by american first legal verse. Joe Biden, junior president united states before the court is play. This motion for leave, conduct expedited and limited jurists Fictional discovery fired on august, twenty three twenty twenty three planets in a recent production are records. Shows that the It states government knew its s f, funding, Funding in violation of the teller force act in the west bank and Gaza was benefiting palestinian terrorists, thereby quote. Freezing the risk of terrorist attacks against the plaintiffs and
there's, similarly situated unquote and they that the government's admission its activities in the west bank and Gaza benefited hamas suggests with reasonable check your airily. The possible existence of other facts currently hidden establishing traceability. Thus they request expedited and limited jurisdictional discovery. The reason in concert. with Hamas as recent attack on Israel, that killed fourteen united states since and resulted in others being held hostage Provide a sufficient basis for plaintiffs request
leave. The motion is granted just issued now: federal judge, matthew, J cars, merrick united states district judge. That is a big game deal. The buying administration followed funds to the palestinian terrorists in violation; the teller force act, which was passed by congress, signed by president trump and the basics, very simple, no longer I taxpayers money flow into these terrorist operations. Until they swear off terrorism, which they natalie failed to do their doing it right now, and so a drawback gets up We have your back Israel, it's just like one. gets up and lies to the american people. say today he was going to comply with the law,
and cut off the funding awaited gideon, today when he will cut off them. to the palestinians know he did not get it. Say today that they will actually enforce enforce the existing sanctions against iran did not did he say that they would freeze their six billion dollars. He did not. But don't worry, is rarely has your back while you're fighting for your lives, you asked the israelis, you asked the saudis, yours, the egyptians who s the Jordanians? U s the moroccans,
You asked the the: u a e, which president do they prefer trump or Biden, then ask yourself which president to our media prefer, despite all his tough talk, which president does iran prefer. which president, though the terrorists prefer? Oh, they know they're gonna get whack now, but who do they prefer. Let's go to Israel, Jerusalem, Dan, dykes, is the president of the door. Slim centre for public affairs together, and did an investigation and analysis of what the so called students for justice, palestine, actually is dan dyke. I went to work To the show, how are you, sir,
Gotta be where do you mark shalom from Jerusalem in a continuation and lay down imaginable tragedy here, just to make one point the tailor force act that has not been enforced. Today the palestinian authority is issuing millions of shackles to the over fifteen hundred hamas terrorists That invaded israel and be headed babies, murder, children using machetes, entire families, those hamas terrorists. are being now given lifetime annuities by the palaces, in authority in contravention to u s, love intervention to israeli law- and I just I mentioned that those laws in america have not been enforced properly. Even been passed by congress. Complete ignored by the american media, because the committee, on the one hand, is ignorant, on the other hand, pretend
rooting for israel, but for the most part, or not the students, justice and palestine dan you ve, done a very thorough examination, and you have provided all your sources for this. They are linked to these terrorist groups, hunting Yes, they are mark and in fact this has been overlooked by the main media discourse in the united states, since we issued to version of what called s J p unmasked by the drew some centre for public affairs, fully foot noted and back the Hamas, which is little known in the united states, is a constituent member of the boycott national committee, which is the body committee that was established in two thousand and five two thousand and six in ramallah. In the area one of the areas under the palestinian authority jurisdiction. The Hamas is in the united states. The Hamas is the poster child in
hundreds of campuses around the united states include harvard including, and why you, some of the big universes across the united states, the Hamas is the poster child for what they call justice, peace and equality of the bts movement, so they're not only murdering babies in Israel, but there they have a massive amount of support across university campuses and they have a massive amount of support. Unfortunately, in the american media, especially and MSNBC, miss embassy, new york times and elsewhere, who have not done an expos a you, did all the work for them. notice they ignore what you did. As I said, foot noted its its indisputable. and you say there a by product of the muslims for palestine tell us about that? That's correct in impact the american muslims were. Palestine was founded by professor hottam bosnian, who actually
called for a violent overthrow of the united states, with which we know in the middle east in arabic as intifada? He called for the father in the united states. He was the chairman, the founder of american muslims for palestine, which were the refugees than on indicted co conspirators in the largest terror financing case in the history of the union, it states, twelve million dollars that we're funneled in to Hamas, is coffers from the united states. There were some indicted conspirator. That was called the holy land case and a couple of other islamic organist some were shut down by the united states treasury, jonathan schans or of the of fdd did some phenomenal work and actually testified in congress. The foundations for the defence of democracies is empty and and and brought that out into the public discourse. However, a professor of bosnia.
Founded not only I m p, which were the refugees of the hamas affiliated organizations that I mentioned, but he then founded students for justice in palestine nineteen, ninety two and then the national students for just about that in two thousand ten, and they are on hundreds of u s. Campuses is, as a matter fact mark. If you look online right now, when the last ten twelve hours there are calls supporting the mass extermination of israeli children, babies, elderly by machetes and by a mass executions by those very innovations. You can look it up right now on Google, and you can find this massive support for the Hamas. A mass murder of jewish children and women and civilians that reach is over a thousand people which, by the way mark, is ten nine. Eleven. If you compare the collation of israel to the population of the united states.
Fifty million Israel, nine million we suffered nine, eleven in twenty four hours; It's unbelievable. The people listen to this programme are well aware of this, and so on next question. Is this these organisations, when these campuses there are only able to beyond, campuses, because the present The dean's the faculty want them morning campuses, they're not required to have a group linked to terrorist organisations on their campuses, and then you ever thought written fifteen campuses university in virginia, just put it on a rage statement. The students did so these points, events and others at these universities, could actually shut this down. Couldn't They could easily shouted down, in fact, and in at Hamas, which is a foreign soreness asian as so designated by the? U S, state department is not yet a so called does need terrorists. With action by the united nations, as as in as actually
extraordinary that is, but the the gains and the presidents of these universities dab abt. Under the banner of free speech and the first, the men of the united states, a constitution have decided to allow these, what they call grass roots student organizations are to operate freely, even though they support the violent public declarations of her leadership of palestinian islamic jihad- leadership of popular front, the liberation of palestine. marxist leninist organization, calling for the decimation of the Jews, state and they ve been doing it for years and years and years with impunity on these campuses out in this country. Communist chinese infiltrated colleges, universities with these confucius institute. Now we have the phoney group here. These students, for just just its power in palestine,
Which is a front organization, so people are missed, led by media in the united states that doesn't go behind these organizations who founded these organizations but the links These organizations. these are like nazi, like college campus, organizations throughout the country, they're having a big. you know the event where they're pulling all their members together and then you have these suckers on these cards unit. Possess, who you think this is I'm kind of a righteous group, but the giver Yes, when you are celebrating storm and of juice, which is what they said. But when you are celebrating the decapitation of babies, when you are celebrating the rape and all the atrocities that have been taking place. The last for five days in the jewish state of Israel. Something is Horribly wrong with that, then you would think the media in america. You would think that
media in america what taken it and finding out what this group is. Now they will now that I've had you on the show because That's the way they work we blaze and then they pick it up and when I say they pay, a lot of the monk Some of them will and should in that's thanks to your research. What I'll show you know about this organization? I dont know that you tell me: they're, not Our terrorist watch list there now they're, not on the terrace watch list and they have an end. There has only been a couple of universities, within the hundreds of universities that the the students were the so called student. There This entails and operate freely. They operate the annual apartheid we that should that could be called the annual israel nazi weak. It's the exact same idea in politically correct nomenclature, because apartheid has become as as unfortunately in american discourse as america.
as apple pie, when referring to the one small, jewish and democratic state- and this is what we have it fell to the Jews and general public affairs. In doing all this research has been overlooked and university president's ill advised to allow this type of behaviour. The nazi and soviet conspiracy theories run. Wild across these campuses and are in fact my own alma mater. Harvard university has as even allowed this the organizations to on the annual israel apartheid weak. under the banner of free and peaceful assembly, while essentially calling for the decimation of the
jewish and democratic state which you and I and the rest of american. The rest of the world has just seeing that Hamas is an isis look alike and as acted with the same brutality as ices and other medieval mass murder organizations, it's it's really benighted, but living dead has come to Israel and the night the living dead continues to operate with glee and with great fervour across hundreds of u s campuses today, supporting that Hamas is call for more Ring jews and destroying Israel it added by the way I just do not because I have a hard break your reply It is on my social sites, it'll, be on my website, america online social sites. and I want to thank you for all the work that you hopes, state and put into this, and I hope, hope some media out there will hear about it. But there's
denial of you out there. You can spread the word to dan tiger. Thank you friend we appreciate it be safe. Thank you ever so much J c p, dot org, all the information is there for your viewers, it's free to download and will be delighted to have your support and your interest and j c p. their public affairs in time or not, I will put a landing at mister, reduce run all of our social platforms. If you don't mind, I back then Have you been? waiting to by gold as an investment lots of commercials out there. But who can you really trust? I didn't want to make a bad investment, but didn't want to miss the boat either sound familiar. Fortunately, I've got great news if you
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proportionate response. Well, our man, Joe Pollack, dear friend, over bright Breitbart, looks the law, So you're gonna talk about proportionate response. We should know what that means. For me, it means Israel lose for the buying Ministration means is Taking a massive hit, but not all really defeating Hamas, The story here now member proportionate, and I we have reuters, the. U s is talking to israeli officials and others, but the idea of safe passage the gaza civilians Israel's airstrike following a deadly calices roscoe's, do I look defenders. Make sure there safe passage for Gaza sit. And how do you do that? If you don't control Gaza? How do you
that, when their slaughtering your own people in your own soldiers, have heard anything like this. Hey look, look luck, america and make sure there safe passage for the germans in Dresden. Ok make further safe passage. Why are we to do that when america, damn war now want to damn or on two fronts, maybe three: now. You don't understand ass to be proportionate. When I read this day when we come back three board. Withdraw pollack has his reign about over a bright part, one of my favorite sites Ladies and gentlemen, one understand the democratic party wiring. These positions. I the borders wide open, I didn't say anything about addressing that dress that on saturday on fox, I do the seventy billion dollars.
I'll sales on fox, I began calling what the media were. Calling gossip, insiders palestinian militia know their nazis. That's why you listen to their show, I believe the debt crap party hates america. now more than ever america grab a copy. Amazon dot com, it's very simple. It still only a little over seventeen box grab your copy. Please. understand, what's going on in our country and other countries,
Well, what else to say it's right there, the democrat party, hates america on amazon you're right that the this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you! Thank you again. for listening- and thank you so much for this sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground, then both deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the way america. I heard this guy's bad good at virginia. One of the eight belum heads In a terrible position and
voted against cutting spending voted against a stronger border and beat his chest. He's a conservative and he's really sick of. What's going on, you don t I don't know why they use these guys. The guy isn't done a damn thing for this country. while in congress has barely been incurs. It gets the tension and that's the problem with our media to that's the problem. Alright, I want to move on. I touched on this yesterday about this a p reporter. This is from on freedom of the press, Mattie Friedman, former AP corresponded who covered Israel for time, explain the modus operandi of most of her former journalist. legs when reporting about Israel, the books. I write. Have lasting meaning america, try, keeping
Urging the democratic party hates america had somebody come up to me literally at the gas station today. Couldn't stop talking about the book was amazed but then that individual made it very clear that now stands. Why we're in the pickle wherein? But I want you to listen to this Thirty twenty fourteen, she wrote an article in the atlantic title, but the meat yet wrong about Israel. The new tells us less about Israel than about the people. Writing the news says this former AP report, friedman, road, journalistic decisions are made by people who exist any particular social value, one which, like most social groups, a certain uniformity of attitude, behaviour and even dress the fashion these days for those interested. Is less vests with unnecessary pockets than church with unnecessary buttons. These people
each other. They meet regularly exchange information and closely watch one another's work. This explain why a reader looking at articles written by the half dozen biggest news providers in the region on a particular day will find that, though the pieces are posed and edited by completely different people and organisations. They tend to tell the same story sound footing. So does this quote in these circles she writes in my experience, a just taste for Israel, has come to be something between an acceptable pray. This is a prerequisite for entry. She says, I don't mean a critical approach to Israel. Policies are to the the government currently in charge, but I believe that the sum extend the juice of Israel, a symbol of the world's ills, particularly those connected to nationalism; militarism. colonialism and racism and idea quickly, because
one of the central elements of the progressive west, zag iced, spreading the european left to american college campuses and intellectuals, including journalists,. and in this social group she writes in number. She was nay p reporter reporting on Israel in the Middle EAST. This sentiment is translated into editorial decisions made by individual reporters and editors covering Israel, and this in turn, give such thinking. The means of mass suffer application. and I ask your wondered how these terrorist group Hamas, receives much favourable coverage in the mirror. in an international press. Freedom and explains. This is on freedom of the press as many years ago she said most consumers of the Israel story, don't understand other stories manufactured, but Hamas does. such assuming power in gas in two thousand? Seventy islamic resistance movement
come to understand that many reporters are committed to a narrative where, Israel, israelis are oppressors and palestinians passive victims, with reasonable goals and our uninterested in contradictory information, Recognising this certain hamas spokesmen have taken to confirm adding to western journalists including some, I know personally, she says that the group is in fact a secret. Pragmatic outfit with bellicose rhetoric and journalists eager to believe the confession and sometimes unwilling to credit locals with the smarts necessary to deceive them, have taken it as a scoop. Instead of spin in Gaza, she writes This goes from being a curious detail, oppressed psychology to a major deficiencies. The strategy is to provoke a response from Israel, tacking from behind the cover a palestinian civilians,
drawing israeli strikes that kill those civilians and then to have the casualties film by wanted the largest press contingents with you. Standing that the resulting outrage abroad will blunt? rose response, She says this is a ruthless strategy and an effective one. It is predicated on Cooperation of journalists one of the reasons it works is because of the reflex. I mention, if you report that Hamas as a strategy based on opting the media. This raises several difficult questions like what exactly Is the relationship between them and hamas. Has this relationship corrupted the media. Then I write as recently as twenty eight teen in may. The media reporting Hamas as aggressions against Israel, was so distorted that america's, and Israel, David Freeman, felt compelled to publicly author and opinion peace condemning the press. Twenty eighteen. He wrote in part that
For weeks, Hamas has been pursuing a direct and unambiguous operation against Israel on fridays are stirring up motions at weekly prayers in did waves of gaza residents to violently storm Border with Israel, hoping a breakthrough and kill israeli citizens in kidnap israeli soldiers. In addition, given Likelihood. These malign efforts would fail. Hamas also created kite bombs painted with swastikas. That law in Israel's direction. When the winds were favourable sums the guys, and the overwhelming majority of whom were known. Hamas, terrorists law, it's their lives because turn them into a collective suicide bomb they were neither heroes, know that peaceful pro I suppose they were advertised to be at least before the liberal media entered the scene embarrassed
their freeman was so disgusted with the news romantics dishonesty he blew the whistle on. He wrote desperate for an hour. to discredit the president's decision to move our embassy to Jerusalem they broadcast, the opening ceremony in a split screen simultaneously displaying the gaza riots and condemn the ins. Its activity. The ceremonies participants to the carnage that seemed next door on tv but which, in actual out, he was occurring sixty miles away the next day, the liberal media vilified everyone associated with the embassy moving glorify the poor hamas terrorists failed diplomats who never brought peace or stability. The region were pulled out, a mothballs regurgitate their calcified thinking and the most array, hinged even accused the administration that having blood on its hands tellingly, that is single pundit offered a less lethal alternative to protecting Israel from being overrun by killers or soldiers,
from being within range of pistols, ideas or molotov cocktails. and I write on christmas day and twenty eighteen, the new york times published as news an event Eleven on based iranian back terrorist group hezbollah intended to portray the killers and they combine moment was up. a piece of propaganda, the new york times their new, story, so called set the stage. This way quote. the iranian cultural attaching stepped up to the microphone on age, flanked by banners bearing the faces of around two foremost religious authorities. Ayatollah Khomeini found. Are these why my republic and I told her company the current supreme leader I left the vital khomeini command. You study twinkling christmas tree a golf star gilding. It's too, angel ornaments and miniature santa hats. Nestled among its branches, fake snow, dusted, fake pine needles is the near
Today we are celebrating the birth of Christ. The cultural tashin mohammed, mehdi Shahram, announced the microphone and the fortieth anniversary. The islamic revolution Hallelujah boomed, another speaker, Elliot's hacking We citing a poem he had written for the event quote jeez the saviours born they king of peace. santa Mary. He freeze the slaves he hears, the angels, protect them. The bible and the koran enhance. We are celebrating a rebel proclaimed, a third speaker. The new muff of these. She ate muslims of lebanon, the rebel in question being Jesus the hezbollah. will our compares it's one terrorist blood against the Jews with the life of Jesus and the birth of christianity and the mafia? novel, religious and political thinking, says the new york times. Is not novel at all is purposeful act of propaganda. the new york times in it's silk and in its works. The time
editorializing favourably within them comes and goes on the near I'm so been in the back pocket of the nazis. the back pocket of hezbollah, the back pocket of Hamas and it will lead to charge And the most of the rest and media will follow as it His propaganda to train israel into the vicious overpowering government with a blood because that what they do is they israelis bury their dead if they can find them. I'll be right back then I have to tell you something:
that speaks to the re core values as americans about a veterinary company on me and to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference. Just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks, plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together show our unwavering support for our veterans, get the best service at the best price as well visit pure talk, dot com, slash levant, pure talk, dot com, slash ellie, vienna
which to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way congressmen MIKE Walter's. A combat veteran, unlike most of the people we were talking about these terrorist acts, taken back. Welcome congressmen, I'm I'm already seeing on MSNBC cnn in summer, print media, the effort to limit Israel's ability to destroy this enemy, the bite, Illustration, while buying gives the speech. And the other side of his mouth is administration. Saying, proportionality, trying to tie their hands are also trying to negotiate with the israelis in advance ground offensive how to get gaza and citizens out without coercion?
It is not possible for Israel to do all these things. They don't control gaza and win a war. Is it mark you know you, and I know how this is going to play out Israel to go, do what it's going, what it must do, what it has to do in Gaza and what the israeli people back the idea to do. I, but I promise you, sadly, with and you tell me what then like, maybe a week, if not sooner, Israel being on the ground, are yours, going to start to see all the anti semite in the. U start to squawk, then you're gonna be there You get weak, kneed and then you're going to neither by the administration, start to talk about a ceasefire. Proportionality and all of those
they look. They already showed their true colours from the: u s off at the palestinian affair than in the tweet that they deleted and and blinking as well, woody, he read with our wine that you wait. We need to talk about the escalation in ceasefire, which he and then deleted. So we know where the administration already wants to go and and like I said that there already thing the quiet or out loud. Let's talk about the lab part. They set out loud. His watch find today very patriotic. Everyone notices. He never mentioned IRAN, his administration and continues to say. While we believe iran's abed actor, we can't prove there behind it, even our hamas and hezbollah around of said around was behind it. I guess they need more proof, and that now That said, congressmen.
We're not cutting off their oil? That is when I could enforce The oil embargo that's been placed on them, quite the opposite. They have seventy billion dollars because we wouldn't dare not freeze six billion dollars. There not stir- being the hundreds and hundreds of millions going to the palestine which has had a federal judge. You may you may not have heard this. as a result of the case, Ronnie jackson is the petitioner, but it brought by america. Firstly, what my wife Julie was even working on their case are there violating the teller force act, which means money, are taxpayer money is going to Hamas and the palestinian authority and are killing people in the judge, ruled you're right. That's what we so far in their demand and the judges going to now. oversee emotions trial. I guess their demanding more information about where this money, what we are funding terrorists,
Irish regimes, are we not absolutely mark You laid out what you would have hope Biden. What is it now store any president with a spine or that coherence or I would have added to to your excellent list, and I would have added to that demanding that cutter for it. I ismail idea the leader of Hamas literally in a five star hotel in doha. Culture here The whole thing on, as you probably having some some some gyre latte witness a rainy and handlers. So there is there so much more he should have done. I there's also there's not just re freezing
Fifty billion, the hot pitch money, and literally all they have to do a mark- is pull back. The assurance letters that they gave to the international banking system they gave these are these bank what they call assurance letter saying sanctions won't apply to the thick billion. They can pull that right. Brat, it's reef rosen. They can also stop the waivers of the ten billion on top of that thick bill that's going that better waivers for iraq and other country by iranian oil. There we are We know that there are thirty billion a year from chinese purchases of Iranian oil and then something up that nobody is talking about is the seven billion dollar line of credit that they have from the iron that those are all things that we should have heard binding talk About those are all things that we can do right now:
and die, but yet we didn't, even here, IRAN come out of his mouth at the end of the day, IRAN is the head of the snake mark. Iran has declared war on the wet they declared war on democracy, they declared or on p, they absolutely hated and were accidentally threatened by Abraham accord, an eye, We believe that mohammed been famine, the crown prince of saudi arabia thing right there we are deaf close, which would mean all of the gulf arabs would have been aligned with Israel, which would have been absolutely historic, like the final straw that they unleashed their foot soldiers, and this is a real good the lebanon, those are all battlefields for iran, war on Israel and the united states, and until we acknowledge that until we declare it till we hear it from a commander in chief is just going to continue, and on top of this
they're gonna get nuclear weapons and binds not gonna. Do damn thing about he's. He's key is done the opposite, he's made it easier for them to get nuclear weapons. We've used the statistics on this programme before and can you imagine them with nuclear weapons blackmailing threatening, maybe using and not just in the middle east, but ass, the thing back it well, one can only imagine what they are. the do under a nuclear umbrella, much less use them a and if they would, as they are, We promised thing to do to literally wipe israel off the face of the earth, but the thing is I mean I stated, over and over again the thing the regime cares about the most clearly, not its own people. It is power, is its wallet and we have to go back to back him on pressure. We had them.
Less than two hundred thousand barrels a day. Just a few years ago now, they're up to a five year high of four million a day we highlighted many, if you like the hard way than we have a hard break, and when you get back to you, if you have a man welcome right back here, I'll, be right back I have to tell you something that speaks to them: the core of our values as americans about a veterinary company. Only me
and to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast, five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, l, eve I am and make the switch. That's rally together. Shore, unwavering support for veterans, get the best service at the best price as well, is a pure talk, dot, com, slash levant, pure talk, dotcom, slash alleviation and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes. It's the right
and it's the american way, Margaret from above thunder on our right away now, seventy seven three one, three eight one one congress from nyc was the demo. For our part in america, As a problem that it will not address pillows, when addressing hacking, jeffreys Joe Biden, tumor. They have a marxist wing within their party. That is thoroughly at thy symmetric. They call themselves the democratic socialist, such organization, it backs them. They are thoroughly at those symmetric in it, represent the hamas wing of the democratic party and you, president buying again in a generality talks about it. Semitism. any talks, my muslims and then he touched by an honour on buddy call out his own party. He won't go out there
quiet and there's more than the squad. He won't call out. Yet I summits on our car camp? Is it so raise a coward? Isn't it out mark. I call the the squad hamas carpet. behind that down, The com in albania tell yo how ironic, how moronic it to have delayed adding their next to a palestinian and also next to a gay pride black flag. Knowing how it ethnic minorities doing how they. You know anyone elegy bt q is treated by Hamas by hezbollah by all of these terrorist organisations. I mean it's just ridiculous and they're talking about side with her mouth, but what is so disturbing me as when you see only.
Eighteen to twenty five year old that are coming off a bee in doktor coming out indoctrination. That's going on in our college campuses by democratic socialist and their showing forty to fifty percent the support for the paris at the same time, one I have some type of activism for all of the other things that the terrorists are absolutely against, that the terrorists would execute them for a if if they dared step foot into gaza spouting this stuff, it's just a it it it. It doesn't make anything then it's moronic and I and you're absolutely right. The the leader of the democratic party, just don't have the guts to call it, what it is or it anti semitic or, and- and this is just terrorism and its pure evil. and then we have the narrative beginning had starting with the lib in the media and elsewhere. Leftist that may be
this happened because of ned yahoo. You see because he wanted to have these reforms put in his country. You know he is coalition were elected for these reasons. In these reforms you know we're so horrific that he actually wanted to re introduce democracy in his country. Challenging a judicial oligarchy to a hood bird, who is a failed? Prime minister almost gave the whole country away under Clinton to Arafat he's, organise this effort to undermine like a government, Israelis organise the ever with enormous sums of money, not just in Israel but coming from donors and the united states and europe, and they we're closely with a binding administration rights. One of the reasons Biden refused to meet with bench. in Netanyahu, the the elected leader of the country, and so they try to tear the country part the return about a civil war, they stood some of the idea of general say enlisted some of the intelligence, leaders and so forth and so on and ends
in other enemies, look at this their enemy look at this and they say to themselves or the washington administration look at what these people are doing the elected government in Israel and among other things, saudi arabian is round so forth. So for them, the stars lined up for them She's the stars linda- and it is amazing to me that the democratic party in this country, that the by them administration and that radical left in Israel takes no responsibility for anything done that sank, responsibility for terrorism and the atrocities, but for weakening Israel and showing that to their evil. Outside enemies. Now,
no well and and and then on top of that, as we were just saying by not calling out antisemitism you're normalizing it particularly on a on our college campuses, when you have people chanting, literally chanting, gas, the Jews and that's not called out or it's just it's disgusting mark? I had the opportunity to sit down and we visited Israel earlier this year with the prime minister and walked us through how he was working through their legislative process, their constitutional process, or that you know the oligarchy. That was and is a their judicial or their judicial system, but you're going to decry that is anti democratic, as you said, that they were elected to do a bit. People voted for for him in it Listen government, his two top priority work today
reform you may disagree with it, but you don't get. It then call that an apartheid date or anti democratic and then to transformative p with saudi arabia. Those worth those were the man. to top objectives and then to hear these activists hypocritically calling him now. I dont see, leap calling out the iranian regime for shooting school girl. I dont see them calling out the regime for literally hanging people in the street if they their protest. I dont see the abuse of women on a systematic, regular basis, getting called out by these terrorist government. I mean mark Literally thean islamic extremists, they call themselves the taliban, but the really all the same machine gun a girl school with the little girl, and I dont see that being that type of behaviour
Being caught out, if you wanna talk about evil forces that are anti democratic, that's what they need to be allowed and proud, but instead they want to go after an elected prime minister to working through a process to reform their judiciary and want peace in the middle east and nah I'm getting continue to do is call them out said every step of the way because, as I said, is the hoping that got me congressman is an iraqi she's. My ears had afghani war veterans. How many years were we in afghanistan twenty one? Twenty years Ok, Israel, Israel may take Israel several months to take a business. I don't think there'll be fighting that war with this particular tears. Who for twenty one years, but they do need some time. And the problem is in the united states. That's time for the entire.
might that's time for these other let's time even for the democratic party that has always hated Netanyahu has tried to undermine his administration to organise a mass of propaganda campaign, which is what they always do so you and I and others who who believe liberty. Who believe in our alliance with Israel, that the enemy or the terrorists who attacked us over and over again and so forth, and so we need to stand up to this story. well. We are standing up and will continue to be a marked out the your right and we need to support Israel. It head into what is going to be, a brutal, difficult and long long fight ass might beer it you're gonna be a hot day
came, the everything will military target. I you back. I do expect some type of deal to be caught. I hope can at least get the women and children out, but they're gonna go and heart and the other issue that I'm waiting to drop, is the northern pride and eight hour. I am, and I fear that our goal get bogged down in street the street fighting which is going to be difficult, the most vulnerable part of a tank it from the top I know pie white building for going to give a lot of opportunity, and then they have their massive huddled network and you know I was able to visit the the iron dome headquarters. There Emma was to completely overwhelmed Iron dome literally make it right out of a bullet with dom rock
and then follow it up with precision guided missiles that her ron has provided to go after Israel's critical infrastructure. Let's take a step back right now, mark and putin is happy. He has a second front. The ayatollah is happy he'll trade proxy casualties for his book show for soldiers in in gaza and lebanon all day, long for israeli casualties and china's happy because they're all too they're all to please a pithy or or you know, get from their perspective bogged down, helping a israel. So a dip is this? Is this unholy? the evil. Trinity that is running circles around the bite administration right now, that has a bunch of academic cure or back, listen, weak and our adversary, see this and are taken full advance of it. I don't know you have these speaker votes whatever is going on there. I have deep resentment for these eight p.
But who claim that the conservatives are not conservatives. I've looked at their background. I look at what they ve done, but these how I got a lotta tv time as a result of it, and I want to Thank you for your service to the country in your service. Now MIKE waltz, you take care yourself and I'd love to have you back mark, military, we called it a circular firing squad and I just remind everybody that the enemy is outside the wire and they have shown their evil fake. That's what we should be focused on so I'll do everything we can to get our act together here so that we can create the true enemy abroad thanked marks. God bless you back then I have to tell you something that speaks to ray core values as americans about a veterinary company on a myth
and to make a real difference in the lives of our military members. And, of course, I'm talking about our great sponsor pure talk. I absolutely love what they're doing our veterans gave everything to protect our nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices they've made now. They've set an ambitious goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military debt by veterans day, but they can't do it alone. They need your help when you switch to pure talks. Lightning fast. Five g network they'll donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause, and you can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service and pure talks plans start at just twenty bucks a month offering unlimited talk, unlimited text, more data and a mobile hotspot just go to pure talk, dot com, slash, Levin, l e v, I n, and make the switch. Let's rally together, show our unwavering support for our veterans. Get the best service at the best price as well, is a pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, pure talk, talk,
Slash ellie vienna and switch to pure talk today in less than ten minutes, it's the right move and it's the american way. So I was mentioning that our buddy troll pollack, right. But I never forget you right. You're proportionality. Why international law gives Israel for your hand against Hamas the coming days there will be It is rose afflicting disproportionate casualties on palestinians in Gaza. The response to that- attack by around back Hamas nazis this weekend, the jewish holiday activists and analyse, will compare cash Figures in Israel now passing twelve hundred dead, thousands more wounded, the casualty figures in Gaza. Already radical leftwing cooks have tried do equate the numbers of dead on each side. Comparisons overlooked. The fact that palestinian terrorist targeted civilians who account for them Already the israeli dead,
while the israeli military is targeting terrorists who are typically the vast majority palestinian debt, although they hide among the civilians. Hamas and other palestinian terror groups, use civilians as human shields, hiding weapons fighters and infrastructures. William buildings, so they if Israel attacks these sites, palestinians claim a propaganda victory. and they're they're at the new york times, ready to take notes powers any deaths will continue to rise, as Israel invades Gaza to attack Hamas and rescue their citizens. israeli casualties will likely stop climbing, provided Hezbollah does not open a second front by attacking from lebanon. That will be the claims, it is rose, killing disproportioned numbers of palestinian civilians, but that is a false use of the doctrine. emotionality in international law. national law, while civilian casualties are to be avoided, they may be lawful in ward,
If the number of deaths is proportionate relative to ready they legitimate military goal. Not today, number of deaths. On the other side, this war is different from past cards. ex between Israel and hamas before Israel's military goal was to stop and datura mass attacks on israeli cities. Now then was to remove hamas from Gaza a legitimate go, though it will be hard to achieve brutal and will result in more deaths? Does Brave israeli soldiers Emily responsibility? First, palestinian civilian deaths rests with Hamas in IRAN. The launch this conflict- Israel likely do it- has done in the previous conflict call off. Airstrikes were civilians are spotted, one in its of eminent miserable strikes in place, its own soil, is at risk, rather than why patent our areas, although we did that we were too, and I
Israel may just have to resort to that. But in terms of international law, Israel has far more leeway than it did before, though its critics will claim. Otherwise that is draw pollack, overhead, bright bird, governor decided today skies the real deal. What do you want to vote for him, or not this guy solid as iraq rock not to offend, but to tell the truth, forty governor on two santas announced that they stay. would be increasing sanctions against iranian businesses after the country celebrated the attacks on Israel conducted by palestinian militants. This is from the hill, the rainy governed rejected allegations. It assisted Hamas with its preparation with it all out war or lie only raining government to tell us what it's doing. Oh sure, sure.
Scientists was joined by members of the flood, a legislature and leaders of the jewish community. The schuller bar harbour, a synagogue and serve side day introduces. who propose later the proposal shows that, as we stand with israeli sanction ran introduced in, next legislative session. They propose will increase sanctions on iran and block a Businesses in the state of florida are proposed. Legislation will, of course, reinforce florida's commitment that we don't do business with Sponsors of terrorism, such as iran, said it's going, expand the prohibition on state investment and arrange businesses to include the financial construction manufacturing tat dial mining, metal, shipping, shipbuilding and port sectors, and this builds on the decision This deal that he signed in may that restricts property ownership for citizens from china, cuba, when, as well as syria, russia, north korea, and this guy's a reality real the around the scientists, we salute you I'll, be right back.
I. Now rug casting a monopoly underground command, but then the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel of unarmed. This script building we have once again made contact with our leader maritime aren't living here. Our number. Seven, seven, three, one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one we're saint pictures: ETA Gaza, where these pictures coming from their coming from the nazis. Further american journalists in Gaza right now, no british, no french! No! italian, no so where these video,
Pictures coming from they are fed to the media by the nazis. That's where they're coming from, I read to you that peace, but Mary Friedman. Actually, he I apologize. The Mattie Freeman wrote. I didn't read you the entirety of what he had written a part of it and on freedom of the press. We know in this country the press is not to be believed. Other certain outlets- yes, certain reporters, yes, but Israel cannot. defeat Hamas once and for all, and not defeat Hamas once and for all.
And I dont know why one is really should spill a drop of blood, a drop of blood trying to make sure That the enemy goes unharmed or that they only get quadrant called the right person. Know what I'm saying will sound heretical to so many particularly the pro biden. And pro hamas part of me. not always the same by the way, but that was officially state policy during world war, two american soldiers.
You're not required to go door to door unless they needed to go door to door for technical reasons, not humanitarian reasons. There was no debate after we attacked on price Harbor matter how many enemy casualties there would be no debate whatsoever. How many enemy casualties would there be in japan how many enemies casualties, will there be in germany and they may be, admiralties, whether it be in ITALY? We call it the greatest trend. Action because it is and was Since then, we don't appeared in, I had a fire or you know a Nixon did the christmas bombing.
I've hanoi in Hanoi, but harbour for ten days be fifty two, relentless twenty four seven The north vietnamese and the vehicle militia wouldn't come to the table to negotiate after ten days they begged to come to the table. What that demonstrated was we could have one in vienna that we didn't not because of the brave men who fought. We lost the eight thousand of them, but because the way we fought doesn't matter how many soldiers you pour into a fight battle, when you have the capacity to destroy their capital, the capacity to destroy everything and you choose not to it- was really the
I'd say, korea and then vietnam would really the first wars there not fought to win. My opinion. And most of the wars we have fought since not all but most have had the same mindset, Afghanistan, we centre. Our yanks into the valleys into the mountains, it look at joey jones, what a remarkable human being on fox lost both of his legs idea, How many of our men fighting over there were killed going door to door.
Why do we develop technology? And I move in talking about nuclear technology, even conventional technology, that has the capacity to do damage for miles at a time and not use. It is the righteous to lose. Is a righteous to substitute in american for terrorists. I'm sick and tired of this proportionality, legal or not sick and tired of victory. The word victories. Never you wasn't used by binding today. Patent clearly is not doing everything it can and I'm not talking about introducing troops. Obviously, but he clearly. isn't doing everything he Kenny armed this enemy with tens,
billions of dollars, knowing game where we just had a judge rule and the american first legal case, which I am proud to say my wife Tom, with other great lorries. That organization just tonight. Basically rule the teller force act was violated because some of those funds went to terrorism. Does it get anymore and above america that I'm the only one talking about up and she won't be on a single cable show less. I bring it up and I'll be on. Every cable show that anyway,. You can't win a war when you're exchanging your own troops, for what the enemy decides, we know this enemy once civilians killed their nazis, the terrorists This is what they ve done in every one of these battle, but this battles different this
in a battle in pushed back. Israelis are this saturday: this was a battle, destroying entire country and wipe out an entire people, and you see what they would do if they could occur. The mufti the palestinian mufti of jerusalem in the thirties and fortys was an ally of hitler's. He contributed five thousand palestinians to world war. Two in the effort to feed america. And destroy jews. They met with hitler wants, but he met with those lieutenants frequently we have people in the streets. Poor celebrating the decapitation of babies, because their jews. None of these videos effect than men,
the girl screaming, who are being taken off her taken too That right in front of our eyes and I'm supposed to what shed crocodile tears for what's going on Until these people, I'm not, maybe I'm the only one who were voice it, but I'm not. Israel has every right to throw away. Damn thing. It has at barbarians, and if there are innocent people, court quote, civilians were killed Maybe they are organised to take out the government they elected. It's not Israel's responsibility to accommodate the media. To accommodate the citizens that voted for Hamas or to allow
Hamas, to get away with whether always gets away with not now. Can I have one last voice and on earth and I won't be. However, they have to do, they have to do and I will defend it. how many of you have these sleepless nights for these thought before I go to about? What's going on there really righteous people do something just turn off, they wouldn't watch something else. You it's hard to watch, but it's going on. We have a very weak president. we have a country that is you student visas and other immigration policy, to allow people to our country who hate us. we're rooting for another holocaust, what a disaster
I'll be right back then, the latter to have with me my friend, bread bear had market my canoes over there. In fact, how are you bread mark? How are you Let me say this to you: I really you mean this sum, I am critical of our own fox has far above all other news organisations. a tremendous job, bringing the truth and the facts, what's taking place in Israel to the american people and the new, Department, you and Marthy in particular, in tray. It really been second to none, and I and when you watch these things, it turned your stomach,
probably hard to sleep at night. That's what I'm defining. These video images put our mostly by Hamas and the axe you atrocities, I mean how do you deal with us market? and you are two hours with Dana this morning, and the other did my shoe sight seeing real time and allow the stuff comes you, as your anchoring and digesting actual the ports where the porters run aground talking to commanders about finding out about swish baby, forty babies killed. Some of them be headed, that's not start from italy Confirm it on the ground, we an end the videos and wrenching testimonials of a fan, members should have missing people,
who are believed to be held hostage in Gaza is tough invitation towards this rule, and so I think you have to express that. I have take a deep breath and be able to cover it in a fair way, but also face the horrible net I really wonder the depravity of it so that for understandable, watching all watching someday as you said before is nazis, exponentially it is. It is the second holocaust, and I read your staff and I think, you're, right on after having anchored hours at a time And yet there are elements in our country. My college campuses honestly within the democratic party whose the same thing worse thing and oh from non committal terms of outrage to blaming Israel,
calling for the obliteration of Jews in our own country,. I mean I don't remember that in the holocaust, or at least reading about it during the holocaust, is pretty shocking how many people, particularly young people in this country, of this mindset. Is it not and that's why I think it so important to tell stories from the ground I mean is not military on military dishes is tit for tat. This is not the long battles. You ve seen back and for additions. Civilians, families, kids, babies at a different level, So we have a duty to show it, and maybe some of those people if change of mind after the shit question, because I want to get to your fantastic book too, the administration says that they are support Israel, come hell or high water.
Yet an assistant national security adviser several hours back talked about. Portion outweigh the response needs to be proportionate. My wife says to me what the israelis have to rape and main decapitate. That's proportionate, the words. This is absurd y know Let the israelis do what they have to do there: a humane people. They have a democratic government Facing annihilation, I don't remember: by telling us what to do after nine eleven. We were in afghanistan for twenty one years. This is problematic as far as I'm concerned you either you either gonna have to defeat an enemy but you're, not the defeat an enemy and you're gonna. Have your soldiers go door to door to door, get whacked one after another? That's a tiny country and then there's hezbollah sitting there? There, syria sitting there of course, One IRAN is sitting there. Do we really expect Israel this with hands tied behind its back
I agree with you and I think this is gonna, be the challenge, because, what's going to happen, it is really going to do what it she said and I think. annihilating in eliminating a marsh which, going to me a very ugly public process and letting Israel do that without weighing an or some? hindering it anyway usually the challenge not only to the. U s administration shouldn't. but it will be and all for countries in the region. the next. I would say weak, but listen to be honest fishermen being weeks and weeks ahead. There is really is asked her to the u n on tonight and It was very blood and said, they're gonna. Do it I have to do it, but it's gonna take alone. Tat. I want to thank you for your outstanding interview with Kirby. I mean he can
wiggling, and you wouldn't you wouldn't let him out of the box there and you can wait a minute. That's not what I'm saying. Yes, we know that, but that's not what I'm sayin that's the kind of reporting. I think the american people need. I want to get to your book It actually relates and illegal Things can identify with this. It is a fantastic book. You sent me an early, happy. I read it. I'm sort of asia I've made historic in many ways: a constitution was to rescue the constitution, george Washington and the fragile american experiment. Let me ask you: george Can we faced a hell of a lot of challenges? What The general was he You answered the call every time he was a reluctant leader answered. The call is a military man you go on to be the commander of the continental army? let them which was a tough group. The soldiers he called wafers saw them exceeding.
Dirty a nasty. However, you inspired them and fought to shine inside the men and inspired leadership. He built them up captain I am convinced they could win convince them. They could win. he went on after the victory he called out again only want to do is go roamed about learning and be with us. martin, but he was caught up again because in the country was falling apart, the colonies road battling each other is actually one of the most divided and Yours times are there. The fractures are so great that a lot of the country feels like Maybe we should go back to british rule, that's what constitutional convention starts in philadelphia star. To rework the articles of congratulation and then they beside you know what that's not gonna work you gotta start over an enemy george Washington, is the figure that holds it all together as embodiment of the document under being
legal document that provides liberty to any country would you to stay with us, because we're gonna have a break soon. But my question is this: do you Consider george wash ing the greatest president, her one of them, it is President'S- may be one of the two greatest presidents in american history and why? Why about this man in his character in its capabilities. was able to lead the army? when the revolution led the nation, then retire and go home. What was it about this man? The book is to rescue the constitution, george Washington and the fragile american experiment. I encourage you to get it. We will linked to it on all my social platforms, singing just rapid real, fast I'll, be right back and folks you've heard me about hills down college, giving away free copies of the constant
washington, declaration to my listeners for constitution day. They have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your for for my listeners in soon. So, if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com. Every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy,
in hillsdale college, good levin for hillsdale dot com right now, complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available while supplies last, you don't even have to pay for shipping order. Your copy now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, that's l, E v, I n for hillsdale dot, com liberties, fois mark then talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one the revolutionary war was a brutal brutal war thousands of american colonies russian soldiers died on the prisoner ships parked outside in new york, from distant from meeting rancid food. God knows what else in fact, almost For the deaths that occurred during the revolutionary war occurred in those present boat and as my friend Brett bear rights, Washington had a fight
wallace. He didn't have a lot of victories Very small professional me compared to the militia, had any had to keep them to go here to keep them in fighting order here key battles. so my question to you: bread pairs, you consider him Is it all of this? Helping keep the nation together? The greatest present in american history is certainly one of them I mean listen even going to serve first president imagine what its life There is no model there. No one left him a note in the dashed down and what to do? No one passes the torch. I mean he was the torch, so every aspect the presidency really have to be invented a new and We create this exact to what it is today, but his big, maybe most significant action, was when he left after it. Terms. There is no proscribed
on how long a president could serve and and to heated, declare himself indispensable, and this was the peace the transition of power, no more business story After John Adams and second president, you're hiding out of the room and adams stance to allow washington to go first in Washington turns to them motions Adam forward here. prejudice now- and you know, everything I researched about this man tat. He was the reason The country stayed together. He was the reason that it was founded the way it was shot at these are not you know, just stories made up easier and diaries in in little We call them in the history books, In the end, the all caps, I think, he's definitely leave asked. I look to others. He's as grand kept us together and prevented
so the war? I think Reagan was a fantastic presented. Communicator as you know, was overlooked, is the president that history will look back I'd say he kept his peaceful. cold war washed and had a hell of a cabinet. He had some really big. Goes there at any first of Adams, as vice president jefferson in there and Hamilton who hate each other guts in an in addition, all that for us was really aligned with the french ten railway lined with british there going a war that is the french and the british you had all this stuff there leaking. To the media to try and undermine each other, and why should have had to deal with all this right? It was. It wasn't just smoothed going as presently united states now, trouble. She was not perfect, made mistakes, she conceded there was still a battle for dominance,
federal power and states right and the left still a battle today and you mark in the big picture of this book about the constitution, a lot of people, the question it doesnt work today it was far from perfect It wasn't a bite, you look at that document and the process. constitutional amendments, twenty seven of them first time. Obviously bill of rights, but you you look, it say how would we do it today and Yeah, you couldn't make tweaks changes, but for the most part as you know more than anybody else, confusion is the greatest legal document, were written. They barred from philosophers of the past. They saw what countries failed with countries succeeded, and you know bread bear its correcting not on a whim but with a factory, simple majority, but ultimately self correcting it has been,
but it was also you know. prepare noses folks, gaiters book. It is a tremendous book. I know these are very difficult times. Right now, but every now and then he got it took a little break to rescue the, institution george Washington, their fragile american experiment. Nobody supported constitution more in eighteen, fifty two than frederick douglass really the leading abolitionist and Scape slave and so forth, and so on, and he said of the constitution. The cops patient as it promotes slavery. We need virtuous people too. to what the constitution says that what you write in this book to the constitution is not perfect, but the biggest problem is you have people who believe in it who are going to truly support their own twitter allegiance to it, and sometimes today we have people who say they do, but they really dumb. But, but
washington was all those things wasn't he he was I came to the end of this process and, as you know, this is the first in the presidential election and you put your rank were talking about and I'm too do it in those shoulders. Straw, look at a moment in history and in a narrative, bladed readable specially for you the generation that I'm we talk about this before mark, but I really believe that young people are not getting on story of who we are ass, a country zone, but I have to say at the This process researching. Writing it in a game. Isn't a hope not because of our nation was so smooth, but because he was smooth and dissent is built in the cake it bathed in and so is the union and trying to find a mix, the sand and union I'm really. That is what was she could tell us. And when you and your you for
Do the research in you write the book and you added the book, and you finish the book Because, as happens with me too, and here you have this package, fantastic book, ladies and gentlemen you say to yourself sometimes alright. This is really good. sometimes you say, I wonder what the reader will think. So when you finish this boy, what did you conclude I've been to this process the first one to three and a half years and on each one chance has been about a year and a half could I have. I got a blueprint, have a great deal researcher co author, without back and forth, but at the end of this book I actually the most proud of this one. I usually beginning an end to talk about current times and things that were facing now, I think if somebody leader this book, you just get a friend
of whom we are at the very very beginning, and I do think that important, big pendulum, that we face every day and listen. Fight these battles and regain about what's right or wrong. But if we look, It the founding fathers they had a pretty good sense of things, so when you saw as a journalist- and I tell people. Journalists can be patriotic. You know. not all, are, but you certainly are when you saw monuments coming down, including the desecration of george Washington, can and others. I guess what you felt was my These people don't know history at all. Today, where were we? sad. So sad, Your I showed that happen as I was- writing my last block to rescue the republic about Ulysses s grant,
I actually start a dog with a I'm afraid of watching this television report. san Francisco were a Statue of Ulysses s grab the being taken down. Because your slaves, he did more. Has a president poor black, the black community for fighting slavery? For going after the cake a decade, and are you really any president and yet Harry was being taken down, george Washington removed from school, and ass, you know, if you re bismarck of all that he did, they knew, the slavery issue was warm. They couldn't deal at the time they were trying to start the country, but they knew it all inherently, but here is a document provides liberty show. You say that you want banished three fifths of the ban,
They knew there was a problem, but they wanted to get the country mouldering, and so I think our history can tell us a lot. In I don't wanna when statues condemn no more than an angry up north country. For a civil war and slavery, there's another one. on the face of the earth, and so we still goes on in the world in the middle. Eastern africa. Other parts of the world which nobody pays any attention but I wanted to ask one question. Mark you one question under the book there is this sub experiment with progressive group the conservative group and a libertarian shea ok right, a constitution and- and they basically come back with the same document. Blood riparian say
the only the document as it is, but then at the input we mean it. The progression say in the electoral colleges the problem away to make some tweaks, but for the most part it you think documents Concern you say there are some problems here: executive powers, not jerk, clearly defined, but it's the same document. If we constitutional convention you ve talked about is, what do you think would come out today. I don't think they got a grand where the meat right now to be perfectly honest, that's our story. Brett you're, a good friend really. Our people will know. We talk often enough. And he tries to set me straight. You know but anyway, no good way around. No, I'm and my carriage to rescue the constitution, george Washington and the fragile american experiment. I Can'T- recommended strongly enough
it's on amazon, its discounted, it should be in every major bookstore, Just came out the other day, it's unfair. Came out now, but there's no control over that, but you can still order it still have it still gifted during the holidays and so forth. And it is a refreshing, truly Historical account things I didn't know about the gray george Washington, great job repair. God bless you, my friend, that's marked a meal, you take care of yourself And how much work goes into a book and No, it's sad that it comes out like a time like this. It's the nature of the beast. We can control over and you haven't me talking much about my book, because our priorities. But when you watch the news on tv there still commercials there still sponsors things have to continue, but there are priorities- and this is a fantastic book.
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Nazi neo nazi nazi, like hitler, hitler like on most of the Reprobate cable channel, seen in an MSNBC but especially at MSNBC. whatever you do, don't call the nazis. That is the Most indian terrorists nazis, don't call them hit Larry him save that for trump and these extreme manga republicans. Member of the Democrats would accuse donald trump and putting little kids in cages. Member o c accuse them of that, which course you didn't do they're trying to sort out who the real, parents where, because, basically enough there weren't papers.
And yet some of these same individuals, the democratic socialist e o they fain. They fain concern about the slaughter of little babies in kids that have taken place in the Middle EAST. with their mealy mouthed, quisling language, her eye. there's always tomorrow will not always, but hopefully we salute our armed forces. Police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are truckers freedom fighters. Brothers and sisters in Israel and all the men and women trying to save him c on one hand and.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-12.