« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 02/14/19

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Rich Zeoli from WPHT fills in for Mark. Make no mistake we're living in a police state! Former Assistant Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe considered a soft coup on the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, by leaking information they know to be false to their accomplices in the media. When Mark Levin said they spied on Trump— he was right! Although the media labeled Mark Levin as a conspiracy theorist, it turns out that his analysis was spot on in March 2017. The Barack Obama hold-overs in the FBI used surveillance on the campaign. By spying on Trump the rogue FBI and DOJ officials tried to legitimized their investigation. They debated coercing cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to undo the legitimate election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Today CNN posed the question: "was it a coup or a concern?" The real concern is that the media is not concerned that any of these subversions occurred at all. Despite no evidence of conspiring with Russia, this bias against President occurred for eight days, yet no one has paid the price for the perversions of justice displayed in this failed coup. Later, ABC News in Chicago is reporting that police are investigating whether Jussie Smollett staged his alleged MAGA attack with help of other actors from the TV show "Empire." Afterwards, Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the border crisis is a manufactured emergency and that future Democratic Presidents might tackle gun control as a national emergency. Of course Pelosi is wrong on this as she usually is, and her limitations on the border barrier compromise bill only helps foreigners entering illegally—not We The People of the United States.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, I wanted to introduce a new sponsor to the podcast Hills Del com, which has been a long time sponsored the broadcast for the new year. They have gracious they agreed to exclusively sponsor the first hour or segment of the pod guest. I believe deeply principles, a mission of hills to college which I share with you during the upcoming segment. My thanks, appreciation to Helstone College for their long partnership with the show and now the pod now let me underline the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader. Make no mistake about it. We are living in a police state. Yes, this is a police state and how much, the dramatic here. Where are you
the FBI, talking about using the twenty fifth amendment to the constitution, to remove a duly elected president of the United States. When law, enforcement is used for politics. That is a police state, not a dream. Opinion a fact well because the market ensure the great one is off tonight I am rich is the only back with you tonight, fellow lynites, that you in part of the show in an incredibly busy dated eight seven, seven, three eight three eight one one will get to the border stuff is bill, has major major problems, major problems, and I do not think the present should sign. It lets us first, so this police need that we're living in right. Now you have to real. Something- and this is what I think is very relevant times when there are people who are bending Andrew Mackay, today after Angela Merkel, it, went on television which Pelee and said yet we scattered about using the twenty fifth amendment to the constitution. I have a question: when did the f,
the IRA, the Department of Justice become a fourth branch of government. They are part of the secular branch of government, but they were too thing to do, occur That's all there is: the crew were attempting a coup on the boss, the present the United States at most terms measure at your job. If you try to take out the boss, just imagine most basic terms, you try to take out your boss costs. The president is the boss, I can arrange a government of which an apartment justice is part of let's go a step further, Well, sir, we're dealing with the presidency, the United States of America. You happy who are politically motivated to stop him from getting elected pure struck, two page James. Me and others they were to help Hillary Clinton when they thought she was gonna win. They did everything they could. They used a phoney das, a phoney dossier as an excuse to get warrants to spy on american citizens who have never been charged by the way Page has yet to be charged with the crime
despite imam in violation of their fundamental rights. Are the constitution for the purposes of infiltrating a presidential campaign, the infantry campaign, then they try to stop the election from happening. The way they fear will go meeting. How did you whenever they can to keep down? from from being elected than he is into their surprise they try to stop him from being elected body, your college, because it keep leaking stuff so goes back to where they sat down. With with the press on and off the record meeting about the dossier to get the dossier out and the press. So there it can realise everybody could look at the dossier NGO. Oh, I must be legit now they briefer president on it. Recent presidencies. Obviously the dossier must have must have merits. No, it did not have merits, they purposely briefed president- and that leads to the press, to give this russian dossier the illusion of authenticity when it had none,
I even further. Let's go back to when market even said that Trump Tower was being wiretapped spite and whatever phrases whenever terminology want to use it. Our task is a great example of this is, I think, wiretapping, is vote so that we can all relate to when Having said that, he was marked, by all of these talking heads and all these comedians member, that there, knocking him conservative cook with his conspiracy ideas. Well it turns out, he was absolutely right. He was right, They were spying on Cabotage Donald Trump. They were wiretapping ii dropping listening spying in infiltrating people. Fourth, amendment rights: whatever you want to call it, they were doing those things will eventually, I hope, find out exactly what they did and the President becomes the President elect. Then he is elected by the electors, so he's officially now the President elect them inauguration occurs. In January, there still texting can fourth Peter struck in these page have against
this from happening, while they can't but they figure on early on peer struck, says well, we'll have an investigation, I'd be turnabout impeachment here all these, text messages all these little. You know let's Let's talk about impeachment. Let's talk about investigations. We can cripple as presidency by just having non up investigations embassy way cooler than anything else? We can do to them back and forth back and forth, like lovers with their Valentine's day, messages to each other about about moving a duly elected president And then we find out after the Prince fires. James call me, which is absolutely his constitutional right to do, because the prisoners, its gets to fire FBI director if he wants to for any reason or no reason at all, as James call me himself said that we find out who, in a period of eight days, eight days eight days in May, which I guess I'll be a new movie coming out, they debated they being Andrew Mc Cave in the FBI,
farming to justice. Debated having the cabinet. The vice president and I'd say it's invoke the twenty fifth amendment to remove the president from office, the twenty fifth amendment, no twenty four the message of the constitution to remove and unfit president from office or President Buzek or president who can't do the job anymore. They accounting heads with actually calling his cabinet member. They were assessing what we think this one might be with us. We think this will not be with us there working to remove President, the department of the federal government is trying to enforcement division of the federal government is trying to overturn an election and more people are not concerned about this, then ever imagined they. I really, I guess, I'm a little my motto, MR maybe naive, maybe a modular sick. I guess I would think
But when it turns out the your government's police department, is trying to get involved politically and remove a president whether you like it or not, to me It goes well that Stasi, that's EAST, Germany, that's Russia, that Cuba, it's all these places, China, all of us regard. Zero politics should be very, very concerned by this. In fact, outrage over this call. What is cool, and say not here. Not we dont. Do it this way. Here, it's not what we do. Are you win some. You lose some there's another election for years, use the guys with guns, badges warrants subpoena power to try to undue and elections, not how works. And yet today,. There is either people who are saying what procedures, which is a crew treason. Absolutely all those things are appropriate and now Is this? What do you have people going here, but they have legitimate concerns. Then today, which is a joke of a network and completely of a joke, complete joke they Said today, was it
cool or concern, and that's legitimate question? They asked or audience accrue or concern My question is: why are they not concerned that a coup was attempted here against the present, a United States of America? A coup was attempted. Make no mistake about this. They tried and failed. They tried and fail, but they try to have a coup against our trump. What else you caught the counter heads there is? I don't know how this worked exactly, but I imagine maybe they had a chart and they the cabinet members listed, and they said he's with us, he's against us he's with us how many votes we need where it is go and all this. What do we do? How do we do this and by Keeping the investigation about Russia going and pressure on them to say hey think this guy really got here because of Russia live no proof of this business. Back that up and that's really the legally troubling troubling part of all of this, then ever had any proof that Donald Trump was anything regarding Russia. Nothing he'll be
thing if they said hey look, we found this thing and it is pretty obvious year. This guy's only here is a potent. What do we do? We gotta do something Prs after you, ve been here from pundits on the left and others in the media. There and say: well, yes, What would you do if you had a russian asset? What we don't see, that's it We don't if we did. Yes, let's talk about that, but we don't. Happy happy, I'm important of justice had some sort of smoking gun proof that, yes, in fact, Vladimir Putin himself Donald J Trump in the white house- that would be one thing they had oh evidence of anything they logic, count your intelligence investigation into the present United States based on a dossier paid for Dnc Dollars the Clinton Camp involved, even though whatever the judges is swimming over, their fries warrants James call me just leave poured out of it based on this political creation of opposition research, which fantasy.
They then use that as a basis to launch a counter intelligence investigation against the duly elected president of the United States of America, and then try a crew to remove him from office, use provision in the constitution, known as the twenty fifth amendment one. You call that not dramatic police state. We are living in a police state in this country? We have now the FBI, I'm a department of justice using law. Before powers they ve been given under the guy. Keeping a safe from terrorist and drug dealers and werewolves and bad guys using them powers now to effect a political outcome. There was through the election. While he's president, biased against him during the they thought they could. They could remove him from office on the course of eight days. They literally thought they could. They could remove him from office on the course of eight days and the courts days, we had an ongoing coup against a present of United States of America, and my question is when
these people be ever be charged with crimes. These people ever be ousted from their jobs way. These people ever be fully exposed. I'd like to know. Would you like to know. Now you know this interview with Andrew Mackay on sixty minutes. Scott Pelion CBS morning show disk this now played out for you in a couple minutes, but I want to hear this now I want no one should play this. This cut for me down, if you would, this is now MIKE the vice president. I'd states here cutlery that what if it's a member and frankly any discussion of the this present amendment and frankly, I I find any suggestion of the absurd. This present has been using for the american people, and I couldn't be more proud to stand with him and the words of the writings of disgraced FBI Won't change that fact fully Mervyn you never heard of this before I have never heard any
discussion on the twenty fifth amendment by members of this government, and I would never expect to hear what I think happened. I think talked about it behind the scenes. I don't think they ever actually spoke to a cabinet member about this. I think what they it is. They did a poll in their office. They lined up. All the cabin members in their heads their faces, and they said, was that what you think about Rick Perry be with us or against us. What do you think no matter we're ready to defend such matters should be on this You know someone so just down the list analyse Jeff sessions. Where would he be? Would you have sessions vote down the list, each cabinet member, and they never had the votes. That's why the vice president of a about it, because they never have the votes This is what I mean about a failed crew. They at their. They went through this. They tried their best and they couldn't get it done because a book its words of the president but be they're not stupid.
No evidence of any thing involving Russia. That would just if I removing the president of the United States of America using the twenty fifth amendment, something Therefore, when president's are incapacitated, when pressed it's completely, lose it when president in a coma. Serious, serious issues when a president cannot do his job. It has never been used, it shouldn't we'll be used unless you have an actual reason to use it. These guys had Nata, not a thing, and yet they did a little headcount. That's from a cave said I will give you some people have dismissed as well. Maybe he's just trying to sell books yeah. Maybe he is maybe he is, but The fact of the matter is in you have now enough evidence of this Shop Coup, which I think now is just an outright coup of an outright EL coup against the president's from people. Or disgruntled leftist working Amy department of the federal government who didn't
what this guy to win. They wanted Hilary to win. They were dead set on impeaching him. They were dead, set an investigating and try to cripple as presidency from the start, and then they were dead I'm trying to remove him from office themselves themselves. There not elected anybody. There not elected had he had here. They were try to do something against the will of the people. What do you call that? other than a coup. Is it happen in any other country in the world. We would all say the exact same thing: a fail coup. You call it off. Prove it happened anywhere else in the world, typically in third world countries, where these things happen and that's it, exactly what happened here? A failed coup against leaf the fifth president of the United States of America. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one rich z, only in for the great one Markov in straight ahead. I wanted
I got a sponsor hills, dough college for all they do. Try maintain the greatness of America. You know most colleges have enough trouble, maintaining the greatness on their own campuses and they declined and they have fallen in cultural, rot, not hills, the college, it's a special place, and now they reach out to all citizens of the country to spread the word of liberty, the declaration of independence, the constitution, capitalism, all the great things that make America what she is today and now Congress has under new leadership and already seems to be on a mission to thwart our liberty. Doesn't it yours and mine, but too many representatives, dont know how to preserve liberty in too many of them don't care. We call
Progressives, but I'm not interested in the progressives, I'm interested in you. We, the people, it's up to. We the people to retain what we ve learned and to retain what we have received from our founding fathers and our founding fathers, Canada, on we, the people to hold our government in check and being able to do. That means understanding that proper role of Congress. That's why, for a limited time, my good friends, Hills Dale, have brought their powerful online course on the history and proper role of Congress back absolutely free to equip all of us to know what we should expect of our Congress. Hills deals on a mission to restore liberty like the rest of us and you can take the excellent online course for free for a limited time sign up today for this critical course at Lavigne for Hills, del dot com, that's l, e g. I am for Helstone Backup, learn how Congress used to work and why it doesn't anymore, learn about liberty, the declaration, the constitution, girl event for hills down that com,
Gmail should have had a special council probe right. Well, the great one is often I've mark within? I am, which is the only with you tonight, fellow the nights on twitter at Rich Z or we, yes, Andrew Mikhail, had several meetings with Deputy Journey general ROD, Rosen sign that focused on how to protect them. Sabotage terms of oversight for the ongoing investigations of Russia One of those meetings, Mikhail argued for the formation of a special council, because it would improve the investigations, credibility and avoid steps from the probe of Hillary Clinton, email scandal quote from the book later there Then I went to see Rosen scene again. This is the gist of what I said. I feel strongly that the investigation will be best served by having a special council. I've been thinking about the Clinton.
Case and how we got twisted in knots over how to announce a result, but did not include bringing charges against anyone. Had we appoint the despair council on the Clinton case we might not be, the present situation and less Until you make a decision to appoint a special council, the F B, I wish Did you withering criticism could destroy the credibility of both the Justice Department and the FBI. Guess what. Your credibility has been destroyed, both the Justice Department and the FBI. Ukraine body is shot to hell complete. Shot to Hell, and, in my opinion, should also be shot into the confines of astrogation, a major investigation for an attempted coup against the President they emit here that bit and have a special council really Britain's emails because they wanted to cover for her. They thought she was going to win. Bet on the wrong horse. They thought she was gonna win, so they figure no big deal, but they would have come up anyway, they would it sure the special council did their bidding. Why they ve got Robert Mother,
to do their bit in now, they would have made sure of especial. Their bidding, but they figure that we say could have had some sort of a cover for it. They fully admit they screwed up, they we admit that their bias in the Hillary Clinton email investigation showed shows. Everybody to see show like a light, a thousand lights. And lit up the entire world, when James call me came out to give their press conference saying no prospect, Whenever prosecute right, I made Well, we had a special council. We could have had a low but to cover clearly a meeting they screwed up and then they say: let's have a special council against Trump yeah. Let's do that what. If we do that, then we can have a little hands off approach, only didn't work out. That way. Did it because in that way so all this and all this stuff comes out Peter Stroke ex messages to lease the page and these as warrants against a guy that was never charges. I'm corner page and this nonsense coming out and the credible
The FBI and the Department of Justice now looks exactly like a police organization with political objectives. And there are a lot of countries in the world that had those police organizations with political objectives by the way and most of them were incredibly successful. They work successful. Here they came closer, they came close. You know I've heard people suggests we're caves. Making this up ask yourself is If he's not making this up, what do we do? What do we do about this? I'm dead various about this because fail this time who's to say they won't succeed next time, that's a question the mark of insurance, which is the only in for the great want eight seven, seven, three, eight one three,
One one now, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that the new congressional leadership is on course to impede our liberty, your liberty and mine and their future liberty of your children in your grandchildren. Many of our representative simply don't understand or care about the critical imperative to preserve our liberty, and it would seem that some of these so called progressives actually seek to kill it, and these progressive are quite unlikely to understand or learn these things, which is why we have to. We need to overcome them. Our founding fathers count on we, the people to hold our government and track and being able to do. That means understanding. The proper role of Congress not help us understand this critical issue. For a limited time. My friends at Helstone College are brought their powerful online course on the history and proper role of Congress back absolutely free to equip all of us to know what we should expect of our Congress
carried you to check out this course, but not just you, your family, your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors, spread the word of liberty like hailstones colleges, dollars on an important mission to restore liberty and a great country and for the time you can take their when an enlightening online courses for free. I urge you to sign up right now for this critical course at Levine for Hills, delta com. That's l, easy! I am pray, hills Del Dotcom, learn how Congress used to work and why doesn't work anymore? Learn more about Liberty spread the word girdle of Infra hills, Doub outcome, however: Modern Board from our founding fathers Is there? A mark Levin show dialogue now at age, seven, seven, thirty, eight one brief, eight one, one has been inspired by the founding fathers. I was inspired by mark within a given to talk radio and I'm glad I did really good I did Rich Z early and for the great one you know, MOM
said a while ago that Donald Trump was spied on by the government's wiretap despite on by our government, I look. Our government spies on a lot of people. They violate the constitution all the time when it comes to your liberty, all the time they do. This, its constant from the USA and all these other places. But you don't we at all. They did all there is to keep a safe from terrorist. Right, though you know, just price a little bit of liberty and sacrifice a fourth amendments. All good will keep you saved from a lot of bad guys out there. And I warned about this- is as it others that the government When you give them, he sacrifice a little bit of your civil liberties here and there they never gave up, in fact they weapon eyes it and use it politically. They use it politically to achieve their own ends because they have all the power- courts they ve got. The warrant signifies a court, this secret Pfizer court, which Nobody knows how it works.
Happens what goes on, and so when it came out that the president was in fact, being spied on by the government mark live in said that on the air. He reveal that everybody he was marked and We find out that Andrew Mikhail, announcing that yeah they talk about a coup against the president. The you invoking, each the fifth amendment of the United States Constitution and try to remove a duly elected president. I'd say it's based. And they obtained never obtain based on methods. They tried to obtain violating his civil liberties and spying on him. Like the on him, was what was Lee justification, baiting, five, anything but spying on him, they rebel say, or we have legitimate investigation. No, you don't just you spying on somebody is, I mean it's a legitimate investigation, but after me Who made that announcement that revelation? He was marked by several geniuses, where I'm late night, television posing as comedians left. These
pretend like their comedians they're, not and they're, not funny by the way anymore, because politics can be funny and I think some of us do a very good job, making it funny these guys. Gender and so they lose the humor part of it in all. They do is just one being nothing more than grain sanders. Quite frankly, every now and then they get a joke off, but most of the time they they failed miserably, but there's a little montage that MR producer put together of evolve them blasting prevent as some right wing could take a lesson. Whitehouse official say that the president's sources were various conservative outlets, most prominently brand, what are Mark Levant, who seemed to take three basic. Of information and combine them into one conspiracy, theory of calls a silent coup and on the conservative right Bart website, which Friday highlighted a conspiracy, loving radio talk, show our mark live in. Another story asserted that Obama has been trying to undermine trump at every turn. Given that mine, it was inspired by a third.
Radio segment by conservative? Talk shows mark within early. This idea came from the right wing radio host an unlicensed gynecologist Mark Golovin rented about these wiretaps on his radio show that show was then written up by bright part. As marked within the Congress. Investigate Obama silent coup verses trump. Does the White House gain by the presidency, not by sea Van and most likely handing the present the United States and they re right, Clodagh card I called and and and talking about what a rabid right wing talk show host has been theorizing start with firebrand conservative radio host Mark Levine briefly for people do who don't know? Who is he he's
not quite a following and he's not just a conservative figure but often espousing relatively radical positions about the need to reinvent the constitution in the government and the ways in which we think about society. The notion that Mark Levin, is a news outlets. It's it's not the New York Times is not the way to post. It's, not the Wall Street Journal. If not, the Elk Times is not a major news network. Is work live in a guy who rally a rubber. I know one Roquat radio guys do and left and right mostly right. They rival brown people up without rageous charges and nobody keeps Canada. Here's the president. I states getting his information from these people evidence the suggesting President Obama has committed. A crime seems pretty thin detailed speculation from a conspiracy. Loving talk show Mark Levine. Ok, I think we can now officially declared that from has, I was media dive than the Son of SAM Killer, and he got all these news from a talking dog who told into merger
None of these people are concerned about what mark actually talked about his wonted Markham brain stem they're from CNN, whose about the hip puberty any day now and Colbert reside funny, and these guys going on and on right wing conspiracy host you when I listen to mark of in everyday and I've Mark Levine question things like the moon landing or I don't know who shot J of care the these. Spirits guy, you know this what is most intelligent, guys out their funding. The law. They a constitution, way there and these guys. She also none of them refuted any of the claims that mark made None of them not even pretend journalists, Jake Tapir and the others that none of them now these rules, we every not an embassy, riles him up Salivating all over and spitting Cameron everything else morning, Joe Joe Scarborough every morning with, is let's compare, prompt you Hitler Day every day,
every day with just compare trumped Hitler once in awhile Mussolini. Sometimes Stalin depends really but it's always a genocidal, maniac dictator. That's the one consistent thing you can find on morning, Joe that an Mika agreeing with everything Joe says: that is for sure, but none of them ever disputed Anything Mark said, which is the FBI, the department, Justice, the USA, views their powers to infiltrate a presidential campaign because they, what the guy to become president doesn't concern these left these. You know why, because they're happy with the outcome, Just imagine for a moment. Let's pretend, let's just pretend why not right, let's pretend, but then for a minute tat. The other way. Let's pretend that Hillary Clinton was president right now. I know don't stone, scream, don't screen this
let's retention, and then we find out that the other guy you say the Bush administration but say that bomber we find out the bushes I ve been of justice very hard to keep him from getting elected a spider. Campaign. Will you some claims about whatever to say that maybe we have to go in there and infiltrate and listen and find out what he knows in, and you are our messages going back and forth between Bush FBI agents about how we get a sap, this guy. Just like these, send me in the media. Malignant comedians would just dismiss it as a joke. Here. We are now today with the FBI. Act the FBI loser Andrew Mackay, who says yeah? We talked about the twenty fifth amendment in eight days in my twenty fifth amendment. And they talk about this- to remove a president, a United States and nobody in the media cares because they would have loved that to happen. They would have loved it. The truth
as they are show willing to sacrifice liberty and the constitution and even yes have a police state for their ideas and, quite frankly, that that out of the realm of every other leftist state in the world right thing left these is that their consistent all of their states. Have extreme police powers, I'm not some. The local cap on the beat. That's not what I'm talking about. Twenty the railways are left these argument, a police state whenever there is no cops on horseback and a parade This is what a police state isn't when these, these countries control elections, the outcome of elections using their their powers and ever single society in the world that is socialist communist, that's how they do it and What's also charming, is at their ideas on things like climate and the economy, liner perfectly with the
he is of Alexandria, Acacia, Cortez, Bernie Sanders, etc, etc. You see what I mean, the reason why we are not concerned about a police state is because they would absolutely love a police state. If they were in charge, they would love, it should be then they could make sure that that they were controlling the climate by being able to shut down coal fired power, Bans on a whim, and confiscating guns on a whim and, of course, making sure that nobody We're became president again like Donald Trump. They would, of that every society on earth that deals in communism and socialism. Fascism, whatever has a- Strong, federal police presence they scare the citizens they the hell out of the citizens. They beat up their citizens, they re terrify them now what they Carter page is any different. Really Meares is done
Carter page, I don't know the guy, but it just doesn't seem to me to be exactly you. Don't I from what I know about him, What is this where he wasn't around? I just know that for he wasn't around, but they did so I'm a guy and I ve never charged with crimes, they violated liberties. Nobody cares the how it would work on it on a regular basis. If Alexandria, occasional, Cortez EO see another odd communist got her way if Bernie got his way just Russia Soviet Union where he spent his honeymoon the guy honeymoon in the Soviet Union Army, the weather's amazing beyond. It resorts to choose a potato spread all Ok, you can drink, though I do have to say that that's one of those things that those all inclusive russian Siberian resorts- I mean it's and very quiet by the weather. A very very quite that's! Bernie Sanders spent his honeymoon, that's other He is you ever heard in your life, but my honeymoon in ITALY. It was amazing, Nay
boys and men. Now you know with Tuscany the Amalfi coast. Who the hell wants to spend their honeymoon in the Soviet Union other than a lefty commie? what actual Bernie is Bernie Sanders got had his way. I live here down from doing this Markel event will be shut down. All of us would end they would control so much of us. They try it would now don't they ravages Try to control every single thing we do for the good of the blank for the good of the child. For the good of the whatever it is meeting your choices, limiting your freedom onto the guy. Of controlling you, so they can achieve their utopia. That's why they're not freaking out about this everybody should be freaked out by the idea that they try to do a coup against suppressing United States of America and the left doesn't care because the left would have been thrilled with the outcome. The media doesn't care, the media have been throw. The outcome had gone their way and
what use these powers again in the future as much as they possibly could to get their way, because it's all about the big picture with them all about winning, and making the will away from a minority, That's why they want to order the electoral College so that California, in New York and decide for everybody in the country, they believe their ideas are so advanced and you how we're in robes out there you people, where the ones hold them back from their utopia. Our ideas about freedom and guns, and God and kids. Being able to survive the womb, that's what I mean they think we are the problem, pollution cars and suvs and our electricity and what not and they would just stop us, they would love it.
Arctic, seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven here on the mark, Levin show with me rich Zeoli in for the great one, what's going to Kevin in Long Island, New York Kevin thanks for the call can I call you doing a great job. Thank you, sir. Ok, so about reassuring to say: I come from New York, that's where I live in the run by the tinfoil had club out here that Europe is doing so they should be charged. For I mean this is a national against democracy. There there's gotta be a cry here that committed.
I think so certainly sounds like a right now, we're full absolute full special council investigation into these idiots earlier you're producer Qaeda caught my comment down, but you have mentioned the electoral college. If I can, if you took out California, I do you like you just mentioned, who died but yeah, I won by they get both by promising rainbows and unicorns. If you took those vote is out of the equation. If memory serves me correctly, Tromp was the popular vote by what we know about If you prefer equation, I think he would have crushed about how absolutely no doubt no doubt about it. I think I can appreciate it out of the highest in New York and how everybody does anonymous. A producer does
but I am in Jersey, so thought exactly like it's that much better. I live in a police state, I mean literally in New Jersey. It's a police state, it's not a joke this is insane, though this on the national level, but again I'm telling you this coup they tried to do this coup that big I do achieve a fail, could call what it is. It's a fail coup if this we found opposite. It happened in Venezuela, we'll all be saying that they not be saying or fail cool. It turns out just having just The story right turns that high ranking justice officials are trying to remove a president by invoke the constitution, but they didn't have the votes in the cabinet, so they failed Nobody will be saying: well, I'm sure they were very concerned about their country. Everybody be calling a fail coup. Why don't they do that here? Why don't they do that? Here is the question, because they would have loved to succeed. Eight seven seven three, eight one three one one march off tonight
great ones off rich zeal. We infer mark coming right back in the new
aggression. A leadership is in Tampa, there's nothing new about what their pushing big government centralized government iron fist at government, higher taxes, more regulations, open borders there on a mission to obstruct our freedom and undermine our sovereignty. Yours, mine, all of ours and too many representatives, don't care. This is the nature of progressive. Is it's an eighty, illogical poison and the best way to fight? It is with knowledge, information about Liberty, about the declaration about the constitution and how Congress is supposed to work it's up to we, the people to understand what our government is and is not supposed to do, and that includes Congress and, thankfully my good friend said hills to college. I brought back the powerful line course on the history and proper role of Congress and its absolutely free. Please take advantage of this remarkable offered to equip yourself your family, your friends, your neighbours, with a knowledge that all of us should have about our Congress and our government generally hills
College is on a critical mission to restore liberty and our great country, and you can take their excellent online courses for free for a limited time, so sign up right now. For this important course at Levine from Helstone Backup, that's l, e g- I am free hills, Del Dotcom, learn how Congress used to work and why it doesn't anymore. So we can do something about a girl of infra hills. Doubt that come out. I want the big big problem with all of this is that there is no outrage from the left because they wanted it to work. They want Could we succeed, ultimately they love a police day. That's the truth. The markov ensure welcome back the great ones off tonight, Rich Z, only inform mark. You know one of the reasons why I just absolutely was inspired by mark of ten years ago. As a funny, but you he came to an event that I was hosting in Jersey. He had just written in black and came to the event I sent a dry
where to pick him up at the train station driver got Edward he will see, lost an ego itself. See because Mark is one of the night Baby Laramie, you truly is never ever ever get frustrated with the driver. I got frustrate with a driver cycle to believe that but mark this very, very I'd, say never principle the driver said nationalism. Skies ever and I got a really really lost anyway, What I love about marks talker night was the fact that we had a republic founded on this very very I'd say a principle of almost fear of a federal government from states very fearful of a powerful federal government So they put a bill of rights to protect you and me from our federal government. We have all these rights that we have to protect us from government where those rights, is it right against the government. Just you know, spying on you just
invading your life and spying on you and then, if they can do it too, president of the United States of America. What chance do you What chance do? I am what chance you any of us have and reason why we have these protections is because the government- so much power and obviously rumours in the constitutional convention here in Philadelphia, we're on broadcasting from day. They were very mindful of the fact that government our only grows, it doesn't shrink ever say, All these restrictions. And over the years all those restrictions get completely abused and abused and abused. And now at a point or history, where the arrogance people in the Department of Justice where they thought they could get away with this and the fact that their time, about it now and television? What does that tell you by the way, I think Where do the audio yet of of Andrew? My cave openly talking about a failed coup against oppression
What does that say to you the arrogant, of these people, but not only do they think they could get away with this. There is brazenly talking about it at least, there was a time when a coup that didn't work out, everybody kept their mouths shut because it didn't and they want to go to prison. Now they just openly oh yeah yeah. No, we try to do this. We tried badge is by man. We did a good job. I try and we have to Oh, she counted heads really Preparers can be with us man will we wrong. I mean these guys the hubris of these people absolute, damn, hubris to think they could do this and now just talk about it what does that tell you of how powerful our federal government has become over the individual and now federal government wants to decide who becomes the president now, the federal, It wants to decide and the poor power. They the side. Not you not me, they want to decide for us who should be the president when the governments,
picking our president, we're not we're a republic. We are no longer republic at that moment. It's over. If the government, party in power, gets to choose their successor worker system? Is that mark of insured which is the only for the great one, common right back now run only underground the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader, Zackie Obama, administration, I'd like to know what Obama was about all this. Don't you I'd like to know the former president knows about the time they? Why tat Paul manner for under secret court order. Before the election, I'd like to know What are you welcome back the great one,
off tonight, on the mark within show Rich Z, only fellow lynites gladly. Here tonight. I tried to this is a big day for Mark he's, been vindicated on this so many times deliberately or in the show that to produce a renewed play a little bit of when Mark first talked about the coup against the present all the way back in March of twenty seventeen after they mocked him and mocked him call him a conspiracy, not everything else he's indicated once again Don't you want to know what the Obama administration knew I'd like to know the name, a cave, He goes on tv and openly brags about a coup against suppressing United States of America. That's where we are with their arrogance in their hubris right now,. Aren't you they'll listen to this now. This is a clip from the upcoming sixty minutes, Scott Pelee, with Andrew Mc Cave. Start with cut. I was speaking, to the man who had just run
presidency and achieve an and won the election for the presidency and whom you have done so with the aid the government of Russia, our most formidable adversary on the world stage, you're late. Let's stop at Lisbon, oh proof whatsoever of any. From Russia have we had one allegation of Russia tamper a single vote in this country a single single voting machine, for example. Have we ever had any any effort any allegation any suspicion that Russia might have come in and somehow, when you cast your vote at your pulling precinct, I should like to change the result of that they, Russia, key pillar. Where did from campaigning in Wisconsin? I always ask that question. I'm just curious: did they put up a fake roadblock to keep her out and enter
when did Russia become our most formidable enemy in the world? How China about China our most formidable enemy in the whole world? see the grand stand here. These people do all right. Let's keep going with the of the government of Russia. Our. Most formidable adversary on the world stage, and that was something that, help me greatly how long was it after that that you decided to start the obstruction of justice and counter intelligence investigations involving the President next day. I met with the team investigating the Russia cases and I ask the team to go back and conduct an assessment to determine Where are we with these efforts and what steps do we need to take going for? I was very concerned that I was able to put the Russia case on AB.
What we saw in ground in an indelible fashion, were I removed quickly, reassigned or fired that the case could not be Closed or in the night without a trace. I wanted to make sure that our case was on solid ground and if somebody came in behind me and closed, it tried to walk away from it. They would not be able do that without creating a record of why they may that decision you want to do. I stand here for a second there. Here, places where almost succeeded, but police state gun disappear in the middle of the night. They didn't Ladys disappear, enemies of the state. They're gone this taken away. And they are never seen again, you realize that's when a police state does in its full form worthy earth stages of it here. These guys almost succeeded, but when the government, is involved in politics when the law enforcement division of government exercising political powers. That's what happens. People disappear in the middle of the night. People just go away
They never existed and you this guy sitting here, perpetuating a police state against a president of the United States of America you notice how we said to them? I told them a ramp up. He doesn't say what we found. This evidence rises. Entire time. He does it. Should any evidence found. He just tells them keep workin harder work. Are you something keep go and get more people and do whatever you gotta do find something fine, many things exactly by the way. What Adam she? is doing in the house what What now there's doing what the iter, journalists in New York is doing just dig in digging ding until you find something? not our justice system so as to work. The government is not just most people, until they find something because they too the results of an election. That's not ever the concept of due process which these people don't give a damn about. That's very obvious, argued gone,
to make sure that our case was on solid ground, and if somebody came in behind me and closed, it tried to walk away from it. They would not be able do that without creating a record of why they may that decision. You wanted a documentary record, that's right, that those investigations had begun, because you feared that they would be made to go away. That's exactly right! Now, like people in police state. Who are just made to go away, he wasn't me, go away. He kept go in here, get more people on the job eventually will find something they never did. They still have not found a damn thing realise that still have not found a damn thing. Trying to remove a present of the United States from offers and there's gotta tell sit there. I'd love somebody, maybe sloppily last whom this in the full sixty minutes interview. What do you think the implications be if the FBI removes president's. If they don't like, what do you think the application would be,
here's Peter struck on back and forth. We can stop this. We can stop this, we can chew. The outcome, She's got Pelee would have love for them to have succeeded like so many others in the media. Don't you think I think he would have loved that to have happened. There's no question about it. Now? Scott Pollyanna CBS Morning Show crew discuss the Andrew Mackay by all of this nonsense with, but Neuro Donal and Gale King and the other guy John Dickerson. Listen the most illuminating and surprising thing in the interview to me were these eight days in May, when all these things were happening behind the scenes of the american people really didn't know about. There were meetings at the justice, but in which was discussed, whether the vote
president and a majority of the cabinet, could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the twenty fifth amendment. These were the eight days from commies firing to the point that Robert Mauler was appointed special counsel and the highest levels of american law enforcement. We're trying to figure out what to do with and I just want to put too fine a point on that, because there has been reporting, but I dont believe there has been a source that went on the record to confirm that that's twenty fifth amendment was discussed about removing the president so came as saying that that was discussed. Absolutely Mackay, nor, as you pointed out, is the very first person involved in these meetings.
Come out and spoken public. What that there was a discussion under way, not removing the president of the United States. There they were countering knows they were not not asking cabinet members whether they would vote for or against removing the president, but they were speculating. This person would be with us that person would not be and they were counting noses in that I love her Neuro Darnel sitting there in acting like this means that the president should be removed from office owe their actively discussing it. Instead of concerned. That here is the law enforcement division of government. Talking about removing a president who was elected body How can people she's there go and while obviously, if they're talking about a, maybe he should be removed, that's how a lot of people and the media on the left think The conversation show clearly clearly did they removed as opposed to this is what it is, a bunch of parties hacks arrogant as hell use.
Powers that they should not have for political purposes, using that again a president? They never wanted to win. Instead of that, they sit Well, they have the conversation, how it must be really serious, what what have they found? What Benjamin Cape say to justify any of this. That's all question that should be asked today did in I'm come up with anything to justify any of this The answer is no. To me is the most stunning thing. If we found out the police Let's say your local police department, some guys chops fora. Here, spying on I'm going through his is house following him home over here again two years later. They found nothing I would the media reactor that, by the way, I think the meat We say that was cool. Baby, I see how you would be ok with accidental, say a word about this by the way they don't say a downward about this. Besides dirt,
whence there's no other person on the left and the Democratic Party or anybody who, even even ever raises civil liberties fears that everybody should be feeling today, if the local, but you're just said, we think the guy's, a drug dealer and we're gonna keep found an essentially will find something. What gives and on when he's at work will go through as things listeners calls will find something for two years and then they find nothing. That's equivalent of this Andrew my cave, sits there and tell Scott Pelee. We did all this. We talked about all this. We had all these investigations. We still have not a damn thing to justify any of this, and yet This guy sitting there openly bragging about, investigations invoking the twenty fifth amendment- the constitution- just think about that for a second let that stool, Head for a moment. Please help anyone, I have said- and you know what Scott that's, because he found out Vladimir Putin at an algorithm that changed all the votes,
Philadelphia, for example, danger all the votes in this place or that place on the main line or someplace, deepen, Ohio turns out. Frequent in actually one those places, russian infusion using some sort of a Vladimir Putin, beam to create the dossier that we know. And we got em Scott. We got em, there has up in a single, even accusation of Russia doing anything to affect the outcome of the election? Not not not one thing would you know The current campaign of Dnc did collude with Russians to create the dossier that we know they did collude. Russians to create opposition research document which then the F B? I too as a basis to get warrants in a secret, Pfizer Court proceeding to spy an american citizens who are engaged a political campaign that we do know that we know
eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one here on them: then show I I know you want to wait on this and I do want to take your calls are doing here for you on this I mean. Can you believe this this Situation right now and you really They are not concerned rapid whatsoever because they re hoping that you hope these guys. What has succeeded? That's their hope. That's hope of the media and the left there just there. Just there we bummed out that Mc Cave and his cronies did not do a better job. They were ruined forum, one of the succeed they would of a police state, they love trump gone without western eight, seven, seven, three one three, eight one one, then show rich zillion for the great one coming right back
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Oliver night. I would love to have mark here tonight, so what we're gonna to do is going bring mark to you as best we can by playing an audio clip from March Fifth, twenty seventeen CE mark print. Did all of this. With this coup in this police state, he was marked and ridiculed fort and on a day like today, when and you're my cave talks about a coup and fail coup against the president I want to. I want you to hear directly from mark, so we're gonna do that after the break. I've asked Mister producer to compile that for us, but there's breaking news right. I want to table this breaking news, because this huge united about fish, Jesse Smollett he's an actor, A show called empire claim that he was beat up in Chicago by a couple guy. Who yelled this is Maghreb country and
a bunch of left immediate types, came out and call that a modern day- lynching. Yes, that's right, combo heresy, presidential candidate and perpetual grandstand or from California. She said the attack the modern day, lynching among us. People who went off and often often how terrible it was. Jesse Smollett. It turns out now He knew story being reported right now. The whole thing was staged. Whole thing was stage a blue in the face. Bruises, all of it Corey Booker. I grandstanding, Senator from New Jersey, Spartacus Captain grants countenanced Angela here too The vicious attack an actor Jesse smile. It was an attempted modern day, lynching where he safe they blame Trump for this. Of course, by the way took the time to say it's time to pass or anti lynching bill. Designating lynchings a federal hate crime Jesse swallowed also said that they lynched if we try to lynch him that a noose around his neck well,
What's all coming out, the entire thing was a fraud entire thing was staged because he was getting written off the show. Apparently this is ok. Now, and this is unbelievable. I call this by the way they came out- and I said this Europe is is this? Is it this is a full gazing, as we say here on the east coast into full gazing, because this doesn't happen, nobody trolls streets of Chicago or two, a m when it seventy below zero, looking to beat up job see small it at the helm. Your country and flow bleaching Faced with the news, it doesn't happen. According ABC seven, your twitting out sources, say Jesse, Smollett Sage, the attack with the help of others allegedly b, written off empire. Now This allegation is true. Then he needs to be charged with a crime of making a fuss police report during a whole bunch of other things by the way
a source reef, dummy smiled investigation, confirmed ABC News at Chicago police are questioning two persons of interest, one of whom appeared on the show empire. And apparently there nigerian man- I guess the matter from Nigeria. I would love it You say this is Magyar country and their and our journey and accent. I think that we really fun do here once again. A fake, fake hate incidents blaming tromp and waving Trump supporters and blaming you know, and now we find out the Thing is a full Gacy. I called it all that that day, I said no way. First of all, a cave it away for me was it was too damn called that night was literally seventy below zero. Maybe but a toy having committed a crime at least going away to warms up right. I mean that's just common sense: you're not going to do that them anymore. People do hate crimes at least wait all the temperature break zero. I, with the serbian shorter than they could handbook, I would imagine right,
then the other thing to that made me took me off. Rapid was bleach, appear, apparently freezes it. I think somebody said so degrees, but they threw bleach and then freeze. Well, there you go I'll go around, send out a very, very busy mark within showed tonight, and I'm so glad you're here, while here from great one from twenty seventeen when he fell broke the story of this coup. That was taking place here on the market. Ensure with me rich, is only in for the great one: do not No, do you dont Baghdad? Your radio new must be listening to my gloves in pick up of owning call eight seven, seven vs one three, eight one, one
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suppressing United States of America. Beckoned me of twenty seventeen mark broke all this down. The EU was the first person to ever piece it altogether. And I is very important for you to hear from mark directly on this point If I find a scientist you're here, discover the Or for something, and then that day, everybody knowledge he was right. We had access to that. We would have to hear it and we have access to markets in breaking down finding out. There was fact: a major virus going on in our government, so he's like a scientist like a biologists you found out there, was a in vain species going through the personal liberty of so many private citizens take a lesson. The evidence is overwhelming. This is not about. President runs between this is about the Obama administration spy.
And the question is whether it spied we know they went to the vice accord twice. The question is: who did they spy on the extent of the spine, but is the trunk campaign? The tron transition Trump surrogates, and I want to walk you through this. The american people exhibit one exhibit one. This is all public head street to separate sources with links to the counter intelligence community have confirmed that the F b I sought and was granted a barn intelligence surveillance at court. This is fine in October, Encounter intelligence permission to examine the activity of quote yours persons in Donald Trump campaign. With ties to Russia. Let me go on
so. Let me they say the first vice or request sources. I name tromp was denied back in June denied by the court, but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October. Ever evidence was presented, a server possibly related to the trunk campaign and its alleged links. The two banks now sources suggest that they face a warrant was granted to look at the full content of e mails and other related documents that may concern you as persons. Nine old people are hung up with. Where'd wiretapping, but how they get access to the server information is a really matter if it was wiretapping. Electronics violence or whatever it was exhibit to the guard,
and I well known right wing british papers here. It is quote the guardian of learn. The FBI applied Pray warrant from the foreign intelligent surveillance court over the summer. In order to monitor for members of the trunk, he suspected of irregular contacts with russian officials keep in mind. This is going a presidential election. The sitting president, the Incumbent Party, is now investigating the presidential candidate of the Republican Party and his campaign. To some extent the vice accord turned down application. Asking f B, I can't or intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the F b I was finally granted a warrant and October exhibit three my class.
Another well known right wing newspaper here they have the agency headline FBI, five other agencies, five other Obama, administration agencies, pro possible covert, Kremlin, a Trump the FBI and five other law enforcement. Intelligence agencies have collaborated four months in an investigation into russian attempts to influence the November elections, including whether money from Kremlin covertly ADA President Elect Donald Trump. Two people familiar with a matter said the agencies involved in the inquiry. Are the FBI, the CIA, the USA, the Justice Department, tragically departments, financial crimes, enforcement that work and representatives of the director of the national intelligence, are you telling me Barack Obama didn't know? It was mine as illegal agencies as you all on our own on yoke. I can go on back on. I need to make the case because the media seems to be confused about their own reporting
times another while no liberal outlet intercepted rising communications part of inquiry into Trump Associates January. My team, Yet the eyes leaning the investigations aided by the USA, the CIA Treasury departments, financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks, but found no exclusive, conclusive evidence around to listen to this one official said intelligence reports based on some of the wire tat communications have been provided
So the White House. This is the New York Times and I will not bore another right wing I'll bet, you're unchanged at the New York Times again, and I say it gets more latitude to share intercepting communications in the final days of the Obama administration, the administration is expanded. The power, the USA, the share globally intercepted personal communications with the government's sixteen other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protection. But why would they do this on the way out the door well March? One exhibit six Obama administration rushed to preserve intelligence of russian election hacking in the Obama administration. Last days. Listen to this. Some White House officials scramble to spread information about russian efforts that undermine the presidential election and about possible contact between associates are present alike Trump and Russian across the government.
Attorney general sessions had with russian officials. During the time he was advising Donald Trump campaign, the focus of the? U S: Power intelligence investigation has been on communication between trunk campaign officials in Russia. Listen to this. The inquiry involving Maybe they are and they were there not, but there are a lot of other activities where we have Washington Post one more Washington post marked. Second: U S. Investigators have examined context attorney general sessions had with russian officials during the time he was advising Donald Trump campaign. The focus of the: U S, Counter intelligence investigation has been on communication between trunk campaign officials in Russia. Listen to this the inquiry involving sessions examining its context while serving as trumps the policy adviser in the spring and summer of twenty sixteenth. This has been going on for a year for a year
that was from March of twenty seventeen etc. That outlined, although they call them, they went after Miss a conspiracy not after that, well once again he's The created, as we find out today, that Andrew Mc Cave and his little FBI buddies talked about over. A day period, a coup against the present in United States of America, S, HIV having three eight one. Three eight one one here on the market even show section action. This terry is in sudden Massachusetts dietary. I forgive me I'm a little nervous nice stuck on the radio right at am. I in radio, yes, in union greater forego, had. I must not forget that these people commit a crime, starting with Hilary herself there with the illegal.
However, there was Benghazi and with a cover up and people who covered up for her and who didn't want her to be charged because they wanted her to win how Terrified would they be if she didn't win and all of their cover up any illegal activities were discovered her mother aspect: it wasn't just that they didn't want trump, but they knew that pillory, didn't win all of their illegal activities could possibly be exposed, and could I have one more thing? Yes, Russia. Whoever would think that Russia wanted tromp to be elected when we have a pretty good idea she had already bought chivalry through the uranium one veal and all that they already knew how to own Hilary. They wanted her to be president, not trump. You're exactly right, and- and thank you for the court to Great Terry for your first call by the way did excellent
there are seven three, eight one, three eight one one. I think a couple things here and above all, and I think that yes, they wanted Hilary to win, but they also thought she would win. Let's be honest, I mean at the time of the election, most people were looking up, pause and sang she's gonna win right, so Europe crap put yourself in their shoes for a moment: you're bureaucrat you're, a hack annually, keep your job. You want ensure that you bet on the right horse, a ban on the wrong or horse. They bet on Hillary Clinton. The human she's gonna finish. First, that's why games call me cleared her. That's why the email investigation was a sham. They think there's no way that Donald Trump can ever become. President she's got this thing. It's a lock, and we want to make sure when she's president. Now she remembers US You know she remembers us as the faith faithful, sir soldiers, that we are. We'll do whatever we have to do for the boss,
I recognise that she would be the boss if she'd one, because the president is in fact the boss of the Justice Department, as is the boss of the entire executive branch of government, always laugh at these people on tv. Let's say: well, you know the independence of the Justice Department that independent it's part of the I get a branch nobody ever says the independence of the U S forestry service or you farmer, the interior. No, these things are part of the executive branch of government. They are there to help the president do his job, so they thought per hour in resuming the boss. Do everything we can to make sure she knows where on her team and ate them, sure they imagined major your career promotions and success, and maybe who knows future jobs as the attorney general or the head of the FBI or who knows these are ambitious people.
So while I think there's a number of things going on here. I think that Peter struck and LISA Page is Gomorrah. I think they Absolutely one hundred percent were driven by. I having their after soon did not want Trump to win. I that's pretty obvious that's pretty obvious from all their. It wasn't just for them about ensuring that the boss, like them down the road, was actually because they are there lefties that much we know Mackay is Are we not as ideological in that sense, but Mackay, probably figures that he hates Trump and then, when Trump card Elected- and he did you all these things. All these. During the election. That Mark told you about spying on all these people, violating their their civil liberties and gone before Pfizer judges and basically, basically withholding important evidence before judge that might make that just think twice before granting a warrant like hey your honor. Just so you know every
we're basing this on comes from a dossier that was paid for by the Democrats and Hillary Clinton Maybe that Pfizer judge would have looked at it differently. So, yes, Andrew Mackay, due to my last course point Angelo Cape did not want them from the wind? And why did when? They were all afraid? Oh my guy we're all gonna be exposed here all of this stuff. We, all these illegal crimes that we committed are all gonna, come out Are we going to close the loop? We gotta make sure that anybody who knows about this can can all rally to gather and do whatever they can do to ensure that this guy does not stay president and that's what they tried to do and they fail with that too, the bureaucracy always covered covers for itself. They bureaucracy always covers for itself. This is the problem. This is what you see here see this going on, and they have a lot that they need to cover up, probably more than Can ever imagine, but the fact is this guy this
Mackay sitting there bragging about a coup de tag and suppressing United States of America, an attempted coup of fail coup? What does that tell you about? institutional bureaucracy in this country, and they are so comfortable and safe, towers in D c. They, been there longer than President's. They ve been there prevent attorneys general and they, they are the true power, whether it's a bureaucrat me EPA, making or her rules in the Federal Register pour. It is a hack, the Department of Justice trying to change the outcome of an election, these people Bureaucracy think they are in fact the real power. Alas, anybody who is elected- that is the real route of problem here, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one
to be really bad for your health. This is just one disturbing part of this socialist plan. It has to do with Medicare Party and under this proposal you can be denied access Reggie NEWS were first. You know you ve heard about this drug pricing plan. Secretaries hour has come up with and it is turning out to be really bad for your health. This is just one disturbing part of this socialist plan. It has to do with Medicare Party and under this proposal you can be denied access to life, saving drugs to treat serious conditions, and that can have now because they are protected, but Secretary Aser wants to change that under plan if the estimated wholesale cost of any of these life saving drugs or to increase by more than the rate, question. Even rarely it would trigger
regulation that could deny access to that drugs. You people who need it. The estimated wholesale cost is an arbitrary estimate of a drug manufacturers list price, the wholesalers. I have no relationship to the price we pay for drugs, in short, This policy could deny treatments for patients based upon a meaningless index. You dont want to be cancer and at the same time you worry about being denied access to the drug. You need to save your life. Now, I'm sure not against secretaries. Our plan mark speaking out against it It's dangerous to your health, this plus The proposed price controls on drugs are a threat to our health. Of course, our liberty get the facts. Go to true health care, facts that come so it's true, hyphen health care, hyphen, facts that come true, healthcare, faxed outcome. Actually being so one word true healthcare facts. I know I
Is it true? Healthcare faxed outcome altogether or I go there and check it out, get the facts fight this price fixing. Here's! Your will deal, will talk about battle, but later in our three for you, but there and you will be helping and you'll be on the side of the good fight. True health care facts outcome idea breaking news here on the Markov in show: is that empire actor Jesse Schmahl it it was a hoax. Now I call today came out and because it was just so obvious for someone different reasons. It was obvious, but now we know, according to a news report, that yeah stage the whole damn thing so here's while there was talk about battle, but later in our three for you, but there is a horrific bill. The president may sign romance bad as border bill. This is even with a national emergency declaration, it's bad. So I want to talk about that as well. Because you gotta understand as
your Horowitz over a conservative review, has broken down. There are five insane provisions in the end the omnibus bill without a with a declaration of a national emergency, the things stand if their law and that gets challenging court. So Ass to be stopped, this is a bad bad bill and we're gonna talk about it as well. For you in the mark of a show, and of course the pirate you're, making it all up pretty little montage and the next hour of a whole bunch of lefties grey, standing and blaming Trump fray? crime in Chicago that now we find out with staged as people who not yet Maghreb country made it all up. Just too, I guess help the guy's career, I'm not quite sure, I do know, though, that making a false, please report is a crime, so the question will be: what dressy smollett be charged with crime. This
in goes on ABC News. Your morning, America, and you know, J is this story goes on there? blows up at his face and we knew this was gonna, be a hoax, because no body beats of any body a two way, I'm one of seventy negative, seventy degrees in Chicago and yells. This is Maghreb countries. Then show rich zillion for the great want. Our number three straight ahead do not go away.
He's here now run them only underground: the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader bad bad bill. The president should not sign even with fair declaration of national emergency welcome. After the mark of ensure Rich Z only and for the great one tonight, eight seven. Three eight one, three, eight one, one fellow The knights glad you're here tonight busy busy night. First of all, this up dated one minute ago. This I hate crime in Chicago by a couple of Trump supporting Magyar guys. This Jesse Smallwood, who claimed he was beat up there, Lynch him through bleaching his face and they yelled. This is Magyar country,
again in make Amerika great again. Where a bunch of people on the left came out. Call that a hate crime and said this is trumps. America Corey Booker count grants Angela's. I call me grandstand that as usual, having the Spartacus moment. And it turns out, though, four gazing, as we call it here in Jersey strategy confirm Thursday that detectives you're talking to two persons of interest in connection with the alleged attack on empire actor, Jesse Smollett. Multiple sources have told ABC seven. I witnessed news that police are investigating whether Smollett Two men stage be attack, allegedly because small, it was being written off of the show empire a source familiar with the investigation, told the ABC. I team that small fail to apply for an interview with detectives earlier today. Chicago to pretend that Eddie Johnson contacted ABC seven to say they are continuing to treat him as a victim and they invest.
Issue remains ongoing What released they statement Thursday evening saying quote today, Jesse did answer routine followed. Questions for Chicago Police Department continues to cooperate. Representative says he's not being written off of empire. Twenty Century Fox, has released a statement saying the idea that just a small it has been or would be, written off of empire is patently ridiculous. He remains. Our player on this very successful series and we continue SAM behind him. Of course, nobody is actually coming out saying that the idea that he would have stage this is ridiculous. Nobody saying that all the law enforcement foretold ABC News at the homes of the persons of interest rate Wednesday night police, of shoes, electronic devices and other items they believe could help them determine if the two p who played any role in the assault from those homes. Of the two by the way has appeared on the show empire struggle police. Are they
for many of those reports. No charges have been filed earlier police. Two persons of interests are not suspects and have not been charge. Investigators only talking with them at this time the two were picked up, wins night at O Hare International Airport, what city was attacked around two, a m on January. Twenty ninth in these three hundred block of EAST North Walter Street in Chicago's Praetor veal, neighbourhood, Egypt is to mass men, shuddering, homophobic, slow, homophobic, slurred him attacked input. Rope around his neck and poured a liquid on him that smell like bleach and yelled. This is Magyar country he's thirty. She's black and openly gay. That's the ABC News Report and It goes on twitter, trashes Trump Alla time all the time Do you know? It's understand what he was alleging now it's nice if seventy degrees in Chicago too. I am on January. Twenty ninth guys walkin around, which is waiting for the opportunity now to attack him
put a new surround him for bleaching is phased, beat him up, and yet this is Maghreb country too. I am, the streets of Chicago the least, your country place probably on earth by in Chicago, I also believe that. And again you know, I checked the the hate crime handbook during the brake and they always say you got away till at least it's about fish, degrees, thirty degrees, like that, never been below seventy negative. Seventy issues the wrong time to do it. You know to maim it's a terrible time to do a crime, so that others that there's that usually yet and hate crimes are done in the daytime and where action really rarely done that's part of it. Take these receipts and a written navvies fake receipts? I'm not tipping you because I hate you because you're, an emigrant, Emmy things always turn out to be fake. Here's a reality, people who are racist, don't right it on notes and receive say just don't do that stuff because they
We don't go to a restaurant, that's a mexican restaurant! The first place they People who are looking to beat up Jesse Smollett on the streets to yell hum sars at him and then yes, this matter country- don't do that. Because well, if you're, Manga person, you probably have to get up for work the next day. You also have a brain, see you're not going out when its negative. Seventy- and I say this point too- They come up with this phony note that he says he received in the mail which looks like a four year old, rolling saying, I said, Patrick Jimmy Favour. Can you right daddy? I note when poor like extinct. Figures Air and am animals to him anymore. We'll say it's like that, a ransom, no written by the Son of SAM, but but but but but by a three year old, you don't mean By the way, this is a little montage of all of the other left in the media, who had tromp declare this to be a symptom of trumps America.
Beaten with a noose around his neck and hospitalized empire, STAR Jesse Small, it was the victim of a vicious racist and homophobic attacks. Is attackers hurled racial and how affects learn to people yelled racism Billing information, it's out of control, speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, tweeting, the races, homophobic attacks on Jesse, small. It is an affront to our humanity. Suspects, who were apparently wearing make Amerika great, again hats. The offenders uttered. This is negative. Three, the hate crime went down early this morning in Chicago officials, are investigating the alleged assault as a hate crime, and now please say their investigating. This is a possible hate crimes. Anyone observed groundwork. This is an outrage. This is. This is stomach turning mind. Boggling information, it's out of control, speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, tween, the races, homophobic attacks on
smaller is an affront to our humanity and send a decoy. Booker said the visit I could act or Jesse. Wasn't it modern day, wincing Kamel, a hair of calling the attack and attempted modern day lynching shaken by the story. Horrible term foreigners is harmless story, a story trousers. This horrific rent this in an acceptable, absolutely despicable yeah. A lot of people can't believe this is actually happening in twenty nineteen. It's hard to believe where reporting that were even saying words like this in twenty nineteen. This is America and twenty nineteen. Actually it's not it's not him controlling nineteen. It would actually is american. Twenty nineteen is a guy who's, giving written off. The show has a couple of his buddies, agent attack to get him a lot of attention at least that's the way it appears to be I'm on Twitter,
We are rich Z. Only are I c h, Z, E o. I feel free to tweets. Johnny corrects me says it wasn't really negative. Seventy that night was below zero, but the really really cold night was the next one. Well then, perhaps I stand corrected, perhaps those guys did. Because the timing was right, just right below zero, just right there, and I too am in Chicago the perfect time for anyway, it's all fallen apart, a lynching, modern day lynching aids, Seven three one three one one here on the mark living show. I lit Sulky Dan in Percipient, New Jersey, Dan, go ahead, sir. I think that we should go back of his final warrants and see who petitioned for them and who was responsible for the issue is all part of a cover up. I frequently governor Murphy's office staff, not Normie infants, analysis there on the computer listening to sound
Regarding a male correspondence. I stand here to tell you this guy. This guy's amazing guy chosen get through the tunnel. Clearly is nothing better to do with his life. He had collapsed. I guess I dunno Mr Cosgrove. I guess this guy's just trolling us it's funny in good time. Well, well done trolling, but my strap seven seven, three one: three, eight one, one Jimmy in Brooklyn New York Jimmy go ahead, Sir Justice, shouldn't collusion hawk, shows something very important. I think you have the almost the entire meteor. He have the entire democratic party. You have teaches professors, the entertainment, but all working together, pushing this russian collusion hoax. These hoaxes are the same people that pushed the global warming hoax. They are the same people that pushed at the feet of
Communism Hulk these three major hoaxes Dhaka be proven were totally false and their hoaxes its basic the same movement. That's a coalition of Democratic Republic in Globalist, its internationalist, which is the communist, the Socialists, the marxist It's a coalition of people on the left and they ve been successful. People like Alex and they are crazy or Cortez came along. I think she kind of blew it by being too Portugal with her socialists, the marshes agenda, one more thing that the Trump presidency these couple of years. You have the honey kind of our three of the Soviet Revolution, the two hundredth part they have Karl Marx and this year's just anniversary of the founding of the American Communist Party. Now they thought they would have victory. They never thought Trump wood. Where needed that. I tell you the truth
and I am so glad that Trump came. It's almost like God sent him to save this country. So we are in big trouble we have a chance now if we could get people to realise the russian collusion hopes. The global warming hopes hopes that the feet of communism hoax is the same movement and now they're they're exposed, and I totally support mark will then I think he's one of the few people who really really understand this and I've been inside. I mean it's movement for over half a century. I could talk for hours and hours and a night unwilling solution. We don't have the time Jimmy, but thank you very much for the call Parisian, eight, seven, seven, three one three one one centres is as a left wing communist cook who spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union. You know, as opposed to an all inclusive resort in honour of the Caribbean or something it's funny, because I was talking about my four year old son of my mother, texted me to say Patrick heard, his name on the radio
question is: why see not in bed its eight seventeen anyway. Eight seven, seven three at one three, eight one one! I listen here on the market in show with me, rich Z. Only for the great one I you know This earlier to. I want to reiterate this point about a police state, something it's important. What happened here with Peter Stroll Zack? That's what Irishwoman Bonnie Watson, Coleman called Peter strove SEC. Actually take you listen to this. For second, this is actually pretty. Furthermore, MRS Rosa, I want to thank you for your service. Secondly, MRS Transacting think you made a big mistake, congresswoman here cars or another body, Watson common anyway? What still shows acted with LISA Page and what we find out Andrew Mikhail admitted to, which is, if they try to figure Kyoto targets present I'd, say it's a a failed crew. That's a police state police state,
now the thing about it is that the media is not outrage over this because a they wanted them to be successful, be they would be fine with a police state. That's how I can really get their way all their coup keenness. You know they wouldn't have. The word that their green new deal passing in Congress, which it now forever would but that's the thing, their ideas, never pass in the legislative branch ever they always have Ado with through the courts or through some sort of executive Thea, always is why they would love a police State Institute, all their left wing kooky climate naughtiness as they work or destroy capitalism take over your life and tell you what to eat and what not to eat they would love it and to be able to take away their the rights. Their political enemies to silence you to silence me they would love it. That's why there's no outrage fact. We have a police state in this country, their rooting for it eight seven, seven three
on three eight one, one the mark of show coming right, this terrible immigration bill, though, shall we hear on the mark, would ensure Rich Z only with you tonight on Twitter at which is the only thank you for hanging out mean- and I appreciate a very very much so This is a bad bill and mark has been treating about it all day posted a lengthy post on his facebook page at Mark within show. I encourage you to read it I encourage you to pay attention to a couple of different things here now, first of all, at the idea, the present declaring a national emergency does not get us out of the woods with the poison pills in this bill and I'll. Tell you why,
my concern here is that if the present declares a national emergency, amateur Democrats have already threatening to sue, so they go to sue. They'll do try to sue I'm, turned about an injunction by some left wing judge but meanwhile the poison pill, provisions in the bill become law and then those poison pill provisions may survive, but the national emergency may not survive I mean it should survive because it's entirely within the presidency or authority do now you can you can know the look you can debate the notion of whether or not this is going when President the Democrats who abuse they ve made that threat today, but it's a hundred percent legal for the present seduce question about that. But the poison pills in this bill. Almost essentially make it impossible to build anything, and in addition to that, This goes into effect even with a national emergency. My concern, then, is that the
The provisions in this bill will stop anything from occurring. Ass the national emergency wins in court. Then our which riding over it conservative review, has broken this attitude. Five insane provisions in the end the omnibus bill, I'm in a breakdown in answer to some detail with you, after right, because I know one thing, and that is that you appreciate, on the mark of Enshiu, getting serious information, and learning something and walking away being smarter than everybody else from having listened. And that is something that I strive to do when I have the honour of filling in four mark. This bill is one thousand wondered sixty nine pages, who the hell has time to Ozma, to read that who is going to read this bill. First of all, nobody, nobody now with President could do by them they make do a short term spending measure and just a couple weeks inwards, keep the government open, but give two week delay. This is what the House Freedom Progress is asking for. Right now do so
being to have some money there to keep the government open for a couple weeks and work out the details of this bill, because this off its common out right now, it's of a wall than even what the Democrats already agreed to Democrats had agreed. One point: six billion this bill calls it a day at one point: three: seven: five billion enough to construct fifty five miles when it's worse than that, This bill limits the president's ability to construct barriers to just the Rio Grande Valley sector and only bothered fencing, not concrete walls of any kind, there's no ability to adapt The more Chechen to thirty one prohibits construction, even within the hour GB. We ran valley in five locations that are either federal or state lands. Remember the challenge with building a wall in Texas. Is that, unlike in other states, the feds need to navigate issues with private lands. The first place you construct fencing this public lands which are now prohibited in this bill, the national park.
Along the border have gotten so bad that park range scared to travel alone in them more on this, which I will share with you. Insane provisions poison pill, being kind by the way, these pills are just salute. Insanity now share with you provisions upon, our return is the only in for the great one mark of income and right back America's passionately cerebral voice talk with that dial now eight seven, seven, three hundred one three, eight one, one. Yeah. This is a bad bill. Kids, a bad bill, welcome back to the mark of in show Rich Z early and for the great one, eight seven, seven, three one, three eight one, one
ass, freedom, carcass retreating, a tweet here from represented Marguerite in his statement quote the: U S, We must not pass a bill that provides non citizens nine times more international aid. Then wall, money too point: eight billion dollars in international aid, one point to five billion for the wall. Did you are, which riding over conservative review five insane provisions in the Amnesty omnibus bill. I share with you the part. About it, they say it's gonna, make it impossible to build war again our concern. Is it's a hundred percent legal for the present? declare the national emergency, and that is without question at it, but unfortunately, because everything goes to the court's now an unfortunate because the record think they are the final arbiter of all things. You know it's headed and I do I think the judiciary should decide what
a national emergency that should surely be left up to the president. By the way this is the House speaker, Nancy Policy who were she was looking her Frank Sinatra. She said this. I know the Republicans had some unease about it and my what they say, because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he is created as an emergency and an illusion that he wants to convey just think of wider president, which different values can present to the american people. Your talk about national emergency. Let's talk about today, the one year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That's a national emergency! Why don't you declare that emergency? Mr President, I wish you would, but a democratic president can do that democratic. Commit president can declare emergencies as well, so the precedent that the president is setting hear something
should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans. Well, the voters have to be aware that the Congress you're probably take a no, not probably they should take another look at this act of nineteen. Seventy six. It grants the present all these powers, but regardless of that fact its legal. However, it's going to be challenging court. That process. I dont know how long it will take. Nobody does, but if this bill passes and let's just say for hypothetical, gets the courts or nuts, let's just say, the Supreme Court says You can't do this exceeds the intended above the of the law. I again, I don't think they will. I dont think they will but which, on Roberts, nothing surprises me nothing now. John Robert surprises me. So if he sides with the law this on that. Would anybody be surprised at an event goes out the window, then you're stuck with this, this ridiculous omnibus
bill this massive expensive bloated bill that basically means a year getting a wall because of the language in here. That's that prohibits construction on public lance. How is that remotely possible that they could pass a bit like that. It limits the bill to the fence the barrier whenever the how they want to call only to the rich ran valley in five locations. Either federal state lands but but prohibits construction on those lands. Number two liberal local officials. A veto power over the wall. Ok section to thirty. Two of this bill states that, prior to use of any funds made available by this, actually construct physical barriers, the Department of Homeland Security shall confer and seek to reach mutual agreement regard,
the design and alignment of physical barriers within that city, Daniel Horwitz, asking with who must have feds, consult the local elected official now you could understand the brilliance of limiting the wall to the Rio Grande Valley. These are the most liberal counties on the border thanks to the demographics of open borders itself. There is practically no local official who supports the wall in these counties, one of the consequences the bill stipulates that such can consultations shall continue until sixteen we're thirtieth, twenty nineteen or until agreement is reached if earlier, and maybe beyond that date by agreement of the parties and no funds made available in the act shall be used for such construction, well, consultation our continuing. Thus, all the Oh oh Rourke type of politicians in the region have de facto veto power. That's a reason why, in an authorized, fencing and conservative counties like
you may in arizona- I you know, just airport alone. There is kooky and nuts and nice of the Democrats, are actually sincere, about giving local governments power, but you know they're not right, they would. Ash, local governments and say governments and have a massive federal government controlling every aspect of life if they could every aspect of what, for you, tell them no more department of education, while at the same do it they go crazy kids will build a red, tell them nome EPA Pierre. Let handle the environment there now because revive about, but now they want to give local mayors, the ability to veto a war in their town, see they Creasy of this good care less about local government state governments having any autonomy from the federal government. They could care less, couldn't care less
depending on how you use that phrase- and please don't debate me on that phrase- it says that I couldn't care less, whether its grammatically correct there is one of those you know its expression but the Democrats have no interest in giving local governments or state governments any autonomy from the federal government. They will control every single aspect of their life. They put this in here only because those areas are governed by the left is a will veto the the wall from being built. It's a little trick. They put in their a poison pill. This is not a party of local government of small government of letting low, authorities make their choices that this is a party of common poor. Remember that men took away, choice of any body to be able to decide our kids or talk on the local level. There's another here the Daniel Harwich, which points out the bill, contains a blatant amnesty for the worst cartel smugglers. Section two to four a prohibits. The
deportation of anyone who is sponsoring an on accompanied I illegal alien or who says they might sponsor and unaccompanied legal alien, its truly difficult to understate the betrayal behind this provision. One of these factors of this invasion. Is they miss interpretation of the law under current law? Central american teenagers are only treated as refugees if they are a a victim of a severe form of trafficking and be have no relatives in the country, you'd, almost half of them are self trafficked by these very illegal relatives who are indeed present in the country, and then clamping down on this fleecing the american people. The bill gives amnesty to the very people paying the cartels to invade us, Jessica VON of the centre for immigration study said we can call this the Amis thirteen Household Protection ACT of twenty nineteen. We know that eighty percent
of a U S, C sponsors around the country illegally. The number of people this will protect would reach to the hundreds of thousands if all of the household of potential household members are kept. Ices, estimated at thirty to forty percent of the Amis thirteen members it as arrest in last year's arrived as on accompanied minors. There is no reason to shield any of these individuals from deportation. After all, the minor is living with family. They should no longer be considered unaccompanied anyway. If illegal aliens here who do not yet have a child here to serve as a deportation shield. This certainly incentive for them to make the arrangements to bring one more funding. Manage having juicy invasion rather than through deterred, while offering no new funding for eyes, deportation agents or russian judges to speed up asylum claims, as he presents requested this bill, ads forty million dollars for the alternatives to detention programme which
asylum seekers to facilities in the interior of the country where they are usually released. They for immigration. Studies has studied interior immigration fortune for decades and warned that this bill were further expanded institutionalize they catch These policies for those arriving illegally at the border from all over the world, most We have no intention of asking for asylum in no, they don't qualify for, but they are simply joining the illegal population. Knowing it's unlikely, they will ever be deported Funds case management staff to keep tabs on those who don't abscond immediately, but no they for ice officers to finally remove them. It's not you saddle the communities that have been forced to absorb these new arrivals with billions of dollars. A future ass for schooling, health care and other welfare services. At the same, I am the bill- reduces border detention varies from forty nine thousand two, forty thousand, rather than spending them as the president demanded. It contains no funding from or border agents
by way of a bad issue? Is that if you dont have beds to hold them, then you really, SAM on their own cognisance European court. They don't come back the court, that's the point it over three point: four: billion for refugee resettlement. More than last year's record levels, remember much of the refugee programme has been used, not just for bringing in traditional refugees from overseas to resettle the effort mentioned central american teenagers being sex traffic through the border, empowering cartels and taking advantage of US doubles low, skilled workers, the bill Devils, a number of aid should be non agricultural unskilled. Seasonal workers will continue to be a public large on America. This gives you a glimpse of what is driving this amnesty bill in the republic inside this injustice. Three glance through the bill taken together these provisions will aggravate the criminal conspiracy of cartels and continue the invasion. Just this week, eighteen hundred family and its came, and during one twenty four hour period, the message
I was to come here and seek bogus asylum or to grab a kid, and you and others will get see plus there are no wall policy changes to mitigate these effects. Moreover, there bill, and this is the key point that I was making earlier the bill will likely override trumps executive powers because of the sneaky limitations on wall construction. This is a short of omnibus bill that ensnared Reagan in IRAN's Contra signing. Bill will undermine his case for an emergency at the border, both legally and politically. If Trump, finds this bill and set a vetoing it and firing the people the White House, promoting it what's is writing not mine, he deserves to lose reelection, This is what I mean in terms of where I know that a lot of people celebrating the the idea of a declaration of a national emergency. I wouldn't I wouldn't because this bill basically make that
fortunately irrelevant for so many reasons. For so many reasons, one I can see a left, his judge turning around and saying. Well, Mr President, there is an emergency gives you just passed a bill. You decide to bill. You agree to all these terms, so there's no emergency. I can see that party. We can see that that's the point is making I mean, if you have another left this court serving. As you know, the demo You re going to file. They can file a challenge that their return, the exact same thing wagon a real emergency. If you just passed a bill and agreed to only one point: five billion dollars in funding. Why do you agree Van affairs, an emergency? It's a trap. This fills a trap. President should veto it. He needs a veto. It don't be fooled by this. Don't be fooled by this I mean this is the thing I am I just again. I have to say this. Too often
we get excited by things and we get distracted by the actual intentions fired a few people I taxing they all right, he's gonna! Do a national emergency. Do a national emergency and veto this bill, but do outside this bill into a national emergency, because you are basically making your case in court that much weaker and, like I said if it takes a year for the courts to rule on this. In the meantime, nothing is going to happen with regards to the wall being built. However, all these- other little. Things will happen, which may this country, less sure and read we grows the welfare state. The giant welfare state There is a little like the right track here actual mercy tied up in court. Maybe the president even losers in court, because John which rights a majority ruling. It says: how can there be a national urgency if the President signed a bill and then that's out
though the president has one hundred percent constitutional legal authority to do it. And then now you're left with this insane amnesty omnibus bill seven, three, eight one, three eight one one is the number the market then show your thoughts on what the president. To do with this bill. I hope this is I opening for you, do not get distracted with Why of the idea of a national emergency? It's a trap. It's a trap! Eight, seven! Seven! one, three, eight one, one rich z, only for the great one coming right back, this year.
This bill. Nine point one: five billion for international security assistance. One point: nine billion for foreign, food and hunger programmes, member there's only one point: five billion for a wall right, all kinds of ways for the walls in their rebuilt, one point: nine billion for foreign food and hunger programmes; three point: one billion for global health programmes; three Billy for international development assistance. Point: seven billion to support the economies of foreign countries; four point: four billion for internet: Disaster assistance, three point: eight billion for assistance for foreign refugees that a total spry party or total of fourteen point, nine billion Our budget. Point three billion for a border wall. Fourteen point I'm billion dollar budget yelling at one point three billion for a border wall, that's it while the rest. A lot of that is foreign money
yes, nearly forty times as much Oh, I see our Patricia Intrusive Arizona. The mark of ensure high, Patricia hello. I'm just calling to. I was gonna, make the point. Did you just completely made my whole case? I wonder they call linen voice to back back am signing. This is going to put the whole wall concept and big black hole. There is no money for it in here. Zone. This is the El Paso power, but obey I just kept hearing he on it and declare a state of emergency, but that will not help because those restrictions are gonna, be used in court and you might just as well as the Wall by your exactly right
well said my dear. Thank you very much for the call appreciate that mark within show Rich Z, only the honor phone and for the great one, Look, I'm just saying you know today has been an incredible day. We started out with this coup. This is public now admission of an attempted in failed coup against the president of the United States of America. And we end day now with this steaming pile of bloated foreign expenditures bill, There are so many poison pills in it. The war will never be built That's it I'm not exaggerating here. There's the war will never be built As I as I read more about this, and I read the warnings from people who have looked into this, I am telling you right now. This bill assigned kiss the wall. Goodbye national emergency is not going to do a damn thing to help it. In fact,.
Because of the way the courts are when you signed, the present signs is bill. It's going to be used against him in a court of law. It's gonna literally be used against him in a court of law. Strap don't do it! Mister president Vito this hey there's so much remind me, hang out with you, my fellow lynites, I'm on Twitter at Rich Z, only heresy, is the EU ally. Thank you very much and you too, MR producer, MR cause greater the wretches Craig Job Rich, I appreciate it very much has been an honour to sit in for the great one.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-06.