« Lovett or Leave It

What a Weekday: Trump's Testimony, Biden's Polling, and Mike Johnson's Accountability Partner

2023-11-07 | 🔗

By his hand, it’s another What A Weekday! Mike Johnson’s new app brings plenty of Big Brother for the whole family. Donald Trump throws a temper tantrum in front of Papa Engoron. President Biden pulls in black sheep poll numbers, and Lovett dreams of his future husband, Pedro Pascal. We've got a seat at the table for you anytime, Pedro! Our lines are open.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the back, I'm here with kendra kendra, our power and brian enough formalities- let's get into it. What do we do? in a reasonably resurface clip from twenty twond you house meagre. My johnson says he is under age. Son use the app off what did by ever jungle. Christians called covenant eyes to monitor Each other's porn usage, so my colleague county boulevard arouse jack, my son right, and so he seventeen. So he and I get a report of all the things that are on our phones, oliver devices once a week. If anything, objectionable comes up, you're accountability, pirnie gets an immediate notice and proud,
My son is he's gotta clean slate arena. Oh so it's bad when dad's are involved with their sons lives, but is also bad when their evolved to an upsetting the intimate and we're degree. Fathers in this society simply can't width, so the waves we are talking about. This, makes it sound like their perusing, each other's jail material, but the whole point of covenant eyes at the report they send to the accountability. Partners is always mom free and, in my johnson's case, he's probably good to go anyway. After quick, google search for prayer prayer stock photo or maybe bert, lancaster swimming here. There's, yes, are you say no? I I was trying to think of the right. I was trying to think of the re old hollywood movie star to be that- and I thought of I like burt lancaster. Let me go swimming, but then
google's and bernd Lange. Castro was in a movie called. The swimmer argument has been rather around honour for me, it's jane Kelly and the pirate yeah. I'm happy to admit that. I don't know if I have an old person that I am attracted to in that way. I'm sorry I'm looking for us. Berlin cast her. You know, I've been, could look at that for everybody in any way, when I saw it by northwest for the first time there is a scene where I believe he's either escaping from a hospital for some reason, or anyway, he's either short list or like he's exposed in some way in the hospital, and these are less and I found it and I I remember seeing him be like wow? Yes, when hollywood was just a bunch of like middle aged white, guys promoting middle age, white guy, You really pundit you're standing near. Nobody just made us open the door to let you into the studio now you're stuck in the fuckin studio anyway, when that's what hollywood was
It is amazing how like not that special, yet to look to be a movie star like cary, grant just useless it's kind of like an older normal guy in that scene, it'd be like just seeing your friend's dad put out a shirt like alright. He looks good doing. Okay, I never thought about my friend's dad's. Well, I I guess I never have either but hypothetically you're, not like. Oh my god, who's cool him Glenn look was upon him and on various horrida. Very it for I mean come on. Let's get parliament inclined others. I again good lord clark, who could he give you could Jesus you can count on my barking meter, and I know that is for the quarters. Well, that's what he does in the beginning. anyway. Coveted eyes is defeated with a vpn and an encrypted hard drive and here's the thing. Teenage boys when it comes to
jail, material and won't keep saying jail, but eurobond ono another witness, a jerk off I've never heard J o masturbation. They I think he was a youth, is another longer version of J ai. We all know a jail means anyway. The point is in age boys are like water to cracks. Oh, you ve block porn their phones. You think a christian teen knows that get around their parents bull shit anyway. The obscure while the activity on your phone here devices your laptop. What have you jobs until the panel called the womb on technology at cyprus baptist church, we do all of it. Yes, all of it said. Johnson, teenage son unfurling a well worn, vintage playboy when asked why his son is a ability partner and not say his wife Johnson responded, because my son knows how to keep a fuckin secret. These people are sick fischler perverse. It's not good? No, I don't think this is good and I won't you're on the record I want with it. I don't think this is good, but but
I am sure a lot of parents struggle with how to stop their kids from looking at internet pornography, which is really disturbing and unhealthy for younger kids. Sure it's, the legal laser focus on pornography that I think there's so many apps and, like I think, services that do this generally for any amount of alarming internet behavior. So it's like the we're only looking for porn, you will only receive a notification for porn, is kind of like giving up the game a little bit. I think if this kid's gay- it's like you just know it's going to be way worse, like I know like you could just see like if there's a thing going on that is not, oh, you are exactly the child, I'm raising it to be that the kid's going to be punished, and I just don't like setting up the punishment. Kids are going to look at porn, but that, if you're, a parent you have to
shouldn't be like this is. What point is this like? These are real people like, I think, that's the conversation rather than if I catch you doing this and then the fucked up part kiss your dad jerking off. This can't be good. Fathers shouldn't exist, yeah, no, that part of its the market will be. I think you that's like. Ok, it's it's confusing, because the way they discuss covenant eyes on the covenant eyes website a place I visited. Is it really is about two to its about two people keeping each other on but like if you're goal go if you're giving Europe head a phone or access to the internet, you dont need and accountability part you just want to spy on their. You just want a smile and rights. They have jobs for which they have out more, unlike its is very confusing because its once you know that your parents are getting report of every
on your phone, if you're not going to get caught using your foreign phone doing that, because you know you can't anymore. So it's really just that, but so in the event you're setting up secrecy and weirdness within. But it's unfortunately like you know I was raised catholic, but it's like it's basically a deal like if I control my son's interactive products, I can control him as a person. Some level which you can't come in nice is upon cast. Who does cover nice? They do when I indiscriminately, as you have an area load there also about johnson, has applied gas, but our of acknowledging sin lessons from an exorcist with father, vincent member, no they're, good exercise. These kids are just warranty, its normal reality. the other point I was to make about it is just that, so you trust your kids enough to give them this technology, but not enough to not use it in a way. You ve prescribes that about trust. Now, though, because if you dont have a cell phone now, like its that's a requirement,
rang kill a child has to have that system which is again like this is why it's like I I know this is MIKE Johnson. I watch these clips of johnson and obviously he's a he's, a creepy dude, but he is like in a position that I think a lot of parents are in which is take take the christian fundamentalism as like other than that mrs lincoln how's. It going out of the crowd. Note overtook the grecian fundamentalism and it is actually just parents dealing with the fact that there is this. This network, a fact which is all the kids, have to have these devices these device, these are terrible for children and the only way to make them slightly less terrible is either by like punishment or restriction or spying or
trying to figure out how I miss. I regard that as I do I, but I guess I disagree. I actually think the way to make the devices less terrible is to have an open mind of communication with your child, about not just the porn, but everything that is going to be happening on this among us,
at, whatever your, whatever your responses to try to mitigate the effects of the device being in the hands of kids? The point is that we built a system that makes it hard for parents to not put what is ultimately a harmful device into the hands of every child, and then we say to parents. You need to figure out how to keep your kids safe in this unsafe environment, that you have no choice but to be a part of, and I think that does suck in the same way that it sucks that we like fill the schools with junk food and then tell kids. They need to learn self discipline when guns and guns as just like. We we create these systemic problems and then we put it upon individuals and families to solve it for themselves, and I do think that that's like over and over and over again like when you see like even like we'll talk about it but like even when you see polls that show people are extremely dissatisfied with the economy. Just like okay, they're, just extremely dissatisfied dissatisfied with like the state of the world with the state,
of our society with the state of the culture- and it is one big piece of It- is that we made life so much more frenetic and confusing and anxious and and difficult to navigate. And we haven't. Not only do we not give people the tools to navigate it. We we may it harder. We make it almost impossible to succeed, and we wonder why, like the kids are all like, you know anxious and addled alden like prone to like sir beside ideation to greater and greater degree. We wonder why adults are yelling at each their unlike having giant fights on planes like yeah, we built a fuckin nightmare, cage that we're all trapped inside of anyway. That's what I want is about that Noah's. Ark was kind of a nightmare kate, but they were all trapped inside of kind of sex boat, but most them are animals like literally animals. Don't you can't pleasure kids out of being horny just isn't possible? There is little or no they're gonna find historical romance novel flurry. I didn't look at it. I gave you don't look at me. I guess why you're fight all sorts of things
Actually I remember it was, I remember, being a tween and writing essentially what it is like slash, mixer. I don't know what it's called now, but literally a romantic story between spy, spiderman and venom. Yeah, and I didn't even know what I was literally writing, unlike I b to express this part of no an end, now, there's a whole be aligned like that's it you're, hoping that people do. I was doing it independently and even have the eager to get out is creating a like. I actually like in all seriousness. I actually think about is incredibly healthy, because I genuinely I a lot of my sex. I because I went to a boarding school. We do not have like sex out clause and in middle school fuck that with nothing, but I learned a lot about sex from writing harry potter than fiction like an from reading than fiction and from being in community with older women. In these, like in this atmosphere, who would like reed right at it, leave comments and such like? That was a lot of my sex that, and I think it was like a pretty healthy way to learn about tax online. It must remain so
the way to discover their was fewer wants once you actually got to the business of of the real thing. You could realise that, although more this week in between- when you were republican candidates gathered for the florida geo peace freedom summit, which was held at the gay, lord palms, resorting kissimmee florida keys gale or does it mean the cross blair said to me when he got drunk in college sophomore year. None of us interacted with across players in college, come on I'm I I was removed with with over across
if, like me, you know, despite my best efforts know, my version of fan fiction was telling a story about the guy in the pity pizza box, who would say to see me he sounds like mario, mario, mario kart, mario mario for people. I played lacrosse for one year and I cried every day. That's a sports is for. I think that the customer to helmet from eczema head was too small and when it finally got there, the first day put it on my first play. Somebody hit me so hard in the helmet that their stick broke on my head. I know for the record. I was a varsity athlete and I would just like to put that out. There yeah I was varsity tennis. Your head was too small for eighty, any normal helmet boy, Brian you're, smart guy, big business, counterfeiting presidential. Hopefully,
the hundreds and earn boozing jeers when he pointed out that the significant likely had trouble be convicted of a crime would hurt the geo peace chances in twenty twenty. Four, as someone is beyond the court room for over twenty five years as a federal prosecutor and also in defending some of the most serious federal criminal cases, I can say that there is a significant likelihood that donald trump will be found guilty by a jury on a felony offense, the boo boo asa hutchinson, my wife and I didn't come here to face reality. They wanted to face reality, I'd be on a stanley. My wife would have left me for jeff down the street, who goes to museums, Hutchinson went on to say this and it might not make a difference to you, but it will make a difference for our chances to attract independent voters in november
a true cause, I think is addressing. I don't know I don't yeah, I mean we'll get to it after Chris Christie cause it. There is something about going to these places and just getting booed, but dot democrats in ripple in stock of an independent voters like one of those uncontacted tribes deep within the amazon like we only have footage from above and there was that one a fellow that tried to say hello and ended up dead, Michael rockstar. I really just like that aside was committed enough to get a facelift before he did this good work. Oh, you ve gotten something done. Oh yeah how'd! You look. If you look at a time like this year, he was great yeah, yeah you're right. That is logos, big scarlet behind him. That's funny, you know he's not wrong about some things. It's just that is easy to be president yeah cause. Who is he he's he's governors and which is in the cover of what.
Chris, greece. None was also boot and jeered, while he criticised the former president after an attendee heckled from the audience Christie joked what a shock your for trump I've gotta fall over dead. You must feel The crowd it's like they came to see, renee wrap in a broadway show. Instead they get under study after under study and then the understood he's all get out there and just shit. Rene rat to changed the joke from foster foster renee day, I laugh was your go to for I'm showing out, see broadway, I Yeah do I guess it's because I know who renee rap is ah dynamic, dot, my ongoing newer, ok son, where what we're button is going interest we need had I know I'm just not only ashford, ok. Well, I just wasn't as familiar with some foster I've. I've taught recently heard with exact, and I bet- and I I
at kristin chenoweth, actually a comparable adele disease. I actually put I thought about, but didn't so here's. Why? Let me tell you, let's go through this when I please ask what what what what are we just four okay, so you had the sudden foster in there who puts on is that you or is that lazarus. I think it was, and I think it was lazarus or potentially Jaci so ices unfostered there is that ok, I don't I the old familiar enough. His foster to make this joke doesn't feel authentic to me. So I should replace that person with someone that would make sense to me. I originally was gonna put Kristen china with in part, because it is it than a burst of wicked, and I'm seeing o lot of china with content in my uglier than the other. Knows what I want. It wants to give me many many many many many many versions of for good, but I would appreciate it about having Sutton foster there. Is it wasn't going to the older to like the kind of big names of the nineties? Two thousand. It was like a more afraid
pressure, fresher him, and then I thought well, I don't want to be just like the old fuckin elder millennia. All replay saying someone from broadway now with like edina and our christian kenilworth, though I love them, and so I thought welcome who's, someone that I like and I'm aware of and actually run a rap is somebody I recently saw saying I believe for good. Yet at her concert, and so that's what happened. Okay, I would say maybe renee rap's, most rabid fans, don't have the disposable income to like russia. They show and you're frustrated by underside use kind of coming. For it wasn't she and mean grown girls yeah. I mean ideal, if she was a mean girls and there's a lot of you will have it and the mean girls to see her. That part of it is because renee rapid crossing over so she has, of non broadway fans who might go to broadway for the specific purpose not have seen it was on broadway, though they want you, but to see her in a wrap, only discover when they're handed the program, my goodness, it's that little piece of paper with the worsening
like when I went online. I was wrote by the by the great another banger from last, so when I went to as a kid to see how to seat and business without really trying it was supposed to be matthew, broader egg, but instead it was john steam, us, oh, that's too. and that's not some by mrs Moreau sweep, as my parents chose it, because we liked for house, so he intended get understand They they chose the john samos run. I thought maybe I should among the starter yeah they were. They were like they like. They were like. No, not the matthew, broader dates put those aside. We want to see John stay most on broadway, and we dare not about this extremist I guarantee you. My dad was not involved in the producing when he was a passenger anyway. Christy
he went on to say this, every one of those booze every one of those catcalls every one of those yells will not keep it. Yes, sure will not solve one problem we face in this country. Will that's up and will and will not and will not make this country better. Your anger, your anger, your anger against the truth is reprehensible. First of all, I like their christmas. You realise that, as this was unfolding that, like I need to make this a moment, I can make us a moment. I just two points. When a politician is like I'm going to make this that'll make this little moment out of this, because he kind of he's like saying like I I he starts with the kind of like a a bu- has never fed a child, a gere
a has, never cared a disease and it wasn't totally working, and so then he goes like for cap did and he's, like your fear. Only strength is may also remember when hitler Clinton said that these people were deplorable and it was in the whole. Fuckin thing is in reply. A reprehensible deplorable are synod, interchange because the basket and upset people, but it yeah that that was the problem basket of or like he looked eminent right right right, right right well, anyway, it's good that Chris Christie's have fun up there, a tank of deplorables yeah, a bushel of a murder. Deplorable, an insurrection of deplorable, we say, attained a deplorable tink. I was attained while you're my accountability partner. Thank you what we have said that I am Johnson Tommy's dance afterwards christy swung by nearby clown convention admonish that crowd to telling them look at yourselves. Look.
absolutely absurd. You are you're allowed clashing patterns, your oversized using your your is theatrical actual make up your all laughable cnet did as well as I thought it would. I I already read these eggs a million times I mean be you cut to us and how he was wearing folk the problem with what christmas is doing here and the problem raise a hundred than is doing. Is you gotta go to the place where you get booed right, then you go to a place where you cheered, and you say I went to this place and I told them the truth and they booed me and then everybody at the place that cheers you go. He told the truth that the place the buddha, but these guys got this they got nowhere to go good, nowhere to go further, not gettin booed, there's no place where this. Getting cheered in the republican party right now. So just booze always fuckin down for these people, like him putting America
That's why I came about the amerika and I kind of booed him, but we in love, oh but for the impatient waiting crowd enjoying their six hour respite from the sea pat machine at home, the headliner appeared soon enough. Trump spend some of his rambling performance. Clouding understand us in his usual manner. He asked me for the endorsement I said you're so far behind that of george Washington and Abraham lincoln came back from the dead and endorse you, you couldn't you said they like you in florida. Server remark shouting do good tears flowing from his eyes. I love. I love that I first of all I love. This story is like a fishing story. That's like evolves. Ass. We watched it like. First. It was like the descent was losing any begged me like a dog for my endorsement, and I gave her my endorsement any one, and then it was like descent came in kneeling and crawled across the floor. Kiss me on the feet and said: will you in for me and then then it's now it's like this said. Yes, we,
being from the eyes beside himself crumbled, your ball at my feet and I put my hand on his shoulder and said. I will help you that's how he sees himself as a base be spent beneath visit in annapolis. Benevolent beneficence, Jim benevolent beneficence, not heard the last nervous, and if it is not me something, I would say benevolent benevolent means, good beneficence means, I think, good and generous. I think benevolent means, like won't and not like not. You are good. You mean to do good right. Yes, intentions are gay. I write benevolent yes benevolent is like with good meaning with its purpose, and magnificent. Producing guide, performing acts of kindness are charity, yet already is on the beneficence side. Is our right to pre similar yea about the the the examples could google gives in their sentences? Beneficence democracy would love to see without that.
Is it cake? Don't go anywhere, there's more of love it or leave it coming up. aids that time of year, again time to print your holiday cards, take your family photos, mine, the perfect gifts, stirring the lights, oh and sprinkle, some holiday cheer at thanks office. We want to help simplify your season, so you can get back to unwrapping the magic we want to make designing holiday guards batch of again printing as easy as clicking chin and packing and shipping. That's kind of our thing so check off that to do list and create more happy for the holidays office, not fed ex dotcom hi. It's love, arbour, And I've got a brand new podcast called sound detectives,
it's a fun. Smart and hilarious show for the whole family about the magic and mystery sound Did you hear that in this world sounds like these? on mysteriously missing, we ve got our detective. Hunch is the name, and you can call me detective hunch and we ve got his new sidekick ADI the ear smee oddy. I am an ear. join the sound detectives as they travel the globe. Crack down missing, sounds and find the nefarious sound swindler Ok, I admit it. Our detectives will make some wrong guesses along the way. the tiny dinosaur kind of walking and moving its head forward, making
It reminds me of something when you have too many beans or what sound does a motorboat make when you're having a great time, I told you they'd have some wrong guesses, but when we do solve that sound mystery, you're going to know if a rain hunch will hear that magical, swoosh wind sweeps work We are also going to meet some pretty interesting people along the way. Who will tell us about these you get all kinds of neat. Zapping grouping and burping has a sort of nice delightful crunch, It's like a loud squealing when you are do do do do do do do do do do do do do this is like a symphony and there's not even any music joined Audi the year and detective hunch as they returned. The mystery sounds for the world falls silent
that's all with a little help from yours, truly listen to sound detectives wherever you get your bike. Sound good to you sounds to me. The briskets, are one of those facts that they can't sell. The version that we have here in europe because of the oil I figured because of the wheat know. I think I think she gets is specifically not one of those products. It's not like the ketchup that has like some kind of preservative that in Europe they've quickly realized. like yeah, healthy and unnecessary thought. Truscott was whether we can. I know you can't do that risk writs crackers. They allow or they do different formula that again, but that was in all the rambling trumpeted this past week. He took the stand at his civil fraud trial at went about as well as could be expected less than ten minutes into his testimony from
again ranching about the prosecutors pursuing cases against them promptly, Jim gore on to tell him mister trump attorney, general tis. James is being very patient. I would like to move things along a little faster. Please just answer the questions. No speeches jump replied. That's what she said, and when asked about a further, he admitted that he always gives rambling speeches before sex. Now I don't wanna picture now having sex, I'm done. You're done doing that, I'm done. I've been doing it for for you, I've been getting notifications, the accountability that comes hot and heavy. Like my face, melted in my hand, it's now connecting my hand. Trump then complained about the judge when he said that the judge was always ruling against him, he always rules against salmon and the judge responded. Mister trump. Please just answer the question you get attack me do whatever you want. Just answer the question
What trump is doing here is actually pretty savvy from a legal perspective. He's setting himself up to appeal on the grounds that an agitated dementia patient kept interrupting the trial. There's no audio of this, which is heartbreaking, but the judge seemed to have the tone of an exhausted parent trying to get a small child dressed. Please, please just, The pants on you can keep throwing legacy me. He can cried limited. My eyes do whatever you want. Just put these pants on ngo and said to lawyer Chris case mr case: can you control your client is not applied rally. This is a court room and then the lawyer responded hearing and drove the quorum, not me, in other words, no, I cannot comment on them. If the judge can control the court room and the attorney can control the room, that leaves us with one option ringing Your button in goran drenched removed from from the stand telling his lawyer. I beseech you to control him. If I can't, if you can't, I will excuse him and draw any negative influence that I can. I feel that,
pence attorney by the way, but if you're listening, you might try wrapping a benadryl and a slice of american cheese. I like that. I think that would help in putting that that koch, cheese, time, cheese time shake the little pill when you shake but when you shake the benadryl pills, trouble come running right. You know so get the cheese ngora. Mediately regretted using the word beseech it was the forgot. Conclusion that from then on trump would refer to him. As judge gay shakespeare, I, like the joke, it's my type judge. Experience can get three things you like being judged a literature. Hitler fix me. Oh you like shakespeare. I would rogan peasant slave. My trump made a zipped lips gesture as he left the courtroom for a break after being instructed not to discuss his testimony. The blips
smiled. A little smart is money there. I now once trump had zipped is left. He was too congested debris there is knows they think I thought we had. I appeal to you to hear and see was able to revive and then and while a lunch from decided, he been Long enough, he posted and out of context quote from judging or on saying. No, I'm not here to hear what president trump has to say: trumps lips, maybe zipped, but his steed. Little posting fingers business tapetum in one of the corporate tantrums trump set of judging gore. he ruled against me without knowing anything about me, he ruled against me and said I was a fraud before he knew anything about me, the frauds on the court, not on me Donald. We know more about. You, then you know about your kids the only soon we know more about is, will smooth and all of it is against our wishes and goran losses patients when trot, began rambling that aberdeen scotland sight it was one of his golf clubs. Is the oil capital of europe very rich. The judge interrupted
irrelevant irrelevant answer the question: champagne added softly as it is, but it is a short at the it is I first of all, it has no criminal that this trial isn't televised. This is funnier than anything on tv, it's been a long strike. Let america laugh let the cameras in there, but also, I feel like there is no jury. this judges already decided. The trump is guilty. The only thing that just deciding is the penalty which is ultimately subjective. He is taking in all the information and then he is going to decide not on chums guilt, which he has already ruled on, but just how much money trump owes an restitution just how much damage trump has done. What will happen you, his businesses? What will happen to his properties, etc, etc? That means that all of trumps fortune is basically, in this guy's hand, and every single day, Donald trump,
shows up to where this guy works and treats him like an absolute piece of shit has no strategy to it. I mean the strategy is for the public, but yeah. This guy is going to rule against him and trump is doing nothing to help himself cause who's gonna die soon really yeah. I know I know it's gonna with children living here. I don't want to conduct business in this anymore and I don't fucking care about my kid. I think he's like rule against me. I have enough money The mattresses all over the world, like I've, got enough to write it out until I am dead, how things have to be like a hundred and ten pages as neighbours, so disorder, or something like that. I bet someone says somebody has know nothing beyond it's opposition to pass a someone's fighting me. So I'm just gonna scream in court. That's it and that's why he was president because people love that shit yeah. I grew up in a household with oppositional defiance disorder. That's what this is well, I'm glad we could diagnose
here. When will this legal sagrada? Your diagnosis drive, but than democrats everywhere, rendered their garments and threw themselves into the sea on sunday when new poles by the new york times and Sienna college revealed that president Biden currently trailing donald trump in five battleground its losing by margin afforded ten points in arizona. Georgia mission nevada and pennsylvania. But before you panic it's worth remembering, that the election is a year away. It is totally possible that by that time, Biden will be younger even worse trump by dinner, nearly tied among voters under thirty down from binds clear lead and twenty twenty. One reason for this. The voter Under thirty, he supported Biden in twenty. Twenty are now being counted elsewhere in the polls, since they have age roughly one thousand years when asked, alternative democratic candidates calmly hers only trails trump by three points. Instead of vines, five and both are out before by a generic democrat alternative who poles eight points ahead of trap.
Are we all like a generic abstract democrat it's when they have a face and a name and frail frail see through a body of things, get sticky voters all across the country turn out to vote for generic democratic policies, abortion rights, minimum wage, medicate expansion, legal we'd? They also prefer a generic democratic trump. The problem is independence, light democratic policies, but not democrats, which is partly because of right wing propaganda, but also partly because of our personalities. we should honestly face that is my last election will be under thirty is when I heard what the line on this usa this tuesday, this too cause he's old, yeah young young at the moment, the harder the heart there were some glimmers of hope in the poll. If trump is convicted of a crime, it would swing enough voters to put buying back into the lead with that also means is: there are millions of people who watch a whole trump presidency live through january. Six saw him get indicted. Four times support abortion rights hated the years of chaos, they're not die hard trump supporters, they're open to buy
but they need that jury for a person to stand up and say he's guilty, and there is no use in complaining about it and he can't win people over by insulting them, and I promise not to do this for the net here which we now on election day, but one last time before we get practical, innovative voters, Nan Jesus fucking Christ. You know you promised this last time. Yes, this last time about both version told access in response to the poles predictions more than a year out tend to look a little different a year later. Don't take our word for it. Gallop predicted an eight point for president obama, only room to win handily a year later and think about all the predictions you made about your own life a year ago. Have any them come true. Mine haven't minded. Oh oh, oh was yours. Also by Pedro has come now. I saw beyond say three times: ok, you
I'll, give you three zero and finally, in an interview about our upcoming them, more barbarous tries until the bbc that you called up apple ceo tim cook, to complain about how siri pronounced or name streisand. I said my name is with a z. It strike sand like sand on the beach. Now, how simple can you get sand on the beach strike sam? So anyway, you know I decided. How do I change this like solving problems, I figured I'd better call apple, I mean the head of apple, you know tim cook and he had siri changed the pronunciation of my name. To be correct, I mean, is that that's one perk of fame. Yes, you shall we check that it works. I've got my phone hair, oh he had to do it. Can you hey sorry, who sings pepper? Can you hear me opera, streisand sings the sum
Jimmy it works. Is it a right at work? I gotta work on papa next. I like how the interviewer is not allowed to be in the same room with he's opposite of a king or queen, the gazing, to say well, there's a perk of fame. We found one sitting in what is surely a The fact that, like barbarous and has in her basin, now that she hasn't obeyed him all. I want to get out of the mind and she's like I wish. I could figure out some advantage, while the celebrity, oh, I know there's one thing I did. I dont know how famous I wanted to be now. I know I want to get to the level that, when you call apple for tech support its tim cook. The other thing is to cook may run a multinational corporation with a market cap of over a trillion dollars. But if your ship, all that away he's a fag taking orders from barbarous, try saturday's love in every minute of it and that's our shall we did. It
Thank you too kendra. How you Brian and we'll see you sluts next saturday by thoughts by The lever leave it as a crooked media production. It is written produced by me, John love. It in the eyes and bird kindred changes our executive producer, Brian similar, are producer and malcolm with real desire associate producer. Howie keeper is our head writer, zero lazarus job on kaufman Peter miller and Alan Pierre will miles and Mohammed S. Shaky, are writers
Certain is our editor kyle segment and charlotte landis provide audio support on the road Vindelin VON schroeder is our tore manager. Anastasia Anderson is our torque word. Nadir. Stephen is our audio engineering. Milo came as our videographer arthur. song is renewed, performed by sure sure, thanks to our designers, Jesse mc lean and sirna for creating for creating and running oliver visuals, but you can't see because this is a pot gas where digital producers zuri urban David, told me a common and magic root for filling in editing video each week. So you can, you can find those glorious videos at youtube jacket. flash at love it or leave it podcast subsides. I love leave it on youtube or access to video versions of your favorite segments and other exclusive content. Dont forget to follow the cricket media on energy and twitter and if you're as opinionated as we are, consider dropping us. A review Is that it? Oh my god, or into the name insane the comes from a come electric with election
city, and I knew that why electricity, because it would there is some way in which they took them. That was like pioneering day like they were cooked electricity like that was really cool, like maybe an electrical like only make of anti jewish. It's a commonly held belief of the trying frisk. It refers to its three green. In sweet oil and salt hell. Yeah got eyes just crushing it on the certificate records, so yeah, it's an electric biscuit huh, isn't that cool yeah? I like that in nineteen, thirty five they begin spraying the crackers the oil and adding solid low. But there must be water, involve surely there yet but maybe not, maybe they just massa with some way on site out there. So good they were really there's no good. I love at risk. It ah love at risk. It. pandora makes it easy for you to find your favorite music, ever knew artists and generous by selecting any song robin and will make your purse was station for free
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-10.