« Lovett or Leave It

What a Weekday: Trump Attacks Obamacare, Santos Attacks Everyone

2023-11-28 | 🔗

Lovett or Leave It shocks you out of your Thanksgiving break with a brand-new What a Weekday! Trump’s vows to replace Obamacare. George Santos headlines for Felons Galore. Elon Musk travels to Israel for some reason.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We are officially one year from the next presidential election and guess what time we get to workers from view. dear opportunities to making sure you're register to vote. But if america has everything you need to help, you make the biggest impact twenty twenty four election cycle and guess what you can start right now in twenty twenty three had devoted of america, slash no off years to find out how you get involved. Are we think of pandit, not as your daughter, but as your sister likes you, pulls the upper she's them equal, respecting authority in the office as you yeah. I mean. Even I don't come in and out of any meeting. I want at any time if you didn't write his grabbing at the end of the month, targeting meeting there would have been thanksgivings. Bridewell love, I don't love nice ass. Nice
hey eric wow, ever back, I'm here with how he Brian and sarah, let's get into it. What do we do during a three hour long space on acts, Jesus formerly known as letter george santos predicted he would be kicked out of congress I'm going to get expelled wonders. Expulsion resolution goes on the floor, In the map over and over, I dont have a vague and thoroughly examined as knows a thing or two about math. He invented algebra. Our boy, George, isn't going out without a big, beautiful splash, so the united its congress, there's balance the warm there's people with
ports of shy, sting backgrounds and all joint answer. Does the very magdalen united states congress first point: felons gore, incredible dragged him, he he makes george sent us. He's a star, they just their fellows star, fellow galore. That's a wonderful turn of phrase book. He said it as if he was introducing someone congress there is valid, and yet against are you going to buy really be weird underwear, I that Mary Magdalen is the gayest biblical reference you can make what so you're, were mothers yesterday, so What does he mean when he says Mary magdalen like cast out because he likes to fuck? Is that sort of the just? Yes,
one of the other, the sexual exile biogas again giving him self airs like them. What am I a fabulous biblical? Ah figure? Rightly traditional? I considered like a whore, prostitute, Mary magdalene. I think he fancies himself a whore, but really we only know he likes only fans and only goes one when he he's a he's. A he's a client yeah are. Are you and I shysters that what he's saying so, it's interesting that I say shy. Steve he's lied about being jewish. It's almost like insurance right. Well, I dont like so. Yes, I mean I did when I heard tasty yedo guy. My my my horror, eighty, but so it is like you- can see that, like her has that re like it so funny part of the thing amazing that george centres is he's doing all of this in a gay voice, and I really like that, like he calls people pussies matter,
I I think he should be a man and stop being a pussy and call the privilege on the on the dem motion, which is so weird to hear from him. It's like what, because a pussy isn't usually separate hard palate, it's usually glottal. It's usually pussy that pussy worth not usually in the gay, if not in its, not in a gay voice like it's almost like on yeah gave voice, is a tunnel language. You know like me, grin and his sister, the word pussy just, doesn't fit in light of that that style but yeah, but when he says that I see as I go, He could be a reality shows star, but he could go go q and I, like you, could go for anti semite, it's possible also. It's like! Well. You know that. That's why you're in congo, so you think it's only a real. I guess that's why you're there for the first place in a rightly that he knows he did it yeah like
knows he's guilty, and I can't wait to see the boy s dumb. So so one of the things that in this ethics report is, If you remember there were all these stories when we first started to come to understand that your santos was not who he claimed to be that he had loaned his campaign, tens of thousands of dollars in the north of eighty thousand dollars, and he was also unable to pay rent on an apartment that was several thousand dollars, and so it didn't make like weight is a business person that can loan this amount of money, but it also been unable to pay right like this. Doesn't add up, there was no loan. It was a lie that, like he, pretended to loan his campaign, eighty thousand dollars so that he could raise money from real donors, because his campaign looked real and legit, because there is enough money on the books, then he just started paying himself from the real I came in to pay his rent to god only fans to buy them as to go to sea for whatever, and he just said he can.
the fabricated, the, and he knows that, and he knows that a lead. And crowding incredible. Gerda wonder why it's boats money that his charge you for running was the same as they come Aris to try to get taps where'd. You just put a dollar in the jar daddy another, never allow all put a dollar in europe as well. It's very hollywood. It's very like hey, like We get merrill to do this while convinced that any Adams is doing it had he get AV out of to do at teller than merrill's doing it, and you just lie to both of them and hope that it works, and sometimes it does sometimes it does not want to miss him yeah yeah, I dont he's not going. If we're going to have you with George sanders. You know ass, I remind everyone. He has a heart, her sister, if I remember that, there's also just dumb nothing was mitt romney. That said it like that, there's something just not quite right about him like there is something like its it either that moment, when he laughs about being expelled like he could kill like this,
guy Eric laughed yeah, allegedly the had this, but something deeply round with. If there is that there is an article about romantic comedies ones that I can't find, but about how high would move on from like leading women too quickly and like they're, not gonna, big likely they'll be an incredible performance in iran com and then they won't be the next one and I was like, but I wasn't done with her yet like we weren't done we're not done with this- is meg ryan. Yes, yeah like we are just not done with george santos. Yet now you know, we've not reached the final chapter of history and that's exciting. That's exciting. To think about the resolution to expel santos was filed by republican house ethics committee chair michael guest. Following the release of the committee's report, alleging santos used campaign funds on personal expenses, ranging from rent to only fans.
In addition to filing allegedly false campaign, finance statements, amateur shit said clarence thomas of several nude billionaires. If expelled santos would only be the sixth congress person ever expelled from the body. The previous explosions were three confederates and two members of congress who are convicted The federal crimes so be careful if a beautiful woman with an ill fitting way tries to get you to join a confederacy if you just now, you want to spend, me aware and as a badge of honor said, santos I'm through with the insanity of this place. Jumped on his unicycle with three baby sister? I rode out into the night. I'm through with the insanity of this place, said your worst roommate while packing up his. it supplies and leaving behind the untrained pitfall. He brought home without asking anyone shut up everything knew about bringing an untrained dog. He wasn't a pebble, wasn't a pit bull now. What was he catalog know yet
guess you because you had gives you knew that you had had somewhat pasture for the doktor to rome. Israel must agree agreed to extend their forty truce, which would have did monday by an additional two days? Ok, the hard parts done now we just to keep this going for infinity more days. The extension would allow for least valise twenty more israeli hostages, in addition to the fifty freed as part of the initial truce agreement and came just before the israeli, flags in idea, bracelets, my dad ordered from Jerusalem arrived at with little livestock. yeah I dunno. I I I I just I we were at a restaurant and both of my parents are on their phones and it's like we talked about this. This is not screentime, but whatever and all of a sudden, my dad looks up and he goes. Oh good they've arrived what arrived at the israeli flags and rdf bracelets from Jerusalem holds. My gaze
Let us see what healthy in response- and I was like- you want what you want me to say when it was data. How much do we really want to get into it went into it, I see- you're- not wearing one, the bracelet. No, it was a joke you're right drive to florida from Jerusalem, which is, I think, like as far as a a route. That is rarely flags and idea. Bracelets recurrently travelling I've got it is one of the most heavily heavily trap. Just get me wrote an ocean yeah, that's that's where those are coming. That's the route for those is that only jewellery, your dad owns immobile bracelet this money I don't even know what it means. I guess maybe we oughta bengali canker critique of the announced came a day after president Biden told reporters that it was his gold to extend the truce in order to get more hostages released. Or humanitarian aid into Gaza. Well, my actual goal to lay down, but all these people keep calling me to this podium said on sunday, binding went on to say
will continue to remain personally engaged to see. This deal is fully implemented and work to extend the deal as well. Listen as someone who's been engaged personally hope it helps them. You on mosques, well to Israel. On Monday meeting with prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and tourism. Could boats were dozens were killed during act over seventh moss attack, as if that caboose hadn't been through enough, must broadcast to converse and then yahoo, where he called the visited the cupboards jarring and said he'd seen footage of the massacre that he found a troubling. I think I speak for all is, when I say, sounds good, no further question. If you got the great work on the idea that, like this This guy is billionaire who has vast power over satellites car companies, social media platforms,
Does not believe the world exists when his eyes closed, like I think that that's great, I think it's terrific that he does something anti semitic on social media and then uses his access and resources to go personally, see the devastation of one of the one of the most deadly terrorist attacks in the history of Jews on planet earth because he needs to see it personally. His personal eyes this is important to him and to the world is really valuable. That elon musk thinks that like he should, but hurray around like a visiting data jerry as if this has anything to do with him, like that, like the audacity and like narcissism and self centered nests of the kind of person that's like, oh, I did something anti semitic. I get to go with the israeli prime minister to a fucking massacre to prove how much I care like that, should not be accessible to him. It doesn't make any sense he doesn't deserve. It isn't a long there who the fuck does, I think he is. I cannot stand it. My only hope is that he, fortunately he is having an of kids to four
army that will rise up against him. But he will be read by his dozens of offspring. I could he thinks like pepsi is gonna say. Oh, he visited the kibbutz like Well we're back on the ad fig leaf ray like so that if they want to come back, they can point at this and say he's fine. Now I guess so. I don't think morbidity tourism period, I just he he's acting like he's like when the president visits the the this the place where a tornado hit to talk about the importance of federal aid reaching that place like he's acting like him walking around and seeing it is of some value. It's like it's like a like a kabuki. It's like a it's, the it's a kabuki performance of caring and and concern and
I don't know action right, daddy. He runs the tornado factory, that's the arm. He runs the tornado fat recently evenly the treaty. I did. This is like what began you work at the factory. I beg you know we're NATO's. In my mind, he when he's visiting the boats he's also like topless like he is about our emmanuel picture. Like he's, got kind of just like wandering round monkeys on a yacht. I hope that that is not the case, a kind of what it is. Also an extension of the just. Do my own research minded at me. I can't possibly trust the news or anything that any of these experts said you gotta go see with their own eyes right, right and trust, it must be as I went there and I'm telling you that it's real well, I think it's like that. I'm glad you pointed that out because it's, I don't think it's a coincidence that just after this trip concludes he posts a pizza, meme based. I am reporting to draw suspicion on that. So it's like he is attempting to prove that he is not an anti semite after he.
Has first of all removed a lot of barriers for anti semitic, conspiracy theories and hate to spread on the platform amongst all different kinds of hate, to spend a platform. He personally expresses empathy for a vile. Your toxic, anti semitic conspiracy himself then goes in tourism kibbutz tool to deal with the fact that there's been a ton of fall out, but immediately shares It's a different, also quite anti semitic. Conspiracy. Theory, though his specific reference to it wasn't. It is part q and, on his has anti semitic components to it. So he's regardless of his I kind of performance of not being day semantic he has zero he's learned nothing in a larger way about what he is doing in his own information died in the kind of behaviour he's modeling. So sorry
anyone whose defending elon musk online or suggesting that, because he makes good electric cars, we should excuse other behaviour. He learned fucking, nothing from this trap and the fact that he gets to have conversations with the right, prime minister of Israel on twitter spaces doesn't prove anything about him does do anything Well, I came from feel better. Now, don't go anywhere more of love it or leave it coming up level. leave? It has brought you by angels, envy bourbon in the world of spirits the angel? come the reverse of the five percent of spirit lost each year during the barrel aging. This is due to an operation at another angels. Envy was born after the founder first tasted, the finnish, whiskey and jokes about getting a better deal than the angels. This holiday season put a twist and tradition with angels envy bourbon, it's a bourbon that pens the rules, a thoughtful and elderly, crafted And a catalyst for crafting new holiday traditions angels
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we're not calling you donald trump anymore. Oh no worries Calling you die, hitler we can have that one! Listen! If he's watching you was pretty good, yeah, give it to him. That's pretty good. I will say, though, if your only jewish friend, where Jared Kushner, you might be a little anti semitic to him, I'd be like yep. They must all be like that sick said christie on CNN's state of the union, but look when you show intolerance towards everyone, which is what he does you give permission as a leader or for others to have their intolerance come out, and so you know, intolerance towards anyone encourages intolerance towards everyone to which the reporter replied is that so you fat fuck, I just say, like I.
crisscross these great. Now, that's good, that's good stuff! Well, he can be present. You'd be a first grade teacher. Oh, I don't think so. As a teacher ripped up a card. That was my that I made for my mother because I use the wrong paper. Okay, this is explaining a lot so you've thought about this every single day, since it happened. Well, wait a minute how bad was the paper. Basically, I I because I had not followed instructions. I'd used the wrong. I use the scratch paper, not the official white paper for the card, so she erupted at half. And her name was missus Johnson and they are that that was all learn to speak about then so choose my first grade teacher and then, when we were in second grade she's, they switched or to third grade we're having made sense, and then I was but I was gonna get out again, but I didn't I got miss bursting, the latter of that going. We were younger, oh yeah. But on a rip it up paper for no reason it's like I'm seven. I don't know. What's going on police l b,
I didn't tell my mother for like a year and then you didn't care. No, she was like. Well, what am I supposed to know? You have to go to the school to fight. The teacher gave her a paper cut punch MRS Johnson, now she did that thing that that teachers were doing. that era, which is the day she was cheat. She did their teachers were doing. Is I don't know they still do it where they each classrooms about racism by some random day like d, hiding the retailer eye, color and then like, but not letting she never let on. She, like, I think, like she kicked out the brown I'd kiss. I can't remember, but I got kicked out of the class, but you have to be mean to the majority kids to make that whole exercise not be horrible right. You have to like the brown, the brown eyed kids have to be ones that you're like punishing or like. Class because I feel it goes in the hollow with one kid. I feel
The things I don't know I do know that she implemented it in high that you went to arian hi. I would yeah that was an yeah well, this is the divergence. Was that in greenport, where was that woodbury? It was this acid and they go. Do you ever have to that thing? The nasa Rima, What's the necessary, not just after the nasser ema, not on sound familiar knew, it was like a social studies exercise. We like you'd, read about the nasa Rima people and, like all their like crazy, like customs and like you, and I know now necessary measures to me, working backwards, and it was where the the others- and it's like a lesson in, like a you, know, judge judging the practices and customs by the peoples, interesting yeah, interesting. No, we didn't have the nasa Rima come while this. Why I'm so loving
No that's. Why that's? Why you're that? That's that describes you can, I just say in a true social post over the weekend, Donald trump claimed he was seriously looking at alternatives to replace obamacare. For example, I've still got plenty of room under my golf course president and highlighted that posed in an address on monday, saying this to my predecessor, once again, Levin call, for Christ's sake, rip away health insurers for tens of millions of americans american. They just don't give up, but guess what we all know these things happen. I am confident by on to say that america will come together and make sure we don't allow donald trump to return to power and cut healthcare ban abortion in destroyer democracy, unless time over the next eleven months? I don't live my foot enough on one stare,
I love him he's looking around as video like arguments about our guy guy, we love of yet not looking at the same thing that he look. I normally looks great he's hot old man. Ok, let me sobbing ethnic other picked. You look, that's the picture you will discuss. This is linked to the way the strong vertical is not tilting any their actual. He got tat these still tar the ties good. I'm not. I don't know that I've seen that thailand recognised as being tall is where the law in this country. It really is a good time. I actually really like that, tie on him. What you like about it, I think it's a it's. It's a straw. big rights all makes them look tall. I'd I like red and blue stryver is redding gray, either way that its working, the whole thing is working. He looks good there. Yeah me was the auto goes with the flag. Look at em There is no need of banana around him right
We can just drop out your hand up a yak as the pr good people. I'm gonna be up. None of It actually happens. Well, we'll see in real life and not frequently on my hinge profile on the prompt one way to get me to fall for you. I wrote put a banana peel in front. That's cute: I want a break your heart and have seen that. Allow me to add that I didn't I had. instead, allow, I guess it doesn't original at sucks. Let us look at those who suffer it is your is your arm is your is you're like is your like personal? Oh, it's always one o clock somewhere. I guess not it's really not is really not be while pretending to deploy the military within the eu as it returns to power, including using The border into police, american citys. The principal constraint on the president's use of the insurrection act is basically political, said, one legal scar to the ip president's. Don't wanna be the guy who sent tanks rolling down main street. There is not really.
much of the law to stay the president's hand. Trump has been saying more and more frequently in the ape. He spoke to legal experts and national security experts about what limits the president's ability to use the insurrection act and sadly it is not munch and the Brennan center has written. the need to reform the insurrection act, but there's a line and that a peace dorie that says the president's use of the insurrection act is not review all over the courts and I really like we gotta stop using. I guess I've given trump ideas and end, just like that's quite an assertion that it's not review. I would like I'd like
I think. Sometimes, in the way we talk about presidential authority, it's like we talk about the president's authority as being vague, ill defined and, in some sense limitless like- and this runs all the way back when there are tons of debates during the george w bush administration about john use, a unitary executive theory. The idea that the president is the sort of this all power figure. That's it's all powerful figure that sits atop the executive branch, but its continued and very frustrating
when the analysis of presidential power is that who can say it's really up to whoever's in charge, which I think is not fair or true, or a no way to think about it. It's collectively up to us to limit it, but then, when it comes to judicial authority, they're quite open to putting in the story a an emphatic statement, not in the voice of an expert but as a fact that the president's power is not reviewable by the courts and like it's all buttoned up, you know just button it up, I'm not aware, but neither will the people that wrote the constitution. You know some of them probably were no yeah in a sense, but they are also just like shopkeepers with lead poisoning. So it's like you know. We all get to read it. You know it's a document for all of us. It's not up to some as george sanders would say: pointy hat wearing ivory tower dwellers. You know now, I'm using it correctly tour santos, the term incorrectly. Do you think it's better that we have micro, plastic poisoning, verses, lead, poisoning hundred percent? Ok,
percent I'd, rather I'd rather hormonal imbalances that have lasting but hard to define repercussions for our health. then lead poisoning where you see butterflies and then have no judgment. You know what I mean yeah, but you're not like living your life. Aware that you have no judgment. You're like I have lead, poisoning and incredible handwriting and I'm a founding father, you're very common. Yeah you're bad ideas yet, but we are her. Mortal imbalances led to much better dance, music but complaint first lady. Biden has chosen the theme magic wonder enjoy for this year's Whitehouse christmas decorations. The first lady explained she wants capture the hetty mix of emotions when experiences after survive the german shepherded said the first lady each room on display is designed to capture the pure, unfiltered delight and imagination of our childhoods to see this time of year who the wondrous sparkling eyes of
Dron oh and don't worry in one of those room somewhere we stuck one of those hollow candelabra or whatever incase doug shows up hollow The latter lover I like that, like all candelabra, that's the dragon him. how a candelabra pretty girl pretty good. He has. He owns a tornado factory, we're dead. He doesn't former president Jimmy Carter travel to atlanta monday for Rosalind carter's memorial service, despite being a hospice care. So if you happen to see me magic city throwing twenties. Please let him do his thing. Jimmy Carter, rousing carter said the river flowed over there, tiny in the binds were silly love that picture. Someone explained why that happened, and it was interesting to look at it. It was like a wide angle. Lens they're, like Well, I am created that effect. I like, though, that it's like, you can have that effect explained to you. You can understand it, but you can't stop and what you see here, it's too
and you can get it it's like is truly the same technology that allowed them to do what's his name from the habit. baghdad like eliza and which wine the main wizard gundolph, claudia gimmick, Helen Keller, yeah. He does it seemed like an ion that is bullshit excuse. You just forgot his name because it doesn't seem like an idiot. I wanted to see what is in my lord. Regular. Using beggary cry by Gregory, what does he seem like its mortal heap Malcolm? Yet
I pray to signify how come nobody does seem a bit like a malka more like and what's like a like an rupert yeah, it was a british name. He seems like a rupert and a grandpa rupert really, but I found out over thanksgiving that his legal name was ruby, which used to be a man's name, but it wasn't by the time he was born, but his mom didn't know that so he just started going by rupert, but never changed. Officially, but like joint army and stuff under rupert. You could just do that back then, or you could do that. But why do you think his mom didn't know that was a jew? Is a jewish name yeah because of that Rubin. How can the paris and hidalgo announced money that she's leaving twitter, calling it a gigantic global sewer that is destroying our democracies, classic paris, always culturally three steps. I may Jonathan loved funny, I'm threads, yes, brain! No, no, no comment,
I am realizing also like I refer to twitter as a sewer and I think we're not being fair to sewers issue. When we compare twitter to a sewer, we need sewer. Sewers are important part of infrastructure and, yes, they smell bad, but that's they smell bad in the service to our society, of carrying bad things away and keeping the parts that aren't sewer cos. Nice twitter is not a sewer is far worse than a sewer averse sewer, yes brings it into your sewer, a reverse toilet in your home. It's a broken pipe yeah you're, holding a reverse toilet in your hand, all the time. Yes, the first. Oh yeah, it's like that episode of being in your face, love it or leave it when the the the main bath up, and there was there was human shit here shit. Although everyone at the best of my life, was that Who was that Adam. Yes, yeah
Adam Scott, was up to all the guests are very nice, but also people. You would not want to know that. There's human shit in your backyard yeah humiliating that with such a smile on my face that day, portland publics, on sunday that it had reached a tentative agreement with its teachers in ending a three week strike three weeks cried members of the Debbie J and sag when they discovered a strike, have to ruin your entire life. Pope Francis boost And a series of meetings do a lung inflammation and breathing difficulties. Popish smoking that day commented, love it or leave it. Contributing writer, maya. This time it is a false alarm like when the vatican issued a press release. It said the pope is sick and turned at age. Just mastered the kick. This week, you show results were cancelled at receiving call bears appendix ruptured from all of us had loved her leave. It feel better. stephen, ok, he should have obviously CBS call me. I have no organ whose rupture could keep me off tv. That's it but Last drug- hey, we did it, we did it, we did it doing good.
I do not think about your organs are not at levers if you'll find a right well, we do it visa, which would also see they slots cecil, On saturday, I thought. Let us leave it as a crooked media production is written produced by me, John love it in the eyes and bird kindred changes. Our executive producer, Brian seminars are produced are now. Can we build our associate with how we
various our head writer, zero, lazarus, joscelyn, kaufman, Peter Miller and Alan Pierre will miles and Mohammed l shaken our writers.
Sutton is our editor kyle segment and charlotte landis. Provide audio support on the road. Benjamin VON Schroeder is our tour manager and Anastasia Anderson is our tour coordinator. Steven cologne is our audio engineering. Milo came as our videographer. Our theme song is written and performed by sure sure, thanks to our designers, jesse, Mclean and bernardo Sarah enough for creating and running all of our visuals can't see, because this is a podcast and you are digital producer. Missouri urban david told me hellman and magic group for filming and editing video each week. So you can you can find those glorious videos at youtube, dot, com, slash at love it or leave it. Podcast subscribed to love it or leave it on youtube or access to video versions of your favorite segments and other exclusive content. Don't forget to follow us cricket media on igy and twitter and if you're as opinionated as we are, consider dropping us a review on it or leave it actually, your sewage backyard with appropriate calculation of twitter, because it's sewage but also Adam Scott, is there. That is twitter. That's good for that. I will do that. Ok
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-30.