« Lovett or Leave It

Lunch It or Leave It: Best of Food

2022-08-27 | 🔗

Open wide, because Lovett Or Leave It is serving up a hot, fresh best-of episode with all our favorite food-obsessed segments of the past year. Ashley Ray, Alice Wetterlund, and Max Silvestri give us the hot dish on the best holiday foods. Nancy Pelosi (Michaela Watkins) spent hours making this beautiful democracy for you; the least you can do is taste it. Shalewa Sharp and Lovett bemoan the cookies that have come and gone, while Lindsay Adams and Marcy Jarreau try not to turn green after eating the pink sauce from TikTok. Jared Goldstein sips an experimental “healthy Coke.” A local reporter (Megan Gailey) warns parents against the new razorblade in the apple: weed gummies. Lovett, Akilah Hughes and pit master Ali Clem talk LGBT BBQ in the Lone Star state, while Ashley Ray joins Lovett in sampling the delicacies of Minnesota… and also lutefisk.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everybody's love it or leave. It is heading to pittsburgh. Baltimore infilling this october. If you haven't already get your tickets w w w doc crooked dotcom, slash events today, love it or leave it, you're, not pressured love it or leave. It is brought to you by the a c l. U so I love it's gone so tommy and I are taken over love it or leave. It adds there is a harmful, coordinated effort to erase transparent from public life from bans on access to gender, affirming healthcare to participation in sports to discussion of sexual orientation or gender. dented in the classroom, no child. She had to face a level of tax. There are targeting trans youth nationwide right now, damn right diesel, you is fighting to stop. These attacks on young people's rights to defence
in civil liberties across the country, but they need your help. Need your help become an a c l. U, member today, with a donation in your first gift, will be matched dollar for dollar up to fifty thousand dollars visit a c l, u dot com, slash cricket to donate today to help advance urgent work like protecting access to gender, affirming healthcare in arkansas and texas, battling transit discrimination in athletics in idaho, tennessee and west virginia confronting so called bathroom bills, including a law, the easier you blocked in tennessee, requiring businesses to post a warning sign. They allow transgender people to use the restroom that matches their gender. Whatever, what an evil law challenging legislation that sensors discussion of race and gender identity in the classroom, defending the civil rights and civil liberties of all of us nation. Why look there's little awful should go on out there in the israel? You has been there,
every step of the way. The lighting and in a court for a long time and they really need our help now go to a sea l, you dot, com, slash crooked, to donate today and become an official acl you, member, join and fight for civil liberties and our future acl. You doctor slash crooked, well them to love it or leave it live, or else come in at you from or else the dog days of summer here and is which needs a break. But even though we're on vacation content, never sleeps, so this week will bring you the best of our food segments. We. Love to leave it in quite a lot of her food? You could say we're preoccupied by it. You could say that by lash defensively in a healthy way, a first. Nothing gets our tommy's gurgling and giddy anticipation like the holidays, but what's the best holiday good thing. We decided last year and one of our beloved brackets
the end of the year and the holidays of a stranglehold on our emotions, our wallets and, of course our digestive system is no other time period demands we bow to its colony excesses quite like winter and for good reason, eat festive foods, any other china You're and you'll be labelled sort of viable ediths salad in December. No one batson, I openly during economic engine good luck getting invited to those for the July barbecues buddy, nothing pairs worth with, did agree whether because then a thick bev, but if we, We have a very limited time to eat the gingerous bread in the crash barriers, such as we have to be judicious with our menus apologised to your gallbladder and welcome to the stage to fight over. There hollywood, Maxwell, vestry, Alice, waterline and actually ray. and here's how it works. We are going to pit two classic holiday food items against each other and have them battle to the death. Let us begin alright. First up we have lot. We can invest as a big bracket will lock is a lock his verse, mac and cheese, does anybody have a strong feeling, maggotty hello, maggotty, lockers,
mac. Yet my on anti semite Jews cajole the media makin Jesus better than lackeys. Alright, guys I mean do we want to make our argument? I mean I feel like first of all, a mac and cheese is very black, so What are you really angry about magazine? Baggages, wins baggages when revising trump card played, I more bankruptcies way. It's not like all loggers that everybody's Our great you know, I mean I gave up its own and even live next. We have black eyed peas versus sweet potatoes, labors etas, but like any sweep it is. I guess they have to win so many so many real beriah legacy potato the marshmallow on time, but even I will just for the holiday thing. Nothing is more tied to a day. Ok, then black eyed peace rights.
night added a new year's, I'm not that's a new year's day, yet last holidays, how how greece, but where I think holiday, I think it counts and lock is or hanukkah you don't mean the crowd. So hardware generals have you noticed our lives, we promises, he loves, we potatoes and no one has ever legal aid of my guts. Rickety yeah really know what is our like ours so that he may we let black eyed bees. It's always lake. I guess I have to eat these are all beat. You know ging stall year, yeah it is an obvious russia. They don't eat a food having a ward off and evil. I right it's a good luck, food yeah, stupid, as the win yeah. Next we have feast of the seven fishes and christmas ham. This is from the goyim conference so I'll leave this Everyone else Jane. I will this has all night. I take it that I worked christian
I am so much. I love and orange meat, but even italian and less him sylvester. We never did fees, the seven fishes, damn you say: hams, anybody. Anybody when a case, I was seven different kinds of fish yeah. I guess I'll. Do you know just overfishing in general? It seems, I guess, we're gonna get seven fishes You're gonna be part of the problem, no matter what christmas heretics it is christmas, now takes it such a politicize bracket. I am familiar with this- is the political show unabashedly innovating working time in a political party political? Next, we of corn beef in average a would you call when you're a longshot. What's it called when you're sounds like a book I got a heart person Don't know, that's a differentiated airy surrendering heart from the third road, a heart team, you gonna talk about another dogma no like, but now there are ways like, but now there are real for three hard as many of the year. No, no
Big now long shot fell along cinderella story is still not correct. What but they move on a we're cold, under dialogue lies word of god. Tell me to move on. I will sit in this alright right we're, given look it's record keeping calves is brisket. I really think this has to be a conversation. Obviously it's going to court warrant after ridden it out. Yeah it's cool it's going to even get on Sunday night at tam. Oh, she enters with the carols. It was the or are you about to fight leonardo dicaprio.
The streets of new york? What are you talking about? You not tell him we're gonna, be the outer from outer space right now mean that I do not always good. Sometimes it's dry, though you have brisket all year round at an early. I don't I get to our world all except it. I'm not too worried about it. It's gonna lose pretty soon to one of these other foods, but I'm weren't even cabbage. wins. Other compress. Please idea order. Irish, I love it is cocoa verses gingerbread don't go, go along every hundred miles. So yet gingerbread sex gap I haven't got any re could give my life I'm out structural. I will build with Google. If I have to what is cocoa,
What is cut all right since it is a delicious. What is it so do not putting it. I know it already neutral zone you take noodles eggs and maybe raise in silence. Like a jewish jewish causing around which we all yeah. I don't even know why we're just going over it when we all know for sure what it is they needed frequently during this season, this season listen, try, google! Next up, I can't believe gingerbread just got done like that's ginger, not that good It is now I cooking psychotic. What have you drive until the latter? All right? This is gonna, be content Yes, a lot is a long simmering rivalries, israeli canned cranberry, sauce versus homemade crime,
very sorry, I'm out I'm out, but you can't do it, so I can't can't guides I'm sorry. Alice. What are you angry me? It's all the can. I'm going to be that asshole. I like homemade, wow yeah, it's really simple! It's just cranberries a little bit of sugar and water. It takes like that or anthem. Maybe some of the zest of an orange. If you're me, okay, but the fun are is when it comes out shaped like the can, and yet it is that even a little light yeah and you can throw their little desk. You can put on a bit of attention. They got that wobble the noise it makes when it comes of my text tone. That's why texas, like a coupe like on the way that our aim is that I think he'll at an x is the time of the audience decide ominous. They can't and I'm an essay homemade right Can't homemade can't homemade really clues revealing it was.
May homemade went home agreement next. We have known agree with that, but we but the vote we will need to democracy next up we have more old wine versus hot apple cider? What do we want? Perfectly good wine warmed and spice turned into sera, be fuckin alcohol soup core delicious, warm apple cider. Actually, what we think we went school together and wiser Macedonia, famously known for wonderful, had apple cider. I gotta go apples later eve, say hot apple site, or do you have any ongoing argue that I never punched? Anybody has an apple sire. Alright mulled wine stains your tea change? Your are criminal record love. Turning down,
some baldwin apple cider wins next up acknowledge versus cookie ito. Does anybody have a preference agnostic so hard? It's crazy. I start aging ignored two months before december, I love it so much gimme egg, yokes, milk, Andy rum bourbon. All this amber long. I had a glass tonight that amazing. I dunno. I cookie do as it's like an egg nokia. Jason gal cannot beverage. It's like organised in Rome militias yet solutions as cinnamon. It's like an arch with alcohol like in Chicago. There was always like a co keto lady who would like go to little bars and stuff and you could like buy it from her during the holiday like hair, but yeah like so you'd get come on that supporting my number again: I've known as raw egg yokes in it better strict. I will say I am lego max like the wind we're getting into your life where you are making who may cranberries
where you ever a several month, long process for making sure you have on, and I m really you talked about in your stand up. You are the gayest fucking straight. I have ever met in my life. It shocks me every time and I love it. Thank you so much I appreciate that I love the holidays and men and then right agnostic takes it yes I dunno, though we actually had it, but I feel like youtube that eggnog and everybody else is like wait. Wait a second wait, a second wait. A second wait is that you know what you know. What literally only max said, nobody is closest to me all right audience ignored. Cookie two eggs is think they might take. The whole thing not react this feels like a sign up this crazy. It's all right now, both wrinkled be right. Now move on. Now we move on to the semi ease
it is now important orders it's getting really makin jeez versus be potatoes. I don't even think as a horse, maggot cheese I can cheese. we are doing here, get that season there. Now too, I feel like We live in an alternate reality. What you are you talking about is mac achieves even a holiday food What what is it? I'm sorry, I guess an important thanksgiving that I feel like I need to make you my macaroni and I love mac and cheese. I couldn't be a bigger fan of just as a holiday looked termite, I don't want to be the next up. We have corned beef in cabbage verses, christmas ham, exalted meet verses, salted me pig versus beef, the rumble on the farm, I'm so sorry I mean christmas. Him does have the word christmas in it. unless we want boiled salted fuckin me.
Yes, I do so with china muster, unlike our peace, are rye, bread or public. I need a great meal to have right before you leave to start a new life is, like generations, yeah, tried to escape corn beef in cabin to put a whole piece of your animal in a big pot and boil it overnight and then to have that. What a beautiful thing christmas ham wins! I'm fucking Colin! It's my show. I like- and I say this as somebody who didn't understand or have ham as part of a dinner hands. was a sliced meat for lunch. I didn't Try dinner. Style ham until I was Literally, in my way, twenties I saw god, and I remember, having hamper the very first time remember even where I was, I was in Washington DC, and someone said this is a christmas
and I said, I've never had christmas hand before. What's it like, and then I tasted it and it was incredibly salty and sweet nose like you, fucking christians treat this as an entree. This is like me dessert. You people are at your goddamn eyes, could go versus homemade cranberries us, that's tough, see that come in. Did we good girl, her mate can bear. What Jews control, the media cooker wins. That's aside, verses like a real meal, kind of its assessment, silently and don't worry. I won't make me a lot of it, nor yet retro ex don't worry there mercurial and coal. Next up hot apple, cider verses cookie, do while cacao
hot apple, cider, cookie, dough, hot apple, cider, cookie dough takes that we've gotta. Be honest, though, of course it's alcoholic, it's alcoholic. Next up is the trace bracket. it's terry vs, pork ham, vs, mac and cheese. I love it marriages or christmas ham. What do we think Right away, and cheese, mac and cheese they take it come on. This is why people don't vote This is why people divert it must have just been seen, rayleigh story, crazy bracket isn't going to be the hearty. Delicious, but only one of them gets you drunk, I'm gonna remember is next, is next verses? Cookie too, I think you know it
Drunk there. There you haven't had make other global gets. You fall google com, you can fuck you up here I might have method it. I've seen people. It's me. I see people some terrible decisions after eating too much cocoa and heavens. What do they cook overseas cookie to it, have to be careful because it's for a day I gave it to cocoa. Whose crushing it max's barra by I'm so happy about Google or right now, It is time for the it is the ultimate the past, a final wow. I heard it our two favorite holiday, carbs makin cheese verses could go it's a desert, food verses, just food.
What do we think like an arid food adds inherited again cheese, verses cook, all the jewish can cheese in many ways when you think about it. Actually, when you think about it, it's our version of it all right final decision. You know what yeah, let's put anybody have any fun. I want you know we're going to do everybody just say: kugler, mac and cheese, and then we're going to give it to the crowd to decide my personal view. Kugel is born of thousands of years of suffering and know about this. The suffering on this is good to hear about, but I should die just that later, I'm going to vote mac and cheese because I always prefer. That While I was what you think, I'm gonna go ahead in, say cocoa, because I hate or we ve gotten to where words society. They just picks makin cheese whatever, when it's just a day. Global. You know what I mean and not really recognizing what it's supposed to be just like making a a food truck of it. Come on we're better than this. I dunno what I'm talking about? It's cuddle,
Actually you think I mean I gotta go mad and cheese. I mean macaroni and cheese is a stable and black holes or during the holidays, there's competitions between aunts, relatives who has the mad best mac and cheese. My family has passed our mac and cheese recipe down generations. Soul is baked into that cheese. Oh I'm changing my vote now, I'm over here now, she's right. We have carbs born of me We could go makin, jeez Cuervo, again, he won't be the version won't be last time the Jews are defeated by by numbers, mac and cheese takes it is the holiday food bracket chair. In a year and there's a big surprise. I think we have a whole lot
is this true. Is it open up doors you are going to bring it up piping, hot fire or cider all over every food item in the bracket is in your cars. That's what we chose: ooh mama, just between us girls, I remember what we chose and I'd every listen just repeat: bind the curtain. This is why, in the garden? Oh, oh there, she is its nancy full We are currently in our third month of conversation, debate and quietly, sobbing and congressional bathrooms all in an effort. am around the specifics of the build back better plan. I dunno about you all, but I need a break joining you now to help us relax, we're the festive completely non political cookies. I meant it speaker of the house net. a policy of your daddy, I'm not very surprised, the time very surprised out a dime hello, hello, jain thanks so much Having me it's so good to get out of the sea.
My hair down, I'm even wearing a slightly different shades of pantyhose. I'm really rarely cut loose. I know I'm not really wearing pantyhose. It's your imagination, it's free use it I'm so glad you could be here Nancy. Now, when the show reach that I assume you wanted to get the word out about the conciliation believe that light he still had an ear. John seemed better lighting and macy's dressing room. Let it goes the debt is a blooming. I know what sale. When I see one are you here, talk about the reconciliation bill. Now ass. It acts. Lately not I'm here to cook. Yes, that's the one thing that always relaxes nancy, no man,
how many people are tweeting at me about the whole. You know can take cloth ec moment. I get it every one. It was not the right time, though, Ask you John is there? When can I wear on my can? Take rather, we never a bad speaker either way, I'm glad you decided to come here. I just gotta make one of your favorite thanksgiving dishes ass. That's right, John! I'm! Just like every average grandmother out there. You start in line for the presidency. I am actually second line because The president is already with president obama is not in line right. Ok, that's it good point geiger you been in office for over three decades out of a freezer, rise re must send a fridge for just embryonic facial theorem amber facial serum that's grows now. It's very misleading name. It's just! Actually it's just a cleanser
I don't want. Your lovers were made. If you like me, sometimes you use a mirror to practise putting a thumbtack into the meat of your thigh while maintaining a frozen smile you're busy and what went crazy busy gal decoupled busy, gals one easier and faster and more delicious and more merit the more america american, then ambrosia, salad. what is ambrosia you ve never had ambrosia how they John, I guess I know why it's a mixture of classic salad ingredients covered in a subtle dressing, pure sour cream. I have the recipe written down right here, so I don't forget any of the steps. Okay, all right, so you start by adding a bag of mini marshmallows,
I do that, and you just add, I'm Adam here and they go into the ball along with some shredded delicious coconut flakes yolks. Okay, alright! Now let me just check this recipe out Jesus. What what's wrong with me? Fuck the well! It looks like someone scratched out coconut road hate. These won't eat. Maybe chocolate chips sincerely, Joe mansion! Well, that's fine! Draftsman! That's fine if the problem will just pick out the flakes just one by one, just get the flakes out, get them out of that. Ok, it's perfect. It's just going to be perfect for a congressional potluck or perhaps a few in a row. Middle class. Alright come on Nancy, just because you're mentioned doesn't like something doesn't mean you have to change every
thing. Do you think so, John? Maybe you could leave some of the cocoanut in their ok, yeah you're right, John, just a little cocoanut seems more than reasonable. And if Joe mansion doesn't like it, he can kiss my grits kismet grids, your district isn't san francisco, ok, next step at that mandarin, orange is serious? This is a bruise you sell. It is weird it's mandarin oranges. You're just makes it up in the broad, ok so way. Crazy, second hold on a second nancy, see something If you see something and the first live show at the very end, your edits will have a spot. very like dangled. I mean like most of the people. I work with our half dead, so this live, show alive, show follows yeah, ok,
so making on how those rights that are too and written. Why are these oranges wet disgusting? How about cons yours, the problem solvers more like the problem create in a sack of god or a car is dead. You help me pick out new arrivals, yet the orange we gotta get me. I just getting just this one guy his. Who cares if people think oranges aren't good? Who cares I have that metaphor, and I and it, and it has to everyone, has to like it. Joy: okay, well, that's weird, but maybe there's a good reason, they're being picky, maybe logic or something? I know no, no! No! They are not. John they're specifically told me in several closed door meetings over the summer that they would eat ambrosia sound.
Everyone was our land browse, yes gave alleges, maybe relax finish. This recipe is, I feel, like a distressing. You are more and that's not what this was about Ok! Well, I have never been more relaxed in my home you, John, and I absolutely lot being in charge of complicated recipes that even the people making it seemed to hate yeah. I absolutely dont want to give up and just ass the dog food that the Republicans keep bringing the padlock. Now I doubt they really bring dog who do the pollack guess what they say they crossed outdo hung and bright people food on the bag but no one phosphor really know except louis gomer, who fell for it a couple times, but I dont know why are we here brought the bag. He brought them
brought the braggin. Everyone acts like it's my fault, because I just can't please all these people- and I seem out of touch and I dont understand things or how to be cool and snapchat chat or or these newt. thanks. I don't forget you. It's pronounced turk, legally members, I don't care, I dont even care what we make right now. I just I just want to make something you think I like ambrosia, salad, joint, I don't know a because we have to oh marshmallows, mrs eighty one
the woman who will work sixteen hours a day jain a day, but my diet does allow me to watch british baking show all the british baking show, or that I want, but I know I know, but dems from california and connecticut want a special tax cut for rich pink ball. Yes, they do get it in the recipe nancy. They say get it in the recipe kirsten cinemas, pissed of an activist following her until the restroom at chico's and Scott. They changed. The rather big nancy o nancy new jersey. This way as they did, you know that, oh no, you know that probably should have cut faster Nancy said. What I saw, what are you a kiss? My grip gets migrant you're, an italian american revolves around no that's goddamn right newly this midwestern pigs, lap dog
at the way. The way that checks humor is an extra snickers when he gets liking, it didn't machine vast messy and with tears of fucking gratitude rose sell abroad. Has that is the way that it is done here I'll, do it I'll do it will eat the approaches that ok nancy below that everybody knows that I tell you something going crazy. I am thinking here of that twitter deserves. I am an you. If it's not me, it's langston she's, eight years older than me, she could have been my baby sitter that's the velocity everybody Diane finds, I'm could have been her baby. Sitter thanks. Nancy policy is always great to see an anti policy accepted jeez endorsing a pro life democrat for reasons that escape our understanding. So we'd love that or else we don't love when cookies get discontinued, what a transition here's one of
favorite rents about just that topic. By shall eva sharp, sure comedian, writer and star of don't reaching the bag in host of the war report. Podcast please welcome. Shirley was sharp thanks for being here. Thanks for having me things are being of our rant on I'll, throw it over to you to rent about. Well, I don't know what I'm excited to find out what it is. I was, to read today in many days about cookies, cookies disappearing. In particular, when I'm stressed out, I tend to turn to cookies and I recently that re acquainted with an old favourite vienna fingers speaking my language yeah. I love it. It's a simple clean. Minimalist cookie. I got some from a store great. I went back, they weren't there, no problem I'll, go to
other store. I went to another store, they were not there starting to worry. I go to a third store, not there, and then I get this fear bubble in my chest that they had been discontinued. I am learning about this right now and on the same journey with you, it was frightening. I've had this happened to me before my all time, favorite he was a cookie called lemon coolers. Now those were like you know those wedding cookies that have powdered sugar. All your over thou men, maybe bits of all men, are some lacking as it was like fat, but with little chunks of lemon, and those saw me through high school and most of college. I say most of college could college resist a year for me but I bet it made me. It helped me get through that year. I had a lemon cooler box top in my high school locker, like that's what I was known for. A huge family alerted the huge fan party or identity. I loved him so much and then they just disappeared.
What would happen in and they re appeared, but then they disappeared again and now they're just gone, and there are lots of forums on wide of people trying to make their own, who want a whole made store made cookie. No one wants that. You want a store made cooking because it doesn't the love you not looking for love in your cookie you're. Looking for efficiency, I want to give you that a grandmother made from a recipe that came from her aunts for a beloved, child. I want something capitalism made. I want a cookie where they said hey. If we can get the price down by one point, two percent, we can make seven million of these things. Is your absence, the kind of cookie I'm looking for. That's what I'm looking for as well. I want a cookie where people had to cross the picket line to make them. That's what I'm looking for it. I don't You're good about it could be, unless I know, was made by fuckin scabs yeah, absolutely action
lady sweeter. I thought that what was happening recipe and endangers- and I thought oh- no- oh no, oh no, and then they appeared to schools of em and command down and I was like order way I don't know how old are you they were facing seem fine. Then I found out that the company that makes them is one of the killer I do not have any right now, I'm not having them right now. I was worried because the lemon cookies that sounded pretty sophisticated- and I find often that if you're, not careful like a vienna finger, it is just on the edge. It is just sophisticated enough that america might say fuckin more these things right? These are So we, these are not enough like like get these. These offer myself, because I love vienna fingers you feel like mine. cookie, or am I eating a cookie in a palace? these are fancy cookies. It's the shapes,
of lady fingers, pretty sure I didn't grow up in a family that was allowed to eat lady thinkers my lot? You need to vienna anything. Are you close your eyes? You can imagine lily and lemon coolers, though they look like a wedding cookie and it seems like it'd be fancy. The box was like just straight cartoons. It was pure sugar, don't eat anything that is refined, except for the I will eat sugar out of the bag. So trust me, it was definitely something that would mean very very ill. So I am very sympathetic to this issue of things you love being discontinued, because I've recently gone through something to pursue, which is talk about obviously did some refreshing of their menu, adding items removing items they are moved. An item called the mexican pizza, which is
and I ran a name because it is neither they have so they also removed the double decker taco, which was among my favorites, because a double decker talk of supreme was just a talk of supreme with a layer beans and a soft shell around it, because when you take a bite of a talk about taco anything can happen. And I mean it elixir like old ordinance that they find you know it just goes everywhere. If you're in a car, you're fucked, but you put a double decker taco in the car, it's caught right, the beans and the soft shell kind of catch it almost like in like school cafeterias. There is that glass that has the wires in it. shadow prove glass, a double talk of supreme is a shudder, prove taco and the bigwigs over there. The talk about this enormous, very frustrating situation. So I understand so. I very much appreciate your
and thank you for sharing it. Thank you for letting me share that with the world, and everyone just keep an eye on your favorite cookie, but I don't know what I mean cherish it cause it could be gone. It could be gone. Furthermore, the morrow. That's a lesson for life as well. don't go anywhere, more love it or leave it coming up, love it leave. It is brought you by simply safe Is there anything the matters more than the safety of you and your loved ones? Of course not, I know tommy. Thankfully you can trust, simply say home security, their advance security technology always puts you and your family safety first. So you can sleep soundly with twenty four seven monitoring simply say its agents. Call you the moment. The threat is detected and dispatch police first responders in an emergency. Even if you're, not home, you can't be reached simply say monitoring agents, truly care about your well being and are highly trained to help. Keep you calm, safe during stressful situation. Staying on the line with you until help arrives simply safe. Customer first policies make sure you taken care of with a formal plan, starting at less than a dollar a day, and no
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it's two trees and the brazilian rainforest or carry him as in house ecological restoration program. I imagine like a living pair of shoes like digging with a trowel like putting on everything. I wonder if herschel walker's upset about this. Oh, I bet he's rearranging so we have too many trees around send a message to herself hooker. agreement has concentrates double the brands, double the impact, the portion of the proceeds from the issues in any when you buy from the crooked sword, goes to vote riders. The leading organization focused on voter id. They inform citizens of their state's voter id requirements and help them secure the documents they need to vote. You can support them just by supporting your own arches inequality. Comfortable pair of crooked sneakers, see both designs grab your perfect pair at crooked dot, com. slashed kicks crooked dot com, slash kicks the togo. Togo taught us anything, it's that nothing is safe and nothing is sacred want to know what certainly not sacred something called pink sauce. This week, a hot new continent swept the hearts and
ones of tik tok use everywhere. Pinks us, the brainchild of greater mad scientist name. Chef pie is newest most future liquid sweep a nation desperate for new condiment options? was the label misspelled? Yes, did the bottle came to a foreigner and forty four servings, which would have total twenty eight cops? It sure did Was it approved by the FDA that it takes our baby? we're going? We don't need food safety regulations now, due to time constraints we weren't able to get our hands on the actual bottle of pink sauce, but we have reverse engineered the product from three different recipes. We found online here to taste. This brings us with me: it's the very wonderful, very brave lindsey atoms and mercy jara, hi? Everybody? Oh my goodness. What are we dipping into these things so exciting chicken tenders? Thank you, kendra for helping to lead the sauce, creating by just for people at home. There are three different shades of pink call that that's a future
yeah. Ok, that's a kind of on our I wasn't. Looking for just gather Thirdly, I would say that as a badge area, and then I would say that this is like a cream with pink notes. Yes, you know, maybe and shot out to our wonderful intern clare who, with these sources together today, I was so nervous that we were gonna eat, tik, tok curs. I was ready to do. I was like we're. Gonna die. I was ready and are ready to gylingden take chance or I shall we try some of these sauce and what do we want to do here? Their awful looking, I didn't If you want to go from least pink to most pink. Why do I trust the most pink one? The best I know I do too. I think we should go for the hard pink one. Ok, so we're going to take a tender.
derivative double double dip, because these are trying times. Thank you for thinking that through for us all right. Should we do let's do light to dark? Okay. Alright, I'm gonna go in the first row where we got here. This is a pink sauce. Is there a bucket in case? You know, you've just swallow it. That's. A lot of garlic is very thin, very thin. I really do bucket to spell this out an item read a bucket. I'm a deal gets a bug it actually dont dislike I don't know. Any of you has has made is to close the garlic honey ranch powder dragon fruit powder were that's, it gives it a pink. Thank you, it's going to get away? I don't need it. I got it. Will literally almost anything so there's a good chance. I'm gonna, like all so with a sober with you guys,
now? My great about I'm just trying to get attention. That's a whole. I thought that was like gum, tasted, like sweet media, us you. we'd go garlic, no garlic, garlicky yeah, you know now you're, just saying that not only do I will help you did you take the passion, fruit, iron taste, the pathway path, the passions and I don't know no. There is passionate, rang arrowroot. grant. You rat alters like cardboard, idaho, so passionate dragon van. I can't get the mixed up whatever the pink fruit as cash. I couldn't hear rag and fruit. The path there are literally a curious. Oh, oh, ok, I'm sorry! Ok, I am more information. I've got one cup of mayonnaise two to three closer garlic for tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon ranch powder, a quarter cheese would have dragon fruit powder, two to three shakes of current pepper and water. With two tablespoons of vinegar. The second one uses actual dragon fruit and the third ads are saying powder and go g beans. Why do get pinker and pink
I guess it's. Ok, just like the one I don t here we go really when juicy this one is sweeter, yeah, but I dont know why wisest waiter there's more from the actual further than others through a mind. Oh, I think It's some thing else. What did it is? What did I just taste? I have like a flash, back to my childhood. It really brought me back. I don't understand, what's going to yeah emery, okay, it's on throw know how to take us back. Oh yeah, I'd rather chunky geez, I feel like it here and all other parent is incredible, but I don't know why I'm here grocery store, I look up ahead of holding is a new person, and I regret that I have a ball guy. What right there one and yet you go first and then you go first, ok, again,
oh. This is mrs thickened nasty. This one is his name in eight eighties, paying. I hadn't Elias hopes for this meeting. Ami cited excited about it. It's the most legitimate tasting right, my taste, the most like their swine yeah, that the living. Why am I mean, I think, I'd better consistency that it should be like Menezes aim is good. This was ever One gets this one we're sitting everyone home, unregulated, Lou, bright, paying nigger. You see him like an up. There is a war tub of something or intern ripped up in the afternoon. Not then you want you can freeze at anita like an ass able, that's that's really by sea. I saw your rain space. Yes, I e by my faith, lowering what's this item or favorites here so we have already been said.
I believe that it is not a happy and is our favorite man. I can't wait to see what color my shit is. Thank you exists when she you see it, I not only unlike bothers loaded up to the top of this. It's weird once we check there is no record of an inch name, clare, theirs security. Number does not match I'm getting for he'd nervous. Well, did it, which one was your favorite. I like the pinkest of pink. I actually think that the first and the last taste very similar, but I'm like if I'm going to eat something pink. I want it to look like when I shit
I ate objects, are you? What are you sick with you? I wanted to make a memory, and I think this will this one, I think, was like jumping into icy cold pool and it was really upsetting to my mouth, but it prepared me for these to you in writing. With this one, on a salad cause, it's kind of loose now I wouldn't You're leaving its then yeah, the technical term british if they get vigorous, they go yeah and that's pink sauce. Thank you both thank you so much. I have to tell you that wasn't as gross as it looked, because that would be impossible but you want to know what also wasn't grosses looked healthy coke, you know, I love abrupt sec way. It's no diet pepsi, but in honour of my masochism and general chaotic energy, this pride we are now going to drink it, refreshing beverage we saw on Tik tok. Has anyone seen this
nonsense that these being described as healthy coke are. Let's do it. First of all, Eric Goldstein get out here to join me. Please he's great since they agreed to hold high jarrod these out here, give it up or jared high eider it does. You know you can to stand with me because we're just drinkin, you know, ok, so yard. Here's the deal there is a claim that began with someone's yoga were pilates instructor. I believe that you can make something. called healthy coke, which else the coke. Ok, okay- and I don't know what this is- I'm not like super on tiktok, I'm extremely present famously so I'm learning what this is in real time and what it is is balsamic, vinegar and any. our cooling water of any flavour. That's the claim Labour does it matter, so I was taken up. Ok, it is like a sugar free coke. It's a healthy code,
you know what our biggest ever done about islamic gotta. Ok I'll stand over this as it is someone's from home cause it's like mostly done. This was. A new bottle bought for the show this is somebody brought some producer brought this from home. Terrific can, I just say the daytona exactly like, are you ok with drinking coke and now and then I dunno cause you're so funny you do the show and you just you're down for anything, and I was like aha, like so you're going to drink coke, and I was like fuck, but now I know it's there's no sugar in it. The ice melt that I was pouring on some of the water. This can be legit here we are all right, let's start with the balsamic balsamic vinegar way. At the very least, this is like a cleanse and I'm excited if you think This is the first time I'm drinking vinegar, you're, wrong, you're, wrong apple side of a one part apple celebrating her a parts water gotta, get you there
and here's: okay, oh my god what he said. What is it exactly? This is lacroix pamplemousse lacroix problem is I'm going to my mind, needed to mix with my finger. yours, they does look like of vinegar and vinegar. Balsamic, minaret and parliament reminds you ingredients cheers, we primarily pride everybody. That is now it's not This is insane I mean honestly, I don't hate it. I don't need it, I don't eat it, co, meda, and I don't know that I'll ever have it again. If you told If you were like this, is a vodka coke at me like something happened of vodka? That's! Ok! That's! Ok! It's good! Though I'll tell you this is somebody want to try it? I just sesame can we handed to our? What's your name great grace, Give it up her grace wreathing grace,
it's really not grace has everyone. You know it is not the worst thing. She's ever put Norma you got goal and swallow that every morning, you're navigating get here, have again gotten. Thank you so much Jared what does exist? This was healthy coke, our third vapor kind, something else edibles, but on Halloween kgb news reporter Colleen Atkins has a story I didn't I imagine it yet, but it's weekends here to tell us, We need to know its katy. A laser news report, ali napkins Colleen, while gum give it up or Colleen adkins. Thank you! So much for being here. Thank you, John. Oh boy,
I do in calling on doing well, thanks for being here. Thank you so much for having me on John to talk about a crucial issue affecting our nations children this weekend. Our top story tonight trick or we law enforcement is warning parents to check their children's halloween candy carefully the sheer what might look like a plastic pumpkin. full of innocent treats could contain potent potentially dangerous marijuana, edibles, real Colleen. I'm kind of surprised to hear you say that this kind of thing actually happened. It's possible john. There are edibles that look exactly like candy. It is conceivable a kid could mistakenly eat one, and you can never be too careful when it comes
to protecting our children whilst of course call dean. But I read a new york times: peace. Just this week about trigger treaters receiving tain t candy is an urban legend there is basically no evidence this ever happens. Is that what you read in the new york times John? Is that article really something you'd want to read a mother or even a father, as they rush their child to get their stomach pump after drowning a whole bag of stone or patch care? sk. First of all, where would I be reading this too apparent of a poisoned child?
in the ambulance. Am I waiting in the back just in case? Second of all, a bag is like thirty bucks. After taxes, plus, you have to get them from a dispensary sure, but it's an absolute maniac were to slip it into your son or daughter's paw patrol themed, fuzzy candy bag. That could have no idea what it was. Kids can't read, John, and I certainly hope they can't recognize a marijuana leaf on. Right, I mean, maybe your kids can don't you dare insult my completely fictional children, Colleen citizen We're Delia are reading moby. Dick to us point is this seems exactly like the urban legends bees to hear about razors and apples, killing kids know kid has ever died or ever been injured by a razor and a candy apple. The few times have been reported. They ve turned out to be hoaxes, who says it could happen for real this year, jain
so one of your toddlers you're a reporter Colleen. I didn't want you, but I did a tiny shred of research and there's been like three dvd. I had no choice. There has been only three instances of someone tampering with halloween candy since nineteen fifty nine and two of those instances where later debate in one, it was the dad you poison the candy, and now I have to know that. Are you gonna report that lean people less than I didn't want to do that, but you need to be careful. Ok, John. It's my responsibility to inform and programme. You hear that. was crazy thing by saving people from potentially dangerous situations their children might find themselves in. That is my job and I won't stand for even one preschool are getting completely baked on my watch. The only care from marijuana poisoning and children are episodes of bloody and copious amounts of
Makin jays, the only known cure. This kind of fearmongering Colleen might be good for ratings, but you're doing your viewers into service, and by focusing on these made up hypotheticals we're ignoring real threats a pipeline broke Twenty five thousand gowns of oil on orange county beaches. The only thing that put out the three month old dixie fire was the bombs. I learned that brought torrential rains down its other california. We have the pray that the weather asteroids cancel each other out now. What are they but in the wrong order. Colleen, Oh man, okay, I've been at this station for like twenty years. It was just supposed to be a stepping stone until I could go on to have some glamour as correspondent job, they were just loose rocks and that loser bullshit and now I'm neck. Deep in that shit. when I started this station was owned by an old woman, a nice one whose only editorial demand was telling viewers when the czech were wherein blue. So you know to leave our
damn house now world by sinclair, I tried to do a story on wildfires being caused by climate change, but they kept crossing our carbon pollution and replacing it with antifa. They want people to be scared but only by things that don't necessitate real change. So here I am reporting on accidentally eating we'd candies by children, hypothetically, which is why it is so important for parents to inspect each piece of candy or child receives there live. Might depend on it. No Colleen you're kind of on the marijuana train again job before we come back from break. We do help me go through this candy and look verdant news worthy is absolutely not three of these lollipops have fence in all in them. I know because I brought them because it is a harsh nobody hard time. What's a couple
lollipops between friends. Well anyway, thanks Colleen atkins, by Colleen bye. Please pass my resume on the ronin, I'm not sure, okay, okay, okay, okay, I was gonna, say at the end, calling adkins everybody third over megan gailey the don't go anywhere, love it or leave it and there's more on the way, love it or leave this brought. You buy athletic greens. It is now easier than ever to start your day off right with seventy five high quality vitamins, minerals, whole food source, superfluous, probiotics and adapted genes in a single scoop of eighty one. Eighty one is msf certified for sport. The gold standard for professional athletes have to adhere to strict rules regarding supplements and nutritional products. It is
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it's such a crazy move. I can't believe that, but yeah and you and I didn't stop it no anyway, it was a misjudgment two hundred years before the events of game of thrones, one family rule, the seven kingdoms, with an army of dragons house of the dragon, shares the story of house targaryen, embroiled in an epic battle for the iron throne. They made the iron throne, so cool, looking lot of swords around like a sword. Don't miss the new hp original series house of the dragon. Also, therefore agony. Then it spoiler there's drag on its fuel max and listen to the official game of thrones pike, s house, the dragon unequally. acts the iheart radio up or wherever you get your podcast. Trigger dream, edibles, they're kind of both, but what's just a treat barbecue from the middle east, taxes we're not going taxes, middling brian, so now, it's time for energy, bt, Q bbq, please look up.
please welcome barbecue, maestro alley, clam and a wonderful and hopefully very hungry. A killer is highly harry. Me things thanks for being here: you're barbecue, restaurant, three dogs, you're married constantly smelling like smoke meets, what's what's it like live in the dream, live in the dream. Every day, when you get home smelling like barbecue, do enjoy it by now. Is it something that's just part of the everyday? I think I would like it well. My mom thinks I'm a psychopath, because I absolutely love the restaurant industry. So since I was eighteen, yeah akil up Your relationship with barbecue, like are you, excited, nervous, smokey covenant. English is crust of spices desperate to start alright. Let's get to this yeah, I live in l, a too man. Alright, it's a drought. It's a drought! There like it's black owned. I'm like it's, not genetic bro like
You know when you know so: let's get some go. Bbq arms in it's not genetic bro! Think about that! Our work, I get you the fat with you all day see. I can't stop it, but we gay jokes to make a barbecue facts to learn Ali just as a heads up after every joke. We usually say but up up it up gay news. However, today we are going to say, but up up up up up up up bbq. Are you ready for algae, be tiki barbecue? Can I just start? in that way you can just starting to cool. I get a kick as our paragraph. It up up up up army. you are right on monday ohio introduced hospital six one six, their own version of lord is dont, say Gabriel iu sucks, basically just don't say: gay served over spaghetti and chopped onions, so even more disgusting. This
is, of course, very different from their dont say: lebron james bill of twenty ten to twenty forty and fourteen. That is something with him going or coming from that area, I don't know, I don't know before you. The next thing we have icy shot glasses in front of us. What do we have here? We have two shots in a piece of risk. It can you walk through what we got here so we say shot pickle brisket. So do you think about I yeah. How do I do, but I didn't get to do this This is a good experience. We shall we start with So what is the aim? And what is it that we have done so he had still whisky than our housemaid pickled brine. and are what we call money bites. We are not going to say, go roster fickle! Gary we're going to do it.
Suppose salary and later this is not- can be cohesive where they were going. Ok, we got ready, that we carry out pickle jews and then I've been you followed up with the brisk. How do shots anymore? We had a pandemic and link stone. Actually, alright. I personally whiskey green to tomorrow. Here I cannot hold my liquor anymore. So was all down. I have never had pickled uses a separate thing. wholesome thing, I've experience with you my thought it was great. do it again run you make them agencies do. Of course. Up up up our eu taxes. Taxes then a governor Dan Patrick said monday. He will prioritize passing this needs equivalent of large, as don't say, gable, saying in a campaign email that he plans to make it a top priority. Going into twenty twenty three making.
this top priority, ruining Dan patrick's life, yeah yeah, laughs little dramatic license inside of a joke. Alright, bye, bye, bye, but our bbq eating really eating a full dinner country. Do our brothers Osborne won a grammy this week for their song younger me about TJ osborne's decision to come out, which I celebrate As someone who came out to the big enrich song save a horse right, I have bought up up up up barbecue alley over to you. I get to follow this one and ninety, Sixty four taxes, owen and Lyndon B johnson held the first barbecue state dinner more like linden, be growing. Linda be serving brisket. Are lynn and be recommending the chatter hell opinion sausage, but above all by barbecue. Thank you Tom. We just don't make it too about Wyndham Souci, bringing the meets, because you know he's like that.
as for them as more feeding our own president. Come soon, for there are you gonna barbecue argue here he was urban. Somehow we get there, we got there, but above all by barbecue, exe The beach star David came out as pan sexual go off. The conservatives, not understand how boring reality tv will become if we stop hot insane members of the eligibility Q community from being on tv, a man good luck, making do with great british break off getting the best contestants on? There are also gay above it about barbecue of antibiotics, It is also known as cowboy barbecue interesting open, be barbecue, with a flimsy cover that there was no one. Old, shun Mendez barbecue. I don't know, that's all that's not allowed, but above all of our,
Warren barber, everybody's favorite, shoulder tweeted that children should wait until they turned twenty one to make quote life, changing decisions about their sexuality and identity. Barber was eight. when she married her husband, jason with a why? who was try hard? Who was once arrested for lewd exposure in a bowling alley associates speaking from experience here, coming from inside the alley, this brisket rules I'm like airlines operating if you haven't, had a horror get over there. What are my proudest moments is. I was and ass in so much reader without tastes. Has its money yeah yeah I not only did I rang but I knew where the brisk it was from yeah stay. No, cares. When I tell them nobody cares, but I care I care.
I care survivor. Contestant Zeke smith proposed a superstar in crazier, is agents, actor nikko santos at the glad awards, it's beautiful to see public algebra ciccu proposals like this, but we won't have. Equality until game in a regularly humiliating their partners on stadium jumbo jumbotron. Also, this we caitlin jenner joint fox news as a contributor. That's right! representation matters at last. Fox news has a contributor killed somebody with their car, but above it But I've heard of you spicy settlement is chaos yeah. Goerck raided the eating of barbecue. Can I just demanded at its true awesome, I'm obsess a year ago but above all, a barber you about about her first appearance, contributing to John Henry show jenner reassured viewers that, while she might be trans, she is not a quote. Trans act
this turning a chair around and strategy it backwards. Dinner announced on one of those kids trans people who doesn't believe in right now everybody rip up your constitution said jenner, I'm just like everyone else here, fox news, the worst white woman you, are met in your life but above all by barbecue your Eric Adams of new york, announced an anti, don't say: gay, billboard campaign in five large cities, inviting l, gb, tiki floridians, to move to new york, saying attempting to demonizing budget Group or community is unacceptable and we are going to say to those who are living in florida. Listen, we! you here in new york, mayor Adams, continued take it from me. I just to new york myself, and I love it. but up argue some barbecue vision, as agreed. The state barbecue can't be divided by region, but instead falls into categories cowboy meat market. He's texas
skin berwick over. I wanted to say this next parliamentary meeting I neer waiting for that is how I got it. I got it. I can't make yourself. Barbecue is obviously contentious subjects in texas, but I think we can all agree that the best barbecue comes from north Karen. I know don't applaud, sir. then it doesn't get barbecue, you're gettin, killed or give a death wish. Come in here. Are you gonna get all the attention? I never said anything like it, whether you do or not- and I love it- I'm not pretending, I'm literally going to get heartburn any second, but I love it. Rules such a flint nigger our. I went up up up up up up back up. I have argued that we gotta get sued for that Reporting
barbecue on a microphone. We are not getting invited back. Republicans have turned against disney for responding to employ and fan pushed back on. Their attempt to equivocate overflowed is don't say, Gabriel, quick there. Already man, make buzz and would have fallen. Love come on mariners, probably doing but above it about it is a fact barbecue per se again and sweet burma you, but if you're into that kind of thing, is texas. Barbecue is the one serve with sweet tomato sauce and cooked until its falling off the bone. How long does it take alley? I'm almost forty and Ivan fallen off the bone once So we alley before we end this avian flu is brisket is amazing. These rooms are amazing. What are these sausages?
We have three which we make in house fresh daily. Of course. Of course we have our traditional, which is actually the spiciest we support, lay and then how opinion no chatter. By the way, I see that it does not get me wrong. I waited and on our going to see the other places name, because I respect them as well. You brought this law barbecue. There was another barbie regiment that we had brought and other food from. I saw that I know at at before the show where the Joe kendra's, like they saw the other bbq, and they just pushed it aside and put their barbeque said. I might add that I say I tabled please that my group is ok, but this is a magnificent yeah. Come on come on a black people and brian the producer was like is system. Kearney choose from that from another place, and I was like no fuckin way. I know they're magrini cheese and is better than that. Macaroni try motherfucker and I like that other place, but this is better. That's right.
judges and hence also the guy's, give it up or alley more about everybody go there. This is fantastic. This segment with absolute chaos. Just like, let's eat barbecue read the news kind of connect them yeah. I like a ship. I hope this is how I get cancelled chewing and people's ears, whatever Ye ha that some good grub Jesus Christ and finally, some bad grub. sometimes like hands you a juicy lucy and sometimes lucas, look As you all know, I'm a coastal sophisticate, I've eden. are the finest she's cake factories in the world. I don't even roll down my window for Michelin, one star and gave a new summit made a french laundry during the pandemic. My first reaction was our peoples on going there. But in my heart, in my bones, when it comes to food, I have the sole of amid westerner I
and sure, like any good obstinacy. Do I process dairy the way the bite administration processes leak supreme court decisions, even though I should have seen it coming? I'm still sitting there for like two weeks unable to make anything happen, nevertheless, persist, anything whatever on wholly concoction. You people grow at me and I continued tonight here to help us put the queasy cuisine, pleas of to the stage hilarious actually ray. Thank you so much for being here. I am so happy to be here at the proud daughter of the mid west as a proud daughter of the middle what are your overall feelings about? Midwestern, it's the best fit in people.
I look at, they don't know we're cold all the time all we do is stay home and learn how to cook good food. If you had to pick one favorites midwestern food, one dish, what would it be? I'm going to go swedish pancakes? Thank you often overlooked they're different from rapes, their different different, famously their Deborah underdeveloped pancakes does european house. Yet your crape saves in the middle right there in the middle is a swedish pancake yeah. rockford, illinois: ok, yeah! Thank you. If anyone were my high school is here, that's cool. What were the home of the swedish ban. I read it is ample some, cuisine. I am alright, let's get into it our first minnesota delicacy. I don't know how I'm going to do. This is a very
she's? A burglar called a juicy lucy one per year, but open is my goodness all right now I am aware that both the five, a club and mats bat claimed to have invented the juicy losing its mats boxers as back here. Does it take? So it's not bar I did I I was downstairs. I saw this, I think, is it for me: apps very, go very girl! That's what I did because I know I know mats it's it's a wonderful little boy, he's juicy lucy's are from exactly where you want them to be from our asian. We try these murders have so on biting one in eighteen. Thirty, four, someone exclaimed, oh that one juicy lucy, something I hope I say
I didn't do it. They will obviously have a daughter, the midwife. Do they knew how to bite. My juicy lucy, in supplying in from the wings that's cool. It's like a gusher but for meat, it's all good- that uses the best things you have here. I see I see it's like us. It's like a peter beef gas stuffed with gene you're geniuses, ok, there's always, and then who cares if you're going to see the sun three months a year who needs it hell yeah, you can't get this in l, a no
This will be outlawed. In allay. I flew about that's five stars Next up, we have a dish that feels like I might have invented it, while stoned one night wandering the grocery store. That's right! It's minnesota state or tat hardish! There's your plate, there's juicy lose the olive his play just to exploit a little. They gotta yours, but there's an ivy lose it using the opt out with the details on how dish on the part of the place where I didn't explode. Wooed. There's your heart dish, yeah, oh my god, so it now with this looks like I see beep yazzi cheese. I see peter todd. Yes, those are the three food ingredients of the midwest potato meat cheese, that's what we like this I've corn. If you get corn in it, that an extra plus, how angry from suit. That makes sense
I love it. The one! That's getting you ready to go work on your farm lake, we're all hardy people agonize fish after eating We need another calories to be able to, like you know, shovel driveway others, so we What about your readers cross crossed out and, of course, maybe a trip to minnesota without a nod to the areas, norwegian cuisine, which is why I being force have us elude fisk, whitefish that was clearly created only out of rawness as they do to help your great great parents survive those harsher region. Winters now that is crossed out, written in handwriting. Above it says the loot fisk was raw, but but on the table, hot seeming ball about looks like microwave fish. As someone
Robert Illinois, which at one way had higher swedish population? Then you know Stockholm, I have had looted fiscal before and it is horrible fish, go whitefish mixed with a lie and bleed we're doing it too much. it's. How I remember it just like somebody left some white fish in a lot of bleach. It it tastes, like god, forgot. He put a fish behind your fridge yeah, That's your badge words. Megan item taste, good, clear this out with a debt, I'm going back to my big data on energy, Lucy
we're in the midwest, we don't do fish well, okay, meat, as in beef and pork. I just like the idea that they're, like oh, the chicago show, was so because we got sick I'll, probably covert. No, no. I ate microwaves smokes dirt fish as a bit. It doesn't even. Look like fish in this ball. Like I dont know what is happening even just gonna bad. You got a bad uncover they're all thither, all bad vibes. There also cover backup recover back up actually right. Thank you so much for me here. I shall be back for the railway. Give it up gradually we come back, maybe take that. Take that to get again take it.
listen, I'm finishing is after the show and that its our show nah nah nah clues still hungry me who wish they read the script before they sat down at the microphone. Also me, anyway, still hungry hungry, for food humbly for memory, we are talking about food and hungary, regrets to maintain control the house and Senate. There are just seventy three days until the mid term elections. Vague, Four eliciting have greatly love or leave it as a cricket media production. It is written produced by me, John love it and the eyes and bird kindred james is our senior producer and Brian seminal is our produce, are highly keeper? Is our head right or Sarah lazarus jostling, kaufman fully do Nolen and peer miller, arthur writers, bill lands are editor and kyle segment. Is our sound engineer?
poverty. Is our production in turn working on this over the summer? Our theme song is written in performed by sure sure, thanks to our designers, jesse, Maclean and caroline hatred for creating and running all of our visuals. We can't see because this is a pot gas into our digital producers, normal coney, injurie, urban and milo kim me. A common and magic root for filling in editing video each week say you can
Transcript generated on 2022-09-01.