« Lovett or Leave It

Hot for Teacher's Union

2023-09-30 | 🔗

Lovett or Leave It returns to the SiriusXM garage in Los Angeles, home sweet home. Russell Howard explores scandals that could have happened in the US, but didn't. Baratunde Thurston goes full Dr. Doolittle and breaks down the latest from the animal kingdom (and has a whale of a time doing it). Zach Zucker and Eugene Cordero see if they can come up with innocent explanations for completely hypothetical scenarios, like gold bricks in your Mercedes and thirty grand in your varsity jacket. And the rant wheel spins for Taylor Swift and Travis... something.**We recorded this before the passing of Senator Feinstein, but she was a real one


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everybody was habitat log into love it or leave it. In light of recent news, we felt it only fair to assure bans that, even though every member of our staff is currently sleeping with a member of the teachers union, we will do our. ass to remain unbiased. Now, Malcolm, going to come around the audience and collect the kellogg's box, tops you're all instructed to bring to the show today? And anyone in forgot their box tops going of your clips to yellow mathematical, but I'll do I got something got somebody got something, People are not so we're trying to remember the the cliffs moving up over this. As mark rob, you guys get the yellow eclipsing, the clips when you and you're your where the clips now I think it's generational and regional, at least
to, at least as regards weaving, It was so long and it was so long ago. We have it. A show unit? I Russell howard joins for the great american and british pastime picking on other countries, comedians eugene core darrow exact sucker here, and they want to assure you that this man end as bribery. Scandal is just an honest misunderstanding writer nature officially not about today, thursday is here and we get wild with them. Ex about animals and then boys night with the rat wheel where we put down roots means dr about our lives, it maybe catch the game. But first, let's get into it. What do we do seven charisma. Free candidates took the stage for the second republican debate at the ronald reagan. Presidential lybrand wednesday night jobs
Is the nomination locked, of course, but the candidates vigorously competed for the consolation prize, a pat on the back from ronald reagan's skeleton florida, governor ron de Santis finally went after absent front runner, Donald trump. By saying this donald trump is missing in action. He should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record where they added seven point. Eight trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have trump meanwhile, was out in michigan doing a stream of consciousness rant about how windmills cause whale autism and gained another ten points over dissenters in the polls. guys that they're all they're all on this stage and are all doing these. I can't fuckin bits these just terrible ninety, style, sound bites. You know we can have Agnes we had to have strength; we can't go backwards. We had to go far than tromp is just in michigan in south carolina, be like you hear about this,
a crushing them as the crushing Chris Christie also slammed trump by saying this you're, not here tonight, because you're afraid of being on the stage and defending your record you're talking these things, and let me tell you, what's going to happen, you keep doing that. No one appears going to call donald trump anymore. We're gonna call you donald duck That is not the kind of thing Chris Christie would have done. When we were debating, as I did, was built a lot of cross stock, resulting in this moment from a vague rama, swami poor tainted by broken system, inexact the fall victims have anybody designers pages long line roots. Thank you for speaking. What want rapid response At last. We ve that eternal question. What there was a yogi berra who fucking socked I'd want
when they get haliae tim Scott wound up in an extended argument about curtain. Secondly, on know, do you intend to bomb about those cartagena? Back again, it's just a nuisance to send them back you're, the one that works in congress? You get your curtains before I even showed up at the no one is allowed to get that heated about curtains unless they're, seven years into a doomed relationship. anything else is stolen valor. What between the two of them? eleven points in the polls. Their bickering with each other about curtain expenses from twenty seventeen they're getting them floor, wipe with them by donald Somebody talk about donald trump in the debate, Donald trump, the person fifty points in the poles who is not there. Somebody discuss his absence will discuss his position. He threatened to kill mark milly this week
public in front runner threat. To murder, a united sates general. It's not even the third biggest story of the weak. It doesn't come up at the republican debate for president amongst a group of people trying to beat him and the only one with any ounce of any kind of personality looks to cameron goes quack quack, goofy, shit. fuckin zeros these people, they don't have it, they don't fuckin habit trunk. Has it has charisma and it sucks, but he does. It's always has, and they don't have it. creasy as a little none of the rest habit and is television and it demands it the insult to television. To not have charisma, we didn't the moon landing some of these people, could pretend they have a chance of becoming president during the education portion. The debate crisscrossing.
I took this unusual swing at president Biden, but when you have to preserve the united states sleeping with a member of the teachers union, there is no chance that you could take the stranglehold away. That's right, america, Biden fox she had the pulse was over america's experimentation with republicans who are sex positive at the reagan. Library continued when president? Might pens attempted this call back my wife is a member that what you're doing here, but I gotta wood metal. I've been whether teacher for thirty eight years, full disclosure Oh yes, me to actually interrupted him. Scotty should try and a wink with both sides at once, rigour. Donald trump Ludovic again on wednesday to visit a non union auto parts plant a day after president Biden made history by joining striking autoworkers on the picket line. When asked to be planned,
meet with tromp you a w president Sean Fain said this. I see no point meeting with him because I don't The man has any has any bit of care about what our workers for what the working class stands for. He serves a billion our class and that's what's wrong with his country. He then walked away from the microphone in slow motion as afford focus exploded. In the background. And plan to a cooler anything. It was just a workplace disaster in one of the many reasons the union is striking. tuesday or judge rule that donald trump had committed fraud for years by inflating the value of its properties. Trumps legal trouble is like a soap opera with too many irons in the fire. Oh you enjoying the for criminal indictment, storylines. Well, guess what the civil law it is back and she's pregnant. Tromp countries, social, my civil rights have been violated and some a pellet core, whether federal or state, must reverse this horrible on american decision. Insisting that Company had done a magnificent job for new york and done business perfectly Could someone with a rope get me out of this mess.
care who he doesn't care at what level you just need a judge somewhere to help him. Just an old man on a toilet about to lose his apartment because of fraud. Does really hoping some republican he appointed to the bench can rescue him secular. They can yeah they New york attorney general Letitia James, who brought the lawsuit, is seeking two hundred and fifty million dollars in the penalty phase that comes next: hey new york get a buy yourself, something nice, some trash cans, maybe on wednesday at another legal blow, judge tanya chicken rejected trumps request to accuse herself from his section interference case describing that offences argument as hypersensitive, cynical and suspicious in order to accuse her a bias, hypersensitive, cynical unsuspicious, who do you think these guys are me on an edible looking at instagram stories a testament to how many different scandals are currently engulfing trump, his
in the general mark. Billy should be literally executed, is only a third biggest clusterfuck of the weak, something I previewed earlier for some reason. This I had an episode. These calls that, is accusing him of doing something scandalous. They were the ordinary calls and where's, the white house, business properly, probably run through the correct channels. He spoke with his counterpart in china to reassure them. The united states did not pose a threat. During the chaotic final weeks, the trump administration trump described the calls as an so grievous that in time, he's gone by. The punishment would have been death. to be continued? but in the message to be continued. But if you check and you be millions in the sequel, so it seems like he gets killed. Offspring milly also feel a call from nancy policy at the time who rang the general to inquire about the president's ability to launch nuclear weapons. Milly told her that a protocol was in place that make sure he doesn't launch them alone, which is like a huge relief I'd hate to see. Tromp has such an incredible exe into that someone to share it with
Anyway, there was having to worry about the other launch key? Was if we in the hands of Rudy giuliani me. While his congress hurdles towards the shutdown florida hair, gel gremlin matt gates, suggested he would force a vote to oust Kevin Mccarthy. A speaker saying this on the house floor. The one thing I agree with my democratic colleagues on is that for the last eight months this house has been poorly led and we own that We have to do something about it when asked. If the comments bothered mccarthy replied, doesn't look like it bothers me. No, it doesn't Mccarthy than calmly turned to his lunch, a tub of ice cream, the size of a car. new jersey, senator Bob and then does has refused to resign after being indicted on multiple federal bribery infrastructures. However, the allegations levelled against me, I just that geishas added menendez winking at the cameras. Of course, I'm sure I could change my mind for the right price responds to a flurry of calls for his resignation and end is issued a statement saying in part. It is not
first on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a latino and push him out of his seat I am not going anywhere. You're all being raises said mendacity slowly, swung his legs back and forth towards mercedes if his pockets were incredibly Ebby check your butt, who had gold bar falls out. I mean come on who's that for who's like oh, I hadn't thought about that. Yeah asking how much gold bricks are in the back seat of a limo. That does seem bad, but, on the other hand, could be the ugly hand of racism at work com inter president Biden's bad dog bit another secret service agent on Monday, according to the official statement, but to be fair, the secret service agents started it by being in the same building as this fucked up doc. There is a part of this story. The times had this, which is there, are a bunch of different incidents. Not all of them are bites. Some of them are just people who felt pretty scared.
and and one example, is a secret service officer who felt quote shaken and in story. They are honest, staircase fending, commander with a chair like a lion tamer like literally using its met you're in the fucking white house. You are a secret service agents and you are holding share to stop this. This answer, operable untrained german shepherd from attacking you wear like upstairs from the fucking diplomat, diplomatic, gruber, something from the map room is early. Portrait of john F Kennedy? Looking sad above you as you try to stopping Paden by it only dog in the world. You can't shoot, These were some reason at a man on the street segment about ramping crime and democratic cities like seattle, in which the people interviewed mercilessly marthy interviewer. I've never seen any crime in seattle
in any event, I've seen fund. After and laughter and foreign companies, that number bull there you'll get robbed out here. Carjacked I've never heard of any one. Getting raw prime is a social issue that could be solved by giving people their basic needs not a thing that happens on the street building does just come up and try to rob people industry. Do you? Do you walk around everyday, like someone's going to rob me every? I can seattle decriminalize drug use, and then they criminalize it again? Oh my god, who are you getting these facts from you're from new york? Apparently you're listened to the wrong people. I saw a lot of people shooting up on my way down here. Dj. Okay, for bothering you. I was a kid: But you know people Tragically, everyone in this video died by looking at first but nonetheless, that person, she's here John fetterman. We love her and if you in seattle.
If you know this person, if you are this person, we are holding tickets for you for our seattle show, you will be our honoured guests. I am I'm serious, I'm during that: the Van diagram of people, from seattle making fun of a fox news report on the street and people who list into this show or no people who do there's some overlap in their fine. This person again on sunday, the w j m am pdp reached a deal on a new contract on the one hundred and forty six day of the strike, which will then go to the double J membership for a vote this week that means color were near chicken cafe oh boy, that joke is where no one listening at home, who are familiar with the. Lunch orders of writer in LOS Angeles, California, Cuba is a classic restaurant. Listen
places that are writers from ort from you got excited about you get through it If I were in business untied or not having a tv show on principle, it's time to go back to not having a tv show on their merits, a double j strike captain told reporters. We prove that justice prevails when workers act in the spirit of solidarity, locking arms and fighting for what is right now, if you'll excuse I'm staffing on this skippy toilet adaptation for pluto tv. Thank you. Team of astronomers is published. A new report based on recently gathered imaging, said the studies co author, whether this be, I call is spinning or non has been a central concern among scientists this month, you're back hole is indeed spinning. Now that we have these held images of the whole scientists believe the next step will be transmitting signal asking for face Tell us, was spotted sitting with Travis kelsey couch I've never seen it.
I don't know, I'm not nice, not a famous person anyway, some football players, mother at home gave em. It's rumours that she's dating the kansas city chiefs tight end the gala Take out these are the fans who believe taylor, swift, secretly, gay I do believe. Her presence at this football concert is yet another diversion before the release of her secret. Album I'm in love with my biggest span a girl and it's you because I can see the real you. comedian, dane cook age, fifty on has married his partner of six years. Twenty four year old, finis instructor, kelsey taylor, children interviewer anonymous, marrying calcium, marrying our whole family. I love getting to know them at our gender reveal, a pair of tickets to divorce theatre on April fourteen eighteen, sixty five, the night Abraham lincoln, was assassinated, were sold at auction for two hundred and sixty two thousand five hundred dollars or if you dont competition, master fees. Forty a dollars. Today,
argue about refunds, or was the feeder like oh you're, going to tell me that you didn't see a show tonight and finally, during a pink concert in San antonio on Monday, the singer You got a man who held every message reading so concision crew and harmful his protest, like so much else in this world was unjustly cut short. We come back, it's the rest of the world. That's the problem! The error back, the he just flew here from across the bond and boy are his arms, tired, not from literally flying you idiots arms, get tired, doing lots of things lifting a case, a diet, coke trying and failing to do one pull up anyway. There are a lot of things here
I'll be out is that it is an extremely british russell, howard iowa, thanks for being here and splendid hollow if one hope on the aid paid you in good, how he thinks we're being here thanks for having me What do you think is the most repulsive thing about american culture where do start I think you should lack of choice as far as press it's concerned, did ya goin blowing the? U let you go Your coffee shop. You can have this there's more Since for milk than precedent, you have one percent, two percent, often half weakening than his bisexual and and yet you get ballot box and it's the it's the lawyer or the trapper, and it's just What would you consider what what you people down the years. You bet the telephone, be the aeroplanes,
peanut butter and jelly you've done everything. And now what have you become? Just these two dusty fox mike? How do you not join isis like it? blow your mind: man, like is presumably everyone in the one in rooms provided, but that's a hard like isn't, you're, not a mean it's like. If you know when forty mercury died, they replace them with job. Is just it's. No good No, I think sometimes it is good to sit with these feelings before we
You decide we're gonna, do everything we possibly can to convince ourselves that were excited to do everything we can to make sure that donald trump loses and Joe Biden winds, because, despite the fact that he's eighty, and not as mood not as a sort of spry as he once was, he's actually done a very good job. As president inshore, I wish we didn't live in a society where are only options for leaders or people who remember the bay of pigs but so lax on the lot we were given. That's not the options before me and then you know I don't have a lorry filled with bisexual. I have that free and Then? Yes, while of most above, is presumably that's your dog yeah. What I dunno, if you could pick this up, but you were working yourself up into such a law that your dog was going to cause you to clearly recognize is that right, yeah
if she yeah, she is clearly seen you talking to the tv and she said no now to add, excitement, static data come on, go to your happy place. Come on. I've, never seen that I've done. Many talk shows down the years. I've never seen a dog can grow enjoying calm down the host as what he had seen far gone. Well, apparently, dogs can smell you're psychological state, so pundit must be breathing through her teeth fishes. you see on the edge yeah. No, I think she does smell the fear and the fear and anger in the room, and that is me. But that's always me and sort of like our baseline. I think that's how she knows I'm here. And that she's safe, but she calmed you, don't you dare come you down? She did come on, come on. you guys, are dogs over there yesterday in do, in fact a dog could archie and I live in a part of london. My dog is the only talk they doesnt work, close he's kind of its own,
go joining all I saw a you know like a greyhound big big dog. I should one of those rare but wearing shoes, and it looked at it honestly that, like an mba player on asset, so just giving this war He might die, not meant to have been a hub shit. Not meant to have them, and it looked like my dog was looking at that dog, a poor fucker. You don't mean that reality of comp, ladies fucking owner germany, every little shoe poor thing? Well, yeah, having would make sense just have one or two I walked the dog. The dog would like it more hey. What do you think about the banning of that bully XL that they are trying to ban some kind of a dog that they blame on us what they blame than on the? U s that dog, it's called a bully. Excel. So I don't know if that's a: u s, dog, linking that's in obesity reference,
I understand. Well, I don't really remember now, and I just had my digit based in the: u s, I thought that in some sense they thought it was an american import of some kind, but I may be misremembering a story. I barely It attention to you, but the point is they're trying to ban this dog. So the dog is dangerous. It's very dangerous yeah, it's yeah! They were kind of binding it because there's just been this spite, we the daily mail newspaper the days like someone giggled at the mere mention of it, which indicates you're a good crowd? Its and the daily mail. The idea is just random videos of, like just dogs, leaping up at people and knowing you'd, just that you have any. I haven't even clicked on it and you've show me the image, but this seems to be happening. A lot in the uk dogs are kind of just leaping up and kit, and so killing people is broke, yeah is no funny way out of it, but that's not happening here. Is that something that we have? That you don't you have yeah yeah you may have. You may have all these cool milks, but
you're not lying down on the side of a road bleeding to death, because a dog major does corrected. That doesn't mean trump and Biden are doing but not yet, except for one of his actually buy needs during that period. No, that is doing that. Now, it's not his fault haiti. You see that appears. Morgan interviewed that guy the chess player, who is used of having a kind of cheating by having something in his, but they gave him the answers. I didn't bite I wanted to see some more so say the he was cheating because so the claim is that he was getting that he had some sort of a device- mechanism. I think he caught a bum that vibrate yeah to send him messages about where, move the pieces house. hopefully designers, yes, because
If you could prod and poke my ass as much as you want, but I don't think I would know what they meant, why? I don't think it's like janet. I mean if you figure there and you want your roi or will move my rook it right right right right right! No, I know, as you say, that it is your raising an interesting point locally. It morse code ok, small scope is below. Is a chess move itself of its? If is eros and it's like did it did it did it? Did it, and I agree I think there is now like them. I mean talk about ten thousand. How is the others they practice? As me, man, I will pay off one day. Mama get up its extraordinary. Just you, sure you're, better off just learning how to play chess, you does invasions of you pick up instantly is not the first time the dildo goes out burn you liked you no more, I'm a champion
right. It is right and also by the way you don't really need to start with a chest master. No, I mean you can either be good a chest or good at figuring out the singles from your anal probed. You just don't actually need both. Now you don't, but it's it's it doesn't want. You want to try those. Doesn't it for years. I don't have any chaz I've been advised. My leave actually knows just check at least and agree on one thing: our countries disgusting brothers of the world, which is why we earlier, which is why we want to engage in a segment we're calling at least that wasn't us whether you can I, We you what happened? You guess what country It happened in bob's your uncle. We both have a tremendous sigh of relief and say: oh thank god at least it wasn't asked for once. Okay here we go, countries. How speaker had to step down this week. After praising you guessed it a veteran who thought for the nazis, which country was a start, is counted.
That is correct. It is extremely some the vetting processes, straw to show idea to get into this building, and yet Let's see just walked into the canadian parliament until the applause that damage the image. Two standing ovations, of the fourteenth waffle grenadier division of the s s. So that was a mistake, because Huge area is gone now. Sonny. I'm study took the applause when did they figure out jimmy Obviously, on got away with together. He will you be my waiting at them and they were kind of applauding and it's a slight imagine the conversation afterwards. So what was the worst part of the war for you and he's like when we lost chases a proud cities this country was fined for taking his snake surfing. Took a snake surface areas like australia. We got it on agar, that's good,
we would have got away with it to vienna, filmed the snake surfing and put it on line war. Where that he's a politician, no just the person just a guy with a snake surfboard having a good time without down under the less or other. Apparently, it's fine it must have been having enough that they introduce some kind of a penalty rise again that fills a right to me. I would put our own america's got talent watch that you're gonna serving snake, because that bother and nobody, nobody look. I promise now the only people that's annoying in fish right. Why, when we given the option, they love the surfing to begin with? They want to I've. In a fish serve its level it's never been given the choice, but the point I'm making you've had to go and guess night, whereas before, if you're in the city, you've got a fish day yeah, he might you fancy a go, nine miles away. I mean it just makes known geographically centres. Geographical sends out the long out there, that's not where they belong here, and we all know that
and that's why I had to pay the fine exactly and amuse apart right in this nation, stalled abruptly over the weekend, leaving writer stranded seventy five feet up in the air and dangling upside down for nearly thirty minutes? Ok, that feels like France. It should be, but it was canada. Ok, it was candidate, the lumberjack riding hydraulic, lumberjack rohingya. It was giant axes and a crabbed out of canada's wonders enemies embarking on terry on saturday, then that they be we're stuck up there and then somebody there was work to the park screamed up the people dangling. Are you ok and they all screen back? No, what do you say I'm fine, don't worry about it, but that's how Polite canadians are there like. This must be the road just for a minute or two whereby us, where we find could be found the gun body for gymnastics in his proud nation issued an apology on Monday. After a viral video, should an official skipping overloaded.
as that was ireland yeah there there's an official skipped over a young black gymnast during a metal presentation is incredible. I realizing now in my mind I pictured physically skipping, but I'm realizing. It was a metaphorical yeah. You know what I mean. I was like. We in what contest was been jumping over someone, and now I understand because of the metal ceremony part the video drew condemnation from Simone biles, among others, so close to humiliation for the uk, but not quite yet, but it's so upsetting and and depressing I don't understand, but why did they not have enough metals, or did she just so not deem hawaii there is just now. It seems like something you could fix in the moment quite quickly, yeah. The university in this country is going to offer the nations first degree and being a social media influence or the you ireland. Again, ok, but it'll be everywhere
students can apply to earn a bachelor of arts in content creation and social media at southeast technical university starting in november. As depressing, don't you think it's unbelievably depressing like. But how do you teach that gentleman like lesson, one? is about being vapid. Yeah I mean you figure, think you're self obsessed. You got to take it up a notch now just eat your food yeah, sometimes we'll take a photo of it it blows my mind. Is it's not just like one, I'm at the food it'll be not the starts at the main, and the desire to all this same time and somebody's going to die. No one ever eats like that. Ever no one's ever gone into a restaurant. Can you give me all the food right now, so I can if I were gun and I had like mine blowing- babies in dreams, gray, album people, great album. People their own is more interesting than other people do, does correct
What I'm trying to I'm thinking about the first day of social media class and you show up and that the professors like now I assign three books for each of you to read. Did you read them? You did while you failed your first ass you get those pocketbooks out of here. You only to look at another. One of those things with the rest of your life does you're getting a degree in a clear example? A drunk torres bogus not you! One day after was unveiled following a three year: one hundred and fifty million dollar refurbishment in this country that fills england. the country was belgium, but from ireland really, oh, my god. What was the statue of the tourist climbed over the statue, which is outside the Brussels stock exchange breaking off a sword and causing nineteen thousand dollars worth of damage. I dunno what the sword was attached to it's too expensive for a statue hundred and fifty million dollars. What are you, what are we doing here? Yeah most of the belgium's mn chocolate waffles and statues? It's too much it's too much,
a man from this country faked on kidnapping to spend years with a woman other than his partner coma, so aggressive? such a huge thing to make up so you fight these on death basic he faked his own kidnapping, bright, which is bit, which is a huge thing to fake, because once you're found people are going to be like yeah we're going to keep looking into it like when someone gets hit, and then return there ones. I felt no harm, no foul. It continues to be an issue we shall come back to it, but also, but new year's eve is canada. One day where you can sail, things got hand saw it and make it back he's gone. so much traffic. He bore no one s paw is going on and you know you know he didn't need to do that. How did he faces kidnap and what do they do? I'm not sure. If the man a quarter to reimburse the police for their two hundred hours of labor as our ear anyhow he pretended to have been. kidnapped by an unknown middle eastern man,
I guess he was returned on skates, that is so tat. You know it's gone too far. You're too Please you introduced racism into it, because you're panicked and you're racist and now what now? What? But that says, a lot about the police as well they're kind of like oh yeah, it's been kinda a middle aged man. Okay, let's go there. So he's probably think you said middle eastern area, lighted, zaireans boys. unbelievable, where, whereas it was Austria, was it straight ireland or doing doing well in this competition has more employment. he wandered hours trying to find what and where he the house it seems he was just wanted to have sex with a different person. Yeah and that's as far as I know, right now, and I can't say more because I had my defamation training today, so I'm trying not to go beyond the facts, same places, the instagram yeah
it's different adds to the other side by side or two different institutes for different worlds, gather hate each other, their rivals by sexual milk. That's what you call it now. Being half and half in the uk mangy bisect, my goodness, I misunderstood how weak up icy size a site, gus, bisexual milk, we might say either eurovision moving little a moment ago above wise, that's where either I see now That gives us a new avenues. Have is a term for being bisexual s right, dissection, isn't a term for happened have known it was. It was a simple little joke on the way to a bit. I was improvising, I was on the floor and I loved you loved it and you and the whole crowd laughed
Presumably you understood it. They did, but you thought I meant bisexual milk. I knew it wasn't. Yes, I thought I thought that was part of it. Like you, like a little joke like how we call how is my sexual, I reversed it I took another step. Yes, that I shouldn't have and I fell down on the froth them. They'll come back from a word these are my birthday man. Tax revenue does so much from january, one, the weirdest that talk shows I've ever done, but I really enjoyed it. Isn't that strange yeah, though it's really odd, like surprisingly popular it? No, I can see why it's fun yeah, but it's like the all the way through this, too, is a snoring dog like a german you trying to be entertaining, but I'm trying to work is human audience and a dog, and because
If you hear you hit them or what you animal, you think this isn't going it! No! It throws your offer but like like they were bits. You really like the humans. The humans, like the diagnostic came, but it was never. There was never a happy medium when it was silence or you could hear, responded, yeah It raises the stakes innocent, I loved and not, and now she leaves you go check out. Rustles website russell dash, how're dark code uk to see his dates for his. U s toward that starts on october, for their very go check it out and his new podcast wonder: talks which launches on october eleven when we come back, it's not what it looks like. We can explain, hey don't go anywhere! Is more love it or leave it coming up.
I thought I'd. Take georgian armies, a gay man said his favorite thing to do at a party was to go to a stranger and say: look. I know what everyone saying that I for one don't have a problem with you being here please welcome, love it or leave a couch to people. I, for one, don't have a problem being here. The hilarious zack Zucker and the incredible eugene cordero come on out fellas right here: hi hi, hi hi, thanks for being here thanks for coming, I hate to even ask this. but if either of you ever done anything unscrupulous. What was it Have you ever done anything unscrupulous? Have you ever done anything wrong? Tell Neither never next question. Are you familiar with? What's going on with new jersey, senator bobbin and as yeah now my baby.
Do you believe him when he says that he had nearly half a million dollars in cash and gold bars in his house, because his family is cuban, and so he needed to be ready for anything. Emotionally I mean: are you cuban Not you have you don't know you don't know you you don't know man, you don't know when you need a gold bar. you're, right, you're right now, I'm live, I'm listening, I'm learning their soothing, resolving it listen! Do it and then leave it, I'm receiving it. Thank you. Thank you. So much as as la gamblers has been preamble the victim, india is mine- and I are gonna kick out- lisbon- young, yes again, but those bids on us, but
The summit is that what is theirs a thing? So until you know you don't know her and now I'm not say I've lived a cuban experience, that's not you, but I'm not. Please read. I speak spanish. I was in a dual language programme. I look like I six weeks back. I look like. I should speak spanish and I do he doesn't, but you do and you look like you shouldn't. I look like I learned it a bad way the bad man he wanted. He learned the bag journal. For game inspired by centre menendez that work. and innocent explanation, here's how works I'm! give you an actual political scandal, and you need to give us each of you and in an explanation for what happened. We will alternate you'll each had a chance. The person whose explanation is the most plausible and heartfelt we'll get the point. That's wonderful
and might I say, the crowd looks beautiful tonight, each and every single one of you, cuban or not. I love you guys, working the rap mogul told him. He gotta he's just trying to get those two yeah. That's the thing with me: yeah, don't we probably all know to post. Oh my god, what's happening is just don't judge a book by it's similar to france for french from a bad man, but he was like murtha badman yeah. That was cool That's sounded like he was a french versions, beginning with first I had another language in a sense, yeah anna sense and in innocence and in an explanation. Let's get into it,
wow was that veil brain clocked out for the day. Alright. Here it is I'm going to need an innocent explanation for why you have four hundred eighty thousand dollars in cash and gold bars hidden inside your home, Zach you're going to go first, you have thirty seconds, Why do you have any onwards? The innocent plausible sweet explanation? Ok, For me, this joker, you go to the bank before you have a point: You know how many people know this pen, you know who has as to your money. You, even though its It exists there from what I understand of the environment was meant to say. Economy is nothing. It's like the environment of our world, let's drop, it must think about it. But if it's in your house. Well, we have to remember a pen, you just gotta, remember where you put it in britain
start it in your house and if you want you can make it so that only you in your other, the ones the lived ones living in their heart leave him once talk. What the lived, what the other lived once they could be about the lived ones who were there the ones who are sleep, wake up, We believe that our love- where do you know where to look down the barrel, the camera jerome But basically, what I say is no think he did it had a rigid. Why do you ask gap, cheers of its good work? Slack, blacks! Oh my god! It's crazy what's happening, but people shoutings ag eugene five hundred thousand dollars in cash and angle virus. Why? Why not? We want Have people come over to your house right, you want them to have a little fun experience right, they'll I gave em escape room in your home. It's like indiana jones party. All the time we're there like a
there's something behind this fake, while its again gold bars asshole, and then all of a sudden, you have them there. Oh, what's behind that that that weird painting- oh just a stack full of your house and you and you can play with it whenever you, you like it. You can scrooge macduff you're lucky you can you can have both that you could swimmin. That's why you have it in your house, you it's nice, You know how much money you, yeah, it is, as you know, that much money we have five hundred thousand dollars. It's nice, No, you have it and you can look at it and can touch it in gold, but I'm just one I, the bar yeah, who gets to have those eyes, those in my house, like by people and side of the head with another: no violence with our day when we're not enough so important, but you know what I'd want to set up. Have you seen it's like a game that they play words again: plastic box there,
as a whole in it and you're trying to pull the gold bar out of it? they have. It in sounds like some sort of anti semitic cartoon, but you know what I figured. I think we gave it the anti semitic, art, yeah, yeah yeah. I think about those whole time as a bisexual jew. I am feeling attacked today and because I'm the only guy who speaks spanish that would get under way better reaction. I'm gonna give the point on the first round its close, really close, but is going eugene because he brought up scrooge, and that was actually our secret word of the day. What do you get it gold bar you get one one that gold bar, but we put them in a basket on halloween. It's it's a sort of honor system. executors. Take not only that's like one, but sometime
If somebody you know, there's you look into their you. Looking at the you come back an hour later, it's all gone because one fucking kid took all the gold. Why are you looking at me like? I did it it would be. Is it antisemitic thing? It is it's a spanish speaker contests and I'm sorry how about scrutiny duck thanks for asking? Is that really only he was good it swimming in the gold. Other people would in and try to swim in the gold and they would just land flat because in the in the kind of psychic universe of duck, he deserves the money. he's good with it and gets it and it loves him back. Other people try to dive in the gold and they can't be They don't know how to swim in gold because they are not meant to be rich scourge. Make dot is fucking meant. be rich you're. So right so many things. Can I tell you when I was a kid? I tried to get a bunch of pennies and my mouth and lay my back and tried to
It would be water like that back backstroke and that's that's how comfortable he was. He could literally gargle and spit the goal yeah. He spent plenty out and it looked like water how'd. It go for now, not good if like trickled out and then it tasted weird yeah, I and sorry to dwell on this, because it is very relevant, colombo, the other than the bad, rich personal, yes Why was he worse literally no reason theirs there's no reason at worst doesn't like his neck. You got fuckin glum gold? I gay and then located on these, but it's great, you follow up, I'm gonna need it an explanation for why you googled? How much is it
low of gold worth the day after you got back from a trip in the car of the person accused of being part of the brain. Red, scam, eugene, you're, going to start your in the back of the car you're googling? How much is a kilo gold worthwhile because that's the question you always have in your head and there's never gonna be wrong time to get the answer. There's no for a time that you should learn information, even if it's late right, self, evident save my wife cheetah me. She already did it lets say so so I it's not a real. This is a hypothetical I hope, but if she did the day after I would probably still go the guy, even though it doesn't matter anymore right.
That makes no, I think not I mean we're not all kind of more kind of sitting. In this example, candidates are hard but yeah. Let's say it's a plastic box. I think there's a guy puppeteer, but I think it's like either. There are questions that you just that happened in your head at the wrong time and you know what, me to hear those answers. If it's the day after you have gold bars, find out. There's gold bars in your house you still want to know how much it's worth you go. You want to know what a gold bars worth if you got, legally yeah, because I gold bars ago bar meandered, allowed you before drive away safely. I am google it in my car because I am curious of how much gold bars worth do? What would your gaspe one make that that's about right. It is in your measuring it and make docks. It is something that all big dark said to make out.
now currently with the exchange rate, but they get you to get you don't don't exchange your mic duck at the airport? Just don't do it at the airport to catch every type of outline, that's where they get you especially with not, arriving is one thing, but the one where you leaving now. No, no, they know they now They know they gotcha. It's like a vague as they dont show any of the clocks and they pump funny gas into the airports. That are you just you never know where you lights are go anywhere? Is boss, vague poison kyler! questions you yes sure as yours back of a car being driven by a driver for someone who is potentially bribes. You elect, I had my defamation training today. Why government, sorry what more born defamation training for what oh just to make sure all keeping it keep a tight that way. You're you're no cards of part of your bathroom so that we can change things. Do more spanish.
he's trying to push me to go. You try to push me to go for it and I'll take debate every time, but love. I see you guys. You know that right. We can fucking, see you it's terrifying. You know I want to be hilarious, but I dunno ninety percent of what's been said so far, so the whole time I've been sitting here going, do I tell them to go yams scrooge? how do you actually gotten pass that you guys would have never known? But you know at a monotonous guy and I just want to say god, that's what I was hoping something. Really funny would have come out. it's nice to launch yourself off, sometimes known that,
room full of nine hundred people are going to catch. You next question point to zak yeah yeah yeah, because he got that day. Do I hear an that? We are at that point here. In that point I feel so nervous know that coconut thrower, who hey hey, dude great yeah, Nine hundred love you barely been, there can be eight hundred and ninety nine people in a room that don't get it, but one person. In that nine hundred people does and that's what lady gaga, said about our necks out, We're gonna need is an explanation for why you were allegedly collecting unemployment, while making one hundred and twenty thousand dollars a year for an invest confirmed that turned out to be a ponzi scheme. Zach you're, going to kick us, kick us off yeah! Well, first off. I just would like to go on behalf of the ponzi schemes and say you know: a lot of people talk about,
The way that I can do business as if I run some sort of pyramid scheme but I like to think of it more like a premium triangle with different levels of different layers and and and whatnot. But why would you need unemployment? Do the governments dumb you've got gotta get your money where you can sounds like this? Guy was running a ponzi scheme, so he's going to be out of money pretty soon when they find out so it's you know, nice just make sure eaten covers bases and get gross reason. You know whatever else. People do with money yeah, and you know what people do with money. Of course you know they buy gold, they swimming with bennies in their mouths. Yeah there are spanish, it's all it's all the stuff, that's being things. People do with money, be spanish for five hours, eugene over to you, you're doing a ponzi scheme while making one hundred and twenty thousand dollars and collecting unemployment joint and I'm collecting unemployment.
because you dont know if other people are gonna jump on board to your body scheme. So aspect: Our regular decisions near technically not working. so you're unemployed once they say. Ok, I want to be part of your scheme and you're, not gonna. Call it. You scheme, you're, gonna, call your business by the way forward, you'd almost fell in one of the huge large stocks. Have a lot of parties gives it John ass. They call it a scheme that is at stake. People me aren't, I involved in a couple and I've gotten fired from because I go hey guys are part of the scheme or to evade like what did you say? I would like to add that I collect unemployment because the debate you so yeah, it's like can you not fishing? Will you just out there? You only are officially once a cut of this.
The rest of the time you're just done about that yeah. Sorry just about right now or did you catch fish, because if you caught a fish fishing, if you're just not, then you're just on a boat today, wow, that's awesome. I've just said One of the satisfies of thinking about life itself, but literally ever heard like I would say that, like one of the most important things about life, is coming to realize that you really were fishing the whole time or is that wrong turns out only the moments when there was a tug on the on the regard? The rest of the time was just nothing yeah we're targeting now. That also, can I give eugene the points for that one? That was a miraculous anecdote. We were just dropped and I feel like all nine hundred of you are not appreciate yeah.
Questioning their own lives right now, because everybody thought they were fishing this all the time, but they weren't just sitting in the boat yeah wow in for a little tug for giving us a lot to think about. The point goes to eugene will do one more this years tied to one you guys, I do to one and I love my but others too. One ties, I'm gonna need innocent explanation for why you burned so many government documents in your fireplace yours. Smelled of smoke eugene, we're gonna start with you. Well, you don't want to spend a lot of money
electricity or you want to spend your money on things that you want, which is I feel like you need electricity, but you don't want to spend the money on it rang. You, like you need gas to drive your car but you don't spend the money on gas. So if you can brands and documents burn documents and keep your house heated right, that's two birds. Now, if, if a suit smells like smoke, it's like great back in the day. It didn't all suits smell like smoke, everybody everybody just sat and lounges with suits on you can get an airplane and smoke, and- pursuit livestock, yes, classic flagging, classy classy classic vegas. Right not too long ago. Adults would put on. ex their nicest most uncomfortable clothes. Into a plain that crash. Fifty
presented this smoke cigarettes all way with a suitcase that had no wheels and now we say to each other man, member- how cool things used to be? No, no that's stable wheels of the suit case until I wasn't adults, as I say, but take targeted on amazon. They have new scooter suitcases that turn into scooters. You could scooter Therefore, I can tell you I got one of those for my daughter. and we threw it away real again because she fuck
fuck off, hey, hey! We had to chase her down. He was brutal. It's amazing that the problem is it's not that it doesn't work is that it works to get where she got so excited. She was just like waving back at us were like no you're like an amazon like five out of five stars. Helped me find my daughter lives in terminal four yeah over you. Why burn in government documents, because I got the cds and I'm trying to see what their listenin to so that's right I took it in a different way, guys and I didn't mean to, but it is a hurricane up here for him gain, and so I yeah man this is the best crowd I've ever had in my life. You've got nine hundred strong. I got the tony hawk audience. I know
Oh man and we're all just spin, and no I I I I was going to do- was something about burning the documents like burning them at first. I thought you meant literally burning them onto a cd and then I was like. Oh you mean like some sabotage right, yeah right destruction, some laboratoires. You know a little bit of electioneering ain't going to do some of those types to say: that's other people in the government wake up sheeple. What if I bought this beer that day and then they smell like smoke because they're smoking, because they're ballers they're, like all of this government junk on my cds right now, let me light up and that could be a spliff a cig, a joint. Or a cigar, and I think that's about all you can mark or vague, and you you can, then you can
and- and you know, as the sun sets on my time on this- show right now and the opportunity to come back anytime again. You know I just want to say it's been lovely to be here. I've really felt like the bob burn quest to your tony hawkes, everyone, and it looks like there's less skaters than spanish speakers. Yeah yeah, that I could just sit here all that and having a great time so fun, I'm going to give the point to Zach b, as smoking is cool and people love, smoking, smoking, cigars, smoking, joints, smoking cigarettes and they love it. While burning documents onto cds in a fireplace it does say that sometimes I'm like, why is everyone? Why did I lose everyone there, and then I hear you say that back and I'm like what do you possibly do with that?
You know I gave you that answer I in, and I was like HANS weird- was burning tragedy. His you want the point by the way, and I got to say it is a remarkable to be here. I love the community zagging eugene If this is love the community and disease at checkout stamped on comedy dot com, you can see it on a sweatshirt down in time to catch their next shows. I apologize. I am wearing my own merge. I have just. I have a lot to sell and this is really all I've got so far. So you know if you want to chat afterwards, send us a little venmo or something but really make sure to see eugene and loki. He really needs the views right now. They're just like these are just two side by side projects,
the pluses loki and the stamp town sweatshirts, just do things that l a is pumping out right now that we're really excited about is actually made in the uk. So it's actually called a jumper bloody, brilliant night. Gina has won the game when we can be daft, nature calls and we're sending her voicemail to go anywhere, love it or leave it, there's more on the way I believe it is broadly by helix. If you're looking for better sleep, you need, greater matters with he likes the huge line up offers twenty unique mattresses, including the award winning lux clutching the newly released and high, and he looks illegal action, a mattress design for big tall sleepers and even a mattress made just for kids. Take the you sleep with and find your perfect Interest in under two minutes and its ship straight your door free of charge. I didn't I sleep on hills, mattress and I love it- it's a damn lux you arrested. I am rested in that. The other being dream being dreamed this thing
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The hour back the week after week. I desperately looked for a way to talk about all the incredible beautiful bizarre animal news stories that swim crawl and fly across our deaths, including as always about the horrific doings of man. Finally, this we the weak. So please welcome to the couch. The host of america outdoors with berets and Thurston is burgeoning himself Are you doing you see thanks your being here. Thank you for having me thank you planned for. Having me well say, hello, was a bit of today, favorite destinations being a bit hill today high but she's into a very cute, like you too, Can you believe that this came from a wolf,
Can you believe it? Can you live in a suit? Suzanne haven't seen a long time as they savagely nature, show called america doors at their attended. Thurston and apparently I've never been fishing. never been fishing, as you just been out above eugene, just eugene just destroyed my life right. It is Stick with major twice gonna sit with me as I do that you're, not fishing, unless your catching up. Now, that's a big I don't know about you were saying about me: hey is funded, Is it funding outside Europe? You know you can go there. I mean guides. Tell it's only waiting, from my card at my house. Outside is amazing and, yes is often fun. How do you know how far you run a there's, not a little thing. It tells you. Yes, this is a very important question, either have to know why, I heard a mind being blown I that was the sound of a mind. Blown we don't we don't. every day we don't count india you're very soothing
the soothing time. Is it it's a horrific, it's terrifying spats. What now reads a balance. It would seem that what happens? What happens in america outdoors when you there? when I'm there, I have a film crew with me: it's very safe when I'm there? I find people who are connecting to this part of ourselves that we have turned off in terms of our connection the nature and that's really fun. Most of the time When I'm there sometimes, I have to do things never done before, and that sometimes gary, like what bundy jumping eating a fish I held a snake I wasn't looking forward to that and they would have another joe I hold no issue and are probably at nasa. There is a need to do that when, again, but again I just I find like there's a lot of theirs.
One more beauty out there when I actually go out there as opposed to just talking about out there, and I need that balance sometimes cause. I love to talk about out there, but is actually go out there. To is that you have everything yeah In that a metaphor to sense yeah He doesn't know what I think about is about watching things about the beautiful and amazing natural world, and all that I can do for us suddenly now. It is hard to watch any kind of nature, Inventory or any exploration of the great outdoors, without always having some part of you, about climate change. A actually is asking this year because it is a different. You know when you watch those incredible planet earth series, even when climate change isn't the central topic and they occasionally. I think that if they try to got a balance between just showing people, how beautiful nature it is letting nature speak for itself, while also pointing out that one thing to talk about as to how these habitats are changing. How, though, whether a ship
but even when they are not talking about a directly when you see a cold place and help would be on your mind about that, and although your magnesia constantly nature Is us and we are changing. We ve changed nature, climate change with this kind of uninvited co. Star of the series we didn't set out the chronicle every nook and created that from but everywhere we went was different and we two main and met with people who worked in the lobster trade and that they work in the kelp trade and the oyster trade, and it's not something that they act Lee chose that transition we all actively, move the lobster more north thereof, in canada. Now in the healthcare is great, but that's not why either their reef. We're heated their home, I have also seen people you know we can. We can t the story, climate change about habitat, but when it comes people, we ve lost something too,
and so the polar bear thing is like. It has always been helpful because it is very easy to disconnect yourself from a polar bear, but when you think about it, food that make you who you are the activities, might have done with your family that your ancestors have done when that changes the nuisance. play some belonging changes to it. I've had a raby conversation is going about economic displacement. and jobs, technological displacement and dislike even within a generation udall necessary, not a communicate with people in your family, but climate. Does even if you haven't been forced to migrate, yet is happening and as we are find by the places where from two so there's been in stories that have come across making they show. One is a deeply resident kind of sad story about that change the other and is as important. Is what people are doing about it and we have found people indigenous folk. Why folk all of carnival figuring out ways that weaken
Do some of his harm and work with nature Did you regenerative things to farm in ways that are sustainable, to bring back, soil and capture carbon and it's been so so so inspiring and if it was as the doom and gloom, and I was breathing in fire smoke everywhere? I can't do it. I don't want to sign up for that, but I am finding people who were doing the thing I don't hear about is often on the news, and I know it happening as I was there like its verify. Information and that keeps me all in all. We have so much possibility so many solutions from so many Working together, figure this out. Let's go, let's get it yeah like earth. That's fine enjoy mars, you know, but I'm an earth. Man, myself, yeah we're we're huge fans of earth. Yes, we are rooting for earthlings. What are you rooting for mother fucking that Every morning I find that a coyote has come into my art and taken a giant
dump and laughed yeah literally day after day after day after day treaty. My like a toilet. Is that nature that vat is nature, does the counties and you weren't you to my home, like its oil for low while do ok, I love you so tired. if the coyote said you don't know the coyote, you know one fact about it and it's nice to have my fault, blaming the the you. Don't you don't have to be a victim in this story, John. I'm trying to take my power back going to kill that fucking coyote I'm going to get one I'm going to get one of those like. I want to get it like an acme brand net. You know like a big ass fucking net and I'm going to put, a beautiful turkey. Like a cartoon, turkey in the middle, the net pulled a catch. as pundit responded as coyote boot that that's the thing is this this, dog dogs or allow his eyes and interval this descended of wolves,
you're like their owners, doesn't except how small they are. leaves, the world belongs to them would start something they couldn't something that would finish them. Yeah yeah, That's the problem with this thing, I'm going to keep alive despite herself, is like hey. I think there's a wolf in the backyard with a check it out that yeah finally our moment, has come into force. Recalling we bought a zoo, illogical segment, Jesus? What is this about? Snakes. sovereign avenues. Quiz. Are you ready? Yes, Based on findings release this summer, the physically largest invasive species on the planet actually surpass two hundred individual animals, which is twice as many as previously thought. What is this species and what drug king and did they belong to senators a
They have every where we have the number of rubs invasive. editors, that's why they were Pablo Escobar's cocaine. Hippos blow is hippos, had been breeding there's two hundred of them now and why are they called cocaine hippos? I they do the cocaine is that why or otherwise this is like slander and uniting that class. I think there are major in having their called cocaine hippos, because it a hippos cocaine, bought. And also that you should probably I think, If you can decide to have hit both in your backyard. Cocaine is a good thing Putting your brain to make you think it's a good idea, yeah. That makes more sense to me. Otherwise, everything is like his cocaine house and his cocaine car and his cocaine family right they're all descendants of my coldly kids they're all dead, that's a bunch of all their descendants of females and one male its import. in ninety ninety one to colombia. They father
there is now between hundred eighty one or two and in fifteen hippos, woe man there taken over too many above, that's that's hungry hungry they are hungry. Now ok, we gotta yeah this it's worse. Every escorted away from yellowstone national park after challenging a bull Elk with call known as what. A call known as which we talk that's correct also known as a bugle ing the bugle living I don't that'll speak elk. That means he variegated Ok, I'm in the way that Elk is looking right now on the screen is I wouldn't channel that anything? I would challenge myself to get out of there as quickly as possible yap dogmas. The alc know they have built in happens on their heads, yet they got knives foreheads, that's not. They got head
hey nice, they got about ahead knives and it could be cocaine, oak cocaine out without knives. What endangered dangerous animal population just increased for the first time since twenty twelve, a clear sign, success of conservation and anti poaching efforts. That leads. So close, emotionally african, This afternoon I hate the number of black rhinos rose by four point: two percent to six thousand four hundred eighty seven. While right right Populations rose by five point: six percent to a population of sixteen thousand eight hundred and three which Why? It is now officially okay again to use the horns for sex The moment we ve all been waiting for is not Never they don't work,
researchers are apparently now attending to speak to sperm whales, using what, according to the new yorker that I read this month, artificial intelligence is correct, science, the rag cliff institute for advanced eddying cambridge massachusetts, fed sperm will clicks called code as into Chad. She bt and is now attempt to decipher the this patterns using machine learning, inspiring a project called dissipation? translation initiative or seti. That's What city that's cool different, say, there's two says: there's one adds up is the one that's down the directions, different he's thirty in each direction? That's cool yeah! I like that we should listen. We should I would like to know the whales are saying what think there's nothin about fish molly. he didn't want observer goes one other well spoken about
Maritime, are we talk about talking and second, the malady jaya and television begging for being here Figuring part of this, thank you for having me, I parliament, aware too weird episode tonight. Justino I've been aware tat I'm down for the weirdness we're we're times when we were in a weird time, ok to reflect the towns we're in sometimes yeah. That's right! Sometimes you absorb and sometimes replied. Yes, the man. Who travel on scrambled to alter their course earlier this month, adam concern that participants would deliberately squish what protected species jellyfish so close with a fish called the tide, water, goby, how oh come on man, you didn't know tiger. What kind of curve are you on with this quiz? That is hard made up stuff yeah? It's a made up proof that that's an animal
can you bring it? We bring the tide water go. You gotta, go we're. I love sure, but only when it's real final question Researchers, including psychiatrists from Nottingham train university, are studying mere cats in captivity to see if they are capable of picking up on what from humans. bad vibes that is correct, is correct. You're, trying to see if they can pick up on human emotions like happiness, sadness or anger, the researchers hoping to find him animals can perceive the emotions of zoo visitors and, if the mere caps it out their emotions around those emotions, their trial. c. Mere cats are kind of.
Reading the room as it now wild absorbing or reflecting, or would have that's kind of cool where working people find you outdoors, but on there's gonna be less syracuse avenue right after you can find me soon, data com, you go, Park is due to biogas fees: how to citizen we makes it isn't a verb, and the tv show america outdoors isn't pbs at It's on the pbs website is our amazon and an apple in other places find content antics virgin everybody. We combine. Thank you. The railways, we re you back waffle houses, stand back and stand by just one more. We get a lover leaving ed south. There is to be as they do at land. Asheville on Jabba knew what we
I mean by amazing guests in atlanta, like housewife, kandi, burruss, miss pat and ts madison, and many many more we have some awesome shows lined up I'll, be doing a q and a before the shows. So, if want to a little bit early and get some of your burning questions answered check out those tickets. Which includes among some exclusive merge and vienna and some cool stuff So the question is about something article, I cannot answer it. and learn my lesson its actual or sold out. You snooze, you lose, may give her plotting, The success of this show, but we've got a few left in atlanta and chattanooga, had your cricket, dot com, slash events to get yours today, yeah he's vulgar, eugene, zach and Russell back to the stage to join us. Come on fellas, it's boys night. So wherever you like, you can't go wrong now.
After the we all here's how it works, we spin the wheel wherever it lands. We rant about the topic this week on the wheel, Biden's dog, bite secret service and it's good love. It's rant. I can think of one when you edit a message, but it tells everyone its edited kyle x Y deserves to provide curved crescents of full family ticket major youtube channel stadiums venues having only corporate names and street lights, don't got enough respect. Let's spin the wheel. I'd like to talk about? tonight terrorist lived in this gentleman travis kelsey, whose a tight end a guy like you.
Famously effigies. Here he is, he is hesitate. He has a tight end yet, and you see them and you've seen him in his uniform and we've seen his uniform does and whatnot the place, the newspaper I thing a persona had nor more people are dying, met. It love. I. don't need to know about football games. I don't to be made aware of them. I don't need to know when they are or why they are. It is always a fun. tradition that whenever the superbowl happens, my my friends with make a show about policy. ex turned to me and say: love it. What teams, comparable ha I don't know I'm just going to wait to see. Rihanna, Without this year was rihanna last year, could be ryan again this year they could be duping us, we could be getting do,
but now I know that that touch that that taylor swift is going to the jets this weekend when it They are. As I am sad on behalf of all the people that thing taylor, swift, is secretly bisexual and sending them messages through the airwaves. Those people need this they need. The idea of taylor swift, having a the grid, longing for this actual comforts of women if they don't have that they don't have anything. If tellers with, has not been sending them secret messages for years through our songs that are just for them. What are they in doing with their time, nothing haven't been fishing we're just done about by their just enough talking. wow, and I saw a taylor swift need a chicken finger
and do some kind of a chess bump over a touchdown. She doesn't need to be gay, but she doesn't need to be that stray. That's not right, taylor. That's all right! You can't put can't sing a song called lavender haze than two weeks later be talking. Things like first intend and thirty five, rice travis. What's his name elsie, he and you know that he has a high. They should be the half time. Entertainment just give it a reality? Just have you gone is not roy notices, she's right, Travis kelsey apparently has a podcast. taylor swift, you and do so much better. It doesn't have to be a woman, but it doesn't have to a guy with a podcast, either geez rise. Let people have their idea. Thank you
splendid again carly closed your guy without part, ass was up, it is landed on stadium in venues having only corporate names, and we there was the question I just dumb now that my wife went to go, see beyond, say and taylor. Swift was down there going to the so fine stadium, like just that it does its now romantic anymore, going to dodge We must still fund for me and my kids and I'm just scared for the moment that it becomes of sympathy. you know, the l is epic field and then I've got to be like hey, kids, let's go to olympic field and watch the fucking dodgers cannot be tricky because the people will keep shrinking yeah. It's just all going to have huge heads and then weird body does, to this day get too skinny yeah, quick,
There's always succeed that there are now at the stadiums like it's actually just died. Exercising discipline stadia. Thank honestly, all that is happening within the fasting stored, yeah yeah. It's just got to the point where I realize I follow. You That's it that's all that also because doing for me, I just like all I'm full earlier well? That's, what's going to happen to these fucking stadium and then my daughter is going to be like. Why is it named lists and I'm like don't worry about it? Don't worry about it. Let's go down to you know. Do that then stadia squirrel dot. Org arena gave no dialogue a name and delivered a yeah. I would love to see a show, a concert or anything it scored dot ordering about it am. I believe this is a really great broadway score dot. Org, let's check out this week, scored just
poor lady on the organism. Let's eat, gives another court, and I have a squirt- have time show game go there. Through, but not NATO's epic stadium. whatever is taking over radio city, music hall or whatever score dot, org no score hall. I want to go, see the rockettes at no squirt this chick, I scored in slow mo crowds. Never been to a concert or a show before: do you guys understand what a stadium is?
yeah I'm in one right now and look I've got large extra large double x, whatever size that so whatever size you need he's got it because he has a lot of sweatshirts to rocky move there from england and their shorter teased. You guys understand that we're in step down studios right now soon to be safe, they'll say I didn't choose the name that spin it again the ronnie curved precise yeah. That's for me so good stadium, my brother, in the uk, in our largest supermarket. We no longer so curved croissants because enough people roads to tesco complaining that they struggle putting jam on
The question also now, there's a nation, no british were defeated, guided vanity bread. father, my army, schroeder light figure out the letter that you had to write just did. As sky of not being funny but coming out that the thumbnail of his jam on the table. You know you just you hear something so thick. You feel like you're, going to exclude certain image of just this lady. Just it's happening tony yeah and yes, and now you can't get a cut of croissant. You can only get straight costs on a tesco because enough people club, together
an organization to have to change what about saintsbury, so they still have the curve for so much. I dont know why are we gotta you ve been to england as you get the at home? I want it to happen so bad and some precise play. They take the the crest of the bread for everyone, two like what's the yet, but its is exactly. That is just a loaded me why you ever thought like just don't, eat it That's not. It is, then that we carry out like that russia down great, but is that these intimately see something so stoa following these stupid is walking around like man, you got my signs on europeans, they say be a hero. She stopped
I have always the ball member. I was gonna, go just brains like even I say not this week is going. Do we really need an imprint sweden? It's got so bad people one put rubbish and have been they ve had she got bins. The makes sound effects as if the ban if the bin is being sexually gratified, I'm not making this up as you put any goes. Oh thank you for that. That's how bad we are as a species man, I can't wait till we get the score dot. Org yeah. Actually, I'd feel like a hero trying to save the environment. We've. Let you had to Roy, please go and put it in the bin. If we become money and heroes, I have a question hit. Me. why our presence curved does it affect how they taste it they could be fine. Why can't they
straight easier to make us ever say. Like rules like somebody came over the pond and try to change the way will try it criticised strangers. I want to read them at the head of the russians hacked election over and then you come here and you broke the way we did breakfast We were happy man because he curvy scraggy game with your logic, I'm just saying it I love her sound casa. If you will end, we will I well, but. It doesn't really need to be an achievement or you right, but but we should but like so then boy you up here. Why that, but you don't know why. I think that's these act. Re read,
It feels wrong to slander across aren't like that. You because you wouldn't me ball. I don't know. I notice that same meat can be turned into a burger or whatever other meat dishes you may well you could. Thank you realising it. its crescent whose wait a minute. I guess it's such a boy. You do speak french by your bilingual. Through such a toilet. Less from the order is a wise, old, ganda figure in the corridor. With you, I used all the excellent now I got a job like like a triangle be squares. Let's get it again Three lights: don't you remember spare exact yet way, Feel free to happen
on this one boys, but I had this realization earlier this year I was in austin, Texas and which ass I thought everyone. There would be a bit more. You know, like I'm, a bisexual man and you never know and energy, so I gotta be ready, and so, when I was there and I painted my nails- god forbid, I thought everyone was gonna be like queers, but everyone kind of was just like queers. You know they were. They were nicer than I thought. I was just walk in the street more cause. I was more comfortable and I saw realising these street lights. Are there the real backbone of america, because rain shine? snow power, not the street light is out there and they are illuminating. The world
for all of us to live a better light again, I think I've lost everyone know. Do some of the most upbeat sat sat knob system in the world. They just gave directions for your that. Are you looking at the majesty this down? This road is five hundred yards down the road, pure beautiful, concrete, gravel lines paint, but we re so destination but have we have without? I was also not getting a big eyes. This is really all I've got furnished relies on the postal service in a way if the postal service had to stay where they were and couldn't complain all the time you will never get your mail eddie, I'm just well done. I am trying to get clicks right now. I've got those online. I am trying to share from Zaza, aren't even not gonna stop by. I basically the street light as well. They come in all different shapes and sizes. True, noise, a browser like the exactly
street: the street lights are the pillars of the street lights. Show me what street light you were trying to be that time I was. There was the condo yeah, it was outdoor street light. May I stand please? Okay, I love that. He has permission. I need someone else again I thought someone or something of tat sort that order. give it to us, but this will be like it was like Well, yeah, okay, so I'm like because it's kind of like straight on it's honestly a remarkable piece of work cause it's like you're, looking at it straight, but also it's going both sides and you can see it and when, where it's not always perpendicular, I I did I'm maybe can using one street light is highly. There is sometimes we need to be reminded that the world is so much more than we take it face value, be you ve, given us a gift here tonight like where, where we see just like an attraction for bugs,
you see, hope you see creativity, you see dea and crt other things that have been banned in Florida. I've seen things I never even knew exactly what you just focus on like a transcendental journey. Here's where you lost me yeah, you said something earlier and I really haven't been able get past it, which is you said, or shine and actually or shine, is the most important time that there they do. Nothing, I'm sorry volume Well, in a way street lights, I guess they're just fish in their whole lives but they're on the boat because they're on the road. Well, I guess they're in the bullet on the road I'll tell you right now, they're just on a boat and that night comes and then they're fishing and it's more that night comes and we are at the water park and these guys given it everything squirt and dashing suds and move in like sunset, their son
and where they get their power from their pay and whether they will get the answer that we'll find out. We ve. No one knows right: now it s famously anymore and enhance our shared desire. We three life get there because we do not. We did. We dare not speculate, led spirit made you seen an outlet on the side of investigation. google it and the way I got it. maidens dogs biting secret service is good virtue, nay yeah I've been digging into this story for a while now and he's dead, again. The bare rap commander, in particular they're saying, he's, untrained, they're, saying he's lose their saying, he doesn't have proper adequate for the white house. He's not gonna, be in presidential first, always a dog, Must we presidential this
is nothing out potential turncoat witnesses and people who might have involved in things that we can't see just just the way. Zack here sees things in streetlamps that none of us see. His dogs, or seeing that agents that many of us kazi Mosul, ugly and a question. I haven't, heard anybody s Maybe it's possible secret service agents are just delicious boy er yeah, we take. Hey hunter left his cocaine. I don't know some cocaine, we don't always. It is like that, like that, like that yet it is, can be real, tasty treats
and I haven't heard about float and there's no reason that I shouldn't have heard it. I thought you met literally that the people were tasty trades and I was like No, you know they talk about him time of cannibalism. Just the cat allows doggie, as it is only a category of the dogs eating other die here. If the people eating secret services like right, Why are they also provide farmers with people eating dogs, which is why we are but the dog fighting delicious people, but we know that the people a delicious but are also at a time when I did it. I didn't we could talk to the dog know what we should use that I for the whales to talk to him and about what's going on. this shows about the news. I we're going. I have to leave it there when we come back we're going to end on a high note, the three here it is the high note
Hey John ah is james calling from new york, Ah, my high note of the week ah is well. It was a couple of weeks ago me and my partner went to go, see or two my most favorite comedians, the entire worlds, Jackie cation and maria bamford. In new york city and during maria bamford set, or we sat literally in the front row like against the stage or during maria bamford set. She turns to me and she says: hey, could you be a part of this? bit for me and I was like sure he had Give me a hundred dollars cash. I don't you just! Let me keep it. It was part of the Well, she was doing so. Not only did I get to see two of my favorite comedians of all time live up front, but one of them hate me a hundred dollars, so I ll like spellbound Andrews flooding, But I was such an amazing experience.
If you ve never been here by your favorite comedian before then you're doing wrong. I love it. This is Michael from Sacramento. California. My high know this week is that, after two years of her battle against late stage, ovarian cancer, my mother is in good house right now. In fact, throughout this journey, see recommitted herself to advocate these or ovarian care for survivors, and this week he's on capital hill with people from all fifty states, dc puerto rico and Guam, to remind our legislators that now is the time to fund and support ending cancer in the united states. I couldn't be prouder. Thank you so much your show and for all the laughter and current events that you bring to our conversations every day. Thank you. So much love the by
hello of it. This is anna calling from denmark, and my highlight of the week is that while I was pleading my house, I heard you talking about the wooden. the danish artwork, take the money and run and without sounding like too much of an ass. I just wanted to let you know the proper pronunciation of the name of the artist his as yet honing the last name is holding And I really love europe. I cast an eye, listen to it. Every saturday thanks, hi. This is my ass and I'm a former teacher at I'm in prison. I just wanted to give a shout out to any of my former students or system crash, or do you use that name here this on their tablets? I know that one of them, especially well because he introduced me to it I'm pretty much just as interested
I listen to you and I wanted to tell everyone that I have faith in each and every one of them, and I expect all of them to change their world for the better and that there is someone out there thinking of them every day. You all inspire me to never give up on my goals, my hopes and my dreams. Peace and love he loved this line in madison. I moved here late february, twenty nineteen for a job, not knowing anyone and my first weekend You have to show that I went to by myself my hind As for years later, I got to take my new husband to his first show of yours this last weekend. And to give my high note in person but I was a label in the balcony and I guess Brian does undue stairs. Its value do and thanks for coming to mass and regular,
when you called them with a high note tonight. If you want to leave us a message about something they gave, you hope cause a three two, three five, three, eight two, three seven seven. That is our show. Thank you so much a eugene cordell russell howard, virginia thursday, that Zucker what a fun show there are four hundred one days until the two thousand and twenty four elections thanks for coming out tonight and have a great weekend the love it or leave it as a cricket media production, kendra James, is our executive producer. Bryan similar, is our producer and Malcolm Whitfield is our associate producer. How we keep her as our head writer, Sarah lazarus Johnson, Toby, the knowledge Peter miller and Allen Pierre, our writers, Lee Eisenberg, produces the show it's mixed and edited by evanston kyle segment and charlotte landis provide audio support. Our theme song is written and performed by sure sure, thanks to our designers, jesse, Mclean and Bernardo sirna for creating and running oliver visuals, which you can't see, because this is a podcast and you're a digital producer. Zuri urban David told me a kalman and magic group for filming and editing video each week. So you can't you can find those glorious videos at youtube, dot, com, slash at love it or leave it podcast. Do us a favor and subscribe to love it or leave it on youtube and don't forget to follow us at crooked media on instagram and twitter and if you're as opinionated as we are, consider dropping the budget at the end of it or leave it.
He's good added together beautifully
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.