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GOP in Chaos and Trump on Trial (Live from Ashville!)

2023-10-09 | 🔗

Governor Roy Cooper stops by to talk Medicaid expansion, abortion access, and the fight for democracy in North Carolina, before telling us how to live it up in the Tar Heel State. Drag Race star LaLa Ri gets as congenial as possible given… the world. Tressie McMillan Cottom talks books, bans, and blondes. We spend a Happy Hour with our audience’s high notes, and we go a round with the Carolina Rant-thers. Look, not every Rant Wheel pun is going to work, but when you’re in beautiful Asheville, a city we could move to tomorrow, you just don’t care.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Major phone carriers make you sign contracts with rigid data plans to trap you into a kind of forced monogamy sounds pretty insecure. If you ask me at consumer cellular? We believe in a more consensual, unhealthy form of monogamy free of contracts. flexible to your data me this way Stick around not because we force you to with contracts and fees, but because you love our phone plants like ardently love our foreign plans for not going to sleep consumers when freedom calls we're here to answer callers at one eight, eight freedom, I have the feeling is mutual
I Everyone. The words on this show decided they want to move here so handsome producer roles to filth, future genre, crooked outcome, slash careers, welcome to the errors tour. We have it. Eight schoeffer unite, does not my fault. we have a great show for you tonight. You're governors, drugs, incision low aris, here twenty million column easier and we spend three wheel and is it to this town teeming with happy ales
We want to hear your high notes and an exchange. We're gonna give you increasingly alcoholic local beers, but first, let's get into it what are we donald who has no legal obligation to attend to civil fraudulent manhattan said this, as he left the courthouse on Wednesday, I don't care and I can't go back I'd rather be right. Now, I rather people Hampshire, south carolina. Ohio are a lot of places, but I'm stuck here because the games with the deal. Why should it be nice and busy? Planning about being stuck somewhere where he one hundred percent chose to be incomplete at any time who is This guy me at everything
The new york times revealed this week that new jersey, senator bobbin and his wife also under indictment hid, and killed a man with her car in two thousand and eighteen yeah This was shortly before a new jersey businessman gave her a new mercedes, allegedly in exchange for a husband interference in an unrelated criminal prosecution. It is rare, Did you kill a man with your car and then get a nicer? One? Is a gift? editors. Note the car she hit the man with was also a mercedes. This is A bad person by echelon, like your car, is so far doubt because of the human shape denton it, but you replace it with a car acquired through bribery. I ghosted someone. Six months ago there are nights. I can't fall asleep.
How do these people fucking function, Rudy giuliani is suing president Biden for defamation, saying that he law Clients and podcast listeners called in a rush pawn during a presidential debate three years ago that now why we stopped listening cry. His former podcast listeners. Giuliani, of course, is nothing like upon upon moves in a straight line. allowed. Screeching test of the federal government's emergency alert system hit americans phones in tvs on wednesday immediately,
which jilted upright and finish the press comrades, he began on July. Twenty seven. On wednesday, the white as announced another nine billion dollars and student debt relief just days after soon, loan repayment went back into effect. That brings the total and soon debt cancellation to one hundred and twenty seven billion dollars for nearly three point: six million bars. You know, your grandma starts getting forget born sends to birthday checks a year Maybe we love having Biden running and
sure it would have been more if republicans in the supreme court hadn't stood in the way, but one hundred and twenty seven billion is nothing to seize that that's between one hundred and seven thousand moral logos. Depending on when you ask him the said Biden by. ring millions of americans from the crushing burden of student. That means they can go and get their lives in order. I do to take a moment, however, to hold space for the many americans who do not have crushing soon debt and also do have their lives in order were here? a bathing suit. Is underwear get used to it by and explain that the law allows a secretary of education to compromise, wave or released loans under certain circumstances? What other obscure cool laws have even overlooking anything about the transportation secretary being allowed to do abortions on trains
buying, could have thrown up his hands and said hey. I try the supreme court said: nobody didn't he kept looking for work around. So do the right thing. That's the kind of president. need a guy who hears I'm sorry, they don't. Let us put tortilla chips in the burritos and says then sell me a burrito and tortilla chips on the side, and what I do when I get to the table is between me and god laughs. The fall out from the removal of Kevin Mccarthy, as how speaker continue soft law, came up now after us, aaron just trial when If there is any way he could have done differently with the Republicans, you voted to. Remove him mccarthy sent this not a lot of my help get elected. So I promise you that big somebody else
the over your door. Frankenstein. My question is any regrets, but that one, but that one summer north carolina zone congressmen, Patrick mc henry yeah right boom, all right, he doesn't listen the only people that listen, also hate him and also hate. Your hissing As interim speakers first move was kicking Nancy policy in sending we're out of their hideaway offices in the capital these are given. the outgoing leaders as a courtesy, so they can quickly get to and from votes concerning. Fighting with each other and taking it out on random old people. What is it. The interim publican debate over george w bush is planned to privatized social security
holds for holds for laughter At the last I down for warehouse b, new gingrich said this. The republicans who voted to boot, mccarthy from my position is a long time republican activists, their traders, all eight of them, should in fact be primary. They should all be driven out of public life you know what that's a good point you can get. You are a long term republican activists. I wonder where these I got this idea to behave in this manner. I wonder what kind of person might have inspired them to do? This in nineteen. Seventy eight newgate rich said this at a speech college. Republicans, Israel, I'm going to read something that new gingrich said. This was his, I believe. Is campaign and his first successful efforts to become a member of com, Nineteen. Seventy eight he said. I think that one of the great powers,
as we have in the republican party, is that we don't encourage you to be nasty. We encourage to be neat obedient and loyal and faithful, and all these boyscout words which would be greater on the cap. fire, but are lousy in politics, do run around and play games. When one of your elders comes in and says I dont like what you're doing tell them tough one of the great weaknesses as a real quote. One of the great weaknesses of the republican party is, we recruit middle class people middle class people as a group are told you should not shouted the table. You should be nice, you should have respect, for others when you see somebody doing something dumb, say it and when you say it say it in the press say it loud fight, scrap issue. A press release go make us, speech. This is a society in which you've got to be willing to be rough and tumble. They learned it from watching you dad laughed smoking. I'd specially these old guys have been doing this for ever there like what have
you happened. You did this over fifty years. MAC gates had shouted a fucking egg You sat on that egg. Warn that egg on your fuckin, but for fifty Damn years waiting for mac gates to hatch. Lest you got the twigs, you. If the egg is sat on it with your big fat, fucking right wing, evil ass and then you waited and waited. Then it hash has you're like what is this? That's your child you're my passion to analogy, quality was off cinema betterment set of mccarthy's hauser, replacing one dick with a different kind of dick
Is it going to change anything in the house where we dna test away from the jerry springer job, which is obviously unfair. The jury speakership would have. Lauren bobo, escorted out by now fox news home and guy. You probably call service workers pow when he's mad. ryan kill me got into a heated exchange with tenancy republican timber burchett and play is you know it out at one minute, the next minute you're going to lead an insurgency? So you don't think that praying about it is important. How dare you pray for something that hurts republicans prayer doesn't do that. It only stops mass shootings,
Louisiana Republican, gara grave city supported the decision to take a week before voting on the next speaker. If we had stayed together, in the meeting last night. I think that you would have seen fist grown and I'm not the dramatic when I, that there is a lot Raw motions right now said Nancy Pelosi in response, sorry, ere, the doors are locked on the outside, and I look around because I've hidden numb chucks everywhere this a roller quarters in a sunken or my seed, Nancy, diabolical. Oklahoma senator mark Wayne Mullen told cnn and wednesday that mac gauges, fellow republicans, never defended him from the sex tracking alex
actions because they had all seen him sharing videos of women he'd slept with on the house floor. Mullen also said this to brag about how he would crush eg medicine and and and chase it with a with a energy drink. So he could go all night. You all saw that pause before energy drinks right. Also man, you draw a picture of a guy named mark wayne moment, you're drawing a picture, this fuckin guy, mark, where more than a fuckin dictionary, not even the greatest because that's what a mark way, mullins supposed to look like a hundred years, mark Margaret moans shape anyway, the races higher congressmen, Jordan has majority leader, steeds police have both announced their campaigns to become the next speaker. The house guys
two pallor out with why nationalist or guy allegedly turned a blind eye to rapid sexual abuse, it, I will say it somehow, republicans will have to take just one. Of course, this John Henry pointed out. There is no rule that says the speaker of the house has to be a human sources telling me at this hour. Somehow republicans have been in contact with and have started an effort to draft former president donald trump to be the next speaker, and I have been told that president trunk might be open to helping them. Public and party, at least in the short term, if necessary, yet his source, Donald trump? But let's hear on the horses ass, his mouth That's the thing he's perpetuates we're speaker because he so good at speaking
The poor called out america this week for our irresponsible excess in his speech promoting climate action he delivered speech from his golden tax exempt palace staffed by thousands in his little city. Where he's king, the let's go, get the pay, a sudden, what's happening hours. Once you have not been adequate set up up up while the world's splendid columella barber our responses. inadequate. While the world in which we live is collapsing and maybe nearing the breaking point, hey here's an idea anyway, you're friends could help talk you married A model dress is a giant verbal derail, the shoah, paris fashion weak. When unable to
she got lost on the runway and crashed into the front row the for those who see at home. It is, as I described, it was a giant verbal bouncing around the runway. Almost knocking over literally Smith, quick question what is fashion. Do worrier culture is in attacking decadent arrow at home. No cried the model. Now I look ridiculous Thank you. A rogue air bnb guest guess has refused to leave
or pay rent for the luxury rental, in LOS angeles, where she's remained since or stay ended in April of twenty twenty two, no man, the words you gets. Free housing just sits around doing nothing. Who is my friggin wife, I was trying to do said, donald trump. The s lawyer says she wasn't required to pay rent because the city never approve the guest house unify occupancy and the shower was constructed without a permanent. We now go live to an exclusive interview with the guest A man in Nebraska is facing charges ever accidently shooting his grandson in the shoulder, while officiating a wedding that is terrible officiating
usually the wrist when your officiated like this is joke. A little too off color show grandson ass, a fuck up He was attempting to fire a blank into the air to start the wedding off with a pang, but the gun slipped. At least it wasn't agenda. Gender reveal said the efficient, but no one left, because the boy was screaming. he's. Ok, the kids, ok, in philadelphia. Man was denied entry to a fillies game when he attended to enter the stadium with his emotional support, alligator. It's adorable da, the alligator on a leash then let him in bullshit he needs that support monster, because when you visit philadelphia, you realize therapy has not
reached that city. They simply have no concept of it. When you cry, in school. Your teacher was a battery at you, the local hospitals have replaced the psych words with medical sandwich dispensaries and the nurses also throw batteries at you and finally, more Seventy five thousand workers at keyser, permanent hospitals in facilities across the country walked out the job wednesday in the biggest healthcare strike in u s history. So it was it especially a bad day for a suspicious. Looking scared. that's how we're going out now or I will we come back yeah the governors, hopefully still here don't go anywhere
leave. It is more on the wet made on carriers. Make you sign contracts with rigid data plans to trap you into a kind of forest for anatomy, sounds pretty insecure. If you ask me at consumer cellular. We believe in a more consensual, unhealthy form of monogamy free of contracts, flexible to your data me this way. stick around not because we force you to with contracts and fees, but because you love our phone plants like ardently love our foreign plans for not going to sleep consumers. When freedom calls we're here to answer callers at one? Eight, eight freedom has this for policies, and this november virginia republicans are dangerously close to a governing trifecta with every seat in the legislature, on the ballot and in ohio. Abortion rights are quite literally on the ballot. Some people call it an off here. We call it what we call John an opportunity. Media hype might have turned to twenty two.
for some of your favorite artists, but there are still elections with massive states across the country. This november, America's had enough jumped scares had to vote. Save american outcomes, no off years right now to find out how you can get involved. thinking during the supreme court is back in session and guess what, as the newly dubbed alien superstar of constitutional law, we are here to tell you that now is the time to press play on strict scrutiny because, where the one, the only one, the one of wine, so you can join melissa, Murray and my co host and fellow constitutional law, professors, leah, lippman and kate sean as the impacts on the dock for this.
firm and olive illegal, John behind it, because when the justices get messier than any shit that could go down in an elevator, well we're here to make the term a little less scary and to help you keep up with the slew of legal news. That's headed our way. You can listen to new episodes of strict scrutiny each week wherever you get your pack ass. By the same budget is now a fact which means on December first, my excess brings medicate expense. north carolina, you come here. What's his age, governor.
Google, maybe we welcome that if we're being er things, are having us asheville outstanding you know, you're alone gate expansion will begin. Dick and unrelenting effort over years. Can you walk, through what it took to get this far cliff nuts cliff nuts so clipped out. You got it your former boss,
Your friend president obama, I think I got my friend I don't think he'd call me his friend pushed through the affordable care act and it gave states the opportunity to expand medicate and in two thousand fourteen states had the opportunity to do that. Taylor, swift was still singing country music at that time, so we pushed and we push that many of you out their help us get it done, but we had to put together because we had a republican legislature that continue to fight it and find it and find it. So we put together non traditional coalitions, and you know, law enforcement was finding that many of their officers were spending so much time with people with mental illness in substance use disorder and we got them to come
to the legislature to tell these republicans that hey these people need health care, not income. We pulled together republican rural county commissioners, rural hospitals, rural chambers of commerce and finally, finally, we got them to agree to get help. Care to six hundred thousand north carolinians story. So I had jump up. One of my group like Tom cruise region. Next, I what's, we should have done should have done that. You know. It's also a reminder. First of all, it is one of the things that were so galling and is actually quite surprising that a bunch of states didn't embrace expanding medical, as you know, this was the federal government paying
vast majority the expense to give healthcare to people in these states, and a lot of republican governors tried to stop it. You are term limited so you're in your hearing socket ere. I guess, but I have fifteen glorious months ago. Ok, and by the way we were turning down five hundred twenty one million dollars a month mom month and think about what texas in Florida is turning now for their working people, its absurd is ridiculous. You don't even have to to assess any state taxes, because you can put an assessment on the hospitals and it's all federal money. Tax money that you ve already paid to wash
turn that other states are getting its it's so galling, it's crazy! It's crazy! It's! It's crazy, crazy! It's crazy origin! But it's a reminder that that what the stakes have been in north carolina this day, when we have so many competitor elections is purple state. Can you talk but about how important continuing the progress you ve been able to make will be when, the carolina. Those are the poles to pick their next governor. Well, let me only just stay that because of technologically diabolical gerrymandering this legislature does not reflect who we are as north carolina and we got. You got three things that we have to do and I have already made some promises, but we got a win. This state for President Biden, we gotta Josh.
is our new governor and we have to break the supermajority in the state legislature. The end I'm going to work governing these next fifteen months, but I'm also going to have shoulder to the wheel here to make sure that involve all the way up to twenty twenty four raising money, helping get out the grass roots organisations and making sure we do all Three of those things you got out was doing so talked about this. This, gerrymander that you been dealing with here, has also been efforts on the part of the report. The legislator, to strip your powers away. So when a republican wins they get to government Democrat wins Republican gets to govern we're carolina is, it is a place other states have looked to in both direct and some are not for republicans to take what they did here to try to strip powerhouse
but also about democrats a far back yeah can you a little bit about the fight, You been waging here algae bt, rights to protect voting rights and and and where you found you been able, galvanized people, even people, even when their votes are being discounted or their democracies being undermine these republicans or on the cap, engage of all the wrong things and you know I've worked hard to work with them and and we got medicaid expansion and we got clean energy legislation. That's going to require to get the to carbon, zero and our power sector by twenty, and we created a lot of really good paying jobs, but at the same in time this legislature is taken as backward for food.
years I had enough democrats in the legislature to sustain my veto, so we kept all about bad stuff at bay and you would have thought that north carolina would have learned a lesson with our bathroom bill come on, but but what they ve done. That now had a Democrat slip, and now they now they have won the super majority in the house and send it so they they're going back. I and passing these anti eligibility, q plus bills. This don't say gay bill which look. Let me tell you our public school teachers, are my he rose and you I had one of our leaders in our community say to me. He said growing up as a gay little boy in eastern north carolina public school teacher
cheers saved my life and into to try to put this barrier in between teachers and these young students for political purposes. Only attacking vulnerable children whether they be trans weather, beaten, baby. What whatever it is, it's just wrong out, so many levels. What we have to do is to prove them wrong. At the ballot box. and we got to make sure that our young people were so excited about these issues, about climate change, about fighting discrimination, about public education, about gun, violence and making sure we take we live in north carolina guys, but we should be able to take reasonable steps to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children.
And people who are a danger to themselves or other, but we gotta, we gotta translate that excitement into making sure that young people get that vote in the ballot box there transient do I've to register at college. Do a register. She raised her head north carolina help us out how much has been. returning of ro shifted part in north carolina legislature pass this restrictive ban its held up by the courts, How much you think that is changing the political realities here. Are we going to fight back We find that it is absolutely changing the politics. You know these politicians have no business in the exam room with a woman and her doctor
They they they went into a back room. They rolled out this building. Twelve weak abortion ban, and I know it's not as strict as some of the other southern states, but they said at the time they were coming back. They were coming back next year, and so what I did was galvanise themselves even had republicans who had promised that they would not mess with these abortion laws. But every single republican voted to override my veto? Every single democrat voted to sustain my veto. It was a one vote margin and each chamber we have get galvanise ourselves and make sure we win these next elections. It is going to be. It is
going to be an issue that I think is going to be talked about a lot and I hope it will drive people to the polls because they are going to come back and they're going to make this law even worse. And they want to know what's funny and don't we also? What can I can? I tell you about the western residents, have a western residents. We have a governors mansion, we have a western residence it as a second home for the governor too. It was given to the state in the nineteen fifties, and I made my first trip out here. After six months, There was July of two thousand and seventeen, and do you remember when governor Chris Christie of new jersey have as having the budget fight closed the beaches in new jersey and the icon?
picture of him and his family on the beach. So I came up here for the very first time that very weekend and the new york times decided to do a story. What governors have second residences, and are they there? The least that enclose the mountains rye speaking of recreation, We have but twenty four hours, your national and north carolina and we'd like to make the best of it, and we have an expert time for twenty four hours in north carolina and you're gonna elbows design, The answer is renaissance store or the three annual carolina renaissance festival in huntsville currently running from September thirty, three november nineteen category I gotta go
the reticence Baskerville, my my I know I know about beyond, say well beyond, say, but my daughter and son in law are big renaissance festival people so gotta go with them. Is a family thing? Ok, I love beyond, say: teachers are heroes. What's your secret standard both angles verses, biscuit bill. I'm just reading the card with a bow. A biscuit bill has a story about the legislature, but we won't go there. no, your line is known for barbecue in particular, for having a vinegar based, barbecue sauce where's,
Try that's our keeping in mind that I am a coastal led soft boy who prefers barbecued. It tastes like a beefy ice cream, sunday, so Doug shawls in eastern nor care. I know about luella us here. It asheville, highway triangle, venue and remember, bbq barbecue is not over. It is not over, and barbecue only refers to pork and its also, you can't Are you going to go to a barbecue? Now it is. Pork is cook for us just gonna learn: ok, I'll, take the note ouch mills bill. More state is reportedly home to a number of ghosts, including that of george washington manner built there. From the house was built as a vacation home. Do you believe in those sure there's one at the governors, mansion really yeah and I haven't seen him yet, but some of the term
for here and some of the people who work. There say they see him, I'm going to ask him how he dealt with his legislature. When I, when I made up you told our producers that you travel with a case of sun drop soda. You know that is sounds like go It's like a mountain do rebuff to me. Well, so wait a minute, I'm being a heel now do is part of pepsico. It's the pride of the cap. Alone is, but I am a diet, soda somalia and diet. Mountain do is good, but is a little sweeter, son drop is a little more tart with a hint of Michael's craft, but it is delicious. One thing I did look up is that it almost as much.
gathering is a red bull. So I got god, no wonder I've gotten low jittery lightly, germany's bad boys, the maggots. You like energy during governor florida here next, the other large em. Now the right First flew along north carolina outer banks. Ohio calls themselves the birthplace of aviation, because orville and wilbur Wright were born in ohio, from where I was visiting north carolina. Where would you tell them to go to fish by you for your states honour? I am ready to do all on jockeys ridge. Right. I pity hall right where the first flight, because north carolina is first and foremost, yeah yeah, just that a bicycle in a while in eight years, that checks out. I mean that the union s debate.
No! No! I agree that you. Actually there is much of their date here. They didn't bring like we shall use our own high onus to reach the skies will be the qualities we brought from our native state of ohio. Now they came here to do it, they merely doing. if they were going to fly no higher, they would have flown, and I and I steal that when you're thank you take what everyone governor Roy cooper. Everybody has to have the governor the smaller easier Please work. The sage.
you know from seizing thirteen of rupaul's drag raisins he's a native, rupaul draggers. All stars think laurie? I beg you will be here, it'd Ask me We are very happy to see you. I am now with us the sound his reputation coming up, bless her heart approach to being a gigantic bitch you abide by their mentality or just or do you just let them have it. Let it from about that. That every now and then let them have let the knob wrong. I'm not the one hiding, ok there's something in common there's, a m
minnesota, nice and southern hospitality have something in common, which is that like bless her hard thing, it's interesting We don't have that where I'm from new york They don't do that. You don't have less. We don't. You bless your art in new york last year. there's. None of that sort of fuck use and then of one. You know ones as anything in and it is very angry in their cars. so angry in their cars, how about here? Well, I'm not from here to do they have any here. Ok of about Anna south africa, ass, yet the beautiful! If we allow the mouth of the thing tat We love the mountains. You ve been doing drag through this. your time in which suddenly the right wing has decided they really care about drag. Have you felt the effects of that as your as your touring of you felt? The effects of it in your shows,
How do you see it in your day to day life? Yes, I have been to start theories. Were they will have the protesters on the outside of the show what they if the finds in there yeah that chat, chat, chat whatever, and I mean I mean it is kind of scary, but it's like at the end of the day, grow what you came to see me what does it scary, sometimes gay and he's gonna scare you now, but basically nothing bear- have had been in any other way I have been in, but they they wanna be heard. I guess gas right. now you ve been nothing but tastes phone or find, but I'm about to make that a lot harder in a second we're calling miss congeniality and here's how it works.
I'm going to read you a person, a place or thing and you're gonna have to say something nice about them: go first up its george santos, the congressmen who is currently waiting to go on trial in thirteen charges they define recently reveal the existence of a secret husband, nay, Matt, Tweet about diet find signs, death, knife, blade Plans are really really big in black, like those that is correct. Next, you had better go next up chloe car dashings, phobia of whales in the season
or premier of the chloe, admitted to a fear of all whales. Later on twitter. She said I Loki have here the ocean, but a whale. I can't even look at it freaks me out so much. They are dry and we discover new species all the time. That's bananas the ocean. We don't even know what's in there. What do you think about that? I love her uses a big words. That's very intelligent. Never married and very smart of her youth phobia and irrational yet a phobia of wales. It's like hey, if you interacting with a well that's a choice. You made I thought the choice of a whale made right. You don't adds a generally see. Well, you go to the where the whales and come to you evacuated next up. This is a tough one. Ok
Maybe it's time to say something nice about the supreme court. United states of america, beautiful gown, That is correct. Your final question: the bedbugs invading paris did you know about it? bedbugs have a god, and I and I was shipped over there, europe later manic gras, the news to me. The bedbugs are invading parents and they're there and the olympics are going to be there, and so paris is frequent. Executive killer these bedbugs before the athletes get there or not right. You know that I baby,
while entertaining and they don't discriminate, they don't discriminate, obviously, and I'm a little nervous because I was just over there was my bag and working on new music right now that I am working on. I'm excited about that guy was authorised but I really parties sharply working the outlook for that sell states him for that the only bbq layer in north carolina now I have had any bbq yet was really good bbq that I should have they all say.
Good things about what they gave. Ok, thank you. Try and no matter where you go there like wrong you're, not from here. I know I'm not from here out. Yes, I know I'm not from you. You went to the wrong one. I ask you, when you told me that they are wrong, there is no right place to go and we'll get so upset, yeah? I had shown its views. I don't know, that's right, raise don't go anywhere, love it or leave. It is more on the way consumers cellular you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers, but for up to half the cost same thing up to half the cost up to half the cost. For the same, fifty percent the money for one hundred percent. The same thing, I hope I make myself clear
Consumers cellular when freedom calls were here to answer call, isn't one eight, eight eight freedom hath. Savings based on cost of consumer cellular single line, five gigabyte data plan with unlimited talk and text compared to lowest cost single line. Postpaid unlimited talk text and data plan offered by t mobile and verizon may twenty twenty three how's this for spooky season this november Regional republicans are dangerously close to a governing trifecta with every seat in the legislature on the ballot and it no higher abortion rights are quite literally on the ballot. Some people call it an off here. We call it what we call John an opportunity. Media hype might have turned to twenty two for some of your favorite podcast, but there are still elections with massive states across the country. This november, America's had enough jumped scares had to vote, save american outcomes, no off years right now to find out how you can get involved
thinking during the supreme court is back in session and guess what, as the newly dubbed alien superstar of constitutional law, we are here to tell you that now is the time, to press play on strict scrutiny, because, where the one, the only one, the one of wine, so you can join melissa, Murray and my co host and fellow constitutional law, professors, leah, lippman and kate sean as the impacts on the dock? For this? an olive illegal, John behind it, because when the justices get messier than any shit that could go down in an elevator, well we're here to make the term a little less gary and to help you keep up with the slew of legal news. That's headed our way. You can listen to new episodes of strict scrutiny each week wherever you get your pack.
That's it lets elevate. Alright, let's get serious, let's get intellectual, it's time Once again, we have tricked and actual person of substance to join us on our travelling carnival act. Please welcome saving verbal writer and socio distressing macmillan caught em people come on. I would like to say I did not sign up to be this. person of substance, okay, graphics it in post. Okay, thank you very much. Honestly. I had a feeling you're going to say that the great misunderstood
can we say that you're right? How dear I you contain multitudes. We all do. I gotta redefine printing contracts. I've never said anything That kind of money, we get to that. We're going to have some fun, but I did want to ask you you heard it as about the power of being blonde in america, idea, yeah yeah and that's something, Brian is an experience since he died his hair. You said: there's one p: outsize emotional reactions to benign inquiries about their self evident believes it is often an indicator that status is doing invisible, work. Why That's where you so, while you brought me all the way up here in the mountains and and set me up and then you don't, let me loose and fatalities people, but yes, I said
and I and I live, and I stand by you on the thank you very much. It was one of those things that people try to pretend they didn't understand because they didn't like it If people understood it just fine, I know people understood it because they come up to me at events which has been happening ever since I published that piece. It was a throwaway which will teach me first of all to do throwaways. I thought it would
without saying that in our culture, blonde was one of those things that for people who were not born blonde that you choose for the most part, most people choose it because it comes with social status. People treat you nicer and then they, like you better. I literally thought I was saying one of those things. That's like there. You go coffee's hot you're right. I just thought literally thought it was a taken for granted everyday truth and that, actually, I think, might be the problem. It is a taken for granted everyday truth. people need to forward to go unsaid so that they can benefit from it without feeling bad about. It now said, brightened up the door. We just looks great with the want here, but the blondes came for you harm
you think, I'm a gangster, but at the park. You know what I mean like. I certainly never imagined a version of my life where I would be afraid of a lot of people. There was a moment in my life here recently where I was like I'm here alone. Their lot of black people have a lot of misspelled protest. Science right yeah, that's right, I'll, come to get a smile at a glance, the brain, bigger, winnie, ewing, eighty twenty, and that's why I would look for in the room someone with the little
and there are well good breaks out and the bono there with you There is something funding there is it's interesting because children, the corn, there is the other side of the power of blonde hair and our culture. There is hence in which it is dangerous and menacing and frightening in some way. Yes,
That is true. I do think the children of the corn is an interesting example, because a lot of the the power of blonde is that people are willing to accept. Is that no it's just a sign of youth and you know, and the children of the corn is like you know, the extension of that is taken to it's exaggerated extreme, and I think that might be why we found the film so terrifying because it was supposed to you know this. Extreme blindness was supposed to represent innocence and youth, and they, of course make that very terrifying, and I'm I always found passing why people think they thought that film was terrifying and I think it's actually that reason. What did you say it's also like being blonde. Even in youth is only available to us all subset of kids, not a lot of blue. Jews as aids, A lot of long black kids
It really is only of that. That kind of demonstration of youth is only available to areas needs, and I really sure saw more seriously. The number of people who came up to me after I went back on the road of that peace came out during covert withdrawals. I don't like they shut down because it was kind of if he there what kind of covert withdraws I wasn't on the road. I wasn't doing public lectures when I went back out on the road, no matter what my virtue was about. All anybody wanted to talk about was this peace and afterwards people would come up to me, and there were so many women in particular older women, iranians jewish from all
plus you know, of ethnic immigrants from across the world who wanted to tell me stories that were actually quite sad, full of, like a lot of, I think, unresolved pain about the fact that not just at this thing, it sorta happened to them like what it meant for them growing up to not be blonde and that it wasn't just that they weren't considered pretty or datable or whatever. No one left like a really serious thing mark on their lives, and it wasn't just that that thing had happened to them, but that they didn't have any language for it at all. Unlike these were like women and like their sixties and seventies and eighties. Who wanted to talk to me about this, and he wrote me these long, passionate letters and- and I thought well, yes, I've got to take the brunt of the blonde brigade coming for me. The fact that there were these women from across the world and across the like global spectrum, who are like saying like
Finally, a language for this thing that I felt, but everybody around me told me, was just this frivolous concern the so something else! You been talking about is the actual data day impact of these efforts to ban books in stigmatize, librarians and teachers and an you. Actually spoke to professors in florida about what it's like, and one thing that you said was they are living. working at ground zero. What feels like a culture of repression from mccarthy era, while the public still thinks the culture war in higher education is about civility. are the professors all right. Now we had He says that we are not all right, her, nothing! It's! You know enough in the big scheme of things, if a go far enough up the aura chart,
governor cooper, who did a great job tonight is my desire worked at the flagship public adversity, the instant. You know, if you go up high enough he's my boss and I was sitting back there going- I am pretty proud of him being my boss, but so is everybody else in that chamber, and I was thinking yeah we're not doing all right. I mean state after state, I think, especially in public higher education, which is where the battle is it's most intense, precisely because the levers are most of the available to public outrage and manipulation and in so no and we're not just alright because of the political interference in our daily lives. A lot of public workers are not our rights and we're not unique.
Respect, but were also not all right, because listening covert is not over and we never shield, I think, from the traumatic loss that coded visited upon us upon our students upon our extended families, and our work lies in the fact that this country and our culture so weird about that that we just wouldn't stop and say This thing happen and we didn't like morn alike, but we should like rip phones or something you know why like in the bible. There should have been like some big ritual. You know where this will in the mountains we should have went and had a picnic at The grave site like you do this is a thing we do down: yeah yeah, we'd, naughty yeah, the grass yeah yeah, it's not yet,
it's a thing kind of it's a good time in sure sounds good. It's fine. It sounds fun, it does it is, but we should have had some public ritual and we Didn'T- and so it's not just that we never did that and and then you put that on top of we are in year. Twenty eight or something of you know: public disinvestment in public, higher education and then to have people. Tell you that you are public enemy number one. It is horrible for your country to say that you are an enemy. It is horrible and again not unique to us. This has been happening to kate through twelve teachers. This has been happening to bus drivers has been happening to librarians, but your country, turning on
You is a kind of laws that I'm not sure we have. A word for in our language is theirs there is a good tension because that I thought about that. You like we went through this national international global trauma and on the one we say we never took a moment to acknowledge it or addressed- but at the same time, it's almost as if that requires acknowledging that it's over, but was no moment at which it ended. So it does create this problem of we ve. All. What have we went through? It didn't end on a specific day. It continued a continue is a kind of slowly changing relationship with risk that continues to a kind of ebb and flow did with most people trying to go. back to normal. Some people who have greater risk or may be feeling like people forgotten about them completely, but it kind of added together to the kids
A ton of schooling, and figure out how to address that people of went into their homes and came out kind of weird not to mention all the people that loss or order were lost in the pandemic, but it does seem like collectively we're gonna, look back on this and like oh, we never really talked about how weird we our. I when I went to I went to see Jinx monsoon and people got up in the middle of songs to go, get drinks and it's like what hello you're, not at home
apposite you say in your seat of the song- is spoken over yeah yeah. We have lost the ability to do public ness because public stopped and we re entered it and then a staggered sort of way, and so you right there was no mass reentering m- is stopped collectively. You know I always peggy too, that data they cancel the nba final. That just felt like. Oh right, you exact with that for me is the day you got real for everybody in that moment, but then there's no book in date like that, but we didn't flip the lights back over everybody right. So we all came back out various times. It was staggered and in so there is no like public. On the other side and like you, I go to theatre
in movies assignment hawk about like planes, trains and automobile like blesses, we ve all lost our entire minds like nobody, its enhanced public needs its new. It's it's. I can't tell it because we're filming the now or people really losing their minds on planes and ways they didn't for. I think they didn't. I think something has changed. Listen. I am I I very I'm more conservative than the average getting old person about overstating the effect of medium. Like we ve always been a little. You we overstate well let me, but now now leave lasting. That is my official opinion. So as part of this can of effort to undermine professors in and academia to declare everything woke. There's this effort in florida. Access is everywhere for north carolina for republican politicians and to try to use the defence of parental rights.
to empower the worst parent at your kids school too Make life hell for your kids. Teacher. That's about rights, and there is part of this, they're, just a bacon assumption like oh, you know, there's an theirs like us an assumption of power that, like oh, that's, that's the right that these parents had there's a kind of there's a way in which these can serve? It is in these right wing. Politicians are playing on certain assumptions about who get
It should be in charge of what's in a curriculum- and I know you've talked about that. So I'm curious what you think. Well, on the one hand, I am happy whenever you know people show up for the fight. I, however, say to people. I am the wrong person for new recruits because, like there's a certain sense, you need a good sensitive person to handle the new recruits. You know what I mean like and I'm not that person, I'm not the person, neophytes? Give me the three hundred level and above people, and I say that because his I'm, the persons like where were you when we were saying this is an extension of suburban parents in particular, haven't been trained now, since brown versus board of education. Where
italy starts but accelerates in the nineteen eighties, in the nineteen nineties, of mostly white middle class and upper middle class parents being trained to treat public schools as private property, the push out the students and the people that they didn't want in public schools and that's right and so they're just turning their training on now. Every institution they're going they're doing all of this training that all of this massive training they've learned how to intervene as class moms and pizza warriors, and they learn how to use phone trees and they've learned this. These are classic by the way, organizational tactics which, by themselves, are not positive or negative.
but when you para them with a set of politics that say public is for my personal use. Then they become poisonous, and so I say to people when we say to care about other people. Children is not just the right thing to do to make sure that person it prepares you for now when they turn on you which they inevitably always doing, and I know that is a history blue. It also, there is like it did, does connect back to what the governor was saying around Republicans roof trying to control powers. Take power from a democratic governor trying to gerrymander, which, as we have
a process for what happens at school bards democratic powers in the community comes together and they elected people better and either directly or indirectly in charge of determining what the curriculum. Isn't. Everyone understands that no every single sent isn't gonna get it gonna get to write that curriculum. You used to come together in you, don't always agree, but you trust this process to create a kind of democratic way of figuring out what on in schools but there's? No, no! No that's fine and when I agree, but when I don't I get to be in charge, I get to be and I get to decide what happens, and you know I think, like there's some people that here then say well, don't parents have a say in what their kids get to read sure, but they know get to be in charge of what every other kid gets
Now, as we already covered, you contain multitudes- and there was something I did want to ask you about jewish within Travis, causing he plays. Is some sort of police chief in kansas and not now, is happening that this is good this level of attention. Why do people care about it? Why do you care about it? Oh ok, sure I hear you know blessed tailors avenue cared about anything tables and so long. I don't care I just like that, since by mostly harmless until she was what that boy who seemed very racists, but
I I you know, but everybody around me tears a lot and I was aware, is the day after day and another day, beauty or into society or were proud or whatever happens I go to the german is bit of us, media, Jim and that's all they were talking about a new all the guys, like form of football player, a deer
Invest it? So you know what, if she's done, that, I think that's something good for her. You know she's doing what women have done for generations. She has leveled up a man that people thought were being Jan her station, but in truth, yeah fees eleventh, and if you know she's also blonde. As I said, nothing good can come from this question. go in the way, you think replace us
oh, I don't think it would watch you. Ok, you rubber dressy combat cyber, the railway alibi who know the supreme court is back intention and when the judge it is getting mess you than anything anticommunist to contend with. Strict scrutiny is just the pod. You need to make sense of age we cosmo summarily eleven and K. John pack was on the dark it and hope you keep up with slew of legal news. Headed our way listens to episodes of strict scrutiny each week wherever you get your pont gas, and it is not too late dearly nurse to get tickets to join love, leave it in charlottesville on october, twenty first portland seattle and bolder you'd, your last chance people
People these tickets are moving all right, so go to target our com, slash events. And now please welcome lala ri back to the stage. Thank you for being here. I just can't get out, I think, as command the. And now it's time for the rant, will you now works the wheel, spins, not a thing we hate and then we want about. It is about just seven on the wheel at spirit the oppression of anti panty lines? This was surprise, no one.
His me. What do you know about beginning? What do I know about them? Yes, the ida underwear. That is correct. I feel I categorically as when the word panties is. Is it it's? It's of its underwear is, is flowers of freely and is for women and its identity like like like delicate, why don't I don't understand what I'm supposed to do until thirty one year old man, who kissed a girl in college so you're going to. I don't know very much, and this is my point you don't have to think about it. You see we woke up one day. Does anybody anybody over a certain age?
it used to be fine to wear underwear as a woman. It was fine and then one day in like two thousand and ten, it was a crime. If anybody could Now that you are on the way- and now it's, how would you put in I have an inordinate amount of time wondering if we have something called visit fancy. Why a man you every thought a thing about? It
How am I the villain in this story? The reason I don't give a fuck about the way I look at a women's, as is I just found out you have them. I will do whatever you want. Just don't blame me. I'm an ally in his boxer briefs are great and I think it's time for it to stop. It had a run. Thank you. I think we re read me. We can free ourselves Thank you three. Voters, like I love teachers and beyond, say you're, like fuck panty, lions. Everybody knows where this crowd is.
some of the bra straps about that is exactly right. Now all of the under where's, your exactly right after the last great. Let's spinet again the It has landed on liars and horrible communicators. Stop the ways the amount the falcons, I'm a bad. You know who you are from the beginning. We you'll be ok, doorways mother. Why have a phone? If you're not going to you, they wouldn't you,
Okay, listen! I traveled the world for a living, thank god because Jesus, I feel, find time to communicate somewhat effectively. So I feel, like I mean it, should be a given, especially when we all have our phones in our hands all the time like we're, always scrolling on social media. So if it takes nothing but a little take text, hey how you doing you're not to respond or whatever and stop lying about the smallest little things, It's okay, yeah, stop! It is pointless why? Why? Because you have to lie and keep blind people with the first law and it's going to keep up- fire now inspiring. That's right! That's right now and it's like. If I may. I would caution you first largest, that right now ok so lie is the harbor communicators, please down only mellow by buying like us, is directed at opposed them.
and I'm on your side? I just wanted you to know. Do you mean to say- and I'm just learning this now- that people aren't just seeing this when people say Just seeing this that's not they thought like all of us on our bones twenty four hour hours a day, just seeing this x Y could suit you over from Wardle for ten seconds. You freaks such an important point. Thank you. Let's spin it again,
It is landed on barbecue. Here's. What I want to say Having heard you gotta get the fuck out of here, whatever you think, I'm gonna say is apparently what you think, because you just put acted so hard? We picked it up on our microphones. Here's the problem. I have as a lover of food in a traveller of america. There's just this, the big problem that happens with bar the queue down, which is this most kinds of food you eat you eat it, then two hours later. It's time to eat again? Not so with
Would you it's as if you eat it and it kind of gets, come from and then for the rest of the day, maybe even until the next day it's like given little bits out, because lunch at noon. Today, no one ever getting it again. It just stays around and try a different things. I wanna go to different places. You ve made that impossible, it's also solid and by the way I try to be good. I said yeah yeah green things. You know they put the green beans on there on the menu, nobody wants them but it's where the shame it's this, James sides, ring beans, You feel shame, but even then the form of barbecue in the form of a barber. You side,
a green, being, becomes a potato. And you keep saying call- and I listen. I like all agreements, but as we Just say: card's, fine, I'm not from here I'm a jew from long island deal with it. You tell me how to talk. I talk to whoever you want till tomorrow. What it's like hold on a second, because
Are you cooking those greens in those collards in it? It's not fucking me that extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin olive oil are you aware of the vegetable oils they don't reach here yet, so how did you spend no money for olive oil because you were building the biltmore the way to big house the a lot of rooms that you don't need? Thank you
I'm we are so far. I know I'm a great and just cause it's us and just does I did it with the power of discipline and a drug that giving to celebrity these fucking elaborate outpost, talk about an anchor here's, the thing. Ok, I believe in doing whatever you fuckin want. However, you want to do. He don't want to lose weight, keep waking, we do have the fuck you want you want to get here plugs I recommended
do whatever you want facelift, botox everybody do whatever you want to yourself to make. You feel good. I don't care, but airbrush yourself. Don't airbrush yourself use a filter. Do whatever you fucking want I'll. Tell you where I reserve judgment or reserve judgment for all these people. in los angeles, who are taking experiment do pancreas medicine and then doing interviews with reporters and saying they just found a new dietician anyway do dietician. They found novo nordisk, because let me tell you something: let me tell you something I'll talk about, I don't care. It had a beer this is crazy, you take this drawing on a monday, you're like on wednesday or like. Should I eat something? The only thing is its experimental pancreas medicine.
As far as I'm concerned, devils bargains always work out right. and I say one more thing about this- if anyone's it are you interest in this topic? Here's the thing, that's interesting about it. This is the thing the point I want to make about this. Maybe we put this out. Maybe not least here's. The thing that is absolutely mine, blowing mine lying, which is so a friend of mine, who had long struggled with health issues in part related to wait, went on this before I did. I again I did it out of vanity and insecurity, so that's different, but but we were he he was like my my my guide through this and we now challenge after I took this drug for the very first time went out for sushi and normally I would do to a sushi restaurant, what a whale
due to the sea, open my mouth and go forward, I don't mind my c minus analogies tonight, but you like how does likewise look on his face and he said order less than you think and that I did and then we're walking back cars, and I I didn't like one sushi role and sir No, this topic doesn't interest you, I can see your arms or cross, and I'm sorry are you interested in, is at all even a little bit May god he's in this at durban? language, socks and that something that you do it does he have resting this. addressing this space. Okay, so listen here's the part that was interesting. Ok, which is I ate like a little bit
Food like much less than I normally would maybe like a third of what I normally would, but I felt really really full. I felt like I'd, eaten thanksgiving dinner. I felt like I'd, visited, asheville and so and were walking back to our cars and all of a sudden. They realize something. I don't just feel full. I feel full and guilty because for the first time in my life, I realize that the calories in calories out there was making me feel bad. I had over years connected the feeling of being full with the feeling of being guilty, that being full meant. I had failed because the big Don't call me my life is amazing, but listen, but that was what was like an amazing revelation for me, because I didn't know. I had no idea until that very moment that the feeling of being for and the feeling of being ashamed were connected, even though they weren't supposed to be because there completely different feelings now, could I a figure that, out through therapy shore, is that what my therapist preferred? Yes
but after. But what are we gonna? Do we deal with this for fucking ever and so I said, and so my third visit. I can't stop you and I said you're right. Doktor Christie, so into my leg, went the medicine and the way went, that's my high note. I guess what word is leave it in the shaping of that. it's interesting it like it, just a wild thing and the other thing The other thing I wanted to say about this, which is there's almost these two competing theories of how we're supposed to respond to a culture that puts way more food in front of us than we would for possibly need, and one is dire culture which tells you to lose weight exercise, beat this broken system with discipline. The other is body.
Captains, which is obviously a more positive movement, but is also based on the idea that the only response to a system that that has basically be evolution and put way more food in front of us than we were ever meant to see is again individual discipline, either a discipline of losing weight or discipline of not carry about your way, and you know what capitalism is a match for that effort. It's no match. Capitalism is wave. Capitalism is a system that created. incredible abundance for good and for ill is more powerful than our individual willpower discipline. But you know what cap I am also made Jai pharmaceutical companies and I feel, like we finally showed up to this fucking fight with capital. one of our side and yeah yeah. It's a little weird that it's like ha ha. Now I got big far behind me. What are you gonna do now? Cheesecake factory eat shit, but that's what happened, but that's what happened and I really wanted to talk about it.
We also want to talk about you. shut up in a hunter in honour of your city, reputation for what I would call downright weird beers exciting things up tonight, instead of our your highness we're serving up a segment calling happy our happiness beer, wench ryan is in the house. Mom realize now here before, not I'm glad you're up now, here's others gonna work. Ok, here's how can work! We are beers of increasing percentages gang Someone's gonna have a high note and you have to beat that high note. of tat, even better news so who goes spurs, has have pretty good news. He won't
He wants to go last. I I've there's there's a competence in his eyes. He goes last who's got the we now come to my people got beat this just so pretty solid news or they got they got it. I have a high note for both of us actually and what's your name, maggie maggie hi hi today as my daughter's with birthday so shut up, happy birthday. This may be the first time I have ever heard your show start to finish. Nonstop. I got small children. This, like I'm pause in every five minutes. So that's a hangover me girl. I once high now for you you're, just inspiring
form as you aren't going to start. I somebody's argument all these great in small doses, that means and what they are buying up the beer, but this is in the land of the sky and it's a session The appeal l who's got a high note that can beat that. I know you were here I. What is your name? What is your highness high john lighting, Sarah, so this prize some silly, but I left my parents really close, and by earlier this year I decided to start a new life through my life, I uprooted my life move from ohio where- family lives, move down to
here in north carolina and get my mom actually introduce me to Europe, cas now. I consider my mom my best friend, and it's actually like away. We keep in touch, we talk about, in the podcast and they bought tickets tonight and they're here with me and drove down. So the this is a I can't. This is scripts, that's hard to read and it's a red ale, oh yeah, for. round was come around Let's go to the er we're here, we're queer. I have a brick shirt. and
What's your name and what is your highness mining is lizzy. I lend my now is actually the shirt. Thank you it's from you and the whole point is that, in actual, we bizarrely do our pride in september, but last I wore this shirt, do our actual pride along with my envy kid who were there? Please leave prince keys alone, you absolutely free and so much my envy kill you just made it into the orchestra and is looking for us suit will not look like there are wearing their dead suit or like they're trying to be. sexy, lady in a suit, and there are having a hard time. So if anybody has any recommendations were looking for some, but my high note is the orchestra and that we all love our march.
It gives them the gruden brewing, co, oktoberfest ooh. What even is that drink it and find out where we have two more? We have to mars we're going to land on him, so we had to go one more over here. What is your name? What is your high note? I'm kelly. I bought tickets for this like a month before and like major cardiothoracic surgery as something to look forward to that was like two and a half months no undoing way better. Then this is a national, brilliant idea. Nice is can you be that? Are you so you scan you read it? He can he was so confident. I, what is your name and what is your highness monies Michael? My high note was gonna, be how much oliver Linda married eight months ago why
Can I got here and we're about the same age, ok and living you're. Turning forty was living me three ordering and you see how you do, you live your life and how you are. It's my fucking, oh my god, it's so nice. Thank you. Give him a great year, high wire billboard and that's where we're going to have to leave it. We said we were going to do five at the end of the second. I don't make the rules I have to leave, but we have to go Asheville
That is our show the ninety seven days and have a great night. Thank you to everybody at the orange peel and have a great the love it or leave it as a crooked media production. Kendra James is our executive producer. Bryan similar is our producer and malka with bill desert associate producer, how we keep her as our head writer, Sarah lazarus, Jonathan hoffman political. Peter Miller and Alan Pierre, our writers, we iceberg produces the show its mixed and edited by evans, stephen cologne is our audio engineer. Kyle segment and charlotte landis provide audio support. Our theme song is written, performed by sure sure, thanks for designers, Jesse Maclean, if Bernardo for creating a running oliver visuals, but you can't see because this is a pot cast and your digital producers zuri urban David.
cosmic helmet and magic route for filming and editing video each week. So you can't you could find those glorious videos at youtube, dot, com, slash at love it or leave it. Podcast, do us a favor and to love it or leave it on youtube and don't forget to follow us at crooked media instagram and twitter, and if you're as opinionated as we are, consider dropping us a review. That's funny, then, the love it or leave it.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-11.