« Lovett or Leave It

Don Jr. Does a Line of Questioning (Live from Seattle!)

2023-11-06 | 🔗

It’s a heaping helping of tossed salad, scrambled eggs, and civil fraud here in Seattle. We give her 24 hours, Rep. Pramila Jayapal gives us the world. Lovett doesn’t really get Seattle, so the audience uses Fraiser to help explain its appeal. Madeleine Smithberg talks Letterman, Stewart, Carson and French Onion Dip. And we do rapid fire rants, high notes, and a check in with the Batman to Seattle’s Gotham: The Green Jacket Lady.


Thank you, Moore Theatre!


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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You just got here from poor, let its great dream we'll city the now, let's put on our big boy, pants, be adults who lose people Portland think that they are welcome
do you love it or leave it, the areas store. We have a great show, reunite congressmen formula jaya Paul join those originally draggers alarm. Irene dubai was supposed to be here, but you think you know what she was going to be great. I asked you dear audience to give me some non frazier frames of reference for this soaking city, and daily show greater madeline smith burg is gonna teach me economic friend, John french onion, for some reason, and to hear your highness, but first, let's get into it. What do we want? The scientists this feels like it's like
those he doesn't deserve us unanimously. The double down on his promise to quote slid the throats of federal beer. grads, if elected president telling MSNBC willie guys that he was simply being colorful, When you say something like you said and ryan new Hampshire, that you want to quote slit the throats of federal bureaucrats, No, you didn't mean that literally, but the other pause or any regret about using that kind of rhetoric. Given our political climate, because I think people knew was a figure of speech mining people want to see, but I should say fire how washington well, because europe being colorful it well. better than when he said he would skull, thought the supreme court when I said I would gouge out your eyeballs with a spoon and then run you over with my car has been folks later
And just announced that he would drink the blood of the work and what critics are calling organisers, on Wednesday donald trump junior and Eric trump began, giving testimony in their fathers civil fraud trial in preparation don junior did a huge line of practice, questioning photographers were allowed into the courtroom to take donging yours picture before he took the sand leading into joke. I should have worn make up here take some of mine said his father skimming off a handful of raw sludge from his own cheeks. Of course, I'm joking trump didn't show up didn't show up to watch. His son testify in his second day of testimony. John junior was grilled by prosecutors on why his signature was all over stacks of allegedly inaccurate
angel statements that he claimed had nothing to do with said don junior. I rely on the accounting team to tell me what is accurate. That's why we have accountants, don junior went on to blame outside accounts for any discrepancies in the trump organization's financial statements, which is obviously a lie. There is no such thing as outside accountants. These people are inside cats. Indoor creatures lies and obvious receive an account outside. As the growing questioning went on don junior screamed. Where is papa, as he said, desperately in the gallery, for the shining son in his sky, the oriental force of his life only to find nothing just ass, his father before him found only a fred trump shaped hole in every room. In every crowd and so did fred. and so on and so forth. Until the arrears No father awoke to dissentients in the depths of the primordial, see made
Own slimy little done junior and said so. Crying men, don't cry. I one point: according to the times, don junior began speaking very quickly while answering prosecutors questions. When the judge cautioned him don junior said he would try to slow down, probably excited about all the justice going on? I don't thing gets me read job like pure uncut, justice straight to the dough, can you dont you you're going to say this is slowly as possible. Your honor you and I should start a business. That's like goober, but for verdicts and maybe it's also a tv show, I'm really excited about this man. I think we have some special here. In his own turn on the stand, our trump claimed to have no knowledge of key documents. At the centre of the case, saying I
I never had anything to do with the statement of financial condition. I never worked on it at the time and I don't know anything about it really until this case came to fruition. Okay said prosecutors. Once again, the question was: do you need some help? Getting your boxers unstuck from your pant zipper, looks pretty mangled there Eric ultimately became combative with the prosecutor when asked if he knew about the trump organizations financial statement, saying, of course he knew the company had financial statement since we're on major organization, a massive real estate organisation. All my girlfriends have told me it's the biggest real estate organization. They ve ever seen an I've seen the financial statements and I was invited to my dad's birthday party. I was just busy that day, I'm in the loop guys. He said think the
peters then showed an raises ugliest, vampire, twenty thirteen email from former trouble organization, comptroller, Jeff, marconi control, are right. When you see Actually, you just say controller. No, I that that's a new thing. We started pronouncing controller, but it just controller right now we say Comptroller we will hold on hold on hold on hold on. I like when this happens. you see seo mp trawler were determined to two things. Is that common or is it controller anyway, They showed Eric trump and email from former trump organization controller Jeff macartney
earlier tested, booming nokia told him better. I raise some fuckin douche bag of a chump organization, Eric overvalue, his family's seven springs property. The email said hi eric, I'm working on your dad's annual financial statement. I need to value seven springs. Attach we find how I valued at last year. Shockingly Eric replied, I am unable to value single spring Jeff. How might have value seven them Think of the snow. The return of birdsong young, lovers emerging from under blanket and hearth, hands held, inverted Seeking long walks amid lengthening days, how do you expect a man to put a price on the return of life and a banquet? of biting numbing winter. Come on Jeff you stupid.
it's worth a billion dollars, so dull from actually did not attend his sons days on the witness stand, but before you start feeling ban for them, Tromp did send the boys a noted, someone else's handwriting, that red have a great kick ballgame One final note on this honest into court. On thursday, don junior told the sketch artists to make him look sexy, which does explained the giant it's Simon everybody, asean, it is scared, like its embankment freed but tat they insulted you are I accepted you all with nonsense. It was gino. Right has gone so far in the case of our ok, do you notice?
This is brings me no pleasure to report that the house republicans around it again. A resolution written by margie. green's essential, rashid to leave was voted down on Wednesday, green, then lashed out at republicans who voted against it, including chip roy after he said, the resolution was deeply flawed and contained legally and factually unverified. Claims green then attacked roy for kicking her out of the freedom caucus while retaining vape. In groping laurinburg, and I just want to pause and appreciate, phrase bathing hoping lauren buber. It has a beautiful meter, its trophies its choky trophy choky, trophy foreign row, beeping, but being Lauren boat bird good: it's good writing! That's just good luck in writing! She's a stupid April poet, but
the poet you voted with the democrats to verdict terrors to leave green treated. You hate trump certified binds election. It could care less about J, six dependence being persecuted, so trying to make us like ship Roy roy responded tellers, go chase, so called jewish space lasers. If she wants to spend time on that sort of thing, recalling of course the anti semitic conspiracy theory, which green floaters a possible cause of what the twenty eighteen, California wildfires. you remember space lasers, but we don't remember what they were for. I forgot did you remember They were starting fires in California. I forgot the earth. I, on thursday raided the home of new york city mayor Eric Adams, twenty five year old, fundraiser briana suggs. A search warrant reportedly showed that the raid was part of a broad public corruption inquiry into whether the Adams campaign conspired with the turkish government to garner illegal foreign donations,
wow, that's crazy sounds like a pretty big story, no set new jersey, senator Bob and then does digging up the back up gold bars. He hid in Henry rector's grave. I thought for a while, but where we should put the gold bars Bob and then does is gonna dig up and I thought rutgers, that's funny, What is a rutger googled? It turns out. It was a man illusionary war man and then I say, where's that guy buried he was buried. lower manhattan, but they moved him once Manhattan got too crowded for that kind of thing, where they move em new jersey, the job words investigators are looking into whether the campaign provided kickbacks, we're brooking instruction company with ties to turkey and to turkish officials.
Finally, the gaping contributions during an appearance on italian tv, the pope endorse a two state solution and lamented global anti semitism two peoples who must live together? I said, pope Francis with not a wise solution, exist. Two peoples: two states follow the oslo agreement to very limited states and jerusalem with a special status. Okay, pope but Arafat, and about our boss, walked away from peace talks. Israel has continued to expand settlements and resist resistor right of return. Tensions have never been higher. it can be no peace as long as a mosque controls Gaza, to which the pope replied, hey, hey chicken, My big had available and. The times reported that at an early meeting with adidas in two thousand and thirteen kanye drew a design featuring a swastika before later advising a jewish employed to kiss a picture of hitler every day to be fair. I know about hitler. He'd have hated that
This is a farce, cry from the vision of a data is found or not party member adolf docile besides He just didn't use pictures of hitler and eve abroad to delineate the men's and women's rooms at the office. Things like this wouldn't happen. turn it around on adidas come in for a deed. Is that time interview published this week, broke she'll. So glamour that last month she had a seizure in a restaurant and when she will she was in an ambulance and bradley cooper was holding her hand. She said Caesar was caused by drinking too much water, so she said you were perfect. Brook perfect, said the kool aid man sliding the bare bonds across the table. Next to the massive crumbling hole in the sight of her house. Look, it's done. Ok,
I'm out, you said I was out, will you leave me and my family, my brick walls alone? Now, oh yeah, I is it is? Is this mcluhan and pay brook shields to pretend you, at a stroke for drink too much water, so that people would buy kool aid to put it in the things they get? Their electoral lights? All fuckin follow the money. Coolly Mona, the cooler than the coup in man always wins. Men be cool. Men wins whether you're thursday or not anyway, shields has the seizure they carried Her husband, bradley cooper is in the neighborhood and somehow the beginning, With bradley cooper via some celebrity work of assistance, as if the only person that can help brooks shields in this moment has to be famous, doesn't actually make sense like when a person has celebrity has a seizure if you're on a plane.
celebrity, has an emergent, they dont say. Is there a celebrity in the house? I got their muscle, been some medical professionals like bradley cooper, wasn't actually helping he was just around, but when this is it. justin trudeau. I don't understand anyway. The point as brook shield, said to a glamour editor, who is also a friend what she felt when she woke up with bradley cooper, holding her hand, which he said. As I thought to myself. This is death must be like because I could not stop for bradley cooper. Rightly cooper. Stop for me. Shields said that, in order to ensure she has enough sodium in her body and avoid another seizure, she's now under doctor's orders, the potato chips every day
shields zog yours said, and as the quote, it's either that or medicine Take a look at our door after I don't know. I trust this fucking guy doctors have moustaches I don't know why, but as a rule, it feels we, bigger digress, a moustache and alike at plus the bring us guy. What do you mean? I bring to cut their budgets for us like you're drinking too much water is basically you ve drowning on dry land. Here. I can see that might happen. My accident one time, but the solution isn't: oh, you should eat potato chips every day as, if like it implies that, like brook shield is living a normal life and just unable to get the sultan
This is america who are all fuckin pickles were fully fully pickled creatures like what do you mean you're, not getting enough salt? What's going on what kind of fuckin celebrity new york, lorries side, god forsaken dietician, or you dealing with here adjourned at a moment of fuckin unita, EDA medical, potato chips? I don't know my reaction. Hall of fame basketball, coach Bobby night known to fans as the general died wednesday at eighty three. But if you listen closely, three,
for those who stay at home. A falling flew across his age, Amazon using secret algorithm code named nessie that functionally allowed it to inflate the prices of products on other websites. According to a newly revealed excerpt from an fcc lawsuit, hey, quite all, right all right. What's your stuff knowing the people aren't going any before going on this, It's dark, say anything gimme, a just pay, just a light, clap if you're in on this yeah there. It is
word for business. There comes either lefty faggot night in Siberia, The f DC alleges that amazon executives intentionally destroyed more than two years worth of communications by using the disappearing message feature on signal, in defiance of the agency's instructions. Whenever someone gets in trouble for having deleted their messages, it's always like well yeah. We knew we'd get in trouble, we don't have them. It was more important that you not have them. That's why we deleted them. Their terrible. It had been so much worse whenever, however, mad you are, that is the lower limit of how magic, Without a doubt.
unquestioning there's no chance that you would have been less mad than you are now you have. You ve been more man, Decision was good the government also alleges that amazon foundered phases instructed executives to accept more junk ads. Drive up ad revenue at the expense of user experience, for example, one executive apparently found that book urine the first results and a search for water bottles. Oops set up, This was what I wanted to drink, I a tarantula crossing the road in death valley. National park cause an accident when a swiss tourist in a camper van break sharply, causing a man on a motorcycle career in them. Or is it being charged with one count of failing the trolley problem?
also if you cause a car accident because of a you wanted to save you from got some motorcycle guy behind you to say: the life of a bug. you lie you say it was a Bigger animal. I. The bigger was hospitalized according to a statement from the national park service, which also noted that the spider walked away unscathed. But, according to news reports tragically down came and unwashed spell out in front according to new genetic research. The arms of a starfish- Actually extensions of its head.
oh now, I'd phuket thought. The scientist. Sorry, The study was published in the procedures journal of things a five year old said: unprompted where the studies led author, it's as if the sea star is completely missing a trunk and is the best described as just a head. Following along the sea floor. author than laughed menacingly and added pleasant dreams, I when we come back on the new jobs here anywhere. More monitor leave it becoming a lovely roger by carry humor, you guys, never carry issues. There call threat will be made and you can actually walk around them without having to take embarrassing little breaks. My
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we want you to say you know over the out, you filled out voting, put your hands put your hands together for the chair of the progressive of congress, your member java, the job- I guess- you're, not going anywhere regular being here. It is so great to be here. Welcome too, it's great to be here. When you start with this. Your sister just announced that she's running for congress. in a city. It's this sum. It's really a town that thinks it's a city, it's like! Basically, it's called portland.
I know you are very supportive of your sister but come on. Is there anything you do that you and try to do is get become If your thing wasn't congress, your thing, don't you have one wanted one thing, just be yours! No, it's true one thing I mean I literally said to her: you have so many professions you can be in that you want to come to congress. Now, I'm really thrilled she's going to be an amazing member of congress I hope you get to know her she's wonderful school. I hope we will get to being congress. That is open Well, you know I don't be. Sisters brings its own, not living together right you know, you're, not legal, same apartment, that's the shown. That's why why? Wouldn't you ve come? You know you ve been chuck humor livid, like dick durban, pull out for like years about yours.
There's a better roommate than chuck humor scheme to be our version of alpha house. Exactly had you? U dean, Phillips He definitely existed two months ago, He's not someone dissimulation created you your. Where are you aware of him before this? I was aware of him yes, but running for president really yeah. just throw that away. Hey what do you think about amazon, sending drones to basically poop packages onto our lawns? We have a video hey, hey, listen, listen
I know a lot of people in your districts work for this conglomerate, but you can do this. This is not good right. It is not good. We love the people that work for amazon, but amazon does need to be broken up, it is a monopoly. The and this I mean this is a lawsuit waiting to happen is definitely somebody who is going to get hit hundred percent one hundred percent, the honey. My dumb bowser here where's the dog. I'm just you see your point and not to me. And the ftc sued amazon in September that came after a sixteen month. Investigation by the house antitrust subcommittee on which your vice chair,
Investigation led to a number of bipartisan bills which go after monopolies. There's been a bunch of revelations just last few days. Some of the practices in amazon. What's your what's your reaction to the most recent round of information we have gleaned from this actually see lawsuits and yet what you make of it? Well, I mean you know the most recently sue and there's a lot this rejected, but the stuff it's in there is stunning amazon got rid of a whole bunch of documents. First of all I know you talked about that in your monologue. That is always problem when they start getting rid of documents. You know there's a problem, but also its all the stuff that we found in our antitrust investigation rate like controlling the price
making sure that nobody else no small business could be out. There sewing a product because you could take that product from them. You can see which things do well and then use that information to make your own that undercuts it, and I think this is you know I tweeted about this and said. Microsoft also changed many many years ago because of a lawsuit because of an antitrust law suit, and everyone believes that that was a good thing for company send for small business for consumers. Even microsoft thinks that, and so I think amazon has just gotten too big to care there. They are engaging in practices that are both monopolistic and also her workers and hurt small businesses, and I think we'll see such dc. Lawsuit goes, but I think is really important to take it on
issue of the anti competitive practices of big, have companies It's a rare issue in which there is a little bit of ideological scramble, it doesn't neatly align you have members of the right. That thing is it. An issue. I think, if you members of the left, I think this is an important issue. Is there any hope for any kind of legislation that could make it through this congress I don't know about this congress, but we did get all those bills I mean ask him here: I don't know about this congress, but never know, and I do think all of our bills made it through the committee in the last congress and Democrats controlled the house then, but it was still hard to bring it to the floor.
My good friend can back on the other side has been our champion and on this issue, and we have talked about, is it possible to at least bring the there's a newspaper competition bill? Basically, that is probably the lowest hang you fruit. I think it's possible. We could get that past and help of our independent newspapers across the country to survive. Think that would be a really think there's some way. We could connects the effort to make these giant companies more competitive with noah's ark. Sort of insects, the idea that. I'm. Not. I don't have it but we can move on. I was Joe Noah's ark tech companies, competition. There is no me, tell me I'll, just sort of you know: the dinosaurs were quite big.
in the, I don't have it so we just went through a week in which there was a vote to expel congressmen. It is also the intervening These dore santos, your college, so that's his pedigree, Can we Invictus is based on his life to really moving story about people coming together, a difficult time. but there was a vote to expel him that came from new york. Republicans that that failed there was a resolution by march have agreed to censure your rashid to leave. There is, then a competing measure to censure martina green is its
frustrating to you having all this free time. Because we ve solved all the problems. You know it is frustrating it's like We spend so much time there and we have so much work to do right. We have so many people who are hurting across the country, so many good things we could do and we litter You go there and we do this stuff is censures its bills that car You know the education department by eighty percent. Right, it's like don't say, laws? It's all these horrific say so add on. You know federal abortion banned. Why not, let's put it into some piece of legislation, and it is absolutely infuriating and it's become. I mean it's just hard, because we want people to have faith in government and spirit I've got to have faith in government with mega, might Johnson, speaker or Kevin Mccarthy or with anyone.
People. I mean it's same menu, different waiter and, so speaking of them. Speaking of the menu We achieved this restaurant down by the way. What just went through this ridiculous fight, where we didn't have a speaker for all these weeks- and we end up in many respects where we be and which is if there is any to prevent a default fund. The government that as do by definition, be bi, partisan, Democrats control, the senate and the white house republicans control the house that every bill- that's happened under this congress to to keep the government open and fund the government and prevent us from default has been bipartisan. What happens where a few weeks away from potential shut down we're going to the same structural issues are coming from my johnson that came for Kevin yeah, because
he's also catering to the extreme, while he is part of that cause us to freedom. Carcass loves him. their willing to get rid of the motion to vacate, which is that rule that allow just one single person to get rid of the speaker. They like that speakers, so they want to keep that. You know they want to relevant now they want to keep him, but we're gonna have to pass a clean continuing, Pollution there's no other way to do it, and at some point. possibly on the sixteenth, because funding runs out on seventeen, so problem We literally on the seventeenth morning. There will be big fight and then right before the government is about to shut down? We will pass a clean, continuing resolution really what should happen as the senate should send us all of this, so they jam us in the house and it's right there and we can just spoke on the senate bill. because last time what happened is the Senate didn't send us anything and then it got down to the very end, and we didn't have anything, and so everything just took even longer to get done.
No, and I think it good that this is how we run I definitely think that america should basically operate like small contracting business run by two brothers who fuckin hate each other, that's cool, that's how it should be to just two certified plumbers: who can make eye contact anymore, It is a challenge doing their show at a time in which the news can be very hard and very bleak, and I did want to talk about it. because I consider you somebody he a lot about how to be a representative of the progressive left in a way that is open their trust.
bring people in. So you sign on two resolution introduced by corey bush and others calling for a cease fire in Gaza and I wanted to ask you about this resolution, not because I think this a solution is of outsized importance, but I just truly want to use as an example. I genuinely want to know what you think about this, because you, even as senators and members of congress, are now increasingly calling for a ceasefire calling for humanitarian pause generally speaking out against Israel's conduct of the war and are increasingly being open about how horrified they are by the indefensible toll on civilians, and it is indefensible. Fewer than twenty members of congress have signed onto that resolution, neither illusion does not explicitly reference, hammas terrorism or the fact that Israel's military campaign in Gaza is a direct response to the worse atrocity.
committed against the jewish people since the holocaust. The resolution says: armed violence has claimed the lives of palestinians and israelis and. My reaction, when I saw that is oh, I know this wasn't written to persuade that this was written in a way that could alienates people brought about I spoke with John and tommy and dan and Alyssa in chicago to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the obama campaign, and he talked about the importance, especially on an issue like this, to listen to people and bring people in. in the most powerful way that the left in congress and in this country can advocate on behalf of the lives of palestinians, humanity, a false it is to be in solidarity with your colleagues and with millions of people who are hard I'd buy what's unfolding in Gaza and the violence in the west bank, but reject responses.
our mistrustful of responses that diminish the humanity and security of Israelis yeah. I mean I think this is a think. That's beautifully said, Actually, I think we should think about legislation is one part of how we respond in any moment so the day before I signed onto the legislation, issued, a statement with six others? that called for a ceasefire called for a cessation of hostilities. In that statement we talked about october. Seven, we condemned what Hamas did. We talked about the fact that it was the the worst incident of killing jews since the holocaust. We talked about all of the ways in which we set Israel has a right to self defence because it felt important too textual lies what we were calling for in the universal.
Horrors that around us and what happened to every seventh was a horror and what is happening now in Gaza is an absolute horror and so We wanted to say that we were calling for a ceasefire both because you need to save and by the way I called, cease fire or at minimum a cessation of hostilities, because This is also something that's not super well known, but a cease. is a negotiated agreement. It actually takes off in a long time to do a cease. Fire It has many things that have to be a part of it usually is about a longer term solution. Vision of hostilities can happen today. Israel can say today we're going to cease hostilities, and so important to me to also give that duality to it. But I think that the. The challenge is that it doesn't
if you believe and international humanitarian law, that does not look at the justification for why a conflict started it does. Look at who was right. Who was wrong? It just says we need to minimize the impact on civilian lives and today, I mean you know this. Nine thousand plus people in Gaza palestinians have been killed over three thousand. Are children? One child is being murdered every ten minutes in Gaza, and there is question in my mind, and I came into this work as a peace activists after in two thousand one gets the iraq war and there is. question in my mind that the Military solution here in Gaza is not going to get Israel peace, Security is not going to get palestinians. Peace
security and self determination. It's not going to bring back the hostages. I've continuously called for the hostages all to be released. but it's not going to achieve any of those things, and so, That's why for me that the resolution is a resolution, piece of legislation its there, but it's very important for me to come. Actualize everything that I've been saying because and its even higher on twitter. You know I hardly ever put out statements with tweets that our threads, because some I will just take one tweet and say you haven't for the hostages to be released. I have I've talked about Hamas. I've tried and I think that in at the end of the day we all have to recognise there is so much trauma in the world. This is what strikes me again and again. There is so much trauma there is so much pain, there's so much historical context that and lived except regions. That is all part of everything that we're dealing with, and it is incredibly complex out there,
is a single person who knows exactly what the answer is we don't we don't know. This is a very complicated question, but for me I do think that, recognising that humanity and the pain of israelis and of palestinians is, the important and I wish that we didn't always have just one or the other, recognized. That is almost every resolution. This is why I wanted to ask about this, because so The resolution that did pass was the one: that was very much written in defence of in support of Israel. I think that's something like four hundred and twelve votes. You voted present and I I understand that hesitation because of the way that resolution was written, but you step back and you look at the politics, and you say there are four hundred and twelve members of congress that felt like it was important to make this statement. There are
team back up behind a ceasefire that was focused on a cessation of violence to protect palestinian lies, and what is the best and most powerful way that the left in Country can represent advocate for peace. Right and when I see protest, saying from there. Into to the sea? When I see people talking about sattler colonialism or or some other jargon. That implies a kind of illegitimacy of fundamental illegitimacy of israel. That sort of anathema to me as a jewish person but also I find it really upsetting, because I say it's like omen. You ve just told all these people that support israel's right to defend itself and Israel's right to exist, but that they don't that they shouldn't listen to you or that, should mistrust you or that you're, not in common cause with them that you're, not in a coalition with them and I
no obvious unjust packets person, but I dont, I don't have the answer either, but I I find like I want so desperately for especially the people that I I view as well friends on the left, to find a way to talk about this. That bill that bigger coalition in only mean yeah. I do I feel like that's what I'm trying to do every day and I think what and is there is a focus on one or the other and like that resolution was a perfect example if I were to go back over the seven years and look at all resolutions that are about anti semitism, there's hundreds of them and it's very important. There is one palestinian american woman in the house. Her name is rashid to leave and I think that there is almost never mention, even and in that makes mccall resolution it. Actually
mention palestinians. I sign onto that resolution by the way when it first came out because was in the moment, and I really felt it was important, despite the fact that there was no mention of anything else, I felt like it didn't matter. It was still important, but it ten days later, Six thousand bombs had been dropped on ass, that's more bombs in one year in six days. we dropped on afghanistan in turn Nineteen and an entire year and six thousand people had already been killed, and so on that point it felt like part of the problem fast. work is that baby Netanyahu does not, to feel any need to stop what he is doing. and the united states is one of the most important partners, that relationship we give more to israeli military aid any country. So we are the major backer and I think that there has
been a lenient see around how we address. This question since, since since october, seven of how we dress this question of international humanitarian law. Do we believe that is real should follow war laws war. Do we believe that Just like we send russia should do you know bad when russia laid siege, ukraine and stopped fuel and stop now I'm not trying to compare them because they are very different situations. But again, international law does not require that you look at the underlying thing. It's about saving lives so for the left. I think what we have do as first of all, we have to be willing to condemn what Hamas did. We have to be willing condemn Hamas as a terrorist organisation and- and I think we have to be willing to look at the trauma and the pain of innocent civilians, I think, for everybody else also
There also has to be- I mean I was so moved when I saw president obama speak because on this topic, just yesterday or the day before I think, on on the pod because he mentioned the word occupation. What other precedent, mention the word occupation. So for palestinians, who are there and who were seeing, who they themselves are stateless- they are stateless people. I mean they were many of the moved into the west into the into gaza, because out of Israel and Some moved into lebanon so I think there has to be camp, and I know this is gonna sound This is why am, I believe there has to be compassion and love brace of everybody for who they are, and I dont believe
military action is the way to resolve. Any of these problems have thank. You were having our conversation, giving we're we're just change. Here's the just as much as humans can change years? We're about to do it? Everybody share we're doing it I'm doing around we're gonna to ok array. The gears have changed its time. for twenty four hours in seattle was no ding. What do you mean? You tried never in the history of this show was doing more necessary for the fuckin vibe. So sorry, I'm so sorry about this team.
I alright here's how this, you're the expert on seattle, I'm just a visitor south Frazier. You come with me to pay place market at dawn and use your personal warmth and political clout to get them to. Let me throw a fish Yes, I can take you there. They will let you throw a fish hell, we pay disbarred at least elliot bay crash into a barrier. Dan creole saw the barge in and jumped in his kings county water taxi and push the bars to savour area what plans bring the resources of the federal government to bear to to throw a parade for the seller sullenberger
seattle he's a great captain lennox out great movie, I know- is amazing: hey these ships are too big. they are causing all kinds of problems are blocking the suez canal or whatever. Crash into the space needle now speaking of the space needle has it ever successfully old and alien to the planet, and is that its purpose? That is its purpose, but don't anybody what goes on there is in a restaurant up there, Leave when I was a child there's a restaurant up, there is a gorgeous view. Here's the thing about the space needle I mean. I can't believe that it was built so long ago, but
still feels iconic doesn't like. It is a central place in seattle. I love it. Does it have a glass floor How does it didn't use even notice that's a scary projects It turns right. I haven't been up there since has been totally remodelled. It's been how rich around what access we Accordingly, this on Saturday evening, daylight, saving time ends so we get an extra hours sleep, but now the morning people they get an extra our of sunlight in the morning and And, and and the coup people gotta dinner in the dirt. What would you do take
kind of position on as daylight saving time? I want one time one time how now, but I just want to confess I am warning personally by the way I want I want is a thousand people here. One thousand people knew you are a morning person You have such morning person energy. I knew no disrespect. I have no doubt that when you and your sister we know that second house, you guys were either she's a nighttime person. I mean I'm a working person because I to fly back and forth across the ghosts. So For me, I'd rather stay on dc time
I so I come home so like right. Around now is kind of bedtime. You know, which is why they're telling me to wrap it up. The last question: you you represent seattle. Your sister is running in portland, I'd like to get a rivalry growing. Can we just shit, talk portland for two minutes, those people get off. Are they kidding our little? After you know, the portland is like the little sister I mean they got cute neighborhoods. You know I like: the sweet. Little neighbor they've got good food trucks, but I mean where seattle and see how the thing about the thing about a portland Vous drug, it's two hours away from being a seattle of the drug, the exactly exactly
Congress umegae about. Thank you. So much of your time, Do you know what he's doing their ideals in great hey? Did anybody else someone they didn't know. This was now if you're one of the people they didn't know. This was. and you're still on the fence, that's cool! Please applaud, okay, okay, okay, too many it's us
goodnight, our budget has been increased, we're getting to experience seattle during the short precious time you ve spent here the rain, the gloom, the wet fleece, the tall, salad, scrambled eggs what- as I told you that before time I come here, I'm afraid we deal with it, all of which is to say, and I am certain there is more to seattle than what I have gleaned from television and That'Ll- discover a glittering, deposits in Jim. If I dig passes, is delicious cups of piping, our coffee and crotchety retired dans and roz and Lilith. Here's what's going to happen. Producer Brian is going to come out there. we bring up the house lately and I would like you to just pitch me on something you love about seattle on this and I'm learning, but I'm going,
You start your pitch by saying you know how in frazier, so that you can Connect something you love to something I'll understand: okay, so the ability to tell me something you love about the city, but you have to start by relating frazier. Can you do that, hands are hands, are up. Let's all right, they're hi hi! You know how in frazier its gay and the eu yeah are fast. Food chain is called dicks, also treasures and gave way his big the Congo frazier he's a psychologist on the radio. We all need cycle
this because it rains here and were miserable all the time. It's good because we're all doing there. these are all doing. Ok, ok, ok, hi, hello! You know how in frazier how sorry evil thing for me to make you are there? You know how embrasure marty's, really that, like down to earth character that everybody can identify with on some level? Ok, we have really an awesome water taxi captains- and it's really that's what mart more to save the fucking bay thousand martin green type. it's cool. Now, I'm gettin it there's dicks, there's rain. You know how
Frazier fraser is a there europe itself yeah, what about brave people who possess our therapists can do psychedelic psychotherapy with us, to really help make an improvement in our lives mushrooms on scrambled eggs, the anybody you know frazier was married to a real housewife. How interesting and he divorced her, and he was such an asshole about a like terrible person, you follow the rules. You said what you meant frazier than kelsey grammar the man. Would you took me up, to understand when he got home in free
they have the skyline out in the logo yeah the clauses Everyone is just down the way carry park. It is the best you in the city, however- and this is true the view from the apartment, it would be in the middle of elliot bay. That's so interesting, I never thought about that. Fuckin tv magic high! you down frazier, they have a dog sure, in seattle. There are more dogs than Japan is what does he do in great you guys doing great
I just don't understand that if we were in so we tried to do a game like this in san francisco. Someone would just go fraser, just drunk I love it. You know frazier how the data is really laid back. Ok, it's because everyone here stoned. All the time of my grandma calls. It freshly cut, would remove them. My grandma called the smell freshly cut wood. Let's go take a deep whiffing freshly. Grandma sounds cool. you gonna knows that we decide lets you one more allow mine is also dog. Adjacent ok have some of the best.
Spar. We saw during the view now on frazier. He hasn't dog. We have the best take them away. Take the michael bugaboo it. What what what where's the seattle. We follow the rules here, that's important shit, you do whatever you want grow up John. I No, no on frazier, it's all white people I would join in seattle. We have really awesome summer, cultural festivals, filipino first of all, germany's
it's festival, so the Thank you for helping me understand your fair city. in a language. I could understand the language of frazier. We come back sombre late night you're going to love it or leave it more in the way they show us. Or by better help talk about you feel The end of the year season deal look forward to the holidays. Maybe struggle with seasonal blues share anything that comes to mind I'll, say who comes to mind. It it's her. I don't know anyone has time to think about the holidays with theirs so much to happen today? There's a lot happening today. That's my problem. You know people are starting to do christmas stuff a little early, it's not even halloween! Yet, and I've seen some christmas decorations.
It's seen some. I really think we do ourselves a disservice with the early christmas, and I know it's like a hockey thing but, like I do think I do think it's a kind of thing where it's like hey ever, One collectively will enjoy the holidays more if everyone collectively decides to let them exist in december and not before so the people aren't burnt out. Yes by the time christmas actually rolls around, and even though that's not my holiday, something to talk to all of your therapist about this time of year. It's a lot and if you feel natural to feel some sound his anxiety about it boy, we we get that so add something positive cheer live to help like there. There can be a bright spot amid all the stress and change if you're thinking of starting their give better help. I try it entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible and suited to your scheduled sphere, a brief question here to get match with a licensed airbus and switched airbus? time for no additional charge find your bright spot. This season, with better help visit better help die cons, lash love, it l, o v e t t today to get ten percent off your first month. That's better help, h e l, p, dot com, slash
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I'm joining us now is one of the creators of the daily show with John Stuart and yes, I know you're thinking she's. to make french onion dip Please organization, and who's a mad in the kitchen, madeline smith, bert. I thank you for being here. You are so good a whole stop at all. My going on, I am so in dress. Would you think he's gonna be? I have no idea like tv without cameras? No, now. Believe me, that's the fucking problem. We try to make a tv with cameras like nothing that connects she's got connections. I know how to do it. This is somewhat better. Is it I think, so
of all. Let's serbia, understanding I've used it. You ve brought technical. This was not my idea is producers, and I reckon that is why don't you make a late night? Snack montague met your career in late night television, but he can't use here We're not gonna. Look like impediment cooking here I would have done so potshots like there's a lot of things I might have done, but so I did this idea and I'm genius, which I just tried myself as some times, which is what is the most like sort of iconic snack ever in the history of the world and its lips. fucking, where our brain you jack. At the I have made it I am answering.
wow taken into another level, a gigantic. That's madness! I guess I hears my story, John. It really vaguely yeah, so I think the daily with iceland bubbled up, I was recorded too great a daily show for comedy central. before that. I worked for Dave letterman, I'm late night or day even letterman, horribly wrong. I tried dire to innovate and then morn gave her. We can update. I hired go, bear a real john. On helms right, so it's french onion did. is the recipe worryin about some deaf ears of it nothing there's nothing. There is nothing that the producers of vision,
I would like more than one I completely lose control, so I'm going to take. This is lipton's onion fucking suit I dont even know what's in it yeah. What is in it? It's very firmly onion. I just had cataracts surgery. We don't need actually find out, because I think that we in this house that I have to get our website Never never never go with french onion soup to a second location, the we don't know I don't know what that we don't need to know what we know: there's onions and in mine for my money. If I could only choose one thing to put in my food, it would be enough
and you can caramelize it and area so we're putting an end. That's! It I've never have one There is no behind the scenes for that. so now so stall to set one. Yeah open a packet okay. This is yogurt. This is greek. Yogurt rig yogurt an ice cream, but our agreements so like seven days, work taking this onion debt and we're bringing into the boat centuries. This I've lost count twenty I believe I believe so. I've had Jane it Worse century alive or yeah, but you say that, but then wait till you see the next one.
here you know Johnny Carson outdoors, talk to him about that. I know so. When I you know, I work. Ok, so I'm going to talk to you about, I was living in new york and it was what years at nineteen eighty five maybe and there was no internet, and there really were no. There was tivo, but only like two people in what way? I'm sorry? What? No? I don't want you to record. What do you mean? There is only tivo nineteen and no there isn't there that's wrong you're wrong, I'm just right. I've built insane right now, So when I stayed up late and I watched Dave, I thought I need to be a part of this and then I wrangled some tickets and they went- and I saw this guy on the studio floor and I said I want to be him in that guy was Robert Morton flash morty and he was the segment juicer and
would attain that goal? And when I did, I thought my aim higher So what are we mix? We mix the on young into the into the ogre we mix, which again was I'd sad to say. Cept, too, but what's the next step on europe Finally, what is that you have to tell me what is meant freshmen? This is far too harshly and then this deal deal. So this is a very so sam. My now husband gave me a cooking class. The first christmas I was here I took a cooking class. Then I got recruited to be a chef and I changed careers at the age of six. And I became a chef and then kova game and my place than it was working clothes. My wedding, cancel and then I started on a whim
a up youtube, cooking channel in my kitchen and it took off- and I was on the today- show three times I was a regular in all these shows had five cameras in my kitchen and then I got breast cancer and they ended up with this Patrick my homes there that you have He knows tailors boyfriend. I do online. I do all right all right with you, because you're you're gonna make a minute. The man in the kitchen and these are called caesars, and this is what I did on my channel, which I'm not doing right now. I'm writing a fucking book called almost funny and it's my life and late night. Television, cooking and cancer you're going to make emit squeeze them. Let me ask you this court, so so you go from you go from letterman to working on occasion. The daily show with lisbon, said
This is my neighbor. I go for letterman to being hired by mtv to produce. I do a cooking. She like food show pilot holy eating new york. I leave letterman gracefully and I produce this pilot and I produce the pilot with my now still best friend, I'm talking to you mike and it's called eating new york and it ends up on the desk of this woman named Eileen Katz. Who is the head of original programming for mtv? She sees my show cause she's a foodie like me, and she sees my resume, which is inside the you guys will love this three quarter inch cassette on her desk when I'm old- and it says late night, with david
determine blah blah blah blah blah. She brings me and John, and I have this meeting. They have them in the basement. We've fallen professional love, and now I go from segment producer at letterman to show runner of the Jon stewart show on mtv that time of my life we had a band on every show. What do you think so John stewart in the daily show This outsized influence at this moment. You know he is the rate. Was he was the right person as an election? Is the right ass, he was the right person in the right format. Rachel! at the right time in the world, while the right my Absolutely thank you. What are you? What do you think right now, those as someone you found, but everyone formaldehyde air of air and rail. I why I ask you a question about right now, which is that, like it does feel like in a media landscape where we, you know John stew, was sad arising, something a lot of people were seeing, which is cable news now
everyone is seeing something different, something different, there's no place. For what is the role? How do you do? How do you have a late night show that speaks more broadly when people are getting their information in such strange ways now, there's no place for this late night show anymore. Nobody stays up and watched. His entire show they watched the man alone on the internet the next day I know the answer to your question, but I'm really excited to try to figure it out and I'd love to be involved in the next incarnation. This is really good. It's god: so friggin. Rynch onion, dip rules, I would like you do. I would like you to share one thing about johnny
in that we might not know Carson was the king because he never looked like he was sweating anyway, just sit there and let things happen and then all of a sudden, in bow. He would just pull out the perfect joke and he would never laugh at his own draft mad in the kitchen, not on smith bird. We come back side of the railway, the somehow it's already november and tomorrow nov seven election day in key battleground states across the. U S, the media hype has turned twenty twenty four, but that won't stop twenty twenty three elections from having a massive impact on abortion, access, voting rights and more. If you or someone you know lives in virginia
ohio, Kentucky pennsylvania or mississippi visit vote, save america, dot com, slash no off years, voted. Good icon, slash no of years Make sure you're ready to vote also so be a couple, is Priscilla hits theatres earlier this week to pay more views, but what you keep it hosts Louis, an ira think find out Plus get outside our allies Allison, William stops. My began for more our culture moments. It covers listen to new emphasis to keep it every wednesday. Wherever you get your pants cas, I've run out of things to ran about, and so we solicited some rance from a few of you before the show, but before we get to that, there is somebody that we want. We wanted to invite
to the show we roll this book. Do you want the round every day by demagogues, seattle, decriminalize drug use and then they? So many lies it again. Oh, my god, where you're getting its maximum you ve really got to. Parents are listened to the wrong people rise. Lotta people should not barbary down here. Did you ok and then I was I was in a car, but people out we want meet this trap, a resident of your fair city? Why don't we just wanted to say hello? Are you here?
No You realize when did you realize first of greater, I gotta wendy realizing that moment, but you are dealing with a fox news guy, so I I ever that's the animals cooper. First of all, not a place. You go to meet people from seattle totally weird, and this guy with you can't have the camera it's like hey. Can I talk to you? sure fine and magic wait. What is this for any says? fox, make no about abort abort, but, as I already said yes,
I want to be rude, re so and then she starts any comes in with the most bone headed questions as like guys a complete do this so when he started getting really aggressive about it? Ok, now I'm losing losing my cool and apparently, when I lose my cool I get really sarcastic. So I want to try to resume your suggestions. Performative parenting, I just have a prom, apparently people talking on their cell phone in the public bathroom I'm for it, have your jets. It's fun hearing one side of it. Car centric infrastructure yom against it. But not one, I'm driving the I'm driving. It's me and I got place to go
golden bachelor. It's the end syrup. What, if the thing that it's bad was derp the family. Medical leave acts only twelve weeks and it's a hundred and it's not hundreds and paid out sucks Has it work that make you envy sisyphus? That's just using a cry for help Why Everyone talking about the diablo four for expansion, because everyone is it cause us. Mothers guide is just trauma bonding people to overcome physical attraction, yeah Well, you know what here's the thing having sex some time watching love is blind. For the first time I watched the most recent season. I now apparently wasn't a good season, but it was but but I dont know what it could be, so what I saw, what it is, what you watching it dinners watching it
we all remember. The show you're does interrupting me to tell me that they do not just about dino. a lot of other people here, I'm glad he's having fun, but I was the middle. The second sentence, That's what deals the bogeyman, dino vinos vibe has been. from the beginning, he was unsure but open, I watched him have more fun is and I went on and then I want you embarrass him. Worse moment. He had. I been on his facial expression, a reaction, the worst kind of like, had the whole night was you just now you got a lot of fun tonight. We're gonna end with your high notes and bring up the house lights hydra high
I'm first time so this summer I just move back to america after living in china. For the last eleven years and I am so very glad to be back here in a much better country. Yet yeah is, and I've been listening to you guys since the beginning. you ve been sixteen hundred per year and you guys are blocked in china where blot yea. Do you president geeky ahead or were put down. it's too hot? The president, gm china would have got my name's Eileen and I'm a political consultant and, as you mentioned tuesday's election day, including here in seattle and across washington state, where voting on city council, county council and my
I note is that a candidate I work with Alex hudson, who is running in seattle. District three capitol hill first cell has not gone over sixteen thousand doors, and I'm feeling really good and optimistic about our chances of getting another progressive leader champion, The seattle city council and make sure everybody here, roads, bridges so easy, just I put it in the mail everybody's gonna vote, their local legend. The way this theater is fucking beautiful the more bitter, so cool react hygiene.
My. My high note is a little bit coming off of your rant about family paid medical leave, so I just came off of that and it was awesome. That's an amazing state programme and I just think that being able to have your husband or partner stay home with you for three months is pretty amazing, and so I'm coming off that this week- and it's been an amazing experience- very grateful for washington state family piedmont of relief. I done I am rachel and I have a friend him, Catherine, be breast cancer, and she's here with me tonight, to see you very happy things recovered. The john I'm excited to be their new uncle of a twin
nieces. My brother, who lives in north Dakota, and I'm excited to be the left leftists uncle of the and they could immediately review somebody. Let me see the light from north dakota last one as one. What is your name? What's your highness hi, I'm Emily, and my high note is that I'm a critical care nurse and I'm getting a phd in nursing science, and my high note is that my research, improving health equity for patients who speak a language other than english was approved,
proved to be presented at n t, I slash the association of critical care nurses, which is like the largest conference. We have the proper and I'm really excited about it, and we have to leave it there. We have to leave it there, is our showed you gotta have you up before we rap thanks. Everyone sure to hydrogen that if you want to leave a message about something they gave, you hope cause a three two, three five, three two three seven seven
is our show. Thank you so much more theatre. Thank you. So much for coming out three hundred and sixty days individually, joint actions have a great I beg you never leaves a crooked media production is written produced by me on love it in the eyes and burg hindered james. Is our executive reduce or brian symbolism producer, and now can we build our socio police? How we keep areas are head right, a whole, these non zero lives. Jostling, kaufman, Peter Miller and Alan Pierre will miles a hundred l shaking are writers have in such as our editor kyle segmentation.
Atlantis, provide audio support on the road. Benjamin VON Schroeder is our tour manager and Anastasia Anderson is our tour coordinator. Steven cologne is our audio engineer and Milo Kim as our videographer. Our theme song is written and performed by sure sure, thanks to artist there's just mc lean and bernardo search for creating and running oliver visuals, but you can't see because in the pot gas and do our digital reserves, urban david told me a kalman and magic group for filming and editing videos each week. So you can. You can find those glorious videos at youtube, dot, com, slash at love it or leave it gas subscribed to relieve it on youtube or access to video versions of your favorite segments and other exclusive content. Dont forget to follow us in media on adrian twitter and of yours, opinionated as we are considered, dropping us with you It is only that funny the music, you love shouldn't, be art. That's why pay
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-07.