« Lovett or Leave It

Dishonest Abe


Last debate behind us, ten days ahead of us. PACKED SHOW. Alex Wagner and Guy Branum join to play a special debate edition of OK, Stop. Ira Madison III joins for the monologue, where we do NOT dwell on this Rudy story because we are above that. Theresa Greenfield talks about her campaign for the Senate against Joni Ernst and she quizzes Jon on Iowa facts. Plus Jon talks to Olivia Troye about leaving Trump's coronavirus task force and endorsing Joe Biden and he talks to Aidan Kohn-Murphy about the Gen Z campaign for Joe Biden on Tik Tok. VOLUNTEER THIS WEEKEND. votesaveamerica.com/volunteer

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Love it or leave. It is brought to you by our presenting sponsor jura, a single malt scotch whisky made by the same tiny island community, since eighteen, ten don't have a plan yet for election night cocktails. Our friend of the jura wants to help with some easy recipes. If you want to keep the mood light on election day, try a sledgehammer to the back of that yeah one swift hit with a sledge hammer and you'll wake up days weeks. Or never to find out what happened in the election on a night, though, be so difficult to get through, because
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wow, it's back in pundits, an angel, when the right wing tat get out and say tat. These hotel
We did that song, what a delight sent in by susie and got if you want to make dr song, is your last chance. if one more show after this show until the election is done, holy shit so you can send us your final home stretch song at leave. It aggregate dot com, that's leave it accurately dot com and maybe we'll use yours or maybe we'll find no way to use a couple of them. I don't know for our final. before november. Third aright we got ten days. bracy uncertainty feel everythink, feel nothing and let's focus what we have to do over the next.
two hundred and forty hours this show comes out on Saturday october, twenty fourth, which means this is vote early day and we're doing our part by letting voters know about their early voting options, whether its casting about in person or dropping off a ballot wherein they fight. phase of the election cycle. This is the get out the vote period. Where campaigns mode as all their resources and volunteers, to turn out their supporters. These are the biggest volunteer weakens the entire race about you, vote, save america, dot com, slash volunteer to sign up, take a shift. right now we heard this after the weekend. It doesn't matter you right now you gotta votes eve america, dot com, slash volunteer. We ve tried to make it as easy as you the possible you gotta go see the married. I contact volunteer Europe basically presented instantly with a bunch of options for how you can help right now. So please now is the time ten days left take a shift. You can do it don t you at home to some other person talkin to you. Ok,
later on. The show will be joined by Alex Wagner and guy brantome for ok stop around the debate teresa greenfield sobs by time about her raising iowa antiquaries me on some iowa facts: olivia troy, who left the white house in us out campaigning for buying out. We had a great conversation and on joined by aden, murphy whose a sixteen year old, whose help build a huge following for Joe Biden, Hon tik tok, what a show, but first he's a writer pop culture experts hosts of crooked podcast, keep it returning champion: ire madison, the third IRA's good, to see a hard john, I woke up intro, you did you like it. It's like you. You may recognize me from watch what happens lot. I didn't actually- or you may know me- didn't- actually watch the episode and catch didn't during tat. You know,
about but congrats for being. Let us do it what a difficult a week after me, and what are we give us our madison this week, news broke that the new bore out movie includes a scene with Rudy julian and I thought we shouldn't dwell on it. So, let's just move on that was a joke. I don't think I don't see those any reason to dwell on this incredibly offensive person hoist by his own petard, as it were. I see no reason to spend any time on this after so many years of dealing with such terrible fucking news to be handed this gift ten days before the election and have fun with it. I don't think we should do that. So I'm just gonna move forward does your thoughts on board that, but what do you think of rudy rip up up up up up up up up? He raises rooted abandoned. I don't think we should draw on it, but I'll just say, rudy
hotel room with bore brad, suppose a daughter and he's real currently reaching into his pants, hoping he might have a chance partizan in an act. Rudy might call colluding with the one eyed spy that was good, stopping and frisking and napping again we're not going to dwell on melting. His steel being incur salute and why p p? I think that's enough jittering, his derek erecting a diet. Eleven monument ok, ok, ok, making a reservation at the meatball shop, the quicker unseating, his dickens, let it one want there Watching the ball drop, has he ever done visiting little italy and finally have cargan here. That's it. I'm done
I really do. I keep Larry brought me here to hear those I think you can. I think that you can look rudy denied anything untoward was happening in the hotel room on the scene took place, tweeting that he was king, in his shirt after taking off the recording equipment. Are we ve all heard that one might get out of here? I'm just tugging at my shirt and taking up the recording quivered no solution encouraging pop out of a closet and frighten me not just because I was startled, but because it forced me to confront what my life had become and for one brief dull silent moment. I saw myself in full in old, broken sad man seeking sexual relief in a vile fantasy that this could be anything other than what it turned out to be now ass. Now this was, That was I going to watch. The boy was dealt with. That was searing I'm gonna watch it by what I will not say what I was just making a joke earlier. I love sasha. Baron Cohen
I know I know you. Do I famously loved him last week in the trial of the chicago seven, I was the only one defending it on keep it this week, wow wow, I I like you taking a bold stance, yeah a bold stance running against the current, because there is nothing the twitter current likes more than not taking aaron sorkin to pieces. Alright let's shift gears totally different story. This week, new yorker writer, Jeffrey tube in his cotton hester, beginning on works in a statement after a tube and said. I apologise to my alive wherever I do remember alive now, have I never thought I would hear you say that I'm I myself, but it's a rare opportunity. It's a rare opportunity, be presented with
It's two stories side by side. It's like a Joe Biden, says that Seamus Heaney says you noticed occasionally hope and history rhyme IRA yeah. I don't think he meant it about two, embarrassing masturbation stories taking place in one week, but in this case it did apply. I was hoping that story was going to be like inspiring the people. You know like travis ordered to hop one zoom now and do it I'll write. You thought you'd button bright had out all right, Tell you what I I imagine somebody in age, our talks every to underwrite fucking work during collar campaigns that president trump said: doktor anthony, He was a disaster and the people are tired of hearing vouchers and these idiots all these idiots who got it wrong. Did Anxiety was so dumb when they were puppet anybody's inserted into his arms and again, I dont know why this is something I care about our right and why I keep bringing
The forever reason I do. I would bet my life and the fact that everybody felt she is voting for Joe Biden. I will take that that both because I know it's right and also because I could genuinely develop a gambling problem, because I love action. I already have a plan to go too vague, as after the vaccine and I know that that's not what they say is. I know they don't get the vaccine and inadequate everything's, ok but mentally mentally. To get me through the next period of time. Before that, seen is ready in my mind. I get the vaccine, I go right to vegas the west but today I had before the locked downs began was in LAS vegas and the first one I have when these lockdown, moreover, will be in LAS vegas refer. You know, there's like a legal gambling rings in los angeles you're gonna get a vegas vegas gross. That's are really my speed
I'm not a new one. I'm always gave no you're, not a molly's game type. but the thing is about always game as long as we're talking about mullins game, I really did. I didn't. I went into their movie, not knowing what it was about. I really did think at some point. She would play poker gripper. I've got I really like. I thought this is a movie about somebody. You gets involved in underground poker and discovers that she's really really good at it. But she never even touches a deck. Carts now is disappointing. You know that I want to touch their own supply dealers. That's right! That's right! That's at that point- you don't last long what's funny about foul tree, but I have the suspicion that, like we would hate him in person, but because he's an opposition, the trump we like them. I think it is
very clear, he's a good human being. I am. She hadn't even seen the interview he did with his wife, whose apparently, in her own right of our successful by this is. I had no idea what his marriage was like, but I went into it assuming it was able us he just has demeanor of like I'm solid, I'm good, I gotta marriage that you know just works just at a plus, well functioning marriage. Also We present a trump walked out during a sixty minutes interview with leslie stall, saying the questions were too tough. or reject woman totalling bridge. I will be brief, The people with the existing conditions, are going as they are now in. In plain we do. They will reject what did jumping. at Lesley stahl would ask famous pushover level, leslie stall. Her whole thing is: a variety of different takes on bangs and asking,
hard questions with a quizzical look, sometimes choppy bang, sometimes they're kind of swoop. Sometimes there bangs adjacent almost hunted like their grown out. Great thanks. Tough questions must all agree or disagree. Are I mean to be fair? She did let all farmers radium like wander around the white house without telling everybody, so maybe he thought he could get away from here. Isn't it they point raised an interesting, but also this week, senator image Mcconnell told republican senators privately on tuesday that he has advised, Is the white house not to strike an economic relief deal with Nancy Pelosi before election day after Pelosi, given upbeat assessment of talks with stephen manoeuvring I am just so sick and tired of Mitch Mcconnell getting away with this shit just because he's hot. That was a good one. Thanks are no cars, so hot, so smoking, hot yeah I get it. I wouldn't want to make a deal with Nancy Pelosi, either after she
doors David, real, ok, notices. What what is this is assumed writers, rumour we haven't converse a lot of imperatives and finally, this week could be announced that they will be shutting down just a few months after launching I wanted to bring it up. Only because we joked around about could be a fair amount on the show, but it is genuinely sad for a lot of people who will lose their jobs, because none of us did our part for equality right you fail. Kirby, I felt livy are worked out, a quick answer. You did and you did a great job. What a queer lousy born equated me. Also, where I was on game show I was supposed to be. there could be next week. I think that that is in Heaven. I actually honestly, don't know, or are they still making lobbies or am I not is that time free now you know
No one could be they would shut down quickly, but still produce content. For ten more you, clearly was last seen. Skulking run an old mansion with a monkey and a handsome house boy saying to no one. The bites are still quick. It's the pictures that got some iron madison. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me any final thoughts. Well now that you are you could have sent attacks, and what was that, if someone on watch, what have you got out his cunning? Ok, ok, you could settle I'm sorry! I realise that I was your personal tb guy. Well, you know it's. It's bravo yap and you know who else didn't tell me they were going on John fabric yeah. So neither one of us knows I will never. You didn't tell me when ronan was mentioned and the boys I watched. The boys, two months after that so it came out and he had already share that seen on his instagram. So do you have his incidentals disputed?
Now that you haven't had them up you heard it here? First, oh dear, I say this as here's. Some good news, long as none of you knock on me run and will never hear the this is a place where I can divulge any secret and be caught, having not seen many and instagram story on romans feed, because he does not listen to this podcast. So do me a favor between us? I write me IRA. You listen mother or nature while well, and on that note come back. Ok, stop! The final debate edition Don't go anywhere, there's more of love it or leave it coming up, love it or leave, is brought you by noon. Getting in it doesn't have to be about losing a specific amount await or a magic number on the scale is about building healthier habits and feeling better about yourself. It fitting into that. Their genes is your goal. Freight but there are many reasons you might want to practise self care and every person is different because everyone is different.
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I'm ok, stop rural eclipse Alex guy myself. We could say stop. We could say: ok, then stop together as ok. Stop any time to comment. We just finish watching the second and final presidential debate between donald trump and Joe Biden. It was exciting was in some sense, normal. Normally, okay, I thought that the present really benefited from being weakened. I thought that the present being debilitated by our current plaid. Really it made him look more presidential vote because he was just doing less. Yes, the director did go up to him and say right. We want here all the same lines that we heard in the first debate, but this time your own way, but also like, if you bury the bar so far in the ground, that you can
I see it anymore, then you're probably going to be able to pass it. You're gonna be able to clear it and like establishing yourself as a as a lunatic in the first debate. a belligerent, pugnacious, lunatic, really, gives you a lot of running room for the second and final debate. Expectations in politics are so different than in any other facet of life, in the sense that your interviewing somebody for a job and in the first interview they were up raving out of control, yelling behemoth barely cogent, interrupting everybody, and then they said, give me one more interview and they showed up and they were merely terrible You wouldn't say you know what you said my expectations welcome of or totally alright, let's roll the click through all the clap. We should be talking about your families with that's the last thing we want to talk about. I wanted it
I want to turn the valuable rejected when its iron till ten seconds. Mr president, technical, political, stupid, let's get off this kind of thing and many looks the family around the table. Every just typical gaullist are set at liberty Oh, that compassion, about compassion, then the typical typical I like when he goes just pure. dennis leary it's clear, that the the the sort of Biden device for the debates, which is looking straight into the camera vaulting over trump and his nonsense and speaking directly to the american public, is the thing that Biden has been lauded for as like the best part of his debate strategy and it bothers shit out of trouble. Now, let's go it's my hates after one or two passes that this talking to the public bs trunk like assets, are many tantrum about it and tell them that kills them all. You know he hates me no good tv you now he saw the very everybody knows that turned to the camera was a good move where the hooker
Nobody wants trumpet six that people who love trump don't trumpet six. They want him out an eleven and it does. He has put himself in position where leg he's, really never going to satisfy anybody at this point- god I hope, god. I hope when he talks about a public option. He started about destroying your medicare tolerant district destroying you. Social security and this whole aren't you will come down. You know. Bernie sanders tried. It ok, stop I love that the president has just resorted to saying things: that was care older people who are having trouble following what's going on the just bringing up for one cases, The security for no reason he's gonna take away your medicaid. It was one of them strategies he could do vice president Biden should have, spend it? I think he should just say the words Scranton albania over and over again between now and november. Third, like I think, if we can put pencil, in a w. This is all
over its now just scary statements, verses, homey platitudes. Why Also, this is that, like there are moments in this debate where you really see trumps, lack of preparation rate like he actually has a cape there. There is a certain section, the american electorate, that would be scared, really fun. scared over a robust argument about socialized medicine. Brain like that. The legitimate argument, trump could win some points there. Trunk could win points on a couple, different fronts and relating to the economy, but he refuses to put in the time in the work to have a coherent argument, and so it ends up being this kind of word, salad of, like fear, buzzwords which is not
moving the needle the way he needs it to be. I think that's right, I you know you look at, like so Biden, took a couple hits on not having a good answer on the adding justices to the court question right. You saw that evolve, kind of normal politics played out. I think it's unfair, the way that it played out, but regardless he faced the question they kind of dodge city faced again dodge it. And finally, you know it comes out before this debate. with an answer about a commission to put that question to rest without kind of giving in to going one way or another because of the politics. Fine, you look at how trump has mishandled a question around preexisting conditions. Right he's been asked about. It he's been asked about it he's been asked about it, a politician practicing normal politics in debate prep with his with their advice.
Stars would sit down and say: what are we going to do to give people a real answer on this question? But because there's no functioning policy shop, there's no real old fashioned political organization at work work here, it's propaganda. As it's lies, it's pumping out bullshit. They don't have a good answer for that question. You know the debate to me. I think some of the biggest moments were those kind of empathetic moments as real comparisons. You know Joe Biden, saying I'll, be a president for all americans that final answer, but throughout the debate, what is striking is trump is, asked: what's your plan for covert, he says it's not my fault that I feel better and he asked Joe Biden. Joe Biden ticks off the plans. You know you see it with that that focus group right before the debate began. Do you see it in polls? There are undecided voters out there who dislike trump and want to hear concrete answers from Joe Biden and regardless of the tit for tat old trump did better this time than last time. I think Joe Biden won this debate just providing those answers not in comparison but just giving people. Those facts is an incredibly useful thing and it is shocking to me we are eight
into this pandemic and when Donald trump is asked. What's your plan for kobe, he can't say that he has another thing to say like it was a litany of kind of weird buzz word. You should see what we ve done with goggles operation warp, speed, operation warp speed, is something that the administration has actually done correctly, it seems, and yet Does anyone know how to tell that story? He hasn't Look it's the hour exude. He stopped flight seven months ago, the one clear message I have about how they policy. Yes, he trotted interstate. His governor was a very liberal governor. They want to make it work. Ok, let's hear worse, where my father provide work, it does I've resident dogmatically values guy. He thinks he's running in somebody else. He's gonna get Joe Biden. Ok, stop! I do love. that I do love that every time there is an attempt of saying like this, is a crazy like leftist whose go to destroy your lives and you know
I've said the world. As we know it, there were five solid months of people, yelling about what a dinosaur Joe Biden was that makes that argument completely invalided. Why? also you gotta hand it to the Biden team like they basically came up with a strategy which was we're not going to try and be the party that answers the call of the progressive left. We think they're going to vote for us and we're going for the middle. Like he's going to stand there in the debate stage and say I'm not banning fracking he's not going to talk about adding c. to the court. He's gonna establish a commission like they have not, you know, deepen the police. A key is not even tried to theoretically entertain a lot of the very substantive ideas that are animated by the left wing of the base. He is just consistent gone for the middle over and over again, and I say you know, people are going to have an issue with that. It's to be harder to do that. Obviously, if he's president, because the democratic party the real big tent, but as
as an actual strategy. They ve been real cut throat about that, and that to me is, I think, I'm surprising and a lot of ways, especially democratic politics. I would disagree in this sense. I think you are right in terms of what they have done around a few shibboleth and a few debate moments right around racking around the phrase to fund the police in these debates and you're not running against them, you're running at me, I'm not for that, I'm for a public option. At the same time, they did that. I think that there are very smart on the climate plan on the healthcare. And try to bring Bernie and bring in the left at the party and try to build a consensus policy. You know he did. He consistently says. I do not embraced the green new deal. I have my own plan, but he has agreed to the benchmarks in the green new deal, so I think yeah a substantively in policy. He is absolutely building. You know a platform that hat we'll have if its enacted buying from the progressive left but
work. Let me that indicates an understanding that the progressive left will be ok with the rhetorical centralism that has very much been a hallmark of the campaign. What can I do that register? I tell it because, as I see it, was very ready to construe Biden sang. We do need to like beset Wang off of oil. They were like tat was a gas. He saw all t got tired when I heard it, I assumed that it was just the same. He is saying I'm not gonna infraction for pennsylvania he's. going out in saying the truth, which is that we do need to end our reliance on fossil fuels. To tell the basics party beloved of his party, that, like he's, Mr president, to what are you guys think it was what I'm in force I think he has pull internal pulling. That shows like widespread acceptance of climate change as a real, an existential threat facing the country, I think, especially for you know, suburban moms, which is like a bread and butter group. That Biden is winning over. He feels like he can say that,
I mean the the the fucking fact that we even have to say ooh, like with the political strategy on that is a ridiculous thing or admittedly, but I think he I mean he knows where his people and were broadly the american public stands on these issues. So I think that gives him the the freedom to say what is an obvious truth, which is we need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels or fifty former national intelligence, folks, who shared that what this is accusing me of is a russian plant they have that, this is, has all the care for five former The cia takes stop. This is my favorite part of the debate like this gobbledygook. First of all, like that, see up like bobo, linsky or bob earlier whenever this dude name is, is like the informant that's being trotted out on bright barton fox news. This is supposed to be like trumps clothes salvage. The thing that's gonna need can bite in a reduction of like the
fails the emails, the emails of twenty sixteen and like the guy, can and explain the confection of the conspiracy to a television audience, because over the name is old, Remember the name, yeah. Literally. Didn't say the name brings the guy all the way to this debate, cancun, guy's name out because he has no grasp. It is like an elaborate fabrication or it is a lot of gossamer threads, that there have been woven into dislike conspiracy, braid that so many different, weird metaphors, but I loved and when, they have this weird back and forth? Biden is like prepared for it kind of, but their speaking in this, like fox rabbit hole like safe. code, language about things that most people have no like borri smile a boom. We exchanges about you, know the chinese and then Biden. Does this masterful thing, which again trump probably should have seen coming from a mile away? He turns it back around and is like ps, dude
you're, the one with the chinese bank account and then trumps on the defence. Again, I mean I thought it was a shockingly terrible execution of his closing endgame strategy. Yeah I mean you saw that trump realized he hadn't landed it right and he tried to come back to it like two times. Then, at the end of the debate, make a moment of the oil thing is guy pointed out, and it was all because I think you recognise that he didn't land the blow They wanted to land. Look, I beg whenever we in that section, it's just noise limits. I don't think I don't think Biden sounds good in that section either. It's like a morass of confusing and hard to follow, allegations which is not what trump needs it to be, but that pivot, when Biden, came back around to taxes and hit him hard on taxes. That was an excellent clean hit, and I really do think this was Biden's shark. Debate of twenty twenty, had this feeling watching it that I There is a right, like Joe Biden It is really important that he become president and he's not fucking around. I love that we have a pragmatist in this position. We all went through twenty. Sixteen, we
I've got a little ahead of ourselves and a little too excited and it all fell apart and the fact that they so Really. I just lag all right. hold on to this continent pennsylvania. You I've, always kind of hold onto them don't say anything that was scare was confident pennsylvania, I'm like some nine. Would it be beautiful to get a north carolina? Would it be exam to get a georgia absolutely but like that it was in the senate for a lifetime he's captain votes combat both parties say what he saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it accept them. Here and his good friend wrote a jolly you mean the laptop is now at other russia, russia, russia, hopes you that's exactly what this is exactly what it is or where he's going, and if you look with the exception of Abraham lincoln possible exception, but the exotic nobody has done what I've done, because I am, I am the least race
person. I can't even see the audience, because it's so dark, but ok, whose in the audience and the least ok stops. I don't even see color because the lights are up or the like, who is that Abraham lincoln line for who is that for its four footed, Joe Biden to call him abraham lincoln over. Here I mean all of the clowns in milan. He's comin go so far, but calling Abraham lincoln over here, like it felt you felt like it, felt like him saying this, and we also want to hear somebody say this about yeah. This Abraham get over here. Was the fly on my pencil head, like your like bow was when the and they lay rumbling given the brass line of the night, and it was like both funny and cutting, and it was just like dude I mean it also just so took the past like donald trump is not Abraham lincoln.
This guy, with delusions of grandeur, was legitimately comparing himself to Abraham lincoln its, him into ninety seconds of fighting in arguing about that which is so reverie sensitive of its lack of personal discipline or ability to understand the moment that's going on? I did, truly enjoy that it just took him into a tale span of sag, so I was Abraham lincoln. I said I was almost ass. Good, adjusting, yeah, well caviar donald trump can take a job, what a surprise true, but on expert really you know I can. I just say one other thing on that point like we did. Miss the role of humor, but actually the most successful president's are people who can display a sense of humility or, at least a profound sense of you? I know that is I don't do that if you are using
everyone. I doubly important how funny speechwriters that it gets really jargon nobody. You know there is a difference between being funny and having a sense of humour and, like George HIV wish didn't. Have it like bill Clinton did george w Bush definitely did Barack Obama. Definitely dead. Donald trump does not and I think it's meaningful. Also the thing is things originally wanted. One of these you're thinking to yourself are: we gonna get one of those lines Are we gonna get a senator you're, no jack Kennedy like ours, a moment later- and there is a real problem with trump we ve had thousands of we'll calling him ridiculous for forty years and it hasn't worked because he ridiculous and he just outside and the fact that bag and had him in front of him I was just able to say Abraham lincoln over here and have him spin into. It was the thing that, like Political comedian has been able to do, which is to just like force
trunk to swim around in the mess of his own, making Abraham, Lincoln here's one most racist presence. We ve had a modern history. poor sure on every single phrase Fire every single one, president them We give you ten seconds to respond in that I have followed. You made a reference to Abraham lincoln worded that comment a bender surrendering ramble in a way that no, no, I mean It was just like trump couldn't you just leave it there. He had to bring it back to the it's. Just all it's it's interesting. The first debate was obviously a huge mess in all the ways we know it was a huge mess, but fundamentally trump came in to throw Joe Biden off his game and, while I think in the it certainly in the beginning in it baby actually succeeded. He ultimately. so crass in over the top and interrupting so much that it fell. Apart from in this debate, it was almost reverse if you wash I was watching and is like. Oh, I I think Biden's trying to row this guy up. I think he's trying to throw some some heaters just to get trump more and more mad.
get the intonation, the dance casino, you know the happy place, but against giving a whispered in his ear for to wear off, and I think it actually really did work. I think, by the time we get to the end of the debate on the kind of trumpet the beginning tried to be confronted, kristen wealthier. He tried to not interrupt not even speak over the microphone each I tried and tried, and by the end he was loose. He aids angry. He felt he felt he had landed any hits. He was frustrated. He was whiny, yes, that I totally agree with you, John. He ate, like we had subdued, like trump honest his behavior and I think the Biden team understood like they were there like. He had a catastrophic lead, bad first debate and if he has learned literally anything about political survival. He has to change his strategy, so I think they expected him to come in here being better behaved, so they're counter strategy was get him back on his badly there and by the end, you can see all told you the movement of the hands like trumps. start. Flailing around these doing that use car salesman. Thing ranges like pushing the price
act on you like over and over again with the like low grade desperation. That's what has been happening in the last thirty minutes. It's not Being a youth. I haven't thought about it before, but it's actually deeply strange. He brings his hands in and unfolds them. like almost swan, and he He's already pushes forward its very too deeply straw in just for its very on its it's. The physical embodiment of blank. totally working for someone else's. I thought someone else's thought defines the Biden is able to at least illustrates who has the ability to say. I made a mistake, the ninety four crime that is so important and I hope a man Things have got no the joy of placing blame enough thither going to look for politicians who can have the. pity and self awareness to be able to say things like that for all the things that trunk did wrong. He did not completely blow himself up self immolation was not on on, ordered a diet. I think they're I mean effort.
experience travelling the country. There's gonna be a fair number of people that think he absolutely Slade tonight and did a great job and greatly improved his performance. The real: jane. I mean we learned from raising, seeing that it doesn't matter. What, like you know National minded, media people, journalists, pundits, think it is ultimately what voters thank and the reality is donald trump had to change the dynamics of the race in some way tonight because he is losing, and he didn't do that like he had a good debate performance, but other people are going to say Joe Biden had a good debate performance and if an added draw is not sufficient, I think you're absolutely right. I think he did not. It was not a catastrophic defeat. I believe Joe Biden won that debate. I think, with the plans and with the demonstrations of compassion and with kind of the outburst and the kind of the strange kind of manic and and furious energy coming off of trump, that I think that that is enough to say that this was better than a draw for Joe Biden, especially in terms of if you think the first debate was a debate where trump disqualified himself, once again and Joe Biden had this opportunity to come
in some of those last people to come over. I think this is going to look like a win for Joe Biden, but regardless, I think the key thing is to what you're saying like drop out a window. Maybe there's going to people say, there's a draw, maybe people will say: Biden won but nobody's going to say trump won and that's enough good day and by the way he's gonna regret, complementing christian wilder because had it is already going after her and drugs getting excuse come morning, so I getting out of this one, but that would imply consistency is like a hallmark of his brand. It will turn around tomorrow morning and say it was the most crooked debate ever depending on whether his political fortunes lie in that statement. consistency. What are the weapons in his arsenal? One of his powers fisher john, am I learned to declare a benefit from the term presidency. Do we have to wait until after november. Third, when were certainly since died. For me to attempts to find a little red, lights. I want to know what our november third, let's say, that That's ok. Stop alex Wagner. Guy ran
What a delight that was so fine thank you are helping us break down the third and final second presidential debate, the second and the second and final of three presidential debates. That's where the second of in final of three presidential debates. When we come back, theresa greenfield don't go anywhere, love it or leave. It is more on the wet loader leaving project Ziprecruiter it's election time. I've noticed and when Verde voted. Are you still need devote its our countries chance to choose the best candidates for president vp and hundreds in congress? You got that right, zipper you hit the nail on the head. That's a lot of jobs to fill specially after months of watching debates in researching their export? Ok! Well, you know what zapruder and all of you as a dog sparking and that's part of it now what are we to do all the work? Every time you need to hire your business? Thankfully, there zipper greater zipper good or does
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on his way to hire except people who are sociopaths about the. In the back hello. How are you thanks for your good? We just we literally just rolled in from south east. I offer the day, so it's good to be here, Because you know it's? Seventy five? sent bottles and a hundred with an awesome for those listening pointing at a sign that does say: iowa is seventy five and vowels. One hundred percent awesome thoughts. If I didn't know that, but now I do in some sense, I always knew endure ohio. It happened. Tat. Our humble thank you so much for being here I will I will introduce, because I know you you have. You have a tight schedule. She is farmer, a small business owner and she's running to represent iowa in the? U s, and it please welcome teresa greenfield hello, it's great to be here, so
I just want to start by asking, because this obviously is in a normal campaign here. What is the campaign trail been like during this pandemic? How has it been to be out on the road? What have you felt like you, ve been able to do what's been harder to do? Why do you? The thing I like most about campaigning is meeting people all over the state and we ve been over three hundred champion of ass- we're gonna continued crisscrossed estate, but with kobe, following political guidelines, keeping those groups small whereby social distancing, an alarm folks, a stay at home and I'll? Tell you what It doesnt mean they're, not interested we'd. Have thousands of people show to our tele town halls facebook for our zeal meetings and so I once are hungry and curious to meet the candidates. Their voting right now and record numbers saw were,
fired up because your opponent has spread them. Is information about the pandemic? Has done these kind of reckless masterless events, people close to one another? She hasn't been willing to tell the truth about trumps. Mismanagement on the issue of how much is the virus itself and the pandemic itself the issue on people's minds as you're out. Well, it's absolutely on everybody's mind. Pre covert healthcare was number one topic and now the rank of it. It still healthcare You know with kobe, which I think is gonna, be one of the most consequential events of our lifetime. People are worried about their house, their families, their small businesses. I want you to stay a small towns and small This is arm and too many among guy talking their revenues in cash flows are still down sixty percent and eighty percent. I talked to commercial, cleaner, soothe I think they're gonna be open for business after the new year. Answer struggle here in a real need for
robust face for stimulus package. What has been the closing message? That's right Either way, I just tell you, I had to pick up a thump poor dog to make her quiet during his interviews that she just been here and she's gonna, be here, I had no one else dear, if no one I would it had rained down here, to wait on rigour is ringing in your favour, beat all because that's a gothic, that's a gap these monkeys, my dog. It's been the closing message as resonated the most for you amongst undecided voters. You know we talk a lot about the senate in terms of justice, winning back the majority, but in iowa, right now, what has been your case to under Voters who really are on the fence right now, yeah Well, I got in this race to put eyelids first and stand up for hard working families and you they're talking about their healthcare, their jobs, keeping a business open farmers on big but what they really want. They want the divisiveness to end. The name calling in the bickering to come to an end
down. You know, that's her who I am. I worked much of my career at low the level of government with neighbourhood, girls and planning commissions and cynical was inside, where you know a hole in the wall street? That's not a republican! democratic problem, its problem. We had to come together and saw They really want washington work much more like your home towns. And I certainly got in this fight to work with anyone. Answer continues to spread that message, because it's a sharp contrast, the standards on the earth, so speaking, of which I recently there was a clip that went viral. It was this moment during the day.
wait that you had recently. My question is a simple egg question, theresa greenfield. You answer. First, what is the break even price per bushel of corn in iowa this week, while a bushel of corn going for about three sixty eight today, three sixty nine and break even really just depends on the amount of debt someone's haves. I suspect, there's farmers that are breaking even at that price. However, if their yields are down fifty percent, that's certainly not going to cover it for them. I'll tell you, we've had a low commodity prices for too long they've been going out of business prices, sender, break even price for soybeans for an iowa farmer to produce yeah. Certainly, I would like to go back to previous statement and certainly with what we have done on trade. We have seen significant strides forward, so I am thankful that we are well on our way to correcting this situation. And our trade space, and that was done with a republican senate anna republic and in the white house. Will. Thank you very much, madam
I don't think you answer my question, what the break even price for soya beans- and I owe you grew up on a farm. You should know that I think you had asked about corn and I it depends on her corn. It depends on what the inputs are, but probably about five fifty while you're a couple of dollars off. I think, because it's a ton of fun so we'll move on to something else. Now I think two things about that clip one. I think she heard the question all right. I'll just said, I think she heard the question and two we thought it would be fun to play a game or, I found this and you know we had come to you saying what have I quiz due on some non iowa stuff. You know average eggs, etc. But you decided to turn the tables. You thought we should play a game where you quiz me on specific iowa facts in a game calling hawkeye. Isn't it the avenger who, let's face it, brings the least to the table which is archery. It's also a swings debt and you're the play the game with us. I believe we have a volunteer waiting. I see,
yes, hi IRAN with john and teresa greenfield who's running for the send all referred. Radio who ordered the fees are always saying so wit. Where are you right now? I am, and I will city ion. Yes, go ha, that's cool, its Muslim shouted so excited. So we have a twist The twist is you and I are playing each other are right and I I urge you to meet the new house, did the show teresa greenfield? Ok: here's how this is gonna work. he's gonna. Ask some tough questions. Please stall level. Difficulty! That's what we're talking about an hour job without going over is gonna, be to try to guess the price. Ok you ready sees argus are overdue. You teresa, thank you so much
for doing this year. The number one hour I am asked were friend: how much does it cost to buy a slice of breakfast pizza? Casey breakfast pizza, us life, I dunno. If we're talking about a six slice pie or an eight slice pie, I'm gonna say two dollars in twenty five cents These, I want to say media. I love casey's cases, brokers, pizza iconic to betty, wow two. Seventy eight you guys have gotten as close as with Agassi Caesar got it. He got his closest without going over. He got it. He got it. Oh man. That was good about that. I don't feel like I've been caught out of touch yeah and that question came from iowa state auditor rob sand who's, always bragging about casey's. Breakfast pizza rob sand, wow that that guy's tricky he get he gets in anywhere. You know alright question number two! Alright, let's do it.
How many democratic women do. We have the chance to elect the congress from iowa this election? These are you go first, afore Well, I guess it's three thousand, as they do, I was afraid to say, for you got it. I was gonna I would have been out of under counted has excited about it, written array The number three years ago, Everyone should know this. Ok, nerve racking, not much, at the gate. To the eye was state fair, a course it was different because last year we didn't have common, disobedience, we didn't have the state fair, but for twenty nineteen. What's the cost of admission to the eye was stake there I just emotionally. I wanted to be free. I won't ever but to be able to walk into the fair and then then, if you want to buy some deep, fried monstrosity, let's That's on you! That's what you're I'm saying I'm going go zero dollars, I'm saying oh dollars. Caesar
I've never been as an eye when I ve never been there. I was deep in his legs I know I know you have to pay for specific things, and I will stay there is twelve dollars. What are you doing here? I got it. I got it. I promise you requested known for how much money has said. johnny or taken from corporate tax, and by the way I have a plan to ban them. This is good. This is good news, question I feel like as a political meaning There's a political information here, that's useful, I'm an essay two hundred thousand dollars. caesar, I'm going to say more than that, so I'm gonna say three hundred thousand. She taken more than that. Just from big oil tried it too wait four million dollars, while how many this teresa take from corporate tax
I say: zero die. There would be shocking if it wasn't zero after that, Ok, this is our last question or last question, it counties in Iowa voted for both president obama and president trump, the number of counties, I'm gonna say it's a good number of counties, I'm going to say caesar you go. You go first, this time you know you should guess. First, I I don't know I you know, I don't want to call it call your input. I know there's ninety nine counties in iowa, so I guess I just gave you a hand john, less than ninety. Nine is the method I would say thirty five, I'm going to say seventeen technically prices rise. I should just say one, but I'm a gentleman so many say: seven, either you're pretty close, it was thirty one well, and you know
I wonder when two independent thinkers and voters and we're gonna be out there and we have been out there earning their bullets in off ninety nine companies, but especially those thirty one. obama, trunk, copies, caesar, you ve, won the game. I clearly lost, you, ve won the aim, and so thank you so much replaying and trees greenville. Thank you ring such a good sport. Before we let you go. There's lots of people. Listening is the final ten days we ve been proud too raise money for you. We been proud to do everything we can to help you get over the finnish. And what can we do right now in this home stretch, to help get you there? What? What are you? What helped you need right now from people in outside of iowa or inside iowa yeah absolutely well. We still, of course, are working hard to raise those resources, so we can continue. responding to the glp attack ass, which, by the way, are coming at to the two about seventy five, billion dollars and that hey, if you time to worry about how these elections are gonna turn out that tend to work so sign
for a shift or to make some fall called. Do some texting call your grannie and I want to make sure she's boning everybody inner senior centre about it and get it senior centre votes? Are you gotta? You got, you got older relatives and I will get cerise agree build. Thank you so much we're taking the time I know you're the ear and the final stretch here as a busy times are really presidencies are thank you for playing and thank you for being a volunteer. We come back. I talk to a levy, a troika. She was on the mike pence, corona virus taskforce in the white house and left to help elect Joe Biden. Eight, don't go anywhere, more love it or leave it coming up. Literally.
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I'm sorry, I don't know why it is kills loaded. I favour the I like. What are we talking about a trump bad? Of course, parties voted for binding. Why are we being honest about it like a crazy that I was a senator. Why and bovine so entertaining are affordable that day, medical directly to your door, so you never have to worry about running out, affordable. Giving it just have. Healthcare should be worried that switching pharmacies might be a hassle. The team and wrote takes care of it for you by contacting your doctor or previous pharmacy row who powers roman, is on a mission to make health care affordable, accessible inconvenient for patients everywhere. Healthier doesn't have to be complicated. Make your life easier by switching to row, pharmacy, good, a row, pharmacy, dot com, slash crooked, to learn more about where row pharmacy is available. How works and to start saving today, row pharmacy, dot, com, slash crooked, our back she's, the former whitehouse corona virus taskforce, adviser to vice president pence, who left the white house and is now working.
lecture biden- please welcome olivia, troy olivia! Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me I'm excited to adjoining, so I won. start by saying that I think what you ve done is genuinely courageous, that other republicans have may be spoken but many a teams have done it further record some those behind closed doors sometimes too to reporters, but you have not just spoken out your actively campaign to remove donald trump? I wanted to have you on the show. When I first saw you speak out because so that there is so much raw motion for you and I- and I saw somebody who I thought was genuinely applying with moral question. Which has been so rare from people within this administration. So I just want to thank you for that. Honestly, and then ask you what was for you the final straw, the final moment where you said I have to not just leave, not just even speak out, but actively try to remove donald trump from You know I had been there over two years in the white house. I've seen numerous things said and then gave me pause along the way and that during the code,
pandemic as a political sort of dynamic, got harder and the election got closer, became harder to overcome a lot of the obstacles and I was seen a lot of the good work that was attempted and all the dedication by the task force members and myself sort of in overshadowed consistently by deal more white house here political staff and the president himself- and I eventually resign because I realized no matter what I do, I'm not gonna be able to counter some of these dynamics. You know when you're trying to change the course of sunday entertaining marks and things like that and their causally taking guidelines. And giving a narrative to play down the pandemic that just quite frankly is untrue and its lies its line to the american people about what's really going on here
and so after my resignation, I took some time I separated completely from government. I wanted to completely walk away from this situation. Has time to process everything that I had experienced and had a tender process to feeling emotions that I had had, and he know I'm career homeland security practitioner. But after what The president continue to gather people at rallies, continue to perpetuate the narrative of saying that was an important or setting leading by example, by not wearing a mask and watching his. Complete disregard for the people even attending his rallies, who were his base, is most royal supporters and the disregard for about their own wellbeing, because we know that these are mass gatherings and in many cases they can be super sweater events. We saw that happen with the event in the rose garden. Ass time went on. I keep thinking to myself, man is dangerous and it continues to live
american people in a manner that I think is costing lives every single day? So I also want to just be honest and tell you that, like I was also kind of conflicted, I'm I do feel genuine gratitude. Are you taking this on? A lot of others have not shown the same level of bravery alone. Lot of others who are just when you talked about this yourself that you have colleagues at the white house. You agree with you, but our finding justified in four. Why they're not speaking out, but at the same time you know. Those of us who have been on the outside. Our great fear from the very beginning was that some of my Donald trump, someone manifestly unfit someone who is a lie? air, someone who's completely unqualified, would fail us in a crisis. That was our great fear. You know you, left the white house quite recently, it's sort of after the muslim ban, it's after family separation, it's after the refusal to denounce white supremacists- and I don't point this out purely to be hosted I ask because I I see you are someone trying to do the right thing and I'm curious what you say to someone like me who says that sometimes I hear
speaking out. I feel appreciate of it. Then I think we're hold on a second a little bit of this is Why didn't I know, then, what everybody knew that? What it? What do you say to sort of a frustrated liberal like me when I, when I asked I think you're right to be frustrated to a certain extent one involved in any part of this operation is complicit and I and it didn't matter here I was actually a political pointy. I the career intelligence officer. Who was to the vice president's office after a year, into their administration gale. I actually. I took a lot of heat when I was when I decided to take the assignment and I got a lot of anger from aunts who are really angry, the administration directed at me and it's interesting, I'm getting a lot of anger. Now directed at me for leading right, so I just think that that shows where we are as a country, but I do think that the president's really responsible and that's just not not. Okay, and that's not
not who I am and that's not what I want for all of us. It's just awful I solely took the assignment and the vice president's office because I felt like I would be able to contribute and try to me difference and I was watching what was happening with a lot of the executive orders and was heart. I worked the travel ban and it was in relatively challenging and difficult to implement such policies. That word just done so hastily and nonsensical as a career national security person to try to figure out how we were going to work on that. But an morally reprehensible right. Like did there was but its revenues also malevolence. There is also calling the bureaucracy to activate on an order that ultimately cruel and discriminatory right right. There is a whole group of people. specially and government that behind closed doors. Did everything we could to work with the situation.
and try to do our best to steer it. Respond in the best way possible to create the least amount of damage in the long term right or implemented in the best way we could, but you know it hard because right off the bat, this administration came out as a lot of us like as if we were the deep state and they I was at and they meet it in a very demeaning way, and I think, throughout the years and especially in the ten years that I spent in the white house, I mean I certainly witnessed a lot of egregious things that you know were at times offensive. But I feel to a certain extent grateful that there were some people who, I think were qualified for the rolls, because you were in a administration to be honest- that I felt too old why do their jobs weren't filled with people that should have been filling them? I know that's just brutally frank and I'm sure I'll have colleagues Will he furious to hear me say that, but it is just the truth I think for those of us that felt that we will do our best to help advise.
s way possible, even though at times, obviously there are going to be overshadowed by the political forces at play. We certainly did our best to hang in there, especially you do for me. During the covered crisis, I've watched them actors in some of the export struggle. Morally, a single day when constantly being discredited publicly and there are constantly being undermine it with everything their advising on and, thank goodness, the day have hung in there because the and that would likely fill that role after them would be nowhere near as credible, or have the integrity that I have seen some of these people with us and we would be in a much worse place. I've heard you disruptors as a john Mccain Republican, and It striking that even now, linsey graham, is no longer a john Mccain Republican. You talked about how many people are either, free to leave are afraid to speak out. There has been an unpleasant
number of former official speaking out against trumpet. At the same time, there is loyalty among the base, this incredible loyalty amongst republican politicians. What do you explains that level of capture? What is the hold that Donald trump seems to have that, and there are more people who agree with you willing to tell the truth right now. I think the problem is we have a republican party? hi dad it's become sort of that trump republican party in many ways and that you're watching a lot of their gnp leadership, cater to the trump base I think we've seen that when they don't fall in line with his footsteps and they don't yo continue the narratives that he wants them to uphold and perpetuate they is very very hard elections ahead of them and he comes after them and he is. whiteman directive in the trump machine is powerful right? They go out of their way to despair.
He bore, and it really is a culture of fear. You know, as I see it inside the white house with people like me who worth their administration. People are staffers behind the scenes who are, despite my way, very scared to speak out because you don't know what they're gonna say when you do it or how they're going to come after you end and destroy you in many case I'll destroy your life. Let me ask you this. Does my pants ever break character, does he ever let that facade down in a meeting. Did he ever reveal that he understands? What's going on that he's, not just sort of doing this, I've kind of obtuse performance, rarely is what I will say. Rarely does he think that, while my tenses, my pants so that's it that expression never comes down. It's never like. Ok, The cameras are off what it well we have to deal with, as I have to make sure I cleaned up, because this I'm an idiot and he sang the wrong things I'd to find a way to spend this and talk about broad shoulders and make something out of it. like my own political.
There's no moment of reckoning, there's no moment where the kind of the mood changes with him. have certainly seen the vice president's struggle. A lot of a lot of issues, and I think he attacked was it a very impossible position, especially in areas? It has been a leading the covered response and the taskforce, because Can you lead a response and support? You have her fancy and doktor burke's, and all these incredible people who are known to be experts on pandemics and and should be in the public health response and- and we have these resources at the tables were him, and I saw him consistent a struggle with this dynamic over his head, sure it was hard. It was the worst thing you ever heard. Him say about donald trump, I'm serious. What is the worse thing, mike pence in your presence said about donald trump. I've never heard them say anything bad about donald trump. To be honest, he's been frustrated at he's, never said he said this, that's not true! I have to go clean. It up. You never said always demeaning factually that's
cost people's lives. He's attacking mass people are gonna die because of this. He never said he never broke and he never told truth in a meeting about the damage that tromp was doing. I'm curious I would say he would engage in discussion. He certainly understood the importance of wearing a mask on his again. We should be doing the fifteen days to slow the spread. I would say actually that it was the vice president who really had to go to that on that issue, because we needed to get ahead of what was happening carol domestically, but the virus bad device that doesn't speak out about the president in that way, and he will not be purely as a president in meeting That's not who? Yes, that's not my fences, that's not the way he behaved, and you know he's a gentleman and seen him be a genuine human being. I will say that that as a boss, he was always kind of me- and I was not a political operator who had been on his campaign forever re other is a certain amount of trust. It really has to be grown there. especially when you come in, and you know you're in quotes do say regardless, that's how people,
round. You sort of you you, even though your working so hard yeah, that's just not who the gps and I don't think that donald trump allows for that buyer meant or dynamic around him, because Anybody who does speak out or doesn't really catered has favour. Is you pay the price for it? I would say there is no moment of honesty in even in these internal conversations about the damage. Donald trump is doing that in the EU go to a side room it due to a small room to pull somebody aside of an honest conversation, but there is no reckoning like in a town, as for meeting is incredibly critical moment. The biggest obstacle to public health is the president. I'd states you're in taskforce meeting and there's not a discussion in that meeting about the harm that trump is doing. Is our well, so there are a lot of discussion behind closer. They will say where people were definitely at times very upset at what the president was aim publicly and some of the EU direct about playing down the pandemic and the virus and the severity of it and what was happening because of my family. Just wasn't true.
We knew that I'm getting better. We knew that cases where an increasing. We discussed the fact that We would be facing a very, very hard winter. If the number of cases on a daily basis did not decline. And right now we're watching to be higher than fifty thousand, and we know that that is going to be bad. Yet so discussions on. We really need the president to worm. Ask that discussion was held in the task force, Emily statements. Worsen were may remember: Larry, carlo talking about it. I remember larry cuddle himself. Stay What's the problem of marine wherein amounts can't we just where mass any? What is a big deal? Why is this even an issue when we that that's just a basic way to try to sleep by the virus and protect each other. So let's just do it. I think there is a very, very high level here at the top between the present and his immediate circle of influence that just kidding is a double down, and you see you he gets covert. He personally gets covered himself. Any still takes a mask
an parade around and pretend to be invincible, and that's just who this man is you taken a stand because you're afraid of what happens of donald trump is reelected? What is your greatest worry about? What happens if Donald trump receives a second her, whatever text imbalances where their during this term now we completely off the table. There will be No fear of you no real action, the empty very than was here to begin with, but whatever fear there was for him. That, will no longer be a consideration, and I think that you're gonna see this administration double down on policies. that I think we're actually both on the same page on you're gonna, see, then, I think, The anti immigrant rhetoric will increase. I think that you're gonna see policies such as such Separation policy, you're gonna, see that enforced go into effect, even more so and you're going to see the refugees healing drop your
see issues and national security where he will put us endanger even greater danger than he already has when it comes Two are foreign adversaries and hill destroy some of the relationships that we still somehow have managed to have maintained with of our allies. Elevatory, thank you so much, your thank you for joining in this fight. Let's hope it doesn't come to that lets. Open. When in ten days. I hope so. Thank you to all of you. Try for being here, we come back. I talked to a sixteen year old, who has helped build up a big following for Joe Biden on Tik tok. It helped turn out the gens evo, don't go anywhere, love it or leave it and there's more on the way, love it or leave. It is brought to you by best feats. It's one am okay, you're in your bed, okay and you're. Looking at your phone, your you need, you know what it is. You've been working you ve just been here all their twitter doesn't we're gonna touring doom scrolling, as the kid say, are really the people who used to be kids but are millennials. So they're. Actually you know quite old. Now, myself included
your doom scrawling scrolling- and you say you know what I had something to do- to kind of help my brain wind down a bit because you know you, ready go to sleep. You don't wanna you're, not gonna, start stream is something we animal it's one of the morning, so you you're gonna, play best. Fiends best means is that he had put it down mobile puzzle game, whatever one hundred million downloads and counting it's free to download, and it has literally millions of five star reviews on apple appstore and google play more levels. Events in Chad Just are added all the time so play where there's always one more level. Once you die best means boredom won't stand a chance. I've played best beans, a gun super into it. It's a great puzzle, game to play like when you're in between doing things, you got five It's between two zoom cons or your watch, something on television that you seen before, because you're trying to not tom meet new characters cause your brain can handle. Even that love
of stimulation. At the moment there is best beans with just a fun companion. You know to play, sometimes recommend it. I do best beans down today and the app store or google play download best means free, that's friends without the are best fiends and we're back he's. Sixteen years old is doing everything it can to elect Joe binding common harris. Please welcome the creator of Tik tok per Biden, aden code, be aid and how you do an unduly large scenario great. So I am mom roughly w plus some years. I did download tik tok the algorithm. realized that I wanted to see: hot deeds, glass, blowing and various innovations in the grill cheese space yeah. My new innovations, angle, cheeses, yet but I didn't see a lot of political content, but I know that political content has been taken off as we get closer to the election even help part of helping by
take off on Tik tok. You have over seven hundred thousand followers over three hundred plus creators. They contribute to this channel. What sort of political content on Tik tok works best? Political tik tok is a very interesting place. I think it's a lot of our creators apply that are part of the compromise which is now up to five hundred people. We need some new edition, though, does not upon are sorting out Answer out about about five people in a lot of people are anti tuck readers who vote only on politics But there are a lot of people who may not. Be incredibly politically engaged by they care a lot about this election wanna use their platform or something good, and so on I think that just shows that this election is not about politics. decency at large that these people, who normally when be that involved in politics, just arguing, involves- and so I think that that has made me- feel happy about- generation have you noticed a shift in how people talk about politics and how Biden is being treated? Our burry supporters, more support
by and bye now now look what has been working for you, as well as even trying to kind of get a positive, provide message up yet So that is the question of like that. if there's a whole settle for Biden movement, and we get a lot of comments on the count saying like. Are you pushing? to settle for Biden or to support him which, on confusing because, like buying was not necessarily my first choice in the primary just refer a lot of other people the notion of self abide in Israel Recognizing a Biden is a significantly better choice than trump an infinitely better choice than trump. There are a lot of you only count muslims who are settling for Biden. In that sense they weren't we weren't original supporting him in the primary but settle for binding doesn't mean that the messaging has to be there. Bad bind the little. The better ones began to the lesser of two evils argument: we lose and so what we are doing is we are on booming content, specifically for and people about issues that Genji generation cares about more than anything what you're the climate change gun control. All education reform prison reform.
cause on these issues to talk about binds policy is and how a progressive they are, and especially as compared to trial. Like a lot a lot of you. The countless especially leadership were bernier warring people originally, but we are. fully supporting, bind because, like I can't vote, but if I could vote I would say I would not be that excited to vote for someone, whoever says all as essential for him, you wanna means. I think that we are emphasised specific good things about binds policies rather than just saying the robot buttons there. How is our biggest trump tik tok, how it Why is there any funny pro trump tik tok what're you talking about so there is a tick tock for trump like a day day. They kissed spa nuts, but often also the earth the day they were created right after I think I'd like ten thousand dollars was not bad, but we represent a hundred thousand their bit Firstly, I would like, they got a voice modulator and was like you, Then you thought by you took off her body would go unrecognised over here we are, and I should like for
people who are part of the count and thirty nine of them or white, so no surprises. Their self funny not on us. What are you finding like works best for getting Genji further? listening to the for Biden sign behind aden. What are you you finding is helping you get, members your generation onboard now using time these things and making them political, but not making a global recognising their political like one. I think our most popular very honestly, we made fur from we're coming out day and we had a number of our aim should be to queue. Creators myself included mega video about about me all day the gravity and eyes like following views, which is very successful and all the comments although there is rising like you, You may be empowered me to come out to my parents, or you made me feel comfortable with who I am and Allah and those are just so incredible to see- and I think that will realizing is that video is like that. Where showing people the things they care about. More than anything like things it that young people care about is
principally tied to politics, and I think that that was part of the shift from like and little prayers posting political things. because I think a lot of you will didn't realize the role that politics played their life until corona for thing ever ended until tromp on large scale, because corona, we're just every single day. We are, we are waiting and you are pending on tromp, to take action? and let us live our lives again, and I think that that The corona has hashish has shown migration that, like anything. You want on anything you care about. Even if you don't think it's political, it is. Political. Hang out with your friends is political now because not happening cause of trump last question, all right get binding and if we can do this, we get this done. Duennas, our fighting together
voting age, lowered to sixteen. I do I do in DC. We were a single vote shy from letting sixteen year olds vote on the on the council, and we were so close. I I do what I've especially learned from here and talk. My friends is that, yes, sixteen year olds, a lot of them are incredibly politically knowledgeable, but even if those who aren't we don't have, we don't have a test that he will have to take to vote if you're, eighteen, so yeah, alright, good aden, thanks for everything, you're doing you're incredibly well spoken, you're, not just tick. Tock teen for buying your very you're, a smart. Engaged and capable team for buying. Thank you for being here and dumb you. Now, let's go this thing. That's one thing you don't get the teens you go, get the we will alright I'll. Take you got Genji I'll, do my best with the millennials lad We just have to get enough of us together. overwhelmed the boomers- and you know JANET Janet'S- can help they can have the unity of the summer as we come back we'll end on a high note hey, don't go anywhere more of love it or leave it coming up! Hey, if you made it this far, you must
like the show. Thank you. That's great. You don't you're, probably like the crooked store, where you could stock up on sweatshirts tease gives in excess from boats in america and all your favorite crooked pods, including this one find it all. I crooked dot, com, site, store our back because beyond He did this week here. It is this week's high note submitted by our listeners. Hey love it. I'll make some ground from new york originally from Massachusetts? My parents, who are both lifelong republicans, has voted through. applicants into president literally since I've been alive, bolt informed me that they are voting for Joe Biden this year. The first term across these ever voted for president and my dad, a dentist also said: Carmela has nice teeth, so that's a win as well thanks, I love it. This is lisa, and I
In texas and the absolute highlight of my week was taking my nineteen year old son to vote for the very first time in voting for democrats up and down the ballot thanks very much for all you do. I don't love it. This is aaron in tennessee the highest, I have for you is that I've been going on walks several days a week for Sometimes it how're each time it just one small thing than unable to do. Take my help back into my hand, three but arguably a very well face challenging time, but I feel great, I feel better about myself in my mental health is definitely benefit from it. I regarded in the early voting period and it's a great result for Joe Biden, so that minor thanks I know that many much philippe number really better and aim united states marine corps battering. You know I've been working on a friend too registered about the elections are over sixty before that election
He is also marine, listen taxes and I finally got him. The register over the phone. I helped him out registered voters in taxes and he will be burning them, so pray tat, very happy. Thank you, everybody who submitted those high notes. If you want to leave us a message about something that gave you hope in the homes rash, you can call us at three two, three five to one nine for five five and thank you to everybody has been sharing stories, there are ten days until the election sign for vote, save america right now to a lecture by Nicola harris, pulled the house, win back the senate and elect democrats up and down the ballot. Thank you to IRA madison. The third teresa revealed Alex Wagner guy branum, olivia, troy and Aidan cone murphy. Thank you to everyone out there, volunteering and calling and texting and donating and spending every waking moment trying to win this election. Ten days left. Let's win this thing and have a great weekend lovely
It is a crooked media production. It is written and produced by me, John love. It s a good here as lies in burma, are head writer and the person whose gender reveal party started the fire, travis headway, joscelyn kaufman. I will be going Allen and peter Miller are the writers are assistant? Producer is sydney Raphael bill. Lance is our editor and kyle segment. Is our sound engineer, our theme song is written and performed by sure sure, thanks to our designers, jesse, Mclean and jamie skill for creating and running all of our visuals, which you can't see, because this is a podcast and to our digital producers, normal coney and milo Kim for filming and editing video each week. So you can.
Transcript generated on 2022-09-02.