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UNDERCOVER EXCLUSIVE: PornHub Prioritizing Profits Over Consent!

2023-11-29 | 🔗

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This may be the biggest exposé around Pornhub yet! You won't want to miss this because we have exclusive undercover footage. Also, we’re analyzing Monday's fatal stabbing at a Raleigh, North Carolina High School, Disney's latest box office flop, and why is China masking up again?!

GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey audio, listen I'll! Keep this short we're suspended from youtube right now, so you could leave a rating and review key words. You tube sucks that would be held. All it helps it with the algorithm here and that we are tomorrow life The debate between. I guess you wanna call the bay between scientists and newsome at eight thirty eastern at will sclusively on rumble for the live stream me nick Halting drinking game rules to follow. So please to infer that. I'm not please! I'm like if you want, watch it it's a lot more fun. If you watch it live next day a lesson of this war. makes sense, nickleby, half drunk as he's had a few roman coke. So I'll see you tomorrow at eight thirty or we, while in georgia if they are trying to do here may know that Joe Biden has recently seen a blood showed left eye during that time. to narrate position more proof that this actual baby boomers too, ought to support a close circulatory system,
true or pure, truthful here is this answers is directly. I share this artist and poet pointed out the similarities between Joe Biden and a wizard with this disgusting ability to squirt blood from a tie? christopher's written by so many questions and just couldn't suppress his natural instincts. I would have to mention the other obvious similarity that only premature shares with a horny lizard thanks for watching, if you want to support me, pushed him I'd go, showed me like nets and removed a better space, make videos, organ videos enable immensely jabez stone discipline
Claire back with you hey. How did it go in my absence yesterday comment below today owner today? Do you think joint, yet they bring us a great shame shameless. we will be talking by the way of bringing shames the family a new. Potential, a covert in china.
this is something here. We can watch go right to the right thing: data while these hung about is our new covered happening, no, but the who was lying about what is happening right now in the mortality rate with children. So alarming we will be discussing. Also rumble loss it up to date with mediators, but we also have an exclusive undercover containing with sea, porno, zaga and sound investigations. I thought: hey, maybe they're, going to say that a few under age, people or non consensual videos get through and we can't catch them. All you'll see the clips its way worse than that. It's not that it's not that we can make money out of it so near, and then there was stabbing into north carolina highschool. Have you guess I heard this? He followed the story you probably haven't heard of it, because there's been zero national media coverage yesterday to the perpetrator or else it on you.
Right now, so we can say whatever we want. That's wrong, run rumble exclusively rita hit the like button share to let people know, because we will be suspended from youtube for two weeks well week to a kind of figure that out it was a whole VON gino show the infraction was dan day. So that's it! That's that we don't have an answer yet even from their their patsy, for the higher up the number two got more than our you I'm doing. Well, I don't know how do you do? I put a cue tipp to deepen my ear today we well yeah yeah. They set. You should use critics, but I don't care, I don't think nothing, nothing smaller than your elbow and I'm like I've never tried to fit my elbow in mayor. Why would you say? Do they say that that's a saying? How is that even a measurement doctors say that as I get it, it isn't larger than a breadbasket, not a joke, but as an amputee do well nick I mean like- I hope that these guarantees are spent, because I'm not here, but we have no, that's.
Work. That's just an educated guess I want you here. This is written there chair, I know it is you know he love him. He has a show here on. My club can watch monday through thursday, five pm eastern. You can also listen to a show where we get free shows portion amateur, spotify, stuff, all that stuff nick depaulo funniest man alive. How are you, sir? I love what come on the show I find out where I can watch my show from you know. When you say upfront, I get to write that down, so I can tell people what I think. People think that you're only at so it's it's like this show there's a good portion of it that you guys can all get for free because we want to make and then, of course, there's more on mug club, which is where I mean nick, let's be honest, was never going to be you to print now hear that relationship- but as long as my one in high school guy named day time now old ease
way in bam. Thank you. Ma am data. We all know he broke your hardy d drop that my balls knows calling quaint exit loveday no system, that's a product's let's, move on to please this is going to be one of those shoves. Tomorrow is the debate stream nicht apollos zero hour so thoroughly eastern. It's a debate between descent, in Gavin newsom. Let me know what you think. What do you expect? What would you like to see whatever drinking game rules to follow my neck just went out again because I did this. It was a weird movement. That's how I know I'm getting old. I need to go to getting old. Your kid is good. I was talking about debate tomorrow, I appears a black wrapper, nardoo wick No, no. I like a whole should be examined. His new stuff is, I would say, last week, its derivative, like it,
so, is, I guess him his security to move a video right here. They sucker punched offend who happens to be white, but I'm colorblind the show, because the four context, and then we have a video, the apology, so it did. You know it started with ok, he just ask them for a picture. And I asked whether this involves second did. He say: hey can have a photo where's that can have a photo. You filthy me, no racial epithet, because that context that did not have It's never happened by the way know exactly never know why the guy walked up to a fucking rapper with a bunch of giant black guys around them and what hey yo and yeah. It never happened. Never well, it's a big fucking lie. These guys would be in jail, but your thoughts, didn't you don't know everyone's life insurance policy they could. Actually, suicide about exactly what sparked by working party soon by world star? They call it by thugs. So white Van said: hey can either pitcher, and this happened,
private like earlier that? It's just they swarmed the guy. I mean if, if that guy really was just asking for a picture which seems like that is the case yeah, then there need to be serious charges. Absolutely all you need to do if you're the security team right there is just get between him and the person that you're trying to protect and everything is fine. He was not posing a threat and by the way, after that, first punch, he was out on own. He was out on his feet. The only thing that kept him standing was the wall and then the other guy, but fortunately the guy that was trying to pull him off in, like the the grey or tan, sweat suit or whatever it was right behind. It's all neutral colors. I think that maybe have been that might have been the rapper himself trying to be like whoa whoa hold on. What are you guys doing? They just went crazy on this guy and he bleed to believe tan is a shade. Ten is
you're not a collar. Now, let's I'm color blind. The liturgy is actually coloured people. That's right! Yes, I was johnny boy in black and white dog in Iraq. I see black like every time. I said internally well, nardoo MR knows enable companies to chinese women I told him a little we've all written the l train. So the nardo issued an apology which again would lend itself to the idea that the context is he asked for a picture This was on his instagram, our condolences the situation in madagascar facets. financial situation might say, play besides, I haven't, I said the escalating situation. Did you wait. I gonna cut out what mamma said among number called as your door authority. I'm gonna make it our tom. I fancy reading similar, not watching him parameter behind you. You then for weakens
I d rather than the mega from? Could you like? Have you have you and you're sure do not punch many people in the face of the man I mean I super me. I can't do that it. I've got you don't make Europe oh much more fear when you're awake, jarring of aachen, insulting the us army sounds like the guy they get hit. That fact does mom runs a falsehood, and now I will say one thing he never got me down. Never never never went down ray ever went to neverland at the very end. He's like read this. Like you care, oh yeah little Joe Biden, I know why the fed is in critical condition. Brain bleed, severe concussion, he apologized Steven Spielberg after his one eighth of a pound, though we are you really nah, I ain't even about oh man. Okay, let me do some gummies. I might be so sickening it's. It really is it's a,
I have a lot. I just need you to lock them in a racquetball court with someone who actually knows that they're coming yeah. Oh, how about that? How about the because these guys were we going off. This is that there are many problems. Because you been around people who will then tell their shores, but I knock this guy. Huh second did the guy expect, due to punch him or anyone can knock anybody out. This is important to note, because you'll have people going around. This is the social media bowling and doesn't happen here, but you have with high school kids, you got knocked out. You got your ass kicked you know what you can find professional fighters, we're sucker punch in the street. They call the cap. Anybody who is more my pictures of by I that was it. Girl in bergen run markets dogs, but No, she was in the wrong kind of her dad distract me. He was behind it yeah real still no, where they lived by the way and Al Qaeda. How I am I an area that I regret that the visit them later on to literally cheek, I told you he cuter up.
yeah because I loved you show, but my my my daughter wanted a punch you and bang like this- and I I mean that was just you know and I would like if was a guy. I would have been out like a light right, of course teach you can see my pocket. I was close the last five minutes, so this is a problem. Violence is amoral. We've talked about this. I don't believe in violence unless you're going to say I'm not supposed to beat that bitch. I know that some sort of violence violence is, you can commit violence against an innocent or you can use violence to stop someone from committing violence against an innocent victim. That's what We need to start with a zero tolerance policy with kids. We we ve. place the idea of a moral compass of right and wrong with punchy bad? which isn't bad. If your defending yourself violence isn't bad, if your defending someone who is helpless, violence bad, if you have no moral code and your attacking the helpless or the unsuspecting tell it to Hamas You like our next video. Yes before that does bring us foreign experts. Oh my gosh next year,
does it, but you can have it yet again to bring this yeah. Maybe it's a trend line. you know, so this was a deadly stabbing that it take. Oh, I didn't know that, and the media has not covered it or very very little and then, when they cover the local media covered at inaccurately. Take a guess. As to why now? This is actually one of those lines of not being on and on youtube today, because I think they set with damned bunch fact that we broke down the fight that took place yesterday and it was the cop who was subduing. The perpetrator I may have been. The response a party or what did you do number one? What you do? What do you remember what I said, although, when that, when I said all pulling and offer them now, he should get equal time for little ground and pound. I told
I saw the ground and the guy was hitting him and now the guy's gotta stop fighting. It was like I didn't give a minute who blew then he goes. You blew it. What was that cop land? That's right, got great film by harvey keitel, so as for ginny graph below, is it good in it? Who was the other woman and some bitch? I don't know as much as that is usually the answer. It might be that Eric could be like another woman in it. I remember mama I feel like there was an Andy Mcdowell type o. We might have nailed it the nutcracker all the time. Alright, so sorry unethical, but I'm sorry, no, no, it's! Okay! It's okay That's it that's! Why? That's that's why the show exists and is not one.
But, as it happens, I'm just still reeling from the fact that gerald got us removed to go. Why do you? Why are you even acting like you may not know genuine, encouraged ground and pound I'd I'd buy said it would be fair, yeah! No- and I agree with you completely, but I'll, throw you under the bus. That's why I got originally in trouble. You're showing just showing it our fights on the street yeah. This was a cop. By the way it was a black cop yeah, but the black, when the perpetrator in the subway- and he was trying to subdue the guy- and he was hitting him- and I was like- I finally got him on the ground and he's putting them into like they- don't pull them off. Yet you know yeah, exactly go out and get if that's not merely teach the guy unless the next time, you won't get nothing, but he was a fishmonger. I actually was an apprenticeships. Wasn't really measuring the cloth? Can you
anger, cheese? Why are you only a fishmonger, okay, ok, so stabbing cheesy, I dunno David Brenner yeah. This was a high school. rally on Monday and we are going to show you two could cause you don't actually see the fatal stemming, but you do see some context which matter it will bring us to the second part of story. I see they're charging and attacking a mob, a mob of people and there's a guy he stabbed them began the ground right now is the guy who ends up stabbing stabbing right now he's just trying to survive. Yes, he is trying to survive. Now we have. Of course we have to be very careful on our reporting of the story of very careful, obviously for obvious tell me some yet another mean that when we are absolutely not know now place that would make
to do that the fourteen years deb to students. One died, one is Sixteen who survived the stew being charged with murder the suspects mother says that her son was acting in self defence and it does seem pretty clear from that bayonne again, you dont know all of the context if there is no solidarity in place beforehand, but at that that is someone who is an imminent danger needs to defend themselves. Their other question. I can keep bringing a locking blade to school right again. Some of those things get you can have a problem with that. They have those barba metal detectors, metal detectors. That's cool, so she also alerted the school allegedly that a fight might happen to this told us how this might happen. This might becoming, and has now said he, defending himself. The father was reached out to four comments:
my goodness smoke? I don't understand the application, I'm not! I don't either what you guys are unemployed, while jails colorblind so today so this is also something they dont have metal detectors. I guess in the school right now I was eliminated, the alibaba metal detectors, because my school, what is this idea credits before we get into everything? Sure? What is this idea that we can't have cops at school? I had a cop at my school that all the time at my high school, like the aggregate we weren't armed officers. I remember the guy. We had a guy looked like the nero. I saw him watching city by the sea with James franco in deniro and his wife had, I remember like it was this company his wife was like. Do you want? Do you want to put some milk doesn't have the time or the shut up bitch? And I was like? That's that's. and I would say as neighbours it gets the carpet the school we caught with school, all the time to say that MR schwab, while we're discussing stabbing hey, who could have seen that guy being stand to lose a general by now right out of practice must step in
The school does not have metal detectors, which is by the way crazy police officers at schools. Metal detectors reasonable, especially if a school there's a high incidence of violence. We even have one here both of those in the off the good morning. My po hey not so fast. Now, topaz, wait! Wait! What's going on here, I just gotta check it for weapons, real, quick, knives, gun, okay, check away drugs- I don't enjoy away where we go. Rigour as my everyday carry here can have it it's clear. I'm just going to put this here boy
what do I have this for peeling apples, peeling, apple, applecart, wow, okay, there we got, you want to ask me why I have that there an axe. Oh I get it. Okay, alright, let's go ahead and pull that out. Alright, okay! You have everything. Well, that's all I was carrying, so I can't really with gm. What do you mean you can't? Let me and I work here while you don't meet the minimum requirement of weapons minimum. I have three more guns, and a bunch of barbed wire in my car. No, no, no, no, no dynamic! The good it's a nice guy, we also by the officer pants. Well, that's
I don't know it just seems unprofessional. It's my fault. I just seems unprofessional I'll, do better. I dont want I'm not going to respect the authority of a man and done greece, they dont worry. So I do. I do know they're just that, I wanted to, I woke up- will make up works well well you're, not one that anyone but TAT what was on my global talk about we're gonna talk about disney them using money, but will have to talk about how all of our lives change. When men's jean started. Having stretch women you you have been taking it for granted for far too it changed my life. Yes to have a little bit of stretch in your pants. Yes, every woman fold old school men's jeans, oh yeah, you can self is like sheet metal. What does this bullet proof situation as you? Don't just these are not normal genes as they absolutely ironies of gene. They were everyday sick. What its you're walking out of a pool.
We now know that stretch like all. You can do this whole time. No, why didn't I didn't we think now, probably some notes are not worry stretch your parents. We were able to get back we're in one guys. Ok actually way more comfortable right, Robbie someone do profit margin, probably Finally, let me bring it to a couple of things here. Some dynamics, you with a story for supper, important figures understand it. Knives can be more deadly than firearms right at close range. They ve been train, meaning police officer to stay twenty one feet away from a suspect, willing and I've. This idea, your people go out there and I don't want to get a bunch of punch of flame bunch of Does it mean flame mourn, the comments section? People are guided my god, you luck. If you are not debating a knife. Ok, they ve done these time and time and time again, and hopefully you have a good forty dashed and not a full court. Forty hours, our forty, are. That's it. They did a hundred police officers of the chalk knife
only one got away and the one person was not able to disarm. They were able to literally run No one else was you able to run away because they try to disarm. The assailant sell this port, and not because this also goes back to the fact that you know people who talk about the crime in the united states, their higher violent crime rates elsewhere for people in europe. They have a lower gun crime rate, but guess what then crime is through the roof across europe, the ball and there are also studies. I don't have these at three, but someone can probably send this end that that'd been done a long time ago. People in viola Traditions are far more likely to be injured if it's a nice and again for the same reason that defensive uses, the firearms right usually dont require that the ever be fired, just brandished, simply if you're being mugged, give me your stuff with a gun. You have a decision to make. Are you going to shoot them or not? You don't want to shoot them with a knife. It tends to be a little more cutting
yeah. You can just cut him a nutshell yeah, because someone thinks maybe I can run away it's against this insistence. You want some more cutting or they're like. I can grab his hand, yes exact. Now I'm missing finger or like steven seagal, where he can grab your hand, shit his pants and then do nothing just train this. Yes, exactly I always figured if somebody can make with a knife. I put their hand up the knife or get stuck in my hand. Then I'd get the guy yeah and then you also have the stigmata yeah my feet. Please open up your ketchup packet, so it's it the tragedy, the story We don't have all the kindest, but here's the thing. Why is only a local story. This should be catnip for the media. Now. Remember, though, the victims and the aggressor. They were all black siena. Zero mentions not one mention once in a while, one which reminds me of this right back, and you know June june of this year june this year there was icon white attack when Braun james's. I is school,
I promised school in ohio, which force lebron to change the name to the I promise to stab EU academy. Yeah seated at zero mentions that none of the underworld I promised to tell the truth: gotta? Yes, yes, number twenty twenty one november first, there was a black on the tino attack- are sorry about and latino attacking a white student in vegas. We covered that. That's right. We did cover that. It left a victim seen and was one mention on air to articles and the The suspects never mentioned there never mentioned just now the national manifesto right. This is when people say oh in the days of journalism. You think Walter Cronkite didn't do this. You think Dan rather didn't do this. They were caught as frauds. Objective journalism has never existed. It's not just the lies that you see. That's why MSNBC doesn't bother me so much places like cnn, ABC, NBC, CBS or european. Like Walter Cronkite, who people want to hear up as this shine. Gold standard of journalism. No,
they lie to you by not giving you information by not many mission, did it with stop asian hate well who's committing. They met the violence against Asians yeah, I'm sure I'm sure we really hard to find a black american who doesn't like agents or jews anyway, the search continues, when it's white on black crime, however, which is far more rare, statistically, it's not even close wall to wall coverage on cnn two thousand and eight to give you an idea. We talked about this. The of justice stopped publishing the data on interracial crime. Now some people trying fact check me on this. I want to be the very very clear they will publish the race of the assailant of the perpetrator they will publish, or they will include including data, the rays of the victim before two thousand eight would include the asian ship, meaning did a black person attack a white person right today, white person attack an asian person, was relevant. You would think its role.
the people who want to push hate crime laws. You thank you I murder needs a footnote, but I do think that data is relevant when you have thirteen percent of the population committing over half the violent crimes, the black against white boy against asian black against black is far higher than white against asian against black white against asian. It's not even close, it's not even close, and in two thousand eight days at all boy, We don't want that. This could end up being something that might be a political hot topic here might be a little bit of a hot potato. Let's just no longer inform the public when it'll keep them and that's reflected by you have, even more recently by the weather, dio jays gone completely: quiet, reporting, races of offenders and victims. This is twenty nineteen and we have the last published report last time they did what what's the matter. Are you in it? Here's my question. I want you to go, but what? Why do that you? Why matters on a second? You always did that before. so I very consistent trend line Now you stopped. Why
This is reflected in the media to what it it's the you, this isn't done in a vacuum. Rights of these kinds of things happen, and then Joe Biden comes out and says: the white supremacy is the biggest threat to our national security that we're facing right now, because it, however, they continue pushing that zero. Fine people on both sides, things by trump like this- is there's just a narrative being spun, and it's so obvious Look at me like guys, can we just cover this? Equally, we did the thing about the shooter. right so any time the shooter was like a racist or something like that immediately. The manifesto is released. All the was a racist or they hated muslims. Are they headed black people all out there, but one is somebody who hates suburban white christians crickets right right. We talked about that. We can agree the government and the media right wanted divide us, of course right. That is their cudgel that has worked. Effective than anything above attract, but I remember state of my body in the eighties why
in the nose and I go hasn't a black guy done anything bad in the last year, honest to god clear about four stories about white guys that I go when's the last time: a black guy stared, the white there's just that the late eighty one. So your watch was probably eighteen seconds ago. Yeah well go watch, this one look better! That's why That's. Ok, I think daddy answers the why it's also Julia and they wanted to they want to isolate. You know minority group, so that's how they were that's how they get their votes, because it's a hey all the other white people hate you not us. Look. We don't even register races of crimes right, so it doesn't look as but hey how serving the black community how about serving the asian american beauty? By being honest with remember, we had all these felt like after crash. There was a rash of it like oh you're. What, if you see it I caught with his pants below his ass at night and you cross the street you're a racist well hold on a second. Where could she have pulled that statistic? Isn't it relevant yeah exec for an old asian lady who doesn't want me
they can have a knockout game. Should she be looking out for other old asian ladys? I know why they don't serve black communities, they don't tip how come can lady, I remind balmy metal, smoking minutes, but it really really quickly. You talked about this in the uk to staff is actually something over two times the violent crime rate in the uk, as opposed to united states. Yet very right, it's much higher and you like all at least the gun thing is, is not as well as to violent crime is still also. What do you think encourages a higher violent crime rate in the uk overall inverted already knives, what not now not you know what I want. I want. No one's aren't nolan Yes, you're, not gonna, see the same amount of muggings at knifepoint, in the state of texas, agile seen ever ever. Any here in texas ever compared, that is an no comparison. If you look at the size and sections the the population of texas to mobilise we're talking about the uk, you'll not find it that
not just the crimes are committed, but crimes against the completely defenceless. The helpless look, a huge portion of our crime, also far more than you will find in europe- is gang on gang violence and get rid of the inner city gang violence in this country and that crime rate is far lower. So if you do a comparison between us and no one has done this, I would love for what to do. It compels us to the uk and on both fronts, a limit, gang on gang violence. I bet you do that number go to three to five times higher in the uk, the united states and its already twice its hour twice recognised. That includes the wars in south central with the blood and the cripple latin things that includes the number and it still do times higher. There are cops for cried out the basically truancy officers in there, I heard that you can't go into arab neighborhoods and think they're good with a knife, so yeah so I'd say that's why they don't go because guess what, when you don't have guns and you're an officer knife? should an hour club threatened media illegal, that's right, I'm, but so too but you haven't gone to school. What do you do it all, but two step
I have a village totally that already, while custodial more. Why not so much? each josie just so common below what? What do you think needs to be would it for something to be a national news story, and this is one thing: I've talked about quota. at one when I was at fox news for foreign affairs, they were very worried about By that I mean some executives. They were worried about a republican actually coming the office, because I said then that's going units always better to be the opposition voice stars ratings nets. True, but I said yeah but you're, always the opposition voice because the other. The enemy is not tools in the white house. It's far less influence than who's running the median entertainment industry that they're going to put it into hyperdrive unsure donald trump came in, and Everyone's ratings went up. It's not that donald trump was divisive. It's that the media. Couldn't help themselves very stories like this there, some with a national pulpit, calling it out.
exactly and so right now I was looking at sea in and I was going to monitor and to make sure they were too busy a minute ago. Talking about Liz chinese new book on how dangerous donald trump would be in the white house to get that they did an entire segment on that. But this story derive a cut her new book, It's called airport, display fifty percent off, no one who is to buy list Jacob one even going to hate. Read that really comment. about by the agenda. There hey light and cannot see what has to say kind of like or yeah what
silence it. You actually believe all because I was growing up in a mouthful of no not actual, nicaraguan camera. I think she's terrific said no one will ever know. One on Iraq is dead, said you know, I know what is happening about John K, sick either nobody's ever said about Mitch. Mcconnell know their assented about Paul Ryan. Oh you know the one I'm on the road and see these people go any one, and I would do I go- show vans anyone. A fan of Mitch Mcconnell, nothing Ok, ok! Ok, I wanted a man of about was not company measure was really get linsey grasp how People keep getting in filling the money all the guys that a table by themselves. There is no, I know, there's no, why not a single person whose propping up there's Jane you. We just saw that data copra, there's the ethical order and they cannot even killer supporting Nicky hayley yeah democrats are probably took cope money you exactly about
spoken like in the past. I believe in some fp event. So before you say, but there's like theaters like hey, can you come and do some comedy sure what's at american doesn't mean that I support Nikki haley? I can't believe what nicky Hayley increase Christie or even in the discussion- and I won't be that's how I know it's. This is all absolute horse. Shit yeah I mean you have to kidding. But it's not representative of the people who tell you that that's my point, that's sort of the point of this government's about last time. I checked yeah eighth grade for everything you dislike about donald trump. He was a guy who people like there's a very big difference. Look the same thing. we talk about this man, we're going to rumbled lawsuit, mug club? Look, there are big sponsors their who'll dump a bunch of money because they are willing to accept a loss in order to influence you a lot of people that's part of business model. Immediate period were funded, individual donors- you, mother to you, it is entirely you sign up magua they get meeting next jones on friday get all this additional content. The investigative journalism doesn't happen which will be talking about today, working here,
it was sound investigations, but it's the same thing in politics, can be performing for the donor class or you can be making directly to the people. You can't do both there. This is why we see even the difference not offend but of Bernie sanders versus Hillary Clinton. She was being to the donor class and it was speaking to the democratic voters. Donald trump was speaking to the voters and you people like the mitt romney, so the world speaking to the donor class. I don't I'm not rhonda scientists speaking to the donor class, but the donor class prefers him over donald trump, and I don't even think that run the scientists. Now they want to go for. Nicky Hayley that is a wild develop that they receive. The only democratic will talk more about this when the debate, but I ve seen as numbers going down and they are not really getting any tracks. Why? I don't understand that? I don't I guys, try to tell me that it is not authentic enough bob not that you not authentic enough. I just think that zero risk he's not separating himself enough from the other, not trump people. What you get
The debate without a shirt on time would help yeah. It's not my fault here that in florida some of us have inverted nipples. It's the sunlight body pulled my god. He's who wrote this is my shower. I carried on my show in the great state of florida the same but Nikki has nice tits all day said it wrong to say that I wish that was the hooters you can tolerate. We said you said no. Instead, that we were both shocked. That run said this would say that he said that he did. And yes, we remember, we had a conversation talking about an old guy in the beach. The point is, I didn't
We appreciate our senior citizens in the state of florida. She gets you, that's a subtle one. The bugle auditors sicilian backs as latterly alien, not everything you know everything you just did. I could be convinced that rather say too said that there is a thing. It's it's tell them. I think this, and I am really looking forward to the debate tomorrow that will be streaming at eight thirty april eastern right tee. I guess now where we will be able to fact check newsome. Now I get off, I get off the trump, the people, the trump train people, the conductor, not donald trump. When you say oh, you hope gave a new someone's. I absolutely do not, of course not. I I wouldn't for Chris Christie over Gavin newsom, but any one else on the glp feel that would take over governance, and I do think that Gavin newsom can present some problems because he's slick and he's dishonest, so it is a year predictions for tomorrow. I think it's probably going to be tough, but I think the scientists
needs, a big when it's a risk. That makes sense as far as why he's not doing so. Well, my opinion- and I know that I'm right here I mean morris, used to send out a newsletter where he would like said he was going to make all these predictions. He almost always got it wrong. So I don't know if that estimate he picked mitt romney. He was on O'Reilly every week for like two years and he's got a little stupid board, he'd pull up and read over here. This is what's going to happen. It never saw him again. It's so happy already have a third party with a little hon nick morris. You couldn't wear open, toed shoes around here I figure it's because they haven't separated. He hasn't separated himself enough. In other words, it's trying to say this is Nikki haley's, and then you look at the people, the establishment donors they're going to throw their weight behind Nikki haley because they know for sure they can have her do their bit. Okay, can I argue back against that? You say he hasn't separated himself he's done it as governor sure I mean, but that as it, but what Does the non violent? Don't use that? I agree with you practice? That's a huge states. I agree with you right magically, but as far as the donors in the people
so they want anyone against tromp right, they're, gonna, they're gonna pick one person that the donor billionaire multimillionaire class they are going. pick somebody's, not trump. Now at that point, I think there's that their lot it would be nicky haliae someone who's problem as someone we can work with, who can do our bidding for us? Is that A global issues are used There are certainly more republican, then conservative. You know the lot of them are interested in and, I wouldn't say endless wars, but lots of them are not non interventionist allowed them. Don't like someone, you know knocking over the apple like donald trump, and so I think, they're looking for the safest person to be die right away to live your life. I noticed tat awful and out. Ok, it's not reference, not about diplomatic people, it's the donor class and I think that, if run this had separated in what was an down front number one. Obviously, in rwanda sentence was a clear number two. He would. had more support, but because they're still jockeying for position, I think the decision making comes down to who do we think we can control the most Nicky haley's, the obvious answer, no,
our central because Christie, but he's a zero percent. Nobody likes. Ok, humble by the way, we're talking about the summons uncontrollable this morning la I wanted make sure this right, jelly brought them humble launched a lawsuit against. Is it nineteen january any clear act in the co founders of check? My adds right so check now, just really quickly and we'll talk about what they actually did check. My adds actually has gone on campaigns against, like fuck, new fox news and other people in work hand in hand with media matters. Yes to do this, that's the media matters connection that we're going to get to so this. This is coming at them from all angles. Right now, which is great. Yes, here's here's what they said in the lawsuit they said. Defendants have repeatedly peddled the false narrative. That rumble is primarily monetized by and wholly dependent upon, revenue from Google ads when, in reality, Google, now represents less than one percent of the company. revenue. The notion that rumbles heavily dependent on ad revenue from Google is wholly inconsistent, with rumbles, publicly stated mission to be free from the political and economic pressures of big tech.
This is important because first off they're joining elon musk next year and I think donald trumps, the truth, stroke lawsuit yeah these high real real loss and parlour are do they, I believe, I read that last night he did the homework. While I was jerking yeah news, naked multiplayer, exactly I got two hands. There's a there's a lot there are a lot of high profile suits going on right now, but this is three. The reason This does matters because trying to sway reputation, and so there They are trying to say, hey rumble, claiming to be free speech, but there in bed with big tat were as though they are the same as a lot of other consumer organizations we discuss sometimes on the show. No, not so rumble, is defending the reputation saying absolutely not I believe, what we say and they're inaccurate with their attacks and if you want to consider joining monica, but not the best thing you can do is allow the rumble app. Actually, if you download a rumble app you'll get autumn, notification when our shows up. If you subscribe it, it's the best way to stay in touch it's the best. way to use their service and
it does allow people to divest from from big tech, and you just install it there on your phone. So we'll we'll cover this more as it's come out and everything else will give you a little bit more details, but the the main point is you've got three of the biggest free speech organizations in the world. Right now, that's been going after these companies. Finally yeah because they've just attacking conservatives in getting away with scot free for ever so it's nice to see that actually happened by the way. I know we have exclusive coming up. We can actually, if you want, you, can run through it's a little bit faster and then get to the exclusive, because I know we've got her run through the china indonesia run through china, faster china. I don't have enough time to get through this other way. If you, if you download the rumble up to you, know when we're off of youtube, you'll you'll still get a notification data. A lot of people still use youtube just for the notifications and had to rumble because they don't have an account subscribe. Hey it's free we're not talking about mug club. If you want to watch the free content, not just rs download the rumble app or want to go through this quickly, the china thing we can either skip it or go through it quickly, either way which is what I shall only make out. What would you like? Norway? Let me just go through unity is just
high points of this one and we'll get into a little bit more. Next, we can talk of a low point that aren't a high point. Others, there are no high point with china or the other points. The infection rate is high. Next, rubbing his eyes like these, don't touch it. Ok, what's going on he's, hospitals are now being flooded with patients k with acute respiratory sickness and is that a scary part about this in comparison to covet they're all children clip pediatric depart, across china are struggling to cope. There has been a surge in acute respiratory illnesses, among was it badness. Why is every single. News voice artist, now gay, yes, everyone, data everyone or outside the home people got kicked off duty when you hear later on extra fit people bob you darling
and other people, when we get a lot of missions, are you kidding I dont know up? Not it was article about exasperate on NPR makes me irrationally crazy. I don't wanna. Take us me. I listened to the empire news up their details. That would like the deal we placed for the donors that doors That's not what I'm doing alone or tiles and honest to god. He people its lead. People call them out online. It's like a year and a half ago It came out with another round of them this year. When he's laying it on he's like trolling us he's laying it on thicker with his let's beat in his son, special algae, washing machines, and you can clean your rubber sheets you're, not exactly you just mailed it. What's
there's a guy and pr news uptake dave, matting we and other out a paranoid on dave matter. We will get. This is a super cut. Any is just become more comfortable being outwardly. Guy this morning that I'm marrying lay, I wasn't that did not only. I knew you push that you tell that down when you're giving me my news. The home depot adds make my wife was. What is your problem right over the tv? I just fine, you're alone. I bet he can't it's not about the gay, it's not about there being gay. It's about somebody trying to pull one over on you. Yes, every voice over now. Like you just say, it's all the news, all that I dont anyway. Ok, let's continue with this. That's the cute respiratory sickness in china. Forget the voices of writing, but this is this is not happening in China. children over the last several weeks, o connell, aren't meeting rooms are packed with a hearing. I'd rather have you have children waiting for medical care.
we also be worried. Detention children's possible should have known the threat will be recorded in the thousands of the actual cases a day. Oh you like that. When a basin general hospital at beijing set its pediatric outpatient chatting with handling as many as six hundred and fifty visit visited three percent from this time, general hospital, which I more of a day that our lives at best like ominous music, I call it a voice and, unlike her doesn't match, adheres to think they're, trying to hide it in china, just any clear will get over the voice and what it is. It is unnerved, but video after video on social media is now showing that chinese hospitals. Now I'm not, I'm not fear mongering here, just to be clear. What I'm trying to do is tell you that. Obviously this is something the chinese gov is lying about in the debate, show is doing their bidding again. In this case, it's something that involves children, so
here are some videos. I guess I'm social media that the chinese government doesn't want to set up a notch. Believe he's lying. the only gonna be out what you got: while what's that yellow frantic and other even images by the way that children studying while being hooked up to while ivy gee, homeward august. I rest no less money. my body the rest to recover my recovery you want to run by greater, like on a final older study, Now, more than ever at all about eight studying, I need europe's let agreed last week
I don't want to. I don't want another generation of vacuum. I'm getting like attorneys gets. Add a few of my trick or treating I'd know. It's only gonna get worse You know any amount is movement under this is what is going on and we had, I wouldn't think, move because we will have to bring an ardent young with divine and because of its not Just because I covered nineteen or sars there's a lot of misinformation going around on all sides. What is spreading the type of pneumonia and is called michael plasma. Pneumonia whiskey is walking pneumonia, neither does it show here they re enter, stays left. They say that the outbreak risk is love, because, this kind of pneumonia and people will call it is readily treated with animal tested. That's fantastic! What they dont tell you is a strain in china has already mutated to become resistant to child safe and why
something else. Also, the chinese citizens take ten times as many antibiotics as america, do its approach. they create. These strains that mutate, so the w Just don't worry, he's takes a mathematics and the viruses, it doesn't work. Science, that's insane. bilateral or one point three million people per year. Annabel is this just like any other man, it's eta microbial, but antibiotics is include area microbial resistance, three million a year, but that that is the store that nobody is talking about right now. Is that there's a way to treat this? Yes, but over there it's not going to be a thing going to work, because this already resistance to the antibiotics that they're trying to use that are the only one, safer, kids under aunt and by the time. I matters because this interim she is readily available and the debate you said, afterward organs betray within about treat. They know that that's not the case. They know that this is resistant to those those They know that this is. The problem was w h a lying and when we have our government saying we use the term globalist, we try
a double agent. What when people say this, it just ask the question: why trust the cdc, why I urge all of us, the? U n y. What that would you ever do I want to address any of that? We are the world except cleaning. The united states hold hands knit flags together like you're some globalist amish put. I don't know what I'd do if I do it in a moment, des just to be clear. We're talking about this. We can say this because I'm not on youtube kids under five years old, there are seven twenty five thousand deaths from pneumonia annually. If you create a super pneumonia, that's affecting children, you could end up, in in in unbelievable amount of deaths and, unlike kobe, which killed most people pass, are a huge part of people. Past life expectancy, children are the one who are most prone to this, not to mention the standard flu. I thought is the standard flow because they have no immune system after coveted being logged exactly yeah that's happening states if the unintended consequences and these unintended consequences are more likely to occur. If you try organizations who have clear,
we proven themselves to be untrustworthy. I would argue w h, o c d c. F, VI ca, ca in fbr because of all the child porn on their computers, but that's just my opinion. Mister fashion statement- these these new strength, a bee creek the being created in a lab in china. Are they not you? Don't organic. I think we do know why don't know this one I think my soberly no was no agreed to the exactly they saw how effective and any elections coming up in china now ever or the elections higher ethnic you'll love. This remember Just had all the asian leaders over in California. We had another right as this outbreak. This outbreak is happening. I don't like it may be traced back or not, but I'll get cigarettes, its grip. Men of a sudden. I take the point. Of shit on the street. He always leave their cleaner. Oh that's a good plan. This move, this pile of shit and almost paper
no, it's chinese ambassadors bring back the shit. They brought iris, so the chinese state media in the debate you understand, I don't worry about everything- is good, not kidding what I say you shouldn't trust in the divine nature, this is the same w Joe I say who are in the gun world hockey, but I don't feel like it's doing a disservice to the who there's the people who say we won't get fooled again, but they're just always getting fooled you're the guest, who, a great, but they are both good love, a hand and guess who are both good? I, like the guess or even, but I like the guess it was well canadians, sthrike I don't like either of you not even in the rock roll hall of fame. Imagine are they now. That's alright. Go. Imagine that surprising. It is alright to the tweet. From the debate show this advice. Addition between january nineteenth, twenty nineteen parliament investigations conducted by the chinese authorities, who we also trust, have found. No, their evidence of human to human transmission, of the novel corona virus identified and
tat will on hashtag, china and of course remember. This is determined anti pleasures. china to write a fridge. It was january, twenty twenty, so they put it in their wrong using your agenda, twenty one. I guess you weren't wrong. We would manage our staff, ok. Well, I knew status, it would make sense in january nineteenth, but think of this. It says preliminary investigations conducted by the chinese authorities stop there. Ok, as a general rule chinese authorities, those categories body on a general rule, the acceptance rate, in my opinion, our studies conducted by the chinese authorities should the approximately give or take zero zero, but this this is really going on a matter analysis of all who conducted the sites, you have people who will bitch about that's, not a double blind people controlled clinical trial initiative global standard, but you know what is not the gold standard. I guess the antithesis of that anything
conducted by the chinese government that serves the interests of the chinese government. So why am I trusted w h o because they trust the chinese government No, it doesn't hurt the chinese government, Every single chinese citizen who is not in the government and just So you don't concerns. It wants an isolated incident now now it's it's a continuing trend. Asshole polish, untrustworthy incidents, remedies interaction, tuna, hong kong or border, and the debate show about tat. and this was a learning experience for me, because but even though that you could just act like you didn't hear that, Ashton and never answer at I didn't know you could do that in an interview. What if hand me believe me many times in my life just in case you ve forgotten about this. He does says I don't know what you're, even what will it? if one, how ons membership
Now, this jerry spring with aids, NATO dig we were. There was practically. I couldn't hear my money. Let me repeat the question of that. That was to another one that, for this is unfair. really curious on talking about taiwan as well on taiwan's case, I saw a part of me respects what a dick he is That's right! I don't how you skip a question. You didn't title question: will let me ask it again: did I didn't hear it? I meant just like us, roma value from having technical device with nearly writing. My next thriller wicked me
it's not the way to them and acknowledge taiwan by the way- and they trust the chinese authorities, we have our governments censoring we're. Not even aren't you right now we were censored for going against the w h o. You know who else goes against the w h, o the hutaree. You know who else was going to who they do well, you're with our lockdown wrong are bad. I can wait, try paoli What did you see his little video yesterday? we're going to find an agenda that funny. You should say that because this is why I believe someone like tunnel trumpets is low. the pack love or hate him. He is someone who has been very very clearly doesn't miss the opportunities when stories like this arise. I put a line in the sand if they are going to engineer another pandemic or, if that's something that could be on the horizon or even them lying about an outbreak which puts us at risk, No, what the end result is the same. I dont trust china either way. President Tromp made it clear that he would not stand for it to everyone. We're tyrant who wants to take away our freedom
here. These words we will not comply and about it we will not, dare I say, go what I will not accept your lockdown wheel abide by your mask mandates. and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates. They rigged it when it wanting election and now they're trying to do the same thing all over again by rig the most important election in the history of our country, the twenty twenty four election. Even if it in trying to bring back covered, but they will fail because we will not let it happen at so, hit me in the head with a scale. We have a good time and the hairs flat, but it works forum.
it does it's weird that it works for ontarians a little off the contrast a little bit off, but he can do glitter very spry, but I, like the preemptive, strike, yeah science together, I, why isn't there a party that wants to see the government try to pull this shit again? Of course, aren't you want to be able to choke out a flight attendant and not get in trouble for seriously get about a show called what I want, because many men can have a blonde joke the guy, who does a news update, he's a flight attendant in his spare time or maybe mobo The one thing I like to add the covert thing is it? No one judge me for not really going out much We all know that it did fact me one iota cattle then was the best ever. I swear to god. I go for house my car, dr ten minutes to the studio. It's me and my producer yeah, I'm watching the rest of the world be glock Democrat. I go back to my own trafficked Y know
except I'm just saying not our silver lining. No, absolutely that. I said that when aid was at its peak I got it, I didn't know. I reckon it that's what made it funny. It's the timing of the Friday mercury's wake. Just correct timing is too soon. That is the correct. That is exactly what I regret. I can help you narrow, but not that shit. You want this, but yes, I forgot our normal rosalind carter. Jimmy somebody tell me died lipstick on internal make em look alive, bastard I d like to we go to as we go to as a physician reprimands primary just paul bear rubbing its earn all knocking. we have the muslim exclusive, hopefully Arden young is still there You remember the story that we broke here in sound investigations in partnership with them, Michael undercover, regarding porn up. Yes, what? Unless you too,
once and sent investigations. They showed you and I'll. Just give you a brief recap. You can just type in search if you're on rumble or mug club and see all of it that they used loopholes pornhub to allow ten featuring minors, rape, victims, non, consensual videos they used targeted, adds to reach minors as well as pedophiles, and now sound investigations is back with, just tell you and pleased by the way censuses you to share it like it, so that this gets out. There will also clip it for acts rumble because this is a development that look going to tell you that we have a lot of people who send their tips and you and two we will protect. you're not empty with with with our lives, we will go to jail before we give up our sources. Although we see tips it proton mail, come, but a lot of the deaths just that you guys in Conakry, happy so I say this, like my neighbor- has a size, a sign that the coexist sign and am I dont care now a lot of the bombshell reports that come in aren't necessarily bombshells
you'll see these new clips. Ok picture in your picture in your mind right now. What for what do next, that would be somewhat damning. It's worse than that. That brings us to this. of undercover. Ok Oh my geek as its parent company right now. We have the kind of vacancies with others. Oft. Where engineer here, gunning sean mortier spoke with investigations in england, please do go and support them about how porn hubs relax advertising their standards. Could allow rapist human traffickers to run out, but here's the thing. I want you to to the end of this video, because Europe is clearly not a defence here and that's what's most troubling I dont have sought the software, but only about there's no
central some aware of the policies that we apply, the videos at the outset, I dont believe them again and you. Let me see people's basic shrouded kind of excitement. It might be a word. The stairways consented to saddle you should work on equality running and makes some music and video. Maybe we will be able to identify, you probably think, started procedures in the big liability, but also with big liability, who could forget them?
peter parkers, uncles quote old hen. Parker with great liability comes great pedophile profit and am now that by its is pretty bad you're. Ok, there are also some calls that are taking place with traffic junkie, the customer service line and there are perhaps advertising arm so traffic jams advertising ambassador customer service items. Can it give me the players here at all? can expect to point out, though, to be clear so they confirmed when they were called that users were not punished for uploading under age content. Do I need to provide documentation wanna go through the uploading process this horse? documentation for identification at the uploading process. He said no, that's not require there's something those lit by in perhaps theirs in under age model. In there you guys
email us and notify us. He won't report. It's like the authorities or the police are not are, are not park a hard time or two. It looks you won't contact the authorities as between them. by the way. Oh, it is part of your job. The artist says companies are legally required to report child sex with a child sex abuse she for any pornographic material. They're required to that is your business and ass. The many many times no, no just to be clear, the authorities will not be reached reached will Ruby, the authorities they could not have been more clear about that think about this in comparison to you too, but we have to change their minds and innovative people who have given consent, sign releases and then afterward didn't like the way that they came off and to remove it. Yeah right strikes me
the longest persons is that I want to hear anymore first off its within the boundaries of the law. As a matter of fact, it erect required if you are a public utility, if you are a platform to this by law. Here's on can't we would do it reaffirmed on camera to spell their name and say to the camera, and then we also have written forms and you you rejected all of it, so you I didn't do anything here when it's child pornography and one of the biggest websites in the world, I'm not buying it, and this is also why sound investigations. I've been doing incredible work. Twenty six attorneys general have issued a release asking pornhub for answers. It's a good start. santa recitations aren't, are young she's going to show here in just a moment she ever congressional briefing on the findings and, of course, what does that mean? They're up facing loss to take about the people face lawsuits for the child porn instead of coming after sound investigations? Maybe just clean this up and by the way it's not that they can't do anything but if they choose not to and another court, you are inferring there, but they they choose not to because it gets in the way of profits and were actually talking about child sex slavery.
Revenge, porn rape like it If there is any fight that we can all unite behind its this and this company, his chooses not to do it because it gets in the way of profits, documentation nerve, I mean we might get in trouble, then, because we know what we're doing you know. What I think, a big part of it is having a big part of the reason that place like porno get away with it is. is their shame all around. So people are afraid of people on the left, because they're all pro sexual revolution pro sex work. They know that this is where it ends up going and so they don't really want to touch it, and then you have people who are our conservative, where christians who are? Obviously everyone is africa, because you liked seeing naked ladys and so lot of them watch. Biography are ashamed of it, so they want to come out because they're afraid that they'll be added. So everyone fraid of not of of held to a state as they cannot reach, and so they don't do the right thing there. Were you end up with an answer or society, turning a blind eye, that's kind of how you end up with a lot of people in germany for a long time didn't want to acknowledge the holocaust even happen or not. Comparing born up to the holocaust. But what I am saying is people on the left: don't want to
now, just because it's a product of their making the hue after that these are the world and then Why do people on the right? Don't because they go well? What haunting? What if someone says? Hey yeah? It gets minutes and have you ever watched porn and the answer is yes, and then they lose their nonprofit funding, because it's a character, indictment. Look ever Nobody likes looking at naked women kay Any man and twenty twenty three who says they have not struggled with pornography to some degree is lying because it is thrust in front of every single persons face k. You can be anti porn and also looking at naked lady, so everyone out their grub grow a pair and stop asking for lawsuits are doing it. So I knew no, I dont struggle with a moderating otis I feel most regular, like a pinball machine setting the high score yeah. That would work so here to talk about this more from sound investigations and she's she's actually been out here now a couple of times, yeah lovely lady. Keep your camp keep her comments. Tasteful will read your chat after
Armenia arden thank you are being with us. Can you see me Harry? yes, can you see me in here me? Ah, yes, I can now saying of yours like you later, they say no tasteful then contribute ok our audience has good taste, and I apologise that you probably too much of a close upon here are so walk through these latest findings. just covered up its raising that I've misrepresented gotten wrong because obviously I'm not on the ground, but it seems pretty bad with the note Information, no verification, child pornography that liable We can be profitable and, of course, porn it seems to me that ignorance can no longer be a defence yeah you had a re, basically vicious a lack of agent consent, verification in the pornographic adds that run across a platform for just the parent company, a porn hub.
We are being told that under age is actually just subjective they'll, be there that on there and no doubt communication, no ideas required for models and adds they're just blindly trusting their advertisers, essentially because at make most of their money there is a lack of accountability. Fur advertiser upload so excited, don't ask don't help policy like oh dear for our part, Let's see is that you can about illegal content. We also ask here alone spend you, and we also want tell the police. can I rewind a little bit. Did you that they argued that the age of consent is so subjective? They they argue that when you don't have verification of the models, age or concern that you're, just judging based on a face, her body, so it is subjective in nature, the soul, they decide that on their end. Ok, then, he told me so another
A cabin a sailor suit with a propeller cap like your guess, is as good as mine. I have no idea why seems that there is a law with that, but I guess, if you're not found the lawn verifying age, then you say it's subjective because you don't I verified age, but it's not subjective if you actually found a law because, just like you know, buying a pack of cigarettes program. If I, if I wanna to buy a pack of pools. Instead, my classmate honeyed idee bell, You recently spoke to congress. What was Discussion about it. Let me ask you this: what do you actually have a lot of hope that it will achieve something, because this is one thing for me: there's a lot of grandstand that takes place. I'm wondering whether why there haven't been serious legal ramifications yet seem like that. Threshold has been crossed right. So the entire experience of briefing congress was fantastic. I really do feel encouraged and very hopeful theirs. At least one congressional office. Looking to enact real change
I could say more and I wish I knew more. So why did you have update you? Guys can be the absolute first people to know, ok well, bred outbreak? and I do hope with running. We can do tat some pressure mundane didn't I always liked. that's because eventually we congo at ring rank yeah are doing shit like we're always thought you saw me, do this great questioning it got to got to five hundred thousand plays on twitter, I'm like ha doing anything yet so people bringing people doing things are actually official. Real world consequences. You been threatened with lawsuits. They develop beyond threats. And can you give us any insight onto that yeah? We ve been threatened legally twice. No actual lawsuits have I voted against us here? I don't think they want to engage with us in that way, just because it would be really really bad for them. Not only with labour could open them up to discovery, and I don't think they want that
you're right. I don't think they want that's seventy jail. Let me ask you: I know that the the mayor of nashville in MN pete talked to begin this. They soon as yet. No no, they run the investigation. Yet they crimes yet, and even so much as called out they grow what's a worry, I now know they just laid off people without stay here in the police force near the erika when robespierre, yes or a kind of in the same boat was Art was this just like us, cease and desist letter like hey, hey, we some interviews and found out you went on more dates. Can you please? release? Those videos is something kind of like that. Yeah. Couple letters that demand that we remove all the videos and on africa, oh yeah, save all of our records. Of course, that we're not gonna take down any of the videos, thereby leaving that either we non consensually recorded uploaded videos, although you have sent, is really just over. I thought maybe Oh it's it's dejected.
In their latest statement to us. Actually last night, the accused us of, parading illegally, which is completely false? So technically, I believe we have grounds for defamation sooner now, nice. Well, that's it. and my guess is You'Re- probably not going to be pursuing that, because you're more interested in pursuing their actual crimes, correct that dragged about you look if we have to sue a low for defamation, maybe we will, it could be, could be a roundabout way of doing it. I would ask you to before you go? Are you working anything outside of of porn, because when I know we have a lot of people here from a from this programme in my club, who want to support you and can be kept up to date, well. Thank you so much on right now, I'm exclusively focus on following through with the porn hope, expos ay. We still have more videos to release. We still are very intent on working with law makers to get new laws passed, an existing laws and forest, but people can keep up with
we on twitter at art and underscore young underscore, or the sound investigations twitter page as well, will be posting, although updates on their work. seven underscore after your last name. Is there some prick setting are not identical young someone has art and require, and may I think, they're all dead too freely, is Arden the guy's name. I dunno it's. Alright. Iron is a male name. I think it's irish. Well, I dunno, I didn't verify your birth certificate, so it could go either way so that they can go donate help you out sound investigations that can follow you individually. Further investigations, dot com support is so appreciated. We are completely self funded and the founder doesn't even take a salary he's my hero well mine was a teddy roosevelt, odin. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. We appreciate it and I please do keep us updated. Thank you. traveling eyes when arguing everybody now
before nobody gets mad teddy roosevelt because of living a strenuous life. I dont, like that expanded a federal governing those republican. Yet just to be just video, exactly at the air the national parks. It's not that bad. Now, george yellowstone tonight ITALY as a child, and then the facial any. You know he moved the roma on hunting. I approve as an individual, not as a politician throughout the country as opposed to the other jack off in the chair. He didn't do the other about yeah and he wanted to do- was the original. He was the original virtue signal our arguments to oil you're wheels, not let it squeak, let it squeak, but he afraid of aren't you You watch and binding the last three years it's like if we will watch and after you are, to produce its effectiveness the I wasn't. We sharp magyars what sacred string, others say very ugly now, and I think I think you're right, I mean you're the reason he came in this because, as you know, and created a hoover,
and so in deauville in his very valued at least I'm trying to think of the autonomous, a sequence of the matter, but teddy was uncle guy tomorrow. Eight, there We will have the great state debate stream paper is we will live fat check it we'll have drinking games. Nepal is going to be here. I will tell you that, the latest down all like they just get. Increasingly just tiresome for us yeah this one. I know we're all really excited. It is the perfect dynamic where we can focus on Gavin, newsom and really really fact check the lies and that'll be a lot of fun with a drinking game. Nyc as he is, you know, look go see his day. I notice how many dates right now, but you can watch a show daily, there's, no one better to be sitting next to us here, even after a couple of capt morgan's. So the best part we're going to continue we're going to a segment on disney right now, they're losing money, and
now and what they don't care. I think we can say- and another is another second, it sucks and that's how you know how your propaganda? Yes, yes as not having this the profit motive, in spite of a private note its right. Is it like this ep? Look at he s pierre and go look at you! it's all right up whatever it's just do it. This is the message. is the thing up all quiet, When a go this you this, you know, there's a native american moment, headdress talk and were black eye about the ravens deepened we also agree with what you have been to more women fighting mile. By the way we do have a statement from partner not not to bring up right now. We're gonna talk about it in my club, a statement from porn hub that I think Let me talk. I got your manager, then are either not loques person? Ok, like I get it to the guy at the hotel, checked in really I was talking about it on my blog. So, if you are not a member of my club are going to continue for another forty minutes. Take your chat segment on disney going broke, which is
hilarious, entirely predictable and nix argument with the manager of the out the one we put you in mattel six year, my gosh. We have to find a new hotel. Ok. Now you can pick up what rumble. Thank you very much, my club. We go
Transcript generated on 2023-12-01.