« Louder With Crowder

REBUTTAL: Destroying John Oliver's Israel/Hamas Propaganda Video!

2023-11-13 | 🔗

We've got a lot to talk about today! We're diving right in with the latest in disturbing reality television with Adam 22 and Lena the Plug, the murder of Vegas teen Jonathan Lewis, Why New York is no place for a good samaritan, John Oliver playing both sides of Israel/Palestine conflict and more!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey there audio lesser there's a whole, promo on the video version, but doesn't really make sense to you. So I just wanted to tell you that this thursday, I will be in the and Bonn. Gino show be life trimming here from the latter studios at nine, a m eastern and then Dan Bonjean I going to be on this show starting at ten. A m eastern lives will both be doing that the shows law, I on each other's programme you know I'm I'm, I'm I'm largely wasp be american. And he is a dagger over. We consider to be amongst our ranks anyway because he doesn't seem to hate the country, so I guess that's enough so this thursday enjoy it leave a rating or review. It helps the algorithm, and I'll huff. I know your house, the
The. Or movies don't work with a well. Oh let it be with you and yes, that is correct.
And don t know, and I will be crossing the streams this they are then issue will be on the show. So am I Dirty guinea deserves an upturn every now and then and we have the abilities in our study affectionately. He isn't Studio, so we have the ability to dump him whenever we want, but he's kind of a friend Let's get to know was a busy weakened for many of you, but especially lot of. You know like out virtue. Singling each other veterans day. Have you no man you couldn't. I just had. Thank you sincerely Thank you. That's all I put out there. Look you couldn't do more, these people have been out there killing terrorists. What am I going to say other than? Thank you so anyway, lot to get to Here's the photoshop run nets. Everyone can see of see, follow along a timid. is done all I know,
and another one whose gone too soon, but that's an expensive exit. How many more millions of dollars raised? Two percent we're gonna have an empire state of crime segment, the vigilante and many of you refer to him as a hero. Some refer to him as a vigilante. I refer to him as a hero has been arrested for firing a gun at a man who was assaulting a woman. There was a loss his team beaten to death in the media is covering us of this. covering it or they're, just omitting the rays of the betrayed her and the victim, guess why and then we are going to be doing even then there's no I'll. This is thorough to see debunking of John Oliver, his segment on Israel and Hamas, I'm pretty sure, guesswork work outside, so I am adjusting my head frontier number two geral will actually first, let me ask you this: considering you're stopping a crime has cost so many good samaritans to go to jails in in liberal cities and of course the jails are empty because actual criminals are on the street. These are crime happening today. Would you intervene
would you try and be a good samaritan? That's a call internal shifted, I'm worried about this country. People say you know what does involve me and I want to do it so common hello gerald a number to her. You I've done well. How do you find neck thing that's not gone where I'm working on it. You are I'm working on it. You you at in in your mustache here in on the moustache. I had the perfect civil war thing going like you know this. It's works a beard above your beard, but the promise I was trying to trim and cut a chunk out. So just here. Wouldn't look right, that's what added third share just mouth or face when you hear this, you know who it is eleventh Sunday november nineteenth, you will be at the bricktown comedy club in Tulsa Oklahoma, and you can film Josh underscore fire stein for others. Josh our user, I'm good. I'm good. How are you thank you for your service? You kind of dunmore dunmore should have been sent me a cake or you could have what that was on the loose pin. He couldn't you more factors,
I have your taxes that have been sufficient. I think we only fifty keeps the tougher you on veterans day, because everyone is stepping over themselves. But thank you. I don't think you know. I think you know thankful. Thank thank you. I'm grateful my favorite is when everybody changes their facebook profile picture to their their basic training or boot. Camp photophone got forty five Your guy was eighteen, yes, randomly change it like. Why did you? What do you want me to? Thank you oh my gosh, or so much in jails, casey change these display picture to his dishonourable discharge papers. I could get those before you made it in made it a network, does that he got decidedly distro out and he Does it on veterans day every year seriously. I have to respect them. He didn't make it on a bootcamp. He got dishonorably discharged in bougainville. We have to thank him for his service to okay, speaking of boot camp. It's time to quickly address this. This is all over the place. It's it's more boob grip, ooh as isn't breasts this, so there's a guess who's the guy named Adam twenty two
This is really what we see as a way out of was the plug, which again, I'm not sure owned by their their studio, their hollywood nomenclature. So Yeah he's the guy who talked about you know renting his wife out to other people and now to really highlight this in case you wondered in case ever wondered as too. You know that hey of western civilization, and you ever wanted to have the thought cross your mind. If you know be Hamas is an all wrong. There. debuting. I think islam is the new reality show to find a man for her too. who consummate with
with the flag. I am an adult creator. Twenty two or one quarter with my lovely wife, a low caliber, twenty two crush every week. It's fitted them at the end, but we've only ever done it with other women, so we've arranged this whole challenge the perfect guy to be our first ever boy boy, it's on you too, on youtube. Let my why I guess that brings us to a noose and it'll be doing age appropriate or not douche bag. A dish yeah. to play the game. It it'll be an adam thirty, two, eighty twenty two Titus or the three eight
twenty two guys, but my wife. Why doesn't ring its argotic either? Digital pimp he's a digital pimp. This is the problem of modern day. Is not everything needs to be a veritable meat market seriously, get out and after the incident he rewarded his wife with a full hundred thousand dollar lambeau because he was so proud of her. Ok, first off, don't call it a lumber second I don't know that's a four hundred thousand erika, but okay, let's go with it. Third, proud of that. If there could ever be honey, you took it like a lesser accomplishment of her lesson. Accomplishment that I can think of would be being an attractive woman saying
yes to sex with a random stranger like that is opposite of an accomplish. The accomplishment of saying no like like that. You know it you just just gave away the prize for free. I don't think she's doing most of the work in their know. Now. I think this is she's the plug. Yes, that's what she's doing I wouldn't even give her a participation trophy correctly the big red marker lying whore. Norway stirrup They know you now series on this are doing a whole series was honoured to sit with my wife and was at all it's great and they always inevitable. They'll. Tell you right, inevitable or you're against us, because you're jealous because you don't have a woman- is hot, like yeah neither does Adam twenty two is just six. Yes, basically,
written in oil are in general relationship. That's uh! I don't judge people, you know it's funny and I do not share its way to make money. By do I doing to point out that I've never met somebody in their fifties? That was like day. This is my wife Martha and the guy she's been banned for five years. Zack guy I've been bang in furthering our manner. That has never been the matter. We're so happy help me. We are so happy natalie, happy with other people, and I am happy and the coroner, but I find joy in living vicariously through others. That's why I give her four thousand dollar lambeau time, she courts a black. pornography actor marital did tell insecurity of its finest. I now he's gone so secure, I'm so secure that I'm letting our dead. I'm here I'm just this is. I'm so secure. What are you so in secure you? Wouldn't let your wife have sex with as many strangers ass she wants. I guess so
your buyer lambert. I would you rather reforms that are also I I don't want to deal with repo man, it's a losing its going to us. Count like. Can I get you some kind of road offers? A gift? Was issues need not that defends? What was it for a bank in a porn star? I dont know if that and I condemn all things, but I got news for you. Your wife's, probably all whore were proud of that nature. Our block by the way, if we haven't done this, yet if you're watching right now and you're watching on youtube, which why are you doing that, go to rumble and subscribe over there? You might see this, which means head on over to rum.
ok, we'll move on from that. You guys can comment below. I guess we're just old sticks in the mud, believing that you shouldn't shouldn t sleep with random strangers. If your merit our old Judas all me Mister international, random strangers, that's going on a quest to find love. I have also stephen that's on you. Do it makes flavour flavour reality show what we like church. I wanna watch that at least he was trying to find love even with his stupid clock in the casually phrases who's ever on time, yet known for the clock. Never. I want that guy's every day that bit his that's a string of labour slave tints guy has dropped out of the presidential race. I would get the connection, and that means it's time to close
former president donald trump still leading the poles by a large margin, while scott pole just two percent, among republican voters, times endings and began again be sort of all other whitefoot. Although I'm sorry, sir. I do not believe this is the view we accept we'd all happen, believe everything people say, but you cannot bull people here, please how's everyone doing today I go back to iowa it will not be as a presidential candidate I am suspended.
My campaign needs it's time for things to time. Things too. Well, how end up in someone's cabinet now, no one I would be spread of down from pixel, you think as a vp, yes as a vp? Yes, now? Yes, yes, colonel! I think it's far away your toes come on. I think you, tat notice. He hasn't attacked him, got it off. yeah, but he doesn't see him as a threat. Will you went up? carson Don't you ever how hard data that we have no intention of yet, but still there in their their very similar either shaft spoken because their latin republicans, but that's a part of it? Yes, Mary Ben and try to stay
his mother and his stomach works well with round by about buckle. Well, it's crazy he's a psychopath Maybe he just little distracted me ass, election is I dunno? Alright, learning by too much is it lets me in new york city is assessed, pearl grey eyes, a city because new york state is also despite everything, that better insidious worse and if you remember sergeant Daniel pentium over then situation, the subway wasn't proof enough this latest story shows new york city is not a place for a good samaritan in you don't like said, the left wants to turn violent criminals into a new voting base and they want to turn you, the law, abiding citizens into criminals,
That brings us to the latest its instalment here of imperative grim. So happened last week, but he was just a reigned and arrest arrested and arraigned Sid and arranging, arrested, arrested for saint arrangements, Happened over this weekend, which is kind of an updated story for those who aren't familiar with what what happened this last monday, again in John wrote, witten, a woman being robbed in these facts. By the way are not question. The woman being robbed actually commented rent in a way that is intensely disappointing and I now origin wrote should have just done nothing. The forty nine street subway station. He sought for it street subway station by the way, pretty crowded area. So this is contacts that people may miss. There was a period of time right, you term, midtown, that
area that you we wouldn't want to find a crime police replacing ass, binding to littering calls. So for this this is going back to the era of jason, takes manhattan So I saw a preview. He saw a woman being assaulted. And he fired a warning shot at the assailant, forty we're old. John wrote in handcuffs tonight led away from the transit police station in the subway policing. he's the man they ve been looking for since yesterday, who allegedly try. Stop a mugging by fire a gun inside a train station police say a forty nine year old man known first swiping people into the subway and demand. Cash was also try to monitor whether at the end, our w station at forty nine streton, seventh avenue. That's when say the so called subway vigilante pulled out a gun and irish into the air and act
officials say was not only illegal but incredibly dangerous. Just look! You know. It also is incorrect. I dunno if the notice was incredibly dangerous, was a mugging, a woman for her for the mugger, the mugger I mean unless somebody is standing by with a gun. Yes exactly, but she says it with such chicago fire a gun at a subway station, someone was potentially being raped, shouldn't that be kind of a shocker the procedure, but he's fired it into the air. They said, like hey, bang credibility ceiling yeah, stop doing that yeah. He should have fired it right into the assailants ass. That's trying to scare somebody masturbating, just a hobo stops pillar therapy, but you can't the pissing hope I was an endangered species native new york. It's not admit it took me another. It took me another three minutes go ahead to get flow management with all of you, scared me appeared all over five people. You got some money,
we'll get high again. That's all. I know this bring some dynamic europe play like we ve talked about in the past. It is just that this is not only new york is happening in large cities across the country. They want you all in large cities, so they can control you and they can strip you of your first amendment. Second, amendment rights, this guy too to do the right thing. These kinds of incidents not all that uncommon. We had a close call. We did here at the office. Actually, this weaken it was covered in local news tell us how you save the day, Well, you know there's a lot of badness in the world and he really just sometimes you need to step up and protect. What is yours and defend it? I have word that we have security footage of the incident. We'd love for you to walk us through it and that's that's not really necessary. You don't need to do that. It'll be great,
right here, Tom Kyoto. We please to so it seems you have nothing to do with thwarted robbery whatsoever. Well, what you didn't hear on that tape was that that robber made an anti semitic remark and my people have been oppressed for over five. The so here's at the very least Some responses that our odd, like I do want to and you can kind of below. I want live in a society where read more headlines about men or women. Frankly, Shooting would be assailants in the subway, as opposed to stories about rape are rising. violent crime you do have to get you have to pick one right, that's pretty clear. Nobody was even
spain's on with Patrick that David talking about the crime in California, what a horrible job given use. Mr once you grow up and you reach a certain point- you ok, I get it. The present industrial let's, but it turns out if we just released violent felons, we are all the victims of more violent crime, so you would think that I would at least be split opinion from new york city officials, but that's not the case. The new york city subway president, richard davy thought. What John wrote some people comparable anti dumping will comment here. I come here, ok era. This is subway president. He said that it was weird at the very top pulls out a gun fires, two shots copy, puts that got back in the bag and walks away. The point is: that's not how strange
The drafting of a monkey with eggs ranenu met me like a gap age. We could do better raping me well, It's strange that geared, I think this headline from Bloomberg is weird. It says new york subways have less crime but more violent. What's how is that violence? Isn't crime typically fact check this? Let me they mean lower overall crime, because you don't actually site but but violence, there's always crime and you're, not a russian people for crimes. Exactly what exactly you didn't eating. Staff for good surprising. Is that there's more violence and are also not arresting people for violence, while the ambulance can yes existing eventually
Adams. You know him brown turtle. He thinks This looks meaning the man actually doing something- and I say this because you, understand. No one is coming to save you. If you are in new york, it is going to get worse and the people in power, are going to ensure that it gets worse. you, the law, abiding citizens they are desperate to frame, was a criminal and they are desperate to show but for the criminals who they can gain some votes, so they can gain and uncle sam's, none the wiser, so Eric Adams thinks that this could look too much like one of my favorite films death wish this is not a charles bronson area. We know what the wish to let the police do their job. Don't think that you can do their job. Without the proper training that comes from law enforcement, a your blood total bunk yeah there any way to treat a hero. The subway he you heard this new policy, our gas zoo policy in new york
ccs. I see something. Do nothing! Nobody walking think that no policy, you see something get raped. So as for the would be victim John wrote protected, because no good deed goes unpunished by the subway president's the mayor. And even the person you are protecting she issues that he didn't use again, this is a quote where she says. Yes, I do think he is a hero, but I dont know I would likely thank him a bigger hero, if, if you try
It helped me with Aragon what genre did you see the man without a gun? He doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell. A bullet bullet quote article. We we didn't read the best part in my eyes this is the continuation. In my eyes, the gun is a little extreme. It was a very dangerous situation. Anything could have happened all right, lady. What does he know? Excuse me mugger stay right here, don't shoot fire that kind of the ceiling. You continue what you were doing and rob me. This is too dangerous. The mugger slaps him she's like oh, we are going to penetrate me now. Aren't you go to the bathroom stabbing everyone in new york so mad because we're messing with their culture. I know nothing to stop a mugging new york city. You get what you deserve necessary at this point. You get what you deserve. Well, let me give you some stats here. As far as new yorkers in the subway, january to august. Twenty burglaries in the subway are up a hundred and fifty percent of that
ridership overall, is only seventy percent of the pre pandemic levels, which means people must really hate it, because it's impossible to get around that city without using the subway wait a minute. The numbers up in ridership is down yeah the crime. Up in ridership down yeah fewer people to commit the crimes, and only fifteen percent of new yorkers feel very safe riding the subway fifteen. That's a lot of muslims globally who believes that violence is justified against non muslims. That's true now that the present is the people that are making the grimes yeah. No, this is a safe bet. They don't ride the subway like I've heard of it. new york city. The assaults are up. Sixty percent over the last thirteen years. Look! Here's where we are near the subway, it's it's! It's dangerous and officials want to make sure that you don't get any ideas about protecting yourself, so they to ensure that you remain completely what spouse, let's be honest. Take you big brother to come in and help you, if you're not able to protect yourself This is the funny thing. Is people are obviously are armed to the teeth in rural areas, and the argument of left always makes us what you
in the city, that'd be a real problem in the city. It's a real problem that you're not allowed to protect yourself don't need to protect yourself against two legged predators, so much when you're out in the middle of nowhere when you're out in your own farm to protect yourself. wild animals out here. You need some so good snake shot here in texas. These are the conditions right now what your sing in new york city, that's, what you get a bernie gets if you look at what happened with dirty harry death, wish that was response soft on crime policies, where americans felt helpless, yeah! That's what happened. seventies and the eighties, where the vigilante film was born. You are going to see that you are going to see more vigilantes. This guy's not of a vigilante, though this is a guy who stopped something he stopped and act that was taking place. What I mean is you are going to have more people seeking out criminals to shoot those kinds of vigilantes. I guarantee it. Call me, especially in the big cities, were there not doing their job in the first place right we talk about the recidivism rates. We talked about how there's a turnstile like five hundred, I think either robberies are crimes were committed by like four
the guys or something like that yeah. They were arrested five hundred times. I think a distance really small group of people, but we do also we I dunno. If this is going to be You're, not will see the picture of the assailant ah look well, nice feller looks like an ad for math class.
Those are deep set. Wrinkle sketch you much ceremoniarii ends, since it is clear that gun and a subway him come on, I'm twenty six, because twenty said softly down about what I said it since I am just going to give you that sexual is why not just about why we're going to do some stuff. I love was taken her for my what enjoy started trainer look, a beggar crime, because that's what I do with my wife, whose an audition cattle call- and this is the problem of feminism. Yes, I said the woman was being assaulted and she's more upset that he used a gun and those are the people who are determining the policies in. Or city. That is the problem. There is no logic to that as well. I just wish you didn't use a gun or because you think guns or mean and scary I'd prefer you just
Thank you, and you have on your guy curious to know how oh, what sites is autonomous story. yeah one guess I would preferred he didn't news again, but I'm Let me now, yes, I'm sorry, look, they shouldn't cannot people, but do you have to so many of them? Well, apparently not enough yet so Violence is a moral heard. Me say this many times. Violence is a moral. I can use a gun to rape of women, or I can use a gun to stop a rape and get arrested. I can send them. I can use money to go purchase fetnah or I can use money too and a homeless, shelter, nazis that you believe homeless, shelters are actually doing anything short because most money gets funnel to the people who write and they drive marie
it ease to and from the back door. So you don't see it. That's been this week's new york state of crime, the sorry, our state of crime. Now I warn you with this next story we always take. This is a pity, thirteen plus, but it it is disturbing we're not going to be showing you any videos of people dying, just to be clear, but the subject, Water is disturbing and ties into the idea of criminals not being treated as the criminals. They are you see it with Hamas, you sat with the manifesto by the way, thank you so much to have only supported the work. last week the national manifesto. You are the reason it was a number one story of the weakening. Could it could be one of the I guess that reveals also this year, not not I'm not taking credit. These are the people who work here and are under never unit. You want more like that Please do consider joining
It is credit to come slash my club and yet twice to show up. friday show Alex jones nicht apollo everyday you get the hardest. Brian Cowen got guns and gear, but you also funded the undercover journalism and the tipp lines that we have. We have some some line. they're right now that we have to do our duty again. We aim once we aim right, but will shock you. This is the overall point. You see that what the subway shooter there you see. It said I with a vigilante hero the attack or you get the point Now we get to this story in LAS vegas. The left will cover crimes very differently. simply depending on the assailant it has. To fit in with a narrative or gets ignored. Like yourself, we'll manifesto that was memory hold really really quickly up or it gets misrepresented. So this just now and in las vegas late. Last week a white teenager Jonathan louis was beaten to death by fifteen black students- and I say that, because it matters and big
if you were watching this on any of them stream outlets or even your local news- that, by the way, is run by three major corporate you wouldn't know this white teenager Jonathan louis beaten to death by fifteen. Black students at a las vegas high school but tee. In severely beaten by more than a dozen students has died in the hospital. After sir, days on life, support now again add some context here, so people don't just say: well, okay, what was he doing? Could he be a white supremacist? Let me read you a quicker. This is from news. Eighteen, local news november first, over fifteen now's brutally attacked seventeen, your jaffa louis near rancho, high school after he sought to defend a younger friend who had been robbed by the group. This group already committed a crime right the younger friendly went to them. Saying hey, can you can you give it back? Can you give it back at which point the group, of entirely black teenagers. Fifty of them beat him here- is a video again. I warn you, seeing anything super graphic, but just the idea of it should should turn your soul. Here's a video of the beating
place. Partially that that's enough, you guess find most of it on their again. What matters with this people are well. How do you know? That's true when you talk about israel Hamas? What were you in the Hamas videos right? They want you to say you let them their proud of killing innocent people. these videos are being take. The ears are not being taken by people who are trying to stop an attack. these are being taken by people who are, get social media cloud they. What this video out there. Creators these bullies. Now they want to gain note. He just to be clear. Now here is the media coverage of the story. if you can spot. What's omitted metro says about fifteen kids were involved in a fight that is less once it is possible to live with critical injuries. A teenager is fighting for his life after being beaten by fifteen other kids. Nor rancho.
school metro officers, responding to reports of a student fight across the street I want your high school, the investigation revealing the vigour got into a physical altercation with fifteen people before cops arrived, when the family of Jonathan louis rancho, high school student, who has died at there, severe attack by fifteen other students last week the school, and what really bothers me is that female, pursing physical altercation, no no an innocent man was beaten to death, columns, fight, yeah, that's not a fight. He was beaten to death. He was beaten to death by jackals who felt unable to do so because it would get off consequent free consequence free at worst, go to high school guidance counselor and tell them about how they were never have Do not let me read you some media headlines here. Las Vegas beaten to death by mob of attackers outside of high school teacher, near high school, has died from injuries. Father says: vegas team. Death by more than fifteen bullies outside high school after standing up for smaller friend. Nowhere
nowhere is race mention in these stories. Imagine if we were and its and just what about as a magic. If you had the inverse maginnis it was. Fifteen white guys who beat up one black it I don't know that you can find that at a school in the united in the last fifteen years. I really don't I genuinely don't There are many many stories to this effect. and this is not to be clear, not pulling canada saying it's because of the melanin in your skin. It is because not only of a culture but in an just the culture no hip hop culture. What a lot of young black boys, who are often fatherless, look up to as an example, but because of white culture of saying. We need to stand down on check our privileged we're tolerate behaviour that would be tolerated. Nowhere else, nowhere else what people run interference for this and we'll get to the overall crimes, debts that show this is a common occurrence right now. The united states, particularly in schools, the one it's the glorification
if this kind of behavior and no accountability for anybody involved. That really is the problem. Like you said they want this out there. They want to take video of this and say, look see how cool we are people need to be going to jail? Yes, I'm sorry, is killed somebody but need to be tried as adults? Yet yeah I mean you just I mean there was there was video there that we again we're not going to get too far into that, because we don't want to show everybody but stomping on somebody's head against the pavement, as for fi six other people, just in that one second are also kicking, and there is waiting to come into the wings to see if they can jump on an act like. So what do we tell we do? And here yet does someone who doesn't know what kind of people are we raising in society? What kind of accountability is culture, whether its black culture? culture make whenever got what kind of accountability are we saying is appropriate here, because the meat it just went out there and said all this was a tussle know. A guy got John because he was trying to do there was a little bit of a dust up, but while skirmish between lyle and Chris, a group of jackals decided to kill another person, may that
little closer. I do know maybe workshop it see if you can come up with something that something a little bit more along. Those lines would be more accurate. These kinds of activities, for example the knock out game that used to only take play with gang and as initiation, which were incredibly rare for the worst of the worst amongst society. Now these are just mainstream games like that, their me like planking, about, like the like, but right now, hopefully outcome, but if you automatically assume the rays of the perpetrator when it's never mentioned. If you read a story like this, Can you see no mention of the race? Don't you some assumptions now, let's be honest, that's the problem! That's the rebound effect You are creating a generation of people who are going to be more racist or, at the very least, more suspicious when you raise an entire generation of people who feel guilty for some and they and not control checking their privilege, but someone sometimes we get get people go. Oh croatia cocky, he said he's not proud to be white just like I'm, not ashamed to be white. It's that I've, no good all over it whatsoever that it's something it doesn't really matter than ever shit. They say
oh man, look at my book at my white skin. I'm really proud of the fact that I have whites. I've done that, I'm not going to look at it and say: oh my gosh. I need to go to the soup kitchen for extra hours, because I need to check my privilege it's. It could not be less relevant. This is The first time this has happened. When we read you some other crimes where the rain was omitted when the purpose black right here you have one, you have even liming suffered, broken skull bone in brawl outside la brahms. Lebron James is. I promise school. The purse for three black men now whoops I guess Lebron James isn't as great of professors. We wish. We had hoped for basketball celebrities, schools, lebron James school, whatever very manilow had one hour, It was you. I was a school for the seek for the closeted. Homosexuals are really yeah, the jobless closet, homosexuals administering all. Also, every seventh we go there's another one team girl, allegedly slugs asian woman attacks, witness in possible hate crime on n Y, see subway kay the purpose. Of course, a black
in rural and she didn't allegedly slagging asian woman, she did and then she attacked a witness. Here's another one woman. on subway writer in suspected anti asian hate crime in power, slope: hey, guess what the purpose, of course in this instance was a black woman. This has been happening ask the country really since had to suffer from what, I dont know why back? Why are you here? Isis? What we have now gets ahead. we certainly your wangwana. Now, that's the run. The over reaction that we're talking about the pendulum swings too far the other way, and then you, with MEL gibson head. You do end up with Mcgee said really quickly. They listed the the the the asian person, the last two examples and didn't listen to the list, the perpetrator, exactly because they were pushing this as a asian hate thing right, where they're trying to say, like hey, asian community, we're standing with you unless of course, you're trying to get into harvard we're, not really standing with you so much and
it seemed like white people were the problem. Why is it possible that we can live in a country where you can't just call it out across the board? We cover this with nashville thing: Well, then, immediately when it was anti black crimes right when somebody shooting up store because their racist- and I understand that, do it When it's the other way around. Remember we're alive fort worth the shooting as a cat, it turns out, was a black kid who just came in and he was a bully and we didn't really have the other way. I dunno about this they're, like more information later by the way back to donald trump, respect back to donald trump who's, who's, orange said- eminem, oh, what a what a cypher all right. It's never origin walk who show it was its inertia versus not yeah. Exactly true, that was the color of the suv. We have missed the raised. Another, don't always has used the things they miss if they never listed the race ever fine, but they do all the time they do it when it's a white paper traffic. That's right here. Let's reaction from people, npr smile, he
why teen allegedly try to drown black child and racially charge attack? Three men are found guilty of murder and the killing of a mud, abra white man. We stand trial for shooting black team who black teen ralph yarrow, who went to wrong house judge rules, but now some examples of the selective was they liked budget lies here. Justice That's the way, but when someone crafts, a headline liberally, omitting information to mislead you. It's a lie and hears confirm this. Let us look at some of the crime statistics: the fbi, twenty twenty two violent crime, stats black can make up thirteen point: six percent, the population and forty three percent of the violent crimes, the victims of violent crime, Fifty seven percent of them are white and san francisco and here's it's really hard, because if you actually look at the fbi, the deal J, the cdc at one point in time they stopped recording once realize that politically it was, it was tough for them. They stopped recording racial gap between trusted. You, you could find out the perpetrator of the rights of the perpetrator and you could find out in
minced instances the rays of the victim of a crime, but you couldn't find out if The racial makeup of the perpetrator was different from the victims, so you couldn't find out who committed watch crime which was at the hands of which raised we used to have, stats. I believe it was twenty fourteen twenty sixteen when they stopped recording them. So knowledge that, because this one comes from a small sample size sample size where they did can The study in san francisco eighty five percent of all assault crimes, the bay area were black against asian eighty five percent of all assault crimes or black against in small sample size, but that's because nationally or government looking out for you doesn't let you know, commits crimes and who the victims are, but you can make an inference right if fifty seven percent of the victims are white and forty three percent of the perpetrators are black, who only make up twelve percent of the population. Hey you saw crash, though so you don't want you, don't wanna be race, as you don't want to be racist, if you're, let's say in new york city, where a violent. Fender. Who is that
more likely to be black, committing a crime against an asian person or a white person want to be re, so walk right in as a completely helpless. that democratic defenders of the fire and then you'll excoriated by the mayor by the new york city, subway present, potentially white women around you. If you do anything, now less safe, but the good news is cash bail. recidivism is exponential? No cash, but do you have to have it? So what is the capital of having no cash bail cash here right? You? Don't you any cash? It's just I want to go do you have anything to put down? No, no. I drew up so that our ear glad it's so let me just do, I don't understand. Is correctly me as a white man riding in blonde hair, blue eyed, very white and waterways? If I see a black man
committing a crime. I need to kind of like in the old days. Is there a doctor in the house? I have to go. Is there a black man willing to step in and stop this? Otherwise it's race? I wouldn't say that, because the black guy is going to think that you're being a smart ass and beat you harder, especially if you do it in that white guy voice, they're a black man is going to me. Is this getting smaller or no mana base? Why, as brother, is there a black man in the house that can help me? Oh my! Don't even have a gun, I'm gonna go find that shit just lets us pass off logan and I will say that the argument is on the show. We do black and white and the grey issues where I just talk with you'd be surprised as to how much you have in common, but that's usually in areas where there's a mix of white and black people they've learned to live together. When you have people who who silo themselves into a culture that they view is explicitly bat, black culture and the other white people. That's where you end up with gangs of fifteen fifth,
in beating a white boy to death, laughing think about that fifteen blankets, one of them had a conscience. This is not normal yours Violence has gone on in this country for decades shore, but that type of collective here It's just that. What assault with a total lack of humanity is not something that has historically existed in this country. This was not the norm. If you want to say a school shootings are up when or mass shootings are open. Statistically, that's not necessarily true. The kinds of interracial. Gang assaults are up. People know what people say. their living it and you want I do not believe there lion eyes and ears, and it always depends on if the criminal, is convenient. That's what you're I was nashville, that's why I'm here, the manifesto that we had in that. If you want to see more of that look, we always we unbiased, try autonomy very
great forward, but we're not going to lie to you all. The references are available and if you want to join my club, you know where to go later cutter dot com, slash, mug, club, okay, we're going to continue to have something you want yeah. Well, I just wanted to thank our sponsor walther right. So you've said this melia. You know if you're going to go out there and you're going to buy a firearm and look at this guy who had a fire, maybe you could have defended himself but just traveled as a kid at school. Well, no, no, no, he was across the street from school and maybe if there was apparent to the parents or just saying hey- hey, hey, hey, maybe it'll get this. Kid tell them by their response, has been a sponsor for the show for a very long time The balls are to the show just here's, what it is going to walter arms dot com find a dealer near you often gun ranges. Will let you try the firearm anakin attraction. If there are plenty of good guns out there is like d like Bmw, mercedes, you like test site on some of the crap all over that if you type interview walter pete, These are new gonna review. Walther ppp review just type it in You will see that I want to be added to the best kept secret in the gun industry because of massive advertising campaigns. Try. The walls are good
and to you you'll buy it. That's it there. There call their fond their deadly this whole himsel ever are so blasting caps now Sunday night I dunno blasting caps, John Oliver, you defend, I think it's funny you can we he can be. Let me put it that way: ok, isn't stick the landing, always he's a cheeky bastard. He is, he is he's a funny guy. I do think he's. Funny is also wrong. tell the can be both. Yes, you can be funny, have been very wrong Sunday night John oliver- and we ve done one of these rebuttals point by point in a while, but every now, and then you get someone who volunteers is tribute to just the ate all of the moronic asshole arguments that you ve heard across the weather. Strictly, like ok, heated debate, went to his writers that danes and how could give louder not only up
we decided to take on the israel Hamas conflict imploring his audience after that to see the humanity on both sides, which is nice I know that many is why these there's an understandable sense of fear and prosperity right amid the spectre of hamas attacks and rockets flying overhead, but it's worth also acknowledging overwhelming sense of prosperity among palestinians living under a blockade, and I barrage of israeli rockets, and it has to be possible to feel the pain, in one community without denying it in another. It has to be It is perhaps the most convincing, but please because peace here will clearly be difficult. It's gonna be struggled toward as part of a larger pursuit of just which will in turn requires an honest and uncomfortable reckoning. all the decisions that brought us to this point- and I know that hope is scarce right now,
gerald, I'm sorry! He just he left one thing: how many saying there they have a problem with the rockets being fired at them from asia. What about the Hamas murders of another on citizens and keeping them from running and fling south, as their shows that you just need to make sure that you include in their precarious as you said, the fact that their own people that the electorate are killing them yeah well, don't blame Israel for all of it, yeah, that's a good point to be fair. It look I want to be in full transparency, or he does strangely this by saying that hey hum doesn't represent all the palestinian so when you french, eight me says that you have just like: Netanyahu, doesn't represent all israelis rat party? Ok, so that it is true and a kind of started off trying to both sides but often when you see that it means, although to lie, because if you look at his time spent in his segment, we timed it out criticising Israel about twenty minutes time, criticising not just not just monitor a person but Hamas six minutes. least you're going to say. Ok, you, say time criticising the palestine
people who are not. Hamas are right, there that's very low and then the time for assessing israel. Ok, that and then the time criticising actual Hamas should be high. No time you're too says criticising all of israel. Twenty minutes amass six minutes They weren't even handed pause this right now and then I want you to comment. What predict Do you have for the claim, Oliver is going to make you not watching. This lie the audio listing. Audiotape pause. Don't cheat because we're about to go through them! whatever it is, you think me in your mind. Probably yes, you call the tec, It's all right. So, let's go to we'll do a plain truth format, acclaim from genoa that Hamas does not represent the people of Gaza. This senior hamas official gauzy hamlet, recently double down on the mask of october. savings by saying: we must teach Israel a lesson and we will do it twice and three times and for many commentators, all citizens of Gaza are implicated in that sort of rhetoric, thanks to one key facts that you here all the time
That's it that's twice three times, as you mean does mean two point: three does mean five times like two plus three. I really don't know twice three times to terms times a terrorist. I don't know here's the true, then all palestinians, but Hamas represents a lot of palestinians in january. two thousand six hamas one seventy four out of a hundred and thirty two seats in the middle east court, called these free, fair and secure election. Where have I heard that but yeah I know well, no, no, no, those were free and fair. Ours are the freest and fair because we're better yes, okay, there, because well we're not better but don't be ethnocentric, but but you know, where we're we're doing. Ok, priest are doing all right, your more advance july, twenty twenty three Thirdly, recent fifty seven of gazans viewed Hamas favourably october, seven, twenty twenty three, We also see it's not just Hamas that were discussing, so you can say that they dont represent all of the palestinian people, but you not seen an election with fifty seven percent of the vote in this country in decades.
and then you also look at this footage where you see garden civilians, none soldiers, not hammas gleefully, participating in terror. attacks against israeli peace, why should it be big guy? You sit in the long run and move fans No, you look like soldiers These are hostages, scene and pick attracts being driven through Gaza. I don't see a lot of a civilian protesters demanding humanity, stealing their stuff, so get it doesn't represent every single person who lives in palestine but
presents enough yeah by the way when's the last time they had an election, and it goes oh yeah, that's right, two thousand and six. When Hamas came to power, they just kind of kept it here. The dictators the world hasn't called them. That, though they just, they just need a way to get them out of power. Yeah yeah the people. If anything, if you want to help the people of Gaza, if you're saying they don't represent the people of Gaza, then you should want Hamas to be obliterated the fair election once a ship, yes, a set of labourers, seagulls, never is goodenough. Strategies done. But what does this mean? broken franchise and where we are doing elections in space, it's elections alone, his name is basically is there was Gaza out it's basically gaza, Hamas, that when I was going to say my leg is name is Gaza Hamas? Will the next election held change too little gauzy look out
so here is that other clayton I wanna hear that makes it a little Ben gay they'll be via it'll all the about killing jews. Let's be honest, that is going to be the hook for him. They just he's here's a one track mind that, each year on year There's another claim that it makes clear number two from John oliver that Hamas was actually moderate, when they were elected, and we need a split this clip into to remember, torment, right. Let's watch this Hammas we're out of its way to present itself as more moderate back. That, in fact, here, is that same Hamas official who recently justify the october, sent the tax shortly before that two thousand election of a moderate organization, we're not radically organization and we are not extremest or fundamentalist, nor We are all tweezers organization, looking believe in democracy and freedom and political pluralism.
Hamas, really try to rebranded fell. I get the but here's the truth. Ok, even though he tries to say see, that's the same guy who pay you represent it. You just said that they lie about everything that can be trusted authorities if anything, a period of death, the same guy, who said that Hamas would repeat the october seventh just in case you must at this was like forty five seconds ago, these senior hamas official gaza, nothing down the mask of october, I say we must teach Israel a lesson and we will do it twice and three types of me that that whole clip is, it is the same guy. It's the same knowledge is that it's the same job. What do you do and he's acting like he's, trying to cut it off at the pass? But but that's the guy when the guy, These are the liar. Let's play the rest of us clip because then he tries to tee tries to say well yeah, but that's now, but they initially actually presented. as moderate, which, of course, is not true, but let's hear him at the argument,
z, play the whole thing. In all thing, I don't know I don't. Maybe it is alpha away with wouldn't run through our enters. The truth will split would mean there's two of them. When I worked by two or three ok I'll find out who's model, we got rid of his name. Is Hamas has clearly always been radical? You know how John Oliver just showed you that he was lying yet well. It would start that hard to fact check that the guy's lying because any nineteen eighty eight founding charter, Hamas, it says, is will exist and will continue to exist until islam will obliterate it just as it obliterated others before it. The movement is, but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vest and islamic world until the enemy is vanquished and allows victory is realised. That was wherefore. in charter. You have
The guy we quoted as having been moderates saying they're going to destroy Israel and the jewish people. Let's give you some more examples, all references available later with crowder dot com. I wish I didn't have to do this, but apparently I do two thousand and five hamas spokesperson machines are mostly I want to make sure I get that right, but let me get it a little bit wrongs your pisses amalfi, this in prior to the gods and election saying we have, we have here in multitudes to proclaim that can be an article on with Taken by the mujahideen. We have come here to sit the weapons of the resistance that you will see here remain our willing so that we can liberate palestine all of palestine. From see to the river whether they like it or not. That is exactly what they say right then I dont know seriously its. I just read it: it just read the the thing
that's good! I don't get. It is having a rough day. Last word is really interesting from the river to this evening, but the programme, but all the others is a benign chanted. The benign chant from the river to the sea, palestine will be it's just protestors. Who is making sure that the humanitarian situations addressed does it right now there's a riman arabic. I don't ever they had to flip it. It says in the sea to the riverbed river to the sea, in the seat of the river. We will make them quiver. It just doesn't matter yeah, that's just what they have now at these protests in college. Like from, to the sea,
It was from sea to shining that juicy yeah, that's what they're saying from cedar river. It means all of it that places all paths I mean, there's no place for jews, definitely saying annihilation to their church. I hope I have crystalized it for you before they even set up the the way to manage the country literally right off the top. It's like hey, are you going to put to like president vice president? No, no, no, no, no, no kill Jews first like what hold on, but you haven't done anything come up. Is this radical? It's this rap. a new strategy. It's called you death therapy, Bob. They have a very interesting way of speaking the terrorists. Yes, like errors that they're going to run away and they're, not tat, I told you the egg is: he goes. Israel will be, or Israel will exist until We destroy yeah. You will be a virgin until I rape, relax and have buried the lead there. Hamas, the jews, are perfectly safe until the
tie my shoe accident bad show me was moderate, the guy he could which clearly says he wants to eradicate all Jews, we just gave you some more exam. Now I Don'T- and I also by the way, not one dead american soldier just to be correct. I think that but early Israel has to wipe out Hamas we're going to get to the stupid ceasefire. Bull shit pardon my language, but this is just the people. intelligentsia here. This is why they they get them to tighten up, so because they cannot end up would be easy for palestine, and you end up with like John Oliver, who claimed to be against hate speech, so they find it more of an affront sensibilities at a man in new york, stopping the assault of a woman with his firearm by shooting in india. That's more offensive to them that a government who in a very charter. Eighty eight,
and then reiterated in two thousand six. All the way up until and including today, every single day wants the eradication or obliteration of all Jews. It's not a tenable puss. And they say what does it these? These are the people, the intellectuals the nome king, schemes of the world. This is what they believe it's because chasing sunlight. A virtue signal sound smarter than you, rather than teach you and they end up with the police, That is entirely inconsistent. There is no way to be a modern, liberal and hope all these positions that they do as a matter of policy, not at all least I respect, for example Hamas, in that they are consistent, but you're not like. On the one hand, I hate jews but on the other hand, I want to kill all of them with those two go together. Wrong is great news, but the left is that, on the one hand, I believe it calls for six years, all should be to go through gender transition. On the other hand, I think that Hamas has mostly right.
So let's go through another claim from John Oliver, and this is the again the selective editing, what issues to not cover just like the racial crimes earlier where he makes the claim that Israel is delivered. Lay targeting civilians in just the first six days of the war. It dropped six thousand bombs, honestly let's just twenty five miles long and most seven miles wide, nearly as many as the record number that the? U s, dropped on Afghanistan, in a single year as if these typing wolden eleven thousand people have been killed, including at least four thousand, children, Hamas numbers all palestinians in Gaza did support, amongst which they do not the rule. This bombings of civilians there would still be abhorrent. Collective punishment is a war crime. Ok, so here's the truth are right now. That number is quoting Hamas numbers just to be clear. The palestinian authority. Those numbers are being that's propaganda and I'm not saying that a lot of people haven't been killed, but
numbers he citing are from Hamas. While he's saying that the israelis right. The ivf are dishonest in that they are taught, satellites, say: molasses said our hospital was bond and turn out that the parking lot and some cars yet for academics out of five or six animals killed and many wonder, citing those numbers. By the way, ten thousand eleven thousand people killed four thousand children. They are citing Hamas as their reference. We I would just say is slightly I. say that Hamas, as a reference, is by if not slightly questionable. Little. That's just I opinion man so Hamas also if we were to say: ok, ten thousand people killed eleven that whatever they could franklin now, but one second Let's just say the number is higher than the twelve hundred innocent jews. Jews were killed on october seventh, by the way it notice Israel revises their numbers aimed at forcing under the revised to lower. You will never see that from Hamas, but let's at the number is higher. Ok, but do I care if those people are bloodthirsty terrorists, that matters
now? What also matters is, even if a civilian death toll, let's say, is higher for the people of Gaza than usual, but could that be because Hamas intentionally hides behind civilians without fail it matter of strategy for them places like hospitals, places like refugee camps, places schools and before you say this is jewish propaganda. Don't worry I've some third party sources. This is right on the ground. You see some bombs weapons in a kindergarten what I'm a good place to have him. mathilda kids atavism, they don't like metal show is different, move them into show them from other donors. Mountain meat, hello, smart little done weird show interventionist again, we should have more than a quarter of promises. Yes,
Take your daddy terrorist asshole to school there before he said jewish propaganda in two thousand and fourteen Al Jazeera reported that Hamas had built a tunnel network under the under the duvalier refugee camp. Okay, that that's overly twelve there Matt you can bring that up. Gaza in tunnel network has reportedly even more complex and cross border routes, intervals, mobile branches that run under refugee camps? In in communist job jubilee, I hope and prancing right shut all other densely populated areas. These hide weaponry and are designed for Hamas leadership to remain protected and mobile and here's a thing. So you have that jewish shoulder showing it to your right. There are some but you would just say the propagandists you know, or rather to people who support hamas niagara. Jazeera. Who, of course, would rather portray the palace in people hamas a more favourable light, certainly compared the idea, but let's go straight The horses mouth Hamas themselves have even admitted and taken credit for these tactics in interviews.
Why does a lot of issues which are genuine competition, some smith, kilometer, meaning and fuck you, madam? yeah we yoga inanimate. Anyone can help us. fuck no never lived moment b, was an eminently cutler listed death. enough workmen, agile and the enforcement of boycott Got it in the middle of europe, and found tat more generally, we are alone, then so siberian free me a minute what gee enormous, juliet illumine. What did you see that last party says? Yes, yes, we have tunnels because we have one for me. Listening and audio could are trying to the aeroplanes we're trying to kill us now to confirm throughout desire and other sources that these tunnels go under schools, he's tunnel the under refugee camps and well knows that Gaza? Seventy five percent refugees is not our job to protect them with our tunnels. It's it's you
and John. Yes, it's the united nations job becoming to protect these people, and I just want to be clear, we're talking about in places that Israel has had gone through greatly to make sure that all the civilians can flee these areas before bombing they drop leaflets. They did. everything that he could short of smoke signals to. Let you know hey tomorrow at five, we're bombing this place, because Hamas uses it and they have tunnels underground get out of here, and then Hamas doesn't let people leave. This is just a df is actually escorted them out to be a lot of yes, there's video of that video of tanks of is billy tanks, escorting people and how's that out of these areas, gas, trip out of these areas. Can you you can't make the argument were right if you say I hate Israel, ok, ok, but John Oliver's alai. Let us be clear about that. I'm not going to say he's being he's being misled John Oliver is alive this segment John over knows that he's using Hamas as numbers Jonah, that Hamas uses people as human shields. He knows that he knows
that any saying the opposite. So, let's go to another claim from our favorite immigrant who it makes Thank you in the united states that Israel was already destroying gaza in this is asinine before this current conflict palestinians I've been on the receiving end of that extremism twice over subjectively. Adequate season, cruelties of a hamas government, punishing isolation and daily misery of an israeli want, because Israel's approach to Gaza has been truly punishing fencing people in limiting exits and tracking them. You thought of what has been called an open air prison by many human rights organisations, If on the blockade, there has been hard for a long time, even when their own bombs flying, but by the way this is their response. has been punishing, but, as opposed to twelve hundred innocent people are tortured, kidnapped and killed. Spawns should not be punishing now, let's also What's that the scope of this for a second like it should be.
ashman. By the way I even address addressed us. When we talk about prisms united states, I think we're, I'll matters. I think punishment. We should still be a part of the equation. I still think that prison should be comfortable, it shouldn't be like a swedish prison works and I t display display p s five. No, they actually do. I know and get more get moving I remember back. Then they had the new act. I think it was the xbox three sixty really yeah. I remember ago I visited them and then I wasn't able to show all the footage, so here's the truth he played modern. moreover, as exit they get to be the goods high. For. Why would I want to play myself? I always late? That's all I wanted to buy rain god of commuter have to pee on you, he'll be sets a timer over all the girls don't want to get at. The truth is
Israel instituted the blockade to stop weapons from coming and write their seas. Weapons ideas are pe. Jeez. That's also make clear. The blockade has been upheld by ho HO ho. Let me read you out of here: mike jones, keeping up moss Sinai peninsula has been an imperative for the egyptian government since at least two thousand, Seven, let me give you another truth here. As John Oliver tries to paint this, as this ragtag group of miss second answer gets tonnes times of foreign aid hell largely money fund. the gaza over the last decade- the? U n, foreplay, Five billion qatar we're clock boy decided to go for a well one point: three billion egypt, five hundred million germany, eighty million the united states since twenty twenty one alone, four hundred million, that the amount of money that has been sent to Gaza
over the last decade also, Israel has granted over eighteen thousand work permits to gazans to work in Israel, and I get it I'm not saying it's perfect, just to be clear. Standards, no easy way out of this. If there are people there who are ruled by Hamas, who constantly bombardment propaganda, while they also abuse their own citizens. But you tell me If this looks exactly an open air prison as the left us humanitarian organizations want you to believe. Secularism word like club mad with terrorists. the the fact that there's no way that this was true
well It is now in sir part, I'm sure we're seeing a nicer parts of Gaza. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it actually is like sandals, but we are all in flux. We tourism commercials of pictures of detroit right action. they do in michigan pure now they do we actually to tell them the gap is rife and there are just an epidemic of hipster raping in detroit, so cool the exact sick did job. Well done michigan The point is you can only present one cigarettes, it's an open air prison ass! Well, ass! It! Let us also be clear about the fact that Israel hasn't they withdrew. They're from or Hamas is fair elections
for this, you noticed ex my point. Did John Oliver makes the point that I'm not quote it's kind of a loose court. Most people don't support Hamas right and not all. Palestinians were ok uprising because Hamas is controlling you and apparently there doing such a bang up job that you guys are living in an open air prison. Even with all the money that you get over the last decade or so it doesn't really go to you. You guys don't have all the basic necessities right now. You don't have any food, water, electricity or hospitals are crumbling right now and they won't. You flee, because they need you as a human shield. What does it take for an uprising took up if Hamas does not represent you make it apparent that that is true and them out. Very simple: we don't have the necessities now better job of providing information about the decided that they want again to give us water or date, I was ordering from gmos on every day now, perhaps ass, no jus channel about dumas on says accounts. Not active is active.
All my genius. Let me get this youtube series all the time yeah, and how about the Jackie mason jokes. Do you need the since when is it your job to supply your opponents with water? Since when is it your job to take care of your people apparently never mind that the un's responsibility? That's their right exist. Look, I'm sorry an armed revolt. There you go, guess what you want. The rally around you and for this to end tomorrow, throw hamas for tar If the party out there, I guess that's the most likely in the opposition and everybody take up arms right now and go take out Hamas in whatever way seems necessary and yells justice system over there and the rest of the world will come marching in, and peace will be known in your language. All those college students in the squad would be left with far too much egg on their face from the river to the there's peace whoa boy. I would love to to proudly hold up a palestinian flag like you guys did it.
Tomorrow, beat your oppressors right! You have your own state, now ask Israel for little up, I'm sure they'll give it to accept fifty seven percent of them are like that. Gonna, like us, You're still do, they are still the jewish people who kill jewels of forty seven percent line not all of them, but it's enough ass, the real reason: the problem cannot be solved. Here's another and from John Oliver, and it's always fun when it comes to this issue. actually all because fault is worth noting that there's one major player in all of this, though I haven't mentioned yet and its us, this being the british to absolutely responsible facilities, I'm talking about where Eric, because this country has emphatically picked a site in recent years we ve given is. a three point: eight billion dollars a year in military aid, and you can bank geopolitical arguments, for that is what isn't a valid thing to do, but it means we heavily implicated in everything you
Lastly, yeah pails in comparison to the billions that we give to ran palestine themselves. If you go to libya, Jordan, egypt, all these other nations who are not friendly to the Jews, so that's a first, that's a first. We give over or billion dollars a year to some of these countries that hate him that doesn't even include iran with a billion dollars or so one point, seven out of the six billion dollars are given. That is now refers and get mission in romania has gone out of that up, I'm goin by by rote here, but this, also. This goes to others. Another claimed that he makes here right is a sneer temerity up clip america's fault. I guess just listen to Boston. I palestinian who's, whose ten year old daughter was killed by an israeli border guard. In two thousand seven, my daughter had been killed with america, but report on it unfortunate from an american, a upward from an american gi american winnie fall and the soldier have threatened in america. So
his american right. Everything is american and I know that is hard to hear, but the fact is made in america is something that we understandably love to brag about when its slapped on things that were proud of, but unfortunately it's not just tractors trot knots until became zones. Sometimes you stop is killing. People is a truth. Tumor felt thought DAO was just let's be clear about this. Let's walk october. Seventh I most brutally murdered. Five hundred israelis notice they counted better. What up to fourteen hundred and then he's really going to? Actually we now twelve hundred Sorry, we overinflated was for enlargement, yet it we say: eight thousand. We amend maybe now the jaws, causes almost out of children either way you at the hands of their population is children that yeah that's right, all get home our populations, Charles, that's part of they ve killed.
doubts whether or not sadly overflowing with trojans you ok. This is not magnum country, because I have like seventy five of them if it's disgusting It is easy when you can do it with your sister. Therefore, I know it was. The boning of soda m is what they are not wrong, they're wrong. Take it up with them. Take it up with Hamas. America. Erica does provide aid to Israel because it is neighbour to buy everything while they all want everyone. A map, in the arab world, just to be clear, Since its inception in nineteen, forty eight Israel has been at- and I know some of you say what they should have never been allowed there. Ok, fine, they ve been at war with Egypt, Jordan, syria, iraq, hezbollah, Hamas around by
see like at us. You do have to even if you just think that to the Jews are wrong and you you, you hate the more than all other countries, even the only place it has any type of basic human rights. You still do have to knowledge that they are be a little more on edge because their surrounded by people who want to eradicate them. Just to be clear. We at least understand that, while it might be a little bit defensive also, this is one thing think is pretty important for people to note and you'll hear people talk about the radical jews who want to bring about the end times right. They want certain areas and temples, for example, to be quit. Yeah, there's not a lot of retiring from the jewish people declared globally, like it's kind of a christian thing, and then you know, I don't know, that's citizens so much as terrorizing from Islam. But the point is christians want more christians. We even have mormons right they'll go on missions trips. If Jehovah's witnesses who annoy you at your door and then you have muslims who you convert or you you die
Jews are not necessarily looking to invite more people into the club that, even if you were to go through their end. Time believes they believe there will be Jews and there'll be non there'll, be gentle, but they don't have to eradicate all the gentle muslims. you believe in a caliphate where they have to wait. The jihad and in a perfect world, convert ever single person to islam at the tipp of a sword, that's a part of it. So there is a big difference where jews. If if, if you do like them, because I can't I just want to be left to themselves that that, Historically, the cottage one have their own space there not looking to go to go out into ran and turn them into jews, but if you do get the islamic world, they are constantly encroaching on territory that they do not see as as meeting their puritan test of truth is now an that's because of funding, tal differences in the even though I say there all around it- religions. Ok, just stop. Are let's go to another claim side. Did you want me to now get to know we're going like today? We have put him on or hate symbol we,
oh lord, I wanna keep going and why a number six they, of course she comes out, makes the lazy arguments that people have used since John lennon in something something give peace a chance ceasefire. I dont have a solution for peace in the middle east and even I did what you get Jacques. I really would be the worst voice in which to relay that message. He's right does. Me personally that a cease fire has to be the first step. You don't have a cease fire with a terrorist group and by the way there are other times that cease. Fires have been broken by Hamas when address it: ok, ceasefire! So, let's go to go to august twenty forty amendments We have already talked over august. Twenty forty Three days ceasefire was, open by Hamas in two hours. So they so here's seventy two hours. They thought they thought you said to get so It was imposed at any rate like Look that's three days back. Babies not killing juice, bread and then, let's see
can build some momentum with this. There are like ok and after two hours, like my fingers crossed december. It was spoiling inside of me. I couldn't do that. Two hours was a long time. Bro had to get her out december. Two thousand and eight hamas started launching rocks. into Israel during a ceasefire planted in response to Israel destroying a Hamas tunnel which they just admitted, was a Hamas tunnel, not the people. I have asked about a thousand now look look calling This is very, very lazy, and I did a very long time ago on the peace, symbol and John lennon and give peace a chance. Peace is two way street period or you have the blockade road. If you're driving down a freeway two lane, two lane road and theirs incoming coming truck and you don't wanna hit him. You don't want. On collision, but he does guess what there's going to be. I on collision you only miss each other through an agreement were you both? Don't want to die
peace cannot exist with a terrorist group. People who say cease fire when of ireland start will want to. Second, You're saying nothing. This is, Don't silly dumb shit talk, it makes no sense you're dealing with terrorists who want to eradicate tire, ethnicity, up and if necessary, religion. However, you want a culture of people. for a cease fire when civilians were raped, murdered, kidnapped by two Terrorists is supporting terrorism. If these viruses
everyone calm down a cease our calmed down guys and I'm going to we're going to keep doing that until people. John Oliver stop saying such stupid things combat below. I know you think I'm doing universities sketch. We have a lot of revenge films in operation hopper. The list is more to come. Probably you know what you need to do we're going to have a meeting and until that meeting where we can talk about whether we're going to have a cease fire, not we're going to continue kicking your butt. You guys to talk fine, but these bombs there, a drop in I get, gets laid out for days. Fiona you target ceasefire week we can, but after we ve come to some sort of agreement, not we'll pause, Let you guys regroup and a cease fire just didn't work, and we couldn't come to terms after three days and now you guys are ready to attack us again. I'm sorry, that's what they do. That's their m o and we've covered that. But right now I want to cover that John Oliver is alive, so we all know
Hamas is a liar, but the fact that John Oliver and western media is being an apology for them. He tries to pretend is always going to be objective, but he's nothing more than a propaganda. The problem as a propaganda for an actual terrorist organisation in office the real information and obvious gaining the information that people would actually want to know if there are trying to, at the very least see no create their own educated or come to an educated conclusion they would be incurred. of doing that if they believe John out or not only because he uses Hamas as numbers as it relates to death, or not only because he completely denies the historical com. acts of israel and Hamas, not only because he misrepresents how many people in Gaza feel as though they are accurately represented by Hamas, not only because he memorized misrepresents the fact that Hamas uses those people as human shields, not only because he misrepresents the fact that Israel, as actually helped Hamas helps, are the people Alice, dine and multiple instead or the fact that Israel has honoured, cease, fires which Hamas has broken. If you were to watch John oliver,
an ra, ra ra in the comment section- and I see those people in the comments section- maybe we'll go and leave a couple of comments because, hey you know what you can swarm our channel. I don't care. If nothing else, you have. remember that he devoted six minutes to Chris sizing hamas who, by us what kind of has the extermination of Jews in their charter and twenty going after israel, hey, yes, how we know you're propagandist, but people think that its. people. Think that somehow highbrow, because he has an english accent and he puts up salon or slate as a source by the doesnt affair, me as a host of a show, I think an offence it comedians it. What a salon place your gear hair done. You would think so, but it's also always getting is news. It's a website for feminists, and now you know people who hate themselves. Eight interesting. I thought you guys do not. God comment below
let John or not what you think. Hopefully this was fair. You can go and what I encourage you to watch the entire video in its full context. Has he talked about the uk and their freedom, is the lack of freedom of speech it No, we absolutely has to know about it. You know that is not only the myth of cancer culture where just people complaining about stuff when it's actually accountability and he is warranted talk about a neutered comedian, they're talking about John our. This is a guy, who everything he says is safe and he does target people. It's just save the target conservatives to target christians and to target like fox news, as though at this point or even a worthy adversary. So if you're, what right now on youtube. I know why you are, if you're, watching on rumble you get continue watching. We have shared Kosovo or bringing back it's banned on youtube? The old death wish or parody that we did a long time ago was death. Wish fourteen, I believe, the transition. We can't run that no there's no sex and we are going to play pokemon or racial slur watching on rebel click that button
None of this happens without you without my club, and certainly none of the investigative journalism you to piss off
Transcript generated on 2023-11-15.