« Louder With Crowder


2023-03-29 | 🔗
The GOP & the Dems are trying to ban TikTok. We're here to tell you why its a terrible idea! Also, we have updates on the Nashville shooting. Tune in! #Nashville #Shooting #NashvilleShooting #TikTok Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Watch the FREE show on MugClub NOW: https://mugclub.rumble.com/GET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources/ NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh boy already.
well that's a bad start, a little less intense of an introduction than yesterday. Yes, I can breathe. I apologize. I promise, I think I told you guys. We have to walk like a Joe Biden, bangles a parrot, but that's tomorrow, oh okay! So rape, cosby was the best we could do that or, as we refer to it way better than John leguizamo fill in hosting for trevor noah fill in hosting all week. We'll be talking about that on rumble, I dunno if you've seen the current state of late night in the numbers and the material, it's just it's it's it's a pride swallowing seat without their the just the you too. numbers are: oh, that's the show so a little less intense today than yesterday, but still there's a lot of misinformation going around there regarding the nashville shooting. So we have a update on that. We also adopted on the tick tock belmont, keep in mind that very different from the hearings that we were discussing. I believe on Monday the bill, but has been ass here's the deal if you have
almost all universally approved or supported a bill by republicans and Democrats, the get to get the extra you were about to get screwed. and is the patriot act for the internet, so to be clear when we were saying yet chinese, spyware, bad that needs to be banned for the protection of the privacy of americans. Instead, we have a tick. Tock, though, has been supported from the left. My left, your right and the right that completely Maids your privacy, I dont know if we can unring this bell there anything this co sponsored by mitt romney, should raise red flags. Yes, yes, exactly met effective, I dont believe red flag laws, subjects from it wrong in this case, yeah, auto categories like on you too, like four hateful content for me, it's conduct for mitt romney check that if there ever was a case. So are we talking about that dissenters by the way, just pasta and education bill school vouchers were fans of and will be talking about, John Leguizamo, tick tock, but before we move on my question to you, for today is two things. First, one
What you're taken the nashville, shooter, potentially swapping shoes. This is going out there and you know it could be a complete conspiracy. Or do you think that it does raise some questions and effective? not being acknowledged by any, but that's one of those things work. That's where people start putting on their tinfoil hats, because there is no transport, we also look, I'm gonna take popular stance. They, but just listen to me. This was not a hate crime. Nashville I dont want I use that I dont want to use the left's language is terrorism. Terrorism is enough. Hey crimp crime, terrorism. Murder does not need a footnote, So, let's not start using the language of the left, that's not going to turn out how you wanted to comment below all right. Jerry! a how are you monsieur said I am doing much better today. How are you could use a meat locker and here it feels girly clive, feel nice and cozy. You feel remarriage, you yeah. I don't know why. I my nipples, could cut glass and did you sleep last night a little bit.
I find myself envious of my little ones when they suit like thirteen hours yeah. A part of me just wants to wake them up. Vengefully, we all like four and a half the five hours to see because you're, just pissed off enough yeah you throw that into a story, acts as an ordinary, an old man's rigour which hey out front evac in tomorrow, but pops crowder is in third chair today. How are you, sir thanks? He gets a title. I get old man. My legion says legend legend. Yes, legend: what else do you want? Papa's, a p, a p p, a I think, popa I dont know what I know it's too far away to get young men are the hard to indirect tomorrow that we need a little bit of a breather after yesterday we have some sketches to tape and we also preparing tomorrow a dump button for four rumble for the house to india.
wow, it's really across the board. What are the advocating a crime? Now? It's just you know it's just the hodge twins, there's nothing! You just you never know what the second I hear. Hey man, I'm like this is going to be bad. I've never heard the inward so much in my life. I know I know at certain point we get uncomfortable as white guys and I had a racist grandmother yeah. Well, we all had a racist back then said we lost that way for awhile, but we back- and I said, oh back to your roots- seems that don't take root I don't. I don't remember the titans, alright I don't say what or that swim movie was with Terrence howard and don't say hilary swank when she goes in and teachers don't say dangerous, my way to swim movie yeah, there was a swimmer. We cover yeah. That would I don't necessarily know how much we were stopping them from swimming, so much as they weren't swimming on our faults. Alright, It took a hurried along with all of this by the way to show monday through friday. Ten am eastern notifications. Don't work on youtube.
Please don't work. Your best bet is to head on over the rumble, but just put back the page rumble on. Of course, friday is only muslim monday through friday, ten m eastern, which It means ten ten, because you guys tuning late. Let's move right now is this: this is just so you know this is a transgender individual. Portly gets a ready for a big died out. On the town join me as I get ready for my lgbtq. I said I'm really excited for people. Ask me how to all the time. How do I do makeup or just practice makes perfect. I don't look like a las vegas showgirl, I'm not doing it right. Snacks, like I'm, going to bring them to say about having to wear a mask is having to put it over your earrings. I dunno. That's a struggle, beautiful look because you're. you're like yourself, and I fear that that often now. So, let's, let's
really clear here. We always tat. We used to tell kids it's that duty, skin deep and then I fear you know. I never feel like myself, I'm very unhappy, but now that I put on some some make up and some some braids I feel superficial. full accoutrements of being that now I really now I'm authentic. Really. How can you tell children that it's what's on the inside that counts and then say? Oh, you can change everything about you with a little Mimi eye shadow. Earrings, don't forget the earrings. Can we go back and you show us that by the way, just so you know- and this will tie into the nashville shooter, because it's important while we're talking about mental health, what we're talking about overall health, that person is a scooter in walmart
that's a scooter. Look at that anglia. Library happening that mask is not protecting you from anything honey. You here and other banks are completely here. Let's get here, I gotta figure out what could bring someone really good old sunshine harvests. Fettered struggling really gets type though he would have been in the producer or not. The program just do might die. Is that meal the size of your hand, and I do the parameters set about what this without great with park sentiment of stuff that to my pork, you're, going to a our show. You don't need a break. Your own snack, several final, that put in my earrings because of my sausage fingers from being kind of everybody else
Asks me nobody! Everybody asked me how I do my make up now me campbell came up another bitch again that large, that's narcissism with everybody else. Going. Look at me look up if you see a woman right. Everyone marks the women doing make up on instagram on tiktok the instrument ass models, but this is not healthy for young women. We all talk about the unrealistic booty body standards, but when you have someone who looks like me me from the drew carry showing brave and Unifil gotta, let everybody everybody everybody golf and here's the thing home or better if actor with people who suffer from gender, destroy it's it's, it's virtually one hundred percent. Just so you know we ve had doktor boniface, went on the show long time ago, back in twenty fifteen talk about treating people in saying that a lot that, like socialized anxiety, disorder, depression, bipolar It is so high in this community and that's exactly what we found out with the nashville shooter. So you don't have to say that the trans thing might lend itself to a forty two percent temperatures Eric though it does just say: hey. It lends itself to other
morbidity. If you're talking about red flag laws, which again I don't necessarily agree with ok, also by the way one month free, my club, letters, canada, transnational club, had over and watch there? That's that's the place we asked him because he won't see anything friday unless you are a member and an mug club and it's it's free membership, but you do have to be sign up. Be a bit thing I know it's a by next I'm getting into an daniel. They are really going to start stuttering you, Joe Biden and here's the thing just for some context here, mocha p, I've been trying to say will harm second, if you ve seen the clip talks about ice cream He didn't know about the shooting yet, and I don't just want to score political points. I understand that sometimes you have to soften the blow and you have to do some crowd work. I get it, but at the. Issue here. Is that it's not true, he didn't know about it, it had been addressed and he went in far longer about ice cream than appropriate to the point. Where is no longer punchlines, his age was like. Do we need to get him some ice cream to exist?
Is this a cry The can say in the ice comment: automate cancer crowd work as it were, calling out right it s, not a joke. Just this week, unbuttoned vienna problem our dear for mere drop and you ain't black, is Joe Biden. The doctor, Joe Biden, has been the judy's ice cream chocolate chip came down because there there was chocolate chip ice cream. By the way I have a whole refrigerated for upstairs. Think I'm kidding I'm not, then how are you pal the skies and says congress bankcard folks welcome the waiter too late area here good. Looking kids backers I just want
very briefly about the school shooting national tennessee. Vienna problem figuring out where your for trump drop and you ain't black, two things one, there's a there's, a crowd. I mean they're laughing in his name, is your biden that, but I think he was surprised he remembered exactly. What are you? What are you bill? Maher's audience? Are you a bunch of train into? He says his name goes on for way longer be like: okay, okay, that's financial nature! I like chocolate chip, oh okay, then I got some upstairs in the fridge Fine, sometimes a variety of you think, I'm joking, we don't think you're joking, we think you're retarded one, and then lack of self awareness look here, the former vice president Joe Biden, when it I must have really liking, like kids just say nothing, to set up a kind of bill cause. The
he just you know he got by in the skin of his teeth. He is out and then coming out and believe that you are against Calgary, I'm good with the word. Robot was like no, that's, not epic, don't veer into it, because people think you're a thirty five time rapist dont? Do it? Why? Because you we ve been caught on camera for like two hours at a time on the christmas real sniffing, small children. So let's just sit, let that let's call that a third rail for you from his income. Joking that actually frustrates me. I never. I haven't seen this yet because I thought maybe maybe like okay, maybe they went to them at the wrong time, maybe when fox cut to him to address the nashville shooting we did a monologue on ice cream. They cut him at the wrong time and that was foxes far right. I thought that was possible and he wasn't I do too, I didn't realize- and I said guys check because did he go into talking about the nashville shooting right after that, like if that's your plan, and I get that this was a different conference address that at the outset,
like that, just sounds payment show. We felt the need to deal with it and, by the way, there's still a kind of a whole horribly inappropriate, jokes and material at the hush twenty, and rightly so, but you have to address otherwise everyone else's really uncomfortable unjust to two issues the claim right that you are seeing out there right now. This is from the left. The issue here is truth. That's the thing that he was the shooting at the time you're, seeing this across social media. That's it! Well! Here's the troops He didn't know about it. He knew I did hours in advance. How do I know unless there's absolutely no communication at which very well could be the case we have to allow for that? The white house press secretary Karen jack already addressed the issue with reporters. so we're seeing the heartbreaking news of another shooting of innocent schoolchildren this time in nashville tennessee. The president has been briefed on the situation and our team is in contact with the o J and local officials about what,
is known so far. Well shoot seems pretty cut and dried yeah yeah about it knew about it, but so well by ices and by the way when, when a winner, proposed furniture binds us, I'm not joking. That means he's lying to you. I met someone who says well to be honest, you're going well what were you before or what were you saying before, like a mechanics as well? To tell you the truth? Well, what were you saying what you just told me I needed twenty three. A dollar new transmission. Now now I'm telling the truth, it we can pull that click for later. When you talk about when you change on gay marriage by the way he was against gay marriage when he came into office, he came into office him and Barack Obama were against gay marriage. Yes, and then he told I don't remember if it was Stephanopoulos. He said I remember where I was going to change want to change. This is my dad and we saw I sold for us ottoman. I saw two men, christian tulips, helped him and he said Joe, it's simple: they love each other.
No joke what? What what do you feel it is I'm not joking. I regard it as we are that they were facing each other a little hill. It means I'm lying because I clearly was anti gay marriage like last week, but now I'm telling you a story about a place. I've never been with a conversation that had with my father, never took place with people who don't exist so in a quick time line with with Biden always reveals that he's lying edward have been long since passed away. We ve just lies about everything is like when I met the pope, you didn't, and now he did, he put himself I can have but one point in time or he lied about me and the pope. Why would you see him at the pub when he is vice right? Well, you haven't met the pope yet he's not joking. Not joking you're lying is unethical the client, or do you think it's just him lying to sound, more important or whatever? It is? Look. I'm sorry and I've heard people like rogan make this point, and I I think that a lot of people out there believe that he was sharp when he was young. He was never sharp. In short, I wasn t wasn't indecipherable, but he was
that sharply was never under the spotlight like now, so he could get away with it. He wasn't in the spotlight once when he had to pull out of the nineteen eighty eight presidential campaign, because he he lied about something he plagiarized and he lied. He said I think he said he was valedictorian of his class. He finished in the bottom, five second to last and then the last guy he was so borderline retarded. I was top I'm not joking, It says that you are here is that you are last, but out of but I said I was joking but doesn't just shining from worked, the rules. I reset harder isabel curve. Now, it's the u curve as a matter of fact, you benefit all the other crappy students, because you change the curve. You'd love to see Joe Biden in the class alright, by the way we're going to go now, let's get into the shooting at some updates here from Nashville hit the like button on youtube in commenting, helps with the algorithm enforce same thing.
on rumble migrate to rumble. If you I should go there, have you see this any point on youtube: youtube duff button. Yet tat means that you can watch what's happening on rumble, but we're just not going to self centre in vienna to poke. I want that to be like my christmas, fireplace and that all the music I want kinda nice. Sometimes I want to throw you in the christmas fireplace. Why don't you do that? or just because a really hard to get the music, see ya amount of faith. I want to see if you like, but I've been to go and see. If you can, I think you'll burn the critically. So look here, here are some updates from yesterday right. The nashville shooting- and I think the important point here too, is that unfortunately you're seeing a flip and you're saying people on the right republicans use the language of the left, and that is exactly what they want terms like hate speech which, by the way, I will make it very easy to trend into red flag laws. So we have
very, very mindful and how we approaches and not act, not react emotionally, like those on the left do as a matter of policy. So here's what we do there was a manifesto left by audrey. Dead. Naming audrey any name for audrey is a dead name ass. Audrey, left manifesto of the police are not releasing it. What we have seen also, which is pretty important? What we now know is that audrey had outside of the gender. This forty outside it had an emotional disorder. as already seeing professionals for this now. To give you an idea. Can we talk about this yesterday? If people want to talk about red flag was at the left is being genuine, which is why I do not support red flag lots because it's based on a lie. If you look at the the two percent attempted suicide rate. Okay, up until recently, the dsm four had gender dysphoria listed as a mental illness until the words political pressure and then they shit, we're gender disfigure the there the symptoms of someone born the wrong body, dsm forest-
gender just for you itself was like bodies morphia like anorexia right. It was a psychiatric condition. They said it's not a condition there. The symptoms. Now someone being born run by no proof ever. There's a male brain and a female body, or vice versa. There has been no proof. Every study actually prove the opposite. Just to be clear, so I will I will consider at because there's been no evidence to change it. A psychiatric condition take gender is for you but there's something called co morbidity just why this emotional distress disorder is relevant with with audrey. Here there found at least fifty to seventy percent of all. your disorient, diagnose, loud things like anxiety, disorder, substance, abuse, major depressive disorder, impulse control disorders, irrational phobias, adjustable disorders, one on eating disorders, so these everywhere. This is very common and it's very very well known this is a lie that is agreed upon, feel so others need to live their true life. It's because
discriminated against again, you didn't see this level of commodities with americans live in You want need to go back that, for you don't see it with black americans, which everyone talks about the americans are still being systematically discriminated against monopolies, just about racism, but if you believe that why is there not a forty two percent attempted suicide, Why? Is there not the same level of comorbidity that you see fifty to seventy, percent and by the way that the conservative number hey what about gaze with Aids in the eighties. Don't have that suicide. I don't have a comparable and it was a literal death sentence and they could have come in in essence it can. Someone else does Didn't use robbers. Well, and getting ready the youtube dump button for this one, but we talked about it yesterday, the very first sign it's something mentally wasn't going right was very obvious. Yes, it's the trans part. Yes, I'm not am not being cruel. I understand that I'm just saying. If you are going to look at somebody and say, does this person need firearms and you're going to try to? create some kind of system and I look again
I agree with it just like we don't agree with red flag loss, but if you're going to create a system, the most obvious one to start with, is that because here's what they do in and told them she brought this up. That's actually on the questionnaire. When you go into purchase a firearm right now, you do you have any many issues. I don't have the wording. Giddy they'd light on the back of the federal background check that rises back. Are you crazy you could have a mental disorder right crazy, but I'd say that they're not crazy. Well, that's true, but that's that's the whole point. The whole point is you can just check the box and move on well, it's like you show up in a momo outfit with clown makeup on and I'm like damn I don't know I I you know you were going to wake up in your hub around yes, exactly with your bag of sun chips, I'm here to pick up my Daniel defense, a r fifteen okay, and how would you rate your mental state, great
then, I am under the impression that you cannot ask such questions, sir, which, by the way we was the exact look of mimi and educational, because that was the funny right. Moving with the clown make up exactly you shouldn't area as argus splendor. That is one that I won't. I cannot play is by the way. You know that you're gonna- u sonship oil, lubricant, your rifle I'll, do what I want. I download the rumble app is also your best ten ambitions when you can turn the show, but if you download the app notifications automatically work and you'll, never miss a show little thing and it is better to mine but you're, absolutely right jails. It put it this way. You can have bedding odds right. If you were alive, if you are allowed to better missiles at sports betting, that ok, this person is identifying is train. gender and they would give you even odds and you could that if they have some of psychiatric condition or not, and you just always bet yes, you they richmond.
absolutely it'll, be a rich man, because you would win seventy percent of the time well and if your, if your argument is that guns are used for suicide, so often that you want to prevent them from getting into the hands of people, not just that they'll go harm, others which obviously that's a major major concern, but a forty two percent attempted suicide rate you be right like that, would be fantastic. You would be right more times than not almost right. Just under that saying, hey we're! Not any of this begun because they might just attempt suicide with yeah right. But anecdotally, it's not a study, but I levels like arches, you bet on the show us has a hundred percent hydrogen into every you're gonna presented, because what happens is the reason that you probably have? Seventy percent is ya some psychiatry again, it's politicized, look public school teachers. Everything is politicize. Politics will come to you. You have some say I just to go without would usually be general, I think anxiety that would usually major depressive disorder, but its justice symptom of the fact that people must treat them because they technically can't take a shit at tablets myself. Their talents I was trying to think of what they were, that our assembly,
I do online. I got I pray, they don't so have fredericks of hollywood. so here is something that I want you guys to be very aware of. Ok, so we know this now kate manifesto that isn't being released. We know that there is a co, morbidity, ok, but now have the right playing into the left hand. Some people are dead, praising senator Josh holly here not that I want to point years why any time people use the term hate crime, it has always been used to eventually leverage it into hate speech was murdered, doesn't need a footnote. Now this is terrorism. It's not a hate crime, and you will see that on the left. They do not apply that term hate crime. Equally at all It's entirely selective, so here's josh Ali and you can and below I'd love. If you disagree with me, committing a major screw up. I would argue for political points, theatre, calling it a secret Mr president, we must also tell the truth about what happened yesterday in nashville, this,
Murderous rampage, this taking of innocent life, was heard crime, but more specifically, it was a hate crime. nope, a crime that, according to nashville police, specifically targeted. That's their word targeted the members of this crime community. The members of this religious institutions terror, let's make clear, MR president federal law prohibits the we're getting a violence against any american embrace on the basis of religious affiliation or religious practice or religious belief, but that is according to police, exactly what we saw happened. Yes, We know it a little bit just and then pause at any american. That's where it should end. This is the problem with hate crime right forbids the violent targeting, of any american boom done, but don't yet on the basis of well. He said
religion. In this case it would be appropriate that would actually fall under terrorism, which already qualification, but the left wants to say under the guise or based on gender which, by the way, there's thousands of genders now right, or sexual orientation there's hundreds of sexual orientations. Rights are now hate crime they can. They can just rack up a bill on. You lay unjust if you add that to the tab. As far as reasons is no murder but you're not lead to violence, Target any american period, so let's play that it and and jesse? If, if you understand why cost to show important some porn framed end. The phrase right here: police specifically targeted, that's their word tom did it the members of this year's community, the members of this? religious institution, let's make clear, Mr president, federal law prohibits the targeting of violence against any americans down. That should be the under the friction. It should
well, it's not lost on us that there are hate crime laws on the books and that they are not necessarily hate speech laws on the books in the same way that their hate crime laws, but that's the whole point it doesn't matter. Yeah right murder doesn't need one but notice that enable the left has proposed are many. Many many already knows you realize what you'd mimic europe would have admitted australia which would mimic canada if the left had their way. There would be hate speech laws in the book where you could be jailed for doing a cover of kung fu fighting at a karaoke bar. That happened They ran out of town he's trying to kind of box by men a little bit here, but I understand like look: that's not the language that you need. The fact that somebody has been murdered is enough. Now I understand that there are different degrees of murder. So I'm not addressing that, because there are legitimate reasons for that, but whether I was pissed off that's, because you cut me off in traffic or because you're a race that I didn't like, doesn't better, I murdered you reckon I dont understand more trying to accomplish by your little soil that speed.
chauncey murder. You get an additional five zero an additional ten years. That's not gonna! Stop somebody from committing the kind of additional additional vile of lethal injection, yet know it legislate almost aims redundant, but guess what? But I didn't know these guys when they're supposed to be waiting there, money, most of them are lawyers, and, if you just said, hey normal liquid ha ha At the same time, we do, if I were added Waiting for my friends on the other side of the aisle, I might say yeah, but now he speaks as though Ok, I'm bored with that. It's about scoring it's about scoring clicks online, where people, by the way stronger word is terrorism. let me explain this to you. While you dont need hey! Let me read to the act. definition, how the f b, I guess, defines now you're saying, if the but I'm just using it, because these are the laws, how they define character as a hate crime. It says a criminal thence motivated by bias against the victims, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender or gender identity.
Oh and raised by the way, doesn't go round if your white right, so that the very very broad here's the thing we already a definition of terrorism, oh hey criminals, expanding that just that we talk about with Tik tok its expanding that authority. Here's the f b, I definition of terrorism, which I think the shooting would meet violent criminal acts committed by individuals and or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of political, religious, social, racial or environmental nature, this qualifies. The only difference is hey crime, basically add specifically, true orientation, ethnicity, gender, gender. I nope. It's terrorism is terrorism. It was targeting someone based on their religion in order to try and intimidate people of a political point of view, and I know now that there are a lot of muslims across the globe. Thinking had a monopoly on it. You know what you feel to up your game, but you don't just take this stuff to take this as an opportunity to curb it. A little bit to take some time. Do some self reflection
but I've seen a lot of people on the right sharing in a different means, and things about this is a crime, and you know if a fear of skin color was in this range. It's not, and if it's in this range it is. You know that guy vanishes like eyes, look I get. I understand what people doing point I get it. I understand it, but don't lean into that. It's not about hit pot. You dont, say: hey, look there hypocrites! So let's do this. Think what you want to point out everyone's a hypocrite and have talked about this many many times. It's not that their hypocrite, it's that they don't leave it a hypocrite, can believe what they say and fall short of their standards. You can believe but it's wrong to drink, to beat to drink and excess and being alcoholic you're hypocrite doesn't mean that you say it's fine to be an alcoholic, the problem is, when you say, for example, hey it's so dangerous. Everyone has to lock down and you're going to get a person like nancy policy. That is a hypocrisy She doesn't believe it, and now I want to lay out the case for the left doesn't believe so you give them the authority for the hate crime moniker. Well, this certainly
qualify if you're using their standards, which we dont here's buying, response when not talking about. I screamed asked whether he sought christians or specifically targeted there, of hatred. I you know yeah. By the way you notice people say: oh, why does everything politicize the former vice president Josh? How is this then? I probably don't ha ha ha. No, I'm kidding
yeah, but you always say you're kidding, you're not kidding, and it's like it's like rivets, like opposite data, kitty shows up on wednesday at school. The third once in every month, rang a shirt and reverse segregate tom. It's not that clever. This is not something to joke about, though this is not something you to go. Do stand up about ice cream and making fun of the fact that you forget your name and that your wife's, not the present a united states, and neither is the vice president at it. Like you, this is not the time to do the timing of this. You know we're looking into it right now. We take this matter very seriously and we will get to the bottom of the year and we will find out. It means that it frames in his argument. What did he say that the nah? I don't believe that for me I was kid right. There was only six people dead, Kamala harris didn't really have a lot of shooting and she wasn't able to respond. Her hands were full with mayer's wieners, so and I m not governors look out, but it took a step toward the mighty have followed the boy. You said the other day, don't be fridges, room beggar. He had made a dream: beggar sweetheart, asked out what was it that was it willie brown was the mayor was that who it was san francisco pier on kamala harris. Now I'm going to get back to the hague grunting, but they asked they asked
guys here I got my notes here. I want to make sure it's not just everything's jumbled all around when they asked the mayor. They said that hey did you sleep with kemal harris? Basically, his response was like a backlog of bitches. Boy never to some people, are saying that you slept with their and gave her that that municipal job as it could be I was not born. I would but I never go jane than over here right there. He said I don't know. I don't know, I don't know what it is. I have no idea. Okay, so here is an important question. Is it applied equally. the buffalo supermarket, shooting, by the way it was labeled a hate crime immediately by the media, the data while the pittsburgh synagogue, shooting was labelled the day of the shooting, so they ever founded in the past, of course, when it serves their political that their political agenda, they merely say, Kate, crime, hatred, hate crime, we need stronger laws on hate crime and, of course, they also laws,
waiting in the wings on hate speech when it very clear and there's a manifesto that this was targeting of christians and by the way that even the meat has carried the water saying. This is because of the anti transit bill, which, of course we talk about yesterday, was completely misrepresented. We don't overtake crime are a little bit murky on the motivation. Has there been outside of bombing terrorism, a more clear cut motor nation for shooting them, as at the end. Plus heinous. It maybe has ever been a more clear cut. Example. Here's the thing the left and right are saying the same thing: the right, a single this is motivated. This was terrorism. It was motivated by hatred of christianity in the letter saying you know christians and new people on the right wouldn't push these people to the brink of society. This wouldn't have happened with their prerequisite of we don't condone violence, but a lot but really, continue the rhetoric that would encourage violence this, for hey. You wanna know how. I know that a lot of these people don't need to hit the youtube button. You want to know how I know that these people are mentally ill,
they live in a world of entirely fair of entire fabrications. What is it Franz genocide how would it means of using transgenesis? Genocide means to get me to eradicate to kill dead where's that happening. Where are the massive the mass graves of transgender innovating, executors of I'm sure, there are few shootings that take place that are inter gang. I'm sure there are few transgender members in the crypts right. They left presently became someone's bitch admittedly but trans genocide that the greatest rising were highly a delusion and it's a delusion that everyone it's an agreed upon. why? That's all you know it's crazy theory? No trans genocide through never been trans genocide, languages, violence, those even to get us. You can broaden the definition of violence than you can say what you're committing genocide against this, because your passing bills in these states that prevent kids from being Will the chop up their winners at six years old? So that's that's now, violence words us right as a group, and so that's the trans, genocide, yeah yeah your words,
violence. You not understand us anything Simon. Is violence, financial bitch! I think you understand, I think the santa is stopping at five at grade five or whatever it was where he said. No, you expand it. You don't teach that in school, that's a yeah! He he said that up to grade three or something No, and the thing is that we look at all the books- are trying to ban the right wing, as we also know that you're trying to and to kill a mocking bird, and we Dont want children reading in a trance, jugs baby, was hilarious. Is that I think I think it was to scientists who posted the what whatever he was saying, was banned out of there and it was actually porn and it actually got like all of the left was like. I can't believe he posted porn cause like cause. This was in the book. It was just epic, you guys, rent a book burning, yeah yeah. more into hard core pornography would just up into eradicating that from nurseries. That's that, that's a general thing. I think think they should be playing with. You know like a tanker toys, you know,
not not opening a magazine with chicks, chick chick, chick chick chick from what I understood. framing it in for really young kids cosette gets an emotional response, but it's all school yep, no at any level senior year absolute. And you can tell a lot of love to hear your feedback on the idea of hate crimes and if you think it's a good thing, we support josh Ali again, I'm not saying a jolly is a bad guy and nothing saying isn't been a lot of good. I just think this is a really big misstep which, by the way, will get to what the tiktok bill yeah, because we all start with the colonel. truth and then at veers often hear something to just two to off some some praise, some some credit and a lot of other people have been doing this aspect, but I think that again, the rule of contrast is important. Knowing. that the response and was relatively good is, is not the same as understanding the entirety of the context in. But what, if we compare to like val day for action,
Also the emergency call was received at ten thirteen m took ten minutes for officers to arrive k. Then it took three: minutes for the police to kill the shooter? Let's compare that to the at what do have a side by side, yes, side by side of nashville verses valley There's no audio! There's! No audio! Ok, just watch it big difference. If you notice something on the left, it's called the fast forward. my eye. We had to do it in our. We almost played the the benny hill music for about a butter realise that would be considered in poor taste
I think what money for medicine, what they're doing right there? Yes, exactly as important! The point is there they are happy less robes using the hand sanitize her well look, I gotta keeps a safety first no, your job is in by the way. Here's the big difference, these police officers on the right. They understand that their job, when called to do it, is to die to protect us citizens we're so used to cubicle work and up and enhancing, and your if your soldier on the battlefield for a police officer- who signed up to when there are children being murdered. Your job is to hopefully make that I'd die first, but accept the risk that, as part of your job description to die, in the effort of battle to save lives and those guys were willing to do it by the way, if you d want to sign up for that, that's totally find interesting. It don't sign up right right if that's not what willing to do but think about this three minutes. From arriving on the scene to shoot,
whereas down three minutes, yeah This shooting and uvalde new valley was resolved. You saw the people piling up in the hallway, there's, probably a bunch of good officers there that wanted to go in that, for whatever reason didn't for orders, whatever was but three minutes These guys go in and methodically clear, clear, clear, clear, boom, shooters down done got no. No more innocent people are dying today. This is why I always say you know they believe that a gun is evil. I don't even say that killing is evil, just to be clear, you can kill kids or it can kill the psychopath killing. Kids. Violence is a moral. Let's be clear about that. If you do not teach children right from wrong. None of these things are relevant. if someone doesn't understand right from wrongly violence, bad, no! No, because that then that, when push comes to shove, when they have to pull that trigger to save lives of potentially countless people, they don't do it, because violence is wrong.
It's like the zero tolerance policies that we use to have at school with bullies. That's a less extreme version where, if you fight back, if you push the bully, who is beating up on a helpless person, if a bully's beating up on a handicapped kid and you punch that bully in the face you both get treated equally, that was the that was a policy at my high school. That sent The wrong message for cradle of that kid's that kid, if he pushes the bully, should get a week long access to to Joe binds ice cream fridge. But when I look at you made a really good point, we're talking about this earlier three minutes is phenomenal robot better, it's not as good as zero minutes, exactly it's not as good as zero minutes which, when people say hey, why or you want to have a world where we have armed guards at school, yep, yep yep! Yes, I do. And I want every teacher who wants to have a firearm who keeps illness at yahoo has blocked, or some kind of a a retention holster, they should have the right to. They shouldn't forfeit their right if they choose to carry a firearm. If they are a teacher yeah absolutely- and you know what,
Sixteen mass shooting service are school. Shootings have occurred this year alone. Nineteen, if you include after grade you know, go all the way through college, with sixteen of those k through twelve, so it seems like we can solve a writ weaken. You may begin sixteen different groups of people a better shot at surviving if we just allow for that to happen. Instead of making these gun free zones, which is absolutely Rinaldo, it's far more realistic to get rid of over the four hundred million guns in the sky, I will be able to arm or for just even time if you dont, like guns, ok, fine, let's say that you got a full on gun down tomorrow, let's just from a pragmatic standpoint. Again it's unconstitutional, but let's say you could do that. Still. Is it four hundred something million guns in circulation? I believe right now, the united states. Yet what do you do with us? So you think, if, if you want to take steps, Now. What can you do right now to plug the whole right if you're and about what can you do right now? Ok, get rid of four something million guns in this country
imagine how many of those used are illegally procured like in the south chat site of chicago or right now, can you put some people with guns in schools, know how to use them responsibly by the way one hundred percent of mass shooters are stopped by someone with a gun, their own, a police officers, gun or being taken into custody at gunpoint absolutely sold really quickly. We have a clip if you want to show to indianapolis, have a good guy, stopping a bad guy with a gun just to kind of highlight that point, oh yeah, and by the way there are so many of these. We almost don't shut because it happens all the time the two million defensive uses of firearms each year. So what you're raising your hand know? I was going to say that that response time metric is not the key. It's important, but I mean Nashville's a the big city, YAP, Vivaldi, more rural. Really it's that engagement number that's what romania once they arrive boom. What do we do with another so worried about deal out at least arrived quickly and did nothing for along to attract that's a metric yeah. That's a good point! Now that's a very big and that's a character issue. That's ok!
you're a with a sole issue in this country. If you're a cop and you show up man, imagine being as we watch me, there's no sound! Ok! I want to go to school, but imagine val di n really makes me sick to my stomach, especially now that the amount, and being there a police officer was an hour almost our hearing the guns going out, so they had sound? They heard the bullets flying. They heard the screams of children and their waiting for their supervise their putting on hand sanitizing that's a social issue, the sole issue of appetite, none on an nano orders, out the window when their bullets flying and kids dying in there. That is a care the issue and the difference between a valid sure. We have policy issues but we also have a soul issue. We have a cowardice issue, and so it does deserve praise the national police officers. Look it's not that What did they weren't station there beforehand, but when they showed up get what they said not today
not happening here, that's the difference of their character, but you can't we can talk about that. Can't talk about that isn't that that would be a judgment and then that judgment might apply to all. Oh, my gosh people with mental illness who identify, as you know, a trans old, lady or, and that you carry, shall we have another clip. You daddy, I'm from indianapolis minneapolis goodbye with us having a bad guy with a gun is just one example of the two to three million defensive uses of firearms every single year. Another american mass shooting with a rare twists after authorities near indianapolis, say a good samaritan armed with a hand gun shot. The goal was to condemn all hail many more than I thought The video of it? oh, no, no! No! No sorry! It was really not show the video I dunno, basically showing the point like look. This is what happens. Somebody on scene who's, getting just a good samaritan. This is not a police officer or anything like that to kind of buttress. The point we just made him able to take out this: listen very very quickly before more people are
If, when the shooters- and I really do respond shooters into real disadvantage, he's looking, it may be hunter, the people at the food right. You know where it's coming from and we all focus on him, the right! Yes, now that's a big thing, that's the concealed! erie. That's why there's such a benefit there is. They have no idea, it's surprise. You win the lottery bitch and if, but, if you're, a police officer today, you just your quiet time and say: ok purpose in my purpose, in your heart dance. How will I handle this? If it ever happens tat he might be that's a wii such violent videos, all the time of fights, and we go ok. What would I do too? itself so much. Why so many policy areas instead that subway on that subway pension in advance How would you respond? Well, yeah people want the benefits and they want the security and they want the pensions and they they want the vacation with a lot, but they don't want the risk. They don't want the risk. That is what a police officer. Does it's not going to be a huge part of your job, but
I have to decide in advance what it is that you are going to do. It is a soulless you and, by the way, the easiest or bottle whenever someone says just so the fastest path to victory for you guys when someone says well what, if whatever is it would save one life would have saved, say yeah, but it will. It will take millions, but here too defensive two to three million defensive uses of firearms. So so so yours, so you say, save a life you mean fourteen thousand, I believe in two thousand and twenty, where gun homicides most of the internet, but just say yeah yeah, but there are millions saved. So so why Do you wanna take millions of lives done remove the whole empathy argument at if disingenuous anyway, I invite But you cannot like button smash the rumble but whatever it is that you want to do where you're watching recommend that you head on over to rumble because ploy is it has it been exciting,
this is another thing: Rhonda santos and by the way, for listening on audio we're about to get in some stuff that doesn't make sense yeah. I should tell you audio by the way on audio friday, if you're not subscribed to spotify or apple, it's not itunes, anymore apple. Wherever audio, isn't we are uploading, the last. yeah the lost sketches like four six hundred audio sketches back before this was ever on you too, that we found with archived and you get an episode. On friday, and it's only available there, because they don't really make sense unless you're, listening and audit will be done, that the next few fridays than the rest of it will be available for download on mug club. It's finally flipped we're listening on audio is an advantage for just one just one day a week, just just one day one day, but there's hundreds we still have to go through and by the way, they're, not all gyms. A lot of it was filler, Monday, you have sixty minutes of ads on the radio and you have to fill it. You're, not gonna, cut such an hour
take medium, which will get to John leg was imo or, as I current no talent, nothing now all home and he needed guests. Yes, I would I like that. I need you to play the story I needed to play the Ebola czar yeah. I did that back in the day was anyone would just call okay, so monday, governor and a santa signed, a new bill by the way that would in this this bill is about school choice, and this is something we talked about: commandant hey how about, instead, just giving money directly to the school that money that you spend per pupil is attached to the students, so they can take it to whichever school they want. That seems like a very valuable approach. Here's a clip! state of florida is number one. When It comes to education, freedom in education, choice and the woman plan, the same hairdo and today's bill signing cement says in that number one position, because we will be signing legislation which will,
I presume the largest expansion of education choice not only in the history of this state, but in the history of these united states. Ok, americans person There is, but this is where I would say, another paid local right actors. Why has brought about a single white or brown? Or you know, your guess is as good as mine. Kid has the same exact haircut zuma here, It's a black person has a say in how consumer rights cannot bring about those like that. Every single, like you, does it look one right there. I gather the shorter guy lends a little different very little if any of it not really that much at a single white guy to his left. Right away with which, as far as the optics put one black person on your left, don't put that like it's just
that one or that one white bitch are there in the middle that I dunno where that is the same. It's like all right. I want all the white kids with the hairdo you're all here and then you do african americans the same here you're going to go there. It's just going to be good for us as to look great. The zoomer hairstyles give me the sideshow bob yeah, I think he's now known as a rachel dolezal, so the santas, by the way, a set of it this program Justino. It just means that all students now are eligible for school vouchers. You can go back to two thousand and nine on the you browse advocate. I did at home video with puppets and one was suspended any too because a puppet cut stab in the back, in his series called it was called schools for fools and had a bear in the big blue house costume, two thousand and nine. You can go back and watch her. I was advocating for student vouchers It means that instead of you spending money just going to school, it means that the voucher attaches to the student. They can take it to us, their choice, not elapsed, says that's racist and, of course the response is. That makes no sense you retarded, but
the bill, as the scientists discredit said now, primarily there will be a preference for low and middle income families, but at the end of the day, we fundamentally believe the money, follow the student and be directed on what the parent thinks is the most appropriate education, programme for their child that billy common common ground come up again. If it's not Our control from the left tell me how when I try to say it's racist, tell me the black in the inner city, who has to go to one of the crappy a school and the country doesn't benefit from least, having a choice. Absolutely oh, you know what it does is it breaks the teachers unions thanks. Exact weight and they say well what about black agenda neighborhoods? They can't travel to other schools will guess wily. They ve been travelling to crappy schools for decades it haven't improve. The metrics have shown that they ve got worse. At least now they can write a bike, maybe walk, maybe there,
School will offer some kind of a municipal bus system at right. Now there is no choice, no choice, you're saying: there's no benefit to some choice, something higher so to get access to a better life. You have to potentially find a way to travel. Thirty minutes a day I mean Every old person story I heard was that they walk to school and it took longer and it was appeals both way rice. Now, though, they were after I finally is it like I can't make you drink water. I can only tell you that it's over there, if you're dying of thirst, make your by to it yeah, and I hope our children- and I understand about that talking about a five year old though, but that's what we are here's. What they're here to the left is is. Is that what they're saying is you have a lot of kids in inner cities? Don't have parents that what they're saying If you're saying kids, inner cities, don't have parents they're not going help them transport, so what we want is the teachers unions to be strengthened and we have to. We want to put them in a crap hole where I think it's one out of four black americans. Graduated might be heard in detroit, your chance graduating high school, your chance of em.
up in prison is greater than graduating highschool. Once you enter high school in Detroit. That's a video that I did again back in two thousand, and I've been covering this for very. it's very very long time. So this is by the way a few things to scientists has done march. Twenty, When you tell we send the parental rights bill right, the education bill stricter. disney, a self governing powers over there, which was kind of pretty pretty. Well and and oh wait- a second hold on a sec while we're talking about florida. We're actually getting word right now that the m, the the sea weed island owner has been moving enemies. We aren't allowed so close tat way. Do we have that, just as the blob swimming in yes, when the hour for getting out of getting a virus, breaking news that actually it has made there's been there been some update so but check back in with are on the ground, correspondent, finnegan, an intuitive
Oh If and again stephen or even for a while- and I can confirm that the seaweed has moved closer to the beach. It is four possibly five inches closer which in metric is it. So it's a lot of slow moving aquatic disaster, effectively slow moving, but very serious. So I'm going to stay out here. Do my due diligence and keep an eye on it. Okay, I guess we'll check back in later and watch out for that around the time zone. Difference with finnegan lives more such because it's the clouds on about the elderly, nine thousand media florida zonia me no effect in a humble squid Lena
you know I had an enemy and only now, namely that turns out rainfall. I like a ba, so why did you give me a male nanny with neck tattoos, credit that was weird that was ill advised so earlier? in the face He also evokes the liquor licence to centres for the high regency by the way and for those who don't know, that's because a hotel refresher hosted this christmas drag show where The present ok, so we're glad, in a way that disasters has been taking a stand here with that high it. You know, I don't like the high it now. it's not a big fan of higher, but really
should only be to start because of you knows: hotel, there's epidemic of hotels across the country that are there just there's metals They really are just a place where the sad yeah, the the the bottom the barrel as an underhand gonna die yeah. This is where the scots scumbags, I guess, for if you want to you, we gives credence. Yes, bottom feeders. not sending their they go to the higher, but not just the high at other hotels across the country have been hyper sexual eyes down awful, which brings us week, seven plus one go for that time, and this week said plus one seven plus one sexually explicit hotels at the problem, this country pennant. I myself, you see these hotels and asylum road just keep on moving some of us one sector, explicit hotels, never seven motel
acts. That seems actually pretty nuts on the nose. Oh free std testing. Well, that's nice! I mean I don't know how much of that is a grant. Your own sheets is that hotel, yeah and black light and avoid the pool, seven plus one sexually explicit hotels, number six, the holiday, the holiday in and out and in and out. In an hour that that scene, it works because its iron and yes, it is an interesting in those welcoming exactly people on audio. That's me: So these are all these are all photoshop's: hey pops crowder. Let's go number fyi one of my favorites, the extended gay america. Oh yeah! Well, that's good to know they actually have stones they're like little mini kitchen yeah. You can cook or hide a body, seven plus a sexual, explicit hotels, number, four are the heart, but the hard cock hotel,
which is just that's, yeah, yeah, it's more of a casino and resort, don't steal the towels that must've theme from the ac units on the sexually explicit hotel, seven black number, three gerald, a the red poof in your puff to the international expression- means magic. It does, some of us one sexual, explicit hotels, look yesterday was intensity guys. We are already number do the best western role play dungeon. That just seems like morbid discriminatory s really whenever one bit, this is really more of a motel, but we we go yeah we had to include all of them. I mean basically, it's a place to rescue their place to rest. Your noggin are engaged in debauchery, seven plus on the number one hotel to avoid. Is the super. Eight inches which you're getting whether you want it or not, and that the problems are not the plus one set of those one sentence was no tells is, or should we not make its paris, hilton,
in this way. The forgot provides a chamber. He always forget, the separate inches by the way I think, is no longer under asian ownership and not by the chicago may oral candidate. Well He mentioned the bigger ain't, nothing gonna change! You guys need to watch the chicago marathon scene and all the towns like. Yes, I would, if I may, of Chicago, I will put on more gun restrictions. another no change It's going to everywhere is and everywhere the guns on, because it's gone freezer vote for me, you get to keep your gun violence for everybody
you just these parroting, exactly what they really do in chicago by only one areas are so here. Let's go to this, because some people were unaware what we were talking with the hearing on Monday, the tick tock hearing that very different from the bill. Yes from the legislation which is worrisome. If you dont know about this, I would I recommend that you go and read it right and there were multiple that were being floated. Actually, this is where hallie kind of makes up for his earlier saying. He actually had a better version of this that he was trying to get to to be the one taken up, but it wasn't so hey guys do we have? Can you guys get me? also, the vote, but we have from Republicans and democrats are showing that they have the numbers, because that would be interesting to actually see So this is the restrict accurate, congress right there's been support, or has it it has
god has done through that hasn't gone through. I don't know if there was a digital, proposing different housing options, but then I read somewhere there's like the list of people who they expect to support it e s, and it's surprisingly well. It's like co sponsors and sponsors and people that have signed on to it so far, so it just hasn't gone. Yes, that's so funny that we just sort of accept the idea of earmarks if you hear this a lot. This is one of those things because I get if you're tuning into the show, you might not necessarily be a political junkie, earmarks right. That means that you can have a bill that everyone dress up, they read it and they go oh by the way just hold on a second. but I d setting two hundred million more for a thing that nobody else knows about good enough, for me is that in your district, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah cut and the bill, can be triple the size like. This is just something we do a lot of people. Don't you hear the term earmarks are quite literally means can just add what they want and people one another. One of them earmarks
yeah, how about no it'd be like filing your expense report at work like okay. So this is your gas one hundred right, okay and then this was your marriage. What's this that's the bill for my whole car, I just figured I wanted to put that in there alright take care of it all it's the law that would be sent that, if you put to a referendum, ninety percent of the country would say what we do that Well, that's the thing is they're, not actually representatives on the issues that they should represent. You that's one of those issues where the people should be able to say that people should be able to control their representatives right. They should be able to corral them. They can't necessarily vote on every single piece of legislation, their representative government, but you certainly should be able to vote on the rules regulating your representatives so that we do something that you think they're gonna vote to get rid of your box it's it's. Basically, it's free money. Anyway, I go off. I went off an intention there
guys come at below what you think about your marks. Maybe there sat there, maybe there's one guy daggers. I am super programme earlier market. I've now Matthew pro earmark todd was not always in preparations that sometimes it sister an ideological thing where you have, a vote against, because someone stuck something in there that europeans have neither well, he wrote down exactly that's another, it's a political tool or I will do this. The, for example. This is the don't smack babies that Aren't yours or yours bill like dots at babies in the face bell which which anyone would support right, be like oh, okay, okay, that's good yeah and they would say. Oh, we have unanimous support on capitol hill right, but then, as he puts in like and by the way free cocks for children in your life, you believe in slapping a threat to you, sir. I'm not.
ironing it unless that's in their second now gosh and bushes of vested interests. Do that's. Why does she was left? A lot is: that's why she's googly, so here's the most popular choice of the tick tock proposed bills and really one that you should be aware of its the restrict act, but he's talking about tiktok and globally that platform to be used by the communist party both did take on data but also potentially as a malign influence and propaganda tool? We need a more comprehensive approach to evaluating in mitigating these threats posed by these four, technologies from these adversary omissions. Their strict act would give the secretary of commerce the thought the end, the responsibility to identify and counter threats from foreign debt it's products and services in the. U s a series of mitigation tools given to the secretary up to and including the opportune demand for those with a honeymoon americans daily onto talk on an average of ninety minutes today this is
this is an issue. Ok, just my position is: if it We now beyond any shadow of a doubt that there is no spying in that your privacy is entirely protect any ok, then you don't you to ban tiktok. The issue is the privacy and security of americans, because I don't trust the communist chinese part any further it's what I'm so when people just say, oh you're, about the appropriate speech until now. No this isn't a speech issue. It's an actual security issue right now. The problem is that's used by those in the left and those fake. Republicans too, in short, in total invasion, ironically of your privacy and security. So it's been introduced by mike Warner k, whose a republican as our from virginia and John soon republican, we're just gonna It's named the restricting the emergence of security threats that risk information and communications technology act. Geez I hate to give you. Can you please just name it something simple and easy for us yeah, that's that's too, because they're always naming it for the acronym, but it's the
strict act is to restrict a good eye of someone. Accidently accidentally spells one. It's like the I'm, an asshole. We out the Democrats name, it cause there better with language than we are that affordable, correct act, pro choice, their role as they are child affirming cares. We need better marketing on these bills. That's why we're off on insider margo. so march. Seventy bills, introduced by lay weeks before the hearing just now their other sponsors of the bill, include mitt, romney, admit to nepal, a barometer while Biden was run. If we confuse foreign and probably against it as at the moment
I run a year that now how about that now is the time it around here. Are you tom? It was hardly bagger. Yes, yes, not to be confused with with monster. Yes, that's a totally different animal throws yo dont when she's not in office. I don't know why you got up we're so the national security visor jake solvent praise the bill saying this legislation would empower the united states government to prevent certain foreign governments from exporting technology services operating the united states, united states. Ok, that's right! That's andrea! Stopping This epa from spying on us through Tik tok, craig. Ok. I agree with that that we talk but on monday, but the details of the bill. Well, a lot of them have nothing to do with that. So here's a! Let me give you. I think it's three kind of fast facts that you know and you can check all references that laterals credit outcome. Here's fact number one okay, the bill is incredibly broad. Now, here's purpose. The legislation is described as authorizing
Secretary of commerce and that's gonna, come back. This isn t here get ready to put tinfoil had on, because at the end of the second, before we gotta rumble, I'm indistinct is it is it is going to knock out a couple of these are too. as a secretary of commerce, to review and prohibit certain transactions between persons in the united states and foreign adversaries and for other purposes. I love that last part and for other purposes just what purposes it could be anything you know just like. Why do we allow laws? What are your purposes like paying for the congressional bowling? I didn't expect you to pay for a whole, damn bowling or whatever purposes, yeah the other things that we cannot as much. Flowery languages. They use these bills as long as these things other leg,
and other stuff and other stuff. Second, what do you plan on purchasing? It's a lamp? What a great lamp! How much did it cost the taxpayer fourteen thousand dollars yeah? What is a little bit of red? Really so what exactly constitutes a transaction? Here we go and we're joking about it, but here's here's the technical term and what we just said was just as accurate of a description. the term cupboard transaction include any other transactions son of a bitch of this, not sure of which is designed or intended to evade or circumvent the application of this act which, by is designed to restrict transactions, so any transactions would be intending to evade or circumvent the application of this act. Subjects. Regulations prescribed by the secretary oaken. Here's the crazy thing there's another fast fact for you that might blow your mind under this bill. Right, defining all the terms and the punishment of these trends.
Actions it's up to the secretary of commerce, Juno Raimondo? Ok now the secretary just to be clear. So this is where the talk of the authorization ok now secretary quote, authorized to and shall take action to identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, investigate or otherwise mitigate. Its objective is to this too, criminal investigation and negotiate entering into or imposing and enforcing any mitigation measures to address the risk. No need for congressional Google, hey remember where we've been this one member, the wars that you guys all loved and supported, and no one regrets that later on. Here's what's so odd right, we're talking about the secretary of commerce, microsoft remain raimondo. Raimondo said just a couple. weeks ago. Here's a quote said: passing a lot about. A single company is not the way to deal with the issue of romantic talk, the
audition in me thinks you're literally going to lose every voter under thirty five, so we giving all the power regarding all of the transactions on line to someone who doesn't want to ban tiktok. all in the name of banning tiktok so see what happens. This is why you don't trust your institutions. Then they'll blame us. They'll blame the media, know you don't trust him because of the chinese spyware. That's a bad thing. I know Eric Swalwell was getting bjs in the back of a sex. Dungeon was like nineteen chinese, but I think we should probably keep that to a minimum. We are ok. good coming to us. If we say representatives can help us go yes, yes, we can ban tiktok here's the bill witnessing this event is bands like, after this is all transactions and are given the power to women who didn't want to ban tiktok away You can share. My paper has been shut down. How did that up? Well, you said you wanted swell well to stop banging chinese buys didn't do what's didn't, say how? How did we get here?
it's perfect sense. I will just give me all of the power to do that. Right, read it and, by the way down there, pull up. That's your best bet two as they show I now no chinese spyware value You can get that in the end the app store as long as they allow it exactly my point I will come back to that. There is a very simple way to take care of this right white ticker, of care of time on the item. They can just download the rumble app. None of that- and I am saying that the rumble app is available in the abstract. They don't care, but why don't you just go to the app store providers and say hey: this is violating your terms of use or terms of service. There are losing their original information. You can just remove them from the app store. A problem is
Eighty per cent solved see. I was still in doubt the rumble out, but you were several you're playing. Forty apple has d. Also have an apt to play chess nice, a computer always be I'd, lose every time so ears at an early gas that you really gonna set at ten extra hard mode said it's a five year old son. I myself feel better and I just imagine how efficiently smartphone extra this. So if you had a fast track again provided some context. All references are available. A lot of credit. Is there any kind of precedent for this? Well, the patriot act. After nine, eleven converse pass the patriot act with by the way, overwhelming bipartisan support, and at one point in time he probably would have counted me amongst them. To my, lasting. Should we talk about this issue, sickly remove the need for agencies. Like the f b, I approve any kind of probable cause right, the search, It will be grant. As long as the f b, I certifies that the search is quote to protect against international terrorism right the f b. I would not need to the stronger standard probable cost. So what happened with the patriot act was in the name,
national security- they can now listen to your phone calls. They could now certain seizures. They could violate your constitutional rights and people, theirs and a rebound effect. What people say? Oh, maybe too far with that. Now, replying this digitally and not just new terrorist threats, but transactions. The train, actions if they suspect that there might be when dealing with an international entity by the way you combine this combined this with a centralized digital currency, that the government wants it's game over it's game over for the country. Typically, do me a favor research team? I think I'm thinking of this name correctly, mom to sound like an idiot. If I'm not, but with the patriot act, wasn't there something also called like magic, lantern or something like
at that they were using to gather all the fun confirmation of able to listen to that that to that a piggy back off of that is well under the guise of national figuring magic rag, And- and I was his friend- you lived by the sit well that the path now that was the hotel- that not it's magic lantern, I magically what you're yeah it's a magical. Lantern here revealed a report of that guy's new keylogging trojan and analysis. It's possible treatment in a dynamic legal landscape, so yeah, it's just right so that this. This is not that that the patriot act was the first and then other things just come right after it same thing with this you're opening the door hey by the way. Do you know how I know that mike pence is never going to be within sniffing distance of the presidency here he is right now on cnn pence noncommittal on if he will appeal order to test see what they say really cry, but he did. A woman have a little bit of a win win there in that he did get to have the judge agree with him that the vice presidency does have some protections around it, particularly the protection that members of congress,
why these politicians do. This is how this is why Donald trump probably get the domination that these powers visions don't know how to deal with it. Why do you say now goes So even if you dont, like trump personally, Pentagon goes for yourself. I'm done I do. I did. I did what I did. You know I to eat my that's what you do, such a post, he has nervous I'm weak good values guy for sure, but he is his guys- and it is an absurd delity- ever make a comment like that nice, so may I should like em and I dont yeah, so the restrict act going back to this by the way gives by the bizarre early, similar powers to the calmer secretary. This is what it says she can doesn't. Any entity is for an address without notifying congress good law. Second, as a foreign adversary. What did this administration say was the greatest threat to our national security? At one point that would be the debate sick terrorism, from white people from, and we and even worse that we did
let us remember that the parameters are always hold on a second hall. Second you're you're running a farm yourself, you're doing homestead in rule, you might be in a militia group. Oh by the way, all these militia groups I mean not kind of seventy five percent of whom are actually fbi agents there. Actually white supremacist. So now the secretary of commerce can decide that they're going to spy on you, because it's a foreign adversary which of course would also include threats and national security ratification. Congressmen, authors the bam there. We also declassified parents protesting at that's right. Go board. That's right has and there's nothing in there to really protect against china administered it. I've been thinking. Isn't that always the way they're going to use the language to go after china, but there are a lot of things that it can. Do I mean you, you nailed it on the head. There was crypto currency. You can basically say like hey: we can shut off, potentially all the corrupt, currency in the world. We can shut off open source software from everywhere else in the world like there's a lot of problems with this. The people like hey, hey, hold on this alone,
for that, and there's no redress like you have to go to the diesel circuit court. If you have an issue where you came into my only long term use of fire request by the way to find out more effect act as you and then you have to make a congressional I'm sorry, you have to make a constitutional argument right, in that case, right, and so there there's no real way to hold them accountable, mitts on the scene. Ye ye should be yes, yeah he's getting off the ball, he's getting there in record time with his dog on the roof by the way. Just you know, you live this in real time because of emerge It's the powers being used! That's why you'll never get an accurate, accurate metric uncovered us. We couldn't get a financial emergency way ho. How on how many people were actually put an old folks' homes would have to give me. Those numbers will hold a second legally required to actually respond to foi request. No, no! We don't because emergency powers, in this case you wouldn't have to. Basically It would be exempt from that. So you can find out what to do. they can spy on anybody not just by, but then restrict your ability.
to exchange money and let's go to another one, let's go to fact for you. This is what's so scary, because now you're saying okay, this was used in the united states. The patriot act, no it's even worse than that. It is you're really similar to the hall. in kong security. But yes right, so let's go back to this. Twenty twenty china passed its own over there too menacingly amicably, its own overarching security bill. Here we have a clue. the law is being imposed by beijing, often no meaningful consultation with hong kong. That's a significant change and the or bans, treason, secession, sedition, subversion and indeed his run for anything deemed a threat to national security. This inevitably changes what can and can't be said and done in hong kong. Okay. So let's compare that to the restrict act. Keep in mind restrict is an acronym. We're represented by assholes, and this is the things you like like I want to get into power. I get that all the time I'm going to come to politics when I get into podcasting, I can't
and being in the room with Moses. I I m c c pack for about four for four years in a row actually was four years spread over five, because I got violently ill and was that I was pooping, I got toilet livable has never recovered indecent, and I was just like I hate being here. We want is trying to get put off by someone else. As a general rule, they are not there to represent an exception, ran pop and he still irritates me on the policy. That's kind of, I would say the best example that we have. It is a pretty damn good job and is pretty, is remarkably consistent. Ok, Here's the restrict act. The act is designed to quote: prohibit certain transactions between persons in the united states and foreign adversaries, or for other purposes again we back. Then we just gave you that there are no. Let me read you, the hong kong security law, a person We who conspires with or directly or indirectly receives instructions, control, funding or other kinds of support from a fur in country or in india,
to show and by the way back and include domestic citizens. Just like the restrict deck is remarkably similar to the this bill ever talk about the bill that was passed, their rightly hano hong kong law and I have the restrict economic it's all under the guise of banning tiktok, which, by the way it may or may not do much if it will accomplish the sole purpose of this pill. Yes, now here's what I will say Josh ali. I disagree with him on the hate crimes that earlier, but usually gets it right here. is to build a ban. Tiktok has called to know tat look on united states devices? I wonder what it does not get acronym need to you to death in it.
it really worked out. But you don't need the acronym, because I see it and I go okay. I understand it. No tiktok on united states devices that I mean that your elevator pitch, you know a republican named sit down and go okay hold on a second to miss an extended holiday. Let me ask you this with this bill would talk be allowed on devices and the united states, no, they would not alright holland. Second, but let me finish what they baby out on some devices and the assets, none whatsoever, but I have one final question: what database some accept exceptions for the spyware tiktok as relates devices in the united states. Absolutely not what's gonna happen. I think we ve made it through closed built ass, the earth every guy, but the other bill wants to have control of your pay pal and likely access to your ring cameras, all of it without having to notify you and it gives all the authority to a calmer secretary who doesn't want to ban tik tok anyway and by the way, doesn't want to ban
because of a voting base dumb under thirty year olds, not even because of a moral objection sure so screwed The other way that no tick tock on the nose databases just to make clear it's entirely devoted to tick, tock and bite dance, that's it! Nothing else should be that's all. It is stop giving yourself more and more and more and more power right. We don't need trojan horse bills free to go in later and say: hey. We don't like the fact that cryptocurrency is doing well and we want to create our own and lockout everybody else. I get it. It's the biggest thing, I have not. I just wanted to see you get to you get to do what you want to do with the crypto thing, but every government, the world's probably, can introduce one. I believe we have cortex already being heavily regulated and then there's going to be even more regulated, but I'm married to a centralized digital currency, even the ability to shut down all of your currency, just with the flip of a you to be in china, where you can't leave the country because you don't have the green app. Instead, you have the red one, because your post,
too many means of cats on youtube yeah. Well, I don't think it's a footman anymore. If you like, I will allow Sweden didn't. We have a go at answer waiting in the wings somewhere, we did I told them hell, no love you. look and better and better where our audiences and seventy five. No it's fine. If it's part of your divorce, diversified investment, just called lagoon ever see, this is like inertia, angie, gordon Liddy, even though it is is a goal, has never been nothing. Then I noticed coexist, but if I bought a cam for two dollars? And now it's worth twenty five cents, I've still less money now got it. that's it you're gonna get. You took my dollar and cut it in half. Well, something to think about this. Over shortages since I was in high school by the way yeah. That's me,
it, is, and I'm sure it's been going on since then, we're going to run out of silver one day we're using and all these electronic devices. It's been thirty I'll give you one last year before, because what we're going to talk about John leguizamo on rumble. We have a full edition additional forty five minutes, but have a lighter zippo lighted at sterling silver and I've had to a few years right now thought hey with inflation in the economy and also silver like. Let me go check and see how much it's worth now. It actually did increasing value as much as everything else has. With rates of inflation that's over has violated. I thought we were like three hundred dollars. It was worth four cents more while so I don't I'm not a precious lira, it's not zero precious metals expert, but it seems I should just put my money in a casper, mattress or casper sponsorship and natural.
I have no idea. I have no idea all these matches in a box ever opened with those matches. I am going on my gosh, it's it's just it smells. We just witnessed. Listen to that. There's been a lot of scams talked about on this show and he's got a biggest scam going mattress stores or money laundering schemes that matches in a box. Some of them are really good. The problem is, you know like. Ah you can return it whenever you want, and they don't tell you you have to roll it back in the bucks yeah. If you can fit it in the box without tearing it, you can return it right and that your whole master bedroom is smells like a chinatown brothel free refrigeration and you open it out. It's like off gassing. How long is that going to take nine weeks, I dunno what it might die. I luckily have to return it three days. If you have your own vacuum. Sealer at home you'll be with some guy to get the votes, and then all your food smells like mattress, yeah,
What is this is this, is this? Is this rebate? No? It's sort of oh by the way before we going to rumble actually sorry we're getting a new update. It turns out that the the sea algae, which is a big national security concern, is, is getting close. Let's check back him up there on the ground. Correspondent has spared no expense, thomas finnegan. Ok, let's give it one last go off and again what is done is done
my half asian lawyer was on cnn, but then I realized I was just left. Okay now, alright, everyone we're appreciate it that you guys have to date we're going to actually go discuss late night in the state of John leguizamo. I dunno everything that he says is racist. It's anti christian center. I guess it'd be hate species, his show, but more so it's offensively unfunny! So we'll be talking about that. Taking your chat and it's a live show monday. Through thursday, we have the hodge twins in this thursday, friday and mug club you can go and tune in to your theology is apologetics with Gerald Gerald apologizes apologetics all right, either way monday through friday. That's your best bet just like used to set back because notifications, don't you download the app just you know where to find us monday through Friday. Ten am eastern share. It comment help the algorithm, but writing I'll work. I want a letter freaks like fly, doing that you to piss off
all right even had to do with the thing was: do we then? Actually you know we need to do a youtube toilet, asked so that you're always pissing youtube is right. That would be. Maybe maybe we call garret and I think we advocate we need somebody to fit out if you know what it has to have actual plumbing it can't just one no course, europe with a widow want that know. Just what you re thinking like the tank is the you to play button Somethin like that were read. I don't know they were aiming at the, but maybe it s parents got a youtube video. We are no, it's all right. That's what I want, to bring up, and I didn't dive a little bit more into this, because we have time but the the
apps stores had a lot of control. Unfortunately, they ve they ve kind of wielded that control in a negative way in a lot of ways by keeping out absent. They don't want on the store, but I remember typically when uber was having issues with apple and it was kind of addressed, and I can't remember that that shows. I think it was on showtime, where they did like a series to kind of follow. The start of of uber and kind of tell the story. They actually thought they were going to get kicked off the. store because they weren't protecting user data and privacy and so my immediate thought, when we're going through this segment- and I was like I dunno- why it didn't occur to me earlier- this is so simple. All you have to do is prove that they aren't following guidelines and other sudden you take them off of the EP stores and and that's pretty much ballgame for these companies we can't just arrive on like enough going to buy her a law that boy, again. Yes, well that appstore control is, is antitrust, level stuff that it eighty six it does that I've had in a strange one out of four, not gary yeah, true social couldn't get pass on yeah google placed or not that long. That's all I'm saying
I mean I understand these things have like terms of service right, but again those terms of service end up being like you tube at some point. They can just basically keep out whoever they want, but it's a much simpler. Path forward in its immediate, but the reason they can do it is because people on the writer pacified and now it's just business it's just business, just business. We have to be on facebook and we have to come into your store that that's a monopoly like no other, though the app store, so it's only a monopoly, because if we allow it to be a monopoly, so here's a good example: but which brings us into our next segment. Words: no longer monopoly television. So what happened get three networks at one point and then, at the end of the day, a little indian will copy you're still watching this be yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, as I said earlier, that the national anthem and a prayer- yes, we used to if the quarterback, your as an indian, that's right same show. Why do we stop doing that? I dunno we must have gotten horrible feedback, we did yeah, so there are three networks and then it fractured right with cable. We've talked about this fractured knee at all,
how many, when you go to a hotel like hundreds of channels and have them are just like the elevator music and does not in my audio, but then the numbers Jane and more people are able to compete, and then you see what happened was later. People stopped watching them completely and to know that we have some numbers at her What is it you won't? Let me read the numbers first hear you won't believe these numbers, so John, like was ammo, was fill in hosting for trevor. Now I mean trying a fill in four trevor. just right away. You mean it's, it's travers, temp noah's. First, Here each episode averaged about one point: one million viewers respectable, but the great seven years later, the daily show average and from a peak of John stewart, several million people. Three hundred and eighty three thousand viewers per episode, she's just vicar. I could check and make sure that wasn't a misprint. That is not a misprint food and aid the three thousand, that we've had
A streams were that many of you are watching that. Second, for that amount of time, keep in mind. So we don't like this will between ten times more than them, and because there are a couple of their full episodes online everything lives online and more of you now can choose. What is it you want to watch? So that's a reflection of the quality of content, which brings me to John leg, was I'm almost known for his work in the past? Is there such a shit about? Was you know what here's my question to you and chat, and I want to. I want to read some chats on this. What was the first film made you realize movies. Actually be bad. You know you're a kid: Every mail is good, not only transformers war. I liked it because it's going to be fine when Michael, they still does that, but a supermarket brothers, with John mc resolve these also things degrees of john is always in the past. It was the first four legs all I just love movies as a kid and we're watching it. My grandmother's house- and I remember like pausing it going
maybe there's something to eat, and you know there was never anything to eat there. You should have kept their house like eighty five degrees unless you have soda in the she'd, have soda as she caught the car if she'd have it in the closet or that you keep the soda in the closet. But I was just wasting time because it's a chore to get- and I remember having that moment saying this- is the first so Movies can be so boring that you actually don't want to finish them. You would rather do something else. It was the first time it was John leguizamo the past and I believe he had full creative control a theory the daily show it is a drop down to a third of what they used to have in less than a tenth of what John Stewart used to have an then a one hundred somewhat Johnny Carson used to have their legs oh here is greatest see, look objectively, I can find people on the left funny, I think, Lewis black. Definitely I think John Stuart back in the day was funny now has got. I think Stephen Colbert, when he is doing the character was funny. I think David letterman is far left is funny and bill Maher, so John leguizamo
we are talking about. Latino represent. You know it lets. Let's, let's first do his trump impression. Ok declared. Oh here he is. This is the highest quality content and it's so awkward with their audience their train to laugh time, stormy Daniels, I didn't have an affair and I'm never had an affair and I'm actually, I actually never had sex. You know that I'm a virgin and the best and biggest virgin ever. Oh, my you got the crickets one for I want to size. I wish that we should clearly be little extended, so I can hear the audience reaction. Does the leg is deaf comedy Jim I'm like so here is doing? Is ration of trump driving, and I get another one and impressionist, but if you, if you can't didn't just done out there but material is? This? Is with, thirty writers. I don't know how many at least at least fifteen, about donald trump driving a ghetto the car through in a thousand years.
My fellow americans, why should we gotta get a lot in china? It goes down a dry, that's terrible neither did on hunt compared to cause be entrapped. I know the greens, green workers look or any high school sketch, yes sober
yes, it's your words, have bunch of insight, jokes, it no one. The audience gets like out, but that's what that's what tina set we really I don't know tina is is: is he such an a list her that when he did this in their kind of mock, showed a kind of get prepared? We were like? We just can't tell him it's bad. Exactly no one could tell knows he's that you just be like that sucks. Just like every other thing you ve done and by nice at all, americans. So yeah that's pulled from seventy. I know they also bron rich little to do as regards pc only when they find a large you'd die of investment by proxy. I know I know I have to watch it through. My fingers. I live dirt on the producer is not lost on me that this is a show that today photoshop of the hard cock hotel, we did you ever seen. Owners want ok, not having to share the agent, but we try- and here thing that also has an important sort of the left can't do comedy now and what I mean by that is that I mean the liberals can't be funny, that's what they always say like nick the palace, where the best ever by the way his show starts in April here and mcgann get twice a day twice a day you
a full shall write. You get us in the morning at him. At night we have a special for producing for Brian Cowen as horror for burglary, vinyl error, the dealer finalizing the deal with jimbo air and then Of course we had MR guns, you coming in and other comedians are really it surprised me they're going. Oh, is this a place where we can actually have a haven? We didn't expect that we expected conservatives. We didn't expect not necessarily conservative comedian, that sometimes sometimes are isn't, but it's because they realize what you can't really do comedy on the left, because you can't switch from being offended by thing and then chastise the audience like naked, apollo and use. comedy seller to give an example. People would just hover and all the comedians now to see him do as material put to sea
in flip out on someone in the audience and call someone the seahorse yeah, but he was always he didn't care, he always veered into it, and so, when he said you're offended you're offended by that. What? Oh I'm sorry, you liberal faggots, and he would just go off on them here. This is back in the nineties in the eighties. I think he was doing common, but certainly the nineties and early two thousands, but it's consistent the left one to be able to claim offence and victim status, and then I'll show you where they flip around and they just as united. So here's him talking about the lack of latino representation in hollywood, when there is a general it's going to people like James franco. well guess what it why people can t. It got rose, I'm gonna take theirs. When they do. The tv series based on Gwyneth, paltrow ski accident traffic will be going to the winery knocked the egg right out of my vagina, alright that last one. The tom kind of system bad voice.
Yeah, I dunno what he's doing, and why is he gone for the trans role, because the James franco took castro yeah exactly he didn't have to take winning taken together. Skeet integrate the truth, as he's not winning any rules now is what he was killed in the menu bar I was sorry to spoil our well. He also made John wicked his part john weak sucked, so is part in every So that's what I'm saying he's really really bad. The county lovingly good movie, without using no chef muslim fabric ever and hoffman he's been in good films. It was not good in them. Yeah and now he is my hero he is mocking- and I dunno if it's in this clip, but then at one point I remember seeing him because I have to watch the show and he goes come on what you're offended by that come on, come on. That's it it's a joke so well I second you're offended by every thing- you're, the guy who goes on twitter rant about representation and about how orange man bad and about how people shouldn't own firearms and how the united states is racist, you're offended by everything it man at the audience is offended at something for being a.
It's simply unfunny here he is doing a catholic confession joke which of course, is not tired. Oh bless me father, for I have sinned. I call Jesus of boy, the rot in Hell, but the writers made me do it. I swear. I swear the you have writers, They should all run and high, and the problem is tat. This is what people like nick. We talk about the writers from another, not comedians. It's a bunch of you. in harvard used to be in other national mps, futile, futile and stupid. There is a great film thoracic, conan, o Brien gave him there. The writers now are a bunch of people coming from ivy league schools coming from higher education, and it's all diversity. Hires. If you look at the hires you go, Second people here riding us now they ve never taken the stage they've ever the oh you brought them in. because this guy is genderqueer and you know he's non binary, and so it just and it's it really is. This is the first of a degree in English. Yes, well you're, just saying generally things get better and I've always have this general cars get better right. I mean. If you look at
holmes get better. Now you have air conditioning. Generally speaking, technology gets better, generally speaking shows get better. If you go back and watch laugh and it is- terrible? Ok, I would say that it is really bad and things get better like breaking bad change were shows. Could become cinematic. They were like now than those things got good, and now we have reached a point. I really mean this, and this isn't just me being you known or it's gotten worse, has gotten definitive worse because of the constraints and because it's no longer a meritocracy, it can't be. Hollywood is preclude from providing you. What it is that you want to Is the writers dont want it? Just like your representatives with the bills- They cannot bring forward a bill that simply bans tiktok, because that's not what they want you want. to be safe. You want your privacy protection, they want to have control over your lives, saving or you want something you want something irreverent, you want something or you can kind of shut your brain off and laugh, maybe learn a little bit. If you watch the showing go check the references they were,
to make sure that everyone in the writers room is ok and his pacify. So you can see. No, it's a perfect contrast. John but when you asked the daily show funny, have you seen him short content. Now now it's like just trying to avoid the land mines of the writers and the producers where he just has to appease everybody, and you can't be funny you can Do comedy that way. Now, I'm not saying you can't be funny because you're a liberalising, you cannot be funny. If you are constrained by what these people want, in los angeles in new york, which is completely out of touch with by the way, not five or country, the viewers in los angeles and new york, rent guarantees, cabdriver in queens is not laughing at that. No one in the bad part of this is it- and this is not due to your home, but find somebody who can do a donald trump impression right. There's a handful of people out there, the do pretty good ones. That could have been a funny scare. It means change the writing, but the idea of delegation
for the writing, in the impression that the other riding in the delivery, India can only act, but the idea of donald trump fleeing the police while running for president ok, can make that kind of funny. The idea of somebody being in confession in saying things that make you laugh writers, there's a lot of work with their you. Can you can easily got? It is a good example to the down the funny part. Was the writers are responsible for sin? That's funny! You could make that funny yet make at vienna, and you show a picture of the writers and some lesbian bit within those rights like the way I tell me in actual writers are sharp needed. Maybe someone can bring up the actual clip that he was quoting it's just a little bit earlier, Donald trump donald trump each was funnier than that. What he was quoted without trumpet speech at one of his rally, but he's talking about only danielson this. Why don't you ever so hard for comedy, I think is quote we can I'm I'm goin by rodya, but I'm pretty close. He said that you a rush me they're, saying I've never liked horse face. I never liked her she's, never
he's not the one, but if she wouldn't be the one that we have made one, we have the best. Looking first lady malaria folk like that when you said that I never liked or seen, oliver stuff. I never liked to she's, not the one never liked horse face, and I don't need one that was ottoman comes in and makes it less funny. Yeah, that's why trump did so well, the guy was funny. Don't underestimate the fact he called an adult bill madras horse face, that's an environmental hold, he called her curls. I believe, in our space yeah it's it's kind of a go to for him. The outweighs now she's your horse. Faced across his wife, is not our space folks, but she is that naturally right, that's what people say had missed. Ensuring a should have kicked his she didn't debate. She took out to MR friedrich
fearing a should I little by little time with such donald yeah. Yeah look, of course there should have been, in consequences. I mean at least a dual. I don't think anyone would have blamed sen, ted cruz when Donald trump and your dad killed JFK peoples if he just walked right over and calmly kicked him in the nuts slap him with a glove yeah. Even donald trump, like that yeah you'd have to eat I take it like a champ. At a certain point- and let me know if they find that clip of donald trump saying that the rally but let's grab some of the chats, I think I have a question out there as far as the people's film but they ve seen that they realise that? Where were you when you realise that I don't care, I what I really think could be bad. I was somebody about this popular. I remember where I was when I learned that adults could just be bullshit hours and just lie about things that I could clear tell was alive, has yet I remember that was actually the guy who gave me he gave me the past he
These three films, your friend, who claimed he was blue It turns out. He wasn't. Your south indian use their own name on his Jim pants, any lent me the past. I swear to you jake speed, and hudson hawk. I thank you. to kill me hudson, hawk as a kid was funny for five minutes and then, as I can't it's one of the worst experiments its press releases worst, I I you think I was ready, harlot renny harlin, and I dunno why so he did die hard too and he's like. I was in a film with a really hard life, and I remember he was there. Was this film called? The covenant was like all the cw guys were gorgeous and then me him shall not shown up in the shopping but yeah you can do that like hey. Can I do this as a guy, you do whatever you want. Alright action, in Tampa. We had no interest in being like. Let me just show the the video and you guys do whatever you want, and he was the one who did hudson hawk. Alright, let's grab some chats. While we do have the clip of
from Daniels. The audio's kind of boo boo, but ok, alright, let's see never lights was nice. I never was terrible that will be the one, no one. We have a great first laden, close semi corleone flip for this report and our graphic calculated sounded a someone was spelling, boobs upside down the problems you? you're, not sorry about what hold arrive, obvious adam sandler, just get that a war that mark TWAIN a word and watched. The share is great
You look back at some of his and I love anime says some of it. Just does not stand out. Ah it's too hard to watch you little Nicky is not that looks like they're whinging, oh yeah, yeah yeah. It really does. Some of them are funny many of happy gilmore Gilmore summer Billy madison, you have samovar, I would say like miss, but I dunno, if as mister deeds or awesome or very quotable, they're just great overtime, but oh the wedding singer was one of the best. Yet a guy picked that he was okay actually was pretty good. It was allen, covert, who's, who's, a friend of him. He did a grandma's boy, and that was pretty funny this does stuff for when he was kind of a he did. He directed house bunny and that's a funny one house bunny with an affair. since he was sailors, roommate it and why you yeah, he's he's, take care of all his friends. Let's, that was a theme throughout the whole award show. Yes, all these people just love and they were in tears. Yes, lauding him with praise and thanks, you know the problem as they don't necessarily like does make for good. now, then is assumed the technical nicholson of that one. I can't see that I a management there. I could think of no yeah. That's it
to save you just like alright, where I think we're going to do a casting call to find actors for this, and let's say we are going to host auditions like okay. Well, we have james rank and with gonna, be my friend yeah. Mr oh right, my friend from high school now read for the role he got it yeah I got accepted as awarded that voice. Did he hated it? Oh, I am aware of only accepted the award. Oh, he didn't know that tollbooth willie was fun. For after being with us, but I preach he's done a lot of really all right. Let's get the check. Our road asks. Pay stephen! Any advice. for a genuine millennial, trying to find a loyal woman. I found a hook up. Culture has not only destroy dating, but also reach the church to
Watson is the guy is a guy. I assume you don't want to give rise to a lesbian. I dont want to you know I don't want to hurt. You feel like doktor lore do watch the shit. You asked me, that's what they're saying that led to the church where it is really hard to find a loyal woman. Look you have to for values, and you also here's something else. Do you have to not only scheme for values you don't to share everything in common, but you also I should really enjoy each other's company. That's one thing I think. Sometimes the church has done a disservice where it's just screen for values, and then you have people who okay agree on the same day that everyone in the church does, but there isn't compatibility, and I don't mean sexual. You have to have it yet and I think sometimes overlooked so clear how to find them look. Sometimes I will say this: sometimes the fault rests with it. for several times, a guy can't find a good little woman because, like I know, people like you know, I think that women are sick, yeah, but you're
for them in a night club or or yeah, but you picked a girl who has nothing but ass pictures on instagram. What did you expect expected? She was gonna, take down or profile and keep that reserve for you. So yet look there. Red flags to avoid. I would say, generally speaking, you probably one of dates when as a profile set to private debts, that rule, if someone just has their profile open everyone in there clearly clamoring for attention. Those are signs of narcissism, and that is someone who really sometimes a relationship is only as valuable as the attention you give them. So if you screen for, I think, that's pretty important right now. We talk about sort of Mental health and psychological profiles there's a lot of narcissism now and it's encouraged. It's been encouraged because culture tells women that you're you're, beautiful and you're perfect. The way you are and by the way women are beautiful, but no women are perfect. Just like no men are perfect, but men aren't. Men have never been told that they are, women since the dawn of modern feminism, have been told that they are perfect and they shouldn't have to change for any man. So
but look for him not only with traditional values, but particularly a woman who values. If that's what you want, some kind of national gender roles in that doesn't mean just me, barefoot present in the kitchen, but understanding that there is a division of labour. Men and women are different and someone who can have the kinds of conversations that we have here there. wouldn't be as much of a disconnect in men and women's perspectives on relationships there should be a very big prince in your roles, but there shouldn't be a disk. Not on your view of those rights and what a relationship should be, and unfortunately, that's been encouraged by romantic comedies because of porn for women. I watch this. film, not too long ago about time with rachel mc atoms it was offensively bad. It was so It's a guy who can travel through time? Ok, you can travel through time goes to law school. He meets this girl who contributes absolutely nothing and then
she works a job. She stops where my job then you're in you. I have a few straight to the pit of hell, those words and then finally, she like he. Actually he can travel through time. But there's this thing where she has two kids: okay, she wants kids and then he gets up on saturday and he makes breakfast so he's at home. He's taking care of the kids he's going to law school by the way, and Then she says I really want to third child, but the things if he travels back in time. Something happens if he has its their childcare. His father will die, there's some kind of a. I don't know the exact issue inch? She knows that and he's like. Well, Maybe we can wait and talk about it later. She's, ok, is it later now? If it is, that's gonna die birch. Could it's just if their loves me? He will do anything for me. That's not true. That's not true, and she wasn't reciprocating so yeah. I think that romantic companies are pornography for women and it really has often poisoned what they ve your relationship to be right. If ever
loves. You will love you for exactly what you are. That's not true. Every single man who loves his wife has some things that he would change about. Her. Ok, just like you! What about you and there's nothing wrong with. It does mean that he does not love you. God loves you. The way you right. We talk about. God wants you to change some things about yourself. Doesn't love you, you have kids. Are you love Do you love every single thing? They do, of course not, but for some reason only with women today, its he usually. If he loves you, he won't want to change a thing. How about you drop twenty five. That's right True, though, about women and romanticizing thinks and romantic comedy the bachelor. The bachelor at Demo is entirely women arable and they take it. They love the pursuit so much yet whether its bachelor better. It is an item. No ninety nine percent the audiences when you're taking it all the heart, being hurt by an episode
other areas that the contestants or ninety nine percent white and they always like a couple of minorities like the keeper to the third week? Like you know, it's like the guy has literally all right. We have remaining twice of tall blonde with blue eyes and wanting. european. So we wonder how this is going to go. Yet we like a horrible, the yeah when fifty shades of gray came out, it was incredibly popular with women and it's like I'm sorry. What yeah you don't we when a guy who basically is going to make you sign a contract because of the sexual activity is so perverted that he doesn't want you to ever talk to anybody about it and by the way he have rules on what you can and can't do in your off time and but he's not willing to commit know the relationship really. That pursuit knows what I'm talking about the the bachelor that ongoing day and then the minute it gets down to a few than up, then we expect an exclusive and were deeply affect
If there are three laughter and he's banging three women are in the honeymoon once we know that, as a swede yes says, like you, guys watch to show the events at himself at the file that your file for your fancy sweetens like I want to give you this key. Should you forego your own room in the house? And so we don't know that I mean I guess. If and the only one, You didn't say anything that can offer me. Ok, let's go on, so we are really talking get to know each other. Yes, we can really talk. I'm getting late hour, my party's that, what's that So let me let me address this question, so we don't find it typically challenging to find somebody to date in school. At some point, when he started dating in high school or college, whenever it is right so intimately don't find it their college dumbfounded their workplace. If you work a company that sizeable enough he typically dont, have as many problems there you can. Fish are still have problems and all those scenarios should what com
but as the common thread there you're just doing the life right. If you think that you can go for four hours a day after work and work, maybe as remote or it's got five people in an office somewhere and that fed. It is going to show up on your door with somebody who says wife on the forehead and deliver the package. Do it's not going to happen right, go, be active, go get involved in a myriad of things. If you like, scuba, diving, ghost arts, diving with a group of people start doing stuff how much your social or whatever. I guess this guy could talk about- was plenty efficient to see now that they they hang out afterwards. That is terrible, but as this guy surprised that it's gotten into the church, I don't mean hookup culture, but in the church, the young, the young single adults groups in churches, are, I mean, that's what they're there, for I mean not for hookup culture, section scars me to know but you're, just as somebody who went through this, like obviously, I didn't meet my wife until my late thirties right and thank god that
I basically what happened as we were both doing what we do. A friend invited her to dinner. I was doing the wine dinner because I was part of a team player but of the rock, if that is that that Would we do? That is the compatibility. We were drinking wine, we were not drinking to get drunk, but the the whole purpose was like. She didn't just show up to me. Yeah right. We were both doing life and met each other and had something in common. It makes the conversation easy instead of a job interview like hey, I met, jan tender yet I think it can. I think I do think that you know how to see pornography is, is horribly corrosive and we talked about that in go back and watch. We didn't. I think two thousand fifteen your brain on porn, but here's the thing: let's take Romantic comedy in this culture. Feminist culture is basically pornography for women right. It's this its hype, really unrealistic view of what relationship should be where's pornography. Is it it's clearly unrealistic and unhealthy view of what sex should be, but here's the primary difference. Men know that it's not real men know that porn isn't real. Otherwise, every single guy would quit their job and just go become a pizza delivery. Guy.
That's what happens the girls, no, that ABC, isn't gonna, pick you up and a helicopter and take you, but I don't think they know that when they watch these films that I'll hossack and a guy's a guy's going to love every single thing about me and I don't need a change anything in that's going to be relationship, and so yeah that's. It is a challenge and I would say screen for that. You shouldn't be so far apart on reviews of relationships and what you're roles are that is to be a part of of scuffing relationships, not just your values, but you view a relationship to be, and if you're not same page boom by values, first compatibility yeah, but you're making. But your yes and you know what else regular euro I joke zero, because that takes that'll take care of itself. A man will not be enough, It is attracted to know our plans, so you don't have to screen for that. First, it's going to happen anyway. Yep yep, absolutely once upon a time and built up like the trap, tread wife trend which is just kind of
gimmick by the way why traditional wife is tick, tock gotcha, but the thing once upon a time women. So unep women had the responsibilities of taking care of the household lovingly taking care of their children and by the way it was also they would have a grandmother who would say you should always still try and fit in your wedding dress. Now, of course, that's an extreme example to make a point, but now you have women ago. I got my man and there are nothing sweatpants and that gain weight and their burping and farting around them, and then wonder why this guy is no longer attracted to them. Guess what that is part of your role. If a man is provide protecting you usually. As two people were our, I want my man to communicate your means not going to communicate the way that you want him to communicate and by the way, doesn't matter. you signed up for that right, you saw the ride. You bought a ticket anyway, a man cannot be condemned for communicating as a man. What and that's the thing, a lot of therapy that people go into his wife, like my man, doesn't hear me. He does he's not responding. The way that you want him to men are expected, I came in the way that women demand communication, but hey what about the flip side
now. You're man communicates to your bonds, doesn't want sex stuff, but this John, I'm serious way sitting listening to all of my emotional needs at aren't being met. Great ok is he is he falls. Is he being fed ended the downstairs. Are they? Are they empty I've? That is what that's his love language. Why can one? Why does only one love language matter? One! Here's one thing women, Then I understand what you're saying, but this is really important. Ok, we're you never have to be afraid and this is something I want you to understand- that women who are watching. I get this concern for men right now, especially out there in the dining room. I can only imagine if you have an issue with a man, are you have an expectation of a man and of course you should I am saying that you bullshit expectations of each other right. This is what I am saying it's than you both have nukes these Who is, if you express an expectation of a man that is not being met,
I have never in your life had to worry about the sexist car being played against you In other words, if you say well, you know what I feel it you're, not really working very hard. I've heard people to have you know I feel like you're, not really thinking about that you're, not really very driven and we're still, in the same point. Never Are you concern of a man saying so I just have to work and provide for you ever, but every single want, which is by the way in eight in a man that he wants from you he can't express. or at the very least he knows you can use a sexism sardonic card, in other words a man going man. You know it's a thousand. Are over each bill every month or I'm eaten, or you know what I'm coming home and you know it's an more we're not having sex. You know if he says hey, you know I don't really think you're you're, You ve been up your under the, but what you know about it, we're not sleeping together, hey you know, you're, not taking care. That is worth salon. Just your chef than your hooker is that what you think of women should be That's one thing: women consider that you can express. needs in your wants without being accused of being sexist, men can't and then they get can
for not communicating properly, really is a very tough spot, and so yes men, you need to be something that is worthy of dating and worthy of showing for one but women. So do you see What are you and you need to soften its so that men aren't afraid of engaging with you lot of out there and we get so many messages are afraid that if I say this, I'm going to be accused of sexism dimension. Why have I lean in for a kiss? And then she said this non consensual right. This is not a healthy place to be, and you can sank. Feminism muskrats measures do more here alright saw willing good, has a question for papa crowd her. What was the hardest thing about raising stephen, but we ve had so many questions like this. Whole show, as his grandfather would say. I feel like a mosquito ingenuity got any idea where to start, Stephen stephen was some very unique. Right from beginning, and I mean that in a good way I mean you, you just you kind of knew what you wanted to do very young and you pursued it and it
was fond of watch it unfold and then, when you values come under girded what you're doing with your tail? all the lines in the graph crossed, but he said he I thing hard, thing in women was keeping up with that, because I was a kid. I thought hate me my guys like cocky, they hated it. So I the courage and the way they lean, stephen, that that's that kind of individuality and drive is pretty pretty headstrong. You know he was get in trouble, alot lot. Yes, yes, that is true but not like drugs are not known, hauling, but it like mouthing on a larger scale than like. Like today, you felt like your work is today. You feel you need a right wrongs. You feel you need, do you know, regulate injustice and you put yourself a positions where
you're sticking your nose and yeah? Yes, yes, and that would get you in trouble yeah. I just have a general problem with a authority he didn't like bullies now what other or other knew, though too, and though to and some others at or in some same things like we have the right wrongs and injustices. I've been around you and situation where you ve done that in a good way in in a very good, I don't got eyes a good way, but yeah well nigh definite got that you do Sometimes you made it harder, you, harder where you'd anyway, I will hear you, though, unlike only fruit, makes warehouse, you gotta, wear helmets even play maradona fruitcake. Will you wanna professional hockey player but and I would stick my nose in his europe you'll. Have this challenge to maybe Gerald. Were you when you're kids get trouble, sticking up for them Now we are now my generation. My dad would send me to school, with notes. Use whatever means necessary to keep me in law
He sent him with a hand. Written note to the teacher that said: yeah basically like please beat my son's ass, and so we want other words. You allowed other people to use corporal punishment, your kid and his mom, and I decided the only one it'll do that or from hands of love that disciplining and not someone who is not part of that I'll ever loving. I wish I hadn't no foot a principle not loving hands that the answer is not news. So that's the episode. it was. This was the moment that I'm really referencing in my head, we were having dinner at an italian place. We used to always go to and gets de Janeiro one place, and we were there. I don't think you were there, though, and it was after a wine events and people were there in the sky was drunk. There was a very nice girl who is the wife of one of my friends from church, and he had he had them, you ve early and she went out to dinner with us with a couple, their friends as well. And he was now than off about like how he could beat her husband, a gulf and here's a wrong guy and your dad? And I cant remember the exact words he just turned to him, and it is just that after a few minutes it s and he was just he'd scows really given,
a hard time? It he's gettin awkward dislike packages that just take yet said. Break you in like a minute yeah what there was no lead into that it was literally like your dad had had another matter after the guy and the guy goes. What,
yeah, the wrongly injustice of giving is like awesome, golf in college and he's like I could beat your husband in golf. He can't play golf like I could play golf, it's just terrible. He he's a horrible golfer. I remember that a little bit, but I remember you telling the story more than I remembered. I think that sounds like something you would do this outing off as what he could have what he could do, and I said so. I could do this and add yeah very similar to this guy. Where were you at the townhouse and the neighbors? Have dogs kept crapping on the yard and stuff when you're like c'mon, stop crapping and having the dog crap in our yard, like we have personally lived here beforehand, didn't say anything about it. because she was a hermit. She never used the yard, and so these people were just loud. They were disruptive, they would blare their music, their daughter and three dogs that were loose all the time and the crap all over the yard, and I remember it kind of to a head. my dad, the guy going like forces
please have stop having your dogs crap on our patio with very polite, polite and then the guy goes ago, when he was drunk as you progress yeah well. Well, you know. I won't because it's this property. What do we? What, if you wouldn't share from the other side of the fence, because, like the fence, was the property of communal property? I remember my dad over watching him. He's like wilson. Looking over the other side of the fence,
it is an immense and put at the door of the gate, is open, surrounds the guy can be out through and follow up on. Exactly what you like it. Wouldn't you say it's not worth it, which really was her saying, can't beat the shit out of youth. Now he has a fuse where you I've never seen him say that was a guy told missus you're lucky. I m sick, my eighteen year old son on your right now, but I was just always drunk always draw always three large dogs in an area where there are constantly crap and it was just landmines everywhere, and you said to her one point number we remove. You were moving in this when they move from canada texts. This is true and the temporary place we lived while we were yeah, where we get house yeah, so either garages right, so you have to move in and that's when I dropped the couch from I hadn't got a concussion, and so it's padded, no, the bottom of the catch. Just this wouldn't work. Like the balance and
so where we have a moving truck and by this. So here's the here's, the garage and here's the moving trucks they can drive through other people can get, but we have to. There are certain is that we have that was dropped off, yet I was dropped off and she, the very first conversation, I remember she walks up and looking I have a I'll I'll. Have that I'm just going to quote, or so. If you have kids, they shouldn't be watching cause. She. This is exactly her first conversation she's. We see your car drive up and she has like two feet on either side. She jumped and backs up, and she gets asked us what the fuck she wants, because how the fuck am I supposed to how I supposed to pack my fuckin car. and you said, while might I suggest, driving licence Oh, you fucking, all your backroom and she got up and you just didn't mind you are just the filthiest
The thing I've ever seen, yeah pretty ooh ooh. So I said because that's what it just that those were his responses and then, of course, she found her way to come in and she could park. She was. She was trying to park like a woman. Alright, but the point is we ve got along fuse, but once it burns out to bow to go down final jet, colonel from m coulter questions were crowded. Really found out that my thirteen year old niece has apparently come out as a day. Them is wrong. then, I will allow my daughter to hang out with her anymore, absolutely not wrong. You shouldn't allow your daughter to hang out with her. I generally like. keep mental illness as far away from me as possible when its flagrant and there they are demanding that we take part in the delusions, doesn't mean you the person. You love them from afar, but yeah. Your daughter is young and impressionable, and I do not think that your daughter
think what you are doing is entirely appropriate because you don't let somebody governor Tommy's house, because they give him too many cookies to eat. With the view that some heavy, this is the latin sand is well yeah bigots reasonable. I was allowed to go over to my friends ass for like a month because we find out they. Let me watch predator when I was now exactly see like. I know what you're going over there. Why? Because you come back and you you know you wash and are rated film, you don't sleep for three nights: right, ok and the next, and whenever they showed leprechaun mine, Jackson's thriller walk across the alley. To my driveway- and I was just like two petrified to do it at night of my accident- is my dance everything about it. I'm scared up being raped by all of us here today and is where little groping. What does that? That's? Not a dance is coming. I could think zombies grabbed the private sphere, but all that bees do zombies where leather ones ease and grab their winners in front of small children all right tomorrow morning,
We have a hard twins back and oh there's a lot it that's right. I remember we ve got some front freedom. I remember ten m eastern and, of course, friday right here on my club, see that
Transcript generated on 2023-04-01.