« Louder With Crowder

LIVE GOP Debate 2! FEATURING Trump's UAW Speech! Alex Jones Joins!

2023-09-28 | 🔗

We have it all: live reporting, real-time fact-checking, drinking games, & we’ll be covering Donald Trump talking to the UAW members. Hold onto your butts!WALTHER Go to WaltherArms.com to Try the WaltherCBDISTILLERY Up to 60% off everything https://CBDistillery.com Promo Code: CROWDERMY PATRIOT SUPPLY Save 25% on 3-month emergency food kit http://www.PrepWithCrowder.comJoin MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclubWatch the FREE show on MugClub NOW:GET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources/NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficialMusic by @Pogo

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The american bad men can barely payments do play guitar bodies like the domino he's got back and is there a smile and things eaters buys when the bad thing than like on this type of tax law? Good job
and when he spawn stand around the borg got them in the debt danny it's a morgue dams are they were. They would like to see an end ass when you went to that again and again in the dna
reviewed and hold back the opinion on the ball back I've heard when entering the cadillac rather than men and giant dancing in the dining car your dog then rest. All men were lasting growth and the chinese he's on by them and new green de LA Provide it work like a job
remember. None of this is possible without you join the fight and sign up for my club today at louder with credit dot com, slash my club for eighty nine dollars annually join the fight. It
I was credit outcomes last month club today. Look at that. It is time for geo. I didn't. but you can tell a difference from the thumbnail from Ethiopia. Debate number one little bill, probably go away by tomorrow. I got my welcome to the You have ten dollars a week, delete it felt like a kid.
make a wish like. No, no, please please remind me leave at a gay art well for the show he said dave shorts and then he has to Robinson. Alright, alright, that's good! glad to be with you. So does the geo bring it up there in the lower third, so people can see nothing up. Our sleeves is the g o p debate stream so that you can use the ashley crider debate night. Is it on on the ex used to be twitter? You can use it to anywhere that you're on social media, and you can also use it as a promo code to get ten dollars off later as credit dot com, slash, mug club, seventy nine annually, you get this wonderful hand, etched girthy, mug and you get depaulo who's with me here every day at five am and you can still get a portion of his free show everywhere you get free podcasts, but you get extra show at mug club nick. How are you, sir good? I'm a girl, the italian come on Please saying that because he's been he's lost, weight and he's looking very slim, and so he sees fishing for I put on fog, since I last saw serenely muscle, no actual pure sausage per person, piece of trust.
direction at the sausage come in from Nicky Hayley. That brings us to the debate stream tonight absolutely is a sausage fest I mean look, look we were going gonna have Chris Christie on skin will do a side by side it'll make you feel good about, feel good about life decision point the fangs they're out early know, you're, gay and I'm supposed to be. Sassy were a couple yeah. So look there's a lot to get to here tonight. First off come on. What do you think we can expect here tonight, and I know a lot of you saying why do we really care people are not super enthusiastic about this debate, because not a whole lot changed since the last debate as far as money raise as far as the polls, switching donald trump is still leading by well into the double digits. But look I want you guys to vote one thing you tonight: the media, ok, media with every everyone, combing msnbc scene and all of social media? The meltdown there are going to be happening. These people are product. these four donald trump tonight how they choose
is to attack or if they choose to try and ungracious himself to the trump voters. That'll be interesting, but the media. not going to give anyone affair shake. Remember. I've always told you this. It doesn't matter for trump. For georgia, bush if you're wrong and who, whoever has in our next to their name, is going to get the trump treatment. Pier and you will see it on display tonight for everyone, especially because they are scared they are. Scared. When you look at the recent polls before going to drinking game rules, the region washington post, abc pole, to give in So there's a r c b average donald trump is ahead by about one point, for I believe one point four points: the recent washing post abc pole. Let me bring this up here, because all the references are lot of crap not come. what is the new deal Do you have any real I'd? I've got a right now, so it's got trump. Fifty two biden, forty two yeah give us this. read at ten points. Ten points, not a math genius, but their walpole abc has trumped up by ten points at the most recent poll. Not about You have conservatism now. Here's some
on tax? If you look at the last elections right with washing post abc september, twenty fifteen, when she was up by three by september. Twenty nineteen was up by seventeen so that scale matters trump being ahead by any points is more than down by seventeen twenty seven point different, and how do they explain it? Even washington, post, a b c rating for I was reading through it and they're like we did. We basically didn't get to the right people. They were saying that this variability in the politest. This is that normal paul is probably an outlier poll. I know that we just paid a whole bunch of money to get this thing out there, but it doesn't really reflect accurately what what the issues are entirely said. Something like Washington has, as they do apologize for doing a bad job, their own pole and by doing a bad job. Even they basically just ask people what they thought and didn't spin as appalled and we're going to have the right ball bearings. It's all ball bearings nowadays, because I hit the like button watching on youtube caravan going to post a drinking game rules in a second which I'm even if we have to
My hope is that even the youtube dump up with the drinking game rules watching on youtube and at any point you see this, that means had another rumble, that's our home and are being attacked by international governments right. They are yes drinking game rules for tonight bring em up to a man. if they are. If trump is mentioned, the word indictment is used during Chris Christie. Has a fake, tough guy moment it's going to be allotted, vivek attacks, anybody! Well the scientist talks using his thumb up or finish drink. Someone brings up ronald reagan and they are at the reagan, library, I'm tossed really also encompass a thug life moment. You have to finish last time I was there. I was there with an allen covert of the atoms and what's his name ron, howard's brother clint, howard spent the ronald reagan, library, there's a bizarre to say, Helen kong Allen covert, not Alan colmes he's denver, I know, but that last thing of smash mouth and I only found out after we did a smash, smash mouth sketch
We can always good, add to and we're gonna get on it would let you in We did a five minute reference innate oconnor like you know she died rhetoric. Now I didn't mix it. I know what you think I later, why did it? I got for two days when I saw the seller I bet you dance around and make a bad day good, only to make a good day better, and I think that was one. those days Up to your next unkind, we're going to walk out are considered. A wind system does play her stuff, it does, but he replaced her with Melissa throughout Europe. At the moment lesbian. I dont know all we You have some montages here some clips to show you guys because Donald trump skip this debate. That's that's! It it's decision and by the way I would say, is right up to do. He did it to speak. To the. They w workers- and so I ve been working on this. We're going actually come back to this later. Davis data settings to smart move because Donald trump, I was shocked. We cover that election. He won michigan, he won the midwest, I'm just helping.
Not pandering to the? U s w because of you pander to the: u s: w you're, actually growing, all of the other workers in the midwest, So I believe that we have this montage you're right gerald. What are you? They have a trump montage wherever there now they have the current event. Mine I've got you so few minutes. Let me give you quickly, they're putting together a clip, montage donald trump speech, but I was listening to and talking with the guys beforehand. He isn't. going down to the? U s w- and I were talking about this before he can go there and support the working class citizens that the base, the people who are the members of the eight ever w without acts, supporting the leadership of EU aid. Ever you, he did a really good job of threading. That needle did it's basically here. What are we? Look, it doesn't matter the deal you get two years you're out of a job, but he had those kind of once again that we love from donald trump varies very honest with them like go, negotiate, it's not gonna marry The analyses on you on you that all these vehicles have to be electric up to a certain percentage. Been ten years he's, like you, think, that's gonna happen. You're jobs went to mexico, you jobs,
to china. This administration doesn't care about you and also your letters. Don't care about you because they always support the Democrat, so he split them like new china and the sea cp were like chinese people, good c c, p, bad he's the same thing with metal, jerry's paper small and you have egg and getting crevices works, but so that no we'll have a montages some of the highlights for that an throughout the night, as we go other moments from that that we want to bring up, we will bring it a schooner structure, are making a lot of electric scooters, etc. Can move around to press for a scooter? It's not structurally sound. You go forty five downhill, it's gonna be crash. But now here's the thing a lot of democrats which, over because of teepee the transatlantic partnership, because of trade, and that is, I will say that, has single handedly from donald trump: that's what shifted looking party quite a bit too, don't coming the party, the working class, and I would say this- I was never protectionist I certainly saw the value in highlighting the the disproportionate
the agreements that were so waited or china in these international agreements that we have that really did screw. The americans are now not a pro pro union, I pray you w gave it comes down to communist american unions, or communist crap from china will come to scrap and china's cheaper but the agreements that we had. If you look at free it was never free trade. The tyres are putting on our our goods going over there. Donald trump focusing on what he won he in in the twenty sixteen election. He did, and let me give you some stats that he put out from this right. So he had a press release to put all the stats out there. The united states added I think you got an overlay. Potentially there you can bring up from their honour added, five hundred and ten nu mai, five hundred ten thousand new manufacturing jobs between trump's election in february of two thousand and twenty right so fat. That's the number! We typically uses pre covert right. So essentially, what he's doing there? Five hundred and ten thousand two thousand eighteen, the united states at a attitude and sixty four thousand manufacturing job. The most in thirty years. He's got a record with these people. He doesn't have to go. Make promises right, pig go and tell them. I will do for you now what I did for you before and no
else can do that with that. Well, that's it! That's! The contacts here right is eight years of obama, three years of donald trump and then they're going four years of binding. and they marry I make for just ukraine for crying out loud hears. What what but obama did when you look at what happened in crimea when you look at what happened with teepee you look at what Biden is doing and how weak he is on China. When you look at by economics, which is really another version of shovel ready jobs in printing money, they have no economic plan, its robbing from peter to pay Paul already jobs. We talk about this in northern michigan, there's what they call up north trees, after the great depression shove already jobs, it is paid a bunch. People here go bigotry and they didn't know how to plant, but tree and sustainable. Of trees that couldn't grow leaves because our planted to close to each other. That's not a real job. Where you see the difference, if you take away nothing of it private sector job growth versus? government employees will show you just decrease the unemployment rate. If you just added eighty thousand I rest are not agents, employees at eighty, seven thousand, not agent, sorry employees, bunch of pens! pushing
pushing on jerry, unjust, gelatinous next with blocks. What could possibly go wrong if you just keep adding jobs through your day, dollars. While you can always artificially manipulated in plenary Andrews so that I think a really strong illustrate wrong argument and argument and its also he did a good job with that speech, very worried that he was gone up and do something that may him look like he was supporting the actual union bosses, but he called them out yet he said it's a miracle. They always support. I wish they would support donald trump. Will they always support the Democrats, says it so dramatically bring up the the argument about the wage increase. Did he get that specific? They want forty that wage increase, or now they want more than that, but they want their wage increase. A thinker cocheco from what from sixty something in our two hundred and fifty plus dollars an hour. They want one. Forty hour, forty week, pay for thirty for work week, work didn't we we learned men and I we never Toyota could make money Gaza? They will lose a money on cars here. Look that Barack Obama donald trump did
ray job of walking right past and going does matter? What the deal is no matter what the deal is. Their policies kill your industry they've been doing it for decades and it's going to happen again if you do not vote for what okay, so before that, let's show the clips of Biden really quickly with the? U a w. This is pandora. So since I'm hearing the speech went well as Donald trump again send sending your predictions use the, low code, hashtag, crowder debate and I'd have to look down, because I never remember my own promo, because he hadn't put it there. There is a debate that isn't there is there a hashtag? Do we have a hashtag hashtag as all right, as you can see, Biden just pandering to the? U a w again, ninety nine percent of their their their donations. Go to Democrats, so we just as you should get more and then compare that with donald trump and then we'll go into. What's happened, in the last debate and what we can expect to night. But let's show the first by clip with the: u s w what may play back to back yet and back a long time. Our countries, mastery setting usa president arise on. The matter is that
w they bought a fact of life and companies, rural, seven people. There are two hundred I dunno. If you notice the? U a w next, they made a lot of sacrifices. They made a lot of sacrifices. Was it within sixty or eighty billion dollar bailout mania? Nokia, three retirees per active worker they've made a lot of sacrifices ten years ago talk and into the wrong end of that, like the link below and his hair about its manifest, be one of those new megaphone MIKE ash, so we're going to have donald trump for twelve minutes. I think he was in the state of michigan physically for about an hour before he flew to hollywood for a fundraiser. It just shows how greedy and selfish democrats are. That's the one thing they will constantly try and make republicans everyone here by the way who's worked for a living, obviously, and then, once you reach a certain level of running a company or success all of a sudden working class. Why,
it greedy. Why is it selfish for people here to not want to pay someone else's salary through their taxes and its considered selfish for you, a w worker who has been bailed out at the taxpayer's teat now at least, two times. If you look at the subsidies really are going into four five, and why is that greedy for them to want to kostiei company a hundred and fifty something dollars an hour while you and I and other people who, by the way, can still make good livings dont get cadillac benefits. What why is it? Is it really? They sacrifice to lock lisa. In every chevy cavalier, you're paying, for you have any idea benefits at these guys gets the cadillac. It's the cadillac over a cadillac of forks, the cat isn't even the cadillac of cars anymore, because the you w was the last time a cadillac was used as anything other than a pejorative. That is absolutely fair. We have. The trump speech is still going on. If we wanted to tune in for
We ve got it. We ve only got about two and a half minutes till the debate kicks off so lets. You want to think about the debate. What do you think? What do you anticipate tonight? I anticipate hopefully see more kellyanne conway. She said face work done and she almost looks like a fox anchor. I'm sorry she was almost not very tasteful and they bring her on the plate. Then, after after nine and wrapping up and anna, what do I- his based rather debate gas. Once again my boy vic yeah, I say my boy, trumps boy, but I'm just saying you guys guys on the state of sky will be he's gonna be the cabinet of any republican. The ones he's gonna, want once again be at the end of this end of the night. The be talking about him, we'll hit a bump after the last debate in any kind of sunk back a little bit in and he lost about two points in the polls, but it's like what he went from five to one from six to three: This point I just monday news. I think, is it five reality somewhere around? I got other policy. Is there not reflect what people are thinking? They shape, what people think and keep
I don't disagree, but I don't disagree, but when a leftist poll has trump ahead by ten, that is where that's. That's! That's, unbelievable! That's why he's ahead by one hundred and ten I mean yeah, just just just for washington, post a b c now, six point, six percent is that's it. That's is, that's is being run a the team point: the scientists in the primaries right now. That's a forty two point. Two points spread, but nobody has ever lost a primary with that kind of margin. Sorry go ahead. Nick I was going to say, but think about. We have witnessed the worst, residency and we really have as its an embarrassed aiming at a gardener rural that wasn't corrupt yeah he'd, be up by secrecy, be ninety. I wouldn't even my house. I just I have trouble believing poles, I think, and I could give us some. I dont know why talking some carl robe is on screen, but I hope someone gives in a market muppet. Let's run a quick. We have some clips here of what transpired since the last debate and then we'll go, live peculiarly with a black eye and her stockings rolling up under a house. Ok, let's show it, then the major
question going go into this first debate was whether the candidates, onstage stage, would do so to change, the basic trajectory of this race itself I've been dominated by the front runner donald trump skip tonight, his commanding lee the debate wrap it up. It appears for now that the status quo probably will remain and ears and makes opinions on who had the best knight, according to this pole, from the draft report that they run swami one last night's debate followed by making hayley and run dissenters with asia. Hutchinson at barton qualify for tonight. We're your balls are a pill said it's not driver. Nowadays, many people are annoyed by my rise and believe that a thirty eight years, was too young. To be? U S, president governor dissenters will take centre stage in California tonight for the second year pay debate. According to recent polls, governor to scientists has fallen behind new hampshire. He has just ten percent of the pole behind trump, roughly ten,
with ran the swami hayley and Christie Nicky lay hold second place on her own outside the margin of error in the new saint anselm colored serving centripetal wrapped around carolina governor is it. Fifteen percent is omnipresent donald trump commanding fifty five percent, but around the standards of living from our new paul. Exactly how stupid is look at its donald from bringing new national coal of repugnance slightly more eric tangerine Eric cancer. As you can see here, nobody else in single digital right, let's go really quickly here, will will go back to that right now we pulled locks views as you running their three debate sort of package. Let's
other how they're trying to frame this. We will see the aramark. What is America's role in the world? We need to build a military fitted to the widening challenges in an ever more dangerous. Sometimes the don't go without a jacket and eat your way out. I didn't even recognize that tonight, candidate seeking the republican, california, oh no they're, doing the fighter turn to president spritz them with glycerin to the RON burgundy, the dialogue that happens. California, alright guys, remember a drinking game rules, bring them out really quickly if you drink the whole strain. Any time word trump has mentioned. The word indictment has used hit today, and Chris Christie has a fake, tough guy moment. Vivek attacks anybody runs into soft music is dumb. What is that and you finish your drink anytime? Someone brings up ronald reagan or, as a thug life moments, and I am trump trump trump trumpeting the next pen, pal moderators fox news channel for reno and Ilia, calder, or call
The floor is, yours: did bill superbowl implosion slid drink. The forests of men with white mrs drink. As I was funny, it was believed that city broadly relevant. Ok, she's got an accent. I had a letter to convene expect that voice. Let me to welcome our spanish speaking and working to mark But what does such as at all those big resiliency? Look here we go. Let's welcomes a man like I struck in tools must be mighty, isn't bacteria giving economic model. That our case, you can go because so to me, and I decided to go with a very smokey. I, this evening's in two of em pay our position
I reorder she went to a makeup artist said: do do figure, skater chic! I want this dramatic centre stage. Florida gasps, Ronda santa sees smelling a fart the teeth on this gut the token cheshire cat vivek, okay, I dunno how she's still around I rarely come on. Look at look at the lens filter and tim Scott. What is that yeah? They did they going to put a gun the fat prick. All the camera adds one hundred and fifty pounds the wec museum for cameras on in north dakota, governor doug burgum got a hydra. The variety of issues important to primary voters. Candidates get one minute to answer and thirty seconds to respond is singled out when they too, runs out
Oh here, this means drink. A means of ground to cover is so please its civilised it's. This is america. We are this spacious sunny place tonight, designed to reflect the nature and character of ronald Reagan is a place that makes you proud to be an american today. Our nation is drowning in division and instability. they dreaded by complying with underline was originally planned with it. I want x, I wanted the dividing line between measle in buying on the americans think that country on the wrong track in three in for saying that the economy is not good shape prices or of eighty percent bleeding understand, you join somebody safe and more than half of the? U s population as little access to childcare. Eighty
percent of americans say that personal finances are, a source of stress, can accept, are going to be focusing on the economy. Is follow me, I've got you don't worry. President and is trying to do that with by economics, and yesterday he joined the picket line It's where all the workers on demanding more wages, job security, so scott you risen and less work by printing In spite of a successful business model, air traffic controllers in the nineteen eighty saying you strike you're fired Would you fires thousands of striking autoworkers today centre? The president niceties cannot fiery by the private sector, however, I don't see where that first bill in congress, under pro joe Biden, that the first bill had eighty six billion dollars for the union pensions because they continue to over promise. Yet under deliver one of the challenges that we have in the current negotiations. Is that thing
four day french work weeks, but more money. They want more benefits working fewer hours. That is simply not going to stand. I sat in a finance committee hearing when it came before the committee, whose promised pensions From the union's you see one of angola once more the committee unfortunately strategy they wouldn't have a thousand dollars a month We must make sure that we honour the commitments that we make and one of the ways that we do that do not over promise under deliver and leave the taxpayers on the hook, I'll, say this Joe bide here is that you should not be on the picket line. Now look she's people gave Democrats, they ve run these companies into the ground. You, the taxpayer, have build them out repeatedly its corruption, its finest they can sink or swim on their own. My job is further, but I tell you what I sure if it's not my the fireman, certainly not my job, to bear them out with your tax dollars right next week. Absolutely not stop. Listen.
who advisers doesn't you let it doesn't make you unintelligent to this. things in a way that people can and must show some passion. That's what's list the fourth missing, and all these show some passion things if Joe Biden has taken office and he eliminated title forty two, the one thing he should do is finish the tile of forty two reinstating title, forty two and gives them a debate. I wasn't so it's going to be a close drink, every time that I heard him say trump tower bridge and they hit that bell. Think it's a bollywood single about the economy and especially want to talk at this strike for just a moment? More mr honest, you think she went in to the makeup artist and said, with my give me, the asa Hutchinson actually sticks. People are going to start. Give me the recession. She's very kindly with some of what he said for sure. I, like the spirit of it I'll, say that I have a lot of. patients for the union bosses. I think that's what he and I actually have a common view. I, have a lot of sympathy for the workers. However, people
real hardship in this country. I've been through growing up my father stared, down, lay off, said g under Jack Welch's tenure at the g plant, and even dale ohio, my mom the work overtime in nursing homes in south west oh hi, or to make ends meet and pay off our home loan. So I understand the hardship is not a choice, and I even had a double at parties does doing your job. You Jimmy neutron, choose to be the tories in the united states of america in order, if I was, advice to those workers, I would say: go pick it in front of the. House in Washington DC, that's really where the protest needs to be done, strong economic policies for forty years and paralysis could have in recent weeks. In what way is the second time we generally well meaning stagnant? We is to deliver economic growth in this country, unlocked reckon energy drill
frack embraces why Donald trump is looming like a spectre, because what they're saying is something that has already done in wages went up an average of five thousand hours under donald trump talking about opening. Our energy reserves, like we never had before so really there strongest talking points, are I'll. Do what trump started doing until he was cut off at the knees never years that is We unleash american exceptionalism and that's not a damn vision or what public and vision? That is an american vision that we embrace economic growth and captain There is still the best system known to man to lift us up
poverty and we should not apologize for it. That's what it means to be an american good for him. I guess it's! The dog, like the ceos of general motors ford and drag, make three hundred and thirty six times the number of rank and the number of rank and file work. Right away later we have a seven plus one, seven, plus one things that the Biden family was doing instead of attending this debate, and we also have thomas finnegan, I should have said on the ground at the glp debate. I will check in with him later wait. You said you'd side with american workers, but you also support how these companies operate, which is it Thank you for the question I want to thank you and good luck to the ongoing such a wonderful form, solar. You, my something took sculpture, said Joe Biden doesn't belong on the picket line. He belongs on the unemployment line,
ok, ebenezer scrooge, having lowering the second leading manufacturing stay in the country per capita governor of the state. We brought one thousand Fatima largest to amerika during administration? I know something about manufacturing, you're telling me you can't pump get while the most of these are talking about class war. Now to build a kind and out of solidarity in wages. To tell you, I really believe which driving that is abide. Not mix has failed wages, keeping up with inflation, auto workers and all american workers are feeling families are struggling in this economy and Joe Biden. Green new deal agenda is good for beijing and bad for detroit. We ought to repeal the green new deal. You know it's really bad. You know it's really bad detroit detroit Yet there are detroiters bedford attracts this all. While there are liven up on wall street shit, indeed, they should shut all the down. Detroit is just as corrupt as wall street, and I don't care
but you're working class hero, crap you're, just shake down artists in a: u s, w, let's call it what it is The union workers in the mid west do not equal, are met, can workers they are not one the same as a matter of fact they are. The kinds of if it's that you could only dream of- and this is the pandering and I dunno why they pander to them. Considering that they give ninety nine percent of their funding, the Democrats, you guys, can bring it up as an overlay from open secrets, htm scots, coming in with one back Tom hanks, relax me Why were you guys we're targeting miracle? We all love I've been using a learned, she's out of more than one year can dream would work for kid in the inner city, I've got good news. Every single child. the inner cities, the chicago or the rural part. Of iowa america in the dream is alive. It is well and it is healthy guy
like you can't bank of america. The sermon is a little confused, but I get to witness exactly what happened bible on that particular line. But why are those why the housewives target it's because in its lending that he is pushed through in the economy that raise the inflation. So when you look at the fact that we are higher gas prices, higher grocery prices, thousand dollars more year for families. What we need to do is, I came out with an economic plan, eliminate the gas in diesel tax so that they have more money in their pocket. Let's focus on could on going after what we have allocated owns on. I should tell you in after the debate I should have included alex jones on later in the of course you can watch his mark up on fridays. Look lead with ash, and these people don't get legal point. Europe dont. to your plan, lead with passion. The economy is not working and it did work for years just to be clear. So obviously we need to revert back to what was working
for this guy came into office, you have eight years of obama. You have three years of donald trump like it or not. You have another to give another two and a half years now with buying you're going to have for years when it's done. Let's pull it back in recalibrate? Are you guys better off? That was ronald reagan squash, where you better off than you were before right? Don't just point to your five point: show some passion. That's going to win this mistake these are real. People is because well this guy's, a mob eddies will spend cycle which, since the subsidies were subsidizing, lockers, armor, subsidizing, the cars and a particular kind of car. Not every car were particularly subsidizing electric vehicles and when You decide that we're gonna take all of your taxpayer monies
billion dollars, subsidize a certain type of vehicle and the batteries come from china. China controls eighty five percent of the rare earth, minerals, they're called rare earth because their measured in parts per million china is moving. A hundred thousand pounds. Earth in indonesia in africa are literally destroying the planet so that we they can make a battery that's in a car subsidized here. That's too long! You need to learn a lesson over the road. You didn't. Let me just point out something to you: the electric car thing as a buggy, is just another example of, of course, inept government, but you can go back to two thousand and can go back to the bail out when what, do as they would give more money to the work in manufacturing and we can pull this up. Someone can fact check me on and I didn't detroit and ruins they would give more money for any car. from gm afford that could get more than thirty miles per gallon. Where
if gm alone had more thirty mile per gallon cars than honda and toyota combined people weren't buying them so back, then the government was subsidizing. Shitty cars, no one wanted, but got it got gas mileage that people didn't want. They just turned that to electric cars. The point is, you have to cut the head off of the beast? Yes, forces to make electric cars is stupid. So forcing them to make cars that are unsafe and got thirty miles to the gallant call out the union leadership in the relationship with Democrats they're afraid they do it. That's all the loser, midwestern working, but you just need to delineate let's watch the fat guy, and now to find some of our ship it's kind of actually and on how they have failed in there and the spot three now, because none of them are willing to tell the truth, none them rolling to take on the difficult issues that you want to keep kicking can't down the road and the help which is ill, mickey spillane fascinated lawyer, and that's why all right. This country are suffering tonight,
we are waiting for us, because Joe Biden regained with two cans. Informal, chile and kissed go back on the beach with some of the law on the walls of his collar clubs and watch Here to answer a question will have to travel the rest or up your time as wrangling tat. He should be in this room. That's pretty big answer those questions for the people you talk about at tat moment and if the government and if the government opposes and if the government is actually use later, everyone in Washington dc who has failed, their job, which obviously to the grand stand, yo yo chris cresty. Fifty two points: that's the lead. Donald trump has on you tons of fun.
The answer to you at all why these guys look fired up. Let's go to the things you have spoken, miss ninety sundays and wash your speaking. She interrupted him alone. Let europe s beak reckless behaviour. Later they borrowed the printed they spent and now you're paying more for everything. they are the reason for that they have shut down our national sovereignty by allowing our border to be wide open. So please spare me the crocodile tears for these people. They need to change. What's going on in where's, Joe Biden he's complete
missing in action from leadership, and you know who else is missing in action, don't say trump donald trump on stage tonight. Greg owes it to you, go on the stage: hey we're not going again. It's two people that have gone after the dec gerald was right for the duration that we have different letters as governor of florida. We cut taxes, we ran surpluses, we've paid down over twenty five percent of our state debt, and I vetoed wasteful spending when it came to my desk and as your president, when they send me a bloating spending bill that is going to cause your prices to go up. I'm going to take out this veto pen and I am going to send it right back to them and open up the veal pen, maria I know that you ve been thinking about it because childcare costs they are up here's the thing to scientists dollars per month once used that now now you have to respond when europe attacks you in the media
and say on above it. No now you don't you ve entered into that and by the way I respected, but you, gotta be all in now, otherwise is going to play against you you're, either all in or you're all out. It's not show friends. Show business when you're doing these debates, but it doesn't end when the clock runs out tonight. negligent invitation, castest era. Why not what I said earlier, but even tim's got what airtime the minds and out there who are worried when guy? Can you how them, if you weren't three point, eight congress: how could you do it as per and certainly one of the things I did as a member of the congress was to make sure that we protected the headstart programs around the country, giving people the opportunity to pick and choose the play. At least in their children, the challenges that we see today under the buying them in a straight line is that the costs or day care has gone. for fifteen thousand dollars.
Child in the build back broker plan, he goes to the build back better plan. We get as gone explained the nice guy, but that's been a problem to make sure that we don't have any brothers. I'm saying give us more americans their money and that's my point when I wrote the tax cuts and jobs as he actually did to him explains the only black guy in a foot race who needs a head start in the program at the federal level, dual income households by sixty percent. Then we went a step further. We doubled the child tax credit and made it refundable by doing that, more parents had more resources to make the decisions how to take care of their family. The one thing we should do is let the america is getting more time at two point: eight percent, so he has thirty. Eight million dollars of cash on hand come on. Make it rang, get some spinners miss characterized a part of my view. I think it's artificial division is unhelpful in our party, the real
Why does not between the republicans on this stage and in the reagan library I want to say these are good period on this stayed where we will finish our drank reagan in the majority of us in this country who love the united states of america and by the way, our feeling some advisers, because you saw us poles go down with it after the last debate, and now he's closing up some last summer's attacking everybody knows together we use a good guy. I'm just the bigger here they go down in the probably because the highest right after we have any than even again he kind of how to read and in any way, and then the mainstream media tormented ass. You know
in childcare. We are, we have the sir you had less than one percent shut up. Questions are going to come back. I can't believe you don't shut. That cat is MIKE. Please you're always talking with your scary eyebrows they make they make me have to hide my children dracula's shut off their reply. Okay, some questions, but you're going to vivek was it the first date. Seven point two percent nosed on the fact that the structure Salaries that you know cut off the senate of transylvania. Rag, and I guess we hope that I will finish here drink anyway and that we need a ride resource boosting back. They may have energy illegally. Serbia quiet, we need some others talk it over with is the progress it a ragged granted at ministerial, nearly three million immigrants. Something the boy my credit or republican precedent.
has done since reagan's two biggest stirrups were him basically opening up. Immigration, the way he did and no fault divorce in California, which he said, but when you four precedent into an seen fleet soil should be present life ethics packages, Where do you stand now on a path to citizenship, double meaning? That goes a boy you're out of the problem. I am no one is done anything since we first had this discussion. fourteen years ago. We're not in a position to be able to do any of that anymore, but we, I have to do now is first treat this like the law enforcement problem. It is our laws are being broken. Every day at the southern border every day and chin just answer. Yes, it's done now. Do you think we should track them like fedex packages? Now, yes- and I think she put some makeup on your pigment left clavicle we're going to let it go We need to have a go. I president, who had? Why did they control the border and you dont like them
shut your stand all or most, and that mean. I know that one legged assignment executive order in the national gore scholar in seven hormone chile's ago We stop the flow of no over the border of the flow. We have sought to make sure that we send the much different messages used to flow. Stopping is hard decided to cut that off about eight years ago, jobs we hide What have you come here to follow the law and only if you come here legally, if you come here illegally, we will perhaps you and we will send you back across the border from which you came and the fact is, and until we set a law and order agenda in this country, not only now, but in the future. We all. I was like his answers like say why it's bullshit, that's exactly what prompt in any lawsy election. So you think you're gonna to win with that. Yet why didn't you didn't you and now that all trump didn't do enough with the border? I don't think you're gonna die or do anything, but anything but vex her this week is gonna use the military came out and said it was all. Let's do it
Meanwhile, we are playing throwers like I said I please Joe Hawaii. There was a steady stream of people, thereby you're on a daily basis, in fact, that they believe we have to live picture of it tonight That is how I screamed clear. Now live in the last decade. The usa spent nearly fifty five billion dollars to address the root causes of migration, but crime, poverty and corruption they persist and the number of migrants is only growing Are we wasting our money? Yes or what happens when Joe Biden waved the green flag. It told everybody eighty com, and now we ve seen six million people cross the border. We ve had more that nor that of killed americans in the iraq. Vietnam are afghanistan, war. Combined. We need to make sure that we are in a country of laws, the second we stopping a country laws. We give up everything this country was founded on, so we have to say the border. The way we do that its first of all day,
find sanctuary cities, you see what's happening in philadelphia right now. It's gotta stop. We need to make sure we put twenty five thousand more border patrol, an ice agents on the ground and let them do their job. I've spent four hundred miles down that border and I'm telling you border patrol agents aren't allowed to do their job. Let's go in that remain in mexico policy instead of extra release, let's go to catch into poor enlightenment we ve been, and what about the aid that tunnel tat is out of proportion with the root causes. It's not working. The aid that we should be spending right now is to secure the border. The southern border, the northern border period, can only think of the erika and right now, moroccans are not safe. We don't, like Canada, study the immigration system only when we get the borders secure. Should we ever look at putting any more money under this. Our money should be about keeping american safe. We're not doing that Joe Biden not doing that, and you mentioned conversing and shutting down government I'll, make it clear we.
To change the budget process in four years, although it every two years Congress has only delivered a budget on time four times in forty years ago, more important moment to charge, you spend the cut off the charge of polemic that top cost her somebody everyday jobs or lymphatic braun dollars numbers just last. You outcome to the rich in favour teacher which it was seven comes of the second tier now. food on which is probably the framing instead of tickets dump, but it can take up to ten weeks with china. Deepening ties with our southern neighbors. Of course, not, and the reason I ran. This mass is because we have some dc for far too long had chosen surrender overstrained when it comes to the c c. P of some people in our country got rich our dutch
based got hollowed out and they have been able to be swept out an excellent second. Our full knots airy in the entire world definitively new approach to china. We are going to have real hard power in the indo pacific, like reagan to deter their embrasures, we're gonna economic independence. From not finishing my trembling economists just got arrive, we went off we already had one by the way, bring up the drinking in again for the euro, watching right now, you're supposed to finish a drink. Every time there mention reagan, I'm not I'm not gonna, say trump has mentioned, as for the other institutions. So what you see she said turning our powers in decline, china,
surpass us this decade and if they do that wrong, that's can affect every cent. Internet is going crazy, regner, identity and I am not have the same kind of there's something I want to deal with. Countries that are centre you're, going to choose strength, not surrender when it comes to the c c p. What do you think we're going to show strength, not surrender the sea sepia? Have it's not your snarling when they went to you when you were smiling monumental, cecily pake? That's it adviser told him smile that children, our cities of the united states and like minded what legal premise will you spell you are citizens should have thing I want to say is: I agree with everything. The republicans on the stage loaded, unfortunately handed down to weaken, expel people and sanctuary cities who are felons convicted felons. We can't deport non citizens from our prisons in certain instances. Let's not talk the dreamers and the children and anchor babies later on. That question
that we get to the bottom of it? And we can be honest about the conversation. Let's go to Jimmy neutron without the constitution in the fourteenth amendment number milligrams between me and them is actually read the fourteenth amendment. What it says is that horse rank before long naturalised in the united states and subject to the laws and jurisdiction thereof, are citizens. So nobody believes that the key to the mexican diplomat in this country enjoys birthright citizenship. Not a judge or legal scholar in this let's see if it's a snarling. Nobody smiling mentioned cctv. What's up with his face india's than not, it must be the kid of an illegal migrant who broke the law to come here. father of two sons. It is hard for me to look them in the eye and say you, my third, I went own government fails to watch some arose. That's how we really go the distance and solve this problem and restore know much of myself in your way through a crystal ball. You so
he's gonna lowers here? Let me have the issues of cheese, very varied. The constitution, the fourteenth amendment to be released to slavery, not as it relates to illegal immigration, has been applied to illegal immigration. So the challenge. The face is in fact one that has to do with whether or not either way you guys can come. It will be taking your chat on mug club. I think that donald trump is looking at tim, scott for vp. Just my thought. Can I ask why because he's been very complimentary. Of TIM, Scott and tim Scott has been re, kind of laying off going after donald trump and because he's a black eye it was designed for slavery and illegal immigration. Medicated. Let me go quickly. Lay the brain,
come in according to bloomberg, China wouldn't overtake us until at the earliest, the mid twenty forties, and then it's only expected to be for a minute. They probably pull even and then fall back behind us. You know what I miss. I miss no longer fearing china as the next great superpower. When Donald trump was president, it was like the paper tiger was expose exactly now we're back to oh, I have an uncle who works like in finances are going to. China is where it is now. I don't believe that, because they're going to have to have a revolution at some point in their economy, they have armies right now. Yes, it is alright This argument is found these these people or tainted by broken system, and is not the fault of anybody has undertaken. The spotlight music of addressing them well, uninterrupted on civilians are used by many things about you know. I think you should let fly
gentlemen. I have your turn. What we ve just like this is what the broadly holding guilt by virtually all white people out there. My right, bob's, final act, no sicilian, even say sailors, landmine, hiding it would shed some light on the very expanded the chinese market. You know what I didn't my first company. We opened a subsidiary in china, but you know what I did that when you open your call center company we get out of there and what I don't know how to get a load of maltreatment, astride right, one or two years we're just like when I started my just keep talking to compete against. Excuse me, it's like I mean that we would never do business in china, and I will say something you have more time to explain. You will tell me a lot of people here and I wanted to resolve because I don't leave these worries little lasted, but I do not mean particularly. I was shut up reagan library. I wish to raise making say right now to move from one it mother of ronald reagan. Other amounts from one arrives nominal around. I disagree with everyone in this room. The fact attempts god is doing this a little bit right, that's his natural. Let fly
he just rolled his eyes now, this that's students gap. We want No. I agree with that. I'm saying that if it wants to win, ignore him and make your point yes, you tried, I, like I got, is being a little bit more real things. Administration can sell their argument from which the legal status of it is that this house of the court's dream is my parents. I forgot you was here
It's cutting away from macho man, randy savage to show a job or la jean pierre la feet. Why go back to pence? Doing just that Joe Pesci on the first? Let me say: I'm glad I'm glad vivica pulled out of his business deal in two thousand and eighteen in china. That must have been about the time you decided to start voting in presidential elections so providence. So let me let me speak to this issue number one negotiated the remain in mexico policy. I guess maybe you need to hook some of your electrodes up to your own head, because you're coming across as bitchy and gay handsome, just cells and spyware, we reduced illegal immigration and asylum abuse by ninety percent and, as president of the united states, I can do it again
and the truth is the truth. Is we need to fix a broken immigration system and I'll do the first and foremost a nation without borders? Is not a nation x, ray of to secure the southern border of the united states of a man guys, I'm sorry to subject. You got this like this useless lip service. He is afraid that angel, don't air out. when we go to come. We have a seven plus well, this is what we try and make it entertaining for you can use the hashtag credit debate night. You can get ten dollars off. Mug club, you get nepal, everyday five pm eastern Alex Jones on friday of the harsh twins you get. Brian Cowen, get our additional friday, show guns, they'll, get you get guns and gear. Sorry that I missed it. You can all these things and more like this is boring, and this is just it's one things that unfortunate get to see it on display that they have nothing to offer these. Are
de suits. This is how you know the system is rigged, and this is why Donald trump us ahead by more than just basic double digits, because no one trust these photo fivepence, authentic, was right from the heart he's as authentic as olive garden is italian. At that time, for on the job training, I'm going to be ready on day one to get caught up. Let's see the responses are a little fighter states build a military, have fitted to the times spending hours drinking game rules, so people can actually enjoy themselves tonight, The audio on the way to this thing, how will these candidates make america safer, rising commercial, our cities, Atlanta, that nice continues in moments when we come back right? Oh hey! Look: they're they're, going after vidic
hard you every single one of them. I think, has taken a shot at him, except for maybe one or two count dracula indian hasn't done it yet, but maybe we will say yes, before we continue here will do a recap, but we we actually have our correspondent on the ground there on the ground, correspondent, thomas Finnegan who's out there? The gnp debate this anatomic sentiment, ok, even hey! and what do you have forests where I was a long drive, but I made it yeah. Why is it? Why does a goop behind you go to the geo Opie now g, o p. I said geo pay when it could go the geo before the debate, your gwen, if petros headquarters is how could you be? How could you been so wrong. Are you sure I'm wrong? Yes, yes, that's goop! I'm positive, I just you know it, Let's get you back in the road had back out. We will check that dealing with one of those which
Again I candles on my way. That's disgusting similar. Let's cut him off. What's really the a funny little mean that was just thrown in about a pencil dec here about about the guy we don't have dive rather job training. so they live gone after trump right. They christie and and and rhonda santas, look a little too close to me a little too in lockstep in their speeches right, I am wondering bits but a feed their campaigns, a line on calling out I don't you know who else should be here right now, donald trump, because they went after Biden first, he should be missing in action and leadership and then donald is missing missing from this debate. They said almost the exact same thing: we have the clip of the do. We have the donald trump is speaking at the: u a w so for those
MR we're going to in with this later? But again here is donald trump doing he does tonight, instead of showing about this debate, he was speaking to the workers. At tia was he in Michigan or where? Where was it yeah? I think he was there. Okay, let's show it'll, show a highlight of his speech today. I put everything. on the line to fight for you Where is it all to defend working class from the corrupt political class that is spent it's sucking the life well and blood out of the? Why I'm here tonight to lay out a vision for a revival of economic nationalism. Our automobile menu? during flows. Yes, I know how to part cover a shudder hall get back into the whole time: havana that protects american calamity club, not foreign labour
just the of shouting her down. He just overly enunciated manufacturers make you ve during because I can say that we were right. You know I can say it, but that's what you're trying to look if she got me nick, May I will roadway, will do yes and like improved say the you oughta revert to me as a sea word I know you have a lot of my eyes what I would say that, as we know, the entire dive bc was like we do is to try and more clip of it, because I don't want anybody to theory is winning over the midwest under crooked Joe Biden you have none of you have none of the takes to show up there. Every hour, nationalism you have ultra left wing globalism. They hate our country. The workers of american broad high degree.
smoke for a few centuries, as you know, does he spoke for a few seconds and I have what he was saying you didn't know where he was We didn't know worry what is that a lot lately, I m also by what I saw. You know they control supporters, and I know they were ida ladys it supported, and we all know how and by the way I loved he he's made nationalism. A good word he's inside I'm going to call out just like fake neurotic remedies. Fake news was by the left, to transit fitness and then he said, is fed Those he's very good at you genuine that, even though he doesn't like the word because its foreign, let's watch this, all of the lawlessness shoplifting on the car jacking, the armed robbery, is they're. All surging progressive process. Peters were elected by their constituents and I can't be fired by a president. so? What would you do to the revolving door of criminality? the only one on this stage: who's done. It
seven years. I ran the fifth largest office in this country. The? U s? Attorney saw some, let us not getting its dimensions and the number of future for large guess I'll. Have you sell iraq at the end, worries and was whether it was a target was right. It was imperative journal struck that internal journal, that you are put all the resources that are necessary to bring our cities back under control. The fact They will be stretched, there's no doubt of that, but that is what they take life and my ravishing I now back and are doing here Just in our cities, but we do want order back everywhere, we need go out or
in our suburbs. People are thrills their cities as well as rural areas, people feel threatened and we need in Washington DC also and donald trump should be here. Donald trump, I want to get out have a look at a tough man from jersey help yourself. I know you're, okay and you're, not hearing deafness talking to the guy at night, because if your indictments you're not tonight, because you're, afraid of being stage and defending your record you're talking here. That's why not yet fat, but you gotta appears on korea, Donald trump anymore or nuclear donald best economy. Everything just right, bromide hold on hold on. We're gonna! Call you donald me. Let me is something no So what do you mean?
the year. Chris Christie, the biggest golf, is in the lead, the cream I going to drink it on the korean front. Brakes now over the last couple days. I have met three people who, been mugged on the street and there is something else happened tat a great ago in Florida back right away and I will have you're thinking I will have a pineapple outside of my will hotel and I went down to progressive leaders that work following the law in Florida I removed from their homes in the people of ireland who run decided to look at. How do you do? What is being what does the breyer report along new around the promo code? it's crowder, debate night, you get ten dollars off a lot of current accomplishment. None of this happened, if not from uclaf
the proposal, rioting and disorder on a roster fail again. Yes, we are also taking predictions by the way on twitter use the hashtag crowded, debate That's because you wanted to show the card we haven't shown the current
Three years ago, you signed a pledge to support law enforcement. Now pledges are a nice idea, but what's your actual plan to get more police on Australia, you and your bathroom- and I actually did south carolina to see if he's responding on truth to that, guy taking care of them were were greeted by if trump issued to do right. Now we have a lot of stolen guns on the street. Well, these are just some amateur theatre, professional wrestling trump's going to come in his feedback. You've got this mobile right here. Do you want to return to the bottom of the barrel for your lift up the bottom barrel, stripped down the barrel and going to go, lift up that barrel? You end up with fucking Chris Christie, okay, yeah I'll! Tell you what I'm gonna do here. Chris Christie, don't talk about nation as I I want to drink every one of the fucking bears right here. Girl is no damn shame, because I do what I said. I will do antibiotics
we need further, nothing in bristol tennessee their produces that. Yet our federal government only get from china. We need we are focusing on companies that produce in america and supporting those companies that produce in america, not shareholders michelle. What are we talking foreign policy later? Thank you to where we are going to say the topic of a crime, because it affect comfort country where there's a lot of forty percent of my back. There is crying than not crying, in the middle of the day if you got must apply and these red jordan? Okay here is the opposite. is like Simon says, but if someone doesn't and say you commit crime. Is your specific plan to court. she's in lane swell as we know, is understand, as I think that the liberal left is
to be just couldn't hold on a second I'm starting to prosecute ass unawares, because every solution they have to this is to take away the second amendment rights of americans. Somehow that's going to solve the problem, but all these cities with that we're talking about then showed the videos of tonight. Have some district is gun laws in the country shall we know that's. Not what working, but we have to do is get back to the core issue. Just gonna family family. We have these are otherwise we will have a saving their heads like the difference between watching these are actually really laws they show round about, like, let's say, a rush limbaugh right. Someone has just legendary versus someone who is one of those. Let's say social media conservative sites like this is the weekend wrap up, and it's a bunch of conservative talking points. That's the difference. There's a dick levels to this game. Here's what I want! You when you watch a guy like that. Ok, what sport did you play and if you play a sport let's Basketball at say talking pretty good. Ok, I want you to think of best person, you know what that sport, let's say it's basketball. Let's say it's football! Think of the best purse
ever competed with how far too dago they probably not offended at that. Why? Because it probably worked a lot harder than you they probably spent all day practicing and prepare. They were black. Now, here's! Yes, here's what I would have liked about. We have like what we have above. You are now just think of the difference between your level and the level of that person. Now think of the differences in the level of the best person to sport. but you play that you know Let's say nba all star, or let's say someone who made it before. round rap right at the nfl. Now you have the nba also compare to belong Michael Jordan or a tom Brady there goals to this game and you're going with someone at that level? Donald trump, this, isn't enough, you have to make up for it with great. This won't work. Let's see what vivid might try he's doing the white supremacist, similar member, that was a major crisis, demand side proud that truck my nobody also burns across and from this podium, but strictly if they're lost their son, Sebastian was seventeen years old. He bought per
goes lamp chat and died. Why did he die because it was laced with fetnah closer to bioterrorism. Three honours. The fellow was a bonus if he was buying perker sat on snapchat, but he died. It wasn't like he wasn't looking for. You just had too much undressed tired of everyone making just sent in all the buggy man like I get it, of course, shouldn't be taking any street drugs because fetnah could be in it, but they try and make it seem, like kids are getting a dick. bent and all because out of purkis set from a route canal, it's a third its. Third, rail. No one wants to say that the opium epoch That is something that politicians don't want to actually address, and doctors now can't prescribe painkillers to people who have been in car wrecks. I have a theory about that yeah because it has become so dangerous. He purposes. Whatever the what's not dots, fetnah streetcher night drug, no, but but these drugs at ST drugs are laced with this crap. Here eventually, I would think is tottered is. Are you visit this country? They gonna be like I'm, not don't drugs anymore,
on point will set some point: it's like obey, eleven kids left and it's like, but doubled their But I'm saying and eventually you're gonna know somebody who know somebody or yeah ever gonna know somebody, india, I don't see what the Santer says to go, the mexican drug cartels. They are killing our people, the military or easy, don't think about my brother. In eighteen months we parents rented in air being b and apparently People in had read it before were joy julia by the way this earlier, their own. She said that trumps rhetoric empowers white supremacist. So I guess it empowers that little spot in her neck, when it should be on the panel happen, this on each occasion, it was always has simply not going to d artagnan universe. I guarantee you one day. One this border is gonna be a day. One issue for me is president: we're gonna declared a now Some are too yes will build. A wall will do remain in mexico, but those mexican drug
tells you gotta be treated like the us. Vice president bans use. Would repeal all obamacare mandates. However, you also made that same promise in two thousand and sixteen books and at that time trump pence had so majorities for at least the first two years and you did not deliver on that. Mr Bonde, I care right now it is more popular than ever. Were you delivered its view, president? To fix that ores? on the care here that is smug face. I'm sorry, really, I know personally speak to the mass shootings issue and then I'll answer that question important one day now he always says. Well, first, let me thank you first, let me speak first, let me bullshit justice denied and as a father of three is a grandfather, three beautiful little girls, and I am sorry and tired.
these mass shootings happening in the united states of america and if I am presenting the united states, I'm going to go to the congress of the shooting at a mexican pass, a federal, expedited death penalty for anyone involved in a mass shootings I yet they do not need so much to stop crime right now. It is a deterrent. It's not, but he's not going to get a federal death penalty on you know it's just not even an average. You notice it pence. It comment to miss it, picks solutions that obviously can ever be implemented. He paper them just. The summit. No one can call me, did you just requested tissue paid, as as your nose of you upset? I just I might cry by the way years you know It never done hey man, you can get the death penalty
yeah. That's right, I'm sorry mentally. Nobody has done that mentally ill. Kid and yeah shooting up a school trauma, I'm still pro death penalty, but yeah, I'm pro death penalty, but thank you mike pence for giving us something that is going to do nothing to stop the violence in music, a guy at a party whose two drinks and who acts like he has an inside lane like hey, look nick. start emotional, mountainous country, and how I got two words for your death penalty. I heard you gotta, I'm not kidding here. Look at him, my that five years is you to get yourself like Madonna change. The fuckin here put on address goes that trans gonna reinvent you sound like a nitrogen right we'll make sure that you tube. Don't let's get me- is the presidential candidate equivalent of Cathy league effort yeah exactly I don't know what that means, but I feel it gets actually to mount will.
Let's see what everyone to keep within the time frame so that we can get as many questions on. Please shut the hell up, estimates gotta dissenters expertise. Six million can don't have insurance premiums guy. This answers to Million of them are enjoy today. Right, that's worse than the national average I can trust on this This is a symptom of our overall economic decline. Everything is, more expensive. You see, insurance rates are going through the roof people that are going to get groceries. I spoke with a woman in iowa and she said you know for the first time in my life, I'm having to take things out, My grocery cart when I get to the czech outline, because the total goes up so clearing. So this
is very real and people are currently senator like. So I got to address, you didn't come up, anything choose a fuckin lack. The open sea under the regulations are thrown out in slap. Of course. I do we have a problem with lying. We couldn't be more honesty We need more lie, detectors and kroger's. More gas prices he's an eternity, poland, the anger recognise our. Care is putting patients that I was unable scouts goddammit afar, my how much we need to transpose it. or for the people and the doctor patient relationship, why Israel reynolds one saw directly assurance worse than the national average? Are our states a dynamic say we ve got? We ve got a lotta hopes that come forward with a population boom. We also don't have a lot of welfare benefits in florida. You know we're basically saying we want to. This is a field, the dreams you can do well on him, but we're not going to be like california and have massive numbers of people.
Government programme so that work requirements. We believe your work and you gotta do that into that. Goes for all the web less virginia, and you know what that's done steward. Are women rate is the lowest amongst any big say we have the highest gene. P, growth events, any big state and even CNBC. No fan of mine rank florida, the number one economy in america the, but that was at least I was good. It made sense. It's like over the bridge. Isn't the signal to his mouth for white. will these accounting for two thirds of all is unresolved issue of cities ex like the history and is it ain't? You protect americans who get sick, financial ruin. First of all, how can we be the basque country in the world and have the most expensive health care in the world? We have an issue. My mom was in the hospital and when she was born out of a giant turned out that wasn't bomber care to insurance companies. This is one thing that done front is relatively well logical, relies it's ok, so obamacare
You cannot deny people for existing conditions. I understand that sounds good to a lot of people because they say you know I pre, I have let's say, have cancer, let's if you're a millennial, your Genji, generalised, anxiety or acme, and you can't get insurance because of that, so you can't be denied pre existing conditions. However, there is nothing to tell insurance companies that they have put a cap on it. So now to accept every single person who, by the way, they decided to cut out of their insurance, pull because insurance is something you spoke by preemptively, because you'll be fine the coming of the priest ignition and they do so do they decided to add the cost to everyone's insurance plant. Insurance companies never made more money, they never saw the biggest. you're too you're angry scenario, a bigger sorry, your dear increase, then after obamacare and it was all done under the guise of you by the way the people getting the fifty million they used to cite that number of uninsured when a large number of those people are people who chose to not be insured because there are young and healthy talk about the handouts to the insurance industry and tired to pfizer and madonna with the vaccine. I don't know why they don't
sorry to go back to varney and the lady and why the real problem? we talk about. Why do we and our Jesus geyser out, because the federal government got involved this italy's thing about eyes, and this is a question of education. can also look at how this is going to develop and promote you. Walk into a doctor's office would not only are sexually catherine lines on a keyboard and, by the way, he's suit jacket it doesn't help is so shortness leave is so long. Yes, he came less productively. Patients per day. Is u s helmings warehouse because they were click where I think the way you look now why? Why are you boy, ina, Jimmy's and creature shop, governments involved, whether its higher education health can also bring up the three. What's his name. screw the grouch ace control room, given the average cost for an mri in the united states. Real quick once women's role in finding a way forward that singular parliament ivy rose
evaluate now the original outlining our children what america is and what she represents. A long history of the world quickly here all right, so they gave me that average, Seven, mri is thirteen hundred twenty five dollars. You know why insurance! I went to apply that doesn't take insurance doesn't need you to have a doctor said that in that got me, and with in an hour on a saturday, and I think it cos three hundred and seventy five dollars cash well It was better than that. I blew out my back when I was working for fox news in new york, so you have one better. That was pretty good. That's pretty good! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to top you by the way the promocode is credited with taking your chat. So I blew up my back
I had to cut off my pants because I lost all motor function. My leg that when you than the than the male nurse shoved his finger up my ass to check, they do then check to see if you have any damage, he was good to see. You know to your lower spine writer and that he had fingers like polish sausage, but they misread the mri. They read the wrong number or the chairman of Lenox hill hospital in manhattan, because I couldn't go they sent me always at your fine. I couldn't walk home. I have an intern from handed shouldn't. Let me home and help me change my pants. They said sorry, you got the wrong mri, let's just Oh, you don't have insurance. I didn't at this time and sorry that twelve thousand dollar bill people its two and fifty dollars paid it boom. I was good to go steve but the same doctor that wasn't a finger the doktor I thought it was last year, dell monitor dell dell amo prevents a server. Alright, you have to go to that's the problem. No good,
we're gonna write it lets you up is the first commercial breakthrough are going to go to as it does that there be to yes, there is at work here. We look a lot of bitterness real, so we are going to be back here with you and I have to go use it. That's all. There is one of the meat we miss any of the debate, keep it up in the lower third, while the other break keeps rolling, and You know we have chosen for autism of rigid see what happened to bind the scenes with all these sketches everything going on with a show, and you know sometimes it's the kind of thing that should never make air and the entire thing is that you took dumping. So we're continue to debate and about thirty six Experiences deep within listening, I would he ever use. I see and touch your becker's. Yes, yes,
Well, the many that nick depaulo saw in my russia tests, the top that I invited him to pleasure, might avail himself with great vigor in the field the purple rings under your eyes. The point Is that which doesn't change the is this from trolls for know. The number was so stupid, so I got it right here check this out, so it's like a house party right. Kidney now can lose.
was you know? Maybe people hang outside stairs right. Suddenly, a guy walks in says: hey we're, try this cb distillery teacher as you have a problem with that is. The implication is that they are inebriated. This is sponsor cb distilleries cbd is the opposite. No one don't get high, it's anti cyclist will. Let me finish. Yeah it's got more so than everyone tries it and everyone gets really high. No cuts, no cash for christie joke each up in here says: okay, fine looks like here's, here's the pitch right. So this is a hard working father ryan visa more drew. We got like pictures of him at the restaurant the mantle of him walking in a city like skylark birds. In the background right you follow me comes home, drops his briefcase he's loosening up his tie. lives of receiving distillery cigarette and passes out an escape route jail. You sure you know it now This is cbd. Okay, ok
It get you high, that's the whole point of cbd. It helps with stress anxiety can help with inflammation at the same time, laboratory it can help you with pain after exercise exercise, or I got one check this out right. Football player just got done, training for the day right. I must the ice needs neat reach into his bag is going grab. This was a cd really stuck out. What right from the start to apply himself will suddenly I think its hands are getting heavy, feed. I know it's not I go out and see the u dont get its anti inflammatory is actually anti psychotic. city, so their third party laptops, I don't know, what's best resolved itself might have to write this on my own yeah yeah asia. But we can edit it. But are we filming
ring? Stevens, not here, to see me down the road of sixty percent? the What do I do, then, on friday, importing from how are they could transition a little? Others could have enough ryan out loud aids, because we want a drunken. You have paid by the way really quickly, because we have very few sponsors and we do them often with these last words, it's silly distillery. It's actually sixty percent off with up to your neck by the way did a little blonde helped my neck quite a bed just so you know licking that who knew there's a lot of actually started a lot of scientific research on dvd, specifically with neuropathic pain. I was search your last week. You may not know this because I couldn't move my neck after using a semi distillery and by the way after surgery I use theirs. keep it in the lower. Third. Always there are too many employees, the debate after sir,
three. I was able to use it and able to the one thing they haven't thing was galloping. So no narcotics dvd helped a lot by the way. If you take your full spectrum civilly, what you should you will test positive on a drug test, because there's no less than point three percent to see. So just so you know, lower third original life insurance policy or like what's the that deal, got better? It's not just twenty to sixty per cent up to sixty percent. It's fantastic! Let's go to the rockefeller christmas tree, Nikki haley state and let state decide what education looks like in their states and we need to start building things in america and let's put vocational classes back in our high schools and lower our kids, lovely view finishing school, leaving aside, that really boring and that parental involvement that simple start something indifference, but we have to get up here. S backing colombian, that's quits, in time on this d. I suppose I must. However, man, I've ever met my life and it's silly stupid shit that makes them
Three and a half years of the next general christie committed your states are getting high marks on their report does The knowledge is not doing well with mass and reading via a stone students averaging twenty nine points low. I wanna see some minor fijian this statement. Just because you address you saying much is not say I don't believe now to address all students and look in our states steward. Frankly, carbon migrants concurs with the fifty percent and what we
did was, is the two more charters closer and more renaissance schools and more public school choice in new jersey, with a set of popular seamen in some excellent? I handed on different, took what was the worst school districts in america during my time, and we have now increase that by nearly forty percent. In terms there proficiency, it can be done when you kill people. Majorities closer calorific you're really have set what the fat Joseph christie can you let us now again, you can comment if you like the tap just you know you you can also comment or hit the like button on youtube or on rumble were children.
Nepal, and by the way, is somebody complaining. You should turn into a show everybody fine, whining and who have no now. This is about spock. Ever put. Ok come on come on five pm eastern. I can't tell you how they have focused our guy doesn't work teachers, not the underlying. These types of prison I did say to take on the teachers, unions, new jersey, and I will do it. We're going to jersey might calls on our EU neuro. You can leave three rickety slaves develop scales which in some instances could they apply for. personal benefit you got, it is prudent announced leaves the goal and our environment where you, because of it, but many it's probably running to have a strong answer, is call for the sentence with his persona.
What is your message you can easily? This is a new soaks that was prerogatives drank ring up the drinking annually by the way, for everyone is watching right now that we have tat crowd or debate night anytime, you doctor this. Damn you drink. Let's go back to find these games. Like did our country Education system is in decline because it spoke assigning elsie, China's kids, it's right now to revive the revival of american educate, ending areas number one in the nations and education by. U s news and world report, my wife and I we have a six five in three year old. This is personal to us. We didn't just talk. You know what sports glide will realise that maki market. As a result, we now to convey my tumblr is complete in our schools in a really big way. Just the girl rhetoric and asked for fair well address back at nineteen, eighty, nine showing how it's done worse, standard with parents and our kids
A fitting out. I thank you. Yes, miss bleached tracheotomy will be mean quality in slavery. He and calm other should have just taken the one sentence out America suffered because of slavery, but we ve were come. That really happened earlier than three seconds on earth, but now I think it is good that we need to get a jumping off point arbitrate camps copy and I like to keep them. It is as though, off that we think the issue about crime and educate bedding healthcare. We always cutaway identity shoes go back to slavery. Here's it are, though, geology. Family survive slavery. We survive pole, taxes and literacy tests.
We survive discrimination. Being woven into the laws of putting your word, whiskers semester amounts to deceive supplies of arms, of acid rain society where they decided to put money or they decided to take the blight father out of the house. All do you then I'll check in the mail, and you can now, MR that, unemployment in relation to asian good, you want to restore hope. You ve been drinking milk. Can I please come in and he's getting a little look. This is the real team scot. I don't want anybody to show the real kim scott emily antibiotic burlesque time, as is no born black people know that when I woke up tonight, right direction is why I can say I have been discriminated against, but america is not racist,
the country never ever doubt who we are. We are the greatest country on god's green earth for the Heineken needs. A brand new, modern corona at the courant of an ally. Minutes point: seven million luminaries eighteen thousand public schools and, while the northern borders open it could hit with a commodity. without parental notifications. Crazy told Stuart last week that he would pass a federal law to protect parental right. He looks like you to look at that. Guy vivid lives like the actor if he was brown, who played the mayor of gotham in the dark night, bring about you'll, see what I'm talking about areas old muriel do and have no. No, the mayor of that programme lawyer yoga amount. I can say that the most powerful here driving for an effective right literacy at a level wrong, even new hampshire, fail to actually get ass. A piece
just nation here getting ass. It was made in this area. We have a piece of evidence: gotta get a piece of real citizens. It is not compassionate to affirm our kids confusion ever imagined that is cruelty to young women. Chloe indicating early in this campaign, twenties now regret. Arriving mastectomies. Hysterectomy will never have children a lot about the lot of allowing this to happen in this country. A lot of islands barracks I will ban genital mutilation is only what is my region. I think I have absolutely no federal law that says prevents area should have states out of Hell. That's how I guess you say in your statement. You do not have a law that says would really not out of sight. Parents have that right is a state, since you want me to stay up all night long. We ve been talking about. It shows about bulgaria, reba, no energy in my house. What
I you've got an italian knows. These german guys are martin scorsese as being a problem. We have a business leader, I've got more. Nineteen percent of voters, don't know who he is or that he is running for that role, is the highest job. There are real tattoo business to sell to a customer, so in north dakota, providing with four o four it'll do global items that are voters, don't know who doug burgum has just yet holding out hope
Really I don't get it there's a two hats gave one of the marta andreasen and where we have fifty platforms of innovation, that's why they say there are certain things. The federal government is making a lot of guys that much I usually that needs to be disseminated. Gotta move our! I do it like. I said it was a great incentive willow, here's a choice, school and here, as in all my years, an old school, the likely diana kids are trapped by the way I want you to have could have univee hand or six and a common and for everyone to make this happen here. Behind the scenes rights drinks, they help us a research they do, and even though, MR marques years he'd have a better, If you just started singing like billy jewels, move out just for anything There is really just like any just pick up where you left off last. Have they catch up the department of homeland security warns that violence against dvd google? people is on the rise of the fly of to a recent study. Again she said that donald trump, emboldened white supremacist. This is one of the moderators, because fox news has to both sides. All of this, we don't
we're a right wing extremists, We're waiting lists in tax and the stimulation from its present united states all I'd. Never somewhere she comes from you to dump you jump down from ever dump. The only one that makes an abrupt we'll get you to belgrade nixon impression using the word fags, it was hilarious, missed it. Let's watch at its meeting of that with what fence in the present situation, I let my life is an amount the teacher do, but I gotta wood metal jane in opposition with the full disclosure education wants to look for a laugh, matthies state of Indiana had. Why does it flicker with kids? Maybe guys made a naughty pine credibility. On the document. Your question to analyse it must be very glad if we finally a place. I e on the naughty pines catholic, neurotic endured by buying them in a bank ice permission slip from europe.
Sticking to tylenol, but you could get a gender transition plan without notifying your parents, I weighed in foundation that he has a fly, wait and see that worries me. Then I went over these robots parents waiting maid and then they put him in a free really have to break down as north wall lithuania on the issue, and then I went to a shell station. I was dumbfounded about you. How do you get about that data? Christy yeah whoops. With the ability to choose whether kids go to school problems about private rocky or how do you and the house apparent in our schools while straighten up and reflect that look? Can can? Can you guys? Let me know if you disagree here. Everything with him as a platitude has not really specific. You embolden parents right. Ok, I agree with you in principle, my pants, but this is europe, clarity to let people know, how are you going to make a difference? sky is just a professional coattail writer. Let's watch our lifestyles of the written
every year on selling However, please god islet? That is one chips per year gotta dissenters. You say, companies like google and matter have too much power. Yes, this is important. Now give china an edge. Now I think look at how our societies develop. They have huge amount of power of our society. They ve crackdown on free speech, Let's say you get what you mean specifically what you want it to be two thirty. What are you going to do this is this affects everybody, especially with rumble right now and international governments. Give me a specific. We have sub contracted out. So much of our national needs to the c c p. We rely on them for a whole host of issues. We to reassure and we need to decouple all those important industries. We need to get that back in knighted states they are top geopolitical adversary by a country mile jeez
things got huge ambitions not met. I section do that already human revoke, their status republic, utility mentally we ve gotta, be them on the economy, and so that's it will do is breathing in united states smile christie. I wanted to follow up on this because twenty two percent of american workers there, their jobs, will be lost to a robot and using look look, I'm sorry this The reason that's all fox gives them the biggest issue of our time, social media, these tech giants five companies control everything that you see and hear were experiencing. It ran out not only your surely russell brand, but Of course you see. What's happened with rumble, you literally have the uk parliament telling rumble that they are going to ban them by the way they are already banned by the french government. One point: they flip them. The bird these people have more power than world. They are more power than think of this. The Senate, when you're going back to rome, think about that for a second and they can pass it. Why
well because foxes, news, corn by the, where they spend billions of dollars, advertising on big tech every year, so they want to keep that stranglehold this, sort of coordinated professional wrestling. When you have cnn turner, you ve got a b at a b c disney NBC Universal Newscorp. They don't really want to lose the foot all that they have on you too, but they have on facebook and instagram. So they don't ask me They don't ask these these questions and pushed to art its. important issue that affects every single one of you right now. Search. This show Stephen gratitude remind abortion. You will find something else likely from newscorp pbs. That's by the way had an over to rumble ladders, credit com, slash mug club. We do not take a dime on you two from advertisers there. We can't and we chose not? We can't not that we were two at one point- and we said no we're not going to self sense enough. That's all they get the most import. Issue of our time.
imagine right now, if you were to go out into a town square before the internet, and if we were to start speaking and arrested every single one of you. That's what's happening with big tech and they get on question and then move on to the c c p there is no issue that is more important. You lose your voice, you lose everything my godfather so the answer is, I have a radical idea for the republican party to win elections and part of how we win. Elections is reaching the next generation of young americans where they are. So when I get an office, I've been very clear, now to the image of social under the age of sixteen, should not be using a studio, actually media we're only ever get to declaring independence from china, which I favour. If we actually we witnessed a while. The Democrats are running rampant, reaching the. Generation, three, two one theirs only one person in the republican party which talks of big game about reaching young people, and that's me in
the level with all of you and the new just say I talk of big game. He could have set a positive. That's like you know, there's one person here all night idea of a throw- and that's me bit of it? No it all. It seems at times I m here to tell you you didn't lose, alas, electoral ok, do they all believe you must ask people best and brightest in this country. Whatever age they are now advising me will be probably many of the people on the snow trying to reach out to these people. They hate you. I want to reach out to them and unless you change section to look, this is the rigged game and I'm telling With conservatives across the board, they dont want to run of because if you talk about two thirty, they end up like us and upon rumble, and you end up being suspended on youtube in demonetized, it's a game of cat and mouse. All of them those dollar dollar bills from big tech and until any of them grow the balls to speak up against it it. Is a rigged game and it is national wrestling. It is kabuki theatre. That is the most important issue period,
all of them have sidestepped. Is it me, except for trump and he's crusher yeah exactly so there you go here we see. That means they can get your contacts. They can get your financial information, they can get your email and say. Look. I just say these messages, racism thing, there's a sharp and I will not say what you say is very low. We already- and I say you ve- got a new now she's museum love. Those excuse now want a chance to go further because imploding before our eyes and I'm ok with it all too. He is when you are in informing horribly right, I'm five million dollars. We can't trust you we don't. Let me say this target. I thank you for criticising bitch fifteen seconds with the rather slowly. I think would be better served as a republican party it for now. Sitting here, hurling personal insults and
surely have legitimate policy without pulling reckons eleven there is, and that is what actually made us and our country strong, and I let you can these people they disagree on the judicial. So you made the point that I said they don't work. Two there they dont like you. I meant the people on that stage. Vivid, they don't want you there They are not your friends, they are not people that are going to be there for you. After this, they ought to kick your ass right now on national television, and they are your advisors suck. Yes, vivek, one fantastic video, to try to make everybody happy that I'm one of the boys doesn't work. It's your gone. carly fearing a two point up. She came out. She had her mama rose at wholly crap, who is this woman, and then she decided to hire the romany advice. Exactly does exactly what happens if it can? You know what it makes it look like: you're, a flip even. If you're, not that's what makes it look like. This is the problem with the swamp. Do you think
is not a playwright. Now this geo p debate your life do yourself. It's the it's the key. ass of advisers in unelected officials who, by the way, make six and seven figure incomes with some backroom sweet deals. This the reason that you're seeing a very different vivid, not saying that is a bad guy. now saying that he has the advisers or advisers you not take more people run, think tanks and of all of us. People always say people by it's. It's a revolving door or our government, hungary is being invaded. We don't. We have control of our territory. We have got to defend the american people before even worry about all these other things that I watch these guys in washington d c, and they don't care about the american people, you don't care about the fence and all death. They don't care about the community's being overrun because of this border. They don't care about the mexican drug cartels since commander in chief, I will defend this country. Sovereignty is absolutely right about it. That's the number one issue wronger, who cares
the economy don't have a country he's done more on the immigration issue than probably anyone on that stage, and so he has a leg to stand on, except he is a loan. It is not at ninety percent of that we sent over there is low what we could talk about this, but at the end of the day, ninety percent of the money that we sent over there is actually actually not be paid what ukraine is paid by the nato or nato allies? So I think isaac is a retirement community. I will say: let's do this, let's debate the fat just say what you want to say that our nobody's going to sponsor your vital interests in degrading the russian military by. the russian military we actually keep our homeland safer. We keep our troops at home and we all understand article five of nato with the american people. Don't you worry about waiting until you just don't know, there's until I met you like for you, then agatha. They want me to finish by happy that responsibility for this one written At the end of the day, when you think about the fact that you want to keep american troops at home,
on NATO territory would bring us and our troops in by degrading the russian military we reduce, if not, eliminating, sorry tat brain is nato. Now Did I miss something that NATO's has an interest in defending ukraine in so far as ukraine? They don't know about our continent is not an EU funds. Enable dictator does not mean that ukraine is good. This is a country has banned eleven opposition parties where it has not yet come on. Come on. You know that this is a strong point for you. These people are so tone deaf on this stage in the vast majority of americans. Do not want money going to you can't go by the gulf, the reasoning behind me into china arms. We need a reasonable peace plan to end this, especially this country whose press
and just last week we were harrowing food, Nina's, hair, ukraine, that's a green light to china or taiwan. We need shrinks, another talking, point migrants, maybe seminal here and they're, not even half to different nineteen. Eighty two as governor christie or president Biden's first, two years, pretty slow cooker run around together. focus too much on ukraine and not enough on this threat from the new world order. There are connect. Stewart through all connected, chinese are paying for the russian war in ukraine. The iranians are supply more sophisticated weapons and sea or the north koreans. Now, as well with the kurds, The chinese, the naive to on this stage from some of these folks is extraordinary. Look. I understand. People are we'll talk to Putin gets what sort of georgia we bush, soda, go obama, Donald trump
so did Joe Biden what he said. A small invasion wouldn't be so bad. Every one of them has been rank and the fact the matter can game role. Even you audio right now, the chinese russian alliance, is something we have to fight against and we are not going to solve. But going over and coming up to Vladimir Putin look donald shrub said Vladimir putin. Was brilliant, drink and greatly mentioning try this isn't a terrorist and who is murdering people in its own country, and now I'm not having enough blood she's going to ukraine is by the way, innocence. Italy fat check that I'm pretty sure Donald trump said that about putting again what he did say was it he said: Putin is not an idiot. Putin is a smart person right by the way. Hitler was an evil man. He was smart man just to be clear, I would say stolen, not all that bright lenin was pretty bright at an evil person. pretty sure that president donald trump said that before Chris Christie supported him just to be clear and now
he's trying to act as though all I've been them. I've been a moral can continue. The voice of reason. really light- or at least you had experience in it and we need to talk about america's farmers there is a foreign policy connection here, the? U s and China's really painters, farmers and talking about subsidies, hurting american businesses and there is below back again american farmers, because china then targets them in retaliation, how would you, as president protect american farmers and ranchers from that kind of retaliation from a foreign government like china? First of all, we've got the best farmers and ranchers in the world right here in america because they have a level playing field. They can outcompete anyone in the world, but this is part of the larger issue that we're talking about here, which is we're in a cold war with china. The bite administration won't admit that, but we're also any economic war through the web agriculture in energy and also in a war with them relative to sound, like China, buying up american firmly in north Dakota, every state, every school distance,
our tribes all being attacked everyday by either china, russia around or north korea. We've got a Biden administration whose whole policy is appeasement they're out there creating the world making less safe six billion dollars, they traded for five people. They've just now set a price on anyone's head. Who is a tourist from America, who's a student from america for kidnapping? If you want more kidnapping, put a price on it and then that's and they're also helping iran get to have more closer to nuclear weapon than that which pushes all of the economic links are so far behind and ninety percent of americans not knowing where you are grouchy it. Yet every talking point to every single answer. So is not able to give one clear, lucid and he's not wrong, and anything he sang, but as it is as you might've drowned out, because nobody knows who this guy is and by the way I want to make sure that we clarify. You said it correctly, just to give a little bit more context. Donald trump was talking about when he went into ukraine and when he went into eastport and said, hey we're just going to go in and we're going to keep the peace and he's like wow. That's pretty savvy. That's not talking to his morals. That's talking to his strategy.
His strategy worked. He is where he took. Crimea taken vast swathes of eastern ukraine in the world as an stopped him meetings paying a price for the guys the guy savvy he's getting what he wants so far that but he was referring to mark Luxembourg is not an idiot, I think he's evil. I dont know why people also they after they have to lie about that. Let's watch I miss pigment Global scoundrels. Mexico is the united states most important trade partner and border security. You say you will send special operations to attack the cartels in mexico, so this means boots on the ground. Strikes
It means special operations, that's how we deal with our terrorists and what you need to do is understand that mexico's not being a good partner, easily ronaldo me five or on shotguns left that mexico's not being a good partner. If they're letting the cartels get away with what they're getting away with what we do is we will make sure that we stand in our special operations and we wish to dodge the love how these purple boy, but we're gonna, after china because china is the one sending the fat no in the first place, and we will end all normal trade relations until china stop sending. You know you are then only learned its absolute lie. You will not do that. I don't care if they're sending over enough to kill a hundred thousand raises a day you will not in relation to china. We are not going to do it if you good, bye, bye mass of the chinese. It's two hundred fifty thousand, but yes, they were stealing several billion euros they joined together. In effect. No, that's why it's that whole, like hey, boogeyman, it's a sleight of hand. It's ok for nothin, often until they they don't want you to actually look at the facts, affects not names
look somewhat. You just say this screw mexico. Ok, talk about this easy. We will talk about. The next go, doesn't care out you, their government is corrupt for crying out loud. These people are doing a damn thing: we're not going to work with mexico and clean up their own country and by the way look at their immigration policies? Four born mexican citizens. You can't vote you. Can't one waterfront property for crying out loud. They all suck were better. That's why we don't do business with them until they start cleaning up their act and by the way mexico where's the revolution. The cartels want to control of your country. You guys really want a better country, whereas we paid with blood it sucks. But you have to and by the way I'm Nicky clearly, I'm sorry you're, not gonna sentence the forces and saw the probably will send you a special forces and we will stop. We will take out these cartel leaders you how many times I ve done that jimmy Is the cartel leaders have been taken out What should I morrison mortals without resources? Aren't the people they have to worry about its rival cartel leaders, because there's all is another person ready to take over. You would have
the problem zero by doing that, but thank you very much for playing this game. I thought you knew foreign policy and I dont dis, Nicky Hayley edges think it's a really stupid as she's afraid she doesn't want or had to end up on a turtle. Let's hear tim's goloshes committee also This committee and the banking committee talk about addressing the issue of fit now. I've written legislation passed through the banking, and the senate that would freeze the assets and sanction the accounts of the mixed cartels. There are weapons that we have within the arsenal to always ran out to get past readings zero in what are they keep it forever. that money at the savings lambs are not debbie to employ exactly, but chaperone keeps his money in luxemburg intelligence that was avail. Thats. Why doesn't need a refill, because dissenters kept talking with his thumb is a key to make for that? We prevent the next night alone from ever happening having,
I didn't plan and that right now, by the way it's ignore greeley imported in giving the generously they hear airport they're gonna take on us borrows ass they do, then Alan list must be urgently reviewed. Drunken walked, kaji, greasy stereotype, you imitation of present. I fire in all of our voyage. Italy's region lightness weaken the sea for settling home here stigma attached for those of us that have the experience of a special set of scales, detested experience and a commitment to the minister that ronald Reagan brought forward this party of a strong national defence standing with our allies. Standing up to her and of eta thumped supporting limited go, it's only represent is, but there are many different somebody. Their advisers teach you. They say, don't point, because it feels like the choice, toy use your thumb like we don't know Thirdly, point up what they do.
Are you a servant of agenda that ronald reagan guard or whether we're going to follow the siren song? I'm very, very proud of my mentalism and more conservative might be very, very bad to repeat most consistent conservative in this field and I'm ready to lead america at home and abroad, but we're not ready for you to do shit. How bout that yeah, once you master the fuck and super unleaded bulletin of the things candidates, do the same thing when they become tedious, they're going to be okay? Well, oh! Well, then I guess: let's you know what I can wait. You can well. I can wait. I think it's time or because the binds, actually we ve gotten word or not. Watching tonight's debate really and you can use a promo code, crowded debate. Not you get ten dollars off my club by the way. We will do no more of these if there is no my club so all content exists only because of the people who support mug. Let me get nick show. Every day five piana get Brian Cowen, you get the hot twin sister You shall hear here in october, you get stones on friday and
It allows us to do the kind of things it would never be permissible on youtube. We always have the inside lane. We do the binds or not watching tonight's debate. They are not they are doing other things which brings us to tonight's seven, plus one for the time being I'll shoot my provider and my thing at all levels at one plus one little nothing! You have your let your list there need will have on our neck right. There is get yourself. This is what I heard of it. I lost my all right. Ok, this is seven black monday. I appreciate I just broke my whole thing. I do know what, by the way- and I do need this stapled- it's a commercial bread keep ass, they keep the lower third up their tormented. People know this is a seven plus one things the buying family is doing instead during the geo, Peter eight number- seven by famine-
is playing guess who, with the Biden family tree one ass. Well, number, six, seven plus one things at the bind family doing instead of watching the gnp debate, There is ignoring their seventh granddaughter seven plus one things he he's doing. Instead of watching debate, number five nicht apollo actor is busy banging is dead brothers widow, oh yeah! May you know the refractory period is impressive: Gerald seven plus one thing: the buying families doing a geo peter number for filling out ballot for twenty twenty four, oh well, that makes sense that either hanging a crack pipe cherish. The number three joe is dragging his ass across the roosevelt room carpet. So that's,
We can't see, hear such things a mile in this way when I use the family is doing, is that of watching the geo p debate number two nick deplore, surprise: gifting zalewski, this f, thirty, five, even in the world, is burnt there had it no elects its commercial, its task and the number one thing the buying the families do. Instead of watching this geo peter bait number one is posing for a family portrait. Nude, that's yeah, that's out of families. If I tell you what
I just come out of a coal mine, I don't know the october sky nature and actually, the plus one of what the bind family is doing instead of watching the g o p debate next to follow the plus one gl is setting joe up with one hungry man dinner in front of the tv, while she sneaks up to the lincoln bedroom to masturbate to a painting of paul Pelosi that she purchased from her son has to pay twelve hundred bucks. Oh wow. Well, there you go that's bad boy and festive, and I wrote that I know I did that's been tonight. Seven plus one I was going to say the forgotten for entertainment, I shouldn't. Have you forgotten about I'm really time for a short, a short break? I think we probably do. Can you hook us up over there to a man gets him establish short break as they re congregate for the debate. I'll get one minute, but don't go ahead. I can. I can t
It's alright. You want me to go. Yeah yeah, yeah, okay, I'll go, and then you go to the bathroom with one specific idea, yeah hold on a second, I have to staple this once we get to. We have people at work with what no no, no, not right. Now debates back when we talk about myself, Valiantest erika volume, We're here in California, where gas is nearing six dollars a gallon oil is those two hundred dollars a barrel. Again, you say drill, baby drill, but the course won't. Let you ramaswamy Surely down cries out immediate drilling. Well, look. I think that we do have to grow and through the courts and get through that administrative to make sure we are using natural resources here at home, but you have the other thing that we can do it would rather, mr rama format, it addresses the national debt as well as brings down prices put people back to. We are using taxpayers money to pay people or to stay at home, then too, to work, that is,
that contributes to our supply chain crisis. It contributes to inflation. That's the the first way to unlock this economy. Here of the other thing, we have to put the at all reserve back in its place. This is, agency that has gone rogue. So in january, twenty twenty six when I have the opportunity, is there next commander in chief, but we will have a new chairman of the federal reserve who place priority on dollar stability and, most importantly, send packing. Seventy five percent of the administrative state reduce if we had count by seventy five percent to fifty percent of uncultivated like something and then are shackling buttons on his sins, secular smuggling. To forty one and forty two, I plan to do it it's. We understood that economy. That's how we revived about the phrases with our constitutional heading towards this trip around ten cents. I don't know how to palm gas, so signature,
it will go on to the next principle, should push yield my time like turkey as a higher than perfect here for you mean to say it again drawn up a plot cleared. We did something in return of intimidating establishment, because when Joe Biden ran for present- and he said he was going to end fossil fuels and he realized tat, he was to himself tat ever set by the way he did it with an executive order on the keystone pipeline on day one. Why are you guys using the regulatory system when he's? Let's not, we blew up right, those known as a different whenever it conjecture land that actually would not only reclaim energy independence, but in two thousand six america lost our position as the leading energy producer on earth. I believe in the next ten years with the right policies and an inexperienced leadership in the white house, we can reclaim our role as the leading energy. Producer on
the natural to grow the american economy for generations to turn you suck it it, then you say that I answered the energy know. The first thing I'll say is what I saw at the united nations is national energy security is national security. We need president that understands we have two partner with producer global than my right for their back. Let's at our aid is at present with energy independence by all its frack and he's against journalists wondering if we want pregnant lance Armstrong, I stumbled and let us abolish day, one just their disease laughing like a schoolgirl ways when you're in trouble dates. We believe this bitches as a sort of drilling lands and reach a green subsidies that you didn't have hey, don't let us does you eventually. Rather, like thirty seconds replied, I just did a plan out west texas for american energy dominance. We're going to choose midland over Moscow, we're gonna choose
Marcella s over the mullahs and we're going to choose balkan over beijing, and we we're gonna, lower your gas prices. We are going to get that job done because it's important for our national, Surely it's important for jobs and that's one of the best ways to drive down in full the signs of having this the answer them separately, voters, enacted a constitutional remand before they allow. No, it's true, but now I know that you're dating entirely wrong. We are talking here sure talking here Florida we don't have as much as may be one. That is what we do it, but that was a country's such wrong and let's just get real here. My plan,
if the union wants to govern the scientists. Excuse you we can very much for that. I am ready to do the same for the moderate, didn't shush the audience, but they shut the candidates so drink the drinking game rules. While debate continues, but you say they told me you had power should look. I think think I didn't think I was a failure that Israel, at the cost of colleagues, that the cost of college itself, because the colleges are going to make a decision, do we offer you expand the gender studies department. No one's over those graduates may not have great learning up these now. They're going to it's on my internet really good good you're going to submit choices, get mad cheapen for years I'll says come back. Some Dana slot segment about nine eleven does. I was just at the nine
I've been memorial with the families, my life in our bodies. Very touching. I got about areas of my gentleman that boys of me it was the three x and a fountain cage ones, happiness in florida, getting through yale and harvard law, school and somehow came out more conservative. Then, when I went in- and that is not easy to do a lot of opportune- used to make money, but I wanted to serve and I'll never forget, coming back on them from iraq landing. Coronado, California, north island and feeling that breeze up the pacific She said, you know what I am lucky to have been born in american and, I think, being but a servant. I ll be the first president elected since nineteen. Eighty eight is actually serve overseas and a war. I think that's going to help. Me as commander in chief to know how you see these issues, he is having a good night. I realize stake for people that, where the uniformly now then Gunnar had to overcome media it online all remind some media is going. You remember his attack on trump and now he's on that track. If that is your track now dissenters europe, nor with the rump progress, is at a meeting
ten percent in this. a business you probably they fired in washington was searching you're sitting behind our assembly and twenty thirteen hastily iron who you for this internet strike back. You didn't tell her why you should be promoted to ceo of the nation instead of art, Certainly one of the things that say is: if you look at our national thirty three trillion dollars. I would love to have an opportunity to have this country. How pass a balance but a moment what happened. We would live stream project in mind if it falls on deaf ears, lack not wanting a spanish number one or two of you want to actually reduce our national debt. You have the girl, I got my plan. The Allen iverson plan of andrei rising as well. Actors number one pack, the energy sector. We could create between three and three. What has he looks at? Are they just brought up a lower third, a picture of adrian rice since patriot?
That is something of a guy. You hit the richer ray re right, re rice, it get busy. You bloody, I'm sort of why lunch all of our resources and were to end up with a hundred thousand, if asked to reiterate for thousands factories in the last twenty five years. If we continued my maiden america player bring jobs back to america in a similar fashion that we did when I wrote the tax cuts in jobs act we actually lower the protects from thirty five percent that minorities, as it might be made in amerika point seven trillion dollars. We brought the on one April is an american systematic agents to the lowest level was waiting for restructuring. Contrary to re, write your low for women engine rising, I don't know, maybe peterson's agog weapons. Do skid, ok like I said I usually are no general time, but he's been there are twelve years and he hasn't done any of that,
I think they've. Only given me the kitchen twelve years you have yet to make a good pot roast. I said I said it'll be me. Come over to the diversity, you see what it does see. What diversity brings us together for fucking pasty, white, guys, women, ninety seven, how many of us ron? Let me finish with the guys have said. I appreciate a lot of the things they're saying nigga literally one up here and I'm the only one up here sounds like fun victories for the people, You can always got the web when again in the air, when their huge narrows that you are you gonna, be stand up for children's rights, keep the state free or you gonna, be able to do all those things and always data florida, a blanket of our lives. The democratic lies in ruins. Do we want to state with food and state
more recently at labour to share this aside done it, while others have talked comment was, if I may just create our two zero based budgeting. That's the way businesses are Acta, rendre start with zero as the baseline for the budget and then see what is actually necessary there. Even though a member state or a red state in this union that doesn't the federal government doesn't do it but successful come
he's, including the ones that are built as ceo house runs in short agnelli, recognise require. Should you don't updating people to live in a minute? What's goin on nobody, also done it. The energy like silver watch you want by these coins stage, were already, notably with the rope borders lands already talked about. We ve got troops down at the border flying helicopter missions from north Dakota. From soon you go to the gulf goes to try and stop transnational criminal says the gulls bruno inflicting that innovation is getting the bed as in his eyebrows back in the seventies lilies of the equator. Already nobody else. Don't fight to north Dakota was leading the charge we won the battle to get the bite. Administration was ignoring the law, they were the first administrations, its truman saddles, and we won that in federal court lotus, we won that entail. Court were fighting the bite administration on twenty fronts. To say that
In writing. The big fights just look at the record of what we're doing right now: energy economy, national security have been talking about it since day, one and now finally good we're having a conversation about, but we got any canadians have and what do you sell the job that's was, and I dont a keeps getting bigger, they consist of all new jobs risky zone due to the fact that you want a shrink. How does his eyes and government? It has been a century since at any price, and it doesn't care, in my view, be any different. Like my travel already given, we knew magna doing we done it did north Dakota. Yet I took office, we shrink
the state budget general fund by twenty seven percent in the first four months I was off, is introduced for whom running time. Why? Because I mean yet, they lock him in there there's ten or twenty percent of mine, numbing soul, sucking work that even the state is that old loins go up. One side only sanction you're lucky when you're, like we re learning designers, you know in civilian employs and by the way we ve got ten million jobs. Whether we have plenty only way you can be creevy areas if he said look into my hospital to do it. If you have something to understand it, having worked in technology rather dangerous, everything we had to do was only like. They break this a little bit late like like they want to make. It seem as though the sky is relevant element I'm sure, he's a nice guy, but I do believe that so applause wordpress Christie stomachs hit me This election could come down to the state. I dunno how to decrease the size of anything. Let's just be honest, I not going to you know candidates
it of morbid again him yeah, that is a must win state. Two independent sentences faces it's like he doesn't know when to smile, grin, that's why? In governors race in history, the state over one point: five million votes we were. Places like miami dade county palm beach, that nobody thought was possible. We were leading with purposes and conviction. I reject this idea that pro life We are to blame for mid term defeats, think there's other reasons for that, the freedom of the press. Yeah he's missing in action tonight he's had a lot to say about thou, be here extending from hearing comments to trying to say that pro life protect chamber on how a terror. I know that you want a quick tat bike, and actually, I think is this- is a good entry
If he's going two years, but I just think he's going to get beat he's put himself look guys, you can comment below and again hit the like if you're watching on rumble or on youtube, it helps with the algorithm algorithm. Drinking games Dennis number this one. I just think he's put himself on a one way track now. He asked today at war with trump, which is not the best thing to do with someone has a double digit lead. I think that a herd of support being a bush and all the way up until the moment of birth. That is in an aside. I got home. What have you? No shelter and governor Christie tell him he's a police reports because up to three months, the very tender at that time. You know
It's why these other states losing, but because they don't have leaders in those states who are leading the fight. The way it should be taxed like he's was set up. It is governed by now only blue state. That's represented up here. This is where the fight is really tough. That's why we don't believe you stay right here and have to try to win if we're gonna win the white house back at what we It is fourteen times in eight years I veto plant parenthood funding fourteen times no one else, with that much the Democrats just kept setting the three and I kept saying no because I believe in life, but I also believe in states' rights, and I think we fought hard against roe versus wade for decades to say that states should make these decisions so we're going to have those fights in the states. What we need is a leader who could talk to people I understand that, if your programme we do but you're, not aid, we provide for the entire life, not just to nine months in law is literally talking point like education, so said eyes: healthcare! Are you pro? This is why you don't trust him right away he's using a liberal bumpersticker, I'm broke
if after their born, which means taxpayer subsidized education, taxpayer subsidize healthcare taxpayer. Subsidized daycare, that's what they do or your pro life. Well, then, you have to pay for everything up if you're gonna, let new jersey, connecticut new york you're, not a friggin republic, seventy percent, independence and fifty one percent of that tito's because I told them the truth from my heart. Thank you these runaway hogs jones. Coming up as a recap, after this lady is attractive, I'm not going to be absolutely clear about Why are we reverse mall? They hispanic community only that these houses refugee train aims to spanish, always there retail, driven innovation reading all night lucy Well, I can shaded build bridges to every time in this country, and I am incredibly proud of that tax fraud and tax reform. I worked on capitol hill to help get that bill passed into law the largest.
ex cut in american history. We saw literally most unemployment ever recorded for hispanic americans, lowest unemployment ever recorded for african americans fifty year Loki, says of women. I mean I despise now talking talking are correct- reckon discussing its resistance america, but then he wants to distance himself from trump when it's convenient. That's why? No one trusts you you're right. It's record low I meant for latinos record low unemployment for african americans, but who did it? Who did Who is at the top? Let me hear you say we turn our back on track. Yes, executive can so help me. Sarah scott regression don't guaranteeing they didn't you hear with lightning bolt. If you leave, examples. It's the best way to get the job done, should guide us in the senate, my chief of staff, is the only hispanic female Keep us ass in the senate,
I don't want to hear about that anymore. I don't care, I'm tired seriously. I'm fucking done moderators, because thank you first is that Jesus h christ much I mean I see as the It's my conversation with nick know. He had a job that needs to get done, nickname it. On at ten percent of the time I look at gerald. I see god, students yeah, not a federal, dire portrait of nick as David and gerald, it's more like as ye etc. Literally bring it for fifty thousand dollars. In actual fact, fifty dollars subsidized captivity is temporary. Next, you guys bad information. First of all, I thought the gas taxing sounds bullshitting from being too against. Let's just go to MR watts, where, if you just that bring it to use when etsy o t man,
way holders will reach. You don't know normally, and you don't know about you. given what we like the deduction anger- I am here. I am teams, god man we were lying on the fin to hear how she's man is a nice, no logical, ten, because bomb about those Cartagena back again, it's this data needs to say like do you set a bad example, spoke about you like worlds, serious, scraping, rapid, spread of grasping scrapping, might maximum say, scraping just ask how much europe will have the nerve say we started you rings of fiscal limit values, blake
that was a republican debate- lie from the radio presidential commercial ring. While I show you the value to eighty million, not a moral go, as stated by the way. That was a story that came out where the judge said that down trump overvalue waited his assets, ten million dollars and moral lawyers. Can someone bring out the adjacent properties that also worth that are worth a million valerie there and are less than an acre right. Moral always fall into a serious and case. You didn't understand. The justice system is rigged phone. If not, why black? It's not rich poor, it really is a system of rate against ideas, you have the wrong ideas. You are guilty of wrong. Think you can have a judge rule against the idea that moral, largo, twenty acres right on the waterfront there in Florida is worth less the eighteen million dollars that as a whole medical hit job the likes of which- and this is something that is just as less it. It's so stupid. Did you see the picture of the jail
She had blue hair ray. I, the guy, look, look like David brenda with a grey. You could tell. The sky was a pot smokin, scumbag fuckin left when jerk off. Firstly, our focus on monday on everyday gets or of that gets more honestly, I stole from meat the press, like it, So now, you're channeling here you can see the hate in his face for trump there, no justice for here by the way, like I don't I said this earlier, I'm not in the bag! For anybody like. I do support donald trump because I think he's the best candidate for the job. I think he will do the best job in the office and it gives us four years plus eight years, which is twelve, which is greater than eight if somebody gets elected right now as republican, because I dunno, who else is out there eight years from now to run right so that rats math that I'm doing right now, I didn't say: don't go after understanding, because trump supporters gonna now go after rhonda, saint ersite dont go after tromp rhonda santa's, because
supporters of temper going to have to use because Donald trump come, knocking you're, not ready for him sorry you're, just not ready. I am the one on max he's he's like he does it. It's like professional wrestling here. Let's just look: look jail, neck, neck who's, your shack. You're a person here. I personally, I led a vague lapierre. Where are those percy, but I'm a governor, You can't tell me that I guess the governor of Arby's taste like throw up the rub, that's what they call them. The guy will never let let nick nick guy would never say this. I would never say other people Well, tell me: that's governor, throw because it's an arby's, sloppy buzzy. He would say something like that and then run to like see this guy. I know and I'm like yeah. This guy is hilarious. What is that? One margin? You'll get your point across there you're right solved
there's only one authentic person in this race and he's not unsteady. That's it city, none of them have it now and it I thought you were saying because Jesse waters was on the screen. All I like just so. Here's the thing to vic: I'm not With that I was prolific, pushing the rest of them to be more authentic, and here I am addressing issues that they were trying to dodge right, and this entire debate tonight seems like him trying to make friends everybody else on that stage, it's never going to happen either way. You can comment. How much do you wanna bet chris christie monster yeah gear and see who he's got on that stage? Where do you come here when they come back he's going to have a like a four foot piece of toilet paper to ensure okay? So just sweaty for some comparison on moral ago, so for forty, nine, australian ave palm beach, florida, eighteen and a half million dollars. Here's what you get
bedrooms, four and a half baths? And thirty five hundred square feet, not exactly twenty adjutants lambs- are awake at its aid, do not actually need long ago and by the way, the new posts, which is sometimes right, lots of times wrong, and usually we see the actually said. I everybody around says that at least a three hundred million dollar property, so that adds that eighteen million dollars, even those guys, are saying Everybody knows this is a lie or You put in an offer means that looking ten million of the eighteen million dollars or by ten you said, look look, look more like ok. Let me put it that way: right. Ok, Let's say someone selling it out for eighty million dollars right now. I have a problem. An assault, are going to be ok? Look I want that. I want to have a proper sort o k waterfront. Eighty million take that property.
And I'm going to run off like a thief like a black. I liked him Scott Gay said I'm going to say. Oh my god, a look. This guy's trying to act now like he's above it but he's not above it. Okay disguise facilities below the boards came in more than one million slaves around. Let me put it that way. Okay, when I do evil crossovers. I have this wall impacts or the best backs you come and below. You tell me what you think if you were to put a percentage. the likelihood of mar a lago being worth eighty million dollars of percentage, be one percent you'd be wrong. You'd be ninety nine percent I'd be ninety. Nine you'd be one percent all right, let's go after the debate. That's a pretty good patrick, but we have. We have to go back to a wall, we'll check back with finnegan a little bit afterward, but that you're dropping out I wanted his steward body trotted wing alternating on station. I should be voted off. The
and the reason is because there's only towards real, not just to survive to Dublin city, the varied all due respect. I mean we're here like we were happy to debate now or not pelicans. My presence here if we are guaranteeing rule four one vivid point to this index finger. How do I get your blog liberal? Yes, governor the scientists in order to try to be is there in front of us. Can drink mentioned brethren drummed out all these guys pole donna like president's voters elected president and we're going to take the case of the people in these euro. Me dates. We're gonna, do not state by less or not, and I can work because it was all about the dancing on regional and minority languages,
on the twenty two thousand and four election republicans have lost three straight elections in a row. We are supposed to have a red way with inflation at nine percent. It crashed and burned not in florida. Didn't we deliver in florida, and so we've got to choose right, we've got a win and we need somebody. That's going to be able to serve two terms, so we are twenty. Twenty three they'll be able to address. That was a worry. We turn the economy around. We secured the border and we fended off the threat from communist china as your president, and you can thank the cuban puerto rican governor christie. Excuse me, governor christie. I believe I did so. You write something on the cod that was my calling my wrote. Second lunch. except the only one. The states has been clear about this
I was doodling a big mac. The reason that I voted off the island too big of a lead can be every person on the state's voter rolls sale and there's not enough voters to come here on a second directly to take your questions, for instance, the respect he did it for four years woman on what not know about donaldson. Actually I know thank you, this guy's, a liberal, let's be honest, he is at the time dude, so so chill out of the pending. Talking about your lifespan, you can say: do this can start getting invited our party?
divided view, and they don't do or do not get caught me dog divided, for it is all over this cartoon burial. I've spoken to people and everyone else has who have sad things. Giving dinner same. Will you get drunk you have about offers station by went on. Regional protection was right that different view on this. I think tromp was an excellent president. American entrance drums you're. It does not belong to one man it does not belong. donald trump, it doesn't belong to me, if it comes to you but the people of this country and the question who's gonna unite this country and take the america first agenda to the next level. When we rally behind the cry to make amerika great again. We did,
just hunger for a single rallies. We hunger through midwestern apology, was sort of absolute. Yes, the saddles must spend donald trump and his legacy, because it s the right thing. Do you think that's a good approach, good approach february to taken a marrow the first agenda to the next and that will take a day for the second republican ally for the long wait for the ten o'clock, and we will see you on the campaign trail. The evenings, not four syllables, go ahead. Nicky can use the restroom before. We bring on Alex Jones. I know he's been a true, perhaps only five pm eastern everyday pouring. to Alex Jones, and I going to have him on here and then we're going to go to your jets. I believe that we do have finnegan. you ve got it in the right place. One moment! Folks, let me go now to our on the ground. Correspondent, Thomas Mann,
what where the hell are you, I stephen you're not of the gnp wait! That's not where you are, I'm pretty sure I am now you're the bait and tackle shop. That's what I'm seeing right behind! You told me to get to the bait as opposed to close this one. I told you to get to the geo, be debate. You weren't goop, now you're in a baking tackle shop. What is happening. No, I care they made me feel guilty about worms, I don't even it go out a good night I don't think we have a man retainer we have kellyanne conway. I guess we're doing this kind of stuff someone in theirs. We might need to empty it out this debate once
They are absolutely right now, they're all walking into the spend room to give their triumphant speeches to act like whatever happened on the stage didn't actually happen, so they can cook, and put it on social media. But this this it had some clear winners and losers burger. Got a little bit more time than I thought he would bergen. Bergamo burg drinking The best of a bad business is now kyler I well with your burgum where's my drink here. Well, but test order. That's always excuse, shut up. if is made to reduce the bergen. Gotta but more time than I liked him. Scott got more time than I thought and everybody spoke over vector
I don't really like her, but I dont dislike rather reasonable in milan away. If you look at me in that movie line, I did her answer. She was mexico at least the first part, because genius I was telling me that the rest of her answer was actually pretty decent and like well. I couldn't hear it after. I was seeing red for the first part of the answer. She was lying through her teeth, but I honestly, like This was a make or break for some of these guys. I think pence didn't resin. With anybody. Other than the eighty fans is, though, model it's not even club tat. He was Absolutely the worst at did much better than him. Crazy was putting that. I will say this if I were to pick a stand out tonight and you guys can come at below us. Take a pole will go to your chat when we go to the mug club. I exclusive portion TIM scot. I thanked him I am not saying that he did yesterday and I know I, but I think for him he did we needed to do to sort of thing to warrant being, the shows to warrant surmise in order another. Why do we not survive? I think he'll have had a moment here today. I think you'll probably be thrust in front of the pack a little bit. I think he had more passion,
got in there. I think he allowed people to see who he was a little bit and this right there, this picture fox news. We can break it up their torment now. That's why people don't trust politicians Chris, the wrong decisions, is shaking hands and laughing, and people in wonder wait all we know that Chris Christie is all is left ass. We know it. Liberal sympathiser and rwanda santa seems to be good bodies with them. This people don't want someone who's miss congeniality, they want someone who is going to fight for them right. That's the takeaway. yet every single time- and I think the scientists had some very good moments, whereas last time I didn't really think he had any good moments at all. I thought his debate was terrible is briefing on women credibly stale. I think there were some What's that he actually look bad again, he still gotta clean but he had much more positive moments than he did last time, but we do have mister alex jones on the line to give us his thoughts whenever you already ok goes well. First off again, it's the promo code, cracker debate night back. get ten dollars off later credit dot, comstock slash and when you join my club, that means that you get Alex Jones is completely unfair.
Friday, shows every single week. It is scary to think I love it what's funny It's not really that scary. When you turn and watch it. Oh, it's completely reasonable. You do with a friend, don't allow the media to tell you who Alex joneses make up your own mind. Sorry, we utter alex. George dog, hungary mega rice, Cyprus, Christie was taken and then it will look and I was getting hungry. Alright, then, I guess going to do this number going to go to to my club. Is there anything else that I forgot as far as plugs anything none, and I think I think we did that? Do we actually, I'm excited that I get another sponsor potentially want to hit the MR. What you not before? We bearing on Alex jones, let's do one you know even mention them long time. The studios, your exclusively protected by walter and by the way, have told us before in the past, look that their attractive their smooth there giants of death. They basically sell themselves. Walter firearms is try the walter and you will buy it, try it. You will buy
have the balls to sponsor the show compared anything else out there, whether its glock, whether it's saying whether it's just just take it? everyone who tries it decides, you know what I'm going stick with this a really quick word from our sponsor walter and then allocations It was a good overall spot on the border. I'd find it it the spa. Without that, wasn't what I meant a walter- and I just saw a light turn on- was a duck. Yet I was trying to put the spotlight water overnight, shoulder their where next. I live shoulders. Seventy finally night with a fine speech, There are growing authors rights. crying out loud. It's like putting rational a freshwater fish.
the horror movies, just don't work gotta welfare Tat was a quick career very smooth tonight. What was the war? Was a walter pistol that we fired at the range, the one walter, while the pity none of those
I've, no, the one I have a special additional pdp is available to everyone and its look Just google walls pdp review its They don't have the money for marketing or giant military contracts and the balls sponsor the show you, find a negative review. Everyone who fires? It says, my god. This is the best gun that I've ever shot my life again just something to defend your household you and yours, but obviously you know well enough with Walthers incorrect unbelievable and that you can do any better. All right do we have a singer. because we have him here. The man the oji to break down the debate Alex jones Where are you that old bill hicks picture of alexander. I was I set out our rights Mister Jones. Can you hear me and see me, sir,
and you rather watch you guys all night one. Second, I can't hear you because we have to put you over the speaker and I can hear them, but, oh god, I can hear them all right. Sorry gerald is the only one who can hear you because he has the headphones on at manzanar. All right go ahead, alex scoop. I was going to I thought that I look sinister. and trustworthy with my legs luther Erika. But let me do it, you look like you, I'll. Do it mexican drug lord now dominated by it? actually very or like some like, the king, then or something as here. If you want to mexico, the one would all be tearing their clothes off and thoroughness, that you shall we hear now the mexican drug law
Well, that looks good tho. I don't even know why I didn't nick loves it, so he just tells me to do it, so I I do it every now and then just you know I'll just try to try something new. Just like one time. I read that you know drinking a glass of wine a day is good for your heart. So I started smoking wine dipped cigars, that didn't work at Alex. Of course, people can join up mug club. They can listen to your show on a mad max world dot tv, but every friday completely unfiltered they get your show on mug club alex did what were your thoughts on the debate? who was a stand out? What would you take my brother Well, I'm just say this: I've been covering debates for long I'm doing a lot governs like you do, but I've been watching you started when I was driving in the car or studio. I was also job, and I really think the point you made we're dead on it like to make a few comments on the points you guys way, but I basically,
I agree with your analysis, but but but let's go somewhere that unless I go to nap for like five minutes and I was taking a piss or whatever and missed some of it- that that five minutes Alex that's a lot for profit. I got it what they said. We have a very small penis. You have a small black rwanda ladder. You have a large small battery of large because it all and a very large water now, but was actually taken adapt. The point is, I took the floor. I dunno, I mean I am a series. Actually. I took a phone call with some other stuff, but I point is? Is that I let's almost all out and watched, almost all of it and my big jack away as this week In the last democrat, primary with hilary. Your back in the last real action when drop one and two thousand totally freeze Bernie Sanders
I don't like Bernie sanders, but clearly he was winning a bunch of states and the Democrats said we don't care. We have super delegates letter to vote in california and other states like new Hampshire hilary, so they stole that from here. our haliae knows what distillery, was wrong to see that gun and so now change, the rules even more where our Kay juniors main completely blocked out of it, we're not even having demo at debates right and how do we get to this point so well republican debates and and tromp overshadows them, it's like fifty five sixty percent. the field, all the rescue like forty, forty five percent, and so there the cable or else there the little little fusion's, especially since they died drop in its turn him into a folk hero? Trumps, not perfect, but people through that such aid to show its growing massive support behind trumpets. Why
Scientific establishment polls that are already quote skewed because example more democratic showed Tromp ten fifteen twenty points the building with demographic and why should imposed abc balls against by so so Your attempt to destroy tromp has. Here the judgment made him the colossus. Nobody else are lilliputian, but I do they its healthy to have other people in the field to have allowed he'll to bring in new ideas. That's what this is all about, but because told me, average scared. The Democrats, too, if there years ago, in the general action, other things they frazier of all out show. No one is talking about no damage party debates and they change the rules, even more or Biden, is basically running on a that means, when he stepped down whoever they replace it with now, rogers no Alex. Can I ask you something just for because you companies for a long time I have said you're the oji, but some
fill out there. You know we have a lot of younger viewers, meaning in their early twenties they made no about super delegates and I've talked about just before that is I mean for the damage at party right, quoting quote, it is one of the least democratic components. Can you explain to me and then continue with your point, but explain to people who may not be familiar with idea of super delegates, because that's a huge part of the democrat party, oldest party in america. Is the democrats. And there was one other party, the whigs went away and it was until Abraham lincoln came along with his Mister bates running for president public and party was created and it was Abolitionist anti slavery party saw the upside down world, I the Democrats are against slavery. Republicans it just shows what your total Can we all their shares and sell the Democrats, in their rules going back two hundred years, blush always had the capacity to recollections ever done it to this extent, but then, when
Bernie sanders was winning all bugs. it's gonna, California, we ve been interviewed a couple of separate elegance when we were in new Hampshire, our borders, which grieved to incredible club. Millions of use the time is right. talk to me all irish separate ella you're just going to see a legal gap, nobody's yet again the majority of votes here in California, other states, and elegant in california. It doesn't matter because we're gonna get the votes to hilary that? Indeed, that's what they did so did manner. Once the Democrats voted they'd the party delegates we're supposed to honour the votes general election in the primary right that was completely and totally ignored, now they changed. The rules are rfk junior lays all of the speeches given, but I'm going to look at it's true. He can't pay She and I awoke new Hampshire. bunch other key. First by around stage then he's eligible to be on the ballot, and so the democratic party,
de and see what about dictatorial. They called electrons college bad. statoil is, they are allowed to the rules and what I like tribe. I, like the factories tangled public body, the breton Chris christian people and is certainly not perfect. The republic kits are now announcing. It has gotten almost no coverage that they products, not just being part of these debates, which I think he wisely hasn't been This is why I believe that's ok, in my view, but now tromp as the republican party set ourselves in the news last week and like red state You go and do the same thing. Democrats do are in civil to pull the same shenanigans and basically bypass primaries shall this is very dangerous de evolution, into a true party than one party state of centre. charlie is warranted. There's a lot of others have right. The democratic, deep state republicans your copying. It does your trouble comparable go.
trouble when elucidated presently won't, but but every day moving towards total egg, centralisation and it's very, very dangerous. I mean example: ok and then hear another question. Forty, but yes, please go no about chaotic, as you know, our dual citizen. I remember correctly. Unfortunately, canadians multiple, it's beautiful, Where would we not only have rejected my canadian citizenship entirely but but bs it's not a schmear. I mean basically know boss is more liberal than canada. So, let's not imagine. Okay, okay, I wrote I agree with Tucker Carlson. We should actually it can happen for yet met you, the president, without mustache, but certainly done. The charter of canada. the king, charles, is actually in control of the citizen. Weird right wing affecting this is real king of england any time he wants or is governor general candles all the parliament can install
All of parliament in the charter of they won't show it's the same gonna grab way when we look at that's all that's dictatorial, left. That's tyrannical well just the king of england or the queen of england can abbe in general. Your mother, remove the government when they want and install public. That's what the Democrats he's done and natural Republicans are now doing This is a very, very dangerous situation were ok, so I understand what you were saying with with Bernie who- who are the republicans in the bag for this time around. Are you saying that donald trump is the person that they're, basically saying hey just bypass the primaries, or are they going for somebody else that was on the panel tonight of of candidates that were debating there? Different factions gerald yours, martyrs, I am, are smarter and early on I wanted to say, and as other channels is very popular and he was it had a tramp. soon as very indicted. Tromp he went from neck and would the san us we're troubles getting dirty percent sand. thirty percent balls and all
candidates for getting the other thirty five percent and as soon as they indicted him. He went up ten points in Egypt. when he goes up five ten points or he's now, fifty five. Sixty points ahead of them in the entire field, each ten to twenty points in skewed polls that over sample democrats and so it just like you. Worry? The metals have come out emails and come out. She told seen in all of them. Do this a far she said, I believe, from these used to be a general election will you give him all the coverage and not the other people, and then it backfired honor or you can send some sick being monitored by the way in which Israel, just starting today, she's been saying hey by the way Putin is going to meddle in the election again right. So so that's, why given my youtube said: you're allowed to actually question election integrity now because their bring the same old, tired, trope Hillary Clinton said. I believe Putin's going to meddle in the next election because remember the election
fair and legitimate. That was a twenty. Sixteen talking point from Hillary Clinton, so she's done an about face. stage deja vu. It's the same thing work by says: speeches when I win the election mediately charge the border, we're going put it up for everybody and are now in your get an edge in chicago san francisco. We weren't we got the thousands of people. Sleeping on street crime is action. we will have made a favor, this Suddenly there are no other leading or governor says, don't come. We don't want you when, a year ago she was saying come here. We want, you show they think You have a measure and stay with that's great parallel that you just brought up of how they think that we don't have recent I'm sorry most, the public debt memories, they do for baseball or football, but they dont. When it comes to this, switch they do over and over again. That's really the problem. I think nick had a question for you,
and was twitching like you Alex what c alternative. I know you say it's dangerous if the republican stop pull in the same shenanigans as democrats doing as far as super delegate's. What's here turning to watch them still another election? If teams plane, you know not playing by the rules, don't you have to not play to having she has added my Republican trying to break the primaries, morceau, ok, I still think that the broader point still something to answer right, yeah now, but I think what thanks true about, but that make that point, this climate of open fraud, this climb Of all these dead people voted this climate of hundreds of known. Of ours, but what was the last number? It was some just astronomical. Zuckerberg span all the names of dead people, a people, let him about a districts to do that so yeah when you're dealing with a tyranny. That's what trumps doing right when you're deal the turn it you can do your fight, the soviet union. We set up a don't count on, but we lost a lot of freedom showed your actually write that that
my instinct is, I don't want to lose when I'll get my ass kicked off our cheating so conservatives and christians and populist? we don't even know how to do it. But I am even sat there and I got there's a war going nuts, I to do it, but I've thought about it. Well, as you know, we shall go on get violent with that's going work that I think right now. That's not gonna work. Kay willowy did you I, like you, do we get deadly well, you don't have a billion years, spinning four hundred million dollars here. What I refer us do that it dead peoples we just don't built in our dna and show what they can't be here is a perfect example. They have these. side of it polls by abc NBC mason and all of em wash unopposed where they put intend to fifty percent more democratic, and I just that we believe is war- Democrats begged him to it, and then they know Keaton ex key phone numbers. They call people that have already been paul before they know HU. There are reaching out you what they're to get they got.
When he points for thirty five at under fifty points that that trumped up trump's twenty points, add in under thirty five is fifteen point: zero other demographics and ten percent. Overall in that poll and the other skewed, holes. They call scientific show that I mean he's thirty point. I had no right and I don't think so. It's the same thing with the point with a mass of election. I've only got so many dead people have you watch texas two years ago or four years ago, poor florida, it's that same ground, Four trump goes up, republicans go up it's organic curve and then, as soon as the polls clothes boom they pop up above they tried that in texas in florida and about your mother, They want to tag there at all no blue, if they ran out of dead people or people that have moved out of the district that had no or you may live in. Another state for ten years goes to vote in kentucky so you see them run on a bullet, I'm a democratic stop and so
We have a giant oil slide. Just like we have a giant landslide nepal, they can't fix it. Pisses urges pudding sake, data in tibet, but if you go above ten, twenty thirty point where the mass it's slide. You can't That is a very important point alex because the reason I want to focus on this, because you have some people out there, and I see this allowed by the way the republican. While the conservative groundswell saying why anyway, it's regs are going to find the votes? There is a way for this to be so insurmountable and we are within that margin we're not more than a margin of victory again, the water, abc powell has donald trump ahead, ten points they buy and I believe it was seventeen we other sources earlier. That's a very, very little. Loaning total spread a twenty seven from oil revenue. Nineteen! Oh that's! The point here isn't that you need a margin of victory for swing, states its weak have a margin of victory so large that they can't that they can overcome that with vision and again- and I think it's important for you to say what you're saying, because that's
organizing, as opposed to defeating because you know, there's a lot of people out there on the airwaves who tell people who deliver a message that makes it sound like what you might as well, not go out and vote. All hope is loss right and what you're saying is is correct. I believe it is a fight analogy. Let me use of biotechnology, let's stay awake, or pounds you pray tough, but if you fight travelling for trouble thirty years old, and you got your eight year old, daughter plant the park and getting member walks over all your your car, making to call an punches your eight year old daughter, the face and not your teeth out. I don't care, the guy ways, a hundred pounds more than you as an ex convict whose killed people you're gonna beat his ass thing politically years. They may always counterbalancing. Just smarter kids take up. We ve got a vote. we got a rally. We gotta be aggressive. We gotta be out there and we got a fly. Republican americana flags everywhere. Where are they steal it again, it's even more obvious because if you get I say: oh, it does account your shrewd, the top scientist top top. people that study? That's like professor Epstein, not every Epstein.
And others have done anonymous and I ve only got with dead people and people without a district. Maybe fifteen point second: when we get to or any other republic have fifteen twenty points over the top. They cannot beat that and that's why they're cravat you're, not gonna with machines. That's all red herring, they're, doing it with dead! Please oh and male imbalance and people outing in other people's names that are outside the district. That's how there only a lush. Absolutely and and Dr Robert Epstein. We actually interviewed him and we're going to be able to air that probably within the next week- or so I know, you've been talking to him- he's he's somebody who's on the forefront of that with Google swaying the elections. Till the end that the numbers are staggering and you're right. The only we can combat. This right. Now is china, let on google and make sure that they can't do the things they were doing. They ve done that and they did it in the twenty twenty run off the Senate run off the election that enjoy hunger is just starting to get other our congress green. I think I was a correction hearings. Euro five years ago were the sunday
China had a google was still lying them. Google tracks phone, it's on the at its base itself is ok, and so they do nothing. There are like Helen keller, deaf dumb I five years ago, now know the cia is involved, others think tanks, other censoring Their education curve is going straight up, so we have to play catch up files, but there's meal. We were like nowhere five ten years ago, where we are arc it was going like. Does their curves, I got a match, natalya interrupt, you'll, go back, cuba defined! That's why clapper and all of them came out and said trump is going to kill us he's going to arrest us this week he's going to win. all screwed, the they're, the ones trying to arrest us. My reporter, my anger, to jail on the twenty fourth four months, repeating being at the capital job, so there hitting the panic button we ve made them take the match com Actually it looks scary as hell believe we're on the crosshairs, but by false we're way. I'm not gonna lie letters. We are
starting to beat the shit out of these people. I love La galaxy will hang out with us for just a couple of minutes. Very fun hang out with us for just a couple of minutes really quickly: union naked the whole time. You were there for three hours, your little your little yeah. I love you man. I love you. I want to hear what you have to think about. That debate. Give me one more minute. Nick a little hungry. I saw that earlier. I think we actually had some of that, putting maybe out at the at the main table. Did we have that? Oh yeah, that's right! Oh, do we yeah? We did the What do I do then frank pudding for my paid for a while I gotta admit so. Ok snow, great dude you're not supposed to do it like that. You got to put water in it and how much have you eat of all of them? oh my gosh here, try that that's better instructions or us
that, of course, it's much better man. You know you're gonna have to vice under replace right right, always go to. The crowder dot not and get a three month supply. Perfect. you probably have to do that twice. You cause What are you doing down here? Series advantage? You know, I'm fine! Thank you! the gag reflects what we So what perhaps with crowded out com, you get a twenty five was a twenty five percent of a three month membership. There we go partner, three months supply energy supply and never sent by the way. There's stuff is where they have actually zambia's oatmeal in putting their pudding is legitimately better than the jealous them again. Yet you need at one of those powdered bread with throughout her practical, I can only let me let me say something about this, because they've been my squads over fifteen years now. No I'm serious. I don't want you get the best companies to be our sponsors and you, this gap is
then, what shoulder grocery stores for their the price they started up? sixteen years ago, even the biggest company for ten years, because equality because of the huge variety of god never get historical food you're sponsor, is the way to go about it. Same as climate. Theirs, if you don't, go there, at promo got right now. Well, thank you very much this man's a pro hey. Can you bring up the? U r l for people to sign up to much for mug club through Alex Jones. Is a jones crowder, dot com yeah. I got a yahoo dot com jones credit. Our guy Alex everybody here. This is pretty interesting news unrelated to tonight we'll get to the wrath of the debate really quickly, but bring that up. So apparently the heirs, They treasure has just gotten notice that she is serving as the acting governor, because I guess something has happened with katy hobbs, where she is no longer the governor of arizona. What really this is right said is this real and we know why they don't have?
I dont know why in it, but it's a republican. That's now can can mission control get us get us. The reason why I am assuming election shenanigans, but that would probably I if those little reason is unknown for this, but we will. We are also in a magazine, seismic reality. There's no reason given here right, read it all in one: go like a war, all read it like a long I so this is the arizona treasure kimberly ye statement on serving as acting governor in and took to everything. They ve said that this is real if this is like some kind of fake sorry, but I think it's real I've been notified that I was serving as acting governor beginning later this evening until midmorning tomorrow, while I'm pleased to step just until midmorning tomorrow, gas just till tomorrow come pick. A party break she's, probably erst brick in paragraph eight, when you go onto anastasia proclaim a year, speed, I've ever she's past. Is it a heavy flow month? I really believe tat Maybe she had a stroke or south dakota shots
I have no idea. I was just thinking a drinking game, but she's she's actually stepped down, at least for the time, something or maybe there's a transfer of power. I don't understand like something to do with a fight with a hammer or publicly, though that's not typical, that's not depict. for this to be that public for a little guys. They say. Is this real? That's my that's! That's my hour. I gonna get the wanderers declared this gun emergency there. Really I'm really worried that they might again, I'm not saying put Sorry, I'm not a fan of russia, but You you sit there and you hear scott mothers up their literally saying we want to fight the russians over their choice fine, I'm over here. I'm sorry folks solos from the globalist overthrew the ukrainian government nine years ago. Starting this fight russian started in ukraine, was slab of the great his name was slob. That's what I call them all slobs and nonetheless started this poles. We were gonna win the war. it is losing its ass clay nuclear war now we're sitting on it,
exchange, abraham tanks that well worth three as by said blowing up Nord stream Why too, and get an giving up? You know all these weapons. Is insane while our country falls apart. So I'm horribly junior. I metropolis of the. U s in this war might know, does You ask the people that run our country that have hijacked and wanted to stop. I wanted to stop Putin said you try to bring them into night, Joe I'm going to We're not gonna. Do that now. Stolen burg said days ago. Joe. Yes, our plan was a bring him in a job, and we, the russians to invade, and now that's expanded nato, so right our bitch will YAP statement. Stipulated, the amended herself she is a drastic cut. My such payments of russia's crowded, My borders and fluttered, like they ve done, russia is an evolving. My currency, russia isn't doing, All this crap russia is trying to save the republican he's gonna be out. While I ve been a gradual, I'm sorry, I love
to be our own rules of up, but that china coms are up our, but a shy, comes or funding thousands of public schools. The child arms control, hundreds of universities, which cause layer and the switch off the bad form, a network that shit coms. Are our poor ass, an and the global us, your ally weather, but russia can even run their own country. Russia is a mass. So that's why the globe you're doing this cause they're right. The russians have not there's quickly? The russians are lost, hundreds the drugs, but they got nuclear weapons and they got submarines in the gulf of mexico, aiming at austin in Dallas texas, where our children. If aiming at the east coast, was caused and I've got twenty four those per submarine accrues vessels that fired from twenty miles off shore and hit us in three manage mark can cannot be stopped. we need to not have nuclear war Nor do I agree with you in an index of books
have you on here I next week to discuss that more because at summits been really convoluted, but before we go to my club exclusive. Let us know your specifics us tonight on the debate who you thought the biggest winter was my pants get look opener three hours yea, I want my parents is right on the design with handy right now, right thinking about club, if you weren't going even money, but if you were to say the biggest winners and losers tonight with a debate aside from a media being the biggest loser obviously vivid ground. Swatting is like some day I bought the just says all the perfect. I don't trust him because I don't know him, but I would like to I'd like to think he they all going. Appointing and, as you said, Stephen as your crew said because they're scared of you and they said, go after him, I think pants, like you should it's like you pull a string of just says things platitudes. I like model what scott said about bringing america together, but I didn't like his world war, three scarf exactly. I thought that gnome did pretty good.
You know I'm the guy that nobody knows. I know he was yeah, pretty smart burger in none of them. It's good to cover as its new ideas, but because they, I did trump. There are probably got fifty five sixty percent of the veal. What's he does have a stroke next week or somethin it it it. It really is just academic I mean who do you I mean I I was listening, but who do you guys think is the clear winner in us. I think there was any clear winner, but I do think is that the santa unfortunately has put himself on a on a one track now right he he has to be at war with donald trump. He was the one who decided to kind of draw that I don't want to say. Draw first blood, because trump has been attacking him, and I think that its work is saying that an odious, but he definitely, I think, made a mistake tonight if he doesn't want to be in the mode of dissent. Is just tromp, so that'll be itching the fall out from that outside of that. the tim. Scott showed himself a little bit more. Like you said, I don't like his answers on the uk on ukraine that whole situation with the ukrainian rotten sorry,
ukraine and russia keep one say the ukraine, russia, but then those it's not they do you going to review current. Not I get geopolitics outside of that Chris Christie was obviously very hungry. He makes good cookies. No really shouldn't. It has exactly. I think the important point here too, to note is look that the media is? Is not your friend of people out there watching the media right now? They are not your front, especially if you look at fox and that woman moderator it was like she was only of the communist party or npr up there. I o record attacks on lgbt record watch the premise yeah. No, those are made up. Statistics attacks on yale, gb, tee and and and and black people are all about non existent. That's the real numbers yet know exactly and by the way when they talk about these people who come from other countries- and I don't necessarily know where she I would assume that some water somewhat hispanic, let's talk about them,
record she's a weather woman. Mundo here is exactly elegy ability. Key! Let's talk about the record of anywhere else with energy, be too he has talked about the record anywhere else with diversity. They always. I condemn america if you're not living up to the perfect standard. It's like watching someone do a high jump and saying: oh, you miss your perfect flaws, but a flop there. He didn't clear that bar meanwhile they're not even trying that's why they always try and point the united states, the left, never criticize just china, you knew every men, kissing public you get three years and a labour camp round occasional show show if you're a muslim, you have sent to away you're concentration camp to I'm sick of being lectured, when I'm not doing anything to gay people or anybody else too, rick. I worldly gold nazis constantly and a real nazi. There are defined ninety years old from me as ass, it was in a unit that actually kill jews and mash in famous massacres, is being polluted and then came out unesco and said o its russian propaganda, no, its not rushing propaganda there! So crazy.
There are three hundred and thirty whatever member threerd thirty six members of the of the maybe in parliament, and not one- during this giant speech and standing ovation, he fought why should you world war two? What area they know who fought arrive coming. It is a whole last night I know you're here your abs. I thought that as to the nazis, I thought christopher Plummer killed off the rest of them a long time and I thought so too, but we are going to continue. I guess I obviously have courses on my club. Lotto is cuda dot com, slash if you're watching right now in rumble. You click that button right there do it and you get to continue watching on not talking about rumble, because I heard you say this, but I want to be cleared of yours. I got super excited months ago. We launch this thing together and assumes I write it. The next few months eating ass. We do that for my show is showing us inscription. Honourable bathroom jobs muttered our com, it's gonna be massive with Training wheels were just as weekly show and you know it. I chose some of it. A major german, ok, we're join doing but, ladies and gentlemen,
My home city is basically shut up in a second wind at night. I'm gonna be doing shows whenever I feel I can on their. They get the line, lonely ready- and I would add, the fourth our soon at involved dot com excluded are finally on. rumbled behind the pay wall, because people want in italy, commercial, free, special guess, chimera. But look at the uk parliament look at the EU level rumble said? I we got letter same thing off Russell brandt, that the fight is there rumble is what you must wish. She was stephen when over months ago, pointed out show if we'd all back rumble if we'd all bad the house will support their sponsors. There's a lot of big fish out there watching you should, advertise your furniture company. You should advertise your tech company. You should belly up to the bar, You should get on her boy. You should get up to bat, an You should get involved because there's no sitting that actually has.
de the wherewithal and the infrastructure and the host all the big, paused are at rumble. People you want is to fight He wants to engage you wanted. Stand up. You want to not back down. Ok, we won't give up, we want met we won't sell out, but we could give out Everybody should gotta rumble right now. Everybody should what ramble, because they're doing what nobody else is doing and that's why Stephen Crowder there! That's why rest? great culture there. That's why I'm there show if you want aware, involves yet there promoting rumble and stephen prouder and get busy over my club to build this infrastructure gotta I appreciate that. That's why Alex joneses out and if you, unless you're furniture company, and you're swedish, because I dont need another ottoman that falls into a bookcase right now, click that button
We thank you rumble we're going to continue without joneses, wrap up the debate. You tube epic piss off, What
Transcript generated on 2023-09-29.