« Louder With Crowder

Invasion USA: Trump's Plan to Crush Biden's Border Attack!

2023-09-21 | 🔗
The U.K. Parliament wrote to TikTok & Rumble asking to cut off Russell Brand’s ability to monetize, Emma Roberts is anti-trans?, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has a plan: City-run grocery stores, Also Biden just let half a million illegal immigrants into the country. Tune in.Guest: Bryan CallenCBDistillery.com Promo Code CROWDER for 20% off (no prescription required)Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclubWatch the FREE show on MugClub NOW:GET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources/NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficialMusic by @Pogo
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I'm surprised to see here my office you not so much a closer, but generals are priorities. push you in the mouth, ok, I know tat are high right now solid that slide. Rick get to the point Well, I've had time to cover your proposal for the new show in approve this in any way, shape or form you guys bamiyan new shows, I'm just The network grow what's wrong with that: with that poindexter, let me I your proposal, please! Alright, they tell you, It starts office, I quote, like a game show and stuff, like fear, factor meets upright. right. I really want to watch it day. That's good meets the price is right and the running man, the main game, is pink o only
stead of discs. It has one of those circular bug saw things instead of the disk landing on the prize. It lodges itself firmly in the somewhat skull its existential yet excessive and people love high stakes, SAM, it's murder, its com. I'm not I'm not gonna waste everyone's time here, sticking around any longer. No I'll tell you which can't do sam can't grow facial hair at thirty five, oh that's low! That is really your low you're short, not sure casey I put an inch of this outbreak. Is it the short thing? That's causing this to be a problem that you can't speak your short glandular running pinker and all you wise,
I didn't want you discussing it. People just want to laugh if it's funny, it's funny, I'm going to just start being, who I really am. What do you think constitutes racism in canada, nick Europe, for the love of god? I think that's a big reason for the changing landscape. Someone has already tweeted how angry they are, and you start to realize there are lines you're willing to defend. Now you have all of these alt comics said lf, you know got a lot of black fans yeah. I haven't met anyone yet, but I welcome the murderers.
The smooth transition there. That was nice, has goods that transition of the audio sip. That effort
was like a symbiotic sip intro glad to be with you know. Monday is a murderer's row. A lot of you asked what you're gonna get more money than we ever the the the mega live stream ana on Wednesday, wednesday yeah more debates so tune in. For that what time to start that time, o'clock, we'll figure it out, are you drunk? No, I'm not drunk at all? I don't think we're still remember the level three sell me with the time, so we ever, I would say, there's a lot to get to, but here's the thing there is actually not there's one kind of through line here there we're going. be dealing with its that your government isn't looking out for you. They do care about you and alive Questions have been answered regards where you line up on the rustle brent, miss you and regardless of what you think about people fleeing a crappy country to come to a better country, namely mexico, crappy country america, better country, forget any of that. Actually I should say I don't even know if that constitutes a reason, but if you are John! You too. Can you see this had I known rumble,
I dunno. If I'm allowed to say that mexico, I don't want to vilify an entire nation, don't want to vilify an entire nation of people. That's fine, but mexico is a horrible place, eg, okay, yeah, so russell brand. This is happening right now. You know the uk parliament sent a message out to rumble asking them to remove Russell brand and two x, formerly twitter. I still call it twitter, This is not about private companies. Can we all agreed common below hit like when people say it's? A private company, nanda libertarians out there who think there there being pies, it's not a private company. We have the good ones. Youtube, remove Russell ran out. You think that you see, uk parliament sent a message to rumble, not you, to my go no conservatives stop puppies and crocodiles and we're also going to be talking about the year the board. Let's call it what it is: a border invasion right now record numbers Questions have been answered, hey we're we're bringing votes We want to shut down voices that disagree.
It was the government that go against the government narrative and we want to bring people who are now reliant on big daddy government who, by the way, commit record numbers of crimes against you, the american citizens, your gun, really only exist to protect you to protect your freedoms, to protect from physical threats meaning invasions, meaning being physically harmed and to protect you, it's like you're right. speak freely there packing both we're gonna be done, but that it also Emma Roberts is currently pretty very nice to which is why Kono so Okay gerald. It's just it's it's remarkable to me. You know we saw this with rumble and I could not be prouder by the way later, with credit, dot com, slash mug club, of course, I partnered with rumble maglev as an umbrella and a rumble where you subscribe to my club and you get nick depaulo. You get Brian Cowen. You get Alex Jones on friday, you get extra show every did you get our extra friday sure we're going haphazard, twin sonya, MR guns and you're. All of that is under the umbrella of rumble, if you just click the button, while you're watching and rumble right now and you joy,
what club you get to continue watching seamlessly. So you never left, and I could be happier with the response from the ceo of rumble. I know that's likely, but not as thick, I'm not patting myself on the back, but chris chris over that rumble good for you nailed it brass balls gerald never to see a hurry, I'm fantastic, also not drunk area slightly alleviated mc no slightly, but you he's not drunk you guys are not at all and then, when you hear this note is he's going to be the genesee theatre in waukegan illinois. It's a silly place sunday September twentieth and you can see the rest of his tour dates at Brian Callan, dot com. Mr Caroline, how are you I'm a man just a fresh off the squat rack stephen. So my testosterone is a little high, which means I'll be a little extra
right wing today, possibly good, just a warning tat about more urgent when women go off their birth control. They're gonna leave their men for you there and pheromone, because a pheromone thing- and it's only gave you smiling yet so, no, no! No, no! It's not giving all scar look in the ice. Is that what it is you don't make eye contact? I always start the wall is right. That's why he added the squat wreck doesnt, actually to do that to you had actually squat. That's why we're on girl is so creepy cause. She looks in the irish sea that mess that best me up for a while. I know I was just thinking I being spotted on the squat rack, make sure you care of my hips jump with those big d one hand you were thinking about that. I was talking about the attractive lady in gone girl. Oh yeah meant not to peer pressure, so I hate all the straight talk before we get to sara before we get to the issues here that we'll be talking about today, and I know a lot of people been talking about Russell brand and the border bottom say that's our roles of if bob conifers is be best, we
have to break them and get a scoop. We want to be correct and the information that we have known Russell brand. As far as the certain russell brand, as far as the allegations out there, but the kinds of letters that have been sent out from governments is unbelievably disturbing, but before that, what we're talking about government here's the thing! I want you to know that this is real This effort is real this. Clearly. This is a canadian channel, and these are canadian talk shows because I know that this is a parody of like you know morning show hosts slash low red podcast, if want to know the descent into tyranny. Why canada and look at the liberals. Look at the if this in Canada, I say liberals, because it also goes down the classical ever look at whatever in canada. That's actual political party look at what they do but what they would do have completely unfettered now watch this talk show These two women in Canada who talk about covered coming back here. We go
then- and there isn't even apportion in their mind that thinks maybe there's a lot of self awareness. This is real. Whoa back on steel and vance, and we're back to these visuals Linda we've got to get the arm flap going. You taught me this over. I feel like a pin cushion, I will be there, you call my name and I get nabbed shot him. but I kind of lost track. I think I've had five. We have five. I actually yes and I have said I should an extra one, because the wit doubt I had to get it before the new one way. Whatever you do I don't think so Photo back on stupid and my life. What keeping track of bees they're going to be able to get the I'm like a double pfizer, triple madonna now, so I'm going
modern out or whatever all take. Whenever you gonna give me you amino compromised, you shouldn't be masking up now. You need to be a little bit more cautious. It was the only thing that I personally didn't really agree with doktor bonnie henrietta. She was very, very reluctant to mandate the kids in classrooms because she did not feel that they would be tolerated. She admitted to us when she was on the show both actually against. That very well, I'll? Tell you what I when I went to Edmonton, as I mentioned at the top of the show. My we're wurtz mouse on the planned psyche? You know that I'm not that comfortable sitting in a tube with two hundred and fifty other. people who I dont now in the middle of their creeping up of covered, so my husband I wore macedonia people on the plan now lot santa was maybe like five firstly, entire plain who are worth mouse and just for a time.
Second, I felt a little dramatic walking on then I thought I'd actually don't care what you think me. I don't know you, you don't know me and I dont care, and I am sitting with people literally a couple of feet in front behind You can smell their hair right. So yeah. You know I'm back to tack on a few mouse into the purse. Let's do it and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to start wearing them at dad's care home again same, but oh boy, I dunno, Ages,
personal, oh, okay, okay, you know Brian, why don't? Why? Don't? Why don't you come over here? He'll need just he'll he'll be back. He didn't care, he needs a second yeah. I got the glass over here for a boy, the we need to order new tv. I think that was appropriate response, though lily. I think sometimes it comes down to breaking things, because that you, can do the real pencil she's one of those broken in this
everywhere his glass theirs. Is that that infuriates you, I don't know how he found that video. I don't know where that was living on the internet, that violent crimes. I want to know what he did when you first saw rayner. Oh, my gosh: will you just to smash the little utterly on tv is way broken, he's probably on the slot undisguised recovered since using right now, just some of the weight on taking the little that cuba bragging about the number of shots at they. Ve had bragging about the fact that kids are now going to be back in masks and there's a look he's back. Are you? Are you? Ok,. If you want your, you want your tea. It's calming tea. I think it's got chamomile and it's. Why don't you sit, might bring me some waze or chair here, so I can for sure get some water body can feel by sea. Stephen needs a little water right there buddy to do Did you what you needed to do
you do it's real hudibras, every area that video guys these people. This is when you wonder higher. There's no it's going to be thought again by more locked down. There at. They are absolutely all four by the way I she's like mix them up or bad, I'm double triple this guy. That guy doesn't matter. We people like you and our world. I don't think so, so you mention this off the top one the things that we wanted to talk about was was rumbles response to what the uk parliament said. But if you missed it yesterday, Russell brand had faced some additional kind of cancellations right, and so we we saw that we talked about the one on youtube where it was the monetize and actually sent a letter to both tik tok, an rumble. Asking them basically pressuring them to demonetized russell brand for allegations things that haven't been proven, no
evictions have come down yet, but they felt compelled to send this letter. Anyways. I'm gonna, read to just a little bit of here, we'd, be grateful if you would confirm whether mister bran is able to monetize his content. We will to know where the rumble intends to join you tube. In suspending MR brands ability to earn money on the platform the government of the uk. One of their citizens, who is not convicted of any crimes only allegations? Only in the press has come out and sent letters. They didn't just say this this wasn't some place, what guys vocabulary to ruin? The vibe in the rheumatism you'll be ok, grew up around those people in canada. That's why you left by the way. These are the people who will cheer this shit examples year this year at brian earlier in the when we were doing just go and run through browser. Do you think
think you think they also email you tube. Unlike what why you know they just email wrought, they thought that have a better shouted shaking down rumble. This is when people say private company. Here you got private company by the state exams accompany control by the state. Absolutely you know you were talking about how important freedom speeches due process is just as important. It's gone without due process. What happens is you can just tell a story about somebody and they lose everything. Do you remember the soviet union when you wanted somebody's apartment- and you just called the authorities and said this guy was saying something bad about the government and they were shipped off to the gulag that that's a real thing? Oh, no, its existed for all of time now. This is absolutely one hundred percent a real thing. I know thinking like rated his apartment, installers lowest genes,
hello, jean, because I've got great oblique, so low as low as its differing debris raises two, but I think you don't always have to make it about your hip zeiner back to myself and ok. Fine, this, the government of the uk reaching out in doing this, the again like us at this isn't a political speech or their advocating, for which would be bad enough. This is actually a letter sent straight to these companies and their is only one response that they should get from these companies. I'm guaranteeing you right now that tik tok won't respond this, where I'm guaranteeing you right now that youtube obviously did not respond this way. This is how you do it. This is rumble seo chris pavlovsk E. He said I know him, but you do today. We received an extremely worrying deserving another here's why this is important, this little bastard chris Pavlovsk. He is canadian He would just watch those canadian hags right. That's what he was that but he was born and bred with.
Of course, our fully realising that was a compliment there was a little bit is with us this. This boat weevils Chris Pavlovsk, this guy, who was raised in a nanny state sweater, vest police censorship. Fcc bull shit decided that he was going to start a company and flip them the birds. So you need to understand how how much of a change that is for a guy like this was canadian, pretty just albert it's like in that country. So for him to stand up and when we have people on the right, we have people in that on the it's conservative networks who don't because they gotta get the youtube dollar dollar bills. That's what's enraging kris, pavlovsky balls of steel, go support that guy and thank god for rumble or an absolutely so that his his quote. Today we received an extremely disturbing letter from a committee chair in the uk parliament. We regarded as a deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the uk parliament would attempt to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or to earn a living from doing so. Singly
out an individual and demanding his ban is an even more disturbing given the absence of any connection between the allegation in his content. Honourable, that's a really important, pointing he is saying specific I have a lot of problems with what you're asking me to do about this. Guy didn't do anything on our platform. That is, in any way related to this and now you're coming after him here, although it may, be politically and socially easier for rumble to join a cancel culture mob. Doing so would be a violation of our companies, values and mission. We emphatically reject the uk parliament's demands, so basically, think so. Let me with cuts words, Let me distilled instrument for you. Will you be a perfect example I have always said that youtube they act. they don't follow the law and then they
create their own laws so, for example, single party consent. You know that's what allows for investigative journalism and has to there's a reason that that law exists. Otherwise you would never have your ex. You would never have watergate, for example, which by the way is child's play compared to now, but you can't expose corruption, youtube says no. On. Second, the person who was filmed even they consent, and they don't need to and oh, they don't want it now, so we're going to remove it. So there you go, you can now remove that voice. Then they create their own new laws and new rules that oh wait. You were accused of something somewhere in the media, so you are going to remove this think about this for a second mike and by the way, this is not at all to admonish mike tyson thinking. thyssen. If you read his book like MIKE, tyson also had some really tough breaks, and I think that he was he. it's something that he admits. Dubious, falsely malign and a lot of ways. However, the for the guy was convicted of serious crimes was put in prison. In other words, there is more due process there for as much as the digital system offers due process couldn't have Alex Jones on his shop
Alex Jones, couldn't be on hot boxing with MIKE tyson, so you can have thyssen sammy the bull, but I dont know What we are doing is me- and you too won't you now they did- can entail a con values too much tumblr It's insane, you know, there's something very important about the Russell brand thing to the people. According to Glenn, I'm a whole. You till you love me faggot, yeah, obviously, to dump dump dead. You got that right, MIKE tyson and then Alex Jones when filled it with them, and then they Alex Jones released it on his own platform because they were afraid to host We are ready to host donald trump item before any indictments. Just to be clear, and roughly brand so acts. war criminals. criminals,
true crime shows basically breton. I'm not saying my thyssen machine that, because it's a very prominent example, but you have no criminals on youtube and then people who ve never been convicted of a crime and you have the government's reaching out to big tec to do their bidding. Are you starting to get the picture? and don't just look at the monitor, don't look at monetization, just as lots of money. That is that is enough. That is enough. Like you've talked about going to war over somebody's ability to make a living right, we've gone to war over that kind of stuff. It's also each caught it: monetization You're reaches well. If you're, not monetize, not monetized, hear your voice doesn't get out there. So you don't have to quite ban you. They can shadow bandy, they can demonetized you they can just you every once in a while. It's kind of sounding I'm a little familiar to me about the email that we receive. Yes about stuff, but we are talking about, is a really important point. It is about reach, neglect. Greenwood these journalists didn't women come to that, I don't they were they when they went and found this story themselves. Why now, what? What? What was it that,
that caused them to go out and luckily, ST pete weeks. Thank you yeah. They don't like what he's saying look, and I want you guys to comment. What does rumble standing up for free speech mean to you, because when people do step out like go whatever platform, you are on, I'm sure that a rumble put it out there, Chris put it out there make sure that you go out there and support him, make sure that you go out there and reach tweet and comment and encourage look rumble has to be the pirates flicking off the rest of the industry or their nothing right. That's exactly what they're doing right here, they're standing up for free speech, I'm still waiting on twitter's response! Yeah! We have that. Yet I don't think twitter's wouldn't thoroughly pirate analogy, though right now, but as the guy known as the symbol of rape and the pillaging, and when they do, they want to rape territory. Considering the story they're good pirates yeah, but if they don't want to a pirate look good parents. Do rape
I don't think that's firms and hiring have re. Can we all agree guys? Don't leave me out here on the vital teddy pirate? You have the right only beyond the plank yet actually around a delay wouldn't be a malaria and other when you wouldn't be apparent. Otherwise, what do you use a guy in a twenty eight years of funny about privateers? Ok, good? There we go. We know that there are basically parameters. Do you have something for me over there? You it'll just take my lady wildly and put my finger power. No guardian UK is actually saying this Russell brands, wonderland the online so box, where the star pushes his crook free speech
including bush's his free speech, ashes yeah. His first speech, who thinks that is he thinks that he's entitled to due process. He thinks he has the right to actually speak to the rouge rouge thing again that they do that with the second amendment. The second amendment means that you can have any gun. You want so long as you're a law abiding citizen doesn't erase the fact that the shitty argument dummy yeah speeches the languages goes. It all goes sorry, look around world where it doesn't exist. You don't see freedom, you see it here. You see freedom that is being eroded, unfortunately, right now, but free speech, and I don't care what you think of the situation with Russell brand right now he should have the ability to speak. His reach should not be limited. He has not broken any laws by the way, I think the same please for Alex Jones chorodyne thing:
We ve mentioned just a minute ago. This guy should be back on the platforms. We need a good reason. Why he's not, and we haven't gotten that yet I don't think we ever will. I think they're just gonna say nope, it really is an incestuous relationship or wood. What disappoints me most is not. We talk to us is not that big tech does what they do. What would have broken my heart genuinely would have been if, if Chris Chris Pavlov's keep capitulated, so I was. That was really something. Yes even cost him, not only revenue like I don't know what kind of position he has as far as ownership and making sure these protected not being ousted from accompanied by a board or something like that, but it can cost him being able to be there. This is not the first time they done this. They collect all france, the entire government rightly into entirely over it with one finger. That's pretty good! I stay out over a canadian right. It's flip off beer, flick
It took france a while to realize that they had been they'd been bodied because they were on a long weekend. They were yeah, it was the month of august. They take that all work week. What is this he just came. He'd went like this read between the lines. What does this mean? Read the aws azure and as a big begging, you are an asshole. Did you know that Julia roberts had a had a nice that actually I didn't notice? Oh, my god, I really didn't Emma roberts. I didn't realize this. This is what lane was telling me yesterday. Is she even though it are you what will see here and just a second, but she she seems to be a bit based. On Wednesday actress act or at an end ross accused former coast, our emma roberts of being anti trained normal, Ok, ladies, you know that's enough. Let you know like get back to work again that looks at me. She go. She goes, don't you lady and she turned
and covers her mouth and goes back here. but can't see looking at her dead ass in the camera, like what did you just say, Narcissus gets an answer. Now. Look I heard it ass in the death of woman appeared like trying to process. You just say it sand, peter. I'm like then there there she walked away. my beloved, is born
That's a woman, what that's, because of all the others, because of other the hormones that you're taking over internet heads trans individuals, as if it had not maybe a shop spencer's man to find her very family yeah stride. I find him rabbit from exile a little difficult. I think that's how Larry is by the way to do that and billy. Don't you mean woman, and I love her dead ass. I don't like the first. I wasn't sure if you liked it, if he meant like dead naming, seems really goes a threat to beat up hammer robert that man threatened to beat up emma. I think some to mobile look. This is it is not the only thing that emerald city that's funny right that soaring comedy in an insult right side
like that. I'm amber am with that, but also she apparently mocked ross's voice a little bit. So here's here's a funny. Look if you're going to make a stand in hollywood, do it in a fun and exciting way. If it's going to be like your last hurrah and they're going to kick you off the set and you're never going to work again, it's a joke. I like it alright, so here's here's, the quote, we're all sitting around and I'm copying cody's accent didn't know he had one well, then how the hell are you copying it emma then copies my voice and laugh and drops it. Several octaves should first up the impressive emma roberts must have serious, vocal range, very rapid, a couple of octaves. I love that she did that by the way, just sitting around no fear whatsoever making these comments in front of the director sitting around doing this and by the way, just just just so people know here's like when he was in the navy quite clearly that for a second
that's what we do have an end in the navy. Well, actually just to her him in the navy. You say this out with him. I mean. Are you can't see this other than to say he was very popular with the sailors are just some of the sailors, not all of the sailor s, I'm straight laws at you in the eyes of the who is in the villages. Is the difference rule that you're talking like that you're the one who came up with rules? I can't follow that. I agree that back up doing very not just hard. You can't really see this if you can zoom in a lower, that's fine, but so it says that my soul, smiles, because I know myself in a biblical. Manner to others. If you know someone biblically doesn't that imply sex depends on his way to old as his mentor nutella yeah. You know them. I think they're trying to claim the god thing that they always say this, though there are arguments you know, god doesn't make any mistake. I knew that I was born a
god doesn't make any mistakes right now, borne transit is like seconds you're saying so god knew you. Before you in your mother's womb. He numbered every here and you had your fearfully wonderfully greeted like. I forgot the cock well limits. Go tuesday? I was distracted. Guided me, that's why you have to surgically remove the non mistake and then reopen it as a wound with the medical device, for it is just that it really is gas lighting, that's taking place from the left as like. This is the way I was made. There are no mistakes. No! No! No plastic surgeon, major that, if you're lucky but his hand was kind of scalp, was guided by god. Success has ability. That's you're, gettin, stoned I wouldn't I don't understand it depends on what god you are talking that was in the navy right then they may just. I miss the good old days in the navy where you could just you call,
caught a training. Did you run away? god. I'm going to show you like that, as a back. That's so ninety! Ninety three! I know I love it though, but Unfortunately, ruskin from last night that roberts called, pod eyes is came out. I don't even know this part of the story come on. Why here's an apology? What you are wrong? hey man, you apologize to the person who basically threatened to kill you for us or for a voice. I looked saw her dead ass dead, in the mirror, and then I m sorry, I did do a silly voice. It did warranted death threat. Suddenly. We should say
this is one of the few times. Somebody on the far left actually accepts an apology. Right well, jail, there's no redemption! For the most, we have a going out and kind of trying to like say this type of stuff in the media and putting us devout there like. Ours is ok yeah, she apologized, but let's hope that she doesn't ever work again kind of stuff. So if that's the way this apology comes across than absolutely not, but I understand what you're saying so. Let me read the apology, real quick and see what they says it there. I didn't mean that you ve done. A lot of this is a response to the airlines. We have the authority, I don't see the appalling we just have to respond on and apologize. I call that power. If you have the ecology that would be breaking the law, sir. So here's the here's, the response, thank you and roberts for calling an apologizing. recognizing your behavior was not that of an ally because she's your enemy
if you're, not, you have a penis, and I will leave the line open to follow up on your desire to do better and support social justice causes with your plow moonwalk platform. That's the mob that it is I'm sorry. That is what we will use the term market. That is the mob. Like you know, I appreciate appreciate that you are gonna, be an ally, and I appreciate you want to walk on your own two legs out of here. I appreciate that you will say the things that I want you to say. Few value, your puppy it would be a shame. It would be a shame with a chick with a dick, just left, a cyanide stake in your bush and all your property or the animals to appreciate you bringing aboard the lgbtq plus agenda bitch is it a shakedown? It is absolutely wanna. Do me a favor hit like if you think that, but roberts apologizing, is cowardly right, it's a coward
way. Out of this, you may to jokes that we're funding that we know of you probably made a lot more that were reported on irish lay behind the backs of yours. You, though, gerald that her agent and I know said if you want to work again, you better make this right. That's what happens, and I know, but if you don't do this, the uk parliament's gonna give you cause, and I understand that and look I I agree. I understand that, but you take the stand but crisp I've lost Did we don't make a joke? If you continue to work. You make this decision beforehand, you don't get to come back afterwards, because we know exactly where you stand. We know exactly what you believe. You said it now you're coming back and capitulating, because you think they aren't going to do this to you. You're, not gonna. Just kick you out and not. you work again or maybe they're, not I call you next time are thinking of a wrong. It's not gonna happen. I'm sorry! Eventually it's gonna go away. The problem. I understand what you're saying but advocating for it somewhat coming out you with it, but look
This is why the situation still exist in the first place, because people do not take a stand, it will cost you something to stand up for what you believe. They will absolutely cos you, otherwise, there not beliefs, their just ideas, try to just get molded whatever the society says, rumble stands It could cost them something something meaning everything especially if the united states government follows up was said, request right, it can some everything it is worth more than you stand up and say because guess what You have told us there's tons of people in hollywood, better conservative, but are just too afraid to stand up. What have you stood up at once, put of you all said Well, you d find myself. You d find yourself on who you are under pressure under real pressure when you could lose something. Otherwise, what are you worth you you what lines are you willing to defend? They would they would if they also once there'd be a lot of jewish representatives tearing their close lot of money lost,
the do. This and they're all ripped we're talking about that back in the day was tearing their cloth and when you, when your your clothing, when you think when you, when you have to go, buy more clothes or clothes much the Jews, probably they probably bought off brand clothing for the days they knew they were going to wear champion We also want a marketing we, whether summary, in what way? Will the Jews marshals today its hebrews in warehouses and was all a bit gripped by they? Have you ever tried and tested a clumsy and gesture? It says that in fact sound that anger, you got strong tensile strong, nor should have won the american apparel shogunate, so look eat, look at all the navy's to boxy. I said, even though she did this apology, like all lefty celebrities know that this is a grip. The trans agenda is agree. There is, if nothing is going to be enough right now. it used to be about gender, neutral bathrooms, and now it's out, you can't even do a voice and by brine you know this year's thing. Whatever I tell us,
if I accidentally do an impression you slip into people will say: oh you're, doing blackface or all your donation was all you're doing gerald voice, or it doesn't matter what it is all you're doing. Lady voice, that's what a lot of people, especially if you're a performer that doesn't mean that there's any amount. There is no grace anymore for the people who claim that they want to be empathetic, it's all a game. gotcha, it's all a game of ruining people's lives for a moment of. Maybe they don't even do something wrong, they'll, just fabricated anyway. It it in that extends to everything and by the white gender neutral bathrooms. That's one! That's how it started. You would think Add something more even in this office we ve had to deal with it. That's not enough! I the you know the american with disabilities act
therefore reason I the three I I no paper I I I I I
I'm I'm just glad he. Finally, I don't know why we know my when you gotta go yet again, so I just there What is not using the telephony services affinity with just a handicap tried to india that really is now expand that door. I know a guy, you know, guy, that's fantastically guys. It is alive, show monday through friday, ten, a m eastern turkey. Here on rumble. If you end up on you to make sure that the like button do something there to let the algorithm, though there were still alive because they like to you know, just strike us every once in a while for content, it's not even on their platform. I understand that they like to do that with Russell brand as well. then make it appear like we don't exist on there's a go there for second come right back MR president, every once in a while unemployment meant in a while alright. So a lot of you obviously have seen that there are issues at the border right. We've covered this topic a number of times. I want you to understand. This is a little different, we're going to talk about it in a slightly different way than we have before. It's an invasion inform it. Yes, it is yet it is not a it's not
small monday in detail now at the border right, the illegal. Crossings are actually surging again and a lot of people say that! It's this about this, like racial replacement. I think it's actually about disintegrate kind of blowing up the middle class of the already that's actually for the middle class. The party that always says Therefore, at least the middle class is action putting policies into place that will blow up the middle class and we're going to tell you exactly how they're going to do that, but to kind of set this thousands and thousands, and thousands and thousands of venezuelan freeloaders are currently pouring across that border in attacks and there's a lot of the video, not miss universe. No.
They want a free ride. We escaped the dollar zone, by the way to give credit to be fair here before you get angry like let's, let's run the end of that clip again and let's, let's look at the there are some scholars, yeah yeah, let's look at that he got a lawyer. Pediatrician mechanical engineer, okay, wedding, planner, nice landscaper, and then there also is a sex traffickers in the back. He didn't even see that I know yeah, I know well, these are these. Are these are kids? These are families right yeah, they mess up the washing post, but that's that's the favorite thing
they like to say these families are fleeing oppression. There, they're fleeing all of these things that are happening in these countries didn't see the What the families there's a lot of lot of military aged men are going to reach the syrian migrants. Remember that the the refugees was less than one percent of them were actually christians when they were fleeing the country where, if you were a christian, you were burned alive or you're thrown off of a roof. That was the excuse that they were bringing in military aged males who are muslims lot of them muslim extremists into europe. So this is what they say to you because, hey? Why don't you care about the heartstrings yeah? Exactly they want you to think of a mom with the children that she's trying to kind of get across the river. And that does happen, don't get me wrong. But that is not what this lot of venezuelans right now are a lot of oppression, hate, Brian Jeremy, who ve who was in charge of sean pen. Cheyenne loves sean pensive, one of the greatest political leaders of our prime will go. Who should I know it's my business maduro now chavez and material. They were pray, vital african wherein Bernie sanders say deadlines org
was referring to Venezuela to, as you said, that section of the bad thing it means are trying to ensure equality, and now they use their own enforced equality as justification for being oppressive when it doesn't work and then we have to take them in so much equality. We're we're fifth floor. What let's forget that some ethnic all such equality there eating cactus sick? They are well, you know, never has a country before been blessed with somebody resources and been so poor as Venezuela, within reach of the quote from Washington post cause, I'm gonna make fun of them for a second. So in them the current border city of going that what is good for you back to me. Please you that not bad do you know you're an idiot. You just said in the mexican city of the city war, as it is. me I'm sorry you could adjusted whereas crowds dust covered family's hold on it. This needs to be more serious, because this is the tone. The crowds have discovered families, climbed out of railcars and headed for the gates in the. U S, border wall, urging us agents to allow them in urge
I love it. Do you know what, if I'm a border patrol agent and you keep urging I'm still yeah- I'm probably not gonna come on I dunno it's like that all it takes. They were pleading for an urgent with a little better urging is that all it takes can be said that little gremlin from the park in new york that and yet nothing nothing, nothing mediocre, nothing like if a if a law, where's me right, enforcing the law. Is it it just early hey hold on a second hey you just a? U pickpocket that men, yes officer, but I urge you not to arrest yeah, it's hard to say that, where, without saying a little perverted, I I have this urge urging in your country has the washington because urge you, I actually you implore you get in your country,
look. I urge allow me I'm her and by the way you don't allow them answer now empires you don't invite them. They have to move on. That's where we take one. More look at the picture of the these migrants yosemitic overly. If one looks at dusk, covered families If anything that one guy there to the right could use a little dusty is a bit of a shiny forehead. He does yeah that happens. Looking at nary a woman or child to be seen or a matte powder there you go she's, the skin tone, really: it's just covered in dust. What guess? What you have record numbers of fentanyl? You have more slaves than ever on earth right now and then in recorded history, just typically forty two million a lot of them sex slaves just to be clear, trafficked across the border and, of course the little the little overlooked. Fact that
in your jobs matter, your livelihood matters in there's no way of knowing there's no way of knowing the piano and sun and the guests, but what they're doing here nets we make all the references available alot of galway, throw a little upset today because of the rustle brain and the engagement going on. But I think that we ve ambled this new. You have a really good job set forth, but just one arrives. Thank you for setting me forth on my job look. This is a part of it, plan you, you see a lot of stuff out of italy as well. What is it lamp do said: the island, whether they're just experiencing crazy amounts of people coming in I'm an address and parallels right. This is not by accident, but let me just give you some information to tell you just how bad it is right now these numbers are, stag. Let's, let's break it down for the pig devotee fact number wants that, those that they can go forward, and I know you better men, the average number of illegals crossing by the way. I'm going to say migrants their people breaking the law. There are illegal
I know that you can't make a personally legal if they break the law in the country illegally. Yes, again, police reports as it gets up and four hundred and fifty percent per annum, london, Joe Biden, tromp average. One thousand two hundred and thirty three binding of doing a hundred and seventy nine thousand one hundred and thirty eight by the way, on september, seventeenth alone, seventy five hundred asked in one day, if you put that out or if that trend persists, I don't see any reason why wouldn't that be two hundred and twenty three july, two thousand and monthly, any found that you ok, if we can't solve the border crisis right now, just start baby steps put the people in charge of the turnstile at six flags there, so they won't be able to get that much volume, that's fair that was a good seventy five hundred or in by the way, just just make sure you understand that fleeing religious, persecution by him. Large. Ninety nine point: nine percent of them aren't at least there just free fling, crappy economies. I understand the desire to get to a better place, but there has to be a process, otherwise the
better place, does not exist anymore after a certain period of time, but they know this here says number two never hear effect now the thing that didn't, kill somebody up in the north and cause riots. What you're saying it didn't actually haven't. I think it was the fentanyl. Probably the one thing that you just mentioned things very important. Where you have your fleeing crappy echo but policies right now, ok, I will take you in there would be incentive to create better economic policies? For the same reason, we have fifty peak peter district where fifty states here to see ok, what works and what doesn't hey. You guys have tried socialism, you guys have tried fascism, totalitarianism, we didn't break that suits and others pay rent, but I have, of course, encourages the policy that has led to Venezuela, so there's no, there is no incompatibility whatsoever. It's
The policies have created a better world, a better cut for our people. You need to change it in your own country. This is your country, and then you come here. We have to hear about your pride and how americans don't have culture? Well, you left yours. He left yours for the culture that created a place where you could apparently cross on the tram with a dust covered face. So how about that culture, but the left has sensitive to take no arduous, but because I can't say that ours is better now, but you have to admit that ours is better, but I think that's part of the plan I really does it is. I think there is a plan, a foot here- to try to create kind of an elite class and then a very, very broad kind of lower class of people that don't really have any power and then to have a middle class of people. That's really small and not represented and I'll get to ireland in place. That's absolutely what has happened so you fit now in traffic, they are absolutely rampant. When you don't have people the border keeping people from coming in here five other people a day. Do you know how many people are used as drug meals, germany, people or be
used to get kids into the united states to traffic illegally to have sector. Having you see care about, this is a really easy solution. Just close the border illegals by them I have to pay around like ten thousand dollars to get in the united states? Sometimes it's lower, like two thousand, you get the cut rate coyotes. I guess, and then you get like the first class high rate coyotes that are ten grand by the way. Most of those guys don't have that money they come here. They borrow it from family than they have to work to pay it off in a lot of times its indentured servitude, which is a lot of the human trafficking that we talk about. This number, though shocked me cartels make right now thirteen billion dollars per year from smuggling people into the united states, that's under former vice president Joe Biden. Anybody want to take a guess number was under present. I'll drop in two thousand and eighteen, five hundred you know. That's that's five enter million type, thirteen billion to thoroughly there's no way bill,
no dollars and you bring up that reference again. Can you bring up that? Well shit? Ok, it says it, but it's not highlighted I'll, give you that, but it it's their wild. Crazy, five hundred million to third dean billion hours a year whose policies do you think they like better thanks, go by policies are actually working better. I don't get. It comes down to brass tacks. Remain these guys are making a lot of the brass fitness smuggling is also at an all time, high twenty two twenty twenty two twenty twenty two is up one hundred and sixty four percent this year by the way already at fifty per. from last year's high well it's higher than the high from last time and I'm so tired. I'm sort of the fentanyl talking point that you have politicians like we are the opioid have a problem. Now we don't, we don't have an opiate crisis. We have an illegal drug crisis. We have an illegal opiate crisis. The idea that some kid went in for a when a nerve, some guy went in for a root canal and became you know, sort of blowing people for
or a couple a hydra code on its complete problem of lower aboard. No, it's absolutely sure, because everyone is as open odds, bad right when they say he's gonna get it wasn't a good trade off right. It is now for that maybe get a bottle. If you're gonna go there. When I can see me they want to go after big farmer. That's the bogeyman right when the fact is. The vast majority of people who became addicted to prescription opiates were already dick did something else, but remember that and the vast majority of death come from illegal opiates, like fetnah, like here and in the streets and the death went up when prescribing of prescription. Opiate went down, I'm not saying that the warrant doctors prescribing opiates willy nilly world, but what I am saying is they just now. Ok, we can all just say this, because I have a little beyond board. They ve been affected negatively, but let's not address the actual problem, which is the
thirteen billion dollars right the border, because the left benefits from it by the way, the more money- and I know they make a lot of money from drugs, but really do we need to give them more money to further entrench themselves to further by politicians to further control these states and make them crap holes so that people end up fleeing to the board. You understand where this is going by the way stay and make it a better place. That's what you do otherwise this problem never get solved stay and make it a better place. It's what we did here. We stayed. We made a better place. We fought wars to make it a better place, stay in your country, fight to make it a better place. But the next generation or the generation after that doesn't to flee and you stay in your homeland and by the way, the footnote. smuggling! That's going on here! These guys are being used for humans. african they're being used to smuggle in drugs, you know the scary thing really is smuggling and stuff. That's not just drugs smuggling I don't know, maybe a dirty bombs. Are we paying kinda that maybe there's some sensors that can catch that stuff smuggling. Ok, that's so that they can shoot up a shopping mall
ugly and somebody who wants to do us harm Josie Rosenberg, one of my favorite authors wrote a book about this at the time he does it. refer. Can time at the time order. Crisis starts getting crazy. He had written a book like six months prior to that it was getting ready to publish it that talked about them doing exactly that smuggling and terrorist from the southern border. It is a problem, needs to be addressed. myriad of reasons and bought you but demerit garland, is to say about the smuggling. Not just just worry so sure. our dowells, from portuguese colony, arizona state. I would rather, you were out a few years ago and under oath. He said the reason there is such a drastic increase, in fact, in all coming into the country, is because, on January twentieth of twenty twenty one open This policies were announced by president Biden. Have you expect concern about those open, what policies that have led to this, the increase in the amount of fat coming into our country
I can't associate myself with the conclusion reached by the sheriff. I think that's helpful, article yeah right. I wouldn't want an attorney general to draw conclusion: oh wow, no and from a legal perspective, what's the best thing that we can do your eye, man it just sounds like some guy on the ground facing the problem. Every single day, this tisdale informed and one thanks a lot doctor. No hell yeah he's the villain. You walk 'em, he says nothing like have you been expecting me, Mr Mann, MR butler, Oh I'm, doctor! No, oh that's right! Non doctrinal help. I think here's a stat that is really important that they'll try and trick you with this. We did. We use this quite a bit in the change my mind. If you go back and watch the build up the wall they'll transit. Actually, immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than national citizens. Ha no one. Here. The problem with immigrants were prom with illegal immigrants.
but when you actually account for it very hard right to measure that, because they're here illegally, which I kind of the key point, is that met, a violent crimes at a map, too much higher rate animals. We have those numbers, it would be in the chief in mind, I want to say it's: it's either, eight or like sixteen times higher when you take people who are here illegally and it's not just taking into account the fact that they are here illegally is an effective number one, but here's something else. One feels at all. You know what people can't be illegal or ok it isn't. tougher pill to swallow. First of sanctuary sues all that, but when your child is shot in EL paso, or your sister is raped someone HU as a matter of law, had no business being here anyway, in other words, that one preventable. So you're trying to minority report thought crimes Russell brand right now, but you are actually enforcing the laws that would prevent measurable, quantifiable vial
crimes. It's really really really hard to tell someone who had a family. Was rate armor because of a cartel member. Because of somebody came over to say I'm not on the books thought they could get away with it. Well, I'm going to tell them what you know. What that we don't think that the border is actually the right way to. We dont think that having a stricter immigration policy will make a difference. Let me ask you a question. You think some of these women that are being trafficked over the border. You think some of them get raped by these cartel members, our resource coyotes. How bad and I want to get your kids across a border ma am such as idea in india by exactly so binds open border policy. I guess there is there: is a disk If you don't want to spend the ten thousand dollars, I'm sure you can you can negotiated to discount. Oh yeah, you won't negotiated, could you'll get rate down to exactly I mean you know when I read something something but sometimes we look. That brings us to fast buck number three they're doing this on purpose. Yes, this is all I design right, the administration actually removed
or if you saw this story, they removed the very thing that maybe you want to keep in place to help solve this problem, razor wire that was put up by the texas national. We have a clip of them taking we do yam, removing razors at the border you know why What's he do why I'm here that was that was wrong, razor and different razor guys and that this is here's. The right click. Sorry about that. The footsteps of the ego guys hey signal file now, okay, so we haven't built the escalator yet yeah our bed, we'll just get this, Adam out of the way the impediment therefore reason. Yes, I don't like it that people get caught up I just would rather them not come in the first place and break the law and governor abbot, as I think I like real, sometimes his. He is a wheel. Turkey is not yet maiden have
the thing, but he sometimes, that's good things. Sometimes it is not so much, but he did respond to this on x? And I appreciate and coming on saying this. He has texas installed razor wire in eagle, pass to stop illegal crossings. Today the Biden admin that. Why are opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants? I immediately deployed more taxes, national guard to repel illegal crossings and install, more razor wire good. It should be there and by the way, what the the thing that I have maybe a little bit of a problem with you, governor governor abbott, you haven't done more on the border. I understand it costs money we're going to get the much. It's actually costing us to have these people here and why that pressure is starting to push people you see new york. I ve seen Mare Adams right now, like our now. We have people here and we can't afford to pay. The public's are guess what it's like? a border tell. Why do you think we're sending them your way? Because you don't feel the pain
you just get to look down on us and go just deal with the guy's number of people. The number remember back in two thousand and seventeen. I believe it was sixteen billion dollars to build the wall. The highest estimated came from NBC. It was like twenty something million illegal immigrants back then so not want adjusted for the five hundred and forty two inflation since then cost Eric and taxpayers over hundred and ten billion dollar guess what an updated number for four hundred and fifty billion dollars per year? Is that just because then the service or them? Yes, yes, oh here Here's? What happened right so damn leaders from across the nation weathered chicago san francisco west coast discuss new york. What does matter we're sitting? I'm all to you and you get to see what it's like to help take care of people when you say that just deal with it and take care of people, they've been pressuring the Biden administration, saying hey, you gotta do something about this. So by then administration said that it would grant nearly half a million illegal venezuelans the right to work in the united states, half a million they're doing
under a programme that was a temporary programme put in place in nineteen ninety up until then up until this thing happened when he granted nearly half a million people the right to work in the united states. The programme had about two hundred and twenty thousand people in it do you understand what I'm doing temper programme and then complaints. They say, oh, but what in a program like this and giving them this ability to work and just to be here legally technically at this point, so we can never ever ever know where they are or what they're doing and actually have them come back out of the country if they shouldn't be here in the first place, isn't it it caused more people to come into the know. We said you had to be here before July. Thirty, first for this to kick in, so all those new people they'll know this isn't going to happen. I'm like have that policy in place before and you made an exception to it. Actually she they they're, going to want you to do that again and they're going to flood into this country illegally and hopefully, hang around long enough to vote so that you can that, so that they can vote so that you
make another exception. You moron, you know exactly what you're doing and so do the citizens by the way and staten island those residence. They started protesting a little bit because their pissed off you for us. good night, dozens of protesters rallied outside island shore senior centre on staten island, which is now housing fifteen asylum seeking families. We should be helping I am even this restoration well remain compared to a night earlier when ten people were including for assaulting a police officer it don't exactly angry. The migrant crisis has reached apocalyptic proportions financially for our city, good. That is, perfectly trimmed monks cap to be asked to get should be. That should be a man's keeper. Asia really add, you know I'm his brilliant, the symmetry ain't elastic said. Lord new york city is actually fighting in court to allow
and citizens to vote, which is a technicality, because when you don't have voter id it doesn't matter anyway, yeah. We we've been saying that that is a really good, important important thing to have voter id. But so let me let me district, so the Biden administration is loosening up the reins on this to bring than his way. Let's hear the doing it by the way at a time of year when it has the greatest impact because of you ve noticed with the weather, is starting to cool down in the south, where its quite is hot. So more and more people will feel like. Ok, I can make the journey. I can actually make it their without dying, which is great. I understand it, but they're doing it at the periphery. time for that's a new york city starting to fight this now they're, starting to say, hey, expand this temporary programme. All because it costs them money? That's it that's absolutely all it is because they can afford to do it and now pennsylvania is autumn. equally going to register people to vote when they get there
wait. I do which they say you don't have to prove your residency to get, not only that, but we also know for standards when people say. Oh, none of these court cases on the elections are known them or what well? That's, not that's not entirely true. First off in a big part of the complaint, is it's impossible to purge voter rolls? it's been a lot of these states. So there are people who overstay. In other words, someone may be able to get a state iD who is not a natural born citizen who is not entitled to vote? visa may lapse men. They can still it's almost impossible. We went through that when we called an emphatic clark, county, registrar and evaluate what we just can't do anything about it. If they ve already voted, it's done. So if we can't keep dead people from voting, certainly we can't keep MIKE
I'm putting you shouldn't, be here a boating illegally and by the way I know what you think about the pencil anything on your line was voted for now, let's see Joe louis the box and not the dog, merman and taco yemen is nineteen transcriber him lincoln. I didn't know he was still around, but good for him right, he's, probably looking good at that ripe old age, honey vampires, I hear voters don't I have to prove the agent citizenship, even though they say they do and here's why I say that right, so they have a process where they say in pennsylvania, you're going to have to prove your age and your citizenship. Well, that sounds good right. There's no audit process. So The rule is there and, as somebody comes in and breaks the role, we have no way of tracking that role being broken, and so it is like gabbett there's a rule to what after the show what what what I'm saying? There's no audit can't you just send a eighty, seven thousand new iris hd into our iris employees. Remember that's! So they find sorry. You are not technically sent send a third of those they're insole pushers. Yes right, one! Third of them too. Citizenship, as opposed. my trader, Jos receipts.
Say what you have to go. Do you have to show to get a government The what iD do you have to show to get a government on your tits? You know what I'll? Let research pull something up on this, but I believe that there have been several states that are trying to push for just making sure even illegal immigrants have ids, state ideas ass, anything because they re everybody suppression its privilege. They say I train argue again that voter I d as racist black people, don't think so and by the way the vast majority of hispanic people don't think so, but they say it's much harder for them to procure vote ids, and when is it really for black people that go yeah? Most of them are so poor. They don't have cars condescending to them or to know how to get an iD is what Joe Biden would say. I don't give a rat's ass, still a bike. Do something and look I
I kind of mentioned this off the top a little bit. I did some reading. I think I read this book last year about europe's problem with immigration, because it seems like they're doing the exact same thing, we're just we're a little bit behind the curve. Europe has been doing this for quite a while and we're taking these policies and implementing them and typically implement like a new policy? We do something new around here like art. What has been done before by anybody enough report. policy in behind the scenes. Maybe did it work for somebody else that work for us? Ok, maybe we want do this. These people know it has failed europe. These people know that europe has turned into a crap hall, all the way up into sweden and Finland and the uk and france and germany in these places. They absolutely one hundred percent now, and I think you probably been reading about it in the news that the lamb duessa thing that I said limp do s or whatever I do know the island in the turanian. That is part of italy, a lot These people come to their six thousand people that live there over the last I believe, a week to ten days. Eight teen and emigrants illegally crossed, and they are now they outnumbered the local population, three one day,
I basically run up a flag and say this is this? Is our ship now? Is that right, one hundred percent? True not making this up? You can pull the we'll get a fact check from the guy's, their eighteen, thirty, six thousand residence on the other by the way move off the hook, Unfortunately, our goods, not a turk, gun and tat, has been heard. Youngster that get a fairy. I went out well this has been happening to ITALY for well over a decade, and this specific island is a target because it's really close, and so what you It is ok, you have a scenario: do you have something really not so good to the south will say: right: economies aren't great hard times for people. I hate war torn because of that, sometimes at an earlier to the south, to the south of a good economy rights you gotta good group of the kind of negative italy in general, with south its blitz cork oaks ring. I fell in italy, careful as our little bit right, so they come in through
Greece is one of the major places that they come into. Look up some of the stuff that's going on in those islands, especially lesbos in places like that. Stop it not that I'm saying amounting there we're going to conversations and then I go down into libya. They actually yeah north into libya and then come across into the southern part of italy. Denote italy decided to do when they started to realize. We cannot function well, ordered a ship of north based. shipping immigrants north? They would literally give them tickets to go goes far north as they would like to go and put him on a train. Guess what there's no borders? There's our borders now, Seeking to stop them from going there now, the poor, There comes a knocking on your doorstep. Does that sound familiar, hey guys, their people, their families, just fleeing persecution. You should take them and you should pay for their housing. You should do everything you can sounds great, I'm sending you a hundred thousand right now ready ordered her. Do it. You know before
we'll get mad about the whole advocating because you know I don't know how you have an entire it's a continent. That's never gotten it right and by the way, that's not because a melanin they'll for the same reason as venezuela with talk. But this insult me it's because of ideas handed us right now. My pulse iraq, just others exactly that being said, right now: retirement immigrants right fleeing to your breton, going to? U else happened, but let us not north africans in it, people, the mediterranean coast, you know how many people were enslaved by the north african slavery. They were captured, that's what it had to four to five years. That is, I believe, someone could bring it up. It's it's. The low estimate is at least a million people were enslaved. Specifically those are you guys know what measures the moors and sicily, but you know you know about that. Modern people, dont remember. North african slave traders would capture people white people, you think that all slave for blacks, when I say africa, you think after those people were slaves, white people own the north african slave traders, many of whom were black, were capturing white people, the mediterranean coast in.
I don't know the eggs at durban estimates as low as five and two thousand and I've seen them as high as six million, let's rounded one million. So back, then we are north african. Basically, let's call, but they are evil people. North african criminals, read slave traders, capturing people across the mediterranean because it in protect the boards and now because they screwed up their own country so badly, the cradle of civilization, of the cradle of slavery. Fleeing to the places on the same coast where they used to kidnap people and by the way the only line of defence then against the slave trade. Was the british navy very helpful heavy, but these people This is about our allow rightly asked how we want to stop Israel the elite until we we left us having you old. Are getting there Brian I just brought up a key if we had like the word of the diagnosis like that's. Our aim is that if we want to go into a one in a quarter million white slaves, why matter frank us from the north african sexual give out. We got kind of love. You don't know that vital they don't they dont know that they were kidnapped,
stolen and they had to build up. That's what the build up in these you can see. The structures were allegations yeah, yeah, it you make it a race thing. I just think it's entering how history repeats itself. They were invading your coast to steal your people and now they're invading your coast, because they want free stuff yeah better, find with a brain, now? I know why they're going until they have to give up their their second there vacation home, they don't have to give up their stuff. That's the whole point. They want you to give your stuff here I now so what trying to do- and this is the exact same game plan over their big group of not big group, but at least they have a lot of money. There's a group of elites there's a handful of peace. In this middle class. They say they care about and then there's a ton of very, very, very poor people, that's what they are going forward. That's exactly what is happening in europe as well. Finally, what happened in russia, every communist regime throughout history and socialist regime throughout history and up with elite
and then they end up with a bunch of people that are completely dependent on, and I don't really have a whole lot, but at least they have that daily bread lined go stand in the dutch bernie sanders says was a good thing. Let me really quickly just tell you that with all of these people fleeing north africa and going into europe through italy, be it Prime minister, georgia, maloney noted the battle again, Immigration is an epoch of battle for italy and europe, so is typical, me sorry, it's a nap battle brow I broke. It was just that. Was it The big question for viewers harness bombastic? So that must mean volunteered as retard tribute the.
At the same time, taxes is being invaded by illegal. The exact same thing is happening in ITALY. Both our result results of all, not just bad policies. This is exactly the kind of policy that they want at the federal level, both in washington and the europeans. the washington seems to want to copy both abbot in milan. our people that are on the front lines having to deal with all of these situations and pay out the nose for it and they to send immigrants to the north so that they can figure out how this is actually affecting us here locally and see if they like it and people, are finally starting to take notice. So taxes is italy. I think that's right. I think taxes is absolutely italy and I think we should not stop sending people north until The problem is addressed hundred and fifty billion dollars a year. What we pay out, I think we can for the sixteen billion dollars to secure the border. Look com. It has you had any
personal experience with illegal immigration. Your community have you felt unsafe, and your community, because there are illegal immigrant by the way, doesn't mean that these people are criminals. They did break the law to get here so their criminal. In that sense, I'm saying necessarily more likely to be more studies to advertise to you, but when they in the dark economy. When they don't have the protection of being able to call the police they have to form their own units for protection that typically takes the form of a gang. When a gang is in a community, you typically feel less safe because the gang is going to do with the gang has to do to survive. That's the problem, but guess what we have a plan for. Senor Donald trump he's gotta the plan. I think it is the best plan. Can you please you gotta help me with it? It's it's a look. I've gotta play the best plan. There won't be a situation here, the moors. There won't be sicilians. Here, though, I got right
Donald trump would speaking in iowa our peoples, to that I or for the stuff, like they ve, no offense islands, which do not matter that guy your life when you get to the corns, absolutely the trump in the corn. So He wanted to do. The large deportation operation in american history upon my migration. I will immediately terminate every open borders policy of the by the administration and follow the de eisenhower model so Eisenhower's, very tough on the border, people don't see him is that buddy was will carry. The largest domestic deportation operation in american history, and I also invoke immediately the alien enemies, actor remove, all known or suspected gang mangaboos.
the gang was already in slugger. Bang. Bang is the first time I've heard Donald trump self censor himself, not like this post on true social, though let them back at a bang bus that border security. Will work for food have loved. You pointed out that it is not a joke, but guess what he also more comments. He wanted to militarized the border. I wish massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement, including parts of the d, a eighty f, F, b I and ii, all of them. You know make clear that we must use any and all resources needed to stop the invasion, including moving thousands of troops currently stationed overseas guarding other those borders, we got other people's borders, but we don't got around. Thank you. Save lives, but that doesn't save lives. That's an appropriate role for the military before libertarians come in, and just and I used to be one to be clear about that
is an appropriate role. It involves american security legal set in berlin. Whenever we did the change one, there is a one way from a sanctuary. City rarely spoke english. and she talked about being in an area with a lot of illegal immigrants- were committing crimes and tries afraid that couldn't actually really report them to the police. It was a whole situation where she was really terrified because they were threatened the family, so people who are here legally- and this is something going watch if you that I think we can loved, all that an unknown rumble, but certainly on you to change my mind. Build a wall. You'll see it. We had a blur her face these people's struggle with us on a we basis and we actually donald trump dominant the time it might seem severe. We bevin exclusive inside look at em. We do but border brains from accession. I'm sick testing we put these electronic collars on all the deportees? Then we bury a wire along the border forming an invisible fence. The next time this illegal tries to enter the country how much more
give them. He was in ferris pillars. They are so trouble I wanted to do something controversial, which was reinstating the travel ban on all these known for I will bring back the travel ban and expand it even further to keep radical islamic terrorists out of our country. Look how it worked before years. Look how it worked. It worked so incredibly that would bring back it up. He's not he's dead, a numbers guy when it, but you just what he said is absolutely the right one hundred percent or- and this is assuming that everything he says, as some of you will follow through on tapping of no one else, is being as aggressive, at least even in their rhetoric at this point, and nobody did more during their time in presidency to actually solve this problem. Every single president that I have known in my lifetime has been to been told like here. We have a private border, we have a problem at the border and they have been kicking the king and on the road and not doing anything. One final point: he actually wanted to deny entry to up people not like at all marxist slow.
I will also use existing federal law to deny entry to all communist and marxist to the united states. We have people coming in dino or college professors known marxist fascists and they're coming into the united states, that we don't want 'em. We got to know how happy we are enough of them in congress that we have ever been our own congress. That's a little bit already got one and it's a very nice. Well, he said radical Islam has. How much do you want to bet that the mainstream media will take out the words radical and just say we don't want islamists yeah? That's what that's what will happen now? It absolutely will look. This is by design they're eliminating the middle class. Like I've told you they're, creating this rule in the class of people. That is the only way you can survive as a lower class. Just look at russia, it's the same exact thing: bread lines, bunch of people living fantastic wealth and it is- absolutely imperative that we do everything possible to get a republican enough
in two thousand and twenty four and a half to follow up with what they say about the border. The border is one of the most pressing issues. I know there are big issues out there, This is one of the most pressing issues and it is economics. The border is economics. I know everybody goes to the inflation we go to the stuff. We ve talked about dollar, not going up not making as many those dollars and not being able to get a house because of the interest rates and all that stuff. This affair, the economy as well- and this is You get the suburban mom demographic back into the fold which we had a problem within the republican party for quite a while to get this problem solved and economics, be fantastic, so look: don't tomorrow we do have the live, show featuring exclusive behind the scenes content? We ve actually been doing a lot of behind the scenes that some pretty pretty hilarious behind the scenes apparent sometime, defending, will see, and it can only be seen in the if a place known as mug appears a little bit of a taste experiences deep within
the listening. So I guess we go down a rise of big boob positivity there was. There was negativity there candy, but the interview, the one guy who is like our boobs, who I couldn't help but picture in the back of my mind, as the mini nick de Pollo, saw in my rush to the top that maybe it could do a herzog thing were sick. This was all just one big glorified donkey If I did him to pleasure, might avail himself with great vigor in the field, at least you don't have like purple rings under your eyes,
We assume that this from trolls for the circumstances. no aspect in this general barely is any not any at all. Fairly runs is a bad idea where I live. Happily, we deleted all the run after we had a little fun we like to have its illegal land, so blood donors, though, because you're really going down with you all every zack. I absolutely do, but look if you want to see stuff like that or if you want to see apollo. If you want to see Alex Jones. If you want to see the hodge twins, if you want to see Brian Callan here and his show that's out right now, if you want to see MR guns and gear and the friday show and all the extra promo and then specials that are coming undercover stuff.
Come if you want to support us join my club right now, eighty nine dollars annually go to ladder with crowded dot, comes I smoke or or better yet there's a little button. I think it's over here. If I. were correctly it's right about their up there, but that button, in my club. You can keep watching and get the rest of the show today we're doing a full additional. Shall I went a little long. I apologize. I get a little long. Winded over here. We like- and I say the last part, because I want to know where Brian Brian Cameron, exactly where you're going to be you're, going to be I'll, be in waukegan illinois this sunday that the gentleman at seven o'clock from about thirty five miles outside of Chicago ryan, canon dot com, go there and see. When he's performing in a city near you, it is worth at least a five minute drive to go and see him absolutely worth every minute of the drive like laughing hard for an hour, then that scream
in north carolina october. Sixth, that said person who hate traffic hours the same person who who is a big breast negative? Yes, there's one guy out there. It's like I hate boobs and I hate laughing all right. You can say I'm not a boob guy piss off youtube,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-22.