« Louder With Crowder

Hamas Sneaks Through US Southern Border?! & IDF Captures Palestinian Hostage Manual!

2023-10-24 | 🔗
Two women taken hostage by Hamas were released last night. We have the latest. Also, the Biden admin asked a speakerless Congress for $105B. Tune in as we break down the numbers. Lastly, US border officials arrested 18 people on the FBI’s terrorist watch list in September alone. What does this mean for our nations security?Guest: Bryan CallenJoin MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclubWatch the FREE show on MugClub NOW:GET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources/NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficialMusic by @Pogo
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, audio listeners, you're gonna. Today show I am sitting enforced, even crowd, or he is incredibly sick today, dealing with some legal stuff yesterday, you all, I understand sometimes it takes it out of you. It did. He was sick to begin with, but I hope you won't take it out on him or me, I'm sitting here in the chair and look. I trust me that's some really good stories for some hostages were released in Israel. They are very old people. I think they should release I dunno all of them. May it's just me call me call me. Crazy Biden also wants another hundred and five billion dollars to send over for aid. We break down all the numbers for either terrace make to the southern border. We gotta stop this problem a long time ago, but then we're going to start sending border walls of money over there, twenty billion to build a border wall hundred and five billion gone over there. Maybe we just keep twenty of that billion, make the border wall and send them the rest call it a day and by the way I dunno, if you've ever heard, about art briles, but we're going to dive into that really quickly. You're going to love. Today's show keep keep listening, make make sure you drop a like for sir here, whatever whatever it is, you do in the audio world enjoy
this week in feminism, the so yeah. No, I was just walking to classes the remember. None of this is possible without you join the fight and sign up for my club today at louder with crowder dot com, slash mug club for eighty nine dollars annually join the fight later with credit dot com. Slash mug club today
all right mug club and everybody else. Thank you for joining us today. We're going to great show for you, it's lottery out of a general they have signed up for me over here, hired expense. He can't you can't let people know here before I live peoples. Are you still talking it still happening
Our thanks for joining us look. Stephen, is very very ill. Today he was doing legal things yesterday and you all know what that means right. Now, in dealing with that is no fun. He was already sick. Prior to that, so we encouraged him to stay home. Trust me here: how did come in and be a part of the show he misses you guys and we'll be back to morrow sitting in the chair. Please don't take! It on me to stay here. Don't Don't click anywhere else that I did your finger off the mouse stew. Do people still use their desktop computers to watch this, don't actually button somewhere on the telephones. The thing that brick, whatever we've got a good show for you. I promise it'll be a lot of fun. I'm gonna give you a quick rundown of the stories we had some hostages released. Without that look, that's fantastic, I'm never going to say no to hos he's being released, but help but notice. You took them hostage in the first place, I dunno, if you'd necessarily get a gold star Biden wants another one hundred and five billion dollars. They announced that they were going to push for that last week, we'll dive into that we've got it's coming across the southern border. It's got
problem. We might want to look into that and also to art bridles, the former head coach of Bailey who's, been making the news a little bit lately yeah. That was all bs, he's been cleared and we're gonna die of a little deeper into that. Maybe do a little bit of a deep dive in revisiting me too, and all the carnage in wreckage that has wrought on people's lives. I understand rate bad one hundred percent sexual, so bad one hundred percent. We would a bear those guys under the courthouse, but running people's lives, and not having any evidence and just doing it for pr is a really really bad thing. Now my question The day before I introduced the guests years, yes, miss like the relative global tranquillity that we accept. standard, Donald trump coming below. If you would prefer to have that. Instead of as a lot of people are saying now, sleep walking our way into world war, three, our right for all we have a new camera over here. The fish islands has officially been retired, and so I will look better if that is possible
when I'm sitting over there right now making that seed. Look very very nice, the brain, gender snap, our you, sir, hang in there. I'm chilling. I'm good learn where the microphone is it's hard. Sometimes you gotta get a little closer right, just a natural move around, but that's not going to work here. That's not if the microphone you good. I good. If you want people to hear you. That is a very bad thing to do, but being closer to the microphone is great. Just don't hide behind. Also quick note on microsoft, desktop computers, one hundred like to watch mine on those see through max yes nets as a good, listen, I understand I'm an old man and look when you hear this song. You know, Mr Brian collins in the house. How are you, sir, I'm just a man, sorry to ruin the surprise, everybody. I don't think that you're just a man will come on him. Although I don't have the auburn hue to my hair, that lane does decide fall. I will take auburn and confirmed. You do have a soul correct
that's their summer inaccessible at a lot of points your lives under is at all. It definitely does and brian you'll be using that sought to make people laugh at what they say. Buddy info I couldn't railed very quickly in Chicago october, twenty seventh and twenty eight will look at that. That's this friday shot is not really in chicago, it's actually a job or forty minutes outside of Chicago. Let's do chicago on you. I think you can say that it is mine. Is a gang seriously ministers, violence zyobite was disappearing. Listening to us, you wanna hear we're about to say SIRI really, doubtless, I love your new, your new posts. Do we have the the new kind of show that show the the the thing for his new show off limits on mondays on mug club boom? Look at that wow. I get all the mug club listeners for your comments, especially
critical ones, which I actually agree with and start reading off the good ones that I liked their their listeners. They are very smart and I've realized that I've always talk about one of the things. Is you talk about being the middle or talk about being reasonable? I'm not going to talk about that more there's right and there's wrong about that. A hub that that we go go. Let's move I'm in the middle of the left and arrive at their right or their raw brien's getting pissed. I answer your own version of right and wrong. This see what you're doing their left us the great wrong look. Why the way some of though we say here not necessarily fit for in the communist hell hole that as you too, and I don't really know why you're so there do me a favor and go over to rumble right now, get off of youtube, but look at any point. We start diving into a subject that maybe could be. I don't know a foul of their stupid guidelines that they leave open to interpretation. You're gonna see this
just make sure you had another two rumble during that time, because we're we're not trying to get banned the time and sometimes we try to get banned and has a lot of fun, especially on tiktok, but what we have now three you is, it is tiktok talk the clock is, is satan. I think a clear way of saying that it's a really bad place. Nothing good happens on Tik tok that I know of and we have our? U s military right now with all of the issues in the world and their focused on doing this has it he's the one I'm leaving you fool,
the somebody wants to get taken hostage. Yeah. Why the beard line, though, why the makeup beard line that makes you look like the lower part of your like jaw, just pull that? Can you pull that back up like? Is there a way to just put it back up? I know it's kind of hard. It's called it's very difficult is called irony. It confuses the eye. It looks like there's a mask: that's not a the thats, because that's a dude? I know that pets, sri authoritarian and maybe spoiler alert, though that is a guy. Let's call the guys. Leary you'd think that drill can we go through the bag and finally make a brushing, kicked Well, yes, unless it yeah, let's today's military, with all of the issues that we have facing us in the world and were more concerned with Britain,
in people's ability. Look if you want to dress up in dragging, do bad make up and like put a fake, make a beard line in the may. She look like some weird frickin futurists character in a show. Fine, just don't do it! our dime, and certainly I one hundred listen. Everybody has a right to serve. I think they should see action if action is head, because that is what they signed up for just. That is why, as I, I'm of just just does it, I don't feel safe with that person on my wall, thereby roquat over. That personally is the wall. How do I know how to set a real military? Where we see the dont know, relations are real because, where we see in these tik tok right
I am really thought about tat boom and how do we know that these are really? U s military had they could say on analysis back, make a brush it nice, nuts, they don't sucks. We set out the buyer. Malaria idea giants, you know, that's, that's that's fair. I do think our military is better than that and I'm never never by the way messing with the entire military which, just like we talk about the fbi, the cia or washington, or a lot of these other giant agencies that are out there. I think there's a lot. great soldiers. I just think the leadership promoting some really bad up, and this is a symptom of that, not necessarily what leadership is promoting the probably not handing out make up brushes and saying, go and make yourself into a clown today and see if you don't have that I dont know I would rise up based on some of the policies based on some of the things that we ve heard them say in their focus. Look I think your focus should be on fighting in winning wars period, the that's it if there is further and I'll get off.
but if you have two seconds to consider, if this is a sign, that would make sense, because what you, to do- is degrade public trust in the institution of the military in it as it is, it is lowest since ninety ninety seven and we're in the middle, the balkan wars. I believe, maybe right after that, but as soon as you degrade public confidence, then no one wants to support the military than you. Don't actually have confidence in what they're doing and its kind. this vicious circle where you can't succeed and no one wants to join it. That's Why would the just two operator of anti american propaganda. The c c p not want to take advantage of this a platform that is our largest social media network for young people. I it's interesting than eight deja. the air is it. My I don't have any is substantiated evidence issue seems like that's a good area I like that of error, and that if you were in the field for a long time and those your partner, will you
being a feel for awry, like just say, and sometimes a man, it's lonely in the field in real it s, brow care just ten year, cheap brain, but have not just to night. I want you to look at me. I'm sorry, sorry systems It's that to make, even if you're, the dominant, wanted still get this out even arriving at a whole tie national anthem, man still gay mitchell agents are still gave germany. If you want more of that- or let's say you, don't let's say that you want more of this show. Let's say you want more of Alex jones, make sure you join mug club. It is eighty nine dollars annually. It is the only way that we keep the lights on. continue to bring you great content. Look. We got a lot of great shows on here. We ve got a lot of great contributors, alot of talent we ve. To get some fun stuff in the background that you dont really see on a day to day basis, but you ve started to see some of those stories come through some of the undercover stuff. We ve done some stuff that lane you are able to go down and doing it. Some footage
you're gonna, see more of that. More of the undercover work, more of actually having an impact in spain if situations so in that is only funded by mughal, that the only way that we can do that is with you guys supporting us and look. We don't have tip jars all over the place. We don't have patriots, we don't have super chats. We don't have a lot of stuff and that that's fine for other people to have it. That's just not how we do our thing right. We don't a ton of sponsorships, because we want to make sure that we bring you great content and, though accidently ben to a ball and branch, add right in the middle of a story right, but we want. Make sure that we can bring you great great content and also have an image in the communities on the topics that we talk about all the time, because we do have a passion for its, not just here to talk about it. We were make an impact in their doing a great job of that, so that they know who I'm talking about. I can't reveal it cause. You know the whole under cover thing anyway, so
Let's get to the Israel story right now. One of the biggest things in the news is that Hamas apparently has released a couple of hostages undue that's. I want more I hear you had me two hundred and twenty two or however many that there are right now. I think it's we're close to that number, but to elderly. Women were actually taken hostage. Hamas and they were released last night out of activity tonight. Eighty five year old, yo shivered live shits, so denies. I got her old nurse. Their husbands are still thought to be in the hands of hamas so you saw the name: seventy nine year, eighty five year old, were released to egyptian authorities and says that their husbands are remaining in captivity, and basically, I think we're
want to trade, Ilhan omar rashida Tlaib in a o c, but Hamas took that as an act of aggression, and so they decided to release these two prisoners to us because they were tired of changing their depends. Look, these are old people. These are very, very old people that should never have been taken hostage in the first was I'm willing to bet there spends are old people has well. I dont think they married twenty five if you're old men that may be makes sense in a conflict to try and take off the battlefield. I don't think that's what happened, and I don't think you gold star, forgot and releasing people that you took hostage in the first place, especially in a lot of cases where you killed their children in front of them or you killed? family members in front of them or killed their neighbors right before taking them hostage your eye person, your bad people you deserve, whatever the hell Israel wants to throw out. You'd know that doesn't mean I'm for war. I
as for getting these people out and for israel having the right to defend themselves and if they got to go in and break stuff and shoot people in the head to get these people out, then so, be it alright to be fair that the woman they released was a peace activist and her husband speaks arabic and very active for years in helping austrians in Gaza time in gaza and new people in Gaza. Do you think that's why they release yes, late, probably kidnapped them, an acts that I favour is. Apparently they retreated well as in weak jonas spiderweb tunnels, but we did give you a mattress and some peed its bloodstained mattress, because you know those reveals while I, but we had to kill hatchet hypocrites mamma, and then we took you. I know any. Not only can you think of any other situation or as I go, it's ok, we release them. We're good guys now. You're, not good as you still hold two hundred. Israel's hostage from that october show attack. They said they release them for humanitarian reasons, yeah whatever, and by the way,
two: americans, hostages released by Hamas this last friday, ten more american still on account for herself yeah, that still no no! gold stars we send in whoever we need to send an we break stuff and you release the hostages or you just keep getting bombed and you release the hostages right now. I think they're trying to say will release the hostages. If you stop bombing us- and I think that's I think, that's a little silly, but we'll get to that just a second, but do me a favor comment below in my opinion, what do you think we should do? How do you think to handle the situation when U s. Citizens are taken hostage we should just roll over and let things gonna play out. He s remember what happened in iran when that happened back the nineteen seventies than that in play out too well advent member that you dont my arm who are you? What are you in your thirties part of our ago? There was a bit of it. I'm talking about the rest of the hostages were held for what was it like four hundred and forty something days or flew along today's over a year americans,
held hostage in IRAN. I don't think we play around with it. I don't think you negotiate. I certainly don't think he give one point to five billion. Sorry, one point: a billion dollars per hostage in their ran deal that we did most recently as a really bad hostage shredded? How did you tell me what you think I don't? I don't think we play around with hostage takers. Every time they take us it is. They need to know that the most sophist gated military force that the world has ever known is hunting them down That's it you're talking about taking the profit out of that behavior. So there's some of it. I'm sorry you are taking the life out of here of yet more specific, put a final point I take we're going to knock the wind area. Permanent ps, permanently you'll, never breathe again huh actually has a hostage taking strategy. Lane like this is something that you guys kind of pulled in, and I really appreciate it cause. I hadn't seen this. I've been looking for it on on this. Then right now, CNN can only trip
over there smiles about how happy they are, that Jenna Ellis plead guilty in the georgia election case to a kind of strike, a plea deal and they're trying to make this like people flippant on donald trump. That's not exactly what's happening, we'll get to some of that over the next few years, is more information comes out, but that that there's a hoss it's taking strategy. This is part of their game plan right, so they have an abduction manual, they being Hamas and it was obtained the idea and a basically highlights how important taking hostages is to the overall strategy right. So here's a few things that that would be found in the stock right, so its binding instructions, which I have no need of, you know very well how to bind someone but yeah from because willingly is a training issue. Shit yeah, I don't think that's what I was talking about. There are also live streaming. Instructions like what does this have tiktok manual here. I don't really understand that. Like make sure the lighting is on and the the last part. This is kind of killing. If somebody is a problem, kill them kill the problematic people choose. This is this is part of.
what they do. This is part of their existence, is taking hostages that like when you get, people on the internet like these Jackson hinkel due for safe keeping. This is all propaganda by the idea of its murat we're seeing the live footage that has been released by Hamas on their telegrams on their take that wherever the writer putting it out also remember this. The rabbit Israel knew that the narrative would be taken over and that people would start to say that in fact, babies warrant they had an than Ben burned and people more and actually kip right, and so what happens is what they did was remember. Hamas war body can announce and the idea of actually showed the horrific horrific footage was forty five minutes to the press, so the press Also, you know jump on this sort of moral equivalency bandwagon which they ve done by them? they still done it, and people on twitter has done it and look. We ve we ve. I dont, know why this is so hard for people to understand. Look at me for one. Second, just give me your tension. Anybody
out there right now, who is saying that I or anybody else on this team is pro war just because we want israel to be able to defend themselves is a moron it does it mean that we want conflict just san when conflict comes a knock and were not backing down. That's a very, very different thing: being able to put act yourself and your citizens is a right that Israel should have when they take hostages when they keep firing rockets when they keep attacking from this place, go no. No! No! No! No! I'm on home homebase, I'm touching the wall, I'm back in in Gaza. This really matter. Are you serious with this like its hamas? we're going after, not the people of Gaza. We told them our hamas. I know that that's kind of, fortunately almost one in the same, but it's the leadership in Hamas, but I'm not they're not going after women and children specifically in war. Can bad things happen. One hundred per cent should people be held responsible Do it intentionally. One
percent. Does everybody understand that and my clear as israel make mistakes. One percent. Yes, they make mistakes, just like everybody else, but they didn't start this fight. I don't care how far back you wanna go They didn't start, and why is it that the press never mentions the fact that the ban thing happened to the palestinians might be getting rid of Hamas. You know that ultimately would be there there run by different militias. Monotony Hamas is like all these different factions by the way- and best you pride due to Gaza is get rid of those people. Now, speaking of those people, a senior leader of Hamas, by sam name, embassies, richard angle, Hamas, as conditions for releasing releasing the hostages shore telling me right now that if the air strikes stop, then the all of these civilians,
I assume you mean our non soldiers- all of the civilians is railings word major. They come out immediately please note yesterday and I think it is to develop what do you think, I'm half the whole my farmer to highly soldiers who were captured very. Have you thought about free the civilians, israelis and foreigners. What are you asking for the israeli soldiers boosting a guide. You says bull, just all ten thousand of them. The mazurka dubai that guy just said. If you stop, bombing will release the hostages. Ok. Here we go how about novel idea, you release the hostages and we stop the bombing that some reasonable. What we'll stop shelling you for a little while you release the hostages and then we'll take this to whatever level we need to take a tool to make sure you guys never do this again, but for now let's just get the hostages for getting a time machine and
go back in time and don't take hostages, rightly the first place and kill a bunch of children hasn't. What's what did you think, I'm going to have a time machine? Well, they I have a lot to offer reorient zones it so interesting to me, like we're, gonna kill fourteen hundred years is mostly civilians by in honour of entire families in their per job, in some of the most barbaric way and elsewhere. But I we're gonna ten we're in a film it and we're not send it to their families, but we know what we know. What we're? Sorry? Don't don't don't no comment, well at least a former vice president Joe Biden said the hostages would need to be released before a ceasefire could even be discussed. Useless fire the Why have you well here he tries to say the right thing, and sometimes he says that he was wrong and then says it right, but I think what he meant was that that there is no ceasefire that right now, but he is
I did a lay the ground invasion from Israel, but I keep you know what I keep hearing about this like ceasefire thing to see. If you can resolve the situation peacefully the we spoke ceasefire these fire, everyone calm down here: I've gone down, guys the out of everything. That's gonna work now I love that john wig, just to put fear of god into a little bit more shit. As the other guy in the head first, he could have killed him he's like now. You need to suffer a wee bit more. I kind of think So what should happen to these barbaric anna? was that took the hostile,
in the first place. I think that the big thing that's really being undervalued here that needs to be discussed. It needs to be handled as the categories and the situation on the island. It will be not well it's not being right. Now the you needs to go in there and be in credit, firm with them. They need this day say you turn over this leadership of Hamas. yet the Hamas leadership, if honey in your face, seasons hotel in doha to say You release these prisoners now. Are these hostages are weren't or you're gonna be extradited to learn about Elaine? I think what s really going on is that the iranian are being here, but the problem here is what I think the israelis are. I think so these really is to make a distinction between Hamas is political wing and their military wing and now they're, not so anybody who is part of Hamas is political wing or military way, including those in qatar, are on call the hit list and I think
I start hitting that little I tell you they have. Their timeline will accept. Their guitars have been propping Hamas up for a year in two thousand and twelve, a trait that gave them four hundred million dollars to hamas directly really and in two thousand that's more than we're giving to the indirectly all of the gulf states were pressuring qatar. the saudis had a blockade on them up until two thousand and twenty that was basically choking them out and saying you have to stop supporting terror. Are your economic lifeline has done trump flip flopped on that Biden flip flop? on that they wanted this gulf unity because they were worried about around. We need average. Our relationship with the saudis against the categories say you what we say or work. at the saudis come in and do whatever they want to you, because the saudis would take our eye tat if they could. Only problem is what I george. We need to tell the saudis organ but you do this, but we're going to have mickey Mouse Sellen chosen under the clock tower in mecca
only way would allow. I tired, I dont, know what I want to add, or your big donald. If one is, we have to relationships to leverage with the south east, we do against the categories. I get common interest, I get it. Joe Biden comes into calls them a pariah state. Listen, I'm so use this title former vice president Joe bud now I understand. I understand we can leverage our relationships. A little bit better, but right now it seems like what we want to do is just give them more money, which I don't know what we could do any of that. But look last week, if you're, if you're, my club on our freddy show. You actually get a little bit of a brief discussion on this, sure you join my club again, we love supporting you guys, and talking to you guys and actually I dunno doing chat when I say I'm going to do chat. There was a time where I said it was going to do chat. I ended the shown as I didn't do, chat. Thirty seconds later, we came back on scared people half to death. One of my friends told me he was driving and was
kind of like, I guess, an outro or just whatever we put up, then all of a sudden? It was my voice and he was swerving the car a little bit. I was like really sorry guys, but actually do a lot of that chat, but we got to this little boy going to go into it a little bit more here. So if you saw it, you're gonna get a little new information, but she didn't see it. our brand new to you but the binding duration is seeking to fund. I would they. Just Israel put their lope they're kind of looping in everything into this ukraine, Israel, domestic affairs buildings. They want to build statues. They want to put up parades that I don't know, there's probably all kinds of parade in there that they would like to do, but they have one hundred and five billion used to be one hundred. Now it's one hundred and five billion, what's five billion between friends right, that's just a rounding error when we're talking about this much money and they will I to be funded quickly, putting before congress The grand total here is a hundred and five billion dollars. That's the request from the by the administration to capital, for new israel and to ukraine
No money, zero money, zero money is a really good place to start, but do me a favor hit the like. Is there I like, but the thumbs up, gimme a thumbs up, gimme a like me, something if you want us to break down explain more. legislation like this, so you can see what our government is doing is, I think, lay the reason that you're saying that is because we we get these packages that are not clear right on the surface their day, they'd title them in ways there very good at marketing they title them in ways that look good day. They throw out dollar amounts that just you become numb to sing billion after a number. Now what we'll get into this bill- and we cannot but later it poor marketing on their part, because this gives father too and at the right on twitter, to say a hundred five billion. That's a lot of cash spending more money, but if you break it down it, my
actually make a little bit more sense, where the money's going? I'm not saying it's a great bill know I know so. Here's why it's great marketing it's a car alarm! Now, one hundred and five billion dollars. You hear it it's kind of annoying for a second, but you don't do anything like you. Just keep walking around the store. Yeah! That's true! So something about aid that people forget, though, you hear a hundred and five billion you think of a blank cheque. That's given to these countries actually know how it works. It's not like in happy gilmore, where it's like a big check. Then the day comes that I call so and so remember when they say one hundred and five billion dollars to ukraine to Israel, what it sleep means is that day get they're, sending weapons, food and other supplies, but those where and foods and food. Another supplies are made here in the united states so that money actually goes to america, in companies that make the price and then send them talking about the lobbyists. It's kind of a secret way that both republics Democrats keep their their consent
it's in there are areas happy, because what they do is they cut its kind of you give them some money yet well, they do but act now. Those of it goes to american companies who make the goods that been rain everything else and then send it. So so it's and if a tricky thing it is, but trying to sneak in a lot of stuff into this package, because nobody cares about ukraine right now. Have you guys realised how many star they ve done on cnn about ukraine lately by maybe zero is, is a really close estimate, its its most zero. How about that? That's the probability that you're going to see a story about ukraine right now and Zalewski is as you like, israel. Is why, whatever Now we
now it is the way it is morally louis, moved on these tragedies that take people's lives in estimating the opportunities by the property like what I see now we're we're totally look here here is that the funding billets ukraine is getting sixty one point: four billion dollars. Forty four billion of this is to replenish the stockpile as for the united states, our weapons, I don't understand how that counts is aids towards them, because we're basically only forty four billion of this sixty one point. Four gonna go into our stockpile: can't, you just say we're spending forty four billion dollars on on replenishing our stock. I think it's a good idea to make sure that we do that. We actually covered a lot of the things that would be needed in a war if broad war breaks out middle EAST who capacities that, coming like what we need and of a cost us a lot of money and time to do it. So maybe now is the time to be doing it out and maybe two years ago was the time to be doing it. But anyway, I digress Israel fourteen point three billion take ten point: six billion of this is
the pentagon for air missile defense support kind of what you were saying here? We get some money going to some of those defense contractors and then replenishing stockpiles again for five hundred reason. Lindsey graham pushes for the iraq war hold on hold on kid, and what could that? What reason could that be? It can be boeing. It could be lockheed raytheon. It can be all those that are ns. They are very happy really aid package as lindsey graham's getting a lot of votes as if there are very few, though there are a lot of companies that go. Yes, aid to them, not to that's a different aid, no just aid, plural guides. It's not money. I just realized that we gave sixty billion eight here's a hero the equation for everybody, but is a fallacy. Well, I'm sorry hitting did I see just let people die from it. My boy, you are here, here's my dear equation: what percentage of the? U s? Government, budget, thirteen of foreign aid. That's a weird question ten!
six, one percent one little over once you care, I don't know it was a question, so I was given you dumb answers. It's not a dumb question, but I don't think a lot of people know that. But our logic is. I realise that I like to pretend that I knew it, but his desire right now, my quizzing, you guys, so I can feel smarter, a brain. How much money is going to border agents, now you're wrong. It's fourteen, I am going to say fourteen, but fourteen billion dollars, that's that, almost an entire wall I would say that maybe, building the wall. Shape would be better place to start than flooding the border with more agents. As long as you don't call in sick, that's now, may maybe you would need fewer agents. if you had a wall, No, I'm just say we're. Gonna, start pricing things in terms of border walls. It could have bought it s. Okay, this one hundred and five billion is roughly five border walls, plus some left over money to make sure there's enough people to man with the turrets in the guns right. That kind of thing
We go now. We understand what our money is being used for, like that. Alright, nine point, five billion or half a border wall in humanitarian aid is to be split between Israel, ukraine and gaza. Now here's the fun part. I love it when people make rules like this, because it means They can do whatever they want. With the white house said this funding is flexible, and we'll go to where it is needed most, which means wherever choose now by the way, any time you want to say that this money is going to Gaza, please stan Hamas is the government in Gaza, so any aid sent to Gaza will be going to them now Could there be some ngos or other groups that they try to bring in or you yeah? I understand that that's possible, but any money that goes there is suspect in my book, because as it is going to the people that are running the war with Israel. I'm sorry mean the terrorists and the attacks that their perpetrating on those people, but there are also some other set. That is happening,
money is going to the indo pacific. What would that mean lane? What is indo pussy, here's, my southern pacific. This would be my link, a problem with the this entire buster down. I mean look at We spend on entitlements before you want to talk to me about military spending and I can't take an argument about military spending seriously until you want to do tat and how to reform by despair. As long as our giving money away wine word were allocating money different place. Why not allocate most of this to the indo pacific? That is still our biggest problem. What we see in Israel is tragic. What's happened, ukrainians sucks, I hated. That is not our existential threat. We have one and we're still pussyfooting around about china, and this is china, and this is an excellent. indication of how one seriously we're taking this problem absolutely well. It's it's people are focused. And something that they should be focused on right now, shocker it sucks, but people, foreign policy and in geopolitics. So I guess they they d
treated with the seriousness that it deserves, and you end up in bad situations. Look the the isolationist ideas that people are propagating right now have been tried before to very bad effect, the vacuum every every every single time like it doesn't mean that we have to be involved in every single war. I understand that, like people are tired of trying that, because it doesn't work, democracy, auditing and nation building doesn't work. I would say that, wouldn't you say the ukraine effort is sort of a of a shot across the bow for china. No, no! I don't thanks. I I think what lane and I have talked about over the I guess- almost too years now a year and a half. I can't remember exactly how long the war going on in ukraine its we would have been initially like we, a moment at the very beginning of this to go in there and say: hey, knock this off and put everybody back in their neutral corners to some degree right in some way, some, but now that Just let it drag on. It has become very apparent to the world that we don't this very seriously right, you mean should have just said: hey we're not in this we're not funding this europe. These guys
part of your little conglomeration over here. You guys take care that this is your problem. It's time for you to step up, you ve had training wheels take care of your own neighborhood. It's not our job to come in and clean up every single mess that exists over here. There are two choices, and you can argue which everyone you should a made its you do nothing let the europeans handle it. We focus all of our resources where they are most important around strategic interest or we go in an absolutely into as soon as pottery it that's it. Now we ve sat in the middle, we ve depleted our stockpile. We ve made Linda grams airport or people who say yeah, that's what I'm that's exactly what's been going on in ukraine, like our depleting the russian military force for a fraction of our budget. I'm like do you think Who cares about the russian military force by the way the russian military force doesn't necessarily looked like the biggest thing be afraid of in the world right now, they're having a hard time taking over ukraine anyway. Let me just
move on for a second here, because there is a big problem that this white house is trying to leverage right now and look Matt gates. I don't know if you just like to watch the world burner. If you had a plan in the plan just fell apart. Look, I can understand that happens, but right now we ll have a speaker, which means no laws are being passed. administration. No, this is not good. Here's. Why now we should be talking about former vice president Joe binds economy sucking in his handling of war and what the news media is doing and they'll find something every single time to spin. But this is a gift. No speaker can't pass any laws put anything into effect. We can't eight Israel, sorry support Israel. We gotta can't yet because nothing going in the house and the Biden administration is lumping everything together to gain broad I partisan support and everything is deadlocked. My question to you: how do you Thank the deadlock in congress will affect these wars. I understand. Maybe it's a good thing to hold up some funding right and we
to spend money in places that we shouldn't be spending money, maybe that ukraine, but my problem with that is the optics are incredibly bad, and I do we should be sending some money to someplace? Yes, I just don't think we should be sending money to all of the places that their list I write. So we need to do something and we can't right now and dread bad time for the republicans in congress. Carol mac case didn't have a plan, I think I don't think so long he's running for governor of florida and is all about matt gates. Is I mean I don't know? I don't think I think he's mourned destruction battle. Think there was a plan there. So here I just wanna watch the world burn and get rid of mccarthy and then we'll just and then watch a bunch of noise. I want all the attention I don't know, what happens after that, but look I understand it frustrates alot of people, but there are some practical issues that its bringing out, but one of the other things that we need to make sure is focused on is the border we talked about border walls again
I've border walls and the new funding package. I'm just gonna start pricing. Everything on border walls like using crypto. It's like point o eight of bitcoin right according to a memos by the: u S, customs and border patrol the c p b from here on our border, officials arrested eighteen people. This is just the arrests, eighteen, people on the fbi's terror watch list in september, alone suspected terrorists. could use these southern border to gain entry into the united states. Really that has escalated in recent days as the israel hammas war wages on Could I never seen this coming. I was talking with lane before the show about this and said one of my favorite authors, Josie Rosenberg has a new book out. I think it's he's I kill me it's libya invasion or the the libya. I can't remember the name of somebody. Look it up that joel c Rosenberg Libya book anyway, the whole the whole like plot of the. book is a terrorist coming into the united states of the southern border, and it's not like I'm saying he's, calling it I'm just saying that that's part of
he was like wait a minute. The entire new series of jack ryan on amazon was about that, unlike yeah and he's like, and by the way, there's also like a Tom Clancy book that was about that, and it's not that Joel's book is in any way like copying that the idea of the southern border being used by terrorists is so obvious to everyone, except apparently government but they're using it as the plot of there. Stories. Why do we keep giving them ideas? I don't I don't know, but it's a really really bad thing and everybody is on board with it like yeah. That's absolutely! I that's not going to lose the audience. They're gonna be able to follow that they can see these numbers, except for the white house and by the way the terrorists watch lists that I was signed by the sea, be terawatts list, encounters at the border in the past twelve months, hundred and stay, nine terrorists have been arrested, more than the last six years come
lined under donald trump, the grand total eleven while eleven those are almost different numbers troubles in the white house for how many years as president united states, yeah yeah so far under Joe Biden too hundred and eighty two You scared the hell out of me because normally what you do, it's like a multiple writer you say like okay, we catch one in five terrorist, maybe I'm really hoping the numbers like higher than that in its four out of five. Let's just use it, so we catch one in I've. Terrorism multiply the number by five right brain, that's we are trying to again. one of those five doesn't get in, but for do that's really bad right now, if you do that nor Joe Biden, they ve got basically the population of a state that date, So many people coming in the bore her right now that you hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people on terror watch list that have made it through successfully in the united states. I understand it, maybe not that happened.
but really how many does it take right? But here here's, here's, the good, here's goodness. Luckily every once in a while, they get sloppy and we actually do catch. One let's never much of MR being van anyway glare, It's gonna do life so, let's just say real, quick that these are not terrorism. We have other bettered illegal immigration coming, from these middle eastern countries, as you see in places like dallas or new work- and you see hundreds of thousands of pro palestinian martyrs and ostensibly their marching for what free palestine bread, that's a terrorist slow. I'm sorry. It is now yeah guess what this poll a majority of muslim americans say These attacks on Israel were justified on october. Seventh, yes,
I think we should be wants? Paul's woke it well, but it did not act that the majority of these people polled said. That is a pretty big day. I've spoken, I think a lot of israelis see. I dont think my feeling is that we can we start getting into, muslim and we start getting into it the israeli palestinian conflict. I believe that that a whole different subject rights, so you could say all those things in theirs up, there's that we can go on for days, hours years, my feeling is that october seventh should stand as its own, atrocity. Where did look, you cannot justify that kind of that's? What he's saying the said they were just justifying to I you I understand, and I understand you're saying late, I'm just saying that it's really important, though, to kind of like is on making sure we don't make moral equivalency is and what what's going on in the mainstream media, is there saying you're
bomb in gaza and killing children. That is true and it's the same as coming over on a holiday? Will you morning and killing a bunch of children, everybody else and taking how that is not true and it is not, and it's really needs a heap. Yet. No, no! I'm just saying that I think is really important that we keep that distinction and then keep the other discussion almost separate right. It's almost like these roads Do you think? Yes, we can have a conversation, but that's so let me just be clear areas quota and extent of all that was really focused on October seven, so he is guarded. Guy is presented on this, the polling company, private pulling company, and yes, we had to take paused, let's say: there's a two: let's say there, eighty percent margin of error that still one out of five that we think Toby seventh was fine and the reason I dont have a hard time believing this, unfortunately, is because I was at one of these places one person condemn what happened there, that's cause? One is that can I just as to play devils
it only because I just want to. I think it important that we're we're right allies app. Is it possible that right now, because emotions are so high. People are yeah man see I I agree with guys agree with you guys know we're talking. I know what you're trying to do in its it's a valiant effort, but now they are terrorists in the Middle EAST. For eight years of my life and I to say again. I think to your point guys: it's like you, you you have to condemn that! You cannot. You cannot. Condemn that right, you cannot say it's just fight, oh I can I cut her head off, but my mom was mean to me, like There is no justification for this and look it's one of those, it's one of those things that you can get lost in the weeds a little bit here. That's why I said a minute ago. I don't care how far back you want to go right. You wanna go all the way back to before Israel's fine fantastic. Let's do that We go through all the atrocities that have happened since then, but find fantastic. Let's do that
one country right now we're muslims, christians and jews live relatively peacefully in the Middle EAST that Israel now else has gotten it right. Nobody else has gotten it right in that region period tomorrow. If Hamas wanted peace, they can negotiate a peace with Israel if they truly meant it. Real would be ready to do that, but Hamas ever do that, because in their charter it is the extinction of the Jews period. When you put that you're founding document you're kind of staking your claim from them. Here too, the sea means we're going to kill. All of you just be clear on what we're talking about here. Israel and have a constitute or a founding document. This has kill all muslims and push them into the sea.
It doesn't exist. That's what I mean when I say it's a terrorist slogan. I don't mean his children in the halls of san francisco high schools. Yelling, they don't know they don't know, and people saying free palestine to what they're listening to a o c and rashida Tlaib and ilan Omar those moronic crazy people who are trying to make this about an oppressed class. That's not happening right now. Tell you what shit. It's alive, ilan, omar part of anybody who wants to be a part of the squatter squat adjacent. you tell me how an organization can call the extermination of a people and have peace with those people I don't think it's possible because it's not possible. The last thing I want to say before anything it's misconstrued here on the show as being islamophobia. That's not the came out its america in any one should have the right to practise their religion. They want to research, should never be any violence directed at any
intercity no religious group at all period, no just because, just because people are muslim in countries doing things you don't like, it would be very stupid to just see a muslim here and go bad person same thing with maga right, we're talking about hey, we got him. A person over here and the guy gets that stupid. To look you, don't you can disagree? Joe Biden you can disagree with donald trump and not hate everybody, that's associated with them those harder on the job I beside, because a lot of people are really really terrible. I wouldn't say: hey look at the reconciliation with what we do where death with this sort of vitriol, that rising between groups. The eye is able. Let me they ask a question really quickly so in this is that you know you're you're, a man who can handle himself and fight right very well trained I'll. Keep you busy time aside their shareholders, the granddaughter they don't get so look. I have why I don't know if you guys have actually done this, and this is something that I don't want. You look, I was gonna say like don't don't do that? I want you to comment on this and I really look at when I say that this is not ok, let's drive interaction, see what happens. I want to know if you think
I want to know what you are thinking right now, because this is like this giant sample size that we have of people that are gonna watch. This show over a million people. I want to know what you guys think about what I am about to say: When I go to my car in the morning, I'm more cautious. That doesn't mean that I'm, like I'm scared or anything like that. But unlike ok, things are a little crazy I don't necessarily know that is coming to where I live or die. Anybody here lives, but I'm just a little more cautious, I'm a little bit more cautious when I go to big crowds, big gatherings just a little bit, just to make sure that I have some situational awareness, not though not so distracted, I can't let my life, I'm not living in fear. Anything like that. But are you take extra precautions right now like are you a little bit more aware of your surroundings. Are you a little bit more on edge because of some of this stuff, not because of your neighbour, whose to be muslim. I have plenty of people that I know in my neighborhood that are muslims, no problems whatsoever
worried about them because of their faith. I'm not saying well how easy, as muslims or therefore broadly tears, but it does me a little bit more concerned in other situations and I think there's a lot of people like that. Right now makes me our concern when I go to church right, because churches can be a target and if people can justify it to your point lane october seventh thing just buy anything anything to reach that end so, and I think you know I'm sorry, but the people committal out of these. This violence have earned that reputation. Well, right, I'm gonna, throw you know it's like I remember in two thousand to when, when when they saw the suicide bombing started, calling for the off and is just get in bologna, Batson now and think dying finds out. Somebody said what is ariel sharon supposed to do write a letter to the editor like? what are you? What would you do and if violence you again I don't believe in building settlements on an on palestinian land. You can have that point of view. You can say I think that the
far right. Religious fundamentalists in Israel might be built land on what they blah blah, but you can get this guy, that's fine! I want to get in this conversation, but at the end, day, if you're gonna blow yourself up and you're gonna kill him to civilians and if you think that's gonna get you anywhere, Israel has a duty to its citizens to the moral code to say No way? What is ours? You gotta pay is happening here we with girls, what I'm saying linguistic to think about it! Think about it right now. What if this happened in your neighborhood? they killed. What have they killed your kids or I'll? Take your grandmother hostage What would you tell grandma, I'm just kidding, that's true about awhile. Now I love graham. She needs your medication now both of my grandmas dead so
I can't take that off. They do vote, though grade now, I'm done so by the way I just I just want you to know like the by the administration. They know about all of this right in the dhs is kind of referring back to the numbers of the terrorists coming over and the apprehensions and the craziness that's going on at the border. They know about all of this, and the dhs is twenty. Twenty four homeland threat assessment. It probably states supremacy is the problem. Now they actually do another. This is a problem as well. They just typically focus on white supremacist in this report from individuals with terrorism. Connections are interested in using established travel routes and permissive environments to facilitate access to the united states. Here, let me right for he can we pull that back up? Maybe you're right that he's going take a pendant individuals who are terrorists, not with terrorism connections? I think they can rewrite that eleven. Better. Are sitting using No, have all routes? Where nobody gives enough. They can just walk right in I'm talking about the southern border, where we don't have a wall near it
by job more engine. I think that's better to the point. Everybody understand that that's what you're talking about and in fact, elite internal c, p, b c. Bp memo you dealt with people. Dated October twentieth. Twenty twenty three warns: this san diego field office intelligence unit assesses that individuals inspired by or reacting to the current israel hamas conflict may attempt to travel to or free the area of hostility? is in the middle east across the southwest border? wall, twenty billion, and we go back to that five walls that were about to set five point, five point
two five walls is- are being sent over and aid right now. I just think we could take one of those walls out of it and send four point: two: five walls and type one for ourselves. We are that it's easier for terrorists to get across our southwest border than it is for palestinians here across their south, goes into a friendly country that says that they are in the world's largest out door, open air prison. I mean if they I mean you got some gates to the prison, we're not locking it it do you got you are going to see. You guys think we're in seymour. Palestinians eventually start saying, thank god. Hamas is no longer here, but I feel I doubt around corner, I think it's possible. It just depends like their very good at propaganda. The whole hospital thing that we completely debunked and still to that day. Yes, people are running with it like it actually happened, the wall street journal had photos. but like a another bomb doubt building, because they couldn't find photos of the hospital to make it look like that hospital that had been bombed, which ireland
the worst picture. I think I've seen yet from the protests from the war. You can get good up man reproductive justice means free powder. My card hijacking about a hijacking situated. You got that about a baby, no peace, wow at what he holes. Just after a horse, you don't understand you it's like Are you trying to piggy back every set of victimized status on the planet onto the Israel, a modest climate worth acquiring, there's a gretta third one on on acts where she's been somebody dubbed over and made it look pretty close to what she was saying like. Please use, degradable bombs, if you can't because really the bottom of the problem, but what a lot of people? Actually I don't like it was real though I know there are areas where they are really really still there for the world. Listen, I hope it's not you, but love. Big number says: maybe it is putting the show there might be one
most of you are very smart and I we pride ourselves in knowing that our audience is not full of idiots. We really do. We know that you are not stupid and that's why we're giving you some of this information used to have other stuff in your life. To do There is one eighty it out there: that's not real she's, not saying that, There are so many things like that that are fake. On extra people run with the dove like and I could spend most of my day, just going. That's not real. That's not real and just re tweeting, something with a quote or reposting yeah, and I I'd advise five, no time think if you're dumb enough to just fall for this hook line and say I there's nothing, I can do for you, but they dare you. I dare Let me just move on really quickly because we run a little bit late here. Specifically, the memo does list individuals associated with Hamas hezbollah. Palestinian, islamic jihad, you remember those guys the popular front for duration of palestine. Didn't didn't you, mama jihad, guys airlines,
that rocket that didn't make it to its intended target, and yet it ended up in the parking lot of a hospital burning cars knocking at a handful of windows and not killing five hundred people wounding six hundred on top of that I think we've seen retractions, though they're all they all have my rights to cheap rocket. Well, they they make them out of the water pipes that the israelis and the rest of the world gave them so that they could have their own water and instead they'd rather be a victim class and shoot rockets at Israel, but hey peace. Let's go for a cease fire. You first, not surprising, considering illegal crossings at the southern border have boomed under Biden. September alone saw two hundred and sixty nine thousand seven hundred and thirty five. crossings under Joe are bad former vice president. Just so. You know his averages about a hundred and seventy nine thousand per month and donald trump swatch. It was around forty thousand per month and look that's lower at least cocaine cheaper right guys exactly right, so unfair
Not the authorities also accidently released a terrorist. Much was must watch list, I should say right, and it is quite quite reckless and includes films like united ninety three air force, one kate and leopold and yeah that that last one there is just muslim? That's that's right is pretty brutal yeah. By the way, I experience love it's not actually, while it could be Now, that's my opinion. Listen I want you to remember those are the ones that are actually caught. I made that case earlier. If you missed it, if you came in late to class, look at somebody else's notes, because they talk to you about that, if you're, only catching that many, how many are getting past you? I don't think you really know, but usually as a bit of a multiple and it's not good and looked down, expect former. Vice president Joseph Biden, Joseph robin it but to do anything about the border. After all, he he thinks it This enfranchising, your citizens with a non stop unrelenting stream of immigration, is one heck of a plan
on relenting stream of immigration. Ceta nonstop Folks, like me, on cultural enrichment, areas of european policy for the first time in two thousand, seventy will be an absolute majority. states work absolute minority fewer than five percent of the people in america from there and on we'll be white european stock. That's not a bad thing that I dont forget. Thoughts are wrong, don't for, He doesn't want the immigrants ever really be in a place of power. We already have a nigger mary. We don't need any more nigger big shots whilst the are, or I wouldn't keep. Going: mad wealth. That's that's right! You set it on tape and he can't really undue that, but you're a hundred percent right he's wrong and that's not fantastic. That do you shouldn't,
having a white minority shouldn't, be a thing that your pray, I think it it accomplishes anything in and of itself. Why is that a goal doesn't matter because I saw the oh you. You think that white people are the problem. in that case than yeah having a minority of white people and having did that makes a lot of sense to you, eating the white people the extreme as the terrorist. Ok, I totally understand I m most. Terrorist attacks in the world, at least in the last fifty years, committed by white guys, but be that as it may, I may maybe I missed it. I don't know I'm not saying that as a great I'm saying that sometimes maybe not calling them domestic terrorists just because they think that freedom is a good thing would be a place to start Joe dont go to to pity meetings and arrests pair. You know protesting that's fair, because if you do take an interest in your child's education in the indoctrination of the government is subjecting them to that. You're, probably a radical and you need to be dealt with and we need to get on. That could be fair, though, to be to be fair
just recently get all the asians as whites also because they got really good at math and making money, so they ve kind of been a court according to a bunch of school system. In the west coast. Asia are now white, so you know they are. Population is increasing yeah. Oh, there is a district in Oregon. That said well you're going to be candidates white now, basically because they were scoring well. Let me be the first to say: welcome yes or no protected in anyway. It's gonna suck has stopped, in part of the prior their part about that movement. Going to stop asian hate went away and look. Do you think that next terror attacks dictu guys a lot of you who why They show, because of our demographics, were either really young. Maybe born or maybe around ten years old, when a lot of this was going on. But the reason that I started doing this was Stephen back. In two thousand and fifteen sixteen radio days was because of terrorism. I helped teaching. ass call they christians responds to islam by the way, not blowing them up its
loving them and understanding where people are coming from and islam not just start talking about tat, is necessarily because that's gonna, be kind of a fruitful this situation to try to deal with, but it's not talk but like he said that we're not denigrating an entire people, just because their muslim, like that, I thought this class. There was the terrorist attacks that guy. I study the risk apology. I studied there in times theology understand what was driving them. I studied how nation can be found, and it's only guaranteed through jihad, right and so start to understand what motivates people, and so we started seeing terrorist attack after september eleven tons of terrorist attack or tax around the world, and I came on to talk about that. and then it went away for a little while and then they started focusing on white people right, so the demand for terrorism outstrip supply, so there Guy we're gonna focus on domestic terrorist and start kind of getting that indonesia sousa gets into that in his movie. The police state, which is out He was out yesterday in theatres and size laughter. I doc yeah,
absolutely the dog. Yet we air the interview that I did with him yesterday, but the much my problem my question is: do you think that that next terrorist attack that we haven't had to worry about on your soul for a long time is coming back to you soil? Do you think that somebody who cross over the southern border under four, vice president Joe Biden, open border policy is gonna committed, active air that now we have to worry about on american soil, or do you think white guys that, like to drink beer once in a while really the problem that we need to clean up, look there's I'm going to do a really quick kind of setup into this, and then we're going to go into mug club and I'm gonna give you more information, but I I've I've been looking back based on some of the cases that we ve, seen whichever bauer and upon her, what's as they may arise, arise always want to say, is era, and it's not right. I know his buddies, the punt god s wishes diamond, I was u dont becoming punting. unless you're very good at punting, because most people don't care about pointers. Vague they do their job and they collect a million dollar paycheck an that's great now, but nobody really
about them. Nobody where's their jerseys around suffer maybe their family, but this guy, accused of sexual assault, and most to be innocent. It wasn't there, it wasn't it because now there liar where's, he claimed it happened. Literally wasn't part here was another party, this she's driver lowery and hugh and rape me in an ever. but he got on this kid. He was at the party and for the police figured that out right, click the day and the mistakes made. In my opinion, your lorries tell you to keep your mouth show. Don't keep your mouth ever again, say about a shout from the top of the mountain? Exactly we talked about trevor Bauer and we talked about the legal shenanigans from certain a holes out in California that knew about this being completely false. Come still put it out there that he did this ass. This guy, potentially, his career in baseball is trying to come back into the united states. I think right now, maybe meeting with some teams will see. I hope I showed him all around a deal with the problem is you're ruining people's lives on lies now,
stopping sexual assault is good. This is almost the inverse of the hitler bad thing right: stopping sexual assault, good right, that's fantastic, have, at this rate bad sexual assault back absolutely. Should we stop morbid. Absolutely me too so far. We became asylum, which trials guys do Stand that look back on some of these cases, look back on the people's lives that are ruined and still, they are being ruined, even though their cleared even though evidence comes out to completely exonerate them there having their lives run really quickly. Last a federal judge found ex beller football coach art bridles to be not negligent surrounding allegations from a twenty fourteen sexual assault case the bay title nine lawsuit trial continued today at the federal courthouse in waco today. judge dismissed, former beller football coach, our bridles and former athletic directory in macao from the lawsuit ruling
No reasonable jury could find them negligent for the twenty fourteen domestic violence, assaults of a former their student by a former football player. Do you think he is being cares? They're gonna cover it for five seconds. You know they covered at length. The Debbie mba type hit that the way he has been stop. We still don't care and I don't care if aces of one four championships or whatever the heck, the number is, nobody cares, do you they cover they covered when Oklahoma played. I can't remember kansas stay. I remember the game that they played, but our brian because his son in law is a coach. There came down with the rest of the family with the rest of the family? Not specific. him after the game. Stood with some of the players in the same defied song being there. His family and people got upset about that. Venables had to make
statement about that after the game saying we ve talked about this, and I was those that should have happened right. dont understand. What's going on here when you cover that, like that is bad You remember this guy. He the guy, the sexual assault stuff that he allowed to go on and he knew everything. That's exactly the kind of thing that they are saying, and this is for this man, his entire life a brilliant guy who did according to these reports and, according to other reports, that we're going to dive into a little bit more, will give you a bit of a teaser today and I'm going to go into mug club and talk about it a little more, but you need to understand. have been running people's lives. on lies and population for years, and it has to stop it does not serve your goals if you're trying stop rape and sexual assault. It all he makes people not believe in Of the accusations anymore, even if their true you have to stop this
cannot have another brett cavanaugh situation ever again. We cannot have another hour. Bridles male tucker go on right now, trevor bower just find out about the the finally releasing the information to us and letting us know that it wasn't true. We have to stop this we're gonna. Do deeper die. We might even to a super video, because there's that many cases going on or people these are continuing to be ruined and it has to stop. Right. Now, I'm sorry. I know this is a third rail. I dont care people's lives are being run. You have to talk about it. It's important we're going to talk a little bit more in mug club. But thank you guys for joining us. We really do appreciate it make sure if you are not a member of mug club that you sign up for mug club two day Brian. Where are you going to be friday and saturday in chicago chicago, improv, schomberg, emperor of chicago and province, chicago improv, twenty seven october, twenty, eighth, twenty seven and twenty eight make sure you support him and do them a favor and plays favorite songs when you see him the anti sexy We talk about his shoulders. You two go on for days. You know what.
I'd, love to able to talk about this on your platform, but you guys are pansy so piss off
Transcript generated on 2023-10-26.