« Louder With Crowder

HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR 2023! Scary Study Reveals Pfizer Hid 80% of Covid Deaths!

2023-10-31 | 🔗
It's spooky szn! Join us for our Halloween special where Steven explores the origin of the holiday. Also, we're taking a look at the terrifying truth of the jab, our most based House Speaker in 140 years, a guy triggered by Native American Halloween costumes, a horrifying hockey incident, and more!Try a Walther! Go to https://waltherarms.com/ to get yours.GUEST: Bryan CallenTry the Walther! Visit https://waltherarms.com to shop online or use the dealer locator to find a Walther dealer near you!Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclubWatch the FREE show on MugClub NOW:GET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources/NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficialMusic by @Pogo
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The the What the poltergeist, the
horror movies, don't work with allows. I just eliza feel awkward. We didn't have the other spooky ensure that we usually for the halloween spectacular region.
When a dash. This just looks tasteless at that point if you have some scary sound than yours, and whether you that then yeah yeah yeah, let's see yeah that soothing sleep sounds tired. Now, no, that's just you better. Alright glad to be with you today and the halloween, the annual halloween spooktacular we used to do at live of course, unlock and then with covert. We couldn't do it anymore, so we just decided we'll do it in the studio and we have your. We do a costume contest every you get a whole swag bag in the lock of the generals. How now, I get a lot of jails here, so if you send in your halloween costumes with your mug in the picture to me on instagram or on twitter use the hashtag tat when you entered to win the costume counter. It's going to be announced later by our our drag queen of england before we had to cast about. What let's hit the quick rundown them I'll show you who we are wearing. First african talk about the history of hallowing here quickly.
lot of even asking. Who is my johnson? That's what everyone said, including the house I just broke this morning right now it is ten. Twenty two eastern Hillary Clinton was heckled about Epstein by a known, pedophile hunters. So that's that's a lot of fun. Did you know about this pfizer hidden? the eighty percent of carbon vaccine trial debts and gerald works exactly how that happens: some creative math and on mug club, your winners and, of course the hockins incident is going- is an accident or murder. My question, to you before him of honest. What exactly is your favorite hollowing memory? You no one. There composed post, not a crime, valid aright. so before before beginning to anyone else's costume her, I need to be admonished. You do yes, I need to be admonish guys hit the admonished button. You have emerged as old on a region I was supposed to be. You know a failed hamas, para glider, now
clear, failed, the right thing: you remember we did a sketch about a mocking the death of these Hammas member. So you know, I feel we have a pretty good track, If we do, the idea of supporting the Jews as opposed to the genocide in them, but then turned out that we were wrong, that click clip that was making it making the rounds. It was viral. It actually was a korean paraguay, this clip is not Hamas yeah? So then that's just a sat clip at that point. So you know we editor. We are at a flag to the to the customer. To my mind, is the masquerade you up we'll get you anything enable right now, let's go, let's go through the costumes Gerald. Who are you wearing greed,
Well, good ol steven, oh, but I, but I'm also black you're, black rock gordon gekko and black you're, destroying the future of america. Yes, but for my game, oh yeah, and by the way wonderful set to them and don't be afraid to use a wide shot here today, these guys put so much work in Joe Lewis broke one of the giant spiders he could actually been around. He didn't mean it that my my kids If coming by the studio. Today, nah we have, we have high tech. Matt is well that one's pretty obvious can face the camera that we got Dylan mulvaney, that's the best way, and I don't like it the accuser who are you wearing. I am one week one who one week one way of Jay yeah, they kill your peril and then this is a catalytic happy death day, thomas the tank thomas, the east palace. tank engine, oh that's different palestine for the train and waited and erika effected, half of our employees. It did
yeah, then in third chair, we pulled out all the stops when you hear this, you know me eleven november, ninth tenth eleventh he's going to be a good night and rally north carolina and show off limits. Airs tuesdays on my club break in caroline, who are you wearing, sir? I'm glad you asked at the academy- and they said Brian you've got the body to play ken. I said thanks it's called genetics and then I throw straw hat on me. The hat oppenheimer war in oppenheimer, so I'm carbon here, barbara homer, because I hated wake up here. At the boxer they competed at the box office. I said: let's put them together. Yes, we need more of that. Yes, we've got to bring us. We've got to bring our country together, raven! That's the reason I do the show with the worst of both worlds is that we have a mushroom cloud and the canadian tuxedo. So everything about that is took me a while to get this my dye, my hair, this blonde, but it was worth it did they wait near this morning. They they doors that just natural they did now
After I go to church, somehow, ok You said in your cash, you don't guess how do I get my leg, to take one of these are not its by higher. As part of this is the point the hollowing spectacular look guys, I'm miss going. I call I call this tale of the show that that's probably going to have a lot of problems. It's just that okay. Already I already can't see: oh no yeah! No there's way more. This there's no sand in this. It's just baby powder fog terrifies me, especially when I'm on a boat. It scares because the last film matter the guy for some did it hell digital noises. You can't see the rocks, because when I navigate
I dunno that my headphones, wherever or fog- and I was there's going to be a lot say that you're going to have to deal with because nothing is where it should be. We're kind of almost like old people or artistically. Ah, my drink wait, the gun isn't loaded with there was one so at some point today guarantee with the costume concept, which is why we'll announce it, of course, on muslim. You might hear watching on youtube or see this which means head on over two. I had an hour to my club, aright we're getting to anything else. Here's a tick tock are warning. People hollowing used to be fun, it did now its offensive. dressed up as any we lead into it. You can draw up as anything yeah unless you're Kelly and you suggest dressing up as an ross and then you get fired, but you gotta, fifty million dollar gold parachute. That's that's about is not so bad. Now I mean I would wear black face
The former minstrel show on the view to get a fifty million dollar parachute, I'm wearing black rock and black ranger, no you're, not in any danger you're the wise men alive. It's okay, that's fine! You're, not tricking! Anybody have yeah. So here's a tip you may need to put on your. I know we wanted the review, but you may need to put on your headphones cause. You're not gonna, hear the clips huh I didn't want to mess with my hair or you take it out there you take the hat off now. Okay, thanks are you sure you could put the hat on above the headphones? I could go and put my This is going to probably go to clipped soon you talk of warning people here we are and people about four exam, can the film was rated, our don't take your kids or you know, dumping with blasting caps. Now they warn you that dressing up his native american is hurtful. It's almost halloween and want to see any of this or this and definitely not this they tried to wait until just people off the map, the band
ultra practices are ceremony, our language are regalia, see people put out a cheap party city invitation costume of what we used to be killed for wearing is deeply hurtful and distressing. Not only that, but a sexy progress. Austrian just perpetuates the sex wise asian of our women, which directly contributes to the missing and murdered indigenous women girls and to spur people you were not, spending honouring or paying most where culture. The way did you think you are when you do. This is not cultural appreciation, it is appropriate and you d reversing our lie. He asked me to do that. You claim to be appreciating so please think twice as your shopping for hallowing costume ideas, because my culture is not a costume. I won't even think once a guy's, not native american, either unit brow at five o clock shadow. These have lebanese at irish using maybe put, there are hairless people right effectual. I don't want to fight the ugly bitches happy
yeah and by the way, not sure at all. As you all know, my crushes the child was a native american was a walk on role on seinfeld with the tabac. store on oh yeah. American, when women are absolutely beautiful, that guy I've been going about is not that guy is he's pro. Way closer to being a member of Hamas than he has a comanche rice he's he's dressed like a ball as well. Well that costume. So I'd like to see it family, Tripoli! He just reversed our lives, not appreciation of the proper. That's exactly what you that's! What you do you twisted it? It is appreciation, no saying it's appropriate. You know who's, not offended native americans. Now they aren't and by the way you gave us a lot of great costume ideas for next year yeah. So thanks for that, I think it's only. It's only offensive if you're dressed like a native american and you're, using real, bald eagle feathers. That is where I draw what if I go around scalping people, yeah, okay, it's fun and enjoy, and the people they've been taken off the endangered list They involve egos yeah in that case, so scalp them scalp other the
stupid white is not the same color as the rest of your body, stupid, better all the other hawks. I know they're, not both birds of prey. An overgrown, hawk yeah two to realize what a fish is too heavy you get caught in the bog you get. We deserve all legal What are they like to have it? Just like? I can't but I gotta drown: five slap, your way out of the water. You know it's a perfect example of how desensitized we are because you watch nature channel right now, all of a sudden I'm seeing things that are two thousand feet under the sea. It looked like a glow puck, it seems like well yeah sure I see that every day and one time I actually saw in real life a hawk pick, a fish out of the lake and fly I was about, if like two weeks, but it wasn't.
Ok. Slovo tells us that this act of the boat out afresh using, even though I did that cambodia exciting to get someone else to verify. My dad is older than me like a bird with a fish. We must go there. I just bought a gardener psychological. Take my chances. We set out all night sit in the dark. Stephen. You had to see what you scroll through immediately and tiktok its move on your lover have a history of halloween just because it's kind of fun there. Let me ask you this I understand where people are lining up here like as far as halloween you go to Spence one one time in plattsburgh new york, there was champlain mall comment below. If you guys are from upstate new york, you remember champlain mall. I still have nightmares about that place, and but there was one there's a comfort and with a watch slide down the block. This is all
These are my childhood memories. We used to travel to plattsburgh new york for them to go to champlain mall, so we can eat taco bell cause we are raised in canada, which sucks and then now taco, but we've been, the comfort in because they had a water slide which, by the way, I have running water down the slide, so I just left three layers of scale. Just a dry streak of light are all they could to first provide your own water, but by the time the last light is so it's I dunno where their mirrors on the ceiling and the comfort inn as well. It's kind of yeah there was that was more request, aka still three water slide. But I remember the plattsburg near the champlain mall, where there is a spencer's right next to a christmas store or the candle yankee candle sort, it was set up any see spencer's. Then you see how, and satan, and then you see the love and joy of christmas as one of them is I enjoy both, but one of them is clearly better. That being said, you do, some of the often new ultra charismatic christians who who take it up
all too far. I think there's a way to and you can come at below things. to celebrate something that is a cultural holiday in the united states and not partake in some of the the pagan historical elements, but there are also we know, elements of the catholic church. The thai into this, and the same goes for christmas. We just kind of have to pick a date so each year, and how will we in its common to hear people equating dressing and trick or treating with demon worship you draw your own conclusions, make sure it is going to celebrate this day, because now that Jesus day is a devil. Do you understand that people literally put like spells on candy dressed up for halloween? You think, is innocent opening the door for those spears mess spiritual warfare in that witchcraft, and you and your children's live just make sure you don't vote democracy work now, just drank baby powder, I'm going to move the other way over here gross
so. Let me give you a brief it. So here's fast back one cake, hollowing. It's a high brittany go of a christian pagan holiday now, be clear. There was an ancient roman festival and was pronounced memoria. The urea use, and then in six or nine eighty, the catholic church and all saints day may thirteenth came as a festival was exercising malevolent spirits and then they kind of kind of this to co, op a holiday written. What happens if you look at the early church, there are saying: ok, these pagan people have a holiday there already celebrating how bring them into the fold We probably already have a day off work there you go kind of like labor day, let's just bring in one of our holidays, and it will be across the parking lot hey come on over here. Ours have more fun, sending eight eighty, eight thirty, seven, a d. The catholic church then moved all saints day to november. to coincide with the celtic holiday sullen and so as porcelain. However, hurry pronounce it like Alan things, a song strange animal so in traditions that were combined kind of color did by the christian church
back, then they mix it up. They gave this holiday, all all eve and just what kind of what happened with with christmas. Nowhere celebrating the birth of christ since we will say always demott assent is demonic, they'll say: oh, you know get. The three tree is pagan yeah, but again we don't know the exact day that Jesus Christ was born, so they pick the daylight when the babylonian celebrated the winter sources, they said. Okay, we have these people who, with you pagan we want to. We right. We want you proselytize, we bring people into the fold so take something there already celebrating, sort of combining harbor carmody yeah. I like that. kind of like modern fusion cuisine only clear savings, all right, exotic, Then we're holiday appropriation, it ought to tell your day yes and did. You have something you not as fast. No it's hard for me here fast at your guy folks- is actually the guy to blame for trick or treating in america. Really. Yes, ok
the irish, the important guy folks other data. What is it for? just want to say the word and then get believed on you, guys fox folks, gout You stay. I've used it in the difficult, but I thought that I fox not a guy for leaves us. I mean you're gonna. Do that mask you can keep the ladys off you That brings us to the tale of the fucking guy I mean he works, articulated paid off and know what really that algeria. That brings me to the tale of thomas a tankers peripheral vision is missing, is timing. You got it right.
after I just gotta be days. I am imported the guy fox day. With the old world tradition of sowing, which in spite of receiving treats in exchange for prayers for lost loved ones. That doesn't end by the way for vendetta. Ass, hats out there. Do you understand that the guy first off it was a failed plot- was a failed bomb plot? What he was looking to re doubtless religious oligarchy. Ups anyway fifties here, the suburbs right today they started color. They were on the rise. They were so hot back. Then candy companies sort of decided capitalize and it became modern day trick or treating the second biggest holiday.
Do you know why the trick or treat part I mean? Maybe it's not completely why? But when they when, when they didn't, have a lot of sugar during the war, the kids actually would go and just like destroy people's houses yeah, they still do it in Detroit or they do, but that's just because they're angry and their future doctors and lawyers. So to get that other system, but the candy companies actually started doing this and they said this is at least basically it's like the kids, unionized and threatened enough people to get candy and finally got candy and an entire holiday. I don't think it will work. I don't think god likes halloween. the cavities guys in its true, that's juno remain, as here did you forget about that? Maybe I guess he did. Give us teeth I guess he likes to decay. Ok, I'm sure she brother had could possibly be awaited, avoid he had a hand in the western
it's foundation, I think the predestination second second biggest commercial holiday. I didn't know that they're behind christmas is it's huge that thanksgiving would be higher, but I mean maybe not so flourish out there. If you're, you know, is there a way to celebrate them? It's a cultural holiday. It's not a religious holiday, the united states. You think you can separate the two and I thinking if you're dressed, Like you know, a demon covered in your own in intestines like you that I'd taken it a little far different. They like superhero covered Oh, that's has stood just remember when you have tests and it's really tough when you have like two or three year old, you have to find a neighborhood that is stimulating, but not too scary yeah, I'm just in the day I would, but you know I was at costco. I shit myself, there is a display, eight feet high and then they put it on crates and I just walked by an eu has all the time I had to use the bathroom and literally turkish prisons yeah. yeah at least in waves, though, so that's really. Why yeah really? I should really play in buffalo wild yaya to shit yourself. That's a terrible costume!
So are you a guy himself? Oh wow, you really did god now I've got. It throws up everywhere there, where the guy shits yeah. What are you dressed up as hepatitis b? Shots shots shots? So, let's get into this? Now it's been long enough where we with the frivolity, but it's halloween right, it's time for fun and a demo like a sack of us. What we know about MIKE Johnson, ok. So this is one of those things when it was announced- and I too, I try to be as transparent as possible. I did not know who, I was in no one here who does this for a living knew who he was now once I saw some clips. I said oh yeah, I remember him. I only remembered him questioning ray at one point: christopher wray and oh okay, that rings a bell. but aside from that, there really isn't a whole lot that people who- and I thought well, this point Well is going to be a compromise on all sides. They picked someone like that
turns out that that's not exactly the case. The more I learn about him, the more I like and so far and expertly law. We call this the tail. or the unknown speaker. Maybe powder gaza. Look like a tutor, one ratio, if you guys we're with tender one. My asthma, ok piggy, our act, so this arch- johnson Johnson is an aim, was elected as speaker of the house and, of course, MIKE and is already making waste. sorry nothing's, going exit ron, johnson ears, beards, Ratcliff yeah. I just want to make clear first loaded, I do not have the disease. Could I know a lot of you
want to know. The hiv virus around they're just so many johnson's tool. The other right one cute up. Can you see it yeah? Ok, here's the right This is MIKE Johnson, new speaker, hagen, the founders the ability to amend the constitution, as one of its most important features, will hear about a proposed amendment introduced by represented ralph norman to impose term? it's on, members of congress will also you're about the balanced budget amendment which would impose a measure. The fiscal discipline the congress has lacked in recent decades have conditions on what kind of condition accountability we want objectives that are clear from the white house. Johnson is funding the fourteen point three billion and to Israel with cuts to the inflation reduction actors
you ve heard about that's what we're comes up that so sorry we got the wrong their sound What why, without that, that's that my mother, my admonished button. For the day, MR pair glider opie, enjoy check his pants. Guy that we are children, blew. His eyes can always see em, actually seeing stars accessible to people at home and minimum. So who is a mike johnson aright you're going to go through these fast factual. You guys have these right, it you're ready. He fell back one Working there we go yeah spared notes, but I really I would like to drink something, but I'm I'm I'm fearful of the
tend to one ratio, mostly water, but there is baby partners that little bit its gritty might johnson. Ok, what we know is actually that he is a devout christian, so that is something that we ve been pretty outspoken about. It is not a super experience guy, so we're going to make all the references available a lot of a calmer lincoln the description, so, let's go through ethically for five you getting to know on these key positions hears it about. Greece This is why we call this the tail no surprise, the curious people are curious it is my johnson think about any issue under the sun. I said well go pick up a bible off your Jovan. Read it that's that's my worldview now! Really I do appreciate that answer. However. However, that won't answer every question: in here, but I will say this: it answers it has anybody knows how good his skin is. I think
I'm too. Jesus is good, for your skin yard seems to be that way. A little bit bible grinding it up like into a mulch and putting it in well read. All serum paste, saying the christian, Riddick fears up it answers most. but it's the crimson where's the fog is. Where play the game, I want to play the game. Here's the thing: here's the tale of the third Shia, who doesn't understand that you have to set it up by saying this is the tale of insert title here, the damn it my body, no brains right now, I'm just hot yeah built, not just bonds. I would not like engineering our planes for colonel, so it is pro life.
Johnson case- you were wondering what the eu does fall in line with a lot of sir, what you consider mainstream republican views, but he also would be considered yo trump populist and some weight which rub some people the wrong way, not me something so jobs. We did this after row was overturned, he said and now finally, because Roby way was overturned last summer and the louisiana is now a proudly pro life state. We will. The number of abortions two zero is what he said some the real. Why bang assure your awake. Ok means my was clearly awake. I was reading a quote yes, but he's a boring guy will make him fun hit like if you're glad to have my johnson limit, let's just step with hit like if you want stephen, to be shocked. More now go hit like if you want something to be shocked more that china there is thumbs down, but they did away with it. So just sit like we could use it for the algorithm. Let me go.
naturally, he's also prejudicial marriage. That's another backing you to note. He filed a supreme court or I guess, several briefs against same sex marriage as an attorney for the alliance defence defence, He really did electric it's a little bit defense fund because we didn't have to method act like the quel shocker in my chair. We just could have done an effect. So the alliance defence VON, isn't evangelical christian legal group and which also it doesn't take root by the southern poverty loss and are so hitting a lights ringing. A lot of bells rights, also the largest bell, again Mccain is upset about all the homophobia. So that's a ringing endorsement. She said so we just lecter raging homophobia, speaker waited breaks. They are types and win over hearts and minds, you're, just the basic white broad version of Anna Navarro, raging, homophobic, I'm a republican, but I like I like gaze,
okay, fine! I guess what does that even mean what you pointed? Oh yeah, well, by the way I'm trying to find the studio. Feinstein is that what you are appointing Feinstein? That's why we put in all that work on scale dad allow those a terrible voice. We put all that work and you guys may have missed it. Diane find what do you think. What did you see? We'd honour reporter the ground, because I wasn't a burial where we re selling a pirate you may well. Maybe I just got a little crazy, better at sea. One, that's moss to be further could be moss. She was she was buried, pine grove, The gulf that now I could electrocuted a new basis. even more annoying than someone using cover up. I used to be a republic inner, I'm a conservative. Now that- and you know me, mccain is just one or two people antiviral that you are sure to get a contributor ship or a spot on the view or cnn or MSNBC if you're turncoat. and by the way they don't care about you. They don't like you hear Judas, though
using? U, everyone should have a republican chick who also like sex, you think they're came to be. All of these republicans She just makes the negative stereotypes of conservatives that the left tries to portray the left trust perpetual. Yeah and I'm not those well. Neither is anybody else, you're, just an idiot. So when it really dont like this speaker. It tens to nudge me talk, you know his side, his the spectrum, ok, maybe skype somethin offer is another key fact aspect number two. Makes me very nice there he asked challenge. Twenty two that was not So what does google laughed scares me? That was the most so the self soothing bow yeah laughs last scary, to knows the tale of what fighters it's the tale of creepy laughs and and when you combine that with far too long of titles logic
the good at this game. The camera is a generational gap, the god I didn't even audition for it, and I was I was a ringer. I was brought in as a token white guy. I've told that story. He did yes TIM. My mouth, I dunno, if I told him club. I auditioned. I was planning a character whose last name was Wang and it was the tale of the misfortune cookie and it didn't dawn on me until I was reading the lineups and I realized I was the only non asian in the audition room, That is my first audition ever. really shattered me really? Did you get? It Why does everyone some means it s just pick up. It is faster wedding. I guess those are you. Are you and your cheap tricks treats so this guy? challenged my mike Johnson. He challenged twenty twenty election, and now he supported president trump during the impact.
So let me go onto this we've already done. If they, if it will go we'll go back to it, he was one out of thirty seven house republicans who voted to sustain objections against the twenty twenty election certification. Many served as part of trump's impeachment defense team here actually a sense of humor he poses he has a sense of humor, which I like, because you might think, oh christian, he must be a fuddy duddy. Gloating outside of policies office after trumps impeachment acquittal yet what about that. That's also, it's fun, his he's got a little bit more going on than mike pence. You know he's he's. He's got the kind of the same kind of biblical understand, but then you know he's not. You know jay we're talking about. I don't remember if it was if it was iowa or new Hampshire they're going through some polls and of course, Donald trump is far and away number one was number two and then they they basically said, and since this was conducted before MIKE pence dropped out, but they made it a point to say it was just a rounding error, so they gave it to the next closest. on a list was less than two percent. I just work
would have said. No change yet can start doubted, not no tanks for and it affected things. Zero and here is something because we have said this before people and help people in the senate. Important issue of our time is certainly big tech censorship. So key fact number three make a spoon. Is this guy by the way is, is very openly taken the fight to the left. Now I don't know how much you can actually do. Let me or any sort of give a caviar here- You see a lot of these people who you think are more concerned then they get to a position of authority. Eyes are now making compromises, but ism and to have one was at least starting off with a right we need to address. You know section. Thirdly, we need to address the utility sort of legal. Well, second to just go gotten over their basically treated as utilities as opposed to platforms. in favour by way of repealing to thirty, to be clear,
Now a lot of people are in favour of repealing it, but he's in a position where we might be able to leave the charge to do something of right, I was about to say, will actually see what he thinks about two thirty, because now he speaker- and he can hopefully push this thing forward. Yet, if your, if he's just blustering like everybody else right- and you see a lot of that- so here is actually questioning chris for re on the in former vice president Biden administrations efforts to have not efforts them have big tech sensor, americans that, before we go to a couple things that I thought work and this is why we're showing us he was asked. Whose drilling down the question who determines misinformation- and this is talk about in the show, quite a bit, because when you have just sack and have administration telling spotify that they should be getting rid of Joe rogan or sent range, rogan, that's a problem when you, this administration working directly colluding people in matter an alphabet. Google you to write as it relates to vaccines. Locked downs in which science is permitted will get to the covert vaccine death written wealth, not death rate lie the deaths that are actually about the recovered up by
So when you see that collusion, you are no longer a private entity and then he also goes on to call chris revenue trust they know this is. This is only has to do with foreign threats. Again, the reason that matters is the democrat party has gotten a foothold with big tech. guys of russia, russia, russia, that's what they use and said we need to regulate this more because we can afford that actors affect the alive. And as we saw when you sit down and spoke with with Mr Epstein, with doktor opting in the last election, you don't to get the dominion. You don't need to get to the ghosts of Hugo chavez rigging. The votes, You can just look at the number of votes that we're switch through big tech intervention that in the election period. I'm kind of may that republicans or concerns when any elections ever considering the erika you to facebook, instagram tiktok, what they do, which is why were incredibly grateful for rumble and, of course you can join climate, lighter with credit com, slash my club. We don't
Where am I getting my off of youtube? So many other people are leading that way. Now we ve done it for a long time. Here is my johnson, the right johnson questioning chris for at the end, shows you, your agency, the people, it directly report to you suppressed conservative, leaning, free speech about topics like the laptop, the lab league theory of nineteen origin, the effectiveness of masking covert nineteen, locked downs and vaccines, speech about election integrity and the twenty twenty presidential election. Security of voting by mail, even purity about the president himself negative post about the economy. They did this under the guys that it was this information. Can you can you define what this information is? Our focus a malign foreign disinformation, that is foreign hostile actors who engage in further efforts. Mr raise mars, from media platforms, which is something that is not seriously in disputes have to start armor time. That's not accurate. You need to read this court opinion because you are in charge of enforcing and your bible ah
skype, Mr Santer, something l, frank, yeah I like is one of the questioning there. He pressed him on this and said: didn't let him get out international he's like? Oh, no, no, no! No! No! We're! Looking at foreign threats every I just listed to you was not a foreign threat riot lets. You can call it what it was that it was from I again it was wrong to santa talking with doctors, its doctors in california. It's us, it's every you to her that had the balls, not everyone did to go out there. and actually say what was going on those with what our russian foreign information specialists. You quoted the cdc and resulted in a suspension, but that's a ford Election interference claim now. Yes, okay you're allowed to go to elections now you know that that was a neal mohan, nemo yeah you're allowed to you know why, and I remember that happened- we talked about it on this show someone, I said, call me to the mat because they are preparing. If the lose the next election. They will say that there was interference. There was russian interference, that's why they have to allow it. They allowed it right from
sixteen are opened until when I say: ok, we're not going to go out, and I say it's allowed again tell me that in effect, a constitutional republic. It really the biggest issue of our time, because if you can actually speak freely- and I'm not talking about calling people to come. Violence. You know, like black lives matter in the summer of love, I'm talking about questioning, for example, data. That's pretty, did by people with a vested interest in certain forms of companies, supposing that from other scientists yeah, that's what we're talking about we're talking shining a light on corruption. You investigative journalism is almost impossible to do because of these big tits that don't even under the laws of their state, it's a single party consent state I dont need. I dont need the person who is engaged in a pedophile ring to consent to being recorded on camera. That's the whole point. Exactly If you aren't familiar with what he mentioned a minute ago about the rubber Epstein interview, I just a few weeks ago, go
Got our channel honourable and find it and watch it will put it out on social media. It will absolutely shocking because everybody is focused on dominion. Voting machines and others have look. Those things are important, but big tech, and elections from here on out and you won't even now you'll just wake up support I think our yes, my added when. Why are you in france and the uk? Parliament wants to get rid of rumble. Think about that second, they actually want to get rid of a website that actually that action would be in line with two thirty, that host any point. view, provided they are not breaking the law when they actually want to get rid of it. The air, france, they ve bird to the entire government of france and the uk, parliament sent a letter saying that they wanted rumble to remove x Y, see count They had a whole laundry list and if not, that they were to ban rumble from from their lands which, to me are largely irrelevant, teddy say rumble at friend to home, then remit while less incompetent displayed cool boys.
Went to humbert humbert net like those dirty americans, they don't know a good rumble when they see one I'm going to go. Do a muscle up. My strengths will amaze you I'm still very gay, a ban and MIKE By the way he does seem to be an actual conservative and again this the only reason you're, not just talking about you, know, rubbing it in people's faces policy matters, values matter, but it's a pretty, good sign when the left hates him as much as they do here? Is a sample the more we learned about the mat and suddenly thrust into the spotlight at the house speakership the more he resembles his version of the modern republican party. Fuddle, yellow generically with others in the romanian voting machine, gonna cost watching the craziest cables. What our voting machines were broken the crazy conspiracies out there. Yes, that is used to answer the tough questions on thursday positions. Yes, you did. Some softball questions on guns last night, isn't it
nobody's for constitutional, carry explained the most extreme god first speech, and I want to take a look at our current that his election as speaker was an act of god. about a bit of a humble brag. There is used on ports, Finally, what you expect from a religious fundamentalists there more debate on what they are dealt with by means of a man who appeals to all factions of the republican party, the mega, faithful, the social conservatives, the white national assembly, horny beetle, in scotland forty writers are the best they can come up with phenomena the list making fun of bananas is actually pretty she's an inseparable fund, insurgents aki his eminence inside with with that. Doesn't it make anza inside what jen psaki conciliation spot and that that guy there he makes gimmicks gay, william, look like Steve reeves. Can you both about the freedom of the dream form of carry the can
the traditional water. The fact that you use that verbose, like you, realize You just sit as a whole at something else call you know carry without without a permit which, of course, I support, but for your own douglas is was like. Oh my gosh. We can tell you that yeah, like vermont, just to be clear. You can just go purchase a firearm. At least it was up, and I don't have to change it recently, where you can open here we can still carry beyond europe But why? Because you constitutional right, you go through criminal background check anyway, so they can stay on this guy, that again, hate every republican speaker. Let us be clear about this: it's fun! It's it's it the reasons they dislike for reasons that I would like him, but remember when these people try to make george w wash out to be the most extreme right wing or in existence are now they love em, but now they go. You know, Let me just say this: on cnn: the other day was you know it's not like the days of ronald Reagan, even george, w bush, the modern republic and I can Tell you how many posters and punk rock albums I saw comparing him to hitler. against the machine, no effect you
go through the list. There was walk against bush album. Green diabetic because the biggest item of that you everywhere on CNN no w he's no wmds everyone. Now, as we like now. So the point is: if they're gonna hate you anyway, let your freak flag, lot lecture freak flag fly, don't try! find common ground based on a lie. It's ridiculous and we don't have to do that. I dunno, if you've ever the youtube dump buttons. That's why you can join mug club and the hell's. The difference I'm going to drink from Gerald was smart because he put his liquid. It can, I have it in a cup as well as I blow it that way here and my cup is that way. Bad at creating that I just what do you and I was like I'll- do a different. Alright, here's a fun story. This is just breaking this morning here Clinton started from. Hillary Clinton was heckled, and this was from a known, pedophile hunter about jeff Epstein, so I guess what I call this year. I call this the that the term
of the tangled pedophile enabler the gotta get up really well, the dragon six times by the way. Also why you dress like a two thousand and sixteen era. Steven seagal you play that clip again. If Hillary Clinton does she, she just said like she just given up, but instead of giving up in a pantsuit she's like I'm going to where I'm going chinese whoosh uniform high as her girdle. What's so the man the video is Alex rose and whose known for exposing pedophiles. This is part of. What has become a kind of a party which is one of the few
one of the few trends I like on social media in that direction, and I know it's not so bad twenty six times and think about that for a second year by year. Instead, you want to come to my island and you'd, be like I guess once yeah, but on the twenty fifth time how do you go on our what let alone always that island countries to hang on the beach on the fifth time with Kevin spacey increased after that is a weird trio's up and if you go to the colleagues its Kevin spacey chris tucker bill Clinton on that fly, what they are on their way somewhere else, there are no yeah. This assistance to view the others tat people nonchalantly, the pack sizes are kept and speed. I forgot to up on a website going too. I guess we have in ireland here. It was the check that out wait. That's not sex
When desert I dunno. If that's pedophile island, I dunno, but they have diesel. This plane runs on diesel. No, no, but we should take a sex break. Yeah we've got to stop for a day. Nor does anybody want to massage pedophile union rules yep massage by somebody with small hands free, the defiance I did you say, sex, break or sex day. I can make it a day. Both today they are on our way that I'm a little confused, romanianus expatriate wife was dead twenty six times, you guys must be close. Your boys never really tried to tie it. It like like, for example, like with that they've mentioned, like alan Dershowitz. You can see it on there. Like once or twice I don't wanna be hit by Hamas. They try and I got one about Republicans like if you understand the history of Epstein and donald trump, we've done a whole segment on it. He kicked them out of moral logo as soon as he found out that he was a creep yeah bill Clinton and Alex boats are out Jeffrey Epstein.
bill Clinton. Lincoln Alex have different keg, yes, Jeffrey Epstein buckling we're like this, and they had a time show that our the timeshare. When you gonna sell some twenty six times, that's nuclear recitals accident with Jeffrey which, by the way you may find me on the on and on and on the log. But the reason is because, if I attended there, Our timeshare seminar. I got a free flat screen it's a free world. This is back when plasmas were very expensive. They were like two thousand dollars yeah, but they didn't give me one. It's true come on. We got the sound bar nice so here is Alex Alex rose and by the way and his team just in case you're not from over them, pertain to be fourteen year olds or I guess pretend to be a fourteen year old boy. group of them of all them are potentially be fourteen. That might be enough to pull off, but one of them is pretending to fourteen and they catch a huge creep out. Your mentor and revolution was like ok, you know a little bit monitoring showed. Can you shut your mouth? Then you Sid Ahmed Brighton,
and I'm horny is not. His horse as a diamond in an ass storm. Right now mean how hard is it in a coma mud is His heart is a dam and in an ass door, right now I mean how hard is there, there's gotta be pretty rock solid and then you sent a patient you're, not thinking mountain bluefin. Did you know you're telling me that you for anything I go Why don't we literally a cop why I'm not exactly sure with that clipping emission control? Can you give us the context, because otherwise there would be a how to police in person a police officer? My favorite one find this and give it to me. I don't know if it is Alex Rosen. Is He lets a guy now at a supermarket. He walks up to him and he goes hey. We know who you are. You know we were the ones pretend to be a seventeen whatever fourteen year old boy, and he doesn't it. Five seconds. I'm gonna yelled to everyone here in this grocery store that you're you're a pitiful. Your child, molesters cat, you ready and the guy just sort of ghosts.
except the same kind of file here, got a job. Last year the guy tries to walk out of the grocery store. The guy just accepts it. Can I can I can we go back to that video for a second copy, not real end, but it can. What is going on with Alice roses. Sure that's a very tight. it's designed to be trying to play in under age, which is hard to do he's, not an underrated, yeah kind of a surprise that that guy went for it yeah. That's a kid has been eaten that there are a lot of hormones in the meat, say, yeah and then give us a more context that one because it does not look like him being a fourteen year old boy, who's going to try and fourteen year old boy haha, but that's a year viking. Its ending online to be a fourteen, your marrying online it out I've been basically in costs and again this is breaking right now, by the way, some get some gas letting accounts on twitter, they ve been trying. just completely jump paper over the saying things like and anti semitic. Trumps supported dragged out of a hillary Clinton rally after he falsely accused bill Clinton, visiting
have you seen violent first off, falsely no second, our rose in his jewish, so the idea is anti semitic. Everything about that is wrong. He's one of those jewish nazi brooklyn had a fast pass here. Still it already supply lines some of like commodity, and I got a frequent flyer our bill. Thanks for coming back as mickey mouse ears stamped on his hands. Yeah I'm in the club and he's got a ball gag, lubeck, my cabin spacey and chris Tucker yeah, well better lot in common, makes absolute It doesn't make a lot of sense. Yeah me! No, I'm sorry to have one thing in common, apparently yeah, well, they're, like little kids too, They kill it's no good deadly ks So if show support two thousand- and hopefully he doesn't kill himself with two shots to the back of his own head, but you can comment below and show him. Some love focus rather going to see the signal that further
secular, by actual we're talking about us to hear walthers a spy It's a tonight show- and you guys- we've talked about this before there are a lot of great firearms out there and were protected by walther here at the studios. I have to show you I'm not I'm an evening it in a safe place. I'm aiming at dead, Diane Feinstein finds steam stein go. How can one say we're not gonna rustling? amazing cut your look. There are great fires. Are there? We ve talked about this in a certain points. It mercedes is like Bmw but just trial. They're gonna, walk firms, outcome, find a dealer near you. We ve take people to the range it we did it with these two girls from a changed my mind, for example, would never actually and to arrange with dunham with explain shooters but using cheap codes. The triggers a few good, just Google Walter PDP their latest firearm, while their pdp review bang it for ass. The little bent back paperclip on your word app for all. I care ask jeeves Since they are the best kept secret in the firearm industry, cause they don't have these giant military contracts, so they don't necessarily go out there and just sell you, products that aren't effective
But if you read, reviews from independent third parties happens a lot mobile tongue. Nutrient. Aren't you- awfully quiet. If you like me to me, I haven't you today: can I call this the tale of might as well be empty, ah- The boy gets worse. When I try to hold off my desk, it's like it's angry, it's just spooky, spooky, still scary, right, guys, fog. I can't see him not fog, because we are still talking about that was where I fogs thrice is, I feel, like this story fits for halloween. You know, deaths covered, gather story, Ok because people died right, when we destroyed entire economy. This there are some would say. That's spoke yeah, the next I'm in spite of the next entity, is sent more, should not more
the shadow, roman, shanks latin efforts and johnson and Johnson is because their eyes they try. That's the marshals of vaccines. There are actually some deaths that were again the standard. Isn't just ok, what's was available, its, what science was available at that exact moment in time that you discounted, because it didn't serve your narrative that's when people say all we did the best. We could not an laden you suppressed as much as you can. And that's what we call this next week, the tale of the car. vaccines. as long the
It tells the longest title that made no sense. Don't you owe the also just a reminder that came to lock down this? Is the tale of sweden? Got it right? The there's like no sadness now be pasteurized a baby powder. It's just it could be gold bond. I have no idea, don't think I don't see it and I know enough vaccines important, but so is exercising sunshine. The detail of
helping smaller campaigning afternoon transplants arrest moment what women my magazine following now. We want as a new study and by new I mean, two weeks old- and you probably don't know about it, but we firstly in and we could find zero and its archives area. Thinking rounding here now so Studies show that pfizer hid nearly eighty percent of the death from covered vaccine trials in order to get the emergency use authorization. Eighty percent, while of debt zero media. Specifically, this study found again there was accessible and suppressing at that time. The car,
Related deaths were three point. Seven times higher the vaccinated population and placebo up cheese and eyes or delayed the reporting of deaths of the vat trail, which quote again all revenue, thereby ladder of canada com, a free one. A ban is here at youtube. I think we're like to talk about this now. I hope so I quote: allowed the pfizer emergency use authorization to proceed on challenged. So the question becomes in jail. You can help explain how was pfizer able to delay the reporting of the deaths right there the creative mass, will say, trust the science right. I believe that statistic important, but people so there lies damned lies statistics. I believe that was mark twain that is we're dealing with giant government entities at least partially true, if you can manipulate, statistics through these, So I guess rick's is really Actually, it's appropriate today of timing.
moving number, and I wonder I wonder if they had any financial incentive. Just so you know Pfizer just reported a third quarter, loss of two point: three billion dollars: loss net loss, not profit, going down loss. I call that the tail of the rich, local question. Shivering, because it's so scary, or just because it's cold, and I have no clothes on it's probably a little bit about the looks of what Heizer did as they use the reported date of death instead of the actual date of death, for example. So in that stretched it by up to eighteen days, writers lag yeah exactly right and they knew that. But here's a thing so late for that vaccinated patients and by the way you have this. I think I think you guys can access this. I dunno, if it's pubmed or if you have to have an people need to have a log and because we have access to those but the facts, facts vaccinated patients eighteen days as evil patients five days. Is how they were measuring their reporting, the dead
lay. So why would you do that? Why would you change how you report? So that's the big thing, some people come on, say, look the number ass, wasn't statistically significant. Will they hit eighty percent of home so that significant and they also treated their own data differently when it came to something that made them potentially have to explain it look bad and something that didn't so, that's why people are in these questions whether media should be digging further into this, because the reported date of death is what they should have been going to write. So they they use that late, death and allowed them to report most of the deaths after the emergency, as they have a lot to answer for that consumers want people die, it takes a while to establish cause of death, so
times, if you're, so, if you're in a trial and the traffic was about thirty people, three small. Rather in reply, I was forty four thousand toiled centres on air. I saw you and your arguing about it before being on air and correct its its many things. Forty four thousand was. It was try think that said that was looking at whether or not it was effective against severe infection that that's went as far as we are concerned. That was from the smaller group. Nothing, none of the deaf was going much larger group really that from a large. So look look it's your point. Here's think your point is valid. If They didn't immediately list people who shot themselves in the head with a shot gun if a covert death right. Yes, at that time, I found your argument so there's a thing. I ordered like latin covert davy s vaccinated, that's maradona's when, in your mid thirty's you gonna take a while from to get the coroner's report? What what? What? What is it coming and I dont know even higher coroner right, but if something were legally, did you die? They go this way. I think this is the result of review that says he didn't
from the vaccine. He died from some other cause right, so I later she applied equally to the pacific represent added. That's that's the whole point of yesterday's just about the numbers, even though the numbers are pretty staggering that should make you dig here basic rights. You can find a little bit more about it, but why did they treat the people who are vaccinated differently than the placebo group, and why, if what you say mister o Brien, why would that matter? What group here and if it takes time to discern a cause of death? And why would it take longer in a placebo group than it had taken a group of people that were vaccinated alone in an area that is too long to vaccinate announcing five days of changing railway accident at either way? It should not change if, as this is the tale of her, because this is the tale of of questions, that have no answer cause- it's not convenient not only had answers, oh, you know the habits, you found out giving up about told them. They have answers, thought Did you lose
blow or I will tell you right here the taliban taken all the rules, I review I hated. I hate the spectacular about to be another death. Dental be removed all right. So if it is read this really good and taught her to jobs are by delaying the recording of these patients death and by not using the actual date of death. This is from a study this from the news here that the new study, I should say two weeks right: really knows, but no This is really covered at their deaths were not discoverable at a critical juncture. Emergency use authorization approval process, so this is one of those eel. Yes, this is one of those situations where I had read this a couple weeks ago here. But what happened? as you have, we got through news all the time
So I saw the headline and I read it and I go okay, three point: seven times the death rate, yet engrossing death and I'm thinking yeah, that's a study that shows the Myocarditis in young individuals. I didn't realize this was new study, specifically relating to the our new data that show that pfizer hid hid the death rate they used to or they used a different standard of death rate for the vaccinations patients supposed to get their words use the resolution- so this is really big. This is about something that we now know definitively took place before you were fed that lie here. Even though I wouldn't be acceptable right, afterward for people say hold on a second. If you look at various and you look at, there seemed to be a lot of adverse effects and then say: no, no, it's fine. We did the best that we could. That was still a problem, but now it turns out. This is monumental both forehand. They knew at what point negligence leading to the death of innocent people and by the way when this was put out, did you hear anything about there being potential for three point? Seven times the number of cardiac related deaths in our people who know you didn't hear any warnings at all from the government, yet no
I telling you that I heard it would stop the spread yeah. It would stop the spread. Nobody else will using the crack at it. So there is absolutely no doubt about that. Now: correct number: rachel maddow, it's very simple, the back scene and someone is covered. You can't get covert, then what is it you can get cove it, but you won't end up in a hospital the nomes later. You can end up in, but you probably won't. I, if you get your booster, which one Changes from week to week turns out the shot we're killing some people. Yes, but it really big, that's not a dump thing, I don't think anymore. Maybe it is really the case that you guys should be watching, and I was talking about a different scenario which led us to a different job said a word as they weren't as sure as they were making themselves out. right away like they were close to assure Brian, what they saw was billions of dollars. That is what they saw, and they don't know liar you raise. If you raise questions you we're censored. Ladies and gentlemen, excluding scientists who are in the field of immunology ran back
gee, which are two words I am, let's assume. They started off right with algeria But let's assume that I'm not! But let's assume that this house and early enough they should have turned around, should ok, it no warned us nowhere else on gods. Green earth are no other point in history. With modern medicine, I should say for time leeches suck out now that I've got a lot, letting all up from a modern medicine. Would something like this be foisted upon? well, they they, the economy, though so it's over, you ve got when you when you're doing this operation warp speed and you shut down the world's economy, this little bit of pressure on everybody to get this thing out couple. That's that's fine, but gotta, get things nippers anymore, just look at all shut down the economy yeah just opening up anyway. an inveterate if you're going to shut down, will you in on me now and so and when they found at all, this isn't going how we thought it was they do so, to hide their data that is a crime against humanity. If you want to say that george w bush, who they like now, was killed
of war crimes and, of course, brought about it would be as well and so a job. I hear you say that their guilty of war crimes, you will certainly have to say that pfizer with this new emerging evidence is guilty crimes against humanity. Now, of course, to go inside with this data we have footage of them attempting to hide their data. As Wait is that so, Oh, again stuff, sorry what else do you need to add to this? The so look what that one of the interesting things about this is that they couldn't find any reason for them to have done this. They couldn't come with any reason for people to go. Ok, we're gonna have an eighteen day like here in a five day like here and by the way after that period of time after they got their emergency use, authorization they actually changed
back the live in a way that it is not on the areas that I have read. The quote. The length of the reporting delay decreases significantly after the. Just use authorization application is submitted. There is reasonable explanation for this difference. Given that a similar trend is not observed in a placebo subjects. I've said this you're, not a free state and if you live in a country with laws, is whether you live in a country laws that are applied equally. The same applies to science and- and I hope open some eyes here. Will people also, what are you a climate deny or second, do we run into with a lot of these a lot of these studies as related climate sites, which they said by, they will be eventually the next cobra that this desire- the left us that, hopefully corbett has taught people that we all can act together in an inn. In a monument away for climate policy, Let me just give you some very clear examples that everyone will agree on was surprised. at one point in time that batteries were non recyclable batteries in the mining associated with them was actually really bad for the environment. Wasn't at one.
in time completely discounted that you were a quack, if you said hold on a second solar panels actually could figuratively and in many cases, are worse for the environment because they require my massive amounts of energy to produce, and then they are not effective in producing energy themselves. So if, if it is something that we can now agree on, because even the left is changing their policy to try and create friendly, solar panels? That's the funniest shit! I've ever heard my life hey. Then, maybe you look at the giant money. That's gonna pockets like cylindrical. At that point, do on point: do you maybe the wealth they can't make electrical cars work in California, maybe that's a tip off that this isn't necessarily about. What's best for the environment, hey did an english british high. Rule that there were nine significant errors in the academy award, winning documentary and inconvenient truth which, by the way, also related to gore sitting on the board at apple? What the hell does he do unease collecting billions of dollars? I'm just saying: if we
this now irrefutable with what happened and covered we saw it happened ironically warp speed, yeah, I do think do things there are some things that pay want to tell you are settled science that are absolutely not settled science, but the more just get settled sides. It usually means it's not not, I'm not just being plastic in saying that applies to everything, but, for example, when people talk about density, when people talk compare helium to ox and they did not it settled saw several times here in a balloon, because it will be ok, it's not that they just go. Look watch its observable, ok if someone says that hey human beings, need a certain mixture, for example, you need a certain level of oxygen in britain. You can't get it if you're in water or you'll drought, they don't say if you go under whatever that, you're going to drought, it settled science, so it's always apply to things that can be observed, necessarily in real time now. I understand that the labyrinth, conditions are required that more complex science can necessarily be observed by the human eye. I get that
understand that it's not lost on me. But when they tell you something is settled sides. The vaccine is settled science. Why are you a science denier? Then they tell you. So that's the first thing if they are out it settled science, that's a lesson I would say immediately. Your intended should go up your bullshit meters and, if its combined with large, sweeping pretty nebulous policy proposals so in other words of have it settled science. Therefore down the economy and every needs to get this vaccine from one of the three companies. By the way they vary wildly. Some need to be refrigerated, some don't and we don't necessarily know how it functions. We can't give you an answer and we can't tell you It settled science. Therefore law, this fundamental change to the american way of life, and I can I can remember in our lifetime- does not apply to. For example, It is settled science. Therefore, the paris agreement, for that, I was the kyoto protocol before that it was montreal accord or was it the montreal agreement, the paris accord, I just kind protocol,
when it is the same shit and finally in their. It settled science, therefore, China's one child policy pairs it certainly science. Therefore There are more than two genders how many we can Answer that yeah. It's infinite but if it settled science, don't you haven't answer someone, someone screens sounds is using. This is settled science and its peak and appeal to authority thousand car in combination huge, multi trillion dollar policy proposed was usually created and back rooms through international forms of government committees who don't have any oversight or accountability. That's use. a good sign, not always donut maybe we'll talk. It's usually a good sign that it's not true, really a good sign that maybe it's junk signs. You know what you are at least well within your rights to question it, and that's why I call the strike
EL of clearly not settled site, so looking Let me just add that it's not just settled science because it, but when you see the mainstream media completely avoiding the topic on scientists and not allowing people to have differing opinions and not at least just searching about what be great right now for the mainstream media depict the story up, and every single american? Why it's bogus and have the facts? laid out. Wouldn't that be the best thing to do. If it really truly is false and is going to lead people astray, where are the people who oppose carrying firearms, whereas if it saves one life right, exactly right, yeah? How about the eighty percent of the lives that were lost that were hidden bitch whenever there's a treaty or an accord, a cottage industry grows up around that huge ass, a law, a cottage industry grows up around it. So there's a lot of
of money invested interest in creating that settled science and settled science. We right- and we want you to run this yourselves about what we could have. I know reference of it, for example at sea and air, most of the eighties may, I made it because no one watches them, but man. The legacy media formerly known as mainstream research- it right now on Google. We can bring this up. We just did this this morning and says it looks like the results below are changing quickly. If you search pfizer and vaccine deaths abroad, I don't think it's urge to revise or vaccine deaths, bring that back up. It looks like the results below are changing quickly. How about you show me, I don't know anything Google hold on. Let me just leave that up for a second. That is what it looks like the results below make us look really bad, yes so don't like I don't, I don't understand this. You typed in the oops I shat myself search yeah. We did many, Google searches yeah. So, for example, we had pfizer covered testing death. We
ran a search, pfizer covered vaccine testing that we ran a search. Eighty percent of covert vaccine testing debts hidden by pfizer zero articles about this study from any quarter. Unquote, mainstream media sources and it was published two weeks ago shirt yourself comment below. Let us know what it is that you find. I really. This is crowd source at work. Please, if you can do it on youtube, if we're still there do it they're just because there's nothing. I like more than to be a pain and mo hans as true and we like to, but look I just. I will defend the mainstream media because they actually do have a lot of very creative reasons for the sudden rise in cardiac deaths, among typically pretty hell the people around the world, something! That's that's! That's that the tale of the unexplained but settled
It's bizarre hard issues. The long time I really enjoy calypso as a brace, the collada or another collage, for I give him discover alright. Can we, This terrible news rise and heart disease may explain maybe explained by extreme weather whether our oceans, quite swahili, das, leads to higher risk of heart disease. New research shows my favorite in black solar storms may cause up to fifty five hundred heart related deaths in a given year. Yet it says here: snow shoveling, which is you from his cocaine, yes well case, of areas that video games could trigger deadly heart problems in children, wines new study after they let it rest I got loose after they had a car fuels from exhausted a heavy heavy breaking raise risk of.
An attack studies, suggest that's, not no pollack. Yes, if you wrap your lips around the exhaust of a car, you pay We are aiming to go, you mean yeah. I know what they university student dies of joy. Did you see? I've got it right. That's insane fruit every day would increase heart sickening Second cause. You got your doktor like you got your dog. I have troke fates about facing we changed anything. Recently. I've got injected with multiple experimental m rna yeah injections. I don't want to use the term vaccine because of anything else, even though you haven't been eating apples every day every day, and what can you do or not? Our bills eat jelly, that's a fruit. The jar of jelly will keep the doctor away, if other reason unlimited. Let me just let me name one. They said taking
cold showers that are too cold, but then wait a minute taking hot showers that are too hot. Now you've got a goldilocks. You've got to read by goldilocks to baby. Bear that shit right by the way. Also called porch will give you heart coca cola, diet, coke god. I don't want to be audited him to shreds gardening. He died of being shredded god nic card. Savings tie favorite daylight saving time. The card reads the card that one we can go with. I hate daylight, taking an early vote for a candidate who just proposed getting rid of daylight savings time and didn't even know where ukraine is actually true daylight savings. Apparently, when you miss an hour of sleep, it's bad for your heart. So let me just recap for you before we go to mug club in our costume contest, okay and and it's going to be a good and go to Brian Cowen. That communist show airs here on here on tuesdays and urban life. Ten off lineaments, ok, so here's. What you need to know
the main strip, first off the mainstream media and a lot of these outlets. They obviously recognize. For example, what is settled as there is a rise in heart, complications in cardiac complication No one is denying that at this point. Ok, so that's cool. the common ground that we start with. Otherwise, you wouldn't have new scientists daily mail near this unexpressed inside your time, insert washed in posts. But all the publications here. resting. The issue of us agri number of rising heart, applications and the reason that that is really using the scientific methods, because we have a comparison which is all time before covert and the vaccine are the an injection. So everyone acknowledges that and then one side says will haunt second: could it have to do? Could it Perhaps could we scientifically make the argument that it may I, it with a novel. Experimental injection that has not been tested, or at least the same riggers as other approved injections that we basically foisted upon
in the entire, not just american populace, but the the population of the world at large and the other side says no. No, no, no, you must be mistaken, the reason we believe and we all agree common ground. We can have a civil discussion here on the increase and heart attacks, mile cardenas and other heart related complications is, you may have people who are taking a shower that might be slightly too hot slightly too cold. They could be waking up drinking cold water while going out gardening in their backyard, picking fresh herbs which may lead to them even the same fruit, my god every single day, and god forbid that they be yes or they engage in shovelling, snow or better known.
If their own, they happened to go through daylight savings? We believe that these things obviously lead to increasing her settled science guess what? But, how about the fact that you kept people indoors and they didn't do many closed down gyms? Does that have anything to your lockdowns? Have a do with the fact that people were sedentary? No, no! No! No no rest out. No, it's an apple a day, that's pretty clear, and then you have the media and big tech. Say. Yeah will go that. So I'd love to see you run your searches at what point How often do you have to say Alex Jones was right yeah. Aren't you getting tired of it at this point? I think what has been turned into a conspiracy theories and we have to buy the way hit? The like button share. You can join magua, because, if you're watching right now on rumble, you can click the button continue watching where we have the winner of our costume contest. I kit, when it when you look down This looks like you're looking into a rod. I just have a very high labour. This restaurant,
like as is good, and so control the tale. Well, listen man! You control the tale of the thing I can't control being electrocuted, given that it will be a little less lippy we are going to be announcing the winter to the car im content here to do it. You know some people say hey who we are. I have a special treat for you in fact offer me yeah, but let's go, we have the the guy coming over the season. It's the season of the drag queen of england, the drag queen of england, chair o. Absolutely. I believe I thought we had the sound of facts. Do not have the music there later blessing of having attention in all your stinger, for he would go to time. That's content, ok for a second, don't understand our guys like you, yes, that's great she's back making processes legs right. Who are you wearing them
microphone oda, as is the whole thing sexy matter. You need an irritating that had its that no you're, not the queen of england, or what am I give you the drag queen of each other. record, giving the one do. I look like Hillary Clinton, yeah evaluate for everyone who says that gay, william, just to character, make up to get away with you. not be a member of my club consider sending up right now and youtube. You know this is an act of mercy to you today, now that he she is in here you to piss the
Transcript generated on 2023-11-01.