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Gaetz Sends McCarthy Packing! We've Reached a Dating Crisis! @Fresh&Fit Join!

2023-10-04 | 🔗

Kevin McCarthy became the first House speaker to be booted! Also, the state of dating in America is plainly worse for young men than ever so much so that men are becoming passport bros. Have you heard of this phenomenon? We dive in.Guest: Fresh & Fithttps://rumble.com/freshandfitJoin MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclubWatch the FREE show on MugClub NOW:GET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources/NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficialMusic by @Pogo

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey audio listener today show goes extra long. If your montclair member, if not well, hold on your butts its fresh and fit the whole show leave a rating and review sweden feminism. I had a job in the need in europe. Though I Remember none of this is possible without you join the fight and sign up for my club today at louder with credit dot com, slash my club for eighty nine dollars annually joined the fight it loud with credit outcome, slash my club today
ah really. What was I had made the two yearly that had a warm it up.
Oh, and I wondered up too much- it's my fault. I have no one to blame, but myself enemy, I added a minute, can see the accountability. Will you also use the logo is model during up? It is all right through before, and you know I have to take account of building because of who we haven't third year today, but I am going to before that. Here's a run down lot to get to There are homeless, homeless, pirates marauding through the bay area in California. There words, not ours, homeless. Dear, do we have the for the run down? Now it's not a great debt. you're thinking of san francisco, but pirates you're better than that. Come on a strong vote, some real momentum of being an adult here today, He has been ousted as speaker, and I know what you're thinking does it affect. You will not so much beyond the fact that you spent millions of dollars to go through this dog and pony, show and more importantly because of what we have here in the studio. We are going to do a segment. The ins and outs, the abc of why relationships are declined specifically in the west. Isn't like it too, peggy is because west coast thing it's just the west
western civilization guess which include europe. I mean, I don't really know that we should now but we're at it we'll do it we'll do it just because we feel like being generous today. So my question to you is: what do you think are biggest issues facing people dating twenty one of the biggest issues that you had to face it you ve had to overcome, because in chair today, when you hear this there you are there on rubble and on youtube on instagram at the fresh and fit podcast mr fit and or rush hour. You, gentlemen: what's up man we will have to be here, things ravenous, I'm glad to have you guys are hopeful. You're centre can any rest, not the microphones in everything, because you have your own set up here and there you have a notepad.
yeah? You know just in case I'm erasing what are you reading now? I'm gonna write about I'm reading more than you are, but I dunno I dunno who's. Reading the notes, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready renovated. What did you say? I'm writing why women deserve less okay well. This is, I just know that your wiener know when you're too yeah. That's what we've got it's myron and walter right, yes for people who'd, but we're going to call you mister, fresh and fit that's what people that were then I mean cause that I mean which ones fit fresh now, we're both fit right, see somewhat more you both fit yeah. They were doing pull ups. They worry we're trying to China. after they signed the waiver? I signed that thing so quick. I was like. Oh you've got to give all your money because we've had people go in there and not know how to use the office Jim dropped, as I might to rapper to sign the waiver. That says, however, you hurt yourself, we don't care now, or to ceo and the
this guy in the studio gerald a. How are you technically I'm doing? Well? How are you is not technically true? It's absolutely. The nordic mad over here probably is a little wider than your twenty three and me came back reparations. That's what it said. It just came in with an iou at hang onto that one blonde, hair blue eyes: you are the god of purslane hair blue eyes, not my fault! I did not use instead of Al Sharpton, nightmarish character, but I don't like it. That's fine and, by the way of course, have fresh and fit, I might say, fit and fresh. I know it's fresh and fit, but I might reverse it by accident. I saw a few guys are on rumble right. People can go to your show. Absolutely, which is one of the few shows you also do. It live often yep, that's without a net. That's pretty pretty scary for a lot of works and out you can specialise in relationships, yes the other I s going on in the west with you, no inner sexual dynamics, milsom proven the gym getting your money on point, just being we're trying to gain general. Yes, if the troops- vega, yes
exactly and that's that's in short supply these days. So I say that because rumble they understand it. Oh yeah chris Chris Pavlov's going to sit you. He loves you guys. Every time we talk, he is a heavy I'm like look Chris. I do work too yeah So if, at any point I say that you see this if you're watching on youtube head on over to rumble that's the youtube dump, so you guys can say whatever you want and then someone just hits that dump button and it'll still broadcast on rumble yeah. We do the same because it's like oh we're going to say some crazy. We call it the shadow realm on youtube. We're going to chat room guys, gotta come on over there rumble match at the rumble. Are you sure it plays in humans, reptiles, right? I was about to say thank you very much, nineties video games. So, let's lead with this. Before we get to the homeless up marauding but pirates in california, let's get to there's a tiktok, oh here, an influence are now some people would say you know gold digging harlot. I would say that though, but that's more accurate, that's what
people would say, show people cholera, gold digging who, but I would never say, but why is donald trump janus I've just seeing other people would say that, and I say this not nice, but then they say she is so maybe maybe here is the advice that, and you can speak more of this impression- fit progress, but here's advice at this tik tok her has four whim. and on how to enjoy dating, ask about years. Avenue growled dating athletes said. Let me tell you for some things? I don't you completely change radiating lifestyle and make me love dating a guy number, one, no simple dates! That means no borders. At dinner dates. No coffee dates, no park dates. I need experiences and I'm trying to date, multiple people on multiple dates during the week I can't be sure every night when you are spending all last month, miami and has on this than any measure them anywhere in europe, go down to my area. To take me on a couple days, and one of the dates was taken-
the everglades everglades tour and the karate wife certain date or time, but that isn't going have a fun experience to show for it and It was something worthwhile rule number too crazy woman, if you can't afford me, cuba push furthermore, for paying for a date, I pay your bills. So why am I paying for fun the freedom to me? Splitting the app will tell you. Your standards are too high. They aren't after one day, my homeland, dating this is why, while calling I can in eight years when you go ring ring eggs, oh they're, not answering! Now I love it's like I'm an expensive days ago. Sherry's berries, let me take my top off this rose- is that this is the advice, but you ve given to young women. Look in this thing a whole self love culture,
shallow look you're, never going to find self esteem through these shallow. Let's go its objectification, about it with semi worthwhile because he took me somewhere nice. I feel about it. You know we used to talk about hey motley crew at all these or whoever it is uncertain. Whoever hear mick Jagger, though he slept with David Bowie, which was where it probably he what are his son was one the my dad's cooler than your dad contest yards, but mick mick Jagger, but we used to talk about able what about the? What about the groupies right, you're using when we say, was a declaration of women? What about the matter that guy just thought. Oh she's just seeing me because I'm sending or some tips treats this if this This covers the pisses me off because she's, taking advantage of the system she's just basically using guys to have experiences at this point. Is I gotta, fine, dining anything. She said five star, but there was no five star. The Michelin. Does it through stars, you're, an idiot and
just a quick little bit, I'm in the world. I understand that now it's, but it's like. I need the experiences that way, at least, if I don't like the daytime got the experience now. It's like yeah you're, never going to find happiness together thing with her, which you know this woman is basically when I translated some of it for your. How did you yeah basically when she says no civil dates? What what she's basically saying is that I don't go out with guys that I like that much so I need to make sure I get some kind of benefit from going out with you. Okay, I'm going to be able to get an experience, so this tells me also she said, oh guys, unhinge, that's a lie: she's going on sugar sites. She does one admit that on Tik tok can come off as a gold digging go, because the fact that she's dealing with guys that want to fly down to her buying arose as take your on these extracting experiences. Now, at ten times she's these guys to sugar site there, we now have more money, etc. So she's going out guaranteed with their gentleman. She does a fund that attractive that she doesn't like down much if she wants to be able to help, go ahead and get gifts and get some kind of benefit, which you know a lot of girls do this. They go out with guys that they don't like that. Much for
sir, your motives, while they have the guy that doesn't pay anything there, smashed him they're, making these other suckers paper thing. making them wait. In resources from them in their hoping? Oh, my god, I'm going to get somewhere. A lot of the times they don't or they just start for sexy eye, and he wrote all that down very quickly. I used to walk around my fill one other thing too. She says that she lives in new york, but she was in miami for a month. Telltale sign sugar, baby probably doesn't have a job. Has a bunch as being your billing at etc. See you really. You were really able to unpack that something was actually said. No simple dates. I just thought you she didn't eat retards, the memo, makes me happy for the flowers. It's a song by cyndi lauper girls, just wanna have fun yeah, that's the extreme of it. I want experiences over it that's crazy right, but my israeli now, but I ask her: it was two girls just one and you guys are shocked at how common this is with. Like you know, do you live like that? Hot, like she's, pretty attractive, but like average and get these types of experiences are able to date this way where they are to open the x.
Extra resources for men and not give anything, and it was ass if and by the way, it's also self harming, because then, at a certain point of arrival at the hollow life, looking I we say that a christmas carol is the fifth gospel because ebenezer screw and it apply using old english white guy. Who cares? No? It applies to you. This was a rich man like it was a liberal. At one point he said: are there prisons? Are there no poor houses ready to set out what the government take care of it Then he realized that what mattered in life was family was relationships. He was a second father, too tight and he was ass. Good, a father as there ever was a man who said all of you things that I thought mattered, in case it was money. In that case it was wealth like this woman is talking about change when he realized the value of family. Now, in that case, there was redemption because he was too old to have a family, but he became a father to another young man who he could help. That's where you find fulfilment, self esteem and look as funny as it is, because this is a dumb person. It's also really sad and it doesn't help anybody Gerald. I just I need to ask the dumb question of what is a three or four will now. So
with the old graphing calculators. If you are a calculator general, if you put like that but upside down getting into so, we would have a way of staying youtube, somewhat friendly need to stay youtube friendly. I used to I spent remember how expensive those graphic calculators worth like two hundred and fifty dollars so expensive, still expensive to spell boobs upside texas instruments, yeah fixing that grace etc. Zero, eight woman You know if you hold tech, support to texas instruments. You got vivid grammar, swami roy yeah, so we're we're going to go back to this cause. We have a whole segment on western civilization relationships, but before that right now there are actually a marauding homeless pirates in san francisco, not to be outdone by the people. Crapping in the streets, stickers of leftism worked hey san francisco, would be the place to be. That brings us to this week's golden state of crime.
the. So this is an actual clip in a new twist cow new crime. Harmless pirates I even know there was a thing. How do you do? This is how their describing in the news homeless pirates all pirate homeless, technically right there started their boat can adjust their just rumours, wranglership marauders anyway. They think they are pillaging boats with it in the bay area. Here's a clip from shipwrecks does sunken shipyards later entrenched reasons is out of the bag. Oakland estuary shoe sewn up covering graffiti and in the end trash to lapse as over the past few months, pirates have been
hacking vessels at five different locations along the channel from boats to masts. The problem is sticking out right in front of the. U S, coastguard island, its mutiny and the booty. Now the oakland reopen pda. Just so you know new gonna open. They only have one officer. They have won officer trying to operate the table below to have a police boat, surrounded by water and one officer. That's like what are you, the canadian navy? You don't have more to protect the waterways around the entire city and there's actually a sentiment that they were that this is another report, the guy who's known as captain taylor they can't handle that where they can land naturally in resource. Why they were there. When the heavy you know like that, so taylor and his fellow captains do all they can to keep an eye on each other's boats and run off any pirate, who may show up which, in his view, has a nice ring to it, but
I'll go with. I think it sounds cool. You know, anyway, just to say that we are pirates around here, since the raiders are gone, really, haven't that's no good to hold onto that one. It's like! So, let's go with python. We interview someone. Can we interview if rob deer deck perform fellatio on a meth fallacy, yeah, they're they're, actually coming today on CNN they're talking about right now on CNN? Are they? Oh, it's just bringing up their news, the ah well I want to say that real california is a failed society. Man, the fact I used to work in law enforcement and the fact that they have to bring in the u s coast guard to deal with. That, tells you how What's the status failing when they are, they don't even have a marine division, never a police department that is right on the water yeah. I know common theme you guys, though, that common theme they're all black
yeah bro dawg know some of them are just getting white guys skating soon as dirty man. What was, I think, Dave chappelle? This is a long time ago. He had that bit where the black people you don't get to run a city anymore, Detroit in oakland bats, and now I mean it's every city, so I'd love to go, though there was fighting it at the and he's like yeah, I'm fine. They were trying to help our friends, but since the raiders have grown, I guess it's kind of cool. Exactly that revolved around the raiders is unhealthy by the way sent in actual aircraft to writer. She and no one would no longer even notice her in that area of town like let us go back to the fulsome street. Fair fund find me a bare now. It was talking about this by the way hit the like button, if you're watching on youtube, because it helps with the algorithm more on rumble but go over and watch on rumble and today, with mug club, it's gonna be a lot of fun with mister fresh
and or fit, and we have an intervention with gary later I do yeah. Everyone is talking about mccarthy being ousted as speaker. Okay, that happened alright. Does it effect, not all that much There are some issues at play here that I think some people have overlooked. So let me just briefly brief: you on this issue been living under Iraq are if you ve, been Murat it by san francisco by pirates. In so doing I without power yesterday matt gates succeeded in his efforts to get rid of cabinet garthie and he's out to speak of house? on this vote- the year These are two sixteen the names are to ten, the resolution is adopted without direction. The motion to reconsider is laid on the table, the office of speaker of the house. The united states house of representatives is by declared vacant. That is,
did you hear that that is the weakest gavel sound very that do have another could limit other clipper, where we we, we enhance the audio yet again is hereby declared vacant, but by what is a lot is kabuki theater, but do you know that actually how much this cost this whole process cost you said that the vote two million dollars, at least what just the minutes that the vote took place: two million dollars, I'm sure you could give an estimate, that's how all the references we make available later with grader dot com. Just so you know link in the description if they're going to bring in someone else. Will he be better, probably not maybe a little bit, I'm not a mccarthy fan. I don't think the politicians should be your heroes, it's just everything costs so much money and very little gets done absolutely and by the way this guy barely got in there anyway, it took like fifteen votes or something like that for him to actually do it and it was twelve thirty in the morning. I finally called him in, but don't worry I mean they could have helped.
this man. Is that money that they really do? You know what that what was I was always now belongs. Mccartney was so pissed by we pull the fire alarm on the way out here. Sign was made with an exit like a button address here to get out so Matt gates, and actually we do we. We do confirm that we we have them on here a little bit. So that's why we were a little bit lab late today, also, and also just the guys know where blacks or let people is what it has meant, we're starting this assignment, and we refer it to we've heard of it as canadian time I was in the service industry, yeah kind of vera server out that you're, a waitress or a waiter. You know what we're talking about here is gates vote. Summing up, why mccarthy was ousted Kevin Mccarthy, couldn't keep his word. Agreement in january regarding the way washington would work and you violated that agreement. We are third three trillion dollars in that we are facing too. Two trillion dollar annual deficits we face it. Dollar rotation globally. That will come
americans working class americans kevin- He is a feature of the swamp he has risen to power by collect. special interest, money and redistributing that money in exchange for favours. I wanna go you, gentlemen: in an eyelid, What he's saying? I think that mccarthy is kind of a little bit of an empty issued, but buzz every election blah blah. Swamp people above narrative, pretty much that's why we say like does matter. This is the first time in history that this has happened. So it is kind of a historic event. Obviously bashaw standard, but are we get somebody markedly different. I don't think so, but the interesting thing being floated right now is donald trump. I speak. you're driving, you don't even know anyone can I made speaker. I didn't know that I thought it had to be somebody and that's just below my ignorance on this. I had no idea of fresh, fresh and or fit knew that as well, but that well, they can pretty much make any one speaker. I do not know that I'll say it's education as crazy as eva hitler
Well I mean if they had a delorean. Probably they could bear. You probably have can be. A citizens is probably at least that or you know you can't say that every time we spoke, I might give us the thirty nine point- ninety nine, nine hundred and ninety nine, not just the exact, but how much would it His Democrats opted for sick in some way. Donald trump became speaker of the house for just as it like a temporary think, my gosh I just. Why did you do what you thought it was safe to go back and now that he's back? I am tired. I did this because it's how part of his body fire, I slept with you- will soon that's right, you're right anyway,
So why do we have? Actually? So we actually do as much as you know. He probably isn't like that. Intro politicians on the show we have a lot of guests on the show and it took us a while or england. Now we've an exclusive right. Now we have on the line, got it's time to go to our guest, Mr Matt gates oh right, mister gates. Thank you for joining us Steven. Thank you for having me yeah. The framing is a little bit tight. Can you move back a bit? We can only see her forehead and that's all we can see how's that misery represent, gets move back, some more, we can volunteer for it still now I can't I can't move back any for just just im out gate assumed out all the way. How is not even possible house? That's not us look, why don't you zoom out, but if no, no, I can't zoom out even try backing up your camera. I can't back up my kid. It's yours.
Amra! Did that work! Okay to him. I just kind of I just can't. Even do this go go, cheese. I'm sorry guys you do too secular whose mandate does not come second I know we are technical difficulties, puppy the zoom out no use zoom out. I am a child, but my time is worth more than that, so it looks like republicans, may even have to look for a Democrat for consensus candidate. So again, that's the problem. It's like okay, the devil you know apparently though Matt gates is made, in headway reaching across the aisle to fill the whole one has that is absolutely one hundred percent not doctor
you heard what it has been the as yet, but, as you know, the rocks you get the rocks now that they are not about IRAN. Aren't I beg my brother warning. You know she married her brother right. You guys know that, but they don't. You know she married her brother, there's the marriage or to no one talks about it. She married her brother, horror What the heck motion she was in his harem yeah one of many sisters: oh wow yeah. All we can bring it up. We've we've talked about in the show, but it's good you don't look. Would you like to see a speaker? You can comment on that and you know, let's also put out a poll It's an airline omar did make it you'd couple now it's been a good run from mccarthy over the past. months and even though some never see people see people as our eyes allies, sometimes where the adversaries sometimes for enemies. We always want to honour them. Speaker, Mccarthy. It is time to close
No persons and received a majority of the whole number of votes cast by surname, a speaker has not been elected the honorable kevin mccarthy of the state of California has received two hundred and sixteen turn to call endings and begin bargaining and be good his finger, pointing going on mad gates is pointing it at Mccarthy a crowd is gathering around them walking away. There is somebody holding somebody back. Look at that. Oh somebody just held somebody back Stephanie. Just look at those heck of a fight breaking out on the floor says he's coming for you can you survive? He has als survive only because he wants to take this motion soviet, bring it on. Let's get over with it and let's start governing, if he's upset, because he tried to pushes and is shut down, and I made sure the government didn't shut down in less time.
that's right and we now want to go to representative Kevin Mccarthy. Speaking after he was ass, it is speaker of the house. I will not run for speaker again. The conference pick somebody else, hope. You realize that everyday I did the job regardless, whether you under the maiden me or not. I wanted with a smile. That means time for things to close and that it's time for things to close the years, his tenure was twenty. Twenty three two also twenty twenty two damn it wasn't a ninety five year old. You know another area that for us the another, the score That was on coke, come at the thing with
I remember that when Donald trump, so I can pull that clip like that when Donald trump is giving like she was testing every single perfume at your counter. She didn't say person, that's the point our rights and borrowing again just for people who are tuning and now where's the best place. We will have to watch you guys and watch what you show support. You run a little obeys, freshmen aromas, icons, lifers fit in weren't, you too, as well, and what is your show air like give a specific? Monday wednesday, friday, six pm, we do. Our daytime show whether it's money, mondays, womanizer, wednesdays or college, show friday, and then we do the after our shows with the crazy bimbos at nighttime out. That is going to play back to miami. Do a show right away, realized! Oh well! Maybe she cannot remember she can catch a ride with you that lady yeah, I wasn't really interested, am Betty had a nice plane. It was an experience they had good tree had good treats in the plane. if Attias I like the then that's too much work
money, his money, more money for the many cases of giving the ring this. Thus to the decline of relationships in the west, and these only speak about this a lot. But it is an issue I think look. I've talked about this before yesterday, for example, when we talk about mccarthy and then we had higher of lives of tik tok on, we realise that twitter had demonetized words and there are some censorship going on. That's the kind of thing that that I find most important, because speakers come and go. As you see twenty twenty three to also twenty twenty three mccarthy The kinds of issues that affect you every single day and the foundation of society, politics is, is downstream of her downstream upstream upstream from culture. and the most important component culture, strong relationships and strong families and their has been kind of click the drain for a while now and there good number of reasons. For that I want to break it down for you like no kind of what what the causes are.
In the symptoms that people are experiencing, because, by the way, a lot of tat you, some people say oh, like fresh and that they must be massage genetic. They must hate women this affair, women and men negative The problem is that has been spearheaded by feminist ironically not only feminists but the porn industry. If you go back to the sixtys and seventys as well, they were often one and the same, and now it's ended up in this unholy amalgamate that has left everyone miserable. So this clip It got us thinking to jump off with about modern relationships and dating in america she's a ten out of ten, but she has a higher body count than you thought of good vibes. I knew going to say that seven thousand, that. Just shows that you're figured because any answer, if your guy, who about are going to do it, has nothing to do with me. So how am you going to judge some visible puzzles I cannot judge these skins, nine skinned, nine people alive and ate it wasn't my fault. She didn't do nothing so me limit
if understands year, to undergo. Does all the references are available and then will open for discussion so modern day. in america. Ok, let's go through young men first case in point, Three sixty three percent of men under thirty are single K. Thirty four percent, women under thirty are singled out. You compare them to nineteen eighty, that was twenty four percent of men were single forty. One percent of women were single, so that number has switch first off. It's gotten higher in both categories, but so switched year where you are, there are more women who are single back in the eighties than today. Not today, only Fifty percent of men are even actively seeking relationship women find eighty percent of men below average the words? There are more men now who are go than women. That's a huge switch. There are more people overall, who are single, of men say. I have no desire to change being single and then percent of women, are saying, while most men aren't worth me ending my life of single hood. That means that you're not
For we get to marriage, you're not going to have meaningful relationships and people are having fewer me. For relationships than ever before. So, let's start us off with the causes k where they started would we be able to have us? So let's go back them. No, Divorce is number one. That's one of the causes here: lotta people dont know no fault divorce. How a change! But you don't know came from so few hefner and doktor kinsey I said that everyone should be will have sex with. Everybody is poor why foundation. They were the first actually underwrite decision on no fault divorce K and there are, forty by a lot of feminist are the reason. The reason for this just to be closed. Before no fault divorce. There was a fault was either cheating abuse or animate, meaning that if someone she did, someone physically abused someone. They had to pay right, it's not as though there were no consequences and if there were cheating or abuse, then it constituted abandonment. All were considered it breaking of the contract that then sixty nine in california, the first no fault state action, ronald reagan. He said it was.
the biggest mistakes that he's ever made no fault. Of course, where it, you said you can leave and break the contract for any reason and there's no one at fault. So just we clear before that. I didn't mean that you could just cheat at will as a man or woman, but must be those who are more concerned about men and leave scot free. No, if you cheated, you broke that contract. Now, when you be clear about this, to the reason that you hefner and people on the extreme left the pornography industry were pro no fault divorce. Is because actually wanted meant. It live consequence for people to cheat and not have to pay out half and then it morphed and do you know what the primary earner pays out? Half so number one is no fault divorce. Number two is feminism k. Nineteen these three feminists or shut three feminist books were written by three prominent feminists button. There were three books, it really kind of just ruled. The vessel is was kidnapped, sexual politics. What was remain careers, the female eunuch and then the other one was fire stones. The dialectic of now these books railed against the nuclear family and they told young women that hey you, be free. If you are more sexually predatory, we now have
control. Isn't it great go forth and no being a whore, better man. So that's what happened. Women, that was going to be their liberation, and now you see plenty of videos like this on tik, tok or instagram, where these self liberal women. They have. You're dissonance and they dont know how to figure it out. This clip is sad, but hilarious.
Two. I know one of the saddest realisations I recently as a liberal woman. It is really hard to find a man was willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship in today's day and age. Who is not a conservative man who wants to pay on the first date? Who wants to open your door, who has want and desire to take care of you and to provide who is not a conservative and obviously, as a liberal woman, I do want to be respected for my independence and I do on my own autonomy, the independent ones, but I don't go dutch or conform to the traditional female homemaker, childbearing role and most of the men that I've dated who do have that more natural provider of masculinity about them are normally conservative. So I don't really know what to do, because I don't want to compromise my morals and values just to find the man, but am I asking to have my cake and eat it too? Yes, yes! Well, thank god! We're not in the front fat pride territory
just its allegorical incredible. But let me I want to talk to the people who are what will take your chats, afterward major life, better single. Like out jubilee that your life is better now and do the that we change dating pull the current environmental really quickly, some consequences there are incredibly civilian. We talked about. People are not instant relationships, but since these changes and again it goes back to no fault divorce, feminism important these, these are all the same by. There are tied together as pro poor prospects and no fault. Worse now, the divorce rate in the country two percent divorce rate is kind of a myth, though it has gone up. Women initiate sixty nine percent of all divorces, just to be clear and info ellie and physical abuse are not even the top five reasons listed, marriage rates are at their lowest point ever and then we'll get into your before we get to marriage. The reason that people are just checking out of the dating pool for serious relationships, what's I mean you guys talk about this alive and I think a lot
people think well. Why does this happen? It's not that confusing. When you actually look at the environment and bridal companies are actually going out of business now to really yeah. We did a episode on it. It's yeah. I thought it was a license to print money used to be. I used to be It used to be one of those issues that was unaffected by the economy, because people waste money on stupid, shit address that? Yes, I would fit in it for one day and in a blow up afterwards, heckling I can stay where my talks now, That's it. I want to add as well. The question is: how did this country and that's great and it's destroying found me first and I think what on earth? Here's? What social media put a huge role in this? Because once again, tik tok aspects, propaganda where they push. To be independent, be that woman, as early on as took up yours and then men are becoming less mance was kind of like this whole culture of being a soldier in the world and was happening, destroys all found it completely, and you you hit the nail on the head with a lot of the problems like I I pretty much run down. I was like
feminism liese, birth control would then leads to sex without consequence, which then these a divorce than that the family and then on top of that. To compound the issue you added social media. Just like fresh was saying: women are more jobs than ever before, right out when women have a lot of options, they feel that there's a bunch of suitors that can take of them or they believe so, even though they because women make this time- mistake of thinking sexual Traction in men wanting me is the same as men that are going to take me serious relationships that conflict the two very often it gets am times we brought girls on the show have interviewed almost three thousand girls now and it's amazing, to me. Even women that are professionals that have phds or mass degrees, vs women that are, you, know, retards that are strippers. They all have this crazy mindset where I have a bunch of guys in my dems, so I have a bunch. Option. So I'm gonna go ahead and play the field and do it I need to do, which is where you and that we women, like their growth before where she has guys We're gonna go ahead and give her these experiences. These dates, these situations that she might not be able to fort or self. Maybe sugar, daddy, that she has the chance star, owns, etc. That are you know, blunder back out, so women are able to kind of
the field and get what they need and extracts commodities ferment or you'll never blow the retarded shepherds back out. Now they have retard strength. Yeah. We need a stronger poll, because I keep bending know what that means. But yes, here are some of the consequences by what you're talking about we have the we have. These numbers will make them available to the the body. Counts. People talk about the promiscuity right, women control access to sex are taking advantage on dating apps, like tinder men swipe right just so writes the good Yeah right means that hey I, like this person, men swipe right far more often than women, women swipe right, only five percent of the time, men, fifty three percent of the time. That is not a good place to find meaningful relationships to sort of put a face to it in altered, face to it.
Social media influence or, and this I guess, she's a fitness model. Brittany, runner men, thereby fitness not affirm. It just means. Even if the eu does not fat, but does he think women sailor, you have no idea what effect of these bodies since they were doing polyps before the show not given any how hard it is to be limited and muscular. It's just to stop. Just don't be tests holiday and guys will find you attractive. the render whose a model made internet which the talking about her body count on the bus confessions podcast. Oh, that's, a good sign!
So you said, your cow is thirty, five. Okay. How do you feel about that number? It's kind of like annoying, because at least half of my list as one time, okay, so I but I still have to wear those. It still happened. You know, but I think that's. The only thing that's annoying is that er and I can't even have on a regular basis, it's usually quarterly, like that's kind of been my schedule unless a relationship- or you know talking to someone- you know that pre commitment phase, which has not been anything recently yeah it sucks so over half my life, probably about half my list one time. So how bad are you in bed now getting rid of? Well that alone? That's a wonderful idea, the moral consequences like good at a certain point you so many of the people that I slept with yeah didn't come back for seconds if they're not leaving with a smile on their face, you're, not that complicated and for men mentioned to do them in
tell their robot account just mean. We never really had an equation. It's actually multiply by seven add another. Ten then divide by one living roadies for van Halen know that light colored suit he's a he. I will say this too, because we actually spoke with her on academics. Podcast and I predicted this. told her. You you're gonna have a very difficult time. Finally, because you're out there and social media you bangemann to athletes, celebrities, guys organ take you seriously and since your famous and you make a certain amount of money, you basically ostracised a majority of men from Can you, sir, you probably gonna end up single and the thing is she started a real as that now yeah You're, you're, you're, absolutely right and I don't think we need to run another clip of her because we get we get the point she likes. She likes sleeping with guys. They don't like sleeping with her now with three in one day, though, I think that's a that's an important note. You want to run the clip of you're saying that she's as you feel bad for her and she did the hatchery. Maybe it's
three in one day and here's the thing you know you guys do said the Monday Wednesday friday. You said your show yes, and it follows an mma club every day at five pm and the reason we brought him on. As you know, first off he's he's the o g like if you ask other people in the industry, say: oh yeah, nick next, the guys as funny as they get he's been talking about this for a very long time. Now again he's not I'm not saying the Christian conservative he's he's an agnostic rough around the edges guy, but he talked about the idea Of women's body count, and even the sort of secular idea that hey you want, us drive a car right. Some guys would say that this is I'm twenty something he twentysomething years ago, at least nicht apollo discussing this issue be the biggest hold the first thirty years, your life, the nba west east itself, selecting put diva girls going you, seventy six, the vagina and you deceived me doing, that is like rolling back the odometer on a used car, the time of jihad last year, but that's a road theme in layer. That is all we know
those that are, in my my my lifestyle and literally they'll, be forty muttered basketball players. Football players I didn't go into. Surgery is like. Oh, I'm, a new body. Now, I'm like no you're, not this the person, and it's interesting that he said this twenty years ago before the explosion of social media. It's even worse now, because a regular girl will get the dmz from leads celebs gathered dear, and they have access them now, because internet in Israel, you know in the thing is: people, say oh you're, being at that look being anti women's liberation, meaning having sex with as many people as you want. It's not anti woman asked ask: go, take a sampling right, but Paul sixty the old woman ask them if they say hey. I wish I wish I slept with guys, one time in my life, that's my biggest regret. Now, almost always these people say when their older. This I wish I were to spend more time with my family. We don't tell you, don't you, I wish. I had more money, they say you dont get more time. I wish I had more time
what they invariably say when they say time they mean time with people that matter and think about this you're wasting so much time in your life with things that dont know people that don't matter and the problem what's a double edged sword is you may never know the fine that relationship the matters, because people are checking out there all terrified men running what I want to get married because seventy percent, if there college degrees. Eighty percent divorces are filed by women just because in its no fault and I d want to marry a woman whose trained herself her whole life to learn how to break up with men and women are saying hey. I don't to marry these men. Childs many children sites hardly remind the two who are going second adolescents in their thirty in this is look you want destroy society from within its tell me well that evil is good. Yet when I say I mean learning to how to pass passer. One time give me this analogy, like sticky, tapers and every time you rip off the tape, it gets less and less stickier. This is nowadays to use in youth group and it's true, the more partners you have
you get really good at breaking up with people who really good at learning to end relationships. That's not great for self long term. If you want to be in a permanent relations, what you also get really good at learning how to get somebody in bed? That's not the all of our relationship right if if you want to learn how to get a guy in bed, it's pretty simple right: the girls don't have to do a lot of training on their site. Yes, yeah, exactly guys it, not what you want for a relationship like that is not the skill that it takes to be in a relationship and really we've talked about this on other shows like we do need to bring some shame back by us. I'm shaming the guys that are doing this too and shaming the women like this is I'm doing it for your own good. You need to be ashamed of doing these things especially was you could see it in her face like when she was saying this like? I still have to wear that and I'm like yeah. We are you at forty telling you now not to make those mistakes, because at forty you're going to regret it yeah and you can't nice going a little hot on the heels of it's just me, but ass, your body made a good portion and in a bubble What will end times where good will be evil.
We'll be good death and increase, because we're tongue woman to become better for themselves in the family care. What many you want is what they want. Yes, it sucks and announced that I saw behold pale whore yeah, followed with it. Yes, oh my goodness, no, I was going to say that it's since women are more promiscuous now than before. You know one thing that I say that people have. You know it's kind of controversial I see before you been thinking taking women seriously nowadays need to have sex with at least fifty girls and people like whoa. What are you talking about and the reason why I say that is because, if you, it's a relationship dealing with a lot of modern women with china. Withered reckoned up ten by he's ten twenty bodies in a semester in college is more women attend college nowadays and you know there's I called deregulated such a marketplace. Women sickly are able to hook up with wherever they want. If you leave them its own devices, what do they do they typically bit best guys in there, you know smash la these guys and it's easy for them. So far as a man wanna get its relationship with a girl that has been reached,
true and you don't you're not able to see it. I call it like basically getting in the ring with someone who's, a black bow and you're your white bow, because you're not necessarily experienced enough to be able to do- and I see said combat, combat and or identify certain characteristics that would disqualify her from a serious long term relationship and guys have to learn to scale. Now it used to be I know about they won't necessarily, but they won't learn the skill through sleeping with a bunch of women, though you need to learn the skill through screening for values and actually like finding someone- and I get that there's a lot of there's a lot of dishonesty right and there's a lot of deception, but I don't know if you guys are really gonna learn like I sat with fifty women. Therefore I know that you banned or tests that are hard. Fifth, it that there are already hard. Fifty uk could be like thirty. forty whatever may be, but what I am saying is that guy's need to get out there and do a lot of girls. I know this kind of clashes with you know. Traditional conservative dies on its arms. Were there like a you know, you we try to be monogamous find woman, even though I think that is a great template, maybe fifty years ago, interest
age, with the way how women are and how promised use they are and how a lot of women so many dreamer they sell purity meant deal success. Women deal purity, think. You need to be able to identify women. There are promiscuous in a way to do that is by they with them, and I say this the reason why it's so with members just calling them updating them is because a woman's main commodity like once, what are you pretty much conquer there? when, at the some crazy but you're you're, you're identify the game you well know, but then it also become yours is where we will disagree, but I think it becomes a vicious cycle because then not one, I'm going to have a high body count and you have a body count of fifty right. It makes it that's kind of what feminism predicated on the euro. Men are doing this, so we should Who does it's not really? It's not good for anyone, but understand what you're trying to say this to the reality of the world. We live in the operators. Although there is a splendid different law enforcement right, you're online, forcing yet when it the every train and had a spot of hiv, I have been part of what you're doing right, but not we have like fraudulent documents here, so anybody that's trained on how to spot a fake idea studies, the original you dont studied fakes, because that can
and you study the original so that you can understand and see when something is off. So I would disagree with wholeheartedly on this sang. Look, if you want to, and a pure woman study what that is and go and find what that is, so that you know what to look for not necessarily what not to look for, because I think you're going to be fooled you said, women now will sell purity added. I never really put it into those words, but that that makes sense right. Then that makes sense. Like I haven't, been somebody who's going on slipping around. You need able to identify the lie, not because you ve been down in the mud with them, but because you have stayed out of it. Here's your problem. We saw odor clip of the woman talking experience right guy did assets were no so of ribbon came in southern impurity selling, like oh a girl, but from its as you know who she was of the person you lay hold on a second here. Come into my me, I got papers you have presented the first sight again, most guys I dont know because vireos yeah, maybe it's based on some level yeah. It's again like I said it is this the best way to deal with things? No, no, I'm a big proponent on guys. You know fighting.
so far in dealing with women and in twenty twenty three, the same deal with us women. I hate to say this: in the data game nowadays they treatment is expendable commodities. That's why they are able to do things that they do and just move on, etc. Now well good way to like women do neutral demo, expend quantities as well, because my thing is there I see what you're saying like as far as like finding a pure girl but you're gonna have to be able to identify the bad ones yeah. You know what a good when your problem as I do that you will make yourself no longer an option for the good girl she's, not when a guy who's done, that the only woman you can end up with are the women with fifty a woman who is pure is I want a guy who's been with fifty. I respectfully disagree with that and I'll tell you why women tend to find men that can hook up with other women and have sexual experience attractive now's, as all women know, but women definitely don't so disqualify a man for having sexual experience is like a will. Disqualify woman because you are a lot of times. It makes you more attractive because
intend to look for guys that are leaders etc, and if you're, a leader in the bedroom leader, no other other assets, its rarely that a woman's gonna disqualify for being having a promiscuous pass verses. We would definite disqualify woman for promiscuous. So maybe the broader point is shouldn't. We be pushing people like. Maybe the biblical prescription Was the right way to go and don't abandon it? Just because it's hard it's difficult, I get it. I I was single up until like five years ago we thought he was going to die. I know that I was missing a tooth. Now I was I used to call him toothy yeah, you didn't do this more than once. I didn't know he had a tooth, but it was shut up by begun. You ever think about that. It'll shut up on my cousins bb and I'm like. Oh so you know about it. I just can't afford it right now, and I it very clear too that I like, I think the nuclear family is the backbone of any thriving society. I think that's how the united states became the world's superpowers through on the back of nuclear families. I think a man should be with a woman and we should have children, but unfortunately the way things are now where we have this directive: sexual marketplace, where women control everything.
I want to put men in a position where there are able to properly ascertain that one value to give a commitment because guys take on this issue. There are sound sleep there does it! Here's and I agree with you that they there they are the minute, my wife, whose my wife at the time the girl that I was dating. We talked about ex earlier said: hey I'm waiting. Immediately turns people on or off people off that is here, I'm just interested in sex it turns somebody on not at all like a prio sex way, but it turns like ooh, okay, so this guy has some morals. This guy has a little bit of what I'm looking for. There's some character there there's something more than just hey, I'm trying to get in your pants there. I I agree with you, like, I think the prime on that we're facing. Is that society you, your correct, is crazy right. I dont think you play their hand, though I think you have to go a completely different grow. There is also another my primary issues before once we get under the we pass. The entry point right: here's a you and your wife, and I know that by the way you are both very straightforward about your buck quote unquote, but didn't want to have sex with her before you. Of course you didn't, of course she does.
It was for a while. It was like we had a way to move the furniture like a great danes tale come on, but the reality is at this point in time, not that she ever would, but but you're married. The churches failed men lot ways here that woman, talking about expect. This is ok about a appreciate, your wife. If you, to ensure that person could leave you tomorrow and take out your stuff. They, even though you, but waited and that's a separate problem, so there's so many barriers to entry now, there's young energies are going for a second first I thought it can. It's assume, let's assume that we all find common ground and you each find a person who is actually loyal, first new actually does value body and values are partner there. Still. Is a contract right now that doesn't make sense, and men are saying, even if all of that happens right, I would rather and here's another report, one third of men between ages, eighteen and twenty four, no second activity at all in the previous year. Lot of them aren't even interested in it at all
its way of western men becoming what they call passport rose, and this is our nervous dictionary racing men who have chosen to seek out foreign women typically from other countries for relationships. Why? Because there's a day standard, there's a different view. Marriage, there's an actual view, a contractual view of marriage, David, According to this source, that dell women have been influenced by cultural societal pressures to behave in a certain way and that by seeking out foreign women, they can find authentic fulfilling and more harmonious relationships, though often go to south east asia or south, and just because this conversation can always get intense, here's well try and guess what a pleasant clip we're both living in spain
Listen to spotify the women who are very small right now there are western washington is trying to get that. So, yes, look at the years. Did you already apply? Need someone to marry? You we noticed directly behind us was a church. I don't know as we have done in this situation. But I'll tell you what I do is come and tell me. I got good shit who I can guess now: here's the thing, women. I think what you want. You think yes, but you meet someone, someone who is pretty, who seems happy to be their whose nice was happy to be relationship and if he has primary earner, she's glad to support yet look. Here's the thing men of change, what they want and women women of change, what they expect from men now. This is not good for women. Women used to want was someone who could protect and provide for them. I mean
an example here winston churchill and you can gary from russia we're going to have been later. We have an intervention with him because he keeps picking the wrong women going to try to help. So a lot of women write, they want men who can provide and protect. Okay, that's important now also you need to be tender right to you? I think you to love you, of course. Although things Winston Churchill for example, a lot of people want their war time, leaders and no one is war tantamount to put it back on the shelf and say we wanted winston churchill rabbit chamberlain, not These are moving moving for during the western front and they said hey, we need some are we need up when you too hard ass? We need winston churchill right brought him in almost single handedly kind of put a pause on the nazi rise which allowed america to get in save the rest. The world you're welcome. Sign of a little late, but did you guys know, churchill was ousted two years later, janet nets? two years later. Why? Because it supports socialize healthcare system I need someone to come in and protect us and then afterwards using mobile phones. Right now, you will become a bunch of lazy, socialist policies and they're like okay. Now
I don't want you anymore, because we we don't need you, it's not wartime, it's peace. So now we want all the free stuff and he said, but there could be wartime, it could come again doesn't matter they got rid of them see that along relationships where they somebody's going to going to go out and protect and promote. Ok, but also is sensitive, also does all of these new things that men weren't required to do now. I get I'm not saying that men should just come on put their feet up and not contribute at all, but men. Still, at the same time, his women. If you are, looking to find a man if you are saying hey, how do I make myself desirable to and they want a woman who has yep pretty yup, but the one woman who's nice. They want a woman who they feel like they come home and it's a safe haven someone who they can trust someone they're back we market now it's gonna be some tell why not stand by your men. Will then donors two fundamental men's. What the same things, women one american provide protect, also be sensitive. Also, listen to the problems about care. Look I That's the ninety nine. Ninety nine role
care- and I will have this and have discussed as before- but maybe you might be, no, you guys I'll, ask people who are married a couple ok married miss erasmus, okay, so it goes on for the night is expected to go down. and take care of it, and the woman invariably says yes and if you're at home enter these questions. Does he go down or do you go down say so a hobby lock the door. No, he s does he work. Does it provide I'm not asking. If he's rich, does he work we provide for you? Ok, I'm now crossed the threshold. I ask you one more question: does he ever do anything nice for you like flowers or anything sense congratulations. You are now ass, a man who is doing more than ninety nine percent of men ever since the beginning of time, Actually he listens to discuss problems that have no effect on him. No one knew no more days or if you go back to do you go back to any agent civilization was expected of me. Then you ask women, ok, so flip side do you copy, today, no you're doing less than ninety nine percent of women from the beginning of time now, want to cut you made up, but guess what he still wants, that
he still wants a woman to be it to be there to support him and understand you can both share responsibilities, new both work, but the x accusations of men- have changed so much in the desires of meant that they haven't. Women have change. That's why you see things like the right. We talked about passport bros. Sex dolls is an extra chief said that I sex dolls were quote redesign then relationships the global market in twenty one. Four hundred and eleven million dollars expected to grow by fifty six percent and The way I thought that was a survey of fifty percent, sex to users. Consider doll ass quote the ideal partner for me, feel emotionally attached to it like this guy her anniversary present, for a ten year. I got these matching wedding bands. They say synthetic love last forever.
Which is the robot. Now here's the thing I'm not going to lie to you. I decided to test it out for research purposes and in my case I think I deserve my money back like tesla. the It's the linen it's eleven law, but you know it is the last time I take a tip china on an electronics purchased from from gerald me. Yeah bianca is a missionary wasn't the right side, issue It is by now
Yeah yummy scared there may I was really scared to see what the tests would or the way the scariest part is that some of those sex dolls they're like they're only ip x, three they're, just slightly watery or just slightly water resistant yeah. You gotta read the reviews either. This is all really interesting because, like we talked about some of the root causes of you know, what's going on here and now we're dealing with some of the adaptations that men are kind of the consequences of what they're doing you know whether it's passport bros sex dolls What has gotten lonely? Men are lonelier than ever before that to video games. We also we we had a podcast, we talked about like the rise of virtual reality. Now are a lot of guys are using that, and I would say if you're a betting guy or you know you want, invest in something, I think phasing in such stalls, and all this stuff in the future is doubly going to be a good thing, because the premises not a good thing. I knew I ain't, ivy annexing mining internationally away this scenario financially, I'm seeing investing to make. As I predict that is going to continue the grocer marco insect. That's not licence with sex.
to go and make deposits korea, but I, but I will say that what's what's basically happening, we showed this clip earlier is that men have changed, but they still expect men to be traditional when the women don't necessarily provide traditional value back, they want to guys can be a protector of provider, All these things at men historically have done, whilst well, technically, not bringing back what men required of women their horse. they don't necessarily want to cook. Don't want to clean, didn't want to obey. You didn't want to be submissive. They want to be what's to babe. However, they want, while simultaneously guy that's the equivalent to me being a fat nachos She's eating loser play video games all something I deserve a bad bitch, it's ridiculous, but you're, just to be clear, your blanket ban, which is a good thing. Yes, sorry s evident? Another thing I just. I fear that that is so cringe a magical. the issues like I'm about. Bitch is like
you just said the allowed. If it don't call me bossy ones, and I want to watch, it gets the really like this is the thing this christmas right, so we ve been of you'd like almost relationships and show that we all is asked them. What do you want? In a man- and they always provide the same things that we talked about, you know and then some all the other students and sensitive and flowers are it's like? Okay, without you want super marionette. This is what I asked them. What do you damn in once back in return. Bear all that. You know what they say: it's incredible me. They say: oh, they want to buy. They want someone who can like make money just like like hole, crap. They literally list of all the things that they want in a man, and I was like wow, it's amazing, billionaires, mary waitresses, dude, they don't care and then that's gonna hit me with don't give a fuck what we want. No, they only care about what they want and a lot of it. Yes, right now the modern woman who's been in the majority. Again I talk to women out. There are plenty of women out there who are not, but this is not for you and here's the thing just like just like a
It was never as as just to be clear. I was never as ubiquitous as people said, like domestic abuse for men by the way, the term whipping post liberal, don't know if that came from society, that it was possibly from energy to watch your title. Whipping, post and you're embarrassing Where because domestic abuse has always consider horrible, just to be clear. So what I'm saying is men needed to clear? actually a clean rights at some point and women there. I get that this is not but there aren't enough of you speaking out, because by the way men are more lonely than ever, but women are miserable. Too. Studies show that women are unhappier than ever. Twenty percent of women under the age of forty are an anti depressant. Yes, this in this increases via the closer they get to menopause and I don't want to show you that we have the numbers after menopause. But again when you ask sixty year old women, if you ask sixty seventy year old man, eighty year old men like hey, what would What are you wish that you have done more than the biggest consumer meddling with five hundred time with family time with family? you know, it's crazy, you bought up education right sort of the tests, a guy-
not as well as the players they gotta go, crib, look into it in cabinet m, a c and a medication in there and that's a huge red flag, because he didn't care and therapy and admit need that: that's a red flag, because guess what your relationship with ford, I may be a problem just tough and is increasing as they become more and more liberated. They ve been but they ve had more anxiety, more depression, more sadness, more miserable. This, it's crazy cause like Fourthly, I said like feminism was a lie to women. They told him go, get a career make this money become successful, etc. But what then realises almost market, I was absolutely perishable. You only have a fine an amount of time to get the guy that you want in the old you get the more money you make, the more you window. There pool of man and you're becoming less attractive to those very mean that you want. You know I think you're absolutely right, but I'm so that we had that clip earlier about the girl saying I want all these conservative values, the liberal right out of the whole thing like. I want you to see like what you're saying there. You want all of these things that may be in your tea. They lay team.
early twenties didn't really care about those things like ew, that's gross, I'm going to be an independent woman, I'm going to go with these things and then you're like wait a minute. I can do all those things, but here's the thing I dont want to change anything about what I'm doing. I want to just crazy liberal, but I want all these conservative values that the miss alignment like you cannot have both because the things live within kind of the conservative ideal outside of it? You get all the beta males you want, but apparently that's not satisfying you right now and women miserable because, like I, never seen more positive change in people's lives in pulls that I've known then when they had children both in men and women, but it gives this fulfilment this value of like a purpose in life. That's not the only one It is an amazing phenomenally gifted person, who's gonna go to work at some point so that our kids can see? Mom is a bad ass as well right, but she has chosen to do what she's doing at home, because it is that important in that fulfilling and people that skate on that they get too old for that because they ve chase down every lie. That's out there
missing out and not only on the this are gonna sound old one start having kids in you enjoy that process, and then you see the joy that it brings your parents, you experience yeah the joy. It brings them. I don't know that I'll get that I suddenly started talking to me. I know yeah, it's crazy, kids and all of a sudden you're important- and I was just like my Mom'S- face pounds me she's, like yeah where's, my grandchildren, many benefits there are these things that are built in that you miss the really big and wooden thing society that make life more fun, and rich- and you guys are missing this because you're chasing after I'm I'm sorry- we talked about this yesterday in a five minute. Joke you're chasing after fleeting joy, have any of you maybe or life better men or women is the thing and often men are told they can't speak speak about it, because you're, not a woman right. No, no, no vagina, no opinion, but now the trans thing like no uterus, no pain, I dunno just whatever. If you have a mama, I guess you qualify but This is the issue as it made your life any better. That's the
portent thing that we need to ask ourselves right now. Has this made relationships better hasn't made? your life better- and I will say this one time I was talking with someone who was conservative, a woman, who is kind of a feminist and didn't realize, and they tell us trail of time, because feminist say you can have it all right. They say you can can you can be a settlement, and then you have conservative women and their Firstly right, but she was We have said she said you know, that's the lie of feminism should hear you, you dont said you have to make a choice and to do it no you can't be a professional woman out their working india's you do have to make a choice and I said hoddan. I must be wonderful to have a choice. What I said, sir, saying that when you are young, your parents, it hey, if you wanna, be professional working one. You can do that said. Yes, it or can also be a mom and be right with you. I said: do you really? no young man has ever had a discussion. Any young millionaires shorthand any man when you realise that he thought women were pretty anyone or to have its own real, live naked lady at home. One day, thirty one at that. Anyone ever have your mom and dad say we're gonna. Do
a choice. You can be a working man provide, or you can stay at home, that nope etc. Must nice to have a choice and by the way, Even if you try to make it societal acceptable and which was they wouldn't take it because men have to. themselves, a cabin men don't respect other men and they know that women, ultimately, no matter what you say or do they want respect men who dont trying and you don't have by the way to be clear. I'm not saying you have to b, c of a fortune phone company. You could be a garbage man, used to be valuable? That hey man is going out in a man is providing for this person, but it not only was valuable. It was a pre requisite. So feminism is a lie that you can have it all the truth. that there does need to be a choice made and the truth is only one of the two sexes. only two has that choice and that choice by the way, finally another time there is a shelf life and we'll talk more about that, as we can to see that you don't think is right, yours, we can agree on the cut the route. others there and then disagree on some of the approaches. Urgent, lucia. Look at that we're not a bunch of liberal sticks
I would briefly like to welcome you bet. I want people to know where they can find you before. We go freshen fit again. Another plug check this out on rumble and you two men in rumbles a future. We love rumble charter, crests shut out, so you know, stand up for free speech. Rumbled accomplished retrofit checks out on you too, as well, and you absolutely wants to memory hole. You were sound runner checks, so hey if you're watching right now youtube. Well, there's nothing! You can do if you're watching on rebel click that button right there and you can now join my club position of dollars annually get nicked apollo. This show every we're going to do. Another giveaway started. Skating. Sorry, sorry, sorry, false advertising! Second, the g, gordon Liddy, selling, gold or building, and by the way, if you have mesothelioma, I can help you you're going to die. So eighty nine dollars annually get nick the pile every day you get twice. The show you get Bryan Callen, show hodgman, show starting this month, Alex Jones every friday, guns and gear, and of course you support under cover unit click that button that says no jail to what he has either way. We ve been going about this whole show so gonna turn up.
On my right, automotive. Only back man. I gotta get unfiltered unhinged stuff on my club on going on right now. It doesn't matter that black eyes, so they can sail the racial epithets. They won't let go. I have to add the rumble. Thank you you to piss off
Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.